KORIH CAROUJW PGRTfcUO fj I ... . , . .. ; - THREE DOLLARS fXir TXA.1UJ wtbttevillb : r Cj -?at 27rBOWELL tc DLACK." (ATBLX MiLT 1 B A JILT Vou IV. No! 35. THURSDAY y OCTOBER iO, 1816. WnoLc No. 191 . , " - e if f 1. X i 11 I I v I l - at it:: 'CONDITIONS. HUHSDAV. ; Vo Subscription 'taktn for less than si : 'wins no ianer discnnti jve.rnsements inser ted cents Der xriiirtre fn - : i ;! I;-aj -fc" j : . :. . o . . j . f, :: AU Letters addressed to j jBitorj, o ', ifiejtfMii, oenow they will not be itU i ; j C7ir. ch.nrtrp.ti - - ; . 1 ' J?.4. ifa. shhL .h&. J.fcf. .1,1,. ..r.. nf (j'ape-Fmr ? 4 IfxVIOATION GDMPANY. L npHK Oirc: tors oi thc i .ape JL Fear Navigation Company, having in discharge ot the duties of their appoint ment, provided ; Coats, Flats and all necesaarv fix ; tures to enable them to rarry into ! effect the provisions ot their Chaf Tj tnd having nviirlv expended f in tbe pufchs of yuung prim ntrroei, the balance o- the first Instalment on the Stock, arje cowspelied to call nn the Stock holders loi an additional payurerit on their respective Shares. I hel trust, that with the aid ot th pi estrnt reqa 5ition, they will he enabled to m ike not only a profira ; ble advancr, towards Uhe rlrarinp : ol thr .rth Westj Branrh dt s Cane Fear, from K:vifri;i 'L : ; ; Vrmiagton,- hutsuch an one S -I .wui ursuro ,tne patron? and inter the' time fcTticcthey'feparefoV " V) u," --f 1 . Holders that th' ttsiilt?n their ftx:' The j therefore' give fd-: j Dollats on ea.h and! every shaft 1 h'-ld injthti Ctpc Fear Navigation C Jm?;auy, will be payable to the J ; I f usurer in Favet'evifk, on thW ; ii -t M adav iu November nt i. who will on the recept thereof is 3'.r hj nex t-sbarv S rip. : Th- .StockuoldkrsI will observe ii: that a forfeiture oi Shares i& pro ,v vided for by Charter in case o " non pav mr-nr agrAf :lvt Notice,' , Ordarof the Board of'birect, -s, ' -;5avettevil., 'cn id.": 34 5 KCvVl the sub-scriiier. livintr x Oil ,4At-"v, f I - u tu n of lv ette ville, 6n thi' 21)fK ink. an inted Apprentice Girl :?ucyiri Nelson, ;-u ntvetn yrats of agt, straight bla k Mir, and veryjai' for a L mulatto hVd on -when she went awav a. dark VSr -Irttekxyellovypctutd -rrawlr? &isWdf v.othe'r Sirtir.ips "vkf.rtK; - Kcunng or., empjo ln. "fc: 1. anv ,7" ' iMtvi.ii.1y,a)Vl VCXXX1 jrest assured that thed will Ve deli ith as the Uw: directs, f will ntve a liberal rewarri tU atiw rit-o , . tht will apprehend her and coaHce h Uier inJail, so that I get hcr gktj, or it -brcucht to me: all rh.A :Tyexpences will he pid, ; i nomas'iAioore: I ":. Negroes Wanted.; I yy lU-lorlthe - Use of V V the Cape-Feat Navigation1. r-y m iweniv nanus, votine 1nu nrim moi. r' ears of .v-lAU:.. ce wjllbe-give&i I f ' ; K APPLY Tfi' , - OHN WINSLOW, PresV ?:'JJ-TLLIJf(SHAST, or, 1 vi. .ft ENRV RRA Mcnv GEO. f. HEARSEY. nay-Street, cvfiitd by Mr. C , Wtfcr r ofore oceufittd bu Mr C Ha? just eeivtd from New York, Which are now offered for Sale en liberal terms. Fayette ville, Julv 5, 1816. 31 tf . CHEAP Goods for Cash i The Subscriber HAS recenth removed his Store to his old stand, on the North side of Hay-Street, four doors West of the fown House j and offers lor Sale a large and ge neral assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Gruerv, faints Whiteing, Oil, Which he will Sell oh moderate terms- Also, On hand a large ouantity of ex-cellentFf,-vX :1 , ;Thoinas J; Robeson. XX .-Minerva & Pacific: leoMvc assortment ot Hardware & Cutlery, which a.c olfcred tor sale on .rce ral terms by the Package or in quantities to 6uit the country trade vizknob, stock; chest, r upward! desk, till, trunk and pad locks ; H L & H hinges, brass & iron butts, .wood screws, candle sticks, tin'ed jajipantd and plated sadleryWst' ed and cotton . webbing, pocket books and pu8s, carpenters and coopers tools, knives, and forks, pen, -pocket and 2 blade knives, ra zors ip caspS,x scissors, ho s., sheep and horse sheaf; buttons," hand, pit, cross cut and mill sawsi guns, double and single barrel, bell -netal ke ties and skillets, waffle and wafer irons, sad irons, trace chains, shovel and spades, frying pans scythe blades, smw knivesc&c. Also, Many articles of American Manufacture in the Hardware line. September 6, 1816. 