. " . : . , :. JOHN, D .7 H YUAN. & CO., proprietors.: .-ADVEBriSBMESia wUl be iDotUd m dw'tHU lr qMraitt:linw orIe3) forh i . DAILY EDITION, fr 6 months; - ' - ... - ' - - $15 00 3 00 WEEKLY EDITION, fori months. . - - ' ! 00 ; No subscriptions received oa any other terms than the above, or fof a longer or-Ehorter period. - :.. i ' ;-f-:,i"r:i" " " "aa TflEHESlDENTIAL QUESTION IX' THE ! UNITED STATES. i - The Convention of "Red? Hcpublican3 the 'extreme branch of tbo'BlacfcRcpnbfican - party held al ClevcTand on the .Tlst u!t, nnni bored 35l delegates:, JohnC. Lrcmont for IVosidcnt, atiJ Jhn Chochrane, of New lorJr, for ice I'rcsi dent were the nominations, and the lollowing platform was adopted : ' j 1st.-Tnat the Federal Union shall be preserved I . ml . "I 1 1 r .1 dist riqta '.where martial" hnvhaa Lcni proclaim- ed. ' ! . 5th. That the rebellion must be suppressed bv the destruction of its tnotive caua- slavery.. w . n ... . 1 . ,1 and subject to law, ii a recognized principal of American liberty ; that apy violation of it cai;oot be over looked.and must not go nnrebuked. lid. inat tue. von?iiiniion ani laws oi me uiunej- was over, a Bfjuau or six men, armed with Voited States must be observed and obejed. ' revolvers alone, and representing themselves as 3d. That the rebellion rnivst be suppressed "bj detail?, called !at the bouse of Mr. Andrew John force of arms and without compromise. ' stou and asked for dinner a very ordinary cir 4th. That the rights of free speech, free press, j cutustarice in this neighborhood." The proverbial' and the habeas corpus, be held inviolate pave in j hospitality of that stone mansion "vaa soon called Cth. ltiat mrcgi uy anatrcononiy art? uemanueu i una ai'um iue me muise, excuea some suspicion at all times in the administration of th Crarefn--j-of tobWry, nd the rather hinted the girls to retire, raent. and that iu the time, of ar the want of hurry up the dinner and b'e;on the watch ao-'ainsi theni is criounnl. . puienngs. inc c'inner : heing-nirctf,- all 7th. That the right asvluro, except Ujt crime j partook, while our friend entertained them ii f 8th. that the natioual policy tnown as tuo j HttleMoDr;e:r. Ho subsequently rising, w is press Monroe doctrine" has become a, recognized prin- ! cd by Mr. Johnston to fill his haversack with the cxule and that its establishment of an anti-Roa ' publican Government on this continent by any for- eign power cannot oe loicraicu. J 9th. That the gn titude and snppoit of the na tion is due to the faithful soldiers and the earnest leaders of the Union army and navy, for their he roic achievements aDd deathless valor in defence of oar imperiled country and of civil liberty 10th. That the one term policy tor the Fesi- dncy, accepted by the people, is stfenghtened by the forpe of tbe eir.ting crisis and should be main tained by constitutional amenaraeut'1. i 1 1th. That the constitution should be ?o amended that the President and. Ytcc President..; shall be elected by a dwect vote of the people. i 1 12th. That the question of the rcconstiuctipn of j the rebellions State, belongs to the people,through their Representatives in Congress, and not to the Executive. ' , i lOiK rTtif 4 Tin rrmfUfntirn nf tlin Iqnrlfl nf thr Rebeisand their distribution among the rr.ldiers while a ball from another grazes his head and and actual settlers, is a measure of justice. j passes through the door.; lle?dless. of the odds, Mr. Cochrane said in his speech "when we have j he pursued the foe till his captured pistol i9 empty got through with the rebellion, we will piovc to : apd a second victim is claimed by his just anger, the world that we have still loft to us will and vigor I while a third hobbles away with lasting marks for enough to preserve the American continent "lice j repentance. Heroic boj!: worthy the fiery ardor from the po'la&in treal of the myrmidons of