4 'k i. v , , - MM KM A A ft t rataa, fratASLB II AABiB. Vol. VI. No. 2 ? Wsiol No. t at m Mesar m g m w r. I ' -ob, asaa ILX 'V2cv 11 J - 11 !g tl.l 1, JB XI. ll.UlJf. CONDITIONS, rw amebic m fUukii . . .1. Adt.nwwals ' A eeieriW. U Idlers aVr4ii a IrfUrU, Urm4 uy u a- Corrcti WcB)f ) 9 - " 0 Of cue ft. u 3) Id.Wu, PcCb, CotUru, Coffn, IS BAB II 14 Gil 3 I IB St r SI AS BOB C IB llolsil 0i, lork, Jovlc 4tk pr'f. XV India, 34 (to. Antric&A, Wt Uo Mw&mr. 4 r it 2 J 20 71 1 U 7M Jf J LB tVhcat, BU OIL 3 6 Wilmington Price? ( urrcul (Corrected Weekly.) J iron o. c 73 1W(, .fr BBttcr, Coflbc, Com, Cm Mr!, Cotu. uj.Uwl Flour, lvu lt iin,Sfd ,f Gvn Powder, Amcr. Hug lrd Lumber, bordt I Jluik 4.K ; Milling JbU It 10 Ub go. r Uon 70 IB 30 30 IbiubcU 93 1 I 1 30 lb b6J S 30 0 5tH i too ft 10 ' 5hil(U.,; in ( TP do. Jump round a. 1000 1 50 8 40' i .3Uti, w.o. bhd. ding, do 8Uve, w o. bbJ. dw. r- o. hkd. MoltMea, IfaUt, lOd. 20d. 25 35 17 10 15 alloa 3SI 60 Tu. 32 KBtl. tbl 1 00 Pitch, SJ0 lb it I 3$ do. SpinU TurprntiBO IVu, W U rjr, I'wrk. 200 lb Uni ,J' . ltndwd..i (i. do. - j 2 2 50 BO but be) 1 60 bbl gallon .KH'lb 11 I 40 I S 95 t AO I 6 1'uiW't Iic tit. bushel 401 tJo.il. bu v.n lb 15 10 !M 10 bogr, .Mu'- Ovudj, do icf 'Ullow, lUOlb lb ICO lb gallon 13 30 16 9 5u 10 i 60 70 Houses To Rent. Til flouae at prraeot occuti cd by A. IMI 6t Co. AU' the Store and Warre-houae, occupi cd by A F. tiovrell. For terms appljr to A. F. 0. Mjv 'J'J, Blank Obcds, Tor Sale at Qua OCicj. Om tUaat MtJ Slttr PUtk. .Id a) Silut PuJt Ltrcrl ..riu-ArXkl i5L VV'iU t o vtriou pu. . IfdjrellcTillelricciCurrrut jAU(tOBIWO. w.uKo ot ttty trrlptlOAt r lft4 doMBPf MB VBfirtT of GBBtlCBBBj'B Cl LBtCt Altai Kr riogt, Fisgrr riap 3o' llrtBil BIBB 21 AIm, ; UriM AoJ iroaj. ShovcUCl I oofB, f cndf r, PUicd Bad UrM CtftJlc iik. firiUAoU 1'cb BBvJ Lo(Tc pou. is Silver Bod PUicJ EpBuUtU, Pock t PiuoU. bU bmi outer arti 30 AM B 4 I A B. AS 1 I mwi oi uota m B4irr wort ry mdB tl Lb abontM B)Olict i itCBimna vraitBfB ci trtrr oc oripuoarrpBircd and warrBBtcd. 10 II A (oatnmcBt of Gcotlrtpen't, La fo din BBxl Childrra hai of VBrt out kindt. 70 Allf the abort aticlea will It Ii low tn CBh ss 3J 80 Alran UllcoX. N. D Cbbb in far uIO U4d a;d Parcltcillet Mv 14, 14 tf 60 Newbern and Norf oli; 95 13 $0 7") iib.AM BOAT LLk rHfc. 3team-Bctt N OK FOLK, iotcaded to pty bcCweeD New a and fcliaabcth Ciiy, oo Pat quotaak river, will commeoce her ruo from Ncwbtro. on Moodav OCXt. ' 4 The au gad cajuiprocot of th 4Mor(oJk i the power of her eogtoe '0 the blao ol Mesers. Uoltoo h Watt, and the clegiat etvU of her cabiotaod luruiiure, iq bo cfjxiocnt iccrf combine safety aod coo cuicoie, aod will ensure to her paaseogcr all lie advacugca of the mot tpcedy, salr od pLcaaaAl aiode ol travclliog. atBgea to correspond with the drparturt ofKth Norfolk, will run from Faycttevillo to Ncwbaro, aod from Ulizabcth Cit to Norfolk, twtcB a week end tha arrival of the paaacogcra gi'Norfolk, w ill be ao rtgulaleU bb tcf admit their ear ly departure Is ' the Steam boat Virjrjnia, for Daluaoore. 1 ha faa of DaBBcaccra tf ill be ft free a dollars Ircim Jbcro to blisabctb luy. . CarritBa aod horaes will be carric oo deck at moderate charges. 