31 5 LOST, N tne 30ih of September last. rr i- " 4 unci UOOK, dressed with the bair oq'U ; It con jams Rfteeri: dollars Jand fifty cents n cash as nearsT;Can Recollect, a note on Ruben, Loring for siaty five dollars, a ,duV bill onxA. F. Gowell, for twenty dollars, and a due; bill on Wm. O'Quin, for four teen dollars and fifty cents. The above Pockety Booc wasjost, I be iiev between Hay;-Mount and ; -amnbelltown T k Iward of Five Doll 5f. leaving it at Mr. Bowell's inuiu u iu me. A BryantTaylor. j B. I forewarn all persons from tradg for the; irbdve described nutesA . . , B. T. f OaoVer 3, 1816. 34tf . ; ; Foir Saldj r b -IhV .a e,;( ROVE WiilrfJ . in this pla .he iiio exciHint .. . C..ok,4W!,eKjnir ironer. VFor r VT1 tf -TK TT New Gheap-Store, WHOLES ALE & KETAIlf. Wu V WR iit't rnnn VVu .BENJ. HAkTKRj, T3EG leave to jqtorm their -L friends and tht public, that they have taken the Store recently occupied by Messrs. Tern , Kq. j4cc, aim are DOW receiving a laro cunnl.r r O C3 vy . purchased at New. York at the pre. sent low prices, which they ofTer on the most favorable terms for cash or country produce : CONSISTING INf PART, OF Superfine brond Cloths, Jonv priced ditto, .. h . I UttO CJtllttU CaSSimereS, Ladies' Pelisse Cloths, Forest Clothe, Coatings, Hams. Konr. and stripbUnlcets, velvets,1 -- p,iu idrc, v.utierv r A general assoitnwnt of Groceries, Fnvettrvillr, O.-iober 3 34tf A. F. HASJUSTRKCEIVED From N. w Yo'fc, and now open ing a general assortment of Dry-Goods, Suitable to the present and op jfroaching season. An extensive assortmentof Hardware, Cutlery and Groceries. All of which, will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce. Fayetteville, Srpt. 12. 31tf New Stoi James S. Richardson Co. TNFOKAI iheir triends and the X public, that they have just re ceived from New York, and arc now opening at their Store, in Per son Street, opposite Messrs. New 4 by &'M4Intosh,.an assortment of Bry OoodsA Hardware, Cutlery & Groceries, Which they will sell low for Cash or country Produce. Fayette ville, August 15. 27tf Was taken Up, A "ND committed to the Goal of th,s county, "on the 14th in stant, a negro fellow; Ly the nami of B O B. This is the fcllqtv .that was sold someume ago at l)ublic. Sale by JphnHodges, idJohD4MacJrar; pwWr.vThiotni Vs"?-1 5 r 1 we own erJ'lS' .now rnnr) miu striplvoi?nket, velvets,1 " :iHardwareJ Cuilery- desenpeion, plaVh a'ld lancv silks, T f 1 Cwl Slmt' VorL, chintars, g:nshni.,; demitiei, vest- H , V rccCiVt d l .ate arrival, l"g worstt.l and Vtori hose lace h tl,c,r rtg,j!-r importation of veils and handkerchiefs, rotton I ,.IlDw ArA and Cutlery, crn shirtings, Irish lir.rns,: brown hoi J Pkngss ot stapic lands, gtrntleinen'fc cravats, cloves antJ.Pr;m' "nicies, all purchA-scd straw bonnets, mrn's beaver anil , ' , ns'ar ,or Her wiih s'ik hats, silk vmbrtllas, cotton ! 3 lupply of rmin-and A- ditto, ladies' paroh, hz. !ner,ran 0;d, Hole form. An rxtrnsivV Mssoriment of ! 5 LOmP'ctf and rxtentive ae 'Hard WITH z..-t s5or:ment as can he BowelL cr. is now requested to comeon warVJ, take necessary -steps and take him awav. , , " AWv Tatvlo Notice. TTHK Co-P irtntnhip of T hj. ' TOWNES & Co. was d680lvcd on the l.t inst.by mutual consent; those indebted to them, arcrequcited to make immediate ' payment to James Tonnes, and j those to whom they are indebted prescm meir claims to him lor ni ' - payment' James Townes, Jos. J. h. Townea, John Uintuu. Fayetteville, Sept. 5, 1816. 30 8 Co-Partnership Formed. THE subscribers having pur chased the Stock in Trade ol m T t I I- . J ' OWD" inc "usmcss w,,! n future be earned on under i LhLFirm of JAMES TOWNEb James Townrs, John Hinton. ravetteviiie, Se t. 5. 30 3 i t . , .t.t I ward are invifirl ir. vuii uuii cxa ck previous to pur thcv.will f.nd em ated for theSduthto r ' ruyu fo.r1mcr crcdil 9 months, and will eiecute the ordtrs nf iKi-ir friends in the most prompt & com piste manner. April 27, 1816. 