vi S;. ; ;HE STAR. j. r !t it it KUNTliD AND PUBLISHED WEEJLLT, BY THOMAS HENDE1VSON, JUN. PRINTER TO THE STATE. 3 t VII No. 48. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1815. Three Dolh. per annum.' Entertainmei.t. ' FOR SALE, at Ijinj; cn the w.ten of IJnm Crk, u. Gran-T Su cr'b" Prtmded himMf to m mod.e jjr, wuhiu f.Hir miles of illum.bort,ugb 1 he travellers ajjd other Hit hou i nomjf wi cmi- jii high ww very health. P. is tract u watered ".Kr,P ,k ""J n Slate has jn ii a plants-; grknUr large for 8 or 10 hind to wmk to advan Qte plantation ii ,n ulcralle order. It b a table Dwelling House, with w.t bootes suited lo ! t anJ farming, and a trood Grist M.l. A cot..i- i vftart of this land ii u rood Tohtcco L,nd a nv ! r . v. . - uory, ana n mell adapted U culture of (.AIIKE & SMITH, frvro Fet.rburg, Va. teg leave A corn vais c- au. I em u unnecessary to 1 to Mtturm the citiien a Raleigh, and U oil who tifto brifrtidrntrnrrf. vrni'-ru, ma hi .table well stored with forage- Thosc h-i may call on him tiaJI rnn the rtraten attrntHMi He htlo nai!rproruiotiiofcedtlie horvtof tbe mew Urt of A. n.My. WOODY MARTIN. Not- 1. ltJli. 46 ?w Saddle Ea Harness Makers. M t viewof premise Applications may b. to the subscriber iiear Louiiburg, or to Richard La fOatirille The pavnnt will imt be diffi- ISfgrot. at Vuation, for ihe whole, or any part, WM. MUKPKLT. Wr vt C8 115. ;W Great Bargains offered. iul-Kribc-r offers for aale bmb of big improved lott. k i . . . .. . me cut oi hauih, auuated on both sidea of one kott public streets in the city ; there is o; each anvement dwtlbng house neatly finikhed inside, necesaary o t nouaes. A lanher descnptioms i f. unnccenaary at present, suffice it to sav the -i - . . ... . n are entirely ntw, tiaving been built within the titeen month. W ESLEY W HITAKEK. jrh, 1st Nov. 1815. 44 tf. i The Subscriber avails himself of this optmrtun form bis friends and the public that he hus on hand n.shed, several ti02en Windsor Chairs of different nd colours wlacb lie is disposed to sell very low or on a snort creii: w. W. nip) v ish to be tumiMieo WiJi 5tcic. uruiics ana tiar nes. m the tint s vleot elacance. that ttiev have taken a , - . . t v p im-uciit sund nearly opposite the Star Other, mhere 126 acres.pinprny cf Samuel Curiew, on Iunr II ihey a-.surt td coocenied. Urn they have the beu mate- j.iiiung the luii of Jacob Paul, not givtn in for 18i3 ur a rt o-erii)nicu 10 in tuit urcir m uir ru-l. HTvl mix Biost filhftii uiAiiiwr, on rea&on.bie trroi ; and by then sHritbon Xfl bwar.tost. b'llc t di serve ibe j-trw.aCe "f Wi public. Tbeybaxe feivugbt with the m a Vtrj- ljh lonableUiOrtaiet.t ol S.;d.e xud i'arnen Mounting, im ported this fall in the d-rt'erent srrivals in Vii-ginis Or ders from the town or country will be executed with punc tuality and dispatch. p.oven.oer iuui, KK.COM MEXOATION N OtlCC. WlLLbekold at the C un-House in C.eimanion, on Mnd the lididiyo January 1816. the follow ing Tracts urparcels of Land, or so niiK U tbrrt of as w iU suiofy the Tr tle.-rou for the year 1813 and 1814, and c at or Adrrrlisisr : jJO acres ejUnd, prrrpcrty of AUerson Ellisiw's heirs, joiuuig ilie U4l of Enoch Flmn, on the Pungo Kim Iload, Botg'ven:nf w,e j-car 1813 and 18lt. 300 acrrs, property of Tenant Bawch's beips, in the Lauiclbwao. JbiBingthe laud of Both as Jordan, not JJl.Cll I Li ivr. 18i4 'JJ yyrs-j ol Janes W.Uterscn, d-c. juininir llie Uiid of James Leath aiul ,M J. Clark, not riven in for 1813 and lbU 5 5U acres, property 0f d,Uo j0iuiDg ae land of James Leaili and AL ram Arthur, not given in for 1813 and 18H. Si) acres, propety of do joining the land of James and Cuilin Smith, to. jnven in for 1813 and 1814. 