I m a r- w',:. 4 lULY CONFEDERATE. Hi. fii-HAS ' CO., Proprietors. v FUITION, for b juonths . I ,Vi;;:rjiV, for '5 ;n r.itU3 .. V-iV K ) TION. torii ;iinms "i ah ve, nor for a Ion.; r or shorter period. $13 7 3 7 4 6 Fin mm. in rflf 'DAILY CONFEDERATE. ADTEBTI8I50. ; A HTKItTISEMEXTS will be"inserted at Ti ! ootna per squaro of ten Hnes (or Icrs) 'or f"'" insertion. Marriage notices tad Obituaries f i OLD SERIFS, VOL. V. J RALEIGH.N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 18.1864. VOL. IXo. 45- Kr o;n the Richmond Enquirer. anrkil hjinn Embodied in the er Tax and Fawdiiij Act-. ( nc Hcueme, and hi 1 - O 1 u.. ,tu li-vl in connection. Hie win u H unleMt.ml by au expl ication of lb. proc K dUtiM of iheurporr:m.J currency hUe I ma tax Acr or fkihuaut 1, lb t in u I Lti :i 1! t the uct ot April The duration ot the act is tor l,.tive nx upon certain pmfat ft le, tfV' . ...j. t machinery raiioa iui-"o' , . ,,!J hlW. It UUpOSt;3 taX?", , t f'non J Vow. Upon ihe value of nil r;y (uah specifically taxed otherwise) RVhruary 17. 131. nd -seseJ at ih -?'... . .... ' iwcc. tvin.l :k fax ot five u?m Myv V"" 3 cat., piyaoie J'1" Tl.i ;i lYc, wiiic'i .4.,, r.'P ' 'J-- t. I: fl',,H iiJ: t.i .xcrnptions will l"fcn b-low ; Lfl,. (-lr-pTiYi;ieU l"-rwH! by tuo '?r h.ri.li-' is n-t inulti-iel i" thU act. K u -r iccl t 1 tU-j ..,. ini!sf ' .pit, .t liiutiH ; aU, I- urici'turil property tax are la nf iH'-ro.'s, an I all lire studc m platiUiimi to!s, itisiru- ,(J -m,! tiDVist jI every i i(u..m. 1 1 k .--. 1 3 . ,.ni in r I HI Villi- iui 1 i ' ol th- c-untiy. 4.. H.visri-.i-l flirnitnr(.,b.)o!s,h-us-a .ft kitfh -n utensils and pr ..visions a.uJ - SNnttsnf Mippii.-, .uMtuiUU Cst lte- 2d ct ilZl- htntMi' Hi cit'uw Ad ttwns; Oott..t ar.l t-.lMCW). 0 1 :" ;ltl ,nVftJJt- l.'.,t-n-t a tn-r.;hi:.a;se-so we cotistni-; tl.r U v ) a,..l, m jrencr .l, all pr, p -'ty not itnr, in the rtMiii'.t.i ittrr.s of tl.o act. U the la...l, neuro.-, cttwii or toW..cvo v;re i l,rl,i--H.latn-r July 1. 1832, thc-V ura valued ir tht price pihl lor them i Vr .111 the tax on the value of property f m-l,-,,v! in auricuttnu-, U iledu2twl th- vahlrt i i't"he tithe. .Idivered to th "ovemmoiit ; -V-,.vh!cl. thut if the tax in kind s-hoiiM ex- r roar, tax, t!ie whoit tit lie 1 Or'obcr. After Ap il 1st, the 5aid taxes at- ..chtothc note as if credit we.e wntt-n trcre -n. Tne note U no h-.acr receivable for . . . .,,.,1 l..nrfr txehaii'Zt'ab!' for 1 he nev: issue of currency here ifter b scnoi, but may beexchund h.r 4 per cent, bonds, aft:r deducting ibe talis due. Tluve provisions necessarily enfOrcts t:ic fnncliii!? of 11 Of) bills. 2 The hoi ier of 0's 20,nll0, must fund aid notes by April 1, lfco4, in f.ur per ,fi t . bond.-, r pay 83J per cen taxauo- atlsmh'-ns to t ad. 1 i'l. c f xch:ioge t.ie vm, tiKol for a tir-vv issue or ireisury no-s Mtho raT.? of 82 of new for $5 'f M ,r for four p"r t ut. call certiorates, at the same rate, payab'e on -all in the ne-.v issu ', or four per cent Loud; he can aN pay taX's. p .,t rt.r ?-id t'.e like at ih same rate Oo Jan ,arv 1. 18(55. however, tux of one hindred - t1 . . .. K ..II Xtliu p..r re-it. is imposed upon an micu u. no- fund dor ex--Imived. 3 The U-id'roftf5 inlis mn miui i e.y however, heirs .July 1, lbbi ? The 100 per rent. t?x, payawie u,u, j 18G5. on bills not funded, dues not wen to however, to $; hills. t k ij ii..t,li.rs of bill nnd?r & 110t nffpeted by the funding ct. So much tor holder of non-interc-t h rinc notes. v 5 Holders of 97.30 notos cannoi ue longer iu payment of public due. They are coiiv'Fte t r,y the direct nperauon ui into bond Fflynnle two year fter peace. ft Holders of call eertificates ure governed ovisdftiia as holders of the cut nu tl.iMH were convertible. If rted interest will be paid on tw vthirds race "after April 1. 1864, and they I t Vf cd the hw 1 Vl le !).id, o.V !!h. lrM. , , Tiii"- tX U due and to he e ol letted on 1st t lSitl 0 :x soo:i thereaf'.er aa praetica- 1 A tp'c-.t v I . : ' rty U to ill o. lied' s mr m1 portance occur.- r tli-J tax on anctiuur i paid in advance, and the '.v. ' of the fi'ivH refuuibiil from time to tnr.v. wiicther t!ie titlie is to l first delivered, i- i r.i t; a-i; itauied re.ua uC to DC; paw . ti, mi's the lattf-r the c..rrcot mode, tor reasons 1 1 hl- Ifte il'Vr ::ivcn. 2. Oil i'ie. v.. lu t oi i;o! 1 a.itl si-ver war Ticasury Department, C. 8. A., Treasury ToUcc as to Funding Under Act of Febru&r.t 17, 1864. "VfOTlCE is hsrtby iven all holders of lj l'ica.-urv N""te. i"t b-'arins: interest, thut liiey nar ex -banpe the wme iiu mediately, at th. Otiiceoi' the Treasurer, Assistant 'treasurer, or of any Depositary, for certilixiates which will entitle thein to per ant. Mornii ; and that the said privih-fre w ill coDtinue until the lat of April em-uiri!-''. after which all u.tea above the d.-nomiaa-tion of JiV" dollars can b funded only at l Oct-nts to the dollir, escept oac hundred dollar notea, which, ait-'r that date, arc no ionper, receivable for public (luerf, and can only be funded at an ad ditional reduction of ten pur cent per month. The certilie ites issued, toother with the llnnd for which thev may be exchanged, are receivable for tiv.