, , ... ... . : h - 'I- ; .W- - ' - ' - ' . , Ah .. "' . i - , -.' - .f-- . - : . r 1 .- - , ' '!: " !- ! ' , r ' . : " . - !- -. - . ' ' :-- f - .' . 3 ; . r ' " ; .... - ....... .. ... . . ,f . r . v. ' J pi "iMSMsMsBBBM " -"!' 4 - THS CONSERVATIVE. TVXIMUXB D40Z.T AJTD WIXKXT BT JOHN B. NEATHBRY, PRINTER TO TH$ STATE. TERMS W TUB DAILY: One month, - - - $10 00 Three months, - - - 20 00 Six months, .... 40 Q0 TERMS OP THE WEEKLY : une month, - . . $ 4 00 Three moaths, 10 00 Six months, - - , 20 00 No subscriptions to either Daily or Weakly received for a ftnger time than six months.' Vol. L ItALKlGU, N. C, FRIMY, FEIIRUARY 24, 1865. x T" THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. FAOE YOUR TROUBLES. mv 1. 1 a . xue usi way co get Yer me ills of lire is to fce tLcin square up not) with otoical indifference or io a dar devil. Care nothing kind of a way but wiuB(caaj nerva ana true manlj oourage, tt-vea ine nasi inenflg are not always counsellors in times cf misfortune, ana their advice ii eener- uy aa Tinea aa tne ills 'tnai.affltct as. Human flesh is exceedingly friil and the best judgements liable to err as the experience and history of the' raee will prove. I Because a man makes one false ateD in his life- time, it-ie hardly suffic;ent, reason for abject des- ponaencyneuner aoes itiollow that tbeirsucce aire steps wiU be false. Painful experience im- parts some very solitary lessons, and is an instruc tor we cannot sate ly disregard. Job's comforters mra-plentifjir.when our fkj.is orershadowed, but tyue friends are as scarce; as hen's teeth. Public opinion, whether right or wronsj, is all potent, and those upon whom we mosi confidently .rely in our TTi at f nasi Acna?e 1 1 wr)aneA)f v m arally the first to fly, and alas I too often prove the ? A - I- "The friends wh in our sunshine lire, "When winter comes are fiown. And he who has but tears to give . .lluat ween those 'tears ilone." 5 How. sadly- is the world wanting io that divinest prefessorsof religion; were as .assiduous in trying How 8we.et ,from greearndssy brim toreoeireit, to reclaim the fallen, as'they are to keeD them As, poised. on the curb, V it inclined to wy hpa; 5 No. 26 1 BY SAMUEL ,W00DW0RTH, raiHTtt. How dear to .this heart are the scenes! of my child 1 hood, " J . When fond recollection presents them to view I The orchard, the meadow, the deeD taneled wiltl 1 wood, . H And every loved spot which my infancy knew : ! The wide-spreading pond, and the mill which stood I bf it, The bridge, &nd the rock where the ca taraoT fell : lne cot of my father, the dairy-bouse matt it, - o 011 iuv 1 uuc uuvm;i nuitu huh iH4Utwill lne old oaken .bucket, , the iron-bound bucket. The moss coei;d bneket whieh hancj.in ike well. That moss-corer-d vessel I hail as a txeasure, For often at noon, when reftmrd from the field. I found it the source of an exquisite pleasure, The purest and sweetest that nature can yield. How ardent I seized it with bands that ware glows l, tog, - - - - J . How- quick to the white pebbled bottom it felL Then 'soon with the emblem of truth overflowing. And. dripping with coolness, it rose tram the 1 11 - .... 1 - . i wen. . . : . . . The oft oaken bucket;" the iron-bound bucket The mds cover' d bucket arose from! the well, j down when once down Their. efforts would be ex erted in a. much more praiseworthy direction True religion has no kick for the erring, but know- injj me irauiy 01 uesn aoounas wun puy. UOi. 1 Dow Discoverino a Thiet. After Lorenzo Dow had retired to bi3rbom, after a hard day's travel in the western part of Virginia, a number of persons coucciea in me oar-room 710 enjoy tneir usual rev elrle8;"as was the custom !ia that part of the coun try. At a laie hour in the night, fire alarm wa given' that one of the company had lost his pocket book, and a search ensued.. Whereupon the jand- lord remarked that Lorenzo Dow was in the bouse. Not a full blushing goblet could tempt me to leave 1 .it, . -. - . t .. . Though flll'd with the nectar that Jupiter sins. And now, farieraoyed from the loved situation.! The tear of regret will intrusively swell, As fancy revests toimy father's plantation, And sighs for the bucket which hangs in the I well. " , ; . i The old oaken bucket, the iron bound bucket, ; The moss coverM bucket that hangs in the well.! Rev.. R. ly found murderer H.'Boykirt, of Norfblk, Va", was recents murdei ed in the streetsL No clue to the has been discovered. I and that if the money was renzo' could find it. The' there, he knew that Lo- suggestion was inat&ntly TO OAS CONSUMERS ! : is "p WATERHOUSE rvN AND AFTER THE 1st OF. MARCH, THE PRICE j 01 UA3 will oe xso 00 pen 000 feet. Febrnary 21, 1865. & BO WE?, I.. Leaseea. 