- : - ' - . .... r ; - ' 1 ! T. '" 1 i . ' -' - . i '.. i. .: .--; - - - ' v. v; - ; - '4 - " ' .... -.f .- . . . . . , - 7 . 1 . - . ; v i - . r L (1- i t .( .... . . . Jac 7 XX - i :AN D NO RTHC ARQLIN A.C.NE R AXAJiy BRUISE ' TOtSO AY MOItNING. OcTo NEV GOODS. fames R: Creecw & Co. r Raw jm nccivH frM Kcw-Trk, tow nMnc at Uwir IumImm Pa and lyinter Goods. .which fey &riSkl wry kKm as hasJuiftarnHI mmH aa Fmll and Winter Geods, Vkh hm cn far Sk oa lw frrrs ; OtfJwlidl, Hit . . ; , 133 , , Keeltr &:HtAt,ttt9 TUwm Mt mivc4 a attdminaai mptj ( Xlry Unas, Crockciy & MardJ vtwch (her a&fer Sala at a Dai - Omtrr lfc lSlf - Mrs. IFcrckmuIIer, . U it.ua a as Mabtva-Maeib, T3 cWCCTtTnJUT Woraaa lb L4s at It I a aicMtirr, that the haa abwr bawneaa. aa Mai eta lrwM.c-OSk-t where win aMMtawil keep, aa of iTiai ar Cmfim wf tba aa Aa order. ta iwe af her a i ailpBllCk. CT LWwrVBcoa agreeable ta the CmIuwm. Afrwtew, Of I. S3, lilt. tf33 ; Vessels Wanted Ta Jd M Paqiotaak Uivrr Biige. Xwo or shrci'VettxU frtrta S3J lo 30 toaa. Bata ta Bihiwwf a t three Vcwrk finwa 40 la S mm, wi Co U- M4t. lie Jetarj; arew th. ... AppJe a,- .-. rjr'l'x- , Jnthtny Butler. JUzOeik-Qfjf, Ore. 14. 3 SZ Valuable Real Estate for Sale hfwalav the llth 4 of Kaaaiwbrr Vf- wexx. wal be hOLD, ta Twwef lkrt)ora. bcias Cawrt aVr, tba iaJowta Valuable Property .... arrecaUe taaaardcraf the Cxt af Chaa. . eery,. ,t , , - . ; , TTiat Valuable Planution, ' ia rioo;aaaa Caaaty, khwar tbe hem of W iiWarwi, atr, uoUnn buwt t9a ooh a roDwarrabW part at hcb ai at a hth ttate of caltivaiiao. mm4 tb Umd m a acr aonenor tuVr. " TaW pmptrtr arOI be aaM oa acrcoaaf f, 13. aad If aaibta crrdk. far apptwe4 aaca. pt able aad a f-bla e the Cicato Braacb of tha Suae Wk4-North-Crafioa.. 1 A Trict of Land in Bear- tnp,' Cbowaa Cawatv, atf-wf the bads ; of Maaara. Brwaarxg. Va4aal Newboea, tcwiaat ajaqt W acrr, balwc aa the hetra M law f Htliimw nw, aVc'd t aad ah, aa aaaiivMlrd bmct af amber Tract ef LaeY af abt 3GCO acres, i lrai. BMMiawatr, cctaiBf t the HM coal. Tbaaa tw tract ef bad wad be o at tb aaw a aad pi e aa tb aba, hw appro. Tea aetea. pa a a aa n aMwtka," V ' JOHN ELOUKT, cka t ; CctaVrla, Kla. . S ; , , Fr Sale. .... . s Oa WedAy the llth daj af ZkcraAer wiRteSOia lbh3aaa; - Valuable Property hekwiac a the hca-a af Jkm HormUlam, aVc'tf. aMCtabW la aa anbraf lb Cwt af Cfcaaony, aaradnat 1. 3. mm 3 yaara. for Approved ate ; aad awaw the letda f Jaaarr acxt, That xtellskawcn and valuable with lha Arywnca.Tf. iwtbaTwwa af IV aratoa, at f rtira. aad far a bag tiaajt paat, ectapiad by aire. Horaibb", 'Aba,'' i' .. jf valuable Tract jJLand aba S cawM tnaa tdtiaaj,' 'tf ' caMderalta part of vhkh m af aa escaCeat eaahtr. aadrr (end cahivauea, hi acceawtry bath art a rod rpir. - "; JOflli B. BLOUXT. c. . Ocfaier IS, llf. 7534 A 19, 1S. EUENTONi PRINTED BY JAMES WILLS. NOTICE. : ' fViTvttir tat Sk 4y, ! Ko?t ntbcr axt, will bt SOLD, crcal t aa nicr ef tat Court ef Cluacerv tor in Ceoa If "t Chmraa, at tat CaurtrHmiaa la Curri- tau Caaaty, , 1 1 - . . - J or JirrJ rmr. bordrriag ee Carritack Smm4, contiinira; at bnyTIiO aertt fornwrly th property f Mr( rirrw, bm tow bekmcmff to tha Iwira la af mUmm Skde, dec'd. A credit ef , 13, aac II awDtM will ba givea, for appra veaaoiaa Ocoar la, ltlt. ' 5w S34 NOTICE. 