mSe/NOW" I AND IpEAFTER | You Free? j fn,m Julia O'Urady to Bj 7- lady is alter it-thisj , ailed l-reedoiu? J B*~ ar,''r would I hey know it ft-;: m,. RC' tvrkins. the Tillage store Wf' t public ami craves ?fit' won't tie him down to w"h?? ^lls him hls W 1.1 -f tho >l;,vt'rv ,,f ,ravt - fc is tl>e lil'erty of a little I , h?- . til -t:iy at home ami . ... li. - t" he twenty-one (Slants to marry and Kuth M ,liver.-e ami all l?ecn?se Hr?;iut f' ,,l,tUH' :,,ul H f4k- hea.l for the country j ELformers all so to town and K? ,.lu!,.-ent to the Black J E u ,p. you free? Not when j Eowntv'eue. Not when you're 1 W \?t when yu're rteh or! ,in the -'rent open simces.' W\?n have no rcspunsllnli I Not ?t.e.i y'I, are through ? ,r Wheii yon are out of debt Krt ...a are famous. You are; you have no Nissj ? ? >, yen have your way and | l^y lot hers R; ieeeme free from one tiling, mill-' enslaved to s,.ine-' ? \eu are free from had; C. ?n|v When you hvome the j ef the sood. lie who would j B j.-.r aniei;,' u? must la1 the ser I j? !?>rew-ki Is a master Uvnn-e he i- a slave to E. The free |*s>ple of earth E^ who wave their hats E.,,,* and kill and swear they j E ... mail. I hey are slaves to tolv.K wbieh i? the lowest form ? ??I.!.'" The free of earth are, E ,ii? have found the way out of, ^Eciu-eoii- of s?>|fi?li and uu | ? .. . tliroush I'.ve and ; I ... volt set that si nil." de-; El?! fl:it>|?Tidi Betty of her tad-; E>,m mate. Kmiiee. "Yo? ?UIj . >. wifeiy and washing Ice .??! rai-ins kid- if you like t"-a free woman. n>> fetters fori } T B"-?y i- free, apparently.. . .. . have a copyright L"- all rislr. But 1 sometimes ici-r "!:??:! -he |ia? es with that s:. rirwl. life-weary faee of liersj I ? ?, t., hide the hitter-j ... 'e.,,, .aiear and srief. I ?"ii 'W it took her t?> learn | wa- ludlow and 'if bondage after nil.' L -i '? ? apparently. She ?i- !wrir ? ml- i ? r- y -i fr ?? fr.-.- it.That f;? f- "I'l iii- liui-tiiMiH' uisty Ik* a till. ? ?:? I Aunt *inla who .|.,cx your wihbin?; 1 : :u.?n* liUwty. It's an s ? -it;? >:i | ? i? if. iN.iitr;iili?'tioii lietweeti I ?? . .? ? -tati'iiu'iif "If V"ii fr.**. yiiii are free ln~ j - ..r|i?T ureal l?rw lu'-s c ' "it. I?'t Iiiill Ik* set"- ( Vr>HHii,:n mid service uro > TT|wrK rh*> one of tin* other.' i>>in|i|i.iui'iitiiry. not initi al y?u . r liuve olio wit limit j ? a ? t I ?is i-.\ dou r '.'ft the notion j T'hi ;ir?- it.-.. U'ciium' you're not 11 ? n iiy tiling si ml ?"? n ' r around ^uir yourself.! > ?'} ?'tty littlo slave.; Hi??i*-rri. tree. untraniineled ? ?? li.Mrinz so luueli abjectly enslaved j "r,,i> wit came nlonir. j "tm-rats "f isirtli liuiy r look it. But thoy have f It:11.1 riuiil >.f servl.-e til(. top of tlit* hill. l|u)fowl hunting To bf.gin tuesday ?"-.fcr ... ;;i i|V|?,r j? tin* o|K'll | ' urafory birds. Mini ! ^ "f vr-ii-l. - ..mi haulers are r"!'.H ! _ >> entertain sjn?rt>- j II ???.in.' to slaughter ?";'i - Wednesday si ml lay days aul there' !" !|" limiting, 'ii I suiti?-i|r?tp a ci"n of -portsini'U are ex- j \r " , v"i' is unexcelled in , - .',"1 fitting glasses. 4 i ' i ? (J l WA Y, Kyfc 4 v 4 JHn " li C ST.JE ? LIBRARY fj The Independent ( ^ lj03S? 43 Second CUm Msttsr At thi Pnat n^l ? i ?""^ELIZABETH CITY, N? C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1927. mum*di .Swy.FTidw bj W. O. Stunder* SINGLE COPY S CKWTSf i; COL. LINDBERGH SENDS A LETTER DOWN HOME One of His First Acts After Getting Back To New York Was Acceptance of Membership In Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association ? Welcome Col. Chas. A. Lind-1 berjjh: the world's greatest ! Ace has accepted membership, in the Kill Devil Hills Memor ial Association of Elizabeth C it v. His letter of acceptance elated Oct. 25th. 1927 is one of. the first letters written by Col. l.indberjjh since his immortal flight from New Vor kto Paris. 