,7 K. - i ml i DAILY CONFEDERATE. DAILY COiNFEDEUATi;. A. 11. (ittXMAX Jc COi, Proprietors. AOVKKTISIJl . ADTFRTISEMnXTS wiP ba inserted slTeasa DOLiaks per rqcare of ten Uces (or le.) for e.irb insertion, ilarriape notices aud OblUanes w ill charged as advertiKincnU. . JOB WORK of eve y dneriiion will be ei uted at thie Office with dispatch, and as aeatlj as ran be done ia the Southern Confederacy. DAILY EDITION", for G mcntai it 44 3 " . o J u TKI-WEKKLY, for 6 months 9 1. VTMEKLY EDITION. fWr 6 menths & OLD SEEIES, VOL. V. RALEIGH. N: C. TUESDAY. JULY 5. 1864. VOL. I-aO. 137. .Vo ..ibscriptiori& received on any other term than the anove, nortor a longer or shorter perioa. m win ill Us ailfio P 2 to Hi ill B ?i !.v Thz'Kx'traiiur has tho following interesting editorial : Has a new era begun for the cavalry of virgin!:. The really brilliant and unfeful service vlttch it has done within the last fonr v.vt'lfs, at least kind less the. hope that organiza tion and discipline have at hist been felt in its r:uks. The want of these things not of val oar, not of g hkI arm, not of good hordes .was the cause of it long eclipse. If the wme ft.-ictjif ss of military law had always been unforced in th cavalry of Virginia, its effici ency would never have been less than that of our ever glorious infantry. There are, indeed. reasons why our cavalry ought to have been roi floor iu iur imiuny. iiuiy , . me dL- parity of the Yankee horse to that of the Confederacy ought to have been greater than. the .inequality of tho iufantry of the two e uctaiis, siicn as we nave, oi me snjen- t i i tl i !; I ifisNry on the S uihide will be found in of her columns. But it is not alone in Virginia ll. at'ih Confederate cavalry is -coming out. What ban happened "in Northern Georgia is 1-avned from the Yankee papers.. The caval ry i.i Johnston's arrrty has succeeded in com ,! tfr'y severing Sherman's communications M:d in (tutting his only sairces of supply, 'j'ij's account for the attack which he lately viirured to make on Johnston in a cho.sen v.d 'ortified position. Wo have no further news from that impor tant H Id. The dispatch of Johnston is the -,: ;t tthentic ti"ws. Home Kiirpriso is express ly ! l!i.tr it- indicated t.o. change of position in th. ( .'ij'ed' rate army. . Why, it is asked, did it r ot ru!l on the beaten adversary and de dr him? The truth may be probaMy dis-iviin-d.' Johnston knows that his enemy is in u ti ip. Jlvtrtatis ruin; lie-must attack. I; u'u irly our iuterest that he should bo the a a' kting party now in every, conflict ; for t!"-:i his men are shot from the breastworks, without loss to ns. When he commences his retreat, it will he an ascertained fact that he will attack "no more; "and then only will the Confederate army move upvn him. Un- less Sherman can now rout Johnston, he is a doomed inau. The Tribune's correspondent trulv described his situation. He has, indeed, fallen into a "trap" into an abyss, from which il ne sorfira jamais! KK ill GEORGIA. In Georgia the Confederate cavalry' are ss Tiruiy inteu'upting General Sherman's com iHTiinsitLu's. Vi the "18th instant, General Wharton, at the head of 2.500 men, captured and d'tr e 1, on the,railroad between Kings ton and Dair.iS!, five treight'trains loaded with "t-uppiies for S!ie.rni;iu's army. Two lays Ifttor two other frv-ight trains, also loaded v-iih supplies, were captured by the ConlVde ratis ne;.t- Uesara. V have nothing to report f.om Sherman, ('ttrlast intelligence, it will be remembered, ! i.'mt Ih-okM's cjrs captured t lie' .strong liiiit. o oo ,'Mpied by the Confederates on Ijoyt ?ii"'!:fj.i;, but u a bub.u (piently compelled to aland :i it. F:tO!! ARKANSAS. A tt-!?gram from St. Louis states that all th" miliary posts between Cape Girardeau d L'im'h k ck have be-n abandoned, and thai tl." Caitedcraies have regained all but a Kiiail p.irtixn of Arkansas. Vvmn General Tlllow's Command. Talladega, Ala., June 27, 18G4. G."n. Pillow's expedition has been h?ard fiv -m at-'ast. I ye.