I Elizabeth City Stores Close Fridays 1 P. M. During July and August K c library I Raxeiqh- h c THF lNDFPFNnFNT rrssr* A A 1L( 11 JL^JL 3LpA*&& A THIS WEEK I V - ? " M l' ' VOL. XVIII., NO. 964. _SSgjagS.y??'ir as- ELIZABETH CITY, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, 1926. " SINCLE COPY 5 CEITO. yesterday to-day :: AND ,0-morrow 1 Bv "W. 0." I! ? ?? Hospital Next . .unify N,,rth ,n c-.t" H"' are to the extent of jnti; ,TI'I fell I*'1" aM,t ** ? , IlKlf t'? SJIV. .? there are !lle in ii"f? ,,f h'^l'ital | ?% tii?' fi-iires t><x.i I"". J IJ.itikiii. "lirivt'T of the ? n.iri"ti "i 'I"' Kn" i niir ?f til" sreatest , ici,r ;,M ? I s authorities in Aim-run. Rankin also Mb us that in " v ,-oiinty ""linn im' | "V,rv war. It"f ?'"W few } Ltho are ili en-n-h to In- in j ?ion.l li-xv few "t i he women fin''1 ever see the in Mf a h'sjiirat. ? \ ? ' ir-'hna who NtSlH'e '!l " . , ,,.SHtal -are are 'I' liiel it he ,.,f t!.e ,.r..hi!.ifiie eost Of . ?r it, j.rii:I owned lies- ( .'what Nt-N??h f?r**\ .?f the country at lar^e. | ..f the r:iss that fiml ?. i tir |>rivateiy owned a Me t?? li;|y their) j ?)?. hospitals don't know tii-tu down. The ln>> .i.--tors recover what j ? . v. -xhc huh rales and j . u :!ii. patients 1 hive the means t*? pay. Ir-i I'm pay ni?ie tor a room rt.an y?n think it to ?h- j i j,,.! pay rlie doctor a fee j r,r to l> e\horl?itant. kii-w that fise hospital; ,|.?r?r arc .-.Me ting out of , i onliin't set out ? r that somebody r- -i ;??<! en them i- n't fair and the i ^ ?;?iu?>iv? - freely Ji'lmit ! if -? '? fair. I"tt f ley j jiiar .)?> aU'ip it. ?V . to he ilnlie ; at hitntl ; i pnhlie hospitals > . ? |?>\v theia a< nut: ^iisiy as v.f have ?'inl*?\v?'?l in the past. i '.f rears mankind } ? .pie- t'? pauan ??iinrii<-ii . to pauan nil-1 r iv-atni.is or Kcypr are1 ... ?! ..f the extra r ? .. hitman lal?or : :::????- ia remote aues ; \ i:iify of >ts over- J ! V . i?|-i '| tin- T:i>t If.'.HMI j ? I?;?; siH'iKliii^ . for - u <? li vanities ; ? I 1 -:-it t'> ponr its' istii-al properties. ? - ? itli><lr:ils ittiiI talker-' ? iof i 'lirisfoniloiii 1 : tl :i 'I lity of the' 'it::'". W.rl'l. : - o.vanl hilil'lili^ ? ? ???> t?-r i.re.i without a- j r ' mill- ! i ii every town -? 1 \ ??tji ;i ami in re-. ?? -. We no longer j it-!"? alrho there are F ?? are satisfied - proviileil for | r" !'t":|.*li in. * * ! " too yo;ir; we' n turning to j 11o*>|?, with the J - ?? ha market! N'u "f - |,?;r. I,..;. Kirsf the j ?i?II".-? the hill, i m .. .Mi' ti ?Uo , B ? ? .? ? - ;???!?'1 - ? B ? -r f iv ** ? B B \V !i:11 IH'Xt 'J B may B i.uiti/f ( B ??f B'' ? .i?-!? >?1i? y B B Mtional , B -mill ? B ? ^B ~i< k " ? ;l| 4ll>UM tfap ^B ^B ? WASHINGTON COUNTY I AFFAIRS ALL IN A MESS When You Put a Republican Auditor Over; Democratic Office Holders There's The Devil To Pay z i There is the devil to pay in Washington Countv. j u s t j across the Sound from us, since they got to mixing up the poli- j tics of that county, putting in I Democrats in some county of fices and Republicans in others. There is no harmony in the! County administration ami out j of all the discord the tax pay-1 ers are learning something about county government. e v. \V Audmn. Clerk of th? t'ulirt i* a'legm? t<? l?> short $4,307 in hi* accounts mill uiiii against j him is now (tending ami on the i ?I'm km of the July term of the j Sitjierior Court for trial. former Sheriff J. E. Iteiil died in Mareh tO'J.'t ami investigation of his affairs disclosed -i shortage of1 S:;i.inh?. His bondsmen are lieing siie'l. Ex Sheriff Reiil was succeed ???I in office hy his son -T. K. Iteiil who lias Untie the nest lie eonlii to in.ike good his father's shortage ami has actually maile unml $?>.imh> of '? the amount. An audit of the acoiuits of thej former treasurer Tins Holmes in-. dicatnl a -hortiisi' of $I..'IHIVUU in that gentleman's accounts. Air.! Holmes oldigingly gave the audi- j tors. A. I.ee Rawlings & Co., his |M-rsonal check for $1..Wi.tl2 to l>al am e his accounts. That was in j August 1R2I. That rliii k lias not | been dc|iosited for collection or | turned over to the County Treasur er yet. according t>? \V. .1. Jaeksoti. Jr.. the County Auditor. Jiokson alleges that the check is held in the archives of the County Roard of Edueation mid i makes no lames a Unit saying that, the Roard of Education is shield-1 ing Holmes. In the meantime John W. I>ar-' den. who has occupied the office of County Su|H>rinteiidetit of Edit-1 cation for Id years or so is lieing i licensed here and there of all sorts of irregularities. Jackson charges that Harden borrowed RJoJHXi for tlie schools and dejiosited $10.