THE DAILY CONSERVATIVE. .-.:'? J. II. .VEATIIESlir & Co. TEIWI S OF S U fits CJl I PTI O IV : Th ,,owl"ro lhe ovJj'tefuUi subscription to TITE .DA lLY.PAPEIt, 1 montH,:, ! f $ 5 K '1 m nnlkj 15 M i" 1M -r j, 4 UlOOt !!,. WKKKLY PAPKR, 3 months J'. 10 . ,i Snbarrfptinn to either Dailv of. Wceklv received Tar a l.w.s.'f'r time than sir inonlb - " ' r , ' Telegraphic News. j REPORTS 0; THE PRKSS ASSOCIATH IN.' ,'rr"i according rYi art ol Conrre, in, the yer lS;i, 1y J ; raaisuna, in. trie CierkV ttrtVe of th-j ij-trrc Court . m trio Confederals ' State of th j j Northern District oi i.'.r?ift. . ' 1 "... From Richmond. ( KicnMCHin. Oct. 10. (jflyrial.ilispatclirs from Jen.. Hreckenritlge states that a portion of the enemas cavalrj, after a slight K'itpnc: his hcen thiven hack frm King's Point towards RtfsersYiH?. '' " Tltre is now no'enemy this sMe of-Jonesboro. skcoxi dispatch. J Kicmwxr, Ot. 0. oriietnl'd s patches at the War : Dt-parlment to-day tate 'that Vauzhaii's cavalry drove the enemy from Ko-'CTSuilc on the 8th, killing ariU sround'iKg n'gDoJ f inttty. ". " ' No enemy in' force thifiiJe of P.ull s Gap. From Pflersburg:. . . . Petcinbitrg, Oct. 10. the enemy last rtcninjr relir.qnished the sixteenth J line wlil' h they took p r session of on Saturday. ' j hat night there ivre sotiie inications of -a purpose t i it tot y.irt ot tfie encmyjio tnauo an nitack on our front hut it amounted to nothing. The enemy have hurned srveml fin1 da'cHins on the outskirts of the ' Hues on their h it during he last fear d.iys. A I.ire supply o clothing arid shors are issued 10 the army. - ' t . " ! boinr j . . x , From Georgia. ... - At f-ustA, Oct. 10. A forrspondent of the 'Montgomeiy Mail, with II .o is ariiiy,says the occupation ot;Rosni was' effect f-.l without lighting. The road to ifarietfa was landless -when it was learned thti Hood had moved n .uhward. crossed the river with two of his corps and formed a line of ediscrvation at Vining's Sfifi 'U. ' ' ' " " : ol's line crossed the railroad at l-g Shnnty- n:i the 1 thi i . rl " , ; The armies hold thi? relation to each other with . out tiring a gun. - On the fifth Sherman withdrew and returned to' Atlanta. Our army then set to work e tfv-ctmUy destroying the-railroad from Iig Shinty lo Cattle Maula 1 ' "All the bridges from -Marietta to Ialton were de--ftryfd. " . . . ' , - i We have the strongest fortification on Kennesavv AjM.ttm. - . . ! Jackson holds Rome, and Wheeler held possession r.f n. sii, 1 . ". From Missiisiprii, - ' 0TKA, Oct., 9. Svtss . cavalry met tjie advancing from lhyoa Sari, on Wednesday, nei.r Jackson, L-., and a!ccr a severe fight no cAsuaUie kno n, t-xcept one vtilit:rv cstison blown up. Several nun .were killed. I'iiidiiig the enemy lelurniog with ti ei whelming t-iirior:e.uients our forces evacuated, Clinton, saving ? verythir.g, and falling back tow.uMs Liberty. On Thursday morning the Yankee ravalry entered Clinton. No pnrticulars of what the' did at Clinton nr Wooclvill-j, except" a ""capture of a few ofiicers, u-cluding Col. Biirkny, commiuding post nt (-iintou, nn d some twenty or thirtj' soldins atWiliii'm's hridge. On Thutsdaya raiding p?rty, CDO strong, struck off for the nviin Ix'-dy, visited (reen-doio "Tangipahn and Oavky, on the railroad, and remained a f.v hours at each place, searching house. for Con-fed-Tafp soldiers and arai.f . At Oreensboro' the enemy were piil.iging dcrels lings and ever' kind of pTopcity, "leaving many famines destitute. Capt. Addison, of Greensboro', was cipturid and compelled -to .drive Ins carriage, uith hh negro women inside, as passengers, trt U iton jfi".?"v At Osyka tho raiders demolished the ttds - T.gmc appiralus, catrying pff one opeTato!;--ho otherj Mr. Allen, narrowly escaped. M C. Hut-. tn. the Adjutant of the l'ost, Moran, Commissary, ai-d stventv soldiers, also, earned off. "Yesterday iiKiiiiiog another Yankee force of 2,0fi0 cavalry oc-jiU'h-d !ireensboro",JpilUging around infbscriudnately. In tle evening they were encamped at Faimon's, five jnd-s below. They were report 1 accompanied by ii.fntr) . No tidings of news to-day. r. - j From Charleston. Charleston. Oct. 10. o. f R. Harris, the ilistinguished Chief Engi neer of Ueaurcgard's Staff, who constructed the -batteries' wli'ufh -defended Charleston, died to day, at Ku'jiinerv tile, of yellow fever, contracted here. His loss is dec-ply deplored. - All quiet except the usual fchtliinir. - - ' ' ' . . " IMJRIALOF GEN.lODES. The kt-t tribute of rc?pect Id the lamented deri. lode?, that of consT'rnino- his tnortal re- mains to the grave, was performed at Eynchhurg, "lilinthcisi nnv-rver ssimKlfl nlir rwsfii the funeral j roccf?ion ofOn. Thomas J. Jack son, more laniiliarly known as Stonewall. Tire Jt'lrtMiean gives the following particulars : Alutir nino oVfok.this moining ngreably U the iv.juest of the layor ull houses .were closed iuh! businej-s of every ldud suspended. At- 10 o e'o.'I;, the Masonic t"rnterntiyK(of which tjcncral .Rxles was a., member-' officers'' of the. 