i ' ' -' : . . ' - r':- '.4 - if - ; . - I - , ' V - ' . . . ' . . ! : -: - - . - . ' r T ' . : ; .THE . - : . ' " -; ' . .. ; ! . : " .- - . - - , : - .m (- . . i. - h I i- ' ' -: -. -,, CONSERVATIVE. " - - f SERV ATI VE. ' ' The foUpwlnc rates will be charged for all advertisement Inserted in th Daily and Wkkx.t CoKsxavanra : . NB THEHT, PBINTEH TO 3?UiS -JjBSSOF TflE DAILY: ; TERMS Off THE WEEKLY OX SQTJAJia CtT K8HT UKIS, 0&LX8S . - - $ 5 00 - - - - 10 00 . . - 13 00 . - . - 20 00 One week, -Two weeks. Three weeks. One month. - $80 00 . - CO 00 WOO - 120 00 Ooe raoolh, -Tnreemoath Six months. - $ 4 CO - . 10 00 - SO 00 v nth a. - - - J W I - - - so w Two months,' 210 00 ..KrrintioDS to either D&ilt or WeitkJT recelred for a RALEIGH, -N. C.r FRIDAY; FEBRUAIS 17, 1865, J l",v"l 7 When ssnt by letter, the money most accompany the adver tisement. Obituaries, religions and other notices charged a'. iB?er time than ix months, advertisements and must be paid in advance.,-- TPN . A TTTT i 7" TiTr7' a - rrnTT Trim vQN I L ' .V . f ' - n V"" -J J " I V '. i "AY 7- J J I.: ftlAli. I II 1 11.11 1 II II til III l I I 1 . I I rTVrf 11 - ' I I 111 '111 L. ' . I arnmrwn - 11. II fl II I I i ll II II .III XVI 1 I . r I 115: 1 f n I " " - I 1 1 F 1 I M I jw" . . ' i ii 1 .1 i i i i i i ? . ii - i i ill I I - i i "VI I I -. i I : I ill Vi: t v - r- i i . i i : i . i i i i - - 1 . 11 VI 'II - II A II. . h -l XI I I XI Ka. Ill 1 J I HI L i -7 it : I I I 1 f I I I I 1 I - . ; : - rHT : ' l " " h H IFbardaji, V- - No. 255r PUBLIC MEETING AT CHAPfiL HILL. k nublic meeting was held in 3th village of phictl Hill on Friday evening the'lOth of Fcbru- 1355, Jones. Wateon, Esq., wag called" to the ind H. O. Spruill,'Esq., requested to -act as chair, -V A.i . l i w r 5cretarj, moiiou, oommuiee was. appointed, c.iiiist:ns of A. Mickl Dr. Mallett, Dr. J. B. Jones, John Watson and Rev. Mr. Wilaon, .t rport reso latioot for thi action of the meeting; j Th commit tee retired, ahd on riturning, ' presenteoi, through " 4 ifickle, chairman, the following resolutiong, : j . J ' - .. ' "Whereas, Recent events have inade it clear -Utbat tb general desifefor. peace carjnot be fcrati : ?d,Txcept upon terms that are both! ruinous and 1. dishonorable ; Therefore, . fitsolvtli That for the sake of our country, and invoking the help of . Almighty 13od, we - hereby "call upon all men to lay Wide for mar --differences an 1 unite in a manly effort for the' common de- fence. , . .. Berohed, .That in this erisis it its the duty of s enry citizen to contribute all in h power tt strengthen and sustain the cause of the Confederate States, especially by aiding and enlcouraejing our' soldiers in ths field, and by making! provision lor the support or tneir iimuies at nome Recited, That the thanks of tire cotiofry are dut to our soldiers for the heroic gallantry with which they have resisted the invaders, and for the determination they now express, not to falter till Independence is secured. IV '' ' Retolved, Xhat believing our cause just, we I "edge ourselve t3 do and suffer everything which uuy be necessary, or useful in maintaining and de fending it." Jude Pearson was requested to address the meeting, which he proceeded to do. j Neat the close of his remarks, Saml. F. Phillips, jSaqr., csme in: and was called on to address the meeting. t lie said that he had not . been advised that meeting was proposed to. be neia ; expressed some .1 Li a. . ii ! i : n I oo'ioeiliou vo me prearauio iu me rpiuuous, ana ae re suggested that mdre time be given, f A motion was made that the resolutions be aQopt ed, ard published pending which, the meeting adjourned until to morrow evening at 8- o'clock. Saturday Evfyrai, 8 O'clock. The-chairman called the meeting; to order. 31r. Phillips addressed the.meeting at some length, c'uefly in opposition to the preimbre to the reso'u tions, and proposed to amend by striking out the preamble, and inserting the following preamble and resolution, viz : - WnsREAs, Resent eventa renders it probable that the maintainance of slavery is!no longer a se lioaqueatibn in the present content, and whereas, these event3, offer to us as a new phase In the the war, the solemn alternative oi reconstruction, or amirg the negro, which propositiops demand great consideration by North Carolina, in sover eign assembly; wherefore, . j .. 