i1111 1 i',"wwwwMtiwlwpw"Wpi! - i -l r-Tiii rasw.iu.iii iiiiilii i. un. inn i :. i i n m i i imn n r i n i mi- .. ' - .. .' t . -. " "I ' " ' ' ''" " ' ' "" , : " . . ,y .-y ; -: -. .-- T" - v , ; - . - -"- ,: . : , i,"-'---' - ,f v . " r : - THE THE CQNSE R V A T J VE . CONSERVATIVE .' - - i r v . . t . " - . " :. PCBtIHD DAXLT JLKTA WXXKXTBT .': JOHN B. KE THE3Y. PBINTE Tq .tiut STATED" cf Tims (oitowing rates will be ckaigc'd tat all adveitlaviueaW inserted is the Dan.T and WrxiJLT CoxsajrVATivsi " py osa svaax or tiHTXtstba u:ss TSKMS OF THE DAILY tilTERSlS OF THE WEEKLY:, Oa month, - - . $iO 0jOae montfej -C 'z'': Three mouth, - - - 20 00 Ttreamozthi. '- - " 10 eo sir months, " f - 40 OO'Six month;, 4 s& ft," One day," f ft 10 Onr wiek." fro CO 1 Two days, 0. ! Three days, -Four days Fivo days, .10 on ia - so 00 . 25 00 Two v rks, Tfcft wet ka. Owe rotnb Two-months. n. So aabsoriptlons to either Dally cr Wetklj received for a Wbenjtent by letter, the money must accompany tbe dvvr t1einect. Ohftuarles, reiliion ana otbr Auiu . chr(eu ae advertisexaents and must be pJ ?n artvar.r.- . RALEIGH, N.-.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, '1865. fonder time than six montb. o- ve re on lie r in 4)S r.f i 1 It Ov to it .1-' r.v. tV.v n-, r - 'in. e .r- 0 of '.;. ,e.i sua H. it eel It. - THE t I V A STA- fur' ISt - - f Tie . c. Cob Of nil' tie 1 r.CO K T E L E G RAP llTC 1UIV OU TS. OT THE SOCTDSRS PRESS ASSOCIATION. Entered ftccordirfr toilet of Coni?re8, In tlie year lbfcU by J y. Tiikaheb, In tte ClerV Office of the .Dlftrict (?oar cfibt CtiEfecIerate Stte ?f - Ihe-'Ncrtbera : iDietrict -ol Congressional. v j : '- RiCFitfliTD, Feb.-l. Th ?!TRf ?a?a! 'tVlO 5!nita Kill a lUlud ika o53J f ail Q ir 1 &ad Ci nvnuairiM on du'j at pos's ind departments andti provida forlhe appointment obondeJ agents la Ih'e.T places.---The a:taU repaili til nutharitj to daUU persons hetsreen 18 and 43 in sail depittments, an'dktbe Senate then went fntoacret' tt JsJcnJ. ' - . . : -Intha IlousrIr. 6fo!aton iubnittcd thefjlloK- JitfoUtd, That tna people of the XJonfedarale Sutca hve erer bpen jyid aro- rioi ready wake peace upon lerraV honorab'e to boh parties. yet it is thejudgemsnt 01 the Housed that while we thou!d mEniftst a willingness to treat for.poaQc Wo dhotili not oroit to Timorously nrepare lor ar. That in meja lament ot the House the preparation tan best be nnde by oing ercry effort lo place at once in the army every. man liable, fjndr oar laws. to render in 'litary serrice. and bj caosintbe Q i&r terruater, ujm h administe j T . 1 . ucn. ie I'vcn msua uenerai incaie: to assign t him our best and most acceptible Generals to n'ir teparte armies and by ceisinj; to agitata tbe pjlipy of envolojinne!-o trjJin, a pleasure which his already divi-jed puDiic-mjntiiretit and has pro- - d iced muc j uespondoncy. J Mr. Gholsen enoke-at a cohaidarabla . length in support of his jit Iutpns. . He itscdantaIj fald a trkute Ho tl e eSiericy cf the press which be thought had accomplished more in aid of our. Strugs g!e tb'in "a, hundred fold ' its number of emp!eje- s ci'd hare done if armed and placfEin the field. -Gho'sn o.cc.ipied the morning hoar, at the expiration &f which th currency b to a oo:nmitt33 of cn'ereace and the into seem session, - f was rcfeired House resol ved From tfco South. . - aIacos, Futrunry 1. rA iecil d:sptch to the; Co'utiabus Enquirer datedMariacna, 13tlJan'y, states tJitt the enemy, olo bunired errong, oame to Rica'sj B'uff on Api lachiccla rirer and captured a lieutenant end forty neg oas on tbe 3fa, and-left on 'jthe 29th. The enemy ;agsin were repotted advancing on Hica's Biufl', number unknown.' PEACE TO TOE SOUrH. The New York leader urging Uie World is out ia! a ponderous Government at "Washington to to make a4'generous cCferof peace knd amnesty-to to the oonUi, ' and that the present 15 a mocnent for the Step,. j . - The 'World enys : propitious The fitting thing for our Governraint to do elose upon trie neeia 01 eur uuccess, is to maica a generous offe of peace ar-d aa.nesty - Tbe tendency of tbe thick succession of disasters the South hns eugered is te cause diaatisfaotion and trn the Confederate Government into odium as dete.vers ef the peoalear-.d betrayers of their interests. We oubt to tk a advantage of the feeling while it is frsb. ' VTo