9 ..t -1 j THE -DAILY: CONSERVATIVE. is RALEIGH, K. C., JULY 22,..1864..y J0n; D; HT M A N, Editor. '.-', FOE GOVERNOR: OF BUNCOMBE. . - The, Conservative. Ticket for Wake County! Fob mi Senate : " . . : SI OH H. ROGERS. Hon. i . Fob the House or Commons : . I i Jf.: WILIIAII XAWS, THOITAS J. . IJTLEY, . DAHEEL 0. FOWLE. . 'In Thz Turn Cojtsxbvatttx PiTTOBX.-The supremacy of the '?roftfie act suspending the writ of ixx - Aet rabmls-lcm to all laws, whether good or bad, while they remala upon our tatnte book. . ' . o reconetruction, or submission, but perpetual independ- 5!S nabroken front to the common enemy ; -but timely and rneated negotiations for fxac cy the proper authorities. - Vo separate 8tae action throngh a Convention ; no counter rerolution ; no combined resistance to tne gorernment. Opposition to despotism in every forav, and the preservation of Republican lnstUotiona In all their purity. . . . Got, Vance's Appointments. Gold Hill, Rowan county, Monday, 25th July. "Albemarle, Tuesday, 26th " "Troy, - "Wednesday, 2Uh " "TRockingbaro, . Friday, 29th " . Lamberton, Saturday, SO th Friends will please provide a convenience for two persons at the different points. , ' Xgy.Gen'l Daniel G., Fowle will address the citizens of RALEIGH, in front of the Court-House, on SATURDAY evening next,,at 8 o'clock. Onetr more of hieopponents is expected to. reply. -July 20th, 1864. -' ' : a Ilorresco Refcrens! 4 - . Of the magnitude of Gov. Yance'a villany, treach ery, and vulgarity the big and little Standards have kept the 'public duly informal their fertile imaginations never being at a loss either to invent or improve upon facts. But the last and crowning , outrage committed by this unworthy Governor of ours, is really too shoeing to speak of ! Yet trie stern duties, of a faithful journalist .compels us to blurt it'out. Holden says his (Vance's) ticJceU are printed on yellow paperX Great God! And he saya; this K -a violation of the law which Yance swore to enforce Is- Worse and worse !.!-and that those' tickets are 44 detectors," to enable people to" know .who .votes for Holden. The Lord have mercy upon usT Is it really ".agin the law " to-vote on "yetfow paper"-Does the Statute really say that the ' ticket must be white, ( an emblem of peace " hay, rather of surrender) as well as rolled vp f Is it a crime to vote for Holden, that one may be detect ed " in f Are Mr. Holden's, friends afraid or asfiained to let' their preference be known ? If it were de sirable" to detect" every man voting for Holden, it could be done very easily, V7thbit .the yellow paper, as they are all advised to vote a "rolled up " ticket, and the Vance men, we are assured, will vote openly." .Altogether, this is the most remarkable effort, at deluding the people, that we have ever known in the histery of free elections. A candidate for Governor who refuses to meet his competitor in open discu3- aion upon the great issues of Ufa and death which are upon the" country, but does all his electioneering in secret, and advises his friend3 not to canvass-i-de fends and apologizes for a secret and treasonable so ciety sworn to destroy the country which he seeks to govern finally comes out and advises all his supporters to sneak up to the polls and vote Tolled .up tickets, :in defiance of all thaf is manly among freemen. And complains that his enemies are not . mean and cowardly enough , to follow, his ex'am- pie, hut jwant their tickets enj paper that all" the .worldmay know ! . ".- ; ' ' . But we have a better opinion of Holders friends than he has" himself. "We hope and believe that .many of them despising his dastardly counsel, will walk up boldly and manfully, like our free forefath j "ers have always done, and vote independently for the mauof.their choice, We. want.'