EDITORS. AU letters on business of the Ofice, to be directed to A. M. Goicman & G. MOXDAY, JINK 20, 18C1. Criminal Combinations. Society protects itself agtinst the -consequences of crime, by the enactment of I iws declaring penaJJis Mid securing punishment.' In most cates of InJiviJinl offences, tie diffi culty is not in the discovery of the crime, as in the prouf necessary to envict the otbnder; and in all sf$h Ci3es the injury is mere apt to be fall thc hadiviiinl subject of the wrongful act, than society. The worst peril the latter is secret conspiracy, corabitmtiui, ,r association, for unlawful purposes. The evib and mis-' chipfr of such an attack on society, may Is felt injuriously, severely, fatally and yet neither the direct fluent nortbo manner of producing tlir? injury bo ever discovered. If thl3 be true in ordinary tiuei times of national peac?, of eeciai safety by how much is th- evil inccaseJ :m i the p;il aruvated ia the period of wr; when an enemy invades our territory, heu Lis armies i occupy witl.iu our borders, when hia pfrcnth, pertinacity and fereciou3 animosity threaten our very existence, when State aud citizens are environed V7ith danger. Yet it is in ju-t such times as theso, that bad, wicked, lepraved men 'leagua ni.d combine, cither to commit desperate deeds for aggrandizement, or to practice the less forcible, but as dangsrou-j and mischievous strutngeim ur.ii devices for ridding themselves tf the troubles and re-f-poni-ibilities which beset the nation, aud ought to 13 borne equally by all, by secret and clan destine associations connecting with the enemv. Tho greatest danger to .society, iu theo cases, arises frcru its own inertness. The crime works in the dak hidden by the nLt in .ileu tinier the ground, ami strength en wwn, un li-icovore J. Soeioty teiU that something is wrong tho pressure of an evil pr.s-jncrt is di.sorniblo ; but no oua undertakes tie discovery, and the evil winks on. Such is, and has bee;), the condition o" thhigsnot only ii North Carolina, hut iu Cwgia, Alabama and perhaps Virginia and the army, for some months? A deep, well ti)i.ceived,and to some degree well-developed J ai.'l combination lor tha overthrow of the C : . l:r.uc , Govern nun t .exist s TU our midst. ().:r evidence of this Tho tatt?meiais concurring of gen. tleuuii win vfh iu different portion! of "tho 'S-"t'!' x:hl'h Tk t a secret association, with "grips." "pt,srf vvc-fd.-," and "signs." .y-.'Coi7. The. corroborating statement f ir..n v. h , live iu diff-rciifc portions of th St .iti!,as to the fouuj-ati u of thU aa-ocution-ill concurring in reslh-g its eonstiturion ni":j 2:u btI Cth chapters of Joshua the I Pro;?e of proto-Jiiuu by tho rpios to iluhab and her kin. 'lhird. have too testimony of several t!l-lt they themselves havo been ap proached, with intimations to take steps to J-ecire protection from the enemy, if A raid of i'lV.isiou reach.- here . Fourth. Wo knew at leasf two witnesses, Who. if blOTP'h f tw. K.,,,7- , f . a. - --c-w rw, Luiivicc one initiator j-und' wo have heard tLo name of others, and tsntci.dly of a person in this town, who has initiated men in Uus county and Johnston, and who was a short ttmo since aa applicant for (.Hicy ; and we believe with pro per energy, witnesses c.in be adduced to cou victhirn. Fifth Wo have seen the form of oatk or initi ation. It refers to the chapes cf Joshua aud corroborates the previous statements we had heard. It ahowj tfio association to bo a aecret, oath-bound organization the oath secured by tha Unlawful, immoral and vicious peualty fcf " being shot through the Ifead.'! This oath discloaes that Yankee protection Is one obj;Ct that protection aud aid to deserters is another that aid and comfort to prisoners hid ' Ly our Government, to .-pies, indeed to any yaukce enemy, who has the " sign, " is another Juty of membership, imposed by this catli. 'V'fl''i-Wo have heard positivo testimony of tte existenco of this association, with a full recit-.d of its ohjo2ts aud purposes. As a public journalist, aiding in the security of s-ciety and seeking to guard the commu nity and tho Government from daDger "and .ennjo, we lay theso fucbs before tho public. ..Without magnifying the dangers or intending to produce a sensation, wo express the earnest and .sincere conwetiou, that tho poplo of this S;ate hive slept upon a precipice. Hud ?jy Uou'hnot been captured, so that the plan which the enemy cor-ccivcd to penetrate hero could have been carried out, there waa picked association, prepared to take protec tion by tho sacrifice of tho hyal and true I And this association had already prepared its inaia, by which" to