3 c State Library ! Raleigh N C - II The Independent f=n " 1 VOL. XX.: NO. 1,049. ^ fcatwriil tn SciMU'l ?:ta.w llatt?r at lb* Vuat-offlca ELIZABETH CITY, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1928. Public 8*^'" SINGLE COpTsCENTS jv at Kiuafc>th City. N. 0., Jun? V. llK'*. . _ v~ 7, , : , ^ J$TNOW and gREAFTER .J ! Au,ho,ity | . lit | J ( . ? ? . , , [ ? ? ? iH ". ...i fr*3; W'i:' .. ? > . Imtvli ?u?I !V!;'' ' "'t,r ?> l?'lf M'r' ' ? tin* |>riM'-lr r w:i< f itit- i ... if- I f | . ?? * ? ?>*?" :;???? littl", , ?i it ?'i _ (?r. m. ff'-fi'"' 7' aiul ll?s?t .1,-1, ti tlivm. | ^r" ii I til.* mid .i if In ?. ' ? '-iji.'.ti*j " ' .iu ?-t ;u?y .....I- ? , Tin.' sun?> in i Ti"1" ? 1 sII .,r- ,i^ ?li.? iu:iii i" I w.-l: :i :.'i Mini *'s Wi'U ! ' ? . . I i fi.it i ? ,,n\ ;i lll'.ltl I?k?-! .. . ? i'li/f ;uiy : ? .. cii^sy awl _just > "? xl'' i> l?t? ^?.ia;;4.M %\ iih*!t I i ?; i v i4 !?? Uu-V. An J i ?Iv.' ,u w 'K'ri> l'. ?. ???!.- ? .... ..r ti,.- pui t,\v .1 tin- j - ? >: fi'ii ins ? flu- -rl'iW's. ..." it* iu> sw i ' ; IV ., ?! ii- i ? '??' tr..:' Till: A1 *- j tmi.I::s\ ft: WYT'UM; I.iks i\ nn N,,i' kkhim* IT |V>i,. ? ;!??? ; * tin- :ilith??r \.? ' "? \ ;ii i-.'l?f .. ? ' -;i! lii - ill 77,.? ? , - "-a kill wlie-.' -?ri" v ' "i ;ilnl "Ih'W . \i'W ?(' s.. ??.. . . ?? . v kins |;ii ur?*. i 't.i. i' ** . a ? : ? v.h - ? ... ... \"W . .. , . .... ' i ? > in:? II [.? !. ? \y. ?.. . . . ?.!? > \>:\ \ r . ;i a -?v i: ;:i P. \..?v Ik If.ti* rlu' .? l?M? . , v.. - it i ? ?? . . ? "?v. . . ill [>? iii I !m ;? > ? \\ I ? i; ? - Wh.it ? : ?? njit'i *Mi! ? a-i U|?"U A : - . I - ) i. ? I: 1 - ? U ill r?? ? it-. :it !??-> In- ?*ar ? ? .>>a I . ? , .? ? I.; . Ill? r? 1-1 v. -r,i?| 1 . ;li air na- i>i ii-.lf. ,?-ijil?- ..r law. . :? I ' ? \ ? ? a* a hi h? ri*> ? iniir ? - ??f train* , t.... I i' i.l lii ia 1 ill* M^oo Much Luxury I h Nol Xppreciated COX BOOM PLAYS HAVOC WITH EHRINGHAUS HOPE Growing Sentiment For Cox Probably Means There Will Be No Serious Consideration of j Elizabeth City Man in 1932 Klizaheth City's gubernatorial hopes for l'Ad have gone a j I glimmering. O. Max Gardner from the W est will he the Demo cratic nominee for governor this year. Four years hence the Fast will again he recognized and Flizabeth C ity has had great hopes in the gubernatorial possibilities of its aiVablc and popular citizen J. C. T>. Khringhaus. ltut there has ci'iiM1 :i shadow! ji-MT the |>rn|H>s4ii Kltrin^haus boom: 'Un* Elizabeth t "ity uinn is not in the i minds of strong fwivs tliruoiit the1 i Suite that are or^uui/.irur to put! G?*Jieral Alhert E. fox. of Kalemh f in line for the m mi nation in 1HJKJ. General fox head of the North i Carolina division of the Aiueriean mil. is the ehoiee to-da,v of huir jdtvds of influential North Cato iinians for the jjovcrm rsbip follow Iinr .Max Gardner, ami a fax oman jixuiion is already underway. General fo\ was in Elizabeth fity Saturday for a brief visit Hud those in Kli/al>eth fity who met him. looked him over and talked with friends who aeeotupatihsl him on his |e\|?Hlitu?u here, were impressed with the man. He is a typieal first rate North faroliuiau: able, eotir aae ii>. taetful. friendly and genial 'without alTis-tiou or effivt. Kliz aMh eity has nothing exeitiiu; to olTer to offset the winning t?'fsoti ll ity and stale-wide |>opiilarity of Albert fox. And fox has a reeonl! for pu'elie servio- that will satisfy most N?rth Carolinians. Kliznbefh fity is proud of Khrinu haus; he shows oil' well: litis made friends and admirers thruoe.t the State. Mat North Carolinians de liuatid niueh ?