16S dtlm. feceeived with approbation, and accordingly Mr. Dow was aroused from his slumbers, and brought forth to find the money. As he entered the room; his eyes ran through the company with searching inquiry, but nothing appeared that could fix guilt npon any one. The loser appeared withacoun- A LL BOXES. FOE SOLDIERS OR PRISONERS OF tenance expressive of great concern, and begought war.irom oain u " 4 nTa ss.ke. tn find thn mnnT . . 'V",HB umea PrCUuB mo prvuiyw BOXES FOR SOLDIERS.' 1 OR PRISONERS OF Dow; for heaven's sake, to find the money. "Have any left of the company since you, lost yonr money f said Mr. I)ow. Then," said Lorenzo, "none." turning to the landlord, "'go and bring me a large dinner pot." ' This created no little surprise. BuL ks super natural powers were universally conceded his doc trines were unhesitatingly obeyed. Accordingly the pot was brought forwaid, and set in the middle of the raom. j "Now," said Lorenzo, j "go and bring the old chicken cock from -the roost'" This was also done; and at Lorenzo's directions, the ooek was placed in the pot and covered over with a board or lid. - "Let the door now be fastened, and the lights extinguished," said Mr. Dow; which was also done. "Now," said he, every person in the room must rub his hand bard against the pot, when the guilty hand touches! the cock will crow.,, i Accordingly, all came forward and rubbed, or pretended to rub against the pot. But no cock crowed. - "Let the candles npw be lighted," said Lorenzo; "there is no guilty persori here; if the man had any money, he must have lost it some place ele. But stop," said Lorenzo, j when 11 things were pre pared, let us now examine the hands." .This was the important part of his arrangement, for,-en examination, it wasfouitd that one man had not rubbed the pot. The others' hands being black with the soot from the pot, was a proof of -their innocence. X MCI c, Clean pocket. The culprit, seeing pis detection, at once ac- X It..' V I ' UQWiegea nis geaair, ana, gave up ine money. ere," said Lorenzo pointing to-the man with hands, 4;there is' tne man who picked your WELLINGTON AT WATERLOO. About 4 o'clock, P.'lL, the enemy's artillery in front of us ceaped ft ting all of a sudden, and we saw large masses of cavalry advance; not a man present 'who survived could have forgotten in after life the . awful grandeur of that charge. Tou disoovered at a distance what appeared to be an overwhelming, long moving line which j ever advancing, glittered like a stormy wave of the sea when it catches the sunlight On they came Until they got near enough, whilst the very earth seemed to vibrate beneath the thiyidering (tram p. of the mounted host. One might suppcSa- that nothing could have re listed the shock of this terrible moving mass.. They were the famous cuirsssiers, almost all old soldiers, who had distinguished themselves on moet of tho battlefields of Europe, j and were shouting " Vive VEmpTurF The werd of command, "Prepare W reeeive caya!ry," bad been given, every nan in the front ranks knelt, and a wall, bristling with steel, held together byj steady hands, presented itselfto the infuriated cuirassiers. Just before th:s charge the Duke entered by one of the angles of the square, accompanied only. by one aid-de-casnp, all thej rest of his staff being either killed or, wounded. Our commander-in-chief, -as far aJ could judge, appeared perfectly composed, but -looked very thoughtful and pale. He was dressed In a great coatf with a cape, white cravat, leather pantaloons, -Hessian boots, and .a large cocked hat & U Buss, j The charge of the French cavalry -was gallantly executed, but ourwell di rected fire brought menand horses down, 'and ere long the utmest confusion arose in - their ranks. Tha-officers were exceedingly brave, and by their 1 j t 1 ul.