be known. We should thus, if not overwhelmed by the enemy, have beeu involved in civil strife with onr own iuJcd felIow citizens, led by corrupt traitors lit tcries. T.e tnemy, as long a-o as io January last, rvinibrced their eastern posts with cavalry and mounted infantry ; and since Gen. Hoke. wtb Ranacrn, Corsj and Terry's command', and th3 bravo soldfew. resent Pm.i, individual responsibility it fnvolves, we are prepared to encounter. It now remains for tho Government and the' public to take care of themselves. If every trus man who knows any thinj of this'asso ciation, will como forward and speak out, each circumstance will, make a link. Let those who have ken seduced into this den of infamy, . expose it.. Let every man who has been ap proached with unseemly propositions, expose the proposition r and the proposer. Tho con viothm of 'one initiator, and hipunisbraent, ' will burst up tho wholo affair. The Govern ment, we think, cab make this proof.: Jf every honest, faithful citizen will do his duty, a most nefarious, wicked, treasonable conspiracy will bo laid bare. Our duty is done. - Death orJohn BiirswjK.Esq. . c record. with unaffocted sorrow, the death cf Mr. Burgwyn, which occurred in this city on Saturday last, about 8 o'clock, a. m. The deceased, who was in his 82nd year, had been surkg for some weeks from a serious and painful malady ; but within a few day his condition hail improved, and he was not considered ti be in immcdiatedan-er On Saturday morning he commenced to sin!; from exhaustion, and ntddenl but very trafiquiily he p;.sed away. Mr. Burgwyn was dilative of Englandi-dccendcd of a family of high respectability, aorno of whfse me.Qbers mx important poata in the English Government. Vor many years he has been a citizen of North Carolina. Ah early as the war of 1812, he was a resident of the Capo Fear-a plai-tcr of that district, and a leading and fmtprnr?; 4 HIV I emus of- Wilmington, Subserluently he tc mnved to Newborn, and 'became an ass.wte iu that di.-tingu'hed circle which made Xev.. tern frtous for its refined and elegant hos pitality. Himself a gentleman of courtly and polished, manneis, of the most amiable and social disposition and estimable temper, ho gave a charm to occasions of festivity, !ind was always fotiryl icady to contribute to the pleasure of others. Those who hac enjoyed the hospitality of his ro-f, will never forget its attractions nd the lavish with which they, were d-spensed. . Mr. Lurgwvn has h n-jdrouLri-vj ill From the Petersburg Register of June 17th. Affairs In the Vicinity of FciersbKr?.' At sundown on Wednesday evenin- uffaiw looked gloomy along the line of our wtrencl ments. From earljr daybreak till past six o clock p. m., the eamy were kept at bav Heavy hues of skirmishers mde repeaud at tacks, a. ways with. the eame disastrous result Battery N9. 5, eitated oa Jordan's farm, wai I J mnJto V? 0tjeCl f the eQQIQ attention. It mounted four guns, two manned bv Major Batte a. company of the City Battalion, and two belonging to iSturdivant's Battery. Thir re peated repaid from this well-served battery caused a cessation of their efforts about 4 o'clock J), m., but after that hour they received reia lorcements, which enabled them to out Hank tho' lew gahaat and exhausted defenders of tho post, goon after six o'clock a heavy chwe' was made iu front, Vhile u Targe body succeed ed iu crossing the breastworks and placed our troops beneath a crcrcs five. Without reserves to fail back upon, or muskets to Mefcud them seives, a precipitate retreat was the oidy al er ftu,,,is.wwe captured, and Mojor Batte and C.ptam b'turdiraufmade prisoners, besides som officerti uml privates wto were wouxiUed. x,0 blAnie cn bo attached to tho troops who were thus overpowered. For a Ion summer's rJ:n tf.un .!.. i i - 43 j ucicunuu iae:r post without food or retreshmect, and ouly yielded when llanked and overoowered bv Sill MVilf J.'l.ul rr-. mg force of fresh and uuvearied enemies. Aiine same time, the enemy succeeded ia carrying several other batteries, and at night fall ad our bees and batteries from Wo. 1 toN. 14, were in poiitsaion cf the enemv. The capture of battery No. o unfortunately Ve them a position from v.hiyh they cculd shell a poi tiou of the suburbs of the city. TUUll-KAY HORSING. True to their rkndjsh instincts, which set at taught ait v-.Q courtodts ef dvillzed warfare' and following the unhallowed promptings of a niuligfiaut hatred to the Southern peopie, thc-y commenced throwing shell into the tity at an early hour. Availing themseivt-s of thir tem porary advantage, without givin? the s'lirrhtes noUw, Ihey hurle.1 their shrieking missiles aiiitei.it tue homes. .f helpless women and chii oreu. t or jibout two b.uirs tLeee racssen'ers oi ueain Hew bfotaud furious, but an oXer rulmg Prov: duce bullied the villainon Mg.iS of he.