r 3 1 - i DAILY CONFEDERATE. " i AoysuTisixo. f ADVERTISE11ENT8 wil be Inserted at titrt I styLiaat per rno art of tea lines fof leas) for each I eriidu, U arriaie atltfef aud ObHvarUe wlU W I tharg'ed at adreruieiaeau. . " - -" - i " .--... !TrTYT i w V m. DAILY EDITION, for G months ....... .$15 n . 3 9 ,4 1 . TKI-WEEKLT, fo. 6 months .................. 1 3 o WEEKLY EDITION, for 6 month r......- No aubacriptiona received oo mt . other B than the above, nor for a longer or ehorter pertoa. A . V1V rrri. JOB-'WfjnX cf V!ry.dBcrtlw will U ecu ted atlhls OiUoe with djspatcb; and at teatly as caa be doae la .tile Soutkersi CocirfXf.' ' CLDKHIIE3, 1 RALEIGH. N. C MONDAY. MAY 23,1864. VOL. I-A6.100. VOL. V. .. i DAILY CONFEDERATE. 1 "v. M. GOttttAX & CO., Proprietors, 1 I I M l IM TTK TTXl TTTY A lMU-l 111 IH1 state legislature; , SENATE. Satpbdat, Mfy 21, 1W4. TU Senate met at 1 1 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. J. M. Atkinson of thePrea by urian Church. ' . - - A projKw'itiou was received from the Hons to raise a jint select committee oo tbororres pondwnce between Gov. Y'anceand lr evident Davis on propositions of peace. On tbia ques tion Mr. Outlaw moved that the Seriate ap point thToe instead of two on this committee. A tp e ssa ge was rtcet ved from th e Ilcuse disagreeing to a proposition from the Senate, to raise a j'Mnt select committee on the Mibject of conscription. Mr. Outlaw stated that he understood that the cause of disagreement on the part of the House to this proposition, was because it provided tor an equal number on the committee from each. boue He there fore moved that the actipn of the House "be" resisted, and the proposition sent back in its original A.rni. Agreed tu. , The committee-on corporations reported favorably to tho incorporation of liie soldier's ff male orphan home of Forsythe county. An engrossed bill was receive! from the House to-incorporate the General Asmbly of the Presbyterian Church of the Confede rates. This bill embraces the cause of edu cation, publication and of minions, as con ducted by the FresbyU-rian Church, and pre scribes no limit to the amount of property to be held by the corporation. On motion of Young, the rules were sus pended and the bill taken up. Mr. B yden moved to amend tbo bill by limiting tlie amount of property to-be htid by the corporation to $500,OU0, Mr. Yonneouived the pmendment. He thou.dit tho limitation too small to meet the ohjsv-ta ft the corpora' ion. Mr. Hall opposed the amendment, and though; n public detriment could arise from its pa.-s.ig'? in its original form, but moved an amendment bv inserting $5,000,000 in . the pl5 of $500,000. . Mr. Bojricn tupprsrd, from the bill, that the corporation had respect only to this State, but sir.ee it pcemed to be Kicre general, he accepted the amendment of Mr. Hall. Mr Outlaw moved to amend by in?erting a limit of $1 000,000 to be held in this State. Mr. Opland opposed a limitation. MK Shnrpe favored a limitation. Mr. Smith, of Macon, opposed any limita tirn". . Mr. Wright advocated the passage of the bill iu its original form.. 11 thuht that no hurtn could probably arise lrm an improper Use b-ngmade of funds rommitteed to, the care of a-y religious dua.mi nation in this country. The ayes' ar.d nw b ins; called fr on the amendment of Mr. O tiUw-th vote stool ajes 10. no3? 20 Arnendnvnr. loaf. Mr. Boydrn thro moved to nraend the biU by reserving the right to limit or enlarge the privileges granted in it. Agreed to. With this amendment the bid passed. Sever -d reports from committee on jnhciary, Mil-, resolution. &o., were prcscnte I, tuejn .t important of which ms the report of the j dnt select committee in rel ition to the act of Con gress suspending th privileges of the wiit of habeas corpus, for which fee proceedings of the House. Mr. Hall presented a lengthy minority report from the same committee. A btll from the House requiring manufactur ers of saltpetre to inclose their wr.rks with a good fjnee. and imposing a fine r.f $-jo per day, for every d-ty they ne elect to Ho mo. hm ! the payment of the full value of any -tocV tb tt may die from drinking the poisonous liquid of ssiiU works. Ta-sed by imposing a one noume tne T'llne of any stock that my die as specified in the bill, and sent bck to the Uou.se lor . con currence. 