I COLD Write for an an TI4F INnfPFNnFNT 1 nn IlNUL,1 HIMULll 1 VOL. XVI.; NO. 811. " ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY, 6, 1923. l>ubUaheJ 1 i M"~ PRICE 5 CENTS IT WAS A HARD FOUGHT BATTLE I'.iul (irejjorv, of W'ootl . \v.is the winner of the ; . ? ;.l Mode! I.ijjht v hhakcr Automobile ill jS I>KPENDENT'S cir t hnilditn* salesmanship ? i ? 'i which closed at 9 Saturda\ ni^lil. June ? . Soiith.uate Maim, of 0r ? > k was the w inner of ?i I 'imo and M rs. t \ II. of Kli/abeth City car ?' i riie handsome console r , : ' \ ictrola. I. tif - xva . also the xxii.ner of ? prize of a \vri>i xxateli. I> -r of the winners as ;m :>x 'in' jml^.'s. M. ?? I leu. . \V. (?riffiti ;iii<1 \V. \V. l\ Vx. Ir.. i.. published in au ? ? i ??laiim. s \:. ? a eontestauts battle.I to tlie ? i.taiitTi! prizes offered bx ? . xx iper: probably in i'.. eain ? ? X ! ? ? ???? Ill?-f e.l by a newspaper i.? 11 .? r <>f the Stale did >?> ? ? xx.e-her- v:i,!x to rite finish. \ 0'??I ti.'xx' vi;ie.-rilier- xxere i'.-l ?. the in.tiliii^ list of TIIK |\!'l |-IM?i:\T ami i:n?re than a 11,. I ..h| subscribers rellexveil ^ 'I-. V.'TX I -' XX of . ? ,.1 reeet\'e.[ xx.ie f.?r -.1 .. of more th?iii one year. The prizes went to the har.le--t Mi >f a la rue territory herself. ???I members of her family *. x. for livr. Ami Mrs. tlrrs ... ? -i ii" xx.I - ilesiiiatolri|> ? i !???! -i -.'lit effort. W ? . ? ? ? -.-.I the r.iiiip.tivai she . aexx aiii Site ? .. _. ie xv atitoiuoSile ami went I in the raggedesl looking h fiml. She I* XX - folks to sabs. I t.. - help her yt a new iw saxv her iu tli.it xlilu r Wise .'in ? not a Uartler v.nrk . ? i r . ,!i than Mr. . < ' K i; t"ity. Mr-. J?in - io-i -inue !i.iittt< ? l ? , t ? r ,i . \ out l>v that .-lit' ilitl ? a ..!?! ri-|>"rt. Another - -M'r.ll ll|i'!tiio|| is | I' Xr .ia?? -1. \ - f ?? ? . it -h<- liveli' t Mi-- Powers It .ule j ;? i ? ? >t ? I. 111? r work has t n ? v to l-.Ii/a - i t a. - Kii/aiieth < ii -lore of Norfolk . \ .. ko|:e->. I .-ititiilienjif that the capital ; !'? i-| : -i.ati t'o .i y _ t)l |,o rin- home ? ? ? of T'o- l.ew.? ? ? . ? ' tt mm: ini?i:p!.ni?i:nt. ?il ? llo'.ilile that tie- -eeolitl v.or: . . i t 'urrititekintl. Tile ? . mil i\i?i:i kni?i:\t always Iieeu >tri4i;rr ill <"i?rr?-| 1 't! .IV eoimt i oilt-il|e of i\ I' .va altuo t a certainty " ? ' r 1 ? ? , otio ( ... ' '? : ???'.? v tto !?< a .a '? r o r i :it?-in|*lu*? 'I the j r!o i i: |i.i -ii ? 'ii a k- en ;? . ; -otiie tin-re were I more reutiineratiou' ? ? iw >| f. r lite effoi r they ? ? li.el to ;|. .e -V ttiu. Kver.v one ami tt tio re i- any ?: tio- |>ait of any one. ? ?!' !i at "lie I |o e -a .-at.it-lav n:-iit. ?.i' /..iIm-'Ii ? "ity ? ? zl.o|l|? l|i i| t lie > I LMM 7 Mi i.iTH HUNOi-5 I ' LIScUl N S ASSASSIN' I ??. ; ci, ' .?jtiicrii State erect I ii"? 11i (? Liuuth Liii I I * A i ?... i i.i tii. payer hopes I I.1, viio'.e to our I v. ? ? (Jiir? mi The I ?' 11ittit 111 todays I ?' ...in /Vi, .'*ir tolmua it >ii| li.<:ri .iii. Ttiey I *''? i"i'. !>) tiuil t!ie answer Library u( Congress or * t ? Write cut your I V" Villi-, and plainly. I mil! .m:t addres >, I W i .hia-jtnn I iHt INUF.PEN ' losing a iwo rent * A Standard Oil Type of Man * J. NORMAN WHITEHURST THE stupendous success of the Stand ard Oil Co. is due in no small measure to the high character of its employes j The men in charge ot the thousands of agencies and sub-agencies of the Standard Oil Co. thruout the world arc carefully rhoscn for their cheer fulness. courtesy, probity and depend ability. The lirst word in Standard Oil policy is Service. The man who is put in charge of a Stuidanl Oil agency must be a man who will not only render the greatest possible service to his employer, but who will scive the public as well and at all times command the public's confi dence and esteem. In Elizabeth City Standard Oil picked Mr. Whitchurst for its local agent twelve years ago. There lias been no change in the agency since. More could not be said in a thousand words. The Elizabeth City agency of Standard Oil supplies : the counties of Pasquotank and Cam den and all water points served by boat lines from Elizabeth City. Be | sides being local manager of Standard 'Oil, Mr. Whitehurst is a director in the First &. Citizens National Bank. Zoellcr photo. DR. SALIBA WITHDRAWS HIS HOSPITAL OFFER Elizabeth City Will Carry on Hos pital Free From Doctor Control I > ?. John Saliha ha.