110 acres. IrfOnv ot Eiiza vlh Canrii, mnm, tK. Wk. W- Mason, having declined die above branch of UnJ of Ueorge M.Vl.nies. Strpln;n Ewuia and Mary Ar Kntin. m. LiVt a this ODDortuimv to rwcoiiimeiid t- ii.s , ., . j customers, and others, Messrs- uiarse anu amuii, die and Harness Makers. He has no hesitation in saying they are good workmen and have suflicictu means to exe cute their work in a faithful manner. November 10. Valuable Lands, Ike. for Sale, (AT WILMINGTON, N. C.) (Li be sold at Public auction under the Court-House .1 Wilmington on Friday the 1st day ol December , L following Lauds, Teneimnts, &.c. jjtbat Vkiuubie Rice Plantation situated on the 4 est river of (Jupt-feur and known by the name Jkuterc, consisting of from 5 to 600 acres of Tide if, between 2 ana 300 acres of which ar undt r cul and a laive I'Ody of Upland, including ull ihe fatid impiDVuinents thereon, with a iai Buck Barn 40fcctit the clear, together u i h the Ferries and t taking toll at the North East an'd North West I lies of (.jape Fear river, on die main road leading fiihe Bnck (louse to VVilniington This ptamalioii is die best in this State its command ol water and Uiiy to market renders it on every account a most ile. object to any person desirous of purchasing a ltiuita.uo.i- 0 sundry tracts or parcels of Land adjoining or near iltrr, containing beiweui 4 and 5,000 acres more or 4 . i l c ; .ir i.: : - i litasi.i i4't!UMi Bfllm IlkalT. ..Ilwt imnhtVIll-lll. m Slate Qf North-Carolina, Wayne County. Ce-itr. of tku U Qiiurter Session, Augut Term, 1815. John Handley & wife Eliiabeth Applewhite t als. PETI HON' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tbat John Applewhite, one of the defendants in this cae, is not jxi inhabuani of diis State it is therefore ordatd by the Court, that six weeks publication be made in the Raleigh Star, for said John Applewhite to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Wsyne, st the Court-House in VVaynesborough, on the third Monday of November next, to plead, answer or -;t . rrui to said petition, or the petition will be ukeupro con fenso and prayer granted. . lVst, JOHV M'KINNE.C. C-C. State cf North-Carolina, Wayne County. Court Pleas and Quarter Sessions, .lugwt Term, 1815. Juhu Scott, by Chs. Scott his attorney vs. Samuel Burdiow ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT. TT appearing to Uie satisfaction of the court, that Samuel nii..,.,.w. the defemla'.tin lU.s r.;.se, having rentovea state. o that tbs ordiiifv pi-ocess f law cannot ,.u c-iiJible of very advangeou improvement, j oe ei.Ved on him it is therefore ordered by the court, I'uniRUQM ivinjr in saia i-oui.iy, anu anown dv ,,,, -..i.iiotion lie made, in the Kaleieh SUf, tor turee uwoirhy eaUiiiuiotf defendant mav come forward and replevy . ...ifK .7 u.xna. ). : ; r w r. .. - or plel. UC . Test. JOHN JTK1VNE. C C. C. waBJ atlts :. Ruated upon iuaoie Mill s.a V less, together with til the Mouses, mi;1s, itice i p, ftinl otlier iu.provemenis tWereon. A part of C' italion is now cultivated hi iTice, ami is esteemed etent juug.-i aiuost valuable body of Lanu and is n on the river. 408O acicof Land more or less, in different tracts fttla !tuattd on and nun Livingiou's Creekand jeatBiMiich tn. rtof inciadn.g a very valuaole Mill Hid a vast fund f excellent pint- TiTn'ier. :t or less m dineitnt tracls or par mar t iliiout ctvek mcudipg a n . . an abunUaiice of Pine i niiber. n ;-e or less in sundry parcels or ol Laiu: o i IjWii ere'Ii ana the br,. m iles tiiereo: lereio adjaceir., mciudnig aveiy valuable will seat, iaai already mucjiu plenty best Ptne 'limber oone Lot No 40 and upwards 3-4 pari of Lot No 21 siui'vibe, with an eiean1 Mansion hou.n. thereon ing atioui 90 1'eet by jo iii Hie most eligiL,le part of uwn cither Tor klewsure " for pu tit Otwowaicr lols leased foi 91 b the rsofSjnuhville, opposite the betorc iiiv ntioned Nos id 2l whereon is a Store, and a W are!., use upwards W feet long, a W liarf, &x. le Mill scats la.xt aescrioeu xrc iioni itw j from V ihniiitrton i'e Condiiion of Sale are as follows, viz : n ner cent, on e amount ot purchase to be paia at tme of Sale and the balance in qual