0:i motion of Mr. Siith, of Macon, the fol lowing resolutions otTered by him yesterday, were taken up and passed. The ayes and noes being called, Messrs. Hani- of lliuherford. and Patrick of (ireeue, only voted in the nega ive. JirMolved, That his Excellency, Oor Z. B.Vance is ja'tly entitled to the confidence and thanks of this General Amiably fur the ahl, faithful and succest-ful manner in which he hxs heretofore dis chargtd and is now discharnring the complicated and arduous duties of the kxecutive office em barras.ied it has boen by the dilliulties growing out tho present unjti3t and fiendish war. Jit&olvcd, nrthcft Tht Gov. Vance has the mo.t hearty approval and cordial sympathy uf this Orneral A3scmlly for the firmnefs and -fidelity with which he has uniformly adhered :o our cause of independence and resistance to h'e powers brought against us for our Bubjugaticu. On motion of Mr. Warrca, t,Ie bill extend in? il e time for comparu- Vlic poll--, &c , in counties subject to the aiWoyance of the pu'o lie tn'iwy, tvus takeu nud p.ssed its sev eral readings. m By Mr. Patrbk, a bill imporTbg a fine of $100 f- miUcih taking more than ono eighth tuH.&c. It'.'ttrrcd. Uy Mr. Bydc:i,a bi'.lameuding the charter of t he Pieilmont Kiilrovl -company so as to give the s.ime grado to that Rj.id as th-tt of the Uichmoud and Danville Road. Loiveof absence was granted Mr. Sanders' f . r Moud ty. ( t m tt nthc Senate adjourned till Mouday 10oM.-,k. HOUSE OV COMMON'S. Saturday, May 21. limine uet at 1 1 o'clock, a m. 1'r.iyer ly tlin Uov. Me. Atkiusoo, of the . I'roby teriau Churcii Journal of yeei day read and approved. Mr. Gri?som, from tne joint mIi comaiitteo on hnbfiu corpus, rorted the following res olutions as a majority report ol said com mittee : Renlced, That while the people of North Caro linahave ever been and still areaxious tosteogthea the Adicfnistration of the Confederate Government in every le&'Aitnate way, and to promote the suc cess of the common causa, in order that we may have a speedy and honorable peace, we view with Oeep concern and alarm the repeated and mani fest infractions -of the censtitution by the Congress f the Confederate States; and this General As sembly doth in their name- protest against such infractions as of pernicious example and fatal ten dency. ... , . . lUxulved, That the act af th Ute Congress en titled "an act to suspend the privilege of the writ of habtao corpu in certain cases,- violates the fundamental maxim of republican governments which requires a separation of the department, of power, elothes the .Executive, with judicial functions which Congress cannot constitutionally confer even on the judiciary itself, and sets at naught the most emphatic and solemn guaranties of the constitution. . , i R'nolwd, That this General A?aombly, repre- ! ictuirg the people of rth Carina, doth not content to the sacrifice of the vital principles' of free government in a war carried on solely to sectire and perpetuate them, and doth declare that no "conditions of public danger'- presenter pro spective, probable or possible, can reader the liberties of the people incompatible with the pub lic safety. " - -Jihid, That the act of the same Congress,enti tied fii act te organize forces to ssrre daring the vrar Otclai ing: all white men, residents of the Confederates Sutes, between the age of seventeen and fiftj torjdn the military service, embracing in its provisKjP9every.8talo officer in all the de partments," Executive, Legislative and judicial, and subjecting all the industiUl" pursuits of the country to military supervision and control, re duces the State governments to mere, provisional admiciftratiuns, dependent on the grace and favor of Congress, undsr the Executive, is destructive of State sovereignty and imparts an assurtioa of th SDWer on tlra . part of Congress, to convert the onftfderate'Gorer&ment iato a consolidated mil itary despotism. " ' Rttolved, That this General Assemblv doth laertiore reque our enaur ana representa tives in Congress to use -their beat endeavors to pprocurea repeal of ttu Jir--Tt4eJ r irs en Ci mocificau.n(r of Jh itacuua snail aecur-f the right and preserve the integrity of the States of the Confederacy. ... - Jienolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to each of our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress. . On motion of Mr. Person, they we ordered to be printed and made the special order for Tuesday ll.o'cloek. ixtroluctiok'of eksolutions. By Me. Wadded, a resolution concerning the confiscation of the property of alien enemies. . By Mr. Kirby, a resolution proposing to re gulate prices. . By Mr. Russell, of Bladen, a resolution pro posing to adjourn tine die on Thursday next ct 8 o'clock a. m. Laid on the table. By Mr, McRae, that a joint committee be red to consider the question of adjournment. By Mr Carton, authorizing the suritieei .of J. C. Smith, late Sheriff of AlexauiJer, to col lect urri-ttitigt t of tttxta. licd its several readiugs. By Mr. W?dton, in favor of Alexander. Hous ton, of Madison couaty. INTRODUCTION OK HILLS. By Mr. Person, a -bill to incorporate the Cape Fear Importing and Exporting Company. By Mr. Russell, a bill to incorporate the Cape Fear Lodge, No. 194, A. Y. M., in Eliz Hbethlown. , - - , By