r -J. - "it '- 1 - i , i if.- " -'" v ru&t at tha PosM) iBeey F&yetWville,- : rwtiicb,' if not token up; before the 1st. T "ITTLEXO N ? Atlflson,' Fay1-" ! dL-i: etteVtlle, .Levin Alien, Cuhi .terland county. Cap. Irwin An dres, do. ' - ' - - '; i ' - X ts 7 Russell Burlegahie, Fayetteville, , !William Blue, do.' James i3eggsr do. Benjamin Beaven, do. John V.f Bail, 7do. Henry Black, do. 4ivnaru, v. ounung, oo. Kucoin Black m e r , d o M 6rr i s B o m a u d o . 2 ; John &, Henery Butler, Bladen -county, Elijah Brazier, . Cumber land county. - ; ! Levi Crowelt, Fayetteville, Flo ra Campbell, do. Archibald Col- .. m w kl 1 M -V M ' is L hO- Tlawia.. mill. trirUf Pn .: oeiiana county, 2, , : Gol. PjCtef Edwards Fayette Villi-" . . - - ' - - - Sherwoood Fort, Fayetteville. . Huan, YmiliinerY Fayetteville. tn i ' 2 UH "ry ?H J Kro Tames, iavetteville. Tohn r -r lT ji i " j .. u -"V" j-cS?uu. , a amy lonnson, vutnDenana coun ty, James Johnson, do. 2. Y Rebecca Kelly, Cumberland county. , ' Af r.;-' . f l -r' Alexander Lovey, Cumberland county v John Lane, F ayetteville, Rev. Colin Lindsey, do. Luke Lawless, North-Carona. i4 John m Arthur, care of John JikLeran, Fayetteville, Elisha Mil ler, do. Charles Martin, do. Donald Munn, do. Noadiah Marsh, do. Rev. John Murrow, do. Alexander Mac Qacen, do. John Mot gome ry of Chatham, tare of : G. Dubrutz, Fayettevilie, 2 ; Duncan MLean, tlo. Alexander M'IntoshJ do. Peter iiIntosht do. Donald McQueen, do. Kenneth Murchison, do. Thomas MMillan Cumberland cbujaty, 2 ; John H'bonald, do. John M'Cor inick, Alexander MDobald, do. John Murchison, do. James M4BrU Ian, sen. Penelope Morrison, do. Archibald M'Leran, do Archibald M'Cranle, do. Neil MsK!nzie, do. Peter MCallum, do. Daniel m'CoH;' do. Hugh McLean, doL Donald MRae, Big Rock fish, Geo. M'Kay, do. Colin MunroevRobeson county, RofeertMRee, Bladen, do. . N H John Haywood Norment, Fay., etteville, molly Nevin, Cumber land county. O .' Daniel O'Gillct, Fayetteville, Edwin Jay Osborne, do. p h . - -' , ' Samuel Pharis, Cumberland county, Malcom Patterson, do Tho mas Pain, do. Benjamin Price Fayetteville. r Lional Richardson, Fayetteville, Duncan Ray, jun. Cumberland, county, John Ray, do. John U Wil liam Reaves, do. s : ; v WilUam Smith, Fayetteville, Hugh Simpson, do William Shot well, do. Jonathan Shot well, ; Samuel Bj Scott, do. Capt.J. Stew artWilliam Scotr do. John D; Shaw, do, 3 Marion,, Sfeely, do. Da'niel Sinclair, da. Stephen Sen ter, Cumberland county, Snoden Sengletary, Bladen coumy. -T :. v. . . t Jesse Thomas, Fayetteville Jo siah Thomson, do. Jesse Thomp sop, do.. Amos C.Treadawayi do, Thomas Todd, do. Cletnentenor Thigpen, Cumberland county, Jclin Tlar, sen. do. William Tay lor; do. ; ... v Ezekiel Vann, Fayetteville. "s ' : w . j sXawrence Wood, clo. 2 ; Ste phen Wilson, do. 2 ; John Wil liams, 2 ; Neill WiAeson, near .dbcm.) , ; " Duncan MacUae, p. m. . Fayetteviile, April 1, ; 1816. . - Blaiik Warrants Top Sale at tblg Office. ' t-?. CAKOLiNA OBSERVER: A NEWSPAPER ' " tTor be.pubijsbed ?trFryetievnie,i XT EW5 PAjpEusi : like-most JLl other commoditici. "must be judged of by inspection, but, like otners w ho bring their, wares to market, Editors, iuust ask lor pur. chasers, orthey arc doubtful ot ob taining them. v We solicit patronage without the sliy of extravagant promises. The iptrinsic value ot ' the Observer, must be estimated hereafter. But some promises must be made, com mon usagein such cases having re quired principles and conditions, we thus tate ours. r i We believe, in the purity of the feelings and principles which' produced our glorious iievolu- Ition, and that it is the true touch stone of political orthodoxy. I We believe, that WASHING TON, and the men who assisted Him lor so many years, were the sacred depositories of those princi- ; 1 int mm a U,,tr i:.:,.i. pies, l nat his Inends and coad tc"e- The dteenrer, therefore wdl espouse the cause of no one i, k;. ... L