for-f! of; his Elliott ancestry and tbe intrepid nerve of eigo powers. The New Hampshire "UnionCons : his fallen sire' yention" has resolved in favor of " crashing the i But to return to that stricken house thcr dy rebellion". and of Abraham Lincoln for the next, j ing pat riot, the agoiiizcd wife, .tbe. heart-broken Presidency. The war Democratic Committee, of New York city, ha passed resolutions laudatory j of i Secretary Stanton, and in favor of Lincoln for j President and Daniel S. Dickinson for Vice Presi. j ent. f i j APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMAND .OF j TDE CAVALRY IN THE VALLEY. j We learn trom the Richmond .Examiner that j Mijor General Robert Ransom, cf North Caroli- ria has been relieved of , his command of the de partment of Richmond, anl appointed to the1 j chief command ot all tho cavalry forces in the ' Yalley.'It will be recollected that Gen. Jones, ! I'll - 1 .1 I Mi t .i r i . ' w no nueu mis position, was Kiueu in tne ngnt j wnoia aione vengeance justly Deiongs. about a week ago with the enemy near Staunton.) . , A. -H. S. General Ransom will proceed ont' at onced to his j Flat Rock, N. C, .Line IS, 1864. new comtfiand, and will be accom'panied, we loam, i 1 by mosrofl his present staff. . HORACE GREELY AMONG THE DEMO j OwingTto the assignment of General Ransom;1 CRATS. to this cohmand, there will bo a vacancy in the correspondent at Washington, writing to the head of tfie department at Richmond. We hear j X Yt Herald, June 1st says : several names mentioned as his probable su-cesioiyi Mr. Gnely surrendered to-dav, hora'foot and apd most prominent among them is Gen. Curtis j nrtillerv to the Democrats. ! TTnnn visitW tb ''' ,-l . , " . . i siiau nave aiso a cnange in tne command of the militarypost of Richmond, Brigadier Gen eral Gardner, of Florida, having already been ordered tp report here, in place of Winder sent oht to Georgia: LOCUSTS. n c lesrn mai tocusi3 nave juaoe mueir ap pearance in the "Brnshy Mountain region of Wilkes county. They have the ominous Y on their Wmg3, whih used to be construed to mean War. "We should rather have beared of a variety with D oa their flying appendages Standard. j In its solicitude from the welfare of the western part of the State, as recently exhibited by the Standard, that paper should suggest soma menus for the extinction of the .locnsts. Hut wo pre-. s?uie it womy waiting iUr tnem to uamage veget- ation and the crops when Mr. Holden will charge I Gov. Vance with having sent the locnstswito I iceouilDons on ingir wiuga lor me uvprera ; rtf pnrppsef annoying the peop! of that section hat a pjty they Jo not bear a P on their wings j (jount IIaltiiiton or Loiji3 XIV, was regarded as po'that. Mr.. Holden could -cUim the honor of , tbc bcaefacl0I 0f Fiance, for suggesting that ser sendtfig them a, an augury ot IVace. A few !fTcanta an,j corporals should" carry firelocks- or years ago any omen of war between the North nd the South tickled Mr Iloldon wonderfully. Why the change ? The people not going with him, he wishes to go with;, the people. Greensbo ro Patriot. Yankee OUTRAGES IN T LOR I DA TROY BURNT. --NEW We copy the following communication from the ! fj li , Lke City Columbian, of a recent dale : The deserters, about ona hundre istrong, came up on list Tuesday night and burned up New Troy, the county site of Lafayette county. Not a house was left. They also burned nearly art the houses in the centre and Southein portions of the county, leaving only a few, and it is presumed the owners of those were either concerned or sympathized with tho de serters. They carried cfT-all the negroes, horses and males they could get. , They say they did this in ie venge for the injury thejroops did thtiif,"by burning up and carrying off their property. It is a deplorable fact tha, between the operations of our troops and the deserters, 'Lafayette