FRIDAY, JULY 18, l9l9 .. M M . - -. i . . ; " PAGE FOUR THE INDEPENDENT W. 0. SAUNDERS, Editor Published every Friday by W. 0. Saunders at 505 East Fear ing Stt, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, North Carolina. Subscription Rates: 1 Year $1.50; 6 months $1.00; 3 months 50c: Payable in Advance. Entered as 2nd elM. matter at the pos of fic. at Elizabeth C fty, N. C, June 9. 1908 VOL. XII FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 NO. 574 his A Rus- Sinn Feiner and Bolshevik IR EDWARD CARSON, the Irsih Unionist leader, speak ing at Belfast last Saturday, scored America, iui en couraging Sinn Fein demonstrations in this country, de- yTte-r"l crV.t r mind her own business. Of course, cianiiK mat auiwho, v T . , it is none of Sir Edward Carson's, business if we do let the Irish carry on their propaganda in this country, since this is supposed to be a free country. .j. 4. i coo- ctMTiP-P to Sir Edward, that Amen- UL 11 II1UL JUUn. paconib ""o v, iii ovptv time a Russian Bolshevik opens Uit X U.13CD exit; vx . , rl hurrahs over the Irish niouiu, auu jcl wiuco, urnvu . . revolutionary in this country at thefiresent time dare not month under nenaltv of deportation, imprisonment or lynching. And yet a bunch of Sinn Feiriers, Irish revolutionaries are entertained by the Massachusetts State Legislature, the presi dent of the new Irish Republic occupies the presidenntal suite at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel while visiting New York City, and Irisa revolutionaries loaded in sight seeing automobiles are permitted to parade the streets of New York City and shout for Irish inde pendence. It's all right for the Irish to rebel against our ally Eng land and set up a government to suit themselves; we encourage them in their revolution and help to finance them. We even ap pear to forget that these same Sinn Feiners were in league with Germany during the war and received arms, ammunition and much coin from the Kaiserland to aid them in making trouble for England. . Now what's the difference between the Sinn Femer and the Bolsheviki? Both are fighting for liberty according to their own lights. Each is trying to establish a government opposed to the old autocratic regime. One overthrows the Czar and the other would overthrow the King. Why do we lynch the one and pamp er the other? Does the explanation he in the fact that the Sinn Feiners are Irish and Roman Catholic? The Irish and the Roman Catholic have always been the mainstay of the Democratic party. The Irish vote in this country runs into millions. The Russian vote is not organized and is inconsiderable. The Roman' Catholics have access to the White House thru various doors. The Russians can't get within three blocks of the back door. These may not be the reasons, but they are suggestions Jthat we can't help entertaining. The Nation (New York) points out another very excellent reason why the Sinn Feiner gefs the long end of it while the Bol shevik gets the toboggan. The Bolshevik in setting up his gov ernment has monkeyed with the capitalist class; the Sinn Feiner lets the capitalist enjoy his capitalist privileges and exploit the masses as usual. And that makes a real difference. hnr and, the Socialist box,,thru which they can express . . . ' :i xvi,- i rtricter their convictions upon .the their nones l muugut, - oubiic questions of their day." America is struggling to-day. to find , a ballot box. If it doesn't find it, then God have mercy rn thic pnnntrv. hofwAAn reaction ana revolution uiwc w uv Somewhere will be ' i' . -. j : -t- -,-nA there fnr America- If this miaaie gruuiiu ia uui iuuuu wna thW revolution. The revolutionary idea has got a footing in this country and the reactionaries, are boostmg, it along. hv doinp- the same dambliool things that the ancient .rnansees r to m,t down Christianity. Jesus never would have risen UIU l w iv - from the dead if the fools hadn't killed him. WITHIN 24 hours of the signing of the Peace Treaty, 144 American soldiers with the Army of Occupation in Germany ap- nlied for;iicenses to wed German women. Evidently mere are that we sta.v-at-homes don't un- some imugs gums w - . derstand." - ; . : .J!, I HAVE been warned that my criticisms of President Wilson are diseasing to the Democratic leaders in this State.- is tnat so : vsj'rx nmocratic leaders needn't worry; I shall not burden that party with my presence when there is a decent party in the coun try to turii to. t , at .t tm Mr CTTRDY hits the nail on the head. He says Amerr ica needs not a third party, but a second party. The difference between the Democratic party and the Republican party is. the difference between tweedle dum and tweedle dee; both have de generated into parties of plunder; both have the financial backing of the criminal rich and neither represents the American people. IF you think I am sacrificing my political career by saying exactly what I think about the political party with which I have been identified from birth, then you are wasting your pity. I have ho aspiration to a political career. I made the mistake of taking one elective office and found that which I knew all the time that no man can be a success in politics and keep his hands clean. THAT British dirigible which has just sailed across the At lantic and back was just a German Zeppelin with a few English improvements added. The Germans might have had the credit for that glorious achievement had they not carried intensive mili tarism along with their splendid industrialism. But militarism is the price a country has to pay for industrialism so long as a coun try's industries are controlled by private interests. ITALY is the sorriest spectacle emerging from the world war. The Italians thought the war would last six months and they were prepared for a war of just about that length of duration. But it lasted seven times six months and now Italy finds herself a moral physical and financial bankrupt, worse off by far than Belgium, worse off than Germany or what was Austria. - GOOD ROADS PAY FOR THEMSELVES :V Give Us Bread - - - - ... . . . . 