oabt to nvike the most of their gloom and disc uragenaentbefr6 tbe impression begins to wear off, and jttoe- people ac commodate themselves to thir newjsituation 'Tbisia tbc pro; iiiua moment for directing tteir feelings into a nev ohanreL " In a " little while they willj brate thamsiyes j.iainat their losses, as they did ag tmst the loss of New Orleans as they lii aRainst the los3 of Mississippi; ioth of whieh wero.blons of which the consequences did not correspond to cur expectations, j If this din opportunity is iost long years of war will still hover over tbe country There is ribfrm of danger or suffering so hileous that fas m;liar ty will not strip it of its terrors t "Hope springs eternal in the breast." After a little, if advant g'e be not taken of thia conjuncture, the South will Ee tht they can prolong the horrible Ktrug;'e indefinitely, provided they only forego tfie comforts and conveniences"' of civi'iaed life. They have machinery for tle mauufaeue of arms, and in such a climate as theirs, subsistence is possib'o if one mn in five laborsjaad his crps escape des truction by an enemy.- A people Reduced to ba barism, that i, a people A recD roiled to a bare, i coarse subsistenca, !cinnu be suodiied w.han fired with revengefil passion-?, if they are at all numer otia. We alfud d yesferdav to the twenty years war'wiged by France fo the conquest of Algeria. it erst a hutldred'aiillion of dollar, and hundreds of thousands rc.f, lives to complete the conquest of thit petty peoptt j and einco thil subjoga-ion it has required an.ariny of a hundred; thousand men .to hold,th-tpJin euljectiiD .The hiatory of curJFlor ida war ifFbrds arotber pertinent iUu-tration. The army of thc'-Ualttrd 3.iatei was employed Eeven years, at a Cost of twentv millions bfjdollars,- to con quer the relics or the petty tribe of Seminola In dians, under Billy Bowlegs. It 4on't . weaken a rompany 01 IjarOiriins 10 cut intra -ot xrorn inter- course with foreign nitiohs; nor wiil such isolation weaken the Sout, if theJSouth djes not get dis bear.encd bjr yearamg aftr old Cirbforts and lux nTita' It hitrel and passion are j kept up to so bigh" a pitch as to reconcile the beop!e to a.life. of barbixisra; the iia eruption cf outside inter course adda to their military S'reng h by reserving f r war all that wouW otherwise have been. expen ded ori imported goods. . i Genera! liar lee telegraphs that ths enemy crossed at Springfieid on Uie night of the 2tb instant, and moved Northward in-to columns, on.the-iuoriiing of the 27th. He also repor a - thati allaltemptj to crces the Uambanee luvt to fir failed." Qvneral Taylor reports that the lenerpy ia soine , force came tbarJsOii iton fota Baton Rouge and Mijoxi Stra, and returned. ; I" Ac i.iy ia reported on the' Mis.sfaTppi r'ver, troops. going op nd dowa Most ef-Thomass sr my are leportid to have raarcned west -"from" Col mbia to Clinton, on thaTenr.eiset river. A'por lion ol these foreav' including A. J. Smith's, are aid to be in tb" Ttcmityof iluntsviue and East- port,' 1 No change In the fleet off Mobil e. The enemy re still lavinPascagonla. SUK StntincL Why is nretiy eirl lik a hitct?' BecauWshe is something to sdore.: r i . i -v . " Tbe Mends and jatfgbbors of JIiut Gen. Early e' purchased lor prteenat'en to him tbe ecle . r horse, Tar River, toge therewith-tpp:opriate : tneati . Th korst is talued at $10,000. v m!?sary, and oiher Decartmenis to red with renewed entry, and ainoe . HOME. : ? ; ; '. It is not much the world can give, . With ftll its subtle art. And go' d snd gems are not the thing " - -That satisfy the heart-;; : -, But O, if those that cluster round A Tbealtar and the hearth", - ; JU . Have gentle words and loving smiles, HowAeautiful is earth: t - . 4 - Epressivjk A youngIrish ftirl, who wa;i ren dering test.fmony againh t an individual in ajcolirt of. law, Eaid, Tiamrfcure be never made hit moth er smile." 'Therein a .comprehensiveness 1 aid in tensity of czpressrbbjn thia simple Bentence' to whiob we hive scarcely, if ever, seen parallel. Such a history of hard-heaitedncas and depravity, was'eurelf never -com pressed Into eight wortls I ; To' Ma kk Toilet Soap. -Take common coun try soap- cut it up in a plenty of water; as s6m as it bmla. throw in n. hAndful ot fla.lt. Ami then tjiinr thtouh'a cloth to free it from erit; do this liwo or LAree .timps. until th lev whiirtei tips' t th'h.