. ) AIJ,Y .. C 0 NSK-ltVATi VE. D AI L Y .-CONSEltVATIVE . The foUawing rate Will be charged lor au overuenien ierted Ialii1)jLn.T ni Wmkxt CoxirBvarrvi : " ' joH B-. KSATHBRr, TRINTKli TO TUB. STATE. Th Co ss a is pa hi i shed dby and weekly, (Sundays excepted) at riv dollars for oue month ; uttekx dollaus huncayi .-.8 eo far three mouths ; and twbhtt-fitts dollars lx months rr the dlj- Sis dollars . fur three months ;.tsx dollars One week, - $18 00 T-wo weeks, . - '- - MM Three weeks, ' - . - - 3 P0 ihi tnorth, -, - w - 7i 09 Two day,, - - - . . . 6 00 Tbivc days, ' - . . - . 9 eo Four days, - - . -' loo Five ias, T- - 15 CO for six months to the rw.-kly, in adyaac, Voir I. i .. KALmGH, N. 6! EDNESDA -1 o montbs, - - . . J44 CO t?i subscriptions to cither Dally or-Week! received fvr a . When sent by letter," the money mast accompany the adver tisement. Obitaaries, religions and other notices charged aa advertisements and matt be pa'4 in adviocc' -" - . " looser luan Blx uuult,-. 1 - ''..'' ' - - ' - .. . MESSAGE OR THE GOVEUNQR OF VIR GINIA TUB EXEMPTION OF STATE OFFICERS 1 ' - ! Obc cf the first duties of the L2isIature, ill 33 the consideration of the measure "to bring ioto ihe fiekl all the ableliodicd men who are-not ncces&iry to. the - State : Government'" Oa- this subject he ajs:. r ' " . " : H is ntterlj impossible for mo to junderstand thejogic which cxcmpU State oAiccm who j are not necesary.for the State Government ; and yet it is the fact that tha judges are- undertaking;.' to' tara loose froai the gra-p of mi airy authority, men withbtlt any duty to .perform, upon the groand that they are t-fij3ffr3 provided by the con st'.tqtioa and the Irwa."' There are some forty or fifty counties of 'Virginia within the eneniy's lines most of them uuder a regular govern rnent of the enemy. .The Slate officers therein have been where 'loyaf.jofV course, cxpolL-1 from oflicc and are refugees.' Most of 'them hive ae qaired nw homes and fonued newlsocial and bu9ine3 relations, and my not-.TctWn to their, connttes until this war shall terminate..- Many will never return dven with peace; niid it may be a question, if they should tJo so, whether they ' would have a'right to -resume their tdhVcR. Un- der the lav and constitution, tho counties will average about sixty officers furnishing, within the i enemv's lines a nuinbor eq ial o ah.mt two tlioa ' garni, 'contitntin a forctT sufH'.i.mt jt may be, to tarn the tide of a great brittle. Yet accord -iart to the dei-don.s of so'.nc of the judges, these oflicera would be exempt from military dutv,j al though without civil duties to. perform, anj with agrs.it probability thai they '-will have j none dur ing the continuance of the war- ! ! 3 - j.. . ' 1: i ! The doctrine contended for miy lead to the most fnUl results. . If all the oflicors designated in the constitution, and in ?bo laws maJe in pur fciiar.ce thereof, are. to be exempted .because they are S:a?e officers if all the justices of the peace, who, by the bye, were never exempted until the 1st of October?! 8tr2, having from the revolution to that period been required to perform military (j.jty if all sheiilF ami clerks, and their deputies a!l commissioners of the revenue -J1 suiwy. O'S'anl cmnnion5fCabh's attorneys al ' const a bios end overscors to the poor all county agonts - fur supplying ' soldiers' f'amili s all salt ag ntr,; comincfei.-il agents, etc ail employeei of bmln, citic--, tTwn;etc., are lo be exempt indiscriminate ly, and without referrence to their necessity, then indeed, in the rr.cgua'ge of the -decision so fre quently qaote ?, t;thc specbe'e might be presented of a nation subjug-ited and destroyed" at a time wlien it bad within ifs limits citizens amply suf ficient to defend it airaiust all the assaults of ! its enemies, but wlirxs-j services crmtd not bo am- ; inanded because, forsooth, the Government had "contracted with thcra that they should not be re quired to servo in the army.'' So far, in this State the number of exempts is compara'iveiy saall; but in other stafes wo arc toM it is'idely mtFcrent. Atlhi3 . time a powcrf army of the , enemy is sweeping over the Stato of Giorgio, in which under tie doctrine onteadeJ for, jthcre i- now an army of exempts--exeuipU because pflu cers and cinployces f the State govcument. ! At thisvtime the pressure of the service inspires a very common desire to ec;ipe from" if; and j the re oiedy of