>f an aspirant for its i governorship: they demand first of fa'l that he must have renders! the , State some outstanding ptibli-- s. r\ 'lee. Ehriuihans has never had tin op|?ortuniiy to ijualifv in tb.?t re s|nH-t: tliere is not ti h's reeord , any eutstamlim; pnbli.- service to bras about. Klizabelli fity was ri^'lit proud of the way he an pi it toil i himself iu il?e iumturi of the recent ! community h del litigation: but that ; was not a publir service: a bill for S|.."iPO went iu to the stoekhoblers of the hotel for tin.* lawyer's fees 'for that, service. Ami hi liet'e we are. only lejzin :iin:j to tliiuk a'oout ^ettin^ one of our eiti/eiis irrnomtd far rhe ^?ver norship. when we find the Stale ln inc rapidly orjjanb.ed far iundvnun J for another and in ?sr genial person ality. W'e just haven't liiirni'il bow to play the ^titne up here in tliis. \?iri l;eas| n?rner of Tarlieelia. !'W.O." SHOCKED NORFOLK LIONS IN BRIEF SPEECH It takes much time. ><_> unu'li cticrj:}. -?> much |ea<lrr sliip ami -?? uuu)i uioitcy t<? k < c |> tip a multiplicity .if churches ??f conflicting faith in oim -mall city that no won jilcr the potential ica?!cr> of the t<>\* n have little time lor or in tm-t in larifer community activities. \\ . O. Sampler- tohl tlo I.ions ' IiiI? of Norfolk. \ a. \\ n|nr-iJav. I'cli. Ist. Tlii' r*'i'ii>inn h:i< Ladies I>ay with i|m- Norfolk I.inns ijml tin editor was greeted by a inixiil andi I'liii' ?r nearly 'Jon I.inns aial their Lnr-fs in the mas- ive ! >;i 11 room of 'i|l?e .Molith*elln Fl'?lel. "\V. It." ' -hoel.etj tlnin. hut they listened in tenriy iii what lie said, applauded ' him at tlie end and. when a rising or thank- was -invested, a Ita|e ti.-t minister and a Catholic priest to re anion/ those who showed their J'hmI iiiiiliners and si'ml np. Mr. ? Sannder- said in ri : I, of year most enterprising am) nio-i partriotie eiti/.ens was }*??Iir?sr me of lite general ajialhy . tad indifferenee to great public etc ,' terpri<es in your city, tie told nit ? of tiio great diffteulties em-ouiitered - in eiitjstin/ tin- interest of some ol I' \onr leaders in your great eoiiiniuri .. if\ parking eenire and eoiiiiiinnit > - -er\iee station whieli I eonsitler em n of the greatest forward step- Not - folk ha- taken in a long time. "He tohl me of Norfolk's greal u j need for an anditoriitm. for lark ol - which Norfolk is denied every op port unity to hceame the great eon it.'enlion rit.v ami musieal centre thai t ii uonhl rightfully he. And In s t it seem.- almost impossible V. '?-.oatir.uzJ. Ar; naeo I j Negroes Many Lodges \ And Churches] ; At ;i meeting of about 150 representative colored citizens i of Elizabeth ("ity in a littleI churcli over in tlie mill section | of tlu* town the other night twelve churches and seventeen: 'lodges were represented, and. no particular elYort had been! i made to have representatives' there Iroin all the churches and lodges. J A imputation el' approximately ^ (mm W'.Tms iii Kit/a li tli t'il.v is support in- more lltau a do/en J elmrilies aiiil more than a suro of; : secret orders. Think what an. ?voiiotuie harden is iiero imposed ' i n[mill a rare rotn posed largely of tile i most j* oi ly paid working people. Here ilieu is- a slant oil Nejrro life! In our I'-wii that few white people a-.* eounizant of. What is tlie ex-j p'amitioii of so many ehim-hes and j ainoii-' V.Mjroes? Ihfrhaps I i ihere an- two explanations. Kxplanatit'll No. I is ihat thei Neuroes t iitiiuinlfied in a while! mail's world hand tlieinseltcs to J ! yet ho r for initlnai sympathy audi [ proteetiou. Kxolanatieii No. ?_* i> that, tliej \?^ro eraves leinlership: a entered' man likes to talk and he hoard ami t?- eoii-.ii.iria ! a huiih r of his ^roiip.' t?l?