"I t f 1 ft ,4 I - ' X I !. SEAT OP THE MUSE. FOR TH Mr. Editc. The fallowing lines wire intcjed ! for ycur pppc- ; I have ?:' odd:-! -dence enougn in mjacif to i . 'Ci"dl;- znena mem sincerity. Sincerity : tieiighitul name '., The pearl of humwi joy ; Daughter of honorchild of fame, My cvVy thought employ. 1 Conscience, Heaver. V aeM in ho . mind, ; Shall mark the fSoY.-i-y w.',v, ' That Icadsrne to !hc'hij.e,iehn"d; Of thy in.pt 1 u i iVay. i Ohi rmty I ne'er transgn &- thy And seek the bitter rftnupht, 1 hat leason, friend. of virus's disc, i'icpuies for treachery's craft, i Wh-tever p!;.n I n ay prifr.ks, ; Whatever c raise revere,.! .j My actions with th) sanction tlc-ij And let n.e he sincere. " '1XEIF JPSALM. Fart of a Pslam composed a clerk in Yorkshire, q.i the disi:mf'cr nmopg the. homed cattle, 1 78-. ung oiul chorused by the whole congregation in the church The first four stanzas contain an acciAmt ot the cattle that died, and the r.a,ho. tne owners ; the remainmr ei were as follows : ; -r cow, thy "No Chrhtian hull, But takes it out ot h-.d ; And we shall have no cows at all I dqubt within this land. . The Dollars th they all have spbhe Like learned gentlemen, i And told us how the entraps Icok;" Of cattle dead and n . Yet they do nothing do at ali, i With all their Leamett.store ; So Heaven drive out thrs plagut a. ' wsy, ' '. ;vj ; . Andx U3 not ncV naore. - i i jLt5fc?ie 'waa'T wel received, 'that. After-the scrvtr.t ft.a j.-lrcd AA K., i; . ! five Urmc-w, who wipt VmerK ind ? d tW lines were to4mvmg:' ? J TiianrinUtereointouUsaidtothe! derk j "nrhy John,harWalW was that we. had to duv ? t was not onP Wc'f n,.,M'...-i c;.. . i From the Connecticut Courant. The Brief Remarkdr. Ar. excellent and wise Mother gave the following advise with her ttying breath " My son, , learn how to say v No." Not that she did uiean to ccurrsel her son to be a. chuil in speech or to be stiiT hearted in' things indifferent: or trivial a,nd much less did ihe counsel him I to put his negative upon the calls of charity and the impulses , of hunSa r.iiy - but her meaninrr was tliat. a ton & y, ; tutp Vf banner i 1 and beevolenf'dTscttonUic i . snoum.pp$tfe ss atvin nexibl e fi tm t ness ot .pfurpce- Iquii hll.price, whether it regards the sons or the daughters of opr fallen race. ' " . ; ' Persons so infirm of purpose,- so beintr ing ineir sweetness or temper thteir COUrten'linnPV nf Hpmannr Ar-A J 1 . " - . . whatever else f of estimable and ! ami&ble- nudities I they possess. 1 !T:hpuh they $ee the right, they tbr- i sale the vfCiie? i iiotlso mnrh mu! nf inclination as from a frapae of mjnd disposed to yield to every solicita tion. . ; An historian of a former arid rjis tant age, says of a Frenchman vjho ranked as the first Prince pf khe Blood", that he had a bright and knowing mind, a graceful spright liness, good intentions, complete disinterestedness, and an incredible easiness of manners, but that, wjith J-il thsse qu:,'i:, he acted a r-ri: I contempt:! Ac nart fur resolution ; that itT came into oil! tl is taction-; o! h:-: f warned p,v:r to tvt thuse ub j hut thr.r I V"r I y vith,' rc'iOiiuR.n to cM! , . i w.iilst lie v.