DAILY CONFEDERATE. DAILY r A. M. GO'.'IAV & (' ., ?rorl.et?irs. AilYKKTISING ADVERl JSCMEXTS MiV be iuurted at n oi.laks per square ten lines (or lets) for eacdi crtinn. Marrlag .idicen and Obituartea will h .-iiatged as ael wttuviueni. .KB WciiK of c f vry deacrlptka wi'l bo c j ctd at this OiLwc with dispatch, aad as neatly : s ten ! done in the Southern Confederacy. i ill igJ o ily edition, f-r; mtus $12 .1 3 . 7 1 " 3 Ti:i-"'r:nCSiV, for I months 7' .. 7 1 OLD 2TiIES, 1 VOL. V. J RALliTG U, K C MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1861. . . . V-0L. I-r5o. 59- in-a mm CONFEDERATE 2 iWl I 11 J ts 1 A L JH. IMO VVI.KfvliV ! . " t !'.', inpti ;i. an t h 3 0 X.i inscriptions rsceijayd. on any other terms t'taa tiu vo. nor tor a long, r or shorter perh.d." T KLEGilAPHIC. report,? of the press association". Enter, d according to ?.ct of Congress in the yefli J5''i bv .1. S. Tim AH!iK, in the Cleric' office of the District Jourt of th Confederate State for the Northern District of Georgia. latest and Important from the Xorth IlcbciUon in Illina's. Richmond. April 3. Northern dates of th Hist ult., state tint a rollUion occurred on the 2Sth. r.t Charleston, Col fa county, Illinois, hetween r.-bd sympathisers and unionist;;, in which five r f tho latter were kill ed'and ten or twelte wounded, and two rebel." kill ed! Tho latest dispatches say that the rebels. ihn.a l.iinrii-wn'uf rnnir.hud n trenched themsel vi s at Galliday ' mi lb. - -Uoider 4i&iuand of. t h Khari' four hundred men of the 54th lllinoi- regiment wr marching to attack them. An attacit on Mattem. HI . is thr ;ar'n vl by the reOels from Shelby and Moultrie counties SECOSn ntsPATCTl. Springfield dates of the :?Oth pay that Col. O.ikm, Provost Marshal Genera!, wentto Charles ton last night, and to-day telegraphed for the 41ft regiment. G?n. Ilenitzelman has also been re ju 'led to send 5. (KM troops from Indianapolis, which indicate that the troubles in that section nri of a serious character. Latest fro:a Europe Return of Judge Richmond, April 3. In the Cufish Homo of Commons, on the. 7th, a motion wus made that the alleged complecity of Mr. Sransfeld. a member of the House, in the plot to assassinate the Emperor of the French, deserved serious consideration. The motion was rej eted bv ten majority, and the n-sult was received with great cheering. The vote is generally regarded a? a decided conservative attack on the govern ment, and it is believed that efforts to overthrow the ministry will be renewed after Easter. The House of Lord will give judgment in the Alexandra case soon after Easter. The Pope is seriously ill. Collisions between the French and Papal troops continue. The Liverpool cotton market u linn. Judge Ould returned from Fortress M'nroe last night, and report that the negotiations on tha exchange question are- favorable for the return of all Confederate prisoners during the next thirty d.ivs. ITe gives no particulars of his inter view with Hutler. (.old sold in New York on the 30th, under C4. Late fro:n tsie Vortls. ItrciiMONii, April 2. The Herald the 23th has been received. Dispatches from Cairo state that Forrest at tacked Padueah on the afternoon of the 2.ith, with seven thousand men. Three attacks on Fort Powell were repulsed by the garrison, the rebels leaving 30!) dead on the field. Three gunboits oponed lire on the city to pre vent the rebels occupying it. During the light the rebels plundered the stores of an immense quantity of goods. Several women were killed. The Yankee loss, fourteen killed and forty-five wounded. The front part of the city was destroy ed, including a hospital, the gas works and some of the finest residences. The post otliff, Court House and Continental Hotel were uninjured. Ths rebels retired at night, after burning the depot and the steamer Deeotah, which was on the xtocks. in th ) direction if Columbus. A dispatch from Fort Smith pays the array of the frontier is in motion. lts supposed destination is Northern Texas. The House of Representatives laid on the table, by a vote of G3 to Id. the resolution granting the use of the II all to Ceo. Thompson, the English Abolitionist, for th1 purpose of lecturing. The reorganization of the army of tLe Potomac is progressing rapidly. On the '2Sth gold foil to G4 in consequence of the issuing of gold certificates, but rallied and closed at C6. Xo'thern er..s, via Atl.'intR. Atla.m v, April 2. The Nashville faim of tin 2Tfh i itains inter esting partici'.ars frorj Forrest's advance into Kentaeky. Cairo desptche f the 23th sta'e that Forrest arrived on the' 20t.h in Kentucky, divided his pickets, and destroyed r.iilroal bridgas, eight miles from Columbus. (ion. Jlryoiaii, with several regiments of infan try and artillery, went from Cir to within 12 miles of U lion ity, nn I lo u ned that Col. Hawkins, with the 47th Tennessee cavalry, had surrendered, and the Confederate., afcer destroying th a firiifi c.iti in. returned (southward, taki-ig their prisoners with th; ra. The Federal garrison nt Hickman was with-' drawn. On. Hryinan 13 puppo-ed to hive aban doned Hickman and Union City, as of no present uju to the yankces. Advices from New Orleans, March 19th, sfate that Alexandria surrenderei to Porter's fleet without opposition. Tho yankee cavalry advance,' occupy New Iberia, (luerrillas appeared in the Tieinity of Biton Rouge and had several skirmish ' rs with the 4th Wisconsin, mounted infantry. Ad vices to the 2(th of March, states that the fleet is etill Alexandria. Nothing definite from Banks and Steel, but it is stated tnat Kinks reported connderable op position from the forces of Dick Taylor. A New York p n?rof the 2t"th,the World, has a rumor frern Washintcn that tho entire organized militiaof the North is to be called into service for