-ti r l.iy saw three wounded tidier j b lon'ug to Majr . Li wis' piiu.idron, whovere w.ainded at Lafayette, G:i. tie;;. Pillow's brigade, consisting of Col. AMsistead's (not numbered,) the 8th and 9th Al .lxoia cavaby, and JMaj. Lewis' battalion, ail; a'.a.'d the enemy tt three o'clock Friday in t uiitg, 500 s front;, posted in the Court v, Jail and other brick buildings, at L i lly; tte, and alter three gallant charges captur eii them i'titl he'd the buildings .about two hoa's, wbvn the r.rrival of a body of Yankee ravairy, reported at from two to fire thousand, hn o' i the dismounted men to make a hasty ru, at to thifir hrses. M. r l.jf.s robibly from three to four hun-dr-'-i nvn killed, wounded and taken prisoners. 'IVf Yankee loss is not yet known. Our loss in oflicus is very heavy; among I'.'.' !. Ilic-d, as far us heard (nnu, are Major T. Ha'. L-wi.-, of Lewis' IiUtallion. Major R. II Ih.dwimd, and Captain Harrison, Gtli Ala a ; cavalry, and Col. ArmUtead, were Kcd. Ten is. .Con-asp ondeuc of the Cliattaaooga It 3bil. . On tue Wing, Atlanta (hi., June 27th. J VJ)u Ui:i;r. t.: Nws from the froit this da v. prions.' l'nj enemy this murrdng as- s i a t:". i: ki 1 our left centre with seven lines of bat d were rep-dsed with terribl- elaujhter. 'e men put it do -n at seven th usind :.i.d wounded, with the los of three fff ctdors, and many prisoners. 'I he ;y lii iog was terrilic. Prisoners report . n nas said h i:itndfd to cirry Ken Mo, latai'i ths morning or die in the . but had dona mrithpr tip to 2 o'clock, tar .seem to be any prospect of his ... :.L't'Mj. J. P. Strange, Gen. For- ii - f i- .1. ia '.: ilia'. t Assistant A. Gneral t)-day. ;a t'-.e exception of hi wounded arm he l : i.- i.i isctrient health and spirits. His arm is l.'Vi , rapidly. Jiriy. Gen. Gid. J. Pillow, c; vm 1 i he ' Coosa'' river last Tuesday on a wae huiit; in Shenaan s Tear. iNlor anon. O. G- G. Anion the captures in the Trans-Missis -sip,u-Department, from Banks, were 1,200 iiuo ax:c wagons and a large quantity of fail ing implements, which the Yankees had bi-oiinht with them to rs.ip and thresh tho" cro;.Ta ; they went along, Kirby SmiCh reaped .and tiirasheJ the Yankees and the implo 'inofiti were of no further usa to them. Gov. Vance's Appointments. Hi'i, P.aut WVdoesdav. July. 6th. S i ' n, Tliurlay, - Friday, S iturd-iy, Monday, Tuesday, TiitirsJay, 7th. 8th. 9th. 11th.' 12th. Hh. it r . 1 I i lilt , ) wi.mry, Wnnt worth, Fr-e tic's will pleasj provide from place to place. We acm -papers picao copy. conveyance Gin. Morgan. We hear on very good authority that Gen. Morgan has left Kentuc ky and is now in Virginia. All the Yankee accounts of the defeat and demoralization of bis command are dimply Yankecish. He cap tured 3000 hordes and brought oat 1800. A singular coincidence occurred in his capturing Gen. Hobson who had formerly captured him. Instead of taking revenj"?, Morgan paroled him on his promise to use all bis ef forts for the release of Col. Duke, or failing in the effort, to return and deliver himself a prisoner. Columbia Guardian, 21th. FCK SALE! I A RESIDENCE NEAIi GREEXSBORO,' N. C. ia new, and ose of the best ia the countr, containing ight, large rooms, and all ncce-sry out-houses. The land, 225 ceres, and produces finely. Theieiire lOOl' of the choic est fruit treis on it, selected -JYom the AVestbrook Nur-crv. A rare opportunity is noiv offered to per bons wishing a home or investment. -Address J. II. july 4 dl2t KittrellV Depot N. C. HEADQUARTERS,! KtxsiON, Jmly 1st, 1SG4. J