habeas corpus, designed for the extra- ordinary acts of oflicial tyranny or individual acts of oppression is daily resorted to, to extricate the citizen from the holy duty of defending the conns j try. Lawyers of every degrc hie to the least thus spread before them, and judges, in chambers and iu court, feel constrained to apply the. principles of tiiQ -writ to those-but little 'better thaii moral .deserters from the standard of .their ciuntry; a nd at a time, too, when she is struggling in a vlcaih eranple with her orjantic U-c. , j i - I" respectfully snrfgest for your consideration the passage of a Uw which will diminish .tie number .of thtsn otlice-rs and restrict their selection to per sons of an age usually be.yond the period of milita ry seivica. .1 pTopose the passage of a law dimin. ishing the number of districts in the sever! counties and confining the election of magistrates" to persons ovcr"forly five joars?f age. NEW" MILITARY EILL PROPOSED. . . F - . The Qjvcrncr suggests .a new mHitary "bill, which prt poses: ,lt Tiiat the rrserve force of ;the Slate should be organized by the Governor, 'and when .completed,, to Le reported to the As " scmhly for iuch chatigc as it may see fit to mak?. " 2d. That the Governor fliall not move said force hevond the limits of .the State. 3d. That no por tion ofsnch face shalK be called out f.r a longer pei iod than thirty days. 4th. V hen practiCRble, said force shall be t.s-igncd to duty in the several conntics from which they rnay bo drawn. j5th. The particular duties to which this force may be assione l ore designated. 6th.- That the county court and county .officers shaU aid in the cnrol's ment. : 7thT Thatjthe Governor fdmll provide f. r the proper discipline and. order of said force, j 8tbr This bill being a war measure,; it is proponed that it shall expire with the proclamation "of peace on ly gu?pendibg"iu'tho nieantinie the general militia law ' . ' 1 - j !: tCTTISG NKGROES INTO JTUK FIELD. j Has th6 -time arrived wTTen thf?-issue is fairly be- fore ul v Is it. indeed, liberty -independence, or 8uhju2ationf m hichis presented to us ? A man must be blind to current eventa.; to the gigantic propor tions of Ibis war ; to tU proc?amattOTW of the ene-mf-, who does not see tht the i.due above referred to is nrented now. And, V repeat, the only ques- tion U- has the lime arrived ? .Are we able, bfyond a question, to wge successful war aginsta pojjxr three tirars our own in numbers, ', with a'l Europe fram which ttf recruit ; anjl who unhesitatingly put arms in the hands of our own j negroes for our des truction? I will not sy that undef the Providence of God, we may noc be able to triumph ; but I do sy that we shoaM not, fojn any mawkish sensi-j bility refuse any mbans within our reach, which wiH tend to unable us to workout our deliverance. For, my -part-standing before God and my country, I do not hesitate to say I would arm such portion of oui able bodied tdave population as may oe necessary tjIoy them to fieht tb." ne;ro force of tlie enemy ; ye, the Yankees 'themselTes, who already boast that they bavo two hundred thousand of our slaves arms agvnst "us T Can wo hesitate can we doubt nd put them in the fieldso as to "nave mem reauy for the 8prirj campaign, even if rt;J resulted in the freedom, of I hose thus , organized. Will I not em when -the question is, whether -our i-ncmy use our shivcH against us, or wo use them aetMnstliim- when the question may be between liberty a'rd ;inf!fpen dence on one band, or our subjugation arSl utter ruin on the ether? ' . - . ' , I am aware that aclamcr has been.raised against the poliryof putting the negroes into the arm v by good arm loyal men, because they say, t4the endis not yei'V-that.. our army of citizen soldiers isatill competent to make trood ourdefence.- No one would advocate the policy of thus appronriatimj our sUvrs.