DAILY CONSERVATIVE. p. fiifjlAX Co., JF?r oprletors. The fotiowinff rates wiTT be eha. fm n i ' erted in the Daixt and WsT(XHsi?in7" " One dav OKZ&QVXG3t OT ITOHT LDIrt, OB Ull OP SUBSCRIPTION: ; - S 8 00 One weekr fit 00 - 1 00 45 00 T 00 - Three days, . Four da vr. T. "i 6 CO .r - w -I 12 00 f 0 weeks, Taree weeks,' - One month, 4 . . .IIA - f 8 00 - - - - 8 00 15 CO Tiro months, 144 W rtA,.pA 3 month-., -uiT worm. n -.v , ,t , , . - - a -. . mouth, ' .- . ' - 35 00 'V p U'ER, months, - : - - - 3 00 tffSS..rAI; 6 months; - - - - -.-.-' - - - 6 00 h ntil in adfauee, and paper stopped when the Vol.- L RALEIGH, K. 0., : FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1864. JSTo. 126. i'riTS r.tre- - - . '. ..: . -. - . . . 0 n.ii-i .1 ii- i.n- " - ' - -r - ' . - f M " M - -v L'-,.r .; i nt. -T- , -' -. Ir i . -a- ' , " T m ' , N r .. , , , , ' ! " ' ' " U Telegraphic Ncto -0K or THE PRESS ASSOCIATION! 2- to act oi tonsrepp, in ine year 1001, - From Kichtaond. ; : . RrcaMHKD, Sept 15. ' ..- from .in officer in Lomix's B.-igade savs :. v.,ve ibp-enemy, through Mrtinsburg yeter 1 .i arid to-day arc tearing up the railroad. 's'y. 27tf-a7.Jorthe-;i3th Fays;. Fifty-one in Mr.c show ihe nettTtpubliean gain to be - i jn:lrt'I and eighty four. - - : I ft -Uret reas meeting ever held assembled in M.viUv evminE to -rfc-firy the nornina- 'I. :.. i II " " 7 iri;l his letter of acceptance. K ;;;iro tOSni repori3 . -ujt. !i ircm Jnditnnpolis announces the cap- ' Mis.'cuii cuerrilla. 1 c;" .trr A-W.irice --sras c-pturcd off Hatteras X-- .'tecr-i-r Etzy was captured on tue fl.c vcsif sr.d cr.rgo worth half riiillion :h ir?t. ciiied Mary, anived at j 1 repair i on i . . Ko P.! i.t If -ac; Tiimnrf.'l in Ci l1" - r.x -rrni'lil soon make another tlfjfi ;t tt;-: - yy' 7 I.!,m.:,..:or, in; American r.ffAirfl. : . pV sl.i'tun r.-.-aof the 10th says: Lincoln -. -i ! v uw commissioners to Jiichinond, as ) I " luwn tlr.t many leading men ot the republican , .,.v htdy bsc:i urSinS that policy. ,1 h. ' ,p 1 1 t;i!:et cxrite-: and une.ttled. Olnsiid . ,.-Ja! (L.-pitch from Petersburg to the Uich- , v H7.V to-dav Mys: A force of the enemy's .iTshr 3'ii'inlmtry, supposed to be a raiding paity, liuT'Cc i from the Weldon railroad this morning in the vicinity cf.Puplar Springs Chusch, twa miles Rtct of ti.e railroad, and "four miles from the city. Sklnr.LsMt.s- vras going on all the morning. No j.arii' iih.rs reaived yet From Petersburg. PTERSBCUG, Sept. 15. Warren's Yankee corps advanced westward this ni rains to Popular Spring Church, two mile's from Wi-Uhn railroad. The enemy broke through i'. itler's line, and were met by Col. Ferrebee and i's-'.ri.i; brigade, and vrere repulsed. Ou"r loss was jriflirg. The enemy had commenced fortifying at th Church. Piisoncrs state that it was an attempt '.ouvanoe their lines in the direction of the Souths :d,- railroad. All quiet on the bajanee of the lines: No !..;1.in2 and but little picket tiring. From the Lyncbiirj Virginian. lirK liETUAYAL Ot UKN, MUKtiAiS A CUJt We take c;reat pleasure in giving . place to the. !! winjr ctirtction of an error into which we M ere l.'l in regaid to the betrayal ot Gen. Morgan: The Virginian of the Sth fust., -in an account of ki.orat Morgan's death, Mates that Mrs. Williams, "jt hase house he was a guest," betrayed hhu by giving ihe iiiiVrnialion which brought the enemy upon hit.n. It is tvt so. The Mrs. Williams whose gift he wis, is un old lady, a widow, and a 'true aii;ern wonnn. S -e would be the.last person in TV nori't'j er.trap even an enemy by professions f f.ivii ')d h r.pitaiity. She was a personal '-mimI r-f CI ..r. ...1 '"A T. .r,ri n: ftho L-1- n tt nr.tliJnrr rf ihm eiA-K.y uuul they hud surrounded her house, ttii- M .-.ho at onco roused tho General from his sleep and a?i;.stt.d tiim lo escape frocu.tho house, i She has i s i :.n oHictr in our cavalry, and has done as much lor our uiea and suffered as much f oin the enemy as nv or.?. ' i Tl;e'ir;s. Williams'' suspected of betraying Mor gan i ; iim v. it c of a near relation of the. old lady of trt-i s iUiO ;?in? who is at Knoxville. . She was bet stii a truest 1 tl.e luu.-e, and nr.y, or may not, have tpvn the iuforniation. If she did, it was a vrik o supererogation, T.r the ton-n was full ot bitt.r t Mies. Fk ci iho moment Morgan reached Greenville, a hundred hostile eyes were on evry motion a iuiU-j. Instant and accurate information wascnt lo the enemy by messengers more certain ti an any wovn m could be. The iihr.iitrt of name has misled you or your in formant. doubt it the suspected "Mrs. Williams " d-d ar; the part ascribed to her. Be that as it may, -!