Mr. A vera, a bill to prevent obstruc tions in tbe Nf:ue riter. By Mr. Walser, a bill to nuthorizfl' the Govcriior to purchaso und distribute le'tther to th" wives and families of indigent soh'iers. - By Mr. Russell, of Brunswick, a resolution pn piling to raise a joint nelect committee to devise incao for the sufferers by the late con rlagrati 'ii i.'i Washington, Beaufort county. Adopted. By Mr. Heiry, of Ilendersin, a bill to amend an act f -r tho imp'ovement of certain roads in the counties of Henderson a. id Bun COlitb. By Mr. Uorton, a bill to antb.nr the Co inty Court of Wat-iua to sdi the old jiil. BtLTS ON 2SD RE'lnlHO. A bill to ertabli-vji a Genera! Crjmmal Court in the 8di .ludic'nl District. Read and 1. id n the table. A bill to amend e.;tion 9h, clnpter 87. of ihit Revt.se I Co'V, was taken up and rj ctel. Hew lu-i n exempting Stato and other offi cers tro;n conscription, pissed its-2nd read ing yeas 59, nays 3G. Ou irioti,.:i of Mr. Cobles, tljC ruks wero supcij.Icd 'and the r.soiuii u put upou its 3rd reading. Mr. Pt rsoa move t am"nd by rxcnutiog frm exemption militia oITl ; is and ju-ucos of he p are under 45 year of ag3. Rejected years 31. nays 01. Yeas Messrs. Leall, Beam, Br wu, Bu;gin Burn?, Cobb, Ootrer, Crawford, DaviSjuke, Francis Giiliim. Crier, ilarHs, of ,fb;rru, Joyner, Ju'tkinR, Lemtnonds. Love, ho-.n. Mann, of Hyde, Manning, Parce, Peronf vKowell. Ry noido, Richardson, iliddick, Kobi4lon, Shepherd, fitanfard and Stancill. S , XATs-Messrs. Allison, Atc, Avera, Bernhardt, .Barringer, Banbury, Bet.rvan, Carp.:ater Car son, Ciirter, Cowles, (?ri?g, Dunn, Flynt, Fu?t, Foy, Georgp, Gleun, ti'recnv, Grissom, ILtmpton, . Harris, of Chatham, ilawes, Henry, of Bertie, Henry, of HemJt?ijen, Headcn, Hollingsworth, Howard, Horjon, Ingram, JenkiaJ, Keener, Kerner, Leathers, Long, Lyle, McCormick. M'Kay, McN'eitI, Mcil".. issen. P.iiks, Per kins. Rhodi", Hitter, Robbing Rogers, Rn. liusseli, of Brunswick, Sherwood, hobo-, Smith, of Guilt vrat Smith, of Within ton, Wadlfll, Wat -len, Walaer, W. llborn, Wo .dall, Young, oi'Iredell and Young, of Yancey 01. Mr. Person" m ved t) anend by excepting Con-itibUn. R- iected yeas 10, nays 65. Mr. Rhodes ne v d to ained by excluding militia officers rd justices of the peaee not engaged in faro in, tiom exemption. Reject ed yeas 26, nays 5t. Mr. Ptosoii moved to flmend by-excluding i fiom eX'.'Uiotiou mi iiiiiv of the said Suae oQi- . cers as the Governor miiit leem unnecessary. Rejected yeas 21, Lays 73- Mr. WaIdell moved to amend by exempt ing county, survt-yora and jailers, llejeclcd. The resolution theu passed its third reading. A inssag'- was received from the Governor transmitting a cumiuu licutiou from the State Salt Coiauiiefsiouer, which was read and ordered to be sent to the Smite. The Speaker laid b. fore the Ifou?e the re port of the State Auditor, which was rend and sent to the Senate, witli a proposition to print. Mr. Slepli:?rd m"ve I 1 reeor.sidr the vote of yesterday, fixing the prdieni of the mem ber. - Not arcfd to. Mr Howard (by leave) introduced a bill to !ciilize the'levviog ut taxes by the county f court of Davio. Mr. Bizzol. a bill aut!iorriTtiz the court of plMsand quarter sessions of Sampson to levy j tax for the improvement of roids in .said j county. On motion- of Mr. Avrs, the n use ad- jouracd puti! Monday 10 o'clock a. m". '. A YANKEE ME. The Petersburg Register says : We are indebted' to Brig Xeo. Martin for a New York Tribute of the ICth mst. In an official despatch from dep. Grant to the Secretary " of War, dared 8 o'clock, a. m.f Wednesday, 11th -of Mty, he Fays: . " We have now ended the sixth day of very heavy fighting Tuc result to this time is much in or favor. Our losses have t een heavy, as well as those of the enemy. I think the loss of the enemy must be greater. We have taken ovr 6,003 prisoners iu battle, while he had taken from us but a -few except atraggUrs. i propose lo Jight iioid on ibis t i line, if it takes all Ue'summcr. j CONFEDERATE STATES CONGRESS Sen ats, Tueflay, 3Iy p. . Tuesday, May 31st, was agreed upon as the day for adjournment sine die. ' ' : " The Uuu bill to. exempt Ilailroudsf from paying duties on articles imported for the use of tbe company, was passed. ' f The greater portion of the day waa spent in consideration of the - bill to amend ib4 cur rency act. f . - - HOU6S OF. f prBBSEKTATlVE. 