.Gqv. Vance's . , friends to do" so . everywhere. What is to hinder everybody from doing so ? What ground is - there for these spaniel whines, so industriously put forth by HQlden, that his friends will not be allowed to TOte ? Who said so ? Who could prevent it, it ho nas twenty tnousana majorityj in the btate, as we learn he claims t There is no trround for it. It is a rniserable attempt to procure sympathy ; one of the honest arts " "of this very small Biirke, who blows a very smair trumpet of A is oitn. That's all. No friend of free government desires to ste any man co erced in. his suffrage. The sneajung attempt has been "especially made among our soldiers to injure . Gov. .Vance. If anjmin.on eaftli has the. right' to vote for whom he pleases, and as ha pleases it is the t soldier, through whose -valor we are allowed to vbte . . atalL We do not believe their ofilcers or anybody ; ' 1 else will interfere with thir right m the- slightest : degree, yhe election there, we doubt not, will be - just as it Is at home. And no amount of freedom and fairness can save Mr. Holden from such an " overwhelming defeat, js will make him curse the j : dayon'which be let his -unhaHowed ambition stab ' with' the traitor's blow the man who sajed him and . ihb property, i from destruction split and perhaps A destrej the Conservative party the main hope of civil liberty and worse than all, endanger the indc- "ipendencc and stability and honor of his country. aij-. xioiaen aamirs mat ne nas imported a f lot of printlpg paper through the blocladeZ . It makes U - very little difference whether.tjris importation was . Imade through the Advance or the AraMat 'In eith- i er case, it showa that Holden has been guilty of the- ; jery .acts with which he has been charging others I with so-much acrimony. ' v ' . 7 As ,-he bought-paper much cheaper abroad than he could hare boaght it at home, of course he made a great deal'oftnoney oat of the operation Bat if I . 3Ir. Holden' would tell the tchoU truth, we are per vsadedtht j?rj?ffr is not the only article he has im ported and speculated open. . We would not m- raon these matters, bat from the factN that fcetJ endeavored to establish in the popular" mindTiKaf to -run articles- inrougn trie blockade is a crime of the greatest magnitudjs. iSrt..,.-.-, More Revelations Cdnccrnlngrtli U jieroesf. . . t'i if CI. Wa.ir'vH nnr riders to-day; another -installment nf crtnfoKsions bV members cf-. the HO. :A's, who have renounced lDe treasonable oatnDounacai ce? nM . f J' ''j - ;r.--r '' ' ":T"'z " It will be seen by the depositions of John E. Mo --J- w n r.nroft that W ' Albriehtof AlAmanne. Vho is the Holden candidate for the Leg islatdre in that eountyf and Col . 'Abraham Klapp,of Guilford who is another Holden candidate : fpr5 '.the commons inltbtjcountyafonot iL;. i-l : iinf4rrt Ji!ffh nriesta and una ircaouuiw o.f -i. , o i ; initoTaTOlUhe peopltt btamance and Guil ford vote far each .men, as Albright and Klapp, after this reYelationYf j3areiyf: 5urely,n6t : ! U T d i i ' State or roBtn Carolina, Ti f. 't ; ;'; Ti Alamance County, f - ' v This day came before me, Rotjert Hanner, an Ac ting Justice of the Peace for saild county, John G. Moaer, who, being luly sworn, deposes, and says, that he is member of the secret' society, known as the Heroes of America ; that in March, last he was initiated iri the order by Alfred Shaip that the lat ter part of May last, he: was in Graham, ancFWilliam R: Albrigh V Esq.y of Alamance, approached him and gave him the sign-tgloomy times"-and asked him to walk up stairs in his store. In a small room he found CoL Abraham Klapp, of fruilford county, who initia ted him in another degree - with- the ' following signs : Taking the hat slowly from the head, and pla cing it over the breast,4 slapping Your thigh with the hand after placing the hat again pn your head, Ken the right hand is thrown up over the shoulder. Answer : both hands thrown up ; answer, with some sign with something white in the right hand.--Whe.n yon meet' a man in 'the dark make three growns, thusr oh, oh oh this to be returned by the words 4'glodmy times.n He farther says, he has become satisfied the order is wrong and treas onable, and renounces the same and declares be will have nothing more to do with ii. . 5 - Subscribed, and svoxn to betore me, tnis juiy 10, 1864. ' rJUll-N MUbiiK. Robt. Hanger; J. P". " .