i .V. ' "..,ri,-" ' " . V : - V .. .; !.'!-',-' . - - - i . ; .... ... ' I ..; - . . j - Tf ... . . " . - : . - h ! i; ' . . - . '! .;!,. - . . - - . - ' . . ;- . . i ; . : : - .- I s I: THE CONSERVATIVE; JOUV' D. UWIA3! & Co., Proprietor. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: The following are the only terme of subscription to TIIE CONSERVATIVE : . - , ' DAILY PAPER, I month. ' - V . - - i r"- - $ 8 00 " . .3 month, - - .... - - - - " - . li mnAtlia - . - - . - - 35 W WEEKLY PAPER, 3 months, - - - - - " " " . .. 6 months, ; - - tiio Always to belaid in advance,' and pipr stopped when the time paid for empires. . ' ... I . ' ." ' ' GOV. BROWN'S PROCLAMATION. . Every patriotic citizen of .Georgia will cheerfully respoml to iheproclaniation of the Governor, calling out alj the men-between, the ages of sixteen mid fiftj-five, - capable of performing military dutyTahd not already in the service, or necessarily exempted. The people will heat tily endorse this timely action of our patriotic Governor. As the Chief lagistrate of" a sovereign tate, it is his djty to bring into re quisition all its aiailable strength, for its defence, in this crisis of imminent peril. . , Gen.' Johnston, who has tested the value of our State troops, now under Gen. Smith, and has' borne honorable testiaiony to their efficiency has solicited the further aid of QLr citizens, in driving back the in kier. No luaTi' who has a spark of patriotism in his soul, will in;nK wr a moment oi. uisregaraing such, q ' 111 "' ' -! 1 11 " 1 " ' ' ii . 1 1 - j- - r - r" . ' - "lll'TI ill 'I .ii. 11 Tol. I EALEIGH, N. C, TTJfiSOAT JULY 19; 1864. No: -7 5. NORTH CAROLINA SICK AND WOUNDED. List of North Carolina Sick add .Wounded Sol dicip, in the Hospitals jit Richmond, on the 20th I- appeal. With 'everything at Stak of June, 18C4. 1 ': " rCONTlNUED.1 Gross W.'co-B 28 . Gorpon R M, co B 32 Gibson (i t co Jj 4 Gdd J, co H 44 Unify. J F, co II 5 Gates T L, co 1 43 . Gardoer G A, co H 2 Gay J V, coK 83 Grant E, co D 4 Goodman O.to K 4e f Garboee Lewis, coiK 48 Gaddy A H. co I 43 Gardner H II, co G 2cvGooch W, coK 14 , Grifley J H, co B 43 Gay B, co K 14 i Green R P, co B G Goodman A M, co C Gilliam J, cb B 3'S Glean R g, co B 26; Gocdson Sergt, co F 24GHfaspie NV L, co Clcv Gordon 11, co A 44 Guthrie Corp, co G 48 e, Willi lain Gnu Hi no- J IT. PoOa KatGrnhKa W U m UO. 11 -it t. o.,rv. r1!, trnthn Y A. en I S3 frrintlav lf nn k f'7 1 Gallev 0 B, co A 48 Gibbs J.S,eoB34 Gough G II, co JI 3 Golding 0, cd E GU Gains Sergr, co I 16 Gregory JM, co E 51 Giecn S E, co G 43 Gillaspie W G, co C 6 Hick- 0, co K 7 Hall Corg, coG 53 -Hci)dricksW,.coC 12 HortonR T, coF 48 Hicks S M, co F 8 Harrcll J C, co H 8 rescue to r v . w wit nujn'jn Ji im-ganam army and its noble commanuer, who lor njontbs- have been btttlin on ourown soil in defence ,cf our homes'and , -all that is dear to'uj. The Governor, whose Kturdj- patriotism scorns all ' halfway mearures, has issued, the most stringent or ,!. to eompel obedience, to his just and constitu tional proclamation. But, jve, sincerely hope, that no coercion n!i ue necessary, mat no recreant will bs found 6ase enough to shrink frDm the perform ance of duty, at a moment wlren the State demands the services of all her sons. . It is the peculiar pro. vince of the militi of the Stato, to turn out for her .iefence, when her soil i polluted by the foot of the invader. Upon them is now devolved thcihigh dflty of" driving the : invader from the Commonwealth. It can and will be do'i, if the cill of the Governor be universally complied w-iih. . . We hrj e that the -rminerous claFsof Confederate reserve?, between the ages of forty -five and. fifty j who hive been det i1l'd to make their crops will ac company their neighbors to Atlanta on the 20th, and unite with the men and boys in the work of or ganization. This will doubtless be J entirely satis factory to the Confederate authorities. They consti tute with the Militia, a force purely for State de fence, an'l there ran be 110 reasonable objection to their consolidation for the present emergency. The oWect should be, to bring the entire available ruili tvv strength of the State into the field, at the ear liest possible day. . " The Governor is censured for expressing h'S opin ion, as to the failure to concentrate an adequate cav alrv force on Sherman's rear. But we are glad that be has thus pointedly alluded to this vitally impor tant matter. We hope he will continue" to urge the necessity of throwing a sufficient cavalry force, un der Mich leaders as F.orrest and Morgan, upon Sher mans line of communication.