- '"-rLi,Tii rtmii nyswwltr man it sgvsaisjBraBVssaBaaitB jjjfjuaj&SSaarddBkntftkLL. WW jfrm-mmmi& St.. v ,. I . - - -r ' 11 1 DAILY CONFEDERATE. DAILY CfflJFEDERATE. " ADTIBTI8IIG. ' . 4. M. G Oil Ml & CO., Pro-Hictors. DAILY EDITION, for ; wvntjs . $12 - ii , t - r . . f , . Tr.-WEKKhYt for I wathi , T '" ... : . 2 n . ' a WEEKLY EDITION, for i. months a ascriptions received on snv other terms tUaa the above, nor for a long r or shorter period. ADVERTIftSMKNTSrfi ba Inserted at twai , eoLtaag per sqaare of Ua liaea (or leas) for eaaj . leseriloa? Marriage notice and Ohitvarlea wtll ka charged as advertiaaaect;v JOB WORK oT frwry deacrtptkm wfll be amtetl at tbU OBe with dispatch, and aa aeatly -s can be doaala Ue 8onther Confederacy. - ! ! : OLD 8EBIF8, VOL. V. RALEIGH. N. C, tUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1864. CU I-Xo. CO. , ' ' '' f" I- . IM i si i I I ! J: 4 W. W 1 1 1 IJ . ' i' U . : f I I J T r - St- x - ' TUB VOICE OF THE ARMY. MECnNG OV HOKE'S BRIGDK- x Camp Hdkt's BaioDK, KlXsTo" N. CL, Mirth 20, 1864. At a nice tn vt the .oftirers n.il meu of IKkn'M brtfiuA, ou the 23'h ff March, on iiit.iion of Cp!in Siifprd, Ser't J. hn Jv VI)itt of the (Th Nrtl. Carolina reiiiftunt, was callfd U) tl.e chair, and Serg't E. .O . lri'lit. 54th Tcgiment, appointed hecretary-f The ol-jtci of the tut-etiiiJ: iteiog-exp'aiutd, it wii ajrettl, moii.4i t Capt. Julm iiurd, 7th North C.iroliu rwimef.t, tliat two fro.ii ' i nch rfgimmi he . pppoii.ttd to draft n lji tiou exprfHM ve of iiio rio i.f tha nuc'.in u tht! great quvhtions .ef-Tti t'ie people ot' forth 'ariiiiii, vhrMiMMi the ciownrian aj . poimtrd the fo'.l r.iiiifi sjitijie'i om cojn- juittee l 'Adjutant 0. MeU'tne aud p:ivata A.'A. lliompwirj, Cfh N. C, lhj r VV. J. Iioi; and SerV,VVtbh, 2lst N. C. Ciptain C. Whifc..lvor ami U. T. D jiiUo. 43J N. tT., ZUL- - J. U nd Hrrg't Jr E. Dif n. 54ih N. . ...-N CitpU. Jfl? IVrd .t-Hi..r McO ti Tuuhsiyi ot tho.57tii N. C . ami Dr. W. 0. K;eU, litN. C. Dutali it. During thu ab wncu 4the c tniinitrce, Capt. York, Gtfi N . C., addressed thu meeting in u fioquut and patriot c manner. He itoke of . the "energy and ability dip aycd by (Joy. Vance in th clisolnire of the duties .of hi i lB re, And of hU luiqiiemi'jn d deVotioa to the coyntry. and t.liu interest of Nortli Carolinti. In con fluMou, he naid tJ;e Governor h id not only proven hininrlf a frteitd .to the .;Mii-r, hue to the bolJier'a w ifi and cbd lren ;' t!iat he had ei -ted to himself in nu. neat "u the h-arte of hid countryman, and hU name would l e handed down through tim, dnd reuu-frpb-r'fd with pride and pleasure by every true Km" of North Carolina.. Capt. Sheptrd, Lit ut. Polk, u;id Df. II -id. a'.vi c-ufert.tined t'ne meeting . .With eh quent and opproprite Speeches, and uretl titat if we are but trun t r ours-lvt- and the country, thu prisi for which' we are tihttQ is within ur rattp. TIr cotnmitNa yuomitt d the folhtwin prfainllii and re: o luiioim thr"oui;h their chahni.iu, Capt, Wlitra ker, which were U')auitn;u4y udoptel : ' WniasAi, The time ha come when it behooret very true and Iwajuian to delre hit opiainos, una arow his sentimeuta in 11 things that ca tt dignity, honor, and wetf'are of the Stae; we therefore, in public meeting a.sernbled, do hereby declare and set forth our opinions .and entiuicnta upoa'the great question now before . the rood people of North Carolina. Jtctolved," A North Carolinians we hare 'an abiding confidence in the wbdoin. integrity, and unsullied patriotism of JcfTorson DrU. Freaidcnt o. the Confederate States. ' R't'thtj t, That the able, prudent, and dignified administration of His Excellency, Gov. Z. B.. Tancer entitle M to our hearty support, rj in him we recognize tha patriot, the saldier, th-) beldier'a friend, and tha friend of tha widow and the " fatherless. - ltlced, A we regard him the well tried man for the time, it will ba our high. -at pleasure to 'contribute our Support toward continuing him in oSiee, as Oorernor of North Carolina for the en uiag term. Jt4sm(vd. That as the times demand our raots should be tilled a$ far as possible, we heps our patriatio Governor will , bring into the fiefd tha - , ; surplus of Militia oflcera, Magistrates,' and Cuo- . la'the 8tat.- - T -v- t -rz Itafjvtd, That we, in public meetin? assembled, tffl hereby inrite his Excellency, Out. Z. B.- faUce, to visit and address our brigade upon the great questions that relate to the welfare of our btate, at his earliest convenience, and that a committee of three be appointed to correspond with biin on - tha subject. - Jitnoivedt That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the Raleigh Conederati, , Fayette . villa Obttrttr', Wilminton Jvnrnit, and that tue . other papers is the State be requested to copy.' V: J SO. J. WHITE. Chairman. E. O. BaoDti, Secretary. TII1UTY-NIN i ll KEQ I MEN N. C. .T. Camp 39th, N. C. R;t. NcARP.LtRD, Ala., M.iroh 25ih 18U4. A meeting of the ofHcera and men of the 39;h N. C. regiment w;w this day heid in .catnp rtear Pollard, Alt. On motion, Capt. J. G. Crawford waa called to the cnair, - and Lieut. J. M.. Daridaon requested to act aa secretary. The chairman, in a few appropriate remarks, explained tlie objort of the meeting, and ap pointed the foll-winj as a committee to 'dra't resolutions for the action of the mottin: Company A, Serg't P. II. Green, G., B. Capt. A. W B.H, an.1 private A. P. Ilncscl, ' Co.. C, private James llollan, C ., D Srg't. W. II: Spillers, Co,, E, Sejr't. Jamea C. Dyson, Cn., F. private Wm. ii.' Crisp. 