'A resolution-fdt' the relief of Johu D. Sath erlaud of N. C, "vraa rejected. A considrabte discussion arose upon Mr. I'oote's resolotion, to abolish secret sestions, except in cases where the matter before the Home related to the movements cour armies in the field, or to the diplomatic relations of the Confederacy ; the question tJ be decided, iar v astainst. bv a. vote of twaljirds of the wem8TS- Tbe pitfpertticwar5&ye 25. noes 51. - The balance of the session waa occupied in consideration of the currency bill, without coming to a vote. The Battle of Thursday A Writer from the battle field furnishes some interesting statements concerning the groat bttlt of Thursday, the 12th. We copy a portion: . During the day two chnrges occurred which deserve to be mentioned. About two o'clock, whilst the enemy wore heavily pr ssing enr right centre, Mahone'e Virginia and Lane's North Carolina brigades were ordered to charge the enemy in their front in order to relieve the line thus heavily pressed.. This was most gal lautlj executed. The result was that we cap tured some two or three hundred prisoners and four stands of colors. Lat r in the day Lane's brigade was ordered to tike tbe assaulting column and a btteryin fl ink as a division. Led by their gallant General, the noble brigade, under a concentrated galling fire, charged the battery of six 12 pounder Napoleons, shooting down the c-inDoniers and capturing the pieces. Tbe fighting was. in several instances, hand to hand, one officer having a tuel with a Yankee captain for his sword. The acts of iudividnal bravery in this fight, as in that of the rooming, were numerous. Tbe battery horses not being at hand, the guns could uot.oe brought off, but soujo tour huudred prisuer and three stiud of colors were captured and brought back to our lints." ' During the melee Gen. Lane, was ordered by some ."core of Yaukees to surrender ; but, un armed as he was, he ordered the in to throw dywn their arms a his prisoner-!. The Yan kees not redily complying, the General quietly remarked, Very well, wait a moment, till coy liue comes up, " whereapoir they quickly threw down their arms, and ihe General made his escape. - Tnc extreme right and left of the -lines were not engaged during this day, but J'roxa 9 until 12 o'clock in the day of Thursday, the enemy made repeated asaults in I'ieId'a front, of B'nnirg's, Law's and Gregs Brigades. Each time, however, this galbtht division repulsed the enerry with fenrftibtflaughter to the enemy, and with the loss of jmere haidfull of our men. . During the d.iy.Vn other parts of the line there Was more or less s skirmishing. In this tuht we lost many bravr ofiioeis ar.d men, among theru Brig; Gen. Perrin, of Alabama, was shot dead whilst gallantly lead ing his brigido in the thickest of the fiht a fiobjt r spirit or braver man has not be! n t fiac l a s.i.r;5;c lo this war. Brig. Gen. I) miel was wounded on Thursday, and died to-day; Brig. Gen. Stuart, of the Stonewall Brigade, was also wounded. His arm has hrpu rejected, and he is doi:g welt; Brig. Gen. McG.wan was womnhd, but is letrcr. The following are a few more ofcaaualti in staff ofi'nvrs, of which I hav bearil: C'I Bnker, 1(5. o Miss killed; L. Col Filters, do, do, d-;.Cd Har!i.g, iDn Ms, killed; Ll Co! Snut-r, Is- S O, kil'ed ; M MeCn-ary, v"M7nd;d in the throat; Lt Od 'M .'Arthur, Olst (j., wounded mortally, since dil ; C"l Skibiier"2d Va, wound ad s verily, n-t mor tally ; Lt Col NennSyer, Gist V.i, killed, and O.l Grower, same regiment, slightly w rnn led whilst riding 'at the heal of his regimut iu a grar.d charge; Cd Casey, o3 h V., sverel, not dangerously wounded ; C 1 Fields, Mi hot;t's brigade,' severely, u -t dang usl) woundnd ; Coi J M Hall, oth Ala, arm bro ken ; I.t Ool H-bson, 5th A!.i. thtgh ; M j r Prokra.icr, 12ih Alt, head ; A jt Pegues.Gdi Ala, neck ; Gen R3ns tir, sligtit, did not leave tho He'd ; GIT M Garret, 6th N C, dohn-stoti'.- brigade, killed ; Maj .r J S Brok, 20ih N C, do, do, do ; Capt Jacob Br"okfi.ld, 5;L N C, lo, do; C;pt WiIfo:ig. 12'h N C. do, do; Lt E S Smeades-, Adjt 5th N C.do, do; Brig. Gtu R D Johnston, sljght w juni in face. I have takeu pains to ascertain our bs-s hi "the tights of Sundny, Tu-sd.iy and "Thurs day lat, and skirmishing leloro ar.d iilOe until 4his time, and myfstimate of it is i 500 wounded and 500 kilLd, and peih 'ps we have Iot 3 000 prisoner. Foe loes of il.e enemy in these three d:is' Oghts arc put down at the lowest estimate, at tidrly thousand men. The enemy surely must be well nigh exhaus ted ; and it is certainly true, as it S said Gi n. Lee ha expressed himself, that Grmt's men are whipped, but Grant is himself, not whip ped. Grant has two or three Imes of strong, fortifications l.ehind which toretire If pressed. Gem ral Lee is well fortified, as Grant knows by .ad experience. Yesterday there was nothing of interest and j day there'is nothing but skirmishing. Our men are firm in tneir conviction of ultimate success, and siug cheerfully arouud theircimp fires at i ight. General Lve stands the latigue well, and hio frieuds say he is ffiwt cheerful and bouyaat. I could write almost indefinite? ly, but time presses Sunday Morning, May ldth 1864 Tue enemy yesterday threw a force, of infantry cn our extreme left and engaged our cavalry pro tecting that flank. Ojr cavalry (Chamblisa' brigade) -fought them a cogsiderabl time, when they were reinforced by infantry, driv ing tbe enemy back and captuno? trora bim. some 70 or 80 prisoners.. Everytliing is quiet -at 12 o'clock to-day. Thp besting of mot of our troops Tvere su perb r;o -Thursday last, but Harris', Mahone's, L iht's and Pegram's brig ides, I have heard spccia'ly commended, as also the whole of i Hopes' and reikis, ai vision. . . . Early and Anderson, as. commanders of corps have shown extraordinary abiliti and fituv-s for their po.