-. to nm has lost its strength, then melt it without wa ter and scent it wnh some of tbe essential oils, or a cake or two of .highly perfumed soap. - A little heney is a greit improvement .to it.- Pout it into cups or. any other shaped mould to ccol. jWhen pro p-rly mide this is far better for the, skin than 1 . m .1 ' - 1 - " - r .Vl most 01 1 no soap we Duy. ErMBDT; for Diptheria. The following is a re ceipt for tb cure of dip.iheria, from one who has assuTed us-tbatout" of alhouisand cases in which it has been used' not single patient has beep."lot. Tfte treatment consists' in thoroughly swabbing the back of the mouth and throat with awashj rx.r.je thus :.- T&ble Fait, - two drachms; -black pepper golden seal, nitrate of pot sh, alum, one drachm each. Mir and pulverize, put into a teacup, nwhxh half fill with boding water; stir well, and then fill up with cood vineirar, Use every half hour, one, two and-f ur hcus, as-recovery progresses.) The patient may swallow a4ittleeach time. Apply one ounce each of spirits of turpentine, sweet oil and aquia ammonia. Thixed, everyfour hours,-to the wniie..i ineioroai ana wine iresi Dont-F, seeping a T T il Al -4. J A. A I 1 1 . 1 ! . 9 flmnel to the prt. r .- r r AUCTION SALES! . By Tucker, Andrews , & Co. On FRIDAY, Fsbruaby4ti, at 11 o'clook! 1 Fins Mars, a Noi. 1 animal. 9 yards Heavy Beaver Cloth, IS dessh Fine Combs, A large Icr of Carpenter's Tools, the best 'tiat has been onred for stre., - . v . A lot of Crockery to be added. ' February 2, 1865. . ... 2424 2t. NOTICE. PERSONS WITO HAVE HIRED NEGROES TO THE ( batham Railroad Compapy are requested to senc toom to Raleigh, to tbe eare of Vfr. Barringer, Agent at the North Carolina Railroad Depot, who will urward thetn to their proper destination: -By order.ef J. E. ALLEN, Sup't. . February 2, 1865. . 2422 1. NORTH CAROLINA . BAPTIST AND STA TIST10AL ALMANAC FOR 1885J - c COMPILED BY BEY. N, B. COBB. - BICrLAB OONTBXTS, Impcrtaat event of the War in North Carolina. ' Table of General Officers, furnished by N. C, doria the War. List of Colonels, Rriffadet, and Chaplains of N. C. Regiments ar d Battaliosa. and camber, cf troops "ftr- nlsbei durnjf tbe War. ' ' j . ' 02cer, Exjaqtire and Judrcial, of the Confederate acdjtttare Gprrnments.) ; .' -' i h Members of Congress members of the X. O. d.'qseral AsemVly, GTiTCPTd, iCipitola, and uates of. cece :6n of tae several tUonfoderata State. Other interetine matter, on tbe calculation of Time, Oriic f Old acd'Kew Christmas, beginning of tt e ysa r in difforect nation, 0., o. - RELIGIOUS CONTEXTS. . . What their" opponents say cf tbe Baptists. List of Baptot Associations ia the State, with a Taele of. Churches, Ordstlr.ed and Licensed Mini iters, Number in fellowsilp, Moderator, clerk, and time of meeting of each Association. 4- . ' Bfard of tie Southern llaptist Convention. fjfTi -rt and Ilo&rda of the N. O. Bsctift State Cdnven tion ud WfFttrn N.C Baptist Convention. , " ' j Names and Tost offices cf Baptist Ministers In Nl O. This Almanac is now ready. Orders soliotted at once. Addres, uev. J. iv. Jioweu, or .ev. j?i jj. wood, Raleigh, N.C . - -- " Price. $1 per. copy. Enclose stamp to prepay postage. Any minister enclosing money for 26 copies is entitled to an extra copy for himself. r - February 2, 1S65. . - WANTED, : PITTJATIOX AS TEACHER, IN A PRIVATE FAM llv. bv a vomz Lady competent to teach the usual Enr lleh branches," music on piano, r'r neb; and the rndiments of Latin, and who has taught near! three years, situation pre ; ferredoM. -r convenient to the. Raleigh and uaston ltailroaa Salary, flSOO ana board. Address ."lUKA," LittleCon, Halifax co.,N. G, February 1, 1865. 241 $t. Iron ! Iron II Iron III . 1TTE K3EP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL KINDS OP I r PlanUtien a d Farmers Iron, tboirel Iron, Null Ro'is. Band Iron, Heavy She t Iron- for making Hoop,-Spads, 4o SI H AY ! . V I I.I.I A MXllV Xr IMY - Jforth State Iron and Brsss Works, j , J January '29, ,1865. 239-Ct. : 1 Grindstones 1 ' Grindstones I L .1 j TTTB KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE A zW rood assortment of superiorDeep River Grindstones, weighing from 60 to 600 pound. " S S - SHAY, WILLIAMSON & Cfj., f: - - : h North State Iron. and Brass Works. ' .Tanuarv'2S. 1S65. 