-: a: j .11 V to enceorage their men to ferm again and renew r the attack. The Duke sat unmoved, mountea on -I Vbis farorite charger. I recollect his asking the Hea. Colonel Stanthope what o'clock it was, upon wkieh Stanhope took out his watch and said it was wenty . minutes past; four. The Duke replied, The -battle is mine; and if the Prussians arrive Xn, iktTfi will be arj ejjd of tke(war.V Semioi- Jtrmx minutea ( before bed-time," says the wn News, "cut P one do cla boiled pota and add a few slices of cabbage with five cr pickled cucumbers. Eat heartily and wash a, with a pint off pine top whiskey.-.Undress tjamp into bed, .. Lie flat on your back, and.in van hour or tlrereabont, yoa wi!i dream that the tU titting oryour chest with the State House ?.u" -i " .. : LfJellafthelor asks why one of tne old Venetian 5ra.ialike rnarrylnr ? Because it la an awful Jl . .. . charse : Sprigae Brothers, Salisbury.. Dr. D. F. Summcy, Ashville. . Dr. W. A. Collet, bU -ganton. Dr. J. W. Allison, Statesville. Dr. J. L. Neagle, Greensboro. MriA. Hagan, Charlotte. Mr. Edward Heee. Salem. Capt. J. N. McDowell, Raleigh. Joseph A. Worth, Fajottevillee, ' E. Marry & Co., Wilmington. Mr, F. L. Bend,-Trboro. . Mr. J. A. Askew, Cole rain. Mj. F. L Roberts. Murfreesboro. The boxes should be wel hoopeH, property marked, and delivered in-aime for my Special Messenger waer leave Raleigh on the first day of every month. I EDWARD WARREN, i Surgeon General, N.'O. Raleigh, Oc 29, 1864. I 160tf. ROBBERY. THE SUBSCRIBER WAS- ROBBED OF A FOUR HBN dred dollar 4 per cent. Certificate of Deposit, dated March 19th, 1864, No. 124, issued to me by i. M. Worth, Dep. If not found within six weeks from this date appllca tion wih be made for a duplicate. This the 80th Uay of Jan y, 1865. . - . ALr KHiL UAVinsa. Januarv 24. 1865. 234tf. FOR RENT. Raleigh, with 860 J acres of land at- 4 T.AT?nre A ism destuable RESIDENCE WITHIN A n. mile of-the city oi tached. I . .v Apply to Dr. Joyner, Yarborough House, Rtftela, a. U. Jannajy 81,186 . . f 848-tf. WANTED TO RENT; 1 SMALL HOUSE IN THIS CITY, WITH TWO ROOMS. far a hiff-hlY respectable family of refof ee a lady and children, tbemisbAnd being tn the fields App y immediately at tne 1 January 28, 1865. 238 tf. The Magnolia Weekly Honte Joiirnali THE PROPRIETORS HAVE JKNLAKuau i proved their Home .Journal. It comprises elht page a containing l columns, in new type, devoted to the enodaf aireaient and'disaemination of Southern Literature, embr cinr Romance and Biography, Poetry n Music A speciA services of the leading established writer pt the South have been secured. No effort or expenses spaced tKTJ bril liancy and ii tereet to the paper. Published weekly at Te Dollars a year. Acarcsa , . p Proprietors of the magnolia Richmond, V a. January 31, 1865. 240-tL & Co.; , BROKERS, JOHN G. WILLIAMS STOCK AND MONET Raleigh, N. C. CONTINUES TO CARRY ON THE PROKERAGE BC5I nesr at ttieir old stand as heretofore in all St various branr.he. ' -r- r : THE BINGHAM SCHOOL A Military and Classical Finishing Sehool. The" next session will begin! march laTisw, at Mebanesville. cAi the North Carolina Railroad. While the old course has oeen retained, extensive aaouions nave been made, with a view to making uood soldix, aa well as good scholar. Address oLnolwVf' VOL. V iu. x I i. jr u xxha, m 1 Superfntendaut. - Oaks, H. January 20, 1865. - '40 w6k. & CO.. - MERCHANTS, FAUCETT, LONG AUCTTON AND COMMISSION GREENSBORO , N. 0. GIVE STRICT ATTENTION TO THE le of real 'and personal property, and folicits consignments. ' - . January 27, 1845-. xttill 257 tf. - On Consignment and for Sale, 1 nnKEos SODA. 1UU . - f' r 1 L0NO. FAUCETT k CO.. Auction and Commisaion Merohaata. January 27, 1865, 287 tf. THE CHURCH IHTELLIGfiHCEB, DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS. OF THE PRO tesUnt Episcopal Cfiaroh in the Confederate SUtss, U now published by tbe Protestant Episcopal Ohcrea 'Publishing Associ." tion in CaarloUeNorth Carolina, m - Rar.