A. M. fiORMAff. MKOf .47 fctfar on business of the Office, io be dim-ted to A. AI. Gob a & Co. Office - of TnB Confederate, cu Fbvettcvilltf street, second dour Bouth of Pomeroy'a Bookstore, SATIUDAY, March 19, 1804, "Running a Muck." Wc'ku'ivr tiopditicVri in the Ginfederaey j wuli adapted to this oriental occupation, aod at the Kama tiaxs so partial to t a Gut. Drwu, of Georgia. V take it for granted th;U h-3 is rather (Klf-important iu hi compo sition bilious, dyspeptic, suffering with de rueJ liver and as a concomitant oi tbe complaints, is a little or go peevish, fretful, repining, petulant and scolding ; nits up lato at ni;ht ui nrpj a-.J grow uw idy ; sleeps ill as ej?e a id ri6 u irdfrushod, and the mm wiilj a green eye, and catches a ictliCtion in theVtme color for all other object'. Thus mentally filial, h rmhes out to ' run a murk" against, all creation the President of i lie Confe teracy flr. the Cabinet, the du creyi, the Genefud, all court of justice, his own Supreme Court, and all authorities; jait Hi Lincoln i 'running t!v? oh ircfus " so unlit our p ihticil J. B ' ruu hi "muck." Vhat a ru:npu tha old fellow does st rt up; whack'n aw t-y 'at every thing with a ddvil-iaay-cM lay about, although the chief pleasure of existence- aod the chieftst of Gu bernatorial duties, was to " kick up a mil." Just at thi lifn-j htr Excellency ha started ou a grand cfiafj. lie has called hi Legislature tuether, and his fiulad the nuion with one of thi UrjjdSiC production iu tho way of a nmsage Ivo hive seen for many a day. Tilt up ho g.2 against conscription, substitute princip i's, currency, ail rnili'ary, aud hate is 'utrpus bills agairfrt Congress, generally, and vtry bly else in particular. Nrvw one Would auppoc, that after the j idiciary had" pronounced fody oa the cc uriplim iiasti:i, th Governor w,j:ild :et that drop. iJ.it n ; so much tin greater ne cessity of stirring if the mors. On' would have f.uj'p m;d that the almost ilnuimou ac ('iifS"!n;. of' the people in the currency measures, indicated a popular w:h for a fir, piiet, u;u-xoitel trial of it msriti; but t'jis li.ni't knit thi Gtria functionary ; puui tuclhd it uujs b, vhcthev good conn of it or not. S of tho hxbeaa coryxia au.pjnaion. JIvc.-y oih rcognizfS that the cxerciae of (ich power ii dangerous mojt to the authori ty which pu& it iu force ; and that uo nio liw? of pc4icy and no love of power could by possibility have operated with the Executive and G.ngrosi tfr taiuoethU ieglalatinu : and e..ry o e ioob that weighty, powerful, co: irullia reasons- in Richmond it9elf herein Xorth Laroliiu yi GaorjjU, to a le extent, p.;rijap aspicially biad ihj Mtidsipi t xut;d f ir thia s'Hpongion. Yet this irrita bly Governor Uiusr Deedd intcrpo.se here soaus tiry di'.;I niitU ' t'3 dit'satiafy the public, vho if ve Hiiifered no iuconveuienco, wuo are no: lik';ly to sutTdr any, and who were fast becoming convinced tliat all the furious ic hoives about habeas cotpua aud its suspen sion, were Mr. II olden tea-pot tempests. Gov. Browu hu already morn than once born rcbukrd by both the Legislature and the courta of bis State, Rtid tuch wiii be the cue a?: tin ; and if it were not th.st h is one of th i! rem irl tble meo ot luck, that mixes with his etil ho much of good at to cover the bad, he would long since have been consigned to Mouirf quiet secluiiun, where hs could liaro indulged his favo.ite sport of runniuj a tuuck,'' Without coming in eoutact with any t ing but hiinelf. Tne Legislature f Georgia will no doubt duly conider Gov. Brown' topic of addrefp. It will i e aided by the presence and instruc tion of tuch men as Gen. Cobb, and Mr. Vice President Stephens, and it will enact such resolve as will show to' the country that Georgia finds better employment for her j -triotic resource thau in carping and fawn tiuding ; and that nhe means to stand, as hi tojd, among the foremost in the tnaiu tenancy r-f the nation's true interest. Georgia has no peace position gafcr or 1 t ter thun that set forth iu the Congressional ad dresa. By this she will abide ; and political part'zana who, for selfish end.s, ara divid ng t!i country o.i tticse fanciful schemes, such k Mr. Linton Stephen' propoiiious, will bo ie ruembiredno more vWieo tiie nation tttko atf count of her jewels. We concur with tho Richmond Whig whose article we publish, that impolitic and, unwise as U the "Georgia discoutent," there i u vast ditTereuce between it and the "recon struction" or secession attitude of Mr. lloldeti and hi followers in this State. In Georgia, dbcoutent stop with a legitimate expression of apprehension or disapprobation ; but hftre it has gone the