\ioiisly there isnt roi-m f--r many' j< at-landing' leaders in one ilinreh or one India*. ~o those who eaUt assert i ? themselves in nmanizai i<>us already! ;tophea\,v with letplership. out 1 ami start an organization of their; owip Tbis may sis-m r:it her lidien buis to white folk wli" have less ;iin-. bitioti for leadership. bill it'tmansj ?*v?-r.v|liiif-x to a V'sin. I?' ui<slaj voiee in |!i<' v Idle man's world in which |i?' li\?>. lie fries to ?-;i f i -.1" \ himself b\ making a big iiois<. in his! nw n lit11** world. Ami. after all. ilm-e many <liiuv!rj c? a in! lodges iire great training schools for \o:;ro leaders; it is in flie I'lmri'li ami t!i** bulge room Ihntj fliey learn self expression, isirliim n- I try practice ami how t ? play polities.! If w e knew more ai>eiit what g' >es nn ill these Negro <-||lirchc.s ami lodge 1 r<H.iiis- we won hi lune a holier un j ilelslainliii-' of the \cgre ami a lief fer appreciation of his progress. Biddy Crank Gets ; Four Months, 60 Days Ifiihly ('rink. former runner for 'prohibition enforcement olTieers in this eify was senieimeij to four i lijoiiths ami <?*i days on the mails in iIm County Court yesterday. The four months was for wife al-imlonim nl ; the Mi days was for J assault on his wife. The ,pro?e< u tion of frank ?:h enlivened h.v a cross e.xauiiuation of a witness h\ tin1 name of I?a\id I'. Mayne. a former prohibition offieer who is 'living at the frank home and who ; was in eoiirt to testify thai he had ! never seen anything w rati;' between l i rank and his wife. Mil) ne, who wits kicked out of his ; job some months ago has .spent j mueh of his time in Elizabeth City pretending |o he getting evidence lo i show that proliiliition officers gener ally are a lot of eronks find hi jaek ers. .Insi how May ne himself makes j a In ing is not km iwn. thi; best is cheapest ' Breakfast l"e: tumli. meat or fish ?'with two vegetables, dessert, bread, j butter and colfee I'm.-; regular din jiiier 7"?e. A room with private lava ? ( lory S2.oti The Virginia Data- Mold Li Elizabeth (ity, N. (. advtf r i ? l.'AW 1*1 ICS WANTED; fuun. ? Mink, Opossum. Utter, etc. Hides. t, skins, soybeans and eggs. Top ? market prices. Spot easli. W. f. , ULOVEU, Fh ml ??', City, v cJi/t-M.. OBJECTION TO BRIDGE NORTH OF PT. HARBOR Two Companies Eager lo Build Toll Bridges Acrosr Curri tuck Sound Tin' proposition of the rec ent lv incorporated t uiiituck & Dare Bridge Corp. to bridge Currituck Sound between 1 ig Point and Martins Point will be opposed by influential interests in both Currituck and Dare ('utilities. ' The opposition emit ends lh.it the pri posed bridge wit In* loo far North In serve the l?M interests of the two i?-s: I hilt il ?*'! a!i'"?'i| It", an iiiilireel route to It1 uiioke Is la ih| whereas I he ohjeetive of Male Highway eoustruetioii is to eonnm-l isniiiiy seats h.v the shortest |v<ssihle route: ami they eoule'i I that She proposed route Mill iulerseet one of the most attra. toe shoi limr areas in Currituek Sound. demoralize a Kportsinan's panidiso ami cut oil a eoimly's revenue from many shout ing lieenses. A ilelesratioii of ton < r more riti y.vns of t'urrituek ami Parr is ex poeleil to organize to protest again*! the proposed l?ri*lii?* ?it a ptiidie lu.ir iug to Ih' eomlneteil hy I.ieut. ' ol. Ili-ury ('. .tenet! for the Mar Pe partim nl in the ChnmLier of Conr uieree rooms ai Klizaheth ? it.v at 11 o'elork Winlnesday. Pel'. s'h Conner Sheriff 15. I.. Crib's. ' f Point llarhor. one of the im?