(mh> .of the sum to his personal account, issuing vouchers for school supplies against his |iersonaI account. Jackson also charges that Har den purchased certain school trucks of the International Harvester Co.. of Charlotte. X. C.. issuing a vouch er therefor in the sum of $K.."V?4..1o. Jackson alleges that Darden pre sented no original invoice covering these trucks and that when lie got a statfinent ??f the account from the International Harvester Co. the hill for the trucks was $7,600.75. or $SS|.?jn less than the amount of the voucher issued to Harden for the trucks. Jackson hints strongly that this ilifference of $?&4.fkl repre sents a profit ont of the truck trans action that Harden took for himself. This young man Jackson, the i county auditor is the real trouble-! maker in Wasbfug|oii. He just can't seem to understand why the | affairs of the county should not 1st ! conducted on a business-like basis j and when he sees the tax payers' money running thru all sorts of I rat holes he raises an alarm and talks al-oiit it in a way that makes the accused county offieils bate him and call him all sorts of unprint able names. Tint Jackson goes right on talking. The editor of this newspa|M>r sat j in his office in Plymouth the other i morning and heard him make the j bold charge that Supt. Harden should 1m? removed from office and J that lie bad appealed to the County Hoard of Education and to the f State Suiieriiitendent of Public In- ' ft ruction to bring Harden to task, j but that neither the County Board ! nor State Superintendent A. T. [ Allen would make any move against j Harden. "Harden is strongly in-1 trenched." declared Jackson: "He j has held the office until I guess | he thinks it N'longs to hiin: he is; ;t great church man. a great secret j order man. Iielongs to the Shrine j and the Ku Klnx Klan and has a [ a large following to back him in al-j most anything he does." Turning to his files Jackson pro-; dnced an affidavit made by a j Washington county artisan who did , some work on one of the schools in j that county, who swears that, act-' ing H|?on orders from Harden, he took loads of materials from the ! s'-hooolhouse, carries] it to the: premises of Superiuteiideut Harden j and used it in the construction of Harden'.- own nome. "That's tne way iauq&s go ia 1 -r.. 2?->- ' acta re; iucj Republican auditor who audits the] a ecu tints of Democratic officeliold- f ers. The Democrats ??f Washing-: tun County will just have to get 1 rid of Jackson and put a "good Democrat" in the office of County | Auditor, if they don't want tho lid 1 Mown off for fair. Eye strain tauseti tvtKted herve energy. Let us look after your eyes. Drs. Hatha way. Flinton Bide. adv. MILES JENNINGS SAYS J "They certainly do have a lot ??f > liisthfnliitiu names tliyse days to j make farming attractive to thy now j generation. What they used to call following the cows wheu 1 \rus a t boy is now called animal has-1 laindry. If you had called it auiuial t hushnndry when I was a kid we I would have thought you were talk- j ins; about breeding." Old King Spud Is a Merry Old Siud ' CTTT : ?? ' ?? v i " | COTTON is only a pretender to the throne in thus corner of the South- j lahd. Here Potato is Kins and WillMttiriie Harrell, an Elizabeth' City Iwy, ha* pictured him here as ! a merry old soul; as merry in fact' as famed King Cole. Rut. unlike! King Cole wIhi was selfishly con- J tent to call for his "pipe, his howl and his fiddlers three" for Ills owrf; selfisti amusement. King Spud calls for horse races, ha.se ball, a big brass hand and lots of other things { to entertain alt the |?eop!e while do-' ?ng homage to him at Elizabeth City Monday. July 5. WANTS AVENUE! OF JAPANESE! CHERRY TREES iWould Make George Washing ton Highway Scenic Wonder of Atlantic Seaboard An avenue of cherry trees