su ui3 auuuuisiriiuuu, or wno uow Ucviat8 from h s political code. We array ourselves acainst facti on and demagogues, against mea sures which monopolise all offices and profit lor a lew men, or for pne section of the country, which pick " the. pockets of the poor, to gorge the hungry vultures of any party, and finally, we support the Constitution and all laws not de rogatory to it; all measures which elevate the best mea to office and tend to extinguish the fire of Party Spirit, ana all measures which fos ter the Commerce, Agriculture and Manufactures of our country. It is necessary to add, that the Ob server will be Federal Republi can. Thus much for our political'ten et5. We Ijave avowed them open ly because we are conscious that nothing is to be gained from hon est men of any party, by an equiv ocal concealment of honest opini ons. -Upon these points' we pro mise to be temperate but firm, en ergetic but not virulent, to give no offence 'wittingly, and to take none tamely. Fayetteville is the most impor tant commercial town in the state. lt is the great medium of coramu nication between the interior and the sea-Board, and is upon the great Post Road from Washington city, to New-Orleans. The im portaBiCe of this paper, . therefore, is evident. AU information will be afforded ta the Merchant and the Farmer, giving regular state ments of the market both here and at Wilmington- The terms of this Paper are Three Dollars per annum. It will be printed on Super-Royal paper, and published every Friday, It will be delivered to Subscribers as soon as preparations for the publi cation can be made It is requested that' one half of the Subscription money shall be paid in advance. Fayetteville, March 5. I8tf Notice. WE the undersigned, as Exe cutors of Neill M'Leod, dec. forewarn -any person in the State or any other Stated from buy-ingpor-trafficing off, with Mr. Da niel MacIver, .two negroes, any further than a life estate, which Mrs. Maclver has in said negroes, by virtue of the last will and tes taroent of the aforesaid M'Leod1 her former husband,; The above Negroes are, a negro man by the name of J I M about thirty-five or forty years of age, a negro woman by the name of VIOLET, (the said JimYwjfe) and about the same ag i r i- ". AlexanderM'Leod, ) Wiam Ijartin, VEx'rs. lurdocfiMartiD, .3 3tfr February 1816. Inv all its.Tariois brancesh ;ctttea;itli neatness ' c and dispatch. ; i PROSPECTUS. VWffitfi , JbaycttetiUe AsociaUon; "SCHOOL. : I "IHK -Trustees of ,xhis: School, Eh1iKV-'r-.W- I J I W W II Llk LI ILU alLlI IlllrM ZA. nieodation.. Mr. Brooks is thought to. be the best Mathematician in "113 Section Ot th rnnnfrv vonorr 1 men t?ho' wish to acquire a know, ledge -in WisbVancti of learning would do well to iipply.' The female department will be under ihe charge of Mrs; Kirkpa trjck, whose qualifications as a Tutoress is well known in this place ' Mrs. K. will commence, on Monday the 8th instant. The trus tees flatter themselves that this School will meet with" that patron, age Irom the public to which they conceive it entitled. , The rates of Tuition are For spelling and reading, g 2 50 ditto writiog.and arithme tic, as far as long division, 3 50 English grammar and oth er rules of arithmetic, Dlain needle work, &c. 5 00 Surveying, geography, navt-gation,astronomy,philoso-phy, Rhetoric, &c. with embroidering, drawing, painting, fcc. Sec. 6 By order of the Board, Edm. Blake, Sec'ry. Fayetteville, April 1. 