CIIICILAK. THEREAFTER, all wriften communications te A persons living b'dow the ljinfeIerate lines, wilt be forwarded, acZ, to ths care of the Provost Marshal, Kington, for examination. liy Urdo-.of COL. J. N. WIIITFOKP. julj -1-dCt" J. G. Sciiknck, Adjt. ' FOIi THE LEGISLATURE. TyE are authorized to announce Col. M. K. Tr CRAWFORD as a candidats for re-election to asesitin the House of Commons of the next General Assembly of North Carolina, from Wayne county. jul 2-dte. ,i , - , , , i WAKE COTJIfTY. rilHE SHERIFFALTY. We are autherized aad A. i cq nested to annoaBce Yf . II. HIGH, Esq., as a candidate for re-eleeti(Q to the office mf Sheriff, atha election ia August. ju 17-tde-dJiw CHANGE 0' SCHEDULE. ON AXD AFTER FRIDAY 2TH INST., OUR mail rrain will leave Raleigh at 10 o'clock A. M., renaming will arrive at 1 A. M. V. A. UU.N.N, Uenl. upt. Ullice li. & Jr. K. U. Co., Raleigh,. June 22, 18C4. jane 20-12S-dl2t SEQUFSTIMT&U DEISTS. rjpilfl undersigned will attend at the following times and places, to collect the interest on tha Sequestrated Debts in his District, viz : at ilillsboro; July 14th, 1864. 'Raleigh 2a&21. "F'aycUuville " 27. 28 & 29. " G. II, WILDER, Receiver. Fayetteville Observer copy till July 29. ; . j'uoe 27 dtjy 29. KEY BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED LY EVA MS & ODGSVVELU COLUMUIA, S. 0. THE SPIfUT OF MILITARY INSTITUTIONS, liy M rshal Marmont. .Tratii-lated from tho latctt I'aris edition hy Fhaxic Sciiali.kk, Culuact i2d Regiment Mi.-Ls-ippi infantry. Neatly bound. Pricj $6. Oae-thirU oil' to tho trade. . IX PASTRY TACTICS, F'or J'rinde Division, and .Army Corps, by Uin. Casev, C S. Army. I'ronounetd the best work of the kiud in the ia-iguage. I!!ustrated with 29 Lithographed I'lates, aad well bound. Prite $5, Onc-tiiird oil' to the tTade. CJIISO!. SlilUEUY, Reing a third edition of this valuable work. Splendidly illudtrated, and linely bound. Price $11). One-third off tu the trade. . 'Iho editions of all of fclicso valuable works ;re under 2,000 pie?, and tnuce in want will do well to send in thoir ordeis at oncC ALfO, GENERAL ORDER, A. L I. G.'s OCiee, np to let April, 1:504. Piiee 5p. One-third off to the trade. ANDREW'S LIGHT ARTILLERY DRILL. Splendidly illustrated. Price $1. One-third off to the trade. Any of the.e books will he sent free of postage on receipt of the price, in new issue, or the old at tho discount. EVAITS &l COGSWELL, . july 4 d3t Publishers. $3CGilEVVARB I WILL PAY the above reward of three hun dred dollars for tho apprehension or contine ment in Jail eith r North Carolina or Virvinia, my nejrro boy flENRY, so that I can get hi;a. Said bor is 2. ears old, was riijed ia Orange county Virginia, and has been in Richmond tor the l-st four years with Mr. Davis; heisSi'eet 9 or 10 inches" lii;h, dark mulatto, complains of rheumatism in both le a-d arms, spare made, rsaid bov left .my plantation in Davie cou'nty, North Carolina on l'Jth inst , and may be trying to make his way baek to nginia. june 27, lSGi dlOt.' T. N. COOPER. SALE OF YALIAF-LE PROI'EliTV. I WILL, AS THE AGENT OF THE LATE J.-sEi-u Rloft, or lor sale, t the highest bidder, at tha Court House iu the town of Hili horo', on Tuesday, the 1-ith dav of Julr next, that valuable farm, known ns the Darid liar, place, within two miles of Hillsboro', and containing three hundred and sixt -one acres more than one half of which is ia woods. Said farm is in tirst rate can Jition, with fences thoroughly repaired. The house caEtaias eight rooms in good repair, with all neeearr out buildings in s: ood condition with the exeeatioii of two barris. The farm has on it two excellent Orchards of selected fruit trees, two ood meadows, and i abundantly watered. Tcrajs, twelve laonths credit, bond with ap