- : ' ' !; ': - Ts -'J'V . : -i ' .- . . . v . . ... , .. ;. - , v ? . c rv - - i ' a- ; - - f t V AMERICAN. 'TURKS DOLLARS fER TKAaJ FAYETTEV1LLE: ( X. CJ LiiMTED Br A. F. BOWELL. CrAVABLB UALr.TrilLY ro. III. FRIDA T. November 10, 815. . No. 143. ir-; .IN ft. CONDITIONS. TRoax cobeett's REG ESTER, AUG. 5 made to the several scales to join them in demanding a lefornl of the ..11' m a 1 -r -m is puDiisiea 0 UlC People OI all Parties l federal constitution, our wrcra turn- inA TT:fJ cj o I ed round upon them with' rtrroaehr. ?r m a . of all borts : " hat ?M haid the I iVUienca. Times newspapf r, 44 is'THAV ALL ? The AMERICAN every Firday. 'No SuiiSORiPTlONr taken ft than six months : nor -bah er disc tinued Until arrearages are On the necessity of their bein-r nrmred ' We exPecled a vision .;s rr.-union unless yji.t n suit. ! fcr :he dertnee of their eottntr- i to be dclaie4 a; once :..J it least, Advep.tisements inserted eo'n- spxuQuslyy at 50 cents per square l K , 3 fbr the first insertion, and 30 for, d addressed to the each insertion aj H er. Alt' Letters J iitor, to be post paid, otherwise "vill not be attended to. FA TE TTEVILLE PRICES CURRENT, Corrected IVttkly. (concluded.) . Bo'TLBr July 29, 1815. your Jederaliits ini?pine, that thev would be nut iu n.v.c,nn ofpever, if these ,u, cod st ,' u?Z:?'r'PT "'J t o ujuisi jkjix uy- I on their principles I ll once they saw j j the impeachment of Maclii Wand his associates. These convcniKiiii.r-c men of no vigor. Why d o cV ro', 1:1.1 i r i t' line uie orave v cnus,!? arms Me lieu a ypizh. Bacciij iiuttcrj, Bees-VVax, Beef, T lirdnclu. American Apple, I''slu C jrii, -:. Clean Cotton, Seed, ; do Coffee, ,'Fimr,(:19'6 lb.) ' i' i a. x - S C c d , (r o ugh .) I . on, L.'v.ad, bar, Lird, r IMolasses, u.ts , . -ik JiUHly Jamaica 4fh pr'f. V. Iudia, 3d do. American, 1st do. j from To iivetjpooi, 2c6Vadc, I alTr v. , )' D. C J D C L B 15 . " : 20 30 25! 30 BAR. 10 jl 1 ! I i !G A L . 85 90 i ; 90 LB.! 25 26 BAR.' 6 50; .7 BU.s. , 1 70! I 75 c. , 7 50 J LB. j '12 15, lr.i t 1 on ! BL';s.! 40! 4'5 ! GAL. 1 75 2 1 5o ' I - 1 20 'r.vl.t . :rr.l bus. t ' 46 your countiy overrun, your govern ment put 10 tne route, they would Jhat v-ery moment talk oi th wtl of you in a km:p. They would cul. everything fitly; criminal weak ness" short of the utter ruin ot your country. Nay, have you not aircaciy had a'specimen of their moderation 'r Before the victories of Napoleon lust year, they always talked of the sound uir t" of you They enly wished to defend our rights, and lhe upon good terms with you. They said that the " sound part of the peo ple" were with them ; and thut the war party were a French faction, who hated England because she was the c5 ieat '- bulwark of religion." Do men lone, all in a niMTnpr.t. ri..v - - J t 11, 11 they heard of the fall of Napoleon 1 Ooyou remember that they the;; said that r.o ;eacc could be made Avith Jamf.s , Madison that no ttcuy ought -to be signed, except at the head quarters of ike English armv in the heart of the United State? Do Tht was what we expected. Or, at t!it very least, we expected the neutrality of the New England states to be dsclar- ecl As things now staid., these states ought no longer to t x j.ci ience, our forbearance, seeing the ingrati tude with which cur past Lcarancc has been paid' lars, which we had to pay on this ac- lish in anv prt of the vorld I wtitn count ,orr the var. They see, th.t with the ,trg dnirc of bci. f; tttd. industry produced in I ranee by the (the other side of the AtUntic. I duH10" H b"rdcnsu.Pro' ow many Uct many ,:WCr.t ducedby the .ar, the I rench .re 1 ocoir to ne,fcirh 1 m . . : w re ir sell in our m .ikcu m m ich ( vur the - Ui.u .1 , cwUc , ies .tijn naU the nrice that we mtit ; ar. ;r 1 r.r.j j i biu inio.tLrn, uncei paid. I hey ccc alt theu: tL.ngv them throuKU the prr?, cf this cc.i ri.ey are sccd wnh a panic, th.t 1 r, , X thrrr rr rA, . ... 