ma1 I DIED, . On W. pge from Char'c - - sw, ffi?v f"' Thalian Association. ; WU1 be h Id ..he K j.,f '?. a 7 . Ltojr one "eirIr . . belonging to the Associattan,; T them, immediately, tv ' ,Iiacon, .IJutter '-' "-",; , Beeswax . - v ' 'iteef 5 Bi-anJj, A pp !:.; . y Pcaclr Cora . Cotton i a, Coffee Fux-seed (rough) hisU Jr?" 10(1 J-ead(bar) jb Lard . Molasses o.; iFROXf TO-I 14 KKXABKS 4- ' 1 .BAJUWlYe ?2; atantf I J Mr -American, 1st do MuSerVan.1 the Anniversary of the BifW V '"ce 1QJ -drnTdrre-meTneT of ttie layette- ,; urksUle. &c. A- featri Company, Negro aaii!A named iRV, footly the pertyliS! I Tc.1 Bc,"' f Hyde .couaty, by whora be W ""ui u buiui . auvui monms ajjo, to Ste phen Oyreoft and Snmu'tl Vinctofcaufort countyV from - trhora the company purchtttd. Jerry i6out 6 feet high, very likely and well ale; plcxton ; supposed 10 Hate taken 'with him jacket mwinri t-.n ;-v of blue Plains, shirt of rea flannel, and. in other rcspectsj well clothed. . ALSO dent Company, wftl parade on the sq (,-.'. the Towrn Hoyse .atVJl o'clock a. M. in . rj ir,rjtaTdtnVi Rounds 7 t-a, 1st qualityioaiA 17 50 18 Loaf 35 40 ornai tqx tut; Trkio Oil In nireT. Lr.Ti t Vlf',:i sperm oil for Ump c Apple Brandy & iiirrcU , - Gin in cases v : 1 A few hogiheid choice MoIisscj" 1 Northern PoUtocsin Barrel: k br tLl asits atone. Lame, in exccUeat rd cask -' ,, - ; " Russia U Swetlet Irohf Share monlls rod& ' . r !'- V A Ntkroman slave named ftF.M. Vertnan Unster, Crowley Ic Swediihhl - ownehv BetSey Bonner of Beaufort county, ! fV01,11 wws. Jack icrrwt . t , " neaPhington-sold by her to Thomas 'v1" ut Nails rtrf l, Trotter, and b v him to the sud Stephen Owens j. JanwiV l6y ; , ry , '. , and Sixn-iel.Vines from whom the Company 1. . rTl CT?K ' r " puhaJ Ben is about 3 (cct 10 inches high. !: . f-'ii Ji Jj . .s V of black c6mplcxidn, aged 28 ycar4, and cloth TTlt my wijh that ihce ero wl v. ed in tlicjiame'manncr as-Jerry. ;- , j JL hereafter emptor my Vranrr J l; iv v ofapgirehension, tfnd delivery totli iIm; k,iVey giff hirovfketn Lfi fcl scriber, iiayttcvhic of either of t above !'of money. Let thef axnoun j bcevti -.JVM rih Dollars riirafd'will btAaid if 1 ticket b DrcferrttiU U 1 '1 t Uollai SS.Hhcts Molasses, superior quality 4 Bbls Pimento " iViLycrro priccijrrent. :: ? fl - . . I.n...,l ." , ALSO J V I and N E Rum by the hdgsheadv f' -V 4 by PiTlLLINGHAKi; MEUCII VNDlaE. liicon, IJutter, (best,) Beef, Candles, 36-3r'-i I Corn Meal, 4 I Cottfn. r L ' J C ' i4 cotton, Kobins ana oavajje I Cofi'ee best) .V . - ' r ..y.v i: 1 H I .Copperas. - - US- .Flax-seed, Grain, corn, Wheat, Hides, Iron, Russia, ' Swedes, Lard, oF E11, for rale' 'Tf" V Retail, a oeneral Assortment rr Arl', s,mprfn. Real C ognac Brandy Jamaica und .N E hum Malaga Wine .Whiskey , " Molasses Loaf & brown suga? Raisins Best Green Tea Coffee Chocolate Pepper Pimento Ginger Mustard, Sec &c bbi lb busb bV. bush ton si ? i (Ti r -.v, 1, 28 11 50 15 .2 24' 21 2 13 13 5'Jti 1 45 MKXABKJ. 161 30 12 28 25 ISales I - retail lb half hhd Lumber, boards &?-qqq scani'tnt?. ' , Sbii'srles,1? 