( rgan's hostess was not priFv to any of her acts. I Know-the old Ja.ly well h.ave'known her long. -no -n ht? hen more .shocked by the event, or lels more horror and detestation r f the acts which led to it tr.an the elder Mrs, William?, who was sincerely aficnipf Morran and of our cause. O. 5 fa m t- : j rr.on tfif. VALLEY. e 'lave some iato news irom me vnvj, tt.v6w t'!'e Rockingham Jiojister. A formidable raid start tlo jt fI0m tl0 enemy's lines r n Friday or Saturday citenient along up the Valley. Commissaries and 'i riertnasters were busy removing their stores to phc.es of safety. It was reported that they had passc-d up the Page Valley, but1 this afterwards FJoveJ to be a mistake ; and it was ascertained that :ey hid crossed over to.the eastern side of the Blue indge. The following telegraphic despatch, pub hshed by the Register, throws FOme light on the uatter: Unliable information from below says, Kershaw's n "rion met the enemy at Berry vine on the 3rd and -it-ked them. They were about two corps strong. H e drove them several miles upon another corps id reserve. Brig. Gen. Humphreys was painfully but -ot serioiLsl' wounded. Our loss in killed very suud. Everything1 encouragin. Nothirig heard of we raiders this morning.V' .! . Since the above was written, the .Register adds e hare heard from the raiders." The body which as supposed to bct advancing this way consisted of &out 3,000 cavalry, which was cut off in the fight t Berryrille, and they were making tracks to get out of our way 1 They crossed at Ashby's Gap, and p08 Prbably passed down near the base of the ueltfdge to their stronghold at Harper's Ferry. -'.-I ' ' IiATEK. ' -. A gentleman from Winchester, which place he cft on Thursday last, reports all quieten the Valley, ;Jth the exception of occasional cavalry skirmishes. Xbe present location of our army it is unnecessary tate, but our people mar' rest assured that it is m the right place Prftr-iJuV xprc39,xlZth. j -', From the Londem Honing Pott, July S& ! CAN TBE WAIt GO ONf J pn Monday nigh Mr. Litdsay inquired if it wavtbe intention ofr the Government, in conceit with tho other power of. EaiopO, toa3a thwr cnideavors to bring nbont a fiuspension of ho3tilL ties in America, and Lord Pafmerston replied that, inj tte pTeient ttate of thing, it was not thought there would -be aoyj advantage in inch a step. This incident forces us to ask how long it isjrealjy probable that tbia impracticable, aimleM, hopeless war wili last. Is it at ollJikely thatit ill sarviv tho present campaign ? It cannot eerionsly, bo supposed that the Northerners will go u fighting forever at the co.t of national bankruptcy and universal ruin and the desolation of tbi-ir homes, not only without any tangible profit or advantage at prest nt,-bat eveui without any prospect of pos sible benefit in ; the future. We speak of Cbe desolation of Northern' homes, because, as the loss in killed end wounded ;is at least thrica as great on their eido as on that of the Confederates, tbero. must soon le not aisibgle family in the Federal States bnt what will have to mourn the death of ono or more of its members, or to witness the sad spectacle of a husbandj a brother, a ton, painfully dragging himself about a cripple for life. Is it creditable, is it conceivable, is it even possible, that tho Federals should continue such a war much longer? Their doirW so real! v seems to be iu consistent with the nature of man and of thiegs Man is not given to rum himself systematically for nothing. War canrjot bo carried on upon nation al bankruptcy. The mouutains of debt which the Federals are piling up, like Pelion upon Oism, must ere long fall with a tremendous crash, and i bury the Government; under their ruins. -From tho number of regiments which 'are continually marching home ooj the expiry of their term of f-ervice, and leaving the armies in the very crisis of a battle, it is evident enough that those who have had ono taste, pf the war .will not enter the ranks a second time! Those who, have not served may, by the bribe ofjhigh bounties, by kidnapping, by eolisting them when drunk, and other notable American devices, bo induced to go forth as food for powder, j Bnt at this rate, all the male popu lotion having gone jthrough the ordeal, either as 4j huudrcd days' men V or for a