3y-Ot. - ' Pattern f Makers 7anted. Tt7E WISH TO EMPLOY ONE OR TWO FIRST .CLASS 1 1 patternmakers. Apply at pnee ft . 1 . ' -. . SH AY, WILLIAMSON & CO . North State Iron and Brass Works. - January. 2$, 1865. . :. ' : - 239i-6i '- ; -":;-:Sv-WAOTED.-;:;::l:V'.- TrtTTNTS MANTJFACTTJRED- TOBACCO. FOK 3 U U U waieh I will nay the niphesi market urce. f - J. EATON BURROUGHS.!; Raleighy February 1, 18o5 41 t. - : - E0B3EEY. THE SUBSCRIBER W A3 ROB3ED OP -AFOUR HTJN dred dollar -4 pr cfMit- ertldcate xf Depituod March t9th, 13i4.-No. 121, Ised tn cae.T Wo, Dep. - If not fonnd wlthi ; six we. ks from this date aPPca tion wil bemadefdr a daplicate. Ttua the 20th day Jan- nary, 1365. ALFRED CAYINESS. : 234r-tf. . January 4, 18C5. OflloeH'orth Carolina Eailroad Company, :: x ' - u Comfat9T Shops) i N. C Jan.28. 1865 - BITIDCN D No. 8. OF TWENTY-P4YE JPKR -fCEJT. KbVpltt to tb tocktoder on mni f$reV2 rnary. 18ain Co' federate Treasory. Notes, or in ths Ix yer cent, not-taxable bonds at Govermnent ratej(l&) at the ep- T. ASTAGG, v Secretary and Auditor. JancaryS8,lafl5 vV 2t, 4 - . . .A KOTICE. "TT7 A LTER - A. THOMPSON 'WILL LEAVE HILLBBQRO T f- lor the army in Virginia,' by the wsyot DjufviHeJ on vVednewlay the 15th loUr.t. AU bexea properlr, tuartt d and weigted. will be take$ charga of aDd dell vereji,' - - The boxes sent to Kiralaaa'4 - and. ClkiBan'srlvaes were sold at auction, aod I am prepared to pay .tp'j). p-j-eeas who eent-tijcmttie aabwmt for which they we eefd. - ! - - ArTUOMfN;; . January 20, 18C5, l A - V'M- AlXRACT OF LalSD CONTAININa 160 ACe$ FOUR Vv-itle eit cf Graham and t o mile, eust of iw River . 1 veoi.va oniy hair rune rw?a ;the it. j. ufcnirai Haxiroao, and bouadedlupatt by the waters of Back, OUer Jnd Qua- Terms : $5,0bQ in Sank Kate or $1,500 In a n-i payable on demand. For farther pattkttlars,"address taw lihrer, C i5C K. .' January 24,1865. J V H0ESE COLLARS! H0BSE f f -t S R8leiSh.N. O., January lpl8G5. X. WILL RECEIVE PROPOS ALS UNTIL THE to DAY lW Ffhrnar isr. far lh mftnjifirtnre of teitiihotif and Hrree aod Male Collars, similar to samples to be Jwu at my officer !-.""' ' - ' ""-i ' '-. ' B.ddera run it stale the naraber which they can as-liver per month. ; - - ' i' i -; r i : :. - , W. E. .PIERRE, ; 280 12 1, ; j Capt. and AJjMr .. . . Post Guarteraaster's OiEce, C SfA Kaleioh. N, G.; January 18 800. To t Farmers of. Wale, .V, - v.' . ; t . Orange and Chatham Connive REaPSrrTTOTXY APPEAL, !.TO THE FARMERS OF X Wake. Oranee and Chham counties, to hrtnifin tboir sr.rDlnB corn immediate r. for the mi port of.oui-army. I have obtained Btcnilfpion tti ray iLocal, Appraiser? h rite for all grain delireredvprevians to 1st of Febru vrv, 1SR5. " I earsteflv hope that, pa-rlotic producers wili deHyer tJieir grain immediately, an-i relieve-me of the nnpleSisaritnesa, and themselves thr-mortification -of resorting to gii im presgxnent, which t will be compelled to do otind after ti.f 1ft of Febrnary. 1 I V5 Tbe foilowine are the names of . my authorizes; agerts : Raleigh, J. J. ilfnetre ; Foreetvi le, J. v. rort : ornsvine. A. J. M.-rris ; ai,d irorhami, w Ward : Hrllbro ta be filled andPlttsboro' to be filled. W. EvPIERCk Capt. and Ai15. M. Jar.unry 19, 1865. 230121. m- ' $2000 BE WARD, '.fit? TOST OR TAKEN BT MISTAKE,1 A BOX MARKED li " Mflj.-S. V: Itcid, Wiiruigton Any inforjation m re tard to it whic'i will enab'e n tol recover it, or aa one leav late it atbe Express oflic. will receive he abgvS f reward. end no qneenous aacea. - " : . " ' A. p. C. BRY&N, Agent Sol Express Company. January 17, 1865, 28 -tf. E0R SENT. A LAR3B AND DESIRABLE RESIDENCE WITHIN A' T utile ot the city o. - Ralcieo. with 860 acres 6&Jand at- tached. - i-.. r.-.j-- . i S:t :-. Apply to Df. Joyner. Tarboroush House. RalelarK N. C." Jannajy 31, ltft. I . 5 343-tf. ' -. ; r.. Cast Steel Axes.. lT$y 7 -' TT7E HAVE FOR'SALS SIX OR EIGHT DOZ2Sf(5 AND tt 6 pounds) best steel axes. , j I i r j SHAY WILLIAMSON & () , - North Stato Iron and Brass ferkar ' January 28, 1865. . . , j ' 23 Gt. : . -I - . - j . S. T. WILDER, Auction and Commission Uerchnrit, i l L0U1SBUR0, N Will aslre sales of real or personal property, mehan . 