fix months, to hold certain points during the campaign against Richmond, which is about tobdpin. lrown3vilIe advices via New Orleans, March the lSlh, report no prospect of alight with Texas. Washington, March 25. A Committee on the conduct of the war rind vidcii e against Gen. Meade. The President dismissed Col. WoodSn,ofthe 9th Ky., from service. Knoxvillk, March 23. The government is issuing one thousand rations daily to indigent citizens. They are required to go North within 14 days, orf top drawing rations. Scouts reports the rebeU making active prepa ration for an advance into Kentucky. There is no doubt their cavalry is in good condition, and two divisions of infantry mounted. Sax Fuaxcisco, March 23. The Union Convention unanimously adopted resolutions declaring Lincoln their first choice for the next President, and endorsing the Co igres sioual delegation. From Richmond. Hichmosi), April 2. Snow fell here this morning to the depth of live or six inches, which was followed by rain. James river is again rising. Death of L'.eut. Col. F. M. Kent. Salisbury, April 3. Lieut. Col. F. M. Kent, commandant of this post, died on Saturday, and was buried to-day with military honors. Funding Confederate Money. Lt.nciibckg, April 2. The amount funded in this city is 3,750,000. Chaklottksville, April 2. Theamount funded hereby citizensis $2,163,700, aid by officers $05,291. Total, $2,258,991. Amount on hand to exchange for new issue,$'J05,350. Savannah, April 2. The amount of Confederate notes funded in this city is $11,334,500. Macon, April 2. There has been funded here $13,519,600, besides a large amount paid in by disbursing ageuts. There has been funded in Albany, Ga., $1,496,200. FAYEtTkviLLii, April 2. The amount funded here by citizens is $2,135, 200, and by disbursing officers $20,GD2. Amouat'funded at Augusta, Ga., $15,700,000. At Montgomery, Ala., $9,500,000. At Mobile, mount lunded $1,423,600, amount withdrawn from circulation and not funded, $6,635,27. At Petersburg, Va., amount funded here $7,200,000. At UfcTiiBfcM.Ca., $1,141,830. ITew Advertisements. CONSCRIPT OFFICE, in, X. C, April 2, UHi. Ualeigh, N. C, April 2, 1S64 rPlip r.iH!u::l tlrrulnr from the IStircan i. of Co (inscription, dircctii.nr the execution of the late Act t'Corgress known as th " Mn.i taut Pill," is published for the inforraati in of all con cerned. Pv order of the Commandant, " E. J. HARDIN, Adj't. BUREAU UF CONSCRIPTION, Richmond, March 18, IStil. j . CIRCULAR NO. 8. I. General Orders, No. 20, A. & I. G. 0., March 1st, IHtU, is herewith r.udi apart of this Circular, and Commandants of Conscripts nre erj,dd to proceed t. tha rapid and vigorous t-xecuiion of it" provisions, ui.der the ineti uetions . and inter- prefatieii herein prescribed, " "lT.Ur!(ler the ferm.s of the S;h section of the Act of C ngrt .-s j.uidishtd in General Orders, No. 2.1 A. & I. G. O., and the ttriu of Circular No. j 5, of th'rt IJu-eau. last serie-, Commandants will proceed to organize the seivice in tntir respective S ates. In a, I lirion fo the 'rgmizition therein provided f r. end in further pursuance of p iragraph II, ef the said General Orders, No. 2G. Comman dants will forthwith organize in ouch county a Board, to consist of not mre than three of the t;iosf reliable- and intelligent citizens, between the eges of 45 and 50 years, and who have been en rolled and detailed for the service. These Boards wil! be c harged v. ifh aiding the local enrolling 0G1 cer in obtaining information concerning all appli cations for exempti'n and detail, for asriculfural or other industrial pursuits, an J also in furnishing all iiiformation which may be needed in the duties imposed upon the enroling 'officers. The local nnl congrcs.ionv ennd'ing ofTicer will beroquir-l to suporv'so the action of these Boards, isnd prou'ily rep.irt to the Cominanant unfittiegs or d-lirquericies on the part of the per sons detailed f r thein Ho lo'ig as the duties are properly performed, the per.-ons so employed will be exempted from other service. Care will be used in the beginning to select proper m n: and in view of the srravo duties herein devolved upon the cnrolluTg oflit-r, he will, at hi3 dieretion. re rpuire the written opinion of the Board on claiois lor exemption or applications f,r -detail, and may ca 1 ou thorn for special information concerning matteis pertinent to th ofi'ne. In every case re ferred by the local or C0ngr4s.-io.nal district en rolling oin-er to the Commandants, nn opinion as to the merit must be endorsed or accompany the cae, i;d the like rule will b rigidly observed by Commandant-! io referring to this Bureaii. III. Commandants will order the immediate en rollment and c.vatnin;uii:i of all persons within the prescribe I ges, who tire in the cnployment of an department of the government, and who are not sjiecinTly exempted by the Act cf Congress; and sucli us h-q f und fit fo service in- the field may be detailed until the 10th day of April next, provided nn application is m ile affording to the terms of the 0th piragraph of General Orders, No. 2G, herein cited. IV. Commandants of Coeripts will forthwith trau-mit to this Bureau, rec-.im ;uendatio;s f.rr phy frieians to emri'oyed in accordance with paragraph IX. General Ord-rs, No. 2jG, herein cited. Much complaint reaches this. Bareau, concerning irregu larities in thj Medical examinations. Loose or irregular examinum ns must nor, ba permitted, and Commandants w'!lpromp;ly report any well ascer tained delinquency in the matter. V. Forms for Cons, ndat'd Reports by the C m matjdi.nt f Conscripts will b forwarded ; n js, forms fr the Record ef the Congressional Dis trict, and Local Enrolling OfH 'ers. These records muse be iceur,.leiy kept, und ti e vcf.eits based orj them roust. I e in clyr mul inrelltjrib'e form, or they will be returned fjr revision and correction. VI. IVr.