i DAILY CONFEDERATE. Xll. GIMWAN & CO., Proprietors. DAILY CONFEDERATE: m ' A I) Y K R'T I SI 2f 0. ADVERTISEMENTS triH b rwrcd at two ooitiKS n-r nqture of ten lines for mJ for each Insertion- Marriagt nbtin iand Obituarici will t eh.irged dTcrtilar.!. JOR V.'ORK of Trj dfcrtpttoo will be -. rented at tl.ia Othc with dipatch, and as ufttljr kf can bo done in the Southern Confederacy. n 1LY EDITION, for C inont as .-. ..$12 i, " S ' 1 TIJI-WEEKLY, for 6 months mm 3 9 1 4 OLD SERIES, I TOL. V. J J A 5IGH,;N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 2. 1$G4.' it VOL. Wo, 5C- ' I1 p if fig sii A m 9 - J- 1 Ml d liif A: Vi r-Mvljl ftumw'')"" iu'.7uui! o No subscription received on any oih"r terms than the above, nor for a longer or shorter period. For The Confederate. A Iirh'f History of the "ah Ufslmcnt, N. C.T., froni its Organization to tiu;lt Cc.ober. 18(53. 1 he SeVttith Ughaent of North Carolina Tr ls w orgardzed on the da of Au-u-t, 1891, nt Camp Mason, near Graham, Ahttnaiiee fount', Noith Caroiifij, as oiie of tin infantry regiments of the ri jj rial ten thousand Stait- troops, with Reuben P. Camp be 1, -f I resell county, N. C , Cdonel, Edward Graham Haywood, of AVsik comity, X. C , t,6 Lieutenant .Colonel, and Edward-D. Hall, m New Hanover county, N. C, a.s Major; The rrgiriit ut ielt Ounp Ma.-son on the 28th of August, 1 80 1 , arid arrived at Nqwbcrn, "N. C.. on the looming; of tho 2d U, at und about which point it rem lined, until the 9th of Sop lenibcr. at which time it was rJ?r'l !o (hir olina City, and remained ihere, or on gue Hunk, or at Shtplertbvin-, until the Gth of. J,. arch, lS'Jt'2, when it was aain ordered to "St'vvbcrn. On the I3tb. it Tii8 marched to the f rrili- cati ms neai Newborn, and tho artillery from the pun boats opened on in th.it evening ; on the 11th the battle of Newborn was fought , the regiment being under the .immediate command of Lieut. Col. Haywood dlgnef (J.inii)b'dl having been placed hi Command of several regiments, one of which was the sev- During t'ti.i attinn seven comiiinie of tlw it iiuetjt, by crder of Lieut. Col. Haywood, alterel their position, and drove the enemy vl of our brea.st works, at the point of the b.ivonet ; after they had entered thematsnne j.u'nt on our right, left exposed by he c irly flight of part of our troops. C d. Campbell, Li. lit. Col j wood, and Majr Hall, Acre u' present, participating in 'thin charge and Lis-ut. Gen. Holmes, (then Major -(Jen.) sent a comphm''nt.ary letter to the commanding rfii-'rr of the 7th regiment shortly after, Iaudr jug the-conduct T his regiment in the affair nt Nel'cr:M and refining to let the excep tional ca.se .-i of mi-cn met on the part of some (f the men come before a c ui i-inars hi", on ii'':uoMt "f th ) trad. miry of the wnole rei niHit. This letter forms part uf an unier for rcita-in the accused men from confinement, noiv recorded in t o i citneotal riM-r book, Special Order, No. 21, Aprd 2;Jd, 1802. Af trr this ti 4 1 1 1 ;itsTevb'rn. in wi'iieb 1,000, or I'.'ss. T our men ung iied 13.000 of tlie -ne-my's troops a.siMed by a fleet of punl)0.!s, mill with reserves of 7 0'.!-0 noro and held them at biy w:.th very heavy loss, ibr in -ic thatt lour hours of incessant fihlin th grventh regiment retreatc-d with the rest, of our troops to Ivinstou, N. C, w'nicdi point' thrv leached ou bumlay, the lt)lh of Mai'eh, ISO 2. For sorno irne beJyrs the battle 'f New leiii, this reinuuit was in Gen.' L. OT I'.ramNi's nrie,ade, and was eouonain led by. hiiii in that hattln, and eotinivd in ni.s bri gi'I'an l uihUt his command until His deatii i i tlif oattle of Sii irpsbur;, on 'lie 17th of Sep-! t Mib.-r, 18o2. Hefbre ami at fhe ti ne of tne huttie 't Newltem, the v h ie departircut of Nor-h ('irolina was undef tit? oon:i-nd uf brua'ii'-r Cb-neral II C. Gatliu ; shortly after that b.vttie (icn. G.ltiin w.ih relieved of his cn'uni uul, and Maj Gen. Thos. 11. H Lni-s w.u put in command of the departm jnt of North (Jiroiina. The robneni remained iu aod ul !t Kin st 4, N". C.undl the 4th of May. 18o2, wli.-n with the lot of Lrane s bticjid", it s -t out far (iord onville, Ya., ;U whieh plaee :t ar rived on the bth From Gordo:. svilh the bripad" wa.s maiched up the tutfipike as fir fis beyond Madrn Court Hoir-.c, for the pur pose of rejiornn-m Lieut. Gen. (Jien Maj r lien. ) iv.v I . but ! hoe l'-acbin: Gen. Uvveil's t'oiiitnaiid, the m-.lers were coiiniefina dyd, mid the hrip a 1 ma.ied back t G.r I . s vi lie, at whicii nla e we anived on the 20 h -f .May, bSG2. -"V! left the's-un..? d y o l t!u railroad for iianovT Court .Houe, and arri ved there on the 22 1 left the Court House on the Uoth. and camped that niuht near iVake's M'tion, on the Central Va. railroad, ;n the r. i jih rhood of toe birth-place of Henry Clay, and on the ivxt d ly the battle of llan-' over Court House was foiilit The te orith fepiaient under Col. Campbell was lodd in reserve until the clo.se of the ll h t , and th"u tit-ar ui,i;ht-fa!l received r lers t b.old theenoniy hi clack, until the rest of the forces could be wilhdiawn from the field. Col. Campbell de sired to detach tin ee eumpmics, more espe cially to perfoMu this duty stated his pur pose to hirut. Col. Haywood, and left it op tional with him to accept the command or to pe it to Major Junius L. Hill. Lieut C l. Haywood to k the command himself, s l 'ct -d tlse tloee companies Co. C, Captain 11. II. M iell'.e, of New Hanover, Co C, tj.tain A. .1. d'aylor, of Nash, and Co. A, Captain John (i. Knox, of llowan ; and, with these thre ? 