1 Col. Lindl.ergh lias lieen deluded j with tar hauls of letters anil tele- ! grains in ree-ent months. He re-j reived tons of mail and cablegrams | while in Paris and had no time to | look at it. The same way when lie K"t hifk to America. And then. | immediately ii|ion his return to the l'lilted States he liegnii a tour of ' the country that has kept him go- ' ii>ir so fast that he hasn't had time i to l>e lathered with mail. Mail and ! telegrams have lieen ke|>t away from him that he might he spared every j oiinee of energy for his flights and puhlie appearances. He got hiiek to New York from his t.?nr of the t'niteit States last Saturday. Tons and tons of mail and telegrams had preceded him. His mail had l>een carefully sorted j hy an army of secretaries audi friends. His mail brought requests for him to join almost everything under the sun. Only a compara tively few hiqiortaiit matters were I placed U'fore the Colonel for his! Iiersonal attention when lie got down to the work of answering his long neglected corresjn ndence this week. And one of the first things he did was to dictate a letter to Congress man Lindsay C. Warren. Chairman ??f the National Advisory Coiuieil of the Kill lHwil Hills Memorial Association, under date of Oct. 23th. Col Limlliergh said simply aud genuinely: My dear Mr. Warren: On tuy return I find your very, kind letter nidifying me of my se'ectloii as an honorary meml>er of the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association. I accept this election wtih appreciation. Sincerely yours. CHAKLKS A. LINDBKIMJII. The letter was written at the offices Of the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion ?i Aeronau tic* lit 3! IN Madison Ave.. New York City, under whose auspices Col. Lindbergh made his phenomenal American good will tour. Col. Lindliergli will midonhtedly lie one of the many distinguished Americans to come to Klizalieth City and Kill Devil Hills next year, to |?iy tribute to the Wright broth-1 ers in the celebration of the 2.?thi anniversary of the birth of aviation. | CATHOLICS PUT $25,000 IN CITY REAL ESTATE Have Added Frank Midget! Ke>i dctirc To Their Holdings; May Erect A Big School The |iuri'liiisc Saturday of the I new brick rrsiilfiiif of W. Frank | Mltlgett on West .Main Street by Roman Cat holies now give tin* J church property in this city valued ? at approximately .tlioJMMt. The J elm cell uow owns a total frontage1 of feet 011 Maiu Street a front-] njre on Ashe Street. the entire [ length of the block, back to Colonial ' Avenue where it fronts $10 feet also, j The ehureh recently acquired six! lots adjoining the Midgett property. It was the plan of the church to erect a priests residence and small f chapiiel for the present, but the pur-1 chase of the new Midgett residence.1 which is one of the finest in the | vicinity removes the need for erec- ? tion of a resideiwe.. While Mens. T?olierty. the resident priest will not discuss the plans of the church, which are evidently in the hands of; the Kishop. it is hinted outside that) the church may lie contemplating a , seliool at this city, and |s?ssibly a large church in the near future, j OOUFELLOWS OK FOIR j ((UNTIES ARE COMING' Oddfellows from four counties I will feast here Friday night. Octob-) er 2S. as guests of Achoree Lodge, j No. II. of which R. L. Garrett is j Noble Grand. The Oddfellows will j come from bulges at Roduco. Cam den. l'oplar Branch. Shiloh. Coin-j joek and Holly Grove. The meet-i ing will l>egin at 7:."{<> when degree) work will be performed, to be fol- j low by an oyster supper and an ad-! dress by It. C. Job. secretary of the Chamber of Commerce ant 01 her ?. isiting and 'ecul ntoitibee.. Just Plain Charlie TIIK picture of Col. this. A. Lind bergh sliown here this m?ck was made iiefore they dolled hiiu up in tlie uniform and accoutrements of a CoIoi?el of the Air Service?when he was just plain Charlie. ENDS LIFE IN WATERS OF CURRITUCK SOUND Mrs. Jessie Sawyer Leaves Infant in Bed While She Drowns Herself at Harbinger Fullow^ many months of U1 health ami despondency which neighliors say had affected her uiind. Mrs. Jesse H. Sawyer of Harbinger, lower t'lirrituek took her life Tues day night by jumping overboard in the waters of ('unitnek Sound at the Sawyer landing about a half mile from her home. She went to I ted early Tuesday night, but got up ami slipped quiet ly out of the house, leaving her in fant daughter. The family discover ed her absence just before mid night. They traced her to the water ami found her lifeless body -under water, her arms around one of the piling that supported the wharf. She is survived by two sons. Sherman and Wilbert Sawyer, four