- excepcas a matter or urgent necessity; but as public opin! on is w idely divided on this subject, does not common pfudencs require us to iear . thoe eproisd ir mis extreme uieasuie nay oe mistaken i --supple it should scf turn out, how deep would bclhefr respyrisibility to the counttr, to freedom-and inde pendence every here ! " I know it is tho opinion of tho high military atithorities that the time ha come when we should cdl our -staves -to our assistance; and 1 hold it to-be'clearlv the dutv of everv citizen . however rauh hs may doubt the wisdom andjieees sity f the policy."" to co-operate in 8trcnthening, by every means, cot armies. I repeat, I'kmiwth s policy is Jot-k'ed to with anxiety by some of the ablest miliary men of the age.who believe itfs'of the highest importanc-thatqt should be adopted without delay. I therefore eirneslly recommend to tbe Legislature that they hhould give this subject early, considera tion, and enact such measures as their wisdom may approve. ' . - TOE FryN'CIAL COXDITrON OF TIMS STATE. The report tf the Auditor of Public Accounts shows lhat the revenue startdirr?; to the credrt of tje Cui men wealth' - proper on the. 1st day of .October lsst, amounted to The same officer estimates receipts into the treasury, during the fiss cal year endlng SOth of Septem- - her next, from the several sources of revenue, at " $5,410,73.7 4,612,010.00 . Making a total sum of ' Re-eslimatfs that the disboise-. Hicnts during the same period will be -'".- Leaving a deficiency of 10,028,744.87 21,500.000 r,i SM,4:10,84.! ADVERTISEME2JTS.. MINE HAL FIRE PRQOF PAINT. TK ARE NOW PUBf AliEO TO SUPPLY ANY QUANT1 VV ty of this Paint iif powder It iA-a Peruxt-Jii i Ir'ii, aii will et.-md tho most evtre tests ith tire. C.'oior i';eep rciiuish Sj-ecimen 'T Paint, aiid Oil can be eeiki at the store of Tuck er .in Jr-jws & Co., Kale;1. j - . illiN IIYE'.rjLLCTON, Agt. F. K Co.. FayiltJYilleNov. S3 Ut . 189 If.. NOTICE. A spec; SPECIAL AGENT WILL LEAVE THIS OFFICE r f ir the Army of Northern Virginia on tbe ISth inst., f.r the ruri')se of eo&veying sncb sapplies may bo "eontribteJ to oar Eoldiera as A Chris tu.as tlTv;iif.g by tbeir friends at boiue. . - --i'' ED.WARD WARRTN," v iSuigeon Uer. N.-C. Enlciph. DJ 7, IS4. ' iy6-6t. JIkT City papers copy 1 vfeek. Headquarters Baser vc, N. C-( Kaleigh Dec. 1st, lot4. f General O'ders - No. V.K f ' LL M B.MBEUS OF THE SENIOR RESERVES OF NORTH il (irolina who ire ab-:ent from thtir coromaixiB wilbout proper antbority.'ftre ordered to rejoin them.wit.hpnt delay. County EnrolIii;"OJliers are made responsible f.r V.e appre herision of such as do hot at once comply with this order.. Bv coaimand of Lt. Gen. IIolmics. JNO. W. HINSDALE, A. A." General. .Dec. 2, 1864. - . I.fll FIVE HUNDRED HANDS WANTED, JJIVE HUNDRED HANDS WANTED If) HORK on the radin.and laying of, the Chatham Kaihoid. .'the highest tharktt price will bogiven, and hands well taken care of. - v A'', 10) Carpenters - A1b; a Portahlo Steam Saw MiUwanted. Apply to KEMP P. BATTLE. ; . - Fresident," Raleigh, X. 0. or to J. E. ALLEN, Ku't., Deo. 8, 188. - "l86 U. "f JOHN G. WILLIAMS & Co., hSTOCK AND MONEY BKOKEBS, Raleigh, N. C, CONTINUES TO CARRY ON THE BROKERAGE DUSI " iiesr. at their stand a heretofore in all, its variolic hranchfta.. - ... . . i " MACHINERY AT PUBLIC AUCTION. . ON THE 15TII DAY OF DEOEMBRR NEXT AT TIIE . Deep River 'Armory or Cotton Mills 4 mile frym James town Depot.'we'will rell at pnblic aution ihe following articles of Machinery, viz: Turning Lath. Drill Presses, Smoothing S1abWngand-Borinr Machines, Sh-iftin-r, Hanger and Pubeys of various staes and kind. Clarffe lotot Belting, Blacksmith i Tools, and about twentv thousand nounds of Iron The snie wi 1 continue from day to dy untilthe articles are disposed of. 'lYrms cashr jjg-DENHALL, JONES & "GARDNER. . Nov. 30, 1864. 1 j . ia)-d;iw. FOR REST. THE BRICKSTORK AND DWELLING HOU8J ON FAY I cttevine Siroet adjoining Mr. James M. To wlesns for ren lor the ensuing yo'ar. . , - . T. H.-SELBY. Dec 2, 1804, ' 191 rf. : Progress cpy till forbid. . . - SWEEDS IR01T IN EXCHANGE FOR PORK. I HAVE A SMALL LOT OF SWEEDS IRON SUIT able'for plows, that I will exchange with farmers for oung fat pofk pound for paund, hogs weighing above 100 pounds each, uuder 100 lbs pound of iron for pound and. a quaTterof pork. My iron is in bars of laO to 175 lbs. ench, and no fixtures for cutting, best bring perk- to agree in we'ghtwith the iron. This exshacg will be made onfy between the 1st and 15th January ,.18V5. . (Tontraots had best be made between this and the 1st January, i i Sheetings and Cotton Yarcs expected by the .Ibthinst., far sale at small advance, on cost. - 1 j ; W. H. A VERA, . : Smithficld. N. C. - Deeembe? 7, ISfi-l. J iy6-er. . Standard eopy in Weekly two week?. - " - ., ii. - . i --.y i . i - i. i in " THE BINGHAM SCHOOL", A Military and Classical Finishing Acady rpHE NEXT SKiSlON;WILtr. BEGIN FknRUARY 1st, lti5, at Mebanesville, on the North. Carolina It ulroi. VhIle tlie old coura has been retaiid, extenlve additions have ave bCi-n made, wiia a ww tu matiu ooon soLniEas.