'o. G Capt.' P. C. liugtie, and cor pi. J. Letlfopl, Co., II, Ca"pt. A. I3.oker. and private .T. .11. Hampton, Co., I,Sern'iT. H. Moore, Co:, K, Cajt. J. VV. Fisher, and private II. B. Lon don. ' , The committee retired Hud subsequently iibntitted the iollowing preamble, a hii rvso lutioiiH, which were uniiiaruVy" ad pto.l : VThsssas, We the afficiers and men of the 33 tb N. C. regiment, being separated from our fellow citizens at home, andnn. N. C. fellow soldiers ia tha army elsewhere; and wishing to make known to them our feelings in regard to the great political issues now agitating the minds ot tha citizens and soldiers ot our State, which are likely to be developed the coming summer ia the con; teat for Governor j Jtotved, That we have the utmost confidence fa the President and Confederate authorities ; ana that any teaching to the contrary is dan gerous, ana calculated to . weaken and injure' our. . caue and government. , Rttolwea' That we highly approve of the course which has been pursued by Gov. Vance, in the administration of the S ate government ; and en tertaining the utmost confidence in bit patrio tism and ability, will most cordially support him for Governor ia the coming election. Jieflvd, That we consider tha doctrine taught by W. W. IIoTdea, as dangeroua to th liberties of oar once happy but now unfortunate country, which bss bVen striving for three years, on every . memorable field of blood, to relieve itself -of the worm which has so long been gnawing at the roots of the tree of our libei ty. . Jtttolttd, That we denounce all reconstruction its and submission ists, and are not widing to sub mit to any thing short of an honorable peace. i?Jef, That we oenaider the .proposition to. - bold a State convention at present, as impolitic and annecessary; and think that those noisy politicians so anxioaa for a convention, could better serve their country la the army, with aa Enfield rifle t especially so when our homes are being invaded and destroyed by tbe enemv. Xnio vid, That we mart earnestly solicit the hearty co-operation of our friends at' borne, and citizens of tbe - State generally, ia defeating all projects of reeoostr action and submission, by sup plying the indigent families of our noble hearted, patriotic, aad brave soldiers with every thing ae ceisary for their oo in fort, to the utmost of their abiliiy ; and by casting their votes in the coming election for men who will be satisfied with noth- - ing short of our final aucceasia the present strug ; gle, aad the establishment of bar entire indepen dence. ' , , Btolwd That a copy of the proceedings and resolutions adopted by tab meeting be seat to . - th Confederate at RaleLrh. for publication, and njueiV other papers tiiendly to the aoathtra cm to copy, Vu motion the mevting adjonrned tin dit. ' , . - J. O. CltWrOKD, Caa.. . M. DtTiosflx. Sec'y., ' CONSCRIPT; OFFICE, H4LKIOH. X. V.f April a, 1604. nHho, nnnrvXRd Circular from tbe Bureaa S. of Conscription, directing the' execution -of tbo late Act of Congress known as the " Miu rABT Bill," is published for th information tf all con cerned. By order of ti e Commandant, - ' . E. J. IIAUDIN, Aw'i.. - v BUREAU oj- CONSCRIPTION, 1'. UicaauxP March IS, 13$i. J CIRCULAR N9- 8. - 1. Gv neral Orders, N. 26. A. A I. G. O., Man-h lsi, 1S64, is ricrrwitri made a partvf tai& Circular, and J.ii.iu inl inU of Conscript are enj-ji: d 'to procee'-t (i the r-ipid .Hnd vgrous exvcaiioa of it pro visions' under tbe instructions and intv-r-prei.iiiii herein preerihed. II. Under the teTma of the Sih seetioa tf the Act cf Ct-ngrei's oUished in GemralOrderi", No. 2J. A. A I. G. 0., and the terms of Circular JVo. ti, of tbe Bureau, last serte, Cytuntandanta wvll 'pr.jcej'i to ir j wxwe ta aw rice ia 5if reepevtive S:utcs. Ttnal litioo 'o tha organizitioa therein provided fur, and in,further pursuance of paragraph II, tf the axid General Orders, No. 26, Comman dants will forthwith organize in each" county a Board, to constat of not ru re than three of the tnost reliable aiVl intelligent citizens, between the ages of 45 and 50 years, and "who have been en mCe l-nnd detailed for the service. These Boards will becbarged jith aiding the local enrolling offi cer ia obtaining information concerning ajil appli cations for exemption aud detail fur ag'ioukuial OKvtbcr industrial pursuits, au l alo in furuixhiug all informatiou which' uiiiy Le needed in the duties imposed upon the enrolling officers. ' The local and congressional enrolling officer will be required to supervise the action of these B ;-.rds, and protrtly rt port to the Commandant uctdtoess or delinquencies on the part of tbe per sons detailed for them.' So long as the dutioa are properly performed, the persons so employed will beex.-mi'ted from other service. Caro will be used in the beginning to select proper men; and in view fcf the gr.ive duties herein devolved upon tbe eirroiling offietr, he will, at bis discretion, re quire tbe writ On opinhra of tbe Board on claims tor exemption or applications fr detail, and i:jy ca I on thein for f put-ial information couceroicg matteis pertinent to tbe office. In every ense re ferred by the local or Congrcwonal district en rolling ofBVcr to the Commandants, an opinion a tnthe merit must be Mdored or accompany the ase, and the. like rule will be rigi-ily ob orved by Commandant in referring to .this Bureau. III. Comwaudants will order the iiuiued.ate en rollment and examination of all pers s witbiu iheprcscribe l ages, who are in the cnliym-ut f an- department of the government, ar.d who a-e not specially exempted by the Act of Congresi;. and such as are fiund fit for service in the field may be detailed until tbe IOtb day f April next, provid d an application is male uccnrdiog to tbe terms" of the 6tb paragraph. ,f General Orders, No. 2o herein cited. IV. Commandants of Conscripts' will forthwith A tran.