-s of the rear at tbe lull amount r rj.-.l r,i thu f"ac a without inierc.it. acd are Eubj'Ct to the tax iu pond for that year on other . January. 1$5. to fuud the samj in fcix pev cent, i bonds and credits. . bonds o'f the Confederate State, payable twenty j Th fch'u t time allowed f&ouia adinonirii .111 yea'? after date, and the interest payanie emi- h Her? promptly to present the nofs, audn.t riak "aTii.ua!lv. But all Treasury notes received by th ehar.ee of exclusion by the pressure which will uriV jtate after th ti tti fixed for taxing the same, t .ij'iii.1 iii.niLh ifMrcli. . ..-."ooxf-.-iiH liuloldto bre bfa received .'Si-ned I C. (jt 11EMMINGER, I diminished ov the aiio-unt of aid tax i .A v. 1 v. c tarv of the Traagurv, then thteiJ depositors shall j be entitled to receive the amotiot of said bjndi ia Trtiasury cotes, bearing no interest and outstand ing at tfie pjt?9ajre of this act ; Provided the said bonds are presented before the privilege ol funding said notes at par t-hall cease as herein prescribed. Sec. 11. T'nat all Treasury note heretofote is sued of the denomination of fire dlU-.s shall con tinue to be receivable in payment of public dues a provided by law, anu fundable at p ir undr tho provision? of this act UDtil the 1st of July, ISSt, east, and until the 1st of October, 1SC4, west of the Mississippi river r but .nftcr that time they j shall besul jct to a tax of thirty-three and a thiid cents on everv dojlar promised on the face thereof, J aid tax to attach to said notes wherever circu- j Uted, and said uot?3 to be fundable and exchanges ble for new Treasury rotes as herein provided, J subject 10 ir.e ueauciion 01 sae-i utx. t bEC. 12. That any State holding Trei reaurv notes ! t ex- received before the times herein tixed for taxing I ;not aid notes shall be allowtd until the 1st dt.r mf i !3tf Secretary of the Treasury ft. liol bv the same pi rency i"t wh'ch n tco'ivei of their 1 of the 1 b iMe 1 at Irv and watches . issi ssfj : at the j '. ,.,, , ....... VI.: OI tha .year iOOV ie.l per er.n. 1 : ...... I .... 1- ue 01 Mi.:re in ao w.ui., htJ val or otiKsr joint ivc Colli" r.i, coin nan V, 1.,v- i!t',e?eed liol U-t, I n, value February 17, 1801, a tax of five its va'U'i in li0, but . I V 1 ail Y XT ti a n..nlii!in ! II (I '. ti , ' - ' .. i..ue at the ra'e of 2 of new for 3 of 0M Holders of uch certificates, under.ttie act (,f March 2 hi. 18(13, enn (by action 18) receive the bonds therein provided for. Our Nfxt Governor. Our reader -will discern that we have this week "run up at ,ot ! ,V tl 11 jlnriolU ANCR BaNNER rontet to O Si J oil or iiie iiv.x' ii.ivv.t - iu August next. U'., nrp.cnt the V. - Hie i I Oil T 11 r."it , na,l ,.t ehoic,". an i the claims of our Citid- I -.. ...uu md nltMstue and IUI 11 . I i w ..... j , ... . l,..f but CXD'P Oultl'J, we i'ini .-v ... ,widr.s of the gro.it mi a of l" i'yt,l ot thti entiro Staff ! . For sou.eln of sentiment and praeiica hility of viws. ami f-r honorable mrentionn and'a.lmini-tmtive capaciry, (i"V. Vance has provrn himself Hpiai to the jrn at 1-ad-rs in ij,,. revolution of 176, and to-d.iy h? statu. s the ackiu.wlodd ianf amoiiS his compe.-M IIU l,r ' second in so the So.'llG.J An Act t-) reduce the currency, and to authorize a new iscU2 of Notes ati i 1'onds. Si'e 1 The C-i.!rj of the ContVuerate States .... . . . e ii rw r.f Anrri.Mi .In -r.:t-t. lhrit te HOlUerS Cl.Ul ITCa- ciminisneu d me ainuni m r.nu . . . . - crimination betwe.n the saul notes suoj -ct to ine ov a.H ihnaf not o fcUhi Ct shall bibft to tho rood faith of each State, and the c-rtihcate of ' rheOovtrr.or thereof shall ' iu each ease con- j elusive , p i s;t .. in Tt.it the Tn a-urr nr.tes heretofore issued. b-arins interest at th iate of wvcu dollars ' T?ajettcvntc Arsenal Jinn Armory, Xo- A remter li. . 5100 1SOUNTY 1 Wanted, 100 Muuted llitlenien. Authority haTing bee granted by the War Department to raise a Com pany of Mounted Kidemea for s;rvieti in this vi cinity, notice ia hereby given, tht recruit to the umber of 100 now-eoiucrtp will be re ceired for this service. Each "recruit will be re quired to furnish a serviceable bor.e, for which ke will be allowed 40 cents per diem, and his pay $lf per month. Wriiitn ptrmion will be require from parent! or guardians, where the applicant it under the conscript age. Each recruit must bring with bin a blanket er bed-iio ead, and coroe or.areJ to remain. Apply to Mai. MATTHCW 1 TA YLOK. at the Arsenal. F. L. C11ILDS, Ideut-Col. C. S. A., Comuiiiuding Tost. dee ICdtf m lTrs. H. W. Miller. Ilv the Matb, t Daily board d. 3iliu Transient, per day 5f 12 jtn 16 dly . Bank of North Carolina.- LL persons hvinjr Iividenb due and unpaid in 'this UanW. liraLcbea jand Agencies, are hereby notified that unless the tautc bj d: awn on or before the 25th day of March, instant, thev will bepavin the 4 ;' c"ef. Bonds uf the Cnfeddiatd htates, or in tne preseut cui rency ui par. 32-d2tft IEWBY. Ci'hb charged it adret tiftvmeDU. - JOB WORK t every deycHption vid be ex ecuted at thi Ottioe ith dispatih, and as Beatl as tan be done iu the Southern Confederacy. Notlce.