-F. M. IIUBBARD, D. D., .VEnrroaa. f 4 Rr..G. M. EVERU ART, A M. J JkDIT TXRUa OP 'SUBSCRIPTXOXr-OABB, W ABYA31CS ! - For three months, S5. For aix months, $10, - Fox eae year, $20. v ; i-;;- - - . ' ; ; ; . "?f. ; For AmV or Homital distribution, a deiaeUen AlL-eemmnnieationB shoul4 be Intelligencer, Charlotte,. If. C." Jaaaary ti, 1855. ; adireaed, Ctnrch - -1 c; 5 tf.. )' f Head pa rters, - Abjuss , fiT Confederate i Jtates, ' 1 jlHh Feb., 65. Urenerai waers, no. z. ) j . In entering upon this cpmpaign a-out to" open, tJhe Gen eral-in- Chief feels assured; t j at the boK diera who have so long and so nd:fy borne the hardships and dangers "of the wur, rluire no ex hortation to respond to the calls-of fonor.and du- With the liberty transmitted hy ; -beir forefath ers, they hare inherited the. spirit tc defend it. - The choice between war and abjecif submission is before them. . )i j ' . To sueh a proposal; brave mentprilh arms in their hands, can have but one anaw''f. They cannot barter manhood for;eace, nor - the light of aelf-govemment for Jife or ppperty. But justice to them rccaires a W erner admoni tion to those who have abandoned, ttfeir. comrades j in the hour of peril. I .'m . AJasi opportunity is onerea. tnejp to wipe out the .disgrace, and escape the' punishment of their Crimea,, tsj auUKrity ot tbe-lresidt oi .the con federate States, a pardon is announced to such de lertarj and men improperly absent,1 ris shall return to the commands to which they bejig; within the shortest possible time, not exceeding twenty days from publication of this order, at .tltg Headquarters .of the. Department in which they m be.. Those who may be prevented by; interruptions of oooamumcationa, may Teport, withuJthe time speci fied, to the nearest enrolling offices qj other offi cer on duty, to be forwardfd as 8toii;'a3 practicable, and upon presenting a certificates fpbm such offi cers, showing compliance with' t! requirement will receive the. pardon hereby offd. , s Those who have deserted to theervice of the enemy, or have deserted j after haling been, once pardoned for the same offence, and; hose who shall desert or absent 'themselves withef- authority,- af ter the publication of this order; ai excluded irom its benefits. Nor does the offer 0! hpar'don extend to other offences than desertionad absence with out permission. J Jay the same authority; it 13 al$j declared, that no general amnesty will be grantep and those who refuse to accept the pardon now.anered, or who shall hereafter desert or absent thselves without leave shall suffer such punishneas the Courts may impose, and no application clemency will be entertained. ! V Taking new resolution from thf yjfate which our enemies intend for us, let! every mm, devote all his nergies to the common defence. - Our resources, wisely and viffomiiely employed,, are ample, and' with a brave - army sustained by a 4 aereriOincu uuu uuucu pcupir, cuv'scao, vruu uuu b assistance, cannot be doubtful., , ij The advantagesof the enemy wt have but little value ii we do not permit them to impair our reso la tion. tet us then oppose constJcy. J;o adversity fortitude to suffering, and couragto danger, with the firm assurance that He who gav 4 freedom to our ftttbers, will bless the efforts of (ieir children to preserve it. I 'it I R. E. General. MILITARY DIRECTORY. FIELD OFFICERS, OF NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENTS. ! Hea ft tiA rtkrs; Armies of the Con fedt rate States, ' February II, 1865. General Orders JVb. : ' if; , The discipline and efficiency othe army have been greatly impaired by men lei.jng ttieir proper commands to join others,! in whictrtheyfind service more agreeable. i ( V x . This practice, almost as injurf Ins in its conse quences as the crime of deserjftn jby the Articles of War, exposes the offender to similar punish ment, and subjects the officer recving him to dis missal from the army. . , It is therefore declared that te provisions of Qeneral Order No 2 of Uhisate ihm Army Head., quarters, apply to such men as hfe left their pro per commands aad joined -othef without being regularly transferred, j They fnlta-eoeive th!o par don promised ri that order, upbjg com plying with its conditions Or suffer the conse-uencc3 attached to neglecting it. i- ,m . The names 6f suChj absenteps ill be forthwith reported to those HeSdquaners b the officers with whom they are serving and imipfediate measures taken to return them to their prefer commands. . As soon. as practicable, an4nspection will be made, and charges will be prefefed against those, who neglect to enforce' this orders L i ' T?. "R T.TIR. CoLoxiLs. 1 H A Brown, 2 ! 8SD Thurston, 4 E A Osborne, 5 J W Lea, 6 RE Webb, 1 W LfDavldson, 8 JMi Whitson, 9 W H Cheek, 10 SD Pool, 11 W J Martin, 12 HIS i Coleman, 13 J H 'Hymau,- 14 R T Bennett, 16 W H Yaboro, " lft W A Stwo IT W F Martin, 19 WP Roberta, 20TFToon, SI - - - 33 T SGailQway, S3 ! ' - 24 WJ Clarke, 25 HM Rurledge, 28 Jno R Lane, T J A OiJmert Jr., 28 S D Lowe, 29 W B Creaaman, 80 rM Parker, 8 1 ' v t ' " ' 83 D G Coivand, 88 R V Ctewaa. 