'oaipatiies, supported by C -1. Campbell, wnh "o rest of his command, he enjjatied and l.' b Lt he enemy in check until" (Jen. Branch hid withdrawn bis commaial from the field. The 12th regiment, N. C. T., was, after sometime, Kent to Lieut. Col. Haywood's n.s Msiance as he was lalliuo; bvk re-j tn tle c 'tinnand. They poured a volley 'into the di me's advancing columns, and then tell bo k as ordere I, beiiit.d the Seventh, which tin illy covered the rear. Lieut. Col. Haywood, and the officers and men under his command, were especially complimented by Col. Ctmpbeil, lor ineir siviii ami orivery upon n.i.s occ;u-ion and the whole brigade received the thanks of Gen. Ilobt. Ev Lee, (transmitted in It letter of congratulation to Ibig. Gen. Banch,) f. r tloir gallant and distinguished services. After the battle of H mover Cmrt House, the seventh regiment, N. C. T.. with the rest t iJratich's brigade, was lemovcd to fho vi cinity of KichmoraJ, and it remained around taici city, doing picket duty on the Cnick a liominy river, until the 25 h of June, 18G2. Jt was just alter this tight, and wnile on'their way to Richmond, tint Branch's brigade, then fiisi called the fourth brigade was pi iced in Lieut. Gen. A. V. II ill (then M 'j r Gen. 'Hill's) division. Ttiis divi.-,ioji j the fam -us " Lilit Division' so prominent in all the bat tles 'around llichuiorjd, and in the army Jf Northern Va. . On the 2-3th June, 1802, Branch's brigade commenced its m irch in ne world-renouned Rfruggle of sevi n days amuud llichm nd. Un the 2Gth we crossed ihe Chickah uniny . rivsr Branch's brigade heing '!i the ex reme left of (Jen. A. P. Hill's comrnan 1, and cross ing the river firt and nearer its feource td.tn tho rest of the troops. The seventh regiment Was the first to crnj the bridge, and Lieut. Col. Haywood, wifti thrca companies of the evrnth regiment.' to wit: Companies C. F,. and A, commanded respec ively by Cap'ains MacBae, Turtier and Knox, were detached lo clear the road up to Mechanics vUle, nx crossed the bridge a little in advance of !be rest of the seventh. Shortly after crossing this detachment encountered a sqiiidron of yarikee cavalry, and put them to fiizht, cap turing their guidon. The most active part of the skirmishing was done b.y Captain Turner, and'the flag was first seized by Captain M c Hae the same being the first fi ig capt ird in the fights around Richmond taken before ths rest of the troop's had crossed the Chicka hominy. These, f wj's. are. for the moat part; authenticated by General Older. No. C IL-ad-quarfrs. 4th Brigade, Light Division, July 20:h, 1802. Lieut. Col. Ilaywo d's command, supported by Col.. Campbell, wiuh the rest of the seventh and at one time assisted by Co. B, commanded by Captain It. S. Young were actively engiged in skirmishing, and feeling the way for ths march of the rest of thet roops, until pretty late in the afternoon of the 2Gth. The seventh was then united and marched .directly to Mechanicsville, whero they were in line of battle un ler heavy fire that evening, and on the nvorning ot the 27th, although not" actively engaged on the 27dj, the enemy Jgave way and teil back.- In the afcernoin of the 27th, we encounter ed the enemy at Cold II irbor, and after h bloody battle, defeated him. The seventh regiment was sent iti a Ivanc by Gen. Uran ia it-suffered vere!y. Col. Campbell was killed bearing his flag forward ; 1st Lieut. Dunca i 0. Haywood. s-iz d it next and shared tho same fa'e ; seven men in all were shot down in their efforts to carry it forward. Jut at night, when the regsmenfc was reduced" to a ha rvl till, the battered fl ig and shattered staff Were brought out of the conflict bv Corporal (now Orderly Sergeant) L -zarus Peary, Co.. C, of Irinswi,:k c mity, N. C, ftn 1 the thg was transmitted to the Chief Executive oi N. C. by Lieut. Col.- Ilrwonl, pn: otd to be CnO'iel from th-itdate; Mij r"HiM t. le L:enr. Cd one!, and Captain lli!S. Young to be Major. On the 29rh of Ju r' 13G?, we again en -countered Hie y a. dives atPiazier's farm, wliere we i;dn had a bloody contest, and on tlie 30ih th" regiment w-as under heavy fire at Mal vern Hiil, but V(--re iu)t actively engaged 'We pursued the enemy ou tlie lt of J ulv, and marched to the neighborhood of Harrison 's landingon J.imes i i ver, where we remained un til ihe 4c. i of July, when remvoved to within three miles of Richmond, wh ir1 we rem lined until the. 28th of the sun month. For a more particular and reliable account of the part taken hy the seventh regiment in the seven days around KichmeiJ, reference is made to the ofiioial report of Lieut. Cd. H?iy wood to Brigadier GtmeraT Bianeh, made s .on after, a copy of which was lurnished to the Governor of North C-'oiina, ar.d U, pro bably, now on fiie' in the Adjutmt General's office at lUleig'n. '1 ne seventh regiment leit Richmond wiih the rest of Branch's brigade, on the 28di of J ily, 18G2; and arrive 1 at Gor lonsvilie on th- 2'.)th, neir wnich p'aee we remained until the 6th of August, wh n we marched to Cedar Run, where we ene. win tered theenoniy on the Did) and d: feate l him; at this fight an incident occurred .which de serves a place on the roll of , honor. It was necessary to detai 1 a color guard to re-plae" the out which had hen nearly d.'stroyed aro..nd Richmond some of those detailed, 'e meruberinghe me' meho'y b.