U'rofn CbScti' tfcUsieal Register of i r TO JfAPOIiTCON". ,' ... j When (he morion was madeir't!ie Tribunate ,f France to confer oo you hsked" wbctherii was to vfaht"the ?ihst Consul a reward foe hiseiv rvices in the cause lof .Liberty, to offer 'to him the sacrifice of that Libert v: Whether to conferrals tide on him was not to destroy Ma own iiork9 add possibly, hmscif in the end ? VVbaU am uc, is uucriy, uien, a.tsciosea CO man only that it may never be en joyed j only to be! snatched frorii, his sight ? We are " told that ? this mea sure is necessary j to consolidate ihe government ; . but, as ali-rhisWy shews, a government by one indivi dual, isnot in the smallest degree a pledge of fofc&fy,l The example ..of the United State of Amerieafhas proved the raaicabftity o freedom with order ; and the high destinies, to Which thatnationap pears to be called, leave rid doubt re maining as to the cxistenceof'these important truths " This 13 the season to recal these truths to your mind, but not for the purpose of insult or reproach, but for that of justifying the principles of liberty. As long as you fought un-" der her banners, victory was your in separable companion, and the; grati tude ol millions placed the laurel on your brow. Fromthe moment that you associated your, name.. with' that of kings, you began to sink in, the estimation , of mankind; and -when you, at last,iallied yj)urself with them, mixing even your legions witb theirs, the eye was unable -tdnfojiow; you in the rapidity of your, fall, vAiTorded a chance of revival even from a state of captivity and bariUhmeni:, go'deep ly bad you imbibed the infection, that the emntv title was resum-p.H Nay, when the voice of fate had an- j parentiy pronounced your eternal seclusion, you must still, hand over your abdicated name toyour child. Charge not liberty therefore with the injuries, the insults, the base opprobrium, the horrid denuhcia- tions to which, thrrtnp-h rth r,i;.j, ; press, you luve now been exposed Charge not her wkbf these, the ha- t ' " " . " wivuu uib lia tural offspring of cowardicedn th - hour ol triumph over the brave -5 oesi(JWg new digni Charge them on your ovvn desire to Uf 3 n. th?56 Prcribing the bounds rul mrtfrrv where you ought to' 1 alliances; and giving their have administered as a servant ; and SnS and lhejrdaughters in marrage : especially toyoui more inexcusable TThctl the friends of liberty look back desire lo take rank, amongst, and toj.vP108? whic have estab make common cause tJuhpthbso- -Ilshed rever- the superiority of tal whom the French nation had eom.v ent vcr indent birth, which, m lis missioned you to go forth and de-' s,Kat-,?S prejudices, have laid the strqy While seated on your throne ingor- geous looes, surrounded by bowing it.iicts ana mitres. ol America, had he appeared in hisr simni ntt;,-A u S. ' , 1 ; - occiiicu iu t you a oeing, uunded by nature sole ly lor the - humblest, offices-of life. Let those who prize external gran- Mn republishing Cobbett's manly ai deur;let those who desire to rule dress to Napoleon, trc do not mean tc feast as masters of men; now hp.hnlrl ,trn any reffection on the Catholic subdued by, your person actually in the hands of, and, as JasserteaN a-f bout to be imprisoned for life by that same power, which he, having the hearts of freemjen on his side, foiled in all its hostile attempts, and drove in a manner which history will fear lessly describe, from the biasing ca pital and desolated shores of bis country. Examples so striking, and 'illus trated by events so robmemous. will not, let us hope, be lost iipon :you,if personal freedom, be W again'to gladden your teart, and the almira. tion of your great deeds, wich will- always exist, be destme orici to restere you to power. Ldoit at the peonle of Amprio irix 4iAi iiu IU1C or their duties and nf w:- . . j it . - -r.