daughteres. Marie, Brace and Doris and an infant less than a year old: a brother, S. X. Dulin of Klixalieth City, a sister. Mrs. J. A. Weathers of Knleigh: two half brothers. Mil ton 1 >ovalI of Xew York and Win ston 1 loyal I ks for action?and he gets it: he seeks to administer justice?and he gets tliat. too. And with it all, he is fair and deliberate. Xaturaly there is some slight poli tical antagonism toward Judge Meek ins. He is a republican, while most of lis are democrats. That fact?according to the opinion of some folks?ought to eoudemn him on general principles. Just the same, after hearing some of the lawyers talk nhout him. we are in clined to believe that Judge is win ning for himself the respect and esteem of everyoue who has busi ness in his court?including per haps those unfortunate individuals vhom he send* on trips to Atlanta WORST LIQUOR SPOT IN WHOLE UNITED STATES It's New Bern- and Craven County, Says U. S. Judge 1. M. Meekins New Bern and Craven Coun ty. North Carolina have the worst reputation for liquor in the United States, was the bold assertion made by Federal 1 udjre I. \I. Meekins of this city in his charge to the jrrand jury in the U. S. Court in New Bern this week. A more sensational Indictment of a community has not been made In this State in a long time. Judge Meekins said : "Now Hern is one of the best places In North Carolina: North Carolina is one of the liest states if not the best, in tlie Union: the United States is the best country in the world: and this world is the best world that we know any tiling about." declared Judge Meekins in his short but powerful charge, "l'et. New Hern is one of the worst places in the world for the prohibition law. "At least two or three notorious liquor dealers from this immediate section are known throughout North Carolina. They are violating the law daily and are corrupting the region. One automobile concern upstate, I am informed, has a stand ing order for 10.000 gallons of Crav; en county liquor, every week.. At least three men. whose names are well known here and elsewhere, have thrived successfully in the liquor business without apprehen sion for ten years. "This condition could not exist if the l?est people of the town and county would frown down iqion the practice. No criminal can succeed when public sentiment is against him. If the i?eop!e of New Bern would make up their minds to run | out the liquor dealers, ho such crim-1 inai could stay here long. 'New Bern and Craven Couuty J owe it to tli*mselvt?s to get rid of these nefarious and destructive! dealers that carry on their deadly' traffic for a money profit. The! four worst reputed state centers for the liquor trade are New Bern and Craven county. IMnk Hill, South, Mills aud Princeton. "The splendid citizenship here1 should name a committee of twelve I upright citizens, not necessarily; i preachers" but probably containing [ four lawyers. By earnest efforts f prohibit inn j law violators. j The, Sun-.Touriial,Xew Rent's j [ daily newspaper in cbuinientiug'&tti-1 i torialv upon Judge Meekins' charge, | admits that the Judge had said only ' that which all good citizens knew | land commended him for his bold! I pronouncement and challenge to law- j iabiding citizenship. ^ ^ f I <2/heSANK CLCQK **> TWE SODA JCRKtB A FRYING PAN AND A FIRE i "I see by tlit> iKtjK'rs that Gov ernor Al. Smith Is .gaining ground) |ri.irht along ami it looks now as if I the Republicans will have to give tip: {the idea of nominating a clam like' I Coolidge or an iceberg like Hoover ami put up a he man like Charlie I Dawes to match the winning person ality of the New Yorker." said the ',S( da Jerker to the Bank Clerk, j "Yes." replied the Bank Clerk, j "Smith is not saying a word and I making votes every day. and I tell you that I and a lot of my fellow 'Democrats down South are In a i helluva mess." ?IIlow's that?" asked the Soda j Jerker. "We're in n fair way to be caught lietween the devil and the deep blue j sea. or to put it another way, we are going to lie given the choice of jumping from frying pan to fire, or J vice versa. | "If Governor Smith is nominated we are going to have to choose lic it ween voting for a Republican or a I Catholic and a Wet. And I tell you I that's going to be a helluva choice I for us smull town Southerners who , take our religious and political pre j judices over seriously.