vi ".j ". i. f . f ' .... t v- ...f 1 . -T7 ' .... ' ' f lV 'A j l "I . -1 . i 1 ) - X f v ft 1 4 4 ' J.. ataves aoatocaflvng hi the town of VamlAn; Bqtti eaTthefirsfc time. t: mr. CaJscntedff petitions atj&ajbl jl to carry thelf pray. Into etfl tKcliiAoirSi county ol KwanV Alsd, iread f t h jmr. Cnimp presented the ' eftftW f a numte the iolilmhts of montgomeiry, pt-ayiag the repeal of an actofIauaesLon'kinfvtke ' drAt mr. C-hexxT Drescntetf a bill tor es. 'fhtii 11 antArAt . AVilUams MP- AecfeCt. commiue rootled abUr trett; persons oCcoloSnapqrtMintV XK& United Stau. Read thBnkHmgi JZr'limSt ! tfP'eiiwfclli SRM Mr. Batemalt bresented the niiiinnl'rd6nrti'T'bf--Wii,;i,.- ' .TSz Of SUOdrr lflhflhitnni hf lV0k:n.V county, off the,aubj(5Ct of he fisherieV on Conaby i cieek. ,ReJfer ced . ta t h committer of proposition f - and ,griov( ance$. 4 Hesolvedtthatf select joint xoromittee. . y r J?1 ajnena the. mintia to repdet atate aseatljr,CQnformable to t or- iraniaatliftbarmiaf States as .mav .nrtiM- . a!? that thaWiommh; ofmilitfa-pffi Harrimrtoft, r---4i; j oatho partUbis house. I ' " the Senate appomtijig, - a committee io enqujtre into th cqndiUon of. the public prisprts.irt istat .Referred to messr snurnhev and Vanhrmk. aate, and, Messrs. Piceft. Jnn r Granville, Spencef. and Calia way on A joitre solution passed both hou acs, requestijig the l Governor to lay "before the Legislature, any com muni-atrorfc-omxthex tafest respecting penitentiaries, tlt ma b in the e'k cutivofficer Also, a esolutio9, 5bepmmiie of finance to - quaiizauon of thjCn.d ax Iso; resotutioji.apppinting a.mmittee 'aoenqoiro 'into the;laws respeaing the descent of 'tandrpranal -state.saad ;tQ repori aucli amend- v anents-aathQy may t'mk pjpper. Re ferred to ne?ssrs 3kinher and Pu-merSeuata- and Messrs. R. . ii, .JonesIredeU, itartin,' pilchristj 6' Xeily and Brown, cajnons. . MrrBoy lan presented a;report from VWrnHiU, Esq. Secretary of State; n thesubiect o4rectiner a fim-nrhf 1 house 'foctke safe keeping. laf ihe - Tublic eaords.. . leferedv to a clcctjosnQommittce, the ucttf the houses of Messrs. f ylanalUr,of Wai j urHuehas presented the netitlrm f JohntttttcMnaxif,St9kfis, ptiyinil Mr. Moires of Hertford, presentedaj am to- exempt voverscers fpubHC jroadsfroni Serving on Juries, V . On motion of Mr Brittaid ra resolu tionVas. adopted, iappoindpg a pint select committee lo-enjuie into the cxpie tif mpellmgo denUhoWibg lands uiat iftlran old r Judictat lllstricta aurvejjr: ai4e airiaterha boundaries pf -(hp same; itestfra. BrittaiMHoy j Portterappointed pit the part q othlcMtfkJrtl!l(oWp I xif a nsn; prasenteo; a oui to m ; crease thai teas ibe, Raster jf j bill to explain the duties ptown on I stahleWlscitH, apvr-iJbWj' KggiaL:to;prelimits.t the passage of fish thtpu jCurrj jJcV Sound. Read and sent to the Senate .x ; ReceldiroihisvE Go vernor message iaying5befbrc the htrsei theeturns of thle Sheriffs trf tfea-exerai eouhties; of the rritiV fftvea foR Electors oif President :' aW APreMdent ofthe W Mt&ZU The ..