DAILY CONFEDERATE. A. 31. GORMAN & CO., Proprietors. DAILY EDITION, for C iqJr.js $12" 3 -7 WWW TTh: '.A J"!". "Wf "" CTAtTT-TTK-TTn..-rTtv n a r 1 1 f h 1 ti TRI-WEKKLY, for 6 months W'KKKLY EDITION, for 6 months 5 No subscription- received on anv other tm. t than the above, nor for a lonr or shorter period. For The Confederate. "Conservative" Friend. A Letter to a Aistv North er.v x.f A Feb. 17. ISC?, f Dear Friend; Nothing of roach interest has transpired since I received your last letter t break the routine ofour daily duties in ramp. Since the rcnUe of the enemy at Morton'.- Frd, o.v tlte Kapidan, the' have not made any rh-mwistrations on our lines. We are now enjoying the comforts of winter qnar tirs, and the tr-ups are in remarkably irood health. JUti-.ns arc rather short, but our kind frends at home kep us. supplied with luxuries from tlit-ir dairies. Hundreds of boxes containing provisions of various kinds are delivered at Oiuugo CMI. every evening. The weather i.s exceedingly cold here, but we are generally well supplied with shoe and clothing. In .view of the cuming spring campaign our Coimn.iiiders have adopted a vigorous nolicv 9 to get absentees back to their commands, and daily our ranks are being increased: arid if thos-i entrusted with the execution of the new military law perform their duties faithfully, we shall be able to present a bold front to the "flnnd Army " that confronts us. m The system of furloughing the troops Inau gurate! by Gen. Lee last August, has worked ahuirably. Many .who buckled on the armor of war three year ago, havo now for the first t me at.oppu tun.ty of visiting their homes and i ve.t ones, mere his been scarcely an v de- a-rtinii wino. fu..l th- m.V I .V. the , . .... .,.,., piuinptiy m exrMruviuu vi ineir mriougns, with strength 1 constitutions, buoyaut spirits, and ruddy cne clifcks Itegiment nftcf regiment, and brigade after brigade of this army have renewed their vows at the altar of liberty, never to submit to the rule of a government they have renounced. It U 11 star of good omen, and its cheerful rays hcl light upon every dark corner of our Con f bracy, and revive the linking hopes of the timid and desponding. This act of unflinching courage, untirng zeal, and self-sacrificing pa triotism, by battle-scarred veterans of three long years of bio-id and suffering, ought to si lence the disgraceful meetings of nome who call themselves 44 Conservatives." But the discor dant voice of Kuch croakers is mingled with the at ficolam ittons of rejoicing, and I am exceedin- Ivnrrvtr,n.!nr; : v j IUJ .j.y,,, luumsuo inen I, among thoe who do not join in the pa- tnotic chorus. You at'iII remember that in tlm early part of 180 1, yon advocated war, and de nounced those who opposed it : while T (with those good and wise men who used every expedient to avoid it. I have risked mi life in 1.. i . 1 , 1 w.v.vjj lilies, wi.ne you nave never (-, j ri:u! n uvu uinuee, unless he whs well guardfd . j U,u siught successfully a petty little offt.ee to j jhlneliyou from the enrolling officer's grasp I you have accumulated wealth, and if you havo iKivcuuiiy uniio amine government, or to sup the needy families of soldiers around you, :your neighbors bear falso witness against you. 5 our complaints Against our ' panic stricken Congress," the inefficiency and incapacity of the leading government ofDcials, the wicked- .-liess and short-cominsrs of our militarv lea(tprB j 'he urijustucss and cruelties of the laws, are l 'Iiotuv and LTi ievroiiii .i If Von did but '-know thisplf " v,-m ,r.i,i ; jimmy instances find, that it is your own .short ;ls ;ghtedness that mikes you complain. You . ; arc too selfish and narrowminded to appreciate ,j the motives and undcijand the difficulties, of j those entrusted with the salvation of our v country, lour criticisms and abuses are 4 generally the offsprings of ignorance, or a Jdrsiro to make people believe voti know more I than you really do. You say, r'this desolating ? warnmdit M h 10 r.i-ww.,1 .,..,1 : 1 t " -m .mo it eau oe uone I i n.tlt. I,. A A ft . t;i :.'-y lv "egoiiaiion.- Have you forgotten , 1 -v. ui negotiation ana s pacification, every effort to make a compro- 1 n;ise on the part of the South, was essayed to j I save the Union before she drew her sword ? ; 4 Is it not thn,, a Ryinptom of weakness, to bo clamoring for peac, while our enemy's hattlc ' ry is unconditional Mibrriision ? Our only ( hope f.