r PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEXLY, BY THOMAS HENDERSON, JUN. PBLNTEtt TO THE STATE. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2i, 1815 Three Dolls, per annum ANDERSON CL'RTIfL .jtSthe, pubic Uut Ite Ui just received new 'j of Goods, suitable to the season, tonsUting cf .hCft9icrcx, flannels, arxl dutch blanket i quetje, do. Krcccnr and a variety of ether a vuith ho will tell on Uie lowest term for cask- . ...... o W New Goods, . 1 jQXD ha just received txxxSm Aonmrt ejf l,OCs, iuitablete the eoA eoWi-AVeafeujstJ. ch. easawres M bar Ci-Mta, roseiojd stripe s, fmleta cloths, flannels and t fck'.tc; lca and. ashirting , Vc. eajobritks, knot Vtrj bomb. pink cambric ks,' bwrSbUou, taKeee jstV -trine, silk u4 cutna tldiMm'ktinttiU j h--l, I handkerchiefs, Fr and, Morocco lta.tr, -0bene4. saoei aiil sandals,. glaM frf qiiens . Wl ware and euUerv. rotlon- lod wrwl curds !n ; s and potty afafer frof i Hjuie and eWels, f 'tees, puincl saw, omtrUa,coprca pepper. i fit tbori. -r virtment be Will sell on i! fnoet reason fur only. yi"rV. '.V Itfifut ov. v.. . Oxford. Academy. , ernl-anaual etamisutiot) 'f tlx fiUiAe of tUU ,: Mark Cooke i. Tn i ... !t V V -'IC Impound Kr Tallow and SO cents r'f P' powul f-r tstmwg, fd, ad nn , ,) for anv qdantitr thai n a rfr 1 u Lit S5ih ia of Uamjer Uax XUlch, Xovcmber !, 1115, . Attefttion, OHcm of the 1st Ucgimait I fQ? artmVr"rMtotWd tti tb mm Xl Cuisirved of each (xttpaa M lhc 8lXS fCf Mvat. M VtdaJajr tl ih But. at 1 Lo'cUck, avpt far drUl-rM 0 wtt Jnf at tH ivt Koar rj( f t privKM aj v aacr yr comitomlaV rrhr and 4rhcr yo U matter tiropaaSt and niarcb to T U. THTT. Kw, lit. ms 44 WILLIAM PECK, Valuable Xacds, &c .Tor Salc (AT, WILMINGTON, N. C) ' r I iiJ . .. j' "J ft ' ! V1T ILL Kb aoli at Publia aui:tWWf tUCDarVMous - " " ( wummgton on tjiday the t da ol JQembet est. tb fcJIowmf Lands, TeoeiMiiii, ko. . X- Vut'vaJuab! alee' ItaaUi ion aitaated oo m roBOi vrest rtTf Cpe-rtr and.knotni kythrtarod lhtpUUrt. eanauUne of from S to fiOO uir. uT owftinp, bevwscq 4 and 300 aret bf bith art gndtr ctt'.i nu ion ana a larc-e co Sotitet'and tmpruvediejiu ri " f'ir twrv inch t i ani'ic i rcr.rence. LT 5 lauljr reta rd from Ntw.cNk, with a rrrml fc.A -onmui f D:.Y GtHJDS, H VUDVVARK, CtTT. y T and tittlXX'Ufi-i. lajiic ihrm arc. Ut t.airr tte Bromjl C u bs Fm CotlouK S. linrna. lu; bough" 1Uut-y mi lt U, aal vitti careful -U.cuo. il utct 0 aeU tlKin to bit old feila and c onra, aad to a.! bere or mlrra' a proftt Living, fortunate! r, near a rtiiadfcti!f BmIu, be btr tbr will b LuWornoo ei..i f.- crediting,, and ofcuuraa will havr no rbvice fc NOTICE. T1B Coptnncnhin wbrrh eaistM betwee-a th tubaeri. . bci- tn-t Lewit S Uue, vu diaaolvcd on Mie 12ib of f ay, 1815 Tberr fore, thi ia to inviw tboue who are indebted tn the subtcriSer, to come forward and acute &eu account, aa quick ai potaible, r be aba 11 tell Isaac- It. NUIT. vBaVi?h. Knv. f. 1815 444w T NOTICE. T'iOSE. in vboae bands ro y be any of the printed co pies of a petition, to be preferred to our State Legis lature, at their next ensuing tesVion, on the subject of pe udtiea annexed to public immoralities, art lequcsted to ttake the follower corrections : k After the ordclnii'keniK-.s, Hoc fifth from the bottom. Strike nijt Lute, if v, legal rettruittf i$ pfwUed,' and in- rrnce. on the lora i iuy, JSt.aWIiic twenty tve cent:" Thw may be done Uk; Uft hand, ami pointed to by October 13, 1815, K A, n ril. taftitutiuit t ! euojr.oneeMthtUJav cfKoveiH' , (net. at whidi time, parents' rat rwr i. M otbct i fad an interest la the Edacittan cf the Duuils. are m-1 ti03 bv 40 icet in the Qt attend. A is with pleasure, ftrmnujtcedj that tUe 1 HH of takias toll at the. ftnrib Cast'aod North Tew U aoies W. Thompson, is etif ajrrd, M Civumg rancue ut Laps nvsx, trn the main, ruad .letfimi i. Boarding- for Female Students f.v:,.