11 J 'HE WILSON administration is training mousauuo speakers to take the stump and the platform during the next few months and explain the League of Nations to Avt-;son -rovrVio "Pitv fhp a riTrnTiistration can i Sena out a 1,11V Ailll lCiil vjfcAV--. -- ' - few speakers to explain the ungodly prices of food. -It is a notorious fact that America has more food on hand to-day than it can consume or sell, and prices are higher than when the armistice was signed on Nov. 11, 1918. On May 26, 1919 there were 96,000,000 bushels of wheat on hand in the mills and elevators in this country, or nearly three times as much as there was on the same date a year ago. But instead of prices going down, flour is hovering around the $14 a barrel mark which the speculators set for it months ago, with the aid of the wonderful Mr. Herbert Hoover. In meantime we are selling flour to England at a price which enables the British gov ernment to sell it to British consumers at $5.11 a barrel. We are paying 40 cents a pound for stuff called lard and the government has on hand right now nearly 50,000,000 pounds of salted bacon. Asked why this bacon isn't thrown on the market for the benefit of the consumer, government agents explain that it was prepared for the soldiers and isn't fit for civilians to eat. In God Almighty's name, what sort of government is this that will buy 50,000,L00 pounds of salt pork that civilians won't eat, to feed to its soldiers? Of course, we will be given an opportunity, to forget little things like this when Mr. Wilson and his trained supporters begin to yawp about the League of Nations. But some of us can't help wishing the government would explain "some of these things that pinch our stomachs and flatten our pocket books. We would es pecially like to know why we sell England 2,000,000 pounds of butter at a price that enables the British consumer to buy it at 51 cents a pound at his corner grocery, while we at home, are pay ing 70 to 75 cents? And we would like to know why American bacon that costs us 60 cents a pound at home, is shipped across the Atlantic to England and retailed at 33 cents a pound? The explanation of these damnable facts means more to the good American housewife than an explanation of why President Wilson went to Europe to make the world safe for Democracy and lost his own soul. The country is crying for bread and its "greatest Statesman of all the ages" tosses it a stone. - There is no longer any need of arguing the necessity or profitableness of Paved Roads, in North Eastern Car olina. For not only does every body see the need of hard surfaced roads, but they be lieve that they will pay for themselves by the saving in wear and tear on Team, Ve hicles, Machinery and Gaso line over that required for the ordinary dirt road. The only question now is, are we going to get what we want? And if so, when? North Eastern North Carolina people have long since learned that the Best is' the Cheapest and they will not be content with anything short of the best. That righteous conclusion ac counts for our business not only holding up through these hot Summer months, but for its being even better than at any previous time during the year. Everybody, that knows us, know that we sell the best Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing", Furnishings and Shoes to be round m America for the price. . And that our Styles are not only Up-To-Date, but are usual ly ahead of the seasons. For in stance, we now have a big line of the very Newest Styles in both Single and Double Breast ed Skirt Model Coat Suits with Belts all around and Silk lined for Young Men, in all the most popular colors for the coming Fall season. If it's anything New and Sty lish that a Man, Young Man or Boy wears, we've got it, at the right Price: Also, we make Suits to in dividual Measurements. New Fall Samnles now in. Can Fit any man that walks ! Come to see us. C. A. COOKE, Elizabeth City, N. C. United States Railroad Administration NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Trains Nos. 15 and 16 between Golds boro and Marsden were temporarily suspended account damaged trestle over the Neuse River near New Bern N. C. These trains and all other trains are now running through on regular schedules. The damage having been repaired on July 9, 1919. Jyl8-1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY REAL ESTATE Several residences in Elizabeth City good location Also several farms from 2 to 6 miles of city. HARRY M. SEELEY, 313 Hinton Building. T Somethings To Read EADERS of this newspaper who believe that a political realignment is essential to the preservation of sanity, stablility, liberty and progress in America should care fully read Allen McCurdy's splendid article "America Needs a New Political Alignment," appearing on page, 6 of this issue of THE INDEPENDENT. If there is not a political realignment in this country at an early date there will be a revolution in this country at a later date. The