" ' .V, ' v- ,,- j'- - - , .. 'r.fj-'? V; - - I - 1 ' ' l i r "H 1 - 8CttOp1b V' t - 'OJtTitmmLim. the first time Mr Campbett presented (Re etU tion of Sir. latthevri, of If edell, praying the? emancipation -of a ne gro. 4 ' p r " J V -vv Mr. Cbllini presentlediiisDlutiotf relative to tbe pay olhe:0"etacbe4 Militia who werel'assehibledfHilUv provide fot.thalfltaxcat of jTf enjor, be reMed'to UV before f" perior Court iierks hi cases .p?FJf-c8wtareal. tbe :commuBica cancy during the -ArcceisWyrl ?OTS"'9il!er iutes fesbgctlnr borough andat:GeaGv,aouieepre Ure to th& oaii5Batton of the. land commons, R; H. ones, Ine, Ctuim vious to their marching to Norfolk !T and;particularl)r as, to the mode bers,v Iredell, Warner Wiltfimi. referred to a joint seject . committee Va,aatton , ., ntnickonSenate, met- eonsistmg f; M;.e4lms stridor. vere countersigded by the SpeakferS Saturday , Aovi?iibeT? 3 . " Mr. Robem presented a ?nli to rionfirm 'anaccumte 'h korteV'P ih town of peaufort, Jn artetetieuntyX snd for othe r purposes .And Mr. MdrphyvapiR efajrifg va lid the Sroteedings b( tne sunscrl bers fop improving' the, navigation oi Roanoke ahd its waters, af a general meetingrheld the-towi of Halifa in November 4ast ; vv Mr. Davidsarirreieibted; hfe peti tion of he Pfleij anTrDbictori of the Catawba ayiti on Com pa ny, prayipg orjah alteration antl 0 mendment tMrnkmr1 ' - ! Mr PlummerpesentedythdTeporr of the Coffimissiomera tf the Roa? fcoke Na vigation Corp pan y read h referred to the Committee on' Inland Navigaion, v: f. ;, . . ; The House took up the order of theday on the 2nd 'reading of the bill to eitablhh a Superior Court in Columbus read anoV referred to a Select joint committee. M6ndayiJVovem6er$$. Mr. "Baker presented the petition of some of the inhabitants of' Mar tin and eaufort, praying to have parj 01 tteamort added to JVlartin-refer-fed to tte cotrirnittee bf Propositions T " W 5 situation of -the Public Prisons - iif' this state, and that they have leave to T-- - . Z - 4,1 Ul oinerwise.-iVir. MurpKey and Mr; Vanhboappoint- on me part ot the Senate. Mr. Longmire , presented the -be titlon of Christiana ! Wolf oMltm cotnbe, prying to have secured to lier such property as! she may here- auer acquire. , Mr. Sanders from the commlft of Propdsitbna and Grievances, pre- cmcu a oiu 10 compel, the officers of theuVRegimfeht of, Anson to Re view at. therplace vof Jjolding Regi mental Musters also bill, to estab lish a -Turnpike road in Burke Readt sehb thlHouse of Com- On motion "of Mr SkihneV'rle- owivvuiuai a joint select, committee Ki"H5 to cuutrc mtonne laws relative to the descent of teaf nd pe'rsbha1staJwi(h!Iaet6 rebort by m?tir 6UmitikifSt-PhadJ mer and MRee' codpoaeSe com in)ug6 u(i me pan oime senate. vrt OntnbHoh Mr. Saitders fte-J auiYcut toaraint select committee be appointed, dxihat tbyi eimulrr ofthe President of eateNeV bern ibid CapeFear anks llifr tnmint of netei oy tnefflssucd re spectively. ailaKeir; canacitir: triiKi eharge arjoeQihat ;tbet furi the ttcaes, of Ftjaa riextr mttj. evettfteir should Congress not I sjtispend or tre peal tpiottitiafer tlreif last fessioni dici&rihe..Sewtaiy of tKeV Trcajiur ttot to receiver in exec -.-- 5-. . t - . --'f ofrajWilr'rllot 25??? r ..mi 1 -I - en and Meclc' Q mottofi'.of Mr. ! Murpheyi oinleoaSDiinto cVmideratiori theT flolution aldjaabQ the ' " ' ( 1 . , - v - " ''I'". the mootiinVtAl Can " " 'V ,UU C?SC- ' 'V 1 1 . ? 