THE BADOLD SUMMER TIME ' BY RALPH POOL The Independent's Staff Poet :i 1 1 air a a o a o Q O a a a i a a a a o ' D v D a a a a O r D D ; n v a HFHERE may be some things that can be done well in a hurry, but pickin' a wife an' agein9 a tobacco ain't amongst em We put away millions of pounds of fine Kentucky Burley tobacco every year, stored in wooden hogsheads. It ripens Wo years. When we take it out it's different Nature has improved it, good as it was made it friendlier, more fragrant, cool-smoking, k long-burning. Nature has given it a delicious quality of'' mildness and fragrance that no artificial means can ever equal. It's just that extra touch of friendly good ness that is building up VELVET Tobacco into the favor and good will' of thousands of pipe smokers who pre fer to smoke tobacco cured in Nature '.s way. You would notice the difference. o a Q SI E3 13 a o a a a h a a Q mi Roll a VELVET Cigarette VELVETS nmtun-agsJ tmUni end tmoothnm makm it just right for cigantte. OQO DODDQOOO Economy in Fostum Boil Postum as long as you please, and you will extract only healthful goodness. You'll get no caffeine the coffee-drug for there's none in rostum. The Original Postum cereal in fact, should be boiled fully 15 min utes, and if desired the pot can be kept ging from meal to meal, adding more Postum and water for the new service. Postum is the favorite of large numbers of fortner coffee-drinkers and can be secured from grocers everywhere. Two Sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c Ji Delicious, Invigorating and Healthful Drink "There's a Reason" Two Dollars For One There's no.investment pay's better than B. P. S. Paint on your residence or other buildings. We say B. P. S. because we believe it's the best paint sold. Paint up this year and your property will have new looks, new life and ; a new value. We sell B. P. S. Paints. Gulp epper Hdw. Co. 17 North Water St. Elizabeth City, N. C. SALE OF PROPERTY ; FOR TAXES y For the non-payment of Taxes due tovthe City of Elizabeth City for the year 1918, I will sell at the Court House Door in Elizabeth City, on Monday, June 9, 1919, at 12 o'clock M., the follow ing city lots for the City Taxes, and lands located in Elizabeth City Town ship" upon which Graded School Tax has not been paid. An additional cost of 95 cents is added to all Taxes here in specified making a total as here shown. ' GEO. H. WOOD, City Tax Collector. White Humphries and Bro., 1 lot $ 2.63 Jenkins, Mrs. M. A. 1 lot 16.22 Morgan, Chas., Est., 3 lots 34.26 Morgan, Chas., Est. Agt. for Children, 1 lot 4 9g Phillos, S. W.. 2 lots 10.51 Sykes, J. W., 1 lot 2.12 Tillett, Mrs. Pattie, 1 lot 1177 White Delinquents Howard, J. W., 1 lot $ 1.73 Reid, T. T., 1 lot. ; 2 0? Htamngs, L. A., 1 lot. "White, S. W., 1 lot Negro Bowser, W. C, 1 lot Brickhouse, Isaac, I lot Brihkley, Ira, 1 lot Burgess, Joseph, 1 lot 1.79 Cherry, Ermon. 1 lot 5.81 ijodd, Desoto, 1 lot Dixon, Nellie, 1 lot Dozier, Ellen, 1 lot Edney, Elihu. 1 lot Glover.i Ed., Est., 1 lot 9.34 uiover, Wm., 1 lot 10 93 Griffin, Chas., 1 lot s!97 Griffin, J. E. & W. A., 1 lot 1.95 Hoggard, Jos. S.. 1 lot '.. 6.98 Johnson, Lee Ernest, 1 lot 6.31 Lane, Emma G.. 1 lot mna rfewmdsen, Jas. E., 1 lot 1.79 Mebane, Jno., 1 lot 1 v 6.31 Xewby, Virginia, 1 lot 19.33 Owens, Luther, 1 lot 6.31 Perry, J. E.. 1 lot 2.30 Rogers, Dave, Est., 1 lor 2.15 Spruill, Jno. H., 1 lot 2.39 Tillett, J. B., 1 lot 7 15 Turner, Martha, 1 lot ....... Watkins, Clarence, 1 lot Whedbee, Mary, 1 lot White, Daniel, 1 lot White, Geo. W., 2 lots 11.67 4.41 1.20 1.55 6.73 1.95 5.97 1.79 2.63 5.55 4.96 1.35 5.72 6.65 Whitehurst, Elias. 1 lot Negro Delinquents Bond, Clifton, 1 lot Davis, Caroline, 1 lot- Gallop, Chas. Est., 1 lot ... Godfrey, Lyda, 1 lot 1.20 9.32 5.73 8.66 2.30 Johnson, George 1 lot 6.98 Jones, M. B., 1 lot ... 