old political parties are not meeting the issues of the times and recognize theni only to beat them down with a club. Millions of Americans to-day are tolerant of Bolshevism and every other ism, simply because they can not conceive any thing worse than the rotten old political parties that have this country within their grasp. Millions secretly admire the Bolshevist because he has had the nerve to get out from under the old order and kick a bale of hay out of his former bosses. Mr. McCurdy points out that sturdy Americans today demand a ballot box "standing somewhere between the Democratic-Re- JM lzss: PEARLS The Distinctive Touch to Any Costume ; Always beautiful, alwiys appropriate. Accepted by tne smartly-gowned American woman everywhere as her favor ite jewel. Our stock of La Tausca Necklaces will delight you. Superb array of qualities, at a wide range of prices. WANTED 40 H. P. Stationary Boiler in good condition. Apply to C. A. PER KINS, Powells Point, N. C. pJyl.8-6t rxju. sAijiu: Hupmooiie Jttoaaster in good condition. Will sell cheap. Tires practically new. H. W. MORRISETTE. Phone 980, City. . , cJyl8-lt (OTHER CLASSIFIED PAGE 8) ADS ON (advertisement) J Louis Selig "Your Jeweler Since 1882" Main and Water Sts. SURE SIGN OF FAILING VISION Probably you only see clearly by making an effort, and if so, it is likely that you suffer in various ways: for instance, your eyes will seem weak will "water" profusely and ache al times. You may also feel pain outside the eyes severe headache may be oi frequent occurrence. All these things indicate the existence of some smal eye-defect which is causing friction and for which the remedy is correctly adapted glasses. To fit glases for these small defects is a difficult matter which can only be accomplished by the long-experienced, scientifically equipped eyesight specialist. Dr. Mas row is the one for you to consult he has the hearty endorsement and rec ommendation of thousands of men and women who have been greatly bene fitted by his life-long experience and skill. More than likely, some of your relatives and friends are among his small army of satisfied patrons- Dr Masrow's office is in the' Dickson Jbuild ing, corner of Granby ' and Tazewel streets. Norfolk, Va You will find his charges for glasses very moderate. cJyl8-2t. CURRITUCK COMBINES SCHOOL & WELFARE SUPERINTENDENTS The Currituck County Board of Edu cation met the first Monday in July and re-elected Wv D- Cox as Superin tendent of Schools. The Board in Joint session .with , the Board of County Commissioners -combined the office of County . Superinten dent of Public .Welfare, recently, creat ed by -the Legislature, with that of Superintendent of r Schools and rec ommended for appointment" as Mem bers of the -County Board of Public -Welfare the following:' ...Dr., W. : T Griggs, Dr. W. H. Coweli-and Dr. S M. Mann. ' i NORFblJL MARKETS Norfolk, Va,, July 17, 191?. Reported especially for : THE INDE PENDENT by Jarvis & Fentress, The following prices represent act ual sales made to-day: : items not quoted were not sold to day and the Food Administration pro hibits quotations other . than actual sales.-- ' r - - Hens ............ . EggS vi'i . Frying ' chiikens . . Turkeys, live Roosters, live Ducks, -live . V . . . . New Irish ; Potatoes,primes . p . . ,$4.50 . 35c , 43c .. 40c . 30c . . 20c . . :.25c ,tO $5 ' i If -you want your property surveyed, or any drainage .building "or other improve ments made, I will be at my home at South Mills for two or tnree weeks pecial attention farm drainage. Es- given to H. C. FOREHAND Civil Engineer SOUTH MILLS, N. c D Q H Q E B HDD n D B D B B B B B B B B iflf i mn n in in , mi i ' mini tain mtm. w mmm mm warn fwl HETHER you prefer a liquid powder or paste for cleaning your teeth we can supply you. a For those who have sore mouths, and tender or bleeding gums we recommend LAVORIS, an astringent, antiseptic and de- H odorant liquid. It's taste is clean and pleasant and it is heal- B ing and soothing. It comes in 30c, 60c and $1.20 sizes. " For keeping the teeth, when in healthy condition, pearly white and the B breath sweet, we suggest the use of ' EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE, 25c. Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 60c or Peroxide Tooth Powder (A.D.S.) 25c. - See our line of fine bristle tooth brushes, 25c and up. THE CITY DRUG STORE I Phone No. 288. ' Cor Water and Matthews Sts. B H. S. OVERMAN V. K. OVERMAN We take subscriptions for all popular magazines for trie C. P. Barnes Subscription-Agency. - . hi B B B B B D B B B B B B B B AGAIN we are enabled to offer the women of Northeast ern North Carolina an opportunity to get one of much coveted sets of aluminum kitchen ware on our easy club plan. But you will have to act quick; you remember how quickly our last lot of this excellent ware was snap ped up. boiler, covered kettle, pot roaster, steam cooker, casserole, strainer, pudding pan, 1 quart sauce ran, 1 1-2 quart sauce pan, 2 quart sauce pan; 3 quart covered Berlin sauce , vcn. reserving Kettle, 5 quart tea kettle; 7 cup coffee colator; carving knife, butcher knife and paring knife. j:er- nJ ssk for will be le the whoJe- ' m Tne set contains: Double I -iA lmJ 98 CENTS PUTS IT IN YOUR HOME. Call at our store , !C, a membership card. Pay 98 cents cash dues and the set ttmff rHlr? 1 Uvered to you; then pay us $1 a week for 15 weeks until VwlHI I II if I 7 XV saIe cost price of $15-98 has been paid: J jj ThiS famUS QuaIity Brand "!!!,,'-vt II1-" 11 MM ll I inn III ' j