8tf Proposals For Publishing in the Town of Jill mington, Worth-Carolina A Weekly Paper, TO BE ENTILEO,THE Cape-Fear Recorder. THE Subscriber nroDoses iq Pub. lish a Weekly Paper under the above Title ; being convinced that the pre sent u encreasmer importance of Wil mington, warrants the undertaking, anu mat sufficient support will be giv en, should themeriu of the Establish ment, entitle it to the patronage of the ruDiic. It is not the wish of the Editor, to enter into a discussion of the opinions or measures of Parties in this Pro spectus ; but as the political com- plexion of a News-Paper, is a matter of importance to its Patrons, he con ceives it his duty to state, that the politics of this Paper will be decidedly Republican; o ' i. ; i . - a tie wise ana patriotic measures adopted by our government previous to, and during the late contest with Great-Britain, in the opinion of the Editor, set all rivalship in theory, or luucmi in pracuce, at aenance. And while the present, or any fu ture Administration, shall continue to pursue a course, vhich has exalt- eu me American character to a zenith of glory, to which the despo i: r i" . nc powers oi r-urope may aspire in will contribute its humble energies towards advocating their policy. The columns of this paper, will be open to temperate investigations of political fcubjects, eroanatine from any Party but slanderous animadver sions on the characters or conduct tf men in office, as well as private citi zens, will be avoided. An 9rwiB rt r tli. Dva f . . of Foreign and Domestic articles in . a tins fort, will be given weekly, care 0 mm a tuny corrected. The Cape-Fear Recorder will commence about the first of May C. he is about thirty years ot nZ next.and all nersons hold hp- S.ih.L.4 .:-r. . - , y)WI . 1 "r scriptions, will please to forward the !. 0 . scrmtions. will nlaf tnfnmo th. rsamcsot aunscribcrs to Wilming ton, by that time. The sue of the Paoer will be Su per-rRoyal, and printed on entire nev type TERMS. Three' Dollars ner .cai wiio uuiur aaa rillv uents m . i. 1 1 f TV - I payaoie on tne receipt of the First JNumoer. -advertisements will be inserted at the established prtces in this place. THOMAS LORING. , .Wilmington 1816. FIVE CENTS EE WARD. RAN-AWAY irom the Subscri bert on the 17th ult, sn in dented Apprentice to the Clock and Watch making business, by the name f JAMES SNEESTON. The above reward isill be given for bringing niin to me1, , but will not defray aoy;xpeices jbat he may contract; s- JOHNf SELPH. : Fayetteville, April 2, 1816. Tobiacco Manifests; For sale, at this ofHce. npROM the subscrib'oo iMon X p day. the 8ih insu a negro man MACK, his left eve.br"owJi'nn- orK .;,). .( b,s Icfl kneei tne one on the in. f.idF,not PJPcrly cuicd, and was huuiuk uy It WUCU Oe WtniawaV r he talks free and nrnnrr rnA a probably try to pass as a free man, ut iaicu in urange county, in the state of. Virginia, by some peo- pic or me name ot Lobbett, and will be apt to try to get there, or to Columbia, in South-Carolina. as I suspect he mav have nrocurcd a false pass. Any person apprc- nending tne said negro and convey him to the subscriber or lodce him : i i P tu auy ju, ana, convey word to the subscriber so that he cau get him again, snail receive a reward ot Twenty Dollars. : Edw. Currie. Robeson county, Lumber Bridge, April 10, 1316. 9 3 C7lhe Editors ottheRaleiph Minerva and the Columbia State Gazette, are requested to in sert the above Advertisment two weeks, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. - Notice. T7TTILL be Sold at Vendue, on V V Wednesday the 1st. day of may next, at the Court-Houte, in Fayetteville, a large and valuable collection of LAW BOOKS, belonging to the estate of Bela W. Strong, Esq. dec. A credit of six months, will be given to purchasers by giving bond with approved se curity. D. D. Salmon, Charles Rhodes, Adrar's. Fayetteville, March 22d. 6 6w Notice. WILL be Sold at the Court Hou&e in Fayetteville, on Wednesday the -1st day of May next, Th ree likely negro men, two of which arc quite young and likely, the other is about40 or 45 years of age who is a good shoe maker. Also, a piece of Land lying cm the West side of Cape Fear river, about two miles above the town of Fayetteville, contain ing lor acres immediately on the river. Any person wishing to pur chase the above land, can- sec the same by applying to me or wr. Archibald M'DufTy in my absence. Six