county is made a sad wilderness : hundreds of women and children, rendered destitute" without shelter, food or p.lM)rn.' . ! -umrftLa p . a 1 leaa world. The gorernro'ent nor its citizens neither t a- . i j .u: . iur jiaz ouprjag assistance to iiieui iu iucu uu fortttnUa condition. m II something is not done many f thtxa wfll moit certainly starre. . j - . roi.;i. From the Columbia Carolinian, " Til E MURDER OF ? ANDRE W JO tlNSTON i Essns. EniTOn? : (This war has deyeloned nn Ltold evils ; bat no deed, T. thint, more atrocions ' than the oner 1 am about to relate. You are1 aware that this portion of theold North State has Iodt been the hiding place of tones and deserters, andhat rdetuils have constantly to be ernplojed in picking up me inu, tuv ncj ujr -puiringana maraud ing On Fridar list, the 10th int ' as the familv i J .. 1 r - . , - . i into a-rtive excrcrso,and wjiilst the meal was being prepared, the girls entertaioed the squad with j music on the piano and German musical box. The f men becoming, however, rather tree in their man- freely I era! convene, and himself waved the brush. Five of the number arose satisfied and retired to the (.passage way,while the 'sergeant remained sitting a bread remaining, to vKich lfe assented," but, in stead, walked to the door and. and lookini ont on li r command in the entry, asked "Boys, are you ready ? A clicking of fire locks was the response. Turning then qnickly on his host, he presented his p'stol and called ont, ,fYoa are ray prisoner, sir ! V "For wbaU,, answered Mr. J.; at the same time it is supposed, feeli'g for his weapon. But instantly a discharge, and the as- sasfciu d bali passes throuirh his bndv I VrvrrAnA by his comrades, the pcargant turns and runs down . 0 j - - . . tne passage way, and the deathvstneken man at tempts retaliation, but his arm h necessarily uq true. Master Elliott, (his son, however, a youth of no ordinary piowcss, as the scqual shows,quick- jy finds his maiden guu and fires, with buck shot, on the reheating foe, bringing one of the'Dumber down on the door way. Utushing, all unarmed, theu on the fallen man, he wrenched from his harul tlin 'rnstril rfi?nl f.ir - Tile n,n .lct.ii.;;, children ! . In an act of the highest hospitalitf in that rail, so BTnonvmoup, to all. who knew" it, with genefoas cheer 'o be ruthlessly assassinated and without the shadow of provocation! When iD0 history of these times comes to be written, takincr into consideration the very high character of the deceased, the time, place and circu rstacrs of the deed, none, methinks, will cry louder to Heaven than the murder of Andrew Johnston .nor,e more marked by "the deep damnation of its setting on." Farewell, my noble, genoroos friend! To other and more competent bnds I leave the task of thine epitaph, while the eye drops its tear on tnJ and then glances upward to Him to 1 l ..... J . 1 i J 1 i .1 L ..1 .. !ilxr of the House a few Republican members eurrounc'.t'U mm. when sudacnlv iIr. Jsrooka led hiru over to the democratic eide an, in a most fratemnl manner commenced a tete-a tete upon j ono of the'sofas. Shortly after, the Hon. Fernando l -Wood introduced to him Mr. Long, of Ohio, who tool: a Peat with Mr. Greely, "on the left, while' others sat down before hira. The party fraternized most significantly -for nearly an hour, evidently in eios"! consultation upon an important subject it is rumored the Cleveland nominations. . Finally the .party, dispersed in, wonderfally good humor, to the apparent chagrim of Republicans general ly. j AN IMPORTANT SUGGESTION. A correspondent of the Savannah aV- writing i from Charleston, South Carolina, suggests, that snW,orna narr maskots or rifles instead of sword. IJe think3"tbat it would increa the effective force f infantry full 5,000 men, and save the lives moriTT al 91lf. rnnn(, ffi ftWS whn urn iit-fnr ma- ! jpr-generals. He is of the