>| iir fl lieu I la I men in Curritmk County i< i \pe< led to lead 11 fn m tiiirilmk ami Pare it is pro )(oMsi to dignity their protest l>y :i dinner at the Virginia Pare hotel on the day of the hearing. I.. C. Uholes. S. it. Parker am! M. It Sawjer of Kliztiltet'i Pity are tlie iin*, rpoiaitors of the Piirrilm k \ Pare Itridge Corp. Tlu'se gentle men are interested in property on lhe roast at Marlins Point .North of Kilty llawk. They foresee not onl.i profits fn.m the operation of ,1 !??:? Iiri<l'^(% ;jrl'OSH ('lirrit ili'K S? nml: I hey are interested in mak ing their real estate holdings ae* spile ami solpis t to development. p. it I new highwaj routes .always meet villi opposition. I he terrx line in operation P-lweii Point liar I.or ami Kitty llawk has fixeiMhe puhlie niiml on that route. Point ilariior folk don't want a bridge North of Point TlarP r and the ma jor iiy or Pare" County folks don't want a bridge North of Kitty liavk. *p? ad'l to the mufti-doii. another company i oiuposcd of II. <I?iw iS'ii'S1 ami 15. It. I.i lieridu" have retired a franchise fr in lh" <"oni mi -doners of Pare County to build a bridire to-rosN Curriliiek Sound from Point liartmr t.. Kitty llawk. '!?? more l'iivorril routs'. The route ] Iijis Imm-ii sitrvrynl. ritriit-- of xvuy.olr l.iiirtl .iiiiI iioiiuri'is r?i)iloyoi| li> I il< >i'jrn :in<I rsiiiiintetIn* h>s| of siicl) j;i lirid.'.'f. J Ami ?o l!ii- I'. S. Ann;. Kir-jiueor's i Im.iriim in lie nunlm tnl here next y vijll Im> m> tiiuir nfl'flfr. 1 j When ('iinilm !< ;in<l l>inv I their | fncrs si^iiiiin n tiit:ir lliry throw Iliejf filers wiilr open. Elizabeth City Let Him Get Away I k *? i \Y. SKLISY II.ARNKV. .or several | years assistant manager of the .lark- j -omiile, Kla. < handier of Coimnerre. ^ sometime agent of the Norfolk ISoiillirrii Kail Koa<l al Elizabeth! C'ily and lain* at fidenloti, has a< 'tepfcd the position of exeentiiej j>TM"i lary of the Nerfolk-I'ortsmoulh j t'lmmber of Onuiimt*. Sol by Harney is a native of lilizabeth < City, a son of Mrs. T. S. Hartley.! !!IH| W. Main SI. lie is drinoer.it ie. larll'nl. rrsoiucrfiil. efficient and) high-powered with that ipiiel energy * that accomplish:'* iniirli in a day i without a m ind and a rlatter. Ilej has inado a name for himself as a cliambrr of romaierre secretary : j i Norfolk is proud of having serured his senders and l-iii/aheth City is' {happy to see him in Norfolk. if Ycu Hear Music j In The Air, Lcok Up If ymi hour music from llie :iir o,<KHt (Vet nr iiiori' nhnvo Kli/.iiietli } <'ity tlii< wok. have no fours: ii ; I will I ?f noli In*!* (?;ii>i'icl nor ;i i-Ii??ir ( ? of i'inui'1-. loit :i iiovjii iiiicrtiiiu-i m? lit |?ri?vii|?*?l l?y 11n- ;? <1 \ criiscrs of ;i now hraiul of oi^rtirotU's. II ua< lenriietl in Norfolk this week 111.*11 tlio t'lil l.iolil <'i?;iretli? makers ooiili'tiitilalo hmnilnisHnil* a , |no irain over ICIi/.n l?i I It City from ' :i ti*l*nio| 11* l'"okl;or piano ?'i|iii|i|?-?l ' w i:Ii uittsio tinikoi'v ami ii lotnl is| i !i!?or th;il will inal'o wop/ | on in tlio Iiii: |i!.'jiio a milo in ilio air j:ioi|i,Mo to listeners on 1 !??? streets nil over town. Wnlcli fi r it. 11, ^ /VV?., ^ ,-n /" ^ 11 oJheSkNK CLCRK ??* TUC SODA JCBKE-R THE SODA JERKER HAS A JOB THIS WINTER. "I'liti'l soiiiclliiii'4 In- dune lo ichuuip' I II'.1 styles in v\ i? 11H? 11'- clothes >n the dariiplmols will wenr onoiijHi in weather t" keep iJjriu n>:is-1 < ikiI.Iv couiforlahleV" asked (lit- Soda Jerkor i<f liis friend the Hank t'lork. j ! "?\lld wlllll llJIS COlllO l.?MT yon jimu'V" < \<-l:iuui'iJ Ilio Ikiiik ' 'l"rk : ! "it w.js niilv :i (V\\ weeks :i^n Unit I.Mm were proclaimim; woman's : riulil- In weur iit11'iiiiii ;il nil if tin v Islintil?l si eliniise. Mini now vim are .'ill In-I ? 