-sij would-be murderers of n.m. si;in !.... nil uirmiuiuu. mere -wcio no .iijuiuh n.ne to the UvvelliiV's and but. rirt; .. .1.: . AV. INCIDEXT. There are eleven commissioned r fiioers in tliO first batch" cf prisoners. The privates seem very much fagged, but very auey. Oneeflered to bet $100 that Grant would' be in,Petersburg in less than three days. A lad standing, by remarked. "It is probable he would just as ho had came a prisoner." From the Peturebnrg Itegistzr of Saturday. On yesterday, at an early hour, the enemy vigorously charged Battery No. 10, on ourcx trpme right, they were several tinjes reputed but at length succeeded by a fhnking move- ment, and captured the battery and a portion of the force which defended it. " Wc learn that part two regiments, numbering not less than two hundred meo. wvre taken ; but un to this flour wo havo been unablo to learn what rcd menis they were. Sc sr.e say of Bushrexl Jolm- Wi.Vs brigade. We h.,c the affair U rated. Col. Pa-e of the 2Gth Va. Ilegimcnt, w.-.s mortally wounded at an early hour and died a short time after. In. the early forenoon there was heavy firing in the neighborhood of Fmt Clifton. Wo were informed that tho. troops stationed nt that portion cf our lint s were briskly efTrra-'ed and finally repulsed the enemy. The militia were ordered from the front and the ouler from General Beauregard re hevirg them spok-ict !!,jr services 'in very com nhmentary terms. They are now cned . in guarding ojj., on other portions of our Tine eieience. lie service during fh ..en. jcu, vjeoigo it t v a i iter ivreiers n -mri tynrn tinn .v I i i VICU, Captain B. Job Oston all " "iiuuj uavtj ecu U13T- tyrs to the cbum were, his grand neph ews. Of three grandsons, one, Col. Harry Burgwyn, has fallen with distinguished honor. Another, on tho staff of Gen. Clinsman. has but lately been wounded while yallantlv. leal- jirnent to the charge ; and the thire?, a son ot his eldest daughter, is a vouthfu1 soldier low serving in the ranks. In the last conversatioimvhieh the writer over had with the deceaud, bo 0f ibis record with manifest and ruriotie prido. .'After the attain, ment of a good old age, he 'has gono to his rest. - It. Ccu. Leondias J.rolt. The Atlanta Intelligencer, gives some parti culars of the death of this great christian warrior. It seems that ho was, in company with Generals Johnston, Hardee and Jackson, with a large number of staff officers and escorttxamiuing the lines, on the Mth inst They .arrived at one- of our batteries, which was posted on a bald hill, exposed to the view of the enemy. Whilst reviewing the ro,ition the enemy shelled the battery and th rf about it. The tecond shot struck t?ie Gen eral in the side, tearing eff his arm and man gling his. body horribly. Tho Atlanta Jneligcnccr saystruly thus has been lost to our service ono of the Great est .lights we have had. His' loss is irrepara ble. No man in the army of Tennessee was endowed with more bravery and invincible ' courage. His -presence has always enthused his men, and with the skill f a master of war, he has ever hi them where the fray was thickest and where his own undaunted spirit cheered on to victory. We mourn bis loss. The great pulse of the nation throbs in unison with tho sorrowful regrets that tho great and good, man is gone..; Oar city is in gloom. From mouth to mouth the news spread, and with a certain air of horror and undisguised regrets, the sad : truth penetrated every nook and cranny of of the land. Thousands of people caught ! tho- vsoid from the telegraph dispatches, Tnd ! with qniverinc; tongues and tremulous voices CIft ll.m 1 It 111 ; 1 -II . ' ' ' x oik is Kiueu. A martyr to tho noble cause of the Southern Confederacy his nam) will be immortalized as one of its great lights ; one of its noblest defenders ; of the most glorious soldiers of the nation it was arranged that hi&' remains were to pass through Atlanta on the 15th and ho r1r. Jied to Augusta. From there to.Raleich x.onu Carolina, lor interment. A large escort ofhonor goes with the hrdy. A committeeof many of our prominent citizens, was arranged to meet the body at this point and pay due. honor to the honorable and noble dead. few sheihj tell but did not explode, h the neignbothoo.lof the youth Carolina, fb.,,,;,.,! ,,. , . - "UOLIIi! , "asningtoD street. Ua iain street in hlandlord, near the Cemetery; a small shell" pa.-sed through the frame house of a r.Lr,i man nameel Jlargraveiloinir n.