-r pence." said President Davis in his . i Menage of Drcemher.l8G2, "is in the vigor of j i;r arms." If is in the enemy's power to end I f i;s hU.Hy strife at any time ; they are the 1 aiigrcfsivc rnrtv. and fnrhio - yrr, after shedding sj much precious blood expending so much priceless treasure, IjyctiM be. in my opinion, fwith duo respect ;1ry.)ur feelings) an act of cowardice, and e promptings of avarice, which our own Jrsonal and national honor, and the rcmem- J ranee of the uncoffined graves of our slaugh countrymen, outraged infancy, and ' .ph'M old ago, the smouldering ruins of lir once happy hotmsteads, all alike forbid' I in t pursue such a course. i iou further say" That if the Conftderale iMVemmnnf ,1..,.'. . . j;,'N'orfh Carolina will take- the matter in h'' Tho "Old North State" xca in . I ( I 1 j I II IS( nma rami. r t . f j m iii.l V . J-'f nest when she .evered the bond that bound th to the old Union in May. 1801. and J 10 the old Union in May, 18C1 and -ave Pledge of fidelity to hrr sister State" 1. or And tf nd the inMnnation that she will prove untrue, -i i iur mre ner nonor nn to ask peace of enemy who has dUreearded her niosf tt. cred laws, laid wa-te her territory, burnt dor t-'Wns to ashes, robbed hez citizens of every secies f private property, and in some in- lances murdered them in cold blcn, is a foul J.oto,i her fvir name, and a reproach upon pr gallant soldiers, which I hope you did not gntend. Let them subjugate us if they can r jbjit I hope I may sleep my latt leep with 11 hose who have fallen crushed and bleeding P'rider their weopans, before my native Sato J5 'KPnorates so low, and so far loses sight of I t ancient prestige and the prowess of her i '-s, as to ask peace from n brutal and uft hnstian adv-rsary. Her troops have dis ad soldierly qualities rqual to any in the Hid; they have illustrated their valor-on ny sanguinary fields, and havo endured privations of camp apd th toils ol the ,;irch for three long years; still they are un- ' nayed, and look nnt only hopefully but pwrfully in the future; and although" they r ... "iv... nwuirr, iiuu n;u ami inenos, '1( v express their determination to fight on, "with willing hand and hold hearts,'7 until " The last armed foe expires." f'M whenever they hear such sentiments aa 'orth Carolina taking her matters into her fvn hands" without the concurrence of her Kler ptatea and the Confederate Government, shadow of shame and indignation steals over ir bronzed and manly faces. You profess t vwuonvuiioo.il u an. ana counsel a , ".i.ciaiiw 10 u, 6i:n you wisn "ixortli a'unna to take the tnattf rin hands," when 10 constitution which you seem to re ,rd with unfeigned devotion, expressly do a", that No State shall, without the conT 3 7 4 AAV OLD SERIES, VOL. v; sent of Congress, enter into 'any agreement or compact with another State or Foreign power. I have extended this letter to to great a length and must bring it to a close. I enn hardly doubt your loyalty, but iu tuch tryiij.r times as the present, when not only our inde dependence, but personal liberty is at stake abuses of the Government and resistance to its laws, has a tendency to create disaffection ana weatcen trie public confidence. Let me beseech you, if you' believe our causa lost keep it to yourself, and do not try to influ ence others with VOUr faint-hprPf1nf.. n,.A d vu isgraceful despondency. " For myself, (and I believe I write the sen- timcuts of every true man in this army.) I am willing to continue this struggle until my head turns as grey as a Norwegian ratand my limb become stiffened with aire, rather than abandon the object we all (you among the rest) aimed at in commencement. I am yours, &c. TUKES. Extract of a letter to one of the Editors ot thii paper, from a distinguished citizen of this State: - . " I am truly gratiBed to sec that you aro connected with the editorial corps, and espe cially at lialeich. where so mnoh m, complbheU by talents, character aud enrrV Your labors liemn . Vn." uiey are 1 uearing gooti Iruif. 1. rpi The noisy attempts of the rrnal-Pr nnl malconteuts in our midst, have never excited my fears. They are certainly destined, at no distant day. with the aid of the heavy hlows they receive, to sink under the crushing weight of public scorn and their owu self-abasement, tromtho first, not duubting the soundness and loyalty of the popular heart and popu lar sentiment, I havedehired that the G.nveif tion men and fhe peaec negitiatioa men should make the issue direct well assured that thev ....... 