-.U;i .i .M ; .v.i..w .iJ. !.t 'one of th in th ;if.i .. l. I TRR subscriDt r will, witfan the course of a lew weeks vt ii. . ." " " . . i .!.. . . r . n, (Vtfrember 4b, 1815 4fi-2. xkflts. it it be nceeexy, snaasiatadtujuj employ eu. wnjuguuy to marset renaersv it on every account a iwst J . J - vrVir"T-Vi. TutremaW De pnmept U aull cphfile4 lo tbe care of Taiuabie object iouny ptnan desiroita of MiuAr uJn,' 7 , m.-T,k . ' C. M'Intyre- ' Rice lnuW v' U v,, Ftem StudenU wl.o may Atesrd that "wy. ft ample proven mad by th trustees, toIre?e Also sundry tracttorjvarqeli ef Land aVJjVt etf f? llK,S TJtP,IXi? k H "! . Lie beLltbWai of situation, and-nesa of liv- belvide, comaimpf bTn 4 and W keref i e ,r f n uld 'JnhW , Vlitn 2 or tUi, confidently expected, will cire Uus seminary as less, and situated onSturSonc,a.n y&kWl ii I 1 T . of I 1 W.m. to patron. as any in Rlte: MiU seat and capabls f Ve AdvaftUofli terZ-e. nt detached foon.8, a few small Boy. w..l also b siaken. I Iht first Session in next year will commence en the 6th Also that Plaolatlon lyWf in Hud CpKntyanO i v; , . . . ,. j. r. uwb.d. rr.Ansr. Wi VI vr.F.rl . SAr.. the nama of Orion. ennU'ininv !i . .. ,i , - ... ur nim i n iinvM net atvi.T Tiaasr i trt fwi a i-v. .a4 im hkit rece vt tne greatest attentionvl ZifZIZ. n Lit. Vs-TT- L' T i , - . . . r ...... ! the ereit nranrh hrvf im-liili'wr j V(u Vila ' I m:H provision to lcefl tne uor.es oi tne mem- . :v, ii' JT" W -Air sjat)lll I aav vBk lUIIU.IU WOUH l'Mtr, I KHJjAK - -. - a )f CTU A 7k,U A 1 j J'vT' Entertainment. r'iE $ubscter has provided binst if to r.r com mod ate travellers and others. His house is r.-rmy and con ' si(vtianJ hii slab! i well stored with for ire- Those oruiy call on h Hat auto maae of Assembly. Kov. 14, 1815. 45 2w : Saddle & Harness Makers. ptARKE fc SMITH, from Pe' rrsburg, Va. be leave V to inform the citizens of Itautigh, and all others who Wwisb to be fui'nisbed with Saddles,, Bridles and Har 'A iB die first siyle ot elegance, that they have taken a Jliettt, aund nearly opposite the Star Office, bere wtire tVt concerned, that tlieyhavd tbe best mate- a.aidttxmined to execute their work in the more p less, togetbef riUi tbft toui6t dvmiH wia -oincr. improve mom inerYM.? this plantation Is bow cultivated in -Kice, iaiKt ' by competent jad jss JBost Valuable, body , situated on the riverf. '' c.';'..' . atao syau acres of Land mnreorjsst. t--Wrt I OR SALE, tion to business, tns to deserve thef jatronse pi public, They have orought with them a very fasn assortment oi saaaieana narneas nioununr,' int- 1 tbis fall in the different arrivals in Virginia. Or- ffom Uie town or country will b executed with punc ity and dispatch. November lOtli, 1815. K.' ? RECOMMENDATION. H. W. Mason, having declined the above branch of 4n8 takes this opportunity to recommend to his .tJtomcrs, and others, Messrs- Clarke and Smith, as sad Vand Harness Makers. He has no hesitation in saying 