-.is in ih.vi.-j. Jt ; .-. fiwin;; toih-: wautof ic-ohi ; '-ion, tr.o;e th ! in to the v. an tuf sound Kit... . ' ' -- u 1 i.v J If 11 L4s. 111. n ' , r . , " . ...1. i. 3-. i . r itii is in hir ,! t! . v. j tj k.u t : .1 1 .1 m,-r ' v jiu'.i. - scii v. itn nam. . -. . - . ' ."' ' :m.aoie I .n.r . or v, iss Maii.i and if 'i w i i i -via nr .r..: afnp!ts Oi lil . ." ( f lit t,i r, -.n.r , j m :i n v 1 1 1 . i h a v i i i - j - - . . . . . . ha; Jl dons I -7 , .... p: and v hv ? ?-.ut k. i . i i . t ii, . L-t- r ti f-; 5nclinat.cn, or with a mine hiif iiii"inc k . i. i j rvi- .ji1 .. .. '. lil. . ul,,,cJ nciieii, not how tJ ...n. tllULJl .U UiC KIK'W No. It they h id J learnt, ro! or.lv to iimn.nin, ih-t ; ,, , , ......v looncs-, luble. but t i rulf ..i ;; i r r i i- , n . i ' u I fill nIi nti i,,r . : . i . i nave saved them irom ruin, bolh ! oil" iaefiv hughes I nil V Mem andtuciruncsandthcrcliil- : Lai;,s wear their hair comlnd t. ,- . ., J t'otn-.r way ; all on the top of their Lat thevyorst M it M,!! behind, j heJ, b.a.ded, and twiii.-d and ' ie ruin m ot. character, n: rhe I enn r--l r. ., a i i very h cart and haul oi man --- . , att.s i j i c in a p,visiv e v'.c Idil'.riKES ot : emper and d:spoit.on, or in the !ru oi ,rcsoIi:;ion t0 y No. I ii O 11 - .1 Tl 1 1 J M r f rt-. .r-i- tU 1.. i thrnnr-j T- lu ''"'M, , v-'';i- 1 a,k cousin Nnroughtais weakness, have -been I( Iu'kU vhen I re' horned (,,rl I th. victim ,f craft and deceit. tluiH net,pC downier d"? 4u,i rui:j:c, r,ut now tunic n tiepravitv and ivretrh?lrpcc iheir setter judgmet, to the entice- inent3 or evil companions rr.d l;;ni- iliarc Had they s;.id No, v. hen rsonor, ulien conscience, when every thin:- ,-Ct ed d.-rv.andrd it of tr.cmhappy oiifdit ihey 'have been '.he toluce (-r their k.mhcd, and oi Talent i oi c,r u ty. Sweetness of temper, thantablt nvss of heart, gentleness of de raeancir together Cith a sti mifr dis position to act obligingly, and rveo to be yielding in things' ii.ddL-'eot oi of a trifling mpment rre ainia. tb and tstimahi- traits of ih. hu- -W.v , ..uc th-'c i '..:.i 'frill -1iom.... . .. gfound-worx oi V; ri "rnness oi rcso- i,S .lU Ui"'auU:'- Z ' IMC,V.XS i,.r- np, udenitu . 7'lJWi t0 'solicitation and w nti e, -DiSe fine, he i . .t ... , 7 " " -m "im mui icmpers in children, are xf bp .,, , i.n.ii '.nan generally thev are thmmhf i. Q I " J j'.fclCV O t . aufh. tempers, properly managed snd rightly directed arc the ,o.t Iixelyto form characters of fixed and immovable resolut;cn ; char acters the least liable to be bent, by threats, or by persuasions, frcm tha line of prudence and of duty. FRO.M THE DUTCFIESS OBSERVER. Extracts from Jonathan's Memo randvm cf atour to - set Tark State. . i - . 4 Mokpay august, S15. Twen- tu oidi- v!n: i H'V V f C y-V-- : iaviDC. and harvest done m(.t.i . clnthr nn dPfl o ton l I . u:n i clothes on, and a ten dollar bill in my pocket, going to see Yark state. Never was OUt of Cnnnprrimr ; 1, -"IVUfc . 