- State of Nonra Cakoltn )LTNA, ty. ; - Alamance county This day personally came before me, A. H. Boyd, acting Justice of the Peace fori Alamance county, Wl C. Faucett, who being cluly jRworn, deposes and says, that about five or six monihs since," W. R. Albright,-Esq., of Alamance county, approached him and asked him if he' wanted to join something that would aid him if he ever fell into the hands of the enemy1 also asked him if he could keep a secret : that in the .month of May lasi said Albright ap proached him again and said he bould have him now put through the Order he had spoken to him about lie replied to him that he wished a few days to think about it; he, Albright, replied that he had gone into it, and that he,;Fauceti, need not be afraid to go into it. He then went wilh him up stairs in Albright's store, and Albrightj introduced him to Col. Abraham Klapp, of Guiltord county, Klapp asking him if he could keep a secret : he assenting tliat he tould, Klapp then proceeded to initiate him into the secret Order, known j as the Heroes of America, with the oath and signs, as published in ! the Conservative newspaper. "Kiapp'then initiated him in the second degree of same Order. He is satisfied that. the Order is calculated to do injury, nd renounces the same, and will have, not nothing now more io ao wiyi me vruer. r Subscribed and sworn to before me, this July 16th, 1S64. - m V, FAUCETT. H H Boyer, J, P. . 'The following letter has been left ' to our disposal by Gov. Vance : Pittsboro. iJuly 15th, J864. Hi Excellency. Z -J. Yance, Gbvemor-of JVT. C. Sir : About the last of March p.f first of April last, I attended a meeting of the "Heroes Of Aemerica '1 without knowinghether there jwas any society or net, or what was its objscts or anything else connec ted wilh it. I was merely request, by a man of my acquaintance,' to attend at a certain house in Chatham county, where I would learn something which would be to my advantage and not disadvan tage, and that I would meet there Rsv. O. Church hill, who was the pastor of the church my family be longs to, who informed me he would explain the whole secret to me Ori tke morning ar.pointed, I went to the house as directed, for I had Igreat confidence in Mr. Churchhill. . Mr dhurchhili was not there but I found several persons ther my. neighbors and friends,. all,' as I believed, loyal men; and. among them 3rt.1WV H. Smith, of Wake county, whoaid that he had been requested toj, meet us, by Mr. Cbujrchhill, and who initiated me. After we had taken the oath he explained to us what was meant by it,' to- wit : that there was noth ing in it for or against the North, or for, or against tne fcoutn tnat it naa notmng ao with my reli gious or political opinions, but as no one knows whether we would be subjugated or not, or, whether we would be subjected to raids 'Or not, that it . was intended simply for the protection of our property. I was not satisfied with this explanation, although I had no idea that one half was 'embraced in it which I now see. I was then solicited to take pa, pere and initiate -this I declinedj On my nextsceing lILn. Meiritt, I asked hhn if there were any promi bent men in Raleigh in it, he told me, there w'as- but this,' he has since told me, was mistake. All this time I was anxious to! get out of the cons cerh and get relieved from my Xgation to keep it secret, but did not know Jiow,. although 'I never at tended but .this one meeting, and as seon as I;eaw the statements in the paper as to how I " might get rid of it, I went before a justice of .the peace of this county,' and. made the affidavit required on 30th of June, 186. J. E. JOHNSON, I Wealaft give the following communication- to His .Excellency, with-the affidavits annexed. We are satisfied thai all goodand loyal men .who have .been entrapped into this concern; upon : ascertaining its treasonable and infamous, character, will makespeedy and prompt recantation.' We feel free to say that pardon and "beolution will be tranted all such. But woe to those who" persevere iin their wickedness and treason f r 7 j I: .-a i" BALrSBCRrr. N. ;July.X8,lJ864: lla JLxcellency VL. H. Vanck -,1 Dear Sir .-. Enclosed you will fiad the renunciation of the affiants, of any- connexion, with the t " R. O: V A. organization. v In extenuation of their offence. allow me. to sayr that, they are amonz our best citi zens, having been faithful in assisting the families of soiaiers, seuing nour at 540,,wben theymight have received $100. At their request I make this state ment, and I .know ittO-be true. : They-deny that any restraints jwere thrown around them-as to-whom they should yote for.. I kfldw.bothT'tbe gentlemen to be ardent supporters of your , Excellency. " They humbly petition for forgiveness and Exeutive clem ency in their behalf. - . '. 