'y ire good workmen and have sufficient mean's to exe. fe their work in a faithful manner. November 10. State of North-Carolina, Wayne County Cturt ef I'kas & Quarter Hesiiovs, U . lugtist Teitn, 1815. joho Handley 8i wife Elixabetli Applewhite ti a!s. IJ; I'ETinoN'. , Vppearing to the salisfac'.ion of the Court, that John i applewhite, one of the defendants In this case, is not an habitant of this State it is therefore ordered by the 'rfcthat six vee.kapiibticationbemade in the Unleigh Asr.fbrsaid John Ar plewhite to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessibns, to be held for the county nfWMm.. at thi Court-House in Waynesborough, on thj liirdSlondav of November next, to plead, answer or de- ' " . . , l " a! -v .. 111 kAn V to said petition, or tne peuuuu wmi c mn-tji. .and prayer g?nUd. MmNE)C. c,c. (State of North-Carolina, Wayne County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Stniom, feboScott, by Chs. Scott his attorney vt. Samuel Burdlow- i OttlINAL ATTACHMENT. . f appearing to the satisfaction of tbe court, that Samuel ?- 8urdlow, the defendant in this case, having removed ltfthe State, Wthat the ordinary process of lawcannot Vieiredon bim-lt is therefore oixlered by the court. fbuhlicatioMbemade, itt the Raleigh Star,, for three ftwiths; that defendant may come forward aud replevy rpltad, 8cC. . n n r ' Test, jurm jvircj, - Atsa 2200 acres more or less lu di(ft;rt tmcts'fi? tier eels seated tipon and neat JUUlput 6i?6tt inrJiubp ii ry Kiuuife Mill seat and jut ahundartce tl rtuBl imbfr1. ; Alaa 3,640 .acres, more of, titi i ut wfofof-tfixeli; wl tracts oi iuaqa on t own creeic; ana -ne t-r!i-rt or.'oi and thereto adjacent, including 4:f7 ?4ma,il ,eaJU with dam already made and plenty Ben raetirftDertf f ; iklsoOneLot No'Sa and opWidjW part oT It N:v in SmitbviUe, Mtb an elegant Mansion tWeon covering about 9 J feet Tiy jS In tho mosVClijibb purVW stoiiersof smithvilte, opposite Ifte, bciorr mentioned-No j ana whereon is a store, ana a Warehouse upwards of 100 feetlong.a V!iarf, &o.. ' lue Mill seats last described are from 12 to 15 miles only trom Wilmington. - i lie Conditions of Sale are as follows, v:z : Ten per cent, on the mount of purchase to he paid at the time of Sale and the balance in tqual , Insta'nit nts of one, twb andtlirei yeai s in Notes with . approved Eudor sers payable at either the Uantof Cape Fear ut Wilmihg. ton Branch of the Stale Bank of North Carolina, and a Mortgage on the property Interest to lc paid .annually, FurtherarticuUrs maybe known on Hpplici.tion to ttic Subscriber and a more detailed description of ike proper ty will be given at the time of SkIc. W. ANDERSON, Catliier of the Bcaik of Cafie Fear. Wilminqion, September 7th, i815. ":7 lit. JUNIUS SNED & Co. ' HAVE received from New-York ad PhiltdeJphii, an Assortment of I)itY GOODS lit GKOCEitiBS, visb thry are now opening for sale at the Store unden.eatJ the Star Office- TlstleiRli, 4?