- withdrawn hi (?> take hi- lo-pilal property i>lT the hands of I lie l'asquotaiik M .11:1 irial l|.?|,it.if A-soriatiou ami pay ?!.'? iailehti-'ltie-- incurred hy that hoily. Til- iin-p'tal Association heltl a liieelitlR Fri'ltl.V liight to consider I >r. Saliba".- proposition. hut it" ac tiou was takcu. "I will tint press the matter further." sa>s I >r. S.iliha. Ti e He-| iial .\--i?-iarieu i' intteh .'a I ill" predicament ttf tile llltlll who n??* iiohl ot a hear ami iliilut kuow how to turn loose. That's why 110 action u.i- taken Friilay night. A ma jority of the Itoard of Directors might hive heetl iltrlijird to hale let 1 ?l". Salil.a take hi- property hack. I'.ut ?I. Ik Ilhriiighait.-. who wrote the > h.i ? t?? r for tin- ll.i.-pitnl Association, ????fvi'l notice on the director. that they had no authority to caned the l-.t-e. Mr. Mhritisliatt- eontetnleil ? hit. in in opinion. only lite itiror j.y.iti.r- of file -i ?-oeiati- n. named in the original eliarter. had ;? right to eat.i ei rh" |e;i-e. Alid llohody . eelued to ree.ll! ju t who t!|e ilieorpor.ltor. were. .-Iliee no ot|e had brought a , eopv of the charier to tiie merlin;:. Mr. Kliritigliau made a passionate ! preell for I he eoiitiiill.llii II of lite ho pital a a eoiiilaiinity enterprise, fho it (outturn* to operate tit a io. He i tire that tin-re are enough puli !"? p.'riled citizen- like himself who wii' go down into their jioekets from time to time and make up any deficit, lie a1 > voi'-es .1 belief tii.lt llo deficit iii the future will he anything like1 11 ?? t: ? ? i r incurred in putting r is? I: ? ;>;m! in urtlt-r nml rilit; it ??.-i.il>- i li iinl on its preent ba>is. .Mr. diringhuus i., of the opinion Hi.it ;t privately operated hospital in Kli/.alii ili City would be a calamity n v!?*w of flic jcaloii.sie and aniino-i lic of local medical men. .Mr. hlirinsbatis believes that if any one i doctor i r group of doctors undertook to run a hospital here, other doctor, wonltl antagonize the hospital and i< opardi/e its sneees . And so the I'a plot.ink Municipal 1 !?> pi'al Assu i iation will continue to function for the ah. of liarmom. Certain citi .'ii- have already pledged subscrip tion. in a sufficient stun total to take iare of the rent of the properly for mother two years. G. Do any of tho States permit Hie manage of a girl of tweive? A. Yes. with the parents consent, 1 ;ir|s of twelve may be maricd in i Kentucky. Louisiana, Maryland, Mis- I :s. ippi. and Virginia. Co.nl eyesight is ineyoensive. See < L'a. J. L>. l'..tii;..vay ',r>'--:"trist t GOSSIP FROM THE CAPITOL | Ute Boom For Everett For Governor Will Not ?Uy Down Cy O J. COFFIN Special flaluigit Correspondent of THE INDEPENDENT ( UAI.EItill. July Having - ' j com.' more or Ic. s of a neutral when failed io demand tlit* immediate i fulfillment . of .1 promise of a kicking, 1 haven't lieen great ly evereiseil over the explosion of tioveriior .Morrison, Saturday i I'le rui ion at I he Slate t'api tal (luring the course of which ho! ? iIciioiiii. oil \V. T. 1 tost correspondent | of tho (Jroonsboro Nov... .is "sneak ami a common liar." onlereil him out of the office ami tohl hint iliai if ho eanio hack again ho'il have linn "kick oil mil." Strong words, those; hut our tiov oritur is given to speech, some of j which if it isn't hasty, certainly hows j signs of