i r. i v .'J ' i PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THOMAS HENDERSON, JUN. PRINTER TO 1 HE STATE. Vol. VII No. 43 RALEIGH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1815. Three Dolls, per annuo; STAR. v' 1 M IK in Cfjc Cflftfcop:." I SOME lime ago submitted to the people of Souths, rolina, proposal! f. r publishing, at CninmlMa, a wetkiy paper to be called M7V Ttlecpt." 'I he fiaHtring in- ' formation sines receiveu iroro ruttcrrnt part f the State, that niy project meets with favor and it promised a libe ral patronage, encourages m to rent are on the immcdi , ate commencement of the proposed work. Thm enabled at once to enter on a career, in which I ! cannot but anticipate tha.just rewarda of honorable, and It is hoped useful-exertion, I feel gratified, hiirhlv irrati. ficd,aa a cit izen of America, proud of her liberty and of . . t - Li. . ... . aer wvaiuawie iwjmuucan institutions, (Hat a journal pledged to the s'm.ple inculcation of facts and the impar- .ial ,ejpirtion of principles (leaving it to the peopie themselves to draw inferences atid deduce opinions) is likely to be popular in this freest and enlightened State For, although the ardent politician! of the day will allcw Vof no middle coarse, contending that o topic nf piilif t , interest, no impartiality of feelingcan exist that in poli tick it is a mere solecism yet I cannot wittingly relin quiah the p'easjng belief, that this firm and liberal inde- peadence of mind (Jet it be called by whatever name) is .the very schiI and spirit of genuine Republicanism That man whose degraded intellect acts noi for itself, but im plicitly guioed by the doctrines and opinions of a partial , lar man or party of men, seems bound to advocate ana r support whatever they inculcate, may be a zi alctis parti ; ulut, however correct lor a time may he the course Vof hi mental leaders, he surely can lave no title to the , glorious epitlietot Republican: his mind is in chains. I ., iuc iuuui w limn iutuiu avciy. ine eastern c bashaw may enslave the body of a freeman, hut " While the rpprcisor holds f . " Mis body bound, he knows not w ht a range ,' - bis spii it takes." ...... 'Ti when led captive by passion and prejudice, alone, that " the nobler half of human nature becomes enslaved, and Jie man ceases to be iiuleperuknt I have always believ and cherish the belief, that Man is conipent to Ins own 'government, and the I'eople capable ofjiulgmg correctly, whet facts are candidly set before them. This indepen dence of nrirH, this hardihood of sent iment. Cm madr us nation of freemen, and a continuance of it is necessary tp preserve us free and happy and to render us great. t'" It gives me pleasure to learn, also, that the depart ; Bients I kave proposed to appropriate to Agriculture, Do- fflestic Economy and the Useful Arts, have numerous advocates. ... Indeed, 1 am willing to believe, a paper whose main -object is to be useful, instead of bung "gi ten to vaia jangling," can never want support amongst the liberal and enlightened: and this reflection will lend additional animation to my exertions. As the con stant aim of the editor will be, in everv department ol the paper, rather to surpass than to fall short of what has been promised, it is confidently hoped, that 1 he Tele scope will be found not unworthy the attention of the man M Taste" and Science . and that the lovers r.f Variety, that spice of life which gives it a!l its flavor." who may be tempted by our bill of fare, will not be disappointed asii wiu.Denosuaoruinate object incur plan, agreeably to mingle amusement' with instruction, and to strew "with fnwi' t)rtTm-a' ,1m --J J . ... I. C . " .wv.