In some of its details it cannot be vuop?d by you, civ account of the '!.fiii-c'nr,c in division u the territory ii.'l ot the civil amhorhies cf the two countries., Its objects being to put the cov.rmy in a situation to be able, at all times, to defend itself a 'uinst any enemy, however numer ous and vaHant, without a standing army, and without regular soldiers'; its baus being the duty ofrrns'-bear-ug inseparably from the rivht A re- presentation in the legislature pears to me, that all its" principles und.l all itsout lines aie exactly suited to your case. In the hope that what I have sard may avaeff ainengs't you v some por tion of tha serious reflection which the subject demands, end in the stronger hope, that you will derive great and " useful information- from tiie work of Mr. Gartymghl. I am your friend WM. COBBETT. P. S. Since writing the above, the Peace between America and the Algerine Dey has been announced as arelore. Perhaps your commodore had authority to make peace. Cer tainly, with such' a power, cannon balls are the best negotiators. Whe ther the pirates abide by the treaty or not if it has been made, your go vernment has done itself great honor in the affair. This event will not, however, give satisfaction all over ike. ivortrf. Algiers was a cue to be set on as occasion may require. Howe ver, you have, broken his jaws, and made him retire to' his den for the present This is truly a noble use to make of naval power ! It cantiot ail to enhance your fame, to give pleasure to your friends, and to "add to the mortification and viuclktive- nessoyour enemies. I do noi U- lieve the news. But iftrr.e, here is j another thing -which. Mr. Mi'dison i lias accomplished previous to his be- j ing " defioved. Latest from Europe. 'The ship Milo, has arrived at Boston from Liverpool, bringing London dates to the 9lh of Sept. -and Liverpool to the 11th of the same month, three days later than before received. To the politeness of a respectable Mercantile House iti this city, we are indebted for the loan of the London Courier of the '7th of September frbm whicl the following articles artjeopied. -k x he lortress of Iuningen has capitulated to the Ajistrian force; A Price-Current Jn the London Courier of the 7th tept. remarks : 14 The cotton, market has been so exceedingly brislc af advanced pri ces, that it has occasioned re ship ments from several of the Conti nental ports i the si pplies received from France meetfa ready sale , the estimated quanSty lost week is 2300 bags, inclufing the pubjic dale of Upland ancfSurrinam Cot ton, which went off with much -briskness. The particulars are, 720 from Orleans at 2$ 9d a 2s lOcf, and 1 50 to arrive, at the latter price; 310 Boweds, very ordinary to good fair 21 1-4d a 23 142, h do. damaged at 18 1 2d a 20 3 44." Sagar had taken a start, occa sioned by the distressing accounts of the homeward bound Jamaica fleet, 92&- a 93s was offered fof Ja maicas. 1 Ashes The markets is without any direct arrivals of American ashes ; parcels continue to be for warded from Liverpool, to 'meet the immediate demand. The Pots have realishd 86 the Pearls' 90s. Tobacco. The late advices from America, mention, that the stoefcof Tobacco ready for ship ping is inconsiderable ; and as a scarcity of fine Virginia is felt in the market, an advance on the bet ter qualities of "2d. per lb. has tak en placed the late arrivals of Ma ryland turn off also of inferior de scriptions ; several direct arrivals of Tobacco from America have taken place on the Continent, yet the ex port orders here are considerable. The stock' 1st inst. tvas, Virginia 3,166 hhds. Maryland 1,583 hhls. ( N. Y. Herald. London, Sept. 7. Mr. Williams, the King's.. Mes senger leaves town this- evening, by the Falmouth mail, for Ameri ca with dispatches. We have learnt that -on the 19th lilt, a Captain Romano of the Sal vador, a Sicilian vessel, fell in off Lisbon witn a oritisn snip, oy which h was informed that the man of war then in sight was the j 4 ) Xorthuir.leiland, afij that .cn1' r intnn. ' pant was on brtr.rd her as a prison-r er. to gee the fallen ty. rm, ieu i.ieMcrn'to direct hi? course towards thr TfiiiKnmpr. i.tuu : 'a vj vvnen nr rurv neir- U.. . Lonaparte happened to be upon deck.--1 he wind was then tW for ! bt. Helena: and the Northumber-! land was making-the best of her waythuher 1.1(1) d s Sept. 7-Jtatewent of j the YY amor s convoy Irom Jamaf. i r3i tn,s morning, IS arrived, 6 a- 1. 1 - 1 . uaruioneo at sea, and it is suodos ed foundered ; 3 gone to Halifax in distress, GO unaccounted for ; making a total of 87 sail, bound to Great Britain. At a late hour we have received the Paris Papers of Monday last. 