lacking the flush ami pre cision of his predecessors. Cost retired ouitelv and left the i tioveriior in possession of tho field. The tircon shorn News panned his I o.M'cllcticy ami intimated that the tiov eriior was in reality sore because Tom had happened in during the com e of a visit from Als. Walls and Jim llartness of Stale villc in (lie head of the State Administration. The t'harlotic Observer, whose lire less local reporter had not deemed ! the story worth the telling, inter-j viewed tioveriior Morrison at Char lotte Tuesday evening and the tiov eriior said that Host had hern caught eavesdropping sometime since hy Supl. tic age |J. poii of the State Prison and William II. Uiehardsoii., the Coventors private secretary. Most denies this. IJichard-on will make no statement. Poll has not at I his ?writing. Tin* (Inventor lias hern bawling out t In ? -?? newspapers Wllifll (111 llnl fetch and carry for liiui. .mil lias said fully a> lisirsli things sis tills aforetime pri \stirly. Hi- probably realized that he > was making a s -ene. hut didn't care ' if he did. .Mr. ltust is about as well known to the new spa per readers of North t'arnlina as the iJovernnr. Mr l'uu will lie mighty careful how he mixes in. Mr. Kiehardsuii would bel ter be. The whole nffsiir is just the sort of thing that nobody enjoys; hut if it doesn't turn nut well, the (ioverimr knows who inside a personal siffair tuthlie. The Stale Chairmanship. I lave Norwood of Salisbury, who lisis had his hsink and cotton mills tsikeii a way from him through finuu eisil shortage, is to give tip the Stsite Chairman-hip of the J lelimersitic party. There was some support of him in some ipiarter-. the (Sovir-. nor apparently tlesiring that lie stay on. Ais. Watts stud this same Jim Ilartlo ss, commander a ml first lieu tenant fesjn-uively of J tenioersiey's lisittnlioii of death, however, lost some thousands eaeh in the collapse of the chairman'.- fortuio ami appear to have themselves stood from under. The Stsite committee is to meet here July 11. presumably to a, . r i ... .'j. (' ? ? 111111 is -1 < ? 11 ( iiiii|him>iI of I' it :i 11" lit .1II . 1 >. i'\ . Sjkes. .Ir.. former teller ' in llie First \ Citi/.ens National Hank ! ? it" this city v.'lm abs "inleil wit 11 more than nf tin hank's funds la.-t ? September atel who was arrested in I (Ileal Kails .Mont. last week, will ii"t I fight extnnlitinii. lie waived a pre- i limiuary examination before a I'nilcd i Slates Commissioner in Montana. I Young S>kes i> now iiieareer.itetl in Helena. M"tlt.. hilt it is le 'ieveil I hat 1 he will III' relieved !.ss receipts from a cabbage patch of 12 acres cul tivated I?v Merman Xewbern of Camden County is $h.U0(). Mr. Xeuhern has just finished harvesting his crop and esti mates his profit at $3,000, and all made between March 27. and lulv 1, with still time to plant another profitable crop on the land. Mr. WwImtii got -l.'mni crates of cabbage from (lin.se l'J acres, ami saySN.be believes his yield was cut ?hiwii at fe.rst an per rent on f.onunt of dry weailier. I lis cabbage patch Wits loeiiled on sections of dark and gray soil, and lie says I lie dark soil lid best. It was a little heavier and i'i>iisei|ueiiily mure moist. The land was just "pretty fair land." savs Mr. N'ewbcrn. Mr. Newhern put SSOO worth of fertilizer under his cabbages. lie finished planting nn March L'7. and iiegan catling on May ."1. The entire Top was marketed in Norfolk, and >11 top of the big rush front oilier ruck growing sections farther south. Put The North Carolina eahlniges ivent heeause they had the size and lie appearance to make them go. Those 1- acres tire already to lie dautcd in another crop. Mr. New >ern will have his choice of planting ?ov beans or late sweet potatoes witli ?ut having to fertilize the ground igiiin this rear. And by the use of a it lie fertilizer, lie ran use it this all for Irish potatoes or May peas. MRS. MARGARET WOODHUOSE Mr-. Margaret G. Wondhouse, wife >f Major \V(.miHimisi* of Grundy, died Monday ;ii tin' age of (Is!. Silo is siir ;ived by her husband and four sous: 1". '".. L. It., and II. (!. Wood house "I ? randy and A. Woodhou -o of ( af i-ys liiht: two daughters, Mrs. .1. .1. ?Ivans and Mrs. R. T. IVnvdy of I I randy; and by 1J grandebildr'I# +? ? ???