THE DAILY CONSERVATIVE. ft in. JOHN D. & Co., Proprietors. TERMS OF SUBSCKIITIO: The following are the only terms of subscription to THE CONSERVATIVE: DAILY PAPER, 1 month, 3 months, 01 WEEKLY 0 months. PAPER, S months, V (J 1711? I J t ' Always to be paid In advance, time paid for expires. U, 8 00 ....... v 15 00 ) - - - 3 00 ' - 5 00 and paper stopped when the vol.; i B 'A "T7T 7 ' 'SP1!r - - - ' ' ' " T ! i ' : ! : - -, ! - , I - - - . - I I f No. 7G. - - - . - PJ? n wack, .... i wo week., . . . One da v. Two day?. Three days, Four day, r ivo aays, 6 00 00 Id U) 15 00 Three iti One month, . lis oq . 88 00 45 00 T 00 RALEIGH, N. 0, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1864. Firtvword or rwM, ... 144 00 tional squares will be charged lthlJ2iUt Vr and addl- rwu "uce. twice or three timea a iTTk f i ;eniMmnt lD" aqnare for every insertion. wk wUi char $4 a NORTH CAROLINA SECK AND WOUNDED. List of North Carolina Sick and Wounded Sol diers, io the Hospitals at Richmond, on the 20th of Jane, 1804. continued. LcoTM, co G 14 , Lams C, co C 43 Long,col33 Lariier J, G, co H 21 Longmire Cor, co G 15 Long D, co K 31 Lackey J C, co C 55 Levestcr, R, co I 55 Lanford . Wyatt, 2d bat Leonard W J, co K 43 Lindsey Wm, co C 5U Lyons H L, co IS 33 Levi J J, co U 35 - Lambert Z, oo F 1 bat Lusk 1 B, .co H 2d bat Latley, co D 2 cav Miller X co C 49 Massy J, co B 47 Morris OB, II 14 McPha'rlend P M, o Mearea A, co G 32 Miller D W, co IL54 ANNOUNCEMTS. SYTHE BLADES. unuLQ ,uu iiiU3i oe paid In a4rer er notlcM adTance. C3 Laiffle Eli, co F 38 Lane Col, 28 Lewis Robt, co I 43 Lassiter G, co D 31 Mitchell J, co II , Michael A, cb H 7 Miller W II, co B 20 Mnllis FN E, co E 48 Morgan 0 P, co Cr 45 Miller L F. co H 48 -Mendenhall J F; co G 46Mayc J, co B -41 Miller F, co II 28 Moore G W, co G 15 Muatin J C, co K 5G Mashburnc J H, co A6l Mathews P' P, co C 5l McCHfferty W, co C 12 Mathews W A co A 5cv Melson J A, co F 2 cv Slatlock J W, co I 5 Murry W G, co A 47 Murnh v T, co C 54 Maser J II, co G 33 V MoKar R o co ti iMCiiane st co A -.7 ii alone u, co U 4a "Voore A S, co 1 5 cav Ma'tin. W, co A 49 Manning Sgt, co A 17 Matthews J, co A 41 Musgrove T II, co G lo McClanDalian W H II 5 My era 'W, co I 14 Madlcck J M, co C 3 cv Moss J A, co h 32 McLine 1U, co A 53 ?STifrhp.ll S W. co U 47 Messer T D, co I McGallan W A, co D IMillS J B, jo K lG Meara S, co B 18 , Moore J W, co C 1 Meredith A M, co L 17 Mooney E, co B 28 Massincrale J. co K 44 Medlin II L, co G 7 Johnston County. , We are authorized to unnntiiira n Tt s AWniCRa fnr ha Senate, and II. H. FINCH and JK9SR HTONT tnr th Commons, to represent Johnston county in the next Legisla ture. They are in favor of the re-election of flov. Vnict and opposed to Mr. Ilolden'a Convention project. 74 te. XT U&UY Conrederflt nrt Prnmaa will nnv tilt Hv tt i x . . : 1 v rj ' . eiccuou ana sena diu to tnis offlce. ., : Lkxisotom, July 12. 1864. aditob of thk Conssbtativk : Yon are authorized to an nounce me as a Candidate for a aeat in the House of Coumona in the next Legislature. Mr rwilitimi nHninim' Deen thoee of a true Conservative and Henrv Clav Whir. tl C. F. LOWE. riTOEKE HAS BEEN JUCUJCIVED, AT WILMINGTON, A A, lot of some four thousand Sythe Blades, both erain and n, 1.1.J ma 1 1 1 A. i a . . ... " - B' uuraes. x uejr wwuvuee ue oroufnt to tuiS pace lor aistribauoii. The Court or the several counties are request- THUS 5U2ERCHJEY! N. THE SUSECIUEY! ed to appoint Cdmmisaior ers to receive the quoU for their re- a TTTrPTTT r t v itt no-m . mr, pective countiea. Aa the present cropa of grain and grasa HiFULLLY ILLUSTRATED, lWe are req nested to announce JOHN as a candidate in the Senate for Bertie county. POOL, Esq., , 71 w. Yk .are authorized to anatmnce LrsirT. R. H. J ONES, of Jones county, as a Candidate for the House of in the Western countiea has not vet been harvest a nrefer we girea to iucoc wuuauea in xne aistriDutlon. o'i'S, J. DEVEREUX, A. Q. Mi. : Raleigh, Jnly 18th, 1864. j , 71tf. . fc?All papers in the State copy foui tiines and Eend bills u wiis vjH.ce, witn copy ox paper. . j . . Guartcnaaster's Departmenit, C S. A.t . DISTRICT OP NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh, N. C, July 15. 