proved seenrit r, bearing imterest from 1st day of January 18G5 ;tbe title to be reserved until the purchase iuodt is paid in. WILLIAM II. STAS DIN, Aet. jue 15-120-deodlotv NSW PUBLICATIONS LY BURKE, B0Y5IS & CO., MACON' GEORGIA. V 0V READY : Master Wiliiam Mitten, Or the IN Youth of Brilliant Talents, who- was ruined bv bad luck. Ry Judge Longitreot, author of "Georgia Scenes." Price $5. CAMP AND FIELD. Papers from the Port folio of an Army Chaplain. Ry the Rev. Jos. Cross. I). D. Part 1st now ready. Price $3. DUNCAN ADAIR: or, Captured in Escaping. A Ftorv of one of Morgan's men. By Mrs. Jane T. ll."Cross. Nearlv fedv. Price 1,00. YOUNG MAROOXERS. By Rev. Francis R. Goulding. A most entertaining book for young per?ons. Pronounced by good judges to be equal to Robinson Crusoe. Price $:.UU0. A liberal discount to the trad? from the fore going prices. For the amount nmed, remitted to us in current funds, we will send either or all of these books, post paid, to any part of the Con federacy, Address jjqykin A CO., Macon, Georgia. Acv newspaper in the Confederacy copying the the above advertisemcntVith this note, will re ceive a copy of each of the abov books, upon receipt of piper containing the-advertiseinent. June 29, 1804. TVAKRESTOX FEMALE COLLEGE. rpiIE Fall Sasion of this School will begin on L Wednesday, the 20th of July, aad continue twenty weeks. " Parents, who wish to seeure rooms for their daughters, will please inform us immediately, as we cannot provide for a very large number of boar ders. . ' . Pupils 'are requested to bring books, slates, mus ic, Ac., and te be present at the' opening of the fcetsioir. For teima Ac, address E. E. PARIIAM, july 4 dCt ' Warrenton N. C. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. Tally-Ho, Granville Co. IT. C. . Tho Fall Sesslnn el this Sehcol, undrr th? care of T. J. HORN Ell, assisted by J. H. ROWLAND, commences t 3rd Monday in July. The price of board and tuitiea is $600 per ses sion. Application for'admission should be made i advance. T. J. HORNER, june 20-124 d!8t Mrs- H. Vf. Miller. BOARD . By the Day, " Week, " Montb, ifeals aie, june ItS-dly 25 90 20 224 Cam!.5ad N. C. Iafantry, 1 Jcnb 27rH, 1S64. J rpo tes Citizens of Wayne County, N. C. : By JL request I aupounce myself a candidate to re present you in the Senate of your next General Assembly. D elected I sUall endeavor U serve your interest, ii not elected I shall cheerfully abide your decision. I am vour ob'frservant, Ac. J 133-d6t 'W. T. FAIRCLOTH. $2000 K. . BASK K0TES WASTED. WE are commiesioned to purchase the above amount of -iotes on North Carolina Banks. Persons wishing to sell will plea.se call on us. We will pay tho highest market price, either in gold or new" currency. CREECH & L1TCHFORD, Commission Merchants. june 30-133-2ttas. QHEET IRON FOR SORGHUM BOILERS O VA and SJeet long, 3-16 inches thick and 30 , inches wide, for sale bv jaly 2-15-dtf CREECH fe LITCHFORD. OXFORD FEMALE SEflLNA&Y. PRINCIPALS: Rev. T.N. Faucettk, ASSISTANTS: Miss .Vnnik P. Smith, MlS-sLlLLIE P. LlTLKJOH. Mrts M. A. Faucet ru MISS Mollie E. Waldo, a graduate of Music Vale Seminary, has charge of th Music De partment. With saeh a corps of thoroughly qualified Southern Teacher?, we confidently "ex pect a liberal patronage. The fall Session' will commence on the 11th nf July, and coatinue twen ty west. For particulars address Rev. T. M. FAUCETT, july 2-13"-dGt ' Oxford N. C. CONFEDERATE TAX NOTICE. ATOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN, THAT I WILL 1i attend with the As'Sors at my orlice trom the 5th, to the l'ith of July, to receive the 'tax-s on quarterly ynles, due the 1st July 1804. An amount equal to one fi th of'tlu tax on sales will be added, to be paid in Confederate notes of - th new Lfsme. KlJFUS H. PAGE, jun 23-127-tjvl2 Collector 10th Di.stiict. NEW AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Wli. AND K. S. TUCKKU AM) W. IS. Andrews, have this day associated them-S'-lvc. toseth"! under the name and style of TUCKER, ANDREWS A Co., for the purpose of conducting a general Auction and Commission buiint-ss. All business entrusted to them will meet with pnvnntnss and dispateh. ' TUCKER, ANDREWS A CO. june 23 1'27-dtf Millsboro X. (j. Military Acadrajy. Thy Second Session (lS'Jl) of this Institu tion, wili co.nruence Jalv l.