ingre than twenty miles in length along the route of the George Washington Highway from Deep Creek. Va. to South Mills, N. C., and possibly from South Mills to Elizabeth City, is the latest dream of Dick Job. secretary of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce. And licing an Englishman and a j Chamber of Commerce Secret a ry nil at (tie same time, lie is doubly seri ous about it. The Carolina-Virginia highway between Elizabeth City and Portsmouth, via the Dismal Swamp ("anal has lieen named the George Washington Highway in honor of the Father of Our Country and the original surveyor of the Dismal Swamp Canal. Visions of cherry trees instantly occur to one in connection with the name of! Washington, since it was a cherry ! tree which the mythologisls tell us i Little George laid low with his | little hatchet. And now it. leaks out why George | clioppcd down that, cherry tree. It I was not a regular fruit hearing cherry tree so dear to the heart of gonna ml i/.ing boyhood, hut just one of those ornamental Jaiaiiiese cherry trees that hear hlossoms profusely Imt yield no fruit. That's the kind ] of cherry tree Secretary .lob wants j to see planted in rows up and down j the route of the George Washington ! Highway: making it the most romantic, the most colorful and the . most talked aliout piece of scenic | beauty on the whole Atlantic Coast- | al Highway. Mr. Job has already had County | Agent G. W. Falls write to the C. | S. Unreal! of Forest ry at Washing ton to find out the prolstble cost of the project, ami whether the Japa nese cherry tree will thrive as well on the black lands of the Dismal! Swamp country as they do 011 the I red clay soil around Washington, j Secretary Job thinks the Federal | government itself will fall hard fori the idea of setting up an avenue oft cherry trees in commemoration of the immortal Washington, buf what, he is thinking about first of ail is the attraction of such a scenic high way for thousands of tourists in the early summer months when the mil- j . . i lions of delicate blossoms wellld Inmhii. Not ( lily would tlloy hlo'jip. I l'?i; iii blooming shod millions of j gorgeous petals tlmf. would literally ' carpet the hideous Virginia soolion of the (Jeorgc Washington Flihj*\va.v ! mid leni|i:?r;irily conceal the rough I plates in one of the most atrocious : pieces of highway const ruction over unloaded upon the traveling puldic. j The Clnniiher of Commerce of Norfolk. Portsmouth. Deep Creek. Walhieoton mid South .Mills tiro ex pected to join with the Chnnihcr of Coiiuneree of Kli/.aheth City In boosting the idea of an avenue of cherry trees for the (Iconic Wash ington Highway. Laying all Jok ing aside; it is a beautiful idea. The movies employ .".(HUMid poo- j pie. have over ?JO.ihmi picture houses' and have invested In the industry ; Sl.otKUKio.OOO. ? i We examine the eyes and fur nish glasses the same day. (see Drs. I Hathaway, llinton llldg. adv. EDENTON HAS ITS OWN JULY 5, CELEBRATION Two Fast ir<u.-;i> Races and League Baseball ilaine In Chowan Capital That Day LMentou will haw Its own fourth |of July celebration or Fifth of .lull celebration rather, Monday. whe?i [two fast horse races, and league baseball will provide entertainment for the growing Chowan county capi tal. The races start promptly at one n'eloek In order to get. thru I promptly for the hall game. The | first race is a class A. trot and pace, while the second race is a class It. trot, and pace. In the form ! cr such well known entries as Lee Trilby. Alwrta Kitchen. Silby I'al, and drove Town will take .pari. While entries in the later race are Lee IT.. Marguerite If.. Itillie (tale, and Rusty Coat. The game on that date is expeet |od to be one of the liveliest of the season. The Potato's Servants in Pasquotank HERE is a Kf-oi;|i of Government men and their assistants who arc helping to make the potato king in the Elizabeth City section. They comprise the Government inspection force who are teaching the growevjs the advantage of inspection ami grading, under the direction of A. E. Meieker of the liureati of .Markets and the Department of Agriculture, and also the clerical force of \V. G. I,onsen, laical Representative