-On the Vint diy of eTfry ixonth 1 shall seod a social agent to the Army of Nortbet Virginia. All package, le., tent to iul u'imvm o vtuit fi. ed free of charge. KUWAUD AUHLN, Dec. -12 1853-d 3m barg-Oen 1 X. t. Xewspaner Establishrafiit for Sale. rnnn puoruiEToK of tuc "nniT OK L THE AUK" Newspaper having engaged -n another busings?, offei l bat establishment for sale, it t in cxi-tmee at the tltue or th passage of the Uft ililitary Hill, which entitle- its Editor tnd necessary employers to exemption nader that Act. The Paner hs a larireeinulation, and ts'e Otiire is well supplied with l'rtSMB. Tjpe 'd neces sary fixtures for Newspaper. ltotk and Job Print ing. TiienettincoweoflhaOtlicewi'.laC'ord liiwu Z0 to 50 per cent. pruia on the pi ice asktd for the Kstabliduneiil. . For pr.ee and other lnfortaticn desired, address PltOi'iULTOU Sl'llUT UK TI1K MiVL" 2C-tf U.leluh X. C. ier. - - ---- I - . . . , . . i ii surv noics -ibove th dnot.i..-iti- n of Jive dollars, and thirty c-nts on tne ran u eu u.m..k, . - y , tU?i rli h .i b- uiio-.vc-i until tho shall no longer be received xn payment orrublie j not heinn " ' : u.0,'' c l.,T 1 T i h.,t Rl,n hr denied aod consi i red bond j first da of Apnb usaissp . -fFr Statea. Livable two year, after . . .t- . i-. l..w nl III I Mli W-L I - v... v. . , , . . of t e Mississippi tiver, to fuu-i t-- '" an 1 zn til the periods and ai th- place sUted the holieri of all s.e Treasury notes s-:i!l. he ui- wen to fuud Ne faui.' i;ir) i- ered boif ls, payable twen ty yo rs after their die. bearing interest at tho rate -it foar Vt r ceiu. per annum, payable on tho firt dav of January and July of each year. Sec. 2 Tb Secretary f the Treasury is here by authorised u is-;lC me bonds required for th Ibndin provided t;.r m th precedingsection ; and until the bonds Mu bo prepared ho may iss ie cer tiiutates to answer t!'0 pur :-ose. Such bunds and eertifieutes shall bi reeirah!e, without interest,, in p-ivment of hH (lovernuient rlues payab.e in the ',e ir iM)i. except export and iranort duliss. Sen. :5. Th..t all Tieasury notes of the denomi . i:undrrd dollars, v.ot barin.-r iaur- FOR SAIE. est. whkh shall not pr-M ntcd 1 v Uuuui un- lt d.iy of April. ISC 4, I..r the i.r.v;l';ns ! tne mi til. shall, froia and at't r ii..v ! ;wi!i,f.i river. i.o, if;. it 4-sr. ;f tne Mi.-siis.-ir ri. e;!.'e u and the lit day of sa.ni (HiiDitnt o i i i . . -1M, 'l.l O-K-l. .Id me! pilvtr i.i r cut. I l .. ,n In- (intuitu!. Ot lo . ' ... i '..Id or sliver o-un"o, on I7i)il SAL! Arodv at F inh 17-41 2t Two gouil IMrm nurses. PLANTERS HOTEL. F f -r ex .tup!?, is to t o. pani : f o-eo. o t . (Vn-.i, .r v,. ,,iii!,M!. nr t .0 reahcna nee- m a ,i t i t ;i'l l.iiiH of t'Moh tno on ,i !ltli' -WM"ii"l... l,:v ii;ncoi.uiries,alax ot live per-cent. AK .r- the amount ol solvent credits, bank U.ls a-!lru?reucy, (:mh, snich credits p i i a re 'Istered bd-siu 5sthy pfolitH ol whicn are ta'v; 1, a: d - -ept. aU, noti-h.itie.t h;iri1i.'; Cm'cd.;rale nuriey.) a tax of live per ' TbU tax fncb.tde,'. iiotes, :;c:.i'iurs. (' XCCpt nier'f.'.ntii or ot her, tt-ed in taxed business,) I auU. wii.tlo-r S ate, Corp. .rati u or C nted-erab-; 7.;h) Hole:. Qtiy-- :t in clude call .ert li-abv? Wo think r.ur. thry b -i e i'i if "t n !' 1 .is th ctiiretK-y they represent, lr, is n r clear, novsovcr. An import i .t ij-ieioti iirio wnofh r tnu t'.x 1-i pav.ibi. iu currency or iu :t't'.? i. e. v.n. ti.orV. 'e nf.'ie:.t: ot' the attual U"ld coin, i ; . the alarm it vo opinion, an-r u'ivtti. ;". fopou n'.o -icy held. id. road, five pi r cent. ( H'l'ir cal'te Loroary 17, I3i31,ui tl place uh- i c i he tax is assessed. The feru-oi.m fax :i are ad appli -ahle to tne year 101. "a o e, and payable, ( xcept the a-jiica.uir.il p: pcrty tax.) June l,.l8Gl. TAXM oN INCoMlC AND PROFITS. I. Th eie .arc, in addition to the taxes of IStio : , A tax -of ten pi r cent, is leviei upon almost evi r ,-pev.Mes rii' pr. tits ma le by i'i ?4 Jin'i sel ii n tA.eo day 1, lSGi. nnd Ja y 1, ljo?z: Upon tne profits made on lnju r.s iii;ri u tunil pn-duuis, cattle or live stock, ina'n'uiVt.iies, oi uierch;mdi.e, in Id, x chaiuii, coin, slocks, loo notes or credits, a:.d on iiiv PHoPiuiTV uu effect, (v.veepiu Wi,r''"4 ) -1110 Ave iri-iits on cotton nod tobacco included ? We ii ink not, this- items bcin UX'd a pr. i it-rt v by section 1. 'S O.i (lie excess of profi's over twenty-five jer ceiit.'ny any i in t st. ck company, bank, r uiioad'.faoioiy, , during the year 1863, a tax U'levied ot iwui -y-tive pt r cent. Tin se jwo tiixes are pa!.U; nic. MiUetat vith nuinU-r 2 tn levieO upon j j bit st .ck compaiif s for 1851, payable July i, ibo:. EXEMPTION-. . F r each head of family, $"j00 ; for cacti minor child, 100 nioie, and for each goo in the army or died in the service, $oU0 111 'W. ' J. F.rcach soldier's widow or family of in mors, S-i (J00. C. For tacu soldier in service or disabled, $1,001). provi ledhis prop rty (not including l'uiuiture) is less than $1 000. 