1.1 i . .. J I "uu,u UM peecIJly Knpped ot all disguises, and bo consigned to everlasting infamy: with nothing but the desire to .seek the shad s of Erebus in which to bemoan their fates and torments. 1 would uow, if I could, force them f tliriuv t(Y KA i.nUll.'. a... 1 . v" ",c. or raise and pretended patno'isi f ubiects for crindi-al I f 1 1 ism, and hold them as fit iubtieo. Congress, under all it3 em barrasnronts Iuva done well. 'I hey have prepared stron r mpd. w ? ana reioi ieine, but only such as the patient needed snouia take tlie dose' without murmuring, rejoice that it brings bealins in its rpsnhT m,. J The suspension of th ''hnhm quite opportune. All good and true mui will commend the measure. Ji.ul men only will fret because they fear it.. Let the latter and Buncombe agitators clamor as they may, it will arrest many of the troubles and obstacles with which the disaffected would embarrass our cause. The suspension Js scaicely Jess valuable to Government in times like these than to the Freeman.'' ' The following Order, lately issued in Nor folk and Portsmouth, is "worthy of the Beast, who has found in Wilde a subordinate after his own heart : Headq's Noii folk and Portsmouth.? Norfolk, Va.f Feb. 11, 1864. $ General Order, No. 3. Ail places of public worship iu Norfolk and Portsmouth are hereby placed under- the con trol of the Provost Marshals of Norfolk and Portsmouth respectively, who shall ecu the puipits properly nlled, by displacing when necessary the .present incumbents, and sub stituting men ot known loyalty aud the same sectarian denomination, cither military or civil, subject to the approval of the command ing General. They shall see that the churches arc open ed freely to all officers and soldiers, wjiito or colored, at the usual hour of worship, and at other times, if desired ; and they shall see that no insult or indignity bo offered to them, either by word, look or gesture, on the part of the congregation. The necessary expenses will be levied as far as possible, in accordance with the pre vious usages or regulations of each congrega tion. 0 property shall be removed, either pub he or private, without permission from these headquarters. By command of Brig. Gen. E. A. Wilde.- Gej. H. Johnston, Cipt. and A. A. G. Oflicial : Uanford Stuble, LU &, A. A. D. C. This Order is the quintessence of a hmtni and God-defying tyranny. It is in pursuance of the plan adopted by Lincoln, to send Abo lition zealots from the Yankee conventicles to drive our people a?ay from the altars where v hXP ' . .h!f b!en ITi i ";VU& ?uie? 10 worsnip, and them pracUcally. the services of the ..j. ...vuiiiiucuiiiom ia uuuerto ino only religion whicw has been propagated by the sword. Abolitionism, a far baser delu sion, now employs tho same propagacdism. llic iron hoot of war invades the temples of God ; devotion is subjected to the will and rule of profane provost marshals, and con science is deemed a fair subject for military conquest. - J . r But is was reserved for the mercenary fe- "faiUics of Lincolndo-n to add fl. flirt llfT infumn of which the mailed worshippers of Islam would have disdained to be guilty. Not only are the citizens of those unhappy towns to be driven from their pews aud their church esnot only is blatant fanaticism to be in stated in their pulpits but they are to be made to pay, "as far as possible," the salaries which may be levied for thoso who desecrate their altars and defile the temples in which they hive so long worshipped the God of their fathers I A Yaukee never forgets the dollar. An outrage upou helplessness would be but half complete if it did not include theft and robbery. How long Oh, God, how long ? Fitoii East Tennessee. We havo n rumor, whether well founded or not wo arc not pre pared to say, that the Confederate forces have captured and now have possession of Cumberland Gap. An officer says that Knoxvilleis virtually in our possession, and would be occupied by our forces but for the prevalence of smalUnox in the city. Lougjtreet's artny.is represented to be iu fine health and spirits, well fed and clothed, with full coii6deoco ia themselves and leaders. Disp'afch 2itk. 1110 FM 1 A A Mi j 1 M fl. .r- x y uy AAA lU,l VI M Mn RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY; FEBRUARyI Kefusces from Below. ' A flag of truce boat reached City Point on Thursday mornmg hlst.. Owicg to ice iti James river, no bjat from, Richmond bould communicate with her, and consequently a tram of ambulances fur the paener and .wagons lor their ' bap ,..1C? ' f thirdly and returtad , Saturday even ing he wily -laden. Thirty-tKrec ladies, and about an many children, with four paroled otneers, came up oa ihis train. The hulus and children were nearly all from lortsnjouth, and were glad under permit frorn iho" Beastly "authorities there to leave their homes, and seek refuge where Yankee rule has not yet ben established.