-t. For Circulars and iniormanou apply to Mji. Wm. ?.f. GORDON, ma. 17 05-d3m Ta,x Notice. I WILL attend my office, t. the Court -House, in the cit3' of Raleigh on the 1st day of JUL M;xtt for the pur pose of collecting Taxes due from Merchants for the vear ending ft Julv, 18G4 ju25-129-d5t " W. H. HKHi, JherifT. Office Nohth-Carolina Railroad Co. f Vanck, June 22, 13(i4. f fplIE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MELTINtJ OF j the Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail road Company will be held in the city cf Raleigh, on Thursday July 14th, lS.'ii. Stockhuld.-rs who cannot attend in t.erson will please bend their proxies. P. A. STAGG. iuse 2i-123-oaM5t Secretary. TO THE PEOPLE OF WAKK CUIWTY. rpIIK CANDIDATES FOR THE LEG1SLA t ture and for. Sheriff will meet and address their fedow-citizeiis at Buibee's Banks' Franklins Spikes Dunnsville Fores tv ill e Rolciviilo Wak-titld Hood's Barney Jone-.' Lashiey's X R'ids Green fj;,vel Moriisville Hayes' OaIc (irove Laws' Thompson's ' Wiiev Lvnn's Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday We-ip'-sday Tlousiay Friday Saturday Monday Tie?day Wednesday July U 15 " 16 " 13 44 ID " 20 " 21 tt 22 23 " 25 25 a 27 " 23 " VJ 30 Aug't 1st 2 u - 3 Thurs-iay Friday Saturday Monday ' Tuesday Wtdr.esdav The Tax Co ectors will al'o ctterjd and all will have an opportunity of paving thr-ir State and County Taxss. W. II. UK; H, Sheriff, june 27th. 1664 dtf TliVKSDAY, Jl'XK 10, 1S61. k3 Proposals will be re;-ived by the under? inrd until the hr.t day ot September next, lor contracts . for making verbatim reports of the proceedicgj I and debates of the Senate of the Confederal : . States. j The contractor will be required to famish his own assistants. The sessions of the Ser;.tttw ii, j it' is esiimated, average about six months per an , Bum.mui ahout three bouts per day. Stationm-y will be furnMwd at the expense f 4 the Senate, 'a? a!.o a reporter's room for writing out note., together with lis: lit? and luel. The contract will oe .ude for one year froia ' the tirst Monday of oren.bt-r ntxt. and a ro rJa cotnpensatiou paid th contiactr monthly. The reports must ein'niaee a verbatim report of all motions, resolutions, remarks, spevches, and guch amend ments ulfered as may be necessary to explain the debates. ' Tnv committee estimate that the ' principal "re-, porter a- d three ad;t;iiifs cm perform the wotk. . The chi-f repoiiter anti hts ait;rit3 will be officers of the Senate, aud entitl-d to tee privileges and immunities incidental tnereto, and renij.Tal by the Senate for anr want of capacity or tid-i ty. A fair cop v of the daitv reports ia est be written complete in" tiiae for the next daily morning papers. Proponls will be addressed to James L. Ohr, Anderson, South Carolina. JAMES L. ORR, Chairman, K. W. J' HVSON, A. G. P.r.oWN. 