4 , ff k A . 1 T m k I W W - " - . f , , ...... . luiiuj, :i c 1 c 1 C uo,. rw inioYi-jfjfi, hdo Ovc nvienr. ..v l,rre :.nr - was saved by the kindness of rnc cVj at libcciy to conuacict, r, t- c?m . your ccuntrymen ; and. in the rage, I may say ? The Frrt.rh J inspired by their forebodings, they English writers, rho lived lr hst- ww.u, il nicy poiwcs icnilcf every other country too miserable lor nun lo live in. Thev do not rfiommrmi Wa there ever impuj. 'ce likc . that this would not answer their pu this heard of befoic ? Mst'.i this in- j pose. Thev n.itht rfrnm,,,,! .! t r was ociorc the. They know r cy night recommend the auuiuK uic iccuus 01 it. inKinti : reuuction ol the navy ; but, then, w,u I"w "'U iiummauuii mui 11 navc.siaie incin in ti;c l.-.cc. 1 lc c been to Mr. Otis and othA?. to have! lut is indispensable. Thev would been objects of such mcn ",iraisc ! ! commend to wir.e 01T the lcbt ! 1 00 not impute to tne liar toru con vention the ba.ce (Uign of ;dmg in the subjugation of the cou.itiy, and n me Gcsiructiow 01 irccu. -miongst men ; but il we tukr tint then eir-ci'i-jisiances of Amtvierv in ' -icv.', il "'i is inipvsrDie to v. Siv".. y y tended to cmbaira's t: e general meir worL(ubliihcd -t me H.)t-ur at Amsterdam, t Cirneva, or clr- the reduction of the armv to what iti a rniii f - r ' ' '. contrary, were, bv cviv !ocr c " truth, appbuned lor the toil whir; urcd them 10 ison to this ir.cth.l of overcoming the cbitaclcs to iu promulgation. return ton- to ihc c-ur cf tl e. m-jli iou flofls - f iJk nrncM, t f hi,m I havc tocOtn oktn, ar.U ; 01 aw re but. then, the wholo syotcn crumble tc atoms. Their last -v ft t tn w n;ore wretched. The it..tc of this rouatrv. ncss, may be pretty currcctlv csii go-.tinmcnt as to compel it to do mated ly this one fact ; namely, thai wlu.t w ould have been (hsgrart fu at a notic- has been given in the house V A I' 1 -.... L. . . I. .--... linn.. I,.. . . " "'- ,,v" ,lJ " " " "ns. wrw, w7 ...v.. .i.,; ;o Mir up tne 1 is the piircipal object of tJ means ol niakinn- nthor r.-.iw,. .;n i .1.: ' """" aim tuii till j- nrtir-f-v irk !-.. .. i,- its ail on v iea;t to their country, in 01 ;ev to sink ' of commons, that a .mea'.uic wil! be their rivals and raise ther.is.dvci toon their luins ; and this was, least cf it, carrying. paitv V. ' i-pon 1 .ythrf you remember how soon hey drop- J "IU?rr.antable . 1 " V; r15 110 ' dir from which pedalldistinnionsintheirmvectives, V' 1 "I 'V I '0SC lcItJinKn ll.cm JiH V: and called for the "' of V-r R,-n --nr,rnation ;aat I :.ac ever cmpt. I do n jt believe it Tk.ly American " " ronv-- fcd with en th subjv(ri U'xi it , suc h a law to pass ; but, aficr w Do y6u remember that they insist ed, that no peace should be made with you, until your political institution 1 1 1 . 1 iiau oeen suDem-d, until your c: l was the en .oira.enHr.t !u the conduct of men1 in tl states, which pi '";nged tbr the peace of i' ' i 5 snd ' proposed, Ci.rly in the nciii irsiion, to lf'j a rn.r uj.vn ihr f,rr,err' cj c.7 is no I the a :."- df.7th:ict:. from hli h 1 . cx-fcr pass : but, alicr what il Qwt by we have seen, I do not pronounce it y eastern to be impossible. At any rule, the war oitcr Jitlca haT been scri.iuly uieiiaincd Pd iti'vo preiicc l's wv'if, m p.n li hicl the Drew 1 jojiicn 10 a i lileiTy. 