*' "I hadn't thought about it in just | that light liefore." said the Soda 1 Jerker. "but I can tell you just about what you'll do.. You'll listen ! to your preachers on Sunday and about make up your mind to vote for a Republican. And then you'll come down Monday inoruing and some old time Democrat like Cam Morrison will yell 'Nigger' at you and vou'll vote for Al Smith. If then- is anything a Southern Democrat takes more seriously than his religion and his liqiuor, it's the polities and the political party of his ancestors." "You may have it sized tip right," I said the Bank Clerk; "hut I have a i I grave fear that the nomination of j Governor Smith will split the solid! South from top to bottom, destroy Democratic solidarity in the South ! forever and give us two political | parties in the South instead of one." j "Then God forbid that anylaaly' other than Al Smith be nominated." said the Soda Jerker. "for if there j is anything the South needs it is a new political alignment. The South' is so darned solid that a poor man ! can't get a look in: if it could 1k? J busted up once we all might get a . chance to see what's at the bottom j | of it. and I'm sure we'd have a jolly ! igood time patching up the pieces. I ! Maybe we'd have a real democracy ! tlien. a government by the people." j "You're wrong there." said the I Bank Clerk: "government by the' people is a piece of political hokum ; that doesn't mean a damu bit more to a politician than the command ment to sell all thou hast and give : to the poor means to a Christian." (Why not get the book of the Bank Clerk and the Soda Jerker, a choice collection of their rich and racy arguments? 50 cento by mail.) Eye strains are the greatest soua.-e of nerve waste of the body. Have your eye's eta mined by DBS. J. D. HATHA WAV. Eye S'^lt SfcdaiiEhj. A Leader Women All Love i MRS. E. F. CORBELL ' SHE is the retiring President of j the 16th District of Woiuans Clu!>s j Mr.s CorbeJI is the wife of Dr. E. | S. Corbell of Sunbury, and one of | ' the most popular women in Eastern | North Carolina. She is a motherly ! type of woman, who takes pride in : Iter home, and who has demonstrat ed that a woman ran he a better | i honxmaker by being a good club i member. She was presented with a i valuable gift of silver at Currituck! j when she was succeeded by Mrs. | i Marguerite Evans of Smalls Cross ; Roads, Chowan County. ?? THE OLD TOWN TAKES DAY OFF FOR CIRCUS! Thursday might have l?eo? Navy j 1 Day everywhere else but it was ch- ! ! ins day in Elizabeth City, and it: brought a lot of joy to most every- j ' body in town. Many a religious old j , soul who frowns on the eireus went | anyhow, having as an excuse that! |'T just, went to take the kids." And j jthe kids had a glorious time of it. j watching the antics and animals of the big Walter L. Main aggrega tion at the show lot. and the down town parade. Elizabeth City I schools turned out at one o'clock, j to give all the young folks a chance at the afternoon performance at the I shows. f* The Walter L. Main shows have (been in Elizabeth City before and are a great favorite with local folks, j They carry a clean looking-oomph- : nient. and their performances uro up to the minute and eminently sat- j isfuetory to many circus fans. WOOLDBRING ARMY'SBAND Jto this city Biggest and Best Band in America Can Come Here This Winter It" Elizabeth City firemen or some local civic organization will sponsor it, the famous U. S. Army Kand of Washington, said to be the greatest band in America, will give two con certs in Elizabeth City this winter. The Army Kand Is the president's own hand and is seldom heard out side of "Washington. It is an organ ization of 80 pieces, much larger than the l". S. Xavy Band which scored such a success here two years ago. The Army Band is going on a short tour the first of the year and it was projK)sed to send it to Washington. X. as a compliment to Congressman Lipdsuy YVtirren whose home is in Washington. "Very fine, thank you," wrote hack Lindsay Warren, "hut I've got a lot of friends in Elizalteth City and the counties North of Alhemarle Sound: can't we get