4 . my life. Took cousin Ichabod-in stare loit-s are civil enough won J'fler if thiV l?nnw re.nA ! h ,, .... Saw a. school Ky:V. thought they - had uor.c-1 iCorea'at a tav. err and pti1 'pi.rfvod runner and good lodguig don't see but the n u .1 j - . iw j nui utic j9 nicy ao in Connecticut. . Tuesday morning. Five and six pence to pay wondor how they can count Yark money plaguey un handy. Moun d Dobbia and jog ged on met a Quaker and enquir. cd theroad to Poughkeepsie ap peared civil and clever enough' wonder what they usedto hangVm? for. Good landguess they might ran- p; 1;rlini rt: .1 r-iiCns here, "i -rr.p ke j- -te -jr-c a hoiite ot b. er ci ihc woman, pretty ,vd beer-, wonder if they in a 1c it. K-n making I rick queer i':ins to nix rwmr v .u ACnUtr vvh.it t;K I t;u . .i;. uiL -uliktrpse aJr. :t niir.-nioie th'iu JO xn:lcs tro. I)'.:tK -houses thick as ptp-Kr--iicrr saw .i citv' l.efore in tny -irtnt lo a tavnr. and pU fild .0'..;!?in up lo hav g-)t some diuvr.in l th, n w:':r 1 chj it to -tt 111, th.' von k-nnnt-, .,-f the 'dace. . ... 1 W"- i-cunt; wonder it they ,...,.. . . 1 a . , -av. lira!.::.") i:e: e L t5; tn-v M : . 1 ... r . v 7. t ; I . JlCj. VV 1 " f r hon- em ' i. n ts. !,:, e :,U ihc I k,u!e Use . ? M,n, .... u. xMintts i lor h-r j L ir . t s-hc l(,t)k( il at m- .i f t fr- i ... ... vur oi a r, ri v . . i. . . -a iu:ng n".aclj iier uli'foiKm Irh.K,,,! , ..n... ..... .v.uuuu iiio.iinMucr . i ti . . 1 lri 'ced hou , befo: e I tou.d out . . i nr.- rntstaice. 4Ian drunk, rirht . r-: state fush.. n. Wonder what tlv eiiticmtn wear boots lor th'u ! . .1 ..... ..v-uiuci j v urss meir stt , i " . . uo. iveainer ; irurss their stockmos " l' i u' c i v e n a v n t trot an'- i . . o , ...... iwwilli I K - 'S , tl . - - ..xau m . . m . ...III',. I I ri n .... I'v s-?en sister Mullv hit L.ird Jn hull i:i ..'twill.. wind un a i . . I'M thc W(,ni. , vVh,,t th, v r-.H ,r -w.-.u.dD't cu.;r be a r 3 ir .. C a good ; r.ry to ca'f !i me I I li . t ' m . cj v' ll.'iu 'n.inii- . .r.. I...' ... I'ti .S nr-t- tarn and ordered Dobbin four ii:ri., oi oata siLr a tlever frl iov k :o:d mc id I about the fashions iMiu..;.. a;al wonderments of the place f .u cift guvss till he tolvm , wna- m.ic- th - iad:es walk so i-.-jif.ty straight :U;d phinil says the ar CcrJ, :., ,r t7?rv.r., or Ccw) someth... g ie forgot 'he nao -. Wiu ihe deuce fs 'that .?" says Ju VVhv. '.i.a litth- L-inrl r,r a iwv H i) s he, that thev wear" 1 Xiir "r 'n! " ' sw'ar--ptt ifthat'i d0WA.J al'nr h.-Mrd of Burh4 ? Ash .'ou d i ve to stc ! i . S-' with their Cos,. on rrnrrss tticv'.l . .a, CV n . , W on-gness thcvM . fore. l hr, fith. li v' . hich ofthe f hev' Senses d, vca know that ? ! say sh.ldrt know 'vn v iifty C;j-r.v riilthey carried the iashi n gu-i they'd look comical if they carriVcit much higher, faith. Fro- mi.4e.1, when I. It ft lima-, to ret 'sfstfcfiMo;J a tiew bonnet wel l iniri--'Vs shop, and told old the -uuirn: i v. anted a sonnet lor my sisterlollv, of the newest fachion. Yes, sir says she, k I have some right from Yark, of the first quality 3ni tf ht 'Jshion ; here's one, sir, thst 1-csumc will suit your rister fXllfj(, -G-ed ..t the Lotinct jtist ;;ke her old last year's c ue. Aye, tye, ma'um, you needn't think to-jrx-L mc off with your old dud. and trumpery, don't catch old birds .t i .... . W1T'1 .