- il-im.,.,.. n., i: , - . . ' c nut, (liOU.Ciii a lew inrlin nf thr i -i .j v. mo uoarei- e hope tie mark will be allowed rt rcuiasa. unrepaired, as a specimen Gf the lankee mode of winning our affections and restoring the Union. In the sum,-. nt.'tr,ui,, i .... i i ii , i - uuu, .i fcUt i ticd ag n psed tnrough he hou.e of Sirs. Nawr, who was seated in her back parlor with her infant in her lap- a fragment struck heron the head in'flipt;.t . painful, but not serious wound, which did not Mf event b-r fi ,m. vr.i!!..;: ----- .tii. "ainn jj Him town ior mod il assistance. Anu tuber of lKroes fled in uright troni their dwellings but only one ws mt oy ivfragmtut slightly bruising bis arm y'Y lluIiJ aKi Into town for med- ieai assisiancc a!!'i Inn A I . .... . : , J ' ", l'ul lii- e sneiijug ce.i-ed. Wo he -r our troops captured tho -un from'whHii pre herded, but ntihor ihink the advance of onr iroops compelled the enemy to remove it From 30 A. II. to 4 P. jf t;inv i oi a igw cauuonaiie ronb-i m- .wr, .,!.. i . i !i r.g our iront. An officer from th... ,.. ... P 1 . . . u.. mwi!i,iunv,-!ii aitii rrv i noL IT.. to that hour (II A. ftj.), no attempt bad been made to raovcr the works t k-n bv thn. P.,n,r.u on day before yeniay. It, would bo im possible to select the true "from tho f,l... among the fioating rumors of the day.' Tho o m owing ,,ct.s we ,,,3ri,e(i rom gorilIeniei enm !, ' 7, c,eu'6, J-hn C Pegrarn, Ad jutant dene'ai to tltn. "KUtt l' - - - . t iiiirjf v' rnortany wounded by a ball which o.ut'i - v-VA The nurabcr of prrsoa?rsciptured dorinthe past twenty-four honr-, amount to- four jbuu ared aud twenty. Twenty-two commissioned ofneers, from Colonel down to Lieutenant, left this morning for Amcrieus, Georgiu. The eVrny still occupy Battery No. 5 and is slowly shelling the woods in his front. About every two rnnutC3 his guns belch forth fire and smoke, but there is apparently no reply from our artillery. There was but little firing after three p. m., at that hour all was apparent ly quiet a!on our front From three to five o'clock the 'firieg gradu ally increase,!: At the latter hour, Battery -No. o an i b ceased to tire, and tho tM f unn rtilvd soutUwaru. The space iu our front covered by the batteries numbering from 8 to 1-, comprising tlio hue occupied by Hoke's division now became the sctne of conflict; the artillery firing vyg-y heavy, and as the enemy advanced a heavy fu-vlbjde commenced and was maintained until night set in. Judging from our ear the firing was stationary aud the eue ny had gamed little o nothing by their several hours fighting. We learmd from an official rource, at fire 0 ciock that a fierce attack. up.jn e-ur extreme right had been lepw'sed. But we did not learn 4 toe reuit of tho ennfliot, which was r:vrin-at mn, o'clock. We have no fear of the "result. 1 be utmost confi lrnce prevails at headquar ters. Otir.truopiro argply suljieicnt, a.,d no apprehensu.ns of the enemy's advance seems to bQ entertained by our citizens. 11 e'CL-,CK P. 51. As we cloeed the last paragraph, a terrific cannonace commenced, and for the fit time . the unremitting roll of smull arrr, tmcily heard -all over the ritv h-., i thrre-qinuu-rs ot an hour the battle ra-'ed 4 icuch ii.arcr.-ur crr-orate limits than ever before; but the stnbL.rii ;.1..r .-.f u.' ... For tho Cr:orkderate. To the Good People or Xorlh CnroMntf. How many of jju .have carefullv taken a retrospective view of the l.htorv of imr b-lov- cd State for the past three jeait? Those who I ' hare, can unhesituingly ay, that the has )asei inrrugn a trying nrdeal one only equally by the bl ody times, in which our forefathers so ntbly fought bleu tnd died for tho liberties which we are sUugiing to perpet uate. But during these years of ore trial, we have been UUfseil with a noble Chief Mag istrate one whose whole soul, mind and strength has been used, in order to relieve the wants and comfort the di.-tressey- ol his nativo State. Je has bought up vast amounts of provisions; had then carefully stored fi r dis tribution; sent to England and pun hast-d Cards fur our mUl.ers, wives and isters, and sold them and the provisions at cot, theiebv iuani;cstinj his devotion to tho People, the btate, aud the Couf.deracy. Besides this, be has imported vast sunplie- , . ..,....,i, onwv-o, ijijr.cis, ivc.. iiT our ;al- ! laut Soldiery. i iii.tni.t!v' m. n. I.. ..:..! . 'j iii iihii )j(i tUCU with suet: articles as .they nee. thus evincing lor them that watchful caie and patriotic dc votn.u, which eharacteriss the f cling man, the patriot, and the nv.del Governor. Taken from tne army and elected by an nverwl.elmir" uiajoruy, without mauiiesf.Mg any de.