'Confedcrs ate States and City Government, tho Ambulaoce - Committee and n large number of military com-, panies, formed ori Maio stree'ti" whence under . eomniand of (Jen. Coliton they' marched to the homo of his childhood for the purpose of rcoeiw i.i the corpse and to its place of in ! rmont in the Prcsbytcriau graveyard. No fu neral discourse was delivered, but at the grave, mrroutided 'by numerous ' members of hia -family ihe services, under the ministration of the 'lie v. RV. Ramsey, of the Presbyterian Church, were most folemn and impressive. Tue Reverend gen tleraan, in a few eJoquent remarks, spoke of the 'teat hiR3our country and hia family have sus tained in tho death of Gen; Ilodcs r-oi his exalted, worth as a man, a soldier and n Christian clos ing with a fervent invocation to God to vouchsafe to our slrur'cliner nation a fit eoldiet , to occupy - the high pot the deceased had jo worthily filled. A most pathetic hymu was then sung by those assembled around (he grave, foljojycd by prayer aod a benuliction by the officiating clergyman. The Masonic Fraternity' then surrounded the gmve and, according to their beautiful-ritual, threw in their embfematic token?, and consigning "earth to earth, oshe3 to .ashes, dust to dast," proceeded to shot forever from mojjal vision the iody of the distinguished dcad-V-Tub being do&e tho hinds of lovely r woman btrcwed the grave, of the "noble gcntfeuiab, the chivali otia and pure" . and Christian warrior, with garlands of evergreen aod immortelles r t emBlems of the 0 ndy "frig love aad esteem with' which the memory of Robert E. Bodes wilL ever be cherished by ;his bereaved Vol. : ) :--' i . i -. "? - ". --""" : - T ' ' '-:.-!. ." TUCKER , ANDREWS & . CO ; Auctioneers, "VTILT SKLL, ON" WEDNESDAY NEXT, Oct. t T itn, &t i; o clock 7 Hogsheads of prime Leaf Tobacco. 0 kegs pure White Leah liSa-im Macfjines , 0!Uls."Soft Soap; A IXresRpk --'or"-v;i,f'' -'"-; t, and .under, clothing, uMen Drawers, bnirts, Coats and Pants. &er.. 1 Negro iJoy, 21 years old, a pood f?h,e maker, and sundry and divers things too tedious toj men tion.;.-; - r :- ' : - ). TUCKER, iANDIJEW.S ,v CO , Auction and Com mission Alerohftnts. Oc oher 101 1804. I ! - - Mi5-2f. DRY GOODS AND : GROCERIES. lANCY. MADDER PIUNTS, ! i JJ RUacbed Shirting, Unh eached Shirting, 'WJiUetTicoiie CUiecked JaC(net, , . Pdper Cambric, JJrown IfolJandJ Checked viughams, II uck' Towels, . - -,'An ft.orjtneiit of finejionnet Ribbons, ' " Purple and Blue .Velvet for Ronnets, Prowirs for Ronnets and Hats;, . . Relt Ribbon, Kid Gloves, f J . .1 ft , r Hoop Skitts, Corsets, j . . :. Misses and Ladies Leghorn -Hats, ' . ; Ladies a nd Misses White ftndiJJiark LiieGlove?, Mixcd, Half -lose, Merjno. do., ' , Ladies White Hose, . - " Jnnnen Handkercbiefs1, Ce.Uon do., : Drestdng and Kino (ombs, Misses Round ComhsJ . Spool Thread (all colors and Nos.), ' Wliite and Black Flax! Tliread, j , . Root ant Shoe. Webbing,.' . ; Iallies aid Misses. Gaiters, ; ' Gents' fiAe Roots and Shoes,! .. Mason's S hoe. Blacking, - '. - U M.asnns Rest Washing Soap, ' . i" ; Hat liinds and Ltinding, ; -! -Caps, Neck Ties and Suspenders,, T ' Paper and Linnen Shirt Collars, Tooth and Hair Brushes, j .."' ' , .. ' ' . St'ttionjery, Waier Buckets, i , ' Fine Cuewing and 5moking r!T)bacco, i Rest Rkcder Snuff, V RUck Jepper, Spice, i . I . jr Superior Brown Sugar, ' Rent R?o Coffee, .'- : '. .. Soda, j . ; : r ' ; Floor, Men I, Cornt.;Racon, ivc 'Sccf -A.Kerieraj nf sorthient of Drv 5oods and -Groceries rlwflvson Und at CORNER OF FAVfTiTEViLLE AND' MARKET SQUARE. i & WARS!, j.. -141--'lit. - - R-igh, pejt. 7, -180-1. , j WANTED ! SITUATION. AS HOVER NESS,' hv n voontr didv 1 nvlishi French and Miinc tnsrhf. JLe."orefue.- cx ciiaTrCd. Adurese Mf??.M!, box. I K,,' f OharlotteN, C. ' ' - I t( ----:' lOct 10, PIANO ! PIANO ! ! T7E HAVE t Piano, j CONSIGNED TQ '.ITS " AN'OTlIEil TUCKER, j ANDREWS ti'CO.. Auction and Commission 3er(4i3 nts. :t. in, ISlU, 14i 12t. T C. V0LUNTEER NAVY COMPANY. JJ . Notice is hereby giten to the'StockholdeTS of tue Aortt. Carolina ATolnnteer Iavy Compnny, and the. public generally, thnt the bocks for the further subscription in stock in f-aidlcompany will be positively closed on or be fore the 13r.t day of November next! Parties desirir-j? t make investments m una enterprise will .'be: oflered at) op- i portunity np tolthat date, but not afterwards, and noti?e i? lioreby fttrther given to those' who have already subscribed and sbaH fail ti pay in the Treasury the amount of their j -ubscriptions ori or before the -said d.-ty that thej' wiil he charged interest cm their, subscription and the company f will proceed to jcollect by law; jv C, P. AIENPENIIALL. Sept 21, ISfif 1.11 d2w lent. 500 eevaed. 77RCAPED FROM TnK JATL OPGRANVILLR ()UNTY. IV in Oxford, on the nl?ht of the27th inst. . JJAl.DV KRliSEY, a free iicgro, verybright color! and hair nearly sti-iiiiit. :stojit made, aud about t iect S tnchels tiirh, about 4." ye-rs old, im pudent upp.'jiranct" and quick Speech. !Aho, .lOJiL, .1 Fltvc-ol T. B. 