84 WLJLowrance, 85 J T Johnson, 86 W Lamb, 87 . ; - ' 83 Jno Athford, 89 D Colemau, 40 J J Hedrick, 41 J A Baker, 42 J E Brown, 43 TS Kenan, 44 TOSingeltary, 45 R Winston, 46 W.L Saunders, 47 48 S II Walkup, v 49 L M McAfee. . 60 G Wortham, 51 H McKethan, ft"2 M A Parks, 63 - 64 R M Murcbison, 55 J R ConnaMy, 56 PFFaison; 67 i- ' SSJBPatmer, 59DD. Fetrebee, ' 60 W M Hardy. 61 - j : 62 -63 64 65 ON Folk, 66 J H Nthercutt, 67 J N Whitford, 68JWHinton, 69 GTait,- Lnrtrr. Coloisls. ' " Jrfi jobs. L C 1-atham, f J T.Scalts, r j. W T Ennatt, JN. Barrell, W M Parsly, " W J HiU, MMcD Te, JMeL Turner, W A Barrier, W H H Cowles, H T Guioa, WS Davis, HA Rogors, W A Johnston, G W Hammond, AS Cloud, T H Sharp. J W McGili, W S Rankin, WS Mitchell, J L Harris, G F. White field, B S Proffit, 1. R W York, i J G Harris, A J Rogers, Sparrow & ReHy R W Alston,1 a yf uucia, J H Lambetl, L J Johnson, T J Wooten, D J Devaue, Lee Russell, TD Love i j . MN Love, : : T J Adams, ! - J C Webb, j S N Stowe, f THE CONSERYATIYE. The following rates will be charged for all adreitia omenta -Inserted in the Daily and Wkklt Coj8.zbv irni: . V . oxa aqraax or zioht LDTzs, oa less One day. Two days, Three days. Four days, Five days, - $ 5 00 - - 10 00 ' - - 10 00 - - - 20 00 - 25 00 One week. - Two weeks. Tnree weeks. One month. Two months. sro 00 60 U0 00 00 l'.0 00 210 00 When sent by letter, the money most accompany the adver tisement. Obituaries, religions and other notc charged a advertisements and must be paid in advance. . CALENDAR FOR 1865. 1 C W Kniget H G Lew lit V , G T GordanV4 SB Taylor, J D Taylor, . W Q Mor GW Flowers, -F A Reynolds, R Moore. . C W Bradshaw . T L Hargrove,. A C McAllister, W C Lankford, A A Hill; . J T lavis. J C Vanhook, C B Hobsonr J TMorehead, A Ellis, A U Belo, r G G Luke, H C Jones, E Cantwell, J A Weston, : . i i ; R E Petty, ! J M Stevenson, J L Bost. . v JT Wilson, W A Holland, T J Brown, . CMStedman, N McK MeNeil, C Q Petty, H J Ryals, J R McDonald, J W Graham, J A Craige, TJDoolln,. J M Mayo, IT Weaver, EMallett, P G McDowell, JH McNeil, TP Jones, T I Sparn, t D E Davie, 35 Whitford, W B Sanderlin, I A Harris. WSDevane, G W Clayton. S B Evans, W N Garrett, A H Baird, C G Wright, R W Wharton, E C Yellowly, J L Henry, , " The first Battalion Sharp Soooters is commanded -by Cap tain B. E. Wilson ; First Battalion Heavy Artillery, by Maj, Alexander McRae Second Battalion N. C. T, (Infantry) by MaM J. M. Hancock ; Third battalion Light Ariillery, by MaJ. W.Moore ; Thirteenth Battalion Light Artillery, by Lieut Colonel J. R. Starr. v Thomas1 Leoioic. Col., W. H. Thomas, L!eut. Colonel, J. R. Love; Ma., W. W. Striugfleld; Thomas' Legion, Lieut. Colonel., J. A. McKarney. BRIGADE N. C. JUNIOR RESERVES. No. Oolqnils. Lieut. Colonels. v. Majora. jl F. S. Armistead. C. W. BroadfosU W. McK. Clark. 2 J. H. Anderson. ' W. F. Beasley. N. A. Gregory. 8 J! W. Hinsdale, W. F-French. A. A. Ellington. 1 Bat, - D.T.Millard. I 157 fV (General. ir ; ' ! ' WEEKLY SOUTHERN .CMiTIVATOR. TN PDRSTJANCE OF A PLAN LOM ENTERTAINED, 1 endtcumeet tbe expressed, wantsf theAgricalturists. and Country Residents of i the Southe subscriber an noonoe bis Intention to commeuceie publication of a Weealy edition of the Sotjthirn CmrjfATOB. The paper will retain its present t$$m, furnishing eiht naa-es ol reading matter weekly- M De devoted as here tofore, to Agriculture. Also, to Curs$t News, a synopsis of Army Intelligence, proceedings, o pongress, rt ports oi me Markets. 6c,, Ac, embracing erything necessary to nuke It a valuable'and acceptaele r " FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Fer tiieFormers, Planters, GardenersMtock Raisers, House wives, and business men Of .the Confpfcracy. The first num ber of the Weekly edition will be leiatd on or before the first Saturday In Nbvember.l - M , ' TERMS: $Sfox S months or $3 for 8 moij-jfe. Single copies, 25 C5eAaeJ I t ilP" ' AU preaent subscribers to Cul'tiv cor to be supplied for theriaaalndefof this year (1864) witfWeekly, without any advance in price. Address l . . lj REDMOND, - ,rk. Augusta, Ga. m-. 