- tucir past - vyoiurmsi tms people with the miserable peonieof France, whn. while they stare at Ithe Oliirnn of Jiutterlitz arir paying contributions to ttk -M M. A At " 11- A , . ' i ' r. . - , fc- pamper nc 7 somiers ol AustriaVand uPn the very bridge of J,,, are trampled under foot by,the.o!dier6 of Prussian while their province are overrun by -those Bavarians ajiiH w coum, uu&e, prince. embftTori Hnv. r u vjfea. ao spienaid shows, r v uu, oronoery f No l no objects to gaze at, are necessary rsu"cdef tiere ;the accidentaiHon' to remindithem.of iheir dmfe nVf tinkencieFmV hirtK vvwnemDergecs, whose sovereigns d vre elevated to thrones 6y the - valor and the blood of French armies n ,;. der your commaod., v- 1 ' n 0ngrbackutandrt ? interests Lof , so; great f part of IWfW Pf' whdmyour actions have hada inflaH P ii 'rMnuH.u via&s uo.you'juxd tn havei ' w : 5"vr uioc, mastsin eretthe most faithful, the most me. tiammous ( And -wHfcb W most perfidiouse ttie: mos cruel VV6ur wr ",. ty r me mpsi nonowy the most il a tc I PRr than -mv ! . . . l est than any former event, in the his pry of nations, sor t VWiii produce a greater ana mote lastifle: eflcct on irienVrriinds. It, will be the beacon. me ever, existing warning, to every man vbghavinjc the cause of free dom consigned, to hi hands, sWk'in monion, . lhat. will it. ,,rt "iMbc'rock on which Napoleon split ; apolebn,ln whose name "was comprised ail that was, skilful, gener- Were the friends of freedom as unfeeling as their adversaries, - they vould exult in your fall, as the tri umph of theii-jprinciptes. For who is U that is fallen I Nt " the -chifd afid the -champion, of Jacobinism," as you price had the honor to be styl ed by the child and champion of cor ruption not the doling hero of de mocracy, with Liberty andf &qali- unzjeain inscribed tm. bis ban- ners.. -No ; but an Enineror and the-son-in-law of the? House ot Austria; 'the etttogi'st,-the asso cjate, the friend, 'ihe-preserver the restorer, the upholder, the creator of -Nobles and Kings. ' If is not "Napo leon, driving the lazy monks from their cells, and scattering tathe wind the relics of Superstition : but, Na poleon, crowned by the Holy Father, re-establishing, in some degree; JJish ops and Priests, and daily prostrating, in his own person, the interest of Truthbefore the mummeries oi the Mass' It is not that Napoleon, the FIRST CONSUL,' who, in the.year 1804, formally and specifically and officially, charged the English go vernment with the hiring of bundr oj Q&sasslns to take away his lite ; but -jjuicunuie- .:vii'iLKUK, the sort in law of the House of Atmria, -who,' in 15 5y calls that same Englisb go verdment u the most generoua of his enemies. S'till, the friends of Liberty can not harden their hearts to feelings of exuItaton, when they look back to rnintnrAKini..i it- nwuuciiui cflons m per cause. When they behold you rising up a mongt the sons of Democracy, marching forth against ihv privileg ed orders of Europe: leavine- un subdued not one single sovereign, Tilling by Divine right : brininir "? . 1 to. ?our feet enlarging the u",ninions ot -some, curtailing those , ... o " ot.h.et ; strlPPng these of their iuuiiuduon ot iinure tredom. all your errors are "forgotten, and, Whether to exHe or to deaths you will iiA. rjin. i i . .1 . .i uc wvwea oy me admiration and 3"LV 7 ,,vc .anu. "- luai1 u every -nation in the world WM.COBBETT J3otteyilh jiugiist, 1 & 1. P- Thank Godall religions are " v rw , IColumbiato. Irish Eloquence, SP5SECH j Of Counselor Phillip 's ct an ggre- 6uc mczimg in juubtin, May 19, 1816 ; As an Irishman, I feel my liber , f V T Y 'Da thc ,onclest af Sf mK 111 " iflosc ot my Catholic a a Protestant,- y. rr"" purwy or my own tauh, why should I not rather mate vvefw o i oy reason than ith a proad'contVrnntaU the odi oua.oruel and deirradim aAJ jgf:with which an iUibeVal monon: .wouidl d v esfT ine. : I will not to receive anv iv A- wauo lor ay duty to my God j nor a blaspheiriouV jtt trusion, between piari ahdJiis JVlai i M fKcrrmhial' anrl accursed sacrilege; to rob even bBmpf rnotive lor fcis tlevp: S"3tS9Hf :rtp:insuh my creedto ofierme:a ciVil toon cPJMf preferment is; but abad Wvri '. interest .o( eternity .TJje b) ILpafejingi ? is t proposed! bJow-.no t at this jsbct of that sectv S.W-bwrtof.chrisUanitv itse For T hold k , ia att' aitiom: vouf cKifch and ihe'slato, I . . . fwhich W i iricoded to cstabltsh. tvooia ilo. tneite mischief tbe caiise-bf Olniilhan art the iodcl uy since the cTaciExion. ,The sub lime disposer ofthc Christian creed tie vcr.meant itrjto be the cbanncrof a courtly inQuevce, or the soartfes of a corrupt ascendancy. ' -1! ccnt it among us to heal, not to irritate; to aisociu-VJiotto setludc ; to col lect ' together, like the bapiUmal Oovc, cvcrv creed and every c!ime and color ia theuniverse, beneath the;;spotles wing of its protection. This baton of church and state, on ly conveVts gobd'ehiistiant into bad statesmen, and political knaves into pretended Christians! h is, at least, but a foul and adulterous con nection, polluting the purity of lleaven With thr flhnminatlnn. f .u r.-".-...- ui.itcisc iuu oosiinate men. "bl"K w proiancoess " a fiohticai piety around the cross snlenr T Kot tU a , C-l8Tsf Wo"c-?ot nnV f. A 1 lMfy .f V"- not all the s uborn impiety of Paintr-not all the blood cenvertirv blasphemy of Mahomet Aimed at the gospel grace so vile a blow, Or proved so deadly and so daran'd foe, Ashe who washed the thorny garland gore, Dariag to gild a wreath the Saviour at J Heligion, holy religion oueht not, m the words ot its founder, tn be " led into temptation" ; the hand thatholds her chalice should oe pure the priests of her temple should be pure the priests of her temple should be spotless as the vestment ol their ministry ? -raiV nni.. a- grades wealth onLy impoverishes. ornaments only disfigure her. Her uctomcs tnc more sublime from its simplicity, and should be seated on an eminence luaccessioie to Human passions. 1 would havC her pure, unpension cd, unstipendiary ; 1 would have her, in a word, like the bow of the firmament her sbmmit should be the sk her boundaries the Wizen but the only color that adorns her should be caught from the tear of earth as it exhaled and glowed, and gliu tcred in the sun beam of the Hca Vens! uch is my; idea of what religion ought to be. What would rhis bill make it :la medicant ol the catilteaa megialof tfic? levee its manual thered book its litnrgv, the pension list-its gospel, the wili of the minister ! Methinks 1 see the stalledand latted vict m ot its neatiou, cringing with a brute sup pliancy, through the venal mob ol ministerial flattererscrouchiug to the ephemeral idol ot the ,day,and like the devoted sacrifice of ancient heathenism, even soliciting the gandy garland that dboms htm to the altar, and decorates him to" death! 1 will read to you op inions of a celebrated Irishman on the suggestion, in his day, of a bill similar to that proposed 'fo our op pression he-was-a tnan who added to the: pride, not merely of 'his country, but of his spectes a man who robed the soul of inspiration in the splendors of a pure and ov er, powering eloquence I allude to Edmund :Bufket a radiant and venerabU name a name at least to which the sticklers of ei tablish ments can offer no objection : Before I had wrktett . triti. f, (says Mr. Burke, in his letter on the penal laws,) I heard of a scheme o gv?ng to the castle the patron age of the presiding -members of the Catholic, clergy- At first I could scarcclyWeditit, for, I be Ixeveitis1 the first -tune? that thd presentation oi other people's alms1 naa been deaired in -my; country. Never were the membem of nnJ religious seer fit to - annoint to" another. It is a great deal to sup-' pose, that the present castle wduld nominate bishops for ;the Roman ctrurch of Ireland, with - a reiigiotis regard, for its welfare. y Perhaps they capnot, perhaps they- dare not do iU " But 'sUODOSe thfn ; K- a eUincline- ati know. I aro;-tj l",?g ''x do the.Catho ic all kinds of tastiest P?T 4 declare I could not Ifiit-wefcjJri my power, take that bitranafr, myself., ,1 know f ought not ta do .Hf .Won$-t( mother commiraitr. anu.it . .would,. be- an "intolerable I 1 J t Y 7 'tv -""wuoiii