longer term, there will be no inexperienced civilians left to bring within the net of trie conscription. This leads to an important conclusion. Even the civilians themselves, who have had no taste of the realties lof war, and bave been accustomed to view it on jits bright and romantic side, have resisted the draft by force in more than one locality. What, then, will be tho effect when it is attempted to preps trained soldiers who are thoroughly sick of campaigning? There will be another civil war in the North. It has been lightly said that im migrants from the 'Old World will fill the North ern armies, but this will not bear serious examina tion. If the North is to depend upon mere foreign merccnario?, tho war will come to an end 1 very speedily indeed ; end if it could bo carried j on by such means, it would be far more formidable lo Hie Vjovernmeni; at tvasuiugiuu iunu iu iuai at Richmond. I But, at all events, mercenaries or patriots, foreigners or natives, there must be money to pay the troops ; there must be money to eatiafy tho contractors, whose war this has now really become. That a financial collapse is imminent docs not' admit of the shadow ot a donbt. No soldiers, American! born or alieus, will fight ; no soldiers can fight without money fcr he necessa ries of war. No5 contractor- will supply these necessaries without money. When the crash comes, and come it must, and at no distant period, soldiers and contractors, American enthusiasts and foreign mercenaries, will leave the war to take caro of itself. I ATLANTA. . We give some faats in rtgard to this city, which has now passed into the hands of the enemy, which will bo of general jintcrcsh Though we have lost AtUnta, the Confederacy is unconquerable and as unshaken in its purposes as it was before the event' occurred. It is net to be denied, however, that the loss is a severe one. There are three railroads which terminate in AU lanta the Georgia road, connecting Atlanta with Augusta ; t,ho Macon and Western road to Macoo, and Westtrn and Atlantic road to I Chattanooga, jTenne8see. I A few miles south of Atlanta branches theLagrangoTailroad, connecting Atlanta with West Point, ou tho Chattahoochee river, at the Alabama line, 75 miles distant By means of these railroads Atlanta in former tim e3 was connected with all parts of the Uuited States. . , ! The city was laid out in 1845, anil has now become one of the most populous in Georgia.1 In 1860 its population' coneisted of about 12.j)00 resident inhabi tants, and'tince the war has increased to almost double that number, the surplus being madetip of Government jofficials and employees, j The city con tains several hotels, a courthouse and some fine blocks of buildings. Since the warjit has become an extensive Government depot and manufacturing centre. Here are Jocated the principal shops of tha the South' foundaltes and machine shops, pistol fac tory, shops for the manufacture of miscellaneous Government articles, and, two laboratories. ! ! DISTANCES. :- ' - From Atlanta to Obattanocga, is Ii 88 miles. Augusta, j41 Macon, Wm Pnint 171 108 78 243 (4 It t Savannah, . Lorejoy, the present position of our array, 29 mi es. TTHAT SOUTHERN LADIES We have been! shown, by Mr. Fi CAN DO. L.Bond, Hat a lot of artifl- and CD manufacturer of this place,' cial flowers, wrought by the fair hands of Mis3 Mollie Buiin, of Rocky Mount, in this county. These specimens are rery beautiful and exquisitely 6nished. Mr. Bond, who has the advantage of ex tended observation in such matters, ana a man experi enced, expresses the opinion to ui, that they will com pare favorably with any he has ever seen from Paris. Wc agree with, him, for we don't see how any thing in that line, could be made more beautiful or tasty any whereif ' " ' We congratulate Miss Mollie -upon her complete success, and say (that if. all the ladies of th South would follow; her example. and put jtbeir hands to work in the different departments of industry, sui table to - them, while their brave" fathers, husbands, brothers and sweet hearts, are toiling for the freex dotn of the "conn try, we would soon be, not depen dent upon the North Prancei or England, for that which is useful or ornamental. 