'en:ible. !joel i- a dark! mulatto, about 5 fed lOrorll inches tfh. lout rather ?parc built, though strong and like'y, he is about years of age. Kersey was eentenced at .epi em ber teVift of Grabville Superior -'C'onrt t-o ix months inn-ri-x?ument, and thqreare still --pending" against him live ifHiict meuta for larceriy. Joel was comuiittcd for housebreaking and an attetuptjto commit ta'p. i . ! I will give thd abo! rewardj for the apprehension 'an, ron finem.em of botlj, so t liflj. lliem asiitn, or $250 fur- ill her. The belief is that ih.y are mating towards the t-ubfern part the i-tate. ; will a!iojMve .y-.o lor the apprehension and dt in th ivery, with evidence ptniicitndlo convict tho-e or any one of f hoee who a'pisfed from the ointeide nhd broke the j.iii j so I lo release said pri?onci r. A. iPHILPOTT, Sheriff;' in Weekly. I - l-t- dlw&w-lw. 55?" Standard -e-n'py 3 weeks October 4 r h, 1 Ml. I WOOL NOTICE. i- - QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, I IUi.kioji. July "2. isc,i. I AM NOW; I PREPARED TO KXOJIAMiK I'OHU.y Yarn for Wool, npon thex following 'term, viz : One bunch oij i arn rur inree ponnu.wapneu 001, aiw uuu for four pounds nnwashed. bunch :fbr Agents have been appointed to make the exchange at tiie fallowing places: Oxlord, Tarboro Kinston, Catbvrine LAkr, Concord, Rockingham, lKnderaouviUe, Statesville, Koxboro. ARhevine,'Pitt8boro I.ouibnrg, Fayetteville, Otderatji, and at thi placer i - ' : --; . - - t -.''.- t ' I'crpons shipping wool to this place"vitl please mark on the package? who the- are from, and the cotton yarn wilt be for warded immediately. . j j ' .-' I hope the people wiil -patriotically; respond to the above notice, as the. Wool is for clothing the JM . C. Troops. V til, tf. U. Al DOWDi A- Q. .M., N. CL A. ! Sorghum Mills and Boilers. ; TUST RECEIVED. FROM SAPONA IRON WORKS,! AN- J other snpply of two and three Roller Mills and IIoiJcm from 1 SO to ICO gallons. Kept constantly on hand a largo supply of Ovens, Spuier?i ana extra wo. - 1 'l c Jim-., for Sdiona iron v ork. . - (. - ' tf. Angnst'13th;lSM. THE BINGH AH SCHOOL, OAKS, ORANGE CO.,j N. C; : '.? TYOOM FOR A FEW GOOD ROYS. XAi ' For terms address J. BIX'Gn AM SONS. -Sept. 21, 18C4. to 1 0d&;jw-. :" I NOTICE. 1 . 1 J All TnosE wno . HAVE n ot PAID INTO ' TU E Treasury of theNortli Carolina Volanteef Navy Company their subscriptions, are requested to do so at once, as the Qonipany is now about Sending abroad an Aaet t make pur chase of a vessel. And those wishing to take stock will have short time to procure the same before the books will be losed. f CYRUS P. MENDENU.ALL, President., August Gth, S6L 91-tf. -. Surgeon General's Cilice, Raleigit' xT. C., Jvizr lOtn, 1 S.ii I. , AJlERSKNGKlt WILL.JLliAVJS nuoriiUE ury Tins first day,vand the fifteenth day, of every month, for Gen. Lee's army. All boxes left here for any member of that army -.will' tu carriethore promptly by him and vdciivered jto the owner. 43 it --1 i EDWARD WARREN,. v Snrgcon General North t-'arotms. H JOHN Q. WILLIAMS & Co. STQCK AND V MONEY BROKERS, : 'k-j -cfy Raleigh, IT. ! Cr CONTTNUE3 TO CARRY ON THE BROKERAGE BUSI near at their old fUnd s retofiwe ia : all ll vaxio I 1 fe in few- ' ? hjv p p - fu rj) r Heaflqnarters Chief Enrolling Office, " ? 5ti1 Oono. Disthict, N. C, . 1 -Kiltreli's, September 2Htt 18ul TN I'lUiUAN'M: OF CTUCULAU No. 4,VCITRREST JL feru", , of sei t. llln, Yt(, Vonntv L'nroIIins OBiors , I IKTXyrs f;a-e, liable to mi tiUry service, at tiitir respective cun'tv ti . fvf modicitl esamlTiitimi! excej iing nly su' h parties that may hare been furnished ivith certifi -Jites of pkkuasf.xt totMption from -'Medical Eka-mining Uuird. ioce Apri! lSfhKSr4.- , : In any c of. crmanaat exernption " irbere the En rolling OSicer may lmv sul6taritiat ; reason fer f opposing that the dirt.-vliiJity na lvD?or es.Uts, or that fraui was in any way pr icticed in the original preientafi m of the" eae, he wilt iorthnrith cause the arty to' a pear fir re-examination. ;"' " , ' :. . '.-:;'-: :'r ;"':.- - .-"" -': :y-"y , - la the al)ove will he incIaJsd all parties hcretoforo ex atuioed ani a??i;ncd (o light' Uaty in any and every de partmsnt of the Goyrnment- . " " " ' Free iegro4's.,f.-t,mX8 tire. incladed in th-above . . a!l, and tfce last tiay t each aipoi'ntment Uevotl to their Enrolring Officers will assemble sdh portions of their Rei:r nt.ut ' iJMstriets,-as-will equalize'toe Dumber on each, i ' iio appoints (hys. , Tkey wiH nlitt cause this iidtice to le ?o ihcruit?Iily ftWcrtic J, that I here may he uo niaaeces ary tre !o?t froni the ' various pursuits of those li'ahle, and protect attends nee -fasured cn th days specified. f? .Ail pcTi-ona eml.rjetd ia this call are anJolurely reqnire'd t preser.f at the fIlowtntim'es and jdaees, pr.tbeyl W;iu n fMifidored a? r?eiv.nt cori.rrpts and treated ac eArditily. . . '' .-'..'-. ' .. . ' Vj i":"' "' , '.--.. ;' Jvxairjinatjjtas . inl-pnrsaa-iee of Circular 31, -Bureau of Cop.??r,:ption. catrebtr series v.iil hi instituted saine time. COIINTIKH 0.-L 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, JI , 12. " 14, 1 17, i s, 19. " 2t( 22, 24. 