1 am respectfully, v" 1 " : -f. : ' $'.Xour obedient seryanr, v . A vr. , - : . w. a:, iloucr. n. - - . Stati-oVNorth'Carouna, ' : ; jr.f-'; t Rowan Cotrnty. ; This day personally appeared IL F.v Bradshaw, and made oath that the . faetsl in ibe foregoine communication axe. true; and that, he hereby renouns - akll a. ! . At X ' -v tar " ui cuuuecuoa wita. any secret society or organic zation: f-; :r -. -.v-:.:c- 1;.:-- -:- -. Subscribed and sworn to be&ra me: tbi .TniVft . 1864. . - - t. t rT w w ' - J- 1 a. n Ta W Ya A J. P, STATtt orNOTTBCABOtr4r4f n-lrt-l . ..-Rowan uniy.. ; i This fa ay "ap nea" iredJ Joshua Milefij anU ma made path that hejfwas iciut to jo in an association canea iie geroesrAmericn ;vthaf be jomea jupuwi? s surincduthat; ajmbahi P dld I lieIM& his duties as a good and loyal citizen, Jndjhat noth- ing aetri mental to tne gover.nmem ruiw..w further swears that he has never attended any meet- mg or assemblage flhe societyi hasev?rjuse'0if MJflitrK,ibv others, and BICIU UVl IVWiLUlACUtUCUl. II MVU, J Ritrns nor recosn thaihe renounces apnuect ciety" or organization u t - 4 Swornn ubscribebr5rnv t.bis ly 6, W. A. HoiJck, J. P.. : " f.-rlb'ttN. PROMOTIONS INORTH 3j6AROLlNA REGI- James H Wood, of Rowan; : to be Colonel of trie 4th regiment.iGrimes promoted. - -jtT J Edwin A."bsborneof Mecklenburg,-tobe Lieuten ant Colonel of the 4th re gimentVHprom . o . . o " ) - 1 ' Robert V. Cowan, of Iredell,; o be Poloriel ; pf the 33df rice Avery, deceased.. j I " t Willfam P. Roberts, of Gatesi ,to bevColouel pi :the 2d cavalry, Andews 7 ..rat v-" ' "' " From TRlmohd Eiiquirer " ii i SECRETAiY; 0FTro 'REASTOYV ? : rMrG. A. 4Trehholm of .GhaitestonSO.V'WasTes- terday- sworn in aS'Secretary of ; the Treasury . iMr. Trenbolm has been a" successful merchant of ; large business, but be has: been so completely withdrawn from oublic. life that we know hotbins: whatever of his Qualifications. "His views oh finance are unknown to us.-but from what we have learned from-others. he possesses talenls, industry, energy and 'zeal' that ji rt :i li .1. .V-l-l- i it. is nopeo, wm resun. iu . improving me currency. He will find the people "xiiy willing tojhave the curv the President accepting it-will be found below. In the retirement -of, private "life, r to which Mr. Mem minger goes, hewill not fail-to receive the-kindest eviaences oi.puiaiiQ esteem.. , xue inuustry, zear ana. fidelity, which have characterized his administration ma.' IVtilAr? r illl"c.f.ii f" t?? Tn.5W Af rt"1iA ana win not iau to reap ineiTirewara. . - , . Treasury Department J . .... - Richmond, June 15i1864.;" J ; Jlis Excellency: the President'; f V'- ! " ' Sir: You -have been aware 1 fbVf severaimonths past oi uiy uesiiBsiu wiiuuiaw uviu my , present oui- ciai position, and of the reasons hich restrained me from so doing.. Witjh art earnest purpose' tdleVote to the service of ; my country, during the perils which surround her, - whatever faculties I may posses, ' I had nevertheless perceived that the enormous bur dens imposed on the Treasury; by a war on so" vast a scaie,'ana tqe aimcnity or. sustaining rnem, naa given rise , to aiscontent anato distrutt in the abih- l tQf e18??6? P?Parr menu iu meae eieiueuis vi uitssausiacuon wasaas ded another arising from essential differences in the nlans Submitted by thehead of the denartment and those adopted by'ngfef r- ' - V; In' this cdndiUon.of'thingslt.wioul seem-to. have been proper to have- resigned :m office as "-soon; as Congress had passed its judgment against the plans whicq 1 had submitted. .'v , Two consideration 8- however,': prevented. The r first was a repugnance to any ' act which could be misconstrued into an abandonment of a post Of du ty assigned to me , during a .struggle in which ;I felt thSt every citizen Qwed to his country whatever sacs nfice or service was "demanded of him. ' The finnn- 1 cial plan-wmeh was finally adopted by. the last; Con- cress naa oeen uncertain nnui wiaena 01 tne session. It was not matured, until' the' two houses had referred the. matter to committees of conference and it- be came a law only on the last day of the session. , r The machinery which was required Jbr its operation was complex and extensive,,, ano,.by,;the.i terms .of the law, jast forty days (were allowed to scarry, it into complete enect. iNo new head of the ueparfjpent, however competent, .would. ..have been able .to ac quire sufficient knowledge of office details in -time to have carried put the provisions of the actK. Trie pub lic good, therefore, demanded thai I should not leave my post during this period. 