-mit to this Bureau, recommendations for phy sicians to employed in .iceordaoce with paragraph IX, General Ord-rs, Nl G, herein cited. Mucti complaint reaches this-Bureau, concerning irregu larities in the Medical examinations. a Loose or irregular examination must nor be permitted, and Commandants wfll promptly report any well ascer tained delinquency in tbe matter. V. Form for Consolidated Reports by the Com mandant of Conscripts will be forwarded; also forms f-r the Recor-ls of tha Congressional lis-' trU$f aad Joal EifQlUrg OAS 'eraJTheeeea.rd seust be accurately kept, and tbe reptiita based on them must be in clear and tnielHgible form, or they will be returned for revision and. correction. VI. Person and elates enumerated in the 1st, 2d. 3d, 4th, 5 tb and 0th articles of section 10th, except those referred to in the latt r cluuse'of the 4th artrclo of said lHh (ection of the Act 'of Con gress reeited, thall be exempted. All other per sons referred to in said act shall be deUited." VII. Exsmptioss by Exam iNi3o Boahds. 1. Pcons who shall e determined by the Boards of. Examination to r-e incapable of per forming active service in the field, and any .f tbe dutier mentioOfd in the Sih section of the said Act of Congress from causes cf a permanent na ture, rh&ll te exejuiitc l from u.ilitary service by the said board, wl..it,hall grant certificates thereof; which shall specify the causes of tho incapacity, reciting in full the nature and degree of the dis ass orother incapacity, arid the probable duration of the disability caus'd y. it ; and the parties shall not b4 subject to fiitnre exarainition, jin!cs specialty ordered by tbe Board of thj ilongres ional district in wbi-h sub "parties reside,- or.by the Commandant of Conscript for the State, or Jy .this Bureau. .2. Wheu in the opinion of Enrolling Officers the causes for which exemption was granted to a person. af:cr examination by the Me iicil board, ,have ceaeed to exist, they wilt make a report to tha Board, stating tho name of tbe person, when enrolled, when exanim-t, and be disease or wthcr cause of disability, with the reasons for believing it to have disappeared, and that the person is ca pajde . f. performing active service in the field, or some of th du ies mentioned" in the said 8th sec tion of the a t aforesaid. - . The Examining Board will thenatrder the party to b brought' before it. for a re-examination. When a person is re-examined by the Board, his former certificate shall be surrendered and can celled. . If again found unfit for duty, a new cer tificate of exemption shall be issued to him 3. Every certificate of exemption granted by a Board of Examination shall be approved by the Congressional district enrolling oGicer, which shall protect the person exempted fro hi molestation by. the oiLcers of Conscription, and from reiexamjna tion, unless tbe Board of Kxamination, or the Com mandant of Conscripts or the Bureau "of Conscrip tion shall ordier the same. VIII. Exaariio.s or sprciriEO Classes a.tolx- DIVI00AL8. 1. Applications for exemption under the3d and 6tb articles of the 10th section of the act aforesaid, shall be made to the Enrolling officer of the county , in which the applicant resides, who will thorough ly investigate the case, and if satisfied, by com petent evidence, that exemption should be allowed, shall issue a certificate thereof; which must be submitted to the Enrolling officer of the X'on gressienal district, far hw approval. 2. 'Apolicationa for exemptions under the fifth article of the 10th section of the act aforesaid, shall be made to the Commandant of Conscripts for the State, who will grant tbe certificate of exemption authorized by law, to continue during compliance with tbe'conditions prescribed bv said act. Ex emption, except, for the President, Treasurer, Auditor and Superintendent, shall not .be aflowed ,to any officers and employees o a Rail Road com pany, unless the President or Superintendent shall certify, on oath, that the parties applied for are in dispensable to the efficient operation of auch Rail Road; that tbe number of persons exempted on said Rail Road shall not exceed oae . for each mile thereof in actual use ior military transportation ; that th exempts for such road ahall be reported Jby name and description, once a month to . the Commandants f Conscripts or the State through which suck' road passes (or to tbe Bureaa of Con scription), together with the names and desci iptive list of any on? who may leave the employment of the Kail Road oompanv, or who mav ' cease to be indispensabla to the efficient operation of tbe said road. S. The exemption of overseers or agriculturists on each farm or plantation upon which there are now, and were on the first day of January last fifteen able-bodied hands between tbe ages of six teen and fifty, will be allowed -for the space-of twelve months, and . the certificate of exemption shall be granted by ' the officer taking the bond required by lw, "upon being infria-d fey tbe Commandant for that State that the bond is ap proved. 4, The bond required to be given . upon tbe ex empt! n of an overseer or sgHcultaraliat, ander' the 4J a ticlo of section 10th of the said act, ah ail be taken by tbe. ent oiling officer of tare county or District in whicb such party "reside, with tbe advice and assistance of the temporary l?ard aforesaid. It shall be payable t:rCbe Confederate States, of -America, in a penalty doable the ra tlin a ted value of the product to be delivered to tbe goerntnPbt, and conditioned for tbe faithful -pcrf .rmance of the requirements of the 4th article of tCe 10th section of tbe saia act." The value of the said pr ducts shall bo assessed by the Enroling officer, who shall take .the said lond, with the ssiytanc of tbe said ten: ptuary tioard, accordiujr to the inai ketyalue theredf at thi time and flace 1 of aSse.M'inent- - " '- 1 Tbe said bond maj be secured by a deposit of the amount of tbe penalty thereof in notrs ismed from the Treasury Department ot the Confederal Mates, wita any o me aeposiianes m me saia