25. : ; " .27, 23, 50, 31. Nov. 1. .Orange, . Frarklin, Ti'ranville, Warren, Nayh. !ijI3M.roV, Louisburg, Oxford, , Warrtton;-' ..'...-'' Xashvillo, N"oy j r. " 10. 1U12. 14. 1 A W. MSWANN, vCapt. . and En.Oflicer, 5di District, N.'Q. ?cpt. -Executive" Department North Carolina, ) . ... ; Ai)J Ui'A f ilv.N ERA1'S fUF.FICK.. : , ' ,1UleiuVi. July 1,1864. .A General -QrthERS, ;-. No. It; . s .L;:' .' . I ' E01tTHE INFOTiMvVTiaX OP Ath CONCERNED. 1 . il I . it.i decl'ivcd t:i;it the (Jn.rd for Homelerence consists of T.T..wh'fe niale i-ioiis who Uio escnini 1v' hiw from service in the Cif;rare Army, between 'the. of -eisrbteeii-and lifr-y yrw., rcideiyt .iitJh'VratV ir.eladins forfisiners r.ot liiuiiraiiz. d ulio have been resident-in the Mate for thirty aayp, i j:re ciiroMment, exccptirg'.dith' . pe'roirs af are exeiopt by tin; laws of rh state, pwtcrs uf thcUovemor, or ou account, or phY'cnl disability. . . 1 ; . , , r.t , . " ' If. tJompauy ermutfanders-jvili each-cm the next drill day make an exct rail of his company: in aordance with the above declaration and tranamiti-M hi Battalion com mander to be icnt -bj'- him without d'biy to this oflice.. TJopn the. receipt of thce comnJUJy rojf, battalion eouimanuers having arms nl.d iccoatreiil.M tna protierty.ol the State in thefr poises-ion or ihf iiOS!ein of t Heir mcn'after retaining a jpin and accoutrements Vm ;fi inir of hi command will send tfii' j-em.iimlo'r to tUxs citv"h Itij. T, 1).- How, Ordnance (HV' re:-. . ,.. i ." - : . 1 i ' 1 lit. Tiie '"ccohd arasraph ofOcnrral Orders No. 9, making it the duty of til AI i 1 1 tin and lldimt iuardO,fdcer8 to arrest any j oiUcor or a.aont-wK in mal-:'in(. imprtsracnt1 .fails lo comply I with the impT(shi lav.:s Mi; every ' jstoWcnhirJ is .hereby ao !;dt-as"t.o make 'j t the duty of all 'such ofl'ieera to cm 1 font their coj. mand?j to usi?t in ariesihi-any person against whom a civil' warrant is directed upon application of any Judye ;r Jnftice of he IMace ptatim; that ."'th-e civil ofiicer is not . rfhle .to make the arrest -without aid ;i'r'ni the militia. It heiry thns miMlo t!ie tint, v of all JvliJdia. and Home Guard Oflicijrs to assist tiur civif authority iu P!ip0-ep.iii2 illegal linpresftxcnts-, it is hereby forbiddeu'-ofiieer of cither elaf to become impreKsit.'g' at'cuts-, Jind those luddiiv; each agencies niutt rcfcit'Vi .either.. the' a:u-y or coninitif&icn ,iir the State service. Comma ndeva of Jjcuiment" aad l.itfalions wi'l) that this lat:er ci.tiiKi is cninp'ied wiili; lly order of (invernor V.xcn. . ' i i:. 0 OATLTN, . I " Aljutaj.t ;Executivo Departrxieut North Carolina, . A njt'TANT OfiXFiiAfa: (fiick,' -Raleigh, August 25, 1804. GkxkisAi. OanKRS,.? : - ' ' j Xo. IT; " i ! y ';:! ;' .".": T Cno editor and one printout" endi newspaper, and one druggist in r.;h 'apothecary fdore are exempt from duty in the Ouard fr Jlozip Defence, except when tho county is invaded by the enemyj provided, there is not "that number of persons not liabie to; duty in the GairJ for Horns De fence, employed i:; said Hewsp:iper C3tabHchment ir drug store. . '..!'. i - . ' ' If. Tlic attention of jail ofiicers of . tho Militia 'and Guard for llouo I)er.ce is( called to t tho -proclamation of Ilia K.vft'lrecy, tho ' Oovernor, Uatef in this city on the 24th inst , gnmiig pardon to deserters jwho may yoliintarily surrender themselves within the hext ithirfy days. , Peoha 90 Rurreridcriiij; will Ij font to flie nearest conscripkearap, and bo furnished by th4 ofikcr tp whom the. 'surrender. is in ado with an attepfed statement petiing forth the jacrj fncuxinir tune ana or furnmiitr. III. Attention i al?o called to; the II paragraph of Uencral Order biu I, dated January; To, IMH. -the more, ellcctnally to carry out Said paragraph, commanders of regiments and b'tt nunrof th timiru tor.iiome iJeience will mail's to this fit :o 0 the la?t dy of each month a written report of tn operations; of their commands during ths month, staling tho number vf day& they have been out. tho number of deserters apprehended, the number that have vuittariiy" surVcndereilan'd the names of iieh ofiicers nz mav have failed to nortorm their dutv, and ia what particular; . ' ,! Ily order -f iTovcrnor .Vance : R.'C.'fiATOX, Adjutant General. 140 Headquarters Cavalry Brigade, ; , , : Septembku 24tii, 180-t. t". jj, COMMrSSIO-NED'- OFFICERS OF TUTS BRIGADE A are hereby authorized to act under the order given me by (ien R. E. Li:u, or date .Irdv 2frh, lHGi, rto collect-" all cavalry Hem?, equipments and accoutrements in.the hands of civilians and olh' r unauthorized persons' -Sn the Stato-of North Carolina, when tatiitied that snch 'arms.Utc.v are! legitimately the pro perty of the Confeder-ite States.' ; 4 ; - a CompHiiy-oKctrs will require their men to reoort to tliem t hi names -of all parties, in their; respecUve localities, known to have such arms, . equipments an i accoutrements especially Mct'lcilan Saddles and Sharp's Rifles ; land if illegally held, whel her claimed lv capture, purchase er otherwise they wilt fcixethem, if not viduntarily given upl and have them brought to their command. , 1 ' ' . ! .' : . . -1 - -. -I' -i : ,-"! J .. i U. B.VKRINGER. H j4A r.