1 pronei ons, toor, gra n, salt, sc., Fuskllnton is the nearest depot. and ' solicits consignments. Jannary y, liTO. f3ltf. Tr ; PHAN ENDOWMENT FTJNJK , GONTttlBUriONSTO TDI FUND MAY BE; MADE to Geo. W. Mortleoal Jno. G. Williams tcad W H Jones, Cashier. . -Raleigh. Oct. 29, 1864. JJ. P. EEMS. 63 -tf. FAVC ETT, & Cp ' ' AUCTION AND C0MMIS$I0N; MEKMARTS, OBSENEBOBO ,1 N. 0. .TTTILL GIYE STRICT AT fENTIQ; 10, THE .1 f j eate ox real aua pcrsuuat Vrvlulljt ad aouci ts oonfeigsments. January 27. 1865. jr tf. On Consignment and for SaleJ KEGS SODA. "'x' 'l !' i- :-W4P ' - long; fauoett a? do , 100 ' ' ' Auction, and Commission Merchant. January 2t, 1885 . . L . i , Wtf. - r f JOHN D HVMAN. it ; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A& AW,; " - HKlfDERSONVILLE. N. C. ' K'1 ' ' WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY iTO ANY BUSINESS IN the 8th Judicial Circuit that may be entrusted to his hands; . ". - - - f - v ' 1. .. January 5, 1864. i : '2i3--tf. Almanacs! Almanacs 1! rpTJRNTER'8 ALMANACS FOR I85 NOW READY. ' JL - Price per Hundred : " ., single copy. 75 DO ' OO 1 90 BRANSON & FARRAR, ! RaleighSN. O. VI. A " .--.b:ria-4t' Jan.9,'18S5. BOXES E OR SOLDIERS. 1 T- LL BOXES FOR SOLDIERS OR PKISCjNERS F " War i from Noith Carolina; delivered to the fol lowing named persons will be promptly fcrwarjedlfree of Tjbarge : .. "., -. . u- . Sprague Brothers, Salisbary; Dr D. F. Sammey, Ashvilie. "r Dr. W. A. Collet, M6rRanton. Dr. J. W. Allison, Statasville. DV. J. lu NeagleGreensboro.'" Mr. A Hagan, Charlotte. ; Mr. Edward Hege, Balem. -Capt. J. N. McDowell, Raleigh. Josech AWortby Fayotteyillee. E. Murry A Co., Wilmington. Mr. F. L. Bend,.Tarboro. ,r .. "j -i Mr. J. A. Asltewv Coleraln. - '7. Mi. F. L. Roberta, MrfreesWroi" Vtfii -t ... -:T- The boxes should be wel hooped, properly marked, and delivered in time for, my Special Messenger whSr; leaves Raleigh on the first day of every month. , St ! EDWARD WARRJNf r j - ;C4 Surgeon GeneralJT. O. UeielaxOc 29, 1864.' i ' : l-t-i 7 ANTEjb TO BENT, A SMALL HOUSE IN THIS UAXX, wira tw iwoms, or apart of ahus, for a highly respectable vjamily of refns-ee a lady ard children, th husband Delaglt .the field. Apply Immediately at the - r J . 1 -v--' - -f r i CONSERVATIVE OEf IE. 2S,2865. '... :- 23 tf.- I January J0FH G. WILLIAMS & Cq.;f i stock jlnd- money bko: . .;---:-' !- , ialeiighTH CC-ii CONTINUES TO CARRY ON THE BROKERAGE BU8I iiesr at their old stand aa Heretofore In all itl various r. t . ? . - a 1 : .A .imvaieLocnooi. u:l THE FIFTH SESSION OTJIISS MANflTjlTSCHOOL foryo.ncff Ladies, wili begin oa the 10th February. Oniya limited uumter of pupila can ha received. ' ; . . - l: . For further infurmatioa address -" - v:- ;'!f ,r..;.v MISS, M. R:MANGjM,v JCllt ikMBJ, ViOUJ UUVt V. Deo. 8,1SS4. 50 BOXES: CAROLINA BELLE SNOTF FOR aale.- t v r , . KINSEY & IVARE. fialeigh Dec a2,.lW4 s.' ?rji- It- ' .' Jan. 1 S 3 4j 5 fi 7 July V " r ! 1 ; i, 8 9 lohlfl2 13 14 -2 3 4 5 6 ,7 -i T 15 16 17118 19 COM. ' jl0 U 12118 14,15 22. 23 2425 f27;2S, "B 17 18 I,20 2r 22 . ' v ; .29 30,31 :. I . ' -23 24 25 Thi&Sg Feb. ' lr2t 3 4 , .SO 31 " r 5 6 j s mmt'i AugV ; i t s "4 5 12 13 14 15U6fl7 18 'V 6 ,T 8 SlOiH 12. . 19 20 21 22j 24J25 13 14 15 16j t7 18 19 - 26,27 28 1 , 1 50 2r 22 224 i5 2fr -5- 6 -7i 8; 5 loll I. Sept " 1 2 - 12 13 t415?16f IS S 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;19 10 2l52,!23i24 25f MO 11 12 !3,l4 15 16 26 27 28 v930 3l kl7 U l 5j 21 1-2 23 Apr; H "I 24 25 20 -4i28 2Q 30 , 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 Oct. 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13;i4 itA 8 9 10 11 l4l3 14 . 16 17 18 19'20 21 22 K '35 1 17 1$ li 2021 & 24 25 26i27 28 29 22 2;i 24 25' 25 27 28 30 '. . 29 30 31 .1 May ' 12 3 4 5 bNoy " 'I 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13, - 5 I 7 8 9 10 U 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - " 12 13 14 U i n 17 18 21 22 23T24 25.26 27 19 23 21 2f tt 21 0 28 29 3CT31 : - 2G 21 2329 30 Jun. ' 1.V2 3 Dec. k 1 2. 4 5 -6l 7 8 9 10 . .3 4 5 07 8 9 11 12 13 M15H6 IT 10 1 1 12 IS 14 15 16 " ' 18 19 20 21 22 23 2j . 17lfrM 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29,'SO . 24!2iT 2G.27 -2S 29 3t) - - 4 k;l;4 - 31I-I i F 1865. 