-it glorio is fae ' f those wtir had cairied tho colors at Riclim md, showed a great indisposition to take so da -guro;ts a post of honor when S Tg't Joshua W. Yiek, Co. F, of Nash county, volunteered t the Colonel of the regiment "for that ser vice; and his ex amole was quickly followed by others, fill a sufiioieut number was rais-d. The unwilling men were returuvd to th.ir places, and the colors (htrns'ed t( the vobm tcer guard For ibis and (or gallant and d:n-ger-us service, well performed at Harper's Ferry. Serg't Vick was mada 2d Lieut, of Co. F ; and he now commands as Cataiu that Company in this regiment no reference is made to the so-called official report of ifiis action since it was based upon one not drawn up either by the 1st, 21 ,or 3d in command at the time, and seems .intended to reflect upon the commanding ofiieer of thi regiment, ' and cannot properly be called offi-ial. But a re port of " said figjit drawn up at Col. H ty woyd's request, by the 2d Lieu'euant in com mand (Mj-r R. 1L MaeRae.) will be furnish ed, together, with this sketch. The seventh regiment, after this, was or dered b;fek with the brig-ida to Orange Court House, Va , where we arrived on the I2:h of August, and remained till the 18th, when -we marched to Clarks Mountain, and from thence to' a point near Jefferson, where we arrived on the 23 J, -and on the 24th we;o' subjected to' a very heavy she-ding, which lasted ail day. - in the evening wc moved to Jeffer son, Va.", and on the 25th we marched to wards Manassas Junction, and encountered a portion of tho enemy there on. the 27th, and defeated them. On the 23 oh, 20 h and 30'h, the second battle oi Manassas w u fought, and after mid day of the 29th, Captain -Mae Rue commanded, the regiment die commanding o'ii. ers having been w Minded in the eye aaout ti-ttt time. Ou the l- of Semp ernhar the" bat tie of Ox Hill was f 'Ught, in which the s"v erjth .still under command of Captain Mie- Rae participated. O tiie 3rd of fSeplembvr the briga !e marched towards M iryland, the seventh, being under command of . C iptain Ivuox Capr:i MaeRao having been seti aisly wiiunded at Ox H.ll. On the 5th of Sjp'em ber..J832. we cro-scd into Maryland, and Coi. Haywood having rejoined tlie r?giment, ns suine 1 command. Yh mnrched from the State line of Mirylu.l t-"Frede.ick City, and thence vi i B oiisb)r('t Williamspert and M irtinsbnrs;, Va., to" the neighborhood of Harper's Ferry, and advanced upon that ylaco along 'the railroad on the 14th. The sev enth regimen' was smt in front 'ny General Branch t drive in thj picke'.s, and d:d cn.i lerable skirmishing on the evening of th- 14th took several prisoners, and is believed to bojthe'only regiment in brigade that took an aetive part in the afTdr at Harper's Ferry or that suffered iu killed and wound h1, and onr los was very small. Capt. Kn-.x commanded the advance company of skirmishers, and t h tt u'i Jirst scaled tha h-ights which we occu pied tlie next day , overlooking th enemy's works, which heights !iad len occupied by the enemy as we advanced and were supposed to.be so ifcupied vl.en Capt. Kri'x, support ed by Col. Hiywood with-ths rest of the 7th, first fucended them. Gen. Branch with the rest of tha brigade did not advance until lien o nay v.w.: that lie Jn i scared i l"uis, .vurcn 10th, to the northern p-e,ivi and s. cupie'l t'- h ights. On the 15tn of that W-id-n. s xty miles south of F'o i mi-Ji, September, 1:".2. II rpeis Ferry was 8ur- Ar!:.; recently our advanced jx.st, wa: burned rendered bv the Yankees with all it contained, by 2ucrilla3 a few nihts ;i r, After h short but briili mt artiiierv fiifht. 'Th- s-venth reuim.v.t with the ist of Branch's brigade, were part f tho troop marched into lie v.orka to "accept the surren der. . - ' ro r.r. continued Y Tribtire of Respect. . Lamp -,th N. C. RncniENT, Neau OitA.va C. H., Va., M Tea 2(;:h, 1864. ine men r.nd . rs of th 47tli N C. reiiimert, K;ikla;oi's brittle, met this d-y at t-n o clock, .n t!... i f'ni.nnral parade grouuf), pursuant to a c-ol To u the com ma '.d r. On fnoti,,:, ot C-'pt. V,'. 4J. Lankford, Col. G.- Ji. Fariba i't was called to the chair. Tn-j chairm m, on taking Ijis-seat, explained the object of thn nveutig to be tn show our . appreciation of the eh tr i --ter and servicer., and . onr d.ep egret- at tha untimely death of L'eu . Cd. John A. Gjaves. In a few appiopriate a. id touching nrnarks, he depicted tliM many elements in ti e pn'oiie career and social rjuiji fi;ad ns"of L'eu.. (J Grave, tjiat-rendered his services so v ibiabi-, at.'