-w ' '' N Bdg. lien. Commanding. ' r ';.;. ' 1 - i . '.' .t d Surgeon General's Office, JtALEioa, tvept. 3Jin, ISO; MEDICAL FX AMINIK BOA P.D, contisjiing of rjRCfi7P od burgeon , win meet in tee town of Statesvilltfon the into vctoneT; sc.- i.iyiovu. ia Alexander county, ou the lh Wilkcsboro on tbc I5tb : at Alorgantcn on the.lbtn, ana at linear on me xuiu, for.tbo purpose ot Kxaraining all persons claiming exemp tion Trom Uome Guard duty, on account of physical, dis-. ability. . MO-12t. EDWARD WARREN, L v ;:f ; Surgeon General. rspcntive Depaitment Nprth Carolina,) . Ai)JCTANT OENfiRAlS OFFICE, - - t at K.rir. September i. j Gexekai; Okders, ) No. ia. v lJ' .rtfn TT1C PT? VVATT.ED TO Jvz oard dewten.-W.hi b been Pd.; 0 -tarilv 7rrewlerea themselves, must be diMonunuea. ?h?aSMrWl?forV.Men.t grant furloughs to any per, son? cot members of -their commands. - -; . -f --.- - ' 139- :""rr M l"b;Ajutatit Uenerai. - PROTTMITY TO A tojti :Prrred, Addresa, -D, I A SMALL FARM. WELU Xi - v- 1 JV Execntive Bepartmeht North Carolina' :. Adj ttast GE5F.R4i.V.0rrfCE, (II. G.) i i , - ! ' Raleigh, December 16, 1361. GENERAL ORDES, Na. 6.. ; - " ' ; . -I, The following act9 of the General Assembly of North Carolina' are published for the informatr n. of all concerned : AN ACT IN. RELATION TO THE MlLlTLt AND A; GUARD FOR HOME DEFENCE, r , l Sectiow 1.; Be it enacted by the General Assemllg nf the State of , North Carolina, and it is JiTeby enacted by the. UHil-ority of the same. That the exemptions from service in the Militia of the State shall be for the same eanres,' and to the Fame extent, and no further, than 'are pre scribed in the acts "of Congress of the Confederate State, providing for the enrolment of men for the public; defence; and granting exemptions from the eame, commonly called tbeTonser'ptinn and exemption acts. ; ?ko, Z, lie turttorr enacieat ;in&t it shall be the duty of the" Governor to cause to be enrolled as a Guard for Home Defence, alb white male j ersone not already enrolled in Jhe service of the onfederaie States, between the aes 'of eighteen and tfly- years, iri4cn irr ih is State, tneluafn" foreigners net naturaliied who have been; resident in the State for thirty 4ys before such enrolment, exceptiagper-, sons filling the ofnees of Goy'ornor, Judges of the. Sunreme and Superior Courts of Law and Equity, the mcmbera of the GenerarAfsembly,. and tho ofucers of the'Etvoral de part men ts.f" the Government,7 raeiaberi' of Congress and the civil aad military onteer&iofJ thai Confederate- govett tnent within this State, rainisters of the gopel of the fie v ral donominatidas iQ "the State cbargod with the duties of jui-'L-aMnfrtrj-fthe hTga" sheriff,, and clerks of the several courts ofj record, and tbe ' public'reiisters in the' several counties, and such other petnns as tho Governor, for pecisl reasons,; may deem .pror r-r subjects of exenxplion. Sec. 3. lie it farther e inirtt d. That, all persons above the 8io.of Ofty, w4-o -ftay. volunteer for service in said Guard in Tlojne Dofepoe, arid hall bo accepted by a Cap tain of a company for the same, ph all be deemed to belong thereto, and shall be'. held to service therein, eittier gener- ally, or Tor any special duty or expedition, as the command ing bftifeers of egiments or companies, aeebrdingto the'na turo of the particular service, tn question mvy determine. i EzcI4. Be il further ejtacled. That, the Governor shall cause nib persons enrolled ,in purauancp of. the. two prye ' ding sections of this nct.fobe formed into companies, with liberty to elect the commissioned officers of snch compa nies, and thence into battalions or regiment, brigades and divisions, according to his discretibn ; and he shall appoint the held officers ot such battalions,, regiments, brigades and divisions, and shall isue comnrirfsiona in due frm to all the (Beers a foresaid. . i . ' Sue' 5 Be H ' farUtr -ettA? Tbar ember3 of the so- ciety of friends, commonly called Quakers, may be exempt ed from the provisions flf this actby paying the sum of one bundrcl dollars, according to an ordinance of the Con-, vention of this State in that behalf, ratified the 12th "day of May, ISG2: Provided, Tbnt when any suca Quaker shall have paid or had levied" of his properly five hundred dollars, under the acts of Congress called tbe conscription law'afoes'aid, Tie shall not be required to pay aoy sum of I mocey'for his exemption under this act.' - flEC- u.jje it'jurinvi "ui:ivur xmii tue-saiu uuarus lor Home' Defence may be called out for service by the Gov ernor in the defonce.of the State against invasion and to L suppress insurrections, either by regiments, battalions or companies en M&ssi, or-by drau or j-volunteers from the same, as lie in his discretion may direct ; 'shall be under his command through-the 'officers 'appointed' ns herein pro vided shall serve only within the limits of this Stateand, intoura of duty to tw pro3iribod by the Governor, -pot ex. ceeding tbree months af one 'term.' 