o -- ! ' . I f . . - - - , . x t -r" TKB DAILF CONSERVATIVE, , " ,r J. - n.-SE.iTH CRY Co; v' : .! terbxs of :nivnoxi f The foimwinir are the only termsSri subscription to TUB CONSERVATIVE:' ; . ; k DAILY PAPER. J month, - ... , . . . i . $ 8 00 mtatb4, ';- i ; . . . . 8 C t - " 6 month, - ;. t- - ; .1 00 F PATER, aural,, .. . , - 80 J i 6 months, i - - - "- - 6 CO Always to he paid In aciraaco, And paper stepped when the tine eat ttttieptTteL- . ' . r : v'-. " Tclcgrapliic BIew. 1 REPORTS OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION.' Entered according to act ol Consreaf , f n the year 1861, bj 'j r s TaaASHSR, in the Clerk' Office of the District Court of t!ie ConfedcTAte Stales of the Northern DUtrtct 01 Georgia. " " ' ' ' " Prcm Eichmond ; ' ' Richmond, Sept 20. Official information recciried to night stjs a serere : cneaeeoitnt tok place near . "Winchester yesterday morning, loo resuu noi aeiiuicejj siaiea. Ktnle?, of AUbama, nnU Gad ir in of North "Caro lita, Lilitd. secosd Durjixcn " R;clmod, Sct 20. Information deemed rclhble sajs: Yankee raiders, after partially. desti eying (he railroad biidgeonjho Jlaj.idan, returned to CiJpfpper," where they were :nbu?crded by a force tf Confederate infontry and badly cut up. X-.. ' - - THIRD IJ8rATCH. - ' RiciiJiojD, Spt. 20. A fl g cf truce boat arrived at Vaiina at noon to dr luring on board one theusand wounded Con fcrf'eiaie pnonerS, including General Walker and twenty-fire other officers. . ' . fourth Di-rTTCn.J : Ricumokd, Sept 21. Six hundred returned -pzidoners reached this city t o-ni &L t at 8 o'clock. A Urge crowd of ladies as- gcmblcd at the wharf to 'greet them but mostly diss rersed before the arrival of the steamer which was detained on account of obstructions and lew tide. Th men arc in excellent spirits. Four hundred mere prisoners will be brought up to-morrow. A dispatch from Gen. Lceaytf Gen. Early reports that on the morning of the 19th the enemy advan ced on "Winchester, near which place he met the 1- 1 7aU irao roc ie4 rj ? 4v rv anrlv in i Vi Jh rtT till near nichr, when he was compelled to retire, ' . . . r i. l i. v. i.- ti:ii rk.. i After Our loss res nitut Oe It' uacn, iw iisuw o jatii. l ortcd fcevere. Otns. Kodes and Godwin were kil.ed whilelnobly doing their duty. j We lost three pieces of artillery. Our trains and sunnlies were brought of! safely. Unofficial reports ' ' i i.ni.n (iWcWr ' I .vav Eiilv has fallen back to atrasburg. . fittii DISPATCH ' j ! Richmond, Sept 21. The Baltimore American of the afternoon of the 19;h, obtained, through our pi'-ket lines, "near Dutch Ciap'to-day, has a telegram from Cairo whteh says a ilexican who arrived at New Orleans on the 20tb, report Cortenas as beinj: unable to cope with the French. He crossed his force of two thousand men and sixteen cannon over the Rio Grande, and occu pied Brownsville a'Ur driving. out tho Confederates, and hoisted the Yankeefhg. . - 1 GfTeret! to the Federal commander at Tfr.-rr.c thfl Rrrvicrs of hicuself and array. Gold in New York on Monday forenoon, 225. From Petersburg." Pjetersbuko, Sept. 21. There is no change in the position along the lines. The enemy phelled the city furiously this morning from 5 to 6 o'cloek, and our batteries replied and1 the roar of cannon was incessant and deafening. Low cheering wa9 hoard in the enemy's camps this morning, cause not known, but supposed to be some news enjcouTagioir from the Talliy. The Herald of tbelSrhyhts been received, and it admits a loss of 2,500 head f cattle taken by Hamp ton end the capture ef the District ef Columbia cav alry and some twenty cr thirty wagons. Nothing else of interest . , From "Lynchburg. LTKCHBUhG, Sept 21. The remains of General Rodes arrived here to night. The body will lay in state at the City Court House until Friday morning, when'it will be inter, red; - . Korthern Hews. - Richmond, Sept 20. The Cincinnatti correspondent of the Chicago Times says Vallandigham has no intention of any revolutionary measures regarding BIcClellan's let ter. He is not'in favor of another convention or nomination, but would like an explanation on some points of the letter. lie refuses to take the sCump. Grant has gone to "Washington. Butler has gone to Fortress Monroe to recruit, his health. . From Hissbsippi- Meridian, Sept 20. The Clarion gives an account of Wheeler's opera tions. Martin's Brigade tore