-ire to Koad t a?suarc ti e nsnoiiMbllirirs r th. ..m. .... cotnmunie willing, like a true paint. to-iv ihi. .,f- Ans lU0l in any pesiti. u to which the po-.tdo mHit nil hi. ! c v-i4 uun -iic eaui ii you c iO(s;. (u ..!,.,. i A dhpatch from Gen. I tho brca .RCrORTSOPTHBPKES3 rrn Richmond. liictiMOMD, June 17. stworks Rt ir "i?.,1. ?c;k ,tt,t Sht we took lions ofthe fame line, ti e i!!?1 aMd ,',,,u'r Pr being reestablished. ' ttory at Howlitf df'ivo vessslj hare bon funk bv th Trent's beach. Mrnmer, awhhin?; fn ingbfhind the monitor?. n rcktb' fc- S'.rae fighticg hear Peterhbur- th without result." (Signed,) " 8 3COND WM'ATCir. ...ui. UtcuvoMD, June 13. ;au ' ,cl,l! nirmntioa of .Sh?ridar cvidentlv a?,1..!.' , :.". ' u'Mim" M"-riUu if expedition l,lult,u defeat of thj JuaZC o War From tjjo Vicinity of "iVlrrshnrg. KtriiMoxD, June 18. ie vankees liAvinc h.fi ....- . .. Thc ntcst from .Petersburg. jwi u -u-ruur, i win uo the best lean f i r I r,.,M, . . IVrmM.nrt.j, .Iun 30 jou. 'J beyeiid elect him; and then reigning U : '"" Jj V arr la r?'"tf idM'ic'in position as Cione 1 of the gnllant 1 Sc W?d Y regnnent, he at once entered upt the duties rep.,!. Snh mt ' mu.-, ..iJii;uii&ir;'iinil ill 111 'iM-.i.. .. ":-". ruiiit-oi i mr WnrL-s i.-l.:.. . .v ....MtiB a irint eri I. I I oriveti the Irs abdomen wild, raised out through his bae '.- xiu wa a son i uapt. 1'egraui, C. S. N' aritj a gallant and esteen-el ehicrr. About noon too enemy attacked the militia pasted at Air' one i.orr. iofoi ccmre-led them to retreat. Jleport savs T loir nf tT. l-:!l.,.1 1 .1 . " mm ,si-u auu imiieeii wounded We may ham th- particulars 'before goinrr to press. Major Archer in command of tho militia, was wounded in the left arm. ; A gentleman who reached our works on the river bank about noon, inarms Us, h found them unoccupied by the enemy who had left aiter spiking the gems. The rille pits for a considerable distance were also unoccupied. At 4 o clock, A. M., our batteries from No 5 to 14 were in the hands of the enemy, except No. 9, which had been retakenm a charge made by the 50th Va. Iiegiment. At the present hour, 8 o'clock, P. It a battie is ragmg along the centre of our lines probably at batteries No. 5 and G. A cou rier to Headquarters, at sundown announced tne gratifying intelligence that our troons made general advance and drove the enemy ueiuie mem, recapturing air or nearly all of u. uatlulw auu line cr orcastwdrks. It i dimcultto substantiate the fact, but we cer- fciu utiievu me statement lo be true. We have had a conversation with the val iant commander of the militia, Major Archer ami we are happy to state jus wound is a fl-sh one and the bone uninjured. He states his men were c-xpos'ed to a tremendous shellin" miugied" wi;n showers of micnie balls, which was borne with great firmness for a lengf h of time. Beir)s ordered to rdum-,. i,r.i- 'Z.l- .. and while m the act of doing so, a shell fell g. some contusion and troops prevailed and the enemy were dfiv back ar.d sdl the ground we Iw-st during t day was recovered. . t;ol. rabb, of the 30h Vn. rcsimeht was bonie on a litter with a fUth w.,und in UU it was tram bin, we learned the gratifviifg fact of the enemy's bloody repulse. " F. rt Clifton, nrar Pethusduro Va ) Jpe Mth, 1804. Editors Confederate ;-Presuming you wo'iid would not be avercc to bear what' has trans pired at this point recently, (being - the key to ietershurg) JOu will please giv9 this space in yo-.r m st excellent paper. For r Clifton is situated between Swift Cr. ek and tho Anpo laattux river, on the north bank. of thc latter about four mdea from tho city of lterbcr' and is under the immediate command of Lieul' Col. Giuon-of tlu. 10th N. C. T., and has! sutuce it tosay, a f r-e and armament adequate to the Mis ot vindicating every trust, reposed in them, bp to the 5:h in-t,. nothing trans- is ceru- is com- "fiweomato be known what the enemy's plans wfrc. We feci at !ihr.,-r n .. iSfi would have been attempted, and to t nemy expected to meet friends. There i abundant proof of this. We have been saved v too valor of our soldiers and the enccess cf r"-r arms. have now done ourTiuty. We have warned tho public. That wc honestly believe wiat we publish, no respectable man will option-that it is our duty so to speak, none a traitor will call iu doubt. Whatever cf Reserved Forees. The 1st Battalion of N C. Reserres manded by Maj. C. W. Broadfoot. Thc 2nd Battalion of N. C. Reserves f manded by Maj. J. A. Anderson. The 3id Battalion of N. C. Reserves is com manded by Maj." Hooks. The 4th Battalion of N. C. Reserves is com . manded by J. M. Reece. The