length of tierce denunciation ot the gevernment itself, of startling propi tious for its disruption, for tho surrender t a portion of the estate of Virginia, and all of Kentucky, and Missouri. This Mr. Ilolden has advocated broadly and open 1 j, and the Progress has followed lead. And here in Xcrth Carolina au attempt, capable of proof as against the leaders, has been mado to get a tJvnventionfor the purpose of making Us own terms with the yanke'e government, to the ever lasting disgrace of the Slate. Cumberland Gat. A rumor prevailed iu Richmond on Weduesday, which was believed highly probable, that Cumberland Gap had been recaptured by our forces ; but no ofEcial iufornation ot the fact had been teeeired at iho War DeparttttcnU : . . ? Ike Press. The Greensboro Patriot comes tons with . ie ran. of Governor Vaace hoibted as its SUndidab'. So far, every press which has J. okeu has either indicated aupp?rt of Gov. ance, or in one Instance a strict neutrality, and iu one other a would -if-we-cou'd, or half-and-half. Th'a last is the position of the Progress, "No one is placid in a more per plexed pobition. " It would cheerfully sup port either of them would rather, if p sm ble, as ft does in mo-t cases, support both side; but thi is impossible; and there i tie PEh flkxitt. Really, to ehus perplex ed, " is the most distressing thing alive. And then, " tte don't waut to take any part be tween them." We don't w.mt to l it not tre won't do it w may b obligel to -but very much against the grain. Such is the dolefully perplexed strain of "a hah-and-half. " And the fuuu'est art of thia whole thing is, that in the very mid rijiht iu the centre of thi very perplexing problem the I Progress is supporting Mr. Uoldeu with, ail ltd might, and don'l know it dou't dr-am j of it i wholly unconscious of it, wi.h a f whole col urrn-and-a-half of out-and- ut sup i port right Wore its eye. It looks as if tho j perplexity were put in 1 y thi Editor, after I the rest waa all written. I One thing is certaic,ihero is not a paper in ' the Confederacy, that we have seen, not a meeting of any b dy of people nor of the j o!iier, that l ave given to Mr. Ilclden the j slightest repono b Lis nomination. Seil- created a self tyiOoc t fit: didate, he cannot t ee the reflection of himself in a fcinie out-4 j npukon reception from the pubiic. We have l.eard that he was invited to go to Chah.ini, but declined. We .have heard the resign. s, ' but forbear to publiah them. "If his name ' is before the people iu August," between this and then he ill have invitations to nieet ; Gov. Vance, that he will not be able to de cliue on any ground that he has yet given to the public.' Thai ia an encounter that f.e must prepare to luce. The puMie, informed of his earnest, istrot g and continued fupp rt and commendation of Gov. Vance in the last cauva?, will want to know why l now r.p : poses him; and; as he luis bu.peuded his jaotr j and left his subcribers withuid an or,ran, the pecp'e witl call upm him to come in person. We hiie lieard that a secret Weekly Stan dard of the last week i.- in circulation in the 'yrcA. Wo do not believe thi.- Mr. Ilolden h8 not far g-juo mil, ur fwrgj'. en his cun ning, as to attempt a trat.ig-??n s cert;in of det-oction. We giveu credit whatever to the rumor; For our pirt it would, be gratifying t se Mr. Hoidrii withdraw. TIi.ro is every stim ulus to a pithutic, uu8fl(i.-!i mind ti yield to the general, almost universal diipirtithin to av.id agitation. Escaping by this path, he may iierc-aftr agaiu fall into the high road to public favor. That depends on himself. If he per-' sists in the career which wo still hdieve h-. has been entrapped into, his political ruin, will be eternal. We sink the individual in the country ; and out of our great dire for a united action, wo would fain s-je the avjuueinf poli-idil'divis- j ion . ami dissension domed up, sod all hier. t. -.-i-..-t. t. , . i uiaiu nuij iw me sains g-at, ior ute no nor or the nation. The Libby Prison. If Gcueral Dix and that portion of his com mand in New York, known a the wivcr, mothers aud sisters of the Union League Club, whose avocation seems to be the manufacture of "colored troops" out cf free negroes and runaway slaves, could only look into the Libby, thay would discover that this extensive and commodious mansion has been so arranged a to accommodate that very idea of free nation ality'' which affords such attraction to their syuipifthies Here is to be found a special provision for the Yankee officers of the colored troops the pitch and oakum heroes, anrf the nigger brethren, all iu one compartment where, commingling; iu unrestrained