'Jhey, or'so-raary of them as ttiay be at oue time called into service, may be organized into infantry, artillery or cavalry as lie mqy di rect, and the infantry. and -artillery may be mounted if he shall so determine, tlie men furnishing tbjjir own horses, ar.d accoutfementi5,and nnti3, when approved by the Gov ernor, op siieh terms as be sb.-dl, prescribe. -Sue. ii 1 iu.rt.her' enacted, That the Governor my" .furnish -to Baid-tfap the eravs, accoutrements and am mu nition ef tho Sfata then called ns aforesaid intjetive ser vice; and shall prescribe rols for their action, to prevent tho waste, destruction or lo s of Iho same. Skc. 8. lie it further eu-icted, That all lawrt and elausos of laws coming within the meaning and purview of'thid at, bo and th?y are hereby rppealed. i Sec U. Be in furthtf enttd, That the commission s of officers of the militia, called ir.fa pervice by t'-iis ac t, dre tuspenderi only daring tho period of sah- service. E'EC.'IO.. Bi it further enacted, That tbi net phall be in force frani tu vistw t' Its ra'tia.a'tiV.n. ft I'i'fwd Vtellh day rf July, ISM.l . . . ; AN ACT TO AME.?D AN ACT IX REL VTIOX TO .THE militia; and a guard for mniR -defencs. , Sectxox.; . n . ii.. jj . n i t ii . r . I I.; jjg U en oy me uenemt sisscmoiy oj we Slate of North Curovna, am it ?s hereby enacted by the au Ihorily of the same, That neither the Govern State, nor the officers acting up4c-r an act rati! 7th day of July, 18.. entitled 'An act in rala rnor oi this fied.on tbe alation to tiu -Militia, and a Guard for Homo Defence," shall call cut for drill or muster the persons enrolled under said act of ten er than ocee a month in company drill, or fte nor than twice a year in battalion drill; wbieh battalion drills shall take tho'place of the cflmpany drills for tbe month in which tlfjy are aopointad,- unless called intoactu! service to re pel invasion or suppress insurrection or to exeeute tbe lairs of tho State. .. . '.."'' '- - - Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall have the power to use the Guards for Home Defence, for the purpose of arresting conscripts and deserters : jP'ooi-ef,-They; shall. hot Tbe ordered upon, this duty beyond the limits of the counties in which they-reside, or the counties adjacent thereto. .r ; Skc. 3. Be it further enacted. That in addition to the exemptions contained in that act to which this ia an amend ment, there shall be - exeotipt County Commissioners, ap pointed under an act ntitled "An act for tbe relief of wives and families of soldiers in the- army," regular mil ler" blacksmiths who have established shops, necessary operatives in factories and foundries, the Attorney fleneral, 'Solicitors-of-the several circuits and eounliov physicians of five years' practice, contractors with the State or Con federate government, one editor to each nowspaper and the -necessary compoyitors, mail carriers. proJ'aEsors in col i Ices and teachers in academies. Provided. That this ex emption shall only apply to the dnUs ppaoiaaJ in this bill and not to service when the .Guard for JI;n Petoace is called ioto tbe field. - ' , - . ,-.',-' Skc. 4. Be it further enncfed, That for failure to attend at baUiiUon or drill, each 41ld tffi or shall for foitand pay one hundred diollirs ; each eiptaia. an l other officers who shall foil to muster and drill their companies the times appointed, shall leffeit end pay for each failure fifty dollars ; and if a nonrcominiesioned e ffieer or pvivale shall fail to attend any drill, he shall forfeit and pay not loss than tive; nor inre tha twenty five dollars i JVeii--,jed, That every absentee shall be allowed until the next truster to make bis excuse. -The fines shall be adjudged by regimental and company eourt-uiurtUl, and judgments are to be entered upland the fines collerted in he same mode, nod in accordance with the provisns of tbe mililia Iawf North Carolina, passed at the. seconi extra seisfou of the General Assembly, 1S1 i " ; . .. Sko. 5. Be it further enacted That the Surgeon General, by and with the advice and consent of the Governor, may appoint suxgical boards; not exceeding three, composed f two physicians each, who shall declare by their certificates those persons who shall be exempt from sfrvice. under the act to which this is an amendment, en account of mental.or physical -disability, and that they thall-receive ibe pay of their rank and . traveling expenses, to be determmtd by the Adjutant General. -.' - ' . . . , - ,r Sec. 6. Be it further enacted ..That the Guard for Home Defence, should they be called fnto serviee by the Govern or, shall receive line same pay, rations and ' allowances as soldiers in tbe Confederate States' service, and shil be sub ject to the rules and articlesjof war of the Confeierate Suites. Set. 7. Be H fuHhe'ri eracUd, Tint when the pressure of pablic danger shall not prevent the obf rvanea of such a rale, the-raid Guards for Home Defence shall not be called Into service en masse, but by drafts of a "number of meh frota eacb convenient company, so s to make op thtra gregste fore" required. i , . . - ( ;-.'"