- Despito the cen sures of iho-cOo advocate a slavish subservience' to 'die Aduiinisti alien, and who would'stifle all crili cim of Its acts, he has the right both to form and ei press an opinion, as to any matter affecting ihe safety of the State. If he thinks anything has hoen omitted necessary to the defence of Georgia, it is his duty to speak out. 'We are sure that he. will, not shrink from doing so. Jle is not the mn to be hruw-beaten or silenced by the champions of power,. by the servile adulators of the President, who would 1 llari.ilton J T co I 13 nave us oeneve tnai 11 is a uign cnisuetneanor 10 j Jegier P, co I 48 difTei in opinion with that functionary, or to object j jj 0t p A coEa to any of his acts. Augusta Sentinel. j Haynes Ii, co I 11 Hynleman J S, co G 5 Harrison H, co E 51 Holland".!, co I 43 Hoffr Jno, co B 32 Hughes J, co F.48 Hen in J, co C.G6 Hawkins JS, co K 22 Hawkins A F, co K 22 Haggin J F, co G 52 Hurrell G, co C 52 Henry B O, co If 11 Harris W II, co L 2 cav ! Harris J A, co G 6G i Heigepath A, co G 27 S Hill Wm, co I 48 Haglan J M, co I 48 ! Hall NC.'co II 11 I Holder J W, co G 46 Hoover J Al, co F 46 Hup W If, co F 15 Johnson If, co B 54 : Jpnes W R, co B 1 Johnson "W F, co G 20 Jones R, co A 11 Jones W A. co D 26 Jackso n C H, co A 21 Jordan J H, co D 25 Jones S. co R52 Jackson Q, co G 44 . Jones L T, co F. 25 Jones A JI co K 3 Johnson J P, cq G 28 J ones K. R, co I 27 I m bier Dt co H 48 Jenkins M, cq JX15 Iriviq O N. co D 14 Joiner R: co H 12 Inman J R. co K 20 Johnson Jas, co B4ftiv Johnson KAY. co A2 Jon es W A. co F 14 i A Johmsoxt R co ;G 54.; ln tfonnson jco v6 VWiJ X Ut CO 1 i Gibbons A, co G 16 Gortocy J? F. co B 37 i wh Mt-u Gammon Sergt, co H 14Gray W H. co T 33 Jones S. ca a sa' Ganso Corp, co B 18 Gardner W J, Manl bat Irving A, co A 20 r 5 Garthc B co H 4 Grimslev L, co A 26 Gutlipspaugh H, co F 13Goidon It Col, 34 -Garner W B, co B 13 Gidney Captvco E 12 Glover Serrrt, co A 31 Griffin W J, co F 3l Goodwin H, co l) 31 . Guld A J, co A 16 Griffin Wm, co D 47 j Gardner J A, co A 17 Gardner J A, co A 17 Gillespie Corp, co H 28 Halcombe J, co K 66 IfolderVH, co G 57 Harrold J F, co D 57 I Honeysuckler W, co I 38 Hudson L, co Iv 1 Harrald L co E 54 Happer T J, co B 25 Hazell.iM C, co Ale? Hay G il, co K 55 j Hatris W'0,coB 26 Ilanley W D, co II 20 Hall Capt, co I 43 i J utton Geo, co H lev Hams T co L 21 ' Hardy J A, co D 50 Hoiton O C, co B lV, Harmon J, co C 28 HaTkey J J, co F 49 x ff 111 ITT 1itl'll TT O . t nuuuiesune v, co r tniu iu, co xi 04 lioke J 1 , co A 21 Hargis, R S, co K 54 Holland Jy,.co F 54 Hooser E J , co F 2 1 Hickman II, co C 18 Helms L R, co II 7 Holland W T, co C 1 Hall T,.co G 32 Hopkim S A, co H 8 llolton J iM, co li 51 Hunuicutta II, co 1 40 i Herri n J W, co B 55 Hodges J R, co H 61 Huffstedden J, co G 12 Helms H, co A 48 Hooks J, co D 42 j Hunter W J, co I 3cav Hipp J, co G 34 Uihneld WF, co I ScvHelton AV, c B 54 ! Hrhsmith R S, co D 3cHarrison P M, co H 66 Ilenaerou S W, co II 16Holbrook W, co K 7 Home L, co K 34 Hall W J, co C 47 Hall T Y, co C 23 a p. , from the'Confcderalo. IT Ml XT ' iiENDEisoN, jranviue i;o., j. l. July 12, 16t34. ( Mem. Editors of (Lc Confederate : When I see men battling so earnestly and vigorously for truth and right, whether with the sword or that other powerful weapon, the pen, as you are and have been .lor some time past, wielding so successfully to the utter on fusion of ihe enemies of the Southland the utter exposition of fraud, wrong, error, and of all bad men, I cannot withhold my aid, knowing with oiir enemies both Rbroad and "at home, you should be put in possession of all the facts connected with tkem. I therefore proceed to state what I know in regud to the principles of a certain person, who. I believe to be an enemy to the South.. I have seen recently in your excellent paper, (the Confederate,) the card of the Rev. W. N. Bragg in" which he "abjures and denounces the secret political : organisation into which he professes fo have been' led by a weak arid over anxious desire for protec tion." I was inthe city of Raleigh some time dur ing the last spring; and being intimately acquainted . with the said Rev. W. N. Bragg, I called to see him. Arid he remaiktd Jo me 'that he wished himself and iamily were all within the enemy's lines ;v he Paid that the)r would be better provided for than they were here. And yet in-his card, he says that there has never been any design on his part to affiliate with the hated Yankee. And, said he, " the people here are no better than a parcel of cutthroats and, said he, "the whole government-is rotten 'to the core." And the same Rev.