up. the State road be iween Atlanta andj)alton. Hume and Kel)y stop ped up near Dal ton," and General "Williams between Tunnel Hill and Chattanooga.' Hume djBfftreyed the Kast Tennessee and Georgia road from Calhoun to Athens, "Wheeler was unable to cross tho Tennes see river and went around by Knoxvill crossing the Ilolsten at Strawberry Plains, and came over the Cumberland Mountains via Sparta, and destroy cd ti-tecn miles r.f the Nashville and Chattanooga road, trom Franklin to Campbell Station. General Kl.!y was mortally wounded in the fight at Frank I n cn tbe 29th. Williams, Robbinsona', and Asb by's commands have not joined the main; com uund yet. ' Beaukioard The poet to the contrary notwith ptandinir. there is somethinsr in the name of thia earant and successful leader which inspires the army and people with more confldence than wome tae saraa qualities of head and heart if called by any other name. Af Petersburg, as at Charleston, Corinth and M mass is, Beauregard is the talismanic watchword that has roused tho enthusiasm of the country, brought order but of ehaos, struck terror to the hearts of the enemy, and crowned onr arms with-victory. Wherever the contest has. been des peratc, the name of Beauregard has been called to redeem tbe situation. "Have the services of this whole-souled, patriotic and skillful soldier ever been more needed than new at the bead of the army in Georgia? It is bat simple Irath to state that the whole country looks to him as the man for the hour. The claim of this section for General Beauregard is not put forth in disparagement of General Hood er any other man Montgomery Advertiser. A special dispatch to the Richmond IFXiated Carter's Station, September- 19th, says : 40ne thousand five hundred recruit,-well mounted, have jnst arrived from middle Tennessee. Generals Wil liams and Robinson are safe. All quiet in this front" . - Snacks, on reading an account of the woman that had eight children at a birth," remarked that tf she iiife of bis, be would apply, fo a divoree, on theground that ahe was of an overbearing disp o- t-e yellow fever . has n,ale rs appearenee, iru vharlesteri, and quite a number of : caa8 bate ai. Jeidy provtd fatal. ; - ; t In 4 3 -l-V mm RALEIGH, SOHfcBOBT'S DARLING. Into ' waxd $f. tlie wfcitewiufced'haU - Where the dead and the dvin? lav. . jWounded by bayonets, 6hells and ballsk , Somebody's darling was borne one day- Somebody's darling, so young and so brave Wearing yet on bis sweet, pale face . Sucn to bo hid jn tho dust of the grave The lingering light of his boyhood's grace. . I ' ..: . i - . . . Mat? ed and damp are the curls of gold Kissing the snow of that fair young bvav. Pale arej the Hps of delicate mould Somebody's darling is dying now. C-ck from bis beautiful blue-veined brow Bru&hl his wandering waves cf gold j Cross b:a handa on his bosom now 1 " Somebody's darling is still and cold. Kiss him once for somebody's sake, Murmur a prayer soft and low t One bright curl from its fair mates take They were somebody's pride you know. Seui s body's hand hath rested there ; Was it a mother soft and white ? Or Jiave! the Ttps'of a sister; fair Been baptized in their waves of light ? Gol knows btstl He has somebody's love; Somebody's heart enshrined him there Somebody wafted his name above, Night and morn, cn the wings of prayer. Sotiebody wept when he nrarchfcd away, Looking so handsome,' bravo and grand I Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay, t . Somebody cldug to his parting hand. " Somebody's watching and waiting for him, Yearr.ng to hold him again to their heart ; And there he lies with his bine eyes dim, And the smiling childlike lips apart Tenderly bury the fair young dead Pausing.to drop on his grave a te tr. Carve on the wooden slab o'er hu head ; Somebody's darling slumbers here." . Headquarters Reserve of N. j Raleigh, Sept t), 1864, uexekax. Orders No. -8. T TDK FOLLOWING ORDERS! AR the information and gnldanee of all aaz. a t-.