1 Revived, that a convention oi the people of North "Carol in a, .ought to be held at the earliest -jppertunity. I Judge Pearson addressed the meeting. A division of the qu-ystion wa-f called for. and the question waa on striking out the preamble- ;Jren tiujg this qCfcstion, the Hon. D. LJ Swain, present ed the meeting the following resolution as express ing his opinion. - 7 r ReiolvedL, That we suppoaj no Tillage in North Carolina has, lio proportion to' its resources and population, contributed more largely in blood and treasure to the maintainance '.of thB gigantic -:war in which, during four year?; we have been strag gling to preserve our constitutional rights.; that in the future as in the past, in- humblqLbut hopefuj reliance on the blessdrig of AlmightyGod, we will relax no effort to drive back the j invader, ' mam-. tin our liberty. and secure an honorable and per, manent adjustment of bur difficulties with the'Uni ted States. : ' 1 ; The reaqlution was received with expressions of I applause and gratification by the meeting- ' The question now recurred on' striking out the preamble to the resolution. The j chairman, on a count, reported that 62 voted for Btriking out, and 81 against it. The count was objected" to, as the chairman had (founted boys. . Hef was urged to have a recount and exclude all under 21 .years old. He said that excluding those he bad counted uns der 21 years o'fage, would not change the result; but he had counted none who were not subject to conscription,, and he.contended that in a meeting of thitfkind, tho-e who were to.eompose the army had a right to vote, and he decided the vote" to be Jgaint striking out' whereupon a portion of the meeting withdrew. " - Governor Swain moved to amend the preamble so as to make . it read, "Whereas, recent events have made it clear that the general desire. for peace cannot be gratified, except upon terms that the Confederate States are not prepared to accopti' which amendment was adopted; whereupon, the preamble, as amended, and the resolutions were aaoptea. r - - JAMES WATSON, ? Chairman. - H. G. Spruill, Secretary. Tlrt foregoing proceedings were forwarded us ltr publicitiaa with the requestj of the 'President of the meeting that the tonfeaefatt and layette- ville Observer copj. Tdk Yakkee Ge. Terrt and Union MeTk. The GoWshoro' State Journal announces the flight of a Mr. Swain to the Yankees, (and states, on m- formation received, that be applied to Gen. Terry for protection on the ground that he has always been a Union man, and hd managed under one Dretenee. or other, to evade service in the amies of the Confederate States. Gen Terry, wo seems to ha a. . nractical Yankee' reniied that be had no tpecial use, except prie, for men (who were too cow ardly to stand up . for their country, right or wrong, Khan invaded, and' that was to give them a musket tnd m&ke them fight. Mr. Swaia was accordingly p'actd in th6 ranks of the Federal army. X&is Boould be a warning to the reusani soldiers and Uoion suckers generally, fifthey will notjtghtfor tU South ke iatll b made 4oJight for the 2Torth They must choose whom they Bfiallserre, the Yan kees or their own pple. t , t . A Richmond correspondent of ( a Southern paper says: - f "... - :.' : j, !- ''- "" - 44 Gen. L-e told Mr. W. 0,- Rites, the other day, thil there was tat a single thing to fear, and that was the spreading of a cause less despobdejicy among tj. peopi. , Prevent that, and all . would be welL We had strength enough left to win our ..indepen dence, and- we wiref csriain to win it if the people iromlddaly xsst giye wato a foolish djair: v . : . Headquarters,: Ecserve, !E. C, Adjutant'.Gekekal's OrrieK, Raleigh, February IStb, 1865. General Order,) - No, 4. ; - T MAJ0R C. S. 8TRINGFELLOW. - ASSISTANT AD- jhtant General, C. t. P. A, will relieve Cape John V. IIindle, AsoL Adj't. General. ol Beeerve of N. C.. and the latter officer will proceed to join the 8d Regiment Reserves of N, C, as its Colonel, he havin? been dnlv elected to that . office on the 3d -of January, 1865. The Lieutenant General Commanding:, in taking leave of Col. Iliuadale, tend n his warm congratulations on his promotion, and earnestly trfpes- that the intelligence, tal and eallantrj, which .has- characterized his serv ce an a atatr umcer, may be matured by experienco into" greater u-fciuinesa in nis new ana more extenoea epnere. (Signed) - TH. H. HOLMES, Lieut. Gen. Commanding. Official : ; CHA6. S. STRTIfOrBtIXW, " ' Major and A. A. General. 