-W. N. Bragg wish ed that Richmond, and the whole concern ahout it might sink into oblivion." Yet in his card, he says he does not wish to injure the Southern cause still he wants to 6ink the houtheru capital and its gov ernment into oblivion. ' O! consistency, thou art a jewel. I also heard at the same time and place, the same Rev. W. X. Bragg say, that he believed : "Gov. Yance to be the meanest man on earth ; that he was washy and unstable; that he voted for him )nce. but he would "never do it again. But, (said he,) I shall vote for W. W. Ilolden, for I th ink he is the proper man for Governor of North Carolina." Messrs. Editois, I look Upon the Rev. V. N. Bragg as being an cntmy to the South, and a very dangerous man ; a man who lam convicted ought to be watched with an eagle eye. I do not think lie ought to be allowed to hold any position, eith cV as chaplain or anything else, in any hospital in the South". I believe that whatever benefit the Rev. W. N. Brag might bo to the sonls of our soldiers woqld in all prolability.he counteracted or overbalanced by his' sowing the seeds of disaf fection and diiloyalty, which" might thereby cause some to desert their colors, bo shot at .the stake, and thereby loose both body and soul. - Now, Messrs. Editorp, if you wislT to use this letter in vindicating th'e cause of the South, by exposing her disloyal men, you can do so. Use it as you see proper. My motto is, expose a man to the fullest extent, when he is not right in regard to his country, andis country's ciusc. ; I care Dot whether he be A Prince, or whether he be the tall, or the wise, orf even tbe Reverend head expose him. - , I, am, with mncb respeef, .yours, - . v JAMES O. COGIULL. : We are informed by persons .who know the writer of the above, that he is as respectable a gen tleman as Granville county contains, and that 'he has lost three sons in the army, and is a true and reliable man in every . respect. We merely men, tion the facts for the information of those nnac ouafoted with" Mr. Coghill, " " - ' Harvill J, coC52 Hnys Jj, co Gk47 . Ci rp Holmes, co I 46 j Helms A 0, co D 87j' Harding A, co C 26 Borne N C, co H 43 Hays B co B 5 Hopkins FM co F 43 Holston A, co A 03 Henry J A, co C 14 ; Harrington C Tco F 51 Hebner R, co A 23 Ilolden II F, co I 55 lUgger D hy co 0 10 ' Haynes L A, co H 54 1 Ha l H W, co I 20 Hudson V, co D 53 Harriss G Y, co B 56 Usggins B F, co K 61 Horton RR, co.017. I Harris E K, co G 14; I Haines, J F, co I 28 1 j Hudson S, co 146 Hill L, co G 46 .', ; Hollemon C B, co I 6 Hall N C, co H II ; Henry B G, co H 11 j Hooker J tT, co A 2 bat Hawkins W P, co H 27 ! Hamrick K, co E 12 Harvey K, co K 4o Hoyl co II 30 Huffins II, co A 53 Henley A, co II 6 Howards, co'K 2 Hioks L", co F 21 Harman W H, co E 27 Holder A, co A 5 Hall VV D, co F 28 Harrison J H, co E 45 Harrison Wm, co F 21 Hurbert J, eo G 12 A ales D, co C 35 Harris M A, co A 7 Hix Y, co D 53 Henry L J L, eo E 53 Hunter U S, co K 23 Halternaan J A, co A 33 Holmes E H, co C 2 Hinsen co K 20 II age r R T, co K 21 H alley N, co F 27 -Hooks V If, co I 15 Hill J, co G 27 Hallo way J A, co F 22 Herrings J, co G 56 Haynes B, co D 2 Haws E, co G 20 Hales II, co K 32 Hollingsworth, co A 45 Harris J J, coG 43 Has per V II, co D 35 Hursh W, coA?8 Hanes S N, co G 38 Jlines J B, coB28 - Harles G, co II 26 Helms T II, co C 1 cav Hubbard J, coK 43 Horiycutt J, co H 42 HamptonR F, CO B 27 Harriss W O. co A 11 Hicks G, co H 33 Uexftus P B, co II 22 Hux G Y, co F 35 Hicks J M, coE48 Hand P H. coP 45 Hoke, ast sur G M Hoke stf Hardista A S, co A 88 Hillsworth E, co H 14 j Higgins F G, co K 61 Hall B F, co A 43 I. Henderson D J, co A 35 Hobbs Wm H, coH 31! Hedgepeth J T, co A 31 Hardy T W, co B 30 Hanser H, co 1 11 Holder H H. ccr F 2 Howard JM, co F 49, Hornback H, cb K 43 ! Hood W L, co K 30 Hudgins W J. co U 5f Hester W, co D 18 1 Hopkins P, co C 1 cav Hudson J, co I 61 Hafts M N, to.H 65 ! HicksA,coE85 Hicks J D, co G 43 Banner Z T, co I 25 Jones J B