4. Provision U mads for deduction from va u of property iijuied by the enemy, or of reuies. o. Confederate bonds held for minor or lu. atics are x:mpt, if the interest i lets than $1,000. rtud re the provisions ol the tax act come next to. THE FCSDISQ ACT. The general tfect of this law, is to compel funding, or submission to heavy taxation. Theiiolder of currency may be either an individual, a hank or a State ScctWi 12 re fers to th.! duties and. prmle-. of a biate holding currency ; section 10 to those of a bank EASY OF TIIU MlSsIsSirPr. J'iic indici iual holder of ordinary Gn fed erate Treasury notes, not bearing interest, is : !r..rt.vl as follow- : 1. If he holds $100 bills, non-interest bear- 1 1 1 t i, must fund said notes in tjur per cent Confederafo bonds (described, inor fully hero afier) before April 1, 18G1, or cle pav then a tax of 33 per cent, and on May 1, 18G4, another tlx of 10 per cent,, and -o on m n-tlw v 10 iec Crr. until tlie UU leabs rtdl tn KITKI- Lb s Depot. evera m;s- . a l.ii f'l.ilin' n.iu.e for tni liouias can ujunueu , ; : T "r ,r.n .na balance of the year, with cooking PPara- ftnJ a g ird.-n s,r. if applied for within ten days, mar th IT H lw. . . Va. .tut v. liii. I.-;.. o.iviiieut of i.ubhe uuesrar.us .,u-. if not pics.:.ted at ihnt l:c;0, sii.iil, io nd dPiui to tho t .x ..f th'rty ihrr-e nnd onc-t urd c-nfs imp!t.ed in the 4th feetion of this net. ba buet toa:axof ten per cut. per m-nth until s presented; whi.di taxes -hall atraeh io sax . .. ilnted. nn-l sha.ll be deducted II : 1 1 1." t . I L- ' ' v- . front rh face of said loot whenever presented j f,r payment or T.r fi-.ding, and suct rotes saall n,.t he cxe-hiieqeablc f r :hc new issue of lreatury noits vrovi led for in this net. kS..,.; 4. That n all riti-l Treasury n- tes nr.i fun-..,-1 t UH:al in pa:uct:t of taxes at tht ditis,and -.., t.resmh.: d'iu io- fir: seetum oi thw act, W..M-e .-i'ii'l b.; levh-i;.; fa'.d dates and places a tax ef iV.rtv-three and ..ne-:hir. eenti for wery i.ol lar preiaised on the 1 - e -i said note, r-nt.l tsx fVl' .t.,..;, t.. said noU-s w here er eireu.ate.l, and kimil"rc collected by d.-du, tin;; the same at she Trea nry. i'- dep-.-i .t, i -s, and by tho c: le jto, ...j t)V Cl..v,r:tctnt o.'li.eis r-. eoivirs the Fame. vrrrv, v. the ratification of a treaty oi peace with the United States, bearing the rate ot interest ? pecmeu on their face, payable the 1st of January in each ar' ' , , " Si c. U. That the Secretary eftbe 1 1 e.isuiy be and he i- hereby authorized in cathe exigencies of the Government should require it, to pay the demand o any public creditor wl ! u debt may ba contracted a'.f-r the pa?sag of thw sct. willing to receive the same in a certificate of indebtedness to be irfaued by eaid Secretary in u-h ferni as be mav deem proper, pavble two years alter grati fication of a ti eatv ofpca-Je with t ie United States, bearing interest at the rate of six p?r cent, per annum, pavabU eemi -annually, and irar.Ffersblo only by special endorsement under regulations to Inj tueseribed bv the Siscretcvy of the Trea.Miry, nod taid eertifi ca.es thall be exempt fioui taAition in principal and interest. . Sec. 15. The Seer'tary l tho irea.'ury is authorized to increase the number oi depositorns ! ab ft? to meet the i iqnireuu t is of th-. act, and I with that view to employ such o. tne V-ma ii uiY j bcveral S-ates a-j le in iv de n esp idient. j Stc. 16. .The Secretary fd- the 'j r. asury fhai . forthwith adverji.-e thw aet in ascb neWs-paiters ; publisiied in the Keveial St-t -s. and t.y such other means hi shall secure immediate publicity j and j thn Secretary of War and the Serve tary of tba Navy shall each imuv it to oe r.r.yri.-ue. . yrd.-rs tor the inforu-ation ot th-ar.v.y ae.d navy. , Src. 17. The i'J.l sectiou of the act tor t.ie as- , ae-sinentand collection of taxerf approved Jay 1, j t FOR SALE -; r E. !IJ T 11 U ERT, No. To, S Y C. MO" K S fKTEST. VetT.HWKG, r A. ! t'iii"1 lieftt hnulisti ijotion v.-4 . JUU 3Ci; Vds Dundee Gotten llaggiug. 400 Yards Spring Chabiea. new style--. 150') ' Calicoes, " jq o o u.-oau and Hleached sheetings and Shirtiuga. . Shoes, Hats, Ibhuy, T'VTlllIERT. No. 57, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. m h 1 5 - 4 'J-v odH . cvm)ii)ti;s run i-oxgukss. WTK are authorized to M.n .unec A. O. l'to V TKU, of Randolph, a c;uididat to represent the 7th Congressional District of -North Carolina e T.hieeot Hon. 11. ni .cuao, . i . . . .. . j ..... . -. r in iiiMiifii'. of ti ; vvninenl U i. or i ,r p , ;., ..t- ..'wore f -riieAV icte a he.ema.rer provided. - ni 't re:i.UfV tenee fts provided in t! rh.ll he fundable in oonds th'- fir-t .- etioii of this net. wn'il the 1st d..y f earcany, i.vo..ai oe ,:x Mid two-tl inH en tl:e .te.mr. anu u u ir, . t'j,-- 'blt.V ii a v liiue 1st of .Ju y, 1C" ij t..i-.nr rt'iiti'l' low. 7, 1... iv-...-fv- - . Sc. 1. The Secretary ot the lreaiary is ner-v i bv authorized ticl r. quired, nv-en the application j ot the holder of any call certi::c ity whjcu by Uu j ft. st section of the act, topiovide for ti,e fura.ing , ai d further is.uo of Treaoirv notes, appr-jeU , March 23d. 18C3, m-.-s required t be heiealkci . d ea e i tobe ahoml. to i.-sue to n h colder a j bond therefor uport the tenai p. oiidd by wid I aet. . , ; Approvcu reo. ii. ' KALliHH!, March. 1. 1&C1-- - Notice is herebr given that the de cks l.-.-u.d b 7 j Pie on the U.mk of North Car. dim, nd now out ..... ..i :. . .i?