-itioia. From the Charlotte Bulletin. Killed, and Wookdkd. Company E. (from Lincolu county) Killed, Berry Qatnn, Melville Hftvis. John Bst. Wounded. Lieuts. Atwell aKl Housr, in leg, slight ; John Kiser, face severe ; T. U. Whhe, head scvcto ; but cot dangerous. Company H, (from GeaveLkdCapt. Hoyle, severely mounded in head. Sixtckntu Regiment. Oliwr Smith, of Gaston, wounded in leg. It is reported th?t CjI. Avery f the 33d regiment, has lost a leg, and that . Lieut Col. Davidson of the 7th, was captured.. We have already published tbe Dimes of the killed and wourded in the 45th regiment, but uow give companies B. and K, entire: Forty Sixth Reohtewt. Company - B. (from Rowan county,) killed : Capt N N Flernirg, Lieut Geo Horah. pri rates J P -Beaver; SL Piese, Beo Wjm.- Wounded : Lt J Jtewart, Sergts Jacob Klutts, C C Harrvman W P Coojvcuipl C Potts, privaUs Jos B Wmger, S M Basinger, M A Green. C A Waggoner, D S Kuapp, Jere Klutts, V N Matthew, Wm Rogers, David Park David Terry, David Rich, W L RioLelon, all scvereK; VmFarr, Geo Goodman, W A Garley, Ki nornbarger, A Sloop, J C Starnes. A J Tay lor, J P Taylor, Rufus Trexler. R R Wyatt, L Lane, W Lane, T Terry, J H Hampton, all slightly; J F Agner, arm amputaicd. Co. K. (from Catawba count) Killed: Corp'l W 11 Shuford, privates V P Cline, W P Uano, J L Hartsel, J C Lutz, M L Sig mnn, J A Settlemir?, H J K Workman. Wounded : Capt A T Bust, sergts. R A B t and L W R'X)tb, in fice. s-rew; sergt J D Rowe, mortally; corpl K M Norwtu!, wvern; privates Caleb Abernathy, M A Bouvy, II L Bumgarner, slightly; A W B t Tl W Boyd, J W Baudy, G W Clodfelter, everelv; C Cobb, H II Caldwell, W L Dcaton, J Ha?, O M Jarrett, S K Killian, J W L Smyer, W L Setzer, L Sigmao, L Traveostein, L L Thornburg, A S Ezard. P V Gilbert, II U Robinson, R A Smyer, J L Wilsou, Henry Weaver, slightly: D F Finger, W L Hewitt, J L Hewitt, L G Whitener, Chafes Prkcr, severely. From XortliaroIIna. A gentleman rencbed Peterahurg Saturday, who left Raleigh Wednesday. He snys the most iutense auxiety prevailed tliet. and along the entire line of the Raleigh and G tun Railroad, to hear of movemenU in Virginia, but incon sequence of the almost exclusive occupatiou of the telegraph line with military bime, it was impossible to obtain vcuch patelligence. ye regret to hear that the Gubernatorial election was ocenpyingsj much of the attention of the pcwpla in Raleigh. Mass meetings wero of frequent occurrence with the friends of Hid den nud Vance. In so momentous a crisis as that iu which the country is now placed the matter of a gubcrn-Atrtiiil election, sinks into comparative insignificance. It looks tr.o tnuoa like Nero fiddling while Rome is burning. The gallant sons of 5orth Carolina have fallen Ky hundreds in the recent battle, and her porn!? will he fifled with mourning, wheft the lists of killed and wounded LVd have be?u received. Political struggles shoull be held in nb-yar.e, when a great tiiuglc like tbe pre&tnt for r.i tion;d existence, is engaging tbe ulteiuiou and testing , the powers of endurance of our fcrvt and heroic army under Li?, JteTbitrj Ef press. New Adveitisements. FFICK X. C. RULRO.ID CO U PA XT, Vakch, May 20th, I8G4. On and after the 1st of June prepayment will be required on all Freight to bj transported ovor thislioad. T.J. SUMNER, ina 23-100-lt Bng. & Supt. UfcuMOND, Va , May 2d,18t4. LXCHANGC NOTlOii, No. 9. All Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point, Va , at tuy time previous to tie 20lb of Aprii, 1S64, are hereby l cUred to be dulv exchanged. - KO' OUI.D, m'iiay et. Agntof t nchange. NOTICE. THE SALT OF THE SIICET IRON, TO BK old at Warrentn, X. C, on th 21th inst., will ba postponed until further notic. tind it iuipassiblc to hive tbe Iron transported rcr the railroads in time for the sale, on account of tlw roadi being cat by the raiders. P. J. TQRVBCLL, ma 20 98-d4t Auctioneer. State .Journal and Petersburg Register copy 4 titnerf and send bill to this office. s:'9io6 x. c. TRR.isruT xores at AICTI0X. N SATURDAY, 2Sth Mst, in front of the V Store oMessr8. Creech & L'd'-hford, Auc tioneers, I shaP to th? highest bidder $lt,000 N. C. TKKASUKY