and jolly inter course, eating the same mess, drinking froru tLe same cup and sleeping in the same bed, auon fuming the same pipe, these free nationals luay cultivate with alacrity " the ardeut congeniali ties so grateful to the chivalrous General and his susceptible subordinates of the "Union I Lsague." If the General cannot find time' amid his arduous, not to say perilous duties, to look in himself, it would feast bis soul if he could only have a faithful photograph, iu real Colors, uf this exquisitely happy group. Southern Literary Messenger. The March Dumber of thi sterling periodical pre sents an unusually attractive appearance, and is replete with instructive' and interesting reading matter. Among other attractive feature-, the M;sseuger contains a beautifully executed reprint of the latest Parish Fashion. The new proprietors have infused a vigor into the noble journal which it has not known fur many years. Tney are evidently determined tv spare nothiug which energy and a liberal expenditure of means can supply, to make the Megj-enger attractive to all clase of lb Southern people. If they are not sustained by a liberal encouragement it will constitute a reproach to our national pride for which there can be no justification. The table of contents embraces the following articles : liistory of the War ; " " Cottage in the Wood ; " " Agnea, a Novel; " "Fuueral of Sir Walter Scott;' 14 Novels and Novel Writings ; " "The W ed ging Day;" "A Secret;" "Epou.se Mois L'Onzieme ; " " Gtn. Suwaroff; " " Nil Nisi Bonum;" "Editors 'Table;" "Literary Notices ; " and the " Omnibus. " Price of the Messenger $15 for twelve months, and $8 for six months. Tho Atlanta Confederacy learns from scouts and citizens immediately from tho federal lines, that the enemy's strenth at Ringgold ate! Ctatfaaoaga under 20,000 effective men. Soldiers on Furlough. Among otiier things that have contributed iothe trtmebdous reaction now going on in the public sentiment e Korth Carolina, per-h-ps nothing has bad a more controlling influence than that exerted by the soldiers on furloughs to visit their families and friends. Tuy have told tbo6e at home-that they would never .uUn;t to any settlement of this war, except upon terms of thorough nd eutiie independence of and separation from the hated yankee nation. Aud they burn with indigna tion at the thought of any sort of aCitiaiiou with tho northern government, after all the sufferings they have enduied, and while the blood cf thousands of their comrade cries ah.ud for vengeance fnm th-ir gory graves. Mu.-t all Mhis sacrifice go for nothing, isay thf-v.and thtfsurvtving souse f North Car-.Una I Hked to unite with the murderer cf tiuir brothers, the oiiJrger of female virtu, and the robber of their property? Never, cry they ; and if there could be enough ctaveus in her t orders to carry North Carolina irto the Union rgaiir, her coldivr in ti e riV.d would never return to her bos ni to witness the dis grace of their humiliated old mother It is. by such declarations to their own friend and neighbors, that our people are being awakened from the delusion in'o which the S.andard h-s led them, t'.at the p.ivabs iu i ho army werCwith that pap. r in hatred to our government and in opposition to a contin uaiiou of the war that the soldier were '"for peace on the best terms they can gt." 'I lee .Idlers, seitcd around their own firesides on A brief lurlough'io "wife, children ai:d frieHls' CI tell them they 'want no peaco but one that will place the Southern CMi'Vdtracy among the prtudest of tho iodepei.dcnt nations o tho earth: that they should soon return to thtir ttcaned and war-worn veterans, determined to athiove t!i3t independence or sacrifice their lives iu endiavoring to accomplish it. The pe tplo at home now understand our noble sohl:ury, aud imbibing their lofty pat iot istK, are determined to sUnd by the Confed erate government and our noble State Execu tive, and contend lor the right at all hiizard ; and thus 'rebuke and silence the miserah'e agitators who would betray the nolle old State into ignominy and disgtacc. We are in receipt of a number of Commnnir catio ns, proceedings of meetis i:i the army and i; several CoU: ties, which we will j-i;; -li-sli as fast as our spaee wiii allow. The voic of the army and sit home go to co'iCrrn our niot ftanuicc anticipations a to whar v ill be the wteof the Stats in the next Goberna toiiai election. Gov. Vance's majority will riot b, from pirscnt appearrncts, has than fitry thousand nojorily. Exchange or Prisoners. 