- un. tvu&u wiu wLuuuis uam oi improve. The tuhlication of The Telescope will certamly com- aDence early in November. Its appearance has-bctn re- tarded inconsequence 01 me loss ana oeienunu m an of ihe tnateriaU in the September storm- Those who wish to take the paper, may send orders and suSsciiption jhohey by the Members of the Legislature, or sooner, tihrotih the hands of tlie post-mastere. who, every where evince ft rtiftpisition topromoietne ainusion or ust-iui in formation. Ucciiipts tr aavance money win oervircu through the post-offi. e, by the Members of Assembly, or m any way joir.tert out. ... Qjrlt isdesiretttllat tliOSC WHO lnienu pairuinaniuir: publication should begin with the first number, as it is ikirnosed to publish a title-p ige and copious table of re- fWno- at the end of each volume, an 1 the series "f each year will form a volume worth preserving, a.s a maiory oi the passing tune, ana a repository oi mucn mauer oi pci Bianent interest and utility. T. W LOUKUX. ' October 20, 1815. DOOT c SHOE FACTORY. JOHN IIOLLOWAY, HA? on hind four or five Imndred pair of DOOTS of the newest fhit, also a large assortment of Sliot s. wrucn he oner Uir sale on reasonable terms at his shop next iloor below Muche'l s Tavern. Having a r.unjber of workmen employed, he is enabled to execute any order in his line on the shortest notice. 'i-tf- Raleiph, Ort. 19. 1315. State of North-Carolina, ORAXGR COUNTY. Asahei'Moore, on bis own riglu, and as Adm'r. of Liiza Moore, dee'd. -PETITIOX Daniel Turrentine, Lx'r. and o.ers. j rT appearing to tlie Court that John Moore and David Robinson, two of ihe defendant in this rase are not inhabitants of this State ; His ordered that publication for J six wrexs successively, be made in the Raleigh Star, that unless said defendants appear within the three first days of next term, and fi"e their answers, that judgment pro confesso will be entered against them. 42 6t. Test, J. TAYLOR, C C. State of North Carolina, HALIFAX COUNTT. Boarding for Ferrule Students. 'PHE suhribar will, within the enu-se of a few weeks he oomplrted his new dwelling -hovae, dase to the A.ea'en .-, in which he will have excellent accommoda tioni fir Peros'e Students who may attend that T"winarr I 9 uam wro propoae to take lessons in Musie, this situ ation wwild we desirable, as he shall always keep I wo or three riam in the houie (or thier use. Havinr oneor iww ucimiki moms, a small Doys will alan be taken. J. F GONEKE -Raleiirh. Oct. 43, 1815. 41 tf NOTICE. T noSB, in whose hands miv be anv of the m-inted m. M. pies of a petition, to be preferred to our State Legis lature, at Uisir next ensuing session, on the subject of pe nalties anr.rxed to public immoralities, are tequested to macetae WMowmg corrections : AIW U sf w iri drunkeoness. line fifth from the KnttAm strike (Wjfil? . if a?, ktalrcMtruma u prwvuledS and in- ert rr.teA fence, on the Lordadut, rfr .k,lK . and ons4er Jaw tuentv ive tnti " This nu h A, wn incnian marg-.n, to tne leu nana, and pointed to b anotebf refVrenoe. October 13, 1815 Court of Pleas and Q tarter Sessions, tirust Term, 1815, ttobext B. Dariel and oihei's, Petition for division of Uobcrt Jones, ft faruli Ma wife. I land. Valuable Lands, &c. for Sale, (AT WILMINGTON, N. C ) WILL be sold at Public aoction under the Court-House in Wilmington on Friday the 1st day ol December iriel and others, i vt. y , &. faruli Ma wife. J TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the de- ; North Vest river of Cspe-rear and fendants Robert jones and Sarah his wife aie not inlia- of Bdvidere, consisliiig of from 5 tc bitants of this State ; next, the following Lands, Tenements, &c AULi mat vatuioie Rice riantation utnaterl n K known by the name to 600 lr ,.e T,,l- it ii the-efore ordered, by the Court owamp, between 2 and 300 acres of which are under rut NOTICE. tp the 9th d:iv of November next, will be J sold to the' hiirUest bidder, at the late residnce. of Jamos H. I .re. il?c. all the residue of the. KSlAlEot jsaid J B Lee, dee'd ; consisting ot the crop oi i,orn. fJFodiler. Cotton. Stc. totrether with a number ot articles " ' . . ..... ! I too tedious U mention. A credit ot six