251--6t ADJ'T AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Richmond, Sept. 11, 1863. General Orders, i , . No. Ml. i . a. i .. - III. The following act of Congress Is I . J :.n i published for the luiormaiion oi an coucenie : . . . "Every person not anbit to the "Rule. And Articles of War, nira snail procure or entice a soldier of the Confede rat States to desert, or" who shall purchase from anysol dier his armsvuniloroi, cfotblng, or any part thereof, shall, upon legll conviction, he fined, at the discretion of the Court having cognfzance oi the same, in any mm not exceeding three nunarua aouars, anane imprisoned not exceeding one year." , ' - By order of the Secretary ot War. (Sirned,) 9. COOPER. Adj't and Ins'ptGen' HEADQUARTERS RESERVE N, C, Raleigh, N..C, Feb. 10. 1865. JOHN W. HINSDkLE, (Official,) 25271. A. A. ttenera' We areautboriaed to announce Mr. F. H.. PERRY sioner attne February Term" for Wake bounty. If eleiteil he pledsrus himself to a faithful discharge of hid J.ities. Feb. 16: 18G5. 254d4t ri nn T tttt inn OTOLISN ON THE NIGHT OF 25TH INST.. ONE MILK O and cider mare, mediam size, black inaue and tail, fre 4-w nnr .T T urill mva tha ahitva Vttuapn Iap anv i n f r i k i $4 I tion that will lead t j a reeovery of the above Mare. JEMIMA PBARKER, . i AVilliamsboro'j Feb. 16, 18G5. 25t ltl BOXES FOR SOLDIERS. A LL BOXES FOR SOLDIERS OR PRISONERS 0F J War from Noith Carolina, delivered to the fol lowing named persona will be promptly forwarded free of charge : . Sprague Brothers, Salisbury. Dr. D. F. Summe, Ash ville. Dr. W. A. Collet, Morganton. Dr. J. W; Allison, States ville. Dr. J. L Neagle, Greensboro. Mr. A. Hagan, Charlotte Mr! Edward Hegoy Salem. . Capt.-J. N. McDowell, Raleigh. Joseph A. Worth, Fayottevillee. E. Mimtj A Co., Wilmington. Air, F. L. Bond, Tarboro. ' -Mr. J. A. Askew, Colerain. " . Mi. F. It. Roberts. Murfreesboro. The bnxAs should be wel hooped, properly marked, and delivered In time for my Special Messenger who leaves Raleigh on the first day of every month. ' EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon General, N. C. Raleigh, Oc 29, 1?C4. 103 tf. i. ; . LOST. . TN RALEIGH ON THE 11TII -INST., A NOTE OF T80 L. payable to me in Confederate notes by J M. Sloan.l da- ted Dec. 23,1864 -The finder will bi dellveriDg it to B. F. Moore or J. B Feb. 15, 1865,. , - . liberally reward e'd on Neathery. ' I NEIL McKAt- 253 Gt. FAUCETT, jLOlttp & CO., AUCTION AND 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GREENSBOoV N. C TTTn.t gtve Strict attention to the Vy .sale of. real and consignments. ' ; -January 2f, 1885. personal property, and solicits 2374tf. : 1 . : : : :,r - .. n , . 0n Consignment. and for Sale, m 1 HO KEGS SODA. 1UU LONG. FAUCETT A CO Auctian and Commission Merchants JT,nrv 27. 18ft5. ? 237Mt. ROBBERY. mHE SUBSCRIBER WAS ROBBED OP A FOUR HUN- J. dred doilar 4 per cent; Cer.tiffcate-.or ueppaiiiaaieu March 19th, 1864, No. 121, Issued to me Dy j. m. vt". Dep. . If not found within six weeks from this date applica tion win be made for. a duplicate. Tlijs the 20th day ofJan nary. 1885. ALFRED gAVlNE January 24, 1865. 234-ttf. FOR REUT. , t ipnw k-KT TiTCSIHABLK RESIDENCE WITHIN A A mile of the city ot Raleigh, with 860 aere 4 a Vi arf Apply to Dr;-Joyner, Xarhorougp iionee, naiejgu, it C. Januajy 31, 165. 24-tf. Scythe Blades. , I 0 N THE FIRST DAY Off MAY, 1865JI SHALL JSXl'OSK at public sale to the highest bidder an me acyiue Blades belonging to the State and tnenxunciaimea uy uj auv several counties. Feb. 14, 1865. DEVEREUX, Q. M. 254-41. OIL FOR SALE- BBLS. TANNERS OIL, 20 ' Cotton Seed Oil, 20 6 " Linseed Oil. Apply to "W. R. MILLER, Oil Mills, Raleigh, N. C. 25143L. February 13, 1865. WANTED TO RENT, 1 nr at.t. wnnsic THIS CITY. WITH TWO ROOJ ts, A or s Dart of a house, for a highly. respectabljfamUy of rpfn tr a lAdv and children, the husband 1 the husband beins rn the field. Apply immediately at the - CONSERVATIVE OFF . . r . . 1 Uxi. Ja.nna.rv 28: 1865. 238f-tf. , JOHN G. WILLIAMS & Co., STOCK "AND MONEY BROKERS, Raleigh, N. C.f flONTTNTJES TO CARRY ON THE BROKERAGE BUSI j near at their old stand as heretofore is all Hs various branches. " . 1 CORRESPONDENTS WANTEDJ, IMMEDIATELY. B FIVE YOUNG LADIES ADDRESS AS FOLLOWS MISS LEOLA FAlKfLBLU. MI 8 BLANCHK ORMTJND, " , . MISS GERALDINE GRAT, - -MISS CA PI TO LA BLACK,; . -.' MISS BELLE ORFIELD. - All of Warren ton, Febniary 11, 1865. - : : - 25Vjt JOHN D HY1IAN, ATTORNEY AND". COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TTTILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ANY BUSINESS IN' -r the 8th Judicial Circuit that may b - entrusted to hip hands. . January 5, 1884. A - - 21tt- 50 BOXES CAROLINA BELLE- SNUFF -FOR xale. V ; v- - --KINSEY & WARE.