-;f let. 7; For Sale. ft HE anbscriber having in view to remove to tie west w.r,i rvfltep fp aile between twenty -three andtwen- . TUf iiundredacres of Land, in Wake County, tn sepa fttetracu, via- one tract of 146 acres, on Ureat Lick 5?eek,l5 tniles northwest of Raleigh, on the main Road dingfim Raleigh to the Fishdam fbrdt. en which is, ,optlntaiion in tolerable repair, t good dwelling juisa 'M onUwnses, art apple orchard, with other appendages, good new: built Saw Afdl, with ft large quantity of good fifty and other timber for sawing. Te tc is good i Jht ioil 1 Veil suited to the culture of Tobacco or any 4 Bd of erain. oerhaps inferior to'none inthe county. ..Also, iethe tract jiear the above prea.ises, conummg xia . wiidiogs-Ortfi other tract,1 in Uie ttelgbboroood, of 200 mosUy woodland. Also, on other tract, about 7 WIeifrom the above, of 350cres, on which is anew ielling houae, and jk'tmall plantafjon; in good repair lAfldia of agood quality. Also, one oUier tract 7 or a;west of Raleigh, consisting of 302 acres woodland. tAUorkhy of the abate trasta Will be sold on reasonable lermi for cash; negroes or on a reasonable cred iU . ' v 1 i JPox further information enquire at tbe premises. ;Wl; fe.'( Wil(,Ei RVBERTS. ; LYNCH & CATHEll H VVEjust received by the ship Philip Tbli, from Liverpool, the following Goods, which t!ey ofT;r for sale at their Stove in Petersburg, by the piece or pact age at a reasonable advance, for Cash, Cotton or Tobacco, viz : Cloths, casinieres, vestings, velvets, cords, 6tor.kir.ets, flushings, lvnnbazetts, plains, 9annel6, blankets, calicoeH, ginghams, dimity, shirtings, cambricks, lumens, hosiery, shawls, handkerchiefs, edgings, laces, hardware, cutlery, sadlery, &c. Petersburg, Va. Oct 25, 18I5- 4U' Great Bargains offered. THE Subscriber ofTers for sale botli of his improved lots inthecitvof Raleitrli. situated on both sWes of one of the most public streets in the city ;. there is on each lot a convenient dwelling house neatly finished inside, with all necessary oat houses. A further description is deemed unnecessary t present, suffice it tossy the buildings are entirely new, having bee", built .viw ' the kit eighteen month ' . WE3JLBY VVHITAKER. Baleipii, 1st !-v. 1815. ' 44U-. N D ' TV f;'ibsrnber avails himself of this opportuni. tv toinfrm f.iendsAndthe public that he has on hand rcadv fi"i.e -several dozen Windsor i;nairs or quieruu 3 , ' ;i.inaiit to aell vnrt loW mrms ana cmm wnw 4 Tract of lsnd adjoining tlic town of Williamsboro' , containing 685 Acres. This land is of Uie best qua. f for tobacco, wheat and corn: it has a very good Helling house, and all out holies in goot! repair. It is inarkabl for iU healthiness' und will alford an eligible Station to him who may wish ti educate a family, being ti hin 400 yttrds of the Williamsbotough Academy, or to ! '; who may wish toxultivate tlie earth, entertain travel. ! ftjorkecp a boarding house for the school On this U;l and near the town arc very good scitca for a tan-yard dist Jfery. v vvnother tract foiu miles from the town of Williamsbo. fugh, cpntaining 600 acresThis land has on it a good d'jtiUng house for a small l.imily? the land is not of the icit quality, but adapted to the growth of cotton, tobac. ca fni com in a ordinary degree. . It is well wateredand tM altby situation. ,Aiicmr tract ot luui ip ueniom coim.y, on xne river lerruvncar the town pt Murtreesborougn, Known by - V.UV,VkU, ?f first at,bM. ground, containinir 40'i acres. For terms apply to Messrs. Murtree U Gordou of M irft-eeborough, or to the subscriber in Williamsbo. rough, Graimlle county; Terms will be made accommo dating to purchasers. F. N. W. BURTON. Julys, 1815. 