montns win ne Civen, the purchaser giving bond with approveu security. CADE JLFORDf Mmr tnat six weeits publication be nude in the Raleigh Star, for the defendants to appear at the next Cour t of Pleas Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Halifax, at the Court-House in Halifax Town on tlv. third Monday of iN0ve;nrerncxt to plead, answer or demur to said peti tion, or the petition will be taken, .pro confesao 8t prayer granted"; 37-6t. Witness, RICH ARD EPPES, c c c. State of North-Carolina, ORANGE COUSTV- -Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1815. nenry uook, vt. Original Attachment. AueustinCook. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt now setting, thtt Augustin Cook, the defendant in this cate. ia not an inhabitant of this State ; it is ordared by the Court, that publication be made in the Ilaleigh Star six weeks suc cessively, that unless the guid defendant appears before the said Couft, within the three first days of next Term, plead, &c. that judgment will be rendered against him. Valuable Town Property lor Sale. P HE subscriber wishinir to remove to th i.t i t.. resides, lylngrisrale the situation on which he now tlie jnarKet-Uouse; As itia nresuTllKft 2Q0 jards eat of purchase, would fi st view lie premisesa mo.t; pavticu. Oct. 18," 1815- 12 2 w FEMALE ACADEMY, T WARREJTfOM A Public Examination of tlie Pupils at this Seminary, tV will commence on the 15th November. Parents & l6uardian!f are invited to attend. The Exercises of the School will re-commence on the first Monday in January. JACOB MOUDECAI. '(ht 13. 1815. 42 2w Fulling Mills erected, now in operation. THE FULLING MILL on a new constructed plan, so us to enable the subscriber to! despatch business in less than b.l ! the time & with much more regularity than usual is completed. All those who may please to favor us i wi h their custom my find the above Mills situated two iles east of Hillsborough, on the road leading to Gran ville Court-House, and may depend on having their Cloth Vulled, Dyed and Drestina workman-like manner, and ; done with desnatch. as tlie miMs are on a stream that will ' tnablc the subscriber to accommodate his customers at a ' time or season. Cloth to be Fulled, will be received VWm.Puckettat the Mill, or David Yarbrough, HUlsboro'. , . . . 1). YARBROUGH, & Co. October 12, ldi5. ' - 43 3 w ,! : 20 Dollars Reward. AN AWAY frotn-the subscriber on the 15th of last month two Netrroes, one named BRISTER and the other SOLOMON, they are about the age of 18 or 19 years eaci, iiri-i are about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, of common complf xion, atout made, atrong and active, they had on ; heti they rana way common negro clothing, that is, coarse1 ;ow linnen, and coarse xotton shirt and trowsers. I am v incline!, to believe the v have tone aeain to Xew-Uanover County, leut 20 or 85 miles west from Wilmington, and I snsncct re harboared in tie neighhrhood of James uflbr and a Mr. Lewis's, where they were harloiired in ; June and July fowt.' I will give the above reward and'nll araencei for them both. If delivered, to mi 7- miks noti!i- Westof ttaleigh, or fire dollars eiel"f weired in jail so lar descripiion n ivto mviurHro?ri!?:p N. B A HKe:y JNegro iVtan tmween io ang v years or ag;;, will he taken in pait pay for the above property at a liberal price. Kalevgn, Uct 0. WU) FOR ALE, Tract of land adjoining the town of WiUiamsboro AX containing 685 Acres. This land is of the best qua lity for tobacco, wheat and corn : it has a very gixd dwelling house, and all out houses in goot repair. It is remarkable tor Us liealtiiiness an wuiartord an eligible situation to him who may wish to educate a family, being within 400 yards ot tlie Williamsuorougli Academy, or to him who may wish to cultivate the eai-th, entertain travel lers, or keep a boarding house for the school. On this land and near the town are very good scites for