T, co B 1 llerbinson W J, coB 11 Jones W Mf Co C 5 TTa 9 . fusion u co D 23 Jolly W. co HI Jones A. co Kir Jordan Cvco I 46 Joiya J XI, co n 22 Johnson J, co H 48 Jacobs J, co D 56 ones L A, co K 3d cav. Justice J W, coK 13 Jones J B, co G 44 Johnson L W, co I 28 Johnson- A, co 16 Johnson W H, co G 57 Incors J. co E 83 Johnson B, co D 48 Iseley B,co G 44 Johnston W W, co A Justice D F, co H 84 Jarvia J N, co II 83 -Jones J&s, co G 26 Johnston J, co G 48 Jenkins ST),-co G 23 Jarvis T J, co B 8 " Jtfyrrer W H, co I q Jenkins R M. co ll i cav Jackson Wm, co D 44 Johnson J co K 30 Jscob J W, eo G 54 Javis,W, co I 66 Jearman. R B, co F 47 JorC,A, co C60 James K G, co B 34 Jones E, Maulby's bat Jolly J C, co I 34 Jenkins J, co F 43 ' James J, co G- 8 Johnson L, cq I 57' Jones J, co h 21 Jones G W, co A 43 Jones H, co B 46 I : Joynes S A, co I 6y Johnston R, co B 31 j Jentry H, cb H 2d bat ' Jackson L F; co A 5-car Ivey R R, co E-5I i Jones W H, co H 50 U JolleyBF,co E27 , ; Kleller B, co K H " ' " "I - 1 4. ! ' Jones E .W, co F 15 Jackson H, co F43 Kiug J O, co af 45 . Kirk G, co E 57 -KfrJB, co 0 5 car Kagl C, co K 5 cav . Krirainger T, co A 52 Keep J R. co D 34 EirUand J. co A 66 Kilfitrick J B, co E 27 KinBVco G 11 H , ; Kiiatrell W A, co l 84 Kenxtsdy J D. co G 38 : ' Kilrjtrick G-L, co E 3 car Kennedy W H, co 048 . Kylsp, co 048 Kearney n Cf po G 15 . Kelley W, co Oil. Knight G L, c C 43 Kooatz II, co E32 ( KilUy JO, co 152 Keek J llt coJP 6J . Eie-i S J.co06i ; Jvennedy i. co J 34 . Knight TF, co 143" Kyles R T, cd C 43 Key M, co B 2 Kovenzey B F, co A" 43 Kennedy N, co D 49 Klutts T, co C30 KtcheT J W. co 26 King N.xo F 33 BEAUTIFULLLY ILLUSTRATED! f " St',' ELEGANTLY PRINTED T ELEGANTLY PRINTED - b i ELEGANTLY PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY, ; EVERY SATURDAY, ' : J EVERY SATURDAY, t . ' THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY -V THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY OF THE SOUTHl' ... - V OF THE SOUTH 1 BRILLIANT AND CHA RHINO, WITH ROMANOES. SKETCHES, TALES or REAL . UK -LKTTJSS INCIDENTS, - and anecdotes of tiie War 11 . essays; criticisms, ! poetry; history.; biography WITTICISMS AND MISCE,Ll' Jenkins AY A, co H 21' Kirby G L, Surg 2 Johnson O B, co I 30 Keudricic J L, co H 34 Keeling W C, co B 20 KiaerT. coE34 Lewis J II, o P 48 Littl Wm. B81 Layton J F, CO O 66 Lanter co C 6a LeTh6p,oI55 Lattery D S, co 1 18 Linsley Q D, co F 54 LeaehRM, co DSl Lee O T, co II 31 Lone CM. co H43 Lane J W, 20 Laoeli. coF 2 Long H H; co F 1 cav larerer jco a 4 Latta H C. co E 46 Lane J, Co E-16 Lindsey B, co A 13 Long R K, co D 25 . Losrat B. po D 33 Lanier B, co B 51 Lilos WC, co 1 53 Love J A, co II 49 Lewis S, co 4ili Laney W X; caE 48 ! LacyJII, coF 2T Leonard D, co D 47 ; Love H, CO Ki3 Lasbmit WF, co G 83 Loveless J Vr. co F 43 LancyHooE4S LaaserH Ovco II 51 KizerG W,colG 21 Leslie T B, to A 57" 1 ' Lanier A, co F 14 Laney J T, co A 48 " LlUey 8 S, co I Long Jesse, co G 20 Lamb E co C 43 - Loyd S, co C 5 , Lamb B, co F 53 Lackey W II, co Q 33 I Loy w jco F 28 1 Lynch II P, co C 84 ! Lnthcr C L, co F IB I -Longbottom J W, co H 23 Lefongne N, co A 1 2 Lemuel N x, to 1 14 : r Landing B, co II 31 . Lzel L, co F. 33 , i Leake m, co H 2 ' Lattlmore J L, co B 49 Lamaley J, co E 83 j Lemmons J, co C7 ! Lewis M T, co A 51 Little GE, co K 17 Lyals Tnos, co B 81 Lyles, J C, co B 81 - LfngJe TC, co H43 -Livens W, co K 47 Lovelace T, co D 55 henoirs S, co K 47 Longbottom M, co A 28 Llpo J A, co C 43 Leake Tho JcoJQ 21 Lynch Tho. co K6 -Lee S B, co K 30 1 (TO BE CONTINVEI). awnoumcememtI ' Johnstpa County. We are authorized to announce C B. SANDERS fkr th Senate, and H. H. FINCH, and JESSE HINNONT for the Commons, to represent Johnston county in the next Legisla ture. They are in favor of the re-election of Gov. Vancb, and opposed to Mr. Holden's Convention project- .74 te. eDaly Confederate land Progress will copy till day xf election and send bill to this office. ; ' ! Lexikotox. Jdlr 12. 1864. f H O-CtPKrVTATTTT r YVlJ Bi"C E ataOHzeflTf O "fffi- nounce me as a Candidate for a seat in'the House of Commons in the next Legislature. My political principles have always been those of a true Conservative and Henry Clay Whig. 71 tf. j C. F. LOWE. We are requested to announce JOHN. POOL. Esq.. as a candidate in the Senate for Bertie county. 71 3w. -iHSrW a-re authorized to announce Lieut. uR. H. JONES, .of-Jones county, aa a Candidate for the Heuae off Commons. 