lnstalnunis ot twn and three veai'S in Notes Willi approved Minor bay-able at either the Bank 0 Cape Fear or Wilnung biancli of the State Bank of North-Carolina, and a U on the DroDerty--Inlerest to be paid annually. tether particulars may be known on application to me briber and a more detailed description oltue proper bU be given at the time of Sale. YV. ISiV,B0Jviy uamci uj mc Batik o Cape Ftar. ilmington, September 7th, iB15- Ht. New Uoods. ANDERSON CbiiTIS, lOKM the pfioiic that ' he has just received a new bDly uf Uboda, auitubl to tne aeason, coiiiui.K ui t..caasime;s, flannels, rose and dutch blankets. !.. n. do. Groceries and a variety of other Hea. which he wdl aell on the lowest terms for cash. Pl5. d- ?L? New Oooda 60Iib has iusl received a lianldsome Assortment of ,Ooods. suiuol-- to the season ; consisting of super cloths, casimevts und coarse cloths, rose and striped ikeu, pelese cloths, tlanneis ana green u., u.... kmabirting, Sic cambricxs ienoe, fea, pit: - cnniincBJi, umiu,....-., j---. 'Ines, tuik ana coon ttockmgs, sua. sieevws ai.u atJWls, &c lianUku chiefs,' Fir and Morocco Hats, VT.... hru- and saniiais, glass ware, queens L hard ware and cutlcy; cotton and wool carus, win- I J' . l nil uhnvplA. lass and putty, wier. irons, pu hots, paniie I saws, uuioro ua, - irr- PfS l mi '. iro and sted, ,c we. rVabovw vonmeht he will sell on tne roost reason. icrmaforC shonly, feight Nov. 15- . tuv For Sale. THE subscriber having in view to remove to (lie west ward, offers for sale between twenty -three and twenty-four nuiulred acres of Land, in Wake County, in sepa rate tracts, viz. one tract of H46 acres, on Great Lick Creek, 15 miles northwest ol" lUleighr on the main uoad leading from Raleigh to the Fishdani ford; on which is two plantations in tolerable repair, a good dwelling house and outhouses, an apple orchard, with other appendices. good new built Saw .Will, with a large quantity of good pine and other timber for sawing The range is good the soil is well suited to the culture of Tobacco or any kind of grain, perhaps inferior to no'ie in (lie county. Also, one other tract near the above premises, containing HI acres, on which is a small plantation, with tolerable buildings One other tract, in the neighboroood, cf 200 acres, mostly woodland. Also, one other Uact, about t miles from the above, of 350 acres, on winch is a new dwelling bouae, and a smali plantation, in good repair the land is of a good qualm . Also, one other tract, 7 or 8 miles west of Kalcigli, consisting of 2U2 acres woodland. All or any cf the ab:ive traots will be sold on reasonable terms for -ahh, negroes or on a reasonable credit. ;-or further iiifornuon enquire at the premises. Vm, E, ROBERTS. Wake Countv, October 24, 1315, liey. 113 acres, property of James Loyd, dec. joining the land of J ohn Russell' heirs and the hnN lison, not given in 40J acres, property of John Russel s heirs, joining the land of Aaron Lyon's Leirs and James Loyd, not given in 400 acres, propert) if William Russell's heirs, in the Bluff Marsh. 115 acres, property oT Ed ward Lemmon's heirs, joining the land of James KatlH", given in. 50 acres, property ofbjali Farrow, dec. on the North Dividing Creek, not give; in. 320aci.s, property jf'3eorge F. Vallaner, joining the land ol Thomas Faddingain Swanquarter, not given in 690 acres, property of Thomas Smith's heirs, on Smith Creek and Broad Creek, joining the land of Eliiabeth Farter's heirs, not given h. 53,287 1-2 acres, held is the property of Judge Harris, der. in company wuh Jo&i (i. Blount, between Mattamus kcet Luke and Pampiic Sound, and between ihe Lake and Juniper Bay, and Svanquarter, and Rose Bay, and back of Ihe settlements n Puugo Rivrr, on the north side of the Laki, and beiweei the ljake and Long Shoal River, Prt paieniea iy jonn iowcu and Jonn u. Blount, not given in. 083 acres, property of do. on the south side of Matta- muskect Like, and My