'I he following are the principal ar ticles of their contents. Paris, Sept.' 4. " Some individuals present them selves during night at the posts of the National Guard of Paris, un der pretence of not being able to get ndmission to their homes, beveial of thse persons have ren dered themselves suspected by questions' which they have asked respecting 'the strength of the posts, the hoars at which they were weakest, the manner in which the service was performed, and parti cularly by endeavoring to divert the National Guards from the wise and moderate conduct of confin ing themselves to the datv of pre serving ordrr and tranquility for whic h the National Guard was in stituted. The general in Chief be ing informed of these facts, point ed out in an Order of the Dav, dat- " m A" rueroime uaV, d thf ' 21st thc course whkh Une,s ot Post ought to adopt c,c,r u-h orcuivisiances. d the -21st the course wh'n-h the lin 1 he Prussian General OfRrr. - W ft arrived with a numerous suite on theZth ult. at Nantes. The 15th Regiment of French Dragoons arrived at La'ttochelle on the 26th ult. to iorm part of the garrison. The public spirit stilt continues" to be very good at Lille. hussian troops, with artillery. continue to arrive in great quanti- ties at the camp of Vertus. The Dutchess d'Angouleme has left Bordeaux to join the Duke at Perpignam. There i& a great movement a rriong the allied troops is the de partments of Saoneet Loire. . Eight thousand Prnssians ft iVjayeTJCe on the 30th ult. ior Er- 'ihe Prince Imperial oT Austria has arrived in Paris he came direct from Huningen which place capitu lated after 12 hours bombardment. The Prince was the first who en tered. The.articiesipf capitulation are not yet published It is reported that 6C0O English troop3 who were on their route, to Paris, have received counter or ders. Count Bertheir is appointed Commandant at Bordeaux. A camp of 72.000 Austrians is about to be formed at Chamberry Accounts from Montauban state that two'French officers of superi or rank were committed, on the 2Tth of August, to the prisons of that city, by a strong escort of gen darmerie. The ' report in-circulation at Montauban was that they were two persons of distinction, but their names were not made known ; they were arrested in a small obscure village of Tarn et Oarotmc, -where thy appeared to conceal themselves under false names and in disguise. " Gen. Clausel has been arrested at Thoulouse. ; Proclamation. Marshal the Duke of Tarentum Com mander in Chief, to the Army. u Soldiers The moment is ar rived in which the King's ordin ances ior xiisDanaingtne regiments of infantry of the line imd the light troops and for the organization of the Departmental Legions is- to receive its execution. You have read these Ordinances calmly. Yqu j nave suDmittea to inem with a frank and loyal resignation. Thanks be rendered to the wise and paternal measures of the mostjut of monarcbs. They surpass all! hoDes ! Honorable recomnencea are allowed to all grades, whetht the , Mayor of that place, that a they remain in active service or numerous assemblage was about to not. The disbanding cvents only j attack him. M. de Cabriercs, fol apparent since the moment the dis- j lowed by the Mayor, was of opin solution of the regiments Makes I 'on, that he ought to advance with, nlace thev are re-created under s 1 nut flUmict- tr tK new denomination. It naturally retails - id your rememhraace the fimk... ! " ..A-: . U r . famous legions admired as well Which afo still for valour ( which you kaye squalled) as for that ad miiiible discipline, and that passive i 1: t r i .i for and their glory. Let them heo.eftfrth be your example and model. You separate Irom your comrades only to join your relations, frit.nd, and lcllow.countrvmen. The rpaftoientai "Legion's will become corps formed of real fam ily u.iions Children of the same soil, educated in the same princi ples, you will have the same tastes and habhs. The bond which is about to unite you will be indis soluble, and the legions will only rival each other in veal, and par ti cubrly in fidelity to the King and loveVche country. You who are s : irumg to your homes, wurgive e Ample of those sentiments. the and lm" thither the hone of a plearrg and happier futurity.' JotjirtO. are about to enjoy some reposa . n "order afterwards to as sume the engagements which the law imposes on you, will bring back the same sentiments to the standards of vour legions. Sol diers of the old Guard, wisdom and good conduct will make vow distinguished every where, and you wiil merit the honor ot being Lplaced near the best of KVinps. The g-rard of thc throne will be entrusted to your fidelity. You will not discontinue your services. You witl proceed half yearly, as circumstances may permit, to form n'evv regiments lor the'RoyalGuard. Such of you