DAILY CONFEDERATE ADVERTISING. , 'ADVERTISEMENTS vtiP b Inserted atinnKB dollars per square of ten lines (or less) fr ?J Vt insertion. Marriage soticea and Obituanci 11 charged as ad vertiseinents. JOB WORK of ertry description will bs ex ecuted at this On'.cc with dispatch, and as ncatl ncanb done in the Southern Confederacy. DAILY EDITION, for mentis 3 n $15 9 j. Til I-WEEKLY, far 6 months .' 3 WEEKLY EDITION", fop 6 months . i . 5 OLD SERIES, 1 VOL.V. "J No subscriptions received on any other terms th in the above, nor for a longer or snorter period. RALEIGH, N. O, MONDAY, JUNE 20. 1864. V0L.I-XO. 124. lwm Mil Ii IJ IN ill B Rio BY ATJTHOBITY. run Lie acts or the first congress or THE VOX FED Ell AT 12 STATES, J'aiinl at the fourth nennion, ichiah 9i begun and lizld at thidty of Rich.nond, in the State of Yir giniu, on Monday, the uecenth day of December , A. D ., ItLlji. rtitd ended, on Thursday, the eigh teenth day of February f 1&1. Chap. LVL Au Act to provide an Invalid Corp?. The Congress of the' Confederals Slate of America do tnct, That all officer;, uorj-com- missioned ollicers', mukians, privates and seamen, who have or who shall becoras disa bled' by wounds, or r.t'ier injuries received; or disca.-o contracted in tin service of the Oou filcr;il States, and in the lino of duty, eh aid by it-tired or discharged from thejir respective positions as hereinafter, provided. But tho rank, pay and emoluments of such officers, arid the j)ay and emoluments of such non-co4!imt.-ioae(i ollievr, musicians, privates and Im .irr.en, shall continue to the end of . the war, or .is Ion" a.i ther shall couiiuuc so retired or dis.-haruet. .See. 2. That a;l persona claiming the ben efir.i of this act, shall present themselves for examination, to -r.e of the medical examining boards now (htablished by lav..' Upon the xTMfi-:o of such board that such permanent disability exists, uch persons shall be retirod or discharged as f oivsnid. S-. C. 3. Tint all poitons retired or discharged fis a foresaid, sural periodically, and at least otic? in six months, present themselves to one cf snid boiirds for farther examination, under regulations to Im prescribed by the Secretary of War, tho resmt of which examination shall bo reported by sucli board to the said Secre tary. And if liny such person shall fail so to report himself to snch board, whenever he $ all be n-tpured so to do, vi shall he dropped Ir.'in said retired er discharged list, and '.-ccome liable to coriseriptio.'i, under tho term of the .'lav, unless such failure shall be caused by physical disability. , . Sc. 4. Tl at the Secretary of War ma-y a-siin sucli (An vers, and order the detaii of tuuh uou-commissioned officers, muoici;;n-, privates and e nuen, for such duty as. they &ha!l be (piidifed to perform. If any such liori-'coir.rnissioneil officers, musicians, privates and s.im:i', shall b- relieved from disability, they shad Le rcored to duty ia their respective commands. Sec, y. That the Secretary of War shall nmko all need fid iides- and regulations for the action of the medical boards as ufoTusiid. iec. 0. That vacancies causud by the rctiif tr.eut. ol olli- ers 'inder this act, shall be fil'c I as in case of thi d-ath or resignation of such ol!i:er?. Sec. 7. This act shall be in force (mm 'its- parage. Approved February 17. 18G4. Oii.i I V 1 1 1 An Act to-authorize the pro motion of niccrs. no'i-comrnis-ioued flictrs Rod private.4 for diiiliiij,juished skill or valor. Tor- jn:ji(K$ of the Confederate S'a'e? oj Amerh.'.n do cnaclf That the President in hereby authoied ujion the recommendation of tho n ral coin. minding a Meputmont or a sepa re army i;i the field, to iill any vacancy in 1 i i o citmmis.-ioned llhjerj if a regiment or hatrulion, iy tin; promotion to the same, by and with tin ad vice an 1 consent of the Senate, of any ollbvr, iio'i-eommi.-iooed fudiccj or or privaf who may liavs distinguislied him ; F.e'o by exhibiting iK'cnliav valor or skill in i'ut bn'ttle.lield : i'rovilcd, That the officer, leei e ommisiooed offi.'.er or private s reeom rncndod ;;"d nou'iiuated f ,)ir promotion, shall le!i ng t.. tho regiment or battalion ia. which the vacancy may havo occurred. S-.:. 2- All acts and puts of acts H conflict with the above provision are hereby re pealed. Approved February IT, 1854. 