- ARE TUBLISHED FOR concerued : Adjutant and Inspector GenVs Office J j luciivtoND, jjiarcn ai, lob. ) General Orders, ) No. 32. f I. Paragraph V, General Orders, No. Tfi, Adjutant, and In peetor General's Office, September 1J, ISM, is bo far amended as io redd 8 follow : ' . EnrolliDz or recruitinir officers. In the di-chnrse of thir du ties under the Conscript or other iActs, arc enjoined not to reiraoTe or interfere with workmen or employees at the Nitre,: Lead or Copper Works, or Miners or Fnrnnces worked hyl Governmcntfiicer9, or by contractors for the Ordnance DeT pattmcnt, without first appriuinp and obtaining the consent of the SBperffltendent, or offict r in charge, who will bo held strict ly repoJ&si'fc'e forany abnse or evasion oMhe law. ' .1 By order: (Signed) S. COOPER. Adjutant and Inspector General. Adjutant and Inspector Gen's Office .f Richmond, February 9, 1864. f Gksbral ORDEK8, ) j ' No. IS. i ! IV. General Orders, No. 82. (series 18G3,) forbidslnterfcrence with the workmen or employees at tJMines, Furnace? or Nitre Works whether worked by the Government or Contrac tors. .Tbeec orders are now repeated, and especial attention is called to them. c By order; j (Signed,) S. COOPER, Adjutant and loepecter General. II. A strict observance of the above is enjoined upon all Earolling Officers in this State, as far as it relates to persons within Kescivo ages. By command of Lieut. Gen. Holxks. i JNO. W. niNSDALE, Sept.12 129-71. Assistant Adjutant General. REAL ESTATE P0E SALE. A TRACT OP LAND, 23 miles from the North Carolina r Railroad, and 6 miles from Asbebero, containing 250 acres, 125 of which are cleared, and 25 or 30 are Creek Bottom 'Land. ! There is a good d welling f seven roomd on the tract, with two Negro Douses, Double Crib, Ac. Al so a good small Orehard of Apple and Peach. .For partic ulars refer to Dr. W. K. Millr, Raleigh. Alfrtd March, Aahsboro', cr ; REV. W. L. MILLER, Greensboro', N. C. DESIR ABLERESIDENCE. . A RARE chance is now offered '.for investment in tho heart of tbe Coalfields, and j a desirable home for a family. . I will sell my place in Carbon ton; on Deep r iver, con sis iirg of a retfenco often rooms, with Kitchen, Ne gro Douse, Ac., &o. There is also a Framed House, abon( 20 X 20 q the place. The place was fitted 'up a few years before the-war for a school, and will furnish ample accom modAtions for a large family. There are abont 40 acres of land attached with an excellent Young Orchard cf the choi cest Apple and Poach Trees. The hvae is situated in a beautiful grove of White Oaks. Refer for particulars to Dr W,R. Miller, Raleigh, Robt. Stenart, Carbonton, or 1 , REV. W. L. MILLER, Sept. 20, 1864 129 dlOt. j Greenbcre N. C. ' CAKE MILLS AND BOILERS- WE will, fake orders for FOUR MORE CANE MILLS, to be delivered between this time and tho 10th of October : 2 Roil single"" geared Mill, $1 500 2 oeo 500 3 0O0 275 350 425 2 " 3 " double " single ' double ' 1 40 gallon Pan or Bilcr, 60 " 80 ' " Persons in want of the above must order in the next TEN i.ya.' ! SHAY, WILLIAMSON & CO. i 1 North State Iron and Bras Works. Raleigh, Sept. 21, 156t. 130 dfit. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, 'J L J. OAKS, ORAXGS CO., N. C. ROOM FOR A FEW GOOD BOYS." For terms address 1 1 I W. J. BINGHAM & SONS. Sepf. 21, 1864. - 130 -d&w3w. Office ControlliDg: Guartermaster, --. TAX IN KIND, . 4 J j Chablotte, N. C.f Sept. 12, 186L ALL COMMUNICATIONS INTENDED FOR THE OF fce of tho Controlling Quartermaster of North Carolina will be addreasud to me at this place. ! S. M. FINGER, Major and ! f ! Controlling Quartermaster, N. C. Bept:2l, 1S64.; . - ( 130 lOt. Pest Quartermaster's Office, C. S. A., f Raleigh, N. C, Sept 16th, I86i. WAHTED IMMEDIATELY. NO. I NEGRO MEN .FOR BAILING LONG 12 Forage. '. E. PEIRCE, j Capt & P. Q. IL 120 d6t: WANTED ! f 05,000 Bank Notes; I , 3,000 Old North Croljga Coupons;. , , -2,000 North Carolina Rail Road Ojupons. -I l l JOHN .G. WILLIAMS &; Co., Raleigh, Sept 15, 18Cil26-tf - - Brokers, ; J . Sorghum Hills and Boilers. - TUST RECEIVED, ROJI SAPONAIRON WORKS, AN I other sapply of two aad tkre Hollor ttUls and Boiira from to to ICO gallons.- Kept constantly on hand a targe sopply f uveas, spiders, ana extra L,a. JAMEB M. TOWLE3r Agt- lot Sapona Iron 'i... ,u.- :, i Vol.' 1.1 . August 13th, 1S64. 87tt iln : In I! !nv !- !'