- Raleieh Dec 22. 18W. . .209-t Headquarters, Heserve, Korth Carolina, . f Adjutant General's Orncxfe . Raleigh, February 13th, 18fSK No. 3. C J T - ENROLLING OFFTCKRS-m THTC STATR OF N )Rn J Carolina will make diligent fhquiry In their respective J counties for the arms, fcc, called for lix Gen. Lee's topal 1 of January 25. 18C5. - i $ J They are required to receive all arms brouaht forwajftyn der this appeal, and -reportli.g them to Gapt. a. Witl4w rence. Ordnance officer Reserve, N. C. , . . flrft By cotnmand of Lt. Gen. Holmes: i 4$tl JOHN W. HINSDALI 251 Zi. Asst. Adj. Gene?4f . " .j'- . ' . Heapqb's Akmy er Nokthrek 7iafltai'-' " To arm and equip an additional force of cafry, there is need of carbines, revolvers, pistol9,,?iaads dlea, tLTid other accoutrements of tapuated)tenir Arms and equipments of the kind .desired ajrjjfr lieved to be held by citizens in sufficient nui&iers -to supply our wants. Many keep tiem as trophjes, and some wun me expectation pi using .infjt&gria their-own defence. But it should Jie remenbired that arms are now required ibr. useTandthajfe$jey cannot be made so enectuai ior the defence tl country in any way, as in the hands of organ troops. They are needed to enable our cavalHi to cope'with the well armed and equipped cava"of the enemy, not only in the general service, lu' in resisting those predatory expeditions whichf'j&ave inflicted so much lo-sypon the people of the infeor. To the patriotic-1 need make no otherv$jeal than the wants of the -service; but I bg to .ripnd those who are reluctant to part with the arnfsand equipments in their possession, that by keeping them they diminish the ability f the army ;tOj de lend their property; without themselves de'rlfirig 'any 'henefit from them. I therefore urge aller sons not 'in the service to deliver prompter i to some of the officers designated below, sucbSArms and equipments (especially those suitable fotfeSCav airy as'tiey may have, and to report toTbose officers thMames of such persons as neglectto $ur -render those in their p6ss'8i0n. Every citizen who prevents a carbine orpistol from remaining unused, will render a servient! his country. Those who think to retain arms for their own defence, should remember if the army &nnot protect' them, the arms will be of little use. hile no valid tiile can be acquired to public arnjsr and equipments excerpt from the' Government, itii rer ported that many persons have ignoranUy0urv chased them from private parties. A fair comjplnsa tion will, therefore,-be made to all who delivejuch arms and equipments to any ordnance oncers, officer commanding at a post, officers and agits of the- Quartermaster and .Commissary Departments, at any station, or officers in the enrolling srice, or connected with the Ni tie and Mininjr B'uMn. All theseofficcrs are requested and those conflicted VlthTthis army, are directed to received and f&eipt ior all arms and equipments, wnaieyer ineir fnai tion. and forward the same, with a duplicate reeipt, to the Ordnance Department at Richmond.. &Md re port their proceedings to" these Headquarters. The person holding the receipt will be comfcfjosat- J ea upon presenting ii io iue uruoauce umjju. While it is hoped that no one will di?regafcS this appeal, all officers connected with this arjy are required, and all others are. requested, tgxaKe possession'of any public arms and equipmenS they may find in the hands of persons unwilling 'sur render them to the service of the country, jid to irive receipts therefor. A reasonable allowaifce for . " '- . i . t A lii, i thA r mrnpnP flnd trouble Will Oe maae W 8UCil patriotic cjllzens as will Collect and deliver; any " of the oncers aouve aesignaieu, huuij ara ana equipments as they may find in the hands' m per, sons hot in the service, or who will report tljf same to those officers. A prompt compliance wifp this call will greatly promote the efficiency and slf pngth of the army, particularly of the cavalry, .