1'ir.u. LIX. An Act t) amend the act enti- tleil A u act to provide, and organize eni- iner tro pss to serve biriag the war' approved twentieth March, eigh'ecn hundred a. el ?i'ty-tlire(. The Con j reus of th Confederate Stiles of Amcrir t do e i icl. That th above reciu I act be s amended tiiat th.'re shall be allowed to - each regiment of engineer troops, two quar in liter sergean's. Approved February IX, l.GI. Chap. LX. An Act to amen the Acts of -April tint, eighteen hundred an I sixty-t'.vo, and .Sep'.' an bor urcnt -third, eighteen huu- 1 1- d and sixty-two. The. Chi ji ..? of thi Confederate SUtes of . Aiiio ic t ) emu!, That the acts approve ! tveT.ty-r.st April, eighteen hundred and r-ixty-tw.i, rmd twenty-third September, eighteen hundred and sixty-two regulating tho in incr.ase and rank, of the corps of . engi- - titers of the provisional army, be amended to rad as follows: 4That the President be, and ln is hereby nuthorizvd to appoint, wilb the advice and consent of the Senate, an udditk nd number of officers in the engineer .corps ot" the provisional army: Provided, That the whole c rps shall not exceed o-.e lumdrtd and twentv, and -that the number of officers in each grade, bo limited to three co'oneb, four. lieutenant colonels, eigjit majors, forty-live eaptaii s, thirty-five first lieuteuaots, and twenty-live s.wnd lieutenants." S. c. 2. There may be appointed six military fstort -keepors, whh the pay and allowances ot captain of infantry, who shall give such bond for the faithful performance of their duty as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War : J'ruuided, hat the said store-keepers shall bo appointed, from persona who are disqualified for active service hy reason of wounds received in thi military service, or disease contracted whilst in the army, or from persons over forty-five years of ago. Approved February 17.-1SG4. Chap. LXIL Au Act to be entitled ,4An Act in relation to the qualification of Slata Col- lctors.'' T'ne Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That the provisions of sec tion thirty-nine of An act entitled "An Act for tho assessment and collection of taxes,", approved May Cr.t, Hghtcou hundred and Mxty-fhreo, shall not bo construed to apply to the office of State Collector. Approved February 17, 18G4. Homo maiden .ladies made eoldiers' shirts ftbout a fool top short, having no pattern to -by, and but little information. A wag wrote on their bundle: ''bikj a man without a wife, lake a ship without a sail, The oddest thio in life Is a shirt without a proper length." List of Casualties. Editors Cunfkueratk. Please publih tho fodowiujr nst of casualties ir. ihe8:h N. C. Troops, from May 23rd to June 10th, 18c'4: Jerieh Ford, May 23rd. Co A Killed, pri vates N G Mixon, and Stephen King. Wound ed, privat-s fiuius Jarrell, II G Anthony. Henry F Hike's, Jauies Brown, C C Riggs. ihsiriir, William Marsh. Co Ii Killed, none Wounded, 1st lieut R D Illiyne, 2 od lieut II J Costncr, since died, It A White, and private W O Harris. Co C Wounded, privates Adolphus EJ wr.rds, Alfred jvaylor, A PLiucsbarger, W A Martin. - Co D Killed, rrone. Wounded, privates Levi Coley, H A Piyltr. , . C J XoneaudCoJI none. I Killed, none. Wounded, privates N C Dopier, J 11 Martin. Co K Killed, none. Wounded, C M White, private, and M A llarky, private. Co p' Killed, none. Wounded, private Pernnett Martin Jiince died A!ex Spear, G W BLkely.' Co G Killed, private Samuel 3havers. Wounded, xr-t W D V E I ward. Co 11 Wounded, script J C II ilir.d. cornl das R Gii.irjpie, privates Jonas Raider, J T Wilson. S owe's Farm 3l3t May. Co A inno. Co 15 Killed, noLe. , Woonded, corpl ChrisXeal. Co C Killed, none. Wounded, private James Gradson iince died. C) D JS'ofio. Co E Xnne. Co I1" Killed, none.. Wounded, private Th"s Vj Taeker, l-o G, tl and I r.cie. Co K Killed, none. Wnuded, privates John Fo.-p'U-man, Uurriss. Turkey Hid to June 10th. Co, A, B none. Co (j Killed, n ne. Wounded, private Ambrose -CI ice since died. Cos I), E, F none. ' Co G Killed, none. Wounded, Snipes. Co II None. - g Co I Killed, private E IIFarris. Wound ed, .private 8 i5 Carlton. Co K None. Recapitulation Killed 4. wounded 35, miss b g 1, total 4:). R. S. FOLGEII, Adjr. Tribute of Respect. BIVOUAC Ob' 6TII X. C. TftOOPS. At an informal communication of S. E. A very Military LJ?e Ho. 1 F. A. M., held at tha 6th .V. C. liegt. Jun- 8th, A. 0. 1834, A. L. 5S0i, the following1 resolution j were passed : Vkerenx, It hath pleased the supreme Q. II. of the Univerna to caII from labor to refreshment our brother, Jas. A. Rogehs, Maj. cemmd'y. 54lh Nr. U. rrgiin-nt, who fell at Drevvry's BlulF, V'a., ICth ofMylfeGl. V Kco!ved, That in hia death S. E. Avery Mili tary Lo;1re, mourn the.lo?s ofon j of the jewsla of the Older, (ur countrv a valuable citizen and tho' -army n jrallnt anl eflicicat oliivr. ltieolv;d, Tint while we mourn ?o deeply the lo.--3 of one whom we had .o often mat in the Lodj rom on tho Level, and parted with upon the -'qusre, yet we humbly bow to the chastening rod ot Hi:' Almighty. lleolvr.d, That vre tender our sincere condo Jeneo to the fa:ni!v and fri.mds of our deceased" brotiiir iu' thc.r afllictions. ltexoh-cd. That a copy of ' these resolutions bo published ij th'i llaleirh Confederate and furnish ed to the family of tho deceased brother," and spread upos tho ihiuutes of this Lode. v . L. Kkid, 1 J. J. IIiXEs, Coram C. L. Williams, ) inittee. It. M. YOUJv. W. M I). C. (iir:;TEi, S?e. pr tern. New Advertisement AU IVrsouH arc ilcrc!)y Forpwaniod l'rotn tmdicg or boarding Uiciiard Terhell, my ward, for pay ; as I will not pay any debt or contract he may make for hoard, or -otherwise. W. J. "ALLEN, Guardian. june 20 12i-d3tAw2t CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL Tally-Ho, Gfrunvillc