.-i his b-ss so la ment 'd, :vid paid a t urr jrihuie to the worth ud meulory ofr tlie noh'-; d?ad. ' O i nution, ttie- meeting was further or m ized W; the app Ui!m :;.t Li 'Ut-. T. L. Pote alt. secretary, O a u ition, a.committc-? was appednt 'd to draft resolnfois expressive of t!i ? se lse of " the meeiing. ' The ehairin in appointed U.2V. W. .S. Licy, .chaplain, Cants. W. C. L mkt'or 1 ami J. H. N -rword, Sei-'ts.. J. Y. M ss uu l D. .11. Blik'. The coHirnit nfe, .alter retiring, rc p r ed th?f.!J.vbig; pre unfile and res luti-.'s: Wheukas, TIu unvvelcomo intelligence his readied U3 of tlie Uath ofliiiu. Col. Jelin II (Jrares, 47th Nortli Carolina rcgiaient. at Jbn son's Id in. I, ifaich 21. lai, aa.l tit is gainful news has Ijjen too .-u;vly confirmed, wo, tha i.-uie.-rg ai.d men of the tTcii ."C regirn:it, ia .svi;it!ir with his loved State in the lo d' one so able in council and valient ia th fl -id, in sympathy with bis fa,ii!lv in th ir sa I ufoiction, and in e.XvrfPeiioa . . (hip own d - n bereavcniert. (fo tlitress at this sore personal Jle o'vl. That wc KubrnU to tie inscrntable wido.M id' God, acknowh'dirific: that His wys are not as our ways, ai; 1 that while w lEurnvyp nwt at the inyate i uj dis Tens ation of His providence, vn deeply dej'Jore that II j 1ns taken from ui a l(v-d leader, '-ounpthor a d friend. Unsolved, That we eiV.a-n the los of Liftat. Col. Graves as. one of tlu mo-t favored and gifted sons f our beiored C -enionwcalih, inso character and inQu-jeic? s'a j,i. tjeipant in State ciruncils were highly honor. -d and n-eful, whose dauntless bravery a ad eooi det.-rt.iinatioa in the "cause so d a' to iij h m t, won fur him ths apjnse and ineitsd th.- e mil ilioa of tfivsj ho IeU. and whose peii a oa- c ;u. te.'V a i t i:!.i.iianlar.j nature as a co naia id -r, coajrad.' and friend, giini-d tho ' hearty eoni'-ieaej and teudc elf iclion of all who knew liiai-. lict'lftd. That we ch "rfsh with th? deepest emotion, th'? in anov of- his m tidy virtues, and bkt? hiui .-tiive to be t:u? ti tho glory of our native State, u''svvc-vio i ".- . devot i-n to it i.e?t in-teiest-, c nisi.-teii i.i oi iueinle arid aclia i, grner 6 in to tli j- taiiR.s oi Orr;e:s, ijuiek in sympathy and kiaunes. fori; a vi n ia temper and courteous in di-amsiti'Oi, a-ei ao i . all, fV a; U s i-in the field of dariry, and dcteiani a : in iho-cief.ncs of our coua try 's -tau-e. ! j'e d. That while uV. lor any circuinstune ?s we would dieo!y me..;n !Js fall, we especially ro grot that Iii-3 d '.t! t' .k placT? fur removed from tho tw.-idr asi'ieiations of home, and the gentle iwir.L'ti ations of lc : one. i ;it!i or than ia the bl aze ol'giorv on ti, !i of famo. yet t!"Ugh we none the ios j ; g:i; d it. as too ici ilice of a gre rt heait and nob'- foil it to his country, and thoagh we boor in mi k! th . idii j-nrpe.-,; that nerved our lost corj;iiiaride.". pi: I eh'.rUh liis stern 'rt solve r.'Ver to yield to th-j !oj. iienulnd, 'lii.it we u i-'Ier to liis own fa nily our Sincere sympathy in iJe ir aoi row, though we-assure them bow ieeel'. v. f -el wi;ii tJiem in tiieir b -reaveia -at, kao .v: how stricken, sine'; o'w i . 5 is -o sorely they must ha ' ere. and c laimend tiff !11 to I he I ', v ii, .-! bij in tondeniess afHicteth not willingly. J!eo'rnd, That a c py of the.a resolutions to gether v iih th pr-f:'. dois of this meeting, be lorwardt-d to .::iu WJicni- ll co'lr, Daily' Cow. federate, l'ete;suui. iJ.tprc a id Richmond 'e iiuet, with tho request tuat State papers copy. On ni dion they we o unanitnously adopted, after which the m in-.r 'ol;.iur nrd. Cd. 'J. l. F ill ii AULT, ChnCn. Lt. F. L. I'OT liAT 1 , '' ,' FoU Pi IX . -J :;Fi:t::i;ATF.s. s s-me - ndsapprehe .sio i exi-ts. unca'ia;:tt' a-ei a? to te tran.s'eiaodiiy ot v!ie fo:tr j;er cent. ci i titieat 's i...w being is-.ucil under the recent Currency Act, the '.lowing staem-nt, wh'ch the Seii:in-1 makes, ujj n full information from tne Treasury Deparlmt-iit, nd by its de.-irr, will be -a reotaoie t a the pubde. The iour per at, (vtificito of deposit will b," r'ceivod in payment of the taxes of the person t.av!i r.A.'.vy are issued, or of any axsitjoc '. The ver?itieates are assignable in the form uti d v We would r.dviso it t !., .11 rtifl ill.'rt ot s'o.k. r t ) t.x k the 'usual t u-in eon . -'.of i inking an assignment l-e- fore a magist r tfe, on tho t iek of boiid-1. buc leaving tho assignee. T.ie ins -rted to suit o e it-i ig t m" lorm Ij .it' ionud id Oonfeder.ito. resist -reJ a b'u-ik tijr th name of iia'ii t a.iy holder can be -OoS. - We at e further inf nan o 1 that wlien a oortifi Catc of 'dep -sit pre-entod Uy a" tax payer shall exceed the amount of his taxes, the tax c d lectors wiil be autnoriz-d to give him a new certificate for the C-V-'Si. For example, if a citizen's tax h0 tcvin I njured ddoirs, and he give in a cei tiiioite of deposit b.-r one thousand dollars, lie will r c.