0 ww,v.i.va, uimi your c:t l I .1 .. t JT . . . . f r - 7.. . 1 ' and political ; h:.!-., v'- - - . .r'UC?mV,,t. ! r:c:iccn'r...Ir mom v si, ct..: W- f-ii .ii-. . . - .ilift I . 1 1 . .1 '.rM ' DEMOCRATIC nm.- ' V.' V? tt .: ,"' bt! KflcCt t! ! i " ' lfcW GOODS. HAS just received per the sch'r Hetty, from New York, an additional Simply af&oods V Which, with his former Stock, makes his assortment complete. Goods sold on moderate terms forJash or Produce. The Assortment consists of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, . -.on iilongery and Cutlery, . CVmri, Glass 2nd Crockery vrare, 5rtEiv una Stoqefjdo. . i -Ky&&- Confectitmarie?, - . Ettx fta oKiona nv Kat3 and Shoes," " ?iattersTrimmin, IvlUVenary, ' ; Saddlery, Drugs, &c. &c. Salt Iron, Steel, Sugar, CoiYtf , Copperas, And other Groceries too tedious to v ientlon. 1 i ; Fayetteville, Oct. 3 3. 59 Pepper, AJspice, Ginger, Molasses, Hum, Brandy, Was committed . t ir -HIl Kit; . ..... . I .r. . , . , DEMOCRATIC UEBEL- JLi0Nlad been done away? UntU k 9 t tm,$ was etlecttd they said that i..et 'N c6ulcTt)e ncsiy for tbc regular go-i iV u wona. iNot j. word did they then say about the tyund part of the community : not a word about the federalist ; ,ut a word about " the good ieoJ:lc in ihe eastern states ."notaKQnl ahr-l Mr. Otis or the other Mistcis, whom they used to praise. They looked upon the conquest of.your country as sure ; and they were preparing for calling aloud for the " Jiumshmcnt" of you all. It was the " mischievous' example of the success of democratic re6eliicn" that they wished to de stroy. And were not the Jederalin democratic rebels as well as the'rest ? All your piesidehts and all your go vernors were, according to these men's views of the matter, ; demo cratic rebels." What reason, then, could they have to suppose, that they were by -these writers, intended to be spared any more than the rest of the people ? In ail their praises of" " the sound part of the people," they were actuated by the desire of obtain ing the aid of the federalists, in ren dering your ruin more -certain and I more complete".- r i wo mcr.Lr.s .lave pur heads since the'se applauding the sending of arms and ammunition to the royalists cfLa Vendee-, whom they called brave, faithful religieusy&nd whom they urged on to exterminate the Jucobins as they called them, "who were opposed to the Bourbons. Now because the Vendeans do net seem'to relish the total conquest, the dismemberment, and utter ruin of their country by foreign armies, they- confound them with the army of marshal Davoust ; they lump them along with the other parties, and, even accuse them of ingratitude ? They are called 'un grateful to EngtandihcczxiSQ they did not appear inclined' to aid in the des- poiiing even the king F his ternto- xake vvarr Vendean prunes bi-t th of SUbj 1 ll of OUT3 should rmr.g. . XI -41- tluJ3r ?rc the j mrocdia mnwrinu. . 7:c;a- - 6t--v iU'l v.cui;i jMvc the goc er the n4ac iKiv i; 1 Ji'prcnri.si-ns - f tiri ' .a . i . . iiitrcfl ol the i ,v name and rcvolut illiberal :u n ever sir.ee they heard them as.c:.vtd vith 1 icnchme:.. This I am well cvt.tiit. cd. is tl c real cause of their renter ir.r.st 1 r.tcc anl Afi.c.ira, bu , .,fJ.ir,t -l xCy rensuntiy s!c, v mc-uM jl:.dly srr .iiieri) a-ir;h!!atrl. V.ttLrr thee Lco4 i,KU-fr.Kiiov- ,ii'f-rter-tain the limit appicUt.nor.s t7d wiihc. I mi u leave )cu to ronjvf turc. Hut, I V'ocvMltit ,Arv do, l e f .use thf y itUcovrr the fart 7 hcir , ttorJ. i hev hi aiil. thar tr.cnci J -; l r jnit rar U fn a C cults i . i-ave calUuJ .if ntion cfthe gctrcro iwcr.i :o uir growth of ir.r t-. cur wi i rnmc:;t over t;.? ppT-.oii c. trrv rnsn o!proer!y i rc , ore only on pri:frilottrn ' lrr. r,n . .1 . i. . at they arc ready to eutyy !irr,ats to which it would reduce us ; retVc their countr-nrfnn'tc-jaiuL.