n DAILY CONFEDERATE. ) DAILY COKFEDERATE. !. (i .N.A; (;?., Proprietors. 1 J AI)YKKTI.SKMENTSwll W letertfd t tA boli 4ti ?tr f jnarj of tin fine (or le fnr cc inrt!on. Hart Z9 aotice mmJ Ubitbt if it ill t'ati fled 89 tiirt Miuckl. ' : ' DAILY EDITION, for o uie.ntaa at ( l 7 3 7 4 i i i i TlU-WEKLY, Tor .aouths WEEKLY r.DITI0N4nr ir.nntha" h o subscriptions received oa any other terras th in the above, nor tor a long r or tdiorltr period. JOIt WuitK of err 5cTlptlon wiU be et RALLJG U, N. C SATURDAY. MARCH 19, 1364. YbL. V. J VOL. I-Xo. 4C- scutrd t tbi Ofllev nhh dL'fthf and i LfiOj a CBb bc !an ia tb SoalLcru Confcdf rnCT. 1 ' . a mm m mm aa aa aananaw m vmmh hbm b aa m aaa aa aaa aa mm aaaa aaaa aa bbbbbb jwaaaMaaaaaaaBH BBBBBBaBJBaaasSMT- ''aalaiBBaaaaSjBaaaBBs , - From ihe Richmond Enquirer. The Fltianclal N)lfiu Kmbf.dUd In the Tax ami Fund ins Acts. Tiie inCi'i'Mit of ti.t? taw isu of treasury n U'.-s me as follow, viz: 1. Tneyare payable ioyers after p.-a ntd meiv;-.b!c for al! public iiuea (except ex port and imp O dot cV.) . Tli' y arc issue 1 in rx 'hang fcr dl not- s o.ly, a' the rate o' $'2 of new fur $3 of old bllU. 3 T' prevent f-.c of cunon:')' hereafter. i,,r 0r nit hi. la received into the Trearsu i v. whether in ixcdiange f- new or lor J per ce;.t, bond or call certificates, there may k: i.-ooied Inn the Treasuty 2 of new iiottM. T;;e ab rogate is-it of nuvr i. ; h, there juic, prrrempwiri y rehtiivdcd to two-thtida of the anelMt of tli;; oht. All lortner laws authorizing the i&a. uf truvmrv iwfti arc repealed. " Tie incident of the 4'p-r cent, bonds ac 1. N t being h,-ld Feb. 17, 18G4, they ar 7,o Luc I in 104. 2. They arj receivable, at their face, wi'h out intereiit, i.i paii4'tit of all yoccr anient due jfiyable in 18G4. Ttiev nr pa nl e in L'J year-, with in-ttre.-f in ..uvrv arul July. Alter this year, if taxation- continu hiiih, the dtbt.thtm t .i : led will notic in'ticsl bpiTimj jaiurt the jj'wrmiei.t f. Tney are reghitrcd Kinds nt coupon 1, Ui,U ahd not 'neji'it'. able by d-jiivery, i.nr. ouiv tv trtinfef on th? b ioLs ui the '1'rtapiiiy ) -n.'irt inent. o. Until tii'j bonds'ire isMied, eeitifi.ates sr-r tveii. irovssioii n niide f.r udvrtiM--in nt, an 1 f )ian increased numbef 'J Dii -si-t irie . ' Ml Mu:nninT wirrn people against be inning t late, :nd thmiska ol brtn,; crow del out, in the intchaux'ul dilliculty ot get ting th 'mo, iey e-nnt.-d. IStat;.- Imldin:? tre.-uiy notes . are allowed to tun 1 th'-ni in p'-r out. Und.H by Jau nov 1,18J0; tl o e lweiv-td into the Stafj treasu v prior to Aoiil 1.1SC4, to be fun led at p i ; t h'se iic that dale al IjS of old cur ia, ey lr $2 "I Un '.6. li nil;.-, ho, linj; 0 -dptleratc treasury mtei. on deposit, it setns, are expeetetl to find t ie ii. ii i in,' nMnivi titat,tt y can pay U p, siloes with 'lie f.iur pr cent, b n ld. in !)e. ot eiii reney. A spectat ai ran unent i in i i by wtiiel; tl,e deponi ir cm r'c 'iiVei t loo ;.),inl iiit ni i.f-y i tn- -id isn . pr. ! to April 1. 1804, nil j -ef, of c.iop, to the tax of that il.if. Ti e ' j:' oi't'iis pr r.si..i to all t tlie dep sil r the "pti n of fiiudoi r '' .icr eent. ta i. S mio o. in b.iiikn havfiVfii n -tic t t'ietr dep sitors in sr-. ' o d aie with the foit'oi --g p vi.-i.nt.-. Of rour-e the b;: Us will a. t in I 6 natter n.iou the iiigiitbt IchI alvio. Mistike i mm. Fcr, it U were held by the . -ou . h it t io lour per cent, -t k toiihi nt be paid o invilliio dept).-itirs, tne banks hve no other n.raus of pcymeut They can, lio ve?e,e..i. e:i tbe'r p-n. r.d d.:p.-oi's, by notic?, into t ci il d-po'its i iiev fa i, by .notice ceas- t:i'-;r a-uicv lor iepo.-i:-.r-t require tie wivieii a wa ot their d ,)it. v hn Ii routs tlfy w ll p Ti?, ! is a m.uter of no si nad in -merit to t'toMii. l' the Z vt rntu IV it mak- s no diff.'MMiee which party (aieis t.ie -ill ti e ba k r tne poi'' r. 'Flu; ri'nt to i-sif treasury not-s la-ii.g h IrawL, fro.n th. Ti;iuy lJot u t n.';jt. t became n-c .-s.ry 'o r'vi ie othi- means t r tne Mipp tt . of tin (iovorinnMit. The hay author z?a th-.f -ftary of t:u Tieisury to iis.jH and u-'o i e i tin hi ;Mv privild b.i ls, l ot x- dinil 5?300 O00O() f. Jo.vr l-.;e oU 2rsor m -re p; ring' six pe ie. intKicsf, ,a.aon; ,-oad unutu.. . .J nn o ji and tln'y ; o ' s'n jeer to t;ix i mo ; t-ecu eil l 11 ph'd A ' all i nrmrt thl''N "f ,r la:', : nd all export duties to bo hereafter laid ; r.d tn - t o'jt. ii, witn Id i v t. 01 tXvhi . e, to he tlnj oivy myitis d" pay 1 nil su b d rtica. Ttie.-'e boM'g ,ie to b? !ld on the le t tern pr.tcti rtblc, for new issues, or oici i-sues ; t thrar Ti' lilted value. A'aiu: Tne. Scrttary is autlrrizd, ly ci usentot c Jiitractors, to pay thelii ma ix er cent, certificate of indebted ies, unluxed, and paab!o two oirs alto - p-ec. Tii j 421 section ot tiie act ,f il iy 1, I8O0, n to five per oof. cH ceiti icaic, is re- poaUr Stn-o are the prorist-ins of the fnndini' act. LTTIES OF TAX I'AXIIP.- AN U V. UKRENCY II I.l)t:ti-i IS OUDEK OK TIMK -l'oio Ap'ti 1, 1801 Uiv in profits f lS'jo on purchase and K ile of tin r liinoze, A:.