0::e th. usnnd ConhiU-rattf pri;i;;.is arc expected to arrive on a fijg of tiue boat at City Point tu-iay. Trie t-Xcliangrt uudr Vtv cu t d has not been I ft nnaily rvumel, but when t td. Muliord de livers our men at City Point, we. in r.'tuin, senl Federal jirisoner iu exchange. For cvory fen r-iceived. vu return seven the Yankees claiming to have about three-ttuths t;;ovc pi':.-'tiers thau we l.;.v.j. Important Disclosure. WatHlNGT. N, March 8, 1G4. To Hit Editor of the ChronkL ; I.i the New Y4'k Tribune of M -ud.y, the 7ih iust.. there appeared the foil -raring mi tieh : AN INTCKVIKW BKTWKKN GEN. LKIW.N1 OKN. U'CLKLLAlV A wriiten rtimmuiiiciiiioji a to the Secretary tf War on Saturday Uyt hy a lorMt,r nu mber of the M;iryl;ud L' .i.-!a urc. ant! a cousin ot the reb l Gnciar Lec, stating that dtuvng thebattle tf Antietnn, Gen. Lvs had hi h.eaq'iai ters rt his hou.e ; that t.n the? night after toe buttle, he sent a messenger into onr lines to Gen. M Ctelian, request in.: an interview at hi hctlquarters ; thut Gener.il McCieliau, ace ru panted by some uf his stall', rode that night through tho rebel lines, ;md had a long iu'erview with General Lee, who, among other things, informed McCledlan ' hat his aiiuy ws crtssing the Potomac. The writer na been subpoenaed bef re tiie Com mittee onlhn Conduct ef die War. I wish to correct many errors therein 1. I am not a cousin of General Robert Lee. 2. No interview could have taken place be- . tween the p-irtiea during the battle u. Antie- Ui at my house, aI live about ten miles from that place. ;h The interview took place thrco or four days afterward, and was ra her at the sug gestion of a mutual fuend, than courted by either party. 4. At the time of thn meeting, Gen. Mc Ciellan vas ahne and General Le crnne thtourjh the lines of the United Males Army under my ecorr, I having received a solemn pledge of personal Safety from Gen. MeCiel fan fr us bo h. 5. The communication rvaa not made by niys-If. The interview lated some three hoar., during a short part of which time I was present. . F. W. Discontent in Georgia. Wo' regret to se signs of dissatisfaction in Georgia. The telegraphic synopsis of Governor Brown mes sage is not pretty, and Mr. Linton Stephens' proposal to offer peace after every G-n federate victory shows-. to much anxitty to proffer what is not wanted, or, at leas', has never been asked for. Would it bo ill-advised cr precipitate to wait until the first gre.-tt Cm federate victory had been won ? What does Mr. Linton Stephens propose to tit) atter every Confederate defeat. The people of Georgia mistake the people of Virginia, precisely as they did in 1860-'6l, when Virgiuia seemed and was reglly loath to secede. Who quarrels notf with Virginia's at tiiude towards the North? Georgiau fancy V:rgit)iai.s r-ave forgotten George Mason and Patrick Henry and John Raudoh h, and bav left to Georgia the proud task of upholding the standard of State Right. NothiDg can be further from the fact. Thev who ohey best are best fitted to command. Amidst all this sub mission, men &rc thinlfimroml tstlkinir nuiptlr. State Rights are in no danger, except from the I Yankee U ivernor Vance's admirable address. unanswerable and nateful as it must b ve teen to every Holdenite Re constructionist, i redo- i ottif State trride aad determination Such- m4(ri TT. TIIK NEWS. The Ssupe5?iom or the Uadfx Coitpps Thi Extent of Poweb Claimkd by 'the Government. The instructions of the War Department with re-pect to the procet dings under the law making a limited r qutsi sus ler.Mon of the habeas corpus, remove many grounds of clamor, and propose what may be ci nideed n a very moderate txeeutitm of tl e law. Parties arrest eI. iu the cas-s hfeci ficd in the lew. i!l not hi desded a trial, hut their caws will It iuvet!g:tol by conniis sioners, who will be ;t pii !td for t!i du tisin th ddlrieit n.iiirary department -Information f all an est umli-r t e law will .he given by the dcpAitiuci.t eon niender as siii as j-ia .ti:ibl? t er thy are ni idc, aruj the coiiin.hLucr will pnx-ecd to investigate the earn?. It. upon examination, a rrasonuldc end proh d) e ivinse n-r th tention n t apar, he will certify th? fact to tl:e gmeral (r thr otlicr in C nirnai d. wlio will iiniieiiately , discharge tho prlwuier from arrest. But if a reaeouat.ie ami proiMMe CJni. !te :;ipr.tr, the commissioner will forthwith inusmit tt the War Department a copy f the tvid' in-e taken io the case, with hi -t opinion thereon, hr i::;ructio; s, ;mti meanwhile tl:e piis.titr will reiiKiiu in cint )!y. In cakes wl.ete r rsons not lehingiug to tl military s -rvi'-o idiail apply to a; y coiit t r oilictr in ihe Cu federate Stati f r a wiit of habeas i.orpu3, it will bo the duty of the r-fli-eer having toe co:niiiand :r t1:stdy ot such erson hnlttuith to rtpoittbc ch:c, uilh all the ie!ev.