XOTriS OXES, TWO'S and THREES. They areo'd by order ofth?. County Court.of" Wake, and they will be sold in amounts to suit purchasers. J. F. HUTCIII.VGS, County Trntec. CftCKCIl i LITCHFOitD, may 19-97-eodtda. Aucticer.. r N0TvCKi WILL behold at public. s-l on th3Ist nrt. m the town of TAKHOKO', all thel!OUSF HOLD and KITCHEN FURXITUUli belonging to th3 Edgecombe . Houe, viz: 30 good feather IIEDS, 40gnod M TTR ASSES, BEDSTEADS, BLANKETS. SHEETS, COMFORTABLES and other BED CLOTHING. CARPETS, CHAIRS, TABLES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, MIR RORS, Ac. &c. A large I t of Dining-room F-imitnr, consist ing of BOWLS. DISHES, CUPS and SAUCERS, PLATES. KNIVES and FORKS, TUMBLERS. GOBLETS, CASTOKS, SALT STANDS and other articles ncesarv to a Dining-room, Kitchen Furniture nd good COOKING STOVE. One BILLI ARD T ABLE. OMNIBUS. HORSES and HARNESS, 2 WAGONS, HORSE CART, 30 or more HOGS. Ac, Ac Tbe Hotel and servant will h- hired out for the remainder of tha year. Private tale preferable, and po?3ist3n given imroediatHy. Confederate ITot tk-n in prment, LIPSCOMB K A KINO. Taboro, Msy 12, 186. 37-d6t. X0T1CE. " . "JV fY FINE HORSE MEDLEY WILL STAND 11 M., the enuing Reason at Lexington,-Lin wood anj Salibory. Jfe bas row proved to be a sure fjal getter. His ri"h pedigree, his great besuty and staaaioa and gentleness in . harness, (for hs is driven altogether in a sulkey.) has . commanded the Interest of all jrho .have eir hlia. Good pntaraga at Lexington and Linwool for Marrt sant from a distmje, gratis. $30 the Saasoa, $i0 Insurance. . W. R. BOLT. Lexington, Mirch 2 i. 1851. d-60t MRS. H. W. MILLER AN ACCOMMODATE SEVERAL MEMBERS C nf the Legislature during the easaing Ses- vea. U4 IX OFFICE OF BO VD ON SLAVE CLAIMS, ' licMm.,.td, lo., April IS, 1864. f PARTIES intena'tsl ai herwby notioed, tbt th Board of Olhuert appointed "to examine Into and report ou iie justice and tbe atnowot of claims' for Iom of slaves, which have been its- r. )i eaaed by Confederate authorttief , or under State twi. fur the a of the Confederate eovernment. and, while engaged is laboring oa the pobtictU feoces, have rscaped to the enemy, or died, or contracted dUeaa which hate have,' aftec their discharge resulted fatally." is organisca at UKh Euuud, and has commenced its tegular svatioaa. Evidence of vwner bip, of the fact of i- pretstaent, of tbe age, sound oas and value of the slave at the tine of impressment ; aud of the Iom of tie slave, whether by escape or death, with tbe circumstance attending the same, must accom pany the claims. Air the facts matt be ret forth in, and verified Dy am davit or competent itneMea. Claims thus authenticated and avouched, may bo addressed to Col. J. D. W ADDKL. fcB v aei tue vaa i i. ' Box 1,455, Richmond, Va. The Board is in sessioi dally. (8 and ay excepted, ) oa the fourth floor of Eukert building, on Main street, second door below 9th, on north side. ' ap 26-7T-4taw4w DANK OF X0KT1I CAKOLIXA. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TI1E ST0CK h(dders of this Bank will be held on the second Thursday in June next, (being tbe 9th) at their banking houaein the city of Kaieigu'. C. DEWEY, Caahler. Raleigh, May S-83tawtd. THE D0X011S TO T11K SOLDIERS 0UPUAX FIXD ARE respectfully requested to meet in the Insti tution for the Deaf and Dumb, in Kaleigh, X. C, on Friday, 27th of May, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Those who cannot bo present should end proxies. A fud attendance is dcsird, for impor tant bush)-. The coin.uittee of thf Grand Lodge of Masotoi for St. John's College are respectfully invited to be present. CHARLES F. DEEMS, m3a-83-d2tw27m Financial ScreUry. The Wiitaiiigtun Journal, (weekly,) 'ayettevllU Observer, PieohyteriAu, Harbiuger, Western Dem ocrat aud Charl'vttd (weekly) Bulletin copy till date and send bills to John G. Williams, Lhj , Raleigh. TO THE CITIZENS, SOLDIERS A.VD H'. FUOEES OF PASQ UOTA A' AT CO US T Y. WE are authorised to announce GEO. W. HINTON, a candidate to reprenent Pas quotank cou&ty in the next House of Commons. roa 10-Htf-dtwAwte QUARTERMASTER'S OFFXCkTc. S. .C Rair?h, N. C, Mav 14, ISOf. T KEQUIKE (2i) T-WKNTY KiVE NO. 1 WOOD I Cu'terr. i'ariirs hiin uch hmidd for biro, will do well to apply iimr.edifttelr to W.'E. PEIRCK. fl4-dl2t " Capt. and 1'mt Q. M . COTTOX FOR SALK. BALES OF NICE. COTTON FOM f piIIRTV X SaU- well packed and sforod near Raligh Apply to 94-(i6t R:mk. N. c. " i Tor S U3 ! I K SPLENDID T.ilCT OF LAND. COXTAIV Y intf 23" Arres, of -bich, 30 Acres aro in cultivation nd rerv tood rondiMon. A spk'odil WArtTKRPOWEK with n H W MILL. 2 CHEEK SAWS (itta-h-d A GitlST and Ft OU.i MILL. 2 FKVMri HOUSES, lKliS. i,r ihe na posj of niag lumber, J 3 BARNS. 