Race, on which his plantation stands, not given in. 640 acres, property q" do. on the north side of Matta- muskeet Lake, near if ort Point, patented by Sam'l Strud' wick, not given in for th year ibi3 and i8i4. i Lot iliGernianton, pbperty of Frederick Mason, dec. not given in lor 181 j andk8i4- Lots in Montatnnry, nk eivtn in for i8i3 and 1 8i4 : No 1, property of WilLtn Forteseue No 3, do of Wm. Hcrre1!; No 6, do AmaA and Abesha Pruchett; No 8, do Philip Benjamin ( ti 20, do Thomas Mollison i No 24,do William Cowell j N 33, do iemon Alderson , No Si, do Elias Howell ; No 13Jdo Redding Jones ; No 47, uo Natl-u'l Tooly ; No 49, 0 8amuel Catlder j No .59, do Alien oi-aves; No 50, do John Alderson, jun. ; No 17, do rail . ml .TA . . . w ' i nomas Auams i ao Simon Alderson : No 39, do Arr-asa ana Abenfia Pritcfaett i No 04, do Abner Loiiir i No 53, do Thomas Carrow ; No 52, do Taylor Staplefoot ; No 46, do Benjamm Iliounl, jun. One tract of, land, on the north side of Lightwood Creek, joining (he land of Stephen Carter's heirs, con taining J0) acres, property of Judge Harris, dec. not given in. ' RATHEAS MARTI Sheriff. Hyde CountyjNbwl8. 115. 48-fw Sale of Negroes. PHERE w.M be aoWl at the court Louse in CbathaCt county un the b.rt day ofjanu.rv in-xt. til liKeU Ne- groe. to wit, tiir Krll, w and tmo Wenches. n credit of 12 months being part of the Eate of ill urn PtUy, Jun. deceaaed sold by order of ornri to n Vr adiision. The AuminUtrQiort. Nov. 15th. 1815. 4K 3w Notice. A T November Term f S vne Ountv Court 1815. ly ubcnber quablk-d as Xcut-r of the last w ji and tegument of Cutien H ackm.n late of said countv All persons hiving claim against sid deceased, of 'hat ever kind or denominati.m, must et'ubit tkern t rope r authenticatd witlnn urn prescribed t u, other wise this kotice wilt b pkail In ba- - Cm rernvrry. " J. SJ.OCVAID. Cist f:ir 1815 t" r Notice. " ON Monday the 13h of December nxt, the le the personal Property of Cullen Blackman, dec. ill commence at Initiate dwtlhngnear Wanesboro mn. sisting of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep ; house hold ami kitchen furniture ; farming ntensils, corn, fod der and 4 number of other valuable articles! and also the said plantation will be rented for one rear- 1 ha ale will be cotinued from dav to dav until the whole la old at this place. On Monday the 18th the sale ot the property of said C. Blackmail, deceased, will commence at the mill on Brooke r ' Swamp, consisting of five valuable Negroes, horses, mules, oxen, cattle, hogs, sheep, corn, fodder, house-hold and kitchen furniture, fanning uten sils, c At tne same time and place, the negroes be longing to said estate (which are not directed to be sold will be hired for one year. The sale will be continued from day to day until the whole is told ; six months ere. ait wm De given tor all tne purchased property.. Also at the same time and place, the Land which said decea sed bought of Isaac Guldens, containing teres on Isthroes marsh ia Wayne county, will be sold at six and twelve months credit. On Saturday the 16th, the plan, tatiort which said deceased bought of Uriah Bass, where on Charles Holmes Formerly lived, lying immediately on Neuse river in the county aforesaid, containing 475 acres, will be sold on the premises. This is valuable farming land and advantageously situated for range two or three years credit will be given. Notes wilk good security with interest from the date will in every instance be required- J SLOCUMB, Exje'r. Wayne county, 21st Nov 181 V B 4w W Mark Cooke ILL give 15 cent-. pr pound 101 1 allow scents per pound tor -Beeswax, t pari gouus . v.