30 fte; ADVEIlTISTJVn r a TwodayV - - - M?0 1 re days, - . . ,J niy woros, or eiLt Hues One W, . 0f or XMrrr xots, on vxs 'wo weeks, - . - i oq Three weeks, t- . . 44 W ' One month. -J- . - 7J Co . Two month. . . "W- lil lit liooal squarewtil fc , h7Z?.e nt a aonare. and addl- Ourgod u .drertl.emii.!. adiSCK .2"? : WOOL HOUCE. v ' . . ' -' QUARTERMASTER'S 1 iPART3rENT -,-vAM NOW PREPARED ' TO EXCHANGE JCOTV tn: . y1" an jor mree pounds wihed Waai flranch for four ivnnd nnwaahed. Mw"; opVM OM . at this place. our Itttvllle, Colerain, and Persons shipping wool to this place will nlease mirWWw " wltt r-afrlntWlfv for clothing the NVcCTroo ' "WT wuraeu tmmeaiteiy. I hope the people notice, as the Wool w 61 tf." iia.wd:XV.?5Th.cA.- ANY I INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS FROM THE GERMAN ! FRENCH AND OTHER LANGUAGES . " M- . Making a complete Casket of ' . I Polite Southern Literature! IT IS A HOMEOURNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD 4 IT IS A SOLDIER'S PAPER : : JOR THE CAMPS! IT IS A TRAVELLER'S COMPANION I .; FOR THE CARS I IT IS PLEASANT READING if, I FOR EVERYBODY! All of the most Prominent and. Talented Authors in ' the South, as well as the younger favorkes, are writing for THE MERCURY. IS?" Subscribers can be supplied with back num bers, containing the following BEAUTIFUL AND THRILLING STORIES: "The Trump that Triumphed" a Tale' of Love. "Jerome Elliot;" a Tale of the War. ! "Maud: or, Tiib j Ghost from Beneath the Bridge." . ; "The Refugee Niece," founded on incidents of the War in North Carolina. "The Deserter's Daughter;" an exciting Tale of Real Life. , ' "Jennie Aston ;" a! Romance. ' "Tried for Murder;" a Thrilling Romance. " Krettel ;", an exciting Story from the German. - AiiAiso- YKzjtATA : -'or-t,rjKETrAs KrxG " an Italian Tale of Love and War. "Blue and Scarlett;" being Incidents and Anec dotes of the War, etc. 1 2 a 4 6 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2TJ 21 22 23 24 25 2 27 28 29 30 81 82 33 84 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4(5 47 48 49 50 61 62: 53 54 55 57 58 59 W are authorised to announce EDWARD PATRICK. as a Candidate to represent Greene and Lenoir Counties in the Senate of the next Legislature of North Ca: olina JnlySth, isn4. ' lot. , f : 7 : ' ; i ,. Camp 2nd N. C- Infantry, ' - June 27th, 1864.. To the Citizens of Jfayne County, N. C. ' : By request! announce myself a candidate to represent yon ln the Senate of your next G eneral Assiembly. If elcoted. I shall endeavor to serve your interests, if not elected I sball cheerfully ab'de your decision. v ' , 1 am' your obedient servant, W. T. FAIRCLOTH. July 6th, 1SC4. - . G6te. To the Vofers of Bertie County : Kf Fauj5W CitiIbns and Soldiebs : I am a. candidate lor the ITonse of Commons in the next Geqeral AsBemblf. If elected f will repieisent tne coHnty jaltnTuijy. with a aaesez&ra twine nteaesta of both citizens and ftoldior. And in nry legislative capacity shall 1)0 governed, at all times by an earnest dee4re to promote the general weirare and feonqr or the state, j . x am, respeciiiury, . v Your Fellow-Citizen, JAMJffi BOND.- IN $10 00 , Jnly 7th, 1834. 65 te. Ta the Voters of Bertie County J I FELLoW'CmzBNa : I am a candidate for a seat in tne House of Commons, in the next Legislature of North Caro- ina. In t;6minsr before you for re-election to a seat, to which you Kave elevated me Ibr Six years in succession, I trust you nefd no proof that I have at heart only what X conceive to ba for the best interest of our common country. If elected 1 shall permit no opportunity to pass witnout giving my support to all measures that will, in my opinion, promote the honor, dignity and prosperity or the state. I am, sincerely, your fellow-citizen, ' P. T. HENRY. Colerain, Bertie oounty, June 161864. " 49 te. To the Soldiers and Citizens (voters) of I'erson Voun ty iV C. At the solieitatibo of many friends, I have consented to be come a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Pereon county, State of North Carolina. , , Should you hoor me with yodr sufferages ai.d elect me, 1 can only promise toerve you with fidelity, to the belt of my ability ; on all occasions tobe in ray place ; besides, my opln- . v . rai Wh abmm a All thar ions and actions in wis war w wc .uwu m. ju I deem it entirely unnecessary to say more and leave it with