1 v . i r w The secqnd consideration r which-pre vented was the5 unwillingness 1 leltto Jeave . you in opposition to your desire; while you honored me with Such confi- denceas you have. nnifest rvrJ 1tul ; vuj rtaeugreai. ana yanea resporjsibilities. attendant , upon he iofficev in Twhich; Providence has placed jou . . These consiaerations- nowno longer go vern. The nrst is at beea near! at an enu xne junamg or tne s, currency has early, completed, ana ;.r the; entire machinery require uv iue- uiaiis mi uMngx,ess.-iiorrxaxes ana - . r t y - i- ' -i financeis now in full Oper atipn . ' No, public interest mi, - :j -iu .1 . ' . . .j. . &'Moi.P'MD -v puvcaiaui-.-!-- "3 .wuu uou&iueraiiou musi y ieia -to ine conyic - uuu mat uauuc lumvauu. aim iu uuonc reauire me to insist, on your acceptance of the resignation which I now tender, in the hoDe that-von will Ha ?uciui u .uixuu&iuu; harmonize" with tboe df.Conffressarid who mav. on tnat accounroe oetier-Hpie (none can oe more earn estly desirous) ihan Tlhave been to do valuable ser vice to :' out' .country ?-Si ' -4!?.. . . ......... t .... . .. . . . ' I confess, sir, that-I cannot, without deep emotion. separate from you and my colleagues in the? Cabi net, Neither can I .do so without beimr inv: testi.. mony, juw never, , m tne -uimosc ireeaom pt oonh denwai intercourse have 1 heard one word or sug- .r . " : z , rr?: :7rv w; r . ?nJ?fc.V0" Jfra fruition of. the naoft and inrffinAniiwnrf: fni' wTiTrfi Y,a - - ' 1 - .PT- u.v- ouo I nas um w wstiy n uuck uiu luav yuu,:sir. T-WOUia I have enjoyed in the spejctacle'ibf her Jiappiriess-' and! prosperity, tne oniy rawaro jrou seea; lor the: ceases less cares and labors devoted to her service. ; Thou ah tnis may not ikjw. oe,a;buau noiease m, private lite to give my warm co-optfration in whatever:may con duce to the consummation o-araentlyluestfed, ; siring tp.bejcticable, my eery ices remain freely at your disposal fihtil yoij shall have "sel ectedrmy sue- cessor ia'iqffi.ce? 5";HTf.ri li . V ,-lJO. GIEijSlINGER i I- Richmond: Ta.v June 21:' 1864. DejSir ae'ived-ju;leiter; of tbel5th Instant," stating thegrouhds 5h'r which'voudeem that justice to yourself And.toctbe? public, .requires you - Some months since you expressed a desire to Ve- ure,-ior tne reason jthar, in your belie, thepubl ic service would ; be promoted by, the appointment of a successdrwhoserviewsof financial rjblfcv'accorded better than your Own with the legislation then rateC ly-adopted.Lknow,th&-extreme . difficulty- of con'-i uucuug me xreasury pjepartment aurmg tne pend- j-coTnpe vei siops at those-' who are -readv efficient administrationMhe embarrassments due to deficiency of resources and the want of legislation b adapted e-existipg eir; experience acquired Tya you in the organization and management-ef the Deoartment eouldnotbe iinme- ffi'SSiffS ?i?n.;wsati8fied that the general jvelfard Would be injuriously affect, v il Z?:Z "11 ourawal athat,time. xou havemow fw vl i Uq?v and tfctl to stnow tTftJhe5' t0 a conyiction cf pubho duty. ; - - - r rency,improv inkton,ihinks it is folly which speaks of: Mr.' MemminP'er's letter of Tox'to-natt Kf r in so vast an empire, as the South, ana ot "Rccent events do not warrant me in-refusing yohr fc 6e wed request tba'tjt should accept your resigna-r Ai.n. I Tb4 regret yoir expresa at the prospect of our. ?V-krf?Ant i fiinRerelVBHared bv me. From your w V entranne rrr tne OUlieSOI TOUC OLUCO A uato vuawiy aflpteated the! ceerfnlaod unremitting devos tionof all yburjaculties to the public service, and do not fail tojremember that it 1 was at 'the' sacrifice of private inclinations that yori continued to fulfill ytfie arduous duties of your post The goffer you ! make of vour services .until your successor can as ' I J. .. ..... . - , enma office ia in the sauie natriotic Spirit, and is ac cepted a3 thankfully as-it is generously tendered At as early a" period as practicable I will endeavor & comply .with v our request to be TelieVed. " -Withvjny. -grateful. : acknowledgements for your past assistance, .and for y ouf very kind expressions of personal regard, be assured of .the cordial esteem .with;.wibich,X ai - ' : -' fe '' ..; ?" - - tci "XourJriend, - " tif-i-:".. (Signed) - JEFFERSON DAVIS. Hon. G Memminger; Secretary O. S.' Treasury, . Richmon6"'Y&; 'r- -'.