-.., for any quantity that may be ottered vo nun i-k 25lbdi)fHeceiiiDernext. Raleigh, November 15, 1S15. . WILLIAM PECK, HAS lately returned from New-loik, with a general assortment of DRY GOODa, HARDWARE, CU1 Lfcb Y and GROCERIES- Among them arc, beat super fine Broad Cloths, Fine Cottons, Silks, Linens, &c. bought mostly with Cash, and with careful setection. He wishes to sell them to his old friends nod new ones, and to all others for moderate profit Living, fortunately, near ac commoditing Banks, he lto;es ti.ei-y will be huleor no oc casion for crediting, and ol cuirse will have no chance for dunning his customers. )ui:igh, Zipt- 29 1815. NOlTcK. THOSE, in whose hands msy be any of ;1 printed co- 1 f . Tuition, to be preferred to our auue icg. Notice. XX obedience t: a decree made by the honorable the Judge of the court of Equity for the county of Edge combe anil btateof North -Carolina,, in a suit wherein Jo. sepli Arlington and others were complainants and the ben s of Robert Kicks and others were defendants v ill be sold by tUeSieriffof the county of Edgecombe at the court-house in tie town of Trrborongh. on Saturday the 6 ll day ofjanurry, 1816, a tract of LAND, containing 190 acres more or less, situate in saidconnty on the south side of Tar-rivet, and adjoining the lands of Eii Ricks, Henry Ricks andothers, being parcel of the tract ct land purchased by .bmes Ricks tlv elder of John Flowers; Also at (lie samfc time and place, will be sold the Mill Seat at the falls of Tar-river, well known for the advantages which it posstises, being situated on a never failing stream, and a tkickly sett led neighborhood. Twelve and eighteen montls credit will be allowed the purchaser, Bond with approved security payable to the Clerk and Master of ihe Cfuurt of Equity of Edgecombe County will be inquired. HOB EK I STUAR 7 , C. M. . Nov. 23, 1815. 4fl 5w pd pies of apetition, to be VJlK. laturt, at their next ensuing session, on r nalties annexed to publw immoraUues, are .equested to make the following corrections 46 5BOOT & SHOE FACTORY. "!.rr J5n. line fifth from the bottom, frlke nut little if anu, leval restraint it provided; and in- TdJZ?oZ day ttyive cents" ybedone on the blank margin, to the left -i' a note of reference. Boarding for Female Students. THE subscriber will. wi7in thecourse of a Jew week TOHN HOLLOW AY, 4? nhand lour or five bucdrfcd pairpr auoia w iL. 'k taree assortment of bhoeS, chU offer for sab on reasonable terms ti8 shop. i j vi ... ,,y .u na viii ir a uuiiiuii v. eu' nrtved.e etiahkd ta execute uy order; . two hflv mmnleted bis new oweiiins-""'i r " . havecompietennw aecommoda- wiiK-u .... Aeademy, u' . . J .1... urminarv. n 2!!?. tf S'SSZ fa! thier use." Wg tnree '"r. ,iUBovs wUl also be taken. uetacneu iwi ' i f. HON EKE. Notice. THE subscriber having qualified at Februar term, 1815, as administrators of David and Winifred Dar nell, request all persons indebted to make payment, and those having claims to bring them forward within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred. EDMUND LANE, MOSE8 HUTCHIN9. Nov. 22, 1815- 47 -3t. .... Notice. WILL be sold at the luU dwelling house of Joseph S. Darden, dec. on Thursday the 14Ui of D' C-ml er next, all the perishable property of said deceaxed ; con sisting of a larce. stock of Uorwa, cattle and sheep, one UKely mule, about two hundred barrels of corn, six of. seven tl.ousand Weight of fine pork, and a number other articles too tedious to mention six months will be given, the purchaser giving notes with approved security before the property is changed. A. DARDEJ JHTK WARREK Nov. 15th, ISIS. .4f 3- Advertisement, A T November l ens, Green Count Court, letters df V administration were granted to the subscribers on the estate of the late Joseph Speight Dartien, dec there fore request all those persons having anyju. csima against said estate td bring them forward properly au thenticated within the time prescribed by law, oth. rwisn this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery j and all those indebted to said estate are requested to nv k immediate payment; as the situation of the estate will riot adkut of indulgence. A HARD EM JET. IVARREJV. November 15, 1315". 