10.58 Jones, Thomas, 1 lot 9.67 Lane, Amy, 1 lot 1.79 Overton, Mary E., 'l lot 6.98 Overton, Levy E., 1 lot 6.31 Owens, Demos, Est., 1 lot 2 63 Reid, Geo. W., 1 lot 6.98 Sanders, T. J., 1 lot 1.85 Spellman, Louisa, 1 lot 5.89 Spruill, J. T., 1 lot 9.91 Stewart, J. W., 1 lot 1J.58 White, Alberta, 1 lot 6.31 Whitehurst, Armour, Heirs, 1 lot 4.97 Established 1887 DELL BROS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS We sell Products from the Farm. Shipments Solicited My'16-lyr. Norfolk ,Va. The summer time approaches fast, with forty brands of heat; gone is the chill and wintry blast, the hail and snow and gleet. Bring out the old electric fan and oil her up a bit; thus you will be a cooler man, when Summer throws a fit. Get out and swat the dratted fly, you gents with domes ashine; when July comes you'll wainly try elsewhere to make him dine. ' . ' , Mosquito time now comes apace with all its deadly ills; if you would keep your earthly place without the aid of pills, begin at once these pests to trail where'er, they can be seen, . and slaughter skeeters by the bale-r-don't spare the kero sene. ' t I - Back yards and stables must be cleaned, and all the al leyways; your porches must be tightly screened, before the Summer, days; for otherwise some evil pest your number, sure will get, and you'll be gently laid to restr-wirich some folks will regret. - , MICKIE SAYS f ONE guy -That rums 1 Sw t r ft A. .- . . m m. m. . AROUND HIS OFFC6 IS " The coward un wampus nho lets his paper 0t ftserR semimo AMt."fHt4 REFUSES T ATT THE POST- OFPJCE T AVJO0 PAIS I M NHW HE ONNES US YOU SAID - SOMSTH)N(r! REGULATIONS FOR THE GRADING OF POTATOES N. C. Division of Markets Issues Bulle tin of Unique Importance To Growers EVERY OWNER A BIG BOOSTER The best salesmen of Delco-Light are Delco-Llght users. People in the country formerly denied the comforts and practical , benefits of electricity are invariably so pleased y1th Delco- Light that each new owner becomes a big booster. If you want to know the "Grade A brand of satisfaction Delco-Light gives just ask any owner of Deleo-Light. We don't say this owner or that owner we say. any owner. They all say the same. Delco-Light adds the final factor that brings every city, advantage to the country. DELCO-LIGHT PRODUCTS ELIZABETH CITY N. C. The batteries last upwards of five years with proper care, which means keeping water over the plates. Batter ies can be rebuilt at moderate cost. GALESKI GLASSES OUR PROMISE MARK We consider our trade mark a promise of satisfaction, and place it on every eye-glas and spectacle case. Having worked so hard to make this mark mean eye-glass superiority, we cannot afford to allow it on anything but the best. Your eyes deserve glasses bearing thsi mark. m s GALESKI0 03 209 GRANBY ST. x (Opposite Monticello Hotel) Kodak Headquarters Tentative regulations covering the grading, marketing, branding and in spection of Irish potatoes under the new standard grade and package law enacted by the last General Assembly, have just been made public by W. R. Camp, , Chief of the Division of Mar kets of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. The regulations will I be effective June 8, 1919, and are as follows: Official North Carolina Grafts. 1. -The Official North Carolina trraAaa according to which all graded potatoes j jn.monn Carolina must De graded are me reviseu graaes recommended by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. These are the grades now recognfzed by the iiormern traae ana according to which inspections are made bv th FpHsrai inspectors on an tne leading markets. 2. No Derson. either erower. shinner tradesman, nartnershin or fnrnnmtinn : snau pacK ior saie, oner ror sale or sell Within North C!rolin erratia rt-nntatrtaa unless they are graded in conformity to the official North Carolina potato j grades x 3. A grade, mark, brand or other designation shall only be- made upon North Carolina where such grade, mark, orand or other designation represents a grade of potato according to the re quirements of the official NOrth Caro lina grades. Fines.. 4. Any - person, grower, shipper, tradesman, partnership or corporation who violates any of the provisions of of standard packages, grades and state the act providing for the establishment brandt, ' or fails to comply with any rules or. regulations made for carry ing out the provision of said act, or employees in the execution of or on ac who wilfully interferes with agents or count of the execution of his or their duties shall be subject to a fine of J not more than one hundred dollars, . r r ' Inspectors' and Inspection. who has had proper experience in . the 5. Any person of reliable character grading or marketing of potatoes, and who is not engaged in buying such pro ducts, may upon application and pre sentation of nroper credentials obtain upon his payment of a fee of two dol- license for one year to inspect potatoes lars. 6. Any licensed inspector may issue certificates of grade of potatoes upon application. v 7. No Inspector shall inspect pota toes in which he is directly or indirect ly interested. 