Sth'Battalion of N. C. Reserves is com manded by Maj. Wm. F. Beasley. Tho 6tb Battalion of N. C. Reserves is com manded by Maj. W. McK. Clark. Communications recommending certain per sonals candidates for the Legislature, for Sheriff, &c., can only be inserted as advertise ments, and must be paid for accordingly. in their midst causin oss. Mr. I nomas R.att onri at- v.i Uos were killed, the body of the last bein within the enemy's line was not recovered" tex o'clock, p. ji. -,c h.avejus'" learned that from 1500 to lbOO pnsouers have been taken. An iCfi mcntrof 4C0-has just passed up town so much is certain. We take the balance due upon trust. A heavy cannonade is still in progress, and frr .V VJ " uarp- muetry.. Sokders from the front state, noon onr ,ifl,. u! I "J ""u?ulJC' entrenchments which r fcxfc Wj,a lunneeuateiy occupied. The ene my seemir.gly re-retting thnir I x a i - O niilLC I M ireac,macie several endeavors to retake them but were repulsed and rav.!. ..i large number surrendered after very little re sistance. A shell from the enemy's batteries explo ded m Blandford this afternoon, and killli a negro woman.b,Ionging to Mr. A. S. Shafer. 11 OCLOCSr.M. ho1?6 last.arriv7I from the front, states that the enemy is yet in possession of Battery No 9, and that 1 alter ies 7 and 8 are unoccupied 'Cr"tr The y ve snflePred fc..nui, uuu OU OUr SKlfi tha l..r.o. 1 tariullv. and c.n miv c.;. ,l. , 7 4UC me loss tias not been small but all 13 guess work at present .he valley of the Appomatox, on yester day, was so enveloped in smni-a i' ' , observation from a distanc7 possible. It is stated that Fn,-f nr,r."ysJIr, in fh ,:ii , . ''ioii joiiieu or scm; h ;i ana the cemy liber,! man Direri U ilihir t i r.. i.. i- .1 x - (1uiciu.ib 01 ine garrison counting of North Carolinians, G-,orgtms a;d Virginians. Oa that day tho enemy, proba bly to ascertain the weight of our nirtal, open ed on us with lmndrc.1 pound shell, from tUir gunboats; but after fifteen shots from u ho no doubt being convinced of the actual trc-Vi of our metal, drew off witlumt ed a scratch of mjdty to any one here. Again on tne Otn mat., thoy opened on uj from a laud batteryabout two thousand yard3 dis tant on the other side of thfl nVPr o.,.l -.I their gunboats. We retdinrl r1iui. -,v hberately. The tight lasted from 8 o'clock, a. m. till sun-down. Tho enemy fired with remarkable precision rhm...;. ,..,. r c m ... 111 "in oi tour hundred shots, over two hundred ia, and in dangerous proximity to, the Fort, yetstrau-o -to announce to wound slightly only one ,nan cf the C4lh Georgia. Thc accidental bursting . ?hfi1v",-;r-maanjJ b a detachment of the o4thirgmia, swelled our casualties to the aggregate of four men slightly wounded. We could not ascertain thc damage inflicted 011 the enemy, yet I do not suppose it could have been less, or as small as ours m The enemy seem quite active at present, and indicate an early development of their inten tions They have erected near Port Walthal Landing a Lookout, towering above tho highest tree tops, from which onr works can be seen t-i0ur?,0i-Ui.0naud forco aPProximated, yet with all their ingenuity and yankee humbu Jisxn whenever they choose to le.nve their works and give us a call, they will find Southerners ready to sacrifice their lives in i?pfVno r bequeathed to us by the blood of our forefathers. 1 will let you hear from mm oo-at.. u , - "k,i.iii, niirueter there occurs anv-thin that ,o.i . o "ufc- lutcrca 1 vour readers. Most resnecifnilv Z. Co. II, 10th X. C. Troops. r.f iUo St-f,. t n .... 1. r- , . ... ....u , an- ihtu us ireo iretm errors as pei haps is tho lot cf mortals winning for him theprouJ title a tin modal Govern , r pro nounced in ti;e Senate cf the nation, and echoed and rt-eehced by tha pn-ss and people of the rtate l.very-bKly s.-elned sati.tit;d with him even those who at first oppesed his Noetic n. In such a time s this when harmony nnd union seemed about to bind tn.tL-r !. .1;- cordant cements that h.d a-ituicd and liven the bute, and wiirn all seemed to favor his Micnuww, re-election W. W. llolden ernes forward and announces himself a candidate for tne efiiee of Governor pleading h?s own cause, and fciiiinoi ted onlv hv li;..v-.. , ...... lrotjvtxs. He comes forward a., the j. cuce cunonute a C-.nservative of the strait est std declaring "his print-iilVs- nre well , , y lue PJe they will notbechang e.l . rii.w 1 .. 