..'::' ' -. . ' '. j .- w - , ; . . . . , , m&mUWm$t m of:iM Hliil plfeSS sapjiistes sK fefew tea lnJund JiboiiljLdisi p'cVm'intar iw- Bnes in tioailEM b it6lcx4HioHr'"Href' h6tKcVri there a tJfhfrK Will h'MrAf 11 Sr. rir.1 fr i V o'. 1 . -. Mr. UhUM-l-l conjure yoa to.cora- l pi j'with tbiy my first aaid lastVequest, by" pabKstung the fotfowihff lines? rThev inay- verd Unwr fiiUycUCounli who I Arar finquire"iXerpool ; if yoa J nuum www wuere lstniy enquire of i3ie- A' 0,!f AN, tlyis irjwatnaft'botnir . liiyes but a 4y, ; andlm to roourn liUe ia stormy te ;atibest: The oiivE the hayen pjfi rest ij i 0 many i sea iVectofVdto find x . AWiu tolalartroableiinind: r 3ut iUl Toatn no .more,, by land or wave, For there's no rest but in the or aVr ! " I mea beggar bejS V' " ; Wiuhkeii eheektodleises grey Coia blows the wini sidland sard, u And thin and tattered psmy plaid " The rain beats hard,! ;the norin wicds rave I saw a moUier, who sit and cried. And wrong herhands.by the highway sifie Htt3h,hashJ mVibaesl! nobreid-t have, if Bat there's ho hunger in ihe g it a v m r Tsaw in his field crfaed nianv - -; The sweat down his wrinkled visage rai ; O'ercorne with toil helakl-liim ddwn, I saw him weep, and I heard him groan, - 0 this is a life of toil at best, H But m the silent gratis there's Rest !" . . . A widow sat by her husband's tomb Her eyes rain'd tears, and she 7aiTd her doOm ; -)v '- : : 1 heard her sob, and heard her rave There is no mourning in ihe grave !'w An old man stood by a willow tree, And wept and waild most bitterly ; " My heart is broke, aiid-my peace is gene, cFor in that grave lies my only son: ' God jostly' took what he1 kindly gave : u But thete is comfort mthe grave.1" 1 wentlo the Lazar house to seo The sick man's woe ami agony ; I There, some were scorch'd by the fevers fire ; - And some were racked by convulsions direr By pale consumption some were blasted; Somegroaned aloud, someishricked amain And cried; this life's a life of pain : ; " Thy aid, Q Death ! thy aid I crave- " FoiiJthere'j no siclyiessih ihe Gil A YE!" Tf""N -v j i -;r. h , " I walked on the shore of the Ocean flood, When the waves were high, and witfd ' were loud j v V. !;- - - ' And t saw a ship on the tossing main, Sie sunk with her ere w, nefer to rise again1 ..But the waves may roar, the winds may! rave j - , . ..: :i . " TTiereino tempest in the GRAVE! ' ' iedpriA in Sqrusme grove And Maid a Yp'bcwaUttftfa-;, " '&&fy:kKfW fover' doom : i " Mui icre is quiet in iXe tomb !" - ' . "... . ' - I if e w & siontiysed, attest, 4nd MGfeAYfi moF Mr rir; Shallman the waves and Umnkh Km V what tit Po ii &s?&dijfy, a 1 1 is a nlea&inir; and instructive v. Y u:cx proviaence, to lrys aH efiamei grearf penodsand by persons the mdsi remote froni each- other, without Without coacuireface dr exertronX mong themseim4' to fiehoMh great,God, molding, guiding, v dP& Dvarioupasstoospur; pos'ftSf and private interests of roenv to hia ; oyg .J&nt,-i5to- ! ioldDildings;bF.Goi, nVtng ;itf .beautdvancinffVwkrds erfee - : tlOs JarJbe bands f Teehle Work -1 nien, vho comDrehend rnot tKll .uiousaodui tart otheilan 'whicK thev assist in rnum . ,u tnted oFcoyoratirigfriqVehtK S"cW.rW applies smk, trae aeverwant anidstrumenrwiw hatfi treav kti earth: ancl heir At -: hu dxi- On Honor and IntescHty. J By; Hilarious,, ; Whcti'.yptt come ' uppn