&nh ren- der it better able to protect the homes and property of the people from oqtrage. K. -b. Liej, . i uenrai. The officers'receiving arms or accoutrem'eMs' un der this appeal are requested to state upfoi. the face of the duplicate receipts given by tneji tne condition of the articles, whetberj in good ofjer or otherwise ; and if not in good order, the pef cent' aTe which 'should be deducted on that account. ' These receipts may be presented for pay rirsnt, to any one of tho following Darned officers : it C ipt. J...M. .Stevens, Richmond Arsenal, Kiclpnond. Maior B. Randolph, Staunton, Va. . " t?j ' Mpjo'r E. S. H utter, Danville, Va. Cafpt; G. S. Getty, Lynchburg, Ya. Capt. Chas. Semple, Wytheville,! Va. H Cant. A. G. Brenizer, Salisbury. JN- U By order ot d. uuKUit, Brig. Genera?, Chief ot Ordnace. Official r . T -y J. TV. HlNDALE, A. A. G. ; ff , WEEKLY SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. nTTnorr . tTm j- OI TT KT T nvn TVTffDTl 1 TXT TTT -JT andto meet the expressed .wants of the Agnc jlturists ana Oonniry neeir:eiii oi iuo owuiu, iub ouuttnyw noances his "intention to commence the'1 publication of a Wetvly edition of . ihe Southern Cultivator, . The paper wiil retain its present form, furnish? eight pages ol reading mttter weekly. . It will be devoteas here totore, to Agriculture. Also, to Carrent News, afynopsls of Army Ditelligt -tee, proceedings of Congress, Reports ol the Markets. &c 2bc, embracing everything necessary te make it a valaable and acceptade !- '-hi- FAMILY .NEWSPAPER, For the Formers, Planters, Gardeners,' Stock Raisers, House wives, and business men of the Confederacy. The &rst num ber or the Weekly edition will be issued on or -tysfore the first Saturday' in November. TERMS: ; $6 for months, or $5 for 3 months.5 Sinjls -Copies, S6 cents. " 0' ' . t" " . . lo-.v . .- All present subscribers to Cultivator t o be stppliedJor the remaindetof this year (1S64) with 'Weekly, wUhout any advance in price. Address . - " U. AJbliAlUHll, August, lia. January 24, 1865. The Magnolia Weekly Some JonaL THE PROPRIETORS HAVE ENLARGED -'.flflCD IM proved thefr Home Journal. ' It comprises stt igefc containing 82 columns, in tiw type, devoted to t encou? aarenent and dissemination of Southern. Literatffie, embra cing Komance and Wography Poetry wid Music a special sprvices oi tne leading estaonsnea writers m id iiutn nve beenseenred. Nofff7rt or expenses spared tslluve iiancvand iLterest"o Iho paper. Published "weeyat Dollars a year. Address '" ' - i PROPRIETORS OF THE MA0NO;lA. v .1 Richmor-M, a. January 31, 1865. ' 1 i9 -tf. A TTT? A f!TTVR 8AT."R. M f : ' (Tol the Ladlea) 11 ON TUESDAY, THE 2Sth INST., AT SALES room of the under tigned, will be sold 4 n? et elegant and desirable collection of the various articles jDsUtuting ifie wardrobe of a lady, including many beautiful, reseda and jther iMotfi aDoertainlse o a uays toueu ot th. iiaiesi ior oin styles and patterns. ' - . ;l . Also a case of very fine Corsetf, damaged by sat 'water. These articles will be-'exhibited i to Ladies tbe upper m mat our store fo two days next before thedj of sale: - Bon4sand good security, payable six months ajer the day of sale, will be required irom in pnrcnasers. i: -By order of the administrator. - . ; U . . CREECH & LTTCHF iRD.' Aucf Jneers February '3. 1865 243 dSHwtda. t '? " .i-j - '.A Vwivaf A 13a1iaa1 :i mHE FIFTH SESSION OF MISS MAN GUM? V SCHOOL 1 for young Ladies, will begin on the 10th Febr ,ry. OaijA Umlted nnmber-ofpupuscan.be receiveo. ; ..-a$ For furthsr informaUoh address i - ii ' -. - HISS !L P;iMAN5UM Flat Rirer; Orange ;QZ CL Dec. 86, 1864. Mi-wnr.- MIXTtIrY DIRECTORY FIELD OrFICERS, OF NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENTS. No Coxesau. 1 H A Brown, SSD Tharaton,! -4 E A Osborne, !' 6 J W Lea, 6 R F Weljb, 7 W L Davidson, 8 J M Whit son, ' 9 WH Cheek, 10 D Pool, . 11 W J Martin, 18 H E Coleman, 18 J H Hyman.; 14 R T Bennett. 10 W H Yarboroi 14 W A Stowe Vt W F Martin, lt J D Barry. - 19 W P Roberta. 20. TF Toon, t -TS Galloway, , 23 24 W J Clarke, Lrxtrr. Colon ixs. MaJORS. JNHarrell, L C 1 Atliam, JTScalirs, WTEnuett, WMParely, W J HiU," ;S Meo Tate, J McL Turner, iW A Barrier WHHCowlea, H T Gui&n, R W York, J G Harris, A J Rogers, 1 Sparrow & Reily ' 1 R-W Alston, E B Withers, J R, Lambeth, ' i ' WS Davis, H ARocere. W A JuLsston, - G W Hammond. SG&,- LJ Johnson, T. J Wooteny D J Devane) J W Mc W S Rankin. W S Mitchell J L Harris, Lee Russell,! - ! T D Love J L25 H M RuUedf e. MN Love, T J Adams, J C Webb, U N Stowe, in iutf n utiio, 27 J A Gilmer, Jr., 3X9D Lewe, -29 W B Creaamad, 80 (F M Parker, -81 32 D G Cowand, ' 33 R V Cowan. O F Whitefldd. BS Promt, C W Knight, H G Lewis, J H Saunders, J A Weston,! 84 W L J Lowrance, u T Gordan. 35 J T Johnson, -S6 W Lamb, ' 87 4 83 Jne Athford, 89 D Coleman, 40 J J Hedrlck, 41 J A Baker, 42 J E Brown, 43 TS Kenan, 44 T V. Singeltary, 45 J R Wiuston, 46 W L Saunders, ; 47 f 48 S H Walkupi 49 L M McAfee. 