- on the nas .ii.. n-hi-h si: h s-.i..-.f iiatinn of tlfcir li . u-.UuU.t w.ul! f hKci..ier :;iid, then, i were asked -hv 1 nit-::'. U.uu to vourslvi s i.n iea ,f the ,ir. oe sif -i a iicy n.n- tit iul i ir rnensc hiritnr arr inline iitic-i- iir ion, where freed: m Is tzij.u Wcr!,t . an1 llnl? loo nhh a ralitjjty night answeiS that I am notbej nd to , ihut is qui'c aimnishin. The ne- l.tlll!. I lu ia!lfin. vvliirli nmcl 1 - I. ci,(.o:nanin"'-' .... : .. . . ot rnarind ; wiy they should rxsiiV ; lIuth i$f lh:il lhc ,ilui.iun of l!ic ,JXrS to stir up war, intern ;l strife, uj , is now so yiC2U lnal al, bul Ulc iju. . n i- tion mi n.w I.-... w. w-ur.i..c cci.iiiesoi ihc government require wishes, having so clearly. bhc.Vr j so Uv,,c u pa;.t cf cvcl). mans i. iri :arf those nvuhe Uu thJl- iU&(, ; ccmc CdVun lal minibcr hrc apj.ear. to be this : they ice, tkO , f.ckin me ir.e-n-. ct rtr:.nirn f. .i . i.. r.i. . ' : A ' . i"-i land, joinctl to other car.scs, nw-, ll j Taxes, when evcessive, must ere tin world bp Wft in nir.t . fnril m i . ... -i ----- ,:iC iaii cr. ; u'tJi:sn inev imi t.n produce a great degree of. de in ) picking the whole ol a people d mis eounuy. i nesc iuou-bhi fjr .r. s ov n rv - r ir rAoic Tr4rk K-jit'lrc ian y j wui o j uwv.il uvi (vl J ' J I 4 I They now tell us, th?t 'tlu V'a been crowned vith glononi tr.-l-v ; ; m panismei.t, and that tc, Lr Geo but tlicy lorcscc that peac'j to i-l.ilU Kosk. that tli Imv - - a r ' - vvaids : ami, of c .uisc, those who aic but ju-.t above the poor list, aic loic v4 Into it. It ha-, lau-lv been siau.I not tc what nencc uauanu bus bf.i,c. : A.-fr,.., ,t .,. ' i - iuv.il i'uu't ii ioiic, iia t They saw that the peace ot Paris -n- ' increased to thirty thouscr.d : Fn,uj ;tfjfl rfr mil rli inr no r nntt c tvi t li V ! i . . ..I i. r . t . . i ww.. w. " , i i i iiciuy nu inr u noie popn lati'i , 4. npO Tail on the 3d of June. 18l5t miu tiwn Matwvu , rjcs ; even mat Kmg to ngm Jcr t -v ? it--jt y mcues inghDoui ears yhom they received their arms and IV L" i age' s "cioogs to j onn ammunition i liut what is this more t .iiiii, v. wwiia, ( uiau.uicjr uau uooic uone Wltn TC- r' C'd Petersburg, and siys that he gard to yonr federalists? -When railway about the first of April last, j they saw totices of the meeting of I f ; owner is requested to come j the convention at Hartford, they '.'forward-, prove" property, pay char- - clucked with delight. They cheered jres ind take him awav. itnemon i ney .appjauaeci the com :2tf R. DUDLEY, Jailor. auct ot tne promoters. Uut, when .Vii-.etiexi.te, June 15, 1815. ine convention oroKcup, with mere ly agreeing to an application to be )ZZL " ?n.aand goods, and filling pur wtrtvts j Philadelphia, wi.n I livrd in it Thu l Jthtio Wrr.rttvJe, produ.