.JTfif AiMt aod lr. Window tirrscsied iloo rpbca Gil more, tats tariff of 1 JtHaadt both oa ths ttsject f art ears of uvea. ... Wfodow presented a bill rtlUTs to anspec floor oi tuUccfl la FayeOevttle. ... Sunty m added to U Committee A Fi- EVtbBak (f.K'itWh ru,.-tt. . b by ihu Suts tniTrire hurdre4 aod fry AtbyihetmebtaifaiDU:,t Amieodo C per cent and a Mr-phiaipe of ta per cent. . mounting on the stores hcid in h by No-1 Care aaod Mr. Hocton to it cwnxaiucc a. ten j h, w thrte thetnand kt hundred ajfct-vd - ' la ilr. V W. Jooe presented a bill lo eiu'ha j&cte i-r-w Wjf irxftgect aod decayed mc- .icehe f n the Senate the petition of Heory (tetaouS, lt sheriff of Greece ; received also j fer altexiog a separate electioa ia Tyrrell, "jcrirtd frop Hla ExcclUocy the Governor, a (gtgt enclosing the reaignatioa of the Hon F. it one of our Senator ia Congress. jctlTed from the bctute the following hills a clyin ike time of closing the elections in ,o bill to alter the Lame of Mamnsboro' ry a bill to alter the pLcc cf a separate dec itoCnatbamj and a bill to alter the time of county court. Tkesc bills passed their second Jcga-Snd were returned. Tat bill for moving a separate election in Meek- arg passed Us third reading, and the bill to alter .uffic of Calvin Hall was, on motion of Air ' j, indefinitely postponed. Ueived from the Senate a bill to restore credit f Juries Sutton of Stokes Read and referred. Pickett presented the petition of Sarah Chiles WjOi Paying lo have certain properly secured 'if. ' la'towancc cf 820 was made to Isaac Parker, UOhCft ic, Douglass presented the petition of Abner ler, of Kockingham, and a bill to legitimate k i the name of his illegitimate child. Rejected. fa. Lovt presented a resolution, to continue the udof Auditors, and instructing them to settle all ! $s of both the daucbed and local militia, with i exception of tltose who served at Not folk. Ke- isu to the Committee of Finance. 5n motion of Mr. Stanly, Resolved, that v. bene 3 appointment of any officer shall be telorc the jtral Assembly, it shall be in order for any mem. .to give information to the House, concerning persons nominated. Agreed to, Ayes 77, Nays I " j Tuesday, Nov. 88. tt; Roberts presented the petition of William Jbert, of Carteret, praying for a military land Tint, to issue to him, for revolutionary services, irred. 1 bill to establish a Court of Lav7 and Court of ity io Columbus county, was referred to the nl committee on the subject of those Courts as alio a petition from sundry inhabitants of afort, Ft, Hyde and Martin, praying that cer powers of the judges be transferred to juries es, &c.l 'i motion of Mr. King, the committee on the wine subiect were instructed to enquire into .expediency of rroviding by law for the sale of steal in preference to the personal estate oi intes The fcilowtug bills were piesenied . Mr. J. J 1, a bi:l to authorise the commissioners of Ha ito sell a pait of the town commons. From Setwte, a bill for the more uniform and conve i limiuistration of iustice. Read the brst uroe I to the d The Nett amount of the dividends and barn a. f re metooned, as declared' by the &au BJk oo f. VA,.h aecrpta-oaof tke oarttt offered Uem, smeaaariJy wocmOe! l tbit trtliesj and my otheroffitul empkrmews Urt udct, panUa rty of Lsm, octauonaUy ruled me to defer kt h Is, "J to and 1 flattct rnjicU t by the ckc of tae prm sesaion of it AsaemWy, roock) mote proems will be tmade 01 R J The eipcoditurc. uunlt . , of tLii i buUftess, are Dot as yel either bkoded wuh theshares heldiahbr Nonkli .v Ar. "Vr. "fto " T either t Cutting the Interest retained br tic 'rjr lh? lr!7 Accounts or Report. : due up to Docember last, amounted i7ZZ VD"orr -rd ,t roost proper, not to make. your tune or pauence just In couru of the session or Krir "b1" rojrpounas, Sevan now ; but STKr Z KSiT.' Mmh J ITS'" t -J . P.nlcU, m ed as the law dire as. In the