1 he Norfolk will leaf e Newbern Wednesday momioga, aod aryive ut Kliaabeth Litv. oo aaoac avca. ng i leave Klixabeth City, Thurs day moroiog, and arrive aj New bcru same cveoingi leave- New ixrrn Saturday mormag, arrive sr kiligBbeth-Citv same cveaiogji leave Eliaabcth-City, Mood My oiornirg, aad arrive at ZJcwbepi amc evraieg, until further oott I he diataace from Fayette vi to Newbero, 120 miles I fro Ncwbcro to EliaabcthXity, tgO ilts ; from Blitabcth City id Norfolk; 40 miles matiog a dls. taacc of 320 miles j the root is per lorcned from Fayettatille to NoHolk, ia four days. Daniel W. Crocker, capt April lo, igig. o 4m rX!!"ii Sa.ithftL.tUeaS.og Sjffpry ' , .. Cjjy Ldy Mi.r-an'a Fran. j""" " ..... Jill "" ' TTT' The til) r.tttt ui mSl 1 Guns, Gun-Locks,&c. 2 Cmc Cuu, (kMorud) S Cim dkt, ditto (vr Ivt vtD iU5d (Of UMf nnm il) D. Gum Lecli. (mofff) 1 SpQ Ctm ih tad pUici Hl fOctMSJt If rx Cua Fii roll A 7; 10 CroM frlMy (mtorQ - - i ' 711 CrtKt Etnhrto Wtrf fvtll b) rtW) 13 Krft Loodoa Povdr. Jolrt, Jilt S JSfeio Hoolid, .4. A. H. (iVULKY. AS lately received aod offera for SaU, the folUw.o NliW I i and iotercatlr2 (5O0KS, toibcr with many utherfftot eDuatrated. Lord 15)iocrva Works to 3 rol. in cludioj l third CbbUo of Child HaroLTa Pilfrimirr, tkf prt of ChiTloo, ManlrMr Lc Mvjotgomcrv'fl Pixtai, vol. mo Yoaaff'a PociiiaJ Workl. tf ta do Ldy Library, 1 vol. ' Memoirs of Pcuche, . t. hacicr ol hakpar BAiata. MemoirB of ih lift Savld Crrick. S vol. . .. 1 x ord Amhem'a Emb7tif t, firutta, taJudinc t &H jter Celd id Uudc at Wajrterlo4 Haroo DeGtubro'a BxmlKf, Gcvg'phnal and scripiin ol the South Wetteru Western aod States, Ohio. Alabama, J--A vanctv ol icdical Uooka, Novel, he he Juh 9. 1818. 22 Sw For Sale, At 4. U (.uriry't and lir: f rt( BOOK tTOIlLi, Jl Sermon,- Preached tor the benefit o the Fe male Tract Society of Fa telle ville, bv the Kc. J. 1J. 1 uinkr. Jul Oth, 1818 BP tOR SALE, 10 JIM 9- Heat Muscpywlo Sugar, Oo liberal Terms. , Uy I. II, ADAM. May 20th, 1810. Iftf. Committed tQ tlej Jail y"F COmberland county, oo thei VV 19th lostaot, a c bov, who calls himself CHARLES, And aaya he belongs to William FuHer, of Caswell county, North Carolma ; who lately trurchaacd him from n Mrs- Cherrv Little, of 1 the state of VLraiois t said Char Us I it about ttgrtseayearaor age, ne feet three or four inches high, nojd also aaya hn-Isn hia master netr iiocgieaasi, op ate wty to ueor ajta. . Tat owner it requested to cools forward aod prove property, pty charges sod take him , away, or he will be dealt witn aa the law di reels. v R. Dudley, Jailor. Faytttevitle. June 21. 29t J. R, Adam, HAVING rwivtd bb aJ.1 tiaJ BiBck of Cooda um 4 ltg cd a ftMrU B4oftaBt, oaTcra tbeta foe aai bb kua oU como aver Bad th pohkU at a bbbbQ adac ftkWda7 il d-p to purthaoa a aBock of vQ af cttf d Goods. A ad with aettle ta tH dBCt ha iU giv ihrm iboue of ei&rr o( hit Stnrek, at a fair reat mrttl th let. of Sept. 1119- TV inrtt aod U'ara-houaea art cojMlicKit, aod the atDdt rqn1 to any la thia place. PaiMtcille Mr . St ItJ I Ull f Juit Iirccirrd, And for Rule by ROISINS r5 SAVACSR. XAt rttn of Crockery Wart, welt aitaned for the country. 10 UhJt. Cl Ware, aatoned, lihdt, SO Bbl. N. li. Iltfta. 10 du. W. lodia, 4 AUo. tO Parkagca Dr GoocU, cocapeia iag an iMutojcat, puiUbli to the ScBBo. The .tboveGooda will be aoJd. oo accommidtBg Tex aa. F4rttrille, Jul 16 SS 1 risu. i SI lUrrHt Faxnitv Shad, A3D4rrela do. licrricg, f with tht roe J aJO Barcli cut Xlerrioga, - AIM C9aSaaCtvtr 3c rd, ljr. MuttBfd Sd, Nov finding and for Sale hr, M'Nicll fvirkiancl. J.iiv.lti a. si iw. 9 IV m. Warden f Has just received, A ad lor Hale, Larrv Crime A few tamilv Liianistrr, tat Quali t) Imperial l a. A geoeral assoriment of Sad dlcry sod tfarncss m unting. Favrtteville JuU t 23 A jTIlLL Persons iodtbted to the uhscribcre, are reqaested to corns forward and make pay meal to Archibald M'Hac, on or