'A ' r- r These flowers i can be seen by callipg; at th hat and Ciptre of Hr."Boad; Tarbf:SQutKrniT, - V- Headquarters Reserve of K. C., V - Raleigh, Sent. 9, 1864. . VJfENERAL URDEKS 1 No; 8, I THE FOLLOWING ORDERS ARE PUBLISHED FOR tho iaformatiou aud gnldance of aU concerned : ; Adjutant and.Inspector Gen.'s Office, March 21, 1SQ4. Genera i. Orders, JT ; '". ' No. 32. ; ; ' yi:H-: I. ramsjraph'V, General Orders, Xo. fiO, AdjaU&t ad In epector GenerarB Office, September 12, liCis so far amended as to read a follows : . . Ki.rolling or recnutisg ofRcer," in the discharge of their du ties under, the Couecrlpt or other- Acts, are enjoined not to removo or interierewitri Troxkmen or etaployeea at the Nitre, Lead, or Copper Work. or Miner a or Furnacje worked by Government otrlcers, or by contractors fr the Ordnance De paitment, without fir-t appritilnjr and obtaining the consent of the hnperinteitdenuoroaicer In:hnre, whotDl held strict ly reponelble for any abuse or cVaion of the Jaw. j . .,. 'f V . .. : . . . . " " . Dy order : . , ," 'v i : - - - (Sijbcd) ' S. COOPJBR. ! A1jilaatand Inpettor Geneial. Adjutant and Inspector Gen.'s Office, ( Richmond, February 0, 1864. . I UtSElilL .K1SK. 1 " . y No. IS. f j .'. - - " .' . IV. Gereral Orders, No.:S3l(3crIealS63) forbids ifiterrerBce with the workmen or employees at Mines, Furnaces or Nitre Work whether worked by the Government or Contrao tora. Theee orders are now repeated, and especial attention ia called to them, , ; , : ' Ey crce : (Signed,;. , S. 'COOPER,. ' - AdlitfanL and Tniiectnr General. - n.-A strict observance of the above is enjoined upon alt j&uioiun- Juicers ia Uiis state, as Jar a it relates to rcrjona within liesei to se?. - - By comm&ud oi Ltcat. Gee. H6i.stm. . ! . - . JNO. W. HINSDALE, . Sept 12 12-7t. A sfiatant Adjutant General. KOTICE TO FARHEES. t QCAKTEKMASTER8 DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, N. P Sept. IS, 1864: ' ' I HAVE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING NAMED places a small lot of Blue Stone, to bo sold to the Farmers in the surrounding Counties, ai $10 per pound. In no instance is anyone to have, more than two or three pounds and less, according to crop of Wheat: i '.-. Henderson, Hillsboro, Greensboro, -Lexington, Salisbury, Charlotte, G wham, Lincolnton, Morgan ton. 'StatesviUe, Asheville, Salem, Asheboro and Raleigh. ' y II. A. DO WD, A. Q. M., 124 It. N. C. A. JSgFT Confederate, Standard and Progress will copy and send bills to me. f ' . Just Received, the following Consignments: H f f BUSHELS DRY VIRGINIA SALT; OUU 50 Kegs old Domin'on Nails; j 50 Boxes Manufactured Tobacco ; - , 100 pairs No. 10 Cotton Cards; j 100 Reams Common Note Paper. i CREECir& LIT CH FORD, Com. Merchants and Auctioneers. Sept. 14th, 1SC4. 124 tf. Recent Consignments HAVE PLACED US IN POSSESSION OF 4000 yards 4 4 Sheetings, and additional arri vals daily expected ; j; 2 dozen llOrse Shoe Rtsps ; -, 4 dozen 14 inch Flat Bastard Files ; ! 23 dozen Hand-Saw Files, and a small lot MilL Saw Files, Cast Hollow Ware, Po'ts, Ovens and Spiders, Scc, in quantity and variety ;' i! j Jio boxes Southern Star SnuS, and j 4 bbls. Copperas, together with other articles. 500 Sheets Iron, 2 6 feet. ' I CREECH LITCIIFORD, Com. Merchants and Auctioneers. Sept. 14, 1364. ; 124 tf. TITHE PEANUTS! OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, ) ! Raleigh, 9th September, 1S64. j POST QUARTERMASTERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE are requested to iiiftrnct th:ir eeveral County Agents to collect all the TITDE PEANUTS at some convenient depot ou the line of the nearest railroad as early fc poseible, and eetd information to this office, so that an agffent may he sent to receive them. w. W.-rPEIKOE, Sept 12 dot w-t Maj. and Chief Q. :I.U)lst. N. C. A FINE SORREL HORSE, GOES WELL UNDER TIIT3 SADDLE, Aj SPLENDID trotter in harness, perfectly gentle, and :has no fault, go far as keewn, for sale by J. n. KIRK HAM. A fine lot of ladioa Shoes will be recetvsd on the 17th or 19th just. Sept. 14, 1661. 124 It. 'FLAX SEED WANTEB ! I ! 1 A AAA BUSHELS FLAX SED WANTED, XyyJUU aisti we are commissioned to offer liberal pries for them fn large or small quantities. ! CREECH & .LITCHFORD, f Com. Merchants and Auctioneers. Sept. 14, 16r4. , . j .124 tf FOR SALE. ; j , 600, BUNCHES COTTON YARN, 8, 9 AND JO. ,000 pounds of Brown Sugar. 12 dozen hand-saw files. . '! ' ;i , 1 bolt of duubie-wiHh fina French Cassimera. Address, . L ! HI SCOTT, Oreensboru, N. C. September Z, lSOI." . 