-:.i. d.fl.red t ayablc bv thii Oonmauy. and not collected, are javaLlo t Tit CT f well-timbered, fertile l aud, cn V venient to water, lying in the eastern part of the State, containing Eight Thousand acr Ai-plv to me at thi place for particular. 1 ' JOS. S. CANNON", lbdeigh, March 2. ISfU. S2-dtf - Ttj0TJflE.--The BANKS at lirbEBSN,.10H0 11 S. C. will declini to nay undrawn dividends, eertitic-ites of d-p .it, and checkiof any date prior to the 28th of March next, except in th cutreucy ' now existing, and as now rated and valued; and all those entit e 1 t dividend, and holders of tuck certificates and check, are requited to present theaamv tn iu forthwith and receive payment. Feb. 27, 1664. , , WM. A. CALDWELL, Cashier Farmers Buk North Carolina. M. STETKSON', Caiuicr Baiilrof Washiu.aton, North ('aioiiu. JK3SE ET. LINDSAY, Cashier B tide vf C.pe Fear, North Carolina. W. W. CLAKK, Casbur of the Merchant- Bnk of Newbein. V. V. WKin. Trcas'r (ir-ensb no Mutual Lite lasuranc-and Trust Company. 31 2-tuwSvv- . OOMA Rewarrt.--H3Hawar from the VjUl imbscriber on Mondavthe loth instant, two neirreo.- DUNCAN and .lANii. Duncan t ab oitOfe'-t high, stoutand able, wcishu about 175 uounds dark color but not 6.'Tc.fc-ia po.tt. ytnai-t and intelligent and is a Tanner. Altogethi-r h i--n No. 1 bov. Jane b tall tor a woman; not over! v -tout, arid unsound. V.'e telh-ve tl.ey were induced to. and adtiied i:i their .f.-apo by fmiiO l,if- i.i.in. and carried ol in a wagou. They eani-d r -rvthirg w ith theia. We u ill giv. t o fcuodrcd dollars lor the del: v.-ry of Duncan and cnehuodied d-llars fir .fane, or their con feu. - k.eiit m anv j i'd ib.it '.e van g.t ijvie. l-unc;iu is about US year old aiiJ Jane about l iioiti i an 1 ife. ....... v. ... ,mt CMS A KLKM.N. liili'.Wo', Orangi- muitr N. C. FeO. ir. tS'i- U.OTU, 01 FICE NOHTll CAU0L1NA RA1I.R0AP CO. Yakcb. Martb 4. Utt. ) Notice hereby ?hrn, that aflrr. March 20lb. 1H4. no inue of Confedeiat Trcaj'utv notta other than th enrp, two, and fives, will be received by .thia Cr-mpany in pay ment of Fares, Freight r airy other due ; other wine fifty per cent, additional will be baigtd. 1 h $100 note will not be received at all. and in eveiy instance the debtor inut make tha exact chap'je. Bv oider of the Bwatd of Hirer torn. Si t:u20 JOHN II. BRYAN, Jr., Sec'y UrruiNorin Cuoui'i K. B. Co. Vascs, March 4, Hi f VTolifc Is hereby Rlren, thai all I)cbU i.1 aud account. t every description, Coupon, Divide ndi. Hand Iliro, Bondi, Ac, due by thli Company previous to March 20th, 1814. will be paid ia 'Confederate -Trajury Notci of ihe old lfue. Itr order of the Eonrd of llirerfoia. s5-tm2a. JOHN H. BBYAN, Ja. Ftc'r. ..f the Vi .'-..iretirv ol trie irraniv . . .. . -i .i.i. belwveli.the i.-tot A; lll. C.'Si, joe.i i.ej west ol i:- lsisMjpi nver. . to -.;stltute an i .....i th.. lt ot 'anaary. .in.. ... - .... i. . 'v...i...v Tint, tor tne si inc. ni iu- i. i. i. r: . w : r"a - f ,jxtv.-ix and two-third cents on the dnU;;r; Pr .vi h d. :h t notes -fihe cuv.muo.Uo.i ot one hundred dollars hall t.ot be er.tided ' tl.e privi f ,id rx-hme: lh,vi e.'. far-her. than ri ori-hr m fuioUny of said 'Vnry n;des afier the 1-t day of Ji:.u-.ry. IH.,. is hereby raKen nvi ied farther, uoi up oi .m which reioa.n out-tar .ding on lad 65. and v. hn li ire;y c.ot se Treasury note, as herein pro re b v ... i .. : . i. . i:oi i li niv- e March 1-1 m. 'resent Confederate currency 1 v I , . . . -.1 , i'. e is ir.rs h way : and pr Trear-ury not. 1 .L il:i v of J.oic.io-y, It 'JO, ex i ha i Tantrt?-. To Kent r.u li Turn sl.yd 4 V BOOM :.ear the i: -'l;c jdy at TiiIhJJMCi.. TlhlBiFoF'N. v.. KXliKOili koxbs. rv:!: i ........ io of the Siiniini e uod are sriv- S .. C...t P. l(.di f rw.MT iSU!.l 1:1 VXt'Il'in 1 I .1' il' At ('. M. FAUUIHS'. OFI'tClT.S CLOTH, and all kindso' Ti immirjr, At CM. FA lib ISS'. C. aL FAliBI. - r At c. m. rA:;ni.-o (;r.NTi.r.Mi;v.s half iiusj;. At C M. 1- Aut.lt.. . OTin-r ot North Carolina Tror.pe who tr.JV n I t.v.. ... ..-..... t unite to c.i'l f..r their go-.d.i ia ,',.Mson. can have their cl tb drawn by C Vri-iy. who will send eri iX) All una way lahe n tip. A tinrk Mulallo bov. about 20 eai old. a teet 6 Incbra bleb, calling himself CheO, iay he b.b rgi to"l'.lake NicUiiton, living ru or near the lirdctah t.a.ton Railroad ; had on when taken a ohhi coat, ui.d a whitthat. For further inforituiion. add es. Wli. M. SMITH, S.) dtf hrkif h. N. C I WILL attend, with the AfMyniF. at my office, in thecitv of Kabiph, fini the I4ih to ll.e 2;th iurt.. for the purponj of receiving leturn. and the taxes Imposed in the fourth section of an At t o! tha Congress 4f tb Confederate States, entiibd An ..... r .t Act to lew ac.uitioi.ai taxes on iui- rii'iv.ni m-- , fence sr.! Vuppoi l f the Oorerninetit, " approved 17th hebruire, lbli4. as ionof : ... , Sec. 4th. li On all profits ibaoV by bnving nnd selling spirituous liquoii., flour, wheat, ci n, l ice, sugar, molass. t or syru, rait, bncoti, potk, hogs, btef or beef cattle, shrep, oats. hay. bidder, taw hid. e. leather, hoi see, mules, booti. .hoe, totlon v arns, wool, woolen, cotlnn or mixed 1 U, hatr, wii-.cns ba'TesH, coal, ii on. steel or t.ail. at any i iue between the rirft of Jauuary 1J. i J the tii .v of JA'-unrv 11, ft n per cent, in ac.mtu.n to thi U on such pr. fus as income tinder tLc' act to lav taxes tor the eomu.on M' n. e, ai d rl ry u the (iiivi nunt ofth Couftdei ale St.it,'. "p proved ApvB 2Dh, 1&0H , 11 Oa all ondits vvU It buy v g-i d k lUt g n'omv. gold,' nlver, Ionian richaigc, m-k. n tei l ot., rttdits. or ohiigatl.. ii.