--. , ' " - fcsc. 8. Be it further t,naced That this.acj. shall te in force and take effect from and alter its ratification. ?'" Jed the IVh day of December, 103.) ';."-' ' "''., . ... - l ill lit rtinn or II. 2he Uompaoy unui require "j c Anriland October. ". ;'-';K'. '"' ";:-.' -V,---'1 '- '.'"'-J'- III. The 3' section obeUst named act Is oonstraed to mean that tbe parties etuerted ,ar. exiflpt from drills, .k.nllnr deerters. and ther- ordinary duty, of the iioird for Dome Defence bat ar notxexjmpt from doty, when tbe Guard lor om ieience is cna repef intasion; suppress iniurrection, or -to execute the laws tt the State- - ' ' - . r- ; Br order of OoTemor axcz s . w -- . . m tbe last named act, will take place n the second Sherds j in tbe months I January, February, March, May, Jiq, An u-W September, November nd December, and the J uly Hattalioui Drills on the second 'Saturday in the months of A toWowInj Mter will be charjrM for all arfVertiaimeat. (. riea ui me uxivx ina wkklt UomsUTni j One riav TwocuV.. -Three kytt Four dv- mn. 111 o A WO WNM, Three weekSr- "- . . One racmta Twomontin, - .Five days, . 1 00 15 00 imiraiBiiuares will bn cbanFed ih m.. fnruiM i. wMre for every ineerUon! W . 5 W hen eeat by letter, the mover mm .1,1.- ,v - mJtwr ' timent. M-rrl! .theuS charred as advertisement and mmt h-..VVl TSf? UlMTUCVt IIILITAEY DIEECXOIl WICID OFFICERS. BRIGADES, DIVISIONS AND OOBPC OF NORTH CAROLINA REGIUENT8 , -T No C0LOIVKL6. Listrr. ColoSK. Ilam A Browne Jamtt N BarrelL; Levis CLsILsa, .- - - . . Wa T Easett, Winism JCRL . RW.YsrtcT jcLeodTaraer, Steph DThrnston, Win U Paxtler; E A Osborne. v 4. oonn w L.C.& Root F Webb. i 8am Men Tt Kd Q Osywood. Jxs M WMteoo Win II Cheek, Stephen. D Pool, WmJ Martin, H E Coleman, Joa U llrman, R Tyler Bennett, Wm Astowe, V Win F Martin, . John D Barry, ' W.PRoherti, . Thoe F Toon, Thos S Galloway, Chaa C Iflaeknafj, Wra J Clarkri. R A Bnir, T-z-T-i 10 Henry T Oalon, ' Wa S Davit, nenrv A Rogen," Wm A Johnston, W n Yarboroign. A 8 Clond. Thos n harpt . Jbhn W McGCl. - 1 iuvi6imnr. tJuaetlisllly, JbtTtWAlsteB. SO Denton Withers. rtyWlIimas4, 11 1J8 13 14. 15 16 17 13 1 J Johsson, ino j wootW; jJmes 1 Gaines, ona XLogtft, ? ; . T 1 i n -1 20 21 22 2-J Wm 8 Rankin, : ' 24 23 i 27 28 29 an 31 82 John. L Harris. Thsddens D farm. Jss.T.A4s. JosaWebST y '?-JT ' " ' BimonB Taylor. Jss M StfTeis, JacioS L Una HI X Jtutledge, Sam C Bryson, Geo F WhltfleldtJ W ma Afctpeer, , Uac J ProCUtt- Chas W Knbrht. David U Cowan, GeoTGordoo, Jss T Johnston, 1 JohnDTsyior. Wm G Morris. J A Gilmer, jr, - VTni R Creasman, Prank M Parker, John S' Jordan, ; aa Robt V-Cowao, , 34 jAVLJ Lowranca, 3J ' --. k - . 8 87 33 aa 40 41 wmiam Lamb, Wra AI Barbour, -John Ashford,' .: David Colemaa, John J Hedxick, V Joliri A Baker, John B Brown, v. Thoe S Kenan, . Thoa C Hingeltary, Geo W Flowers., t FA Reynolds, George Tsit. f ogsr aoors. 4i ChasW BrsdsbAw, 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 Taee L nargrov, John H WtnsUa. AC McAllister, AlbeitAHlli; ' James T Davis, John C VsnbOAk Calebfl Hobs on,' Jas TMorehe'ad, Anderson nils, ; ' Alfred H Belo? CbAsU 8Udln j- .- . . Wm L Saunders, GqoJUFartruult,. Sam II Walkup, Lee M McAfee, Geo Wortham. tfemM&'ttcSefil 4 XMZXSon 60 J n J Rytii, . 51 Hector McKethan, 5J aiarcus a rarts, Srlo 5?V 54 55 6ff 67 "Ken R Murchleon, .jonn iv jonnaily, Paul F Fa1ob, G Urt UfVt lJuk,i Hamilton y Jsntt, 59 ! John B Palmer, 59 I Den D Ferrcbeer 60 Wash M Hardy, 61 I JaD Raddifls , 6? I Geo VV Clayton, 63 'j ' 64 11 -1 : .. i)5 i Gen N Folk. Edward Cantweli; 'Junes' If Ifjtr, JsmesTUoJL james t wearer, Wm 8 Devass, r B-G McDowell, Stephen BEfrsns," Wm N Gsrmtt, , Alfred n BsirV . ClemOWrlhi JJUfJettv Jtrflftjin McNeill, Thos V June, John JBpsjui, WwMtf2rd. WBEsnderiln.- CO i J H Nethevcutt, C7 G8 John N Whltford, Ruftm W Wharton, James w iiinton, Ed C Yellowly, The First Battalion (Heavy A r Cillery) Is aiiUiifii.y MLsi Alexander MscRae ; The Flirt BaltnUoni 8JMr ChOotSft f Capt R E Wilson; Tjie Second BttUllon (Inrantry) tj ' w.i ! The Third Battalion (Light Artillery) by Msf fobs W Moore - The Tenth Battalion by Maf W L Young f Tns 1W t eenth Battalion ( Li ffht Art illerv) bv Ueat Col Josenh B Starr The Fourteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Lieut Ooi JL Henry : The Fifteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Went, Col J M Wyna i Thomas' Legion consists of a Regiment and ft B&ttslloa ftal It commanded by Col Wm.H Thomas. ' . " , r i -j ,.n Tbe 1st and 3rd Regiments are in Stewirt'i Brtgsde, John eon's Division, Earlyvs Corpse .. . The 2d, 4th, 14th and 80th are In Cox's Rdgads, . Rsdtt Di vision, Early's Corps. r . m . - - - The Gi li, 1 2th, 20th and 93d are In Johnston's Brlgtdf, Rodss' Division, Early's Corps. I ' -- The &th, 3lst, 54th and 7th and 1st Battalion Sharp 8ho4 ers are in Lewis' Brigade, Ransom's Dlylslon, Besdregsxd's Corps; ' . s ii j The 7th,lRth, 