1865. CONSERVATIVE STEAK" P0WEE PRE S3 mm ion ' Ji B. NEATHERY & CC, Prsprietcra- HAVING a NUMBER' OF KtESS3, aaa a ment of . ; arge assort PRESTIKGr MATERIALS, We are prepared' to ereect in a worktaacllke manner end with despatch, .evrj description of PIAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PR0TING! -.1 . : . . SUCH AS ' BOOKS, i PAMPHLETS, . SHIN-PLASTERS, ; . POSTERS, . I HAND BTLLS, ... f CIRCULARS. -. LETTER HEADS, ' . BILL HEADS, CATALOHUES, -- . RErElPTS, : . ' ",. ' ' CARDS, ETO.. 3peelal attentloa pald to N v GOVERNMENT BLANKS. NewJ Daily Paper in llichmond ! PE03PECTUS' . THE nnderslgnrd rroposi" to pnbli a flailv paper, under the title ol : THE RICHMOND HESALD,'ou or abost the 15th of January next. It w llbe entirerv 'rdeundti la politics, but wlu ecvr thelcss accord ii the aflininistration a Jtitsuyp. t rn 1 c -8nre which, in the opinion of its c&"Cairi my be deeruad promotive of the good cf the cauf i" wuicU Welareenpagt? ' ' A oroDcr criticism of such acts as will bs deemed d vf e li this object, "will be, of course, cersi tent with th fi.-.d epeu-de-t Chartcter nntler which the paptr is t be tji. uratod. In the matter of (Jeneral Nwa It will be fwttnd t ke-p nac with the leadlnsionrrvaiaor tnc a-V wniiii win nave , added to it in the way cf nnftniUiDtlUgnCw a feature such as, we ventu-e to say, bo papa in ire i eiijffrcrncy cav boast of. Editorials from the ucttof 6oeot the al4 finan . cial writers in this or a-y other conntiy will be presented la Forveasons not now proper toTie mcr.tion?i5, Vro forbear to eive the nama of those who haU "cftmju!fco.the r-gnUrIlt, rial staff; bnt we flatter imrseivea" tfcatwhfn tfcty fLall ap pear they will be 1. una to cohstitnte sucb. an array of t-lut as canot"be excelled op tblecoiitinet. j The Weil known character of t he itrdlridpal whope r.am appears beJow as a t nornphtc reporter, f rn!4 we-pr-suine, agnara; tee thatin nil that reirsio impf runt pf llti catepeechts anddebates, watthtr in legislative ofs -mblt' s or out of there t the H RR AL O ' will present ad tantaft cer tainly not to be excelled br anv paper In the Confeacacy . The farming interests will be fafthmlly vtndic-ted, and cire .taken to dieseminate the earlieBt Intel Isrerce which a propc rezard for tbe we'fare of thatgreat element of nation-1 wealth md nower shall demand. - - 0 . I : In the matter of correct eommercialTnteUieerce. eqn a' 2cal shall be manifested, our object beins to art x tojench f tbae departments an editor of knnwn evrieric& a d abi ty. -Arrangements are-on loot by whic'i to eettH t h - e vilest foreign news, ann the nanr will contaln sach equor al tnlei-t as will fuHy elueidate the bearing of foreiu diUioa.acy ujwn Southern Interests. In short. " THE RICHMOND HERALD" wl combine every feature ul tntereat which the rcqd.ircmei.t3 of the present crista demand. . . ' . J The enterprise is repectfatiy commtndf d thefavrrand patronage of the cmzsns ox tne sontuern t .f ien , i 'r - .'-.. - - , - P. SS.vi liacr. VN, & CO.. Jsn 13228 tt ; " - . i Kfc mon4. V. Claims for Deceased Officers and SoIJiers. :rf ' i - ' ' - Wh.Hk. N. O.. JBrje 20vClV!t. T TUT UNDERSIGNED n AS BEEN A PFOIN ptlD A co m missioner to investigate, collect iMd i-ay pviir t." tli ties entitled thereto, all claims lor bnurt'- -arrei.ras pi i-r.y and allowancesj due to tbe represeirUti ves ol dtfCpas-ta t-ZLmxe and soldiers from tbi fctate. ; t" ' Tbe parties entitled are r firat, the widow ffe deceased, ifany, if tb'-re be no widw then, secondly, hi caila .r cttiU dren. if There be such, if tbere be ntither w dir,o? cbildri then, thirdr, tbe father, if tLere be Beithr widow. ciHl, children or father then, foarthlr. the mother 6t th-i fesafd. and In defanlt of all of these then, fiJVfcly. the executor or ad ministrator of the deceaseds - - The claimant OF- claimants mnst jnrr.Uh LlSk per jot Uir affldSTit, and tbarof one diiiitereatJ Tituees las ta the re lationship, nd in all cases, where-ths elaltnar-t 1 not tSe win dow, the affidavit must noeartve the 'xiftcce offs c.Vmanj of a nicher order.- The Jnsttceof the Peace: bctoir wbrtrc Vt affidavit is aubscribed'must certify U the. cret'lbtlitjf of the witness, and Clerk of the County Uonrt mnt crtlfy u-cifcr tbe seai of the tJourt, that ne is a Justice of 1 1 e rico. . if the els' mailt or claimant bea eliild or rMidren .of Ifce propounded by bis; her othelr gnardiafi. and tbe fa.it of els being guardian must be certified to, under seal of tbe Cocxty Court Clerk. - - .