as cannot form part ot that Guard or of the Gendar merierf ill concur with full right in the formation of the Denartmen- t tal . You will alwavs I eei assured, prove the models ol tidelity and subordination, as vcu hve at all times been of courage and valour. I second vnth all my efforts the solicitude of he Govern meLt the discharge of your pay ; but Vf, notwithstanding the con cureijct: cf all endeavors the ex hausted state of the Provinces. the kstih of those misfortunes into ch too famoos cvents have plungei the conntrv, does not per mit thd liquidation of the whole. you wi.I receive certificates tor thc nrreajL wliich will be paid in your ahartmenw. bokliers. -fJL . r. .1 r -. . .. thougorasyU foil v you thrf'atfd t yQurwr1 tunouc: will oe a certain DledtCuf h -iln-iance'nfVv wishes! 30 J affection lcr' fny old CO! nons in arma- igned) ; MACDGNA I.I), t)ukcof Tarentum. ftanatr in duet ot the ft", the Loire. quarters, -tUarcK. Aoer- .JBhi tinvf Events oveumed at Vs?cs. NISMES, Aug. 26. fermentation is renewed with hese few days in this town and Its neighborhood. The narti saroi Napoleon affect a malignant joyXftt circulate rumours ol an appaching triumph. Some ol therljp have even the audacity to raiajthe seditious cry of Vive NaeonTI 1 The police arrest TfnC aSltalors, but others celjf notbe saved from the fury 'of 'tht peoole. information had been received th'ia symptoms of rebellion had appeared in L,a Vaunage and La GrdonnencueV4 aruf that assem blem, cb dsj stinoTcountry people, and the principal malcontent and Federates'of this town had taken refuge there. These movements, however, were far from being re garded, as indioating the plan of a Lui3uiuea tcvoii. cut the of yesterday t to-day have defea 'ti hir nroieetahv unifilinfr KCr events AC Austrian column had arrived on the t4th,' and the necessity ol finding quarters for these troops -in the barracks, occasioned an order to be issued for the removal of the - rlrgiment of Royal Chasseurs which was in garrison here to Alais. The advanced guard had reached Ners, a village five leagues from Nismes, where it halted when its commander Eugene de Cabriers was 'tnfnrmrl tVi r P-r:-.. represent to them, that his regiment had no iu'.cnticns hostile to the country, aud that in compliance with superior orders ne was pro ceeding to occupy Alais in garri son. 'INvosratrnelE immediately fired. Sieu Perieux the Ma) or, was kill ed and M. de Cabriercs wounded in the arm. The latter retired with his company, having lost a man, who was killed by a ufe of musketry from the houses of the village. It was therefore thought proper to suspend the march ol the regiment, and to give information ofwhat had passed to the authorities of the department. Yesterday thc 25:h, 800 Austri ans marched to join thc royal chas seurs, and found the march of the regiment still stopped by thc re bels. The Austrian commander summoned them to lay down their arms and disperse, upon which they durcd to propose u capitula tion, which could not possibly be reconciled with thc submission due to the government. Thc com mandant declared tha he would not trca. wiih rebels : on receiv ing this answer the latter fired, and lour Austrians were killed and thine, wounded. Thc troops in-. mediately marched against them, and they were dispersed alter an action of two hours duration, in which they had 60 killed and 3 tak en. One of thc prisoners was a federative of Nimes, and he and his two coranlor.s wtrr shot by order ot thc Aus'.iian Gen. Stab rcmbei g. A second Austrian column marched two hours ago, anil is a bout to be followed bv a consider able detachment ot the national guard. The object of this cxpedi lion is to disarm that part of thr department which is infected with the spirit of rebellion. We are. assured that Geuiial Gilly, and Teste, an advocate, for merly Lieut, ot ihe Police of Ly ons, have Organised this insurrec tion, the ramifications ot which appear to exvend intothe Grvennes. Proclamations, tending to encour age the people to revolt arc nvtn mentioned as circulating in these departments. BOSTON Oct. 2G. Still L&ter from Kntrl and. i Yesterday, arrived hip Alilo, f Cant. filnSfer. tObr& frri-n wAver pool. Our ' regular .files of Loo- i c t-:..1 ..- . C ' . . . trHict. furnish some 'further and later accounts from Eurbne; 'J he Paris papers of Sept s, a 4 . I . U . 