12Z6t. Surgeon General's Office, Raleigh, N. C., Jun-b1Qth, 1864. MESSENGER WILL LEAVE TniS OFFICE ON THE V first day, and the fifteenth d-iy, of every month for Gen. Iee's army. All boxes left here for any member of that army wiil.be carrle there promptly by him and delivered to the 43tf. Surgeon General North CarolihaT Sorghum Mills i and Boilers. -TUST RECEIVED, FROM SAPONA IRON JWORKS, AN J other supply of two and three. Roller Mills and Boilers from 20 to ICO gallons. Kept constantly on hand a large .supply of Ovene Sn'dfrs. and xtra Lids. i uvens, n.n rr, a i JAMES M. TQWLES, Agt., for Sapona Iron Works. Atgastl3th.1Sf4. I r " 7--tf. In Store and for Sale. KtlPR-TH SORGHUM. lXCU. ADIU&JJ a - t- k T" r tv SIZES, lb.. :o.. 0 J Holes punched and ready for us, price 3 60 per Bw Call soon. Hall soon. n.!r" iw"- yv., Auction and Commission Merchants. September flth, 1S0L 120 ft. HOLLOW WABE -POip, OtENS SPID , ers and Extra Lids. Andirons and Sad Irons at wholesale and retail; - : i5-' A liberal dedoction to the Trade.r TUCKER, ANDREWS & CO., '- - , AuClion and Commission Merchants. Raleigh, Sept. 10.1864. 121 7t. ' NOTICE ' . their "nPlionreanX abroad an AseuLto make pur Company is now about s endin, aor chtise nme before f the books will be hort time to PpSENIUtU.rrei-1dent. 9I-.tL Angust 6th, ltxVt. . . . ' nATjnT.TrlA FEMALE COLLEGE. YTT, OF THIS IXSTITDTION WILL BE RE- TnE EXERCISES Or Jtt i . August, 1SC4, with a full 1 gu,med on Monday, tne Tptrtment wUl be under h corp or ieanrrr. "Vm j;DrnIfl. For circnlar address - r tne upervUioa of Col. u s-P1 RsT J k. 4JKLtTITH, L- July lth,.LS4 BY THE GOVERNOR OP NORTH CAROLINA! -I A PROCLAMATION I - "HEREAS IT IS REPORTED TO JtB THAT 3T ANY If oWLers "0 tho troop of this JState have de; rted Uxeir cldora and comrades, and are. now iorkine in tho woodaacd n onnta. aona of them subsisting by forein their friends ti . violate the laws by aiding them and ethers by violent de- tIIAJ. Posterity, Urathe nMtdc..iS e caui-e ot their ArUi?h?mB,KCD- -i2- e. in Oenera! Order No. Aug. 10th, 1SG4, has promised to deal lenientl- with a'l who &?Hl!T2ZL?rn& thon.Ril 1hey mfty bve tSS penalties of desertion by prolonsed abeeuce without authori ty. .Now, therefore l,i2ebulou B. Vance, Governor oi the State of North Carolina, Uo issue this my proclamation, nr ing most earnestly upon all such misguided rae to wine oht from their onee respected names the foul staiu of desertion by Eromptly returning tothe postof dnty inaccortiancewitr. said leneral Order No, C4, promising to all such who voluntarily returo or surrender themselves to the proper anthoritierf a full and tree pardon, or the infliction of only the mildest penalties or the military law, except those who have been guilty of ! felon!ea affsiost the lives and property of the cstir-n and this promise shall hold good Tor thirty aav from the date nereor. And 1 herebv nurn oil nh utm r. . 1 i with these-terms that the ntruoat. power of this State ..wiH be wiure iuera or orive ttaem from the borders of a as -craLuBt their aiders and aiitt.r in th u?i iBelUneonaly with this proclamation order xvlli issue Ut the entire militia of the State to tarn out for their arrest, and 1 hope by timely submission. they Mill spare rue the nail of hunting down like entity felons many brave aed misguided men who have served their country well and couid do to again. Deserter fjom other States who hide in our woods and aait tng this appeal effectual, both by their exertions as" osilitia soldiers and their influence as men, to take paina to seek out all deserters of their acquaintance, put this proclamation in their hands, or in the hands of their r lativa s.nri tvinria and urge upon them to return to the rath of duty, which 13 also the patn of safety and of honor; if every good and-loyal citizen wonid set about to reclaim or capture orso deserter by every meaus in his power, ue would succeed and 'he vrill have rendered a most v Unable and patriotic service to his Stnle aad country. Civil magistrates are also exhorted to be diligent in procecdiuti against all such as violate the s.atnte against harboring, aiding or abetting deserter, uud vamicg ia uerebv given that inall cases whre either civil magistrates or militia or borne guard ofllcers refuse or neglect o laithfulSy perform their duty in this respect, upon proper evidence sub mitted to-in?, the Executive protection extended to them nnder acts of Congress shall be withdrawn, as I cannot ccntty that officers civil or military, who refuse to perjorm tboir duties are ' necessary to the due administration of t he In ws' which thfiy will not execute. Olven nnder my hand, add the great seal