robnth of December last, twelve thousand five hundred dollar were had of the State bank on loan & for the use ol N- Carolhu, under the authoii y of the act of Assemby of 1 813, chapter the secend. In the month of January Lst, two thousand five rune red collars were bad on loan and for I have the honor to be, uentkmen, Mucb and respectfully. Your obt. serv't. JOHN HAYWOOD, Pub. Treo: Bonds made for and by authority of the State of SaOrtll famlinsi. al rane M..a.j: l a i a a runcrea oollars were bad oo loan and for the use l.Y n c vu.nomg ana ncra oy of tke Sute from the bnk of Cape Fear : and a i i"c'e', "epon OI 18 14 nd lh,s "eP00 Reported 18U. l ie btate Uank in 18 U Bank of Cape Fear 1314 Bank of Newbein do Sute flank. !) mix Swte Bank, Jan. 1 8 1 . i n'mo I Report " Danlit'aTv Pr iu io.I of lllS j- - - UI t a) i 4jVV Raleigh, 29th AWmftrr, 1813. The above Report was read, referred to the Com I2.S00 7.5UO 7,500 12,500") , Thurdr. November 30. On motion of Mn Porter, Rctohcd, that a joint committee be appointed to (nate. like sum from the bank of Newbcrru under the an thurity of a resolution of the Assembly of 1813, for providing the means of paying the militia of this state, called into public service in July and August of that year. In the same month, ten thousand dollars were had of the Sute Baukonloan, undei the authority of a resolution of the last Assembly, for providing clothing for that part of the mihUa of North Caro- mittee of Finance and ordered to be printed. . I . . T 111 1 I t una men in service at onwn ana eisewnere. And in the month of July last, twelve thousand five hundred dollars were had of the Bank of CaDe - . .... . . ..,iU.KPui.viiuiitiua iiijrng me Ktsi na o-raae into consideration the propriety of issuing uici uiuuiaui nus ouue, lor meir services in me l reasury motes for the purpose of paying up the year ibu, ana suosequentiy to mat pewod. 1 his shares that the Slate owes to the different Banks; loan was autnorizca ana directed by the Assembly and that the committee of this House consist of ol 1814, and was r.egoUated on the teims stipulated Messrs. Porter, Stanly, R. Jones, U ilson and M' in the Act ol 18 14, Chapter the 6th, Clause the 5th : C'ulbcb of the Coramona. Sent for concurrence. ana me oona on wnicn it was obtained, becomes Received from the Senate a Bill to divide Bun- payaoic in J uly next. 1 lie Uank ol Newbern offer- combe county. Head and returned. ea to lend to the Mate a UHe sum, and on the like The bill respecting the Inspection of Flour at icmia , oui, s yeij u nab not Decome necessary to i ayetteville was read a second time and rejected, borrow more i nor to act further on this Resolution. Omnotion of Mr. R. Sanders, 1 he Loans above mentioned, as had of the Banks Retolved, that a joint committee of both Houses f r .. i r .... . . oi v,ape rcarano ixewoera, in January lasr, nave Oe appoiuted to consider whether it be not advisa been since extinguished 5 and the Bonos given on ble to alter the present mode of printing the Laws that behalf, are cancelled and taken up. All the re- and Journals of the General Assembly, so as to have rnaining or other outstanding Bonds, made by the them in a more portable and convenient form, after oiate, anu nem uy tne uaiihs, including as well those the manner in which Congress and most of the reported in 1814, as those hereiu mtntioi.cd, be- State Legislatures now publish their Laws end come payable or renewable on the lst day of Octo- Journals; and also, whether it would not be proper ber, 1816. 'to have a certain number of copies of each annually It is already stated, that the amount of the Tax of bound, so as to be securely preserved for reference 1815, which became due Irom and payable by the at all times hereafter ; and that said committee have Banks of Cape reur and Newbern, to the State leave to report by bill or otherwise. of North Carolina, on the first day oi October ia-t, . The above resolution was, on the part of this is not included in the Receipts at the Treasury at House, referred te Messrs. R.Sanders, Jeffreys, bove mentioned : , 1 his happened, not because those Wright and Hoke. Banks were unwilling to pay, but becjiusc 1 double . .' 