1 1 . . ," . -' ""J -'' OO Kll.U ciumiiu to L7f people ot North Carolina what W. ,. iio.nen's principles .are? I think it would puzzle the n-cst gifted mathematician. accompanied with several linglrs an 1 pieces ol chaU to lig,;;,. il!t.m cuJ. .;Vtl h,uj knows, that si-;co Mr. Holdcn became a pub be tn.nn, he has never had nuv fMablishtd i'rine-iples, excyt attcays to tnj dnd 0: on the fcmmnj iu'e, in order that his v satialh ap ptite fi.r gain, aud his inordinate ambition might be gratified. Frrst he was a whi then a tcce.siorJ.t f t m, cf ..i ;.i i-:fi , - ..-v. . . fc inuili J.IIKl' then a submiie-nift-then secessionist again; uutil lit ally ho ' lu.s resolved lnWif 11.I0 1 bis original elctnr-nr, and is a lull-blood-QdUoldcn 7.nan, of tie very lraifet sect. cw, do the ceople of Noi-h Carolina want suca a tnltn cs this, f , r their Governor?' Aan v;lh no stability 4ver changing, i3 not the aai to manage the affairs e f St te. At Mr. Holdeu declares, himself the Pescs candidatt, nd i. trying to show th,t Gov. Vance is not lor pec. but w.-ir -..o.i .: - , ' , ""fcH' It, I1C.L lll.ll.it. ... A ...v,,,., .sieruav attempted an ad- bw well f,rh::n to nhow the principles by which 1 he expects to in this wished and loenraved an(V' TT-h5ch ftU "cSoBti;cr. heart. .tu ,utu anxious soticitude ? 1 think ? ALU as h is nrnnci,! ... .. . ' 1 .1 r"" w dumping tne D'ate and thereby uunecessarily calling" the people from thru- rr.-.r. i , I 7. . 1 .? . . riC r ... " icimg xueni hn plans 4 v, ovu.u uc iioi even now. print nn rr at.a statc his views as to thc ben rnans for they siiil ho'ld. t.'noun info t damage. Th rancoon our lines, 'but our troop ,n, " hem with artillery and mu.kctrv, U Al k Jj r, ,u..t J r.,lt. Uli t boat ,r ,. incmthu m-rvicF. Tli- bull- ,' rrS." ' ""o'lr'" '1 '" A,":!',;:',,,,;.an' - ' vi anis new base nt cl.. i 1 . river, tjv,lve mil,, d!?,." fr,?,a iCr '1 enemy hve erected au it. ,,. , if ' . 1 1; about twelve mihs bebw VcXrKZm wS to observe operations hereabouts. W '"rh From Gen. JohnMon's Army ThrKK Milbs Wmt or MAKi.rrA, Jurle Is. ThoeneI8r h moved Ur-e nUD1ber nf 1 forces nn imr f t.m "uaiotr or 1 n.tic-t.f ' . . "" uu musket rr 113 constant, nnniuntu 1 . .. - .fcillj; HIIMOM IO Hfl eil"ilf melt and r..nr sii L . 1 " .'"V .7i i- . 7. ' I lie nur loft ay u in c'. A ppler.did tuirits uml ri. "V A. . ' . l"C Kit. uirin UTCTIIL' in Ihi rn,.. : t i ... ' . ' ean,lii.t ye,terda7on u r S..il ifo-" on.rs captured this morning. eral pn3- kkcond dispatch. p. . . , MiaiBTTi, Jun IS. . naia has boen falling barili- i t .1 ih. Sr..u, p.,-. .a., .n,!,,":',-! TlHtlD DISFATCU.I - - I Art I am'. .1 n n.. 1 n The enrmv to-dav are I r un ' tion from undoubted i-ouic,.. ear Vin ,n,or,-'-'' much dlfhrart. ned and , , ,raL . C f'. tn"V aro numerous defeats ari IhiZ. '1' f,OU1 rcC(nt k i.'i.- .1 ... I". . , ..nuiis. iMHiii'u in criiia.i. . i If connpir in to r,i,r Un,, r. , . 17 rpPtant SKirmi.ldng eontmned to dir Zicl fJ.l'lr hnw. retarded military movenionts. WLiCh From the Trans-Tlssisspp!. ... Mosrt,, Juno ig m A special to the Ureter ,Htel l mo 17th, far?. Mor am nt 1 r S or",tfa tci from 3 tJtX rW "'I 'fr, fima! captured n S'n. and curing peace? And aa thc pccple are about they probably could find time to. read this all! important document. If his views are not too lcngliiy, he could easily let them occupy a very ccnspicubua place in his .,.il,1l! 1 .ut nlv; jmuuc nrinima. 1 am ...... :n. wr..,i.j .1 - . 11 lie MU iiii.i. ir wouiil in a rrv,. !; .1 - , . .. i-'-fc imusuic re- "ctu lucpeonie : ior wliat Mr. IT,o.i - - --- - - -v., are, nas long b thinker HUH. r.llr,ii.twl . na. Frarkrort ivih atiackrd nni thi I i burned. Th .,.i,:J . c.a t,le bairarka y reported th.t .,?i Ir, .'tpul.l. 1 -Mi, but the report is m.t rredifrJ. Wo, nent in Louisrillo. V"iuwvr den-nee. It .111 nn it,.. rredifrJ. Wo-i -..J orjran dirpatche.I t,, it, - lhe Fed. leKCOXD I-k-PATCH. T..f CUr?T' L.,.M,MBM.K(JUn 1 nepteamep i-.i . . ... ... N dred bales f cot I'1.. vim f" ?fn. rb-ena puzzle to thc most profound 14 If" 'h of .Vw Orleans died on tho IT Mr. Holden will do thin, ni .ii.tth. rri'.J. , ....... n v , lilur.'OItr tllirtit 1. , "nilCIIt'S attUCkod tV. with troop... ar.d ;t t"iIWr ,0?'?d A - I" 1114 11 W d til It I t. 111. W m. l. r - - . . 11 . niiat 1.0 .j lap HeimiT Amiri. o-.l I . . vw II ' I tl I1C dec duties, and a gunboat ca no up tt , V 7? oil. ankcf. rarair. r i. " .. 'V1 'Owed her ..UrUcrlM;bif;wrertrtteJ ......w umu kiiuit vnat ne i.j and how h expects to get it, he wilf have d f !!.d"VT ; tt"d. l.hen let "e decid. ih iry UJi0 netr, ana which tne whose nr. irm.l i:T.-l.. to triumnh : . Tv 'V" ""7 foe. UilheelocMMrnoM .TOS. tLeir-tf- Now, as the dreadful conflict is being waed between Cen Lee and Grant, the rultef which may cloee the war ; and as our army f thanks hn tn r,i n.. . .' r. uy, x v.,; n,w uius jar proven an From the North and Grn. j.rc. . Tl.