Co. N. C. rpiio Fall Session of thss School, unili r X. the c;tre of T. J. IIOI'.XEU, assisted by J. II. llOWLA.Nl), commences the 3rd Monday in July. Tiio price of board and tuition is SOO per ses sion. Application for admission should be made in advance. T. J. IlORXEli. jane20-121 dl8t ' ' CONFEDERATE TAX . COLLKCTOIi'S OFFICE, Giu:enst,oro, N. C, Juno IS, In CousequetK'C of the non receipt of the proper " Ulank" upen which to a?svs? and collect theT ixes due the 1st of June, I would su jest the propriety of" Funding " thj S3 cotes in 4 pi'r cent. Cci tiiicates, which cortiticates willi. e receivable in pajoucnt of Taxes durinr the year 1861. V. K. LAXK, jtuie 20-124-dt State Collector. . Wilmington Journal, Favetteville Observer, Greensboro' Patriot, Charlotte Bulletin, Ashville News, Western Sentinel, Taiboro Southerner, copy 1 time and forward accounts tome at Greens boro'. . List of Letters I y EM AIN'ING uncalled for in the Post-Oftico at LV lialoi-h, X. C, June 19th, 1SG4. The pos tage on advertij'd letters ia two cents each. Call for advertised letters and give date of list Allen, Mrs M J Mangutn, Mrs Sarah JIansum, Miss A M Marconi, Lt A U Margin, Mrs Sarah 'Norman, John Norton, J E Owen, J P L Pettirbrd, Glathy Perry, Mrs Saline Pool, Uansotn Fajje, Stephen flobertson, Dr J C Roberts. Mrs E Reynolds, Jno Kobbins, E Seraves, Miss S J Spruill, Eli Summers, Or Tvson, Henry, C Talbert, Julia J Vllen, T D l'anks, Mrs Su?an IJobbett. Stephen G Uizzel, Festus Blackwood, J M Uenbery, Capt L Copeland, Miss Seny Carpenter, Mrs Nancy Dickson, Uobert Forcum, W W 2 Grady, Jackson at!in, J U (Jil-ner, Maj Jno C Gunter, F IJ Ilermley, Edward Hawks, Mrs Susan Hopkins, Miss II U 'Hopon, Mrs Sally Horton, Josiah Hall, Sidney Webb, K S Hamlett, Mrs Elizabeth Wall, A A IseUy, Hoos Walker, Robt T Jones, W AVist. Hardeman Jackson, II T Westbrooks, W E Jerrell, S S . Woodley, Joseph Kersey. Wm M Walton, W J Kin?, F A Walton, Miss Maggie T King, W i GEO. T. COOK, P. M. 3TK.IVE0 Oil STOLEN'. XT' ROM the Camp of the 6Sth N. C. Regiment, one dark bay MARE,, somewhat under size, black Jeg3, several small white spots on the back, on had when etrayed oCfor stolen a leather halter. Said Mare has been seen in tho vicinity of Nash Court House, ridden by asoldier reporting his name as "Hall." Any information as to her whereabouts will be thanklully received and the" informant liberally rewarded, by L. C. LAWRENCE, Capt. & A. A. Q. M. 68th N. C. Re't. june 13 I23-tf. Weldon, X. C, onnruiY. Died, at Mansfirl J. La., on Sunday, April 17th, Capt . Theophil'Cs Peurt, of Ilarrism county, Texas, of a wound received at the battle of Pie-s-ant Hill, on the 9th, while gallantly leading; his companr. He ras born in Franklin county, N. C, on February 5th, 1S3J. I am so eulogist, nor do I desire to flatter with . kid words the connections 'four departed fried; but I wish to add one sfl i l nvjmento to the un sullied worth or him win now lies cold in th; quiet grave of Lim who ha been for years one of my most partioalar friends. None fcnejv him bat to respect and love him ; and among all the vari ous duties of life he ever acted c.usisttntlj with the character of a g-ntferrnn and citizen. It is sad to reflect upon tin of all thos? noble heroes who have taken a part ia thia ucholly war, and wLo have sealed tiieir devotion to their coun try's caue with their lives, flw many of thos we loved have within the lasttirej years left the battle-livid an 1 gonj to reap the retributions of eternitv ! How many who, while struggling for our country's independence, have fallen devoted . to lur cause, and dying have bequeathed to us aud ours, that spirit of resistance to tyranny which can never bj -subdued r sullied while one South ern hero lives I And when our sorrowing coun try shall emerge from the esa oT biood in which she is plung'd, with her garments all dripping with the gore of h jr m ir tyred children, to ta ke - a stand amonq the nations of the earth, then, and not until then, yi I we fully appreciate the worth and services of those who'have fallen martyrs in her cause; an 1 th.-re auioa;' thi undjring names of those who will be honored and sacred to the mem ory of her living children, wifi be seen the name of Captain Theophilus Perry. Yes, he ftll'with swo d ia hand, leading his march to victory and renown, ile fell a christain warrior, and while vre deeply grieve ib one so brave so noble so full of generou3 impulses, and n hile the tears of sorrow fall thick and fast upon his silenfr grave, our thoughts flash up n the battle-field at Pleasant Hill, an-I we feci ready to jcire ashout of glory to (rod when we know he-iell facing the f e. Al- though he has left behind him a sorrowing wife, a 'child, a father, brothers and sisters, and many kindred and friends to weep over hi early death ; yet, it is a consolation to them which thy would not barter for all the fadingTionors of tke world, to know that he died a christian, that the toils, the privations and harpahips of a soldier's life are now exchanged lor the splendors .and . glories of a brighter world-theioar of cannon and clash of arms for the songs and shouts of the New Jeruselem, and the smiles and endearments of the beloved on earth, for the smiles and approval of a crucified Redeem er. Though we shall never more behold him on jarth, yet we can point with confidence to his life and death, aud say to those who are still bat. tling for our bleeding country, like him, " So live that when thy summons c-'iue to join The innumerable crravan which taoves To that mysterious realm, whre each shall take I-' is chambers in the silent halls of death, Though not, like the quarry slave at. night, Scourged ta his dungeot, but sustained and sooth ed Hy an unfaltering trurts, approach thy grave, Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies t'.own toplasant dreams." II. Gains' Mills, Va., June 9, 18G4. At a meeting of the members . of Co. K, 31st R'gt. N. C. T., corpl Lewis Heath (widest mem br) was appointed Chairman, and corpl Wiggins Secretary. The chair ihen appointed the follow ing a cm niitt.ee to draft resolutions: Privates J. Andersuu, Alex. For, E. Gvvaltney and Lieut. C. J. I wrn, who reported th following : Whc-eat, in the ruling ofaa all wise providence it has pleased Alm-ghty God to removt from our ranks, Sergt. Caleb Dixon, privates J. C. Brinson, Aler. Viilis and Danl. Long, Resolved, That we deeply mourn their fate a an irreparable loss to us, and 'that we offer our warmest sympathies with thi here t relatives ia their fe-ji e afihetion. Sergt. Dixon was a very pious young man, ;vor a t Lis post, responding to every dutv with a cheerfulness unparalleled, !ing credit to himself and pleasure to his commander, unlit ? 1st "May, "wh eu he fell while on a most gal lant charge under a meat galling lire. So com posed tv us his fowling, that a smile even lingered on his iips while dt-ath held him. motion' ess. Private Ja . C. Urinson was the bti.oved son of David li. iiriuson of Craven county, wh ia ISG'2, suiieird several months -imprisonment, under Rurnsid e at Newborn, rather than relinquish one jotofpuie Southern pi inciple, John was an ex emplary youth, and loved by all who know him both at home and ia the army, aud fell on 31?t May, near Cains' Mill while nobly holding (what he thought to be his duty) his ground against 20 to ooe. His name will ever live ia thj hearts of his comrades. Private Alex. Willi was also a brare and noble soldkr, wliij always held the conlideucs of his offi ce! s and c mradesup to the ever memorable 3Lst of May, when he was wounded and ahuist instant ly kill d, and though he could not speak, he aeem od resigned and calm. Private Daniel Long. was a faithful solditr and a man of strong rt llgious professions. Ha too was always where duty called and iiui;h beloved by ail. He hll on l'Jtu Mi.y, near Orury's Bluff while fronting the host of Bailer. Resolved, That these -proceedings be published in the I'ialeigh Confederate, and a c-ipy sent to I). B- Brinsn, one to Mrs. Martial Willis, ne to Abratn P. Willis in care of Capt. L. G. Barring to?i, Kinston N. C. one to Mrs. Daniel Long, Bug" Hill. P. O. Columbus. Cj. N. C, one to Liaur. E. J. Bo wen. Co. K, 3 1st N. C. T.,Cling man's Lri-ade Hoke's division, Richmond Va. Crpl. LEWIS HEATH, Chairman. Corpl. M. WIGGINS, Secretary. Camp 3rd N. C Cavalry, Jun 5th 18ot. Atame-ting of the ofiicers of this regiment. Msjor McNeill bavin been calbd to the chair and Lieut. K. F. C x requested to act as Secretary, the following were .appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the meeting, in re gal d to t!u d;Vi h of Lieut. Tiieo. H. Holmes, son of Lt. Gen. Helmes, serving as a volunteer with our regiment: Capt. K. F. Shaw, Capt. J. M. Gailo.. ay and Lt. E1. B. Lindsay. The commit tee reported the following preamble and- resolu tions, which were unanimously adopted : Wn e k k as, lt has pleased God, in his aHwise providence, to remove from oir midst Lt. Holmes in a recent engagement with the enemy near Ash laud Va., therefore; be it Resolved, That Lt. Holmes having recently come to our regiment a stranger to most of us, has especially endeared himself to one and all of us by his uniformly courteous and affable manners, his unvarying cheerfulness, and particularly by his remarkaole and distinguished gallantry in action. Resolved, That Lt. Holmes, though bat nine teen years of age, h i I already earned a reputation for gallant and soldierly conduct equalled by few, surpassed by none, that if spared, with hig milita ry education, talents and advantages, his future career would have become as distinguished as its inception had already been honorable and glori ous. . Resolved, That we rispcctfully tender our cor dial and sincere sympathy to his family and friends in this their deep "distress, at the loss .of one s full of promise ; to his father, himself a dis tinguished soldier, we would respectfully state that the death of his son wa, in ail respe-ts wor thv of the most illustrious and military ancestry. Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to his father, and'te the Fayetteville Obser ver, Wilmington Journal and Raleigh Confede rate, with a request for publication. J. IE McNEILL, Chairman. E. F. Cox, Secretarv. - RE JACK M0UGA.N S0XG6TEU-.JUST out compiled by a Capt. in Wen. Lee' Armv. The best Song Book ret published. Price $1,00. One half off t? the trade. BRANSON & FARRAR. Raleigh, June 18. 123-d6t. . 11L BGARD By the Day, " Week, " Month, Meals alone, june lG-dly 25 70 221 A SITUATION WANTED, TN' A SCHOOL OR PRIVATE FAMILY, BY JLa lady nHw is qualified to teach all thj English braaehts and Music on the Pianoforte. Address box 61. Louisburg, N. C. ' ja!7-d7t KITTRELL'SSrRINGS, N. C. TniS POPULAR PLACE OF SUMMER resort is kow oen for the reception of onr Eick and. wounded soldiers as we have turned it ov?r to tho Government for their benetit. AU communications raut be addressed t lr. B'JTra, Surgeon in chargx. BLACKNALL &. CO., . ju 17-flGt Proprietors. VAKH- COUNTY, mllE SHERIFFALTY. We are authorized and JL requested to announce W. H. HIGH, Esq., as a candidate for re-election to the otlice f Sheiiff, , at the election in August. ju 17-tde-d&w A PRIVATE SCHOOL FiTyoUXG LADIF.S. fllHE FfHJfiTH SESSION OP MISS M A N 1 GUM'S SCHOOL, will open on Friday the 29th Jalv, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Willie P. Mangum. Her pupils will Gr.dT a home in her mother's family. Only a limited number can be received. For further information, address MISS M. P. MANGUM, Hillsboro-', Orange county, N. C, care of Dr. J. F. Cain. june ltfth, ISiU. tri-w-12t WOOXi NOTICE. QUARTERSM ASTER'S DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, Jcsk 9, 18r4. I AM PREPARED TO EXCHANGE Cotton Yarn fv.r Wool, upon the filming terms, viz , One bunch of Yarn for three pounds washed j Wool, and one bancli for foar pounds unwashed. , Agents have been appointed to rnajku the ex change at the following places :" Oxford, Tarboro', Kington, ('athtrine Lake, Concord, Rockingham, JJendersonville, Statesviller Koxboro', Asheville, Pittsboro'. Louisburg, Fayetteville, Colerain, and at this place. Persons shipping wool to. this place will please mark on the packages who they are from, and the' cotton yarn will be forwarded immediately. I hope the people w 11 patriotically respond to the above notice, as the Wool is for" clothing the N. C. Troops. - II. A. DOWD, A.T$. M., N. C. A. june 15-1 2U-tIjuly salk of FUixm ni; t AT EDGE WORT II G U E K NSBO U 0 U G II , N . C. TTfE WILL SELL AT AUCTION, COMMENO- ! ing on Tuesday June the 2lst, all the School Fixtures, House ho!d and Kitchen Furniture o Edgeworth lYm 'c Seminary, consisting in part of NINE PIANOS. r.soine of. them choice instru ments. Harp, Mrdodeon. Guitars, Feather Beds, Mattias.ses, ?e.l.-r.eads, Bedding, Tables, Table Furniture, Chairs. Cooking and other. Stoves. Also, Horses, Cows, You:; Cattle, Wagons, Small Can i ige and Harness. Wo have an extensive Philoso hical ar.U Chemical Apparatus, some School Book, Sheet Music, In struction Books for Piano and Guitar, Geographi cal. Geological, Chemical aud Astronomical Maps and Charts, Oil Paints, Canvass, Brushes. Ac. Ail the above articles will be offered on the day specified unless disposed of before. This is a rare opportunity for persons to replenish their.fu na ture. Our ftock U very larg in .Tiny ar!i;is. Another such will not probaoly ' offered for sale during the wr. llD-dot MORLIISaD k STERLING. ., Yanted, a Situation as a Teacher. WISH, to obtain a situation as a Teacher, eith er of a public or private sc hool. I am a gradu ate of the University of North Car Iina? and have kad some experience in teaching. . References The Faculty ot the Uriversitv ; Hoi. W. 11. U ittle.jChape'i Hill j J. Buxton Wil liams, Esq., War ronton. A (id re -s EDWARD JUNES, v june 119 Staw'iw Raleieli, N. C. QUARTER MASTER'S OFb'lC C. S. A.,) R.vi.EitJii, N. C. Ji ne.lsl, 13t)t. f Qlratv ! is uri'titSy rfydlrr! to wake IO bedding for the wounded soldiers at the Hospitals of this Post. 1 anpeal to ali who hi.ve any on hand to, bring it in imm.'diatt ly. They will ifot only perform a patriotie duty in alleviiting the sufferings of our wounded veterans, but can secure ample compensation. Vv. E. pi:irce, june l-109-dl2t Capt. k Post Q. M. piEir.io'T s.':;i:f;s,-ewtfE co., c, ( UIE3B SPRINGS WILL Bli OPKN .FOli THE reception of vwitors the lit of July. Terms of board will be published in due time. A good and comfortable four l.orsc Stage will leave Mor ganton o the arrival of the passenger train ft om ( Salisbury, every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. During the months of July, Augu?t and Sentember, it will leave Morg;:nto.T daily. PtlOPiilBTCR. june 7th, 1SG4. 