! . . I.' n Un'. N; C. TIliJKSD AY, SEPTEMBER r . - , PROCLAU ATI05 l. : -1 WHEREAS, IT IS REPORTED TO ME THAT MANY soldi rs from the troops of this State aaredestrtrd their colors nd comrades, and are now larkin ia tbe woods and toonetainfl, some of them f abeistiag Ly forcia their frirnds toyiolate the laws by aidHif them. and others'W riolent de predat!ns opos peaceable citizen, entailing shame and obloquy npon themselvea nd their pegterity, oatraglnsr -the laws and th peace of society, and damaging the cause of thlr bard prcssot cooktry. r -. ". And, whereas, Gen. Robt. E. Lee. in Gencrai Order No. 54, Ang. 10th, tmi, has promised, la deal lcnicntir witlaAwho promptly retvrn to doty, though they may bmk enrred tie penalties of desertion by tirolonged absence without authori ty. Now, therefore. I, 2bn!onlJi. YantM, Governor of the btate of North Caroline, do- issue rthts1 my nrelamaUoa,nrg inj; most earnestly npon ail soch tninidctt men to wipe oat from their once Qspected names the fool u!n of desertion by promptly rctnmfng to the post of duty in accordance wltt said General Order No. 51, promising to all each who yolaatarilv return or surrender thempeiveatotbe proper authorities a fuil f uu iree paraon, or tae lucicuon oi only tlie mildest pe&aluee of tbe military- law, except tho?e who bees' gniltr of capital feJonieegaiKst tiro livea and property at th eitiacn. and lbe promiso shall hold good fur thirty days from the date hereof. And I hereby warn all sucfriYiuj refaao to comply with these terms &at the utmost power of tW State will be rzcrted to captnrehero or drlye them .fnm the borders of a eoiuitry whose high honor and spotless renown they disgrace by relnstng: todelwnd, ana that Uie extremist pcnalticao?trie law wilt tee iflforcod witbetrt exception whr cnnelrt, as well as - gainst their aUers. and abetiers in the civil coartS- Slmultaneon.y with tbi proclatuatloir orders Will tssne to theatira militia of the State t turn out for their arrest, and 1 hope by timely submission they ; will spare me the pain of hunting down like guilty felons many brave and misguided men who have s"erved their country well ard could do so again. Deserters irom other States who hide in our woods and assist in giving our State a had warae, 1 can do "nothing for, but to the erring soldiers of North Carolina' I confidently appeal: And I earnestly call on all good citizus to assist iue,in mak ing this, appeal effectual, both by the r exertions as militia soldiers and their influence as men, to take pains to seek out slides-rter of their acqu liutanc'e. pnt this pruclamaliou in their hands, or in the bauds of their relatives add friends, and nrgeupon them to letnrn to tho path of doty, which is also ihm path of safety and of honor. - If every good and loyal citizen wou d set about to reclaim or cjpture one deserter by every means in his power, he wonld succeed and bo will have rendered a most vluabl and. nntriotie servire ta hi State and country. Civil magistrates nre also exhorted to be diligent in proceeding against all such a3 violate the s'atnta ng agi agar net naroon oringi aiding tir or abettinsr deserters, and warning is nere by given that in ail cases whr cither civil magistrates or militia or home enard officers refuse or nesriect to faitlifallv perform their duty in this respect, npon proper evidence EU.b mitted to me, the Executive protection extended lo them under acta ol Congress shall be withdrawn, as I cannotcertily that officers civil or military, who refnse to perform their duties are necessary to the due administration of the laws," which they will not executes. Given nnder my hand, and the groat seal of the State, at Halcigh, this 2ltb dtiy of August. 131. , Z. B. VANCE. By the Governor: A. M. McPhektbbs, Private Secretary, pro tem. . aue:: 2t, is4. . i io&-6t. PBlAll jwipera In the State will copy and send bill to ExecnUyc office. Dailies one"wecfc, oth-vi two weeks. $50,000 WAKE COUNTY BONDS FOR SALE ! ON .THE 3kd DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, (Monday of our Superior Court,) at 11 o'clock, by authority of our County', Court. I shall sell at the Auction Store of TucKiat,! AsDitEWs & Co., in tbe City of Raleigh, jf ; Fifty Thousand Dollars ofjWaks County Bonds. , These Bon Is are in suras f $1000, $500 and $100, to run for ten years, with coupons attached, payable semi-annually. i JOHN: F. HUTCH INS, m . i ' County Irustee. TUCKER, ANDREWS & Co., S pt 10 121 tds - Auctionekhs Office of the Raleigh & Ga?ton R. R. Co., ' Raleigh,' Sept. loth, 1864. THE FOLLOWING IS A jLI .T OF BAGGAGE remaining on hand uncalled for and in possession of this Company, some oi which has been here for. a consid erable time. If not claimed bef re, will be sold by Me?srs. Tucker, Andrews & Co., Auctioneer?, on Wedoesdaj, 3rd October next, to the highest bid ler : 1 eouuaejt txs&k, marke Capt. K. P.TMf, 1 it - it it S. W Ma thews, J. M. Pickuy, Mary E. Taylor, Solomon Hatheock, Mus R. B.Caldwell, Dr.; VV. G. Drake, B-i. Smith, D.C.Turner, 3 Lair trunks not marked; j 0 block trunks covered with oil cloih not marked. 