-.,.t facts, to ti e War Department, for inM i actions m to the proper :inwrhbo made tosu-J: writ. Hichmond Examiner. Gov. Vascb to Speak in Fayettkvillb It is with jirat pleasure, sjijs th F'itttevil!e Observer, that we publish the following letter froiw G v. Vance, accepting the initntin so cwd;aliy tendered to him during the session of our County Otjurt last week : STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ) IIXKOI TIVK DtPAKTMKNT, Italeijh, March 14. Im.1. j DATfD McNeill, iCsq , Cbm'u Cumb'.-rlaud Co. Court : Dear Sir: I am honored by the reception of your mvhatioti to In come tiif.cuest ox' Cum berland, and t address the people .it some day to be fixed by. mystlf. 1 accept the invitation wWh unalloyed plea sure, and only rerct that the tite my own health and that of my family will net pei nif me now to designa-e the d ty. I will d to, how ever, in the c iursc of a week. With my sincere thanks to yourself and those you represent, Relieve me, sir, your verv.oh't vt, Z ..R. VANCE. C a v a i. ft y Exploit A prty of scvm.tr, men, oi tliftWfnt compani's of'thc G!h Vir ginia ravairy, "di.li.mdHi" until the J5 h in. st int t'i emit . l;ea;d that a party .of Yan kees were c inir g up towards .Snieketsville. and !eeiniiuKl to uo int . "active s-rvicoM ami attack them. Tho Yankees numV-it'd twrnty-thre. rt.n,, u( tl,c op.t y;(rk c.ivalrv. Thry were ehari! d a thi-v emu up the i.Mintaii). f. ur kllie', f,.ur rvoiuidcl, and rill f " rc.'t cantor rl , rc,', t : 1 1 . i 1 1 ti-rw weir pursued until ihev look refuse with a body of of) of tt oir comrade who were apj-r chrn.'. ai:d who were to., stroug f,.r our n.eu to ait.iek. The p.isoner yren bn.tiuht oil safely. Only one of our men was Wi. un tied. ' Ptn:NAL - dpt. Ilaie, ot etd the c:a?e editors .of the O. ! r, is now at. home in this ritv, tu .t slu r j Mve of ahst -net, fi 'in Gen. L Vsnrmy. His many Trierd will b- xhul tt) met .'yi in jii:eh pi id health. Capt. Iltlceu tcvd tin-s; rvice, at the outbreak -.f l.ostiliti", as a pn'cnfef HXi has by his r. t it and ability been proinoii-d ti his pr?ent poidon. Tli Miuii yotiuir in e.rs. he has alrctlv heard t! c unp'caseut wldtie of tninuiu bullet, and she Lei votining roar of th- eu -mv's she!' Jin .n a nuinii.T of hltn-dy fields tit striic. Fay tt( rillc Cunlljuan. Tlie Chilled on Courier svs that the latest news fr m t far se r-.ver, lUphel Spjnnie--, for wii.m Yai.keo shipot and insurers ate ai xi.u?!v iutpdriug, is givi; in a Immbav dispatch, of the of .Jamiaiy. Hp was oil' the VYekt e- af of-India, kerp'osg his hiiii indiy ovorii::nhi,g J:ow and tht'o "j t Yank'f s; io. His liiest yt. tho Emm:;, f New York, the v,.ry pr,rj (( r a Mji,, t., j, ,j from.'.-u cordin jo S. niTe. Can we u .t hurry u the "Volunteer Navy?" Thk Nk-,7 Cub'ukncy Coming. Within eM- wtk ll.m Ihis t:le iheie.wiil be'srnt to Yx'u hu ti d (r. ni the presses of this city ten niiilii.t!.s t.f the xu-xr currency. The r un b; r of sig'.crs has btcn largely increaaetl. Many tj.f t hcs. are lads'. R. We harn that tho issue from the "nulls " will be at the rite of two million a y. Columbia Fonth Carolinian. A roriopii!id'nt from the front, near Jack sonville, Florida, writing on ihe Cth to the Savaunah republican, says they are daily expecting an engagement. The ci emv have) heiMi tlrnen inside the Three Mile Branch. They eccupy from there to Jacksonville. Tl ci forces are variously estimated at 15.000 to 25,000. Gen. Gi.n ore is in coinmaud. It is n rvirled that or last Frwlav nv rning, Mostly attacki d the Yankees near Charle town, Va., killed a major, three captain and a number of privates, besides Capturing twenty five prisoners. Kith their hor es and equipment. O ar.loss none. Th Mobile Register gives a t-atisfac tory nr . i . . . . . . rjn.il. ... ti... ...... . : pim n ,-r juu,i;i;n. i ne sue u.ir Fort Powell Sy the fleet en the inst., ha little lf.:ct. The fort is strorLr r than on t! : t first d iy attack, and the garrison in the fi:.u. spirits. For TUii Confederate. Mc sr. Edit- rs : The following e xtra from a private letter from Lirut. William relative to the patriotism and faithfulness : ' hi servant, i placed at your di-po. J. II F JSlaj. Ffole, A. A. General : Dkar Sir: In comph ance with y.'iir request, I row jrocevt i give you a sketch of my boy, William. I captured and brought oil" ten Yanktea in tl t fight at Bristow Station, .last foimmer, tltirii our campaign in Virginia. II- i twenty-fit year old, and has len connectetl with th army ever since the o'rganizition of che e! ' Bethel regiment and ou many occasion