-. .. ' ; - Wben the claims is made by aitexocntor or tdranfcf&stoT. tbe fact of the sexecatarshln or seal by tne CdsaSr Cvrt Clerk. . . - " : T:' . - I-. - All of these papers ehenld be sent In dnpllea'-e.f v..-..;-Anv person airectlvitrested will be fariiiotiji. p.rxin ,w copy of which, for the greater convenience of putie.wii h forwarded aa soon aa may be practicable 10 eaea Coaiity Co&rt Clerk- . . - 1 " -:- r . .:. This eommlseien la intended td f-ici!Jate tbe Collection of these claims, and save tbe claimant all exponent - . -Parties interested raav mate ri ail aid me in ihelpvrtf zctin of their claims, if at the time of f rw.rdic?thr pan;rro mt they will Inform me of the date of the d .atb if ihe deceased. J them, bave receiTd the personal efft-cta jrHich dceaed bad with him- at the; time rf h'S detH, &ih( whf hr or rot. tbe de ceased (if a non jcemmisioned officer or private.) had evt re- eeired tbe State a bounty. . - . - - . . ; j- . . It la very desirable that aReHlms shoald be ftwaHod rif early as may bejpraetlcab?. In all cases, give the cJahnants, ' w; -;--: -V' -KOASTAXLY. v : . ! - Notice. T HBKBBT GIVB NOTTCffi THAT J SHALL VARIC A pli cation to the General AsemhlT at its next region, to bavethe Warreaton Female Collegiate Ir stlrta at Warrr.t n. MILITARY DIRECTORY FIELD OFFICERS, OF NORTH CAROLINA REGIVOTS. Nox Cotoiiaxa. LraTrT. Vountix. ' yUAJOa 1 HA Brown, V t - ., - .. S DTburstonfc . i-B A ci-b.rne, -5 J W La . S R F We ob, ' t W L Davicaon, -H J M -Vfc hiteo j, 0-W H Cliek, 10 S D Kol, J UarrcU, ' ' LO Uem,. - W U Porilyi m i Wl iiwU, 8 alc"i Tt, - lt,7 Yrr; J IkicLTun er,- J f; II ir , W jjirtirtr, , AJ itue. w U a cowiva, UTGalon Cp arrow St Rt'lj t . J". B Willi, rs, .-I . i iiL.Lae.a, 11 w j Martin, j 2 II S rlevnaa- W8 Dav 1 J ILHyman ,H A Roj 14 R Tl itt. s- W A Jr W 8 Davis, : - 16 .vy II Yarbony lft yA Fwwe 17 Ay F Mart.n, . - 18 JD Barry. -1 W P Koborts, - at- t- Q W I Lm ix.oEd.s A H Clond, T n altar e, J y oGli, - L J JoiPfn, ..ir IV' JT ilv" Len rioi cll, " . " iW 8 Ra kt".- vs xii cuai, i T S Gatloway, ; 31 ' U W J Harke, ts II M Rutledge, A Jno R Lai e, i7 3 a Uiluier, Jr., USD Lowe, u) v li i reusman, 0 F Jti Parker, 8t ri D G Cowand, JL Harris, G F White Stld. ES Profflt, TPT.nva i N Li.v, TJ .Art a ins, 3. Veu , tt N M-w, C WK'lgbt, .-. H O Lwis, , J H 3atndrs, S3 KV(!ott J A.Wettoa, 'REPety , J M r vensri, J L twu T J r Wilton, WA noll.ud. t J Brown, 0 21 Stedmaa, N JflcK MtKkU, O Q Pettv, HJi.vals, J At ilcDuuald, 84 W L J Lowrancs, ; O T Or rdau, S5 J T Johnson, b H l ay lor, . S W Lamb, 87 . 83 Jno Atbford, $9 D Colemaa, 40JJHedrick, 41 J A Baker,. 42 J E Brown, S TSKena, 41 T SingelUry, 45 JR Wiinton, L Sanndtrs, . 48 S n XTalkup, 49 LM McAibe. 50 G.'oithira, 6t H McKoihan, f S 31 A Parks, I fa v ; -t4 K airnrcHion, 55 J lCoi.nalIy, 65 PF Faisoa, : 5T-- ' - -68 -IB Palmar, -6 D D Fe rebee, CO W M Hardy. 1 63 - - 14 BJON Folk, : i.a J H N- tbercatt, ri7 J N WhitfOid, J D Taylor, r -V7GMri. S O W Flowers, vPAKejnoW i - R Mrflre. C W Brad aha w, T L Hargrove, ' AOVcAlH.tcr, WcLaukfd, AAA n, J T lavis. . J C Yauhook, C B Uubeoa, J TMorcheai, AK1I s, . ' A IlBdo, . G G Lake, II V. Jones, & Cantwell, 9 XTGraaatB, J A "rtife,"" T J H.M.liu. J M Miwt J v v r, K M 1. t. Jin No., T I J ,.. r .1 . 1 tia n, Dr,iils E n'l.i f rd. W B HrtiKinrlln, I Ilairii. R Dfvane, GWO aytoa. P h Krai . W N G .rrvtt, A H Ma rJ, CO Wr p! t, R,W artn, F o Yeiliwly, J L Heury, a w uiuton, fifl a jait, The first Btttallon Shan- :SJ :tertxCa-oai:I by f!an r ' ri Btttv i't t ilevy wUJ' rv. iy Mnj; ; nd halt II wi X )t fa iyby hfr.1 Bt;aU n .-1 irr.tby ' . 1 -fain R. K. Wilson : First Ab'Xai dor Mcltue : wCcon Mai J M Hancock : Tl M.J -t. W.M Kr.v: Thirte nth B.tiOi.pu L utit .Ait lury, b Liet t?oln-l J. R. Btarr " Thovas Leoiox.- foil W. Ft Thm. L ct Coinnel, J-R'Love;. Ma , W W. St rxfitlJ; ihuiai Leioa, Llnt. Colonel., J.-Ai M KariH-y. ,. , ' BRIGADE N. O. JUNIOR RSSEltYES. ' Nefc COLOMipia. A LrtxJT. CfeLoxxta. ' aiajmsa. 1 F. 8 Aroiistead. O. W. Broadf .t. W McKNiarlt I S J. H. Anderson.- W. F Bs-sley. N. A 'riry. - ! 1.J y. Hinsdale, 5 W. F. Frenoa. a. A E I nia. 1 M. D f. iMillHifl. " GOVERNMENT OF NOTH CAROLINA. His Exeeilenoy, Zbulon B Vance. &ujottaa, Jwrorajf 'ol DaVid A Barnes, Northampton, Aid.'. C 1 George Little, Wake. do M 8 Kobins.' Randolph, Private Secretary. ' Dr' Edward Warren, Chowan. Surgeon GenrL , Chatlea R. Thoma, Carteret, Secretary of jStcte. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Pdbhc Treasurer, flnrtis II Brogden, Wyne, Comptrlar. Riobard IT Battle. Jr, Anson. AutlTfer. Olirer II Perry, Wake, State Li.iraTi.n. tVabliJpg'gn O. Krr, rf Msnklenors. tats Gaftit Major General' K C Gatlin; I.fc.-, A m uutM. llajo'r Wilhini JJ Gulio, Beau: rt, I' sjirnrter, . . Major John Deveri-ux. Wake, Quartortn.--'sr. . Major T D Ho'g, Wake, Corami5ry and C'rfnaacs OfiSotx, 5'ajor Jarrei loan, Guilford. Q iauer mil:r. ' Major Henry A D'-wd, Ki.cerube, dn ; " ; !jr Jmes II. Foote. Asst.- A-'jU Gcni, (WU f,f Ilotot.) Major Willian A " Grab. -m, Jr., A.rt Arfjf.-G'cT ernl. Lie Jt. Jn!iahf Collins, WasLington c'onnty, Ordiiar.ee De? 1 paitant. , ' Lieut Tboa:s, White, Trar.Jin, A-'et QctrtrmR?ter. N " Lieut. Itaac.W. Garrett, Kgsccmb.Ap!. Q'irrf'raater, " Lint. Tbadi?eo8 McQea, Wake. Aeal. Ct.cuijif?ry, Lieat. Charles H. Thompson, Wake,. 4t. Coipmiry. Lieut. Gio. Ws Thompson, Caswell Asrttant Adjutant - General, (Roll of Honor.) - v. ; -.-.. . , w s; . JUDICIAL. ;. fc . , , . SUPKEMB COCltT. Rlcbmondt Pear'P, Yadkin. Luis' cl!i,e. Wm H Battle, Oraegoand il.-atL.a h' UlT raven, " Judge ' r ' , : ; . ' . .. - , Pi6n JI Rorfr, Wake. Attornet Orcral. ' . , Patrick II "Winston, Wake, r'cr. . . JSdm'nd'B Freeman, Wko, CJ.-rk. Meets 'in the" city '"of J?.'v!eUh tmi. Mcrd?y.Io June ' each year. Toe Mornt- n Jcrm h;i i.esn cuconUtued. ;'5:.- ''.7; ' v ' .! rPKuioK ' cocjtTn. . 'Judges EJc in O Uvd9, i'trson. Hrtmla M fanndtrf, ;, Wake ; l?obert Heth, Ch .wan ; H-.tt fc rench, liVon j v; James WX)8bome,'M-cirevJ;ur'f:'Gf .r':p' ! wcr-l Wilson f . VVilliara M Sfcipp, Ilnder.-on ?.R-brt- li QiJIia iGrTTnIi.- S 8rtllcit(rc 1st ' uit, Jc?Fn J YvTt!5, 'Htfttoru : xud Circuit, Charles C Chtk, Craven ; 5d Circe it, -SV. II Rogers, Wake, Atmey' (?en-r;!; '" 4tb Citruit Tl.-T.inaa Scltls, Rockingham j fiiii Cirruir. ttnli h I'lixlon, Ci.r.rer land; 6lh Circ:it, Kobrt S" Ari'eM. Ym- ir "ts "c frcelr, William P Eyuum ; Sin Circuit, At gL-.us 5 alerritou . Rancoar.be. J Z -; "- 1 ' .. " - COrKDKKATK ODKT. - ,. ; Hen Aa R:eg3, .ilsjiirji Ju.a. . Gporij Y ciiri-ng.''ar-ne, Ii-n i?t ALsfcfy.' "". t Pr;da Jtsner ,"OrgT WrKbr. .C'erk-cf Albmrl: ) Strict. JJ '?ii r.sria. , Cls! of -Pu.li- Dfcfiflt., Wm'.t ; ClArk, cf Cup Fnr Li-tr;t. lj"iel Vii'jnn. , . 1'ba r;.xt Tmo .1.1 Ye bell ss f l!tj A'lbmsr'f ' ' Di.tleV at lU'ix, cn.2.1 Mv tit .' Pt:tiir District, s.f (io!d u rL. 4:1 My el. l. Cea 2enr ldtiz , tt Wuccrd, fcutb Siaiy r.cxr 'A-G'-Foster,- l(j.y iU-ii b ; JLM ijsrfrsvs, AniiSD ; P IT "WtBa'on, B ri ; A T Diwit p, rc H' bi.. Hn'on, jr-.arroav; Caj. iT: t fcober,tJui.'ford ; Nlb L- H U V iii'm .Vaii Ir in ' - - . . " ' - I ITKRAKT EVAKT.; Wis FxoeMcocy. Z 3.V'aiMvi'riJent, Ofta: LO .Edards.-.Giacviilrt;, Prof Rifbird Cterlih, Gt-ilford;- hi Wd c'lvsGaatfn';' MS.llob.ijs, Lltodopb, Treasurer. v'"p;"fN7'pt2IAI,':JJMPR0TEMtSJ- BOAUD'-."- . IIis ElcirlK'ncy, Z. B Yaiice, Pftofcident, Ex OJieio, Wnj Eattn. Tr, of Warr?c ; Iltr.ry KuttNew lienor at Col Jchd D Uyinan, Henderson. . -- ' -':.' '; 'Xhxismokiers. b .i?Kfsa rrrcn. ; , a H03 llioiUHS Jwa:nci, Alrcne.' ilea WUon Ftlwsrds,, barren, U:n David L Swain, Crscge. Qn'ttin asbet, WaV Secretary. ..J : r V? ".."-. - ; - .V . ' , "ThevUnivcitityf Nrth CaroH&a Is it Caapfl HUL v 1 Hon Davli L Swain, Pre wfeet. ... .V v..- Rev Calvin 11 Wiley is Superintendent of tt Commoa! ScbocUcf tfe Str,te,c . f: ' ,-.s - ; .. AVUlVj Palmer, A "JCU Prineif alef tbe BT 0 Icatatlei for the Deaf Du-b and the Blind, at Kaleigb, ' 1)t Klvrard C Fisher Li SoperinUadtnt . f tbe Insane " - THE CQUfiCH l5iTELLZ0JiCE,. : TXKVOrSD JO -THi5 IXTBttE 1M OF T K P6- -j. tettant Kqicp gal Cb arch la-tbe Oon'eHert tftje . U hiWfibrtshcd bv the Petat E-Di-c Cbroa ; Publishing A oV ,t In Caritte North - roMoa. :z Sev. V. M:riU53 'RD. D D . ) p-Vr.a " f -; RaT. G M."VE!t AtT. A. JJ..- , , J - T2RMS Oj BCBCRlPn )X - CaH IJl' ABrANB J . ,'Frr brcaiaontbs, ?S. vF4r six menibs. f Id. -For cae' " year; $29. - ' -'-V - "- f - , : - For Army or LVspital dlitrlbuticni a dedcotloa; of iw-Dtflve percent. - " ; 4 All emmnnieatlons sboal i . ba sddrMsed,. M Church Iotelliaflner, Clrkrlatts, N. C. : Jaaaary 25, 18V . , if.- "'7 M...r . 'i- "1 . - ...:. .'Si.V -": i- ' 4iM-