-., and pay 10 percent, tax now dtia Coi porations givfcin excess of pofit for 1 8J3 over -o percent., und pay per cent, tax now due. FuikV&IOQ notea non interest bearing. FunJ'&Os, -0i, and lCb for four per cenrfc bjoda. Provide enough of such Vonds to pay. taxes die in 1851. and as in toy more as you please. April 1, 18dt Register and p;y taxes ou lales und pr-'fifs under act of IHbU You can now exchange 5U, J0.J, and 103, for new issues. Before June 1, 184 Give in property tax at v,tu. of property iu 1S60. ' 1. Value of land., negroes, (nrii.H bought hituv J niuurv 1. I SG'2 th n give in pi.-e )i'.d for t' etn) pi ntati mi stoek, tnulcs. h r . cattle, a hi all live stock, pi t1 t itioti tcohs and provisions, and all property em'p'.oyed in aricolture. Keep thin separate from the other property, l.'c;ioe it U to Ihj paid in the titli", or the vaine "f thu latter deluctetl fro ti the tix. 2. O her prp rty.' viz: real etate n t usoil in azricnlture. furniture, b ok, jrois i(!i. ntensil-t. eottoti. tobacco, (Bnt it cotton and toba co, bought since January, 1802. Vihte it at the price paid for it.) , 3. C m a'id buili. ti held in this country, Gnfe 'erate bmds, (not incbi l n the 4 per cetit. bond- last HUthoriz'd) bank bills, and other curreticv, (exc-pt non-intrret bearing (Jonfe lerat T'casttrv note.-, and except capi t I or notes, eVc , empved ir, trade, otherwise f ixed I hIsO. cred H, 10:1s5, aCeOm.lS 4 M t,ev held abroad, at Ita m irKet value in curfney. 5. .1 iot -.t.K-k, at markrt value in currency. C P.fde, jewelry und watches, (10 percent, tat.) " Merchandize is not given in nor taxed as pr.ipertv, the income b-ing taxM. June 1. 18il Pay property tax on the faregoing except ou ngr'tcultur 1 property; o. this pay tithe, from time to timo and Lj reidcie, rrirn ascertained, in money. pay gold and sitter coin tax, exchange, & n kind. Ui-fii-e July 1, 18G4, fund $5 bille July 1, lfctii Give in uuJ pay fcnie or profit tme, under net lbG3; conimeucd piiynudt of titiieci. troui time to lime, as crops are gather eJ. Oober 1, 18CI. S-ilc. and profit taxes agaiu. Continue to pny tithe. Jaua-iry 1, lrba. Saks and profit taxes a.'jdii. Income tax for )8G4 ii;w due. - Fr-.ni in. on. e x;hule nouo rn', servant hire, int-rtt n oom, vain ; of c itllf ami b.-ef 8 hi, and a;.y other inc me dc-iitcd I tn taxed property. Salary f..r 1S3 X Give in .uid iuy xtra profit tax l--v!etl by late net, t'.r 180-1. Crpr oion titx n excess f profits are '23 per een. (.' rpiH't n-f pay no jjiuu. -uuw-4 lax for I8rj4 " Tlie sti.ckii .hit !5 pay the tax o i tl i' t( k, as pr-'periy, une 1, 18t;4 M an li 1 , 1805 Cotton a. d tno i tithes. Pay rendue ol a.icuiUHiil tax t lh-;4. . A3 ihe t..x'! ifue to 1804 a e py;iboin 4 per i en, bond, it is iniporta ii to kn w width taxes aredue this year. It n to by remarked t.at ti.e till e of Cru aio u.X o papu le. ' What tax-s are? 1 The whole property tax of every srl, (titjes exeepteo) ; the tax on 'id ami .-ilvr p:.it , j j.velry, w.iljh.s, if,:. ; tne tax u j i'nt s i::k. Query. Y ;!),. the 4 percent bonds pay thei t X(.s on coin, t xeTfhine, credits, bonds and currei ry 1 We thiiiT;- not. l iey aro to he p id in kt: d. 2 Tlrj exi a protit t;x oi 10 per cent., on prolit of .IS'J3. i- now dr.e. 3. The ieiis'ry and gross s.tles taxes for April, Ju y and October. But nor the incomo, salary or professional t:xes for 1304 wnioh ar paya ie January 1, 180.;. . CAXUIDATtS F!i tUMi.iLbft. irn are a-itnoriztd to tm .nnee A. (.'. FOS VV f Kli, of Randolph, a candidate to r pieint the 7th Congressional Uistrict of Nim th Caroona in the C iRjrresa of the Ciufederte .Stales, in the place nt Hon. S ii. Chi itiuu, dcC t.a d. uih 15-4:t tde W K AUE AlJlllO.UZt.l' .lyUlmo . llJ to ar.n.n.c WlI.LlAM 1'. TAYLOU. Ehj., of I h iol.an , aa a CamMate or Conjrrea in the 7th C'ongrfjoual L) strict, to nuppy the placw of lion. Sa nurl ii. Chusliai, drct-astn. udi tD-4'tdo Motico By tlc Governor of 3( rill Carolina. A PilOCLAM A 1 1 OX. WIIEttKAS, a vacancy has ocurred i:: the Rc presentation ot'th Suite of North Carolina in the II ouie of Ii.'pn srntati yes of the Ctoit-rsa of the Confederate States by the death of th Honorable Samuel S. Ciuusrt n, liepnsentaiive elect to the second Conrres ft om the seventh Conjnvsidonal District; and wiitsot taction hare bee 1; i.su d t the SherifiVi of the several couati -x coaipoam sid Uistri-t. commanding them to causj elections to be heiil in th.-ir recpuclive conntit-ii, at the places eatabliflicd by law, on the T1I!:! TiIU,iSJAY I V Al'UIL, atMhich the quaiiliod voter jf said CtliipiesoiHnal District ruay vote for some person to till the taid vacancy. .Now, ihereiore. in cotsfnnnify t law in such ca'ies made an i provided, I cio is.-t this my I'ro clamatiiei, makii. kuo-.vn th existence ol sueh vacancy, and that an elfcti.'n wdl b' h .-ld to till , the sain? at the tia:e aforesaid, to rha end that the rpualilied voters in the s i:d Conr-ssioaal Diet ict mar attend ai the said tini -ar.d at the places eita'jiiahed by law, and cat their votes ac cording! v. S.-hlieifi from the said Congress onal D'fttrict, who are qualified voters, are by law entitled to east their vet -s in this election on the S-KCO.ND TllUKS JAY l.N : AP1I1L. In witness whereof, ZKDUI.OX II. SEAIjJ YA(!K, oaf (iovemor, Cape, in General and Com manderdn-Chief, hath binned these priBcnts aisd caused the ;reat e'al to ba affixed. Doneattlie City of nalegh, the Nth dny of March A. l. ISG4. an i m Independence the 88th. Siffiis-dl th year of AiUw'tican Z. it. VANCE. Ev the Governo-. . It. II BtrrLK, Jr., Frrvate Secretary. March 19, 18C4. 4.