of tlw Stat?, at Raleigh, this 21ta day of August, lsS4. j - L Z. B. VANCE. By the Governor : A. M. McPhbsters, Private Secretary, pro tern. Aug. 24, 1SR4. . - IHO - fit. $3 All papers in the State will copy and send bill to Executive ofiice. Dailies one week, others two weeks. $50,000 WAKE COUNTY BONDS FOR SALE! ON THE' 8ah DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, (Monday of our Superior Court,) at 11 o'clock, by authority of our County Court, I shall sell at the Auction Store of Tucker, Andrews & Co., in' tae uiiy oi Jtvaieign, Fifty" Thousand Dollars of Wake County Bonds. These Bonds are in sums of $1000, $500 and $100, to run for ten years, with coupons attached, payable semi-annuallv. " JOHN F. HUTCH INS, County 2'rttstcc. TUCKER, ANDREWS &. Co., Sept 10 121 tds AucTiONEEiis. Office Corn's of Appraissmentf Raleioh, Sept. 1st: 1854. T DI2 FOLLOWING CBTANGE. OF PRlCliS IN Schedule of data July 30th. 1864, snail be observed from this date until chared . Fodder, nay, I f Oats, Potatoes, rr 100 pcuo-Js, unbaled, : 60 4 U() 3-50 5 VQ 5 '50 "5 50 5 do 4 ( H) 4 00 .baled, " " ' unbalod, 1 " " p. sheaf unbaled- " " ' ' aled, " " " shelled, per buchol, Irish; . tiL " " 60 lbs". sweet, x- it u " 60 1b3. 100 lbs. Shucks, baled, The -Commissioners ore salisfied that tbero is a greater abundance of the above subsistence than they had cuppos- ed, hence the ehange ia prices, 1 R. ti BLACKSTOCK, U. Iv. BURGW YN, . 123 dfltw2t. . , . Commissioners. ' F. .- CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A LARGE LOT OF F. F. F. RIFLE POWDER, for sale, wholes ai.e- and retail, at , T 7M. SIMPSONS. Sept. 13th, 1864. ' 123-6t: SECRETARY'S OFFICE. - ,. ' Raleigh, -Ansr. 25tb, ISC4. 1 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE jRfioEIVED. AT this office until Monday, the 26tU of September, to furoiih a sofflcfent, quantity of WOOD for tt use of the StaU, in the Capitol, daricg th9 ensuing winter and spring. . The wood to be SOUND OAK and IIICK0i2Y, to be delivered and measured in the wood b.ouss en the Capitol grounds, from time to timo as required, and to be cut into suitable lengths for tbo feveral fire places. . P J Bidder will state ihe prict per cord at which they will famish it. The right of rejecting bids not advantageous to the State is reasrved. JNO. P. H RUSS, " . Secretary of State. Sept, 3, lSfii. 115 td. WOOL NOTICE. ' QITARTEHMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, Rai.eioh. Jnly 2, T AM NOW PREPARED TO EXC1IANGK COTTON 1 Yarn for Wool, upon the following terms, viz: One bunch of Yarn for three pounds washed Wool, and one. bunch for four pounds unwashed. ; Agents have been appointed to make the exrtiariire at the following places : Oxford, Tarboro'. Kinfton, Catherine Lake, ConcordrRockinghara.lIcndersonville, Stat-sville, Roxboro , Asheville, PiUsboro', LouUburg, FayettevilU.-, Coleravn, and Ipptng Wtror vcr -tfefcr packages who they are from, and the'cottou yarn will b; for- warcea immeaiaieiy. , . . 1 hope the people will patriotfcaUy respond to the aiove notice, as the Wool is forclothiuthe N. C. Trop?. eitf. n. A. DO WD, A- Q. M., N. C. A. Post Quartermaster Office, C S. A., Raleioh, N. O., August-ais,16Gl. . T RFOTTIRE 250.0C0 TOUNDS WHEAT OR OAT X Straw, for the supply of the Hospitals at this Post, for tbe ensuing winter. Many larmer in munciun) objected to selling their straw at government priee for this purpose. Tbe straw is to be used as bedding for nek sod wounded soldier, and mutt be obtained. I eamet!y teg they will respond to this appeal and relievo :e of ihe dis agreeable necessity, and iftriiuelvfs the humiliation- of im pressment. Tbe names of those from whom lam compelled to Impress will be published ia the dily papers. . Private W. Q. Rayl is.iSy authorized agJit- . j' W. E. PLLqCL, in 12t. a . Captain and Po?t Q. M. NOTICE. ' WHEREAS, BY AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY Court of CaswelL made at Jnly Term, 1864, of said Court, I will sell, public Auction, in Yanceyville, on the S9th of September, for cash, a- slave by the came cf HENRY, who ha been confined in Caswell jail fyr mjre than twelve month as a runaway. The said lave says: he fcelongato Mr. Henry Gibson, of Hyde county, North Carolina, He i told by rirtuc of en of -Assembly in such ease made and provided U pay prison fee and other charge. JESSE C. GRIFFITH, Sheriff of Caswell. t " r-' :i " ' '80 1.. July 25,1884. -t ri BALES ' OF cut iux utv, b..i.6. 