27-tf - ; i Stafe of North-Carolina, ORANGE COUNTY. Asiljel Mcxrr, on his own right, and as Adm r. Llisa Moore, dee d lliuiel 7 ur .ntine, Ex'r. and other. j , T appearing to Uie Court thtt John Moore and David Robinson, two of the defendants in this cose- are not inhabitants of this State It is ordered that publication for ix weeks successively, be made in the Raleigb SUr, that trri'ess said defendants appear within the three finst days of nextterm, and fi'e their answers, that judgment ,pro eanfessn will be cnteied ag Jittthem. ""'.4?.6t-- Testi . J. TAYLOR, C. d . BOOT & SHOE FACTORY. t JOHN HOLLOWAY, 1.1 .S on hand four or five hundred pair of BOOTS of L ihenew?st fhion, also a large assortment of Shm s, vhich he offers for sale on reasonable terms at Jus shop next door helow Mkcl.jU's Tavern. Having a number of workmen emploj-ed, he is enabled to execute any order in his line on the shortest notice. ? k-tf- Battigh, Oct. 18. 1815. To the Public. . MR. GALES, SV.ialUe Rerister of Oetobcr 0 13th Ust, observed a tmom tged by Hardy Hurdle k otbera, ia wbit b my Ckaraeter, as a man, a Chrutiaii and a Minisier of the Gtnel is severely handled. Newspa per contrtrverstea rarefy if ever have any good effect, rture particularly when tbe cooduct anil chaiac'er of in dividuals in aa hwiubke itatioa of life is the ubjeet Ncr is it my intention at Uuturae to follow the example that ia act me. to heap slander upon thxwe who bare so rudely and I think so unjosufiably attacked me My object U not to injure but io defend i and 1 thaak God that I am a cilisenol a country In which tbe law are ooest to all, from the highest to the lowest. , Tbe individuals wba have sign ed the piece alluded to must hava expected an effort on my part to show myself innocent of the charga afegded against me i nave done so I have resorted to tne la a n my country j thoaa laws which witt throw their pro tection around the defendants, if they have truth on their side , Upon the truth or falsehood of tbe piece then, I hava placed those who have pubbshed it Jit be true that I haw raised against the Cvep Creek Baptist Cbuieb reports false and degrading i if I am a dialurberof thur peace and a. impoator and bvpocnticsl intruder into the BapCst Society ( if Ihavepoliihed of raid ociety gross and enfotindcd falsehood t if it be true th it I have cir culated of elder Wm. P. Diddle, a tale disgraceful tn his character, It afterwards, being in bis presence, denied it, and gave, bim a certificate that he was dear of such are port, and myself a tiari if, I say, all tins be true, then surely the gentlemen can prove it To that proof 1 have invited them, and upon ita issue I am willing to rest In Uie mean time Sir, through (he Medium of your paper St Mr, Henderson's 1 wish to solicit those who may have read the piece, to Take Notice:! am Not a Member be longing to' that class of people Called Baptists 1 own I am a Ba-Hist by profession, but am quite of a different belief from them j for this cause t am set at naught. 1 pray the charity of the piiblie and all Christian to sus pend their opinion until the cause a tried, which will establish the truth or falsehood of the libel. I acknow Ldge air( an individual like myself occupying a station in lie so humble, ha no right te obtrude his private affairs upon the public - i have been dragged before tbe public, and am entitled to be heard. Bat althoaot one in a hun dred, perhaps not one In a thousand, who nay have read the piece alluded to ever heard the name of Frederick Fhnvcilla Yet there are tome who khowhim, and to whom his reputation is dear, and who likely have read tt ; For the sake of those he asks not to be condemned un heard. submit myself to him who knows the secrets of all heart before whom am willing to meet all my accu sers on the crreat dav when the secret of all heart . shall be disclosed then the fonspent will be set free and me guuty condcmncdl FREDERICK FONVEiLLE. Orange Coqnty, If. C, Nov. 30th. 1815. 