119-.:3l TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDER .L signed will attend at the Sup-.: ior Court Clerk's Oliioe in the Court House on Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays of each week to settle oQ cl-iiuiS against the eoiii.tv. JNO. F. I1UTCHIKS, jun- 11-118 dfit Trustee. OTIJ J .HR SALE SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS IT of Plantation Iron. We wi'.l pay the highest eish price for all kinds of rdd F:Is and Scrap Iron. HECK, BRODIE & CO. Raleigh, April U.'61-dtf. ' A TTUACnYlfi SALE AT AUCTION -T3L r . SIX PEP CENT. (LONG DATE) BLE BONDS. . NON-TAXA- On TUESDAY, June 21st, at 12 M, the Assist ant Trtasurer will sell at public auction in the citv of Columbia, S. C, at the Court House, FI VE MILLIONS OK DOLLARS of six per cent. Bonds of the Contedc-rate States, issued under the act of February 17, 1SJ4. These bonds offer the largest inducements to purchasers. They have THIRTY YEA US to run, bear an interest of ei x per cent. pr annum, payable half yearly, and are SECURED by a , pledge of import and future export duties. Both ; principal and interest are FREE FROM TAXA TION, and the COUPONS are made by the law equal to COIN, for the payment of duties on im- , ports, which are a'towed t be paid only in coin, I sterling eichansre. o.- the coupons of these bonds. , CONDITIONS OF SALE. The 2les will be made in lots to suit purchasers." Ten per cent, on the amount of purchase must be . deposited with the Treasurer on the day .of sale, to be forfeited if the terms are not complied with. and the balance be paid it the Treasury within ten days 'The payments must be made in the Treasury notes of the new issue, or of the old is ites of the denominations below oi.e hundred dollar4 i rated at two-third of the a-nount proalsd on tha t . C. O. MEMMINGER, Secretary of the Treasury, ap. 23-7 3 d ts. S100 - Keivard. Runaway from Hlsli Shoals .Iron Works, slaves BILL GRIMES. JIM JONES, BRENT acd GEOiiGE, hirtd of Messr. Kennedy & Ellison of Beaufort county. The above reward will be paid for their appro hecsion and confinement in jail. HIGH SHOALS IRON CO. june 9-115-dl2t Iron, Lincoln County, N. C. 19 I ASKS J Executed with neatnesi aodapatch at TDIS FFICE. Candidates' Cards. CKAYE.V COUNTY. Tu fkt Su'Jier and Citizzn Voters of Craven Con i 'if. TTIlf SOLICITATIONS OF MANY friends, I offer niysif a candidate for re-election to represent theconnty of Crv!i irrthv Hoiisa of Commons, in the next Legislature of N.:th Carolina, lfelccti-d, I will serve yiu to the best of my ability, a: all times guarding wtll vaur interests. . - T. H. (J A SKIN'S. juue 12-118 dte 1st Lt. C;V. B, G7th Rgt. N C T Tor the Sheriffalty or Craven' c arc J- authorised to announce, that ALEXANDER C. LATHAM is a candidate for re-chc turn to the ollice of Sheriff, in the county of Craven, may 24-10J-dtf. F0IJ Kill-: IFF. ' "IY7E ARE AUTHOIilSED TO ANNOUNCE V THOMAS J WHITAKEU. a candidate for reelection to the otlice of Sheiiff for the countv of Jones. j.jne 2 109-dtf " F0U SHKRfVF OF WIiIgON 7E ARE RI.QUKSTI-D TO ANNOUN'CK V V W. W. BA ITS, as a candidate for Mietiff of Wilson county, at the er.tuing election. Joyner's Depot, June 13. 121-tde. Granviilo Ccunly. WE are aut.h .iizel 10 aunturr? Dr. T, P. YOUNG, of the army of -Northern Vir ginia, as a candidate for a feat in the Iluus of Commons to n-presmt the people of ii rnnville'in oul' next Legislature. He will support Governor Vapce for-re-election as Governor for, the ntxt tnn. jn 10-11 J-tf TO THE YOTKKS OF CUAVKN COUNTY. '1 EL LOW CITIZENS AND SOLDIEKSt'I J. announce tnslf a candidate tor re-eheelion to the Senate for the next Term of oar Legisla ture. During th pist Terni. I have -endeavor? d to discharge my duties faithfully, and acco;diag to' my ability. "I thank you for the honor you have heretofore done me, aud hope to merit your continued confidence and support. Your Obt Serv't. june 14 121 -dte ' NATHAN WfllTf QUI). To the Soldiers and Voters of Utirtin County. HAVING been repeatedly snlic'trd by many friends in ami nut of the armv, I h-vve con sented to announce mvs-ifiH a cimiidftc t repre sent the Ciiunty ofMHi tin in the House of Com mons of then, xt General Af-scmblv of Novth Cam- hna. As to the policy of the country, I v.Vd ?imf ly fctate, that I believa tho surest way to obtain a permanent and early pi-are, is for the people at home to support the Administration (( the Prrfi tlrnt, and to do all in th -ir power to ;;ni liorate the condition of the soldiern families. Having. I trust, faithfully ssi ved my onntry in th- field for th lat three years. I flatter mys-ifih t I knew some thing of a sol .'ier'a li. ,;n .t that 1 f.-cl for Jimh :i interest tiiat no one el. e cau fo. 1 hn hs nvt Imh no with hlm h-s t ils and priva ions. His if.'tre.-t is the interest of our conmr.n country. m a Var.ce man and am '-tooth and tn naii" .pp i.Hed to ILdden. I will simply add. That ifdrctnlto the pojitii n. it is not :ur hitontijn to Irave the r.rmy, and diiii.i the tlen not pert in the Leg. 'L'ative ila'.!-, I will b rfound, as in duty bound, with ny giliant ii-giiner.t. rharing with them the fortunes of war. If f-h-ct' d , the intcrrft of. both citiz-'n and soldiers f-hatl iVi-d'to hekt f my ability. If rot, I ch v i fully bid thir decis . ion. Very !! .fp-ctfuil v, CIUS. W. KN'IGHT, L;Hut. Col. :tl.