1864. A TZNTAON OP. OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS RETIRED ?e" provide an Invalid orps, graphs. General Order. n "I0' Richmond, Va.,aUrch-I6th, 1864 BEAUT1FULLLY ILL tlSTR A Trn' BEAUTIF ULLL Y ILLUSTRATED) j ELEGANTLY PRINTED 1 ELBJGANTLY PRINTED ELEGANTLY PRINTED WOOL NOTICE. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT T AM NOW PREPAHFn m 8&Qi& , A4. . . --' i u lur worn, nn One bnnch ofYarn TO EXCllANfiK r" l!""wD2 term- via bunch for four a.nwThjT0 hed COTTOii and oe ra- Commons. 30 te. We are authorized to aanoune KntTARD pathtpit as a Candidate to reDresent Greene and I.pnnlr 'rnnHa in 1 I fMtin..MM rv. W .m.. . 1 1 . - . a .. -. . uj i 4i.ii, iB cauea to me IOIlOWlnET ta , aqjuuui( ana inspector Uene- -4-JHlcer8 retired nnder the set nr rnnnuu cktt'.io w vvuiiuuuLinH nrunintm inn in nni -h EVERY SATTTT?XIAV EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, THE GREAT - THE GREAT OP THE SOUTH! i OF THE SOUTH 1 ! r-Ilowin- places : Oxfordf arboro kln.C ilVLf 9 at th Concord. Korkinphm iiJ JtEzr L..In.,,OB. Catherine Lak. Persona fehippinj wool to thla place will nl.- ,..w A; packages who they are from. .nT th- Viil,c"Lmr.k.0 th.-, warded Immediately. w.iu ru win Deior- LITERARY LITERARY ! j i ' i i nope notice, aa tue W ei tf. eople will patriotically resnond t noinm tne r. C. WEEKLY WEEKLY oot la for cl 11. A. DOWD, A. tha TroeDi. Q. M., If. a tote C Af J the Senate of the next Legislature of North Caiollna. Msigned toduty (as provided in sectionUth of said act) at a StatlOTf WithOnt.trf.nria Wlh.n nnKllfi - uiBuea in una. rnev will receive pay from any Post Quarter master, upon exhibitine evidence of thiPr-tif4mT, Xnm 66 10t.- tlve service, and the certificate of hiat navment rnnirH h. k SoWIers retired from the service aa herein provided, will 5 'VSjed'Hi descriptive lists when: in addition to the usual history civen will Thihit th ri .k v SmOB fir5tfred li8. desimatothe post at which they i re .lntilled to ece. y pay and allowances. They will re port to the Commandant of such Post, which will be -nearest llstU' p ce residence, and deliver to him this descriptive XI. Post Commandera r rannlrnd tn i descriptive lists of all soldiirs porUnr to to and from uv ug utviciu Kiveu tu, we ena oi ever us upon which these sole Ouartermaster or AssitAnt Onrtam..i They will append to each roll a certificate thatit has been made r ; r.V wua statements presented- In descriptive lists of the soldiers on file in bis office.. ; s - . p Ye XII. Ofiicers of the uartermaater's. Department will issue necessary .clothing to retired soldiers upon- requisitions made taeommandanU of the post at which they are stationed, " ? " "viM, upvu xcwivi runs, x wm no. oij, recuia rthe Quartermaster's Departnitnt. ? ' fa trd-"oWIer will have their rations commuted at 1.25 per day, to be paid by the Commissary at the post des ignated, under the order of the Commanding Officer. . -: W. w. PKiRnrc July 16th, 1864. . i 78-3t. AUCTION SALES! BY II. CE03LY, cctioiuer. ITCTION-SALK' - or : ' ' '' ' co E 49 Mortison W C Masjie J P, co D 24 Morgan I C, co K 8 Michael D T, co K 2G Massey T E, co I 28 Mallin Jas,co E 43 Mock J A,co F 52 Moss II M, co D 25 32 Camp 2nd N. C. Infantry, June. 27th, 1864. To the Citizens of Wayne Countp N.-O.: By request I announce mypelf a candidate to represent yon In the Senate of your next General Assembly. If elected, I shall endeavor to serve your interests, if not elected I shall cheerfully abide your decision. . 1 am your obedient servant, &c.: JllljHh 1WJ -W. T. FAIRCLOTH. July 6th, IS64. - 66 te. lo trie Voter of Tlc.rt.lp. iln tin ft I Fellow Citizens and Soldi kb&: I am a candidate for the House of Com man s In the next General Assembly. - If elected I will represent the" county faithfully, with a due regard to the inteaeeto of both citizens and soldiors. And in my legislative capacity shall be governed, at all times by an earnest desire to promote the general welfare and honor of the State. I am, respectfully, Your Fellow-Citizen, T i 10C) i JAMES BOND. July .th, 18S4. V 65 te. o 1 MahaljO, corA 46 . Mitchell J) co E 40 . Meadows W, co I 27 Mitchell M, coG3l Morse R A, co G 53 McGee J, co C 31 McKinnev E II, co C Moore G W, co II 38 McCausland C, co E 18 Mitchell W, co I 3 McGinnis C E, co I 3 Mills F M, co K 4 McAllister L A, co II 23 2lMcrir J A. co B 51 33 McCarver H P, co H 4dMcRae J L, co E"28 McKce W, co H 6 MardockR II, co E 6 Morton P F, co C 14 McDonald A, co A 8 Murray J 0, co B 28 .McCarver J E, co II 49 McCoff J L, co E 12 Merritt J W, co I lit cv McGrigor J M, co C 14 iUtthews II, co I 12 McDonald G (arKl Cl nn IT 9. Vtn W TT R IO Myers W A, co A 31 McGIeonis G'A. co E Mason G W, co I 21 Malehi o W, co I 23 Mull J II,' co F .3d cav Madison II F, co D G cv. Morgan J G, no D 48 Muberry C B, co F 12 Muult j C, co D 28 McGausland C, coE 18 Morgan DC, co I 21. Martin A J, co H 22 . McCullen Jno, co A 48 McBride J, co E 56 -McGee J J, co K 52 Mersenheimer M C, D 20 Myers W II, co I 14 Morehead W J, co E 15 Manuel II, co U 22 Maneura S J. co A 44 KcCrary W M, co B 26 Norvell J, co E 43 Moody J M, coE26 Moss M J, co B 47 Mitchell B A, co E 21 Maser H, co E 48 Matthews J A, co C McGlomary M, co E 18 McClure J A, co K 30 Marshall G, co G 7 Miller Jesse, co K 5 McCall J A, co K 30 . Morton E, co II 34 Nethercutt C, co F 66 Neagher P Nuckolls J II, co F 8 Newson J'F, co F 7 Normon P, co C 21 Nicholson J P, co I 33 Nun W H, co G 27 Neely A, co G 51 Naoe J F, co K 23 Nantz R Q, co C 10 Naul J, co E 26 Nix T N, co CT24 Neshitt G R, co A 52 Null A, co E 32 Nott B, co B 12 Nipper J II, co I 3 Norns A, co C 54 Nichols S, co E 57 Norwood T H, co II 44 Nelson H, co I 1 cav Nethercutt J . W, Col 66 1 Moore I) L. co II 3 McKissom J L, co D 11 Marsh J C, co A 4 Morris J A co E 15 Mitchell W S, co B 66 Mills J II, co E 47 McPherson J A, co E C Miller J E.-coII 53 Morse M C, co I 21 Meadows E II, 31 Mej-cerMV, coD51 Mayo H, cb A 1st art Mitchell J M, co I SI McJustice J II, co I 1 Missel white J M, co A Martin J A, co 31 Massinpale B, co E 24 McLonaldD W,co E 11 JHorrUon A, co C &5 Medlin B,eoU4i iMannW, coB43 Miles J W , co D 82 Mlllian S J, co B 16 Moore 8 ami, co II 7 Meadows S. co E 4S McGehee Jas, co E 46 Melton E A. co D 11 MItchaU J M, ci G 27 .Morgan o ju, cu a McArtharA.coKSi Mebane J Il.'co F 6 WcDuffie A,coE3S Mrah A T, co 1 53 Mills G F. co n 57 Morse D N, co G 5 MrUujan U, co B 51 Merritt T, co 1 1 cav McCall J II, co G 34 May T Ao B 48 McClare W, co C 3 Mortis J, co E 2 llortran D S, c B 20 McAlpin M G, co G 37 Morris J, co O 67 Manea J, co E 11 MonisonCil. co A 7 May J A, co A 53 MaskcJ II, co B 81 ' MacyWL,coI33 Pope R, co F 33 Powers W, co K 10 Parish 1, coE Flummer M L, co C 49 Phillipa W M, co A t8 Perdle J M, co A 45 Parker J C, co A 8 Pylea A S, co I 51 Patton J V,- co 1 57 Phillips W M, co B 54 Poindexter K A, co F 23 Fadgett A, co E 16 Palmer J, co A 82 Price S D, cm C 86 -Price O B, co C9 . Pascall JK.CoO 43 Parker Ed. co B Si Paine W R, co B 83 Paris J m V Palmer J M, co H 8 ' PatUrson Z C. co F 12 Perdue L, co D 83 Paria John , toQSS Patterson 8 F, co K 3 cav -rUtman W, co I 30 . ? rropa W H, CO S 57 ' Parrlah J A, co H 31 - : foUockW R. co I SO frltctiard J W, co II 8 Nelson N, co G 22 Nichols A A, co K 50 Nelton Jas, co F 2 cav Neal C, co B 28 Overton J, co D 51 Git T W, co A 51 Osborne II, co E 54 Osborne J Hco F 49 Owens J A, co A 44 Ovcrby W B,co E 56 Oliver N G, co E 22 Oikley A A, co A 45 Osborne J, co H 44 Oden G, co D 43 S Owens G F, co II 52 ' Overton J M, co E 15 Osborne R B, co F 45 Miller K P, co G 9 Manniug M G, co G 43 Mallory S C, co D 18 McClnnls B W, co E 15 Miller L, cuG 31 " Milter A P. co E 12 Martin M C, co B 38 Michaels W D, co K S3 Mansfield S, co II 45 Means J B, co I 7 i McClelland co A 4 McCurryE, co Cl McClellin W A, co C 16 Matthews O 15 , McDaniel T, co F 53 blather J V, co F 38 ' Martin R R, co II 22 Moore D W, co K 23 Moore J, co F 42 Mlnet T, oo II 5 cav McSerain M W. co B 5 , Manier 8 II, co C 83 j MunroeWPco 130 McLanehlin 8, co B 4 Matthews J, co C 57 Martin J T, co B 4 Morrison DC.toHl 1 Miller II N, co 1 12 Morgan Jos, co D 53 McQuan A. co A 5 Morton A B, co C 14 TarrUh A, co C SI i Pendergrasa R J, co A 14 Perry W F, co E 47 Padgett I, co II 37 Pettirew F, co n 13 Paschall L A, co E 54 Pool WE, 31 Pike L, co F 8 i Physic J E, co B it Prestly C, co B 43 Perry S S. 81 Pael Jeeea, co A 61 Parker G T, co H 6 j Parkar W, coK4 Phippa P A, co F 45 Prapest W,coE57 : Penni 8, co E 46 Patterson J A, co G 14 Palmer G, co K 6 PetreMM, coB7 v . nierce E G, co G 85 . ! Price PI co G 28 Price N, co A 1 car Pace W,co A Si i Patterson J8, foC7 Paddy W P, co E 57 i Painter E M, CO C 6 -iPlettC,co C83 - Parker J T, co E S3 Queen L, Payna'a Artillery Tc the Voters of Bertie County I Fellow-Citizens: I am a candidate for iiiitin th JJouse of Commons, in the next Legislature of North Caro--Una. In comintr before vou for rnvplxn-!n tj n u. which you have elevated me for six years! tn succession, I trust you need no proof that I have at heart only what I conceive to be for the best interest of our common country. If elected I shall permit no opportunity to pass without giving my BUpport to all measures that will, in my opinion. prumoie me nonor, aignity ana prosperity of the State. I am, sincerely, your fellow-citixen, , . P. T. HENRY. Coleram, Bertie county, June 10, 1884. 