-as as good scuoiars. Address Col WM.BINOnAM, . " - - 1 - Superintendent 1361. . - ,181 32-.. : Oiks, N.C.; Nov. 21J FAYETTEVIELE E0RTH CAROLINA , imilitahy academy, v; rpnE . FIRST SESSION OP THIS INSTITUTION I- will eommenee 1st of February, 1865. , - ' . VAnplications for ad mission must be made fnor to the 1st January ,1865, about whicb time the terma will be made Also wanted two teacher of miliUry education and toward in tbi rnatitotwo. Address v- i ' . IHI. WBI. A. BANKS,; i ; bopeirtntenueni. . October 24, 1864. 158 tf. .: SAVE .YOUR BRISTLES ! LIBERAL, PSICR WILL BB PAID OB; AIL : JBrisUei deUered at the Conasrvauva H GOY.ERNMENT 0? NORTH .CAROLIN A.' : Ilia' Excellency, Zbaton li Vaoje'fl Cc&mbe. Qo vernal Col David A. Brne, Northampton, Aid.' ' ' Cot George Little, VTako. - -',. do ! i : M.S Kobisa. Randolph. Pri rate-So C"'Urr.i 1 i:r w lr Edward Warren. ChoWku, Surgeon QeneraL . ; Jphn P II Rurb Wake; Secretary ,of SUUu . ; , Jonathan Wortli, Rmndolph; PaUic TrMyxr. a :h f Richard-11 lia:tler Jr. Aio, Auditor. " ' . ' - . Ojiverll Perry. Wake, Stt Librarian. -v Wapington C. Kerr, of Mecklcnbnrt. State QeoiofUtJ i . Major General R C Galiin, Ienoir. Adjutant UeBanu; ' . Hajor William li Galick," Reaufort, Paymatr. '. , 1 ; 1 51ajor John Dorcux, Wake Qa&rterravstor. , ? Major x I; 110Kg Wake; Cmmis8ary and Ordnance 0fSey. Major Jarues Stone-, Gail ford, (jirarterifia&tcr. . r -Mai or Henry A l)nd. liffncnmhtn . t' ' ! K?jor ajoea 4.. Yoote, Asst. Adit. QeaftrfllH'ef - Hwwr.y . . T ' . . n f M.-jor WHliata A Graham. Jr., Asa't Auiti GenVraL - ,"r jjioui.. inu:jjuc niie, r raiia-uu, assi. uHriermaaier.;. . LieuU Ifaae WGtrrott, Edgecombe,1 Aaif, Quartermaster. Lieut; Thaddeas McGco,' Wake, Asat. Commissary. -Lieut.: Charles II. Thompson, Wake, Asst. Com missary. Lieut. Geo. W. Thotupfon, Caswell, Assistant Adjutant Goberal, (Roll of ..Honor ) JUDICIAL. . , SUPJiJEME COCRT. . - " Richmond M Penretn, YadkiiV,Chief Jastiee. Wm II Battle, Orange, and AUttkias'E "Mauly, C-av0D, Judges, -i' ; ; - : v-; '.-:'; .' 'C": "1 rion II Roertr, Walio. Attorney General. ' Patrick H Winston, Wake, jKopOrtec, -. . " Edmund ii iTroetcaji, Wake; Ulork. , " 1 1 Meets in' tbo city .of 'i2;tleigh second Monday in Jutie eacliiycar.; The- Mfirjjahton term has been discontinued ji FUPE.RIOlt COUKTs. i '"'" ' Judgcff -Edwin G Read9, Person' Romulus M Saunders, Wake ; Robert Ifeath, Che wan : Robt S FrenehyRoboon f James W Osborne, Mocklftaburjr; George Howard. Wilson jj WiUiam M Shipp, ITendejson ; Robert B Gilliam, GranvllIe.Tj -.-Solicitors 1st i-ircuit, Jessa J Yeatos, Hertford; 2nd Circuit, Charles C Clark, Craven;- 3rd Circuit, Sion H Rogers, Wake, Attorney General; 4th Circuit,; Tkemafr Settle Rockingham ; 6th Circuit, Ralph Buxton, Cumber land? 6th Circuit, Robert F Armfield, Yadkin ;.7th Circuif, WilHara P-Bynuai 8th Circuit, Augustus S Merrimon, j I j CnNFEDUHTATE COUUT. - Hon Asa Biggs, Martin, Judge. . . . , Gtorge V Strong, Wajre, Dirt.iot Attorney. , j 'PriJe-Jones, Orange, i'arshal. - .. , i CVrk A 1 he. in trie 'District, Jopeph Uamsay. t . Ckrk of Pau.lico Dirict, Win M:Wason.- lr,rk of Cape Fear Di-triet, Daniel ('oleman. " ho n . x t 'JVrm will bo held as fdlowvs :;Albemrie Di-iirict at f-Lilifax, on 2'd May best. Pa nafica District, at ijoid b io', on 5th May next. Cape Fear Distriei, at tyORCord, on fcib ;May next '.'': '; ! ' . iCKUNCIL OF STATU,, F: ) f?:ittrthiraitc,Titl; A G Foster, iindolph; Jr J (Jaiio-.Vfiy. Wilkes ; L Eld.-ecigcj Johnston ; J iHargrave, Anson ; P II- Winston, jr, B rti ; A T Davidson, Maeon. I i '. , . LITKRAUV..' BOAi:f Ifis Excellency. Z B'Vance, I'rpside n I, Ex Officio; L C Edwards,! Grarille; Prof Riahord Sterling,, Guilford; Dr Win Sl-oaa, Gaeton; M S Rob ns, Randolph, Treasurer. J 'i' INTKRN'AI. .IMPROVEMENT nOAHD. ' His Excellency, Z B Vanco, President, Ex Ofieio, Win Eatbni Jrj of Warren ; 11 tnry Nutt, New Hanover j Col J.h!n D ilyoi&n, Ilendercn. , ;, . ',. -'. . j. i COMMlSSlOJJEUa OF SlRrKG FUXD. ' ' '- " Ilonhouiaa RuSin, Alataance, Hon Weldon : Edwards, Warren, Hon David L , Swain, Orange. "Qutntin Dua'b'we, Wak, Secret. r3r. . . The Uuiver?ity of North Cnrolina is at Chapel Hill. Hon David L Swain President. ' Rev Calvin 11 Wiley is Superintendent of the Common Schools of. the State. ' ' Willio J Palmer, A M, is Principal of lhe"N C Instutlou for !tho Daaf Dumb and the Blind, at Raloigh.