- o' any kind, and anr luercl.ai.di.-e. preo. i ijr .r .fl t tot any kind, ra t euumeited iu ihe pren ding jaingiupli, i between tha timei nanit 4 therein, ten per rei.t., iu addition to thi lax an eocu proms inwnir, under the act aba raid. Ill On the amount of profits rxceeoirg twenty five percent:. mUe duiinp the yiar ln:l. by any bvnk or baking ii.mpany , iaMrai.cc. navi uation. ii. poitii g and cxpoitir.g. tekg. apl.. . . x-nr.-a-. ir.iliond. manufactui li g, dt; dnck vr ol hrr .,i.,t 'o. k campsnr of aoy Uncuption. !;. K.-r r" ""'ju'fS' Ma" M. i i. .. a . f-iimi'ii nauu ii tl.c M ul road B-.n-.s. ni h n -ay du C. r. ;.iLNi'K iiAnn. eiiirmnti. A . i rt ii t. a UJ.rvfi n-i.i-.wt,. r-i r..r Pj.-iiij r th of the Conf derate Staff. hi ... .ini.f.l'.i'.l)'. The o:;,ee is iu 111 --- - - - - Aivirt vs A Washiegto? fund, are retut ..l ... .....1 ....f tr i i f Hill:, iiiivi w.-i, .... . , AH packages of N ;'es presenien, u - g.d with tue notes t i e .eu s - a-'T. new h 1H-4 1 tde V to announce WILLI AM I'. TAYLOlt. I'P, j of Chatham, as a Candidate or v, ,... . 7th Con-'i essional District, to suppij I" . Hon. Samuel II. lauuuuii, ucu,- . mh 16-4'Ude Notice eeii tor ,.r,r. i, ,..'. ;..d Tier cent, is ni Si.C 5. 'lh.1t alter ie o,s. il. ..:.tv h-ivtolwre given to ine ew v1'.' imp S ail iiu OFFlCinULLlGll & 14ASTON B. K. CO , 1 March 15, Ibbl. J rnill Company will not receive any inoie 1 private freight for Petcr.bur- unhl after the Suo't. ard Treasury may, notts in such form 1st of April ... t. HI I .11 K 111 II 11)1'' .. , ,,.-.. Progress will copy until 1st April aud toi a aceouot to th'u ollice. - CONFEilEiMTB STVTKS DBFOaUUi OFFICE, ' OXIOIW, A. C. rpin u'js"ribi- ha bo-n appointed Depos L it ar v of the Treasury at thia place, and is now receiving Confederate treasury notes tor iuudin under the recent act -fNGSBUBY, ii.h 16-43 5t Depositary. Notice- nVt'IPV UAT.F.1P.H k. GASTON li. U .I t a ulolll r 'And the Treasury to issue i rcu-urv .i..f. I hereby reVokeJ, provided the Secretary ol the liter ttiat time, issue n.r . she mr.y prescriD--, pa aoie .i ...;;...... .r. u; a : iv 01 two vears alter me runov.... , . L1C(: ui.h the Unit, d States saul new issue to be ieeeiv..ble in payment of all puh he iU.i .except ( x;,ort and impo."t dutie?, and i. be ,5sued in ex c'hanre for old notes, at the rate of two dollars ..f th- "w for three dollars of the old issues, whether .'.id old notes be surrendered for exchange by the. hohh is thereof, ov.be received into the under the providona of this act; and the ho ders , S the new notes, or of the old note., except those of the denomination of one hundred dollars a.ter h-y are reduced to sixty-six-and two-third cents on the dollar, bv the tax aforesaid, may convert into c,H certinc-afes baring inter et at the rate of fourner cent, per annum, and payable two v Lr aft-.- a ratiiie aticn of n treaty of peace with Tr ''!! urv Ni-! ; ': ocell ojeU'.d ; t;.o it.re f i persons luring i.otte io (.on as pes- i luii.th. J ..liii:p;': - t sted to prcra nt them as . wait until the end o the rat g'. fore i.resentafioo. rah 11 3U-.U2t bcpcsitary. the Uiattd States, new notes. unless sooner converted' into Gov- ti-urer. rovi.ied for. th Secre- Srv ..ftiu-Treair.T la hereby authorise to .u n.-r.t. bonds to au amount not exceeding J CO., B.M.EIGM, Match lo, lt)4. ) lI'l'tnllT on iill "Oi ds ahioped from any point i i....,.i f-.r the s. .t It. B. mu't be pre- uu out .w-v . , . tt v- 1 . A. lU Sup't. paid, iuh 1G-43 lw MCi; AlitlCLE OF SIC.lK WOODEL'S. A mh 1G-43 2t J for said at INK ! INK!! INK ! ! ! A few more gross of BLVCKINK.uow raid v. Conft derate bi Is U, geor .mall taken. Price pc; $50 h 15 4Z-U1UI-- u'tA.nv.' v ml . EK HEBE. Bring iu vour accounts before the O 2Ch of March, or you will be paid in t per c nt. bonds, or the old i.-;ue at par. mh 15-42-lOt B BAN SON & FABBAB. XTESROES FOB SALE.On Saturday, th 26th inst., will be sold, at 10( T Edgecombe C unty, TEN L1KEIA NtOhOES Women. and Children and Boys . belonging to the estate of B. B. Armstrong, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. March 14 4210t rpO FABMEBS AND OTHEBS.-200U pounds i Plantation Iron, 1000 pounds H-lloW are, for sale bv JUltua.t vvuiuu. Baleigh, Maroh 16, 16C4 7-wit PBOVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Baleiou, March 14, 1664. J OLDIEBS at home on furlough, residing in B.leigh, who do not. immediately on arrival, register a duplicate of said furlongh at this o'lice. (stating date of commenefmtnt. and end of same, and bv whoie rder.) will be subject to arrest. SAMUEL B. W ATE BS, iuh 15-42 d!2t Capt. A ProToat Mai thai. ej Ut ah description neatly exeeutedat thisotuce B ,JExJu?cd with neatnes- and spatca at TH! OFr'ICF. i I II 1. ...l.ninnl ' A five hundred million-! o ori pn;e iF- iat r.st whercd )u be free from taxation ; and for the ravment of the interest thereon, the entire net receipts of any export duty hereafter laid on the value oi aU cotton, tobacco and naval stores, which haB b, exported from the Confederate States, and the net proc-eds of the import dutied laid, or so n.ueli th-reofas may be necessary t pav annually th- interest, are nereoy ep.