--12t. OFFICK IIALEIGII & ti ASTON II. It. CO., March 15, 1804. f! II I 4 Company will not receive any more X pi irate freight for Petersburg until after the 1st of April. P. A. DUVX. mh 16-43 dlSt. Sup't. Progress will copy until 1st April arid forward account to this oilier. COXFKDElIATi: STATES' DKPOSilAKY 0FF1CK OA'iOHD, V. C. 'pHE oj.Hscrib'v h bo,n appointed Depos L itary of th Treasury at this place, and i now receiving Confederate treasury notes for funding under the recent act of Congress. K. 11. KINGSBURY, mh 16-43 5t . iJepositary. Notice OFFICE II ALEKU1 A GASTON P.. IL CO., Ualkiuii. Match 15, 1864. 17 HEIGHT on all goods shioped from anv point on our Iload for the S. k U. It. mu.- t be pre paid, P. A. DUNN, ndi 16 43 Iw Sup't. A . SIFE Alii RLE OK CilO.YX Sl'G.VK Am tor sal.? al ruh 16-4U 2t WOODEL'S. k TXK ! INK!! INK!!! A few tu.re gross of I BLACK INK. now reidv. Confederate bids large or small taken. Price per.gros. $50. mh 15 42-dl0t bkanson a faki:ar. KE HERE. Bring in your accounts before the -'6!h of March, or you will be paid in 4 per c nt. bonds, or the old isoie at par. mh 15-4'MOt BUANSO.N & FARRAR.' "VESROES FOR SALE.'-On Saturday, th i. -:6th inst., wil b- sold, at ROCKY MO 'NT, Kdgtcombe C unfv, TEN LIKELY NEGROES-' Women, and Children and Boy s. belonging to the estate of B. B. Armstrong, deceased. Terms made known on day of taie. Match 14. 42 lOt 'I M) FARMERS AND OTHERS. 2000 pounds Pltntatiou Iron, 1000 pounds Hollow Ware, for sale bv JORDAN W OMBLE. Raleigh, Maroh 1C. 1604 7-w.U PROVOST MARSHAL'S (IFFIOE, Ualkioh, March 14, 1864. j OLDIERS at home on furlough, residing in Rdeigh, who do not. iimnediatt ly' on arrival, register a duplicate of said furlongh at thi odice. (stating date ot couimtncemmt. anu end ot same, and bt whose order.) v ill be subject to arrest. paauriu i- air.un, inh 15-42 dl2t Ca it. A Provost M la!. FOR aAli; n y k. cu r h n e nr, !fn. 57. SrcAMoaa SraccT. Pxtkksbcro, Va. r Ai 1 Pairs Best English Cotton Cards. aJUVJ S00 Yd Dundee Cottcn Bagging. 400 Yards tSpi ing Chalties, new styles. 1500 " Calicoes, " t00 " " Brown aui Bleached Sheetingi and Shirtings. Shoea, Hats, Hosiery, Trunk. Ac. Ac. ' E. CUTHBERT. No. 57. Sycamore St., PetMibarjf, Va. mh 1& ftydii Tice&ury' Bepa tmem, C. S. A., KlCilMo.ii, Fe . 20, 1S4. j Treasury Notice as o Funding Tiider Act or Februarj; I7t 1S64. "VTOTICE i Iwtthy j in t i h-Ad-r f X iira-HM- Non ." u t b. .iroi iiitresr. h it lljey may etbaie tLe mme iinmrdintdy, al the Olhcvof tho Trcaaurifr, Assiant "1 reaiurr. or of arr iJi pe.sitary, for crtiticattfs which wljl entitle tie-in t 4 per cent. Bond; and that the eaid privily will continue umii th-; Irt of April eusuieir. after v. hirh ail n ite; i,b:re the dt-nnniina-tion of ti ve i")Uars can l lu:wlvd oni v t Ca cents trMhe dollar, except oil -Lunlred" dollar notes, r;bicK. -.ft a.r that tiat, ae no longer receiTable for public d'iei. Chi tjiilj be funded at tin ad- UitionHl reouction it ttn pr etnt per luootu. -tn n-rett-t per ny.iiUi. j top-ther with the pAnda e exch.iurtf., are receivable I 1 liy eei'tinctea sa for wliich thev auv hi ior taxea n tne year tiM at in.i tail aimwCfc ,1 P;"!" t'otT lUJi?.! IU 1 that year on otuer b(niU3 anU credits. r i- . . .. .. . Th thoit tim allowed should admonish all holders promptly to preheat th j m.tfs. and not risk the chance of exclusion by th ptenure which w ill occur at the end of the tLorith of March Signed C. O MICM.MIXGETi, 23 Vf Secretary ot the Tiea.urr Xo. 11C.J Aa Act tT reduce tus enrrciicy, and to eathorist, a new i-iue of Notes and ftondn. Src. t. '1 lie C ingress of il.e Oouf aerate Slates of America do enact. That the holder? of all Tre Miry no es above tbj deiitni nation of five d diars, not henr;ul interest. h ,i j a!lor-i until the first d.y of April, lifil. ent f ihc .Mi'-sis.-dppi river, in.; unto thf first day of Ju'y, lifl4, tft of t . Mi.isi; pi river, to funa th s:one, aro un til tho period an 1 al the placer stated the hoi iers of ih a ieii Tjeaiary nu'i-ii shall be alii wed to find th?; ?a:n- in rc:Ur rd bonis, av;h!e twen ty ye rs after their dale. te ithmj iiiteri-rt at the rate of four per cent, per annuta, payable ou the r-i day of J notary and July'f each y -ar. Sec. 2 Tho S -cretary.of th" Treasury i here by authorized 10 issue fh bnds req-ird for th foroiina:'provi led for iu th- preceding section ; and u'llii the boud3 can he prepared h-i may issue cer-tiH-Mtes to answer t'ic purpose. Sach builds aid certificates, shall he reciiratde, without interest, ir payment of ail iv rnioti, t Jues payah.e iu the jrr '.vfil. i-xcept export aid i:ajort duti3s. 'ee. . That all Teafury notes cf ih- denomi nation i.f one hundred dolltrs, nt b- ai ing inter. r.t. wnvL shall not he presented f " -.f jiiumg un der th t rivi.-i ns ol"th- fi;-r s-n ti..n' . this ;et ehalf, fron u t art'-r th lc. d 1 y f A. ril. I8tl. easf the Vifsis'p:d r'Ver. and the l.-t day of Joly, iSCl. et of the .M i-Srisj ippi. eea.-e ti l reJ ivdn- in pynient of uh e iue4; and t,aif a ilea if tnr. prvenfed r tt,;it iifief rhall, in ad li'ni u 'o the ttx of ih rty :hn;e and o:.i-. third e r.rs i mooted iri the 4th seetion of thi- a -t. bf , su'jeet t a tax S ten p -r cent, per ni-'iith until f pres.nt-d; vtiinh taxes .-shall at'ah 10 said ,s -t s wruT-v-r eirealate I. and shall he deducted from h ; fae of .