- A por tion, but a small portiou of these refugees were allowed to bring more than one hun- areu pounds of baggage. .Little, if any niuney wa iu the possession of any of thm. bou.e of these ucfortunate people were bound to Richmond, some will remain here, and others will seek an asylum in different parts of the country, content to get a bafe sustenance rather than live under the rule of the white and black devils who now rule the roast in their old l omcs. These refugees rep resent affairs in Nyrfulk and Portsmouth to be most intolerable. There is a deputy negro Provit Marshal, who carries things with the higher sort of haad, arresting " white folk?' and ordering groups of those who were once their masters to disperse hen supposed to be' taiKiug -irejson against their Yankte-Etlrio-p:an masters! Negroes chuck ladies on the street under the chin and ask the favor of a salute, and all this by the representative? of the best Government the world ever saw." Of one thing, however, we were glad to hear. The skulkers running from the Con federacy to make their way to the North arc, on arriving in the Yankee lines, tickled wp and lionized wonderfully. Hut this soft soaping lasts but-two or "three days. After they have been pumped of all the ujjormaiion tney nave concerning what is transpiring in the country they have deserted, and brcn robbed under divers prctencea of aM their money and jewelry, these patriot, who have 1 -ft their country for their omui try's wood . j j -. wv. land of the genial and hospitable North I l'ttertburn litaisfer. ou ineir way rejoicing to the promised doxburrj litgi Akrival or a Projunent Martlaxdeu. Col. Geo. P. Kane, more familiarly known as Marshal Kane," of Baltimore, armed in this city yesterday, aud is the guest of Mr. Win. A. Wright, of the American hotel. Col. K. has been an exile-from Baltimore since June last, the most of his time since that ddte having been spent in Canada. For his loyalty and devotion to tho South he was arrested in "the month of June, 1801, nnd imprisoned for eighteen months in the Northern bast'des of Mcllenry. Lafayette ihu if a 11 c ii. In December. 1862. he wu reload tv.-m, Fort Warren, and allowed to return t.. i,;a home, it would seem to be re-nrrestpd nn indictment for treason. In May last this in- uieimeni was quashed by the Government, with view 01 re-iiiuictinr him wiih more ditint specifications. Finding that he was to have no peace in his down-trodden citv. he left it mnue nis way to Canada. L w sometime (hiring rf.e month of January, in company with three Cenfe.lcrafC officers who had escaped fr..rn Johnscm'. Island alIctIrom llalitax, IN ova Scotia, for Ucrmuda. irom which latter point he nude his way into a C-nfederate port. Ti e names of the officers who left Halifax with him are M ijor Window uuun, iuvi uiiuis. jonus'ju ani lAivis, of V irgiaia. Few men have b?:en more persistently persecuted because of their attachment to the South and h r institutions than Marshal Kane. Richmond Dispatch, Miscellaneous. A L0T 0F VJEKY FIXE CHEWING TOBAC- co on sale on good terms at 27 dgt TOWLES'. COTTON CAKDS. AT the last County Court it was ordered that the Executive Committee receive the Cotton Cares intended for the county of Wake, and in parsuance of said order, the Cards have been placed in the hands of M. B. Royster, Esq., Ral eigh, for distribution. Sub-Agenti will apply to him, get the Cards and supply their districts. NATHAN 1VEY, 2'-d2t Chm'n.Ex. Com. RECRUITS UNDER 18 WANTED. A FEW" more recruits under 18 years, can be XV received in Capt. Galloway's Company, by reporting themselves on or before the 1st day of March. This Company is organized under a special order from the Secretary of War. for lo cal duty at Salisbery, X. C. W. R. SXEAD. o i- u - . ' - Becruiting Officer. Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 20. 