- : - " Dr EdwardC Fishor is rSuporiiitondeTit of the Insane AsvloiB i 1 " - ' - ' '' "".'.'",';, INSPECTOR'S NOTICE. , TN ACCORDANCE WITH ' PAR. I- GENERAL OR- JL ders.No. 81, A. and T. G. 0. current se.rie-. all persons in 5th. O.ngrofsionnI District between the ages or r7 and -60 vciirs holding certificates c.f. permanent exemption by reason of diaAbiliiy, alsdt ose assigned to tight duty will report friithe following titnes and places for Inspection : Coutstv. Pfiice. TlMB Oiage, Wake; FrknkliaJ . GranviU,3 Warrenl ! ' V.. t.K f i "tlVUsboro, -iltaleigh, Lonisburg, Oxford, Warrenton, Peo. 2d aul 3d. ..." 5. 6 and 7th " i)'.h and 10th " 12,13 anT14 .J :.:, Nachville, .A .) LI Prcmr-t c-smTliance with this notice is cxpeeto I, and uny persou or persons failir.g to attend will bo e jeced to ar rest bv ebscrint cuard and forwarded for re. e smination bylSelectj Roard at Camp Holmes. When the party is un able on amount at sickness -to attentron the days appoint ed, tbo attending physician's cerlilicale must bo presented, wbifh must oritiin the exact pbynical eonditi n of the pai ty the nature and extent of the disease or wound. -. I I ! . - Wm. M SWANN; : I j I Capt. and Ins. 3d Con. Dist. N. C. Nov. 30, isnt. . . . : ; -' loo w. J I BOXES JQR SOLDIERS. . .4 LL BOXES FOE SOLDIERS O R PJt IS 0 N EU3 ' OF i iWarjfrotn North Cancmno, d.Iivored to the Following name 1 person' will no rv iiuntly foriVirddd fjree of charge : sSpra.sao Brolbers, balisbury. . . . Dr 1 F Suunmey. Asheville. , , Dr W A Collett, Morgariton. . Dr J W Allison, Stltesvifle. Dr J L Nea'Of (IrcenRboro. - Mr A Haer fr, Charlotte. Mr Ed ward. Hs: Sale in. Js -' ' ' Capt J N McDi well, Raleich. , j Josftjjli-AWorth, Fsiyrtteville. ; I -E: Murrav A Co., WNiniBgton; ' -; ... t Mr F L Rocd, Tarl oro." : . '- . " Mr J A J j.-ko.tp, Colerain. Mr F.L Roberts, Murfreesl.oro. - ' ' The Boxes thould be welljhoopod. properly marked, nnd dvlivered in tince for my Special Messenger who leaves Raleigh ion the first day of every month . ; . I . EDWARD WARREN, I ' ' . Siirceon General N.'C. Raleigh, Oct 29, ISfiC - - ? ' 163-tf. i Executive Department North Carolina, 1 Carolina, ) b'ElCE, f r.l, lBCi. a ) i ADJUTArU' uiiMSiCAis vt ; " f . f .- Ralbigii, Nov. General Oroers, ) . ; : ; i No. 1C. -M '- :- -v y - n FOit THE INITOlSMATlUiM UJT lAI.l, UONCiCIiJJSU it is declared that the Goard for Home Defence consists of aiX wh'te male persons who are exempt by law from service in tho Confederate Army, between. the aes of eighteen and Cft yev, rciidentsj in the State, including forehmer not nauiralizedwho have been reiden the State for thirty days, bt-foi-K enrollment, excepting -such persons as are'exempt by the laws of the Stat, b orders ol the OovernQr, oron accouu. of physical d'sability. " - - , It Company conimandcra will .each"; on the next drill day mikoauixact roil t f his company in accoFdaaceVjth the abovft dec!amtTon and trnnsmitthe fame to his Butalioff eom m tr in tu . nt hv him without lc!sv to this office, tflion the receipt of these ci'mpany roll. Battalion commanders j Ixrin" rin and .afccoutrcnu-nts the proj.crty of the Stale io thor posscif. ion-or the poieision 01 incirraeu, iiiierreHiiBi asrnnand accoutrements for each mn of bis command wil." T . . - - . - a. - r I send -the rcia.iiuder to this cuy io M.aj. t4J.juogg, vranance iirr;rhA Mnd nantfrranh of General Orders No. 9. matin? it the doty oTxirAlilltia smd IlomeO uard O A3 cers to arrest any officer or asrent who in makinir impreasmenta fails o comply. with" thi! inipretesn laws io irucuiir. w nwij eo mrifi,- t, make it the dntr of sJI such officers to call out their commends to; assist in .arrettiiu; any person against 'is directed upon annlication of aov 'Judge or Justice of the Peace stating that the civil officer is not able to make the arrest without aidH from tbe militia. It hotrvthna mno the- dutv oi su siutia and liome -unard Officers to asefst the cm! authority in, snppreeaing. illegal Impressments, it Js nereDy lor.wuucu uuic-rs 01 euncr ciass u become impressing ageiita,-nd those holding such agencies mnt reftim either, the- aeeuey or commission? in be tit ate eerrlcR. ; Commanders of Kegiment-anl Ba.ttaliona will see that this latter clause IS compitea wun. . - y f e : Pj order of Governor Yaoayrv'-it,,;- , -; Tv'- i '.:-,.",...;. .' C. GATLIN.r - 1SS-' '5'"' ; " ; ' S Adjutant GeneraL LOST o at 1 " A NldnT3 AGO AT iTABBOKQTJGnS HOTEL X a a piece of goldwelghing twenty pennyweights.