1 UU TUCKER, ANDREWS I CO, ! . v r vfcv : Auction and CuttfcuwionJ&Iereiiant. i XV SpUmlwrVth, 1854. 120 u : wuw.rjr wuuseuign nonor ana 64xnlefte renown they di?:rraee y relusing todelend, ana that the extremist penaltu s of the aw will be in forced without exr.nntfan h in giviug our oiaie a Doa name, l can do nothing for, bat to fte erring soldiers of North Carolina I confidently adueal And I earnestly call on all srood citla to ced a?th "Hiious andT other notice .cuargea as advertisements and must be pid in advance. ( . DIRECTORY, i Field officers, brioades. divisions Aim rvi. ? r OF NORTH CAROLINA RItGIMENTS : : , -TT Noj ,CoixyKua.,, - j Lrsrrr. Coloxka. . Mxxoaa. 1 3 4 b (i 7 8 iQ 11 am A Brown, Jarrntt N Rami), Stepa DThmston,! Wm 21 ParaleyT 12-A Osborne. . i . , Lewis O Latham, WmT ESuietr, William J Hill. RW fork J .McLcv4 Tamer, , A J Kof ert, M'ra H A CowIm. I Thos Sparroff, . 1 Jimes Iteiily. ' Hobert W Alston. K Benton Withers, Jos H Lambeth, Gray W Hammond, LJJobBsoo,' Thoa J WoottO, - Wm J FfohL Thaddeoa D Lor. W-n SOrtdy, ' JaaT Adam, , Jos O Webb, JSaaj N Stow a, John W Ia. ! I ' ' IloDt F Wbb. 1 Ban McD TaW Wnt Lee David?oo, 1 R A Barrier, Ed ii Haywood, Jas M Whit on, ' Wm II Cheek, Stephen D Pool, WmJ Martin, H E Coleman, Tos H itveian, . It Tyler Bennett, v7tu MacKae, Wm A Stowe, Win F Martin, John D Barry, W PRobertB,. Thos F Tuon, " Henry T Galon, Francis W Bird; WnS Davis,- i Henry A Rogers, , Wm A Johnston.' n m 18 14 15 lt 17 18 19 a) 21 22 'M 25 i 87 5 -J W U Yarboroush, ; Thoa II bharp, John W MciiilL I Wm S Rankin, Thoa S nailowav. i Ohas C Blacknali, j C II M Rutledge, j Saut C Bryscn Jehu Ii Lan, , ' J A Ollmer, Jr, tieo P Whitfle.d. Saru DLowo, Wm II ASper, Wm B Crcasman, iac J Promtt, I Fraufe M Parker.- j . . art- 31 3a 34 35 3" 37 SS & 40 4V tl 43 41 45 4i John V Jordan, i David U Cowan, HecnrOLewl,,.' Jo II Banoders, FianctsLT witty, Simon BTtyJ or, Jas M SiUvoukoa, -Jackson L Boil, r John Wfiaoxi, t - - '";-"' RcbtV Cowan, V L J Io?ranco, Geo T Gordon J Jas T Juhi-etcn, John D Taxcr, WiaU Morii, (4eo W Flowers, William L&tnb, Wm hi Barbour, John Asuiord, David Colemaa, John J Hediick, John A Baker,' John E Brown, Thoa S Kenan, -Thos C Sitieltary, Samuel II Boyd, Wgi'L&aunderSi Geo H Farthaulr. a iteynoias Wro A Holland, Rcgw Moors, Ctss W Bradet&'R', Thomaa J Brows. Tare L Hargrove, I Chaa M gtedioax,. . John li Winston, 1 - ' A C .McAUlstCT, Nelll McKMoNeUi 47 Albeit A Hill I John A FietnlVr, John C Vaabook, Caleb B Hobsou, i Jas T-MorehaacV Auderton Kilia. W Laaorfl, Jam T Darts, II J Ryala, Ja It Aicuonald, Kric Erson,' 4S ! Kam H Walkup, 49 ) Lee M Mr.Afee, 0 i Oeo Wortham, CUl Hector iaicKethan, M j Marcus A Parks, T4 j Ken Jt Morchison, B5 idohn K Connaily, Alfred H Belo, O Graliott Luko. 5ii i'aui ' i? aiion, 67 Arch O Gdwin, " K8 j Join Bi Palmer,-. 59 ' Den D Ferrcl)cer W j.Wash M llrdy, Gl Jan D Radcjifle, (.2 i Geo W Clavtou, 64 j 65 Geo N Folic, m ! J II Neths-rcutt, John W Orahim, James A Craife. James M Mayo, James T Huff, James n McNeill, Tbos P Jones, John J Spann, W B fanderlln, Ed Whitford. . Uamilton O Joce;. i 1 Kdward Cantwell, jame r weaver, Wm 8 Devano, . BG McDowell, Stephen B Evans, Wm. N' Garrett, Alfred II BrJrd, ClemG Wright, Rufns W Wharton, 67 ' John N Whit ford. 63 ; James V llinton, j Ed C Yellowly, Tho Firct Battalion (Heavy Artillery) Is commanded by 3iaJ Alexaudi r Macliae ; The First Battalion Sharp Shooter by Capt R E Wilson ; The Second Battalion (Infantry) by The Third Battalion (Lijht Artillery) byMaJ JohnW Moore ; The Tenth Battalion by ilaj W L Youtff ; The Thlr- teenth Battalion (Lisht Artillery) by Lieut Col Joseph 1 Starr The Fourteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J L Henry; The Fifteenth Battaliotv (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J M Wjna: Thomas1 Legion consists of a RcKimect and a Battalion and is commanded b Col Wm U Thomas. The lt and 3rd Regiments are iu tstewart's ;Brlf&de, ohn eon's Division, Early's Corps. 1 The 2d, 4th, 14lhaDd SOthare In Cox's Brigade, Eodes'Dl- , vision, Khrly's Corps. i The 6tb, lth, 20th and 23d are lo Johnetoa'e, Brigad, Bodei DivUion, Early's-Corps. I i Thr.th. 2tst.Cith and r.7th and 1st Battalion Sharn Shoot- ! ers are iu Lewis' Br gade, Hansom's IjlTision, Beaarcgard'a uorpp. i . The 7th, lSth, 2Sth, SSd and 27th are ia Lane's Brigade, Wll-cws'-s Division, Hill's Corp. i The'htb. Sl-st, 51ft and 61st arc In Clingman's Brigade, Heks'a ' Division, Bt-uu regard's Corps. . - Tbo Uth, luth, 4tst, 5tb and 0M are in Barrlnger's Brigade, W II F Lee's DiTleloa, Hampton's Corpa. . Tiie lHh, ?6tH, 4tth, 47th aed 62darciu MacRlft's Brigade,; Tbo MUi. ith. 2d, 4th nd 3Sth ore in ScaJe'a Erjad. Wilcox's Divirion, Hih's Corps. i The 15th, 27th, 46th ar.d 46th aro Id Cooke' IMgade, Heth'a Division, Hi il's Corps. 