-ive a new ceitifk-ate for three hundred dodits. Tims, n certificate for a large amount m y serve tlie successive u-es of sever iltax payers. Fractional parts of a hu idrcd doll ws, however, the tax payer wall be fqiired to pay in money, as-iM Ootid cm tam ing such fraction will be iued from the Trea sury. . m The denominations of he bonds to be issued in redemption of the sertifle ie$ of depo-it now being g'.von, vy "; 1 1 he six, a .d no more viz ;'one hundred, two hundred, five hun Ire J. one thou sand, three theuan 1 and fiv thousand. The D iHoo c rre-p oi d -nt of the Atl int I2eji(r avers that t!e programme of the Aboli tion gvcrn'ne-jt Im- the pending spring cam pilzn has b?eji fijd, beyond d ni'it, find sceord iug to all ui.Fcath.ns, will op-a ;t gran 1 demon stration in u i att- not" agii'i-t Atlanta. The in )e:ii"it of trirps on ttio p irt ot the enemy an I ad. a $ r.r. p tr iti ns, oaint maiuly in th-t directit i. It is kimw t that the c ueentration of tha enemy's 'fre s in th- d reetion of Oil atta-. nooiii g-e iter tlun on the Poto-n ic, and that there is mjre activity there thia at the latter point. - . - Gen. JefT. Thomson is now at Fort Delaware in zod htnlth. t Fhom Arkansas despatch dated St. Tv-o steamboats and a lara jii'nnlv train iron LiUtie-Kock arrive I at t"rt Smith. The Reamer Ltn. ladja voh corn miss. r r - . . . --.-- r f irv ftores, was suuk in the Arkauja- rive-, abov', Li t"le R c?,on the 9th. Gen. Price has rttun.ed fr..m3Iatam.ra; Mexico, where, his recent furhmgh allowed It iui to go to visit his family . Hciosv c..ni tiMeds t!ie relxd department -i A'kar:Hrts. D-sect-rs continue t. arrive in c -iiderable Hi umbers. - A Pi: ayixo Officer. A o rrep .den t f tji:- North Carolina Pieshtj'eviun says of -. Y" .J, who captured and b irned irr yankeo uob!ats in ths J ate ex petition ngainst New-le-fu : " O ie of bis rr-v told me tnat it is ids int-ariablc liabirt bt'ore entering into a eo-iib ;t, to c-ll hisjneu to piayir. So H was on the way down to New-em. Jut before getting in sijd.t -f to.vn, be called the bm?s together, aiyi ma'hhis men all ki;ct ! in prayer. H w thts teT.iu led me of the 1 amente 1 Jack s.n." Dkath or llos. David M. CritniN. We are 3 -rry to -announce tho death of Hon. David M. Currin, of Tenu es--. Mr Curt en was an attnrive. nef-iil and highly cVeeine member of the H 'V'S i"f Representative, and seemd in his usual healili on the adjournment of that bi) ly in Fohruiry. New Advertisoments. To Ihe rttockholtlep. r tht R i:j! of 1 ('ommerc at New Sent. Til R CO V FKD Fdt ATF, STATIC TAX of Grwr c n . en the Capital Slock will ee paid by the D tnk. ShkrehoMrt . i!l th"i tfore not ijive in or pav this particular fax. 'hx are also notified that tho KKCULAR AN N'UAL MEETING of this Corporation will by held in thid pUce on the lOtlr day id MAY, b-ing the 2d, Tuesday. A lull attend tnce is earnestly r qjted, cither in pel son o by prow. "N'o l'l v-sidont, Cashier, Direco, Agetit or Clerk, c tn vote as proxv for another." J. A. GUIOX, Cashier. Company Shops. MariJi 29,-lSSl. ap 2-.)S-liu. Prog-s. and Charloite IJulletin copy for azmis time, and forward accounts to advertiser. TTaJitot!.---Ry n Yoiim; tarty, Sitiia- Tf tion aa GOVKUNESS in" a tamily where the chiidrea are 8;ua!l, and require to bo tauzht only the Knrlish brnnch'ea. Jfest rcrra aif nov tious will be .iven and termi tnadj known by application-to t II." S. Macon D?pot, Warren couuty. N. C. ap 2-5s-fit. ArntsMVanted to Culffct and ORl) VANCE STUli fl in North Canliaa Pay St, 00 per day. and a lil.r.tl co np-iiaii.)'! for Stores colleeted, according- to a 1 n-heju'e. Applicants must furni.di satisfa nory te!i:notiials cf exemption front Military 3 o vice, of cii tractor, and qualifications. None other. need applv. Address. V. K. G. CA lit. Gea'l pent Col. Ord . .More. Caa-I .tt.i-viii- V. ChariotinsviMe. V. Murch 2,'.. T-Si. ap 1o',-l'. . ,"(l)""isC L Col. C. H. AbLEV. ) A'-'t i:. & it. it. Co. i ruVm! by Mr. T. J. Rnniiifi;. Saprt.' ni rng.. that I roc. eve no ingnta wan chargos destined for Chailoi te .fe C?. i It. Koad. 8 i)AUUiN(JE!L. . ' A-'t. N. C. it. K. Co. Notice. TN C'VJfSKQITEXCB of tho fro-ogoinV order, ail freight destined for points bey:d Charlotte, ni-ast lii prepaid. This Company will nut be re sp i.;ib'r for d-ilay'.' or daungr-? 1 1 1 . t nay occur under this arrangement, , C. I). ALLEN, Ag't. . .; 2-a8-fit, ('. K. fiod Co. Petersburg D-ii'" Ksnrees copy one we: lc. Tniifc APpIifilil.).! tvdl M itMde to IN the (joner il A-se.nbjy at. its en-uiu- nioting in Mav. for -a charter for the Sron.-ovtli Kxporti:jj and Importing Company. nih :-od :t. V TAMTi).-A (iood Mikh'CW. Applv nt I'MIS (M i ll (;. r Pvt o srood "iDicU Coivs u-Milert rmfms'ti at'ely. Apply, at TIliS OFFICE jt MHDATK FOS TIIK I I filSLA iliiM. i-.winiii UIDDICK (ilTLLMi, Jr.. 33rd . . . t C. Troofw, will bo supoorto l as a urcscnt tates countv in the IImi;o of (oirnuns -iathe next' L 'jrjsiai utv. by nuii-crous friends th? army of- Xortluru Vir ginia. V,h it .-f iy his fii.ni.sat hoino? nib 2J o4 tw5'i"i' Office No.:rn Cauolix.v KvfLKoAi) Co., Yxscc, March 2j, lsl. J Titis Company will pay the Confederate Tax on stocks hld bv individuals. Uy or der of Directors.