months credit will be given to purdhaiers, by giving negociablc paper at cither of the Banks. W. T. Bristow. March 25, 1C1C 7 5 Run-Away. TAKEN up on Saturday the 23d starch, a negro fellow named SHARPER, 3nrl t ii'i K lilnM . t PirWtr .f . ' f 1 auu sis icci iiien. stout mad, l b . ,,UUk nc owner is requested to come for ward, pay charges and take him a way now in the jail of Robeson county. - Wm. Hobbie, Jailor. Lumberton. march 2s. iria r 1 A caution to the Public. WHEREAS my Son JOHN M'NELLL SMITH, aged three years, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, long body, bis nose inclined to be flat ; was fclo necmsly taken from me on the 4th of February last, there is no doubt but that he was stolen by some of the family of M'Neiils In Anson county, or carried into South Car olina. Likewise, I iorwamall per sons from harboring my Infant on the penalty of the Law. The re ward of Twenty Dollars will be paid to any person who will bring him to me in Moore county, on the At kin road that Jcad to Fayetteville and all reasonable expences paid. ' .ELEANOR SMITH. Moore county, March 29, 181G. InC'Subscnbers BEGS leave to inform their : friends and .the public, that they have rented the Store, former ir occupied hi Messrs. Hoco & Ming, where they have on h nd Jl GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods.; Thcij intend tcommmcinz TUSrPEWTER MANUFACTORT. Country ISIercha-jts and others can be supplied on reasonable terms by the quantity. Johnson, Hall S-Co. Fayetteville, Nov a. 42t NoticQ. THAT at the last session of bt Court of Pleat and Quam r Sessions ot Sampson County, the subscribers tock out Lctur ofAil ministration, on ihe estate ui Peter Frederick, dec Those indebted to the estate, arc requested to make immed:atc pay ment, and those to whom the es tate is indebted, are reqeested to present their claims Icgallv authtn licatcd within the time piesenbed by law, the statute in that bchall, will be plead in bar. James Frederick.? 4 , rs Aanauiruison, March 4th, 16IG. 5if Take Notice. THE subscribers ha ing qnnlifV cd at March Term, 1816, of Cumberland county court, t.s Exe cutors of the bit will and testament Daniel M-Neill, dec. give notice to all the creditors of his csiatc, to present their demands or claims of whstsovcr nature to them, within the time prescribed by the Acts of 17SO and 1T99, r lhefcact will plead in bar of the m. And further, for all persons who arc indebted to the estate, to make payment immediately. Archibald M'Neill, Kciil M'Cranie, llxccatcrt. Cumbeiland countv,. March 2 t. 1816 S 7 C Take Notice.. THE subscriber having qua'.if . ed at March Term, 1610, of -mbeiland County Cruis Ku tor ot the Ust Wilfand 1 estameot of George Draughan,dcc. give nonce to all the creditors (' his estate, to present their demands or claims ot what&over nature to them, within the time presifibrd by the ,cm of Assembly, inuh cacs provided, viz. lb- Acts rf 1769 ami 1799, or ihesc acts ta ill he plead in bar of them. Acd fur-th-r, for all persons who arc in debted to the estate, to male pay ment immediately. Magnus Jraughan, Executor to George Draur han' Will. Mill Cranks. THE subscriber continues f mske Saw Mill Cranks at twenty five cents per pound, and win warrant them to stand ten years. Orders from any part of this or the adjoin irc ttatcs.vill be strictly attended to , and uhrrras there arc applications almost daily for him to mend rhitatttlpKU made CranUt whicharc composed of tuth bad iron, that it is impossible to make them answer any purpott, he therefore declines mending them, as he considers thzt to do so, is 00 better than picking mm's pockct and consequently refuses to under take such work. I. T. -Cusliing. Fayetteville, March 29. 7tf N. II. Two apprentices from the age of J5 to 17, ire rrrr mttth wanted to the Blacksmiths Wmcss colored toys would be prrfe red. I. T. C. , BowclPs AOllTJI.CJllOUXA A L MANAC it, For 1816. For Sale at this OHce.