-.tit rotes v lieiicver 4oeeiiif I f ,,' payment or f.i fit-idin;?, and :u; uotfs shall n-'t ie f.X'-lia,t;-!o f.,r h J.ew is.-ue o' Treasury noosprovil d for in this act. v. 4. Ihati-n ail iaiH Tieanirvn tea not fun "rd , t ued in pay men' i taxes at- li.e dutta and pi ae s prescribed io the fr-t set tiou .d this act ito"-e liaM b i vied i? s-it-l ! i'.e ao I pl-ici.a tax f thtrty-t'hri e and n-th:r i eeios foruv. ry dol lar pi'O.ii.-ed on the f cS of iid oes. h'aid tax shad attach to notes wtiftvtf ciru'.ate', and liail tie eoileeted by d-.l-o tii:j; th same at die Trea nrv,,oa dpok4 ari s, -by th.e'destnrsf " rjd bv ah G v-rn.i;t i'fSceis r ceivi. thesatn. . h- rt-ve . 1 1 es r-t.-il fr payment or fo-funding. r in p 1 vt:'i'ur d u rr.: tnen 1 does or f r p .-' ic, t 1 i"'iite f.riievr '.:r- hjieinaf'er provi-iel. "nd ;ail Tie i-urj i.'i.s .V.ai be fuo. fable iu bonds s i"-fvi b-d ii th- fo-t s etvoi if this act. :n it 1 1: c 1st dy of Ja!.".iary. lVrta, at 'he rate of .vixiv "en's and to-tr ir-ls 011 the d'dhtr. and it be the duty of h e'Ter fry of the Trewsury. at any time b.- W'-en 1:1- it d A pvil. east aud the let cf Ju y lSod. went 1 I ih Mississippi ivcr, m .-uhrtitute aTid r.nd the l.-t -f riMnnri 15$ exchange n- w Tre-1:-;. t?"ts- f-o the same, at tho . . . . e . : . . 1 ...... I. -. A ...... t .... ii,ii ...1 1 . r Provided, hat notes of the d- n oii.i.ni oi vt ne hundred d.di.os ba"d r,d. -e t-pti-l -d 'lie piiri lege of. sat i ex-h :i e : Po vi le I, f irth. r. thnt ti e right to t'andauy oT said Taejisury mtes after the lt day of J mil iry . lt.r. i bere'y taken aw-iy :' and pi.vi led farther, ih it up n all so h Treusurv i."t s hid; reioiiin i.u I-f a , d ; i)g on the l.-t day of J-ii:iry, Jl4 . a?ei wbich ux not le Xi:hai.'ed lor new Treasury p.om s, as herein r- Tided a t.'.x' f oLe hundred per cent, is hereby imposed. SkC 5. That after ih? first day of April next aU authority heretofore given to the Secretary of the Treasurr to isut Treasury nott-s shall b-j and t iie'i'eby revoked, provided th Secretary of the Treasury may, after that time, isr-u ; new Treasury notes in "such form as he may p.escrib , payable two years after the ratification of a treaty of peace' with the Unittd States said rew isu to b'. ltceivablein payment of al! public dues except export and import duties, and t - be issued in ex chancre for old notes.'at the rate of two dollars of the new !oi three dollars of the old is'Uef, whether aid old notes be surrendered for exchange by the ho K1iis thereof, or be received into tho Treasury under the provisions of this aid; and the holders of the new notes, or of the old notes, except those of the denomination of one hundred dollars, al ter thev are' reduced to sixty-six and two-third cents on th'J dollar, by the tax' aforesaid, may convert into call certificates, bearing inter st at the rate of tour ner Cert, per annum, and payable two vear aft-r a ratine atiou of a treaty of peace with ihe United States, y.nkes sooner converted into new notes. Szc. 6. That to pav the expenses of thft Gov ermnent, cot olherwUu pruvide'd tor. th S ere tarv of the Treasury is hereby authorize to in ix ner Cent, bonds to an amount not exceeding rive hu'idred millions of d nliatv the principal ami, int-.rmt whereof shall be free from taxation ; and . lor the payment of the interest th-reon. the entire net receipts of -:ny export duty h-reatter lai: ou the value of all cotton, tobacco an-l naval stoics, which shall be exported from tho Confederate States, and the net proceeds of the import dati laid, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pav annualh the interest, are hereby sp-cially pledged : Provided, that the duties now laid upon ruiports, and hereby- pledged, &hall hereafter be paid iu specie, of in sterling exchange, or in coupons of said bonds. Sk.c. 7. That the S.'C ctary of the Treasury is h Trbv author ized, from tone to time, as th? wants of the Treasury may" require it, to sell or byp'Uhe eate for Treasury rote said bonds or .any part thereof up'.s the bst terms he cairso as to meet ap'orop iations by C-.nress. and at the a an time reduce and r.-st ict the airiount of ci-culation iu Treasorv notes within reasonable and safelimits Sec 8. The bonds author'u d by the 6th sec tion of this tct niav either be rejistei ed or coupon bonds as he pai ti takinsr tli-rui may el.et. and thev may beexthajic d fur each othr under sueh regulations as the Secretarv of the Treasury niav prescribe; they shall be lor one hunir.a aoiiai. or some nultiple f one hundred d dlars, and mil together with the counons inereto at tached. be in such for at and of su h authentication as the Serrretarv of the Treasury may prcnb. The interest sba 1 be payable hlf yearly, oh the fir-t of lanunry and July in each year; the prin cipal thsll b payable not less than thirty years from their date." ' Sec. 9.' Ad certificates shall b fundable, and shall be taxed in all resnect as is provided for the Treau y notes into which they are convertible, if not converted bxd'ore the time fixed for tavir.z thr Treasury notes. Su -h certicat-s sha'l from tht time bear interest upon only sixtv-six and two third c nts for every dodar promise'd upon th ir face, and thall be "redeemable only in new Trea-ury notes at that rate, but nt'trr the passae 'this act no call c. rf ifiratr shall be isued until alter the fir-t dav o A ;1 S-c. 10. Thitifmv la k of Jepoit shall give if depositor's the bond a ho-dzed by the 1st seo . tin of this act ia x ?i r ge for their deposing; and rcify arc ca fo boaii by stwb tWRtretlvte mark or.tokcn to be a;rre.ed upon with the Scare- tary of the Trvaeurv, then th- id deiw.Htors shall t i.iuiLu u rcreire ina amoant or i.mt b"inif in Trea.urr notra, bcarinj; ao Interest and outotaud insr at th passage of this act -f I'mridcd the laid bond.