60 G Wortham, 61 H McKctaan, 62 M A Parks, S3 64 K M March f son, 65. J R Cdnnally, 56 PF Faisoh, 67 -' 68 J B Palmer, 69 D D Fer rebee," 60 W M Hardy. 61 . SBTaylorJ J D Taylor W G Morri?. R E Petty, ' J M Stevenson, J L Bost. j J T Wilson, I ' ' W A Holland, r TJ Brown, GM Stedman, i ' . .-1 N McK MeNell, GW Flowers, F A Reyno ds, R Moore. C W Bradshaw, T L Hargroye, A O McAllister. W O Lankford, A A Hill. J T Davis.f -J C Vanhook, CQ Petty, H J Rvals. CBHobson, J R McDonald, J T Morehead, AHBefo, I G G Luke, i J W Graham, J A Craige, T J Doolln,1 H C Jones, .. r . E Cant well, J M Mayo, j J T Weaver, KMallett. I W8 Devane, ' ' G W Clayton. S B Evans, W N Garrett, .A H Baird; G G Wright, R W-Wharton, E C Yellowly, 62 P G McDowell, JH McNeil, TP Jones, J J Sparn.i -DL Davis, E Whitford W B Sanderlln, ' I A Harris. 63 64 CI G N Folk, 66 J H Nethercntt, 67 J N Whitford. 68 JW Hinton, - 69 G Tait, . J Li Henry, The first Battalion Sharp Shooters is commanded by Oap- taln R. E. Wilson : OFirst Battalion Heavy Artillery. by MaJ, Alexander McRae ; f Second Battalioir N. C. ?T, (Infantry) by Maj; J. M. Hancock ; Third Battalion Light Arilllery,by MaJ. J. W. Moore s ThirteenthJBattalion Light Artillery, by Lieut Colonel J..R. Starr. j Thomas' Lesion! Col., W. H; Thomas Colonel, Legion, J. R. . Love ; Ma.,W..W. Striagfleld; Thomas Lieut. Colonel., J. A. Mcliarney. 1 Claims for Deceased Officers and. Soldiers. - ' I WrLSON. N. C June '20, 1864 mHE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN APPOINTED A CQM- X mlssioner to investigate, tjoiieci. ana pay over 10 me par. ties entitled thereto;, all claims lor. bounty 'arrearages ot pay and allowances, due to tne representatives 01 deceased omeers and soldiers from this State. ! J The parties entitled are : first, the widow of the deceased, if any, if thore be no widow then, secondly the child pr chil dren, if there be etfchi if there be neither widow or children then, thirdly, the ifathef if there be neither widow, child, children or father then, fonrthlyi the mother or the deceased, and In default of all of these then, fifthly, the executor or ad ministrator f the deceased. i ' I The claimant or (Claimants must .furnish his, her . or their affidavit, and that of on disinterested. witness, as to the re lationship, and in all cases, where the claimant is not thewv dow, the affldavit muse negative tne existence or a claimants of a higher order, 1 The Justice f the Peace before whom the affidavit-is' subscribed must certify to tho credibility of the -witness, and Clerk of the County Court must certify, under the seaj of the Court, that he is a Justice of th e Peace.: If the cl mailt Or. claimant be a ebild or children of the .deceased; and he, jghe or they he minors, the claim must be propounded by his, her or their guardian, and the fact of his being guardian must bo certified to, under seal of the County Court Clerk. . . I J ! When the claim a is made by an executor or administrator, the fact of the executorship or seal by the County Conn ClerK. j - I ! . . All of these papers should be sent in duplicate. Any person airectly Interested will be furnished, 'upon ap plication to "me, With a proper form of 'these papera In full I a copy bf which, fo the greater convenience of parties, will p forwarded as soon' as may be practicable to each County Court Clerk.' - I i i- . - ii:. 1 This commission is Intended to facilitate the celleetion of these claims, andsavetbe claimants all expense. . . J Parties interested may materially aid me in the Investigation of their claims, if at theJtime of forwarding their paper to me, they will Inform me of the date of the death of the deceased, where he died, was killed, whether or not they or any one for them, have received the personal effects which deceased had with him at the time of his death, and whether or not the de ceased (if a non commissioned officer or private,) had ever re ceived the State's bounty. ! i ." " ! Itvery desirable that all claims should be forwarded at as early-as may be practicable. In all oases, give the claimants. post umc ana county in ran. v i ..'NO. A. STANLY, 1 Oommi'ond' 161 tf. New Baily Paper ii -.