1 rrtn,liwt wV;?'camb, iwj flon PUkdul ncVal Afcmbff ihau the r Wnd par.' STSSr ipcorppnrtc na WyoMof tho Uality hWc .all tbm. PehttfetttlarUs: . Mi Roberts presented a bilHto Wc fthe pUdtiige at BeaQfbrt Barf aod to appomt dommUsiotmr Nayigation. . On tndtidA or-Mr. Gtisson, Resolv ed thatthb comrnitte of- Finance h IfHtructed to mine the , taws tela- Mr. Wright presented a bill tO.au- The bill declaring valid" the prr- :eedings'df the subscribers for the ceed improvement of' Roarroke navigation paatcu us secona reamng. Mr John Smith presented a b'di to repeal the act to enlarge theaothor-: ity of the Commissioners of the town of Newbern. I . Mr Collins presented a Resola- f propoiin gHbet issirin g of ei ghty iruirsauuao4iars in i reasury Wptes, to be paid into tbe Stat? Bank in part Of the deferred. debuJue said Bank by the Statctwoyided the directors consent to receive. them Referred: "iy Mr. Nelson: pleWd trfel'Hw1 better regulattdrt of the town of Ger mamon, oiokes coumy. ' Mr; John Hintoti presented a bill to altar the "timeof holding the coun ty courts-df Wake. Mr. Sandets from the committee of Propositions and Grievances, pre- L seated a bill o restore Isbam Shep perd ot Kichmorrd county, the privi leges .of a citizen. . ? HOUSE OF COMMONS, M . Friday fjQv. 22. 'Mr. Pickett presented a bill to provide iprthe appointment of clerks of Superior courts ,of Law. in cases ot -.vacancies during the reeesa of sald cburtsr-arid Mr. Badger, a MB f 'MTTw wrTM"lva: iiOrary UQmpaijy-botH of which pissed' the first reading .. ' : O&iotio of Ruth: ertord, . wrf. ''That in Congress be instructed, and our .vvrai wuTM requested to use their endeavors no obtain TJermi&inn a authority, from Congress, -for the -tc oc XMo;th;arolina, to pur chase such lands belonging to the Cherokee nation f. Indians, tlrev maye disposed to sell, lying within the limits of this - Staff!. 'ff.nf further That his excellency the Go- c, ur oe requested to furnish each oi;.oi)r senators and renrefcftntaHt,. 10 Congress with a con v of the for going resolutions r rfvedfroathe.'SraalWbUVt .cbWDiucp.a bupenoh court of law nri jcourt ot equityi iri the xounty of Cp- UU10U5, a,a lor other purposes. A-message Wat received fmm' th - Senate containing:, the referenri' K thouse; o several, committees, uvjoe oitterent .s,ubjct3 cm6ra6ed bjr the.GQvernors message--ahd the house adjourned. .c n'rhotion of Mr. SI. J ered, that a comniiUee, xonsisring y iuc5ij, aones, uuoiey, and Bad ger, be appointed to acmrire into ihp eeiencfiproyiding, by- lawfor the disposition o. negroes ami per- v? . , ikiv ay& rjeen or by biltbtf otberVUfe;: Coxnrnittee on irmjpart ' rt tlve .Senate Messrs. gHiapy;:;,., ; ; f m On mouorrc Mr. Stewart, a. com mittee on, arrearages of ' taxes was ppoirtted, Conulsjlpg on the : part ?ot xctfM?r tf, Measrk. fecnton; r0H piiser of; JphT.Iopdin r; HaVwood Bketfi a iho tlm Wfcadiacent- pravtnir thatT-a Uoljayte Uedfordiectinj&fc df r r o TTAw!fcUMUi box prajrirrg: T L11II UU1LIJ SVEIHTT1. The followHttrreihe eortiniUtee on the Govrcar.i iisiae. v com Tnnnication from Governor 'of Virginia) 'relativg tbue defence of (he Ckeaake2My '-t-enate, Tneirt; Nixoararid ttiosl VlIhama ; House of ComniopS) meisri; Drew, CoVran,' Inge, and nariin.( 4 .Inland Aaviratfoi. Senate, wes- 3ra uurphey ah'(f tynn. Hame oJ srvurphey andnHntoh. ' Hbute ri.'