-o'js Pivi cla.sc-s tuutneraled in-the l.-f, 2.1, :4d, 4th, 5rh and 6th articles of section 10rh, e.TCfpt those referred to in the latt.-r clause of rbe 4th article of suid 10thsceti(.n of the Act of Con gress recite 4, shall l. exempted. All other per sons refl-rrel to in sal act shall be detailed. VII. Exemption ev Examining lio.vitns. 1. Percons wh shall be determined by the Boards of Examination to he incapable of per forming active service in the field, and any of the duties- mentioned in the Sth s"tion f the said Act of Congress from cau?es of a permanent na ture, shall be exempted from nJiitavy service bv the said board, who shall grant certificates thereof; which shall specify the causes of the inen oacitv. reciting in full the natare and d -gre- of the dis ease orother incapacity, and the probable duration of the disability caused by it; and the parties shall not be subject to future examination, unless specially ordered by the Board of th-i Congress ional district in which iueh parties reside, or by the Commandant of Conscripts for the State, or by this Bureau. 2. When in the opinion of Enrolling Offers the causes for which exemption wa granted to a person, afrc examination by the Medical board, hav ceased to exist, they will make a report to the Board, stating the name of the person, when enrolled, when examined, and the disease or .,ther cau-e of disability, with the reasons for believirtr it to have disappeared, and that, tho person is ca" paldetf performing active service in the field. r gome of th;?duti"s mentioned in tho said Sth sec tion of the a t aforesaid. The Exatnining Board will then order the partv to be brought before it for a re-examination. When a person is re-examined by the Board, his former certificate shall be surrendered and can celled. If again found unfit for duty, a new cer tificate of exemption shall be issued to him 3. Every certificate of exemption granted bv a Board of Examination shall bo approved bv th Congressional district enrolling officer, which shall protect the person exempted from molestation by the ohicers if Conscription, and from re-examination, unless the Board of Kxatoination. or tlie.Com mandant of Conscripts or the Bureau of Conscrip tion shall order the same. VIII. Exemption of specified Clashes and In dividuals. 1. Applications for exemotion wnder the 31 and Gth articles of the 10th section of the act aforesaid, shall be mad to th 1 Enrolling officer of the count v in which the applicant resides, who will thorough ly investigate the case, and if satisfied, bv com petent evidence, that exemption should be allowed, shall issue a certificate thereof; which must be submitted to the Enrolling officer of the Con gressional district, for his approval. 2. Applications for exemptions under the fifth article of the 10th section of the act aforesaid, shall be made to the Commandant of Conscripts for vhe State, who will grant the certificate of exemption authorized by law, to continue during compliance with tho conditions prescribed bv said act. Ex emption, except for the President, Treasurer, Auditor and Superintendent, shall not be allowed to any officers T.id employees of a Rail Road com pany, unless the President or Superintendent shall certify, on oath, that.the parties applied for are in dispensable to the eiiicient operation of such Rail Road; that the number of persons exempted on said Rail Road shall not exceed one for each mile thereof in actual use for military transportation ; that tin exempts lor such road shall be reported by name and description, once a month to the Commandants t f Conscripts for the State through which such road passes (or to the Bureau of Con scription ), together with the names and descriptive list of any one who may leave the employment of the Rail Road companv, or who mav cease to be indispensable to the efficient operation of the said road. 3. The exemption of overseers or agriculturists on each farm or plantation upon which there are now, and were on the first day of January last fifteen able-bodied hands between the ages of six teen and fifty, will be allowed for the space of twelve months, and the certificate of exemption fhall be granted by the officer taking the bond required by law, upon beinj- informed bv the Commandant for that State that the bond "is ap proved. 4. The bond required .to be friven upon the ex enipti n of an overseer or Bgriculturalist, under the 4th article of section 10th of the said act, shall be taken by the enrolling officer of the county or District in which tuch party reside, with the 1 advice ai.d a.'litance of the temporary Board I afVres-iid. It shaJ! be payable to the Confcdei ats ntates ot Amer'.i m rvwrsaitsr rtou'oiM til,. .j. tiniated value of the products to be.delivercd to ms go.crnment. and conditioned for the faithful performance of tho requirements of the 4th article f the 1 ).h seca..n of t!;. saia act. The' value nf the said pr-f duct? tfull b-3 assessed by the Flnrolling officer, who shall take ihs said load, with th assistance of the said tcir.pctarv Uoard, according to the market vslus thsreof it the tiaie and place of JissfjOj-rent. The ?.id bond mat be secured br a deposit of the amount r.f the penalty thereof if r.ots issued IVoLa the Treasury Department ot the Confederate States, with any of the depositaries of tha sail Treasury, or by personal security, the nature of the-security to be at tbo option of tho principal ouhsror in tlmsau bond. M.oala tlie exempted elect to cive oersonal eucuritr. tha! sureties teiiereei bv . . . . - ' v hitu shall justifv thei r uML i before some justice'of the peace, accepted uoless th i Eiit cllintr lency under oath b? but shall wot be accepted Oiiicer