opinion that either rry muskets, instead of spears or spontoons. The sug gestion was adopted, and 1G,000 more fighting men added to the French arm v. LATER YBOM EUROPE. . Advices from Europe to; the 24th ult. have been received at New Yort. : j r t i . t -r r rt l l S, m tne House 01 tomrn nS i naar suo- m 1 T t P( I n mntmn Cnf Vn raMirmtinn nf ilia Srtllthprn vunieaer.icy. The consideration ot tne motion was postpotved until the 17th. It is stated that the Em peror Napoleon has sent two commissioners to Amer ica to report the pi ogress of the war, and fhat they are authorised, in conjunction with England, tare new overtures for the cessation of the carnage. The Alabama, left the Cape of Good Hope on the 25th of March. The proposition of the London Conference to de tach Holstein and the Southern part of Schleswig from Denmark, has been rejecWl by trie, latter. A Utter from Canton, Miss., to the Clarion, states that 'Rishop Green, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, has gone into the Yankee lines to visit the narishts ot his diocese wiinin tneir limits. An illiterate corresponilent,1 who is given to sport ing, wants to know wnen the "Anglo Saxon race," so much talked about, ii to come on r mm ! - - - - W RALEIGH, K.' 0., THTJESDAT, JTJlfE l AUCTIOMSALEgi Et -iff: citoLT, - !4fetianel' r AtJCTION SALE 1 OF BY CATALOGUE. fN THURSDAY, JVSE ZOtBi 1884, COilMfiSCUrQ v-r m o ciocit, A. M,lwm aeii, at mj aleirooma.Wo. 2, Granite Roxr, Wamlngton, K. th entire canroe 6f Steamship - - ; t . BADGER AND LUCY, 1 PANNIE, CITY OP PETERfeBTJEO, and ether re el - f , . DRY GOODS. . N, i - -' " V : 18 caeei white ground prints 17 eases black aod white frintd mntiin 13 eases hnckabaok towels I" J I eaes organdie masiims ' ! 1 ' 8 bales army clothes , - 7 ease saperhosiery , ' 7 casos Coats and Clark's fpeol cotton. 6 cases fiaishing linen thread 0 Dales fancy shirts r ... 4 cases solid, broken and moamin rfnffhams 3 cases black lustre 3 cases confederate weeds. " I ' 3 cases ready made clothing 2 cases check and stripes, mourning 3 cases coat, vest and bone buttons 2 bales barege i ' 2 cases black satin 2 cases super black broadcloth 2 cases brown holl and 4 case3 flannel shirts 2 bates mixed meltons 1 bale blue and. grey serge 1 bale fancy flannels 1 case black alpaca ' 1 case black Orleans , - 1 case paper cambric, assorted eolonrs k 1 bale' mottied alpacas " 1 case Beauregard tweeds ' r 1 case sonthern' cloaking ' I 1 case black and.white prints 1 case shirting 1 case; fancy shawls I bale Linos, superior 1 case mo? uito netting 1 ease ties,' gloves,' 4o 1 bale super broad cloth, assorted colours 1 case irish linen 1 case pant buttons ' 1 caae black and white pins SHOES, LEATHER, Ac. 26 trunks Iadie'sv gent's and children's shoes 19 eases ladie'd, gent's, and children's qr bootees extra 6 cases army shoes ' 7 cases Barton's bleached and brown shoe thread 4 cases fr waxed calf skins ' 4 cases chamois eking 3 casei morocco tkics COTTON CARDS, CLOTHING Ac. 35 cases cotton cards, No. 10s, part Whit temore'ii beet. 1 case wool cards ii cases card clothing 33 xt . 2 cases. tillering ( STATIONERY. 1 cases cap, lettor and note ptxrer 2 oases gillotts stcl pons 3 cases pen holders 1 case pnotls apd pens 1 caee assorted stationary BAGGING AND ROPE 1 0 bales sunny bagging 14S coil bale rope GROCERIES. . 238 bages rio coffee - 50 barrels brown sugar 60 bar re i fl crushed sugar . 183 kits No. 1 maokeral 8 caskB chloory 10 boaes speTm candles 10 bags black popper 10 caddies young hyBon tea HARDWARE, &c. 8 tons hoop iron - 10 kegs nails' assorted sizes 1 casks wire 4 oases gun oaps , 12 bags shot , 3 cases knivas, files and razors liquors; &c. 4 quarter cask pure Cognac Brandy 1 haif pipe pure martel brandy. 1 quarter pipe pure plnet, castillon & co., brandy. 1 eight pipe pure; otard, Dapuy f-co , brandy 10 casks whiskey '. 