234 tf. January 24, 1865. mi Hew Daily Paper r ir Richmond. PPnSPT?nTT;! rrvHE undersigned propose to pubhht a daily paper, unde the title Ot ' THE RICHMOND JRALD," on or abou the 16th of January next. . ! ' It will be entirely independent In fkflitics, but will never t.UM iNvmt tn the administration a f ast snonort in alt mea sares whieh. In ihe opinion of its correctors may be deemed promotive of tne gooa of the cause jflvhich we are engaged. A pwper criticism of such acts as w$fc.be deemed iidverse to thuouect, will be, of course, coniytent with the indepen dent character under which the papf jr-is to be inaugurated. In the matter of General News it; fivill be found to! keep pe with the leading journals of tta!ay, while it swill have Zaaa tn it tn the wav of flnancif 1 lnteftii?ence a feature such as. we venture to say, no papain the Ccnfederacy can boast oc. ' JMftoriaJs from the pen of .,rme ot tie ableet finan cial writers In this or any other coutgy will be presented in For reasons not now proper to, oeraynjioneu, we iuruer rive the navies of those who shall cfprtwse the regular edito rial staff; but we flatter ourselves t .when they shall ap pear they will be found to constitute uch an array of talent cTcVuotTbe excelled n this continrei. s The well known character of thefc dividual whose name appears below, as a f tnographic rwrter,- furnishes, we pre sume7aeuarantethat, in allfbat rtes to important politi cal speeches and debates, whether it legislative assemblies or out ofthem, the HERAIJ),,-wiff present advantages cer tainly not to be excelled by any paorjn the Confederacy. The farm lag interests will be faithfjly vindicated, and oare taken to disseminate the earliest rJftfdiigeDce which a proper recard for the welfare of that great elament of national wealth id power shall demand. . .. rf,j f I - Tntha natter of correct commerlit-,i Intelligence, equal zeal imU he manifested, our object. being (b assign to each of these Claims, for Deceased Oncers and Soldiers. Wilson, N. C, June 20, 184. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN APPOINTED A COM missioner to investisrate. collect and pay over to the par ties entitled theretc, all claima tor bounty 'arrearages of pay SBd allowances, dne to the representatives of deceased officers and soldiers fromthis State. v " Tbh ngrtlaa ontittr1 arn flrat thf wiilnw nf thn H ( a arr? ff any, if thore be no widow then, secondly, the child or chil drent if there be such, if there be neither widow or children then, thirdly, the father, if there be neither widow, child, children or father then, fourthly, tha mother of the deceased. and in default of all of these. th?n, fifthly, the executor or ad ministrator of the deceased. . The claimant or claimants mnet furnish his, her or their affidavit, and that of one disinterested witness as to the reL lationshiptid in all cases, where the claimant is not the wi dow, the affidavit must negative the "existence of a claimants of a higher order. The Justice of t he Peace, before whom the affidavit is subscribed must certify to the credibility of the witness, and Clerk of the. County Court must certify, under the seal of the Court, that he is a Justice of th e Peace. If the els' maut or claimant be a child or children of the. deceased: and be, she or they he minors, the claim musv be ropounded by his, her or their guardian, and the fact of his eing guardian must be certified to, under seal of the County Court Clerk, - . - - - When the claims is made by an executor or administrator. th facttjf the executorship or seal .by the County Conrt Clerk. ;, All of these papers should be sent In duplicate. u Any person, directly Interested will be famished,; upon ap plication to me, with a proper form of these papers In fall : a copy 01 wnicn,or me greater convenience 01 parties, win De forwarded as soon as may be practicable to each County Court Clerk. - A- - This commission is intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, and save the claimants all expense. Partieji interested may materially aid me in the investigation of their claims, if at the time of forwarding their paper to me, they will Inform me of.the date of the d ath of the deceased, where he died, was killed., whether or not they or any one for them, havB received the" personal effects which deceased had with him at the time of hisueath, and whetuer or not the de ceased (if a non commissioned officer or private,) had ever re ceived the state s bounty. . It Is very desirable that all claims should be forwarded at as early as may be practicable. In all caaeg, give the claimants, Post Office and County in full. , . . NO. A. STANLY' 161 tf. Comroiv:fpe Jan. 1 2 3 ilt 6 7 July 1 8 9 10 lLJ12r13 14 V - 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21l 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 16 17 18 19t2CT21 22. 