tHe'tagc of action mv dear Eutrenin. a if ic 1 j u,L4y it will be your glor), J Clear and round "Heal characteristic pf a virtuous zni upright mind, arid seems' congenial l9 e aignity of; human nature ; hate therforfc but wbat is dishnnrat I fea nothing But vyhat is ignoble, & :iuycnoinnguutwhat is just and If. you wish, to be a valuable member of societyva good subject ta our country and a staithful ser vant to yonr Creator convince the world that your word is equal to your bond,, and that it is not so much the law as honor that binds you to the performance of tjic duties of ociety Breaking -your faith may gain a ou riches, but will never obtain you glory. He that breaks his promise, even in, the most trifling circumstances, will do it in the greatest, it occasion serves ; and whoever ao forfeits his faith, des trbysthe principal bond of society .; and let his rank' and property be what theywill, can never be const dered as an unricht and honest man. iHe may be a manol wealth, a man oi rant, and a man of diguity, but never a man of honor. Thint therefore an hour before you speak, and a day before j-ou promise ; for remember, a man's word and the effects of it, ought to be as tnseperable as fire and heat ; and ever consider, faith and honesty as the most sacred duties of mankind, not to be forced by necessity, or corrupted by reward. Faith is the foundation of justice, jtuu justice tne stay ot the state and the support of society, A just man rtj-lhdd nothing more precious than his wdrd nothing more yener rable thaa His faith, nothing' more sacred than his;promise, To,de ceive one who is not obliged to be lieye 7ou is ill but ; to ; cheat one whom Voiif fair ofetencpa KvV;n I ducetl t6;put con fidence in you, 4s pauinaeeq. And be. assured,xhat he who in any one affair relinquish, es, honesty, banishes from his breast all sense of shame in ' suc ceeding actions j and certainly no vice coyereth a man with ao much sham as to be found false and un just ; and however the world may think lightly of uch proceedings, and whatever plausible excuses aL?a"ce" rfelvwP the ctfncif acti6nywith low, bursure J v sukc4uic ui uoa rewara an payment and lull raterest.' - ? vHavir cKgencfb8ity of touljai;n6t to desert thar'Xrvhich U just; out bwri it. "Ritpr troth v and faithJnT theimallest mauerstnat r uu may. not aeceive tn creater ; cient'efer cbnsidera r promlse-a jusebhrcE-you cmbr'chorieity "are thi thinnoilonger6nrfife;thanth 13 noir present ; ltorget the S?5S ;eT5 gposayourseif to preform thihga'oif weichtid -rndi secunnes.Atnkh of virtue and hooVhaiauc&srl riaturat 'Areoui-r banc to4ahKth1nc via leithWGodneW m hevdTd:tlt .&aa5d:t)0nlxfi:'. VeiHul Pl&'M !Ust,actnndt;wa ;: tthayetand IT" V. i- . 'T opinions . ot -.-"."wwsucf tongues, the insolence , ol the :nroud.. the tempt of tK fech: arid be obloqdy pfipovefty ;Hyto enrich "myself hear. much of Jhon": or and' interritv. words, enmmnn ; rTrrMpcrsQO, mouth thobgh Cam afraid .seldom in tnei ,- .- e -jii, 7 . , ' hearts. False hooor,. indeed, fre- companies irom the Highest to - the lowest, : 1uti true honor seldoroexpect among the virtuous anil eood-Their charac- ters are so 'diametrically; opposite tuat tnerare seldom eeh in the same place, and never accompany uic.aame person. " ? False honor is setfish, ostentta tious, proud 'and over h-flr?nrr ioves the greatings in the market- r c uuncc oi tne muitixuae, and has her principal reliance on the breath pfc fame, whom sheccn. staotly courts totsoundher- praise. T rue hormr,xn the contrary, it reserved, silent andmwlest.