12 casks old rum t 10 cases holland gin 3fi demiijohns holland gin ' DRUGS. &C. m 30 cases liquorice paste 30 casea liquoriee stick 13 casks alcohol 14 casks alum ': 8 casks epsom salts 1 9 casks balsam copaiba 9 bbis Tanners oil 42 kegs bj, carb, soda 5 bbls borax 3 cases uin:ne 3 canes assorted drugs 5 bbls coqeras 3 cases potass carb 2 cases blue mass l ease powd. ipecac t 1 ease iodide potass and iodine 2 cask 8 soda crystals 2 aks blue stone 1 case phosphorus June 16, 184. v 49 ts, I IMPORTANT INVENTION FOR TcasrAntrNci. AND RENOVATING OLD COTTON AND woox, oxnTa. mHE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING OBTAINED A PAT A NT 1 riht for a ettof instruments to repair and renovate old Cotton and Wool Cards, are now prepared to sell to any .person, or persons, the tight to use said instruments in any State or County In tbe Southern Confederacy. With these instruments old Cotton and Wool Cards can be thoroughly repaired and rendvated, and brought into use at a very small and triiliiH? expense. ' - Any number of certificates, as to the great usefulness of said instruments, can be obtained from tnoae who have had Cotton and Wool Cards repaired, and it is important that we have them all repaired during the blockade, bo as to make them ser- ViWebnowodfferWeepnblic to sell SUte and County Rights to any person or persons, to use our patent for aaia Instru- m!t requires but a small outlay to procure the Instnimentsand make a beetnnine, and an active agent can make trom $90 to f 100 per dayV and Trom $5,000 to $7,000 can be mads la a conn- J. H. CARLISLE '& CO.. Rinrwcod P. Om Halifax county. N. C. 45dAwlm. June 13, 1861. DAILY PRAYER MEETING 1 j. . THE CAUSE AND THE CRISIS DEH AND IT. A PRAYER MEETING WILL BE HELP AT THE Methodist Church, ih this (DItyv Daily, at $ o'clock, ... - -i y Come promptly. Pon't wa.t for, the bell no will be rung. . . ; RaleighjN;CMay5th,l$a4. 12 tt JOHN o. & Co., y STOCK AND MONEY BROKERS, OONTINUE3 TO CABOT ffjmjamOM IBOT Kj TLtt at their old stand as Mmofors la all lt anaaw br anches. U ill ,li li V Mo 23, 1864. No: 53. . !PB1UGY!, . BEATiTIFnLLT.YTnXTTHTrfArn BE AtJTIFULtr.V "IT.T.rTRTi? a r?mi BEATJTIFULLLY ILLUSTRATED; ' " - ELEGANTLY PRINTED ELEGANTLY PRINTED . ELEGANTLY PRINTED EVERY SATTJRDAY, i " ' . EYERYrSATORDAY, ! :" EVERY SATURDAY, ' i - ; v THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY I THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY OE THE SOUTH I OP THE SOUTH 1 - 7. . ' I )' ''" WITH ROMANCE3, SKETCHES, TALES of REAL LIFE, NOVELETTES, INCIIENTS, AND ANECDOTES OP THE WAR I -ESSAYS, CRITICISMS. POETRY, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, . W ITT lurSilS AND MIS CELL A N Y J rscLUDrNo TRANSLATIONS FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH AND OTHER LANGUAGES, Making a complete Casket of Polite Southern Literature IT IS A HOME JOURNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD ! IT IS A SOLDIERS PAPER " i FOR THE CAMPS 1 IT IS A TRAVELLER'S COMPANION ; FOR THE CARS ! IT IS PLEASANT READING FOR EVERYBODY ! Alio the most Promfneiit and Talented Author in the Swf A, as well as tho younger favorites, arc wri tins for MERCURY; Subscribers can bo supplied with back num bers, containing tho following BEAUTIFUL AND THRILLING STORIES : "The Trump that Triumphed ;" a Talo of Love. 41 Jerome lliot;" a Tale of the War. "Maud:.