45 3w , ' v John S. laboteau, RESPECTFULL informs the public thst he has iuft - auppi r v wuuus, couaisung CI CKH IIS, ! caskmeres, drab cloth pelise ditto, rose and striped blan- a.ciB, uMiiieis, puns, Domnasettrs, tailor trimmings, dim- Y Ity's.cambncs, ginghams, calicoes, a gl assortment of hardware&c.&. Likewise, a good assortment of Killi nery, consisting of silk and satin hats and bonnets, straw and chift ditto, artificial fiower of, all kinds, and fancy feathers, silk and cotton iarc-, SJ'k gause, and a iwt rietyot tiobons. tnngeandtrimmmf s, fancy mu- and rtvsai, pelereens, all kinds extra long kid gkv. k silkdo. shoitdo. lace sleeves, embroidered shawls and hi.ndke.r- uiuciB, po wuit, nuicuies, roiutary leatnera ana oniktren's dolls. AH of which he Is disposed to sell on reasonable ' t ms. ' ,i " ,-, ' 'v 45-.1t . Raiebrh.-Vov 9'h. 1a5 . ' 1 1ET1T10N. for cash or on ashort creilit- W. W. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE Tract of Land.1- containing about 100 A. Acres, lying on the watei-s of Island Creek, ui oratt mu ..itv! withirt four miles of Williamsborough. Tlie Nation ii high andiery .beaUby, V? j wrea ,a Well. nerhupS' as any in Hie atate - ST sifiSntt large" 4 8 or 10 hand, towork to " fj.i).Ti,li:,, Hnnae. With OUt,hOUS r "' IZa V nd Grist Mill- A const-J lmZSSTJSiSSt as lion suffi WllinsV House, with out . houses suited to jZrtltoa and . good Grist Mil - P. 7 . .r .W. .A in aa rood TobaCCO If D , tnH it is presuuiame wiosc , r ' Sffi'tSe a Tlewof the premim. v Al-Ucan. mJ be nude to the subscriber near Louisburg. orto RjcJaM pe maae . ... Th r,avinents will not be din- LS? gvaiuation. for the whole.; or any part, will be ; lVn payment. l.-rUrOct.28,1815. WeLlIUBPHiGY. i 44-6W -. 20 Dollars Reward. ' ' Fy AN AWAY from the subscriber on the 15th of last 1 tnontii two Negroes, one named BRISTER and the other SOLOMON, they are about the age of 13 or 19 years each, and are about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, of common complexion, sldut made, Strong and active, they had on., when they ran way common negro clothing, that is, coarse', tow linnen, and? coarse cotton shirt and trowsers. I am inclined to believe they have gone again to New-Hanover ' County, about 20 or 85 miles west from Wilmington,' and I suspect are harboured in the neighborhood of James' GutTurdand a Mr Lewis's, where they were harboured ia one and July last. I will give the above reward and all expences for them both, if delivered to me 7 miles north wcsu.f Raleigh, or five dollars each if secured in jail so ' tliat ! get them again. G. DAVIS. 1 Wake County, Sept. J815. v ' S9f. 1 1 i ' ' State of North-Carolina, . I WAKE COUNTY- . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 18J.5- ' . Henry Cotroan. ) v. Original Attachment- , Wm- M. Fisher. V PAMCELC. BRAWi. summnBed as Garnishee, and the defendant haig removed outof the Slat?-, sr tfiat the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him i it is1 therefore ordered, by the, Court that puhbeatinn be made in the Raleigh Star, for three months, tUt ihe. de fendant may conw forward and replevjr or plead, &c. by next Court. 