1 l.'l.! I UMl lilt VJCIItl .11 juiciuon bing finished, the King of France bad.jssued an ordinance for convo king theTJTramfccr o recto od Deputies cn the 25th Sept. The same papers also contain an ordi nance for disbanding the artillcn and organising a new corps ol ll,O00of that description of force. The division of Spanish troops under Gen. Castanos, which had en ered France, has been with drawn in consequence of the repre sentations made to thc Spanish Commander by die Duke of An gouleme. A Bayonnc article, however says, that anothci Spanish army has passed the Bidassoa, un der'Count d'Abisbal. The report of the ratification of a Treaty between France t the Allied Sovereigns is pretty well confirmed. Thc Paris Gazette of the 7th assured the publick that tis report is well founded. J It is aaid the cater part'of the Russian troop will have repassed the Rhine by the 1st Oct. Lord Castlcreagh, while walking in the Champs Elysees, at Paris, was considerably injured in both his thighs by the kick of a wild horse, which happened to be pass ing by at thc moment. Thc con tusion on one limb was very bad but hopes were entertained that he would speedily recover irom the wounds. The London Pilot, of Sept 9 says" A messenger arrived this morning, with despatches, under stood to be of very great import ancc, and which is rumored to con 4 . . , " v wn rraoce, the final nctioo wMch vey tne new 1 reaty with'France has been daily expected since the recent innrnt- C t r- y . i.uru Stewart irom raria to I.nnrtor. ji..i .iuu uacK a- gain to Pans, on mission univcr. sally understood and stated to be connected with this object." Thc s:mc paper adds " The despatches -cm down to Falmouth to be forwarded by a King's Met secger to America, are aaid to re late to the limits of boundary in Upper Canada ; on the subject of which there seems to be some mis conception betwetn the Court cf London and the American govern, ment. The Emperour cf Russia after reviewing thc trccps at Compcigce, will return to Paris. The trial of Marshal Ncy had not commenced thc 7th Sep:, and fro m hit justification, written bv the mot celebrated advocates cf France, and publuhd in thc Gazette dc France, it is inferred that Fouchc will use all his influence to save him. Sept. 9 3 per cent. Consols, 5G 1-8. Lvons enjoyed the most perfect tranquillity ; her trade has reviv ed ; and already orders for several millions of silk stuffs have been re ceived from America. It is said that Madame Talley rand still remains in England ; not deeming thc affairs of France sufficiently settled to yield that security which is necessary to give quiet to the mind. As she is pro baGl y governed in this opinion bv her husband, we may deem this article of sufficient importance to give sojne coloring to the repeated reports ol insurcctionary move ments in the departments, as well as of seditious rnrcings in Pari. The Pictures anil other valuable eftrcts plundered during the war ol the rc olution, arc all claimed and arc daily taken away from thc Museum ot Paris. Lons enjocJ the most perlrct tranquility ; her trade has revived ; and alrrarlv nrirrm. (nr irvrr-jl milS oos oi silk nuns nave been received from Ameica. I he King of N'aples sent to PaiUfir 150 pictures taken from his countrv. I hoogh our fo-e"gn details con lain no events of grct magnitude, they will be found ol considerable interest to thc inquisitive render. LlIEAP GOODS. - m . K . - i THOMAS J. ROBESON BEGS leave to inform his friend and old cuitomcn, that he has recently opened bis atore in Faj -Ctteville.'on 5 south "side of Hi. street, five tora west of the Stc Bank, and M hia Assortment of GOODS, yjhc novel article Skck- froqf ' 24 to if) QUica eacbA 37 September 28, lfili. Notice. THE sub'scubsr has just rtturo cd from New. York, rhere he has procurvd one ol the beat workmen in that city, with an ele gant afcscrimcni of superfine cloth and cassimcrcs, with stock ingr.ftts andvestings ot the best qualiu. Poosc who mav plca?e to fiver him with their custom, may de pend on having their work done in the newest fashion and most thr. gant manner, with punctualit acd dispatch, and cn reasonable terms. Wanted iwo or three Juuruo men Tat lots, who arc good work men, to whom constant employ and generous wages will be givru. Al so two or three Apprcnics will U taken. 8 DUNCAN SMITH. Foyettevillc, Oct. 5, 1SI5. The Public ft" ARE rcsscctfullv informal xtut the subscribcM FULLING MILL, is now. in the ben ord-rr, having Utely obtained new Sheers and a quantity of Dies of all co- ours and of thc best quality I nerefore, these who well favour him with their custom, may en,f,. dentlv rely on having their C'oihs fulled and dressed ir. the neateu manner and at the shortest ncii'ce. He promises every tKsibic atttr tion and feels assured that with his present materials and workmen. v cannot fail to give general satis.V lion. Jesse Jackfor. Canihrtlarjj county, Oct J- 'Ar oins leu at ... ' Dovrtll',, Fa,tele. -l U latcly received od rrtui I tn I.C i. ,,,lu "en dressed $ uuk- I . FOR SALE AT TliK tVF Blank Executions do. Subpoenas, do. Writs, Sec I

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