Treasury, or by personal security, the nature of r the security to be at the option of tba principal obligor m tho said bond. Should the persoaso , exempted elect to give "personal security, the sureties tendered by- him ehali justify their su.li cien.cy udder oath beforcme justice of the peace, but shall aot be accepted uuiesa .the EurflUing ciheer taking the sai bond, 'under the advice of the said temporary Board, shall deem them suiii cieuL -aeh boad shall, after due executlc be transatifted to the Commaudaut of Conscripts for tha State, for file in hi office,, to be surrendered to tha obligors w hen the conditions thereof are fully complied-wiih : "and the recsip of any Quartermaster or Commissary, sp'ecilying that the amount of produce required by the bond, has been duly delivered and accepted, will' entitle the per son to hare the boud cancelled ; t nd copies of such Receipts should ba forwarded to the Commandant 'of Conscript, to hi by him fowardud to the QuartrTiMdste'r (ieatral or the Commissary Gen eral, through this Bureau. IX Exemption oh Aocouar of RELiiors Faith. - i'ersons entitled to exemption as provided for in paragraph, XII, General Crdeis, No. 2tS, A. and I. G. 0.t current series, will, on application, rc-c-eive Ct'i tifieat. thereof from the Congresi-nal District Enrolling oliicer, oa producing satisfac tory evidence that they Lave complied with the requirements of the law. . X. ExKiirriox or OrrtCErs or O infldeeati and Sr.VTt Govkii.VMKNTS. Certificates of exemption for otlieers of the Con federate and State Gorernm.-nt will be giveu by UnrComaiandants tor the States. . , XI. IsvjtsriOATioa or Arrt.tCATiri!is roa Exiar- iio.n". 1. All other appHcatior s for exemption sha 1 be made In writing to the Eurollir-g ot!iccrof he coiuty or district in which the applicant resides ; &hall be supported Hr his affidavit and ot tier sworn trstirKOny, and dealt with 'according to the pro riBiirra ot' paragraph III of General- Orders, No. 26, A. and I. G. U., current series. 2. Every application for exemption should be carcfuily minutely and thoroughly investigated by the loc.il Enrolling oilicer, with the aid of tbe tempoi a: y Board to be orgni"d under -the 2d c!aue of ""parsgi apb II of thu Circular, an.f b thereafter traisinitted to tb C'omuiaiidtnM of Conscripts for the State, w ith a report of facts, anil their respective'opiaions oa the merits of the application. The report of facts hou d be somewhat in detail) setti forth In riru'.ar order the fact dereioned in tlie favstigarion, giving briefly the reamr4 irui! opinion expresdeu, ana nisteai ot Detng pat in the tu ui of an endorsement, will be made on a separate shoot of pap--r. . The investigation should tot be confined to an examination of the application and the papers that accompany it, or merely into lb? truth of the statements therciu made, buUbould be direct ed wiih a view of ascertiining all thi? faets aud , circumstances of the case, and the exact concitiou ot tbe parties with rclxtioa thereto. , XII. DsrAiLs Ayiculturnl Di.taVt. . " - 1. Tho officers of Conscription will give the -anM'a-'fiif ,aiintii.i 1 tb eov iaionsuIL prat'!t'f graph IV. U. U. 2io. 26. A. aad I. Ii. O., current , Beiies, in connection with tbe last clu?e of tbe' 4tbtrticlef thv 10th section of tbe Act of Can grcs cited. 'A is paragraph embraces the whole system of detail "provided by law to maintain tbe induttrial production of the country, in view of t'u-e public defence. . 2. Xhe investigation of every, casa presented must be the most precise and accurate which can be attainted by the Enrolling oihcer (with the cooperation of the t impftrary . JTJoards). and all action mustlal in d rcct view f the neci.-dties in dicated. Commandant will tostitute such modes of enquiry and repot t as will tuixih tin fullest testimony. . Th? policy of the" Iaw isto enforce th largest amount of production in every case in which thu detail is made. The schedule of term hereto ap ponded wid. it is believed, met a majoritv of the cases that ae likely to be presented. Where it idcubt(ul whether the case is covered by tbe clasxiiication. Couiuiandants will in general decide by reference to the plain intent of tbe law, .or re fer the matter to this Bureau, with lull testimony . and opinion. In all details there muit be s.ltis'ac-. tory jevidence of the neci-ssity, as expressed in Getter. 1 Orders, ?ro. 2fi, currvut scries. Schedule of Term 1. t - 3. Where thei e are two or more farms contigu ous, or within five miles of eah other, mea-uring fiom the homesteads, having on eath tire sr more bands, amounting in ahe aggregate to fit teen hands, -or where one person has f.wo or more plantations within five miles of acb other, having an aggregate of hi teen or mors hands, there iJay b j detailed one person as overseer or manager of tbe two or more farms : provided there is on neither of the farms a white male -adult, declared by the. Enrolling orhcer and the temporary Board capable of managing the farms with a reasonable . efficiency, not liable to military dnty : aud provi ded tbe pet son detailed Was, on the first day of January 18C4, either owner, manager orverseer residiug on one of the farms: and provided the owners of said farm shall execute a joint and several bond, cn the terms prescribed fur the own ers ol fifteen hands, except that such person shall not be ailifwed tbe privilege of commutation pro vided in the 4th article of the loth section of tbe act iccitcd. ' 4. Whij-e details are allowed to persons having ierfs(tban.ufteen, and five, or more than five handa, they sha.il enUr into like obligation a preset ibed for tb i owners of fifteen or more hand, except that for ecb hand less than fifteen, down to five, there shall be supplied five pounds less meat, thus : - each of .fourteen frauds, pinetv-tjve: thirteen hands, ninety ; twelve hands, eighty-five; six hands, lifty-nve; Ere baud, fiffy pounds. 