125 d2w. J IP. A. DUNN, Supt. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, RALEfGO, Aug. 25th, 1864. S1 EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT this office until Monday, tho 26 h of September, to uraish a sufficient quantity of WOOD; t'or the u e of tbe State, in the Capitol, during tho ensuing winter and spring. The wood to be SOUND OAK i and HICK02Y, te be f l leiirered and measured in the wood hous, on the Capitol : i ; x. it-. : ,1 A k .nt. . suitable lenxths for the several firo places. Bidder will state the price per cord at which they will urnidh it. The right of rejecting bids not advantageous to the State i reserved. I " . ; JNO. P. H 2USS, j ;rl Secretary of State. Sept 3, I8fit. m 115 td.. 4: '. r- .... 'i .- - WOOL K0lCE. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, ; Kai.kioh. July2, 1S64. f AM NOW PREPARED. TO I EXCHANGK COTTON L Yarn for Wool, upon the following terms, viz: One bunch of Yarn for three pounds washed Wool, and one nnch for four pounds unwashed. . Aeents have been appointed to make the exchange at the i .Hewing places : Oxford, Tarboro. Kinston, Catherine Lake; Concord, Kockingham, Hcndersonville, Stateavillc, Roxboro', Vsheville. ritteboro. Loulsburs:, Fayetteville, Colerainiand iit this place. ' i I - '. ! . - Persons shipping wool to this place will please mark on tne Mckaes who they are from, and the cotton yarn will be for- I hone the people will patriotically respond to the above ioticc, as the Wool ia for clothing the to. u. Trowps. 6ltf. i , H. A. DOWD, A- q. M., N. C. A. NOTICE. TTTIIEREAS, BY AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY YY Court of Caswell, made at July Term, 1864, of said Court. I will selL at public Auction, in xanceyvlue, on ;he Skh of September, for cash, a slave bj the name of riENRY, who has been confined i a Caswell jail for mire than twelve months as a runaway. 1 be said uave savs I he helonto Mr. Henry Uiosoaj ol lijde , county. North Carolina. He is aoia uy vine vi u aci oi Assemoiy in such cases made and provided to pay prison fees and other charges. ' : JJUOSJH U. tiKIFFITH. ' Sheriff of Caswell. July 25, 1864. i aj! . 80 ts. notice.; i r.r. TTfnsTt who havjs jkui- .tAii into the A ivMnrr nf the North Carolina Volunteer Navr Comnan v ki iiMHntlnnfL are reouested to do so at once, as the p Company la now about sending abroad an Aeent to make par- j vusc vi a ,v-a.. . 7 ;- - . : " .... i . . Ana loose wuuiai' ui tatrn urnr it win nv i hort time to nrocore the same before the books will be losed. CYRUS F. AUsiDJSNHALL, President. Angnst 0th, 1864. t-: ' 91tf. CAROLINA FEUALE COLLEGE. rIB EXKRCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL BR RE Bid.m JiondaT.the 1st of August, 1864. with . a futt vvtrrwiof teachers. The boarding Xeprtment wUl be. nnder tna suDervision of CoL Eli Sprain. For circular address a Rev. j. GRiFrrrn, Ansonville, N. C. JalylStb, 1S81 -r-.'i l-rtt OPFICE IT. C. BAILROAD COnPAUY- ; ' . - - - : Coxpaht Shops, Sept. 19. ISSf. Tr7IDE?JD No. 7, of Fifteen per cent, will be paid to 1 the StoekhoWerson demand arter tbut date. ; .TSO'dAS-WEBB, Sept. W, 18Mllft-d6U U t f , T f President. -1- SMALL TABAli-WShl TIIJJSSRED. V some-tW&cav TjUoad lyefrod, paoxDmnr to Adlreea,. Ix t3. 22, 1864: ; TN rNo.131' Illostrated THE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY J TUB GREAT: LITERARY WEEKLY OP THE SOUTH! -i OF.TBE SOUTH 1 ; A; SBPEUH j FAMILY 3 JOURNAL! A SUPER1 FAMILY JOURNAL I x BEAUTIFULLI.Y ILLUSTRATED, liJUBAPTIFULLLY ILLUSTRATED. ELEGANTLY PRINTED - ELEGANTLY PRINTED : v EVERY SATURDAY, ETERY SATURDAY, HAS A LARGER HAS A, LARGER v : tooka talented' . Z MORE - TAL.RNTED ' CORPS OB CONTRIBTJfTORS COHPS OU CONTRIBUTORS THAN WAS I EVER BEFORE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR . jr ANY AMERICAN PAPER 1 r ANY AMERICAN PAPER 1 BRILLIANT, CHARMING BRILLIANT, CHARMING AND TIIRI LL1NQ ; ANDlTHRILLING WITH ROHAKCES, WITn ROMANCES, iSKETCHiBS, -. I SKETCHES, -' TALES i TALES ' r of REAL REAL 1 LIFE, LIFE. POETRY, ! PQETRY, I11STQRY, II ISTOK Y, ! B I O GRAPH Y, t BIOGRAPHY, . NO. VELETTES, NOVELETTES, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, WITTIQISMS, MISCELLANY, WITTICISMS, MISCELLANY. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, OF THE WAR AND ITS-HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, ANJ OTHFR LANGUAGES, AND OTHER LANGUAGES, A HOME JOURNAL FOR !. THE HOUSEHOLDI I AN ORNAMENT !rOR TUB TAKLOK. ' . 1 A SOLDIER'S I PAPER FOR THE CAMP. A TRAVELLER'S COMPANION. PLEASANT READING FORI EVERYBODY: A RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE! SUBSCRIPTIONi-Six months, The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. $10 00 Address, WM. B. SMITH, A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS j ; ; IM REGARD TO " . THIS "SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS,? i THEY ARE PREPARED FROM THE BEST QHALrTY L of Medicine by the diseovcrer , now an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are sale. - 2. They have been, Known lor years and tested by then sands. -i 3. ITive hundred persons are known to have been cured by them. i ' . ' 4. They nre not recommended by the proprietor for every thine, but olny fr diseaxes which arise from disordered liver. 5. Directions and cert incates.accompahy each box and these certificates are from well known and most respectable indi viduals, j ' - 1 ' I 6. Correspondenta recommend them as good forLiver Dis ease, Chills and Fevers, Pneumonia, Janndice. Dyspepsia; Billions Fevers, Billions Rheumatism, Worms, Plumy, Bron chitis, &c. - 1 . - - 7. Several gentlemen state that the use of these Pills has been to them an annnal saying cf from $100 to $200 ; they are the best plantation medicine ever offered to the public t 8. Some Pnyriciaus of the highest standing prescribe them to their patients, and hundreds of boxes hare been eold te resular practitioners; ! 9. Daring the last quarter 2,SS0 ; ooxcs have been eold to Tm(Tcrit one In South Carolina, and one in North Carolina and some time asro over 5,700 boxes were ordered by Druggists 1 one town in Virginia. . ST" Price, f 3 a box. .for fzu a oozen ooxee will oe sent to any address. A very liberal discount to Druggists and' country merchants. Cash (new currency) to accompany or ders, v' " For Sale in North Carolina as EoUows : AsheviUe, E. J. Aston, Lincoln ton, 8?T. eherrlli, Loulsbunr, J. Clifton, Marion, Wo. Wakefield, ' -Pittsboro, J. Long. . 1 Raleigh Williams & Haywood, Albemarle. J. Bivlns, Chapel mil, R- B. Sanders, Charlotte, J. Nye Hutchinson, F.S.Carr, Clinton. Hubbard & Moeley. .. f . ir. irescuo, Rockincham. J. P. Nurtham. Concord, J. Reid, Rnfreld. J CohOn. . r (Salisbury, Henderson Ennisj Fayetteville, N. A. B ted man & Dueioy. r. jrronenerger, Wadesboro. W. O. Bennett, Whlteviile. K. Haynee. Co.; - , j Greensboro, Eorter & Gorrcll, Goldsboro. Lncas AMoore, Halifax. J. O'Brien. i Wilmington, Walker Meeres, Henderson. Wvebe & Co.. W. II. Lfppitt. Lexington, J. P. Stimson, Address, , i - GEORGE W. DERM'S' Goldsboro, N. C. , S-d&wlm. Jnlj&th, 1R64. WEIGHTS AHD 1IEASURES. BUSHILS. Pocjcds. Btrsnzxs. - - Poukds. Wheat, 60 55. 70 60 56 32 47. 60 f5 0 46 60 45 56 44 Blue Grass Seed. 44 Shelled Corn, Buckwheat, Dried Peaches, Diied Apples, " S3 S3 24 67 50 80 38 20 55 8 80 4A 55 24 n . t uarn in rue ear. Peas, Rye, j Oats, 4 . Barley, Irish Potatoes, Onions, Salt,.. Stone Coal, - Malt, , : . Sweet Ptatoes, White Beans,' Castor Beans, i Clover Seed,. ; Bran. K ' Turnip?, ' Plasterins: Bafr, Unslacked XJme, Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Corn Meal, ; I Fine Salt, ft -Hemp Seed, 'Ground Peas, A box 24 br 16 inches, 22 deep; contains one barrel. A box 16 br 164. rnche, 8 deep, contains'one bushel A box 8 by-8t intnes, o deep, conums l peek. A.box 4lT:4 inches. 4A r,jeMcontains l gallon Aces by 4 incuts, v.i cerv coC4tna I quari Te grllohs Pickled Onfcns,' Z3 pounds. Ten gallons Soar Kraut 81 pounds. Uevevml The folfowing rates will beVharged (or alt advertisements la ertcd la the Daxlx and Wxkx.y .CoKssavATrra : , .;; . . , oxa sqtraaa o aiioirv uirca, oa r.xsa M t One day, - i t oa One week. $18 00 St 09 . 4. 