-cia.ly Y . i ... t . v;r5.-Tf.d t! :t the dut'e now laid upon iinpcTrtsanci hereby pledged, .hall hereafter bo paid in specie, or in sterling exchange, or in coupons of raid bond. Skc 7 That the Sec etarv of the Treasury is h Vrbv authorized, from time totimeas the wants of theTr-asurv mav require it, to sell or hypotue rate for Treasurv r otes said bonds or aay part thereof up-.n the bet terms be enn so a? to meet appropriations by Congress, and at tltv aame time reduce and restrict the amount of circulation i Treasury notes within reasonable and I safe limits. S-c &'. The bonds authorized by the Cth sec tion of this ict may either be registered or coupon bonds as -he pat ties taking th-in may eljct, and th?r m" beexehang d for each other under such . .h C ri MHrv of the Treasury may rcsruiaiioiia : "--. -----.' , , , j-tt, -.-.jw-. .,--,hat! f..r one hundi'vd dollars, presc.ioe, -v; h.1Tld d.dla.B. and ... . V .vntn T- Office or iue BAr.rioa A Gastos U. B- Co. ) j llxi.Kion. Mar. ii 10. l'-t ) ( rnh's 'oiKnaisy hitf.idiiix tn CwHyly wiin i ! theprovi,ion of thelat act ot CongrePe in ; relation io funding f Coi-f-.-dcrate notes will on j and af er the 2Sth insraa; receive the present is a ..f th:it iT.rrrxcv, above the den-iuumii.on f j e o .... ..r.i,.- v.r it ,! r:.:e of t'ire ibubirs tr UHMWUaic,v...; m"h 11 Sd-dtarl ' TBON CASTINGS.--I have Lc.th Vesuvius and I I. i'..i,...i, 1'iirnnpns in. Lincoln eountv. N.C.,in ...o k ...... ..,h r ,vitl er -cute al kinds of Plow and I till "X- , 1 Machinery Castings to order, on abort rotice when the i ater'ns are furnish-,.!. I . UAl r-.s. J Lincolnton, N". C, March 12-4 J d!2t i (J, to a'l concerned, that the Aessors will at- I -r I 1 Tn edit' !hr tend at mv oifice on .uoa. V. .i .'j i;:c.i. i.f Aord. eiisuin-'. to re- it 'ied besintss. . t I will receive the t.-.x due thereon at th? ssae . ahe penalties of tlrlaw will be strictly enforced on all whorefusc.cr n, fleet to taarie retarn and , pay their taxes. KL'lr La ,11. I'Abfc, 3 Collector for W ake County. Raleigh, Much 12, l&Cl.-40-dtd BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. . ... a ... a. i . campot e ue.nsurif. H vnmuiiu.. .-i send v. ur oidei- to C. M. F.ini. V I VfED. 1 ii r' viv txo.i-!cn',ed J.'irii'p w-ri T;to... Theve.y b.n p k-. s p-i.I. Marclii -m. lL ' A . . Vl'.' ' - XT oiiiT. All pertt No;.v l.'ob.l i; or i who ii:av.heraft.T t"d '!" k or .'r ;t k r.iin,t us dtld piior t1i Api'd at? u .Ui. ' to prest i t them for irtr.t b"foie thai date, t r thev will be paid in tl oh! Cue; encv. 37-tf. w. It. m U I A U ! S ) .J : LVilGH7 LXTKNS1YE SVUv OF MIX IFtntRKU lOBAn'O, nV U . VOUNG A B'iO., I'ETERSBrBG, Va.-On Fri lar, th-; lih inft., at 10 o'clock, rt our str.r", N . 4, Iron Front, we will sell at unction. Pre thousand packages of .ff.t A (- fAC- 1 A V a i-v lii.lll:u and 111 f nne inousanu j..e.ti- -." ; f iM.unda. one hundred tierces o 1 vit. and s ir,e . f li. . i ... !..h. .r..d. hrands of hoe rleMvir.t ar.a g'Moking tobacco in the Confedei y. 35-8t . Notic; HW1NG proea red aome genu i varcir.e vims, I wi;i vaccinate, free of charge. he.iUl.v white a.. . ....iitli.ll' ebildrenol this city auu couni.v. r. .ip ......... Tiieetnated, who present thentsel'. ts at t.o- (.er eral Hospital. No. 8, between the hoin of land .. liv order of Surgcoa P. E. Uin.-S Medii. Im- rector Gcuerai H .spitals, N. C j., 33 2awlm iviA'tli-Ji-.l' -A-l- IKELY'nLGBO BOY FOB FALE.-Wiil be I a ...td .uivHlelv. a nesro boy. aV.at H ycers of age, found in every respect, and verv active n owl afTui For further 'formation c-ll at theClerk a Desk of the Daily Confederals. mh !.-42-dif. OFFICE N. C. BAlL!iOD CO., . Vy. .. Maich 12. 64. ) NOTICE U hercbv given tint after March 20th, l-r,, th ? present tariff., of freights ana fares st r thia road will be increased by the amnion of filly per cent The $100 Confederate notes will Laace iuj BANK Or Auu u wuo . . t - "ied at an. and iu cve.y instance A ?oms holding CHECKS on this Lank, a c . bv oraer ol jii:YANw j... v .i ,;f5..fl tht. thev must be presented ou or b-fore 2Sth March, or they will be paid only in the present issue at par, or F-- mh 13 41U101 . . . , U-deUb. Marrh 5th. 14. iTvMnrToTMMKUCfi AT AVIlMlXt Coiipaxv Shcih, Manh otn IM.4. J Votlr h Hrrcby (ihitilo I) MsUrH, JLS B i: k. and" H person l.o.ui ( oek. and having Dit iflentia uue rno enpinu, . said , !..ius. an'! receive p-. nn rt th. reot n JU ! etf.et,t Cinieiewat par on ci b.p.re he ;tli i ir.i-t. othei wi-e thev will b fut.u i. tn 4 per. t nil , ;;. r,.b-ot the CouUuViHt State. And puvment i f all M.ch chtimi will be maCe t he,, alt-r it, ,n,d i t , .i. . A. iiL.ll'.',. I i.titel. . i - df" earlier, i p'rofiil- eopv uatil 2aih lnt. a'io tha Char j Intte Bulletin, and send bills imirediatelv to adver- onirc (hatltam C. K. n. J BaikicU, Haicli 4. I-''! Vf.;. f l. ks and Bequritb ne of riie On.pi i.y. tJ vv out-indj are pVLU only in" lh pr.t.