6. Wbere details are allowed to persons having less than five hands, they shall enter into like ob ligations to sell all their surplus productions to . the-Governments " ' : - - $. All details herein prescribed-to be allowed ' ace subject to revocation bv the Commandant of Conscripts, on tbe report of the Enrolling officer that tbe person detailed is not habitually, indus triously and in good faith engaged in tbe occupa tion for which tbe detail U. grapted. Enrolling officers are required to be unusual, vigilant ia supervising such details. Omissiouin this duty will constitute grave dereliction. , ; 1 T. Enrolling officers are required to. xrcie . tbe utim. st cautifn in recommending details ia the Classes enumerated. It is bv no mains intended to grant them indiscriminately, but to limit them' aa is consistent with the public 'good All pertinent circumstances will be carefully enquired tat . Amou2 these are fitness for the field: abifltv r aptitude for tbe purposes of tbe detail ; condition of the family; whether any, or bow many are ia tne military service; publicgood, jjsuce, equity or necessity, Ac, A: . -XIlL DaraiLs roa Ptrai.ic Xrcxaarrr ; ' Applications for details, an- h as are not required for tbe service-of any of the military Bureaux." or for S3 r vice io aay o'f ths DepartmeaU of the Gov- arnmeat. includinir service with eontractoi a. will ba made, accompani ed by a descirptive list, to the Eorblling officer of the appropriate county oY Dis trirt, and beupport?d by the affidavit of tbe ap , pliant, and othertestimoav .noder. oath. . Tbe Enrolling officer will institute a minate aad searching invealiration into all tha circumstance of th- case, the result of which will bt set forth oa ' "ajpparato sheet of paper. ; VTbe IistrifV Enrolling oMeev may; if be proves the application, grant a detail . for sixty days, and forward tbe papers through the Com-' taandant, tb'the Bureau, for its action. , If the application is refused, the reasons In full will be endorsed ; and in case of app al, the papers forwarded to this Bureau through tha same chan nel." If the persons for wbnsedetaP application is made are engaged io performing the duties on account of vhicbdetails arc asked, they will ba allowed to remain until final action. . If otherwise, "they should be sent to Camps of Instruction. XIV. Dsraiu roa rEfrso.i bktwkkx 43 axd 50, roa Govbhkmkkt Work. " Applications for the detail of persons between fortv-tive and fitv years of age, for service in any f the military Bureaux, or in anv "of thn Depart ment cf the Government, will be mide, accom tried by a descriptive list, to the local or district fcor llirfg other : and it inut et forth tbe nature ef the duties to be performed, tbi necessity for the dctail, and the period for which' it ia required. ' The District EnrMiing nflirer, after investiga.. tion made'and reported as directed nthp eevding paragraph, may, if he approve tho application, grant a detail lor a period not exceeding sixty days, and forward tho papers to the Commandant, Tor .hU action. . An .appeal from the action of the Enrolling of fioeraajyi tjje 'ouUuajjd.aBt majjo ta'ren to this Bureau. " . -t : ' XV. Details or Abtiuns, Msctufic, btc. 1. Applications fyr the detail for service in anr of the miHtarv Bureaux, or or any of the Depart ments of the Government (iucludiog contractors.) of artisans, mechanica, oiv perrOas of scientific skill,' to perform indispensable dutia. should bo made, with descriptiv "list, to the Enrolling orhcer. .The skill of the party, the dutie t' b. performed, and why his services are inc'ppcnsalL, and the period for which the detail is required, must ba distinctirset forth. Applications fur the employees of contractors must, in addition contain a c 'rtiticxte from the officer contracted with. Or the head of the-Dvpait-ment, that the services of tbe particular p-trties are required for the performance nf inii.pensable Government work. The District Lfrolling officer .may grant the d.-t.-Jl for sixty day, and forward "the paper, through the Con.niaf.dant (eah ix p resting hi opinion), to tLii Bureau, for its action. ; ' ' - - If the applicatfon is refilled, reaou i x full t i!l be endorsed, andtu cvie ofappeUl, papers forward ed tn thii Burea. If tbe parties applied forirc at work. thy wiil be a'!oived to remain until action is taken. If otherwise. th.y should be sent to the Cjuij of lost! ucuon. Applications for th'rt detail of con tractors thMn selves mtift also contiin the Ccrtifl ate of tb head of the Bureau, required by tbe UiH section of the act. ' - XVI. .All other -applications fr " evmption or detail, not other pi ovMed; will ba mde to the Enrolling officer, and forwarded througn the prop.-r channel'. . XVII. Ui4-at car.? should o fcxercis?d in ev eaifjtiog ur. detailing able-Woiied men b;tacu eighteen. ard forty-five. So case should be acted on uutil afi-r n-lnute and thorough investigation us to 'the alleged private or public necei-sity.. advantage, conveni ence, justice or equitv, and as to whether persons not liable to service in iht field may not be ob tained. XV'III. Rkpobts. 