takm": thi caid bond, under th. advice of theeaid temporary Board, shall deem them suffi cient. Such bor.dj shall, alter due execution, be t; ai.stniUcd to the Commandant of Conscripts ltir the Stati-, for file in his office, "to be surrendered to the obligors when th? conditions thereof are luliv complied with : and the receip- of any Qu.irtei itiaster or ConiQ.issary, specifying that the amount of produce required by the bond has been duly d-lirred and accepted, will entitle the per son to have tb bond cany -lied ; nd c ipies of aueh receipts should b forwarded to the Commandant of Conscripts, to be by hi?n fowtrded to the Qnarterinaster Sen -ral o- the Conaniissary Gen era.!, th -oogh this Hurjau. IX. Exemption on accotnt of Religiocs Faith. Persons entitled to exemption as provided foe in paragraph XII, General Orders, No 26, A. and I. G. O., current series, will, on application, re ceive c'rtitte it s thereof from the Congressional. District. Enrollingodicer, on producing satisfac tory evidence tha they have complied with the requirements of the law. X. Exemption ok Officers or Confederate and Stat;-: Governments. Certificates of exemption for officers of the Co fvderiite ahd State Governments will be given by too Commandant for the States. XI. In vi.sriUA.noN ok Applications for Exsmp- TIOM. 1. All other applications for exemption shaU b made in '",vrit i:;g to the I'nrollit;g officer of the county or district in which tlu aj'plicant resided ; !ihII be suppoited by Ifis :ifiida-it and other sworn testimony, and dealt with according to the p n-vi.-i tns of paragraj-h III of (jn.-i ul O.dvis, No. 2(5, A. and i. G. O , current series. 2. Every application for cxdnotion should be carefully minutely and thoroughly investigated by tlie local Enrolling office ', with the ai l of the temporary Board to be organi.ed under the 2d clause of patagiaph II of this Circular, ami bo tht rea'ter tra: smitted to the Commandants of Conscripts for the State, with a report of facts, and their respective opinions on the merits of the application. .The report of facts shou d be somewhat in detail, setting forth in regular order th.i facts developed in the investigation, giving briefly tha reasons for the opiniou expressed, and instead of being .put in t hi; form of an endorsement, will b made on a separate sheet of pajvr. The iuvt's-tigH tion should not be confined to an examination of the application and the papers that accompany it. or merely into the truth of the .-tatemenls therein nias-i, butshould b; direct ed with "a view of ase-i t lining all the facts and circumstances of the case, an ! the exact cor.cition of the parties with relation thereto. XII. Details. A j leal iitr'tt n Us. 1. The officers of Conscription will give the xi:ot cat eful attention to the provisions of para graph IV, (r. (. N. 26. A. and I. G. O., current sei ie.-, in connection with the last clause of the 4"h article o:' the lOih s;ction of the Act of Con gress cited. This .paragraph embraces tlie whole system of detaiU p'ovi-.'.id bv law to maintain th-i industrial pi'.-idnctioti of the country, in view of the public deicnce. 2. The investigation of every case prsenlcd must be the most 'precise and accaratii which can be attainted by the Enrolling oilier (with the cooperation of the temporar'v Boards), and all action must lie in d rect view f the necessities in dicated. Commandants will institute snb mod of enquiry and repot t as will lurubh th; fullest testimony. Th-; policy of tlie lr.v is to enforce the largest amount of production in every ca? in which the detail is made. The schedule of terms hereto ap petided will, it is believed, meet a majority of the cases that ate likely to be" presented. Where it is doubtf ul whether the cast; is covered by the CiusMfication-Commandanta will in general decide by reference to thejdaia intent of the law, or re fer the matter to this Bureau, with full testimony and opinion. In ail details there must be satisfac tory evidence of the necessity", as expressed in Ge-ner I Orders, No. 26, current series. Pckfdue of Ti.riu. 3. "Where there are two or more farms contigu ous, or ui'hin live mLiej of e.i-h other, measuring from the homesteads, having on each five or more hands, amounting in the aggregate to fifteen hands, or whsiv one person has two or more plantations within live mil it of each other, having an aggregate of n.teen or more hands, there may be dec. tiled one person a3 overseer or manager of the two or more farms : provided there is ou neither of the ia, ms a white male adult, d.vlared by the Enrolling officer and the temporary Board capable of managing the farms with a reasonable efficiency, not liable to military dnty : and provi ded the person detailed was, oh the first day of January 1861, either owner, manage or overseer residing on one of the farms: and provided the owners of said firms shall execute a joint and several bond, on the terms prescribed for the own ers 0: fii'teen hands, except that such person shai! not be allow -d the privilege of commutation pro vided in the 4th artieie of the 10th section of the act recited . 4. Whce detaih are allowed to persona ha ving 1c;j( than fifteen," and five, or more than five hands, t!i v shall ent..r into like obligation as prescribed for th.; owners of fifteen or more hands, except that for each hand less than fifteen, down to live, there shall be supplied five pounds less meat, thus : each of fourteen hands, ninety-five; thirteen hands, ninety ; twelve hinds, "eighty-five; fcix hands, fifty-five; fire bauds, fifty pounds. 5. Where, details a're allowed to persons having 1 less than live hands, they shall enter into like ob ligations to sell all their surplus productions to the Government. 