-nr-ixT' W. W. VAS Trrar. '4 r.tnv. - fTjT xXTrv DEPni'Ml NT. c. S A. I Bttuvioiiii, March llth, IM!4. S . I v U E folio w i n i Depositaries a re i r t abl : h d for I tui.wi.'gTiiaturj t.oUin the State ol NOUl II CAROLINA : t Henry Savaa' i C. B.'llanutoii, i A. C. Williau.son, .fohn W. Sa:iil-:rd, j E. B. Burden, j .1. It. Batchelor, j W. M. Pippv, i C. S. Wii..U-al, John Vt Hunter, Yancev doue, j .Jamen Calloway, ! E. J. Fa in. ! (!. A. CaGn-r, W. W. McDoweil, . M. W. Jari, Samuel B. I'', W. M. lieinhardt, H. B. Hainmoiid, John M. Worth. .1. 11. Haughton, .1.11. Lindsay, llusscl H. KiugiWtiry, If. J. Harvty, Cicero F. !owe, John M. Kiikli-od, Bank ot Cape rear, GENERAL OilDERS. iy X C O U B A G E HOME MANUFACTORY. Vj Wanted -100.0CO FUB SKINS. 1 he under fc rned a,e Manufacturing HATS at Slatesv; le, " C and wL-h to purchase the above amount of FURS, for which they will pay the highest puces, w"NTnrD!a,s"000lb5. of WOOL on th, same terms. For Pcularsvivn w-. mh 15 42-dt20iBli Srcretai v. tlce in OTICE. All p-rtons having rlaia s againt 1 r..r thA rnunt v of Wake, whether .heck or orders, account or otlicru?, wi.I pr thrm for DflTMcnt before the Mtn. Ar mh 15 42-dtapl. Wiliuii -j;bu Bah ih. Chariotlo. FayVtievble. Cohlaboro'. e Wu.tenton. TatOoio". Roxhoro. Saleiii. Yancey ilk. Wokeiboio'. Morgal.toD. States ville. A.hevitl. SalirLury. New tn. Lincolnton. Waoetboro'. Athboto. PitUb.lro . (reinioro'. Oifotd. Halifax. Lexington. Hillsboio'. Wilmington. -a.ii.i..T. ,.ih atiee. the Chief Ousrtei m as ter cf each Army Corps is autbo4isd to ucJvo and fund Note. I 'I' 1 M . . ff Vt Knell's Thev are the following ! J. F. HUrCHlNGS. Mj! J. H. Harman, 0. M. Lt Gen. B.8. 1 P.rrii. (Srar.ge C H, V'a. Mai. J. Ct Field. 'Q. U. Lt Gen. A. I . 13ED THIS.-Perfoni desiring JOBDAN A MOSES to tan rorthetu oa the ehares, at their reduced prices, wid please depeait ih-ir Li Jes at A. Jlollan', SmithUeld: W. Hick, of Clayton, nd Viun Adorns. Raleigh. mh -42-dIn Hill's .! Koine nu ..ii ..h with the coupons Uched. be in such form and of su h authentication 1 Ie . u r.. TrM.urr may prescribe. The interest sha'l be parable half yearly, , on the firtof lanuarv and JUiy in e;ico k.., e---cipal shiR be payable not less than thirty year from their date. . , , , Sec 9 Ad certificates shall be fundable, and shall be taxed in all respect as is provided tor the nil ' . ... into which they are convertible, if not converted before the time fixed, fe taxmg the Treasury notes. Such certificates shall from th it time bear interest upon oniy six- two third cents for every dollar promised upon th ir face, an J shall be red-einable only in new Treasury notes nt that rate, but a'ter the passage this Vet n , call e rtiricates sbal! be iud until alter the firs dav of AorM lS6t. s". PI. That if anv bad; of deport shall giv. it dep -itors the bonds n h-v-ized by the 1st sec tion of this aotia exebarge w-r their debits, and Stateavillc, March 14. 41 121 S50 BEWABB Said oov U about Lost or Misplaced An Eight per cent. payable ia 163. U was pr Ureensoorougiiauu ... .r -n rOR rierto bov JOHN. Said ooy U about j V feet 10 inches high, dark brown color, Intel ip-ent face, and may bo readily known by ahitt t itth - . 1- m A MM .ens rlr or stammer in ma voice ; pp.o '" v j 7 . Ir : had on when he kft a light-colored roundaUiut L A soldier's can. I will give the above reward ureeneorSuu- - j u xxn -vA arrc,taU bov and return Murfreesborough. March if. ma lu-4a oi' Corps, vjiaiige v. i. . r ,. MfJ. N R?Fitzbngb, Q. V. Msj-Gen J. E. B. Stnarfs Corps, Orange C. 11. . ' MsJ. 1- Mt Mahon. Q. M. Maj-Uej. J. C.Dieek cprblge's Division, Dublin Depot. a. M ,. E. Tatlor. O. W. M-Uen. j. :ws'"r" Guard Duty. THE undersigned ia raising a Company to Guard the Prisoners at Salisbury, and is authorized to receive into the Company persona .nrf.r 8 and over 45. Those who deire to remain near borne and do lij to secure a favorab Ad'iur A. 11. AtLBT, Henderson, N. C. light service, have now a chance Lbltf place in th'u Company. 1 W.M. W. BtABD. Sabsbnrv. March lfMSCl-43 lw Notice. WE are now prepared 1 receive and pr.y all ballances. Oar cutptnera and check holders are respectfully requested toovera tfcew iVlvea accordingly. Oa the lit ot April there will be a change in things. . Wc continue to carry oa the Exchange basmesf, . a, heretofore, ia all t Vo"! V? ri?Vt DO' oidtand. JOHN G. ILLIAMS CV. tah 15 4315V Mil rt - ftrvu. n Tvlill MV)! E. li. EwilWQ. Lt-Gm. J. B. Hood's C Capt1 YUs"'piuon, A. Q. M. Lt-Cea. Hardee's Corpr, Pa'ton, Ga. , Capt. S. E. Norton, A. 0- M. Major-General Wheeler's Diebion, Dalton, Ga. Mai. J. Y. Yuan, Q. M. l.t-Gen. Polk's Coips, Meridian, MUa. 0. G. MEM MING ER, mh IS 42-dtapll Sccrctaryof tbwTressury. ?ST Daily Wilmington Joutaal and Akhtville Ncwa copy tiB AptB 1. " TNBOLLINU OFFICE, I lUtilOH, March 14tb, lHCt.' f fplIE oTiCersof town cotnpank of SMh RirJ 1 laentN. CMiliti will have cowi lets llu.l r ll r.:ir-n between tle Sge of lrt and 4j, (wbethcrexcmptJ,orhatiDgfnrn!fbdsvbftituU.f, ,.r detailed.) ready by the 1st dav of rnrollment of 3Sth Kegimeuton 1st 2nd, 3rd, and cih 1$ 42-dl2t CFt anS Earc'dlnj Oicer.

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