-T The Winners of the Prizes. i Wi\ ilie Judges of the "Salesmanship Club" campaign now closed on THE INDEPENDENT after carefully counting the votes of each and every candidate do hereby declare the following to be the winners: 1. Mr. . Paul Gregory. Winner Studcbakcr 5,.7<>.7,o00 A'otes Mr. Koutlignte Mann. Winner Piano 4.0U2.000 Votes Mr.-'. <>. 1?. Jones, Winner Victrola .7,(i00..700 Votes j| ?I. Mr., It. P. Sawye.r Winner Watch H.OOS.OOO Votes j i r?. Miss Lois Simmons, Winner Watch -.Jtst.ljOO t uets j j C>. Mrs. 15. A. Williams, Winner watch l2,4.7l2,.7oo Votes j j 7. .Miss Lena Powers, Winner Watch 12,4120,000 Votes j : S. Miss Lillian ltoyce. Winner Watch 12.-1212,000 Votes j 0. ."Mrs. Cliff Perry, Winner Watch 12,1 <>.'5,000 Votes j j 10. Mrs. (t. F. Spencer, Winner Watch 1,11.7.7,(> Votes j i 11. Mi..., Wilma Colioon, Winner Match 1.40S..700 Votes j| 112. Mrs. Claude Kailey, Winner Watch 1,-07,DUO Votes j j i:;. Mrs. W. A. lloggord, Winner Watch 1,0.712,.>(X) totes - 1 1 I. Miss Lulu White, Winner watch 747.700 Votes j j 1.7. Mrs. .I. It. ltowdeu. Winner Cash Coin. 1500,700 Votes j j 1(1. Miss P.crlha Colioon, Winner Cash Com. 5012,0U0 Votes jl U. It. LITTLE, I j First Judge tV. E. GRIFFIN. Second Judge j W. tV. WOODLEY, JR.. I Third Judge. 1 j tV O. SAUNDERS, Publisher. | ; O. EDGAR ATKINSON. | : Campaign Manager. ! June .70. 1012.7. j j .. .. . ... ~ X, ! WOMEN ON THE 1 SCHOOL BOARD The Aldermen Select Mrs. Fearing and Mrs. Worth For Vacancies Depend on it from mnv on the women and mothers of, Elizabeth Citv will have a I j ? voice in the affairs of the !.liz- i aheth t it\ graded schools, the 1 Hoard of Aldermen Monday |! night having elected Mrs. A. II. Worth and Mrs. |. ( I. hear- i | ing, to serve terms of two ! years and four wars respect-j' fully, on the Hoard of Trustees. At (lie lime .Mrs. Fearins .Mrs. < Worth were ;>|>|>.0:11I .1. ?'. Sawyer I and IS. S. Sawvcr. members whose, ' (onus h?d -iust fXJiireij, were reel- j pelrtl to serve fur six-year lenns. TIip resignations of Mrs. 1'. Brown,' and .1. Ken)oil Wil.-oii. made it iippps- . sary lo elect four trustees at this! , meeting. ( The new women iciuhers of tliel hoard are well known socially and | ?'(lucatioiially. .Mr.-. Worth is a worn- ] an who is inueli identified with civic , I ? ? i and edueatioiiul affairs in the city; ( and .Mrs. Fearing i> si former teach-!, er aiid now director of Safety Kdio | cation in the eastern half of the State. ( Other candidates nominated were 1 W. J,. Small who was a iiieniher of ' 'the hoard , until his term expired ' this month: .Mrs. A. B. Iloutz and ' .Mrs. W. T. Duff. ' MILLS BELL SHORT IN !; ACCOUNTS WITH CITY Former City /Auditor Also Owes The j Town For Coal Bought in ! ! 1821 ji 'I'li.'it Mill K. Hell, fui'ie.erly Clty|. Auditor of Elizabeth Cit.v is short j, | nonrly in his accounts ami lias' Inutile no effort tit a settlement wasi inaile public this week for the first time since I>f|| left the City admin istration in Ileceiiiher. lttlil. It was brought out at the meeting of the Hoard of Aldermen Monday ' night, that the shortage in Mr. Hell's accounts was di.-covered by the audit ! company of A. Lee ltawlings in June.' 1022. and the matter placed in I he N t bauds of the finance committee of the ^ Hoard of Aldermen at that time. I'.!' II. Williams was chairman of the 0 Committee. Mr. Williams resigned j to take a seat in the State Senate in j January. Nothing was done toward 11 getting a settlement with Hell before 1 Mr. Williams went to the Senate and '' nothing was done afterwards. Hesides the shortage in his ae-j? counts. Mr. Hell got his coal from the city while lie was in office and still owes the city a coal hill of $"!