- She acts from integritv bnlv. and not from the lores of ;fame,'whom she never courts. The former cone quentlv associates with the vain the selfish, the proud, the omenta tious, and the ambitious, and is not infrequently companion to the most vicious. But the lattrr is on lv to be found among the truly vir tuous and good. It is as impossible for a bad man to have true honor, as for a good man to have the false ; so true it is even- tree may be known by the fruit thereof.-' If a man boasts much to vou of his honor arid integrity, and swears frequently upon his honor, depend upon it, he lias neither the one nor the other ; af least he is only ac quainted with false honor, for the true never speaks ol herself. But let it be our care to form an alliance with the true honor, and shun the false ; eschew evil and it will fly from you, so court honor and she will never forsake you. The scene of marriage was or iginally jaioV nht amongst u the thorns and thtsllesV ;.0f wtlie curse, 'but in the.: blissful benediction. w pronounced ; upon the- conjugal union of man -and woman: and in no wise is it evincive of the' oar. rownes of superstition to indulge a religious belief, that virtuous mar. riage has"; generally, in someres. pectorother, been crowned with the blessing of God, from the time it was first consummated in the Gar den of Eden up to tfiei present day. ' - Domestic happiness, thou only bliss -Of Parddlfjthat has svrvivedthefalli ThouarftAtnurstcfirtmi" A ,well cnoseri'coniupal relation "tends. to smooth' .the natural as. pente.8 ofraan to t often hi man- ;Actrf andtq expd. Biaeart Jbe bachelor luiuiti uioiiAscji.; tne roarneaxnan of hisfamViy7r,Tbe;former,comes tp be the taoie selfish by reason thtlt he has'none but seU to jook alter and i provide Tofilthe latter ' the .more J beneyolernt for hla' having- k' wife : and offspring dependent ' upon the daily' Vintf nersci of hisv attentions. n-cses at' honieiihe ii;Vi'ev hetter ui!jiU5py Nana.. quaimcq xo extend the parities bI iifc t6 Uo'se : abbu't pim in the circle of snS'efyM Other y Rf ft a l -connects hi m uci ? Mi:ji,piore;ieeung; a mo e e mernberidf it,T;h c t , Fer SaWiat thi OScoi-f- v iJo wy rirrrn cl:arftcter. . These cVJccls -areex- 1 WTATTrtV VV 1 'V ''-X .ceedingljr well accbaPUsh'cditi ti:o ?pVAL e o V Jtrufnat ot the Prisoner of Wat i ' ilY but,t7io i,ho have atroc- 'Ant)C meri .uacEtnu;wlesUUfS -Tjt a p6polartt3rmbd rapid: - ld:tileof bress of Rotr Krftnt .n J ori an. entire oew t-pe, with tnaav aouutonsnotes and remark. tenHW 5 to illustrate the wbrk-aod will he completed id' the month tober. If there be-aovvof nm who have not Vet-DcrusedJ ii we oeg;o recommend it to -their con. sideratlnriJ nf a r A.V.f iitetiry inerit 'for iris :ta?drx inl its pretensonsj but as one which fc taic9fiuasiyie vigorous and sprighL. ly, facts interesting to the feelings ol us all as Americans. -. thisVorkhai been VoVexrentive; wwacnjajlalsed In by ' that ' the ??rVr -edition' (tX 4,OGO fV11 thotae. Ameritana; ' i Lunini. i 11 rnn r-r- iw nn inrrn - rm r m - - - w m k u l. it Lttfoaif'oac demanded with encTeisl S?Ld for thtir country. fed