00 144 oa Twooayr, - -Three days, s .4 Four days, - s -.ecx - 00 U 00 V .13 00 Two weeks, ; Three weeks, One montb. rive oaya, Two mosUi, Fittv words: ap lo-ht lines or 1cm eotrnt inmr. mA AA tlo.al aqoares will be Charged the eame. AdTertlncokenU to tcd once, twice or three times a week will be charged $1 a iqS? for everI tnsertkra. , - vt ncn seat by letter, th oney rjoet accompany the adree niemenu liarrlacee, deathe, rel'jieus sad other notices charged aa adverUaeaaaata and saCit he fald ta advaaee. - '1 HIIJTAllT DEtECTOIiY- WKLD OFFICERS, BRIQADW, DIVTHtONS AND CORrS OF NORTH CAROLINA REOJUlINTSz Nc4 COLOHCLS. Lrxar. Coixmrua. Ifajoaa. 1 a 3 4 3 8 1 VO 11 a 13 Ham A Brown; Jarratt N Uarreu, WmM Parsley, Lewis C Latham, WmTpactt, WllHara J nift, R W York, J 11 cLcod Turner, AJ Rogers, Wm U A Cowles, 1 Thos Sparrow, t James Lcilry, Robert W Alston, B Benton Withers. Jos U Lambeth, 7 Gray W Htm mood, L J Johesea, . IhoaJ Woolen, WmJrfohL ' r. Thaddeus 0 Leva Wm SQrady, 7 Jas T Adams Jos C Wehb, 6am If Blows,. Stcph D Thrnston.j a a usoorne. - John W Lea. . RobtF'Webb, Ed G Haywood, ' JS M W titsoo. Sain McD Tate. wm Lee Davidson, R A Barrier, Hewry T Galen, - Francis W Bbrd, Wm S Davis, Henry A Rogers, Wm A Jootulon, W H Tarboroegk, AS Clood.. Thos II Sharpe, John W Itctjft, . V WnSRankla, John LTlarrta. Sam C Brysoh; Gob F Whitfield, Wm 11 A BperrT Bae J rrofitt, Chas WEnlght, David G Co van, GeoT Gordon, Jaa T Johnston, John D Tayior, Wm O af orrti. ' .WmU Cheek, Stephen D Poet, Wm J Martin, n Coleman, Joe 11 Hvman. R Tyler Bennett,1 WmilacRae, , Wm A Stowe, - John D Barry, W P Roberts, 1 ThosFTooh, Thos S Galloway, Cbas C BlacknaU, m 4 Viarae. . U M Rutlcdge, John RLaoo, J A Gilmer, jr. 8am D Lowe. . Wm B reasman, Frank M Parker,' SI 33 ts 40 41 it 43 41 45 4lt 47 44 4'J ao 51 52 M 60 5 jonn v Joraan, Robt V Cowan. Henry G Lewie, Jes II Saunders, Fiends L Ttrlttyi Simon B Taylor. Jas If bUveaaon, Jackson L Boct. John Wilson, W L J Lowrance, William Lamb,. Wm M Barbour, John Ashford, David Coleman, John J Hedrick, John A Baker, John K Brown, , Thos S Kenan. Geo W Flowers, FA Reynolds, George Tait - - , . Wra-A noTTaad, Chas W Bradahajir. TWalter J Lotm ThosCSineeltarf, f in L narrrove. Chaa at sioox mar 4 m unan. ramnei u ooyo, Wm L Saunders, Geo U Faribault, donn ujwneton, A C iieAUlBter, v Albeit A mil, John A Fleming, John C Vaabeok, Caleb B Uobaon,- Jas T Moreheae, Anderson Bills, Alfred H Belo, . G Gratiott Lnke. NelUMeK MeNeUl W c Laukford, James T Davis, HJ Ryals, Jas m McDonald, . Eric Xrsoa, sm li waiaup, Lee M McAfee, Geo Wortham. Hector McKethan, juarcus a raras, Ken R Mnrchison, John K. Uonnally, rani r aieon, Arch C Godwin. John W Graham, James A Cralge, James M Mayo, ' James T Haft, E Malic tr, r James n McNeill. Thos P Junes, John J Spanti. W BSanderlln, Ed Whloord. 5T Hamilton C Jones, 58 ; Joan u I 'aimer, 59 I Den D Ferribce, Edward Cantwell, James T Weaver, Wm S Devane, B G McDowell, -Stephen B Evans, Wm N Garrett, Alfred n Balrd, Cleat G Wrieht. k wasn ai uaray, ol jas u rtaacun. 6-2 8 4 65 m 68 Geo W Clayton, Geo N Folk, J H Nethercnlt. John N Whitford, Rofus W Wharton, James W lllnton, gq v; acitow iy. The First BatUlton (Heavy Artillery) Is comma tided by Ma) Alexander MacRae ; 1 The First Battalion Sharp Shooters by Capt R E Wil?on ; 't he Second Battalion (Infantry) by Tbe Third Battalion (Light Artillery) by MJ JohnW Moore ; The Tenth Battalion by Ma) W L Toung ; The Thir teenth Battalion (Light Artillery) by Lieut Col Joseph H Stair; The Fourteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Lieut Cel J L Henrys The Fifteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Lieut Col J M Wyna ; Thomas Legion consists of a Regiment and a Battalion and is commanded by Col Wm H Thomas. Tbe 1st and Srd Regiments are In Stewart's .Brigade, John son's Division, Earlyrs Corps. The 2d, 4th, 14th and 30th are in Cox's Brigade, Rodes Di vision, Early's Corps. The 5th, 12th, 30th and 33d are in Johnston's Brigade, Rodes Division, Early's Corps. - The Cth, 21st, 54th and t7th and 1st Battalion Barn Shoot ers are in Lewis Brgade, Raasom's Division, Dc a regard's Corps. - I The 7th. ISth, SSth, 33d and 37th are In Lane's Brigade, Wil cox's Division, Hill's Corps. The 8th, 31tt, 61 st and 61st are la Cllngman's Brigade, Hki s Division, Bpau regard's Corps. , The 0t h, 19th, 41st, 59th and 63d are In Barringer's Brigade, W II F Lee' Division, Hampton's Corps, f The Uth, 20th, 4Uh, 47th and 2d are in Mediae's Brigade. IJeth's Division, Hill's Corps. 