49 t. To the Soldiers and Citizens voters) of , " ' Person County V. At the solicitation of many friends, I have consented to be come a candidate for the oflice of Sheriff of Person county. State of North Carolina. . ; Should you honor me with your sufierages and elect me, I can only promise to serve you with fidelity, to the "beat of my ability ; on all ocaasions tobe in my place ; beside,. ray opin ions and actions in this war are well known to you all that I deem it entirely unnccessarjto say more; and leave it with the voters of this county to decide. " - i w , ' ALEX. M. LONG- July 7th, 1864. j 65 ni; We are authorized to announce E. M. WELB0RN as a candidate .to represent the county of ' Wilkes In, th House of Commons at the ensuing election. S3 tepd." We are authorized to announce ,the name of J).' McD. LINDSAY, as a Candidate for re-election to the Sfate Senate, from the Counties of Camden and Currituck. May 27. 31te. Major A. D. CRUDTJP, of the 47th ! Regiment N. C Troops, is announced by his friends as a candidate to- repr' sent Franklin county' in the Senate of the next General Asem- bly. lie is a true Conservative and a supporter of uovernt Vance. His ucaition ia the army precludes the possibility his canvassing the county ; but he hopes, that his friends will see tuat nis position is rally representeato tne peopio. June 87th, 1864. . te, Bertie County. J WE ARE AUTHORISED TO ANNOUNCE HON. DAVID OUTLAW, the present Senator from Bertie, as a candi date for re-election. He will vote for the re-election of Gov. Vance, and lor such measures as in his judgment are calculated to procure a speedy, just and honorable peace, on the bails of Southern Independence. He is, and has been from the begin ning, opposed to a Convention, believing it to be a trick, by which North Carolina was to be , withdrawn from the Confederacy. ; We are also authorised to announce Capt W. M. SUTTUXi, as a candidate for the House of Commons. - Capt. S. is in favor of Gov. Vance's election, and is a true Southern man. . July 13, 1864. . I. 70-te. We are authorized and requested to announce Capt. A. H. MARTIN, 54th N. C, Regiment, of Wilkes county, a candi date to represent the freemen of Iredell, Alexander and Wilkes, in the Senate of the next General Assembly of North Carolina. Capt. Martin is a true Conservative, an emphatic Yance. man, and an advocate of peace on the basis of separation and Inde pendence from file Northern States. '47 d4w&w8w. Wk are authorized to announce Db. JOHN F. FOARD a candidate to represent the county of Rowan in the House of Commons of the next General Assembly of the State. Jnty 1st, 1S64. : 60 te.. NOTICE. r To the Soldiers and Citizen t (voters) of Camden County t N. C. At the solicitation of many Mends, I have consented to be come a candidate for re-election, to represent the County of Camden in the House of Commons in the next Legislature of North Carolina. Should you again honor me with your suf frages and elect me, I can only promise to make you an inde pendent and faithful representative, and serve you and the State with fidelity, to the. beat of my ability; - on all occasions to be in my place carefully guarding the interest and honor of "the State and my constituents so far as It is in my power. Having herfrd of no charges made against my past conduct as Representative, and besides my opinions and actions in this war are so well known to you all, that I deem it entirely un necessary to say more, and leave it with the voters to decide as they may think best. i Most respectfully, your obedient servant, t May 16. 