2G-d4t large and Extensive Sale of Mannfac- tnred Tobacco at Auction. BY 11. A. YOUNG & BBC, PETERSBURG, VA. PAXNILL & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. OX TUESDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF MARCH next, at 10 o'clock A. W.. t fit v. i Iron Irone, we will sell at Auction, Four or Five Thousand packages of Manufactured Tobacco, of all qualities and descriptions, embracing every variety and style, including some of the most cel ebrated brands in the Confederacy. Particulars as to brands, d c, at ?a!e. Terms Cash. 26-d4t $200 Rwa.rd- Kanaway from the VeVV subscribers on Monday the 15th instant, two negreos- DUNCAN and JANE. DuncAn is about 6 feet high, stout and able, weighs about lio pounds dark color but not black is polite smart and intelligent and is a Tanner- Altogether he is a No. 1 boy. Jane is tall for a woman; not ovf rI$ stout, and unsound. We believe they were induced to, and advised in their escape by aome white man, and carried off in a wagon. They carried everything with them. We will give two hundred dollars for the delivery of Duncan and one hundred dollars for Jane, or their confine ment in any jail .so that we can get them. - xuuean is aoout j years old ana Jane about 32 husband and wife. 23-d24t CAIX & RUFFIX. Hilljboro, Orange county X. C, Fet. 19, 1864. Jor Sale. A Tobacco Factory, Screws, . fenapes, and other necessary fixtures : also, a lot of loose Tobacco. Will be sold to the high est bidder, at the Bear Pond, between Kittrell's and Hendersonl oh Friday, the 26th inst.. a lot containing an acre, more or less, on which is A Tobacco Factory, with two Screws and other necessary fixtures, together with a Blacksmith and Shoerasker's Shop. - Terms made known on day of sale. i- .. . - . J- D. C. & J. M. POOL. Kittrell a, Ftb. 16, 1864. 24-d2t TRUNKS XJ Executed with natnsa nnrlamtoh of TTTT omcc. v Miscellaneotis. WASTED.-. A Good Milch Cow. - Apply at TlilS OFFICE. Wanted to purchase.-1 uood Pian Apply at thi. Offico. . "0tl n. WAXTKD TO RENT BY THE 1IOVTH "a Kitchen in fh "i ..-1" f.UA.TB! A the Capitol. Pt rmice, .tatiag t MuZ&tf tf 111 in 11 nir t n n- .41. v a --v. U3t Uotice. rr l1..5 STOCKHOLDERS OF THP t npir 1 ville Mining and ManufactnriL L0C, meet at the office of Cp S? Company will gamze the CwnptnV. luur, uj order of the CoaimiagionPf. 26-d5t Office of C. s. Depository. ) Kaleieh. N. C.. Feb 24th Ari pERSOXS BRI.VGING UOSEYO tiIS X ofhee are h?rebv infrm k " . received, whick i, not aortJd cordi-T"1 nomiaation .Oihce hour from 10 A. It., to 3 P. M aeomce' LKMn'-KoImllle ami Kalelgh, on aionaay lunrDiosr last, a h f,nkTetr, AJberl reward will be paid 5 left with J.b. Xeathery, at the A djatant General's b. 23, 1864. 24-d3t years of age in good, health ; an excel "t teamster, carriage drirer, ud work hand feb Lei in rf ti JV M' "TILE; teb. j, 1864-IQ-dtw-w4t. Lexington C ini k hai1i,,red ba tlon wl etr.red, on the tared tobacco medium and fine grades ; SO hoirs heads leaf tobacco, and 930 acres fine toWA Lir,dA.Ve.r oneJ.ia,f in origin,! growth. In Gran- wuumy. inese saloa an- open fr-30 davg- R. A. JENKINS, V1, . imj..a Williansboro', X. C. JLX Otlicers and men absent from this com mand are hereby not.fied that tho regiment U en camped upon the Raleigh A Gastoa Rail.oad, Tn th 3 TiciEity of Henderson, N. C. By order of LT. CUL. EVANS, r t r Commandi Uff 5th X. C. Cav.lry. O. J. Moork Act. Adj't. 23 lw -Greensboro' Patriot and Favctteville Ob earner copy one week and send bill to Cant K E Cochran,, Q. M. Mb Caralr.r jtt Henderson Depot Newspaper Esteblisbaeiit for Sale. 'V1 PROPRIETOR OF THE "SPIRIT'oF 1. THE AGE" Newspaper having cn razed in another business, offers that establishment for f ale It was in existence at the time of tha passage of the last Military Bill, which entitles its Editor and necessary employees to exemption under that Act. The Paper has a large circulation, and the OTice tvc. M.-..ieu wun rretavn. Tvpeand all neces sary iJxtures tor Newspaper. Rook and Job Print ing. The nett income of the Ollicu will affV., r.. l?rB,9 Per cent- Profits on tho price asked lor the r 6T!I Idichlitunr For nr co and othfr information denred. addre-a i nuiiuriioii ri KIT UF THE AGE" 26-tr Raleigh. X. C. Attention ! Capitalists ! ! A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR IN VE8T mentof canital open and may be Jmlcod Van " undersigned. Such exemition8ranrf - nriV tl ft VC httn nhfuinnil frnn. 4 V. . . r nr ensures the prompt and successful pro3ecution of Application muft be made forth ivitTi ivl ion iniA iuii iarutuiars wia De given. . Ten men needed with SiOO.000 eanh. n 'r ,tnA : ' ' nauicu luiutrumiviv. W. J. IIA WKIXS. T . I'ros-t U. & O. lif R. Co. iajeign, u reD. 21, 1364. 