8. Any application for inspection may be made by any person having a financial interest in the food products involved, including the grower, ship per, the receiver, or the carrier, or by any authorized person in behalf of such applicant. Such" application shall be filed in the office of the Division of Markets, West Raleigh, N. O. or with any licensed inspector. 9. Such application mav ' e oade in writing, by telegraph, or. orally by tele phone or otherwise. If made oraliy, it shall be confirmed by application in writing. Such application shall state (a) the name and address of the ap plicant, (b) the name of the loading point at which potatoes are located, (c) if in car, car initials and car num ber and name of carrier, (d) the kind and quantity of .potatoes, (e) time when potatoes were dug, (f ) time when shipment of potatoes will be made. 10. General inspectors will be locat ed at leading loading points. Their duties shall be (1) to interpret the grades to growers and shipper as far as may be feasible; (2) to see that licensed inspectors inspect according to law and regulations, (3) to see that there has been proper compliance with the law for maintaining the standard of grades for North Carolina. 11. A licensed inspector shall not charge more than two dollars' for each car inspected or more than one dollar for a half a car or less. O E PERFECT GUM trfesrs " --r-Wn$i III III III III III 111 III III III III III 111 llimnvNfc. mfi 1 1 t 1 in 1 u 1 11 in ' "ti 1 1 in in mi rvi mi The longest lasting benefit, the greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth. VtRlGLEYS in the sealed packages. Ul Bill i'.i rfurg m "' '" 111 'I' linyi-nrm-m m m m . -A 1 1 fci a- Hi Air-tight impurity-proof. SEALED TiGHT KEPT RIGHT :i ill rronjc WRAPPED IN The Flavor AsKYbuflJealer . - M -mm. - m - jnt t 1 fif firearms Atrnntmifion Write for Catalogue' THE REMINGTON ARMS UM.C CO. INC COD5EIDGE mrdS 8JJF8 WIS-TIKE ASCHTTECTS) la xnmins private, practice ask consideration f their fiPBCIAI. SEHVICff FATUKKS la connection with building design and constme-: ttoa. Correspondence aolicited. ' 18a 4k If. Y. Ave. waaJssta D. Q THIS SHOULD INTEREST ALL v OWNERS OF AUTOMOBILES I Elizabeth City now has a .regular big town electric storage battery service for automobile owners. The City Gar age Electric Service Station adver tises this week that it will rent you a j battery while" recharging your own bat tery; you don't have to lay your car up waiting for your battery to be re charged. That's an advantage the av erage car owner will know how to ap preciate. The City Garage Electric Service Sattion renders free battery service and doe all kinds of battery repair work. - x Rubber Plantations. In the past the -world's supply of rubber has come chiefly from . the Amazon. Today the demand is so great -that Brazil supplies only about. one-iourtn or tne product. The Malay peninsula, Ceylon, Sumatra, and of late the Philippine Islands, have been cultivating rubber plantations exten sively, and it has been discovered that rubber . trees will ' grow almost any where along the equator where there Is sufficient rainfall. Zinc Shapes at Boiling Point. Zinc is ductile between 212 and 302 degrees Fahrenheit and can then b shaped as required.' But when either above or below these limits It be comes brittle and unpliant and. there fore not adapted for .treatment. :", It melts at about" 786 degrees Fahrenheit If volatilization is guarded against. .1 Announcement Di, lamon d Ti. ires The Price of DIAMOND TIRES has been reduced, effective May 12, 1919, but the high quality is maintained See DIAMOND Distributors for new prices. The Diamond Rubber Company Factories, Aron, O. DR. JOHN H. BELL 0;t23ntiic Physician OFFICE PHONE 1021 RESIDENCE PHONE 1022-J Dr. Bell is a native of Whitakers, N. C. Graduate of. Trinity Park School, Durham, N. C, Des Moines College, and the Still College of Osteopathy of Des Moines, Iowa. Was assistant obstetrician of Still College of Osteopathy for one term. Practiced with Dr. Guy E. Owens, of Topeka, Kan. five months. Eight months army service in Ortheopedic and Physiotherapy departments In Reconstruction Hospital at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. , 306 HINTON BUILDING ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. ) JUr m issuing THE WHOLESOME BAKING POWDER Not only makes your cakes and hot breads lighter;of finer texture and delicious flavor, - but at a reasonable cost - :