-or, Tns Ghost, raoii Beneath the Bridge. " Tn Refuoees Niece,' founded on incidents? of the War in North Carolina. ; "The Desebtek's Daughter;" an dxciting Talc of Real Life. " . ' r "Jekkie Aston;" a Romance I' ; ."Tried rit MtJitDSn ;'; a Thrilling Romance, j " Krettel an exciting Story from the German. " Alaro Venzilat a : or loretta's Resg ; an ! Italian Tale of Love and Warli ; " Blue ahp scAPXErr , "TT!5 inciaewa ana Anec dotes of the War, etc. ILLUSTRATJ0N8 : ''NONINTERVENTION;' i "THE REFUGEE'S TOME;" " THE CASTLE OF SPAGNETO THE DE3ER3-ER'iS DEN' IN DOVER SWAMP. All these articles, toghar Vu an nemvir of LITERARY MISCELLANY. are contained in the first thrpp fiumbp'fs of VoL'IVJ. 1864, (commencing April W,) tt this really SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL. SUBUKlkTIuriix tnontns, .ulv The iratl8 suppnea at $z:.pcr liiuircu. A.'hir?, . WM. B, SMITH, Editor ancl -Pioprietof, Ralergb,- N. G. May 7, 1864. ' 14-6m. GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. His Excellenoy,'Z3bulon B Vance, Buncombe, Governoi Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid. . do George Little, Wake. do Richard H Battle, Jr,i Anson, Pxv ate Secretary. Pr Edward Warren, Chowan, Surgeon General. John P HRuss, Wake, Secretary of State. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Publio Treasurer. Curtis H Brcgden, Wayne, Cemptroler. Samuel F Phillips, Orange, Auditor. Oliver H Perry, Wake, State Librarian. Major General R C Gatlin, Lenoir, Adjutant General. Major, William B Gulicif, Beaufort, Paymantpr. Major John Pevereux, Wake, Quartermaster. Major Thomas D Hogg, Wake, Commissary and Ordnance Officer. . Major James Sloan, Guilford, Quartermaster. Major Hsnry A Powd, Edgecombe do Major James II. Foote, Asst. AdjL Gen., (Roll of Honor.) Major William A Graham, Jr., Aft Adjt. General. Lieut. Josiah Collins, Washington county, Ordnance De- LieuU John B. Neathery, Wake, Asst. Adjt. General. Lieut Thomas White, Franklin, A?st. Quartermaster. . Lieut. Isaac W. Garrett, Edgecombe, Asst. Qaarterro ster. Lieut. Thaddeus McGee, Wake. Asst. Commissary. Lieut. Charles H. Thompson, Wake, Asst. Commi-sdry. JUDICIAL. Supreme Court. Richmond M Pearson, Yadkin, Chief r,M... r-William II Battle, Orange, and Mtthia? E Man ly, of Craven, uu6 , nu n Rpzers, Wake, Afternev General; Hamilton C Jones, Rowftff, , B Freeman, Clerk, fleets in the city of Raleigh second Monday in June each year. The Morganton term has been discontinued. ; . , ' Superior Ciir. Judges. Edwin G Reade, Person, Romulus M Saunders, Wake; Robert, R Heath, Chowan ; Robt S French, Robeson jJames W Osborne, Mecklenburg; George Howard, Wilson ; Robert. B Gilliam, Granvlllo ; William M Shipp, Henderson. ; Solicitors.- Circuit, Jesse J leates, Hertford ; 2nd Circuit, Charles. C Clark, Craven; .,rd Circuit, Sion H: Rogers, Wake, AUorney General; Alh Cireuic Tboma Settle, Rockingham ; 5ta .Circuit. Ralph ruston, Cumber land - 6th Circuit, Robert F Armfitd j. Yadkin : 7th Circu-.t, William P Bynilm; iUh Cinnit, Augustnn S Mernmorr Buncombe. -t . li . Confederate State Bhlnct Court. Bifrg. Martin Jndge; George V Strong. Wayne. Attorney ; W Watson, Craven, Clerk ; Wesley Jone, Wake, Marshall. Council of Slate. F B Satterthraite, Pitt; Robert P Pick, Guilford; Pr Jams Galloway, Wilke9 ; L Eldredg Johnston; J R Hatgrave, Anson; Jesse R Stubbs. Martin. Literary Board His Excellency, Gov. Vance President Ex Officio, Rev William E Pell. Wake, and Professr Richord Sterling, Guilford Pr Wm-.fcio&n, f.Garton : Richard H Battle, Jr, Secretary. ! Boxan lKTKaAL Improveme jTTS IT is Exc ellsn ?y, Cot xr d...;. T?.-tUlun. Wm Eaton. Jr. of A arren, J H Flanner, of New Hanover, and Montferd "i ;, cmmi,8;oner9 of sikie -?&?mlf . Alamance, Hon Weldon Zi .iw-.xa, r j i Pa?id L 8wain, Orange. - The-Ucirersity cf Nortn wariu- a w. xrnn D.Ti4 L Swai, Preatdent. J - Ke" Skin H WUey Is 8a,perlntendeatxf tht Ccmmcn, Sehools f tho State. 