> ? which lie has not paid. Mr. Hell is ! a now manager of the Oak Grove Dairy ami was recently one of the pro-)'1 moters of tin unsuccessful scheme to ! a start a crcamerv in Elizabeth City. I v GREAT DISMAL SWAMP I*1 FIRE IS BURNING OUT , "What is said to have been one of s the most disastrous fires in the Great! Dismal Swamp in recent years is about to burn itself out after having devastated an area estimated at -0,- ? 000 acres between Wnllaeeton and v Deep Creek. The timber burned was t largely property of the Richmond > Cedar Works. The fire is believed \\ to have started from a logging loco- I motive. Don't neglect your eye :. See, I TT" h-r:, zi:. I1 Published By Request MR. GUIRKIN COOK A FEMININE readers of this news paper says she is tired of pictures of yood lookina women and would like to see the front page of this news- '? paper adorned with the picture of a | good looking man once in a while, j just for a change. Thereupon the! photographic division of this news-1 paper set about to discover a portrait of a good looking man.. After a long hunt tho rara avis has been found. This rare bird has his cage in the t First & Citizens National Bank In Elizabeth City. He is Guirkin Cook. Son of Mrs. Annie Cook and the late F. M. Cook of this c'ty._ Young Mr. Cook is gifted with a good tenor) voice as well as good looks and is a singer in the vested choir of First M. E. Church, South. Zoeller photo. ^ PENNSYLVANIA TALK HAS REAL FOUNDATION Elizabeth City May Presently Find Itself on Main Line of A Great System ltuinors tlinf the Pennsylvania It. It. System contemplates taking overj lie Norfolk Southern It. It. are tnk-' ?n seriously by Norfolk real estate, ueii who know something about the Viuisylvnnia's plans. It is a fact bat tlie Pennsylvania has purchased1 .tHMf acres for terminal sites at F.it-' Ic Creek near ("ape Henry. Ya.. and J las elaborate plans for barging its rains from Cape Charles to Cape leiirv and running its trains direct!' nto Norfolk, instead of ferrying 1 ?verytilling from Cape Charles to f1 Norfolk harbor as at present. Pennsylvania freight does not go i' nto Norfolk at all now, but is un-r oaded :it I'inuers Point where it isi1 istrilmted over the Norfolk licit Line I {. K. With its treminals at Cape ' lenry the Pennsylvania will not only [ i.ave shortened the time between Cape j1 'harles and Norfolk, but will put itsi| rains right into Norfolk. To ac j' ecomplish this, the Norfolk South-11 ru It. It. trackage and rights of way! rom Cape Henry into Norfolk are |' cress,iry to the Pennsylvania, it is [ lointed out. It is also said that, once'1 laving successfully conquered the!' rater gap between Cape Charles and p he Virginia mainland, the Pcnnsyl-1 ania contemplates running thru| rains from News York to points |' ionth. Here again the acquisition ?'1 f tlie entire Norfolk Southern sys-I1 em would be desirable to the l'enu- ' ylvania. Elizabeth City may wake)' p some morning and find itself on 1 lie main line of a great railway sys-I1 fin. 1 TORES CLOSE HALF A DAY ' FRIDAY IN JULY AND AUG.(j IVopio who expect to shop in Kliz-I beth City on Friday during July I' till Aiu i.f. Hd best start i-j lime | J o do tiu-ir shopping in 'ho form ? >"t, s the members of the Merchants i LSsor-iation will "lo-e "hair stores tdi 'ridny afternoon, in order to give lietn a li.il fluf.d .v during the lio. ' unimcr months. This is a custom hat lias been observed yearly for ?' onie time by local merchants. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN ? | < A new soda fountain installed this . ^ reek has added much to the attrnc- j} iveness of the store of the King.j Tews Co. on Main Street, details of 5 hieh appear elsewhere in TIIE IX )EPEXDEXT. 