.. Sioitlu ajfd Bel ' House, mttsrsi Nash, Winslbw,Phifer, and Warner vyuiiams - FttfnUkvng'of arfna by Getter a I Government. -Senate, raessri: Da yulson and' BakeVr House, rnessrs. Dudley, Porter, Jacocks, and Boy Ian " Profiotiliarl cftoaitacAuctts ta a mend Constit utton -Scnale, Messrs. Sanders and Hawkins. House, mes-1 srs. Daniel Jones,1 Henderson, Brown and Hoyle u State Pafierw'tnd Pabtic Docu ment Committee on -Public Ue- The bill to' compel the banks to pay specie, wai'1 referred to a com. mittee consisting of raessrs. Drew, King, H. H.' Jones, Chambers and Walker of Warrwi. . Mr. Drew presented a bill supple mental to an act fo prevent the cir culation of small promissory notes and due bills. 'r. Callaway a bill allowing further "tfme for registeriti" grants, &c. nrf Parish a bill to mend the inspccon Uws in regard 10 sningies. 1 ne report o on the Hoanoke the commUsioners navigation was re- ceived Irom the J endte ahd referred to the committee! on Inland Naviga- tion. Afu -Vff nted the peUtion S.- "jwufaring.Compa y,;Whu:h being s Mr. J. present !l3r ' 10 cff -ine pray- erof tbe oetuih r r 7 pettti6D. rnr Kincr PreseVi. of John Winslovr, fcsq,. President of toe t-ape Fear NavitrKttnn im.. - 1 r Pe FearKaviguion Company. said river. !UUJC 01 tne navigation of Onmotionor mr. Boylan, a com- muiee on AiiHtanf r m . was appointed,' cohsisW of rnessrs. BoyUnrPorV, Bryar, of Bertie, and blocumb, of thi house. T6 which commtttee thepetftiotrof Wm. Tate, of Wake, was referred. . On motion fntv Porter, Pe9oh, , i.mu.xpojeommutee.to whom.wat J oi the capital U subscribed, and if not whit . fc Tt uin(etnaim unsubscribed. And that tliAtt . 1 il -T- vmcuu mexr enquires 10 ascerram what answef by the ofBcers of said bank to the Ict- wi ic opcreiaryoi the Treasury of the United States, relative to the payment of specie t and also WMt qnantity of amount of bid paper ruT- .cuty 01 u.rj Etate, is- deposited m their vaults.' t - " : - ..... . tte f Moving cniB& cf the President the United &at& to a. Communis nation qf .owUA.cf "iLant. IV i. W;tr;fcinsibyo WtBe 'bpprouatioh !??PrcM 'edtitmet 4 during a , rnomemoni periW, by the4 legisla ture orfiL-5flatertvhlch txre- tvlth Mi. .nngtiished-patriolfsm, ita share of ?W"41 .w.cicjviKtrfeencomtcred, ?;? ffcft.Wlbn.i aV in fiuenatioh;;of its teviufcsf 'ffom flgMKy "vrcIPas wtthbSntrralulatthrf .nA iua 7" iiaii ra epcouTafee a J 1 1 1. ' . - T MUI JEIXL1VF rn Til A UttnA m , 1 of ,hil,;d '"'of the offii of the S(te-Biint.Vrhrth-fV- i i 1 :iHtHir com': unlcaion of theth uIl afTH ! r'. ' '' "f Acrth Carotin a. : . ' Mn R. Uh Jorrct,: presented tbe following retolutlon WLereas it U necrssarjr for adjusting the chimvef North-Carolina opon- the general grfvemmenrfoipTromei advanced in payment of tbe tnilitia called lnlovthe kervfee of the Unilbd States, that ahe (pay knd receipt rolls should.be irans- miuea 19 ine var department. jittotV' ed that hit ecel!etcy the governorfi mis sme oe auihotlsexl and. required, aft6r having cauied copy to .Azk- en and lodf ed m the Comntrciier'a f office, (q transmit to the vtar oGicothe original piy iria recejpu relit in SVottceWltttiO) Senate -ibt- coo r ... WY.iDratrpHjsenteda blUcorttert ng'the ad mi nitt ration of; justice in the'ecnirtsof this stale ; Mr. .ludtlV (from tire caramitteeoor that put of