6. All details herein prescribed to ba allowed are subject t a revocation by the Commandant of Conscripts, on the report of the Enrolling officer ' that the person dt-taiLd is not habitually, indus triously and in good faith engaged in the occupa tion for which the detail is granted. Enrolling oificrrrs are required to be unusually vigilant in supervising such details. Omission in this duty will constitute grave dereliction. 7. Enrolling officers are required to exercise the utm-at caution in recommending details io the classes enumerated. It is by no means intended to grant theui indiscrinioately, but to limit tbem as i consistent with the public good All pertinent circumstances will be carefully enquired int .. Among these are fitness for th field; ability or aptitude f r th. purposes of the detail ; condition of the family ; whether any, eir how many are in the military service; public good, justice, equity or necessity, tc, &. XIII. D ETAILS FOR PUBLIC NeCESSITT. Applications for details, gu h as are not required for the service of any of the military Bureaux, or for service in any of th? Departments of the Gov ernment, including service with contractors, will . be made, accompanied by a descirplive list, lo th Enrolling officer of the appropriate county or Dis trict, and hi supported by the affidavit of the ap plicant, and other testimony under oath. Th Enrolling officer will "institute a minute and searching investigation into all the circumstance of ihi eve, thj result of which will be set forth on a separate sheet of 'paper. The district Enrolling officer mar, if he ap proves the application, grant a detail for sixty days, and forward the papers through the Com . mandant, to the Bureau for its action. If thi application ii rofued, the reasons ia full w De "dorsed ; and in case of nnptal, the papers forwarded to this Bureau, through tb s muic chau- iiei. If the persons for vhosedeta:! applictia is made ae engaged in performing the duties ou account of which details are asked, ther will bs allow -d to remain until fi.i.l action. If otherwise, ther shu!d be sent to C-iinps if Insttnction. XIV. Details mk persons asiAVKt.v 45 and 50, FOR GOVIKXMSNT W.)5:5. A pplication for the detail of persons between forty-iive and fitty j-ears d'age, for service in any of the militarv Bureaux, or in anv of the Dej.art- meiitscfthe (jovernrnent, will be made, accoai- ci.ir-.i ujr a u-.si.-, ipn vn usi, lo iue lor-.ai oruistrict Enre llmar officer ; and it musi t-t forth The nature of tha duties to b performed, th-- nec.-ssity far tha dftiil, and the period for' which it i reqatTcd. The District Enroliine iitfictr. altec inves'.iia. t'n rnadeand reported as diect-d in the piec.-dinj 1 ,. paragraph, may, if he approve the application, Knt & detail lor a period not exceeding feixfy a.Y,s, and forward tho paperj to the Commandant, for his action, An appeal frora the ration of th? Enrolling of ficers and tho Coramr.ndaat may be tx'ce i to ibis Bureau. XV. Details or Artiss. Mechanics, etc. 1. Application for th detail to- service in anr of tha miiitarv Bureaux, or or any of the Depart ments of the Government (including contractors,) of artisans, mechanic.?, or person. of scientific skill to perform 'in-l;p3:isab!e duties, should be made, with descriptive list, to the Enrol; ingnfiicer. The skill of the party, the duties to hn performed, and why his servis are indispensable, and tho period for which the detail is required, uicst bo distinctly svt forth. Applications fir tho employees of contractor must, in addition .contain a c-Ttiticate from the oilicer contracted with, or the head of the Di.-p.art-roent, thit the services of the particular parties are reqaired for th? performance of indispensable Governtn nt work. The District Enrolling olficer may grant -the detail for sixty days, and forward the papers, through the (Jon. mandant (each ex pressing his opinion), to this Bureau, for its action. If tha avplicatiin is refused, reasons i 1 full will be endorsed, and iu case of appeal, papers foie.rd ed to this Bureau; ' . If the parties applied for nro it work th-y Aviil be allowed to remain until action is taken. If otherwise, they should bj ent Jto tin Camps of lustiuction. Applications for thi detail of contractors them scdves must also contain the certifi "ate of the had of the Bureau, required by thj llth Secti-aa of the ftCt; XVI. All other application for exemption or detail, not otherwise provided; will be luade to the Enrolling oificer, aud forwarded throigh the proper chancels. XVII. Great care shauld be exercised bi ex empting or detailing able feoiied 1:13:1 bit ween eighteen and fo 1 1 y fi v e. No case should be acted on until after minute and thorough investigation as to the alleged privat-; or public necessity, advantage, conveni ence, justice or equitv, and as 'to wheth-ir pal eons not liable t. service in the ti .del may i;ot be ob tained. XVII I. Repots. 1. Examining Board in addition to tholists di rected in paragraph VIII, Gfnoal Orders. No. 26, A. and I. G. O., current seti s, will furni.-h District Enrolling ollic'ers with "lists of men in th dr districts found fit, for military s-rvice, but urfit for service in the field, spjci'ying in each case what duties they are capable of performii g. Con gressional Diati ict officers to furnish si-nihr lists to county Enrolling officers, the object b dng to fri.abte persons needing detailed men to soe who ar the su'j::ets of detail, and to choose f.'om them. 2. Enrol iingvo!'icers will forward tithe Com mandant of Conscripts, monthly, a report, of all persons enrolled by them, and the action taken in each ca.se. Th 'se reports will he consolidated bv the Com mandant, with relVrer.ee to the di-tinction nind.; in th Act of Congress, and th-; regulation for its en foro inert, in dupHe'aH' ; on? copy of winch will be forwarded to this Hureao. and one kept on file in the office of the Commandant. XIX. Enrollmen r or Rllrve Class r.i. 1. Commandants of Consc; ipts will proceed to enroll all persors belweeu the ages of renlerii and eighteen and fortv-five and fiftv vea;s, in ex ecution of General Orders. No. A. A I. G. O.. current series; which is hjiewitli made a pait of this C"-enIar. 