6 w3ra. WM. A. DUKE. advertisements! BACON FOR' SOLDIER'S FA1HXIES. r to ss coxTiNuro.j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, -Subsistence Department, Ealtigh, Jund 27, 1864. To County Commissioners:! l "J -r I am prepared to sell, at cost, to any of the cduntics of thla State, for the use of indigent families of Soldiers, a portion of the Bacon accumulated for that purpose. County Commis sioners, who are in need of Bacon, will communicate with me. 57-tf. TUOS. D. HOGG, Mai. & C, S. WAYSIDE .HOSPITAL, GREENSBORO', N. C, Mat Jt, 18C4. BY ORDERS FROM Dr. EDWARD WARREN, Surg General for the Stat of North Carolina, I have opened a WAYSIDE HOSPITAL n the town of Greensboro', N. Cv where all Sick and Wounded Soldiers IriTluiS on fini a resting place. t. i J. L. KEAGLE, 11"t1, Asst. Surg, in ehargs. . Office Ealeigh & Gaston B. E. Co'pyr- Raleigh. July 7th, 1S&- . THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF fm5 COMPANY have declared a dlvidendor 15 per cent the capital stock, payable on and after the 1st ofAurnet, 1 L in font per cent, certificates and bonds of th Confederate .States, o la Confederate treasury note of the-old, issue at lace value Nat the option of the Company. L- ' " I 68-tf. W. W. VASS, Treasurer. J0H2T Q. VILLIAIIS & Co., STOCK ANB MONijy BRplCCIlS,, CONTINUES TQ CARRY ON THE BROKERAGE BUSI nesr at their old stand a, heretofore to all It Taxioos branehas. j ' ' ' t - - ' . X03T, V. rJ'r I - ON SATURDAY EVENING. 18TB INST., 30ME WHERE between the Hillsboro' roaa near the city and tb old depot a GOLD HUNTING CASE WATCH without guard office. or chais. The finder will be thanked and rewarded by learlnz it at the BRILLIANT AND CHARMrvl XT ITH ROMANCES. SKETCHES, ALES of REAL i-i A ih u V JULii n ES, INCIDENTS ' and anecdotes of v' the war i ! j . essays, Criticisms, POETRY, HISTORY. BIOGRApftv W 1 X 1 1 1 1 o Al S AND MISOEUA M V i Surgeon General's Office. mpv.?1"i!?hi-- C Jrjxi: 10th, lftfli.' I wuitjiJiinitan a III. i . u M I.' Oni Ci i. , A" first daj , and the fifteenth of eveX minth tH k? ' L"1- . AJ boxes left here fJrVSSSffi&r!: crrita ithere nromntlv bv him r. .i""rr will be owner. 43 tf. EDWARD WARREN, ' Surgeon General North Carolina. MILITARY DIRECTORY. FIELD OFFICERS, BRIGADES, DIVISIONS AND CORPS wr .yitru tAHyuNA REGIMENTS: , , rNCLUDINO TRANSLATIONS FR0T& THE GERMAN nnnTrt-r . -.-r-r-. rnuuuii ajnl OTHER LANGUAGES, ""wu jjireu u ue ena oi every two months, to pre--! ' - - Polite SoutherZiteratiire EiOtTSEHOLD! IT IS A HOME JOURNAL FOR THE TED GM30DS, BY il . CATALOGUE. ! WEDNESDAY, JULY 20TJJ. 1661. CTOJWMENC- ingt 10 o'clock. A. M.. I willelL atn wlM LNo. 2 Granite Row, Wilmington, N. C, the entire cargoea w (eanuuips . - - ; BADGER AND LUCY, -With large consignment -exhips CHICORA, ALICE, FANNIE, CITY PETERSBURG, and other -vessels riz: ' n : DRY i300BS. 18 casiwhlU ground prints 16 cji black an 4 white printad muslin IS caaei huckaback towels, 11 cases organdis muslins -8 balesmy clothes . . j 7 cases super hosiery 7 eases Coats' Chad Clark's spool cotten 6 eases finishing linen thread 6 bales fancy shirts i ' 1 4 cases solid, broken and mourning giughama 3 cases black lustre . 3 cases cenfedesate tweeds ! $ eases ready made clothing : , teases checks and stripes, mourning 3 cases ooat, rest and bone buttons 2 bales barege -2 cases black satin ; 2 oases super black broadcloth 2 cases, brown holland 4 cases flannel shirts ; 2 baleimfcasd meltons - . ' 1 bale blue and grey serge 1 bald fancy flannels - 1 case black alpaca 1 case black Orleans . 1 ease paper cambric, assorted colors 1 bale mottled alpaeas N 1 case Beauregard tweeds J 1 ex se southern cloaking ' 1 case black and white prints lease shirking ' 1 ca-e fancy shawls ' 1 bale Linos, superior 1 case mojquito netting " 1 case ties, glorea, etc ' I bale super broadcloth, assorted colors I case Irish linen 1 case pant buttons 1 case black and white pins S OES, LEATHERS, ETC. 26 trunks ladie's, gent's and children's shoes 19 cases ladie's, gent's and children's qr bootees extra 6 cases army shoes- 1 oases Bartons blesehed and brown shoe thread 4 cases fr calf skins 4 cases chamdisakfus 3 cases morocoo skina COTTON CARDS, CLOTHING, ETC, case cotton cards, No 10's, part Whittemora's best 1 ease wool cards a cases card clothing 33x4 2 oases fillering . STATIONERY. 10 cases cap, letter and note paper . 2 cases gillott's steel pens 3 cases pen holders 1 ease penotis and pens 1 case assorted stationary BAGGING AND ROPE. 10 bales gunny bagging 148 coil bale rope - . ; M GROCERIES. 