-,?;-Vi- X t '(.-: j - . 4t t 1 '.fi ' ; ' : " :-;)-- ; RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A severe smashup occurred orr the N. C. -Railroact yesterday evening fey - which a very estimable ladyj Mrs. Zylphia Alston wife bt Macon Alston, was- in. stan tly killed and a large number of the other pass sengers severely injured. As we are informeda freight train was running close behind the . passenger, and while in a deep cut near a Curve the conductor of the latter train -stopped to recover his hat which .had blown offhtiheadV andwhiLe thus standing the freight ranon Wthe passenger it being impossible to stop .ffoT. AaMVi,.in(r t.A imnndrncr AancrRr. Mrs. Alston was a native of thisplace, daughter of Wilson Hill.-' deceased. Te deeply svmpatnize with her distressed relations merit Daily Citizen. in this sad bereave- - "STARVING OUT THE SOUTH." The New York. the Fremont organ at Wash hemmin g starving its neoDlo Uvrcuttinsoff their supplies. The Zra On 'the face of it "it wuold seem to be a folly too transparent to impose upon anybody, that the rebels;, , - a. : i ji -i.- -r : . occupying almost a oounaiess exient oi lernws tory;. and always nearly exclusively agricultural iri " t ji ;t-i Li - j C i ineir purs u us, couiu possioiy oe in uange o bum -vation. Capacity to prodece food is precisely, that "which they possess in a degree which cannot be ex ae'Mrrftfeed-.and, if their aErriculture has not in some quarters, taken tnat airection neretoiore, it is oecause . . .' . . . i 1 cottony tooacco, rice ana sugar nave Deenmore pront- able,: or have been thouento. The coasts and rivers of the South abound with fish, and the domestic ani- mals. for food and labor multiply without care or cost in almost every,. part of it. There is no rebel State which is not naturally an Egypt ift abundance, and remarkablv enouerb : if there is an exception. -it is - & -.Or Tfixasthe isolation of which has been said to threaten the Confederacy with starvation. That-great State. !a. f.rn.akln t riilr vaicl'rll till f fha fl" OTifTT ( droughts renders, the raising of cereals precarious. m, n Js v, Cai;. K Wr t??- V"v. y- aosurauy upon anotner.. ; ;. - f 1 "w Prisoners ' at ' ANDERSoNvixLBi " GA.The Macon SJUpnat and Messenger, says : !'. " - ' ' ! The number is "now over 2 7, 000. and has been al most-daily increasing. An addition of five acres has recently been made to the enclosure, but even with this it is iflreadyitoo much crowded, and the,com mandant is ; endeavoring to receive no more. The mortality, is'Vconsiderable, being generally from fifty to sixty a day. .A strange state oi anairs seems to prevail among them, wholly of a domestic character of their own. There has been thieving, fighting and murders and to secure some of them from damage from the-others,- about ninety have to be kept outside the walls under guard, it 13 said that several will be hung by their comrades .for the murders commit ted. j, 1 ' r "LINCOLN'S REr NOMINATION . IN ENGLAND. v The x.ondon limes comments thus on- Lincoln's XQi nomination : Afr. Luicoln has been nominated by the Republi can Convention at Baltimore for; re-election to the Presidency. ' It i hard to see what'claim Mr. Lin coln has for such a nomination.! , It is difficult to think that the Rehnhtioan nartv nan be in a RfttiqfaS- a ma asjMr: Lincoln is the best representative they can get, and the fact that gold rose suddenly to 195 on the announcement of his re-noininatioh shows that the Federals are at hMrf .f fmnoh toe'Rame opinion, hle-is said to4 be chosen upon 14 a-platform " of an uncomoromis- ine prosecutWof the war until the rehellinn shonM he overcome andr Ls narf cinatm-s rrVnhf-h w. - " - . punishment due to their crimesr of the extinction of si aver it. tne enrour&cremp.nt ot emanpinntinn onri tho I- .7 . '-Z.