2 LOU JVAvrOMS, M'ABLKS te. Tu2 pui.;hi--r has atao tho prlvrl zv ul buying j the Ih-e Slock on the plantation, mo h tin ' j HOGS, 17 ia uumbrr, 2 OXEN, I I MULE. ! The property is about ix in'.ies fioui Xlaleigh, and the MILL has a splendid run of custo.u ui Is j n ro.d condition. - ! Thie who wish to ourchaie. will please, call at Mr. M. Grau.mitu's Store tor tut ther imfoi uiat.wn. w 1 1 Uo-d4L j t'MVKasiTY. JHEExininationofthe Stndent r the Uri rertitr of North Carolina, viil!gif on Mon day, the 23rd iiiat., and eoninie untilrHe day of the College Coinmcncumcut, Thursday, the 2nd 0'r of Juue. The Coinnjittee of Visitation fr tb-i fur 1m4, con?iUs of His EceUVnc. Z. B. VANCE. Gov. f the Stntj and ex-ojirtv President i"the Bo trd of Trustees, Ilia. Dirid L SWAIN, LL D FYetsd 'iit of tbt C.lli-gu. John L. Bailey J'hn II Uryuli, John R. J. Daniel, Jnhn A. Gibn.jr, Uuh't li. Gilliam, Calvin Graves, John Kerr. Walter F." Leake, Neill McKay, Hauil. F. Patterson, Theirs Rulhn, Jresij-G.' Shepherd," Lcnis Thoupiun, F'dkvaid Warren, John C. Williams, II. M. Saunders, Thoi. Settle, Paulck II. Wiciton. 4 harles Manly, James T. Morehcad, Thomas T. McDowell, Such other Trustees as may attend will be con tiJered iHcmbers of this Committee. , CHARLES MANLY, Sot-v. Rahigh, May 17th, 18G4. 35 dit. HiHsboro X. t. Mllltarr Academy. The Second hjsiou (lS04)f this Inniitu lion, will commence July Lt, For Cliculra acd inl'ormatioa apjly to Maj. XT. M. GORDON, ma. 17 93-dCm NOTICE To tht SZliers and Ciiiz'.ne (rcdTs) y . . Camden 0nUj,mT. 0 At the solicitation of many friend, 1 h.ive wn--nted to b.-ca! a candidate tor re- I-rf ion. to I ( present the county of Carrd" in the Hous- of Commons in the? next L'gietatttr? of North Car olina. Should yoa ag-iiu honor me with your rulfrages snd cL:t r , I can only promise totuake you an independent and faithful ontesentative, "and servt you ni the State with fidelity, to tbe be?t o nv ability; on all occasions t be in nr j. lac carefully guarding the interest an- honor ot the State and my constituent, to far s it i in my power. Having. beard of no charges made against my past conduct as Representative, and brides my opinions and action in this war are eo well known to yoa all, that I deem it entirely unnecessary t-i say more, and leave it with the voters to jt:eHi as they my think best. Most r'rpectfullr. vuur obedi-tJt servin. mal8-law4w WM. A. DUKE. SPECIAIi NOTICE. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 3,) r.ot.rsBoso', N. C, May lth, IFC4. J AGREEABLY to General Orders, No. 34 Cnr reot . Series, from Adjutant and Inspector General's Crlice, an Kxamining Board, for retiring di.iibled officers nd privates, has ben organized at this HospitaL All who are authoriied to appear before a Med ical Examioing Board, for examination to be re tired, are hereby notified that this Board meet only on Taesdayj and Thursdays, at 3 o'clock,. P. M. Those interested are respectfully' leqaeetcd to be governed accordingly. " ... .. WM. A. HOLT, . ma 18 9-lw ' Sr. Surgeon of Board. . A ppllcation will be Hade to Ibc next IX. Legislature to Charter the "RAIL-WAY-EXPORTING and IMP0RTLX0 COMPANY Rhleigh. N. C. 92 dtw4t B 00K AXD JOB W0BK Neitlv ereeated at THIS OFFICE. Mrse.V.'W. XHJler. .HOARD Ry the Mooth. Daily board 'do - TranVitat, par day ' janlWly TTBlCTIVB BALKAT AICTI0X MLX PERCENT. lOXO DATE) W0S-TAX--. RLE BONDS. , . . . . . ... - Oa THURSDAY, Hay 26, at 11 M, tU Trras urer will tell at publie auctton ia the city of Rlct mood, at the auction rotsii of Kex.t Psuat A Co., FIFE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS vf alx per c'. Roods of the Con ted rate bUUs, Usacd aadr le act of February IT, ld&4. , . . u ' - These, bonds offer the largeei ladaoeuieats I purchasers. Tley hart THIRTY YKARS to run, bear ao interest of six par cent. pr.aaaaai, -payable half yearly, and are. SECURED by a pldgt of import sod futare expert duties, lioth principal and iatertat are ' FREE FKOli TAXA TION, and tbe COUPON 8 tie n.ade Ly the law equal tu COIN, for the payment et duties on Im ports, which are a lowed to he paid otlf , la coin, sterling exchange, or the coupons of tbett bond, CONDITIONS OF SILK ; The talcs will be made In lota to tult purchase rs. Ten per cent, on the amount of purchase mutt be deposited with the Treasurer oa the day of sale, to be forfaited If the terms are not compiled with, and the balmro be paid tt the Treasury-within ten days Tbo payments roast bo made in tae Treasury notes of tlu new bsue, or of Ike eld trtuee eftbe decominatic&s below nne bundrcd dollars, rated at two-thirdi cf the so.vunt j romijcdpa tbs face. .C O. MKMMINGER, Secretary of the Ti eaury. Fuljrlp-d 1 oepv of the teotUos of the art authorising the new isrue ; Ere. 0. That to pay the expenses cf the Govern ment not otherwise provided for, the Secretary tf the Treasury ti herety