- ! PROSPECT! Richmond THE undersigned propose to publish a daily paper, under, the title of "1THE RICHMOND HERALD," on or abou th IRth nf Jknnarr next. It will be entirely independent in. politics, but will never theless accord td the administrations just suppoit iali roea anrflu whlfih. in the oninion of its cotidactora maV be deemed promotive of the good cf ibe cause In which we areengagetLj A proper criticism of such acts as will be deemed -adverse twi this object. Will be, of course, consistent with tbe indepen dent character Under which the paper i to be inaugurated. ! . In the matter of General News it -will be found to "keep pa"C- with the leading journals of. the day. while if will have added to it in fthe way of financial intelligence a feature .such as. we venture to ef no pap Vr in the Cenfederacy can boast of. Editorials from the pen of one ol the ablest finan cial writers in this or any other country will be presented in each number. H . . "! 1 t For reasons not now proper to be mentioned, we forbear to give the names kf those who shall compose the regular edito rial staff; but we flatter ourselves . that when- they shall ap pear they will be lonnd to cpnstitute such an airay of talent as cannotjbe excelled on this continent, i I .- The well known character j of the individual whose name appears below,! as a enographic reporter, furnishes, we pre sume, a guarai tee that, in all tha relates to important politi cal speechts add debates, whether in legislative aes nLllea br ont of them, the HERALD" will present advantages cer tainly not to beexceiled by any paper In the CoBfetieacy. ' The farming Interests will be faithfully vindicated, and care taken to disseniinate the earliest intelligence wbichg proper regard for the welfare of tbatigreat element of national wealth and power shall demand. i I . ) In the matter of correct commercial Intelligence, equal zeal shall be manifested, our object being to aseigu to each of these departments sn editor of known experience and ability. Arrangements are on foot by which to scearci the earliest foreign news, ana tbe paper will contain such editorial talett as will fully elucidate the bearing of 'foreign diplomacy upon Southern interests. - ! i i In short, THE RICHMOND HERALD" will be found to combine every feature ol interest which the -requirements' ot tbe ptesent crisis demand. I -! .1 ' The enterprise is repectfully commended to the favor and patronage of the citixtns of the Southern Confedfiacy. v I r i P.KEANi&CO., . . Jan 13 J28tf , I ' I Richmond.. Va. THE bHURCH INTELLIGENCER, DEVOTEP 10 THE INTERESTS OF THE PRO testant Epieeopal Church in the Confederata States, is now publiihed by the ProtesUnt Episcopal Church Publishing Assoei tion In Charlotte. North Carolina. Rav. F. M. HUBBARD, D. D., ) .L,,,- Rev. O. M. EVERHABT, A. M.,J iiB1EB- TEBM8 V SUBSCarPTiPN CASH, IN ADVANCE " For three months, $5. For six months, $ 10 For one year, $20. - - ! ; ' ' . I '' ' 0 e For Army or Hospital distribution, a deduction of twenty-flfe percent. - - j - I . AU ' communications should be adlreised, Churofc Infslligencer Charlotte - N, C" j : January 25, 1865. . , , J35 tf. . ! Almanacs ! Almanacs I ! , rpURNEBS ALMANACS SOB 1855 NOW RADT. X r Price per hundred 75 00 . aoz. 10 00 atogle copy," ' : t ! l oo BRANSON & FARRAR, Raleigh, N. 0. Jan. 1865, . ai u. CALENDAR FOR 1865. . i . 1 1 1. I 1 1 a .. . JaZ l"2"i 4 5 6 1 July "7 j m 1- 8 d 10 11 12 13 14, 2 3 4 6 6 7 8. i6 1$ 17 18 19 20 21 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 22 23 24 26 2 27 23 Jo 17 8 19 2 21 22 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 2t FeV J 1 ;3 4 30 31 5 6 t "810 11 Aug 1 2 3 4 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 19 20 21 223 24 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 27 28 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Mat I 1 2 Z A 27 28 29 30 31 5 i6 7 8 9 10kl Sept , i 1 ;2 ,12 13 14 1516 17 18 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,9 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 26 27 28 29 30 31 - 17 18 19 20 21 223 Apr 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ' 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 0ot. 1 2 3 i4 5 6 J 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ' 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 - 30 1 29 30 31 May 1 3 4 5 6 Nov 1 .2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15, 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 ,27 ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 ilpt- 2G 27 28 29 30 . Jun. 1 41' 3 Deo. 1' 1 2 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ' 3! 