2C dJt icux.iu, v.. ruu. i, 1304. 2U dit -s- n-;ir i...-.,r- . mond Dispatch. Favettevilta Ohsprrnr snri r. K '"-Humian Lopy oncveeK and lorward bill?. SlOftTIwar,1TKaiiaway from Mps.'B. V-jLvvI. JlAves mantation. inWurrm nmmfr THONY. He is about 42 VCarS nf acra' nlar-lr rnm ... w . . on me mill IUSI.. .a nfrrn man n a morl a V- , . . 7 .. i (. . . pkxion, has good teeth, in badly ruptured-and wears a truss. He is about 5 f..et, G or 7 inches nitrn, is -w-ll set and stronn- Innlrino- an1 h9 pleasing countenance when spoken to. He has a wire at Air. Joseph iownts, near Towncsville, X. C, where he will likely be found, or he mav trv of monev with him. I will trv th .hrd of One Hundred Dollars for the delivery of the nam m-gi oiuBie, or ma apprehension and con nnement in any jail so I can get him again. H JJ. JONES. v arren Co., X. C, Feb. 17, 1864. 21-dtf Ofllce Soutlicrn Express Company, Kal. cigh, X. C, February 13, 1864. Much complaint De-ing made of the delays by this Com pany in forwarding mcrshardize, I am instructed to advertise that the ru'es of the Company require that Government packages ehall take preference over all others, and next in order aro packages ivi ".umu wj iricuua it assuciaiions, io ouiers and soldiers in the field or hospitals. The observance of the rule, together with the limited facilities for transportation, necessarily cause delay in the for warding of packages for merchants and others. A. T. C. BRYAN, IS-lm ' Agent. OfHce Southern Express Company, An. gusta, Ga., February 10, 1864. Legal no tice is hereby given to all concerned, that Dersons who ship packages containing epirits, wines or cordials, wituout informing ourA gent of the con tents, will not be entitled to nor will they receive the benefit of valuation. Spirits, wines, or cordials will not be forwarded by this Company except undrr special costoact. JAS.SHUTER, Superintend, and Acting President. A. P. C. BRYAN, Ag4t, Ka!ei?h, N. C. 18-lra : To the Magistrates of Wake County. 1 ou ore hereby requested to meet at the court house in Raleigh, on .Saturday next (27th) to moree fully consider and arange ihe finances of the county. "By orderf the Court. 23-d5t J. J. FERRELL, Clerk. Lost Certificate of Stock. Tbe uudcr fdzned has lost tha followinc Certificate: No. 135 for 3100 . dated Julv 2Sth. 1863. iaued , to J. McBoyle at Raleigh, X. C. j Every person is forbidden to purchase the same i as application will be made for its renewal. 1 3-wlm. DAVID OUTLAW. i Soldiers' Furlough. Medical Director's Offlce, General Hos- pitals, X. C, Raleigh, February 15, 1S64. ! All Soldiers absent from their commands, are j .hereby informed, that no practicing -Physician or ! single Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon has any author- ity to pive certificates of disability fer 1'urjough j or diseharz. excert in eases where the soldier ia t uoat.ie.to travel. Their certificates are worthless, -nd will not protect the soldier against the conse quences of absence without leave. No one, ex cept regularappointed Medical IMamining Boards, are authorized to givo certificates of disability for furlough or discharg. . ... a P. E- IUXES, Snrgeon- ' . - - - . 1864. VOL. I X 0. 28. Miscellaneous. " ofKaleigg,o;Th0ur:d?y RWhf Feb. 21, lCl -W'SS J4 3tawdt3m .VcrcUrr. The Blnffham SchonL " All m advancjf. 100 Oak. Ortng, X. C tb. P.o,.t ihr ni'll'' 20-d3t.Vw3t W. W. PEIRPk' ver. Ka eiVhS -n,i- ;: ;.V',llitTU,e "fser. copy 3 time, Zl, uto MiKoT Wafinrled f Uire. A gro Boy some : THIS OFFICE. rjlovcs and Socks U'antfd...! desire ta thankly rceTr.J r SCk3' donation, will be Jan2-lm . EDWARD WARREN, BaFneb ioth2ulnftonr.at Owcbor7f defs in thi, li-nl n iA 'ntin the Stockhol- b5ro on w2f.k7in bcId at ,h of Tar. oro on Wednesday, Mi rch 16:h. Dfoximo i ;LrbrcSoplrhoPvtibuc.)"", r ?'-' 'N707ICK...A limited numbrr cf rocriilli vTctab'e Lor,rrU!lt R,8t b.riQS With viccaj.e. Lorse. Arms and equipments will bo Uonicript Coaip at Raleich - - vi'ui ui n iiu i ji ir 4 ir w ... .r . Obo. 8. Dkwbv. Ad 'jt. j wiuor uoi.. V. If CHHtif f...- i.- . ... " " , VU.UU 11. Mrss H. W. Miller. , BOARD , By the Mouth, Daily board d- Transient, per dur .jyjfijiy $220 S1S0 S 12 Oxford Female Colles:e..."-Thetwrntr sixth soaMon begin on Mnndav thi lth January 1S64, and will continue twenlj week?, luition in each school fiO. ' Piano rent $15. No extra charges. Board vari;s yith proviaiona. J. H. MILLS, ' Oxford, N. C. 5-tf. Notlcc.