1 TPHE aubtcriWr aat left tbc NotMiad Afi X coanu da th lata f r of Ltmrente if fTWinry. lha hand of Mr. Jofen 3tQMt, who wilt acuta tha nma 'ita ibmat mm car -biav' if wUala aat Ommub Aftar artkkli tber wilt a loaVcil with aa aficcr. ba will anka a 3aM af tha kmisaai ia legal .- ' -r - - James fFoodocrrt. Untfn, 0c. It, Ul ""3a J34 FOUND, Oatharreab of Fnaay bat, ta Edcatoa, ' ' a aaadaama United States1 Musket. Tbaewaerceabava her at by Brcrlag property, aaa payiag tor Ibis advertntaMrat, ay apply ta lb t - ' rn 1 2fTr.lt ; Utteter SO, Hid, j jtiH ? DIRECT TAX. NOTICE ia hereby giecn That the Direct Tax. laid in confor mity to the acta of Cotter pucd tn 9th tJty of Jauuary, 1815.ua aa, ja .iollaauftfij 4cr4d-slriyT" ia an rcreimine unpaid, and that un lesa tha enid Tax, with 10 per cent, in a IdTtion thcrdo, aball be paid to the subscriber oa or before the 25 th day of IMovcmber ait, the laid property, or ao much thereof at thai I he necruiry tw aaiitfy the laid tax, aad 20 per cent, ia addition thereto, wiil le aold at public side, at ih Court. House ia - demon, Tht Ae to comncuac at I I oclickof' the aaid der. - 1 Michael W.Utr. one Tract of Lind. adjoining (ho lands oLjoseph liuach 8t others, cDtainiogl7acrci, J55 64. jw Hand, omm 1 ract ol Land, ad joiaing the lands of Hichard Bond jnd Others ccNBtaintng-140 acres, g 1 3 63. Mary Sumner, oae I ract.of Land, adjoining; the lands of lien.' Small, araior. aiid'othcra,-containing 304 a crea, 4 47 1-3. One Tract of LnJ, formerly the property of Ctorge B ane, dte'd, ad joining the land's late in the possession id Jansea Hathaway, dec d, contain' ing acres, 2 JT. - - jneph Sutton, oae Tract af Land, djiainr the lands af Thoe. Vail and cHhera.caatainiag 1 50 acres. Sa 22 1-2. joint Sutltriy .aq. one ferns, cob- aiatoe 633 acres, adioiniosr the lands of C H. Blouataad others, 8 9i. Thome Vmtly (one Farna, coutaiu- inr 340 acres, aOiioiag the land a of Joseph Saaoa aad ethers,' Sii 35." Mary VotL, oae Farm, contaimag 130 acres, adioimac the lands of Jo seph Suttoa & loa, Vs'd, Sit il 1-2. jwph Smult,,n'w oa Tract of Iaad, containisr 50 seres, lying on tk rood froavdatoa To Viremis, adjoiaiag the laada of Sam'l AGuir and other; S3 29- :U ' Z'- It aac Htbbu 1 Tract of Land, coa- taiaiog 103 acres, adjojaing tha lands of Thwa Topping fit others, &3 15 1-3. Bemry Hurdle, aaa Tract of Laod. cootaiuiar 360 acres, adjoiainr ike lands of 11. Ward aad others, 12 34. mr- r?- ' J ".... jenn uictinion, oaa raras, aoa- taiaiagr 476 acres, aajoiaing the lands ofrNatl Ron TaAa Btt rifz, oae Farm, contain- ing "i if acres, adjoiaiag the laada of N.C. fiisscQ aad others, ajjy 63. . Ann Biuup oae Lot oa Oakum strecti in the town of Xdcntaa 59 cts. ) On Hoiiae tnd LoC Church treat, in the town ! .Jento, lor- nacrly belonging fo Joseph Jordan, but oor ic pf arxrtr of K. Luteh 0 V 13. Benjamin Whtdbtt na Houaa aail Lot in the to n f Edeatua, oa de Alley, &3 J2 1-2. ; Mivea wither my hand, this lata of October, 1816. - .f-7' f"' ''J'": IKM. HOSltlNS, Dr. Cth Ucifr Jtr the County ej CAntan. t3M , - ;- " - - " ' - ( f; V