- TIJOJIAS WEBI3, loh-Ja 54-dlw President. OFFICE RALEIGH &.GAl'OX K.ai. CO., . Match lo, 18(54. j THIS Company will not receive :iny more rrivato freight for Petersburg until !'ter tho lnf April. . P. A. DUVX, mh 1G-43 dint Sup't. Prorosa v.i'.l copy untjl 1st April and forward account to this otheo. M rs. II. W. Miller. HOARD 13 y tho Month, Daily board do Transient, per day ; jc.n M-diy $220 .sir. S 12 OLAClv CLOTH, I) At -C. M. FARUISS'. OFFICERS CLOTH, am! all kindso! Trimming, At C. M: FARfilSri'. XECKT1ES, At - C. M. FARRISkk. FIXE CASSIMERE, At C. M. FARU1SS'. GENTLEMEN'S HALF IlOSi.', At C. M. FA TIR I SC. Oificsrs of North Carolina Troop? who may n?t have an opprrtuuity to ca'I for their goods in pron, can have their clpth drawn by C M. Frri?s," who will send an experienced hand to camp to ta"-e measures. If you want to.ctt7, send your orders to (. M. Farrfj3. " , WANTED. Five or six experienced Journey men Tailors. The'very best pricts paid. 5Iareh 5-34110 C. M. -FARR1SS. Tarettcvlllc Arsenal and Avmorj, No Jj rember 12. 1S63. $100 BOUNTY I Wanted, 100 Mounted Riflomen. Authority having been granted by the War Department to raise a Com pany of Mounted. Ri!l?m-a for sorvic? in this yi cinity, notice is hereby given, tint recruit .to tb'e number of 100 von-voncriptt will be re ceived for this service. Each recruit will be re quired to furnish aserviceable horse, for whieh be will be allowed 40 cost?. per diem, and his pay $12 per cionth. Writttn pvmiition w iil bo required from pmrent! or guardians, where the applicant is uuiier the conscript aa:?. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed-spread, and come prepared to rempin. Applf to Maj. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, ntthe Arsenal. F. L'. CHI LPS, Lieut-Col. C. S. A., Commanding Post. dec lfidtf. BLANKS Executi cuted rith cestnesS andapateb at Tni 1 OPFfCE KORSKS AD MI LES WANTED. XT A 2C ftP IMMEL1A1LLV. IORTIIECSN- ffdcrnte service, a iatu.Lvr of I10IISK5 Jt, I1 L I.E..'?. Thohe Tvho have tparc animals will do well to call at one? on Win. I'. Akew, tlie Agnt cf In pector Genera!, or to W.W. PE1RCE, ho I . Major .fc Ciicf Q. 'I. HIDF.S,IIinLS. HAVING OBTAINED THE SERVffES OF Mr. V.'oodwirJ, one cf the b?t Taniurr ia tl.o Confederate Suites, I am now rcalv anj re-li-rg IHDES to Tan on Sh ire. I tan- for -n?-hair, Ht .l sell mr sbaro to" owrieri, (exot-pt .8t eculator,) nt cni d'dhrV Pnnd, or for one third and sell as I cbo.5e. Tunrdtt dne f r in. digvnt f j'-ii-t'. f irniii-H frfo of char-. I will re trn and Cn:-h leat!:cr f .r the ivemmcnt or in diriduals on rc isonable tortus. Persons n quiring ii.ToriDaiion trj icfatrrd t. x: edi'r of t toH?rt-. j. rust. JCFrr.Brs. p 1 57-dlwAwv- $5r Rinv.iD. "3 AN AWAY FROM THE PURSCRIRKR OS Xs tho fh cf Febntary, a NEGRO WOMAN. KaM woman is bout 30 ynrs of nge, complexion fclaek, height 5 feet f-ur inches, and ba lot htr right brsnn hy a cance r. Supple kl.e ia try-in-,' to p.-M- hrelf 0J m a free woman in the neighboihornt c f Kn .p .f Reed?, or Tally Ho, Granville county, N. C. The i ba ? reward will h pai l for her delivery to me or coo inetocr.t in jail . to tfiat I can get her. SARAH K. ROSS, np I 37-w4t Durhann Station, N. C. no t he Soldiers and Voters of the th X Coiirrssional District. I thke this method cf nnountin uusdf a CANDIDATES to represent you in the next Conjrrcsa of the Con federate States. Several candM.ttef, I understand, re sdroady in the field. N-.nc of them, however, have hared with us the h:trJ.?hij.s and privation' of'a soldier. At this particular i;e, m.irtf than ,at an othtr in our revions L'ury, i. the inter est of th fol lier t hi l.M1ied after. Hiving, a I trust, faithfuuy ervedi':y cutntry in the t.nto I fi"!d. leT the p i-t three years, I ,tttr myself that I know scmrthin; i f the life cf a fo dier, an I tloit I feel fir Id a an irten st-tLat no oth.'r man can fee', fbo l:.i i.tt b rne with bin: "thi heat, anJ burden of the day." IJ id interest is the ir.ti rest .of our cirr.m-ir. country. My views mil be Li'ily 's;t fartL. in a future cir. fubtr. For tho pjci-f r.t, I will simply add, that I de.-iro this position. r.-r r.,r tho purpe.no of ct t'n out of the army. Darin ljeTev?a of Con-jrrc.- dntu vf'W !hen rail me bucV to my ;;ilhint lit tle conitn-iP'1.." and T wid and share with it tha fonuues of 'A x:. IU-5pectfull v. X. A.RAMSEY. 0.1 nl V.; CUtN.C.T. l"-. kwatr. Va., Mar,-h 17, 'Si. I. tMh 24 .il tf xotki:. OrricE K. & (!. R. R. Co. 1 Raleigh. March 20, 18fif. rr HE tux hrtiVBod by the Cnft d Tte State f.fr J tho rear IvM, oa the sh tr of the Capital Stock ot tli Ci.irun v,' u id he paid liy th Cnr- po: ai ion. fl.irc tioi-K rs w iil not cire tn or pay tht i f.x. oh 3i-.'. :-2v w , j. ir ivtAS, I'uts r. QUARTKil'MASTEit'S-(! FIOIJ C. S. A. lilt: t.; .1, X. C , M.nrch S.I, 1H. I P.rqn'rc l?t dy-ftvc Yo. nvgro men tor cNipbr;- t:: t!,i- D -par tmeiit. P.o tb-s irg. go id h inds to hire will do well to ;o-.-i v i;'ni-;v.i it. i . mh -it '6 (. W. K. PEIRCE. (' -'t A . ). M. Ji;J03W I LOOMS ! ! ocMS ! J ! rplIE Sl'bSfTRIUEiJ'S f.av;.: Vucht the I rtgfit to- couf.ii.