h; bvn under hot fire from.lo h artilleiy ai. musketry and exhibited great gallantrv wiiich is hy no mean the characteri.t c t.f tb -me-. O.i on x:caio he siumldered hit musket, and camp to us in line of l at'le, an evinced a great desire to picn in thefigl. with me. He i a very intelligent w;rvan and has done much ir aiding our catie. I ha been sutrested to me several tiiu bv m . . . & . . . j friend to bare his name entered un yi "'o, vui ne oeiug negro i luuugui it wo'ii n" be noticed. I am. very respectfully. J. MA US II ALL WILLIAMS, ffLt. Co. C, Siih Ke-'fr. K. 0. T. TELEGUAPH.IC. m H SPORTS OF TIIE PRESS ASSOCIATION. V .tered according to act of Cor. press n th- year 1SC3, bv J. S. TxiRAsHf s in the Clerk s othee ' of the DiJtuct Court of the Confederate btates for tba Northern District of Georgia. Frew Richmond. Rich mont, Mnrcb 1?. Nothing of interest baa tran.'j in d her tt T.vo - three dayt pat. A grni levari recently from ' ;e North, states that it is underst.w.d tl ere that I ie bulk of the Md in the Yankee treasury, bss .ng pince bn fold to keep down the premium, ; .id that the obj-ct of the bijl latvly paised by the cnate waj to legalize the act. , At auction to diy da ederatcbnd. long date?, fold Mt the nine prices obtained at the lst sale, itntka generally sold lower. Otl loprucd at a .lf advance, closed at a half decline. - Another flag of truce boat is exp-'ctcd to-moi-? jw. - From Gtn, Johnston's Amy. Dalton, 3Iarch 18. All re-nains quiet b?yond Tuunel Hill, and ap roarance arc unfaTcrable for aa encsffoment at I an earlv dav. Divuiwn drills are Mill the order .- I of ihe day, and interesting i vival are goiiion in the vaii u methodise churches here. From Gen. Lee's Army. Okaxux C. II ', March IS. All quiet in front to day, the enemy still l.n'd'ug their old picket Jinci. The ro;idj aieju good cou- dition, Ld the weather pleasant. ' TIIE VOICE OF THl A33IY. Cam : oTH .n u. i it p. 1 C. Tr-p... Msrti. lO.h. l.a:J. I Ml-Rs. Editors: l) ubtliss vou know ti e j t:i iii(of whom I po-jM.fy to wrifo, .it Jenst by t c ara r-'cr, a tl hoin the repu tiri. n widt h he Wr b.'ie .izioui: his cooiradri. y:'.: will l:;ke pN'i fcure io puh'ishing a l i ; ;:i ir,otLt tribute to hi tremory. N W'ii I). I'.ridi-'.is v Itjit'ej. red in Co. C. 5th regt N. C. Suite tr..p. on the SO h ot May, IStil Fiom that tin ff-vjud. be paiticinatetl in cvt sy fi.dit in whii'ti Ids re-i- m nt was nga red, cx cp? the Cr-t Mauaas, (':e b-ing sick at that time). A ;!i ti.n m t having h id ti e itdvauiac of an ei!u atiou. ie r ii i.igled nr.ii h in S'K ie-i v. vet for hi.-'ei-I'lous dip-Sit.n untl go..ti nature, he wis I clovetl, and by bis f .sti'.u ;e on the inaivli ami tioldc bia tng. t ooli t ss af.tl ii.tu p tiify in t. t- hr-rr tit b-itt e, I e cominniidi-tl lb- enaeui and nduiira'.i .n of all h's c mpai.ti-.ns. Af:er tlie battle t.f Cnatn eilorsvi;ic4 ho was cli-'scn, by the voice, of hi eon j any. as the oi.o m-'ht woithy .f.-nong tl;t-M to the badge ot hoot.r a tl tiu iir. Oa tiio 1st ot July, I8o3. at Gettvshurg, ho i.obly laid his ii.'e on tiie altar of his coun tiy. i.s a fit i lien: gat the sl'tineoj' liberty. Now, e' rorai'e-!, ici us f ;!i v Ids txi'ii; nd turning a otaf t ;;r to ti e hi . ?t and Ih k t rings at h me, let in e:nltavor to i:u :- ip.:it;o o.l nis o.' toe l"c, that we r-ver th; :.i vy ti thos- nil. :.ie g no, at:d b tiit; he p of G-d, we wi 1, with a muc a.d swift justice, avenge the death of those whim tiny have M'ut to au untimely grave. No inscription marks the t.nmt-le inou ,d bei;(ti!i uli. h he n-po.-c.-, but hi; r.au.e ;s e g'aV-tl among the l'I rio-.s !.- d. i d vdl t:cctirl to poMn i y ii.-. u n. a y r to the cs.iisc of freedom. . "H yaicscat in pace " is tie fi r rt p - A MES.SMAIE'. cr For the Confederate. Messrs. Editors An examination w-,.u d lo tlf less pr..ve the fact,"thHt in ihe pile oi r-jecte I -lu-ti.u-cnpt " in 3 t.ur t-IJice. then m e u grent many Setter fu n. ti e army. 1 'hah i.i i claim in adv:.t;c any peculiar inrit tut- a I tivf cutu nonnc itititi, wb ch I have i!eu iIih liberty ct preparing hazily, f r he "Cn'e Jet ate," whuh ehali c oisign it to the coi. sitor'h room. A in live of North Carolina, nil my interests being allb-d with hers, elated at her piosptnty uno depressed u' her adversity, I s.m "tatilied to know that we have jiutdishu i kt our Capitol, m ;eriiug and ii.depetidaut newspaper, vho-e iditors ably dcfeiiu the honor ai-d adttic-ite the rights of our treat uud noble Commonwe jdih, reti "otitic the patriotic seutiments of the niare, and yielding to the Confederate Government that zealous support which it'is the duty of every h.momUe