-are pretriited before tbpririlepe ot funding: said notea at par thall caa lis herein preaciibcd, Stc. 11. That ali Treasarv notn licrt't-.fo'c 1 utrd of tb denonit.ation of fir d.ilns nhall con tinue to be rtceiralle in pavmeut of public duea a provided br lavr,nca fundable at par undtr the proviMons of this art until the lt J tivf ltG4, e.-t. and until the 1st of October, 164, wv!l f the Jliisippi rirr; bat after tLat tin:e they thall beaubj-'Ct to a tax of thiny-three ann a thiid cents on every dollar promised on.fhe'face thert tf, ai(t tax to attach to aaid not- irh rertr circa- ltcd. ard said uotea to b fund-.blc and txchanirea blrTr new Treasury not as h rciu provided, tfo.ct t th,- deduction of fid tar. m-,- 17 Tlf.ni.,nvu: ti . v- . . .. a - .. . 1, I in f, , , 4 t?T6 Uroen hercm I5:ed fortaxiojr raid notes ba!l be allowed entil th- 1st d,r .f JllIinarJ. HC5. to fund thu MIne in fcix i...,,.: t, . n r... .... . 1.,'. ... boiicisofth; Confederate States, payable twenty years afttr date, and the iuterst payable semi annually. lut alt ireamry notea "received by any State after the time fixed for taxing the same, as aforesaid, shall bv held to b-ive be n recrivea diuiir. islud oy the amount of said tax. Tire dis crimination bet cn the said nutes futj et to the tax and those not so subj ct shalllje bft to tho pood Liith of each State, and the c rtiiicate of. the Coventor tbei'tof khall in each cai be con-clu-ive . Stc. 13 That the Tr. a-ury notes heretofore issued, b-ariti" interest at the fate of seven dollars and thirty cents on the hundred doilsia per annum, shall no lunjrer be received in pavuiertbf publio dui-p, b it shall be defined and co:,sidt red bor.d. d' the Confederate States, parable two tears after the ratification of a treaty oi peace withth. United State, bearing' the rat of intercrt rpeciticd on their face, payablw thg let of Jtnuai'y ia each year. . Sfc. 14.. That the Secret try fth? Treasury bo and ti is hereby author icd iu casetha exieuc:es of the Government should require it, to par I hu demand o any public creditor who' debt may be contracted a't-r thpasssp: of this art. nilUhj; in receive the sam. i-t a ee titicr.te ot ind-bt nlns to be issued by said "Seen tary in suvh ferni. as be may deem proper, payable two years after a raii Hcation of atieatr of pea-?j with t United Slat.'S, beat ing-interest at the rate of six pr cent. nT at.nu-n, payable semi a. nualiy. and tran$rers.b!e only by special endots Mncut under refutations to be preserib.'d bv tr.e Scrct!uy f the Titoiry, find said ccrtif:ca.es shall boexeiupt frout taction in r ! rtei pal and i sterest. Skc. la. Th Scflary . t)e Treasury is auilioriz d to incrvase the iiui.ub-.r f l.-positoi ies so as to meet the requii cinetit of th'tV act. and with that iew to employ fcit-di of the' banns f the several S'alos a It tn iy de-?m expdi:Mt. " She. 1. The S--cetary of the Tr a.-ury shtl f-rt't'with adrvrti.se th:s act iti stdi n'W-nrapei s publisln-d in the veiai Stat-'s. and by each other n.eans as shaU s -eme immediate pubiicitt ; and t -e S-c:etaty ' War and th S-e:vta'y of thr? Navy shall each came il lobe puhli. !. a .u general oid.-rs tor the iof !:,. aii .n of toi ar-n and navy. Skc 17. Thr i'Jif section of th act f r the as i''i:iat and collection of txes approTt'd May 1, 18'II5, i hereby repoTed. Sue. 1$. Th.' Secretary of the Treasury is h T by authoried !d r quired, upon tio application oi the iidder of any call cerriri ita. whiirh by the first s.-ctiou of the net to provide forth - fund! 11 e and furtlur is-ue of Treaiuty mites, approved Match 23d. 1S;3, Tas r quired t rm heiea!t-r dee on-1 lob; a bond, to isu to steh hdil.rr a bond therefur upon th-2 t.-ruis prjvidid.br said act. Unproved I'eK M. 14. .- ... -dl-2dp. FKlCia UAl KUifl isAHTOS ii. R. f 0. UALEhi!!. March. 1. IbC-l. Notice : hereby iv.-n that the check" issn.-db tae 'in the Hank of North Carolina, and now e'jt sta"dinjr. hs ;dso the dirid -I'd declared rHyafi' by this Company, ana not collcctod, are payable oidy iu the present Confederate currency W. YASw?. .March 1-1 m Tr. -tsarerj UTnnt('(! to lonl an tit Turn Yvd UOOM umr the CoidVd -i ate O.iicr. A ply at THIS OFFtCL. t TO HOLIiKliS OF N. ( KAILISOAD C0D. f HE ('otmnittee of tlie So,kin' Fund arc civ JL mg Sou-- B. no's, ( new i-su-.i ji exchange f.i tt.c R oboad P. . mis. C. P. M EN D LN 11 A LL. mh II eilS: Cn-irm .. i T)r.-,5'. r-? f ,r Kiiriiiio . thc Tri-nuirt ?'o' I f th Conf. d-ralij rdites tia b. en oien-o at UllB0it0'. The Siee i. i.t tne st r -. f An-trews A 'A ashicgtot . 1'crsor. n.tr:ng unu-a to land, are reoio-sied to present them as -i.on a- p"S sible, s.hd not wait until the ci.d " tue month. All packages of Nitr presented, u u.t be ar- raijred'with the natca eneh siz ng.