1 The 17th, 42d, 60ih autl Ofijh ere in Klrkland Brigade, Eok' -Division, Beaureffard's Corp. i ' The 24th, 25th, 35th, 43th and fGlh ore In Ransom' Brif d, B W Johnston's Division, Beauresrard's Corps. . k The 20tu is in Eaton's Brigade. French's Dtrtsloo. Tbe SSd, 43d, 45th, t3d and sd Battalion are in Grimes Brt- gade, Rodes D5vi?l&n, Early's Corps The ?Gtd anJ 40th are in Herbert's Brlgade WhitlBjc' Dtri- sion, Deaurcg&rd'a t;orps. ' The 39th i In McN air's Brigade, French' Division; - . TheD5taisin Davis' Urigado, Ueth's OivUlou, aill's Corps. The 53ib and 60th are ia Reynold' Drigatfc, Sterenawu' Dl vision. - '.!-' Tbe 10th, 62d. C-itn. CStb. 67tn and CStb aro not bnxaded. JUNIOR RESERVES:. . 1st Battalion Reserve Forces, Maj. C. W. Bradfoot. " ' " '. - "I J. H. Anderioi. j(j ! ! Hooked - ' 4th - i J. M. Recc. .'. . ;'' 6th i. . W.T. Ealey. . Cth ' " " ' , W. McK. Cltrk. - V tft . . W. Foster French, GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. JJis Excellency, Zebulon B Vanoo, JDunoombi Uoreroot Col David A Barnes, Northainptou, AU. . t do George Little, Waks. I . do Pvichard II Battle, Jr, Anson, PrlvaU Seretary. Dr Edward Warren, Chowan, Burgeon OeneraL John P II .RuMWske, Secretary of State. k ; Jnathtn Worth, -Krtudolpb, Public Treasurer. ' . ( Cnrtia II Brogdfcn, Wajns, Comptrolor. -J . Ssibncl F Phillips, Orange. Auditor. ... ' Oliver JI Perry, Wake, beats Librarian. -Major General K C Gatlin, Lenrlr, Avijatant 0nrl. , Majrtr Willtsm B Uulicn, B?wuVt, Paymaster. Major John Devereuzi Wahe, Qoartennascer. N -Major T D Ileg, Wak j, Commlasary and Ordoaaoe OCcer. Major Jamea fcioan, tfu;lxo;d. uatterciaiur. Major Htnry A Dowd, Kdgfcooiabe, do t Mjor Jamc tT. Foote, Wt. At. Gen-f Iloll of Honor.) Major Wiifiam A Grah4i( Jr., Ast Adjt. General. . Lieut. Jo-iah Collt o,. Was fci.igtoa- county, -OrinaJQ D tsartmeist. ' " -t . .." , Lieut. John B. Neathery, Wk6 At. AJJt. Oensral. Liut. Geo. W. Thoirpfon, CaswslI, Afctista&t Adjetant ..'rl Roll f.f Il(jn.T ) I Lieut Tbomas White, Frauklia, Afst Quartermaster; JUDICIAL. Sciir-em Cnot.-K&w M Pe.rson, Tadkln, rhlef jact!ce, Wiliuui II Battle, Orange, and l!Uhh B Man lllxiU. Judj-; on 11 lUjfer, Wak, AtUrnsy "5eneral;i HtiUuu c i-u7 fi.r mmKAmmA ii 'Freemaa, CUt'R. Meets io tee city of ilolgh aeoofid Monday in Juue each yoar. j The Morgantou urn ha baen "diseontinned 'J '-,' , ' ,',' Svprrkr (;.;r. Judsre-. Edwin G ad, Prcn P.f.inulua M SKi'-tder, Wake; Robsrt R Heath, Che win ; Itobt S French, Uwbn$ Jarne W Oitboro. Mecklenburg; Geor Howard, Wilon ; Robert B Gilliam, Grantlilo ; WiUiam M btpp, llcndertod. . : Solieiiom. ist Circuit, Jese J Yeter Uertforu ; Zol Circuit, Charles C Clark, Craven; 3rd Circuit, Blon H Rogers,-Wak, Attorney General; 4th Circuit. . Thomas Fettle, Rocktogbam ; triu Circuit, Ralph Buxton, Cumber land ; CVj Circuit, Robert F Armfitfld, Yadkin 7th Cirenlt. William P Bruam: 6th Circuit, Auuitun B Metriaoo, Buncombe. Johneton; J R Hargravc', Anson; J iv fttuDD. aiKua. Llferor, J.-H.s BxwlIsncy, Gov. Vane Preaiient Ex Officio. Rev William E PU, Wake; and PrefwK Ricbord tinning, iilfrd ; Dr Wm- Sloan, of Oaatoa t Richard H Battle, Jr, Secretary. v - ' - jSoabv Ixtersal Impbovkmemts. HI Excclleney, Oo Vanoe, President, Ex Ojficio, Wm Eaton, Jr, of Warrn, J II Planner,' of New Hanover, acd Montferd. McGebe. Richard H Battle, Jr, Secretary. : " '- CofamUtlcners of Si f king Fund Hon 4 Thomas Jfofin, Alamance, Hrr U M.m N Edward? Warren, and. Hon David L eVain, Orange. L . The University of North Carolina is t ChapI HUI Uoa David L Swain, PrefidenL .- -'- ; Kev Calvin II U'liej is Superintendsnl of. U Conimrt 1 Schtx-U of the Stated - : J Willie J Balmer. A M, i P rlncil V I Aijtom, Lieut T-aae W. Uarrott, tiigecotnoe, au v.irirriaiir. LieutJ Thaddwoi McGee, WakeJ AL Commiisary. LioutJ Charle Ii. ThompAn, Wake, AtsL Comnciijary. 1. m. ! -Confederal State Ditnct Court. Hon a zjwtm, Martin, Judge; Geore V Strong, Wayne, Attorney w jr Watsoo, Craven, Cleik'j Wesley Jones. Wake, M.rshaU. Council of Mate- F B gatterthw.it., Pitt ; Bobart P wit n,;rZ,A. ir Tma Oallow.T. Wilke: L EldrdM i. -4 4