iwruw'ine j least juqgmeat,ncf;-;thck;-iacri at to discern which .bf the popih priests is fu to be bishop?' Itan tint be .the idea U 'ridiculous. Hi will hand them over to lord lieu tenants: of counties; justices of the peace, and other person v.7wSpf lor the purpose of vexing abd turning into drrijionnhTs iniscrable people, will pick out 'thc wotir'and t moil obnoxious they cin' find aino'ng the clergy to govern" xhe rest. Whoever is complained against by his brother, will t?c .considered as persecuted whoever is ' censured by, his superior, wjll be looked up on as oppressed whoever Is care leas in bis opinions, loos'e in his moral, will be called a liberal man, and will be lurjposed to have .in curred hatred, because he was cot a I i t "$wi. iiuuiiHcr?, iaie ocarera. Cat- terers, who torn their back upoo their flock and cdurt the Prbctstant I'gentlemeo 6f Ihe ? country, w,U be the bbjtcuof preferment ; and then 1 rk of foretelling, that whatever order, quiet and tnoralitv )6u leave in the countrw will be lost. - : 44 A popish clergy, w"ho arc uot restrained by the most austere subordination, will become a nuisance, a real public grievance, of the heaviest kind, to any country that. entertains them, and instead ot the great benefit Ireland does, and has long derived Irom them it they are put under bishops who cannot owe their- siatiou to their good opinion and whom ihev ran not respect, that nation will see disorders, of which, as bad as things are, it haa no idea. I dr not say this as thrnih$'the leadTng men in Ireland would exercise this trust worse than others Not at all ! But no man or set oi men liiing, are fit ro administer affair or regulate the interior .economy rt a thunb, to which they" arc enc mie Now let me ask you, is it to such characters as those described b Burke, that you would delegate the intluence imputed to you priesthood ? Believe roe, vou would soon see them transferring their devotion from the cross tu the ctfjir wearing their sttred vestments but as a maaueradi! an EcB5l?i;iojiheirlaitUi af ae. J ter, and under the degraded pais port ol the Almighty's mtnc, seek ing admission to the pleasures ot the court and the spoils ot the peo pie ! When I say this, 1 am bound to add, and I do it lrc-i tnanx proud and pleasing recollections, that I think the impression of the present day would be fate ami would be deliablc but it is hu man nature ; and rare are the in stances in which a contract with the court has not been the com. mercemeot ot corruption. Ihe Man of God is peculiarly disconnect ed with it it directly 'violates" Hi special roandate,.who topk"hjs birth from the manger, and. hi disciples from the fishing boat. Jdds was the firstwho received the money of power, and it ended in the dis grace of his creed, and the death of his master.. If I were a Catholic I would peculiarly deprecate aav interference with ray priesthood, I do not think in cverv retmrt :fwhich,onr would wish to behold ine delegates of the Almighty that they coukl be amended The Catholic clergy in Ireland are pure examples of. the doctrines they promulgate pious m . their habits primitive in tbeir man'nerK ihi I .. t r . '..-. 7 wj but the r Hock study but their Gospel." it is not tn the garjog-of courtly patiobs thatouVvill fincl the Muri rays abd the Frenches, the lilakes,' the Derrvs,the Aroytands, or the Coppmgeri of ine present day; not at the levee" or the longe, or the election riot ; nvqu wilt find thero.wheret er good Ts to be donc 4 ? dc, corrcctedi-rearinr their mitre's In the : tan of mir'S j r-onsdior; the capt) vcWrcfbict l-mg the cqnvictcririchtnff thV M pnan ornaments of jhisrandm ol c m s o f ; a br ft e'nt. r u L ixx i God-.thrpugh the practi ck t e vc ry : .virtuemoniiftrs.at'itru confes sionali-apostlei In tic' pulpit,', at the death-bed .rpouTinV ' the ' sacred wnctioifBti ihd agoETet 61 7de'spalrV Oh! I WoiiTd hbld hlrVlitttc better tKah Ad (PromcthrobbtKho would turrr'.the 6rf their eternal rr-rt uns. micrjcrence wttn --CfJlr.. ' V '1. tVhy is it that