1 1 ' 1 ' ., as to the 9um, which should of right, and according; r a r p rri if to law, be collected from them ; and because withal JxsIAjIuI. vrll. I could but take into view, that the postponing this matter a lew days, and until the pleasure oi the As4 Kiv mitrUt hft known, could not matt ri all v a fleet tWAMWIT J 4 , , ;'0 Saturday last, Uovernor of this State for the en- arrfrttj ; fed, in cWir g tiU rabn, tiat ek Lait daoeed a ke -t. Smrj an I lo say, that it 1 aabeea my lo kecr (for I era now too old to Mtctd,) tKat, at vanous U ciftg awamhins, witbio the last two or thre jears, Dot only nut ried Udica, but tx Udies have bcea uffcred 10 rcTjuia a wboi evoung, A nuf mtxJno to dmntt. And while tbt gay, younr and lovely favorites of tba fAshiuruble abd fiuie gallants io attendance, art burrricd, at th Erst ia urjuton, to tWa board of Feast, thera, leu fortu. Bate in the potency of their attraaiona, in permu ted to want almost the mrai y rrrtiMnrni,. O temper . v mrrt : SEN EX Moore. f PerMQ lo M.u RLK f n;. ..v... . ihe 4iM county, Mr. OMtiel IWe, to alut CXaabcth 1 uu. Communicated for ike Star. LOSS OF THE SCHOONER FRIENDSHIP. The schooner FritncUiin. r.ni.in lv u. 1.. ... r- - r nviairj muicr. ailed from New -York. 1.11k ). j . ' j nea, for Beaufort, N. C. about the SSih Aurut. On 8ai turuay. M September, ihe oppeared off our bar. Fbrae rrral diyi prtviom to '1 Oie bar had been vrry rouph 1 ry w..vl j .v.i uwuiw, wokii probably imluced ... . - - "uui WIU aiK.hor, to wait for a more .TNe opportunity. QV unuay I'tninn. uMjuiKpinnocr, iae gaie commenced o 1 'v, rawi isonunra the vetel waa wrecked, and our unfortunate friends cor- ipw ru waves 01 the ocean, tour widoss and aevemeen orphans, are left i deplore the loss affec -tionate hakbandi and tender parent- Ar. Thomaa Cooke, merchant ol tail place, waa on board this vetsel In the death or this gentleman our village hat sustained a lou duatrioui mechanic he (rave employmentto the poor and uiuun.uu.ic ui iiwru iiaua was ever open to relieve their wants. Mr. Cooke waa rndnaml hvn.oiM k,;n... talents, which were improved bv a troodeduruion. He- was uruuKui up io me mercantile businesi, bad a perfect knowledge of his profession, and was rapidly rising to uou waa an incsuiua- ble friend, a most irrrriblrnmninu Tn .- . . and the poor, his door was ever open The genius of hos- t.....v7 UK uuic. nia numerous irienas throughout the United States, will feel a pang of regret on hearing that ao choice a spirit has disappeared from the social circle. Severe indisposition hu prevented the writer from sooner paying this last tribute of respect to the memory of the man he loved while livino. and wtuMiintim.UH.th he will never cease to regret. ueauiort, Nov. 1, 1815 it fof Courts of Law and fcqwty, were instruct- i enatlire Into the expediency of authorising the 8 to grant new trials in ciiminal cases. f ' l. Wedesday, November 29. Ir. Porter a bill makiag it the duty of Sheriff's r?e notices of taking depositions. The Speaker laid before the House the follow Report from the Public Treasurer .' the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, TLEMEN, Tho Receipts at the Treasury of irjjh-Caroliria fir the year commencing with the If .f XT.it.mli.. 1 D 1 d. an A aniinn. llrWK itiA M C . - r -t..L IO tJt AH.k.n!nr. D..ki; 11151 Ul vblUUCl, 101?, viuumung x uuiiy i of every description the Bank tax only ex- i The Dividends and surpluses declared or three several Batiks, on the stock or shares jdin them respectively by the State The Cash reived as tire purchase money for Lands entered ; Me