48 Female Academy Warrenton. ryUE exumiiaVion of the Pupils at this seminary closed on the 18tfi inst. The exercises of the school will re commence on the first Monday in Jmiuary, under the same supcrlntcnd.uice as heretofore. JACOB M0RDECAI November 2Q, 1815- .r .48 1 a w Dec e o w Jan. The Raleigh Reading Room, IS open to subscribers and strangers. Terms, Five Dol lars per annum, or at that rate for aleser,time. Per. sons passing two or three weeks in town are invittd to at- tend gratis Those who ex.oct to remain n town a month, are permitted to subscribe- - 1 WM. E. HARVEY, At the bar .office. Strayed from the subset iber s house, len mile north of Raleigh, near Powell's ford, about a week ago, a like ly sorrel Horse, with a blaze face, and some white hairs interspersed over his body. He is in good order, age nbt precisely known, though believed to be young ; was late ly purchased in South Carolina, and it is believed that he will be aiming that way. Any person who wi'l stop said horse and give information, or bring him to th subscri ber, will confer a favor, and shall be generously reward ed. . ORREJV D. LA MO If. Wefriconnty, 28th Nov. 1815- 48 Notice. THE subscriber at November term 1815, of Wayne Court oi Pleas and Quarter Sessions, having qualified as administrator to the estate of, Betijamin W. Caswell, deceased give notice to all persona having demands a gainst the said estate to bring them forward properly au thenticated within the time prescribed blaw, otherwise, they will be barred of recovery and thos , indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, as no longer indulgence can e gnren. . IV. B Land for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale 16o0 acres of LAND, a' bout 14 miles west of Raleigh There is on the pre mises a dwelling house with five rooms below stairs,' storehouse with a eompting and lumber rooma saw mill lately erected, with an old grist milt and cotton ma chine In tile winter season ihe mill pond covers a, large quantity of land whicji may be drained and cultivated and from some small experiments I have made I find it extremely productive it produces a great deal of natu ral grass 1 cut and cured last summer SO loadi of hay from a part of it and those acquainted with rice sup pose 1000 bushels might be made annually 'f he land lies on Neuse river and on both aides of Barton's creek it is extremely well watered and timbered, and .v markably healthy. Also another traet abaut 20 niilei from Raleigh, containing about 288 acres, good, free corn L and. On this tracts .there is jalso a grwt mill, with a very neat and strong dant made of rock t it grinds but. little in dry Seasons, but m great deat in wet. I will sefl the whole or a part, upon as accommodating terms. any purchaser could desire. , ; - CHARLES TCEMfOIf. 20th November, 1513." ' , ' 48 6w 1 Take Notice. . ALL persons who wish to haV WOOpEN PX'MPS set in their Wells, an .have the wineoneby sTpplica tion to the Subscriber who will warrant them io be made of the best materials, and to perform vjtXti Ills conditionf we one Dollar ptrfoot, and the Iron Rod and Handles to be an eltffccharge "-4V '-f-j --", - ' ? - , ABRiHAk LASH. UaWgh,:S9lh.Nv. XStS. , ') .yjh.'s; . .4-if !-..- ' N. 3. Aby person who wishes to have fratcr conveyance brrmghtto seeffath point, c'ail have tM tf jflie rate of 4 dollars per 00 feet, they tic'k. " JOsJ; boards, and attendant. ; 5 ft f' v. WsynesBoroogty Nor; 20, 1315-. GREEJV, Aim, 49 3Vr rr r,i1'we 3ul we swot I Cn CtmS f-How named fiianw RAX A WAY from the 'Sulj be betengt lt Wulljua . County, on the 12th inigh eourtihouse. South-Ca anpreritice upward of 20 y erly the property of MLu low Stature. All persons arand sold to Mr. Hodge an4 -v or employing said apprentice firister The owner i secute, with rigor, ail otfeifid'tove property, pay thugti-'fZ DaK' . : Norertiber 18, 181i. IffORSlUMtJftr 5. 48 ft . 1 !. S i l! - W 1 f ! v ' tr ' ; . 1 ! m j 41 tf ,ii.