of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, sending out daily reports from Eiiz azclh City, <>? the market situation. From left to right (hey arc| top row: A. G. Mare. Jr.. J. It. Moore. IF. C. Kdmett, S. C. Oliver Jr. \V. C. Warner, \V. F. Deirnell and t). W. Dowd; middle row, G. B. Bobbins, IV. G. Scott James, head of (lie local inspectors, Itichurd C. Job, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, V. G. I?ensen, G. 11. Gillespie, J. It. Britt. Bottom row. 1). A. Holder, J. D. Midgett G. I.. Robertson, Jr.. Davis Job, ropy hoy, and Frank E. McCahe. There are a total of some Hi men in the local field, but some half a dozen were missing when the pictures were made. Tim young ladies in the picture are Misses Fujanie l.ee West, lair.icc Dayman and Clara Carter, stenographers. I'hoto by Zoeller's Studio. The Mother df "W. O." I? " - I THIS newspaper owes much of its hutnun greatness and .strength of character to this fine, plain, clean, straight-thinking, big-hearted woman,; Ella Ilyrd Saunders, mother of XV. O. Saunders Himself. She always i loved folks and disliked hypoerisy, falsehood and sham in any guise.1 One of her frequent sayings that made a profound impression upon her I boy was this: "Tell the truth and sliamc the devil". Ami earily in "\X. ()." learned how well truth pays in the end. Ohe day his mother j thought it advisable to give him a switching. Hers was a strong j linn in those days and she did not spare the rod when she thought , it necessary to apply it. "W. 0." knew tho character of his mother. In- j stead of denying Ids guilt or whimpering and begging oil', he stood up manfully, took oft' his coat and said: 4 Mother. give me a good one; i! deserve it." Instead of getting a deserved whipping himself he had j whipped his mother: she threw dowu her peach tree switch, enfolded him in her amis and with tears streaming down her checks forgave him and blessed him. A boy doesn't forget a tiling like that.- In Tho July issue if The Ameriean .Magazine Mr. Saunders tells soinelhing of the intimate life store oi this muifier of his. The piece is reprinted in this issue of I'tie Independent for the benefit a thousar-zL ot riLii readers trhe may ! not sec Tile ?>i MajaxittS. _ _ I ? <-T A*V-y C/h?<BANJK CUftK TUC SODA JE.RKLR ALL SALT WATER YARNS AREN'T SEA YARNS [ "We bad a seene at our hoarding j | house last night." said the Bank} | Clerk to the Soda Jerker as he paused t<? see if he eould find the hain in a pair of slices of bread that he had bought for a sand wich. "What was the trouble?" asked ' the Soda Jerker with an eager show j of curiosity. "I only learned this morning." said the Bank Clerk. "One of our prettiest girl boarders has been wor-; rying with a pain in her side and j thought she had appendicitis. She; went to Doc Coinhg and he told her ; she should bring him a specimen for | uranalysis. She got the specimen j for the doctor and poured it into j an empty Listerine bottle already to take down town in the morning. "She left her room yesterday i morning, forgeltiug to take the J s|K'ciiueii with her and didn't think ' of it until she was going out the | door. When she discovered that she had forgotten she told one of J the maids who was cleaning the hall to run up to her room and bring her j the bottle. "The maid rati upstairs ami j brought a bottle of Listerine itself and the poor girl didn't notice the difference. She had forgotten that there Was a bottle of Listerene on , the' same shelf with the Listerine !>ottle that contained her specimen. < "Well sir. she took that bottle of Listerine to Dr. Combs. The color was nil right and looked like the' real thing. Dr. Combs examined it. and saw that a mistake had been j i made, hut lie didn't let on. He knew there was nothing wrong with his patient anyway, so cnuckled to himself and tola her that an ex- i cii fed :i tendency toward halitosis [ probably due to some minor and I temporary digestive disturbance. j "Everything was lovely until j about 11 o'clock last night when the young lady prepared to retire. She j got down her bottle of Listerine and I poured It. all over her head, rubbing I it well into her scalp, without dis-j covering her mistake at once. Then j she took a gargle of