1 - . ; " jrWZ J Palmsr, A M, is Prindjal of tho K C Inttution .v - fwfDamk and the Blind, at Raleixh. Dr Edward C Flshsr is- SipsTictsaaenf of tks la tans I As7la htn ptnt ilf ttt:th men, j :imit Umm tit' iuarrwgw ueainf, rellglew and mhm ! wseci te ad refinements and mait be pftid ta r - tthi. office xrith dispatch. .a4 ww.. fc. the Samfctrn Confederwy- . - i - -v - ' i MILITARY . DIRECTORY. No! 1 1 Liter. Colonxxs. j - XLuobs. Uam A lit own. Jtiatt li nrrn. Lewis C Latham. Dan W Hunt,- -Wm T tnimt, dwta AOctxirs. WlUlaaTHUl T IfcLeod Tflrfitr, Rnfci A Baztlef, Wm II U OewUs, iThocStMfctasr ) James-RaUll- s 3 4 5 6 7 S 10 8teph D Thraiton.f Win M Parsley Hoht ?Wcbb, Kd Hsywiod, Ja3 itwtueon. WmH Cheek, i ooan vv Lea, ! Sim ilcD Tat. i Wra Le Daridioa. Stephen D Pool, Wm'J Martin, H J Coleman, Jos H . Airman, R Tyler Bennett, vTmMacRae, Wd A Stowe, WmPJIirtlD, John D Earrj, C M Andrews, Thos F Toon, Thoe 3 Ganotrsr, Ilenry T Qolon, 11 12 is 14 15 18 17 18 10 SO 21 82 23 24 S5 26 37 23 Francis WBird. WmSDarla, HeniT a Rogers, I Wm A Johnston, A S Cloud, Thos II Hhirhe John W McOiU, Wm Q Robinson, Wm B Rankin, - -i- ... . -i Robert W Alston, . , Benton WtUezs. Jos II Lsmbetn, Grsy W Hammond, LJ Johnson! ! ' - Wm P Rohsrti7" Wni JPfoii.' '. . Chae C Blacknan. Wm J CJarkr. I John L Harris, Tbaddeaa 0liT WnSOrady. Jas T A dam a,' Jos C Webh, Sana N Stowa, , II M Rntledge, John R Lane, J A Gilmer, jr, Sn J) Lowe. sam c cryaon, Geo F Whitfield. J Wra a AUuear, , j i.c J rotttt, 20. sn Wm B i reaaraan Frank M Pjrrxcr ) 3t 32 33 34 S5 36 37 38 SO 40 41 42 43 44 43 4 47 48 John V Jordan. -4st W KnlhL . JohaADUcXay, nnry G LewU. , , Jos II Sana dtfra. . , David Ci Cowan, i Robt V Cowav W L J Lowranco, Geo T Gordon, John G Jones, Jas T. JoUnston, William Lamb, John D Taylor, -Wm At Barbour, , i Wm (i Morris, Wm J Hoke, I John Aahrord, David Colemao, IF A Reynolds, -John J Hedrick. Georce Tail. j Fiands L Twltty,' ounon ii iayior, , Jas M StsreoAon, Jackscas L Boat, Geo W Flowers, WnxAHsDand, Rogsr Moors, , Thomas J Urown. . Walter J Buggan, NelUMtKMcflU, Area D Crudip, Wm 11 Jones, James T Davis, Jas R McDonald, Eric Ersoa, John A Baker, fAMWaddcll, Jobu E Brown, . Cnaa W Bradanaw ThosSKcjian, Thos O SlnReltary,! Tare L Hargrove, nniauei 11 noyn, uonn k wjnston, Wm L Saunders, AC McAllister, QcoH FArlbAulr,-1 Ham ft Walknp, j AHmsi t nilt. !'4 Lee M McAfee, John A Fleming, John C Vanhffak, (eo Wort ham, Hector McKutban, 51 fd & 54 r. 57 .IS i uait-D a uooeon, Marcns A Parks, 4 Ja T Moreheaf, . Andcrpon Mlis, Alfr II Bclo, G Gratiott Lake, IlftDiilton C Jones, Wm A Owcn!, Ken B-.Mnrchison, .Tohn K foimally, laul F Faieoa, Arch C Godwin, .lolih li Palmer, i John W Graham, James A Cralge, Thomas J Dala, Kdwnrd Cantwell, Jameo T Weaver, ismea -M. siaro, James T Hnff, Henry Harding, James it McNall!. Thos P Jonea. j W waprt MJlardy, 61 I JasDRadciiffe, , i w in uevane, i Geo'W Clayton, Stephen U lZva.ua, Wm N Garrett, ; l Alfred H Uaird, ' .... -i . 64 05 m 67 68 Geo N Folk, John .T Spann, ti ii iciQprcuii, John N Whitford, Kufus W Wnarton, James W Uinti, I Ed C Yi Uowlv, Clem Writ Ed Whllfo The Flrtt Battalon (Hc;ivy Artil! ry) I commanded by MaJ Alexand r MacKar ; Tne Fit battalion barp Snooters by Capt R B Wilson ;--..ie ccoun B'ttaiion (luuntry) by The Third Battaliou (L'glii Artillery) b) MJ John W Moore ; The Tenth Kuttalion by Mai w JU Yoanz; TneTwiiri Battalion by Cap J O Cnerry ; The Thiri4-inh BatralioD (Lht A'til'ry) by Lu:ot Col Joseph tt tsta.tr; The Porirfeentu tiat taiion Battali Hon (Cavalry) by Lient Col J L Henry; The Flftetnth ittalin (Svalrv) by Lieut Col J M Wyiin; Thomaa L g'0 nttlnts of a Kctriment and a Battaliou and la commanded by coni Col Wm II Thomas. .The 1st and 3rd Kedmcnts aro in Stewart's .Brigade, John gon'a Division. Kv:J1 Corps , . . i Th 2d, 4th, 14th and ath are fn Cox's Brigade, 1tode' Di-.' viaion, Ewell's Corps. . i .1 . The Cth, 12th, 20th and ?3J at in Johnston Brigade, BodiV pi visimi. Ewe' Pa .Corps. .t r L The Cth, 31 at, 64th and 17th and 1st Battalion Sharp Shoot ers are in Lewis' Br gade, Hoke's Division, Beauregard's. Corns. The 43d Kepiment is temporarily with this Brigade. Th7tnrl8th, 2Srb, 33d and 87U are in Lane's Brigade, Wil cox's Division, Hill's Corps. ,T7 . . ' ' The 8th, 31st, Slstund 61st are in Clingman's Brigade, Bean- "The 