-natt t- ieit- tiui. .shop, sltant . t r fit ninepence i darn the .u.. . . .... worth no a shillinrr yai" money. Went to the tavern ino yot supper men pliying che que:f. and drinking grog ; Yark statt exactly ;old Connecticut best ; Mfilrtday morning; Fine break fasKothKig wanting but a little pd?rVin nve to ten of with -,n..r :oJee not-i-watertrl Drhir. oct . " w Jer.exccHent reason why thc gen '.fctfr?" fV n jackets cn Mon- WV ln jackets cn Mon- f na. VVarc Houses belonging to f fflJn i cbsc buttoned on Saturday U tr SU or n:nc nioath5, if appli 'cause their xuHes c (' .fv cd for so'"- in h. ... -T".i I Chishfilm' . I - 1 . 1 . . efcr build tny bigger onessteam ooatlmnlrf liV o -nol t. -v it I'U inn, HUUUCt II boaW smolce like a tii'o whe'lher l better get Molly .T.7T-"c "r Kr9 sonnets or not ; c;P.Ufr' folk i would make a rum if they shuuld see her get it on, tfith hei hair combed t'other way hto Cujbld's msts and -beaucatchers, nm ccscets and shcrt pctUctats, The Public A1- rpecnu.Iy informed t!,at rrni .s' 'KS' ri.nMN Sy.tkm, ukI commence in i the Academy, on Monday next! i A iVV,wl nonih'.y mctimp of the ' rrustccs of thc Ins.ituthn,wii be1 held at thc usual time and phec ' a n r r . . . - Ii orricr, i. 6cniLTRr:r.. 1" ayeitcville, Nov. I 4. ' I HAMyvi-:i), . -V: -Y T hl'.R TO 7V, . 5 T. TA 5 .1 .V K IV lu re he in opening a Fresh ' '-"'" " acasonalllt l . L .. llPlHJ of Seasonable Muni . cd Institution t'ieir wxm, f, - . T wimi.ii Ot business, hi is i!isr.nv.4 V...... convenience to .ilLid ( n.h r.t j .iccomn,oJa!i ;ns at iJJ furs, between - '' J,UJ o clock i M. on lhc most reasonable lei ms. l'aycttcville, Nov 3. The Subscribers B E(S leave tr ininrn. friends and the hey have rented thc Stotc. to', met. Iv occumeci fiv M,cr,. u c .Misc. ;hc Ly,2a Iv; ";""c; Gr-"J!n' K-"- r; a. ; A'.i; .;-. o a r.UA. tqF'" j j Ellm- rf1v I Ir I)UU1 I,cnJcr-n. Favettrvilh -J V UU()(jS I ' Tai,,c iioard, Cumberland coun 1 r icu( eommenexnz the ; J MANUFACTORY. Cou.ury .Merchants ar.d others can be supplied on reasonable terms i o) me qu.tntit . Juluison, Hall iS; Co. Fayeitevidr, Nov. .;. ' jo, The Subscribers, HAVIXCi ent.red Parincrjhip, utide into fj. der thc Firm or Salmon k Monk, they respectfully inform their f"ier.ds and fellow. citizens tK.t they have just opened, (four door Soulh cat of Hay Street;) 4 ,7" . A'cw end hand, I ooum iven or the 1 own Hou- t t r . - . : "BMv ffi : T -01 HJlOOClS. rr... r , .. ' A. Monk.' Fayettevilic, October 27 41 tl 15 Dollars Reward. OTH AYE D from thc subscri- ' uer, on the 1 1 in September J last, and from Mr. Daniel Patter son s, liuflaloe, Cumberl.aid couu ty, on the Uih, a Bay Mare, 3 ears old, about" 13 hands hich. . I r i . O .iiar on ::er lorcnead, one of her hind feet white un to the fomWl- her min