-ther, be f.re presentation. E. B. BORDEN, inh 11 S-J- i 12t L'cja-Mtwtj. Vrr.cs, or inr. nLEian i njr-,s R R. Co. ) Rtt.r.:Bn. Mar. n 10, lC . rih?s Ctinipany lotriiditiL' t rmnpiyuitn I 1 the provision ot tlular: art .t lnn;'rf), i rel.riou to funding i f Coiifa .fat r i.otes will on : and f er the IJSth instant rvccie the present i ( sutM f that eni rrcy, above the d.-uomtnt'o:; f five do'lars, only at the rale of thie? lo'Iftrs fr ! tAt. mh tl ?d -dtapf vr. w. vass. Ti.asurrr. TRON CASTTnGS.- I hare loth Vesuvius and 1 Rehoboth Furnaces in Lincoln connty, N.C.in j 11 blast', and I will execute ad kioU of Plotv and t tu If 'lorilTiniT Pail In ere t t t t9i . r mi alifrf f iM.ttfi .r).n Ift V U I U . S ( v-it'M.- io i y wif but w wkiv-, aft the paterns ai e turLisliea. r. 1. t.Vl LJ. Lincdnton, N. C. March 12-40 dl'it QUA UT ERLY S A LES Notice is herep.r given to a I coi cerned, that the Assessors will at ttud at mv ofticr; on Monday aed Tuesday. thj Fourth and Fifth data of April, ensuing, to re-, ceir returns of QUARTERLY SaLES, on reg istered business. I will receivs the tax due thereon at the ea-r.e time. 'Ihe penalties of the law willbr strictly enforced on all vt ho refuse or it gleet to make return at;d pay their taxes. . RUFUS H. PAGE. Coll Tt. r for Wake Cuutj. Raleigh, Mai ch 12. 40-dtd BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rai.eihu. March 13. lvJ4. LL BANKS. CORPORA HONS OR PLR A xiii holdinc CHECKS on this Bank, ate herebv rtoiiri. d that tiie- must bo presented on or before 2Sth Maroh, or th-ry will be paid only in th' present i'-sto at pa-.' or i"u f.ur per i-ent. bur.da. rub 1341 dl5t C. DEWEYCssh. GENERAlToRDERS. i.'XCOU I A if E HD ME MANUFACTORY. Vj Wantr d -1 00. 00U FUR S K I NS. 'I he und-r-signtd are Mar.ufaetu: if g IIA TS at Statesville, N" C. , and wi-h t putctiase ihe above amount of FURS, for which they will pay tha bigLeit prices, or exchange tor Hats. WANTED al-o.-100Q lbs. of WOOL on the ioe term. For particulars ao ly Jo u. W1TTKOWSKY. A Co. Statesville, March li 41 lit T ot r Wlsplaccil-rAn i.tsni per rroi. - mi ft. . At : JJ tJontederale U-.uU lor one imiuseu u-.uzra, payabl in It t- i nroblblv lost bettvcot I Grrn.borr.ugh and Weldori.a few days tince. The finder will b suiiablv rewarded if he will leavet said bond with J.M.'Towles. Italeit'h. Wit. U; GORDON. . 1 Murfreesborough. March 9 42-dat j ""G-iiard Duty. j THE tandeiKMM d ia raiting a Company t Guard the Prisoners at Salisbury, and is , auihofied to recedve into the Company pcraona i under 18 and .iver 43. Those who desire to remain !' 1' UJ m ww mm j ' - near home and do lignt set vice, have now a chance to secure a favoratHc place in this Company. . WM. W. JJr.AKD. Sali.burr. March 16, 1S6I-43 lw trtikiL..t Loud AlUch row. y ' AVhr a( TCT8 OTTICI-. I?ajctleTlllc Anitnal anl Armory, .o : vemter 12. 163. ?tfc0 BOUNTY i Wanted, I'M Mounted Ritfemen. Authoritr baling ber f ranted by the War lparttnent "to raise a Cow pan r of Mounted Riflemen for service in this vi cinity, nutiee Is hereby jriven; that rtcrniu to the number of 100 nou-ewcriptt ntill be re eel red for this service. Ka?U recruit it ill here quired to furnish a serviceable horse, fur which h will be allowed 40 cents per diera, nd bis pay $lt per iro-th. HVifrc prmiion w ill b irqtiirt4 from parents or ffuardians, where the applicant la nnder the conscript age. Kach recruit must britnj with Lici a blanket r b?d-prcad, and come prepared to remain. Apply to Maj MATTilKW P. TAYLOK. at the Ars nal. F. I.. CHILDS. Lieut-Col. C. S. A., Cocuinscuinr Post, dee 16tltf. - - -V JJOAtlft Pr the Month, Daily board do Transient, per day jan l,dly Si2t) SIW $ 12 I5auli or North Carolina. A LI. persotit havinjr Dividends due and uwpaU X ia this Bank, branches and Agencies, are hereby notified that unless the same be drawn on or before the 25th day of March, instant, thev will b-paid in the 4 ;e ceaf. Eonds of th Confederate States, oria the present currencv at par. JlKt C. f)KWi:Y. Cashir. NOTICK.Tlie HANKS at GltKtSSNUUUO', N. C, w ill declino to pay nndrawn dividonds, . certificates of d. posit, and check of any date priw " to the 'isth of iiarcb next, except in tlic cuireucv now existing, and as now i ated and valued : aid all those entit cd to dividends, and holders of seek certificates and checks, are requested to present the sim to as forthwith and receire psvn;cut. Feb. 27, 1S64. W.U. A. CAbllWKLL, Cashier Farmers' Cauk w North Cerodna. M. SrKTESOX, Cashier ank of Washington, .Vortb Caiolioa. JL'aSK tt. LINDSAY, Cashier Dink cf Cape Fear, N'o'th Carolina. W. X?. CI.AKK, Cashi.r d the yeihaJs Bank of N't bern. ' D. P. tYKIr:, Treas'r Gre-nb.ro' Mutaa Life Insurauc- and Trust Coui-janv. 31 2tiwS.v . . S300 n?warl -Rasnwar Tram the subscribers on MonJav t!.-j lith inlar.t. two n ro-.eos- IJL-.MJAN and J A 11. Dnncsn is shout 6 feet hiiih. stout and able. Weighs hhct 17i poumls ' la' k color but toil Muck is polite, smart and int.Mligvut aud is a Tanner. Altogether h- is a X. 1 boy. Jane is ta'l for a -woman; not wet ly stout, and unsound. We blieve they were indue. d t . aad a-irised in thrdr eecapa by" sortie whiti man, and carried oft' ia wagon. They ca:-iLd every thinjf w iih theat. Yt'e w ill give t hu'drsd dollars fur the d-rlivry of linncan and one J: aud.vd ddlas fr .lsn-.or th -r ciuknr at 'tit in say j il so that we cao get them. r'uneao is S ut 34 year oil ami Jne tb-il il hubin I and vrtO. II d24t CAIN A KUPFI.V. UiiUb ; ', Oranx, .i-a .tf .X. C. Ke!. 19. IS4. jit AiiHin:; : : ! CK CLOT If. At C. l. FA KBITS'. Of ftCKr.a CLOTH, aad all kiedsoi Tn'tamiir, At c. m. fa:: kims'. .VECETIE5, Al ' C. M. FARRIS.