238 bags rio coffee 60 barrels brown sugar 60 barrels crushed sugar 183 kits No. 1 mackerel 8 casks cholory 10 boxes sperm candles ' 10 bags black pepper 10 caddies young hyson tea i HARDWARE, ETC. 8 tons hoop iron 10 kegs nails assented sizes ' . 4 casks wire 4 cases gun caps ' 12 bags shot 3 cases knives, files and razors . - LIQUORS, ETC. - - 4 quarter cask pure Cognac Brandy j 1 half pipe pure martel brandy - i quarter pipe pure pintt, eastillon-A co., brandy. I. ejjht pipe pure otaxd, brandy.. 10 casks whiskey - I u 12 casks old rum ' ti 0 cases holland gin 36 demijohns JioUend gia . j ... 1.DRTJGS, ETC. aaealiqaoTtce, paste SO .oases liquorice stick 13, casks alcohol , . . 8 oiks epsom salts . . 9 casks balsam copaiba f 9bbls Tanners oil K 42 kegs hi; carb, soda .--. . Sbbls fcorax f t . : . 3 cases quinina - ?j 3 casea asf drted'druge ; ; 5 bbla coperat ' -3 cases potass carb . - ' 12 casea blaemass k - 1 case powd. Ipecac ;. - " 1 easeiodidf potass-and fedine - Seaskf sodacrystalt 4: " 2 casks Uueitpnft ' .- , j leaplo?photti " 70174,1844,. . 1 IT IS A SOLDIER'S PAfcER j j r - FOR THE CAMPS! IT IS A TRAVELLER'S COMPANION ! : FOR .THE CARS! IT IS PLEASANT READING ! FOR EVERYBODY! . j All of the most Prominent and Talented Authors in the South, as well, as the younger favorites, .are writing for - j THE MERCURY. Subscribers can be supplied with back num. Ders,; containing tne lollo wing t . BEAUTIFUL AND THRILLING STORIES: "The Trump that Triumphed;" a Tal of Lore. " Jerome Elliot;" a Tale of the War. , "Maud: or, The Ghost from Beneath ths Bridge." i J . "The Refugee's Niece," founded on incidents of the War in North Carolina. - ; J . ; ; "The Deserter's Daughter;" an exciting Tale. 01 iteai ljiie. . ! ; ' Jennie Aston ;" , a Romance. I j " Tried for Murder ;' a Thrilling Romancev 44 Krettel j" an exciting" Story from the German. Alaro Venzilata : or Floretta's Ring ;" ati Italian Tale of Love and War. i I " Blue and Scarlett;" being Incidents and Anee-H dotes 01 tne w ar, etc. - , . ; IN ILLUSTRATIONS: " NON INTERVENTION ;" " THE REFUGEE'S HOME ;" "THE CASTLE OF SPAGNETO;" "THE DESERTERS' DEN v.. DOVER SWAMP.- All these articles, together' with an eadlesa variety of . . .-; 1,. LITERARY MISCELLANY, are contained in the first three -rf umbers of Vol. IV, 1864, (commencing AprirSO,) of this really SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL. SUBSCRIPTION Siwnonths, $10 00 The IVade supplied at $25 per hundred. . Address, 1 ; ' WM. B. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N. C. May 7, 1864. j 14 6m. . -t- C2 3d 4th TTadkin, Chief GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 i His Excellency, Zabulon B Vance, Buncombe, Qovernox Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid. do, Ueorge Little, Wake. do Richard H Battle, Jr, Anson, Private Secretary. Dr Edward Warren, Chowan, Surgeon General. John P H Russ, Wake, Secretary of State. !' Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Public Treasurer. Curtis H Brogden, Wayne, Comptroler. , Samuel F Phillips, Orange, Auditor. Oliver H Perry, Wake, State Librarian. Major General R C Gatlin, Lenoir, Adjutant General. Major William B Gulick, Beaufort, Paymaster. Major John Devereux, Wake, Quartermaster. Major Thomas. D Hogg, Wake, Commissary and Ordnance Officer. -Major James Sloan, Guilford, Quartermaster. , Major Henry A Dowd, Edgecombe, do Major James H. Foote, Asst. Adjt. Gen., (Roll of Honor.) Major William A Graham, Jr., Asa't Adjt. General. , Lieut. Josiah-Collins Washington county,! Ordnsnce De partment. Lieut, John B. Neathery, Wake, Asst. Adjt. Gen eral. Lieut Thomas White, Franklin, Asst. Quartermaster. Lieut. Isaac W. Garrett, Edgecombe, Asst. Quartermaster. Lieut. Tbaddeus McGee, Wake. Asst. Commissary. Lieut. Charles H. Thompson, Wake, AssL CoLSmwsary. JUDICIAL. Suvreme Court. Richmond M Pearson, Justice, William H Battle, Orange, and Matthias E Man ly, of Craven, Judges ; 8ipn H Rogers, Wke, Atterney General ; Hamilton C Jones, Rowan, Reposrter ; ' Edmund B Freeman, Clerk. Meets in the city of Raleigh seeded Monday in June each year. The M organ toia term has been discontinued.3 ' . if Superior Courts. Judges. .Edwin G Reside, . Person, Romulus M Saunders, Wake ; Robert R Heath, Chowan ; -Robt S French, Robeson ; James W Osborn e, Mecklenburg ; George Howard, ' Wilson ; Robert B Gillfnm,' Granville Williani M Shipp, Henderson. ! " Solicitors.