2Sth, 33d and 87th are In Lane's Brlgsdsw WU chx's Division; Hill's Corns. ' .,.iT7 The 8th, 31st, 61st and 61st are in Cllngraan's Brlgids, Hike's Division, Beauregard's Corps. " rne mn, mm, i ipi, ovia sua ixxi sra m etrruiger urvnae W II K Lee'rt Division, Hampton's Corps, v The nth, 20th, 44th, 47th aad 62d are In iMscRse'i JJrigfcds Huib'a Division, Hill's Corps. . . The 18th, lfith, jwd, 84th and 88th are In flcJe4s JBr!gtdt, Wilcox's Division, Hill's Corps. ... - The 16th. 27th, 4ith and 48lh are In Cooke's Brigade. Ueth's L Division, Hill's Corr. t - . Be iti n, 4aa, aom ana oom are in lvirtiana-s ungsae, ttoxt Division, Beauregard's Corpa. . .,.. - I The 2lth. 25th, 3th, 49th and CBth are In Ransom's Brtgtde, B W Johnston's Division, Beanregard's Corps.-' - --J- . The 2!th iein Ecton's Brleade. French's .Division. Tho 3-:d. 43d. 45th. 53d and 2d Battalion are In Grlmsa' Brt- pade, Rtdes' Division, Karly's Corps, f..ip J The .'Wth and 40th are ia Herbert1 Brigade, Whiting's Dlrl-- 1 lie .VJ K,,I1rTard'i! Corns. The-39this in McNair's Brigade, French's Division. A U00l-U Am iu vnait a sji iai ciluuu a itimwHt . The 55lh Is1n Davis' Brigade, Heth's Division, HlUa Corps. The CSih and 60th are la Reynold's tJrigadeauveaaoa'S m- 'Ision.- - I . " -' '-.-.-' " '"' ' ThelOllf. 62d.64th. C5th. 67th andASthaje not ktlCWa I . JUNIOR RESKRVfc3f!r J " 1st Battalion Reserve ForcMa;Cff;iaiiflt ;. 8.1 4tn r.f.h tith 7th 4 fl It It m 'l H tt tt . J. M.;Reecs. . tt It tt Wi F. Beaaier. W. McJL, Clark, ' W. Fotter French, GOVERNMENT OF H0ETH CAROLINA. Ilia Excellency, Zbulon B Vance,: Bancemb'- tloTirnot Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid. V,-,,VV; - i do George Little, Wake. do ' Richard II Battle, Jr, Anson, Private Secretary. Dr Edward Warren, Chowan, Surgeon General. , John P II Ruas, Wake; Secretary of Stats. . ' " : Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Publie Treasurer. ' , ; Curtis "H Brogden, Wayne, ComptroUr. . : ' j ' Spmuel F Phillips, Orange, Auditor, t t, "p Oliver II Perry, Wake.iState Librarian. , ; . n Major General R C Gatlln, Lenoir; Adjutant Osnsral. Major William B Gulick, Beaufort, Payr aster,..,.. . - - Major John Devereux, Wake, QuartermWer". ': ; . Major T D Hopg, Wake, Commissary and Ordnaaes Ofletr." . . , Major James Sloan, Guilford, OuartermsJUr , Mij or Henry A Dowd, EJgecorobe, do . v ' ' Alijor James JI. Vttt; Astl. Adjt. flenV (Roll of Honor.)- 1 Major William A Graham, Jr. Afl I AdJU 4Jisral. Lieut. JoViab Collins, Washington county, Ordnaaca Ds partraect. .'. '-.-' lV--.. . -.'-:- Lieut.. Geo. W. Thompson, Caswell, Assistant Adjutant' . General, (Roll of Honor ) --. - -r r . - Lieut"! Thouj-js White, Franklin, AssL Quartermaster. Lieut.; Isaac V. Garrett, Edgecombe, Aasti QcartSfmastsr. Lieut. Tbaddeus .McGee, Wake,; Asst. C?Himlsarj, Lieut. Charles U. Thompson, Wake, Aist CommJliary.. , : '; -;' ' v-jjubiciAt:' ; Supreme Court. Richmond M Pearson, .Yadkt&,;CMsf Jukice,- WiliUro U Battle, Orangn, and Matthias B Man lyjof Craven, Judges; Sion II RogsiaV Wake; AtUrnsy General; lUoiillon C Jones, Rowaa, reportea; .Cdmond B Freeman, Clerk. Meets in the city ItZabigh' second Monday in Juue each year. The Morgaaton Urm has beta diioontinuedj v -.i;rv.f. , : : Superior rir. Jodges.--Edwln a Rtd$, Parson, Homulu M Saunders, Wake ; Robert & Heath, Chowan j Robt 8 French; Kubeson ; James W OiborneV Ilscklsnburg George Howard, Wilson ; Robert B -aUllatn, , Cf aavUls ) William M Shipp, Henderson. , 4 .- . . : 'fSolititors-1 st Circuit, Jesse J YsaUs, Tlsrtford ; Sal Circuit, Charles C Clark, Craven rd ? CI real t,' .S Ion H Itogers, Wake, Attorney General; libi Circuit, Taomas Settle, Rockingham ; i th Cireuit, Ralph EaxtdflCombsr- , land 6th Circuit, Rbert F Annfieli, Yadkin ; 7th Clroult, William P Bynam"; 8th Cireuit, Angttstna fil Csrrtata, . Bnneombe. - ;J . vf. - . v. Confederate Staiet District Court-Uon Atx-V'-i Martin, Jndge; Georg V Strong. Wnyiw, Attcrnty ; f V Watson, Craven, Clerk ; Ws.lsy Jones, TTJtr lXarshlL - I Council of Stated B Saturthwalta, Pitt; Robert P. Dtck, GaiU'ord ; Dr Janus tlallowayv Tiilkts ? I;DIrf Johnston; J R flargrave, Anson ;' Jesss R Stubbs. Uxrt: J. Literary Board. His Excellency, Gor.Yaaec Frsllizt 'Er OStiio, Rev William G Pell. T7aka, nnd JPrefctss Ililchord Sterling, O nil ford; Dr Tm Eloan, cf f0trtca t Richard H Battle", Jr. Secretary. f: : Vmm. Pri.1nf . n flihtia. X7r' Pi- tt VaJTSaU . J il FUnnar, of New nanover.i--ntforiTilaaihia; , Richard n Battle. Jr. Eecratary.t r -r Commitsioners of Sinku? FunJ-tlon TLoaaJ iTa AUmanee, Hon Weldon N Edwards, I7am,d Com- ' DaTrld L Swain, Orange. , ;4V '7. --The University otNorth CaroUnft U at Clapll ; ECL Hon David L Swain, Prasiisn. .'jV Rer Calvin U Wiley U 6nperUtsdetf th Coxaaaam w 1 w " m iv. T A V Willi J Paloar, A u rtwiya v toi the Deaf Dumb ani ti r'ad, at Ajjlao.-'' fit ,4fX:.'V?',tf.r ; i i i . I " .1 ' - I I'. ! hrancaea. . j i j: ,. j : " ' i- - 4 - ; -. ,-- " .c' "Ml - , -c '. ......

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