it to rinse her t mouth out while she was rubbing j her scalp. It was not until she got j a mouthful that she discovered the] mistake. ??Ii Boy! That girl let. j out a yell that, brought everybody la the neighborhood out of hod and j they found her on the floor of her i room kicking, screaming. crying and j raising the dev?l generally. "When she finally did recover i from her rage I think she would 1 have murdered that maid who mix ed up the bottles and tlion pone on ; the warpath for Dr. Combs, if the! other women in the house hadn't j restrained her. She sat up all ! night last night washing and sham- j pooing her hair and rinsing her mouth out with Zouite, Lavoris and j Borax." The Bank Clerk eoneluded his yarn and started to leave. "Here you." shouted the Soda ; .Terker: "You've left your dog be-t ' bind: take that dog along with you or he'll l>e hanging around here all j day." : "That isn't a he dog." said the, i Bank Clerk: "It's a she dog; that's j1 why it likes to hang cut around a soda fountain all day." I Because you can see well, it's bo ' retison your headaches are not cans I pd by your eyes. Z?.z. Hatn-j 17/17. 31 - r J NEW YORK MAN! TO BUILD NEW $450,000 HOTEL W. L. StodcWd of New York \ Selected by Directors to Draw Plans for Com munity Structure \Y. L. Stoddard, noted New York (architect was selected Wednesday night to draw plans I for the Virginia Dare, Eliz-! abeth City's new community hotel. The hotel is to contain ' 100 rooms, and will he nine! stories high, counting first! floor and mezzanine. It will j contain six stores and coffee I shop for rental purposes. Mr. Stoddard Is well known in North Carolina where he built some; .10 am? odd of the newest and most: magnificieiit hotels of the state! Antony: 'lie hotels he planned are the Battery Park and (Jeo. Vaiidcr-I i hilt Hotels .-it Asheville. the O'Henry ! I at (ireenslioro, the Sir Walter at i Raleigh. the Sheraton at High i Point, the now Hottol (Johlslsiro. [ j the Ifotel Charlotte and the hotel at I II -uncord. I It was not until after a commit tee of the laiard of directors had j inspected these and other leading hotels of live state in order to give j Elizabeth City the benefit of their; ! observations. Hint Ihc.v wore willing i to decide upon the architect, tic-j I cording to C. O. Hohinsoti, prosi-; dent of the hotel committee. "We are building a hotel to last many I years and we want to give Elfoc I a both City the very host and at the | same l.ime get the most possible for i the money of those who have iu I vested in it. j II will probably lie September bo fore ground can lie liroken for the | new hotel. In the meantime the (?architect must complete his plans, before tori tractors' can lie llotified. Hut the work is now underway, of completing all the preliminaries ami subscribers to the stock arc urged to cooperate with the committee in makiiur prompt payment of their subscriptions. Tentalive plans for the new hotel present a very striking layout. The j hotel will he luiilt on the corner of ! Mc.Morrine and Fearing Streets | with, an arcade running in from | McMorrine and out to Main. The entrance to the hotel iolihy will open on this areade. which will Ik? 1-1 feet wide. The coffee shop of I the hotel, will o|ieii on McMorrine Street and Hie areade. The en tranee leading in from Main Street ! will he 12 feel wide, and flanked on either side by stores and offices, to lie financed independent of the hotel. Two stores under the hotel proper, and a part of tho hotel building, will he located on the Main Street entrance. Three, stores IS by 40 feet, will front on McMorrine Street, while the barbershop hotel lot' will front on Fearing Street. The hotel lot fronts !l'l feet on McMoriiie Street and 122 feet on Fearing. The lobby will lie located in the center of tlie building, with windows fronting oil Fearing. The assembly hull will j l>e located on the Mezzanine facing ; McMorrine Street, and the kitchen . and private dining room will be at! the rear of the building. Steps will lead downward from j the areade to the basement, and j public lavatory connecting with die barbershop. Steps upward from tho j arcade will lead to the lobby. The, arcade may lie entered cither from Main or from McMorrine. Each floor above the mezzanine,] will contain 11 bedrooms. Provision | is made whereby CO additional rooms may be built if the growth of the i' hotel demands their consttuction. APPROACHES TO CHOWAN!' BRIDGE LET THIS WEEK1. i The $2,000,000 higifvav letting < ar Raleigh this week, included the > approaches to the Chowan bridge. '? Xello Ij. Teer of Durham was the low bidder on the two projects. There are 14.22 mile.