1. Examining Board in addition to thQ list di rected in paragraph VIII, tfeneral Orders, No. 26, A. and I. G. O., current Set ies, uill furnish liiatrict Enrolling officers with tists of men in their district found fit for n.i'ary a -r vice, but unfit for service in the field, specifying in cacbcao -wlist duties they are capable cf performing. Con gressioual Disttict l!icrs to furniab similar lists to county 'Enrolling officers, the object being to rncoie persTtnsneeamg aetaiiea men. to see who are tbe subj jets of detail and to choose from them. 2xEprjiiUlLt3Js roaiitiaot or (Joascripta, montoiv. a rruori ornrn- persons enrolled byntbem, and the actiort taken ia each. case. .... These report will be consolidated bv tjie Com mandant, with reference to tbe distinctions made- in th Act of V ongre.'s.'a nd the "regulations for its enforcement, in duplicate; one copy of shun will be forwarded to this Bureau,' and one kept on file in the office of tb Commandant. XIX. EsuollmeMt or iCiijEava Classm. " 1. Commandant of Conscripts will proceed to enroll all porcoss between the ages of evrntc- u and eighttvu and forty five and lilt v. years, in ex- xcutiou of Gener il O -d :rr, a.Jj A. & I. u. V.. . . - - i - i -. i ' i . . r corretii series; Mine a l n-jrewuu wa-m a pai m th:s Circular. ' ' Aojcu.-t asd IspK.rToa Grsrrai. Orricc, Uiehxiond, SI arch 15, l6t. Ge.vcral OabEus,"! - No. 33.. f 1. The B ircau of CTinseription will proeeod to enroll aid persons between tbe aga of seventeen and eihten jears, and between the ages of forty five a nd fifty jers, under the 5th section of the Art f Congress to org tnize forces to serve da- rii'g 'h ar, ... rs.-" 'laoleio enToIment will present thorn j.elv o il.c o r-'liiug t lli- er io tho Stabs eist of tbe Mississippi' river wfttnu thirty day from the ilar when tbe notice shi!lb; ghenin tbe dis trict or eoiiofy by tne enruoing -&-er f r'poiont.s' of ti cl.w t ,' r f r vnr.-ilm -i.t. The fnlure to comply with ti-s o ;e j wilt sj'ect the d. f ul- ter t-. a liaoilijy to oee-!lid ir.to the general ser vice witbr tha t lass, of im?".ous between elghteft and forty five, unless be sh ttljiave a v tli 1 excu.-e therefor, to be judged of iy the Bureau of Conscrip tion. 3. Any person liat.re to enrollment un-lrer this act mty join any corapiny for locil defence which has been frmed un-ler Ueneral Orders, No. 80, issued 26th June, 1863, for tbe war, or any other company for local deienee which na been accept ed into tbe service avl wLich. by tbe .terms of its enlistment, is liable t sctre any where within the State ; o? persons of this class mny form new companies for local defn--a and special service, under General Order, No. SO 13C3, fo the war, and select their urn officer.. By order. . - S. Coopes, - Adjutant nnd Impectvr General." 2. Commandants will 'keep a separate and dis tinct roll of persons between the ages of 17 and IS aad 45 and 50. . , 3. Commandants of Conscripts will assign to duty,' as a supporting force for Conscription ser vice, sucb persons a may oe recominenuea oy toe Examining uoards as onnt tor me neia, nut as competent for this service ; and when as many as sixty-four such persons are so assigned tay will be organized into a company, elect tnetr oncers, and return the Muster Rolls to the Commandant ; and if th jre ba'a t a su tic'ent number to ' form a company in each Congressional district, then tSb Commautfant mav astgn a sutni-ivnt number of persons between 45 and 50 years of age, so as to . complete a company for each Congressional dis trict,'. A competent officeryof the rank of colonel, will be asaigned bv this llareta to organize . sucb companies mto a regiment, if there be tbe re quisite number of companies ; or into a battallioh, if there-be leas than ten. companies ; or tats two battalions, if deemea preferable. ' XX. Gesbral IxeTRrcTiosa, L Commandants will always bear ia mjad that General Orders, No. ,26. i not only the basis, but forms a largo portion, ef these Instrnetioas. -Thev 'will habitually recur to its provision, to Bid in tbe 'application of. tbe other provisions of this Cirealar. Z. Uommaartants will ox eoure refer eases of dif ficulty to this Bureau ; bat references which bear on their face that they are rather to avoid dae re sponsibility or labor, will be retained 'without re marks. . '- V, ' - 3. The duty of tbe Commandants of Conscripts is.ia aecordance wjth theae iuatrictions..to m-iin-tain aad invigorate the industrial 'production - of the Confederacy; and supply its armies with men. This dutv mast be performed,' or oar' 'straggle for independence and liberty will fail. - By order of Cot. J. S. Prestos. Sap't ; ' V an. DUFFIELD, ep 4-M a3t A. A. G,raL: Fayettoville Observer and Charlotte Imv-rat pUb'Ub three tinaa. . . . . Notlco: . OFFICE RALElCn Jk QAT0S R. B. CO., 1 Balbioh, N. C. Amuu 2, 1801. lilt lccon. ill leave Kai- eigh Tor VTcldon at 7 p. in. Returaiag will leave Weldon atS, a. at., aad arrive at Raleigh 2, lfi p. at. P. A. DUNN. spr4-59-Ct General Superintendent JU.VAWAY from soe-oa Sandav night, tha 27th . lVioHt., THREE NEGRO M EN Caesar, Rows a and Abraro. The two first mentioned are of dark ginger-cake eolo. , and about feet high the other ' is black and slim, about ft feet 8 or 10 inches aigh. , The negtoeS were tracked on Hobday morning, as far as Battleboro. I think It very probable they will attempt to make their stay to Newborn or Washington. All three ot them .had oa woodea bottom sbbee, one iroetd aad very wide bottoais. .Caesar U about 23 y era old; the others about 21. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of all of them to me at Ashland, Edgicombe county, N. C, or cou lined so that 1 can get then again,' ' or $160 for tither. Roweau is from Davie county, N. C, and Abratu I from Prince Edward county, Va.. and were bought . io Richmond the 7tb of March, 4S64. . K : A. TikT LOR, March 29ik, .SC. " ay 4-59 d4t ' - ; ' ...... i HOKSl'S AXD MIIKS WAMED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, r ORTHKO .N- - ' fjederate service, a uuutler t-f HOUSE i A MULES. . ' ' Those who have spare animals will do well to call at once on Wm. F. Askew, the Agent cf In ) rpector General, or to W.W. PEIRCE, "a ! 1-57 fit . M.d r A Coief Q. M.' i' qolhe Snldicrs and Yolcrs of tie 7th "X Congressional District. I take this method of announcing myself a CANDIDATE to represent you in the next f ongress of tha Con federate States. Severalcandldites, IiiKderstand, aro alreaiy iu the field. None of them, bowtvtr, have sbired with us ihe hardships and privation of a soiiW. At this partiaular tiu.e, ure than at any other in our previous wiitory, i the inter-e.