the governor message a bill con cerrribg the supreme court. - -Rectived from the Senate a bill declaring valid the proceeding of the subscribers for improving the navi&ailon of the Hirer Roanoke and us waters, at a general mtcttnr held I in the mwn.of Halifax, in this auie, on the first Monday f Nov, 1816. Read the firhttime and returned. , The bjll to authorise Ita'hC Barber, of Perquimons county, to n.aka a road, and cut a carjal to drain thV J same, and for other jurpos t and . r - .vtvifs I TV judgment of the superTbr court of la.Tt of Richmond couoky, divorcing Matthew Cole' knd hisVifc EVfatabeth from the bonds of matrimonvi were severally read the third time'rn this house, and paed ' 1 The petilious of sen dry inhabitants ol Martin and Headlort cmimiri. a of the director of the Catawba navi gation connpany, were receded frtitn the Senate, read and referred, the first to tne committee rf t)rODoHfifi anu grievances ; the latter to tbe committee on inland navtgatnm. Received from the Senate, the bill tr confirm an accijrate survey of the wuim 1 or outer DUf rtM . . , REPORT ON THE PES'lTEN. TIARY. Mr. Wmslow presented the fol J ' 1 lowing report-c. the amdcrvigncd 'r.nmmitiinn.iui 41 . ! . 1 . . -"..mi-siuiifcu i'uioireto collect information opnn the subject of a Penitentiary," beg leave to rcpgrt the result of the labors. They have to reRretthat on some of the points of enquiry, "ihcir i,ifor mation is incomplete rbm, if enough is collected on whici to form a o op inion -as to the expediency aiul policy of establishing such an ii'uthution, the necessary details cun caifly te pro: cureO ihtIuc time. They addressed C-rhuiar- c.ach of lDC ercik o! the Superior amuftfy Conttatol this state, rcqtrestihg hits of cnminal prosecutions for the list five years ; but, bf one hundred and tcntj-thrcc clerks, sixty-lour oily hsve made returns. T hese returns hare been reduced to. method, and arc nriw pre sentedln Mhe-ahape of an abstiacu f k.vevcrai views f Ke. ulect i w,u U,B nuxnocr- oi rj turn it greatly tkficieirl, yet .lhe atio. it is presumed, exhibits. fesult, to ttery practical use on the present subject, assausfactory at the whole "would do. ,'"' v .Tlrt.cbmniissiotr; trMrejtrd ' let o MMiachpsetu andrKentueky, reports of ihiIr proceedings but no answer hat ct conro to hand TpasifbUaV address, however, toa gentleman of Ricaiond, in the state of KVirRtBUcromtir snM aatifactory antwer;,w -.given .; jpl mv,u roc-f aeepen wUo 'makci the xommuhkatirm, and wtiappar 't0 Uea ry urging WOntcUjgcm f 4.ugy inoruyt an tue x?enitentiaiea in the northern statea,. andt oircr,Coti Ms return-. la futniK. u.-.. ? in V Jk '" . ... TP Taund imcreWnsattKl t.fBu.-W k A rf to,.n u-. .- . ''.. 1 4 I'wr A.na t icy : be (?rat7nbv,Wm NichSli iwr : " JV ...0twu Willi illl p permit -i 1 J , - - 7 - - - H M pfeitloTi inj in oct cf Kit iimcls TM;cpmtaistlcntrv wishing l Ute to avail herself ef the btit taUL Hwiritn'toreco .Kr, r J Cotrator sice kr Uie toitdingV from 't Hiuta xaiy certaiier .r adt rived, from the practical lnfor-t .V; muionoflKc lievcf ofHhe iutipri- aon aicbmondiaW some pnjbably' - Irom, tle sutec of EeatcrkV. r 1 MiiiaehuiVttt r'ArA zJm 1. ' f a w4 tt 'to- Hhtr prices ol I the i . necevsary' materiara Ipf building, fbe commlaslonera VroV unable fwip any precise aqcfxmv fir wace be receipt cf tbe fAint by ' which ;theywcre infonfred