4 Adjutant and Inspector (J tnh i l's OrftCE, Jtiehhto-J, March 15, IsOi. Glner vl Orders. No. 33. ' T 1. Tae B u-e.m of Conscript'on will traeecl to enroli all persons between the ag- s cf seventeen and cight-en years, t:nd between the ages of forty fivoand fifty years, under the ih section of the Act of Corgr.es to organize forces to serva du ring the war. 2. Persans liable t enrollment will present them se'.v- to the eiTolliug offn er in the b'tatr east of the Mississippi river w ft bin ttdrty days from the dav v. i 11 the no'iee shall b- fricnin the di.--t ' .r o i'Kv by the enrolling officer for persons of t .-i cid-' appear for onrollm-nt. The fiihire to coiiijdy wit-i th's notice will sulj-ct the def.ul ter i a liaiiity 1 0 he c;iH; d into tt e general ser vice with th e iiss of pe'.-ons bet.veen eighteen and fort3 five, fie.' he h iH hav a va.1' 1 excuse therefor, to be jadjedof by tjc Bureau cfC jncrip tion. ?. Any tersoti liable to enrollment under this "act may join any company for locil defeuce which has been f r.ne I under General Orders, No. Sf, issued 26th June,ilS63, for th war, or any other company for local defence which has been accept ed into the service anl which, by the terms of its enlistment, is liable to serve any where within the State; or persons of this class in;y form new companies for local defence and speeiil service, nnder General Orders, No. 8G 186:;, f.r the war, and select tb-ir own officers. By order . W S. Cooper. Adjutant and lu'jtclor i.ieHtrul." 2. Commandants will keep a separate and dis- 1 tinct roll of persons bet ween the ages of 1 and 13 and 4-'i and 50. 3. Commaudants of Consci ipts will assign to dutVf as a supporting force for Conscription ser vice, such persons as may be recommended by the Examining Boards as unfit for the field, bat as cotnpf lent for this service ; and when as many ss sixty-four such persons are so assigned they will be organized into a companv. elect their olficers. and return the Muster Rolls to the Com nandants ; and if there b3 n t a sufficient nu nber to form & company in each Congressional district, then the Commandant mav assign a sufficient number of persons between 45 and 50 years of age. so as to complete a company for each Congressional dis trict. A competent officer, of the rank of colonel, will be assigned by this Bureau to organize such companies into a regiment, if there bi 'the re quisite number mf companies ; or into a battallion, if there ba less than ten companies ; T iato tvo battalions, if deemed preferable. XX. Genkkal Instructions. 1. C amraandants will a'ways bear io mind tint General Orders, No. 2G. is not only ihe basis, but forms a large portion of thesa instruetioijs. They will habitually recur to its provision, to aid in the application of the other provisioned this Circular. 2. Commandants will of course rfer cases of dif ficulty to this Bureau; bit eferoaces which bear on thir face that they are rather to avoid due re sponsibility or labor, will be retained without re marks. 3. The duty of tho C immandants of Conscripts is, in accordance-with these instructions, to main tain and invigorate the indu-trial production of the Confederacy, and f uppiy its armies with men. This dutv must be performed, or oar struggle for independence and liberty will fail. By order of Col. J. S. Pceston, SuVt. C. B. DUFFIELD, ap 4 39 d3t -1. A. General. Fayotteville Observer and Charlotte Democrat pub'ish three times. ANTKD.--A Good Milch Cow. Apply at THIS OFFICE. Two :ood Milch Cows ir.infrd Immrdi. ately. Apply at THiS OFFICE. ' Kotico OFFICE UALEIGII & GASTON 11. li.CO , 1 Rallioh, N C. April. l, lfOl. f On and After tlie 3rd lust the Arconj niodation train na tLis roa 1 will leve Ral igh for Weldou at 7 p. in. Returning will leavf Weldon at 5, a. in., aud arrive at Raleigh 2, 15 r- P. A. DUNN. aprl-59-6t General Supei ictcnutiit. $500 Howard. I ANA WAY from me 00 Snndav ug., the 27th .IV in?:., THREE NEGRO MEN; C.-vsar, Rowiau ind Abram. The two first Lcntioued are of da?k ginger-cake colo. , and about 6 feet hicb'; the other i brack and slim, about f let 8 or lo iticht high. The ce gtors were tracked on Monday inorniug." us far as Battleboro'. 1 think it voir probable ther will attempt t: make tht-ir way to Newborn r WiLshingt.u. All thr'4C ol theH had nnxdcn bottom shoe, one inincd and very w ide bottom. Civsar is about 2S years old; tha otbeia about 21. The above reward w ill be paid for tha delivery -f all of thern to nte at Ashland. Edgjcombe count v. March, 1804 U. A. TAYLOR, ap 4-50 d-lt Search 29th, Ik) USES AND MILKS WANTED. T AN TED I M M E D I A ILLY, f O R THE C0N- federate eorvi -c, u ruuitor of JHORSES Jt mpli:?. Tilt's- who have sjtare anlmHls will do well to call at once on Win. F. .Wkew-. the Agent cf In pector Gcneial, 0 to . W. W. PEIRCE, ap 1 -57 ft: Major Si Caiof (j. M. rPo the Soldiers atul Vntirs of the tli A Congressional Distilrt. I tsaKe ih incijojd of anii'.une-.iig myself a CANDIDATE ' to -present you in the next Congress of the Con. federate States. Sever.il candidates, I understand, ure already in the fold. None of them, howv..r, Lac sli.ired with us the hardniiips and piivati n of a fobJ:-r. At this pnrlieu!1.r lime, ciorw ih:n at :r.y oilu-r in ar pivvious Lil.