- A liberal ward will be paid atlthia ofilee to thy finder. IEGISL ATIVE DIRECTORY. ;yj:.'zir SENATE PasqaoUnk ftnd Pctquimans-W H Bagley; Camden and Curriiuck-rD McD Lindsay. ' Gates and Chowan M L Eure. - Iljde and .Tyrell Edrard h Manri. ' NjrlhAmptonJ B Odnm.? - . V Hertford James M Wjnn. :c - Berlie John Pool. . A . , - "- - Martin and Washington-J R Stobbs.- - - Halifax Jlaion L Wigeins - Edgecombe nd .Wilson J II Powell.-; r PittDr E J Blount. v. ; f - i -Beau for t--E J Warren - "-,..--.--,..: t CravenNathan Whitford. ,1 T- f T Ti r w - f "w . Hiiwuitr-wtiMi. t Crteret and Jonvs Dr M P Arendell Oreene and Lenoir J P SneiihL Onslow Isaac N Sanndersv - .! - " Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus John W Ellis. Cumberland and Harnett Yr B Vrigh. Sampson "William Rir by. ' , V; Wayne Benj Ay cock. - " Johnston T B Snead. :K" . '-. N ' : Wake W D Jones. " Nash A J Taylor. Franklin W IJarris. Warren DrTJ Pitch ford. .-; Granville R W Lassi ter, ! - Person-C S Winstoad. . '. : Orange Jubn Berry. . ' Alamance and Randolph lion Giles Me,bane.. Challiain B Il Straughn. ' . Moore antiMontgoiaery Dr J MCrunip. ' R'chmond and Robe.?on- Giles Leitclu ,; An? on and Union Col W C Smith. Gui'lford Robt PDicle ' - ' . . : . Casw el It William Long. j - . Rockingham D W CourtsT Mecklenburg -W M Grier. ;. - Cabarrusind Stanly Dr J E McEichern. Rowan andDavie W B March: Dtvidsftn Henderson Adams. Susies and Forsyth J E Matthews. Ashe, Sutry, &c Jonathan Horton. Iredell, Wilkes, o:c All Bogle. Burke, McDowell, fcc S F Patterson. ;"- : j Lincoln, Gaston and Gatawb M L McCorkle. -Rutherford, Polk, &c Dr W J T Miller. Biincombe, Henderson, &cM Pation. ' Macon, Haywood, &c S 0 Bryeon. HOUSE OF COMMONS. . 1 Alamance R- Y McAden, C F Faucett Alexander J M Carson Anson A J Dargari, L L Polk t , Ashe Col F J McMillan. . Beaufort- Hon R S Donnell, D M Carter Bertie P T Henry, J.is Bond" Bladen J W Russ Brunswick D L Russell, Jr . '. ' j Burke J JErWin -J Buncombe J M Gu'dger i 6abarrus P B O Smith ! - - Chatham J II Headen, W J Headen, W P Hadley. Caldwell J M Isbell. , Camden W A Diike. Carteret Stephen J) ool. Caswell Montford McGeliC, S S Harrison. Catawba W P Reinhardt. Cumberland and Harnett Hon JG Shephcrd, A D . McLean, Jlr John McCormick. . . Clay W H Herbert, -Chowan L C Benbury.1 j Oleaveland D Beani, J W Gidney. . ... . Columbus Forney George. v i Craven W B Lane, P Il Gaskins.' ' Currituck J J Baxter. -".' i. Davie R F Johnston. . . . , V. Duplin Ztch Soikli, A M Faison. . . . . Davidsonr-C Fowc, Lewis HantsT -Edgecombe DavTd Cobb. t bVankliri W K Dxvis." ! : V Forsythe W H Wheeler,.' W B Stipe, Gaston W P Shipp. ' , ' Gates Richard II LBorrd. , ! Greene H H Best, - Guilford -D F Caldwell, A Clapp, A S TToUcn. Granville--P P Pcice, h Grissom, J b Amis. . Halifax II Joy ner, A U Davis. Haywood-S L Loc. ' ' . Henderson M M Patton. . V Hertford J. A Vann. ' Hyde H S Gibbs4. ' ' ; Iredell T A Allison L Q Sharpe. ' i' , Jackson W A En toe. '- Johnstoa W A Smith, W G Banks. Jones F G. Simmons. J , , Lenoir Allen W. Woten, i ' , ' . Lincoln Ambrose Costner. ' ., r. K Macon J M Ijrle. , M , ' Ma.'ison WHBrown. ! . v Martin SW:Out(erbridge. , McDowell W F Craige, 1, Mecklenburg John L Crown, E V Uner. Montgomery Allen Jonlan. Moore Elnm J Harrington. . Nasb G N Lewis." New Hanover Sml J Perron, J R Ilawcs. Northampton SrT Stance lr, S J Calvert, Orange S F Phillips, W N Patterson. Onslow A . Murrill. ' ' -Pasquo'ank--W E Mann. PerquiTnans J H Riddick. . Pitt B-G Albrittcn; C Perkins.. Randolph Joel A sbeworth, E T Blair. Rowan-F E hobcr, W H Crawford. r Richaior.d-B F Little, .''.' s - Robeson Diid Bethiine, T J Morlscy. ' ... ' .-,; Rockingham J no Strong,- A J Boyd. .-. IlutheifordJ L Carson A R Bryrn. , . Sampson L A Powell, Patrick Murphy.-. , ,. . Stanly R Harris, " ? T ; ''.;-'.' Stokes W H Flynt .. ; . . Surry H M Waugb, , . . Tyrrell-L L HasselL ; , ? - Union C Austin. " I : ' . Wake D G Fowle, O H A'foid, C J Rogers Wayne M K CrauTojd, J M Caho.. , r Warren W;X Alston, T J Juaams. . . . WashingtonL C Litham. ; V ; t, . Wautau-'a Wm Ilorton. .. . ; r Wilkes A Scalloway, P Hbrtop a W laaiiin A u uowies. , , . . ; f , t lit.!''