of thV kind of mateiUls proper for- ttck work, they have hacf no epporrunhr ofaatisfym themelre bn &r' part of tbe subject, aad'canncr'fortthe. me reason, furnltK the rtUtfvt cost: pf building Vt HUUbomug. HRaleirb and FayeueviMe... Bui -'nheV- ar atlhed the hooves' and wa!U hxiltf KUilt clilr of iteherbritk'-V and ifflfthearwvrrf 'stmc'tee wouldMt required for iho capvenfi litis at lexir. From all the informfcricrv th com-" mluloner have becHaile- topreture. and from their own refirctionvdeliber. ttelj exercised on-the ubjccw:thef are of opinion, that the san of 00 hundred impound dollar Would x sufEcient to erect inch an CstabUib--mcnt, as? Would Tn all t eipecti Ut t b exigence,' popuUrtkrr ard public cx. pectlorl in this statt. If tkc 4n6. were to apprcpriatcd at to beadvane-. edby annua! instafmcm of Ufniy thound dollaii, rite - burthen, .iti. txsrctlullv brnlttediMoutdtcarcaly be fdt, crtd tfic idvancti wooldbe to? pofitTbfy4 iouTTlr . jyeir, trre whole wr$rk rnirftt lt. ..jMswca. uyi inepun should te as tnir cne part of tKr buddhig might be fiaWhtd for rbe r rccepticnof crlmtnali, and-for rboc -usnal oieratirms"iir'the instltcliertv whtle the other is pre j:rcMlrg. '- ' (nere loUJus a rWtf of the pw pcisaccunrpanvlngihe veperr, vixHi an account of the expense ascertain-, td tn be fncuned in ctlJecfinK Inform mat ion, amounting trT 31T? Q cents. The commiMloncni hare how UlcV Ufore your horKrabJe body all b oniormation they cannot conclude moment in thecxpfciiiij ci 'aiiirw luat'for nVtrnt hU.Lur . If to ameliorate the cor.ditien cr wretched man be art reject woathy jrgislative ewphrt.rtrt ; if ctjc of a 1 rticricun. still ft rt-.. . .... i pie. ; if .humactty, tnd btr.cxplenccr nre ietmiOrd - to- plead- their rrm cause ; inSnc, tcceMf oiU-ivtn. tcM the nitnurr, rie eomn iritr.era submit uiib the uttrost CtUt . ,md rcipetxwhrtber a prnitemlary-. iu wme fotm, hnota objtaigh ly imcrcsttng, and one which calls a4-' Uud for legislative srhcti?u. . . ,To consirier-the abitraft- qtrtucrw of expense which is but one brancU f jlitica! cctmotfry, (i Vi acho' on the strt nest frrbur d of opporiucr' And yet tbe pcref kviiUtijcpjKc rncoumettd, alt fi'tfiicwluesaija'i . jtciioasctsrst Sct!cstxperitf2te? ba clscwhlire ptt.vad. A.dUitaa.ao light tfidrf.ee tf tho vea-e tnd ttifi-,i. ly ofaucli-an in vt it u tion, thai afier e fair train xf hxektited tcascnirti e 'thewthe policy clihb maaaure, lqn "T the present want of certainty jnt c viction ; m,r from tbe .happy. ..result. of ftt.a, mild, equal and htoaD Such reasoTis abound in every tiUaiTw tmmlnd.' Nortanitbaacxcttry-4 aV.tiruday, to repeat wbet baa bcci- so cf.cn tatd, that punuhmcDUhccJd, iO proportibnedMcr'the niftDUudK ) bfjbe olTence. Yet tke cowpiiw; . tlotttblcU!Ln?fe- dtkcUiln, iurujriciy oi pcnftiimg ' ante 'the fTbo rprtcoinc rrDcrt raa rr?rrv'r P?,mViltceca tue tjtnarcoie- - lentint? Nasliciinfr !o xi .Mf7J cnuuerijo hjs sest. apd - 'i J- - t .... r5! ,0Bra Panted tUn i T UVm a L. BAA L. I W W I P 1. Ik "Bl k a A ? mordercV and 4be cny Uef .Tev re&rmthe pcml cxxlelt the great cb- 7 jeet in i tfie-e'rectton Cf-tuteprubaa and pcnlttntlirJei. - n rizz. Wittr profound rcvpect tie cvw rniiitonc rs tave the. hcm?r la: be y ccr-TntcVicnrirnt-' .W..CV U ': '. 'Vrntcnrl...- r i -kJr Kiaxia8fc, , . 1 x a i : t , 1

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