-'- Z ---f r--,. tnaintertance of the MonToe doctrine. It .is very 1 ctronrro tht onnio ohn.it ho mnK anf v.T;n Wli - Ttravflrit lna t.U im 'ihon thoJr .fT.w - i - IV eighty thousand men, are still in the very crisis ol their fate. " f1 '- ' - I . t , - "However every arrarigeraent is doubtfuPuntil the result of the Virginia campaign is declared. If Gen., whit nearer their main object, yet he will have shown that there is no general on the 'American continent capable: of coping with him, and he . may be Presi- dent. Dictator, or what he will. rOh th TntW hnnrl jf he fails, part of ibis failure will evitably recoil on iur.jjincoin-j ine .spin in tne uepuoucan party be LWKKri. Air iiinfii ii .mui ipnprai M romstrt nrisy am cepts. uis nomination, may pecome serious, and in the division McCIellah and the democrats might be . -r""-. vi f- b SIII'rPKSillll - . ; it. i MRS. ABE LINCOLN AT HOME a. writer m the Mobile Reaxster remarks that bo- lore the advent of Mrs. Lincoln, the White House was. the s,cene only of those simple, republican forms Of reception ohserved in the stately, yet plain style or Airs. maai3onf tne agreeahie soirees of Mrs. Tyler. the un6stentatious levee of Mrs. Polk, and, the chaste elegance that adorned .-the -little . Reunions of Mi s. Lane -But" the present mistress proceeds oh a dif- lesson. ' Sqou after she became the lady of the ex ecutive mansion? she went to Gautierand asked him n uc wum luruisj a umuer ior tmrty persons.9 wine memaea ior tnree qouars apiece ? The old French man opened his eyes: ' Portion, jnadame.1 said he" - out seven uonar zj piate. out chust pay me for da leetle trouble Thould do myself the horlor tn fata fdr you.'V . Madame reasoned, and M. Gautier apolo gized and the upshot was, that she retired in rlis- gust.and coosea her own dinner. 'But the story was wv goou to.ue iosp, ? it nrst crept into gossip, then into the newspapers, until the tood woman was mor. that she -has- pursuedihe opposite extreme ever BIU ioauiug.ier-iagies iq a manner to rival those 4 1 . A waggish'jfriend says that the reason Gen. -John hecausrip tea no nlace tn nut rhm n,n lt 'w.a VrAnSiv inY fbA X So! in a9 r.A kam th ;n t, irtr - lnA t,.r.i;a.n;iAM .r i,nir i r hundred of fthem, leach day,-; and majte' them feed themselves, it answered evefy purpose.. ..But now: fiveor ten additional acrss having been added, to the prison grounda'at Andersonville; he wiir proceed to ubbble upUli9 whole concern in avery fewrdays, and'send down what he does not kilU-5.1 1 9 T E i EG- BXPHI O . REPORTS OE1 THE PRESS ASSOCIATION. Entered accdrdinr tor act ot Congress, in the year 18M. bv j" . S.- Thkashib, In tbe Clerk'a Office of the -DlstoctCcW 3 of the Confederate States of the ' Northern District ,x Georgia.1, r . : A . From PcteribuTg. ; ' , v - i . Pktirsburo, July'si. There is no truth, in the rumors of the Yankees evacuating their -position in our front On the con trary, they are showing themselves in larger force than usual, and unremittingly , active in strengthens in their lines and mounting' new guns. , Less artillery firing to day than usual and little or no 8airuisning. i Axrhal of Flae of Truce Boat. ; . t.i - ... . , - Richmond, July 21. -A"ag of trucei boat arrived. at Verina last night,, bringing ten citizen prisoner?, five. ladies, and a large mail.- No papers received up. to 8 o'clockJ P. M. From Georgia.. i. ;r ". : ; r t ,i. Atlanta, July 20. The enemy made' strong demonstrations yesterdav and this morning on our right near Decatur.:' Gen, Hood attacked their right at four o'clock this alters noon ot Peach Tree Creek, near, the Chattahoochee, and in ' five minutes the enemy were driven into their works. ; 1 n-.-X ";:.- kO ,r,jt '.wt.-.'t---; . The colors of the 83d New Jersey, and about three Poners, capturedrom Hooker's corps.-- vur.iosuoi ubhtjt, '."" Brit?. Gen.' Stevens, or South Carolina,, was woun- ded, feared mortal yy and Maj. Preston, ormerly of vrcu. uwu Some skirmishing occurred on our right where the enemy attacked our entrenchments. After be ing repulsed, our, cavalry under Gen. Wheeler, drove 'them with repeated charges towards Decatur. Yesterday evening, Reynold's Arkansas brigade, which crossed Peach Tree Creek, ;drove them bick taking two stands of colors andlSD prisoners. . The troops are in fine spirits to-night ' . " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS."! ' li - 1 '" "r T ' ' - TOVIN HALL,. Friday Evening July a2nd. Second Night of the Richmond ' Amateur ; 1 " Association,. ! a' ' Formed for the Relief of the Poor of Richmond. ' mHB FOLLOWING ARTISTS COiiritlSB THB COM- J-. Dan v : X panj M'r Berryt jrr. w. Oliver, JMfsg Carrie Bentlej, Miu uiorence, ia reiue Alice ana iriora. CONCERT DE VARIETIE . 