22 in. cvnf , ?, ' " 071 timber," , ' .-J C v . - lang-ing- do. Y-'i ;7':iI'lasses, (retailing) W 90 2 17 13 20' 25 1 50 15 95 no demand aone 18 ' a se1nt,Jil assort nWt of Dti?G0QDS Feb 20 j . o Contractors. '4 1 j.; utii" a! lb bbi Kaval stores, Tar, v-v K ' ; Pitch, ,v'Turpet'neU Snip iiai ymi Teas, bTack-eye, bush PorV, (zoidy bbi 50b 2 7, 55 10 1 25 12 50 13 4i 100 !b Sr, Iverpobl.i bush V .Tars Isle, ScC SpmtsBMy, A nple, ' ga Peach, Cognac, Gin.- 10 16 50 1 10 sales dull sales .Feoruar lit i'Cm jpsxj Valuable Mills for Sale. Tnt subscrilnrr offers one half of a set of very valuable3Mills, in the Town o Fay" pf't r I ! ,V ,V;Mer1D0 ettevjlle, which are now nearly completed"! 1 1" Thewill consist of two saw. and uuwnf J"1 ;.llUcT1'ilti,tt? 1 5 t?'"1 ,tnnl nn;ftfiK..r,41, : . " tetl : winch he will sell low for Caah.- stones. Une ol the saws is now rumiini; and u .. u t iwi vu. ticket b DrcferrttiU l . John1 Mittlid HAS jnstrr uITtd fte, Chrletc diUon to his former supply, a fcfi FaiJiionabie DKJ VEK, Stlli W 3fii& X 1 IiJU ; an aaorlmrnt of Silk. Ierioo aud itrinv aiscr dull sales cash huick :tenals.can be dFlivereUy theuu 4sj,U abt lutely necessary to have them on the W)t JOHN MA TJIiEWS, T. IVi? ' . 20 .I" 36-4t L. and D. M'Laurhu' HAVE just received, and oiler fdr-al4 a few Barrels of Pickled MtJLLKT on A u ana 1 isuy 1 . - 5 For Sale, 71 has no defects, arnl is an excellent 'Scdrti Horse. Feb 6 Xvhisey u:irs, Hrown, -Uves, W. O. hhd. 1000 W. O. bbi. V It. 0.,hhl. Headincr. Tallow, Teas, Tobacco, IDOl none !all Llo ulesby cask Jy 75 125 16 1 i 5r 8 or ooes remaricabiy well, and the other may be set a-KQinj; wita less than twenty dohar- exj ence. rhetfin of stones are in acons'ulerablc Mate of forwardness also, and may be sc. to work with a very'triflinK expence. The .-bove mills arc erected on Cross reck, near tlie m. uih, und are -built in a very su stamial manner and com. t4nd a head and fall ol sixteen ftct. and the stream a never failing one. As tiicse mills are ntiar, the Oapc-i'car liivcr, which flows through an immense tract of pnie Und imme diately above, there is on leat of liuir ever wanting timber, which can always be had to saw on halves. When the commercial importance of this town is1 taken into vftw, there are perlups no mii siiUhis itate tlmt offer so many ' advanta ges to enterprising man. who has leisur- to attend to ti.em. as those now offered for sale. If preferred, tl ey can be delivered completely fin. she , in a very sfior. time. v ALSO FOa SALK, Two L,ots on Hay street near the centre of the tow u one half acre Lot in Campbei.ton, and a -n acre Lot within the limits oi the town. TheS tmH which will hr lihpmL f n r t K I t - T f w 1 II v any pari of the afove pioperty, will ;nowri, on application to VILL1 AM TERRY. oles ;Jo. do sales i'iValuablc Establishment. TOR SALE, (hat well-known Tavern, called T JORDAN'S HOTEL, John Eccles " X7ILL give Cash for twenty THopaASij V V FLO U R BARREL ST A VEHvit HEADING. He will also purchase TAnI WLR's DARK, in the spring Jrthward Rum and Gl 80 HlibVmi 2o Barrel RUM, --For sale, by ry 13 February 1 A h Co a . few bales low prked C Lr.qu.fe at this office. I with all the out-houses, Stables, Sec. Perhaps ot-U ti,..: . . . . r ,3 iM,i ,n me united fttates, a stand which combines greater adviitapes, or could be cb tamed upon more reasonable terms. 