a tan-yard anddisullery. Another tract four miles from the town of Williamsbo rough, containing 600 acres This land has on it a good dwelling house tor a small family; the land is not of the best quality, but adapted to mc growm ot cotton, tobac co and corn in a ordinary degree. It is welt wateredand a healthy situation. Another tract of land in Hertford county, on the river XIahcrrin, near tlie town of Murfreesborough, known by the Walnut Fields, of first rate low ground, containing 401 acres. For terms apply to Messrs. Murfree & Gordon of Murfreesbormtgh, or to the subscriber in Williamsbo rough, Granville county. Terms will be made accommo dating to purchasers. F. N. W. BURTON. July 5, 1815. 2T-tf State of North-Carolina, WAKE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1315- Henry Gorman, Wm l Pl1irT. S AMUEL C BliAM", summoned as uaroisnec, ana the defendant having removed out of the State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him ; it is therefore ordered, bv the Court that publiCaUor. be . . r .1 . .1... l.o- .Ka ti niatje in th? ivA.v'i ;li Mar, lor i;ucc inuiiu, fend.m: i.! .y com; forward and replevy or plead, &c. by iitstn:a. . Test, M- B- IVliNO, c c, Original Attachment- Bvation and a larce bodv of Unland. inrln r.n- n .k- Souses and improvements thereon, with a large Brick Daro tiOO by 40 feet in the clear, together wiih the Ferries and Hght ol taking toll at the North East and North West 1 ranches of Cape Fear river, on the main road leading from ihe Brick House to Wilmington. This plantation is one ottha best in this State its command of water and contiguity to market renders it on every account a most vaiuauie ouject to any person desirous of purchasing a Eice riantation 6 Also sundry tracts or parcels ef Land adjoining or near Belvider;, containing beiwvn 4 and 5,000 acres more or less, and situated on Sturgeon creek on which is a good Mill seat and capable of very advantageous improvement. Also that Plantation lying in said Count v, and known by tue name of Orton, containing by estimation 4000 acres more or less, together with all the Houses, Mills, Rice Machine, and other improvements thereon, a part of his plantation is now cultivated in iUice, and is esteemed tby competent judges a most valuable bodj of Land and i situated on the river. Also 4080 acres of Land more or less, in different tracts or parcels sitaated on and near Livinei on ri, the great Branch thereof including a very valuable Mill f&w bhu m ki iuiiu iu excellent pine i imber. Also 2280 acres more or less in different trLrt. . eels situated upon and near Lillipul creek including a va- '-".au.t jin oi-nv. wiu Mil nuunuance of fine Timber Also 3,640 acres, more or less in sunrfro nwi, jracu ol' Und on Town creek and the branches Uiereol with dam already made and. plenty uesi fine i imner ' a. Uo one Lai No 20 and upwards 3-4 part of Lot No 21 tswitou&'dtle. with an elegant Mansion House thereon the Town either for pleasvfrebrtiVi-iit n of Also two water Lots leased tor ys years by the Commis sioners Cjfinilhville, opposite the before mentioned Nos 23 aiiV 21 wtiereon is a Store, and a Warehouse upwards of 100 feel long, a Wharf, &c. The Mill seats lata, described are from 12 to 15 miles onlv IVoni Wilmington. i'he Conditions of Sale are as follows, viz : Ten Dcrcent, on the amount of purchase to bo paid at e time of Sale and the balance in equal Instalments of one, two and three years in Notes witli approved Endor sera payable at either the Bank of Cape Fear or Wilming ton Branch of the uite Bank of North-Carolina, ami mortgage on the property Interest to be paid annually. Further particulars may be known on application to ttie Subscriber and a more detailed description of the proper ty will be nivcn at the time of Sale. W. ANDEKSON, Casuer of the Bank of Cape Fear Wilmington, September rth, 815. 