the hand for Eliza Mil City too?" And Washing ton has said yes. It will cost to $1 ..TOO to hring this hig hand to Elizabeth City. There isn't going to be nuich chance for a local organization to make any money out of it, hut Mayor Flora is anxious to see the Fire Department sponsor the big hand for two concerts, matinee and night, if the citizeus will cooi>erute. Mayor Flora thinks it could be handled thru the Fire Department with a number of guarantors, after the Chautauqua plan. A ROOM IN THE| NEWHOTELCAME HIGH TO THEM A bevv of Elizabeth City girls were being shown thru the new Virginia Dare Hotel one day this week and \vere rhapsodizing , 'over the guest room furnishings 6n the eighth: floor. . ' therooili' I want", ijuid { Ncotty. lucking ecstatically nt *; u j rodni'dffiw In blue and ivory wilii a touch of gold, "it's a perfect dream, how much will it cost me7" "I don't know", said the sfib-con tractor who was showing the party thru. "Well dou't you know how much it would cost for one night V "1 could only guess." said the sub-1 contractor sadly: all I know altout it is that I was in one of these rooms for three hours the other night and it cost me $10.7.V' And so the news leak out that a group of plnyful sub-contractors and workmen staged a little i>okor game in one of the rooms of the unfinished hotel some nights ago and the poliee walked in 011 them. TOO MUCH OF A JOB FOR THE COLORED HELP i .Servants Despair of Complying With i Court Order That Southern Hotel Must Clean Up The kitchen and dining ronui help at the Southern Hotel in Klizalietli City Is ready to go over IkmIH.v to I the new Virginia I>are Hotel thisj week, if jolts in the new hotel were i only available. They have been put I to the task of trying to clean tip 1 the Southern and that's an onery I jolt, even for colored help. And all because things had got ten so bad at the Southern that the i State Hourer $5.00 aj( pieev; the lowest guess was $1.50.; < Both were wroug. But the fact is , that it is the biggest dictionary ( value ever offered in North ( aro- ( llna. More than 1200 pages, large ( type, self ]tronouncing. latest radio ] and aeronautical terms, synonymns | and antonynius. 2.10 pages of vnlti-;; able information, handsomely hound j in a gilt stamped fabrikoid binding.:] A publisher's $.'1.50 retail value. And this newspaper is presenting h one of these handsome diictionaries h t(? every person who secures two, | new subscribers to The Independent; ( for one year. Those who are already siibserih-J. ers may extend their own suhscrip- . tion for one year and send in only'] one new subscriber. But at least , one of the subscript ions must he |; a new one and there is an addition-j al charge of 1.1 cents for handling and postage if the dictionary is to, he mailed. Every grammar and high sbhool student in Eastern North Carolina 1 should get one of these dictionaries. Every business man and woman should have one. And right here let it lie said that the first snhserilier to avail himself of the offer wus: W. B. Foreman, one of the brightest. young business men in Elizalx'th City. . | 900 MEMBERS SOI CIIT IN ANNUAL REI) CROSS DRIVE Nine hundred mem laws1 is the quota asked of Pasquotank County by Job it Barton Payne, chairman; of the American Bed Cross accord-j ing to John H. Hall. Elizabeth City attorney who has lteen named Chair man of the Bed Cross Roll call for;1 this county which begins Armistice Day. November 11.. Membership in the Bed Cross i costs only a dollar." Mr. Hall states. "One half of this remains at home for relief work. Yet if more thun j a dollar is given, only .10 cents is! sent away to the National Heatt' quarters, the rest remaining in the community it is donated in. "The Bed Cross does a lot of , | work in this county. A large (per |coutage of those who are added are' |among the colored people. Because; jof tills, many Negro sitizens will bt 1 I invited to join the Red trots j Pasquotank '.nig year > PROPOSE A NATIONAL CELEBRATION OF THE FIRST WRIGHT FLIGHT; Twenty Fifth Anniversary of the Birth ofL Modern Aeronautics May Be Occasion of |r Greatest Air Pageant Ever Assembled The Aero Digest, the largest; j and most popular journal of'v aeronautics in America, edited' ( bv Frank A. Tichenor. willii ? L'l sound a call for a celebration11 ? I on a big scale of the twcnty-fH fifth' anniversary of the first | airplane flight in 1928. And the Aero Digest will reeoin- ! uieml that the celebration Ik1 held, , not at New York, not at Washing- j Ion not at Dayton, (> , hut at Kill , j Devil Hills. X. 0. where the first ! flight was made, with beadquurt-'jjf ers of the celebration at Elizabeth,,j City. Elizabeth City with ample hotel j facilities, one of the prettiest conn- f try clubs in the state aud an enter- ( prising and hospitable citizenry j will have uii opportunity to enter- , lain scores of distinguished Ameri cans, most of whom will probably come to ElizuMh City by airpiano mid go direct from Elizabeth City to Kill Devils Hills for the ceremonies. \ It is possible that tlie celebration, nf the 25th anniversary of the first Wright Flight will lie (lie occasion ? nf the assembling of one of the,, greatest air pageants ever pulled off in America: distinguished airmen, heads of the army and navy. Sena- ' tors and Congressmen, eminent. Americans who are interested ill aeronautics and patriotie citizens of prominence and influence gene-; rally who arc eager for the first ' opportunity to pay homage to the brothers Wilhur and Orville Wright, } inventors of the twentieth century'" astounding new mode of transpor- "1 tat ion. A nil IMIZil IH'I II ? II? Will pi.iy a. conspicuous part iii a celebration rhut will go on tlip front pages of the Uewatinperw nt "home ?M??I -atiroait, lierause Elizabeth City thought of It first and organized for Just such , mi occasion. The proposed celebra- ' Hon will lie sponsored l?.v the KfM Devil IIIIIs Memorial Association of;' Flizulictli City cooperating with ' friends and .promoters'of aeronauti cal progress throughout the coun try. ; 4\ ; ? |M W. o. Siiunders. president of the Kill Devil Hill* Memorial Atmrtcta- j lidu returned from New York City : this week* yitece he hud a confer- 1 puce with Mr..' IWfliennr. with heads r?f the Daniel Guggenheim Fund'for,. Hie. Promotion of Aeronautics and'' i)thers interested in the proposed ? celebration. Mr. Saunders says that everywhere lie found sentiment f#v- u [iriilde to the celebration at Kill? Devil Hills and everywhere Iip found Hie initiative and enterprise of ?!; North Carolinians comniended. Admiral II. I. Cone, retired. nowL': identified with the Guggenheimtj Fund in New York City, is an en-c tliiis:Di?stD- friend of the idea of muk-? ing Elizabeth City headquarters of j j the proposed celebration. Admiral r Cone is related by marriage to the'* Baxter family in this city, has lieenl i frequent visitor to Elizabeth CltyJ^ and loves ills North Carolina and ^ its lieautiful coast country. One of the things essential to the!pi holding of a considerable celebration^ at Kill Devil IIIIIs is a laudlngjf field, of iiii|Hirtant dimeiislons. Ajg standard airport requires a tract f nf :t20 acres in the shape of a rectangle a half mile wide and a?' mile long. The Carolina Develop ment Co.. of Asbury Park. X. J. A a ml Klizalieth City. X. owners of j the Kill Devil Hills property had . formerly set aside a tract of 35|f acres in anticipation of presenting j ir to the government as u site for i the Wright meiiioriiil to Is* erected1 j by Congress at KilJ Devil Hills.?. Messrs. Allen It. Hueth and Frank'I Stick, principal owners of the Car?- j Iina Development Co. agreed this ? week to donate the full .'520 acres re- \ quired for an airport, the site to bo, J selected by. u projier committee com- J posed of representatives of the Kill j Devil Hills Memorial Association, J representatives of the Navy, War j and Commerce Deiwrtineiits and possibly a representative of the Guggenheim interests. More than tweuty five distinguish- | ed Americans are now members off the National Advisory Council of the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Asso-G elation. Kecent additions include ft Mr. Edsel Ford. General Mason M. f Patrick, head of the Army Air j Corps. Mr. Cecil B. DeMille and'. Governor A. V. Donabey. of Ohio, j Acceptances of memberships on the , National Council expected within a j few days are Col. t ha*. A. Liud-, t bergn. All-. T. coif uso Dcfout of j Delaware and Mr. ??-'-! C.-gi'CO-'j bclrc ot s - -