eafe'rnfr-TKiit. n J'Thcrc thecold tnathyrthe.'lreez.. - . UriUin Was often been reproach. V- lfc Pau occu am,l.ctea Joy ed forcryelty towards our - captive fhc W" 9?. -wbuh oe. is roetn-nrbneraV--.Trtrri-rrT. r.. wcr Amoprf Arnencins ia En.' qu'eritly been vague and indefinite, TrQV? crc-rccoadFocttef of Ilart of doubtful authenticityind limited A' Conventions i noT woiiHippef circulation. "TKe sufferings of! an oSc Slroa8 advocating the cauto individual have'beeri commnnlcat- of urJ--nwy1 enemy bo. infa- cu to his friends. bv himself:' tf he have produced strong and deeply founded scniimenU of indignation, and the frcqoency of lu'cti"' cases has made this indignation at times . . . . .- quite general. Uut the story coon oecomcs too well known lor repcti wwu m iucarac circic : tnose in dividoals die, and facts arc forgot- ten. Uther generations succeed. who have, htard the whisper of lirici m cruelty, but look i n vtSn for accuracy of detail, or for authenti ' " - m city of reports. The subject is then forgotten or disregarded, and the fea:otall the virtues is placed in tne same little island which con. . ... tains tne bulwark ol rclirion ; the dcmi ncy and humanity of Kng- auuuum.cu wua nosaDnai,in the same breath whkh proclaims t.. anv uaj uuuc us tiu csscniiai in The conduct of a power towards its captive prisoners, is often, as sumed as a criterion of its civiliza tion : at any rate it has stated as one of the great oyects of refine ment, to lessen the extent of in. dividual -suffering, without im pairing the efficiency of belligerent measures. The superior policy o! modern times, if not their -greater refinement, has exacted from an enemy the utmost tenderness- to wards prisoners and a disregard of this dun- is viewed as the in fraction ot a principle of national law. There ncer was" a -cation whose regard for this principle has beenfso tniiforu. and 'idffeiiolcj 'as our own, il we may infer from the absence of all complaint on the part of our enemies, and the frequency of their acknoriedgments of apta of peculiar -delicacy and ktridness from individuals ; nor has any ha .tibn Bianilcstedti deeper soficitude to proyide for the wants of her own citizens when in the. hands of an enemy. But the sufferings of our countrymen are not always known it is but aeldom ihey possess - ooth .the ability and the opportunity' to gife them the notoriety of a. pub lication.' .In the present instance, however this ha happened The public are' taken by the hand' and conducted 4 itu'er1 tho interior of Uritish prisons ; the provisions for sustenance1 arc placed' before their "eyes'; they" "hear, the complaint of the . sick, while they oeholdl. the frigid indifference of the keeper arid if a ne w source of suffering can be opefaed. to victim: of a pestilcn' tial dungeon; they tnayperceiFC' it in contomtlious . arid opprobrious appdlatiunv tesiowctlba: the, gb-' yernment:and nation of-Ihctr pti-"ooefsV-v;:::":,..