3 - and 1 - tablaux. :,l 13" For particulars see email bilLi, . 1 ;7-ltPd. Richmond, Va. , July 1 3th, 1864. ybrth Carolina Troops in Richmond, Hospitals this aay '. '. 'T1, ' . . J Hospitals. Strokohs in Cbjl'rok. S -3 ... . . . -j H (y ' i - , 1 General, No. 4, Surg. J. B.-Read, 1' 16 " 13, " II. T. Barton, 20 " " 24, . 0. F. Manaon, 83 Winder, " A. Q. Lane, 2092 4 CJhimborazo, " .J. B. McCaw, . 74 Jackson, ' ' . "F. W. Hancock, 38 I Ho ward's Grove, ?' T. M." Palmer, 54 v. Smart, . " R. A. Lewis, 12 1 fit. F. de-.SaIes, . " D. W. Thomas, 10 Officers Quarter,-' '. A. Y. P. Garnett, 10 Receiving and Way Bide, : J.J. GraTa.tt, 5 Camp Lee, : . f. ' i' . . '-'S - ,; ' : 2S72 U The above list is published for the information of the people of North Carolina- v 1 , O. Jr. MANBON, Snrgeon,, - , " and A gent of the State of North Caroliaa for the Relief of Sick and Wounded N. C. Troops. lost, ;' ". EETWEEN THE SOUTH AND WEST GATES 0F the Capital square, a GOLD BUTTON. The flndr will be liberally rewarded -by leaving' it at the Exprits office. , , ' ... July 22, 1864. 78- 4t. A LIKELY NEGRO BOY AT AUCTICH! FRIDAY, July 22d1 T7ILL BE SOLD, AT TOWLES' AUCTION AND YY" Commission Store, to day, at 11 o'clock, one Likel Youag Man, 24 years of age, healthy and sound in enrj respect, and under a good character. 4 . . Terms Cash. . 1 - 78 Itpd: ! JAMES M. TOWLES, Auctioneer. SERVANT WANTED, T Y7 A MTl TO T7TT3 A nnrvTV nvw . ttt lonnn CAD leither a short or longtime. . For a irood. trnsty woman I I-win giro a liberal priceljamiJy small i: . .WM.;B. SMITH, Illastrated Mercnrj Office, Raleigh, N. C. July 22nd, 1864. NOTICE. Tl ALTER A. THOMPSON WILL LEAVE QRETfNS- .bor?ugn ??d DAllfb.,,r?,?a fo.r th Arly.oforthera oa naay, tne. otu aay er Angast next. ireini Persons desirous of sendihe boxes will please haf&'them at the depots on the day before, properly directed and weighed." ; . . I, .. ' , . , r - . . Wc A.' THOMPSON. July 20, 1864. ;. . TS-td. "BACON FOR SOLDIER'S FA1IILIES. r . STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, , Subsistence Department, Ealeiah. June 27:1864. To County Commissioners: - - r prepared to sell; at cost, to any of the counties of tbls State, for the use of indigent families of Soldiers, a portion or the Bacon accnmnJated.for that tmrtoe. Conntr Comm who are in need of Uacon, will com munlcate with me. . THOS. D. UOUO,;MaJ. &C.S. 57-tf. CAROLINA "FEMALE COLLEQEv' THE EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL BE RE- Burned on Monday, the 1st of Anirast, 1884, with a foil corps of teachers. The boarding Department will .he aflder tne euperyision of Col. Eli Sprniil. - For circnlar eddreos ' .' OA. -; ' . i;' Anaouvllle, N. C. Jalyl8th, 1864. . . ' . . 74-tf. " SYTHE BLADES. - THERE HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AT WILMINGTON, A lot of some four thousand 8ythe Blades, both grain ana .rae Djaaee. They win at once be brought to thia place n lStriDUtlOIl. : TTlA Ooirrta nftha I .mnflai ant rMineH ca tc appoint Cotnmissiorers to receive the qaoU for their re-. spectlve counties. - A tha n.an- Kf min and irrtM uln the VV esterU counties has not ret- been har-ested a prefer ciicb wm De given to t&ese counties in the distribution. v. r 1 ; BEL1I0NT (SCHOOL, , iGI2AjrVILLErCOUNTK K. C, I THE NEXT SESSION OP THIS SCIIobli BEGINS 29TH July, 1864. For particnlare iaddreea - ' . ' J- -.-X- ' ? - B. H;. O RAVES, Oxford, W.' . 71-ndlltw2tpd. .. ,. (For Saeaafxaa Fork BxpreeiJ -' ' ' Snreical Inatrnments. QEVERAL CASE8 OF BEATJTIFTJLLY FINISHED SUB O eical instrument, at " t . ' , -TUCKER; ANDREWS A CO.'S . -r . . t . -t- w - . at iojy au. 1864. iT 1 i Office Ealcigh & Gastoxi B. B Co'py ( " -; THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF. THIS , COMPaj have declared a dridend of 15 per cent on the cap'" atock, payable on and after the lat of Autmst, ISM. In totV" cent, certificate and bonds of the Confederate St". 0 ;t Confederate treasury notes of the old Issue- at lace yaioe, the option of the Comnanr. - " . c -. . . - - ;- WAYSIDE HOSPITAL . OUEENSBOEO', N. C, Mat 2d, ? ORDERS FROM Da. EpWARp WARREW -r tAt ll A-t it . t t..a oa8 uenerai ior cue dilo oi ona vsroua, . a WAYSIDE HOSPITAL in the town o Greeaahorr f. C, wher all'Sick and Wounded Soldiers travalla c a .a.reidn place, . . . - ; 11 tL. Asst. Burg. 13 aUrr. V 1 m a 4 .1