29 30 31 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 Feb. , f 12 3 4 SO 31 5 . 6 7 89 10 11 Aug I 2 3 4 5 12 13 u 15 16 17 18 - G 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 S 24 25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 276 . 20 21 22i23;24 25 2(5 Mar , 1 2 ,3 4 27 28 2930 31 " 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 Sept . -; 1 2 12 13 14 1510 17 18 3 4 5 6 7 B .9 19 2ft 21 22 23 24 25 30 11)2 13 14 15 16 26 27 28 29 30 31 . ; 17 18 20 21 i2 23 Apr l 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 Oct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 9 10 11 12 13 14 J6 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 36 17 18 19 20 21 22 15 16 17 JS 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 .... 22 23 24 25 2G 27 23 30 . - 29 30 31 .. Mav 1 2 3 4 5 6 Not 12-3 4 - Y 8 9 1011 12 13 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 2G 27 '28 29 3u Jun. - 1 2 3 Deo. 12 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10 3 4 5 G 7; 8 9 II 12 13 1415 16 17 10 11 12f13 14 15 1G J8 19 20 21 22 23 24 T 17 18 19,20 21 22 23 y 25 26 27 28 29 30 , 24 25 26,27 28r29 30 r - 3i -1, 1865- 1865. CONSERVATIVE - SXEAM POJ57EE PRESS nooit &. im OFFICE, . 9 - J. B. NEATHERY -& C0 Proprictora. HAVING a NUMBER OF PRESSES, and a large aasort ment of PRATING MATERIALS We are prepared -t6 execute In a workmanlike manner and with .despatchevery description of , PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING! . . ' buch:as j- BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ; - -SHIN-PL. ASTERS, -. POSTERS, hAnd.bills, CIRCULARS, . LETTER HEADS, BILL IIEAIS, .1 . CATALOGUES, RECEIPTS, j "-1 OA UIW, ETC. Special attention paid to 1 r .1 GOVERNMENT BLANKS S GOVERNMENT OF THE CONFEDERATE" STATES Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, President, salary, $25,000. .1 Alexahper II. Stephens, of Georgia, Vicfi President aalary, $8,000 Aide to tbe'President. Vol Wm MBrowne, cf Gcor gia. Col Jas Chesnut, of 8 C; Col Wm F Johnston, of Ky Col J C Ives, of Miss, Col G W C Lee, of Va, Col John T Wood. ' 6 Private Secretory to the President Burton M Ilarri- son, of Mise. The iHmnii an dltor of known exorVMence and ability Arranrementa are on foot by wbjtfifto seeure the earliest nkralranewsv and the paper will cr.uUinsoch editorial Ulentn Anstnara interests. 1 I , .ta'-i" Uv I irISf? Jl RICHMOND HltLD" will be found to ooaablnt every featare oi 1 Interest ) rftSch the requiremenU of ttie nreseot czuia demand. il'i4 - ' Mtarorlse i repectfully coil&ended to tbe favor and . . - - m vT -TTL . ; - t as oi tne ciuztna 01 u Dotpem icut-rvji , k t ' Mchmond,Ti. patroaasc Janl-S2Stt CT A 02X3 CAROLINA UELLE 8NUFF FOR UU tala. ' I I E2igh Dea 22, 1M. iSINSEY k WARE. '.M r? J ' . J ... 1,-., ' Department of State Sudan P Benjamin, cf La retary of State, L Q Washington, Chief Clerk.1 office of Assistant Secretary is vacant. . Department of Justice Attorney General", George Da vis, of N.! C, Wade Keves. of Ajla Assiatant Auorrey General. H R Rhodes, of Mi??., Coromissjoner cf Pa tents. G W E Nelson, of Ga., Superintendant of Public Printings. R M Smith Public Printer. Treasury Depirpmerd G A Trenbolm, of S- C.,-Sei retary of the Treasury. Robert Tyler, Register. E C Elmore, Treasurer. J M'Strother, of Va., Chief Clrk. Lewis Cruger, of S. C, Comptroller. B Baker, of Fla., 1st, Auditor. W H-S Taylor, of La., 2Jf Auditor. ' War Department JamegA Seddpn, of Va. Secretary of War. Judge John A Campbell, of Ala., A?istant SecreUry of War. R G II Kean, Chief Bureau of rar; Gen. S Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General. Lt Col Jno Withers, Lt Col H L Clay, Maj E A Palfrey, Maj Chaa HL.ee, Msj S W Melton and Capt Re illy, 4tt,t Adjutants and Inspectors General. Brig Gen A R Law, ton, oftJa.,' Quartermaster General Col L B Northrop, of S Q., Commissary General. . Col - J Gorgas Chief of Ordnance. S P Moore, M D, Sorgeon" General. C H Smith, M.D., Assistant Burgeon. Navy Department R 9 Mallory, of Florida, Secretary of the Navy. B M TimbalL Chief Clerk: Com John M Brooke, Chief of Ordnance. Com A B Fairfax, Inspec tor -of Ordnance. Com J K Mitchell, in charge of Or ders and Detail. Surgeon A .W Spotswood, Chief of Medieine and Surgery. Paymaster J. DeBree, Chief of Clothing and Provisioni. -i ; Pott Office DepartnUntJohn II Reagsn, of Texas Postmaster General. H St Geo' Off at. of Va f Chief of Contract Bureau. R N Clements; of Tenn., Chief. of Ap pointmeat Bureau. John L Ilarrell, of Ala.,; Chief of finance. Bureau. B Fuller, of N, C, bief Clerk. - 1 ' J0HITD JttYMAHi - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, XiTTLL ATTEND PROMPTLT 1 TO. ANT BUSTNKSS IN V Ihe 8th Judicial .Clxenit thaOmay bf entruited to his January 5, 1804,. ; : 218 tl GOVERNMENT OP NORTH CAROLINA. His Excellency, Zabulon B Van-e, Buncombe, Uovcrnor Col David A Barnes, Northampton, Aid.' 4, - Col George Little, Wake. do ' M 9 Robins, Randolph, Private Secretary. ; Dr Edward Warren, Chowan, Surgeon G?nra1. Charles R. Thomas, Carteret, Secretary of State. Jonathan Worth, Randolph, Public Treasurer. Curtis H Brogden, Wayne,, Comptroler. Richard II Battle, Jr, Ansonj Auditor. Oliver II Perry, Wake, State Librarian. ;. Washington C. Kerr, of Meckleaburg, State Geoiogi8t( Major General R C'Gatlin, Lenoir,. Adjutant Ueneral. Major William ii Uulick, Ueaatort, I'uraaoter. Major John Devereux, Wake, QuaTtrrmaour. ( Major T D Hogg, Wakei Commissary and Ordnance OfScet. Major James Sloan,1 Guilford, QuarterrtiBttr. I ' Major Henry A Dowd, Llecomto, .10 Major James H. Foote, Aeat. Adjt.kOen., (f5oJ f IIo. Major AVUJinai A Orahsm, Jr., At Adjt.-Gonprf J. " Lieut. Josiah Collins, Washington county, OrJr.ancs ;D - partment. " r , ' Lieut. Th.omas White, Franklin, Asgt. Qcarlri3ftAr. Lieut. Isaac W. Garrett, F.!eciti be, Aust. i2"ii''tc"naiter. Lieut. Thaddcus McGee, Wake, Aft. Commiefary. Lieut. Charles H. ThompoB'il) he, ( omroiroary. Lieut. Qeo. Vf.' Thompr fJiy'Cb'svvcil, Anlttunt .mutant General, (Rcll of Horev.) ' "1 ; ' I 1 IT TkTPI A T. - H 8tTiMS -C.CMPRT. Vm H BaUle Orar.ge, ai.a Matthias E Minly, Criren, Judges. ' . , Pion'K Roger?, Waie. Attfrrsj Gfr.eraK Patrick if Winston Wske, porter. Edmund B Freeman, Wake, Clerk. Meets in the city of A'skih scord Mon.lay in JuAe each year. The Morgantontrtn bbeon-djaouiimd. y SUPEBIOJt CO.UKTS. . - 7udges Edwfn G Feado, Person, Rr-mulo M Caunicrs, Wake ; Robert Ileeth, Chowan, Kobt S Frcnw, hobeolT; JmesW Osborne, Mec'sltrritnirK ; George Howard. .Wilfon ; William M Sbipp, Ilendereon ; Robert li-Qilliawt GmnvHl. Solicitors 1st Circuit, Jeso J Yeatcs, IJ,crtfyrd j 2nd Circuit, Chrl4 O Clark, Craven; 3rd Circuit, Rion U Roger, Wake, Attorney General; -4th Clrcu't. Thomas Settle, Rockingham; 5th Circuit, Ralph-L'uxto. Cuuler lahd; 6th Circuit. Robert F AritfieU, Yadkin ; 7tb Cireuit, William P Eynum; $th Circuity Augustas S Merrimon, Buncombe, j ; . . ! CONFZDERATi; COURT. Hon Asa Biggs, Martin, Judge. George V Strong, Wayne, District Attorney. Pride Jones, Orange, Marshal. . ' Clrk of Albemrl Diitrict, Joseph Ramsay. Clerk of Pamlico District, Wm - M W atn. ' Clerk of Cape Fear District, Daniel Coleman. The next Term will be held as follows : Albemarle Diatrict. at Halifax, on 2d May next. Pamlico District, at Goldsboro'; on 5th May next. Cape Fear Ditt;at Concord, "cn 8th May next k - . ' COUNCIL OF KTATR. .. -AG Foster, Randolph ;J R Uargrave, Ahaon ( PH Winston, jr, Bertie; AT Davidson, Macon; Wm. Teton, jr Warren ; Chaa. K. Sbober, Guilford ; Krjx. L. Wil liams, Yadkin.' " LITER ART BOARD. Trt. v.l1nv 7. R.Vinco. PreMdcnt. Ex Offlcio; "L i?j a. nr.rTin Prnf Richord Stfrime, Guilfor cuwafu" - - , , , . - Dr Wm Sloan, Gaston; M S Robsn. iianuoipn, treasurer . ISTElbfAL IMPBOTXMEST BOARD. - , ' I nis Excellency, Z B Vance, Pretidebt, x Oflac, Wm Eaton, Jr, of Warren ; Hnry-Nutl, New Hanover; Col John D By man, Henderson. . 1 coioiissiosxRa or prsarxa, wwn,' . vjon Thomas Ruffin, Alamance,. Hon Weldon. Edwarda Warren, Hon Darid L Swain, Orange. QuenUn Busbee, WTha University of North Carolina - is at Chapel HUL Hon David L Swain, President. V Rev Calrla H'Wilej is Superintendent cf the Coxntaen 8ehoola of tha State. . . ' , , Willie J Palmer, A M, Is Principal of the N C IoituUon for the Deaf Dumb and the filind, at Raleigh. - Dr Edward C TUhor ii Bopenntenoeni ei u Biuf 1. 1 . - . . "if n

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