anthemed to Isme lx per cent, bonds to an mount not exceeding flvt hnn drsd milHr.cs f dollars, the principal and. Interest whereof (hall be free from taxation and for , the pj nr-nt of the interest thereon thent!re net re ceipts of any export duty haresAer .laid, on any cotton, tohaeeo and nayaJ stores, wblrh bll be x potted frcin the Confederate f? tales, at d the ct proceeds of tbe import duties laid. :cr so touch thereof as may 1t necessary to pay annually the interest, are hereby specially pledged I Provided that tbe dutit now l tldupon impel ts, ar.dherrly pledged, t ball hereafter be pld in .srcJt, or in sterling exrhange, or In coupt.o. cf aid Unls. ' Sec 8. The bonda euthorircd by fLeCtb Motion of this act, may either be rerirtervd t ctptt bonds, as tb parties taVltig thttn nay cUtL and they my be exchanged fur each vthr acder suh rrr"ul!itlors as th Herretary of the ITrvaitry ney prescribe; tL.y sLall U far oi bbndrM dollars, tr "'rac multiple oft"? buidnd doPars.ead sbsl', orcth'r with the erpens thereto attetd.,re B such fm nej i,f roh aather.tlcailt o as th Fecit trr of tbe TfHrury may pn-arrllt ; the 4nterit bJl be p;iya.l ba?f yearly, cn thr f.rH ef Jaruary v and July in etch yrr srd tbe principal hsll he pavalli net le tLsn tLlrtyyars frvm their date. ap. 23-75-dts. . . Ornrs Socman. Trr kun Co., RrrrosD, B'rch 24tb. l-f4. f fphc Ftofk!icl(fri or the . r. ruhdrgtru X and New Orleans, Richmond, Cbarlotti enllss ir.d tsctre, Lr.cLr:nr2 and Aliicdr, si d Pari ITernrssee Tib graphic C'rripaoi, ate ben by . uotifird that the five per te.t tax leyLl-y lle i law raed I7ih Febicefy, fM.osi tK afue of , U ! :ire he'd in trlegrsrb or etNr irnSBly. j u'ill tc paid bi the cud. t 'f rr d at tils i T. a, ai 0 I tin y wbl theri fore rmit tF trrV hold lr arj of J hiiv toBM-anbr, it. Jhrlr Mr't: to aisrerfrs. j l v.tt n zvv, teh ?!M tawU Sf.ttlna Tileptajh Co. Sl'IUlF.ON GENELAL'H OJUCK, Baleigu, Apr ft 27, 1 64. f PROPOSE TO FFTAB1 iNlI, IX TIIK L City of RaKiL, a ciulatfi i.v t"r ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. The i.bjct of thi. ecterprL is to supply tl'-n vi-ttil 9rtteh- to all Knldl"r from this Jfate, U a ve bet n, ot tnay be, to ninim d in tie i t ire es to rt-quire tbtm. Privates aid r-ert-rrtrn iot d ti-i f s will ft i'urnirhed gtatcitoueh. (Iririj.WivUt d (.ii.um will be chaig'd (lie actual c-t. Dieabhd i luirsare. i.p,t' d to ccctj'bd with the cneitlgncd, ginr ufnr, ngiottt. rank, locality ! omj btanur . and the pi.ite lueJiureiLtnt'of tbe tersii irg ntrtr. I wish to re ploy a ctintrr pi rompi ti-rt tr haidcsfor the aU.Ve t-ari i d in f ote. All aft ai invited to couimunicaite in.n 0Utilj with iLis i.Uit'c. ID WARP Wilt HEX, Surgiou Gfii-ial . tL Caiolii a. ap 23 K' dim All papers in the State r'qorted to eepy fr one innnth. XOTU'K. IOR PALE FEVi.RAL TlTOUS AND POUND I of IMaiitatioti lion. lAewlll pay ttif highiat rash price for all kicda of old Fif'.s ard herap Iron. ' HECK, BRIDIE k Ct). Rahigh, april 14,'fii-dtf. I S AMKD. ; 1 ( nnn Torrp' or m.lut iron ix J VjV'vM rbicts or sxraytt tat Urt flan li inches by fonr. Alsal"t of Jb rp ireri, Rivets, site i f'uui I to 1J j en nd.'. rrrc-ns Whirgt0 Ivy tLa , woud worka of two r four hrse ftoa, .r the i tlmlera aud bxea for thai utuc, eould d w-ll i ,' Cfc.ll ou the iiubsrrlLer. i.' A. LACK. ap 12 Ci-dit . Q-;uTr.vaTras Orrtrh. C. S A, Kaleigh N. C, April Ift4. U00D! WOOD! I Mlion!! ! Posnpplj fbc IloKpll;U vt Ibh Ptsl J with fn. I for tbe enruirg wirtt. I 1 tl ci-ntiaet lir 4.POt eoed go d neti hartarle wm-d, t be dtliven-d within com eLin.t istarce, tb line of either Railroad. I prefer, however, to pwrrhe stanrsli g. n.n vtni"nt to tl.t.a prt or th tfr, ir e-itbrr . Rail road, the Government to cat at.d haul. W. K. PK1UCE. ap S0-1 d21t Cart, srd Pest Q.M. - 55 REWARD. E ANA WAY FROM HloII FUOAL4S IRON Works, ncrees M.HON JAKE WIIITK. HURST and BOB CLARKE,.; hired of Messrs. Kennedy and Ellison of Reuufott Co. .Eaeh of tVt negroes of dnrk erpletln. of mH'om ti, ar ppeir t h from tb'rty to thhtj five oH. Tentv.6te dAlbm wiUKrald fer th rrtt and ei nfteeraent' f either of thm in Jail so thai we.etsi ret irf. AHdres-, may 2-S2 d:6t HfOH 81IOAL IRON CO. . ' J"oP.OK. C W E ARR AUTnORtZKDTO ANNOUNGV: A Dr.J. J. LAWRENCE. O f Wilson.) at a j en1ilat t represent RJgeoomKe snd Wilaon eownttea, In the Housj of Commons, of tht ntxt General AsaemMy. . , xaay 2-82-dlCt ,... - - . PAI10LIXA DKLLE, fifOTCU HXCFF.I v. am cow pxeprei t mi all orders Tor this ceieoraiea orana oi ncotcti BouO. AI I do not know tr what extent it mar be manufactured, 1 adviat tbe patrons ot this brand to send ia thdr ordis early for what they may want. JOS. E. YEN ABLE, ' . . - 2io. 3, Iron Jront. . malO-89-dIm Petertburg, Yt. LAXKSe ' 0 Executed I nettneis and tpttch at 1 11)11 OFFICE.