Edentsn Academy. THE Trusted of Edcntoa Aca dewr hart great plrasurc ia nouncio j to the (heads and patroat of the louitaiion, jlhat their efiane to b taV7 aa additional Teacher tiate, a lenethrfenrawaedwhh saccrsst They feel it incumbent oa thens, there. fare, to stste, that tba upper classes nl the Sihool, consisting of thoae scholars who are engaged ia the study of Languages and the diflcrent branches af the Mathematics, will harlter claim the whale and uadivi ded Ittrntion of Mr, Avitr, a r-o-tlesato whase conduct aad gracraldi port bent hare already proved him well Qualified for tha duties af the ststinj sndin whose charactar aad tdcats tbc most unliaaiicd ceafidence q be' placed. To Mr. FeLLtT r, the grnt'emsa recently employed, wh will jommcoce his functions ia the sihuil at the beginning of the casui ag J'iw&Xt Jad-gwhoaa aj-aal; Scotiaoa, rata his experience and tha hg!i re commendations produced ia bis favur, may be presumed to be conpeteot, wilj be confided the direction af the lowef classes in the mate department 6f tha Seminary. TAi rrartftmeni has long been desirable, aad most b productive of the greatest advaatagca to S udenu ol every description. r I leinaledcparimentoltbe school will be, as heretofore,, under the at aagemeue ana superiotcoueace ot mr. Nts, a teacher whose qualiUcatiooa havebeca so fully. established and are so generally known as to preclude the- necessity, iif all commeadatioa. The perlon-aances of hs scholars, as well as those of the Students in general. at the last examination, were auch aa to afford universal satisfaction: and could Only ha ve been the result of the iett directed industry and application. 1 o those who arc In the least degree sensible of the immense benefits that will result from the above alteration in. the school, particularly to young gen- . I m a mm .turltriBw .Km I . mmIII neither be matter of Objection aor aur priethat the price of tuition should he somewhat advanced t ouch a mea sure will be indispensably necessary to enaCle the Trustees to meet the ia crsssi'Bxpeaces of the, lostitwtion. Students 'under the direction , of Mr. Avery aha shall not, at cay time, have charge of mors than 30, will have to pay, j ulnars ana so cents per quarter instead of A dollars t In the other de parts thj price will be as haretofor. 'J'ifii.U lilt .ttm. ; roieph Manning. ; ' - -r'"Taltoa. - ' T' EN DERSA siocere thaaktbi hia-amo . ,taMrs (particalariV those whe bare beaapaacbaln tkatr paymeats) for their past favors In the line of his bnsiacat and aaraestly solicits s cantlaaaace of tbtm. He at the saaM time rt)uests sU tbnsc wh are la arrears b May la make immediate piyJ nacot, cither ia cam ar by giving thefrnetee, 1o rdr thjt he may be enabled to pay far auch article h bosmauaad -Ura tai Wtf arcaarily abt gehim te n ia debt for.He also ioforBis bis cartacaers, that he baa Uclr received a a od aitortiaMt r TriimiH DuHaai aad Lmings of the bast uaiiiy, waicnnamtOBiyareaaoeableprei1 t oa. Hs hasauareceieed lac aawast (ubi- aas f - ' ' a Three oidittinal Workmen which will aaabWr Mm ta hare U work doai ' with mor Ntiuti m4 itttMich. taVaiaa, Or. It, ltl. , 5M NOTICE IS harabf elm la atl aeraoaiaatrhig thmi