-t cf the soldier t be lowkvd after. Having, a I trusr, faithfuliy aerrad my cnurjry in the lent I field, fur the past three year. I fl itter myAlf that I know something of tbe life Jmo dior.aul that I feci for him an inter-st that no other man can feet, who J:as not borne with him "the beat and t urd.-n f tbe day." His interest is the it tenet of our eointuon costry. . My views will be faily set forth, iu a filar rir eu'.ar. or tha pteseut, I will simply add. tLat I deirc this position, not for the purges f get t;t out f tbe army. Dirifg the rseesi of Con-g:-ss duty will then call me back to my g tllaut lit-, t'e c ituiuand, ami I will go nnd share with it t'as fortune tf war. Respectfully, . X. A. r.AMSEV. Capt Co. l, eiaiN.C. f. BUek water, Va., March 17, 1 61. in 8451 tf ' arCY' Or r ick U. L G. U..K. tfo. Raleigh. March t. lhCl. j fl HE tax imp-sed by the Confederate Slates for j . I tbejreir 1SC4, 04 tbi fbare or the Capital Stoek ol the Campanr, w i!Ibe raid by the Cor poration. Shareholders with not 'give in or pay thisi4A. W. J. HiWKINS, Paes't. i..b 3l-56-2w. - - . ' - gUAUTER SIASTKR'S OFFICE- C. S. A. , JtiLMsa. N. C. March 23. 1864. f Kcqaire twpt)nve o. 1 nccryvc for l uiliwi aaa jaasa a f " smvim t anidi.t.dr r r -"-.r rmT tab 3l4-et W. ft PE!RC-lWt " V trx.ntn bbjr JOHN, bcct x i & feet 10 inches high, daik browiw f -a- 9 iitbiic, uikii. m 'i-'" a s .. ..... - . . f, andaaty be readi!y kuo w KTth ,UfOB rl '"r the ase d the Gottra nmr ia bis voiee; s,.a'; auHT. 3r tad mart be Mist at bc. .t .n when he kit a light-f.,?5-!t IV1 rJ',--ro: ptdure a.ut he paid by . the lt lelttgent lace, birth or ta-nin euickly : h round.b-t.tt a. I a soldier's cap . I wll givutji. : - it .am at saisfboy - - . .... . e ab ve r ard l any one who w and return Inui to m, or cm line him in jail so that , I can get him. GEO. BADGER HARRIS, '- Ad'tor A. I1.Ai.lev.' th 29 4-At llei.derson. N. C. , ' euro.; SorTr-tK. Txir.SKAPU 'o.; . UifHvoxn. Slith 24:!, 1C4. , i fPhfi StocInnolPDi of tht Wr.t-hi.iirinri 1 and N.C-w Orh-ans, Uii-linn.n l.Clnrlott't ville fndt-uton. Lincl.bur nnd AJiiTtJon. and Tart 'fi-nhi seei T.U graphic fJ-K'p.iiies.. are hve'v notified that th-Kvvi per cci.t tax ltvh-d v th- law saKd 17th February, 1SC4, on ILe vslue of all shares held iu telegraph .r ot l. r coinj.ati'u-s, will be paid by th uiid.-tsig;td at thi oihre, and they wiil thcrl-lore omit tHc clock held in any of tluse companies, iu their lists to aesaor. . U AlcC.KTHY. Auditor mh 2: 54-ta.n IJ Suttheru Telegraph IV - I Raleiob. March 30, lM't CI. C B". Airt R. A G ALLEV. R. i:. Co. 1 Ordered by and ' Eng., Mr. T. J. Scmurr, oprt. that 1 rerieve no fi i-hts. vifh -cha g-a destined lor Cbailotte A S. '. It. Rat. SI. S BARRINGER. . Ag't. S. f. R. R. Co. Notice. TS C1-SE'3UfiCK oC the foregoing trdor, an A fn-icht destined i-lght destined fornoTit hi rood Charlotte, znut be prepaid. . This Couipoy will not be re- Inn.ililif,i...1.i1.r,j n. .1. ,..ir-a llut mav IM-CBr uiKlr tbis arran-uient C. B. ALLEN. Ag't. ap2-56t. - R. A, G. R. Koad Co. ' Petersburg Dailv Express copy ona week. ' . ; ; -r- - v-i.TT." anted..-- J,?""? lad)', n bltUa- tion as GOVERNESS id lam.ly Where iuecniiar.il are sman, an j require to oe xaugnt only the English branches. Best recommenda tions uiil be given ad term made knoa-n by ap pli:ation to - . E. 8. Macon Depct, Warren county. N. C. aP2-5S-6L '. ' ' - ''ro 1 I Co tho dtackholders of the Bank or .rntoerct at N'ewbera. THE CO.VFEDER- ATE STATES TAX ot five p.-r ci nt. on tha Capital Stock will oe j'd by the Bank. Shareholders will therefore oot give tn or pay 4his particular Tax. You are also notified that the UEGULAR AN NUAL MEETING of this Corporation will be held ia this place oa tbe 1 0th day of MAY, being tbe d, Tuesday. A full attendance-is .earnestly requested, either tn person or by proxy. "No President, Cashier, Direcor, Agent or Clerk, can vote a proxy for another." i: A. CCION, Cashier. Company Shops. March 29. 16C4. ap2-54-lm. Prqgrexa, and Charlotte Bulletin copy fur same time.and forward accdunU to adrerltseiC ATYT. 11. TT. Miller. iVl . BOARD Br tbe Month, -Daily board do . Transietit, per day . jaa 16-uly $220 15t) $ 12 IIIDKS,niDHS. . ' UAVING OBTAINED THE SERVICES OF Mr. Woodward, one of the be.t -Tannsr in the Confederate States. I am now realjr and re ceiving. HIDES tq Tan oa Irh-ire. J 'tan for one-half, and sell my share to owners, (except -speculators,! at one dollar per. pound, or for one m third and sell as I choose. Tanning done for la dit:ent soldiers' fsmili-s free of charge. I will re tan 'aad finish leather foil the government or In tlividuals wa. reasonable terms Parsons reqaiiiag information are itferred to the editors -eif tne CufeaUrattu ' J. R0BT. JEFFREYS." up I57-dlwAw4a ' . CAXBIOITR rOH THK LEOISLlTCBf. r .nptaln.RIDDItK GATLlNG.Jr Urd J Kegt. J", CTro ;srwUlbe supported as a: candidate to repreen Gates eotfnty ta the Hoase of Commons in the next iegUfature, bv bis numerous friends in the armyf Xortbcra Ylr-' giaia.- Whtt aav bU fi mt4t at hoeT- .1 , mh Htwt .;,,'.;... . ' A Umxrtj UAea mpk flarS Mnlttu . bov about 24 years aid. fi fH f Inches hi sh. eailiaf blsaawrf Cb.fi, says be UUmn to Blake . Niekersoa, Uvlag oa or near the Raleigh A Gastoa Railroad ; bad oa wbea takea a soldier ooat, aad awhitehaU. Par farther la formation, address Wit. M. SMITH, dtf . ' - Raleigh, N. C. Notlce-All peraotM -Noir Hold ins r who may barafter bald eheeU or drafts against aa dated pt hrr to April 1864, are notified to present tbesa for psvmrat before that date, or thev ill ba paid lav the old Carreney. . . 