-On the Flret day 0r every Arn,-Vav I,8hi,,,T"eU(? 'Peci tmt to the Arc. of Northern Virginia. AH nackajrfs, Ac ifA el-T;, fcUWA,ii WARREN,, Aii - 1 Actderxne tear or this Institution will commence on Wednesday, Febru-rv 3rd, 1664. l or circulars and information apnlf to itmi , , lUj' WM M- 0KI)().V, Sup't. H.Msboro', N. CV, Nov. 23. lC3.-d3m P O-Om, FOR SALB..-1 OFFER AT PR?. ratosale tho Jarjre new Hotel in the town of Louisbyg aud located just cast of th.j Conrt-hnu-c. J0lr 4 tft ; H. HARRIH. Printing Rlndln?, Paper, f-tc....Uailns con-stiucted a lain- buiiHinrr in fi.a.,...i,: . J iKid removed our inachiuerv tVmn fl,-iriUJ. r- i lu ay i tt trjm wo would inform Quartermasters, Rank and Rail-' road Oihccra aul the mub'ii'. that tt-A t-.. t j .....II orenarrd a h rtr'th. . , , prtjiarui as owore me ar to eiwatc all onl. . - . w wmi mr .till rs in urope hive en hand a stock consi.tin sine?, and now lowing articles : 2'JO R E A XI S ENGLISH - WRITING. m pirt of the lol- DOUBbE CAP 200 RKAMf! ENGLISH ROVAL WHITE, BLUE, AN D BUFF. 200 REAMS ENGLISH BANK NOTE 500 REAMS WHITE AND BLUE FRENCH' AND ENGLISH FOLIO POST. 500. REAMS WHITE AND BLUE ENGLISH 1,000 REAMS WHITE A XI) BLUE ENO t ,HSU AXD t'RKXCH LETTER. ' LTTJ?UENWL1SI1 LATH MALL) 2.000 REAMS WHITE AND BLUE NOTE. 1,000,000 ASSORTED ENVELOPES. 7,000 Gross Gillott's and other makers Steel Pens. Pen-holders, Pencils, Sealing Wax, Ink. and almost all articles of Stationery. ALSO. A SMALL STOCK Y Best ENGLISH BLANK BOOK PaPER fSuper Royal and Imperial not yet arrived), which we arc prepared to manufacture into any kind of Blank Books.. J We are now opening the above valuable stock, and advise our old customers, and all otheri ia want, to send in their orders atone-, or the stoek. may be so much broken as to prevent ns from fill ing them properly. A'EW rUBUCATlOXS. now Heady. " ASPJEWS; WUSTFA) AND FIELD ARTIL- vniitij - ft J.ieut.-Col. R. S. Ajtdrkw, Arm? or nrih,m Vifn.;n; :ii...-.-.t ..t.v r - " " iiiui. muai.ii.crii Vfiiu nearly 100 tine lithographed cuts, printed on fino white paper, and full bound cambric. This book is publijhed under in-tructions of the Ordnance Department. C. S. A., and sh.mM h in th hands of every Artillery officer. Price $4, one third pff to the trade. AND SOON TO BE PUBLIillLb: "GENERAL ORDERS" from Ihe Adjutant and Inspector-General's office, up to January 1, 1S64, with copious index and other valuable matter. Edited by Gen. Thomas Jordaa, Chief of Gen. Beauregard's Staff. Price $5, one third off to the trade. " CIIISOLM'S SURGERY, " being a third editioa of this valuable work, revised aud enlarged by theanthor,J. J. CHtsotM, Surgeon C. S. A., uperblv illustrated. "MARJIOST'B WORK OX MILITARY SCIENCE v translated from the French, by . Col. Fba5k Shalleb, C. S. A with notes by the editor. Illustrated. ' "PHILIP." a new Xovel, bv W. II. Tiiacxert (lately deceased), splendid! v ill titrated with pr trait of the author and other enirraviD.s. 'OLLENDORFF'S New Method of Lcarnin Frentb, " beinr a reprint of this valuable work, now entirely ont of print, and much needed by theyouthofour countrv. Also, 100,000 copies of the New Testament and Psalms for the " Confederate State Bible Socie ty,"with several works for other Societies and Publishers ' Having arr.t-semen ts fr securing fail snppliei of all kinds of Printiog Papers, we arc prepared to undertake tbe printing and publishing of-any book of valne to the country, and expect to con tinue the publication of Military. School, and other n3eful book?. - EVANS A COGSWELL. , - . yr Sc. Ca. P.. U. Dcpm, AUVEKTISI5B. 1 lrll0n: ji A;-,;"' " lr for..cli leracj. Military. rtioesM i;"cnrv cfri'c with iu di. Iil !Jh innSLIfJ iCBtl 0t ""PUon or de--By rdr t th CvmniaDdanf. K. J. UAKD1N, Adg't XOTICE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA V Paragraph X of General OrdVra N M a- f . and Inspector Oeneral'i T offie. if AdJu'tnt If the local Enrolling Offier h'.. ... v u.pen.se. lost tima aod prolcngcd tbe Stat?. V.hf' ct of CwwlV Tfar tue States will bo forwardra h ifc.Jr.JlV e states will bo forwardra br thJwc , -j nit urar- forth. ' r " .v M appeal It set ppeal is act 2. Coramandants of CooscHMs their respective States. prtM of By order of CONSCRIPT OFFICE, ) lit order COL. MALLETT. Cumd't Cuts, for N. C. K. J. II AK0I.X, AJj't BUREAU OFCON SCRIPT ION, ) Ccun ". 211.. 14. J No. 4. j T!Lrr,7""d,t,tt? uf --M'Th. tf-n. tioii of CofuiuaiulanU, m cupecially directed to General Ord,r- . 