Monies borrowed of the Banks in course of Wear, amount to seventy-six thousand five him Msnd eighty one pounds, and six pence. km 0 6.) ITo this sum, add the balance remaining in the Wry on the first day of November, 1814, and Rafter to be accounted for, viz . twenty -seven .Jsand three hundred and twenty seven pounds, f sbillmgs and two pence, as reported to the lust ('aeral Assembly ; and a sum total of one hun i and three thousand, nine hundred and tiht uids, six shillings and eight pence is formed f3,908 6 .) From this aggregate sum, disbursements have i made, within the period first above mention tb amount of. sixty-one thousand, sue hundred sighty six pounds, five shillings and eleven ie, (61 686,5 M V-the vouchers for which are , hands of the Comptroller and ready for the Wt&on of roe Cbrntnittee of Finance, Ibis expenditure, taken from the sum total a S mentioned, will be found to leave a balance of y two thousand, two hundred and twenty two iDdi, and nioe pence (142, 222 0 9 remain lui the Treasury oi the State, on the first day of aeiThr in the, nresent vear say, on the first of November, IB 1 5, yet to be accounted for. Thet dividends and surpluses, which form very Wctable items in the Receipt above mentioned, 't declared by the several Batiks as follows, viz r )l fte State Bank of North-Carolina, in Decem Itast, a Dividend of five per centum : and a sur Sge or bonus of one and a quarter per cent, a wtihg on the shares held in the said batik by j-ttvCaroIiha, to fifteen thousand, six hundred and Wfive Dollars. '' fl the same bapk in Juie last, a dividend of five inaking on the shares held in it by this Vtwelve thousand five hundred dollars, theJBank of Cape-Fear, in December last, a , iend of five per cent amounting' on this State's jr in it, to twelve hundred and fifty dollars. h the same hank id June last, a dividend of five tent, and i surplusage or bonus .of three per waking on' the, bhares held in it by this State, iltlDAY, UECKMtiElt 1, 1813 His Excellency William Miller, was re-elected "T ."iT" T' " , . . ! on Salurdav last. Uovernor ot tu Itwillborne inmin iuar.uie actoi iw ,ux ' without opposiuon. wen tnat ueia Dy tne state as me oiock noiaen pj JoIn K Donneii, ei of Newbern, is elected ao indtvlauals ; and it will te remembered hkewiaeyjjctor Renelai cf the cwbern circuit, in place of 1. that the Act of 1814 taxes those Banks at the; u Gm ,cc The vote was for Donnell 101 siivw un.y, u.a Geore u Hadeer 83. J o v suiiic iai atiu iu usvc iiiaiiuti , itotk or shares belonging to the State, wl.ich by the first act ate made taxable tie by the last declared Captain YVm. Blount, of Beaufort, is elected exempt and free from taxation. . In consequence ol Major General of the 6th Division, vice General the acceptance, on the partoi those Banks, ol Uj (Jroom resigned. The vote was, tor Capt. Blouut amended or extended Cnarter offered them thro' thej 9 fjigadicr General Watts Jones 85. act oil 14, ine act 01 iovv expired or uecamc te : pealed in July last; and it of course, follows, that there1: The Hon. Francis Locke, ot Salisbury, has re- is no law now in force which authorises the publu signed hi3 seat in tne Congress ot the U. Stales, Treasurer to receive a tax from those Bunks, bavtj owing to indisposition. 1 ne Legislature ballotted the law of 1 8 14 s which is bottomed on a principl yesterday, lor a Senator to Congress, to fill the va materially differing from the ctof 1 809, inasmuch, cuncy, but no one had a majority. 