1 he House is.spac.jous and convenient, hav- ng two large HaP.s, with a number of sleep ir-S-rooms, as also some rooms not attached fo the principul house. The Kfchen, Family TIausp, Sc. are convenient and in good order and the whole in cood rcpair Therc is . large vacant lot immedintnit, ' r upun iuc oi ine most principal streets in town, which mi-ht be improved for the good of the establishment, as also, a large Garden in the rear of the Hotel. Ihe advantages arising from this establish. -dV.w.., jj.rtici unn usually belong to situa- ated in the centre and besides pos ing all the benefit of transient, to-n and RLES CHALMER 35-5t 11. c. L1V wnoett be mafA Febl(try 3 . II 35-f Notice is hereby given, TO the persons who made purchases t fh sa!c of the st ck of the late firm cf KcrCs l. TilHuhast that unless they ca!l and py llci B nds immediately, they ii,l be put in suit without disci miinaliori. P. I. TILLINGHAST. Jun. Surviving l'u. t$er January 33. 18 If, " Candles, Soap, crc. &c. A few Boxc NAI'LKS CANDLES do. do. SOAP 10 Iloxes CIass Tumblers 1 Hox do. Iamps for Entries 1 Rox containing. 12 CiUiTAILS, el cgant J it reenved aiul for Sale by the rab 4cribers in Hav-treet. W. F. 5c B. SALTER. Fa vi f evillo. 1 "i'n ()rt v .?f Winslow be Huske, have roa SALE, Brown and Loaf Sugar Prime Co.Vce 3d Proof St Croix and New-England Ham Oenuine Old Port. ") . wherr-n u ltnC Uest si,lert!,e riv', witli a com lortdiWweUing House and convenient out houses, 150 acres of Land well timbered with oak and line, and the pine timber on 250acre joininztle same. A. constant stream runs turoubfic Land, on which is ererted n nm 5aw amlGnst Mill. His Vintation on the E ist wid.f tho rirrr containw20();icre, of L.nd, UMl ff.c d4ilu, under c itivy.ion, and well teuced. t hel-s of Corn, aOOOlh. of tintk of Cat'.lc and U02. t Yke o. 100 acres of Land 'n Cros Cn -L lles from town, well timbered with feak. For triim, apply to fhe ru!sci iber at his rc- ir to lienrv llran-nn, Fu vettcx il!e. STli P UK A' G IL A 10 R E. Oil 500 hi Fodder, tiven, alxmt i pine a:n Fo 1 siuence Fabf, UR and Rose Blankets just ioatibgs GEO. T. HEARSE 1 - V ; " ,s s,tua IfawrSt) e and lhHvinS Town ; I For Liverpool. Tl Ship GEORGE VORTEll, (Capt. Fostek,) IEN 280 Tons, a nrw and first mfp el, will sail from N'iIiuinL'on. in fhn air t.v u . ... uiontufi reumary, ror ireight, or passaee, applv the Captain.or Edinund B " - i . - .1 T - . at Wilnihgton, or in hayeit il!, to ULNSLOW & HUSKE. Jarftirv. 50. 3 4WA:NTEDSP Stock, Apol v t apC -ear and State-Ba V Imes of Mail Stages. The Fur- T " ire inthe Hotel would also be disposed of December, 241816. JAIP- o FFKTiS 01 oaie, at re urpd rrA. ' Lash or annrovprt i ",v tor .A few Hogsheads ..3? a lew ditto, sweet ffa : hS-8nper,orsreen ws.yw Muscovado Sugar, in barrels, A larp quantiVof RuSSia and Swedish Iron With. hl8 uuai supp,T of otH- QOQjj 50 tasks Hkqde Island Stoneline ii W JrY4, la6 ??01! ij-.