37 -lit. RUNAWAY r?FOM the subscriber on the 2Jd of last month, aNe- Jl gro man named CESAU, about 30 years of age, five feet nine or ttn inches hitch, stout made one of his eye lids has a gap in it, caused by a hook, which will be ea sily noticed- Took wun mm sundry cioiuing, a snort bluj coit. blue pantaloons, one pair pantaloons made of home-soun. blanket' of a dark color. I presume he will make his passage far Pasquotank county in N. Carolina, wlere he was raised. v.ny person who will deliver said neurotome in Sullivan County, near Biountsville, East Tennessee, or s. cure him in any J ul so that I gut him a gam will be reasonably rewarded. JOSEPH SCOTT. October ; 1815. 41 3 w p UNION TAVERN. v ' ' TMIE Subscriber respmfullt- inf ms the Menlxrt'of U ensumr General Asaembly that h kaa Oiad ' preration, nd mtrrwls uking 25 r M JWfcrdtnirr the Session. He assorts th-ise who think praw-r to favor him wrth their censpany, that there shall b not birr VanU mg rnhii part to accommodate them as genteelly and t plentifuljy as any house in the city. J. -j g.j Ra,eifrh, Oct 10.1315. TAl?CET. -t BOARDING. MRS. CASSO respectfully inform, the Members of the PUroachinr Grrvnl t wU. .i .k , r. " -J maw. VUlCniiail ' she is prepared to receive nrdn, as usual, at her old' Stand, where no exertion will be spared to remkrhcr accomnnodalions comfortable to such as may be pleased to favor her with their company. ' Kaleigh, Oct 6. 1815. , ' taken up ATTZ3? i 26th inst. a likely ne. nclKS high toA.triMfbeloTtgstoBort N-itUnrhCa i Ule of ViRht county. Virginia. Tl owner i. desired come forward, prove property, pay charges and trke bin ' way. JOBDAN WOliSHAM. jSerT August 31. f COMMITTED TTO Wake Jail, 9n th-. W inst a Negro Fellowwoo says his name is BOSTON (though be was com. ' mitted by the name of DonielJ-bt says o. was taken br Uiree men. near Welden's, about 3 miles this aide of Wai- renton. bv his cnr.ani fmm irkm k . . i.. . he belongs to . Stephen Bobbilt of Warr ,n. owner is renucsted to come forward, prove property; pay charges, and take him away. V V J, Sept. 28 39-lf WORSIUM, Jailor WILLIAM PRCK LTS lately returned from New-lork, witb Bfaeral ' fAv "?m DRY G00DS- HARDWAKEretrT. t fine aone most y with Cash and th careful lectio. 7 Sffi to sell them to his old friend, and new ones, a!d to Si others for moderate profit Living fortunately J-ar ac- cas.on for crediting, and ofcourse will have no chanced. dunning his customers. Raleigh, Sept. 291815. ' Thomas W. & J. Scott, ' - LJ AVE just received from New. York, and are no XXopenmgin the House opposite the Sta- Office. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GOOOS stfitable to the season, which they are disposed to seU on ' tne most moderate term. Th-.. u,;ii ri ...r..i .i astomof their friend. Ul"a.," "j", o, ioiji. jy Walter Janes' Domestic & Factory Loom. assssaw to nave constructed a numberor the Loom. Tor ialew They will have Loom, h operation in different parts of to Samuel C. Brame, at Rafefgfi, adffiEoTtuRJiv sent to them at the expencc of the Company. t The Com- " pany can with confidence recommend Uus Loom as oneoi he most useful improvements in the Domestic Arts, whictt has been made : fifteen or twenty yards can with ease be woven in a day, of a thread which is usually denominated "a twelve hundred, and ot a thread denominated "ft six hundred," from thirty to forty yard, can be woven in the day A person .can learn tlie art of weaving on this Loom in two or three days. The whole process of weav ng is carried onby the motion ef the Bat ton: The Loom us simple in its construction, and easily kept in order. : January 10, 1815' - jii-.U-:. R JUST PUBLISHED, ANP FOB. SALE, The Star Almanack, 'l-OR 1816. A LIST OF LETTERS Rmainingin the l'ost Office in tilllsboro' Sept. 30, 1815 T17H.L1AM ALLEN. Thomas Atwood, Thos Bird, V Zicheus Burrough, John Brown, Joint Blr.lsoe, Jos onh Hrasfield. Catharine S. Bonner, Henry Berry, John Breese, Jehu Cates, sen John Cafi'rey, Wm. Campbell, Wm. Cain, Thomas Crumpton, Robert Cliild, Robert l)a vis, James Davis, juu. Thomas Bowls, Willirm Djiiicll, John Daniell, Uenry Forrest, Wm l-'aucelt, James k. (iee Ribert Glenn, (2) James tiranamr uavm nay, ; acny Hopkins, John Banks (2) Robert HauUngs, Vm L. HhII, Betsey Hicks, James Hancock, Wm Huninff, Vacs Uow urd, sen John Horner, Samuel Ker, Fnu-licing Lewis, James J Undsey, Wm M'Millen, (2) Wm I' Mangum. . ,. ,!Joha Marshall, tieorje woore, Mnr,J". " . u Country Merchants and others can be supplied , p ior Nancy i'nchard, John Plullips, Roiaen. i cuny, . 