1 he vote stood, as it excepts and exempts the Stock or shares, olii John Branch 49, Thomas Love 46, James Mebane as well as new, which are held by the bta'e in thosn 27, Jesse Franklin 22, scattering 33. f.nmoraiirins. frnm taxation : allilOUCh the old htijc't .' was taxable, as is above said, by the lorrner act. VEiervieKK very unpleasant report reach- The act of 1809, may be said to have continued ' ed us a tew days ago, of the destruction ot this A infoice for about nine mantis of the. Lst yesri meiican Brig by a British 74. This report Wis received at aavannan Dy captain oamu irom Tuiks-Is5and, which plaee he lettonthe 1st Nov. Another arrival et Charleston seven days later from Turks Island, brings no account of the circum stance. T he report therefore must be unbounded. Both accounts wall bo found unuer our Domestic head counting from October 18 1 4, to October 1215 : and the act of 18 14, may be considered as having Uikori place and run the remainder of that year. Thus circumstanced the Treasurer had ncauthoi ity.on the first of October last, lor receiving under the law of 1809, which had expired moot lis oelcrei a:d it appeared to him altogether unjust) to demand; payment under and agreeably to the provisions of the act of 1814: because, among other reasons which might be offered, that act haa but commenc ed its operation and it was well known to him, that the monies received tor the new Stock or snares made taxable bv it, had not been profitable; inas much as they bad not been paid over to ice Banks, ..... 1 r.L. but Jay, very generally, in uie uanua i me vumnm sioners. bv whom they had been received. The product of the Bank Tax, under the law oi 1809. nd under that ot 1814, cannot fail to be Very mateiiallv different as to amount; ano therefore, viewing this matter under the impressions which the foregoing observations may, 'in some sort, goto shew ; the public Treasurer oid not feel at liberty , t,o conclude the Legislature intended, that the Collec tion for the year in question should be made under and agreeably to the provisions anu uucvunua ui ui last menuoned act. . . ' The Agents for the" Banks, effered at the Treasu ry the usual tax or payment but as the act of 1809 is repealed, and that of 1814 is in force and operation, I did not consider myself legally justifia ble in receiving and giving receipts .in uU tor it, under the former law; and therelore fltuir.ed, or rather postponed collecting the tax of 18 f 5 irom the Banks; until the sense of the General Assem bly in regard to the difficulty stated, or the proper construction of the act of 1814, shall be made known : 1 will only further add with respect to this at it is a source ot no utile regrei u; The State Bank have declared a dividend of five per centum foi the last six months. Captain Sinclair, late commander on Lake Erie' has been appointed to the . command of the frigate Constitution, at Btston. Belore he proceeds to nis command, lie ias been ordered, we unuerstanci, to survey Yoik Hiver, preparatory to the establish mtnt of a more eligible sate for a Naval Dock Yard for the southern division of the coast, than those oc cupied for tftat purpose. Mtt. Int. , .Gen. B.D.Mitchell is elected governor of Geor gia, in place of Perter Larly, esq. The property assessed in Georgia on account of the Direct Tax, amounts to upwards of fifty mil lions ol Dollars. ftvOo the arrival of our fleet at Gibraltar, the Independence interchanged salutes with the Governor's JFott. His Excellency the Com mander in Chief, arid several British officers, dined on board ; and there was a general reci procation of civilities. Our officers were dai- iy on shore, The frigate united states arnvca at xnaiat ga in 21 clays from Boston. 4 i.KiAf. that J.i k -iwnmRtances to trouble the Lcgisia' tore with it ; which should not have been oont, bad I considered ,royseU auttonsea to om.wi-7 definitivelvonit. Af . . . iucJ, ft of cerum inofvioua.s, appointed for the purpose, 1814,Chip o; the .wcesry PJJJJJ ji Ke t..at eaclt Lady the room was politely at SSwta-! CwS3?tt Agenttendedto whetHhehou, for iupper or refreshment FOR THE STAR. A Hint- -or d C0iJor thote whom it nay fit. In those days wUn my stl? and others, that are now rather d to the mansions above,' delighted to participate in the pleasures of Public Assemblies anu i'anai g rarties 11 wa iu iunjBiiaaow uu NOTICE. ADMINISTRATION on the eate of Christopher Cur tis, dee'd. was jrranted to the subscriber at the last Term ofWake County Court. All those, therefore, who have claims against said estate are hereby notified to bring them forward, properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred and those indebted to said estate are required to make prompt pay mnt. ANDERSON CURTIS, AdmV Raleigh, Nov. 20, 1815. 