1 . . The l-th. Kith, 22d, 84th and 38th are in Scale's Brlcade, Wilcox's Division, HIU's Corpe. f The 15th, 27th, 4(itfs and 43Ui are ia Coekes Brigade, TJett'e Siviaien, 4HHs Cori. ! The nth, 43d, 50th and 00th are In Klrklaadw Brigade, Hokts Divisiou, Beauregard's Cors. The 21th. 23th, 35th, 45th and tk are la Ransom's TJrigf de, B W Johnston's Division, Beauregard's Corps. The 29th is in ficton's Brigade, French's Division. The 3Sd, 43d. 45th. 53d -and id Battalion are In Grimes Bri gade, Rodes' Division, Early's Corps. . . The 36th and 40th are in Herbert's Brigade, Whiting's Divi sion, Beauregard's Corps. The 33th is In McNair's Brigade, French's Division. The 55th is in Davis' Brigade, Ileth's Division, Hill's Corps. The 53lh and 60th are in Reynold's Brigade, Stevenson's DV vision. k , i The 10th. 03d, Mth. 65th. 87th and 68th are not brigaded, . JUNIOR BESERVfcS: . ; . 1st Battalion Reserve Forces, MaJ. C. W. Broadfoot. i 2d 4 4 Anaerson. j . Hooks. ' J. M. Recce. W. F. Beasley. W. MeK. CUrk. -W. Foster French. 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th t 4. i 4 44 44 ' 44 44 M " it t G0VEEHUEHT OF H0BTH CAH0LUIA,: " Ilia Excelleney,'Zsbalon B Vanes, Bnncstabe, Ofoveraoi Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid. do Georgo Little, Waks. 4W Richard II Battls, Jr, Anson, Private Secretary. Dr Edward Warren, Chowan, Surgeon General. , ' John P II Russ, Wake, Secretary of Stats. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Public Treasurer. - U Curtis H Brogdea; Wayne, Comptroler. Fpmuel F Phillips, Orange, Auditor. , 1 Oliver HTerry, Wake, SUte Librarian. i Major General R C Gatlin, Lenoir, Adjutant Oentrah M.jor William B Gullok, Beaufort, Paymaster. Major John Deverenx, Waks, Quartermaster. Major T D Hogg, Wake, Commissary and Ordnanoe Oficer. Major James Sloan,! Guilford, Quartermaster , . Major Ilsnry A Dowd, Edgecocsbe, de . Major James IL Foete, Asstv Adjt. Gen.; (Roll ef Ilonor.) Major William A eiraham, jr., Aurt abjL. ueaerai. LieuL Josiah Collins, Washington county, Grdnanee De partment. ; i " " Lieut. John B. Neathery, Wake, Asst. AdjL Cfsnsral. Lieut. Geo. W. Thompson, Caswell, Assistant Adjataat General, (Roll of Honor.) ; Lieut Thomas White, Franklin, AjiL Qoartermastsr. Lieut. Isaac W. Garrett, Edgecombe, Asst. Qoartermastsr. Lieut. Tb addons MeGee, Wake, Aut. Commissary. Lieut. Charles EL Thompson, Wake, Asst., Commissary. 'f judicial:',.- - 'f.'.-v - Supreme Cottrfc Richmond M Pearson, Yadkin, Chief Justice, William II Battle, Orange, and Matthias B Man ly, of Craven, Judges ; Sion II Rogers, Waks, Attsrn General; Hamilton C Jones, Rowan, Reporter f Edmund , B Freeman, Clerk. Meets ia the city ef iZaleigh second Monday in June each year. The Jiergyatoa terra has beta discontinued ' - " . , Superior Courts. JudgM.Edwln Q J?sad', Prsof Romulus M Saundsrs, Wake ; Robert R Ileath. Chewaa t Rob t S French, Rebesoa j J ames W Osborne, Ueeklsaharf f George Howard, Wilson; Robert B Gilliam, GraavlUe ; William II Shipp, Henderson. Solicitor$l st Circuit, Jesse J Testes, : Hsrtforcl ; 2nd Ciacnit, Charles C Clark, Craven; Srd Circuit, 81ea U Rogers, Wake, Attorney General; 4th Circuit. Thomas Settle, Rockingham ; (th Circuit. Ralph Baxton, Cumber land ; Cth Circuit, Robert F ArmCeli. Tadkla 7th Circuit, William P Bynum ; 8th Cireuit, Aogustua S Merrlmoa, Buncombe. I . '" Confederate State District On. Hea Aa Birrs, JIartin, Judge; George V Strong, Wayas, AUorney; J , Watson, Craven, Clerk ; Wesley Jones, Wake, MarsbalL Council StuUr D Sattsrthwaite, Pitts Robert P Dick, Guilford ; Dr James Galleway, Wilkes ; L Eldredge Johnston f J R Hargrave, Anion ; Jesse R Stubbs. llartia. j xerwry oartfHls Ezeelleney, Oov. Vanes PrexUent Ex Officio. ReV William E Pell. Waka. and Profao Rieherd Sterling, Guilford: Dr Wm Sloan, of Gaston t ; Richard H Battls, Jr, Secretary. . . - v- . I Board IsTxruraL IarKorxxKirrs His Exeellaarr. Gov 1 Vanee, President. Ex Officio. Wm Eaton. Jr. of Warrsa. J 11 Flanner. of New Uanevsr. and Uontford lfeGchesw Rlehard H Battle, Jr, Secretary. ' r. Commxenoner ef Stnkvta Hon Thomas A'aCa. Alamance, Hon Weldsa U Edwards. Warrsa ud Ilea David L Swain, Orange. .. . The Uaiversity of North Carellaa Is at Chspil HUL Hon David L Swain, Presidsat.' , " ' Rev Calvin II Wiley is euperiaiisaeai ex iz coxamea , Schools of the State, i - WUlie 1 Palrrar. Alls UriTxl eltli IT C Iri!ia fcr the DeaXmmb aad tie E'JaC et lUI:!. . Dr Edward c Jrisatr ts cuperiauadsat ef the lasaaav Asylaaa. .. . r . i i