7 . irt-.- i: -nn (a. r.nt , ' i;.-, Albert Hiiro. Margaret B.y, Ltwy Khir- on the usual terras, vi. o w v- .r!llV; n I-iw Jhn uoh.rts Wm Smith. each,) 8 25 per 500, (5 cnts each J 7 per urOM ; !":mVs. muel Suttd: Tr Atiio nt rrrtTn. nr ii ficiiLS aiiiirse ... n i . n.nn 4 J Ullka V " " J . SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. SCOTLAND NECK Jocky-Club Races will commence on the first Wednesday in November. First day g30(, 3 mile, heats 2d day for a part of Jocky Club subscription supposed to be 150, S miles beats 3d day Proprietor's Pufre of glOO, best 3 in 5, mile heats.usu al weights, free for any Horse, M are or Gelding in the United States. The Turf is in prime order ' and a suffi cient number of stables to accommodate fifty horses, with litter. &x -Balls or Plays will be held two nights during the races. , JNO. DREW, jr. Secy. ; October 6, 1815. ;- PUBLIC SALE. WILL be, sold at public sale on the 20th November next, on the premises, ten LOTS, in the Town of ' Hamilton, (all adjoining) lying on the main street lead ing to the public landing. There is a tolerable dwelling house and other necessary houses for a small family. The terms will be made known On the day of sale. ' WILLIAM MATTHEWS. Oct. 7"th, 1815- 43 w i 1 r Advertisement. THIS is to forwarn all persons from purchasing a Not given by me to Bennet Smith, for two hundred and , t welve dollars and fifty cents, as the said note was given far property which I consider unsound, and therefore d . not intend paying of it- - . EUAS NORWOOD.' , Chrratr, C- H S. C. Oct 1st, 1815. ' 43-3 FOR RENT. THE new Store-House, ncxL door to the Star Enquire of the printer. . Ofiicc- For' Sale, CH c Acres of LAND, lying on Neuse riycr, 13 miles T 5 north of Raleigh, one and a hail mile above the fall bridge. There is cleared Land sufficient to en ploy our or five hafth. the greater part of wfJ This land i adapted to the culture of com, whe1 to bacc, Forfurlher paruculafs apply to tlucribcr. Aug9st25lh,18t,5: SStillNov.courtt James Thornton, (2) Sua 'turner, Moses '1 it -(i?) Ltt'ndo'i wir.K. Alien aywB, . 'I,iia.trv1t itiia Thomson. IIlMSa lUvf lu,luw 1- w t -r...j'u i... it.n A matead. Robert Walton, J an Ward, f 21 Thonus Ward, James Villianis, David Williams, Cieonre Whiren. John Warren, Brisco Warren, Andrew WaS. Ucrt Wilson, Wm Woods, (2) David Wh.te, Uriah O- Yates. CCF, P. M. p. S The Tost Office is removei.to Chdd and Clan- v'. Store. Hillsborough, Oct 1, 1815. N 41 3 wp BLANKS ron sale jrr ran sijir offjce.. State of North-Carolina, PASQUOTANK COUNTY- OTI'JE t. hereby given that the taxes remain un paid o. i tlie lands patented Dy Jonn namnton, ana, ciamu (l tiy Cali.cart and jonnson, i runauciun, yiK on the head waters of Pasquotank river, V'ttle river and Perquimons nver, containing kbuiuuibi , w same more or less. - ' . . .. . i-'- - Also, one lot in the town or Nixonton, lately ciimea ny Will it PowelL' AH of the above property of jf touch 1 thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the above awear- 1 ages, and all incidental expences, will be sold on the 7tfc , day of December next, for ready money befbr tt6 ConrU House door in Elixabetb City, Vilrl W unpaid at that date. - JOHN VOOL fl Sot. 35, 1815. ' . 4 i v t 4 m M V 'T jfl " 1 f :'l t i m 11 Jl' Jij hi a ' i n tut rut Ft: i. v Wake County, fleM8jS , 1 ' W." 1