7, A. A I. uu. culVut series , -;'ria J. f-rlb f-r th. ir iafenoat ion. ADJT. AND INSP. GEN'.i OFFICE. , I. Paiairranh IV Garal Orders Na. 3 cuiieuL rrire is hereby revoked. II. Enr.dl:r. Oiliceia will practicable iB ih. enroll 1.1 of all persons nfad l habit to Miliary srv.c. Previa. r0 thl1dhVi;nrM76,eCtC,, f' m?,e 2nd. The Company selected I at the time of rolastteerttig, belon the minimum priscribwl bv rrj:uliioi. J 3.rd N,?,"son read' !5ak, tu ?rvlce under this rder will bepcfmitted to join, or will be airiH. edtoany cowpanr wkith has more tLsn iitr .u. iKwiin oniuereii, "utii all th fenpside in service from the Stat mT whlh tbe voluntfer or eonsciiptis arid-nt, shall have tha minimum mimber prescribed by regulations. 4th. Upon the (V.topany being: srlectrd, the volunteer will receive from the Eorolhcff- Oit ccr a certificate to the effect that he has so volunteer, rd ; and no volunteer will ha rectlred in any com panv except on surb certificate, III. IVn-ons who Tail to make election, accord. MS to tin pninsions of this order, and at the time ol enhf tin nt, will be adihnod according to xitt mjr regulations. IV', AllofTicers in command of companies au loomed under this order to receive con.cripts or volunteers will forthwith souH to the CurimniMant of Consc.iptsoftlif Sate, actnrale ceitihid rolls or their companies; and without such roll, fhowirc that th. v do not exceed kixtj four pilvatns, thrro will not be assined any consci ipt or volunteer. By Command of the h-cretarv of War t (S'GxnO - S. COOPER, ... . , Ar!jt. ad Inp. Gen'l. -Early and vigorous action will be i joined on In r nrtillini IHlaa . L. . . . he famished with a copy of the order without a.. 'f T' .7." insurc ,h publicity of ti e order, then should be several insertions' in the ncwaperiof s;eneMl circulation. II. Persons preiriitinsr appliratlons' for sprcisl exemption, with y mert-t jij" r(((l b Sohstcd nntil action is taken hy this Builau. Ti.3e cases -.ill be mvtiatfd in arrMdancc with Circular No. 3, Current Scries with the lout cuy piacticalle. By order of COL. JXO. S. PRESTON, . Stipt. Sixho) c. B DUFFIf.'LD, 3 Ira. . A. A G ?Yytt"M )h,rTrr, Wilininftia Joar jal, halubnry Uatchmaa, Chailotte HuileKn and Democrat, Iredell Express. .Uh ville N , Wades boro Arus, Greensboro' Patriot, Milton Chi on Icle, Chritttian Advocate. N. f' l'r,..K. Mountain Eazle Tarboro' Confederate Rlnle. or Ainf rlra, Encl. neer Department, District Cape Fear Wll n.initon, X. C, March lCih, UC3. .Notice is hereby jriven 1o alt persons having claims again! u.5 i-Miirir jrpanmrnr, ior service cIHatrs employed as laborers on the laud deftntt netr ilmmeton, X. C, that the undersipned Is author ized and prepared to pay the same at I is olnce, on the second lloor of the building next above Mcares' Drop: Store, Market Stree t. JLO Persons exe.injr Powersof Attorney will observo tbe following foraiheir siffiistHrVs in all cases, to be witnessed by two nitnrssvs snd signed In duplicate, or tbey'may be tltnrssed be fore a Justice f the Peace or Clerk of any Ccurt. iorm of row ta or ATiomcf r. I, , of , dohentv appoint, of. wy true aod lawfnPAgi nt (oiin re ceipts for, atd receive pajmer.t tf all iri-nevs due to me br tho Engineer D-iartm nt of the Cmiftd erate States of America, for tho services of nr slaves employed as laborers on thclar.d defences at , dnifn the mcnth tf ,lc . Witaew, my hand and seal, at , this day of . 16 . (Signed in duplicate.) Witnesses : -Seal. The slgnatares f colored pcr.r.e shcnld be wit nessed by three witnet se. There must b9 separate, duplicate Powers of Attorney for each month. BLck forms can be bad upon application at this office. W W 'AMES. Jan. 20151.1 tf V.xyt. A Chief Engineer. IAijetteTllle Arsenal and Armorr. o. 7 retober VI. 163. $ 100 BOUNTY TVant,rt 100 Mounted Riflemen Authoilty hititg been .ranted by ihe War Depart mcnt to raise a Co panjr of Mountcl KilWo for serrice ia this yT. cinity, notice Is hereby lvon, that recruit ViS i-"? 0f l00 ""'""rip,, iill ere- m li .iifQrn'ioMr:iel, hor r which he will be allowed 40 cents per diem, snd his nay $12 ner month. Written perati,.i0n will b reouired from parents or guardians, where the appUfant Is under tbe conscript age. Eaeh recruit must brinjr with him a blanket or bed-fprcad, and come prepared to remain. Apply to Maj. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Aracnal. F. L. CHLLDS ,t:!ut-CaI- c- 8- Ccmnandinp poet, dC IWrf.

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