4 61 6 1,1 9 11 1213 14 15 16 17 10 Jl 12 13 14 15 16 , 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 13 19 20 21 22 21 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29130 - jj . 31 11 1865 1865. 'CONSERVATIVE; - ..!.'' s!teak power press M & JB OFFICE, J. R. NEA7HERY & GO.,' Proprietora. " : 1 ' J. . i . , , . :: ' HAVING a. NUMBER OF PRESSES, and a large assort ment of . PRINTING MATERIALS, We are prepared to execute In a workmanlike maansrafid with despatch,ievery description of v PLJa'iN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTINCH ' 1 SUCH AS . . , ' BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ' SHIN-PLASTER8, POSTERS, ' . HAND. BILLS, CIRCULARS, N LETTER HEADS, ' BILL HEADS, CATALOGUES, I RECEIPTS, ? CARDS, ETO. Spfelal attention-paid to ! GOVERNMENT BLANKS. GOVERNMENT OF i NORTH CAROLINA. His Excellenoy, Zehuloa B Vance, Buncombe, Governor ' Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid. J Col Oebrge Little, Wake. . do M S Robins, Randolph Private Secretary. Dr Edward Warren, Chowan. Surroon Qeneral. Charles R; Tho as, Carteret, Secretary of Stats. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Public Treasurer. Curtis H Brogden, Wayne, Comptroler. . Richard H Battle, Jr, Anson, Auditor. Oliver H Perry, Wake, State Librarian, m Washington C. Kerr, of Mecklenburg, State Geologist Major Qeneral R C Gatlin, Lenoir, Adjutant U antral. Major William B Guliok, Beaufort, Paymaster. Majors-John Devereux, Wake, Quartermaster. Major IT D Hogg, Wake, Commissary, and Ordnanes Oflosr. Major James Sloan, Guilford7 Quartermaster. ; Major Henry A Dewd, Edgecombe, do" I Major James H. Foote, Aspt. Adjt. Gen., (Roll of Honor.) Major William A Graham, Jr., Ass t Acfjt. Uensral.-. . Lieut. Josiah Collins, Washington- county! Ordnance De vartment.' -' i ' i LieutJ-Thomss White, Fracklir, Asst Quartermaster. . . Lieut Isaac W. Garrett, Edgecombe, Atfct. Quartermaster. LieutJ Thaddens McGeo, Wake, ASct. Commissary. Lieut Charles II. Thompson, Wake, A sat.' Commissary Lieut. Geo. W. Thoiupeon, Caswell, Assistant Adjutant General, (Roll of Honor.) . ; - ; JUDICIAL. SCPfcKME COURT. ' Rrehmond M' j'earson, Yadkin, Chief Justice. Vm: H Battle. Orange, and Matthias M airly, CravsB, Jadges. . : . j - Sion H Rogers, Wake, Attorney General. Patrick 11 Winaton, Wake, feportsr. ! r Edmund B Freeman, Wabe, Clork. ". 1 Meets in the city of a!eigb second Monday In June each !y ear. The Morganton terru has been discontined. , t-' BUPEE10K COUKTS. .. . ?- - Judges Edwin G Reade, Person, Komnlus M Saunders, Wake; ifobert Heath, Che wn ; Robt S French, Robeson f James W Of-borne, Mecklenburg; George II o ward, 'Wilson ; Wirtiam M Shipp, Henderson ; Robert' 11 Gilliam, Granvlllo. Solicitors 1st Circuit, Jesse 1 .Testis, Hertford ; 2nd CircniV Charies C Clark, Craven; 3rd Circuit, Sidff H Rogers, Wake, Attorney General; 4ih Circuit Thomas Settle, Boctingham ; ith Circuit, Ralph Buxton, Cumber land ; ttb Circuit, Robert F Arrufleli. Yadkin ; 7th ClrculV' William P Bynqm; 8th Circuit, Augustus S Morrimon, Buncombe, i " . I : . ! '. COrEDERATK COURT. Hon Asa Biggs, Martin, Judge. ; :.' George V Strong, Wayne, Dhtrict Attorney. . Pride Jones, OraDgt, MarshaL - . I - f Clerk of Alhemrle Dietrict, Joseph Ramsay. ' Clerk of Pamlico PUtrict, Win M .Watsn . . Cleik of Cape Fear District, Daaiel Coleman. ! .' The next Term will be held as frdlews : Albemarle District, at Halifax, on 2d May next. Pamlico Di? triV0 Goldtboro', en 5th May next, uare jsar vuv) at Concord, on 8th May.nextJ I COUSCIL Or STATE. a Foster, Randolph ;JR llargrave, Ansoa : pn Wiheton.jr, Bertie; AT Davidson, Macoa ; Wm. Eaton Warren ; Chas. E. Shober, Guilford . NIch. L. WLU . r LITEBABT BOARD. , His Excellency, Z B Vance, President, Ex Officio; L 0 Edwards, ranville-f Prof Bichord Sterling; Guilford j Dr Wm Sloan, Gastoa; M S Robin's, Randolph, Treasurer. SKTESNAL IMPROVEMENT BOARD. His Excellency, Z B Vaaee, President, Ex.O&cio, Wm Eaton, Jr, of Warren ;'HnryNatt, New Hanover; Col John D Hymahj.Hendenon. - cokxiESioxxaa.or sixaiso wvjsd. , lea Thomas Baffin, AUmanes, Hon; Weldoa Edwarca, Warren, Hob David L Swain, Orange. Quentln Busbst, Wake 8eeretsry. " ' ! ' , The University of North Carolina la at Chapel HUL Hen David L 8 wair. President. . , . -Rsv Calvin H Wiley is Superiateadeat.of the Commea SehoolJ of theSUte. . 4 - wime J Palmers A M. Is Principal ef the N 0 Iattatlea f for the Deaf Dumb and the Blind,- at Raleigh; - . Dr Edward CJriiasr if fjapenaieoasuv m t mi r if i-

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