111 for l liein to Is- 1111 in 11 <-i I j up in so iii.iii\ clothes Hull .-ill tlic j modern joys would lie Inkeu mil el I lie popular piisliiiiie ol' pel I inix." | "I luive chained my iifens aloiil wl inen's rijrlil In wear nothing Iml ; two piei-es of silk niiil a pnir of ehil' i fon hose." suid Hie Sodn .lerker: "You see. it. lets fallen lo my lot to i look nl'li r I lie fires ill my house lids j winter and I he durn women work Hue to (hath keeping (lie old house i ! hot enough or llnni lo live in I heir i jveiiii-niidily without l'rco/.liijj. "A l.ieiilcuiinl I'e\ it and a detach- j i iiiiul of Iwenly hellinns couldn't < j kei p enough fire ^oin^ lo make ai ; frame house coinfortahie for a ? hunch id' women who naked ex jeepl for lite thin silk cauioiifhi^ej j called a oue-picce dress that they, j wear out if respect for Hie pre j jprielies and to hide their parts. "The nearest things to clothes that I I this female ireneratiou wears are [corsets and hrassierrcs. There's aj I little wariiith in a pair ol' corsets | or in a hrassierre. hut only the fat | ones wear such things and the thin! ones w ho need their protection don't v.. i r Hi em nr. d ,-.Viii| ii iIh'v ;in- workin:; 1.1 it* i I'liil 11ius mil t'f mi.' up ;il uiy house ; -riling in i iinii^'ii wood ;iml coal I??. keep tin' fitrs U"ii'U willi nil drafts j wiilf open :? 11 tin- I Line. I,el me look I Iil*iit <i fire my way and I would so | rc:;iil;ili.' the drafts Hint one scuttle of ????;| | Would keep il ilf'Jllr i|ll p'iuy J- In k'l In ins on :i stret'h: hut. I '?.in t have no w;u i11? .i Iniiii'h of J hi in* iiiim'i.1, ?voi?so-l)iun|iy. shiierinc | w? nii'ii \ i'llinu' J'or no to lion i nil the! liiuo. Tim f.'iviirilc son:? ill my! InniM' is. 'Papa. Koop t In* lioiiii' | l iens Itiiriiin.z lor .Mama's fSrowing fold'." '?|{iit when I sen IIiitii mi Hie' si root in their flimsy frocks with u freezing wind feeling lliom out. IJioy seem to 'ho jierfeetly Imppy ninl not snirfrii)- fri in I lie eoid ;i t all," said I lie {hiuk t'lerk. "Vint iloifl know women," said tlio Soiki Jerk it*: "woiueu .'ire al ways smiling ninl its tyareenl'lf a .?iii^'ols in pulilie. lull Ihut aim no index lo what tlicy are when they're home. Ill loll yon l hey are so flor in;? like hell in winter for I lie sake f wearing these pelting party frocks et eel era :iml they aiuL holiest i icii^li lo ailniil il." >01U EVi:s AT WORK Constant use of your eyes in any line, work in? all Way hy artificial light will lower their efficiency. It is wise to liclji your eyes with a I pair glasses. correctly prescrilieW. [Coiisi It an eye specialist. JUtt*. | J. 1>. HATHA WAY, CiuvWiLr. Bank Bo". t""r. Cdv. SAYS NEGRO BOY HELD HER UP AT POINT OF A GUN; Forced Her Into Dark Alley I and Threatened To Cut Her Throat I Ted Moore. a halt-wiltcd Xegro youth under 10 years of age was sent on to the Juvenile Court from the County Court yesterday on a charge of at tempted criminal assault on a young while woman of this city. In (lie apprehension i f tliis Negri1i youth the pollen Iwlieve they liavei found a yotiug Negro who has becu j terrifying white girls in the Second Want of tJie city for several weeks. The principal witness against Moore is Miss Until Kiuulerli.it, l.'t years old daughter of Mrs. TV. If. II. Coo|K*r living <>u Harney St.. Miss Sander tin (ells a harrowing story of an title!ji|?