and patiit tic mmi to itccord May you live. to se the go,d fleets such a :ouse must inevitably prodece m d t receive tbe thanks of those who sh ill Late beou made the recipients of such benefits I have read with great interest and e.tishic tinn tbe speech of G- v. Vance, delivered at Wilkesboio; and am riti6cd to see him fikif.g so bold and coi rect a po&ition against a Suite Convention, and in fnvor of such measures ns s tall bestpr luiote the interests of the State nr.d the ConfedeiMcv. I wish evry citizen at liLKie and every soldier in the field c u!d read it. The member of Geii'l lvirk arid bri 'ale. comjis d of the Uth,2Glh, 4iih.47:h. i;d o'-J'd r-t imrtifs. have passed ieoluti.)i;s in thing H .v. Vnfjce, to visit antl atld iss iln tn. I h"pc it imy b c insistent with Io 'e-o iu! and i ngagt mej.ts io cuiiplv. Bv t! 1 v. mii-; three spnjoi-H ene in Hvth's, one in Wdc x' and one in liii-d.-r' Divitd. n, n,olv all tie N. C. Fp'oiif, could 'have n:i tioj. rtm iv of .... . v nej.nng nun. Por.-evere in your chase e.f the Silvi r .Gtev, ant! c-.i tinue V prumng too, the l'r gtc4 ot h Ilo dct', tiucK until w.s.h.id a id Va ica to T'ctory J All is quiet on the Rpid an. JOHN BUR LEY, Ja Tjik Pakis Fashions. A late Paris letter sat that the L op' ess Lgetde has nisde H.me curious sumptuary edict Ihi .-e.ison, one of which is, that e very isible'articl of I nfieH clothing irnt b; of the sa?i:o c dor an .r gown. For instance, a l..dv earii g a t Pow diets must wear als-i wl'low bioin jtdhiw gloves, yeil iw'trin.tn'-ns on I r hat or Ism i ct. a yellow cloak antl a Yellow t strand. Tnose wvari yclh w, or lilac, or blue, or gren, or pink, inuM firm into tlitt irn t groups r regiments, ni as tj contittit a stnki ig coup dtd. S vo'i so it will mt b a x ir tlii g to Hovle for a ringed. Rtreake l and siKckled lady to walk along M cu sfrvet with GCiir ccedored damsel. The female creation will be pare lied df by this law accotdbig to color, likj m ttc-d .irses. A very pretty novelty in costume is about being adopted by the most stylish anon g yoonj ladies It i a long, white plaid scurf, in bright scarlet and othor gny colors. Thi is tied nroui.d the neck, and end left to fi.st a si Ie over the left shoulder, its leegih rAcbiijg near y to the odge or the skirt of the cloak. Tbe scoop bonnet is still in full force. The brim has bee me very wn-dl -it Ftill prrjtcts over the forehead, but precise closer nt th sides, and is frequently tied down with a Kcaif, which, pa-sing aero- the top of the cr mn. r mind u- of the M t me ppj hnts. of whith our noun ei are either i en uj to n or a rnoder-i improv. rnent Kvenit gn. nnetsar white, b u, or r color, tistrj ddwn with tcarf of iace. for Tie Cocfcde .-tte. Haunett Co., Matth 15 h, lfjoi Editors of the Confederal : Thi x:Un Court week,, I will giVv you stmie account J niatter relative to thu p itical st-te . 1 ( j. ' in Ha lett. Iinu-edi cly upon the adj n ment Af tboc tirt, notice was given tha: iit , would Is; n tnf rii fg cd tho pt tp e t invito Gov. Vane- to ador. ss the citizens of Hart.cit cnnty, and C.l. McNeill wn raiiidto t ' chair, ai tl it'to'utiou ofirtd end si t . t; ,v Vance, and iuv.ting him t ad lrt .- ,, ;; zoo of th's eectioti. A lnnd t f '. . y l:'o:en oj.rrtl an amendment inviiit g . ctitli'ias. Tim vas sul s q'lcn'ly olu:i( ,j in -ti h. a n aiint r as to in vi " y Hid Ifii, ai ti a vote Uing taken ttii t-; ,yt. lion uas t e-gadved by a t.'ecithd ti.aj )(tv The itaolutioti entlorsuii and i u viti h. ( ,'y,' Vance, was tl en a op'td by u unenitu m. vn.c' l'ous it will be sC'-n (J iv. Voice i ii)L. "or !!aii. ii ci utity. Toe peopfi of thi com t v will giv- him aotu ided tnaj it v .v,-r a.( m'a who inav be a cm tlidatH. 1 1 A UNE l"'. niTiAi. l)i.d, i n the hoppitid at Danville, Va., R.J, , . Febni.iry, lb:f , KuWAko Livisro.v l.'muKi "?'' of dohntcui county, N. C, the -on of llarv.L j 'hara.h tlichai eis'm. The deceas.-d born 2fi"th of Mar, 1 ,C4 2 j- ' was. at the time of his death, a little orcr Ji'vei'i of age. I)dard th rmtible for his kind tihp, ' " nititm. affable uiHfinei s and fertleinanlvoViji n,,,' In military, as well as in civil Jiff, heVi.jo-d t!,'. confidence at tl rrtti in of nil 'who knew h)in, a' d htl the hai.y facultv of tiideatiug himelf to I n uuuici obs ft ientls and fipsot U'c. lie belonged to Co. C, i3d leg't N. C. trooi. volui teeied 1st nfFebiuaiy, If 02. and with un' swvrving foititude enduied the haidPhino ar for two long afd weary yean. l)uiinihat tiun he whs nevt r known toshiiktrtun dutvorh-iik from going t i battle ith the tcmv w'henevct n onport unity nfl'oided To do his d'utv. and v,)t dutv, was j vera noble characterintic of hi heroic soul. In erteiing upon tin latt dutit-ao1 hiHtiof bt intr unwell, one of his kind olTicet prollen-tj u hoail Hume one in hiastead. but uiiH illinc to in. et this upon urtoiher, he replied : "I tlov't wih n, decline a duty that must unatoittablv d.