-t N. C. T. Baltic Gr-and, C.ni.:-s' Mid, Va. June D, 1"G1. liP-dSOt T0RflTrf To (he Soldier and Citizcni voter) of Wilton and Edfevondie Co'Oitici : HAVING BE EN STRONGLY ' SOL'ClTED by ivsany of the leading eiti.em of Wil sn a..d Edgecombe, I Jake this inrthod to n noanee myself as a candidate to repve.tc r.t you in the House of Commons of the next.L 'gislniurr. I was born an J raised, among you. sn ! tii'.ter my self that mr past and pr sc cou: ?e f life and public ser.timetits arc inpvliat known to you; and should you : o-.or with yo-ji c.oili 1 nee, by e'eetijig me oni- of vomp representatives, my future cmd ict kImII be in ecor.lirfce with my past profesiv aod at tious. I feel a de-p ittcr.Ct in our struggle for iid r.denee, and heartily endorse the measures tlmt hav be 'ii adopted for its :fcco!.i-di.hment. ) li-ving tent our t tiler? are situated by pure aud p;: i tie m.jtive.i. i am in favor of constantly manil- ytiiig to then, our high apprecivion of rh' ir ubo! s, and cheering and sustaining them whe:i b id r.ien abuse nwl villi f V them, anil h-hI; to undermine our confidence in their integrity and patriotism. J am in favor uf uinkinjr wi-nple provi.-ions for the oIdi ri and soldier's families, believing it a higli public duty to' provide by suit ble legislatioM for every n cs sary want, so as to i clivve the hmds of our brave defenders from all care and anxiety on account of their support and comfor t. LARRY D. FARMER. Wilson, N. June 1S:4. j -lU V.T Jfolinston County. Wfl arc autlinrlzrd ' and requested to announce the following gen tlemen As the Conservative candidate! to repre sent the county of John-ton i:i the next General Assembly: Tor the Senafc-TIL)S. D. SNE.D, E.-q. For th' Crm:i:ons-W. G. BANKS and W. A. SMITH. 'ibis ticket was s.-ieedby the Kesi v s from Johnston, in camp -t Go!dbro, and by a mass meeting of t citizen remaining at ho'n,?t hld at S:nithli;d on fhe 23th of May. Tln se gentle rrn wil L be supported by ail ti Cons-r vatives. Thfv endorse the pllt.'on.i of Vice President Stephens, Gov. Hro.vn aud W. W. Ils!den, an j if elected will do all they can to procure an "nrly end honorable pea Co June 3 1 lt dte. To the Voters of Catawba County. E LL O W C I T 1 Z E N S AND BROTHER 1 SOLDIERS : By the rr quest of many fri-nds, I announce mypelf a candidate for SheiiT t.f Catawba county. It is well known that I have been asoldier for nearly two ytars; and ihould I be elected, and escape the dangers of this sum mer's campaign, 1 will endeavor to scrv.e vou to the best of my ability. Ian truly in hopes to hear of a lar;e majority in favwr of your obv-cient eervant, on the Gr&t Thursday in August next. I am vour sou and brothvr, CALVIN IIUNSUCKER.' A private in Co. D, Mallett's Battalion, lately assigned to Co. I. 49th N. C. Regiment. june 15-23-w6t GRANVILLE. Tn ccmplyanrv wir.i Solicitations I can l not disrenatd. I announce to th rntsr, of Granville, that tor name is bcfor thm for t tion tn aleat in the Common branch of the next Legislature, aad that I solicit their votes. Al - though I am a Conservative (though not an ul- " traist) I shall make no pirty pFedgcs, as I consider it the duty of a legulatnr t"i legislate with an eve to the honor and welfare f the Stat- and the bt interests of the peoile and, ,,t t,, th lhef a 2,"ftf' , KlCiUUD V. HARRIS. TO THE CITIZEXS, SOLDIERS AX ft RF FUGEES OF J' AS Q UO TA XK CO UXTT WE are authorized tv announce GEO. W. TIINTON, a candidate to 'represent Pas quotank county in the next Housj of Coihmoo. ma 10-89-dtw&wte I am Atithnrkert to Announce J. A. Pop, of Caldwell County, as a candidate to rcprc tent the Senatorial' DL-trict compoccl of tho Counties of Caldwell, Burke acd McDowell,. In the next General Assembly ofXorth Ca olina. jane 18 123-d4w. . ITiNK BLACK TFA FCK SALK ; At the Dru 2 Store of WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. - June 14, 16C4. . Hy-d6t Mr. HoIrtcn'R Opinion or Men. KALEIDESCOTIC VIEWS. COL. McUAK. COX. The Colonel boasts in one of hid recent ijuev that he has been in the sevcrot battles cf tho war, ar.d that he fought like a very SaladiCfwhile ho u-n fi -htirg. We adirit it. H fought awaj w b le icgiir.c nt !n a very idiort time, acd though he no doubt acquitted hirr.Pf If well personally iu battle, yet it is ringular that he never received a wound. Raleijh Standard, June Hth, 1SC4. PRO. Rrsicjf ATtos cr Col. D. K. McRak. The fol lowing Utter of t &Mgnstion frnai C I. Me!ao to Gov. Vance will surprise many. The trafotu ho gives for the dep are uch a? to sathfy Lis ft U mis and the public. If devotion to tlecaufo, unflinch ing couisge, hard service and hard fighting enti tle a man to promotion, .mnly Col McRae haa merited it. Raleigh Stan dnrd, Xt,r. 1850. EDITORS A 8VEKl 'The Editoig in this State who are mot clam orous agair.it the Nathvilte Cor.v ntioti, ai d tho avow their readioers to mbmit to any and all aggrefMors mther than dUn lve the Cnior, areall ichig$."Eulifih Stand'nnl, March '21th, 1C3. 