-s tf Ortf.cc, Cbalntn. Wake Grar. v-!i . Pot?o. and Ci-e,I, to ir.akc, ,u?e tr.d I! Keiuil's c I. bra ted r.i Mil. y ija.xp on howr.R zooms:' srerrov . imaged in uttii-r Hem up for sale. Thi? loom i.-- g-.-e.-.t inv uti. ii.It ii efl'ily kept in rrdrr, aVr with jo cper aiteni i ea, will "trenve fr an 15 tn'lU) yarfts of cloth per c iv. according to the. kind and quality of the cl "h woven. Xo looms make hotter cloth. Th.-y v.cau- thick fir thin, as may b. dtitcd, f rom tin'amc drawir.jr in, fi.iipiyby t Laitcha.' the tti'h. .tritigis, which can be il 'ne ia t.-o nin'Uc. Piai i ( ioth. Dcub! ' PI ihi. .1 'i -, a iris, js.-dtii.et, Inr.ket, Twiil or Herae, Fii-t;:i: . tiiy b-v i-v- u. Aba double wid;h and !::. '. bag,, ii t!:e warp prepared for that pir.p . e. ,:ry pM;on who kr.owshowto v.crp becm ;u.d draw 'in llio warp w if, iy the cou.U'.-n !i-tr. irm smve.fuflv opci ate n thecj loom, nt oroo. 'i-iioy Wi.ikwith a riaol:, and aro c.-.M-y wotk.d bv a buy or g:;l 15 yera old. . Tjiey can be v ot ed by hard, w ater," steam i.r horre o.e; () ivg to the high pi ice of labor, rrrttciia", Ac, n-liiolttd inind or f looms wid be put up. Orders w i'l be fi'iod bi the order that they co;i,c. 'I he in ice of t!ies looin before the wr, for 1. . pow er. v. aCd( 0. Wc v. ill ?"1I tl i ni ul the .i'ii to".', if paid in pnvision5,wIj -n flour, corn, ; .'. n. vJ, Ac, ?.t old pi ic-s or i licit equivalent in b.ut. late. or Cocf. fli tate hi!"?. GEO. W. PURKF0Y, R. B. SANDERS, mh ?0-.ri.e(.(ilm Clvti cl Hill, X. V. UibHcai Recorder and Hjllbn,-o' Recorder in te. t five time and fend bills to R. 15. Sanders rewardT " TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C. S., EEuivirVs lK;tr..v, Moth 2.', 1SC4. BY authuritv oft I".? S"Cietary of the Treasurv, I will pay a reward of T'KX THOt'SA ND DOLLAtt. to any ( lie wli'vwill furnish informa tion that shad !oa '. to the ietcdiou of the party or parties who pc-,. '.rated the ;..C;nt theft of COU PON ROp froi this ojfice, or ti:e recovery of the RoiHlr. frv infoi mation inngardto tlie above Eor.d. Mfe n'.h A. JACKSON", at the Trca- en i-v Uiiild;t'hh'''l in street, will reach me. LIST OF EOXpS STOLEN" : No. iVio tf 4t.;I4, ii.clnsive, for .$1,(00 each, eilit p'-r cctit., S."(i.opo: No. 3 to incluyirc, for $l,f)00 each, seven per c-!;t.. ?!7,Oi.O ; N. ::1,: 1 to 3i.cll. inclurive, for S1.C00 each, seven p-r i tt . P11.G(0: Xo.-32.tSC I .",2.711. inclui'ive, for ijUO each, seven per cent.. 13.(00? No. S..a'7 t" 3.510, iucfudvc, for Cl, COO each, eiv p -r c nt., $1.( 00; No. Sit. lor 'clv'J, mx per Cunt., t-i;-u. I . T-tal.S75,H;". f Signed l RO. TYLER, Regijr. 111I1 23-j3-d3r. f?-Richii-Cnd Enquirer, Whi:r ftr.d Di?patcb, Montgo:r.erv Advertiser. Savrni.ah J't publican, Charlef to 1 Mercury ar.d Wilmington Journal copy as above and 5"nd-biU to Ro. Tyler, 4tegftc-r ot Treasury. $lT)0 KKtVARI), f7"r negro boy JOHN. Said boy is about J 5 feet lOincLcs high, dark 1 4-0711 color, in- . 11. . t- a . .1 1 1 j leingeni tace, aro may ue reauny itDonn uj . Iittfb or stviitp.er in his voice: aneajpi Tina mores quickly; lud on when he left a light-colored roundabout and a soldier's cap. I wifl give tho above reward to any one wd,n n il arrest said boy and return htm to me. or confine biui in jail so that Icangethim. GEO. DA DGER.H ARRIS, Ad'tnr A. H. Al.LtT, mh23 54-Ct Henderson, X. C. Or? rcc Socthfkx Telegraph Co.r) JtiCHJtuNP, March 24th, lCi. f rphe Stocltboldcr of the Washington JL and Xjew (rrlcans, Richtnon I, CharlottcsvilJe and t?tnt'on. Lynchbuig and Abingdon, and East Tennessee TvlegrapLic Companies, are hereby notified tht the tire per cent tax levied by .tha law patd 17th Febr uary, 8C, on the valuef allfharefl held in telegraph or other corapantef, will be p?WI by Jhe u .rsigned at this onice, and . they wiil theref.ire ot these companirs, in th mh 20 54 tawl.I t the stocK iieiu in any 01 .irli-ts tosessors. McCARTIIY.Auditor rS-uthrn T"lejriph Co. A. r.unnwar lafcen rp.A dArK5Inlattr , bov about 2 Teat a old. 6 left 6 inches hip b, calling hdmtmlf Cheff, savs h belongs to Rlake Nickerson, living on or tr the Raleigh A Gaitoa Railroad ; had on when taken a soldier coat, and white hat. Por further information, address WM. M. SMITH. 3a-dtf Raleigh, X. C. omef ( hathani It. R. Co. t RiLr'K.ii, Unrch 4, 1 r.i. ALL Chfks and Reqioition of this Cotnpsny,, now outstanding, aro parable only in the, prcfmtcurrencT. W. W. VAbSTras. 34 3tawt. ' r "VTotke. AH persons Xoir Molding; or Jl. who may ht after Uold chirks or drafts against us dted piior to April 1F4, are notified to preset. t thtm for ps - t.t before that date, or Iter w ill be paid n tie c!d Currcrcv. 37 tf. W. R, Kl CHARDSO.V. A Co. CANDIDATES FOR C0.GRI SS. WE are, HothoriKid to laaioutue A. 0. FOfS TER, of Randolph, a candid to repitsi nt tLf 7th Congressional DiMrict or North Carolina in the Congr f the Confederate,, States, In the place ot llor. S. II. Chiutian, dccei red. inhl6 41tde 7"C ARE AUTHORIZED ANDRECJUKSTFD J J to announc WILLI AM P. TAYLOR. &., or Chatham, as a Candi.'nte 'or Coi.grcta in tb Hon. Samuel H. Christiai- deceased, iirli 1C 4?tde ULADDKKS ! KL I) ftFIIS ! T onrc a suibcent quatititv of Bjddrs for prc- ent use, and hare stoped buying them. , , J R. R. SAUNDERS. Mardi l.