the voters of this county to decide. ,c , July 7th.l86i. - 65 lm.. SSf Wk are -authorised to announce E. MJ WELB0RN aaacandidaU to represenf the etunty of Wilkes in the Houae of Commons at the ensuing eiecuou. do tepa. utm authorised to announce the name of D. McdTlINDSAY, as a Candidate for re-election to, the State Senate, from the Counties of Camden and .Currituck. . May . " vU r- MaiorwA. D. CBUDUP. of the 47th Regiment N. C wZZrxm iVannonnced br hid rrieoas as n. cauuiaaie to rt?prc TrRil,nii Senate of the next General Assem- n"u.mU and a supporter of Governor i7a TCbnseWatire and 0PPrte position lu ttoararPrdWttw SshSThe county; butie hopes that hj noflibllitV Of his friends will blr. He Vance. Hia see that hts posiuon is ivuij " ' wi-te June 27th, W., te . Bertie County. rrTJ ARE AUTHORISED TO ANNOUNCE HON, DAVJD W OUTLAW lie orSent Senator from Bertie, as a candi Section PHe will vote for the reflection of Gov date for wttcuea, iie w i lade enUire calculated na.iee-r t uTt a d bonorable pSace. on the basis -of wr.k .r,tfcori W to annonuce ckpt W. M. SUTTOnJ of Gov. Vance'f election, and is a troeouthern Jniv ia. iwu. -:- ' i mSm July 18, 18G4. rea-aut "iTlSSf uSdelh Alexander ah Wilkes, in theBenAieof the nextTOeneral AseemWybf North Carolina. man Kit aavocase ox peace w 1-i a V ai - nendenca from thW Northern SUUs. , s . 4-44wAw3w. .. . .....oiniM Da. JCiTTS FJ FOARD " re autnonzea ViiTihVnonte of andldate toprent the cnfwaain House of Commons oi tne next uw i rtnt Juty 1st, . , ILLUSTRATIONS: "NON INTERVENTION;" ' THE REFUGEE'S HOME 'Tin! n a QTf.r. sPAnxrpTA u THE DESERTER'S DEN I DOVER SWAJIP.. All these articles, together with ari endless variety of . LITERARY MISCELLANY, u are contained in the 6rat three numbers of Vol. TV, 186 i, (commencing April 30,).ot this really SUPERB FAMILY JOURNA'L. i SUBSCRIPTION Six months, The Trade supplied at $20 per hundred. Address, ! ; WM. B. SMITH, -Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N. 0. MavT.18B4. 11 fim. j l . :- - GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. His Excellency, Zibulon B Vance, Buncombe, Govemoi Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid. - do George Little, Wake. 7 do . Richard H Battle, Jr, Anson, Private Secretary. Dr Edward Warren, Chowan-, Surgeon Generak ; John P.H Russ, Wakei Secretary of State. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Public Treasurer. Curti3 H Brogden, Wayne, Comptroler,. Ssmuel F Phillips, Orange, Auditor. , Oliver H Perry, Wake, State Librarian. Major General R C Gfttlin, Lenoir, Adjutant General. Major William B Gulick, BeaufoTt, Paymaster, j Major John Devereux, Wake Quartermaster Major Thomas D Hogg, Wake, Commissary and Ordnance OfficeV. - , : . -.!.' Major James Slean, Guilford,irQaartermaster. . Major Henry A Dowd, Edgecomba, do. Major James H. Foote, Asst. AdjL Gen., (Roll of Honor.) Major William A Graham; Jr., Ass't Adjt. General. Lieut. Joeiah Collins, Washington county, Ordnance PeV partment, ' j Lieut. John B. NeafEery, Wake, Asst. Adjt. General. -Lieut Thomas White, Franklin, Aist: Quartermaster. Lieut. Isaac W. Garrett, Edgecombe, Asst. Quartermaster. Lieut, thaddeus McGee, Wake.- Asst, Commissary. Lieut Charles H. Thompson, Wake, Asst. Commissary. . JUDICIAL. ' . Supreme' Court. Richmond M Pearson, Yadkin, . Chief Justice, William H Battle, Orange, and Mtthias K Man ly, of Craven, Judges-; Sion JI Rogers, Wake Atterney General ; Hamilton C Jones, Rowan, Reporter ; ! Edmund B Freeman, Clerk. Meets in the city of Raleigh second Monday in June each year Tho Morgan ton term has been discontinued. 7' . . ' Superior Courts. Judges, Edwin G Reads, Person, RomoJus M Saunders, Wake; Robert R Heth, Cbcwan ; Robt S French, Robeson ; James W Osborne, Mec&leobnrg; George Howard, Wilson ; Robert, B Gilliam, Gran vllle ; William M Shipp. Henderson. " ' Solicitors- Cireuit, Jesse J Yeates,. Hertford ; 2nd Circuit, Charles C Clark, Craven; 3rd Cireuit, Sion V Rogers, Wake, Attoroeyflaoeral; 4th Circuit Tbomar Settle Roekinghara y 5th Circuit. Ralph Buxton; Cumber land ;66h Circuit, Robert F Awhfield, Yadkin. ; 7th Circuit, William P Bynum; 8th Circuit, Augustun S Merrimon, Baneombe. " . Confederate State District Court. lion Asa Bijrgs, Martin, Judge j George V Strong, Wayn. Attorney ; W F Watson, Craven, Clerk ; Wesley Jones, Wake, MarahalL Council of State PB Sattertbwaife, Pitt ;j Robert P