- on route S42 s between Windsor and the Chowan 1 Brl J?c to cost $128.1081$, and Hi J1 miles between the briflge ana taen 011 to cost SI 13.910. These were the Dnlv coutntets of interest in this teetion. Tn? District or Columbia has th< nuwtvi oi i&rms in t!? Rimed Stares. 139, while Tf -. 0 tit, is* la.jc-i oc v^ CELEBRATING MILLION DOLLAR POTATO CROP S . Xfl . j Elizabeth City Sets Aside Monday, July 5tH, as Potato Day; Will Offer Its Visitors Bargains, Baseball and Horse Races r 1 Everybody in Northeastern North Carolina is urjjed to visit Elizabeth City Monday, July 5. and help the town cele brate the section's million dol lar potato crop, for such it is called by bankers and brokers who^say shipments sent thru Elizabeth City alone this seas on have brought in a million dollars, to the great relief of local trade channels. Nearly a hundred carloads a day, for several days. leaving this sec 11ton have brought in a steady stream of dollars. Hotter grading, | and Government inspection . have helped to win letter prices, and a tremendous yield above what was expected, made shipments largjer than in many a year. Monday will be a big day in Eliz abeth City, if plans made by the Merchants Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce get thru. A feature of tlie program will Ih? prizes iotal iug nliout $2HO. The Eli/.nl?eth City Boys Band, and the Masonic Band will play on the courthouse gr?en where the potatoes exhibited, will bo Judged, The, potato contest will be held at 11 o'clock. A. E. Merckor, in spector in charge of the Govern ment force working in this section will give practical demonstrations of grading and packing. Entertainment for the day will also be provided by fast horse races at the Fair Grounds beginning' at 1 1\ M. There will be two events, a trot and pace, and among the entrys are such well known horses as Country Boy, Petrol, Nancy M., Millie Frisco, Corbln, Sclnm X? and others. A double header at the baseball diamond promises (o be a big fea ture. Elizabeth City meets Oole ruine in the morning, at 10 o'clock, and Hertford in the afternoon at ;.'{() o'clock. Special trade advantages have been announced on that day by many ot .-t local stores. STOCKHOLDERS ffl LOCAL BANKS DRAWDIVIDENDS .Semi-annual and quarterly divid end cheeks mailed In the stockbold ers of Elizabeth City financial in stitutions this week totnl $40,660. The largest dividend was that of the Savings Bank & Trust Co seven per cent. This hank pays an annual dividend of 15 per cent, making: an 8 per cent payment in January. Its stoekholders received a total of $7.0n0 this week. The First & Citizens National Bank paid its usual sis per cent semi-annual dividend, its stockhold ers receiving $12,000. The Virginia Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank increased its divid end from 5 1-2 to 4 j?er cent semi annually on July 1, paying to its sto< kholders $12,000 in dividends. The Southern Trust Co. paid its usual -id?er cent semi-annual divid end. its stockholders receiving $5, 000. Stockholders in the Ifood System Industrial Bank received their usual 4 per cent semi- annual, a total of $2,100. The Atlantic Discount Corpora tion, a concern that is only one year old. dealing in uutomohile paper and similar to the Commercial Trust Co. of Baltimore, paid Ha preferred stockholders a quarterly dividend of 1 3-4 per cent and its common stock holders anticipate a six iK'f cent annual dividend. The Carolina Banking & Trust Co. will issue no dividend, conveying its profits to its surplus account. Every hank and financial in -ti lution in Elizalietb City is reported in a thriving condition and a suc cessful potato season starts them nft' with hSJfp.v prospects for a new fiscal yea?/

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