-. ,Fi CAS.H1UKRK.- A fd. M FAR tl.'. G uNTIeEM EN'S FALF Ho.H-. At C. M. FAr.ai?f. OJi-r-rs f fTth Carolina Tro -p" n!i,in-it a har n ipp4. tardir ca;l for th.-ir jo.u' if rson, hrr thd rloth dtawn by .. ? Fa-r'ss. who v. ill s.nd an expienecd h i I to ea i r fs e tncxsurca. If you vvaut t. ; send voir ordcts lo C M. Fa.-'i.s. W SI e'.U' Fir- o.- ;'x er,irt i'-nTed .Ion -in-i T.iiii,r Th -reM b si p. ic s fiid. Maich : tUlra. " C. .'. I ARRIS S. "XJ oli nu-.-All perac's Xott Hold t.r ii who may Is-ra'te-i !ol 1 rl.eet; rr d-afts Z"inst u d..t v p;ior to Ap. il I8ii4, are i.and to pits- l tlo m f'o- pavmer.t before I La t daO,t.r thev be paid in tE fild t 'ur; i-n v. tTif. W. ,;. i;:cil N ilto ; 4 a L V-ifiK AM) r-TfRXMYK KM K OF M ITU'Tl'KKO 10 HI (TO, BY R. A. roc 0 A. B IV . PKTKRjrKrKik Va. n Ffi'lst . the leth irtl , iri 10 o'tP ik. rt oar aioi-, No. 4, lion Front, e will red j,t sncrion. f;o thousand packages of JA.(.TFA f TUtUCn TQiACO, of -11 qaalifin.. inc!-.i.-vr ne ihou-and pounds Nivy. p tri'a aad Vtf pounds, one hnndr d 'ielCe-s of Tist, aud sow f f tfhe most celebrated brar-dn of tlr rhrwirj and r'jvdcing tobacco in the Confederal-. Notice. nAVIN' pro uredso:ne gennine vaccine ilrwi 1 w iaeein to, Irrcof charge, iiea'lhy while t.iidien ot tl is eitr ar.d coaaty. not pr-viously var ritiated. who preeoij thnielve nt the l"e eril Hepiiai. No. f, Lclw.er.the houtsof lu(rd 2. By order of Sat geon P. E. Hixxf, Medical Di rector General Hospitals, N. (.'. . F.. B. HOLLAND. S 2aa Ln A. Am'i.'Sh-c C. S A. . OFFICE V. C. KAlLTtOAD CO., ) VvcE. Maicl. VI. 1S4. ( N'OTICH U hereby riv.n that after I'arcb loth, I bo I, thi prrfnt tariff., of freights and fares, rvr'this road will be increased br the addition of i'ty per cent. The 9100 Confederate rote, will ot ba received at all. and in every instance the debtor must make the exict change. Bv order of T. J. Sumner. Sunei iiitndt. . JOHN 11. BUYAN.Ji., tnli 13-42-dt2oir-h S?oretary. N OTICE. All persons having rlaiu f againt me . aa Trustee for the county ot Wake, w h therin 'hecks or orders, accounts or otherwise, wi I p' nt them lor pa vhieut befoic the Isiot Aoril, 1MJI. mh 15 42-dtao'l. J. F. II U TClllNGS. HE VD THiS.-IVrsons dsiiirg JOiFdaN A M'SLS t. tan for t hem on the f hares, at tlulr reduced prices, wt. I pb asedepitit th.ir IdJ. s at A. HoHan's. Smithlivld ; W. Utcks, o Clayton, : nd Lino Adams, Kabigb. mh '5-42-dl 150 jIKWAKL r.OU nejro boy JOHN. Said boy i about S feet 10 inches hih, dak brown color, itittl ligri:t fac-., ar.d may be readily known by a hitrh oi stau rcer iu his voice ; speaks and movis quick ly : hudo.i w hn he left a ligbt colTed roundabout and a soldier's rap. I will give the shove reward to an v.on-t v. hr v iil arrc:t said boy and retan him to u.e, or .con tine him in jail so "that I can t Lim. GEO. BADGER HARRIS. Ad'utr A. 11 ALLcr, rnh lfi-43 Ct IIndeison. N. CV NtStice. "VI 7 II are now prepared to receive nud pny i 1 T all La!lance nce. Our cu trmers and check ectfullvrequestedtogove-nthem- glv. On the lit of Antil ther ; thin- holders are nspe , ,rY. accordingl t .j, ( will be a chanre in thinrs. We continue to carry on the Exchange business, aa heretofore, in all its various branches, at ur d stand. . JOHN G. WILLIAMS k CO. uih 143 lit J ; I? oli SALL.lwo zuotl Farm horstj". : Anplv at tr.b 17-41 2t PLA.TTERS HOTEL. tUMSIIKD KOUU FOR UKXT AT JD KITUELLS Depot, Several lanfe famished Ko:ms can be rented at the Collin's House for the balance uf the y ar, with cookie apparatus and a garden soot. 'if applied for within teu data, march 17 44 1 w. TJILAXKS J iCxocuted with fceaitresa tod epatch at Till J "fotlce.-On the llrst ilar or every ; Btontb 1 shall send a snial aent to ti e Arm 01 .'Xortbera irtjlnn. All packager, A e... sent to tee inn olaci- ! ,c iiHue'r( r 1 miu d free of ch . rjre. K D W k R4J NV A Ii ( K X . J DeC tl. ltt&,i-d3ro ttarfr-Ueo'l NYC. ! In-ciiiiiii l?cOkMtalinaal Vm Gala i rpnK pitupniKTOU of tuk 4sriuiT or auu aevjvipT uiinj rujiiru R ; aiother butinets, ofien that ritatlikhintnt foi sale. n w id eiiiit ace ai me iitne oi tae passage oi the 11 Military Hill, whit h entitles itsKditor cn4 neceftaiy employer a to exemption under tlmt Act. The Paper has a large circulation, and tVe Office, i well snpplicd with Preess. Type nd ail nroes. ai v futures for ewsparr. !tr.k and Job Print Snz. 11e tiett income of the Olfire will aCord flow -sy.taMLgur,. at. yrwUte na the price 4ked for the r.stabUhmeht. For rr c aud t.thr infornsstioo dstred. aHri TKOPKIbToj; KPIKIT OF THK AtiK " 'i-tf ralcitfh N. I'. 01TlCK.N0KTHCAI.ol.lXA P.AILK0ADC0. VaNcr. Marrh 4. 1514. ' Notice Is hereby Khen, that pflrr March 0th. 1SC4. to iwu s of Confederate Treasurv notes ether than the ones, twoe, and fives, wi'l received ly this Compter in pay ment of Farei, Freights "or any other dues t other- wise fiftr per cent, additional will be ilarst-d. 1 he 3100 notes will not b received atll. mI ia eveiy invtsnca th debtor unit make th exact luargo. Bv ordrr of th Board of Ditrtto?. tai'jQ JOHN II. BKYAN, Jk., S.c'y. OrriiH .Shuts Ciaote U. R. C. I Ya.NCa. March 4, UC4 XTotlec Is lierrbj Rhrn, that :KI Ucbta and accounts, tit every description, Coapoas, Divid nds Haud Hire, Bonds, Ac, ue bv this Company previous to March ?0th. Wi. wit: bo paid in Cunftdeiate Treastiry Nidee ofihe ola . issu. Bv order cflh Batd of Direitoii. ' r20: JOHN" H. BRYAX. Jk. SVr. Kntinnay tnkm Bp.