9tb? l?th, 41st, Sth andtOd are .in Barripgar'f Brigade, Bampion's Diriaion, Corps. , . i . ThS 11th. mh, 14th, 47th and62d ar in BJrkiand'i Brigade, Heth's Division, HiH's Corps. The IZih. ith. 22d S4th and 38th are in Seals' Brigads, : Vilcnx's Divl-ion,' 11U1B orps. . The 15th, 27th, 4th and 45th are in Cookie Brigade, Heth's I DTher7th"Sd8, Stb Rud Wth are in Martin's Brigade, BokeV I Division. aure?ard Corps. tj The 4th, 5rh, 3Mh, 4-tn ana win are u an o' f. ito.arcgjru j'rnMV Din. Tne 3Jd, 43d. 45thVKJd and d Battalion aro in Grimes' Bri E The Stth and 40th are in Herbert Erlgade, WhiUng's Piflr . Al'a Psma - "V - ' B'& 3hTafcla McNalr'a Bride. French's Division. J ' . tSSwS ! in Davis' BriftaderHeth's Hlvl.lon, HUl'a Corel The 6Slh and 60th ara in j 6Wi 64th. thk 67th and 8thars not brigsdea. sion. Tee ICth, JUNIOR RESERVES: 1st Battalion Reserve Forces, MaJ. C. W. Broadfoot. d .. j o J. U. Anderson. 3. " Hooks. I 4. y, . .. .. j. ji. Reecs. t;Z .. ' . W. F. Beaaley. -LU .... xr t -V if. .w . . iu i A.. vi. m. 7th Ma). W. Foiter French. GOVERNMENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. JfrTereon Pivia, -f Mississippi, PrtUt, lry Alander n Stephens, of Georgia, Vice Prsldnt, lal- ?jT'the P,eJenf-Col Wm Brown, of Oa., Col Jarne Cuesnnt, of S. C, Col W ra P Johnitoa K;; Col Jowph C 18, of Miss.-, Col tj W C Lee, of Vs., Col John T Wood.. . . , rrieate Secretary ta fVeJif-Bnrton N Harrison, af Department of S?ate-3n V Benjamin, of La., fleers. tary of State. l H vvavnin'ion, .uii r.f AaaUtsint ?.f!rearv in vacant. Department of Justice -Attorney General, r.e Vrrth r.amUna.. Wade Keves. of Ala., Ai Geo Davis Assistant AU torney General. Rufus H Khodew, of Mis., Comnaletioa er of Patents. G E W Nelson, of Oa., Superintendsnt of Public Printing R M'Finitb, of Virginia Publio Printer. Treasury Department C G Memminge, of 8 C, 8- . retary f the Treasury. R .bert Tyler, Register. B EI more, TreAfurT. J M Strother,. or Vs., Chief CUrk, Lewis Crugtr, of S. C , Comptroller. B Bker,of Florida, Ijt Auditor, W If Taylor, of La., 2d Audtior. . War DrpaMment James A Seddon, of Va-, Sserstary of War. Judge Jotin A Campbell, of Ala., Assistant ! n?try of W.tr". RO 11 Kan, Chif Rurean of War. Gen S Coopr, Adjutant and Iuppor General.!. Lieut Col John Wither.-, Lieut C d fl I Clay. Major B4 M.u. w u tnn urn 1,'inru.Lii itciiio UbW ana xu. r Onerals. lia. OiDtrtnrmaster (Jenetai- . . . i . 1 . - Brig Gen A R Lawton or Wrtnop, of 8 C, Cmioishry General C H Rmith, M P, Agsutari.a,rroo. Navy Departments R 3IalIory. of Florida, Secret., -.wi 9 v.. mm v. l Timb.U. Chief Clerk. Com John M r T, nhicf nf Ordnance Cora-A B Fairfax, Inspector r nmTlmM. Cm J K Mitchell, in chars e ST Orders and n..,;i sriron V A NV Spottawood, Chief of Medietas, aud Surgery. Paymaster J PeBrice, .Chief of Clothiog' and Prorisim?. ' IKitoftce Department ohn n Reagan, of Texas. Post ! ma;ter General.' U ot Ceorge Offu ot ., uniem. 1 RtTr.-aa. B S Chments. of Tenn , Chief of Appoint- ment r.f Bureau.- John L. Uarrell, of Ala., Chief of nanra Bureau. B Fuller, of N. C. Clerk -I CITY; OF RALEIGH. I Mayor -Wm. H. Harrison. coantissie.SRa. - Western Wri-W. H. Tucker. Alsx Crsssk sU P. mdJle WardW- It-' Richardson; AugustaaL. loafso. ani S. .W. Scott. ' .' . Eastern Word. Dr. W. H. MeEse, J.J. Owb aad If J J Chrtstcphcr islerk to ths 2omji aai City Tax. Collector. " ' - ; I : ' W R. Richrdiion Is City Treasurer. - ::TQ-Jcn CcnstaUes-J. J. Belts, Chlsf-W. V.psats, Aiisttint. ' ':; ' 1 "E.-P. Battle, City Attorney. j ' . - J. L. r-rigton, f!tj. Printer. P. G. HiEg, Weigh Master. : ; ' - ; nioar watcxI " C7ptttn -C II. Ilortoa. . . 1 W itchmtTE. A Jhnjon, Wm. BmWo. C. Par kw. M."-C' Lutar, C. A. Driver d Wm. Overly. The last Wedniay nib of eaah inonUk is the tlsae ftjsi for the ruUr m:atiag: &c tt JJviJ-d.

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