- V x- rr .. lirCUlfOD, Juno IS. '. Tbe.V . IfrrahloC the Uth 1... 1, ine news .s unimportant ivnT V t,tI.VPM ' says our tro..wP. The at 1 saya our troops a.aulted "1 " 'aai ''r'11! puaitiom near Uermuda llumlrcdV will f-'Tt lOFs on our part. ."w witl1 Blij-lit The force late vrTuC In .:!?.0 an n"ck in oyer-match for the enemy, and the shout of victory 13 ascending from every battle-field, IS It not our rlut v .,1.11 . . . ' A; 1 1 ' J. "'-M'ai "5 can to tllect a ',ce late vetterdav ftfti.rnftn 1 "uncK " .. .. ri . 11 -viuti w.l ui inrir gal ant actions? And not do like tho leader of - the straite-st sect;"aow discord am-n the people at home, in order to affect lb- h,'awf0 ol our troops ; and be abairier in the way of Oov. Van-jc s unanimous re-election, to .'rati fy an unholy personal ambition. From the course he has pursued, it would seem that he would consider ; no sacrifice too great, in order to secure an e iciinn ,1 ' . .1 ... -...t .a -.vuiiu" 10 cr.ane But let us, fellow-citizens, instead ofbein- uuence-i uy Hoblen's selfiJi and nnnntti! Ot'.C COUre 1,'t no raUr r, . . . , , ,T w;;b man IO IPO no- nIe.,V:ain-thf tried and proved true-let u, Horrible Mcroer. Swift Retrioutiok. e learn tnafsix or seven men supposed to be deserters-went-to the house of Andrew John eon, Lsq about four mlies south of Hcnderson ville, m the flat Rock settlement, laat Friday and called for dinner. It was given them. After eating, they deliberately shot Mr. Johnson down in the presence of his family, inflicting wound.-fom which he died in a short time. Mr Johnsons son, a noble boy cf 10, seizing a double barrel gun, fired upon the murderers wounding three ef them severely, when they all fled. A possewas scon on the trail, tracking them by their blood ; and up to Sataaday twf had been caught and shot. They were still in pursuit of the others, determined never o lb uuui lU8 last one of the slain. gaag is The -abject of the mnr.W-.. - a... robbery, but the unex It "Z "U TrJT"VPOn the a7the aveng r of his father, disconcerted all their plans. Mr. Johnson was inn rt, I., , -w vufciufciy Lttcuiicinan. uceral man. Ilia tr5o-; r.u j..t . I IMVI uioteu ana when blessed Peace.docs come as it most assuredly will, if we are true to our' country, our cau-e, and ourselves, with a con scious pnde of having ben true to patriotic fn1 ,e??,jhUn loud anth of praUe oldtsoyaIty tarnishing our names. ionTel,0W:Mua!rymcn.wlcft tho decu- Governor of v" t r oiaie Ior tIie fusuing two a so dolng: l'tr'to ho honor ar,d plory of our State" to " f f nj welfare of our families 1 f I, y to. procure the pcac.Z. lti periiyweso much pray fr- 11,11,.., have do.0 our duty .J o FOR SALE. A 8;pchffi Croand of rfubseqtent eDgSt? VtuPaiUDS o th Federal arinr Kd! J.mth? Fetreat of th other points if in7" laB3ei r- and all tha degreof Kichmond, from thn cil?n with the formation to be obtained? mSt re,iabIe in" By Edwin SheppareL From Lynchuurfr, .. . . mo.m, Juno 19. the vichKr 1 Vi0 CnC0,V.n' 0 baling froui "odthrg oSicUl? I,r"ne'" M,,lUml ,1!et Froci thc Xorth and Europe. TT . 0J. . Iir-n'ND, Juno 10. coilZ f X" papu?r of tho lGth ho been re cc ved. A Ulegraph from Lexington vs lt.tr Maximillian arrived at Vera Cruz on the 2coh and would eroeed at nnn t k - P J.ne ."S5tn' Grant ha, comm nela new ca bla lleadouartprii ot l!UP,n.i. t aim Stiirgea' defeat by ForreJt'b'confirm iy. ji was a dn-astroua defeat, huropean adricea of .th I , motion for a repetition of thf. Z ri" "V a norCtJA ta? rStpncd UntiI the 17 b It I, to America, to rifprrt the progreas of the war an. haa renewed his proposition to rI!LV,r! - - - - r " - n confirmed official ly aay that Idndsaj'a atJiC.?d6l!uConfcrence Pmpitlon.tliat lb aiem a ad Smith n. c.n' i ' . fro u I enmark, haabeen rejected by the latter. Uobl on the l.r,h , r..l. . . r clofiedat 1071 uFnea a: -W . j,. skcoxd DISrATCn.J PeiEasBcao, June 19. The Exprers has northern datea to tho Hh te mSthlf? to IMt.th.t fiSrVd?. Ififf tP i?it ' Ue'had afieht, laiting an hour Stfc filCk f.7tB -M Cynthiana, Kv., on tlm iTP'feljr ro.Mtlnff Morgan,' killing ffaVio turing nearly four hundred prirfouera. tfurbrid geajoss one hundred and fifty.. Morgan'a fore", the dispatch further sava. are firing ?n -n js .tiona-hare thrown away th. ir armi aad nr. "7 ct amnumtion and whollv demoralized XlrtrnT" had previous wIMpped )Iob,n ' cotSandlnYl Cynthiana, capturing 1500 prisoner. anaiDff at lhe correspondent of the New Yrlc TV;. " Gold cl,d on the thirteenth at lM. ( plored.-Ju:7e AW e". juno 20-12t-d2t H.D. TURNER, C. Book Store.

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