37-tf. W. R. RlCflARPSOy. A Co. t CANU1DATK FOR C0tGKKS8. WE are authorised to aannjinec A. G. FOS TER, of Raadolpb, a candidate so represent the 7th Conrresslooal District of North Carolina V in tbe CoagreMf the Confederate States, ia the j place ot ttoo.ts.il. vniistiaa,oeeerav. mn ie-4 tea , -"BLADDtRSI BL.U1PI.KS1 I have a vattieent quantity of Bladders for rrta9 ut use, aad hare stuped baying them. . R.B. SAUNDERS. Marsh 17-47-dM. ' Chapel Mill y. C. STOCsTFOR bai.k. IP APPtlCATJOM - B8 MADE IMMEDI atelv. I Will sell 100 shares la ths Cbathaia V Railroad ( ousrany st psr. f 100 per ihsre. . W. W. VASS, mhl46dtf Treaa. Cotton for Saio. OrW i BALKS, MOKt OR LESS. UK COTTON. -uv to good t-rder. rarties wishing to bay will address 8. T. Wildkb, LouUburg, N. C 1 stating tbe highest pries they, are willing to pay. i. If preferred, the cotton can remain sotrod where it now is until the parties wish to remove it. ' bih 22-48 dlOlStaw. Wanted. IOR the Vtiauing Sii'ion, to bejrin in July, a YOUNG LADY well qualified to teath Music, French, Drawing and Painting In the "TALLY HO FEMALE AC.ADEM Y.M To ooe wbajesu some well recommended, a liWial s-.lary aud oleasant home aii! be tivea. Ai'ple.to J. D. BAlKli, 'Principal, mh ?3 t0 tf. - Tally Ho,'. C. "S'otite IS HEREBY GIVEN, that affhtinn will U L madu to the Geaeial Asi-embl of North Csim lina at the ensuing adjourned session, for the pass age of an act Incorporating a eowpaav in tbe ountr of Wake, to bo styl.d " The Joint Stock Confederate Publishing-Company . " roch 2a A 3-d 1 in. . Q U ART ERLY fcf A LER N otice i. L ercpy (f i vr u to a'l concerned,' that the Ase.sors wiil at tend at my office on Slonday aad Tuesday, the Fourth and Fifth da r,r April, enduing, "to re eeivt returns of QUARTERLY SALES, on reg istered business. I will receive tbe tax du; thereon at the' lime imC. The pcbaUies of the law will be strictly enforced on all who refuse or B gleet to make return .acd av their taaes. RUFUS U. PAGE, ' Collector for Wake Court. Kaieign, Nri iz, lKfe4.- u-fltd BANK Cr MJK1U tAUCLlA. WO THE !41OcKII01.MsRS id' HIE BANK. I cf Ntlh Carolina t The Coilcdeiatw TAX u the ibditTduul shares will Va raiilv tie TBcut, mh 25-ileod 1m. . C. DEWbV.'Ca.hier. . FajcttevUio OUerver and Charlotte Bu.lctin i.eafe copv. K-3I. OlQcr. IsuItUbttrc. N. C. ' Maticn 2b; It4. - ; T pRODUCERH faUiiyr to deliier U.Jp tenth-, Tex a" la Kind, tta the .utKoriz-d AgeriU, Ifl kc rl cbargea rtv rsnj! Ma cajtjr J twelve m iks, (iosttad of eight,) SttLyticb th - M,r"' '0TrD"M. pnres. nswMyrortni rver to the C . . a .Ial V. . . e Assoaors rstiuiate will turrod Collector, whb will efclLcllr a at. -rant with the penalty auntxrd. ! hen the 'Assessors estimate rhows ih.'.l tba producer Lt.s delivered rworff than the tMbi-f 'any article, he will Le alioa.V the excess in t.ui , tlier ai tiile.or be paid iu u.ocey at Asacrsoia : yiiluti.n. Agfii's irnt be diligent Jn theii effort' to ae. ' cure and pres'-i ve all of vet r a-:i le of TsiahU J pt;duc, tot the uie ef the Govstmnent. . J. H. BRYAN, rmt. A P. Q. M.,3.-d Conir Diet.. N. C. ..h 2.'.-.'i3 d27. Jl.vr AltlCiU.f! !! I LACK CLOTH, , I . At C. SI. FARRISA. . OFFICFilS CLOTH, and all Lit,doi Iritmring, At CM. I A Kb-Ids'. NECKTIES, . At C. M. PARR IBS FIN'E CASSIMEUK?, . . . At C. M. FARRlSri', 1 GENTLEMEN'S I'AliF UOSK, At c. m. faruisjj:. OJir. r ff Nf.rth CiroBtia Troops who may nt fcjvij a opj-nrtuuitr to ca'l for their g.wdj in person, can have tn-ir cloth drawn by C. M. 1 V'arrijs. who will Rend an experiepevd'band to. !' camp to tae measure. If you want to get fitt, 1 at-iid roue orders to C SI. Farri'a. - WANTED. Five. or six experienced Jourary wen Tailoi s. The vcrv hi st prices paid. March 5 341m. - C. M. FARR1SS. IayCtletlllc AfM nttl and Armorj", NO. r I L1 vembtf 12. 1SC3. f lOu BOUNTY 1 Wanted, (- 100 Mounted Ri Semen. Authority having been ' granted by the War Department to raise a Com- f,1Tof SI u.rteJ Ridem-n Tor service in this vi- .;nitT n,tu.e is hereby given, that recruits i.tmfo Uinber of 100 aoa-eowerr will be re- eel red for this service. Ea-.h recruit will be re quired to furnhdj a serviceable horse, for which ho ' will be ailowed O cents per diem, and bis psy $12. - Jier mobth. Writtta perm "' a a iil be required' rota parent or guardians, where the applicant is ander the conscript age.' .. . EacH recruit must bring with blm a blanket or bed-spread, and Come prepared to remain. A pply to Maj MATTHEW Y. TAYLO l, at the , t Arscaak . F. L. CHlLDS, Ltcut-Coi. u. a. A., vommandiK? I ot. dee ledaf. - Fatsttb viLt.a AastAL akp ABvoirr. Mai't-b 19, 1864. ; BlacksmlUm Wanted. Steady rrcploj. unen, and good wsgeswilHie given. Aptly to Lt. Col. F. L. CHILD. ' si ' mh 21-53 13L- - . Comd'a Otacir. A centi Wanted to follcrt. Arms and S in North Carolla 1. ORDNANCE STOR Pay lt.00 taar day, and a liberal eomoenration for . Stores coliected, accordliig" to a fixed schedule. Applicant piust furnish sUrctoty testimonials t)f exemption from Mifiury ssrvice, of chatacter, and qualifications. None othi need acplr. Addiess. Y. C. CA.tR, . Gen'l Agcct-fX. Ord Store. ' . CharMt,sviil Vs. - Charlottesville. Va. March 25, 1561. ap 2 6o-it. JfOTICK HORSE MED LIS Y WILL STAND JlTA thaea ulog season jit Leiicctcn, Linwood an-i Salisbury. . lis has r,t rroved- to be a snre fal getter. His ti h pedigree, his great beauty and stamina andv gtntlcttvf sin h amass, (ferbei driven altt-gctber Ia a snlkty,) bas ccnuaandeJ .V the interest of alfwh, hr.v seen b'oi. Good pasturage ai Lexitoa a ad Liu wood tur ; Mars sa&tn'ra a distance, grstl.' t3t) tbe Season,- f ii Insaraace. 1 W. R. HOLT. Lexlegton. Marth Si. Ugll f-nt i Orrica Nobtb Cabolina Hailsoad Co., I - . . Vabcb, March i, I8C4. 1 Thltf Conaany will par thelonfrdrrale j Mi Tax on stoefc tid bv imi.r'.dual. lr del of ilirertiM-a. TUOM AS WEBB, IH. 1' tr. tfw ltcsidt-nt. S.i V i t;