-A chrk AImImIo . hot atw,ut IH teats eld. i ten C inrlu. hiah. I I CMl.te hiujsolf Chet, s be lo torgs to ltAe i Mik'trtiti, lining on rr sr the Hal-igh A ntn ! Bsilroad ; hsd ou when taken a wddiv roa. avd whit. hat. Pur tuilher i.-.toitratior. add . ! - WL." .M. SMITH, -l -!:,r I ah liii, A. C. or iir.if.tTK t;-.4ti i:." IWILLatterd, wilt th Assessor, at mv otnee, ia the city of Ksh ich, flora the llth to" ihe 2-th tout., for the fOrfJi of receivirg'tetui n and ih taxes uupojsd iu the (e-ni th ned.fft of an Act o? tho ('onxresa of th- (!oioederate States, uti l-d " An Act to levy aridittoeal tssea for ihe common L' fence ami stppoti d tne (icvertuwtut, " approvrd 17th February, 1SC4, as follows: S -c. 4tb. i!On all profits n.aJ- by luyirjf. sid ellttig tp'niluous l.quoir, flour, wh.af, toin. lice, uni. ciolassri or .'y tap, salt, bacr, juivk hoa, Ucef r b t-f cattle, bep. fcaU. hav, fentder, taw I. ri Ji s. Irat ler, hutscs, Itibles, boots. ua i, (niiim j i am, woel, woolm. cutton or atitrti ttoth, hat-, i sgD v hi tr, c,al. Iron. stel or balls, at set 1 Ifiii- betn the kit'wf JabUai y , It 64. ad the i kist f Japr.ar' t oi per cen'i. in addition t.i j lbs tat on Md: p,-i tils as fneome nnd-r the act ! to lay taxrs for ih- tA.aiibuU J-Ud', ai J caitt on lie Goternt'OTt id l!if Cotfetleiate Mtsles, ' ip - p. ovrd Apitl :4ib, lht.1 ! II. Oa all piotti war'v by boyitg adslliig t e:oivy. jf'M, silno, fneiao txtl.st'g", nt"ek, i ,.t-i dLrs, ctdit o .bl'gi o ti nt any VitiO, i i .d any c:cri.bftndie. pt.ptiy i lTetsof ant L'.nd tii t roa rt slid in th f iV- Hin r af n apb, 4 bctweea tha time bs.uo-4 there'. ap, eer i., I in sdr'.hion to the tax Sa aek -."Ci' a irton.r, j und. t The atl aho esaid. lit. On the itriiobiit r.r pi etJ- i ie-r!ititf rnty - live per uf. . irede dorifcjr the ar lSf..1, ht : '"" t nr banklbjr n.rxfi ay, ffi snt. earal. ast i t0 iot, irapo.toig rd poiiinr, t. It a epb, a ! I s. tailtuwd. mar tilaet ni ing, ny da k o- wther ' 'rtt s'oek f-evi pdv of anv 1,-c. ift i- li, vl.rthet- fiorattd t; tfot, I wen Pte per-r. nt. or. Mth sAco. .il' I S H. I'AOI. Vol't-'t,, fyr MVjy.ii ( o.o fy. nid'igh. Match itb. lkA. . i td. ' I it k "of Vni Ei:t:E"AY kh jo r n ::. i C(.).?o.i 't:oi. Maith Sii lt4. t 'nlr h Iffrtli) ti'iiinio Hi pni rv Bit k. a l t r-ll ii 'tssiioi bid.'ii j ChuLs. nod h.viti'r Ditt di ds due at.u n:,paol. top.iiit -:d rla'.ius, an! ! c't- piyo- i t tL-teif H 'h. Sitfrtt ( inirtior -l par n btie the 7St It lost, oihei vt iie h v w ill foe did in 4 per. fir., Bonds o ti e fottf.drt tie Stater. A i.d pay met a'n sarh claims it id b taac th r a'lr in aeid Coi!.. J. a. gi:dn, . 57 df.T. Cadur. Pi ojfie tiopy uvlil fS itnt. ' Lc (bat U tte 'Bulletin, anda- cd bills luirpcdiali-ly f jdier t'ser. . tlffirr thai ham K. "li. C o. i KtLf?au, tlaicb 4 IF4 i LL Ch-r-af and l( qoito n I ild t n.pty. r. oot-iauJ are pt ylde ply in the .r..rnrr..-r W. W. VA.8 Trfis. .i Hta ' TRA7CTtY DEP 4 1'.TM .NT. C. S A." K;rnv;o-.p, llaih llth, DC4. I JHKfo!towitiiC DepH.siiaries srr cstablifh -d ter undipg Tr arbiy LwUria ih State of .N U IU II t;ARtLINA : Hero y a age, C H. II t ison, A . C. W ill inn soa. John W. SaOihitd, E. U. lb i den, J. B. Batcbrlor, W. M. PippH, C S. Winsteud. J.hn W. llui.ur, Yancey Junes, James Calloway, K J. Ei win. ". C. A. Ca'ltoa, W. W. McDo-attl, M. W. J arsis, raa:uel B. Iiwe, W. XL R-inhtdt, H. B. Hammond, John M. Worth, J. II. Hitighton, J. li. I.indrar. Kus-l il. Kingikury, H. J. Harvey, Cicero F. Loc, John M. Kuklaod, Wiin i glon. KaJeiiih. hallotte., lay titrable. t l!dr but O. , WaMtMoli. Tai boi a. Hoxboi u'. Salem. Yauc. t vil!v Wi'k.s'boro'. Morgjuf-1. Statfsrilla. Ahevi.b. Salisbury. -Kcwt"n. Lit.Colntoa. Wadesboro, A 'lib. Hi. PitUboro. Oi ecnslniro. Otfoid. lUllh-A. I.exinjrtor. ' IlillrUm.'. Bank of Cape Fear, Wr.udrigt'n. InSddition to the shove, the Chief Qaartrrma!u tercf.eaib Arm) Cut) lis authorised to rctaiif ano fund N tes. '1 l.er are tlo f.'.lowiLg : ' Maj" J. H. llru an, O. II. Lt G-.u. B-U Ew ell's Corps, Orange C. II. , a. Maj J.C. Field. O. M. Lt Geo. A. P. Hill's Curt.f, Orange C. II. Va. i Maj. X. R. Fiuhugh, g. . Maj-Om. J. t.. JJ. ! Fteart'a Corps. Oiange C. H. Va. Maj. E- McMahon. g. M. Maj Gn. J.C. Bttc ; en'b-g-' Divifion, Dublin Depot. a. Maj. K. Taylor, g. M. Lt-Gsu. J. Loa.lreat s f Corps, Morri'atowr., Tenu. ! Mai. E IL twin. 0. M. I.t Geo. J. It. Dcd s ! Corps. Dylton. Ga. . f't-, '; Pattoa, A. ,'. M. Lt Gen. La. dee a . C'rK. Valur.t f, a C'apt. S. E. N'oi too. A. 0 M. M r-ueHi ral Wh ttr'a DivUiou. Dalton. Gar Msj J. V. Young, Q. M. Lt Gen. Polk's Corps, Aid iuiao, Mus. C. G. MEM MI NO KB, inh 5 42-dtafll Secretary of the Trt aury. pr Dsi'y Wilmington Jeotaal and .Ahwill copy till AptF f. . EN'roLLING Ol-FICE, KAttian, Marcli 14th. 14. 'I HE oSioersor town coiapJro-s t-f ,8tn logi 1 raent N. C. Militia will bare complete R0II1 uf ail persona L'twceo th ages of lh ar.d 45, (whether exempts, or having furnish dsubstPuter, or detailed,) ready by the lt dar of April. Ci. Kntollmeot of 3 fi Reilmenton 1st. 2nd, 3rd, and 5th i f Arrll, at Ba'el rh Conrt-House. 4 SAMUEL B. WaTF.DS, n 15-42 dlJt 4?af t. atd Ctrclllsg Oietr. a