|cd criminal assault <u the uiglil of Thursday, .fan. 20th. The young girl was returning ale ul Jo o'clock to tier houie on j Harney street after visiting u gtrl j friend on t'ltltir Street just urouii<l j the corner, when she was intercepl ei| by the negro who shoved the point of I he pistol into her side and told her that if die started to run or eried out tie would shoot her dead in her tracks. He then ordered Iter! to move al* ng to the corner of the school building not tunny yards away and lie would let her go. Tin- girl, anxious to gel away m>in 'I"' negro, obeyed him jimi walked: to i!t(> comer of I lie building. There j lie ordered her to proceed a round 1 to the side if the building next to j the residence of .\l. |\ I lite where! ail alley <cpui'ules Hie home of Mr. j I lite and the school building. The! girl protested against this telling the negro that'll was dark up there ami she was not. going. The negro jabbed Iter in the side with the gun ? according to tic girl's fory, audi cautioned her to move along and j n< t to talk so loud. Arriving around the coi'iut of the building the negro placed his arm I around the waist of the girl. She pushed his arm away and sereamed! for help. w hereupon lie grabbed her j by llie throat with one hand and slapped Ids otliep hand over her! laoiith. Telling Jjer lie was going to | cut her throat lie let go of her Ihr at and reached Into Ids pocket i presumably foiy it knife, when the girl got <uie of his fingers in her I mouth and closed down on it wit It' her teeth, lie drop|HMl his hand freei Iter.month ami taking advan tage of this the girl screamed again I for help This frightened the negro ami lie ran around (lie corner of the building towards liyer street, the little girl made a sprint for her i d or which was only a few yards from the spot, ami dashed inside. IbT screams were heard by residents of the neighbourhood. The negro js described to the girl as lieing around the age of t<; <>r J7 years of age. of medium height and a dark brown color. A Miss Elsie Hurras, who IIvm next, doer to the Jitt.le Sunderlin girl, reports that a negro followed her across the school ground Friday n'ght. She uas returning home and met a negro on flyer street a short way from (lie school ground and alter reaching the selrm I ground happened to glance back and noticed the same negro who >he had met oa Ilycr street walking behind tier and apparently trying to catch up with her. she hurried across the dark school ground ami stopped in the porch <.f Mrs. ?'<>operV home waiting for him to pavs. After lie had passed and nearly reached the corner of llaruey and Parsonage streets, she left the porch to pro coed to her own home, the negro turned around ami hastened to get I to her before she reached her home, |L'u' she (wat him to the house and >g<-t inside of the door just as he 'came up. Tiie negro said nothing J to lew amj she dees not. know wlr^* I les intent ions in following her were. I I lie description of this negro fits fairly well with the description of (lie cue that assaulted the Jit tie Sanderiin girl on the night before. i here have It-en two ether hi st a tiers similar to tbe.-.e reported in II'" last week. I I here s a light, on the school ground just hack of the pr<>|ierty owned by M. P. Jlite, and (tie projierty of i alvb Walker but this light has not been burning since the storm which occurred Tuesday night, .lun uar.v 1M, when it was put out of eojiimissu ii by the storm. ?The mystery of the disapjiearanee of young Edward Itenii front his heme in Charlotte was cleared up whe nit became known tlrnt lie is now serving with the marine* against vi .r^. uaii fx. i Panama Canal; PutsLaborOut; Of Work Here' The Fanama Canal has play ed havoc with thr lumber in dustry in Elizabeth City and the South generally. It has caused the shut down of otic mill in Elizabeth City, forced hundreds of Southern mills out of business or into