Dick, Guilford ; Dr James Qalloway, Wilkes ; t Eldredge Johnston; J R Hargrave, Aoson; Jesse R Stubbs. Martin. Literary Board. nis Excellency, Got. Vance President fir OQZcio, Re .William E Pell, Wake, and Professor Kichord Sterling, GoUford; Dr Wm Sloah, of Gaston: Richard H Battle, Jr. .Secretary . ' - Boakd DrTansAi. InaoTMBifTfc Hjs ExeeUency.GoT Vanee, President Ojfrcio, Wm Eaton, Jr, of Warren, J H Planner, .qf New Hanover, and -Montford McGebee- Riehard H BatUe. Jr. Seeretary. r r I r - Commissioners of Sinktif J-undsVon TThomas RnrSo, Alamance, . Hon AVeldon N Edwards, Warren, and Hn Darid I Swain, Orange. i " I - - J ' - Tbe University of NorthvCarolia is, at Cnapel , HilL Hon-David L Swain, Prsident. : , f j .. ( r . Rev Calvin H Wiley U Superintendent 0 tha Common Sehoolsofthofitata. , : - s ' Willie J Palmer, A M, la Principal of the N C Instuticn for the Deaf Dumb and the Blind, at Raleigh. Dt Edward C Fisher i Superintendent or the insane Surg-eon OencraTi OQce. : wier- !? reProptlyl)y him and delivered to . . 4, tf " : H EDWARD WARmSN." r - 3u. - -. yaxgwn UcBcral North. CaroUca.. .v MILITARY I DIRECTORY. ' V FIELD OFFICERS, BRIGADES. DIV73ION3 AND CORPS OF NORTH CAROLINA REUIMKNTS: ' v . . No Colonels. ! LtETTT. COLOKTLS. Ham A Brown, 1 Jarratt N Harrell. - ! Walter Stalling, oicpu u 1 uruion, in ai r'arsiey, i Jas H Wood, ... t jotrn w i.ea. "Sam McD Tate. Wm Lee Davidson, t Jno K Mnrchleon, Robt F Webb, Ed G Haywood, Jaa M Whitfon, Wm -II Cheek, Stephen D Pool, ' Wm J Mart iii, -II E Coleman, Jos H JJyiaan, It Tyler Bennett, vm MacRae, . Wm A Stowe. L Wm F Martin, jonn u .Barry, C M Andrews, -Thos F Toon, Thos S Galloway, Chas C Blacknall. f Wm J Clarfcr, ti m. Jtutiedge, John R Lane, J A Gilmer, jr, Sam D L'owe, Wm B Creamau, Frank M Parker, John V Jordan, j"ilnry T Galon, I Fraurl W Bird, . Wm 8 Davis, !j4Ieiuy A Rogers, lj Win Ai Johnston, W II Yarborough, A S Clond. ! Thos H Sharpe, Wm G Robinson, ! ; - . Wm S Rankin, Majors. Lewis C Latham, DanWJInrtt, Wm T Ennett, Kdwin. A Oaborne. William J HU1, . .. J McLeodVFurner. Rnfua A Barrier. Wm H H CowloV M Thos Sparrow. JJtmes Iteilly. Robert W Alston, K Benton Withers, Jos 11 Lambeth, Gray W Hammond, L J Johnson; . ThosJWooten, Wm P Roberts, W L J Lowrance, John G'Joiies, William LamL Wm M Barbotir, Wm J Hoke, David Coleman, John J Heuricki John A Bakery John E Brown, xno3 t tt.cnan. waiter J Vosmt Thos C Smereltary, Taze L llarfrrove, Chas M Stedman, Wm Jpfohl, Thaddeus D Love, Wva 8 Grady, JesT Adams,. . Jos O Webb. . LSamJi Stowe, ' ' John A D McKay, , nenry w jewis, Jos 11 Saunders, I Funcis L TwUty, Simon B Taylor, ! Jas M Stevenson, ' Jackson L Bost, j Geo W Flowers, ; Wm A Holland, ; itoger Moore, John L Harris, SamC Bryson, Gco'F Whitfield, Wm H ;peer, H&c. J Froflitt, CboB W Knlfrht, David G Cowan, Robt V Cowan, Geo T Gordon, Jas T Johnston, Jol u fl TaU.r, . Wm G Morris, John Aehford, I A. itcynoldg, . . George Tait. ! A M Waddell. j Chas W Bradehaw, Thomas J Brown, waiter J Hosts an. Samuel II Boyd, hVm L San u dm. Geo H Faribault, Sam II Walkuu, Geo W'ortlmnt, ' John C VanuoK, Hector AlcKtthau,: t,all t llobsou. Msrcus A farks, John R Winston, i A u .McAllister, ; Aibcit a inn, 1 .lot Wm A Oweris, Ken R Morchtoti, John K. Connaliy, PaulF FaiQn, Arch C Godwin, John B Palme r. Den D Ferrt bee, LNelll McK McNeill, Arch D Crodnp, IWuiHJorfes. j James T Davis, ' j Jas R McDonald, ! Eric Erson, Jaa T Morehead, Anuerfon h,ms, i .... v Alfred H Belo. .1 li. x4 Ikv 4 Jobs W Graham, n a m i iron 1 ' .1 itc j 1 i a m 1 m1 aaMiuaswwu v vuijwjf ww ckaxi v VI ajU aia. 0 fWaph M Hardy, 61 Jaa l) Kadcnne, f.3 iA 65 Geo N Folk, 4 Edward Cantwell, j James T Weaver, I Wm S Devane,. (u Geo W Clayton, ! Stephen B Evans, ! Wm N Garrett, ! Alfred n Baird. i J H Nethercutt, fi7 ' John N Whitlbrd.! Rufus W Wharton, 63 James W Hinten, I Ed C Yellowly, - Thomas J DaTa. James M Mayo, James T Unit, Henry Harding, James ft McNeill, ITios- P Jones. . John J SpafiUt . Clem O Wright,- id wmtror lid 3d 4th ;ib liWk 7lh 41. 1 (t 1 J. II. Andtson. Hooks.. -J. M. Recce. . W. F. Bealey. W. McK. Clark. W. Foster French. GOVERNMENT. OF I THE CONFEDERATE ' STATES. ! Jefferson Davis, fif Mississippi, President, salary. $25, 000. i ' ' . 