-a J fact ppprr ',. Ltin . t.i td v "Se - cfnn a 8!"nc asto tra'!c. .M;ic lioe ,s intrccuctorv to a - vu v .i . i..:asurc ur jmi ur.g a xtii tfreexi' people flocked to Trance for comfor-- Ua how ? Would he Rend the hep able living. They saw cnterpruit - ! Kar5 lo lhc coumry ? Wc a e over tradesmen and manufacturers floii. , stocked already. Obsene, triHinir ing to America. They saw t-.c 1 as is this village, scarcely a Cay pass houses in and near London unteniij Cs without hiinging one, and gcucr-l. ei The' every whcrc hcard of l-V: ; ly more, beggar to mv door. The u&cay of trade, and of ruined fan,---' -agrant act warrants Ui in taking They saw that without a law to rail ;hcm before a justice and having the price of corn, tne taxes ceuld n them fivnished.. .Hut, who will tak'. be paid by tihcr landlord or lenint l;he trouble, tcv l hc wishes tc do U They saw, in ohort, that the war. hicjrhus are'thev left o wander Kr., created the live in peace side, and forth the uuunuance And the not me smallest object of their terror, V.Vtbe face of the country, and thu t.iat the landlords and tenants, in aJ- mviu contradiction, if that be possi most every part of the country, com- i '... "is. 1 lrr.')aclu-1lv nfpr.'.. t ... irvke yrMi gtsl l: .11 C'.r . ,-. , tJ war. f. !fu!.f r.rtAC m l.mii" ... tl.er, ji.d !cic v abill. You wiin-u :,R! thU , kut I u v mi tM.t i.. !u. d ui it ; , I- !.., do something v,e beside s :.-J;ii 1 ihC V,i,u!C wfA1.( ihr MO'.il. it tav l.appf i tfMfccJr princi,.J ,r.iy hnti the mcau S work up ome pov,--r to aail o; TLcrrfcu, I nj, be on sour Rtl'trd. Peace is vrht yon ought to i;Jrc ; bvr., in jcitc cron.aricd w.;h 4(iy. To pre cic pcicc )ou n list alnayi ut) j tcpaied U.rveur ticfene, "it it The navy yi u will no: neglect. It. irac is i.oi e'anfrciou to voir fircdom ; or, net in a way or decree il...t a larc standing army vrould b-j considered to be djlcrous. It is the necciviy of adtpiH.f-, now in n4r' h"ur ol peace, I'dcicM system cf intctnal def ncc of) cur territory and homes, t!ifci I ami anxious to impress upon ,air miIs. A Urge body. cf .:dici. by proffclon yoti Citmet have without destroy your liberties. JVyf muM.-ir L'jkrpar :rY mrch fsu your irurtcdwtc homes ; ujda!I be wUc lu make i skilful use of your arni;'"lrl John- CAUTrmoni, mIo is generally called Mcjar Crt. n'riVAr, from his having been a major in tne Northamptonshire militia, fiQ quitted the service, as a lieutenant of the navy in the year J 7";jr 177 because hc would not again' w hat hc deemed the cause if 'free dom ; who, loiLc age of jcr. tcTcrcdfoi -10 yeais, and still per severes, in unremitted endeavor to nhtail. :i t-fi ... w ... i!ij4Micni ; inn t ; bile Franco on .fe.-r.rmir. unon.u.. .. :ZJ""' T'.?!" "5 . "'" An-.e icon the other, WfJ.ni. praduecd l ..,rs ) 5 mi 3Z tnkinrr facti :mv ..,h,..I.. ;. .1.. - ""--r"pit,. . - 111 K ft 1 plained of the haidships of tyth?, and pointed out the exarr.Je cf France, vherc tythr had been abolish ed. They 'know, that we have about forty-five millions of pounds, or 180 millions of dcllars, a year, to pay in taxes ftrevcr, being the interest T.et me in this pUce observe, how e t., that I do not look upon myself as Joui.d r-f rain from making u$f oj part of France, in the year lit I, fcl,a o - w. . t CviJ- stematioD as to securicf; the rncuis f defence, republished a vork w hie h he had published tome time before, entitled Higlasd'i -F.gis, a expy cf wmca nc icm to all mc mrtaben cf js.rrsgm America, when I shall i the royal family, to U the rrbU'cr t:uak that I oujrht to state troths. rh eh I dare not Hate here ; but, 1 ne- the country. To this work, a ccdv ter will srnd in Ki nrtt ,1.T frv- . .. . oi tne cent, instead ol the nine mil-1 which even a federalist will not lions of pounds, cr 26 million of dol- j that I eaght to be permitted to pub. or which as crtlo Mr. MtttSrry Cc rey of Philadelphia, 1 be leave uca-f your atttoticn. m m 1 , i i V.. I Q v. - - ' V.: . . j - - -, , , , r

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