-' -t . - 'j. ' J'1"1 tfnT nj: v j vwuiuttuiuj a vrnuic nuriTLCTi' rnnni - I lib Excellence IVihin ' i;trX-j: on Monday rtlefcied!UaVof nt?ral for N r ! ; WaS Vest ftr flaw phM. a i 1 United XeeM. c,-," - vr ' . ' son is yet'cho.eti to fill the e&dy Hcm. James -Turners-Col. JolinJ rteh'i.tiUtzxt-eaontfo?d Wnmm Cen:J0hn'R6berts 1 Wrim notnkM-w . KaUSiar, Nov 59.. , ' .... . ,v'r'w wym im s : ry; raff mwfcr o the Ltftiklature j i&ydatea Member Vtht lb6. of the name of Lasley, -living in . Vf4- now wttn us a man thit at thc: trerkti? nrllJ TJa Cr4Cf al J a"pn l the Cherokee r gave tire m . tincfti lo Vf Vr. I lt r bavc dode so tie saysi cnaoge. J number al their Ch?..r. Uh.that view, ajc oohqir. wy to theatate of Georgia wit acquit e a large and valuable terr:4tprv-, . . Geoi Journal. . Charleston, Noy 18. CKapiiriiig 'JSTews for our wUi.uii. xi mis ofwa ne true. ' Capt. Gbilt. Oi thebrtor Ster Hrig, whicharrtvedi this inorning, m 50days from Tensriffe. sqnppnei; rtemittance, Kodgers, fromw-Torarbohd toUf. Do. ;aipgp, who inform that'he had i apokeri a .'Spanish, govprnmcnt caopner, 4 rom uadie, with . des patches and was expiicity tId that $iain hatf dectdrtd WAR against the. United Stdte Southern Patriot. , ... r Major ' Toulm in .'son bf the jjudgey writea to a friend in this place, that a reauisition haa hrn mad? by th (Scnera Government on the Governbr pt'ttic Mississip pi territoryv for twelve hundred in: fantryv.theThdle of tbe cavalry snd Ttflemcn, ap4 a cb m party i of artille at a.moment-'a warning. , Jt is like. 4 .Sfiam, has occasioned the adoption Q.f this precautionary -measure. . Another Villainous trick, of .the Cotton Packers has lately been, detected iii Fra'ace. ' Three bales Sea. Isiandxottpnn were filled fro m one:hal(. tp inreeuarteri iof -their tveijhtimvtt seed:and one bale upind liita1 2 ? ib6Id; iron Vacd,iata(thecentte6t it. This co t)onpdm - the FU;1 SiaicaVi ajmiiar 'aeddeot has Ve i Ceqth.bteneetltea 'in' Annl 1 3j ,ilaw-oak,'Nor. 2 ' ri v Ma'E!iostcrV taptatrf..ilibraii. artited-at Sandy-Kookycsterday, af 'J'wuj u uay s xropi navro qe fracef " -Several gentlera en . passen- r .u.v , tiwur ur alitor a-ibiigi Utfg Were broiitrhtlitilait-CTenimr In sltu. IbtBdati ShlelbHarrer the 24th oi Oetbbei and has5 brought Paria dates WtfalsttJf thii monthi ? The:mar. L kets'1 'malned: Ttry steadyCottoa At woj cry. iiiue m ImwWva1 t; "i;.tt . SM Wdreit tlcin theiidevtcif V" r V'-r- ' 'V r V A lWm tetyBo4tthiefS pintf t5haitt jprryoka l-to-ft n "Toralff crth'ii cr k i? 1 ; J Yi VEiC -l9 : , -sy;'y"y--- ':r- 'r .; -V 'T "fjvni ..rAv;.-'- w.,. rjr1." Vlcn thtEMfe.i -o oaa ieitt, Perslmrt, var the,influence of Mr. J)ascliior 'r. preKnUU0Q pealed aotnS'disiads: faction in the JmpcrUl doferoro'eiit i vhirh mimf.i.J ' : s " -r tiacn m toe tem porary prohibidon of ir" Harrii from attending the Rus;n rmW' ia the onders. which. it U Tiri a derstqod, have terminated nr. pa'sh.' koiHs . mission. . in iKi. lH08e stens wri tirn .1: r-0t1tnu government tr"rUv-A K- hpnin a wan ot tSt flsfSct , . m caaractef r-and ta MPft.,. :X he measures wchhi adopt ed, were iotended ta. evince Kis sensi bijity to an imagined wrong,' "and to give an opportunitv in r cercuned.ntglec? on our.x, trt. - toSTTT'? ritir. lor the exnlanauon -nhrk I lor the explanations -wnich th I adinittocl,if it should appear, as'the fact was, that tijete had. been none such. . ' -' It U Understood that, as soonas our government became acquainted With the effect which had been produced at-Sr. Petersburg by;the xeprescnta tions of r. Dasclxkoff, ,Mr. olcs (the late Secretary ot tbe WeudchA rnraant in the Prometheus. apQbUc" ship, with dispatches to4Mr;Mkrriss, embracing such a view. offie "whole transaction, as it actually 'occurred; and wilh such .unequVvo'ca,r;aiavjfan cesof "the friendly disposijlon-jof our government. towards Russj&as tbgre was every reason to belieywobld be entirely sat isfaictory. . It ii with, pleasure trtow, stae, that from tne' temper m'aJifcVlec at the time nr. Wier left .Peters burgh, by the Impenal QiVemrocnt towards the United State!? there ii .every reason to believe, thkt tMt af fair will, be amicably, adlastcd and umi. wuuom any loog oejaf Ft. Int. 