. f Yaricy D If Youn. , fa. r tax ijt :E3Nisj Kt;! v ;'f TDE ASSESSORS yOTt VaKE COUNTY WILL BE IS 1 Kaleigh 00 Mondays Taiay aid VedMeslar of each week in November and" December, for ht purpAse ot aseseinr the Tax in Kind of Coniy Fodder, Jtt jlasses, Sussrrs, Beaus, Groand Peas, &c. -- ' ' ' ".'':. .""Aj ' ' . We want every pood citircn to eive in for tb. -Soldiers wives. Udies and tnliim person of their neigh WbaDd. m r Thffl who havenoi listed their W heat, Oau.Sye, Hay and WookeanaJsaJisiatUieaoovaiimrB. - t F. G. FOSTER- 1 Aessow -' :; Kov.-Sl. 18C4. MI0TICE. V - -A:'.' ILL BE SOU) TO TUB II IG BEST BIJDJDEIl ON. , Tuesday, tbe 13th December, at tbe eeidcilc - of Samuel Brittb?, dee d v in Southampton conjnty, Va 2j miles from Bojkta Depot, all of bit crop of Com Fodder, Qotton, stock of Moles, Cow, F at and, cut flogv farming uteMila 4c ; r.--;" v,-"tC -. v;- 7-': -i ; : v ; E. TT. BBITTLB, Exeentor. - December rlSH.W-: LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES. . FEXATE KTANplNO COJIJIITTKS. " ' Proposition and Grievances Messrs Smitii, Ay cock, W instead, Odom, Blount, McCorkle, and Jones. , Ptivilega and IZUctions Messrs. Wright, Ellis, . Bglev Grier, Horton, Kirbyo.nd Sanders. y- Juiiciary Messrs. Warren, Wrighl, Leitch, . Bogle, Bryson, Winsteac, and Dick.' ' - Internal ImprovemenUlles&cs. Leitch, , Horton, Matthews, EU'f Straughn,' Jonrs," and Laasiter. . Claims Messrs.. Speight, Powell, Taylor, Adams," Snead, Mar6h, and Ward. 4., Education and Literary JniMeesrs. Dick, '. Lassiter, Lindsay, McEachern, Bagley, Long,: and Whitford. : 1 ;. :; . - - Banks and Currency Messrs. Bsgleyi Winstead, . Long, Miller, Patton" Courts,and Bryson. . Corporations Messrs., Arendell, Smith, Wynne, Harris, Berry, Blount, and A jcc!c. - ' . ' 'Agricultttreliles&rs. Powell,- McEachern, Mc Corkle, Jones, Lindsay, Mann, and Odom. - :.' FENATK BRANCH CT.JZJXT COMMITTEES. I Jjfinanee Messrs. Wiggins, .Pool, Courts, Palter- . son. Berry,. Long, Harris, and Ltissiter. . . . . Military vairMessrs.. Stubbs, Patton, and Pitchford. i r - - : , ' ... Public Building's and Groviids'bl&aTS. Berry and Powell. . . - - PheroJcce Lnds and Western Turnpikes Messrs. . Bon, Horton, and patton. , -. - .'.Susamp Lands' Messrs, Lindsay, "Wynne, and Mann." : ;".. "' Public Library Messrs. Ellis, Speight, and Lassiter. ' . , . r ' ' Deaf Dnvib, and Blind Asylum Messrs. Arenn dell, O lom, and Crump. ' . . ' Insane Asylum Messrs. Pool,: Miller, and Aren dell."; - : - - ' . DOUSE STANftlKil C0MMtTTF.E5U ." . : ' V Judiciary -Messrs. Carter, FowIp, Person, Shd her, Caldwell, George, McAden, Dargan, Shtrpa, ; Morrisey, and J. H. Ilesden. ' " " : Education Messrs. Henry, Best,. . Crawford of : Wayne, llawes, Davis, of hrsnklm, Clapp, Polk, Beam, Erwin. jPatton, nrd 8lryart '- ititernal Ilrorements-r-lcr. Mnn, Joyner, . Powell, MeLfea r., Rogers, :Hari ison, Jordan, Craw ford.' of diawan, McMillan, Love and Gidney. pbikns Messrs. Patjcrson, Smith, cf Johnston, Grier, Vann, Gibbs, Rnss, W. J. Hcadc, Rtinhardl, ,Boy.i, Isbell and Wheeler. - Agriculture Messrs. Perkint. "Cntterbridge, Sim mons, Little. Alford, Stronpr, Harris. Shipp, Johnson, Brwn. of Madison, Davis, of Halifax. ' . p Propositions a'nd Grievances ilf$sr,.Alli8on,Duko Cobb, Min rill, Russell, Alston, rtyrit, lurringlon, Costner Lyle, and Fa ison . ..' - ".. ' PriGihges and Elect ions- 11 c&zr?. Hunts, Henry, Caiitr, Mnrphey, Person, Fowl, MeGehce, Shoher, Slirpe, llorfon of Watauga, ard PsallitiS. r, i' irate Bills -Messrs. liorton, ot wkcs, uonu Enh.e. Corpora! ions-' rMcesrs. Waugh,'Msnn, Cobb,' Pow ell; Morrisey, Peace; Stipe, Ashwortb, Grur," of Alexander,:and Gudger. 4vV;' " : , nor.B BBaNcrr op jmint stand rxo coiiiiittesa. Finance Mews. Shepherd, Amis, Brown of Mack- lenburg, McGthee, Murphy, Phillips, Cunninghani and Low e. : ' Military Affairs--Messrs. Giirscm, COwlts, Stan cill. Pool and Gask ins. v 8 " Public Buildings Messrs. -Albfiticn, Caho and Caliowav.' - - V :V Cherokee Lands"and Western TurnpilcslteMTB. Younk, Gudgerv Asheworth. Banks and Pilk. . ftwamp landtt Icssrs. Bond, of iiatts, Woolen, Perkins, Cobhand Catter." ; . - '. '-. Public Library UesiB. Benbury, Smith 6fDup lin vnd Stipe. . . ' Deaf ,1) umb ana Blind Asylum Messrs McCor mi'k, Holton, Joyner, Costner and Latham. Insane' Asylum Messrs. Carson, of Alexander, Riddick, Baxter, Peace and Smith o.' Cabarrus. Claims for. Deceased Officers and Soldier. . ... 