aalnot the tUwcriber, that Ibejr art ra apectfalrf reoatttrd to exhibit them j a4 ihaaa ladebtad ta )U lainMdiiM payamit, a he lateade laaviag (bit State for tha htaat af Teaacee aa tha 3Sih iaataat. Jainei Baines. better il, 19H. 9IM A Teacher Wanted. A PERSON well sjualiHed. ts teach tbc faibwiog Branches ef Edaestioa, a. Reading, Writing, CVpbefiai.tnjIiah Grata aUr. 0ncr?hy. Itsr tb la 4 tai mm ' rai caaractrr, ana caa come acu will rn with teroat waeas bf the year and a ptaaaaat sitoatkm, aboat tr miles brbw Herdord, ParQuinsaa Cbaatf Eaqeire ef the 1 J. J . - - - t .PR1SITER, Stit. 14, mi. - . iiuiL FOR SALE, The DxtiellingHbuse' & Tvo Lots of Ground) lately eccepied by Henry tUutkiuk, dae'd. ' Alt! 8 1 ';- S-,; Two Lots of Ground" apaaait Mr. William Satterf eld's.' The a bjre prapertf caa ba parchaacd ttpoa a has ral creditFor trms apply to . -MALtCHI HAUGHrON. XttVoa. Per. My mi, a. . . if sii Valuable Propertr for 6av M JTrida. the, 1h draf MrbsyeaV v Um faUowinc VaMabb Prone mitt h Said, ia ike Town of Edantan, aereaabte is aa erder of tho Caart 'of Caaasary for the Caaaty of Cbowao. l. 'i : ' ., . ' A Tract of LAND, in the ' County ot Cbowac'coauiain in utm. Jotaiag the lands of keaben S.ll, Jomevh mMiiiarfi waufcra, ac rang int to ,aaa M Gmtrt, aa a credit of f aad 13 bmquu. for abptovadaotai.; A Tract of LAND, about. 3 miles fro Eeatoa, emublng rt acres, aearly the whale af k under aaitnratlasi ad joining the laada af Messrs. Lntlej in, Cat. tins, and Sawyer, amtbelAogiattataa heirs a aaa Bidkmm, aa a areda at 4 IS. aad llmaotha, fcr apwed aotear - A Tract of LAND, about 4 ottles front Edeatoa, contaioiay acres, unjoining the lands of Mewaa Mttlej ha aad Brooartgg. belonging to Ore Aviaea, aa a creda af Im4 13 aaawtla, for Spprovad notes... . . i v-'l ' . ,. .. 4 JOHM B IfotJNT. e. It n m.' , V ! V 25 Dollars Ke ward Will be givee for apprebendiint aad deli vet hg ta me, mr Kegr Fello . ( , THOMPSON. who rnaway on the 25th of Dcceta berlaat. lie ii about 5 feet Str 10 ' inches high, 30 vears of gr; yellow' ' co nplexion, large' white eyes, has i -acar oa one af his. eye-lids, i small, . silt ia oae of kis' ears, speaks quick 4 when spoken ta, and is a very shrewd artful fellow. The above reward will be paid if Mken within Dertle Couaty' or 50 D-dlars if t .kea wiihout sod'de l livsred to me, and all reasonable , pences paid. Ua Is supposed to - b ' lurking in the weihSorhood'f MfT" Henry Copeland, ia Gate County or' ia or near Murfrteturo'ugti.AU' matters af vessels and. tithers a re for bid harboring, empljivwgv or carry. , ia bjna off al their prril. ? : t7t.r T?,li.mA t n.;t.;f ATerdr faMWa, i. Ul . tf 14 f aBaaaMMaaMaaMMMwaMHWBmWBMa , 100 Dollars Kewanl. WILL, be givea fur the spprebeodmg anal ! sacuriog aay f ao bt I . gal kins, or oeiirariwg to ana, a rieicro Maa, tha pr- Srrtm taaoai Riaorrpoi reroeimaas, y theaameof ) t ' JACOB,:: about 31 or 33 vears of age1, atoul, sef made, rather inclined to a liekt catnolexim. H. ' fnraierr baloaged 10 th estate ef ' Praacia i rtewoy, dee d, from him to Joseph Sanaa E). of Ferqaiosaas, aad from hist to Mr. boa ... i.i ( -' 1 A T 1 1 j 1 .. j . . . - a H. - ... a I Jl .. - ' i4 1 - "V,