-t Circuit, Jesse J Yeate, Hertfbrd; 2 Circuit. Charles C Clark, Craven ; 3rd Circuit, Sian WotT9.rn. Wake. Attorney General: 4th Circuit. Thomas' Settle. Rockingham ; ath Circuit, Ralph Buxton, Cumber" I torney General land; Ota uircuit, nouert c, ibuub ; vircait, William P Bynum ; 8th Circuit, Augustun S Merrimoa, Buncombe. ' ! 1 - - - r i -i ' ' Confederate States District, Courts Bon Asa Bir Martin, Judge; George V Strong, Wayne, Atterney fWf Watson, Craven, Clerk ; Wesley Jones, Wake; Marshall. - Council 9f Slate Ft 8 SaUerthwaite, PSet r Robert P Dick, Guilford; Dr James Galloway, Wilkes i I Kdredge Johnston; J R Hargraver Anson ; Jesee RBtabb Martin. rnrnr- Hoard. His ExeUncT. Got. Vanee Preeideat Vntirio. Rer William J5 PeU, Wake, and Professor f Richord Sterling, GuUfordj Pr VTm Sloan, ef Gaston: Richard H Battle, Jr, Secretary, ! Boakx ImaaSAX. JurmorvnitTs. His Excellency, Got Vance, President, 'tr Wm Baton, Jc, of Wairen, J H Flanner, of & Hanover, and Montfari UeGetee Biehard H Battle, Jr, Secretary . Comaussioners of Sinking Fund Hon Thomas Ruffin, Alamance, Hon Welden N Edwards, Warren, and Hon David L Swain, Orange, ; - j The University of North Carolina is at Chapel H1IL - Hon David X bwain, president, i .4 Rev Calvin H Wiley is Superintendent of the Common Schools of the State. . . " . , - - .-I - Willie J Palmer, A M, is Principal of the N C Instutlen for the DesXDumb and the Blind, at Raleigh. : - Dr Itt ward C Fisher is Superintehdent or th 9 Jxjane No 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16" 17 18 19- 20 81 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 an 81 32 83 34 35 3rt 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49, 50 51 52 53 54 55 66 COLOMEXS. Lieut. Colonxls. HanvA Brown. !-Jarratt N Harrell. 1 V Walter S SUUlnge, jisu j imutiuu, w uj m r"arBiey,.'i das u Wood, Robt F Webb, Ed G Hay weod, Jas M Whiteon, Wm U Cheek, Stephen D. Pool, Wm J Martin, H E Colemau, . Joa H Llyman, R Tyler Bennett, Wm JkiacRae, Wm A t?lofe, Wra F Martin, John D Barry, C M Andrews, Thos F Toon, . Thos S Galloway, Cha? C BlacknaJJ, Wm J Clarke. H M Rutledae, John R Lane. J A Gilmer, lr. Sara D Lowe, Wm B Creasiuan, Frank M Parker, John V Jortiao, WLJ Low ranee, John G. Tones, William La ml), Wm M Barbour, Wm J Iloke, David Coleman, John J Jledrick, John A Baker, j John K Brown, Thos S Kcuan, ! Thoa C Singreltary,1 Samuel H Boyd, 1 Wm L Saundf ri, Geo H Faribault, ! Sam U Walkup, Lee M'McAfee.i Geo Wortham, lieotor McKethan, Wm A Pwens, Ken R Mnrchison, John K Connally, Paul F Falpon, Arch C Godwin, 59 ?Den D Ferrtbee, Wash M Hardy, Jas D Radcline, 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 8 Geo N Folk, John N Whit ford,1 James W Ilinton, j John W Lea. Sam McD Tate. Wm Lee Davidson, jno it jnurciiiaon, Henry T Gulon, Francis W Bird, Wm S Davis, Henry A Rogers, Wm A Johnston, W H Yarboiough, a o cuoua, ThoB H Sharpe, John W McGfll, Wm G Itoblneon, Wm S Rankin,1 JohnL Tlarrls, Sam.CBryson, 1 Geo F Whitfield, vm 11 a speer, 2ac J Ptoflltt, ChSsWKnlpht, David G Cowan, Robt y Cowan, Geo T Gordon, Jas T Johnston, John D Taylor, Wm U Morris, John Atmford, F A Reynolds, George-Talt, A M Waddcll, Chas W Bradsbaw, Taze L Hargrove, John R Winston, A C McAllister, mn John AFlemini uuiiii y auuwaf Caleb B Hobaou, Marcus A Parks, .Jas T Morehead, Anderson Ellis, Alfred H Belo, G Gratlott Luke. Hamilton C Jones, Edward Cantwell, James T Weaver, Wm S Devane, Geo W Clayton, Stephen B Evans, Wm N Garrett, Alfred II Balrd, J H Nethercutt, Ruras W.Wharton, Ed C Yellowly, Majors. Lewis C Latham. Dan W II art t, ' Wm T Ennett, Kdwln A Osborne, William J Hill, ' J If cLeod Turner, Rnfua A Barrier. Wm H H Cowles. . i Thos Sparrow, ( James lieilly, Robert W A liton. B Benton Withers, Jos 11 Lambeth, Gray W Hammond, L J Johnson; " Thos J Wooten. WmP Roberts, Wm JPfohl,. Thaddous D Love. Wm 8 Grady, Jas T Adams, Joe C Webb, Sam N Stowe. John A D McKay. Henrv Lewis7 Jos U Saunders, Francis L Twitty, Simon B Taylor, Jas M Stevenson, Jackson L Bost, Geo W Flowers, Wm A Holland, Roger Moore, Thomas J Brown, Walter J Boggan, Chas M Stedman, NelllMcK McNeUl, Arch D Crudaa. yvm u donee. James T Dav Jas R McDonald, Eric Erion, John W Graham, r' James A Craige, Thomas J Dula, James M Mayo, James T Huff, Henry Harding, . James ff McNeill, j" Thos P Jones, ' s John J Spanu, Clem