a curtail ment of production and South ern lumbermen are uneasy. l'reigh rates from the Pacific coast to Ualtiuioie. Philadelphia airl New York via ilic Panama fanal are so cheap that Pacific coast inaiitt facturcrs can now put their finished lumber on the Kasteru markets in competition witli Southern pine, actually underselling the Southern manufacturer. Pacific coast manufacturers pro dine luinlier timre cheaply than it can 1m* prodm-ed in Southern mills, llero in .North Carolina we are cut ting mostly nnall stuff. Much labor is consumed in handling many small logs to get a given quantity of Itoards. The redwoods iff the Pacific jcoast yield lttg Iocs. The saw mill man on the PtK'lfic i-oast will saw | thousands of feet .<Vom; oue log while the mill man iu North Caro lina is fiddling with little logs to get a few hundred feet. I / nd to tic chagrin of local him- ? hernien. the Norfolk Soul hern It. It.' recently purchased several million, fecf of this Pacific coast lumber] to1 repair its bridges hero in Norfli-j eflKtorii North Carolina. *? 1 ? TlaM hit li.v Pacific coast, com-' j petition the Korenian-Blades' I.uiu-' j her Co. shut down j is planing mill', some weeks ago. throwing nearly KHii | men out of employ ment. 'Jlie planj i ing mill resnnus 1 operations to part j j capacity hist week. FRANK WINCH SUES CAROLINA DEVELOPM'T COJ I Alleges Breach of Contract and Wants $10,300.65 Right Away as a Starter I Capt. Frank \\ inch, veteran Uhuv. man. expluitationi.-t and I super press-agent lias hi ought |suiL against The ( arolina Deve llopnient Co. fur breach of con Itract. In Mis coniplaint filed in the Superior Court of Pas- j !quotank County this week j | Capt. W inch asks fur $4,300.65j ? for expenses alleged to have j been occurred by him for the | defendants. j And lie asks for $(!.(H.n? besides for 'damages wliiili he alleges !i<? has, | sustains! t?y failure of the defend-' ants to live up to the terms of his contract with them, j Capl. VCineli sets f??rlh thai lie' :iv#s eniplojed h\ Frank Stick. Alien! I It. Henth and Elmer 11. (ieran. trad-! ling us The Carolina Development I Co. under a contract made in March' ' l!?li7; uuder the terms of this eou j tract he v.as to become a slinre l holder In the eouipany control ling ja aast acreage on the North Caro j Una e? ast: lie \\sis fo receive a ?i>uir imission of five per vent ou all sales jof the property, whether made hy 1 liini or by other mem Iters of the jeoniitany; and the company was to i pay all < f his expenses. It will he remembered limv Capt. I Winch came to Elizabeth City, set tip jiretentious ofiicecs S|ietit thou sands of dollars for extensive print ed matter proclaiming "A Fifty Million Dollar Coastal Developnie.it On T\qtr/\ MAYOR FLORA TO ASK -I FOR BOARD OF HEALTH j . ? i ? - ? / Disgraceful Neglect of Public Health In City and County May Be Remedied With ? Substantial State Aid ???? A joint city and county health department with a whole time medical officer of health and a whole time maternity and j '1 infant nurse will be urged by Mayor Flora of Elizabeth City who has been giving serious thought to the subject and who is convinced that the most important need of Elizabeth City and Pasquotank County at the present time is to conserve the health of their people. j|J r.'JZ.TiHMii l.tiy anu i/atquinaii*. ( [futility an* -among the most back ward in North Can linn hi the mat tor of public health work. The of- , fleers of City and County Health Off leers are mere political so:: 3 -I t IiroAvn semi-annually to tlio^ ; doctors who happen to stand In with >' , the respect he administrations. ? Dr. Zeuas Fearing, part