14 20w Notice. WILL be Sold u the dwelling house of the subscriber, rn Fndav the 1 lib of O th-r next, Two Negro Men, the propcrtv of Krnuhar W k",,. dereased. A credit ol s x months L . . 1 yiu c given, ana approved secu- ! iiij required. J. M KAY, AdmV. September 10, 1816. 31 5 8 200 Reward. WAS stolen or feloniously tak cn away a few dav since, as I supposs, a negro man h boy, the property of Moses Flborn, dee'd. Fhe negro man is named AMBROSE, is about 30 years of age, yellow complected, about 5 feet 6 inches high, The bov nam cd BELL about 16 or 17 years of age yellow complected, slim legs, large ancles and feet, formerly the property. of Frederick Barrow Esq. of Hde county, IF said negroes, are taken up within Hyde or JQcaufOrt counties the sum of 5 dollars will be paid the person so' delivering them. If taken out of the above named counties and delivered as afore said, a reward of 50clollara will be givcn.--.If out of this State and delivered ICQ dollars And for the delivery, of said negroes and detection and; apprehension" of the thiefva reward of 'two nUNDRin poLLABs.trill be given by the sub aenber. :. ; ;HENKYg: TOWELL, AdmV. Near Balls, W. C. Beaufort county, Stptetaber 1. 31 4p N.tB. I havl fo Uot-n. V C1 WfrcV &J0Vn: Xatsand his son 1 Waters, and thai thev have 1 Wttof r tale 'lor the" ;af6 the above. negroes were taVcn aivaV rhenis o fore-- aforesaid CtJNotice to 31ercli;uits. J3 WHEREAS' the subscriber has been severely threaten, ed to be protcruted for tuflcring Merchants in this countv. to me&. sure Salt and other articles in mea 3ures leas than the Standards fS. tablishcdby Law. You are here by requested to hring all such dif ficient measures to be trird imn.c ostclv, or you willbedclt ufaha. grceable to j.iw I. T. Cushinsr. October 3. 1810. 31-1 State of North-Carolinii, CUMBERLAND CO UN 1 Y. Court 0 Pica, and Quart, r .V.3f Zrfirrmber 7rrm, 1816 Thomas Hacfcetl, ") Timothy L "White. 1' Aluh Lrvted onaj.o cn rJd lren JQ QKDElih.U. I h-t publication be mnde in the Fai.iirtille American fiv, vv,eks, th.t onk.s the said 1, moth v L. Whit.- ap. replivcs h.sMtatrand plr.d, o the action, judgment udl be en. tcrcd against him. I est. Hohlnson Murnford, Clk. Windsor Chairs 1.E SuUfntcr mioim, his x ,rirruJ, aiJ thc ruU.t ra;iv, thal he .1,11 conunurwom kc Windsor Cha.rs o! iar,1)U Fh oot. agrcetblv to ,hc tauc c;l ihc v6';," f,?m9lo-doHarm oj m-Hi btrett, nilr nage M ikrr Shop. THOMAS MROSSO.V. tCT Wanted as above, me or two Journeymen, 10 the abot r ,u. nes,, to vvh m genemw. w-, and constant employment udl be' gvrr.. N B. Old Chairs repaired at tke short est notice. 1" M'i;. Faettevil!e, Aug. 8 2G-tf Notice. THEsubi-crioci hvin- obtain ed Lf itrr Admmutratir n n he KMate of Archibald Smith, Fsq. deceased, ar the t onrc 01 kt ana Quarter s, tsiens, held for c county ol Lumbrrland Sep. - . , v.tj 1 uric, fore, request all persons indebted or otherwise liable to siid etatr, to come forward imnv ditely and settle. Likewise, a I who' have am claims or demands whatsoever against said estate, are hereby re- crnoer 1 erm. ifiiA 1 Nw:.u 10 -come forward within law. with thr by thenticttted, otherwise thev au- khail uc caried ot rrcoven. John Smith. AdmV umbetUnd count . September 19, t8lG. J r...t . . ' Z2 3 Further Notice. WILL be iold cn Wednes day the 23d day of Or to bcr next j at the late delhn2 house of Archibald Smith, Esck deceased, all the perishable pro perty belonging to said deceas- consisting of cattle, horses, hogs, farming utensils, IR.OOOfect of Lumber, one- Still,' &c with other articles tootle di on m men tions; Six moqths credit will be gven, by giving boi d nith p. proved trcurity for all sums above forty shilling. ' John Smith, Adiii'r. . Cutnlierland hioh . 1 . utntierland mxidm . 1 September 19,1816, f 33 3 s I Ji . 'If Jvmoe s7ti rr Faycttcvrilc, 04vi W 2 GAMUTS. . For sale at this clhic x countv.Lm. 2o;iift;f CMfr0' head. -;. . . f - - i --i .5, -1 I ' c. vi.:-VfV-'v V.V::'-tiv:-.-i : . : -v - .-.'. . ' v r ' v : ' . ' " . . - .

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