G Wright, Ed Whllfurd. The First Battalion (Heavy Artillery) is commanded by MaJ Alexander Macilae; The First Battalion Sharp Shooters by Capt R E Wilson; 'i he Second Battalion (Infantry) by The Third Battalion (Light Artillery) by MaJ John W Moore : The Tenth Battalion by Ma) W L Young ; The Twelfth Battalion by Capt J O Cherry ; The Thirteenth Battalion (Light Artillery) by Lieut Col Joseph B Starr ; The Fourteenth Bat- . talion (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J L Henry; The Fifteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J M Wynn ; Thomas' Legion consists of a Regiment and a Battalion and is commanded by Col Wm H Thomas.. , t w The 1st and 3rd Regftnents are In Stewart's .Brigade, John son's Division, Ewclre Corps. , ' , The 2d, 4th. 14th and 30th are in Cox's Brigade,' Rodes' DI- , vision, Ewelrs Corps. . ,i The 5th, 12th, 20th and 23d are in Johnston's Brigade, Rode v. DiviBion, Ewell's Corps. ' The 6th, 21st, 54th and t7th snd 1st Battalion Sharpshoot ers are in Lewis' Br gade, Hoke's Division, Beauregard's Corps. The 43d Regiment is temporarily with this Brigade. The 7th, 18th, 28th, 33d and 37th are in Lane's Brigade, Wil cox's Division, Hill's Corps. . ' M The 8th, 31st, 51st and 61et are in Cllngman's Brigade, Beaa- Th'e 9th?19th. 41st, 59th and 63d are in Barrlnger's Brigade, Hampton's DiviBion, Corps. f The 11th, 2th,-44th, 47th and 52d are in Klrklind's brigade, Heth's Divisien, Hill's Corps. ' The 13th. 16th, 22d. 34th and 38th are in Scale's Brigade, Wilcox's Division, UiH'B Corps. : The 15th, 27th, 46th and 48th are tn Cooke's Brigade, Hath's . The nib, 42d, Sand 66th are inartin's Brigade, Hoke's , Division, Beaurepard'e Corps. . The 24th, 25th, 35th, 49th and 56th are in Ransom's JJrlgrde, , .Division, Beauregard's Corps. -TI . The 2Pth is in Ecton'a Brigade, French's Division. ' The 3Sd, 43d, 45th. 63d and 2d Battalion are in Grimes' Bri- '.WanS Whiting's Diri- eTOS Brigade. French's .Wrbtaj. , . The 55th is in Davis Brigade, Heth's Division, Hill s Corps. The 58ih and 60th are In Reynold's Brigade, Stevenson s Di- The'lOth. 62d. 64thi 66th. 7th and C3tb are not brigaded. JUNIOR RESERVES: . it Battalion iteserve rorces. au.:t. n. cnwiiuwi. 5d V " ,4 J. H. Anderson. ! Hooks. V- M. Reece. ;W. F. Be a ley. W. McK. Clark. W. Fo.ter French. GOVERNMENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. ! . Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, President, salary $25,. Alexander H Stephens, of Georgia, Vice President, lal-. Aidstolhe Presdent-Co Wm Brown, of Oa, Col James Ciieanut. of S. C, Col Wm! P Johnston, of Ky.. Col Joseph C Ives, of Miss., Col O W C Lee, of Va., Col i0FraUeetary to President-burton N Jlarriaon, ot iZpartment of Slate-John P Beijaajto. of LaB ecr e tary of State. L Q Washington, Chief Clrk. Tha odoe of Assistant Secretary Is racaot. , U . nll Lit. ' nirimnt nf' Justice Attorney General, Geo Davis. An?JjLJ Mw3aKejoa. of Ala., Assistant AU-J www V.l. fT f f t. U Vfi VI uujniuikiiui vm hxhlie Printing. R M Smith, of Virginia Public Printer. ' Treasury DejmrtmtntG G Memmingsr, of S C, See, rr of the Treasury. Robert Tyler, Register. . B El Treasurer. J M Strother, pf Vs., Chief Clerk, ia Crugcr, of 8. C:, ComptroUer. I B Baker, of Plorida, Ut A uditor, W n S Taylor, of La., 2d Audtior. , Wa.r Department J ernes A Seddoa, of Va., Secretary , of Wat'. Jodge John A Campbell, of A la., -Ass i tan t fee- retary 4( w-r- R 0 H KeB Chi' Bureau of War. 0n g Coop r, Adjutant and Inspectcr General. Lleat Qol John Wit.'itrs, Lieut Col H I Clay, Major Ed A fsUJ MaiorS " Melton, and Captain Reilly, Assistant Adju tants and In spectors Generals. Brig a A tt iawxon, ox Ga, Quartern.' ter GaneraL Col L V noruop, o o. Commisshry Geral V U Smith M D. A.tBn. fiami n-nartentB P- Mtdlorj, of Florida, Secretary cfNivyT B H Ti-bsiJ, Chief Wk. Com John U Br"ke;Chfef of Ordnance.- Com A B JaWaxInspeetor ofXduauce. - Co J K Miteh.IL in ebarg P S" "! DetaiL SuagaoaW A.W 8pottewnJ, CHefMtdW,sj , and 8urgery.- Paymaster J DeBriee, Chief of Ci? ' Vand Provisions. . : - - ' master GeneraL M tit Ceorge OiJaf 0 Va., Chief of Con tract Bureau. 3 N dements, of Tenn., Chief of Appoint .. tnent of Bureau. John L. Harrall, of Aia, .CHfrf ot TU xotac roreau, JJ roller, of N, Cl erk - : ... JulylSfh,

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