timo L rli Officer for fho city Is paid a fl nominal salary <t $25 a tnentb. It f '? Is a joke; the service he renders is aIkuu in proportion to tlie pay he ! receives. A Dr. Claude It. Williams, part timo / health officer for the county is paid 1 j $50 a inoiilh for his services as \ health officer and $25 a month as j qua ran line officer. IIi.j principal ' service is to report the number of births and deaths and put pia- /? cards tn the homes in which con tagious diseases are reported. It is a joke. The city however employs a whole ihiie sanitary inspector who is sub ject to nobody in particular, work ing without any scientific direc- !. tiou at all. Mho draws a salary of $12<i a month. A The city and county arc expend- ' ing annually a total of $2,010 a year for indifferent health work that is har<lly better than no health work at all. except for the work of the city's sanitary inspector. The stale Hoard of Health will appropriate $2500 annually in the i , maiutenace <*f a .coiuity heobh -'/ parlihcnt. euiployi'i? a whole-tlui^ ' medical officer of h \ilth. The tifatp M will go a step further and coatri- r bale an aiMiiioual nmount of :.-l.250 toward tie* employment of a whole- *| time county nurse to specialize In maternity and infant work, if the * j ctiy and county v. ill appropriate a like sum. In oilier word?.. if the city and comity will.spend $3.7.30 a year en a serious' ami efficient health depart inent instead of frittering away :i jt'mmI piiri of $2,G 10 in indifferent part time heallh work, the State 1 will provide an additional $3,7.33, gh iiig Hie eiiy and county a real heal'!i department costing $7,300. In oilier words tlv* city and county would have to expend only CI.110 more than they now spend to give the eit.\ and oouty efficient health departini iu w itli u whole-time health offieer ami u whole-time nurse in pbiee of ilie make-shift wo have. It would he ''iter thinks Mayor Flora to appropriate even tuoro money in ' dm interest ? f the city and county ? * indigent sick a . well OS the public's ^ health K'tiorally >ot only does the State stanl*' ready to put $3.7.30 u year in a ci'y j ami county department of health: ju j". O'lf/ition to this rash outlay Ihe State Hoard of Health furnishes many supplied for such a health dc- ^ part incut. Mayor Mora ha > given no public ity lo his ixn.-:ideratIon of the ques tion. going quietly about the busi ness of getting information which | he expects lo present for the con- ?? slrierution of the Beard o? Alder men and the Con lit v CfUiurJssicne:"* at an early date. His Interest in the inatt?*r was discovered by this new - , paper Ibis week when Mayor Flora i t was approached with a suggestion that something should lie done about. , health ei >iid it ions in the city and J ' count j. It was then and there die- I covens! that the Mayor has been i thinking aln lit it since shortly after i lit eiitercil office. Merchants Meet and Dine Here To-night v V Elizabeth City retail merchants ! will havp oue of the biggest get together meetings in their history at a banquet at the Virginia Dare Hotel this evening, Friday, Feb. ! ^ 3rd. at 0:30 V. M. The particular business in hand Is to organize to provide entertain- J! meat f<.r the big convention of she 1 State Merchants Association to bo ? I bebl here this summer. | Kllzabeth City merchants, work- ; I injr thru the Chniul>ei' of CommoiCe, | have i mi Id iittle attention 10 yi.elr ? own organization as uieritSin. c a<l ! the need of a truly mere'.suit's a. so- j ' elation is felt in view ot ti.O < T f I of the 'to * - ?' | ;

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