'i .. .' A wAsniM OTO at NOV 27. - The Chevalier Toie-Cardva.-n Serra hadan audteftee of the Pre sident Saturday' list., when be delivered his letter of crVdcuce ai; Minister Plenipotentiary - of xlis Most Fnithrul xMajestf the iCIng of Portugal, Brazil aad'Algaives; THe second session r.f tSi teenth Congress commences inthis city cm Mondaynef ;bcinSJhp first Monday int December AL I readv thcMemher. 1 ready the. Members, beain to.' ar rive at the seat of government... As tbe seba.te fniVtttiirminit. rv me third day of March ncxtrt will JieceasarlvbAwr:-.,... , 1 - . ... Ul V. I.T J ally iote'restintr. siiice business will proceed ; With 'more' spirit ; nd the minds et the' members.' at; well as the attention of the Publicise leas rciaaeu man at the cicf3e'0f A long) li is not easy to y what cub-? jects will obtain the" attention of Cpngrcas, ihougKm'anyr ciay be . c ' numerated tbat wiU.pres.ent, ero selves' for their consideration. v does not at this moment atrilie- .., - - .that our relations tith anv Foreign Bower ire in siich a" state . a&.tn hi rtcessarilv broucht into di sct. WP Tbe tfiviat .misunderstand t rt m.i V - W mm w,ch Russia is- so cOtaio df be 4 vropgress wul have occsts Oil It. lVor i it an mrf 'n.n ' Oaolewe-' -trusts tJiat th Trt.r dcmand.fibe ,IfKnvVnmcx ttm u5 viptate.toe peace, between the two naticfihcEaV at present no real csnier foremhitv. t ahd hosf govenjtdenti-ui ot Philadelphu, by a vinMfhSh1 tBEuiraie ot.thnt - super aiiymaginaryiictie.ta dwturbJatcJynd settle rUkeisi'iU who: theif tratfduiHttr tlf Jller Wint I bW flnWt.. Jj foS teopl.tato? war. With the whole vorhL In t short. re are at neac t anJ rfenK grcsi should thint prtpcto aSbrd gestedour relationa'whn Eitronfe' might be affected by suclj a course j: but it is not at present quite clear xo us, tiow the United Sutcs con sistemiy with the principles of our governments can aflbrd dir.ct aid to (he Independents,, however iu members may, individually wish sticcess to those whose-object ji tt - -ivn. auu cvtuiia -tno pnnct The objects"' of a domestic ns turef svhich offer the mielves toth4 consideration of Congress, arena mcrous and important,1' embracing m any disputed q u est i onao f j o t er nalnolicv. FIrrin iiw iikitM ..t. i t ' ruuiib view, thouch far from fi rs.t.ia i mportaoce, f all the, h the utotthe lKt C6ji,.f pVerib.. Jh modi in .ufJL .1 : r- . ...M,vus ,u U r r .,V 111 Wbicti the Member of C! shall be compensated. That law willdoubtless be repealed in obedi ence to the public' wiUv--almost u naoimously ex'pressedad in lieu thereof, an increased per didem mpensatbn to be established; The next duestton -in-the-t5tiblfr eye, istheexpedieneV p continuing; ipjo. IjgctiaieiJie Direct Tax. whicHj bv the Uw ohheMskV k on, Wat limited to the present The passage- cf a Navigation Act;; the establishment of a .Na. tion'a! University, the extension of the Military Academv, the ettab hthmcnt of a Corpa of Invalids the cbstiiucation and rganiration cf the Militia j the imporiant ques tion respecting the expediency of cmnToyinga part of the oatiooal fupds in making roads and csnals ; thtse and many other .great ques tions, must pass under a rview during the ensuing icssion. 