47-3t. State Bank of North Carolina. Raleigh, JVov. 29, 1815. D ESOLVED, That a Dividend of five per cent, be, and the same it hereby declared on eaxh and every share of the capital stock oi this Bank, Tor the year ending on 2d Monday of the present month, and payahle at this Bank, principal, after the first Monday in December, and at the several Branches after the 15th of December A copy from the Journal, ' WM. H. H VV WOOD. Cashier. Coach Making Business. rHE subscriber informs the Public, (after thanking them for former favors) that he has on hand, finish ed, between 1500 hundred and 2000 dollars worth of B legant Work, part of which is for sale 1 and invites those who want or may want, any thing in hia line, to call at hlfc" shop, west of the Court House. , . JNO. T- C- WIATT. Raleigh, 28th Nov. 1815. Notice. 'T'HE Subscriber hereby gives public notice that he will not be responsible for any contract made with his wife PaUey Howell, after this day. Persons trusting her on his account will therefore, for the future, look to her only, for payment. -Given under my hand, this 84th Nov, 1815. DANIEL HO WELL Franklin County. 43.5 w pd Notice. rPHE Subscriber cautions all perions from trading for a x certain Note of Hand given to Martha and Polly Meg ginson, on or about the 83d of December, 1814, for 130 dollars due the lot day of July, 1815, as the said note ia already settled. SAMUEL MEGGINSON. Montgomery County, Nov. 86th, 1815. 48-3w '" : Notice. 'rHE Subscriber wishes to inform the public in general, - that he can accommodate 18 or 80 more Boarder than he has now. He ia also prepared to take horses ht good stables well, furnished with provender. JAMES MEARS. Raleigh, Nov. 85. Teacher Wanted. ; A GENTLEM AN well qualified to discharge the duties of Principal, in the Tarborouga Academy, for the en suing year, will meet with liberal encouragement Those to whom the appointment would be de&irable, are re quested to make application to the Subscriber immediate ly. ' None need apply, but those who are. well rceom mended. ' J -. j, N. B- The present Teacher having engaged in tho mercantdc business; declines a re appointment. ROBERT JOYMERf Sec. Tarborough, Kor tS ' State of N. Carolina, Johriiton County, Court of Pleas U Quarter Senumt, JWf. Term, 18x5 WWEREAS, the Subscriber haa qualified as Executor at the aforesaid Term, of Johnaton County Court t Now this is to give Notice to all bii creditor to bring forth thir rlaimi or rlmanHn. of whfltAV-l kutiim. -.nr. ttnw &-.- Via TV. vVkt navrtsa-n- Wlthial t!iA t.fWaaaV l.fftiltawfl fstf T .aslaV KssasJawMa V ' a ia awa iaf daaw Hi"lwia f j m,tm W 0 v SiaafVJ the act of Assembly of 1789, and the other aeti of Assem bly in such eases made and provided, will be plead in bar ' '.i'Vl.W JACOB BROOKS, Ex'r. Abverober 28, 1815, .. 40-lt pd 1 ' . . v " Notice.; r up arid committed to Wake jail on tbe 28th of November,, a likely negro, fellow named SIMON. . of yellow complexion. " He sayt be belongs to William '7 Hubbard living near Marlborough court-house. South-Ca roiuuW, This fellow waa formerly tbe property of M hu IfULemmoB of Fayetteville, and sold to Mr. Hodge aodV;' carried to South Carolina by Mt Brister, Th ewneris' requesvd to come forward, prove property, pay charm!; and take him awav. '-v; JORDAN WORSMAMy M" " V Raleigh, K.C. Nov.29,i8l. 48 ft 7 , Ollars. ,; ,

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