-ry, is the ii.lei-e-t of the so'nier to ht locked fu-r. lliviag, as 1 trtjst. faithfully served my country iu th tented fi id. fjr tho past three year., I flatter ntyiclf that I kno v Something of the life of a so'dier, and that I feel for him an interest that r.o other man can feet, njohis not brne with him "the heat and Lurdau of the day." His interest is the interest of our commos country. ' . My views will bo fully st forth, in a future clr- . cular. For the pirscut, I will simply add, that 1 'eire this p .itin, not for the f urpose ol goi tWsg out of the army. During the roecss of Con gress ditty will thcncall me back to my gill nut lit tle eouimand, and I wiil go ami thato with it tho fortune of war. Respectfully, N. A. R MSEV. Capt Co. D. AlHtN.C. T. Btickwatcr, Va., MarcU 17, ISfll. u h 2411 tf AOTICK. Orrira K. A- G. R. Raleigh, March 0, R. r.o. TV. HE tax i npotied by the ConlVdertrt Slites f. r i the year lh(4, 011 th- snares of the Capital Stock of th--' Company, will be paid -by tha Cor- txir.atii.ii. Min e Lol'lei ii win rot tive in or pay tins ti. i.:h 3l-r,f-2w W. J. II WKINS, Puks'i. t,UARTE:i MASTER'S OFFtCK C. S. A. ) RiLMiiii, N. C , Mri-cIi 21. ImM. "!i'4ii!r iwi'iity Hvc .No. 1 for cmplov iu this Depa.' tiii' ut. ifro men .I 1 . l it tie. having good nar.ds t to o.io win ct.i '.veil to atrdv i"jmdi itelv. mil ::i-:'a-:t W. r.. peuice. d, fti r.o . win r inn JUliX, Sf.k! br.y Is abnitt I 1 Ole. t It'll).. ties lugli. oarK I ron eoloi. t.-tf-lligee.t .'a cc, a nil tniy be re.idi'y knor.n ly a hitrh or strniuer in his voicr: spe'axs and m"vw quickly; h. l .n wlun he left a ligh t-tnlor.-d nuiiijabont an I a soldier's cap. I will give tbo above reward tr any one who wil arrest n:d boy and return him to me. or eonlirre him ir. jail sa that I eanget him. GEO. BADGER HARRIS, Ad'nr A. !1. A u.i.t. h:1i29 .14-r.t Ilcr.d.is' n, X. C. Ol'rKE Sol'TiU.iiN Ti.iui'(.a.ll'U ('(., I R.(hi:o'ni, Maich 2i:!i, 1m!1. rpiio StiK-K holders of iln v.r;x!i!nc i;i .1 and New Orleans, Ricbtnotrl, Chat lottesi ilie fii-l Staiitim. Lwichbuig and Al.nJon, r.-.d Eat Ternsee liegraphic Ci:ipatiifs. are bwreby notified that Ihe five per Ce-i.t tax levieiby th ' law passed 17th Febiuary, Km'-I. on the value of all shares held in telegraph orother companies, will be paid b the undei signed at tr office, aud they will therefore omit the stock held in any of tbes.' companies, iu their li-ts to n-sessors. E MtdM'.lTHY. Auditor mh 20 54 tin 1.1 Southern Telegraph Co. iiAi.i-ifiH, March 30, 1SC(. CoE C B. AEEEV, ") Ajr't R. G. R. R. Ci. ) Ordered by Mr. T. J. SKimipr, plt., ani YA:.. that 1 reeievc M fiilca with cha g. s destine 1 for Charlotte it S. ( It. Road. M. S. BAR'JINGER. Ag't. X. C. R. R. Co. a . N'otlre. IN CoN'SrtQCENCE of thiforcgoiag order, all freight destiued for points beym.d Chat lotte, inu-t be prepaid. This Company "w id not be re sponsible for delay's or damages that may occur tinder this arrangement. C. B. A I. LEX, Ag't. p 2-58-Ct. R. A. (J. R. Road Co. Petersburg Daily Express copy one week. Va:i5vd. liy a Yoiiiik Ludy. :T bllua- V tjon as GOVERNESS in a family tvheie the chi'.dren are small, aud reqdire to be tiujjht only tho English branches. Rest reconim-nda-tions will b-j given aud terms nude kno a by ap- plication to Macon et. D;pot, Warren county. X'. C. it.- 'I o inc oiticHnuiticrt of tlie Hank of 1 C ominerce at Newbern. THE CONFEDER ATE 8TATES TAX ot fi-e vt r cen'. on th Capital Stuck will o. paid by the Bank. Shareholders will therefore not give in or pa v this particular Tax. You are also notified that the REGULAR AN NUAL MEETING of this Corporation will be held in this place on the Huh dav cf MAY, being the 2d, Tuesday. A lull attendance i earnestly requested, either in person or by proxv. 'No President, Cashier, Dirtco-, Agent or Clerk, can vote as proxy Ibr another." J. A. GUI OX, Cahier. Company Shops. March 20. 1804. ap 2-5S-lm. Programs, and Charlotte Bulletin copy for same time, and forward accounts to advertiser. Mrs. II. W. Miller. BOARD Rv tho Moath, Daily board d Transient, per day jan 16 dly $220 $150 $ 12 HIDXN.llloV.S. HA V ING 0 BTA IN ED T H E , SERV 1 CES OF Mr. Woo-lward, one of th- best Tanners in the Confederate States, I ara now rva ly and ro cciving HIDES to Tan en Shares. I tan - for one-half, and! sell my share to owners, (except speculators,) at one dollar per pound, or for one third and sell as I choose. Tanning done for in digent soldiers' timiiis free of charge. I will rx-tan and finish leather for the giveroioent cr in dividual on re isonable terms. Persons requiring information are tefeired to the editors of tie Coftdcrate. ' J. ROUT. JEFFREYS. ap 1 a7-ulwAw4w ' r "CAXDIDATK F0K TIIK LEKISL.ITCRKT' rtaptalu KIDDKK GiTLlNG,ir.. 33rd j Regt. Jf. C. Tro will be supported as a candidate to repreent Gates' county in the He-use of Commons in the next LegUUtur-, by his numerous friends i"th army of Northern Vir ginia. What sjv hi: .. ...id: at Lorn? ! iah 20 H twit t.... or coiuicea to mat 1 caa get them again, or SICO for either. Rwwesn is from Davie com ty, N. C, and Abram is from Piinee Edward eountv, Va.. and were bought iu Rirhuioijd the 7th of SC4. AUunajrar taken up. A dark ItulnMo boy about ?6 yewa old, 5 leet C Inches Liph, cafi'ng himself Cbeff, says Le, bebn-g to lUk Nickerson, livir.g ou or n'irtho Rsleigh A Gato Rilroad ; had on whrn takm a fd-lifr (fat, ni.J a white hat. 1'or fui thtr inforujut acMres WM. M. SMITH, "Adif Ralrigh. N. ?.' T ll( c.... All prntta Nun Hold or X w ho mar hoi after hdd che ka or irl tga'nt us dated prior te April 18M, aie notified to pr?it them for paiinent Leforo that data, or Iber will be iaid in the old Cur;ei er. 37-tf. W. R. KICHARDSO.V. A Co. Ci.MllllATK I UU C0MiUI-.SN. 7f Mr uthorivd to nfnemne A. (J. 1'OS V t TER. rf Racu'olph, candidate to tr prrM nt tlie 7tb Coljio Distiirt ot Nnrth Carolina in tha CoIs cl" the Confederate Sttm, in the placet ll.m. S. 