'Raboteau, editor of the ruira, owns no lave. never did own any, and never expects to own any, so far as we know. He can therefore pmuh. fiibmisjicn n ith perfect safety, as he has nothing to lse. "Dimock, f.f the Xorth State Whig, (Jlanly'a orgn) a Dative of Connecticut ditto as Rub oteau. "Hkartt Hil.boro' Reorder also a nativoof ConiKetieut ditto also as Kahoteau. Swaim A Shei wood Gnvn-bot ol 'Patriot these gentlemen piint mainly for the Quakers." Raleigh Standard. July 0th, lS.f0. 'The Whig press, from Wilmington to Bun combe, feein to have banded together, and tahvn a folenin oath, t lie D. S. Reid duun." Raleigh Standard, July IQlh, MR BADGER. ' 'Wc honfstly believe thtt Mr. Senator Badger and have, done more than any twenty men whj might be namrjj, either north or south, to encourage Abolition arrogance, and reduco tho south to her precnt position." , Raleigh Standard, Sjt. Ah, 1930. UHCKIVl-K'S SALE OP (X)h) Ml KB THE CONFEDERATE STATES, Vs. Property f Jl, F.' Sfadton, Srqitrttered. IjUitSUANT to nn order nadjhr th C.nfede- " 1 rt'e Court f ;r tho District of South Carolina, I will tell and dispose of at public nuotion, on the G: tli diy of duly next, nt 11 o'vlne!; n. m., !f..ie the M.iik'-t llouVe, in thj; town of Chi raw, S. C, r.ll the right, title and iutercet of UoSett K. Stc'.; toh in that vet' valuable property kt,oji a tha lilt EWE It tiOl.n MtXE," with the engines and niachhii-ry atiached, anl ah ut three hundred nr.d tweuty-eigl.t acrrf -f land on which iid leir.e U riiu.ited. Thi"? valtm Uef property lies in Ch'f tei li-Id I) Li ict. aout forty milea from Ch -ra.v. the head of tl e Che: aw and Darlington Ksilroad. Terms of naii t,dll. S. J. TOWN'SSXD. R e iver. ffecrivcr Cilice Uenmttsvill 4S. (, May 2rih, D;5l. jn I-Kin dlw SAIE OF YAi'l'AIUiK PRCIMiUTY. I WILL, A? THE Mi EM 2 THE LAT'J J k;:ph lliersT. otfrr lor .-.il-, tK ldshft loddrr, nt. the 'ouA Honsn iu the ('n-.nof boro', on Tu-'sdiy. the l.'thdav Julv next , l hat v.luaid Irrie, kr.f w r. n.th ')rt id l!ir. place, within t'vo mile of Hil!.boi'o'. and eot-ininii g three hundrt '! avid ixt -orn act r n.oi e than one bull' of which i ii wo ids. Sai l farm is in hut-rat- con 'itio:i, w.ith f-ncea thoroughly rcpaii-f d. The house c :t.ii t ioouk in f,ed i - n i r w i'h fill n:'Cc'. .-y out budding in od cor.ditwm wiih the excep: ion n! two bm.i 'i h farm ha r ti. it two fxc( llf nt Oi c I:ai ds 'f ! ctrd It uit ti'-rc, togood itier.dowi, and i." abuitduntly -r d. Term,, twelve months credit, bond with np prwved hcui ity, bearing inti'rt.t fiom Ltdayof . jaiiu.ry IhC.'j ;'the tit! to be if served until the purchase monv i paid in. WILLIAM II. STANDI V, Ag;U. . jine 15-1 20-deod lot Important Sale of Khef t I rr n at, Aiutioii. ON THURSDAY the 23.1 June, in id .int. .in frmt of our Sales Room, ws wdi s 11 K;) h'-'-ts f exir:i quillity of S'irghurn i'an ir .n. "U i , ltr n wide, and liom to 'J feet lo ig, and n'ooiit :i-4 inch thick. ihij'Iron was Hdvft ti.id to bv old at Warrcnton, N. C, fome time riuc, I ut an in terruption in transportation prevented its wriival in time f r the ale. . In addition ta thf above, we have one 50 her tu Fime quality, we wijl -t 11 privately, it is'heli'-vrd that tliis is the only .ot of Iron ol the kind at this time in the Confederate States. CUEECH , LlTCHFOItD, june "0-llC-dtd Auctioned s. o ppinnM a Ia: co l l eg :. " rriHE TWENTY-f EVENTfi SESSION WILL ' JL commence on Mrndiy, the Fourth of Julv, lSi4, and continue twenty Wfrk. Intruction is given in'ft.ry department. Tho SchooJ of Fine Arts (which was mpf-ndd durin" last k'siion) will be in charge of Mi.s Maut -Lrftwich, a southern lady of large experience and supei ior qurtlificati'in. Tuition in e.tch school, $00 Roard in advance, ioo ', Each ftudent is expected to furti'nh her own canIle. and towels and a pair of sheets. As the number of boarders is Jimitsd, thoe 4c- irlng adiniksion should male immediate applica tion. J. H. MILLS, ju ll-U7-dl2t Oxford, N. C Ribtica! Recorder copy t weeks. Bank or North Carolina. -The Sto k t old- is who have Dividends now .due on' thoi" Stock of this UatiV , are hert-by nitiffd that tho respective amounts Are laid" atide in "Sperial dpoii" in the oldinue of the Confederate Statee Xote; for them, dnd they are required to apply f(,r thesataeat the Principal Rauk, Dranchca ' and Agencies where payable. By order of the Hoard. C. DEWEV, Gash. RaLigh May 25, HG. 103-tawliu Fayettevillo Observer and Ch.ir ctto Hulla ttQ pla3 copy Piesiden 'sOfflco, Lockvillo Miiilnp and Manufacturing Co. RALEIGH, N C, Jime 8, 1PC4. ATA MEETING OF TlIK HOARD OF Dl. rectors of the LcckviHe Minirg and Manu facturing Company, it was ordered that five iH.r cent, or the Capital Stock of the Company bo paid t- the Trcaaurer br. th 10th r ti.r,..:. ... month ; twenty per cent, by the It of July next t wnr. vfi i-n. r..a r f Kw t fc. f . a .1 . a a . twenty-Hve per cent, by the Ul Sr jdember next and tv.eiitr-live per cent, br the 1st of October ne J. M. 1IKCK. juno 10-116 dUt Sec'y and Treasurer. Hlllsboro X. C. illlltarj Aratlrinr. Th? Second eteim (lC4) of this Insiitu tion, wil! commence July Int. For Circulm and information apply to i r . Maj. Wm. M, GORDON, ma. 17 a5-d3mj . . '