-volm ur-on tome uf my comrade." Hut ilia.-! tlmt valijr.t soirit hn oparted, and iu hij tlui It. tlJt. ctniiiri unity of which l.e wsg a member has be. n deprived of a worthv citiz-u, tin countrv of n ti u plrtct, and ids family of a xeahut fileinJ. Uin war h?is ended, and h now J es Cid and motion, has "a nick, t off duty forever." No mou will In hea- the niusketiy' rattle or cation's booim i-r rtm but he has cone, Wheui nat ion f hall no more agnSni't ration rit Ntir rd.-nl warrior meet with hatful v? ; ' ' Uur ni... idi ill fh-i-e Aerolite wand . xtend. And man rhall tteat his btothci' ii u fi it n't.'' Baleigh Market. COltliKtti WKl.'K I.Y, HY J. V. K0Gr;i:s, (Ji;o E: , ltAtxiau. SI arch iu lfx. S O0f.ii; nj iu. JIKIOF. by the 'quarter, none. I5KKSW AX, 4.V)V lb. 1.11 I M'.A.S, C, f)U 27. .r0r?bn. i:!;s 2..ritf I.0 L'iiO V hi 13 nt ? ;i M) rtMHU.ti HAY 1 2..V; iiuu. 3.i'0 5-1Ua A!) 1.. IKO.V, (relil) IAlill.... . )i.Assi:s, A A I I.S;... " e' mi. PKAS. poi:k. a :,vr'i a.nt ii. 'ib on j ba... POTATO LS. Smi..' 4. IHI,ri; O III 1 -i.fi- I 1 t I OIF Tf OtOll. I -. -.1 l. 'l " 1 na "j II. l' to. sue; Art TAhh V... 10 0 C ! Jo. .1 so i.oo New Advertisements. A TKACUKR WAXTKI?. TO LMI'LOY A MAI.K TKACHKlt fb Iu c chares of Pi ivct Keli,il n i -...j I a hWi a! p ice will be paid. Addi on r-li 10 4C-t Concoitl, N. 0. IF Al'PLIPATlON PK MADK IMMIilU Xatdy. lid sell ICO th-r.M in the Chatham t.adi d l uinpany at par. $Uh) pr thr". it W. W. VANS, rjl134 Treas. Notice to Tax Payers. hk i:i;yisivi: voricii io all pkkvons who have neirbctrd to oav thtir t.ie. iliaf (e will be well for ih-iu In do ts) b. t n tti brut if April, or they will hare to tubmit to n lot of Ihirly thi-ic and a ihiid cent in the dollar, if paid iu .Hig-r bills than lire d.!lr. i lie Co.b etion of tJie uddition.1 nxeaon prnffla o tiie y at- 1C3. hi b'-n tupendetl until fur ther n-wi ... ItUFCS w. paw:. di 1 If t G i?4t Colli ctoi lor W a k ( unty . quartermaster's Office V. S. A., nAl.FAdlL X C. Mutch ltA. I V oioera fi om tin Secretary of War, but oi o J i'flaseug. r tiain per dav. 'each way, will b uliowed on all Railroad liiua between itiebmtmd and Augusti. At present, thin train will be devoted (ntirin. ti thoe tiarcling under otdeis and on gtsctPi transportation. (Mhc. rn and aojdiert delayed at thi point, t ? the fctopp ng of tho Kxprtka trein.", will bj ei"t ttu waid by repot ting at mv oilicn ' vr. i:. piiihcf;. Cliano of Scliedulo " oFi icn ii. a a. n. n , Ma&cii. 18. IKCI. S (S AND AFTKIt TIIK aoTII INST , TUB Jail train going north will JeaVo hah .ph at . o clot k a.vm., and arrive at VTVldon 4:20 . w. LeaTo W l innet 0:30 p. 'e., and ai i if e st bah ih 4:00 h. in. Acc mniodation train e.ut. JUIeicri at 7 oMock p. m . and arrive at Weld, n 4:3ii3. m It tui-nif pleavra H'eKlon at 5 o'clock a. io.. and ariivei at ttakich 2:15 p. m. ' mlrI9-4C-tf Sup't. Ii. & tj. u. r. Progrtu cojv 2 weiks. $ioo Ki;vAi:ii. ) ANA WAV fi .in tlie mb,i ifj'r. af Tow r.tf--vilb. fjionville n untv. N. ('., on Tbitudav. th - 17th Maic... TWO N FitiKO M JIN, Aao.n.hJ Fbku. Aaron ix about 22 yeara of a. bUrk. hit front teeth dtfeft:ve, mme of thjm intt-it g ; full bd of hair, generally worn pUite' or Uifttib; medium ized He u wtll a'-quaints-d on tho n ad fiom thi pbci toTa'botn'. Fred i low nnd of i.inal t-ttue. about 'Si years of ag'. ; in cirff r bread color, ba beard and mouioache. lie ra wrarinj? a c-oinmon gie? aimv overcoat Thev will attempt to reach tb'o yankee lirci t Watl.'. ington, N. C. The above reward will b- paid for the apprebenion of roib tif Hum, to that I can ffet them, or $i) for either one. Address, Townes vi!le, (l aiiride countv, N. C. u h VJAS-bf i. t. TaYLOE. Miner N:tutrd. A .Number nf (iood Copper linria wanted at tin Ha v woo A Cop per Mines for which the bighet wage- will be giv-n. Apply to the undersigned, near H n wood, Cbitham county. J. M. Hl.CK A (K). Alarch 18. 18CI. ,4.-in0t. t Wanted. VANTRD TO EXCHA.Gi: FOlt CON v v fedeiat inonT I barrel tiie Oit C Lampblack r(J pound t Mutton 5 1 Uluu Mass 50 I uh' l (; rund Alum Salt 20 pounds ItaWatn Copaiba 30 ounces Quinine 10 pounds 1'earl Starch 3 doicn boxes Seidlitz Powdeia 3 barrels Scotth SnufT, Ac, Ac. . ALSO kSe black Canadian Stallion, aud Ii'wizen extra lino Ibjs Apply to vjr. u Mll.l.RW, Searcli IT 45 lw EKnetan, '. C.

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