inclines to either 5rw. differently, rides well, and works well in any- kt'i, Ql' cr,r- -.., mm t 1 - - - . cwnni -i7in oc g'wn to any t"LA, lf zt house, or? ' r bV 8,vinS certain insoi r tzon wherd! tzon where she is, so that 1 -et her again. Hugh M'Xay. October3I, IS!',. J Two :niisof S ttw art' s-S tore, Richmond coar.ty, $ 2 Cp Notice. TWILL rent out mv Stnr.TTnu.. X and Ware-Houses belonging to CJ.isholm's Ga c is hired to me ur ' ?on hereafter hinnt! hirn withe.. if hiring hirn without my approbr-tiots. may depend on beinK prosecuted lu very extent ot the law. JOHN DICKSON. October 4, 1815. 38 4 Blank Deeds, For Sale at ihh OScc. List of Letters KrnK ,n 11 K. t K uQ ? hc!c'- ! J-niury act. hUJ , v"nt 1 J 1 e Gc0triJ iWOSce t m'iVv a l I , lk,cs'Ci:m,r!and coun- ..Jhn Acdrcs, ii!ad;3 Coua- H John Byrcr, h aj et:-. illr, Crt. Thomas Hc)kin, do. Jceph Uar r ngton, do. ChaMc iiblock. do. John iJaxtcr, do. J0hn llatemao, Cumberland couctv, J-.hn liuck horn,do. C n James Camercn. Fa etteville, U i v.n Cooprr,d,. J nithan Cccp. U J.lium Cod,, do. Juhn Came ron (saddler do. I) Fisher Drmtn Fa cttcvihe, Jesse Dukrmancer, Cumbrrl?nd co.miy, Wilham Dolly, do. Edward Unksondo. K J'.hn S. Fpes, Favettcville,-nn .arlef do. Mary K Knpland. do. Ccore W. hvans, Cumberland count) , Susan Evaus, do. F Archibald F.iirlv. r.ttM.;!1. ' Mehark Fif!d A, ' wa:.. i'Mtu,uu. Henry Feircn,dj. ! M:,rv ;;, Cu'.nbcrl- 1 , ' ..... "i v.umocruu,j coun (i K M artli3 Kioor.cK Fp r't' t. . . i t k i d . t i r. icxan'Jer Ltvrr. Fa eltc i.:mui i. i;it , d ,. M Ann Milirr. , . ttr-. iT- r t ... ' Murphy, do. W4bhnRl,JM Vl.v-k" jonn .uorrison, do. Elm I . .Milc bell, do. Charles .M'AHmr, Cum berland cour.'v. Archied M-k icr, do. Mary M 'Lauren, do. No M'Kin.ie, do. Arthur Moo c, do Aaron floore, dc. Donald Mac ti'j vhom or M-Guclion, Duncan -reck, Cumberland countv, Alex dcr M'MiiUn, Cram', creek Hur!. M.'Coli, Yupfw. Dar..ci llae .His Jloctfi.h, J hn M'Cor mjch Lor i-iulc Kier, Daniel ,t ?r?tcSfc?? S-cipv. n. ' vN Joseph; NeMiura, Vavctteviilr. Ccasar Ho...in, I'ayettev'dlr. vid Kuth, jun. do J'mer. Kirhzru son, do 2, illiar.i llamsay .o j John Strong do Thcmas Smrth do 1 homn. (. Srott dn Ihhm f. art do Samuel Scott near do Mary Sikcs, Cumlieflandpounty, Hc;Xor Stew art do JoVin Stewart do Cha rity Smith do T ' . William '1 aylor, sen. Cutr:ie;- I land c,J"t V Kit klel Vana,Cumbrlaod Co IV. Hv. 'I IF. . n'' ,AWxih harden,. Favettev:l!e, vii-nes miliums tla John Wat so do. 87 D. MacHac, P. M. Ten Dollars Reward. Ranawat from ihe subscriber, a negro buy named B O B, formerly thc property of Theonhi !us Eans, Esq. near Fayetterille North Caroltm. he is abou, sx tceuyeart old. five feet iix inch-n high. Thc boy had cn when ht went una, a mi coUurtd ccit, white l.jmipun pantaloons n. rio ' Mack hat, hi -under lip C longer than t'.e rr rtd r ry thin hair. S hocver h -.i: fcCuI-. thc said boy m acyja.i -4jd rd the subscriber word shall receive the above reward. James Brown. Ljrxhrt Lake, WHIitinsUirrh Dia.ct, iu cih -c uV: x. t , o ct cU r ii . y; 1 r-