'and many of tbem be finally acted on lastime will permit : , . fdre them',is suEcient to show thit KWvc.ovcr tnc Tvitre uctchbb - ". a . . . . T tne time ol l.ongress wonld be fully emploved for a much longer Session than that which is at' hand. Let us hope thak the sbssion will be productive of. so murh benefit to the country t as the adoption of the wisest measures can ensure. STT t ay?tteviJIo Academy A v y . . r A fc--fcumination of the ilJL Students of this InitittiMnn ... wu comnjrocc on Monday morn ing, the lCth inft. with the Female apartment, Department. nH r-ort4n. " I .vtl.(UW IUI pamcurariy the toadies -are soli cited to attebdj after which the Exercises of the Academy will be suspended britit tire first Monday in January wheh the Academy will again be opened under the dVs teuion pt very competent" Teach, ers vii Mr. DaAtoroAO, assisted y Mtss Burr, My. Brow and AHarringtdh. TheStuenn riU,giye pUbclual attendance on thttfirst da4 thatao debvanay tile plnce in forming ihe Classes V Faretteviile, Uec.2, :X816.. - ' ... : . 1 Tobn Blunt deceasfcfi atthe Gburtof fPleas ah.Qfjartcr gCasiobt held for the county of Hov bion,,. NdVember lermriBId" recrutsicd to c om ft W . I wjtoinicaxtCQQ in tticb aaei litrnt. Ytdby lawvviLVtheiaaenjrdberlv f tdtnUt at edr tjti: ir irf they ihaU Wli AND. , , XJAyp taketflhe-StorTAHel - XX .occupied -.byItj. itocua J u;toVro,-oo the Norths aide of Hiytrtet. four doors AVcst t ' the StateHouse,vwbtre iney oBcr Tor -Salea general aoomcnt of Hardware & Groceries. 50 casks cf rio irHi . ,S05Cohnect;cut Ploughs Uh'ds of ticklcri aod fettles - -TopsTbTTron, asiorted Naljs add SHbverrasso'rted dOCT bushed 0fcoaVse-rLlver-v -2 Joot Salt " ' Tarieoil UohevftO ' They f etpchlunir.JoHtc the!? Inebds abd 4her public te call aHd' purchase. u . FijtueriUe Dec " ! tt (KpodsforCaslt Thc.Sitibscriber HAS again removed hit btortv . and now holds out at his oew ' Store,, on the-;S5uthtlde Of llay Street, hearthe fborof Hjyrouo and olTcrs foj5ale;r0ft very moder atetctm'H Rui-cnalniQStcqkf Hardware ir trocerieh Thomas J: Robction; Fayetteville, Dec. 4, 181C 31tf Notice. THE subscriber having obtain ed Utters of administration on he estate of lames Campbell, dec. it the 1x4 Coutt ot PUair and Quarter Sessions, held for f!nmKn Jlantf County. Requests. aUpVrsons mediate payment ; and those naV big demaods agaiott said estate, to present them for payment, proper ly authenticated within the time limited by iiw, or they will be barfed of .recovery. Robert Campbell, Adm V. December 4, 1816 wm bTsoidi ATPaalic 3a!e, ca Ihuriday the 26th iniu and continue rom day to day, until the whole is Sold, on a credit of six momhr, at the late dtreUiog house ofjamts' Campbell, dec aa'hia pcrishlble? tsutel tX)oTiitmgbri5 bri0d0O weight of Pork, a large stock of ' Cattle ttnl Hogvand a himbcrof pitiable Horse. , Waggbnt, Gigt, ceo AUOi his. farming uieOsils household N and kitchen fuTniuiVel a. tuabtitv bf corn tn4 blade 'icd! ' dfrt.togetherwitKanumtet;of ari ticles loo tedious jo. menVmn." Uondi wjth- approred. security; will. be required for all sums above forty sh'dliDgt, under Cam , j c cc npcr 1 8 1 6. - .;WiilbB,Hifed';' " Oa. r K -- - n m m. - . . Wd 50ikcly .Kegroesf . copuc'2 amporit phtch. Is a road J j-and carpepter; ' V . : v. . . t 4 'l . H I Jt from tK nfcitriW.. --- ;ABayr$arc; U Ln?I.,!,iU'wl'Ban, " m mmrm m m m mk. x 4. i w t - kj ft . " i n tt r t mr . ... .V - r