before the 13th Aucust oeatj those who fail to comply with the above, may rest assured of having their Notes aod Accounts pLced to the heads ol an officer for cotlectioa, as no longer indulgence will or can be given. Alt thoye havtag claims against the firm, are requested to present Mhcrn for payment MacRae cV BJack. Fayeiieville, July S, Ult. Sltf Noficc. ALL those lost are indebted to the subscriber by note or ac count, are requested to make im mediate psymcnt as oo longer indulge occ can be oivea i those who fail to come forward aad settle upi Caay rest aaaured of having their notes and accounts placed in the hgada of an Officer for rotftctlon. 'fhozxts B. Bloore. FtyeuaviUe, July 16. 83tf Blank Checks, And Negotiable Note, FOa flALB AT THI3 OFflCB , David Price, Cqppcr-Smih and Tin pJatcWorkcr. JNFOHMs the iMic ingtae. ral, he keeatow on hnf fa dy for Sale, beiwtcB Iwo od lhrts layaassjsd Oallocf 3u of a swawrio swajft) . holding - en Thirty w Owe ffewdrvd It 1 w a ly Ceikxis each, whteh he is drier, mined so Sell at the fuDowieg re duced pricea, mi. AU5ilU hold tog froa Thirty to luty GsQons, at aifteiy crate per Found. AH from Stgry re Si hrv Gal 4 loon, ai eighty ate ceoj per poumL An ever agbry uauooa, at eitb ty cants per poesd, if spplieatiop ia eaacje before ths 14th da. of Septeabcr aeii j ss on thsi day all the resaaiotag 3i!!s ard Cop. per Ware, wUl be sold without re serve, cm a credit from ikrrr to sis aontha, accordiag to. the e eaouat pore Baaed, St beiog to cloao a Partoership cosKcrn. The svnaciilser haa oohaad, ta large soppey of tToppcr. and will continue to MaAuacture oatil the day of talc, upon the ansae tcrms The bualoeas will be carried oo aa usual, at his old, ei established Stand on Hay Street, half way between the Ststc.fjeoee and liav-Mount. The sobaciber haa Jikewiee on hand a verv large sojply of TiaV Ware, made by the first rats work msn, which he offers for Sale at the same reduced prices by Whole, sale or KetaU. ft. B. The subscriber expects ts receive by the first Fall arrivaln Tea Thousand Pounds f bbcet Copper and pottoroa, auicaaie for SiUU, Csoea .Tiarty.aa Omm 11- drsd and Fifty GaOoca, with ail other mttcriaiaaoitable fo carry, tag on the Coppcr-Smith OuaTneavk whkh he tUtcrs hi msclfhs wlUbw abU u ScU at n am ad advance a hove the Jew-Yorfc prices aa be has an Agent ew the spot, vho wlU purchase entirely for Cash. inj subacribey can fumiah at present, ail kinds of material, for carrying on the tooocr and Tin- Plate Working Ouainesa, via Block Tin aod Spelter Solder, Iron Wire from No. 1 to IB. Copper and Tin Hiveis, (ll eiyri) ry Spanish Brown, Red Jd, K t.o, llecp IrOtt, pig and bar Lead, bo ras, Salmonac, fir ft c. fcc FsTtUevlUJe, July. gj j0 aa Valuable Property, JJttmfmt JtttHmn4 County For Sale. naP 11 T Subscriber beini Am Mil. X of disposing of bis property m Hockiogham. inform, such are iaclioed to purthaae; that tie icrmawAu oe tjaade accommodat ing It consist of nsoaciouB Lot on which is n sabstantial and com: modiooa Brick PwsUiog, a good fitnhle. Store flttaavnaMf evert rw- qumre out building which rendcrf it an eligible aituktioa for cither st private family, or sj genteel house of ntartalnntentf to which Utter purpose It ia nonappropriated. Also. CJA well improved Le;, calculated for a Commercial Establishment.' For farther pai titulars, enquire on the premise of E G. WILLIAMS. April g, 1818 ' gtl Mou$e8&Lot8t TO RENT. Jpply to Thomas X Robeson. Ps)ettevillp. Ju.'v 16 ij Blaok Wgjranti, rorSaa4tdsOOcn V

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