thev must pull down ur tnurc Uriore thev will erect .our liberties ! Vhy is it, ihtt in the day of peace, they demsod se curities from a people which in the day of tfan$f Destitute -their' strength I Whv I When wr were denied .prj reasonable security thc wsourcL Wit it m IfTG when a cloud of enemies rcangmg tin our coast siw every heart a shield, a,od ertr hill a fortreV crc they ;dciicd securities in Ca tholiC,Portugai'r What' is their securities this day 10 Cairxitic Ca Prejudice, where is ihyjfcason? Oh bigotry, bero is thy blush? Uctuio, rctjrn to us our glorious Wellington, and tcllbcsoiud England whit wisher security upon hc summits of Hin roisa Arise, mirtrs of th Peunsula ! ri- Mrr.nr.- i . " ----- - - - - wij 1 1 trri our'4gr,ry bedM .ic, and vii,du cate your suspected iovalt rtS and vindicate ents ! ihev have no pnitecrnr now, and the government in wh'ne support you died, wants some -security for the allcgtaace of your fathers ! I here is not a Catholic family.in Ireland, that for the glo ry of Jrtat Britain, is cot wcp. ing a child, a pri nt. ora brother and yet still she clamours tor se curities ! Alas, 2l i j, ir nct maddening tu it fleet, that whilst the English roomer mcuros the unmitigated nunoy r.l her here the matron o! IrcUr'd has e en the melancholy .ono .lion that he di cd a soldier, withered b the rc toHection tht he died a slate. j ..... t r . uim, wcitttc in mv soul 4 ociicve it, y our tnmc is not that ot bciog Catholics, but Inshmco. All over the world, ihry are seek ng the alliance of your" faith, and where has it relused them friend ship pod fidelity i How cn it be to Catholicism the object, when r very where but at home, they are Jdancing in interest? How do I prove it? The Catholic regent t Portugal the comcyed to ibe Brasil. Catholic Louts, their re r prinre embarked tor hit capital the Catholic t reed.ihe have re cognized at Malta they have, X "eiteve established u i. Land; lothe Catholic world tbe gao xfimn'tn C'mhcriL lnLb gave ifMint -countries thev never received their lao it U 'lor us, their brethren, that they reserve thtir frostns ! Sutd2,it istimetat this hos. uhty should cease. (I ever there fvas a day when securities vi re'ne- cisary, snd I do not think that day ever existed, it now n tr,nr,rr exists. Evcr reason tor thrm ha, .anuhed Alnvrst all the wot Id is it peace wuh England. Thr t c rj uneot is triumphant The Penin sula U free. The haplet hoX which gave birth to jacobin.sm, i extinct forever. France is our al ly ; and it should net be forcottra thjtanTrisli Catholic fimt ed ltllies on the tower ot Bordeaux The .Pope has been found not hostile, hot compiyicg Cwhfslic alliances, abroad have rcJtjied the foul asperslocsjlcn toot faith, and now, this dayV.at bsroe, you will discard forever all foreign in terference. Indced,,U England would only remember the share you had in the sublime erxztkrr tra. ure gratitude. But, should sho not Should sheVith haughtiness, monstrous and unparalleled forget podr Ireland, sbe his still to sttidr a trcroendouo lestcm.The ancient order of. prince, it is true, U re stored i; but who restored irCo. alition after coalition has. crumlU4 away 'before the conqucTOrjJ Crowtut,wereranishings3Monach were but the irnantof' o hcHr--V Th dtscendant 4 of v Predericl? a5?lflJ into a' vcwcl Thc ra 'cfstor.Ql, Charles roamed s v-JJ ed asvtrJJ ond, throneless lx 1 abandorO Every .sun set. upon a change HI very sun dawned upon some" ne convpiaion in-thort the who) politicml globe qnit ered srj with $ earthquake, and ho could V oeitahrvcr beneatif ibe. spleod ; lagmentf of. the French volcin . vWhatgave' Europe peace, a: England safety amid this-naUy hcr Pripc.7?, JU;.was the lin . vehraad the Landstmm ihd t levy cn.raassef--iit wax: eopha rv me pcoplethe s sotereigrpf - Ptjitvtm and , last, : thV. bfr arid noblest; as well as txfcA ifif-' :ty ol A virtucnia gavemect.llt f i I a-';" &l prious 1 ewcrU. K n r r ougtjt to-study Jnthis; bottf - 1::: v .7'V- V;-v

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