1 For your eyes' sake see Dr. J. D. 1 lathaway. Optometrist, EruiijrJ 1 ?!:*- - !r 7. ^7 1 I COMMISSIONER HART THROWS UP HIS HANDS State Highway Commissioner Has Discovered That He Can't Please Everybody and It Makes Him Sick State Highway Comtnission jer Wm. A. Hart, representing | the First Construction Dis trict, is a sick man. He has discovered that when it conies to pleasing everybody in the location of public roads, that it can't be done; and Mr. Hart is a type of man who has al ways aspired to skin thru life being nice to everybody and on good terms with everybody. Mr. llart was in Elizabeth City yesterday to hear contending fa< tions from Camden County in the matter of the location of Slate High way Project No. 111. This project is a continuation of the Camden Perry Road. Survey:; for this project showed that the leuglh of the road could be shortened ami the cost of const ruction lowered more than .^'.<1. OtMl by abandoning the present lilies . of the road and going via Ifeleross. Rut when prominent laud owners a long the old route via Run Swamp and Hastings Corner offered (o chip in $lii.Ot? to have the road go tli.it way. Commissioner Hart ordered the road routed that way. Now the Belcross folks are up in arms ami the const met ion of the road lias been held lip to give them time to marshall their forces and urge their claims. Mr. Hart came 10 Eliz abeth City yesterday to hear some arguments. He especially requested that be be inn by not more than . ix men representing each of Hie routes in question. Instead of facing a line little group of a dozen to talk things over with. Mr. Hart was confronted by a crowd overflowing the assembly rooms in the Chamber of Commerce. Ill a week voice he told tliein, ill o many words, that it was all too much for him ami that lie is going to pa.-s the buck to the State Highway t'oiu luission. The decision of the .Stat" Highway Com mission will hi- final, whatever it may be and whenever it is made. Efforts to have Mr. llart. buck up and settled the controversy here with out ati appeal to the Slate Highway body were being made as this news paper went to press Thursday after noon.! E. CITY VICTORIOUS OVER EDENTON JULY 4. Winner of a Score of Two to 0. in Game Witnessed by 2.500 Fans. More than >'i baseball fan.-., il is estimated, the largest crowd to wit ness a baseball game in Elizabeth I'ity since the clays of the Tidewater Neaguc. if then, witnessed tin; game on the local diamond July 4, when Elizabeth City ilea feted Kdcutou by a score of two to (I. The game was hard fought thru iiiit. Elizabeth City scored one in tint first inning^* and kmc at the fourth. No scores were made after that. The local team was fortunate in having Balb'titio to pitch for it. md Abbott at second base, did good work. Both these boys are from Nor folk. Ksleeck. Kdenton's pitcher did ex cellent work, and helped the team very much in making it a hard fougat rictory for Elizabeth City. Elizabeth City went to Kdenton icsterday to play a return g hiip on lie Kdenton diamond. Kdcnloii is ex leeted here again next Wednesday, md Klizabetli City will play in Kden :on next Thursday. Games between Elizabeth City and a team from Nor folk or Portsmouth are expected to :ake place on Monday and Friday of icxt week. The Elizabeth City team is one of he strongest here is many years, ami t is the purpose of the management to ceep the team together permanently, lohn I<. Wells is manager of the sain, and among other especially ?r to similar effect. The Hoard of Vldennen have gone on record as saying they hold nothing again ' the tersonal or official conduct of Mr. ieymou r. J. II .Hickman of F.l./.abctli Cii7 ivas one of the 1 7 inju red in n col i.-.i.-i on a roller coast-r ;it Ocean klew on the Fourth. Iri n juries Iff; 310'. SCioiJ