-m . : wiuiug wouia inane f "lVhtageous establish V : I -i,CTt of mr family, busmen ,f . 7' Nothing would induce me to relinquish this ment, but the peculiar and a wish to decline a 1 heterms, II made known CT ' lC" WIM iber. application to the sub- avPff.v-ii t L1ON JORDAN, ayetteville, January Ic. The Printers of the N .... ... rpr fho.i . . nucill- cer, Charleston Citv au v. . t advertisement three insertions and for trftr bills to this office for payment. Tt JOJUNT CUUKO, SRElW.STVEMl THE BRIDGE, Ha just Received a Supply tf Old 4:h proof Jamaica Rum 3d do Wd Island do Madetia Wine, in !ottlts CUret do in cases I rtiicf Brandy Holland Gin :upcrior W. I. Shrub Lime Juice uar ALSO i Bixe Soap Pickle Salmrm I i at ana Segars of the brfTftilii iiariiume LordiaiS in caaet 4 . Icjant Ladies ork Boxes Kn aosortm. nt of elcjfAM Bonoett Irimmtd. i hv UrviHr, Nov 24 it ' Just Received and for Salc, OM ACCOWXODATINO TrKMJ, A CciiM.i.mni c loxes Uanna X . brown ugai r. 3 In Is 3o nioofi. W. I. rum, Cofk n bags and barrels. PEARCE and R Fe A OESON ' 4. 3 w. TOBACCO JMUTIFESTS cS- CHECK BLXJC F QJ1VE-FEAR, For Sale at this Ohcr - pvh n FPublic nr rt-cirt fi,l,. ... .1 .. ta rice that in carrying Merchan dize or Produce betw W.lmington Si I Vy--ie.W o or from either ti1a. : .. 1 ! scribers will not in future be liable tnal the rules applicable to common carriers, nor be responsible for any loss or damage happen ing to property place, on board their Boats" unless occasioned by the want of ordinary car J and diligence in the commander and crew. Duncan Thompson, Clark $ .UWi, John JfaciMitian, L. Vrtr6y . Branson, p. IMUlins1ia$tyjr JFinslow V Huske, James JHtchtlL A orman Jl'Leod, James Baker, 5 Hhds. N. E. Rom, 4 do. Muscovado Sugars. i-5 Bbls. refined Loaf SuVar, Y For Sale. JT b 1 Feb 5 54 T. UEMSEV, J Bonitiet Sanity rearcetf Co. I fill. If.Bowen, Campbell 13 Wculdill, Kelly er Evans, JUWeilltf Kirkland, Yarbrouhii Hart, Alexander Campbell. FayetteVille, Jan. 30, Itir. . DUNCAN THOMPSON HAS Ta SALE, A qUAKTITT OF Jioston stone Lime unvlncked. . . t ' " Holvay Fgncr, Bio, artil Si9 Manufacturer, 0?vV'X TST'0yyiC FATfTT! VI fir, i raale at the customary j ice, t.L u Bcs, Udica and GctU ncrm. bhoesvoiippcri, Ico Having in their possciMot Leatber.of e I it quality, and in their employ Workmenof the first pade; tbey can ith confidence isurtv tne Pubhc. that all order ih tUixiliu fii be executed in the best manner, with prQnW ..vt uii ivuiitu itaviiBUic u ID in IOm, retry 7. i7. Particular Notice r I HE Subscriber eamestlr rail X persona indebted to him or to the firiof Seawell $ Fitzharrit, to come Jot ward th outdelarand adiuit their areonri ! ii be absolutely necessary that these demilld should be pm into the8 hinds or the Law. fcj. .v iwiupi payment is mace, ; - 1 . 1 a An FactteyUlo, Sept. JAJMSWELL 1 cttcrUlt.Peca at -l'; -

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