'i- . " .Alexander H Stephen's, uf Oeorgia, Vice President, lal- Aids to the President-Col Wm Brown, of Oa., Col James Cliesout, of S. C, Col Wm P Johnston, of Ky.i Col Joseph C Ives, of Miss., Col G W C Lse, of Va,, Col John T Wood. ! ,' ' "i Private Secretary to President -Burton N Harrison, or Miss. l -' "! " -. " .. . " Department of State John P Benjamin, of La,, Ssere-r tary of State. L Q Washington, Chief Clerk. Th cflce of Assistant Sec"ritry is vacant. r - "; Department of Justice Attorney General. Gea Davi of North Carolina. Wade Kryes, of Aia., Assistant AU torney General. Rufos II Kh,des,of MIs.Coointlilion ero'f Patents. G E W Nelson, of G Boperintsndant of Public Printing. R M Smith, of Virginia Pflbhe Printer. Treasury. Dejrtment-C G Memminger. of. 8 C, , See reury of the I rosary. Robert Tyler, . Register . E El more. Treasurer. J M Strother, of .Va., Chief Clerk. Lewi' Qigt.T, of 3. C, Comptroller.. B Baker, of Florida, It Auditor, VV II S Taylor, of La, 2d Audtlor. i Z:. ; i '" War Department James' A Seddon, of Ya Seentdry of War. J a lii 9 John A Campbell, of Ala., Assistant See- Lretary of Wur. K G H Kean, Chief Bureau of War. Gen S Cooper,' Adjntant and Inspector GeneraT. Lieut -W John Withers, Lieut Col H I Clay, Major Ed A ?strsj, Mjor S i Melton, aed CapUin.Uellly, AssiiUnt-Adjn-tauu and Iuspeetora Generals. Brig Gen A B Lawton, or Oa, Quartermaster General." Col L B Jforthop, f S Consmibry General C H Smith, M D, Assistant Borgeoa ) Naty DtparJmentB R Mllory, of Florida, Ur7 of tbe Navy. E M TimUU, Chief Clerk. Com ;John sx Brock, Chief of Ordnance.- ConrAB FairfaXjInjpaetftr of Ordnance. Com J.K Mitehell, in Orders and Detail. Surgeon W A W Spottswood, Chief oTedicino and Surgery. - Pay master J DeBriee, Chief of ClthlBR and Provisions.: " . ' ' vL.; Posloffiee DwtrtmentJan Tl Reagan, of Texar, Ttmt masten General. li M Ceorge Offui of Vapief of Con tract J$ara. B N CUwents, of Tenn., Chief of Appoint 3nt of Bureau. John L. Harrcll, of Ala.; Chief of nance Bureau. B Taller, of IT. 0., ClvTaf . The First Battalion (Heavy Artillery) is commanded by MaJ: . Alexander Macllae; The First Battalion Pharp Shooters by Capt R E Wilcan ; i he Second Battalion (Infantry) by I The Third Battalion Light Artillery! by Mai John W Moore ; The Tenthtattallon by MaJ W L Yonng ; The Twelfth Battalion hy cant .j. u unerry ; me -rnirteenin xsauaiton tuignt -Artillery) by Lieut Col Joseph B Starf ; The Fourteenth Bat talion (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J L Henry; The Fifteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J M Wynn ; Thomas' Legion consists of a Regiment and a Battalion and Is commaadca by . Col WmU Thomas. m ' . The 1st and 3rd Keirimciits are in Stewart's Brigade, John son's Division, Kweirs (Jorps. . . The 2d, 4th. 14th and 30th are Jn Cox's Brigade, Rodes Di vision, Ewell's Corps. I ' ' ' . . V . : The 5th, 12th, 20th and 23d arc In Johnston's Brigade, Rodcs Division, Ewell's Corps. I u - The 6th, 21at, 54th and f.7th and IstJlattalion Sharp Sho.oU a are in iiewi8 ur raae, iioK.ee iiyiBiou, icuicj;mu -.ra Th 43l Hporlment i temiwrarllv with this Brigade. The7th. 18th, 2f?lh, 33d and 31th aro in I ane's Brigade, Wil- . coi's Division, Hill's Corps. - , . The 8th 31, 51bt and olsare in Clingman's Brigade, Bean rerard'a Corplj " ' ' ' ' The 9th, lUth, 41.-t, Bith and f3d are In Barringer'a Brigade, Hampton's Division, Corps.. . "j The 11th, 26th, 44th, 47th and fcid are in KIrkland'a Brigade, Heth's Division, Hill's Corps. , The 13th, 16th. 22d, 31th and 33th are in Scale's Brigade,. Wrilcox's Divir-iori, Hill's COrps. " ' , . . The 15th, 27th, 4th and 48th are in Cooke's Brigade, Heth Division, Hill's Corps.. ' , The 17th, 42d, 50th and 6fith are ln Martin's Brigade, Hoke Division, Beaureeard's Corps. - ; , The 24th, 25th, 33th, 49th and 5fit"h are in Ransom't Btigrde, Division, Beaurejrard'B Corps. ' L . The 29t is in Ecton's Brigade, French's Division. Tne SSd, 43d. 45th. 53d and 2d Battalion are in Grimes Brl eade. Rodes' Division,' E well's Corps. . . The 36th and 4tnh are in Herberts Brigade. Whltlng'f Divi sion, Beauregard's Corps. . ..' -' , , . ; . The 39th Is in McNalr's BriOTde, Frieh DMsfon. . . . ' The 55tU is in Davis' Brigade, Heth'a Division, Ullla Corps. The 6810 and 60th are in Raynold's Brisade, Stevenson s Di- The 10th. 62d, 64th. fth. 67th and Stb are not brigaded. ' i JUNIOR RESERVES: .' '. ' Ut RAttallon Reserve Forces. MaJ. C. W. Brdfoot. i i. ! I 1 1' I. '" It 1 t 1 a r t f ,1 "li: '.I . ; ; !;- ! 1 .'r ; :' ; .'Ml j 1 if. 1 .ft t is r i. i i 1