36 3m, Test, . . B. KINO, c. C o ' ' Good Mahogany. . - , .. THE Subscriber has on 'hand a supply of nandson ' Mahogany, which he will work up, to order; in th neatest mapner.-' . . DAVID JSOYSTER. .'Nor, 18, 1815-,,' f,4 v"; ' .2; BLANKS FOltSALB AT, tiH SI AH OFFICE. ' State t)f North-Carolina, Howan County 1 , " - :VIn Chancery t October 'firm, 1815. Horatio Hamilton v. The Heirs and Representatives ei t ' . ' Michael Miller, dec.: , ORIGIN 4.L BILL TO FORECLOSE. &c. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Jacclj Miller, one of the defendants in this ce, does not re al rl p within the limits of this State.1t I hfrffr.ro, .,.. j . ... --.v.u.v. W i that publicaUon be made, for six weeks successively, in the Star, printed atBaleigh, that unless tbe taid Jacob A M slier appear at the next term, to be holden for the Cnun- V ty of Rowan, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the 2d 1 Monday after the 4th Monday in Warch next, and plead, answer, or demur to the complainant's bill, Uie same will -be taken pro conjtito and heard ex parte Teste, CHARLES FISHER, C. M. E Nancy Miller, John Miller, Ann Miller, Elizabeth TV Miller, Jacob Miller, Sally1 Miller, Polly Miller, with Dvd Miller and Caty Miller, by their guardian John Petti, " court, i , Notice. ' ON the 6th day of November, 1815, the Copartner ship of Parish h Wood, of the city of Raleigh Was dissolved by mutual consent. This )s therefore to re quest all persons having any' demands against laid con cern to make them immediately known in order that they msy be discharged- And also to inform the debtors that they have divided Uieir notes and account, and that they are to be paid to Uie holders thereof. . ' CHAS. PARISH. ' , '.. V MKTVTON WOOD. ' Raleigh, Nov. 9,, 1815. 45 3w .Walter Janet Domestic & Factory Loom 'T' HE patent right to this LOOM to far as respects the " Stale of Narth-Carolina. haa. hAn nurrt.... k o Company of 'Gentlemen who Inte nd as soon as possible, ;", I to have constructed a number of the Looms' for 1 ssle. . They will have Loom! iv operation In different parts of the St ate in the course of the ensuing Spring. Those per sons who wish ti purchase Loomh will make application to Samuel C Urame, at Raleigh, and the Looms will be sent io them at the expence of UvC Company. ; Th Com- ' pany can witlicbiJidencei recomme4nd.tbi Loom as one of ' he most useful improvement$ in the Domestic Arts, which has ber ii made ; fifteen or twenty Varda can with eae be woven ui a-day, of i thread which rt usually denominated " twelve hundred, and oft a thiead denominated H a 1 . six hundred." from thirty td,fortTard can be woven In : : f Uieriay. A perwu can team 4'.ie art of weaving en thia ipJ Loom in two or tbri?e day. ,v.The whole process of wear. I ' hg is carried oaby tbe motion of the Batton. Tbe Loom IA ' UsimpUiniuconatruxtioji,andeaiily ' NB1WIcWWw'-.K . u.l bis friends and the public in general; that he has e. ) ' p.ned a small lut general assortment of. URT r.qons. ;! i ciaruware, i wuicu pa oners ior sate low; tor Lasb, ; ' the imost of them having been; purchased with! fcthat ne. :i ' ctssary article, lie also expect in few day , Wte ?! ceivea supply of Sugar CoffeeV keke' i f. . .:, it 1 .) . ij.: 1 l MOKa, avr, B UMl - , .sjwuountyiPctobetS. law V V ',..r. i