1 - . -Wilson. N. .Tune SO. 4: mm? itinKTfSTfiNED HAS ItKKN APIOlNTED At'OM- 1 ndseioner to investigate, collect and pay over to the par ties entii led theretc, all claimrlr bounty arreiirages o pay and allowanceH, due to the representatives oi decoded officer and soldiers from this State. ' .' - The parties entitled are : first, the widow of the deceased, if any ifthre be no widow then, secondly. lhi child rctiH dren.iftliere be such, if there bcMititlier, wlow ur chiWicn then, thirdir, the fathir, if there be nelthtr widow, chlM, cbihlreri or faUier tht-u. fourthly, the mother of the deea-l, and in default of all of lhec then, nfu.l, th6 eiecutr orad ininNtratorofthedecttSid. tt.r The claimaut of crainijiius mnst furuiph his, her or their aflblsvlr, uud thatot one dni'.U-rei?!c.l witness 1 as to tbo-relationship, and in all c ies, wherv the -1aiiat b not t he wi dow', the affidavit must mvlve the existence of a claimant (ifH higher oraer.. 1 ue wuri'.e i ec, .""'- .1 .-..i. j , Kh i.r' 1 nv in miimrrt. me cjniin I propounot a y w "- t. 7."', ' bt iiisf Kuaruian muft be crtiued t, under ral of the County Court t-h-rk. When tue cl;ims is madoy sn vxeutor or administrator. the r fact ol tue3 cxeiiit rr.ip or seal ny i.ic wu .wi Clerk.- . 1 . . - ' , , ,, . " ' Atl f theft pip r stionia ne i'ni in uupsirn n. AuviKMii oirr tly i.t -reted wi l . furnished, upon ap icatioii to me. with a pr er Tor-n-.f theKrt p.ipers in fun 1 : a i.li.-Mt i.ui to me. wliu a pr-MHjr oru-.i iuc" - ....... .r u i.in r.r r. i-rr-jitr r coiivftiieHer of unities, wlll-u forwnrdfdLiiS soon a my j; oractlcab.'e to i-iich C 1 Oouuty' Court C'h rlt. Thi commission Is liitii(l'l to ucnusi? in collection ot L - " - M . . L 1 i 4 t S? rhene cbims, -ni.t savl the claimants alleipt i.se Parties iutere-trd maymaterffllly aidM-MM the luref ligation of their claims, if t lh- Un "f t r v .rAiun their paper hv ar; tbey will Inf. .no me f the dite ot the d' ai b of the dec acd, where he dud, wax kilie, whoih-'T or r ut t"-y or any our fur tnem buve rceiv. d th rfoiml tflf- cts which dctesed had with him at ihe time f hi dwtn, and wh rtht r orrot the dc-cea-d-(if a noil f-omml-tioTnd ofildr or iTivate.) had-veV re-, ceiit dthe tatr? bounty. ; - . " . J'' It i very dilr.ihle th-i all claims should be forwarded at afly a may b- piacl ic- hie. I all cans, give the cbtiioant, I. oa.clC..uM, M. fu.... : : KO, A. STANf.V. 161 'tf, , Coinmisinr A MASONIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE. . - rX& TIIE 'FIK5T OF JANUARY, rs55.xI J SHAL1 . Vlomioonce the publiratioo of Woathly 5faCatin nn der the abe titlv. to 1 -ercred to tb inteiest f thi.. Ancient and Uunoratc Fratertity of Free acd Acepta ftlajons..' --''. -- ' ' " 1 believe ibafeverv rod'Vttcr will tjrrle with Bf In fib oi,ii.in that-such a puLiies uen will ie tebeneiai la YBlighitciug our i luiurmra ureTnren, sty, in aivpcus- . iof unny calm, kind word of- ctf8-rfulrea to tbs hcarta -andbnueaof thousands of worthy brothers, their widow' and orphas.i It wIU be tay earnest purpose tofcrlns; to bear what vet buo ble ability I msy possets to oik's it a. -reliable fu!todrn r f Round-Masonic Ljw and Tnet, vsrv adherinc closely to tbo Aneient Landinarkt of tba Crart m, j all tLtir piistioo strength and sjroraslrieal beauty. . .. ' Trembling, leaf I arr, in clothing mjaelf for so rasponal blft an ffice,I shall engaa open tbo Kv-Stom aaah skilled editoriil talent as shall kaep thajbjbta welllf rr.rd and J righUy urtlrg, with tbe ineer hope that aa our wetk' atces forth M-b month, frrm the quarries of our r bbeuritvay pas an'liBpred Inspredon and be aeeepta- . ble to tbo btad cd to ibe heart of ewtj good Maitir at whose borne or bands it 7 receded. . V . - - . TEL.o: - -.' ' -.. - OtTa anbacnWr six wotl, " : rs- 19 ; - 6iDKleepias ' , ' V . " Maaons, Lodges, Cbspters, Cooneils and Eneaaipaeata willples sand is their tub'eriitksa at oaca. ' - t r" - 'Addraia i ..-- - ' - . - - - - i: - w , -. i TVM. B. SMITH, Propriator, 1 of Bertie, Lnrie, Lewis, Blair Austin, HasseU.'iarm e.r, JudkinS, Faucette, Jiethune, Wangh, Carson, of Itutuetfoid' llerL-ei t, Powell, McMillan, Craig, and w . . r.. ... jtiUftt nut ftr.inn wilncsmand Ckrk of tin- County fcurt murt cm try, under thfffalof thet'ourr, that he is Ju-tnviof the I ev?f. 1 . If the rlV-maat or cUimaiu a child or re ot the. UlUfl u ) ... . v ( 1 1 . 1 A-

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