-.:r ,7. t - The odvactage it not a eomrhon one 'of l&g'v.mtt.ate occoUnt :of the treatnient io! burpdsoner contained in :a' TOurnaLriAfrarTWfT .wftctb agitatcV ihe'i sufferer f but ihe oppprtunhy;iv Vt31t ' morcr .V re' having such an oe'equnt ina . vigor ous -mid itnimated style, and accoqv panied. witH tnuch' acute- and .: acr cuf ate '-diacriminaiionlbf . catibnat WCJ $"X H' 009 of Jhe. Pns?5f having almost trankr iuicdjnW-It thq feeling bf: hope qt: despbddehev ntT-1 soliffimde fjJ !?f-i knt ?to?a P'fj-i"' uiccsouiiootaucn itiaaied in fcr iog;inaiUerence to national raisfor- tn cU. Ct Pw o what. r4 Mfc t uaacr tno .. f??.0? Pcc that it is the ad lrau.a TdentiSed t tth thego j vTrtSul-r.?. we. government With the COUntrV t that dle"drml - ,0.n - 0 V"1 lc an to. - waucit, 5 inahkl-r; I r :f"T- tw4 ciciica IQ. M'rfl ; ratiEed rl inB wxmoi nis gorcrnmeot. LVUAr?u woltn aurrounas with the w cvcr uiipiayea out ia ePj,?rrat?,n? wD gorernmebt, ,tte"? rtxmr tt)c avowed ene my of couom;in foreign prisons,' the native America a "feel, ings prompt the true Expressions or indignation which' such condect excites Federalists and demo, crats are lost in the broader charac ter of American, and Hartford ,. I . . conventior.iita, Mauachutetlt fc its, and the rcd alliea of m w Logland,are rrouned end execrat ed io the same breath, Which shoot; ed for Madison and Annrieao trrumph. But some persona who jc nation al attachments tferenever anffered to slumber, to promote the selfish iojecu ot party, disapprove ol a publication wh;ch has m tendency to excite indignation against a po w. cr viih if jom we are at ptaxc, and wnose irtenushtp w e- are piipo:d to cultivate. They xhiot it bet ter the sponge of oblivion should bedrawn across the records of our injuries, with one hind, when the other accepts the proffered i:mWera of peace. Wc, however, th ink thr sentiment not only uuwite 4 but cepm. Not that we arc desiroua of exciting any feeling la com. patihle with subiisting amtcal rcla tions. Ijut tbxr the peope should understand the true chatacterbf fore'Cl;"aoos; not only at means of regulating the 'conGdenxe wc Should plate in their afnlraf nsbal5o to'-pfepareagairat "i?5f?Pf? renewed belli gej ent re latton. itts,umu;t tooor country- man who have bee n-raade the tic tj mi of bi frhari tf; - Vh eh t fi e us3 rra of cif.ilixed states luvc bcen di'lre. garded toeir injury.'; whro a fcre igo nationhasusedlheir poWeroVer prisoner fn i i nTaDncr that ' raak jr. humanity sicienthe victims chef, ish one sentiment, ttfat'. breaks, l p a ray at thVaren'on the darkness or tbeir.desrir that" their, ccuritfy hien vrill "commiserate tlielr tnu. fortunes, and ;Tf rTossiblK'a'vene: cal nor st ttinnl tA.rtHit... should I fee ' J insensible- f to the ir- wronfi and snot he1nperishal!e rthef ihmild"b4 imprinted on'opr fiea'n7wQe nor. rcKnKf. 00t"yrtion sb rnucH : yB wore acuteas the complaints y xe orfarailifig and ; their ufTer JPrH'.aveiigcdlTv Arcordirg " tW 'jne wnr pK tne Jei prnoa ship .should b bhlifen rser erftted ,tr itheut.th r.lcatia e r c f efa'tlo rv.: . n cvr. . h u minl tr . ommii. perme. nho,it a aentirnest of.tcnreanec. .C'J- Seu.cTlf tUn to tla a!vetwntk; wuh ts t tite4 s-t'tbe Or.ce cf lL6 Atneri-' cf-Oc l uiac tuaert.- and not- r 10 fend abroad thit the adminis our ear td -iri. murmur of, their rompTatQtav1 The-, record of aucV traosactloni sliotiM.' AP.fjj JhtqA rdf fin i'xli'oul "tic. XXnV lrt the IJSertles which de-irend to m as teV first cf nnl)1diigaerc' 'acWevert a- ns c tnc'j ppr e 1 1 us t o I ou r mciher je onn i ry.nn'd w rrsfth e price of suf feriog4'.t,fAat hijtcfv cannot record r , - 'Vs. . v i. ' ' f . 4 ' t 4. V a. it: ' "'. . . . - . 3 t - w, ' 1 ..

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