-j. d t Chapel Hill X. C. stockIi; salk. tf application pe made i mm em- 1 ately, I will sell 100 shares in lh Chathatn Railroad ( (onpany at put? 1100 p t h.ite. W. W. VASS." tnbl9 4C-dtf TieaT. Cotton for Sale. )Ct RALES, MORE in; LESS, iik COTTON, UV in pood ordor. Parties wbhing to buy will adore S. T, Wm ik, Ijoubbitr-,, X. C, statiiyr the highest pi ice they ai'i' w itiirg ! pay. If preferred, tlie cotton run rMiirtin ott d w li?i"o it cow i. until the parties w if h to n move it. mh 22-44 d!0l3taw Wanted. . 1.011 the -ensuing Scpdon, to In'gin in Jul v, a YOUNG LADY well foiaHfnd to teach Music. French, Drawing and Painting in the "TALLY HO FEMALE ACADEMY." To one who csn coma well recommended, A libvial fc.daty and phasaut home villbegivin. Ap) Ir to J. D. RA1KD. Prii.cipid, mh 2:5-4D-tf. Tallv Ho, X. C. IS HER FRY GIVEN, that application will be I, made to the Gcijtrsl AK-tmbly of 'XnMh Caro lina at the cn.u insr adjourn d Kcsrion, lorlhe pai-s-age of an fl"t incoi ooi i'tiog a 'Otiipai'S in the county of Wnke, to be Mbd ''The Joirt Stock Confederate Publishing mpany." inch 2s (!I:.i. No'.: e H THE PEOPLE OF N ASH COUNTY. Wo nrcnesr the name of 1 ur ver w.nthv friend Mh. A. HINT ON. lo rt 1 t nt i!t in ti e House of Commons the rv at senior... VN c l int to b a good aud worthy gentl r ah, 1 na t tlmse who , ba.e not made bis ncqui.ii.i nc., ne will only ssv to knov him isonlv t'i iik. him. mh 2S-53 dlt. A KAiyfEK. QUART Kl! J. Y"S A Id7S . -N o t Ki - hT t er v jTin to n'l coi corned, tha'' the Af.-'ssoi will nt tet.d at my oflice on Mond-.v nu4 Tue, 'a-, the IV.ui th and KiMh dsys id Apt if. cn-adrg, to n Ci iv tvl ur i of 0.UA RTi.'iil.Y SALES, on lag iitet cd btifin.-c. I will receive the Ms dn o (hereon at the sa'oe tituo. . The pennlti of the law w ill be sU icily titiforced on tijl w bo refuse 01 in glca t to maketHitm and pay thtir taw. M'FUS II. PAGE. Collect, r for- Wake Court . Rsbagh. Match 12, 1m;4.- 40-ltii rank of Noini; curuMNA. rpo THE STOCKHOLDERS F IHE- RANK X of N.r'.h Carolina : The Cot.fi deir te 1 AX oa the ittH. i-:lul shiirts v-.li be i bv the lUnk. r-h 2j-5Ke,d-lm 0. DEW EV, Chicr. Faj et vdle Obseivc-r 1 - i.d Churlutto Eii.'etin p!enve copy. 31 a t :i HoH , 1K(.1. pKODUCERS failing to d. liver th. ir tuith, Tsx I in Kind, to the authorized Agnf. w-iq bj charged n i t jiiMo.tti r h ( i n r., iit id of fifty, as heretofore. PriKJuers must furnlih transportation (12) twilve n.ih.s, (instead of ei :dt.) alter which the exc. m w ill b p.iidt Goveinmnt ptie. The Racni i rquind tor the iisoof the Horern rr.tnt, and mutt be f-sid nt orcc All articl s of 'produce uoit be j.aid by the lt of ilav. or th Asn ssors e.-timate ill b turned over to the Collector, w.o will n-JIcct ly nrr rant with th penalty ani:r xcd. When the Assessors - estimate shows Ui.t the producer hns delivered n ore than tic truth of", -any aitiele. ho w ill J-; alhovvd the exct-fs in eome 'other aiticle, or be paid ia money at AscrMrs valuation. t Agf i;t nnut be i'"ligent in theii f C'yrts to n curc aroi preserve all ff werv at tido of Taxable ptouuc, tor tne use rt me .umiiiiman. J. H. RRYAX, Cant. A P. Q. M.x.ttd Con.-I)ist.f X. C. mh 2.Vo3 d2U. ., Kotico My t' e dovfriior v North (nroJInn. A PKOCLAMA'IIO.N". WHEREAS, a vacancy l.;ts iuited in the Re preset, tut ion ot the State o' .North ('io''na in the House of Representatives of tho Conrc of the Confederate States, by th'; death f th Ilonorab" Samlt', .s. CnninN, R presents tit e sleet to tL second Congi 1 s frr.in th" i-everith ('origtciorisl District; ttid wtit.of Eire Jiorj have be n biucd to the Sherifl'a of the evcrfl c catie comj oslng said DMrw't, comn,ar.ding th ia to cause election t be bel I In their rtsptctive coonlb s, st the p'acefi cstabli-h-1 bv law, on tho THIUD THURSDAY IX APRIL, at which the qualified voten of taid Congressional Diutrict n.ay vote for some l ereon to fill the said vacancy. Xow, therefore, ia cimf. rmity t law iu ruch casca made an 1 provided, I do issue this tnv Pro. clamatioji, mskii.g known tlj erbtence of fuch vacancy, and th.it an th ction will J?e h M to f.H the sanle at the time aforesaid, to the -rod tha the qualified voters in thV s'd Conrreioial District mav attend attbosaid time atd st the places established by I4W, .nr d cast their vote ae cord L. i:ly. Sobile'rs fr-ira the said Congreis;onal District, who are qualified voters, are by latr entitb-! to twt their rotes in ihU ekition on the SECOND THURSDAY IX APRIL. In Hitnej. whereof, ERULOV R. 'tiEALj YAN'GE, our fiov-rnor, Cptin General and Command.-r in-ChUf, hath signed these prcfents and caused the great seal to be aflixed. t Done at the City of Pah gh, the 17th dar ef March A. D. I and in the year of American Independence tha fcMb. Signrd Z. It. VANCE.. Rr the Govcrno". R. H. IUttlk, Jr., Private Secretnrr. March In. 1C4. 45-I2t. Fatettc vili.e Azcxal ant-' AiiMoaT, March 19, 1K4. Blacksmith Wanh tl. Ktc.idj rinplo) mtu, and good wages w ill be given. Apply to L. Od. F. L. CHILD.-i, rr.h 2S-53 dl2r. C..;i.a"g Ot'.-ctr.