11. Chiiftiaa.dercrMtl. mh It5-4S tda j bare a atiiliceul quantity T Bladrfrs for u L cut lso, and have stoind living them. R. U. SAl NDERS. ' Chat el Hill N. C. March 17-47-cUt. . iT(HrK F0!i SAI.TT" IF APPLICATION Hi: MADE IMMKD1 i atc'.y. I will s,Jl 100 hares In tlr Cl.atl.am Railroad Coupaoy at per. !f IdO et hare. W. W. VASf , wb la C djT s Tit . Cotton for Salc OOi) 1IALE. MORE OU LESS, of COTTON, UUin jr0oj order. Partita wishing to buy will flddiec S. T. WiLPtt:, Loubburr N. C, stating fhe hiheet piic thay are willing to pay. If preferred, the cotton ean'retnaiu sotted w lirie it now i until tho parties wikh to rmove it. i. h 22-4M dI0t.1taw "Wanted. .''OR the -i.uirg Sesiion, to buin inJuh.a YOUNG LADY well qualified to taih.Muic. Kreiu-h. Ihawirg and Pn'uittng in the TALLY HO FEMALE ACADEMY." Tir , who ran i:;un well recoiniiieiidetl, :i libel ul f.tluty ainl pira.-.iiit home w ill bo rtven. Aql' to .1. D. BA1KD. Piiucii ol. mh 2:S-4! tf. Tnl! l N. nifte IS HEREBY GIVEN, that anli.Mlou will le 1 1nate to the Gt-nri al Ateembly f North Cm lir.a at tin' enduing adjout wed e ioj, 1'ordhe pari age of an wet incorporating tfui aiv it. tl e county ol Wake, to be M)ltid "The Joint Slock Confederate Publishing Compauv. " ' inch 28 53 d ltd. QUARTERLY SALES. Notice is hciept ui-fii to a'l concerned, that tlie Asm sirs w ill m tend at toy ottice .n Monday ani 'luendat. the Fourth i:id Fifth Am of April, euiniiig, to t -ceiv r turns of QU A RTF.RI.Y SALES, ou rrr,. i.-tercd busiiu-sf. 1 will receive the tax tlu. thereon al th same lime. The pens.lli.-n of Ihe will be strtr.tl v crfoicad oa all w ho refuAo m u glr ct to tr.ake return iii.d P iv their tax . Rl'FUS II. PAGE. Collector for Wake Ccui.li. Rab igb. M.mL I?. 1SC4.- AO-Hd l.A.M. cif .sourifTrirL:' aT rno THE bTO EUOl.l ERS I E L BA.K cf Ni rUi Cntoliiet : Tho Cot'i' dviute TAX ou C,e individual he will be t-;,i bv the Ri.nl.. mh 2i ileod-lm C. DKW1.Y. C.hiir. P.ij ettevil'e ('bii-iur :..J Chailolte J'tioelin please copy. Q. .J. f.1ff, lHh:..r,iuy. loh:t",ttrV. N. I., ) i i:odi;cecs uuu.r t d.-liicriluir i. idh. Tax I ir Kind, to the r.ith l.cil A grn:s. w ill I cha-ged ivt jtrM.rpp kri; cent., b Uad of Ml, as bet c tofol e. PiNlii.-eis leust fuild h toar.sp..:tiifi..n ') iwclie n iler, (instead .f l ihl. ) ,it t w hieh lite -TiN-fs will b paid al (ioict tin. ut priii. The Bicoiii. requited for the u.-i ill he (..Mtn inenl, av u.usl l e aid it .(. All aiticl s rf j foducw Piut b" pa d bv tlu-Lt of 3l.i . or the As.riMii s i-ctiti ate w!i r turmd ovei to the Collector, wlio will C'.ll'cl Ir wai- rant with the p nalty anurxed. , When the Anri rilniate dmsn ll t the pn.ucer I. s ch-livirtd more tl an tt.e tu.ihif ai y i 1 1 le'e, hi will be aliow 1 1! the e xces io oii. ..Iter ai title, or be aid iu l.ion.M ul ArUfXT vn!u.:tion. Ag. rto iniist be dilierit iuthii i fi'n I - to . curv and r a s i re all of t' y hi licle of Tatub'o" pi oiJut-i , lor ilo- Us e ol thv (iovei til. '-rt. J. n. in: van. Cant. A P O. M..3.d (.'..rj. Dut.. N. C. ' ir.h 2.)-.'3 dJ7f. Ji'.vr .iicim n : f ) LACK CLGTH, At C. M. FARRISS. OFFICERS CLOTH, at J alt kmdsot Tn aPMCg. At C. M. FARRISS. NECKTIES, At C. W. FARp.'SS'. FINE CASSIMERE??, At C. M. FARUISS. GENTLEMEN'S HALF HOSE. At C. M. FA KRlSr.'. 0,Tie-r. of Ncti ti Caiadina Troops uho u,y u t have an opptnnitv to ca'l for th.-ir good in rsitt, cau have tfnif cloth drawn by C. M. l arrisi", w ho will su l an txperh need' h;nd to enmp to tae measures. If you want t a get jiU, serd your orders to C. M. Farrin. W ANTED. Five or tlx exferienccl Jouiney men Tailois. The vei v btst price pid. Match 5-3111.1. C M. FARRISS. Tjijt ilevllle Arseo:tl and Afifion. Sn. V ven.Ur 12. IW. I0U BOUNTV 1 Wanted. 100 Mounted Rillemen. Authotitv baring beeu granted trv the War Department to raise a Com anvu AiouutM ui;i;in4 lor harvic-' In tuts v i cinity, notice i hereby given, tht recruiU to the number of 100 - owe7'- will be re j cidved fir this service. Eicli leciuit will be re ! quired b furnish a serviceable horse, for which he j will be allowed 40 cents per uieui. and his pay $l'J pT month. Written' per miio 5I be.n quired ! from parents or guardians, whcie the applicant I. j under the conscript age. i Each recruit imt bring with hi in a blawket or j bcd-preal, and come prepared to retrain. . - Apply to Maj MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at th- Araenal. r. U CIIILDS, Lieut Col. C. S. A., Commanding riuti dec leitf. Fat bi tk villi MttviL ANn Arm out, . March 10. lSf,4. f Blacksmith Wanted. Steady euipkj. men, and good wages will Lerivcn. Apr'v to Lt. Col. F. L. CHILD, mh 2S-53wll 2t. f,mA OJhn r. ! 4 pruu Wnnted to Collect Armi and J jM- ORDNANCE STOR S iu North Carolina , Pay $-1,00 ;r day. and a lib-ral c iaip -naii n for i Uteres collected, according t a fixed sehedulc. .j Applicants mutt furnuh satisf-cl-n-i Us'imoo'als ' : of oxemji'ion from Military s frvicc, of cbaiatvrt l and ('iaIifications. None"oih-rs need a; plv. Address. .. F. K G. CA.IR, I Oca I Agent Col. Ord . Stores Chul .lt. ivill V.. Cliaro'ttcsriil'. a. Marrli 25, ii. ) 1 ,"Mt. HOTICE. i ivr Y.FJNK HORSE MEDLEY WILL TAND j XvX the ensuing season at Lrxington, Litwod j and Oalisbiry. He bus now proved to be a sura foal getter. IDs rich fdlgrce, bis great heauty j and staa ina aud j-ntlcncrs in . bttnvti, (Ur ha is driven altegrtbcr in a sulkiy,) ha ?c uiuisned ! tte lnteret of nil whe 1 are iscn h!rr. ; G.aod asttraga at Lexington and LIuwood for Mr.-a sent fmui a ltan:e, grati-. . $30 the Season, $40 Insurance j W. K. HOLT. 1 Lextnjrten. March 24. lffil-d ajor Orricc Nouth Cak ili.va Railboao Co. Vance, Marc h 25, 1S4 ThU Company n III pay the Confederate Tax on atocks he'd by individual-. Bv der of Directors. TilOMAS WERM. mh 20 5i -dl Pnsie'ant.