'Richmond, June 11th, Ibii. 121-tawl5t. CaIldidates, Cards. CRAVEN COUNTY. Tv thz Soldiers and Citizen Voters Craven A T TH SOLICITATIONS OF MANY V friends, I offer myself a candidate for re-election to represent the comnty f Craven in the Hose of Coinmoc?, ia the next Legislatare of North Caroliaa. If elected, 1 will serve vu to tae best of lay ability, a', all times guarding well roar iaterest?. T. II. G A SKIN'S, june 12-118 dte 1st Lt. Co. B,67th Rft. N C T For the Sbe riCalty of I'raTerr We r anthorired to announce, that ALEXANDER C. LATHAM is a candidate for re-election tto the o&ice of Sheriff, in the county of Craven. may 24-101-dtf. ' FOR SHKRIFF OF WILSON. WJK ARE REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE V V W. W. HATf S, as a candidate for bheriff of Wilson couaiy, at the easaieg electioa. JoyaeryDepot, June 5. 121-tde. Granville County. E are authorized to announce Dr. W. P. Y'OUNt, of the ariar of Northern Vir- w giaia, as a candidate for a seat in the House of Commons to represent the people of Granville ia oar next Legislature. Hs will .upport Governor Vance for re-election as Governor fur the next terra. ja 10-116-tf TO TS VOTERS QT CSAVIT CC5TY. TjELLOW CITIZENS AND SOLDIERS; I i anioaace myself a caadiilatl 1'vr re-electi-n to the Seaate for the aext Term of our LeisU tare. Daring thu past Terta, I hare endeavored t discharge tar duties faithfally, aad accerdiag to my ability. "I thank yoa for th hoaer you have heretofore done aoe, and hope to tnrit ywur coatinued confideace and ftappert. Your Obt Serv't. jaae 14 121-dte NAf HAN WHIT OSD. I am Aiit3orIscl to Aanoancc !v A. Fee, of Caldwell County, as 4i caadidat to repre sent the Senatorial District composed of the Counties of Ciid well, Burke and McDowell, ia the next General Assembly of North C oiina. ' june 18 123-d4w. SllEUtlfF tJF CATAWBA COUNTY, WE are authorized to Renounce tht JONAS CLINE is a candidate for re-eiectioa to tbe efdee of -JiheiilT of Catawba County in August iiaxt. jaue ?7," 18G4. dte. . FGli SHERIFF. TrE are authorized U announce WM. J. POPE ' for Sheud' of Lenoir county, at the election iu August. " jul l-134-dt LENOIR COUNTY. "rE are ruthoriz.vX to announce W. W. DUNN ' as a candidate for tha Housu of Commons froaj Lenoir county at the ensuing electiou. jul l134-c!6t WK. ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Dr. JOHN F. FOARD a emdidate'to rp rc.vnt the Cmty of Rowan ia tbe House of Com mons of the next General Assemidy of the Stata. . , . Greene CsiiiUy. To th: &1 'iers and -CUiz:n Voters rf Gr-'cne County : T ihe folicitatin of tn.vnv friend., I uniionnce myself a candidate, to iv pr".nt the county of Green in the Hons 3 of C iuiuoii.s s.f tho i.cjci Lcgi. lature f North Carolina. If elected, I w iils'-i ve x-fi to the be-t of nr abiiity; guiidieg your interests wiih unswerving fjdiiity. J. T. FREEMAN. Snow Uill, June 27, 1804. .EiJ-dte. Wilmington Jnuraal aod State Jtmrnal cpy. A C AND UMTS" FOR TIIK LIISLATl RE. jy t lT 'A Vi il W. IX V-K .V , Co. K, 1st S. C. JL Cavalry, respect! ully olf-rs his services to repr':r:er.t the people of Warren county iu the Housj of Commons of th.? next' Legislature. Election first Thursi.ty in August. may 1 l-r."-jvtde ' TO Tliri VOTERS' OF FITT C'Jtm. GENTLEMEN: In repons'f to tlie soMcitatio-s of numerous friend-!, I hereby announej mysdf a c;!rniidiie tr the oSi.-e of SheriG' ul Pot coutiry. If elected, I .h:ul en Lavor to diseh.tro t'.a duties of tlie oOiee faithfully. JAMES II. FORBES. ' jidy 4, 18fi4. d'A. JctPdslifti County. Tie zvo, aninsrizrec and rcquMted toantioance the fallowing gen tlemen as the Conservative canrli late3 to it pre sent the county of Johnston in the next (Jeni al As-euiblv: For the S?nata-TIIOS. D. SNE. D, Esq. Fer the CVmmons W. G. RANKS and W. A. SMITH. 1 his ticket was seUc.edby the Re?efV's frora Johnston, in eamn t Goldsboro and by a mass m'eetins of the tdtizers r'Nainin1 at home, held at SmithbV.d on the 2Hth of May. Thcta ffei tle nen will t-e supported by ail tre Coti-t-r vatives. Th'V en iers tiie plitforii of Vie: Prrsideat Stephens, Gov. Rrown and Vr. W. IIMc3, . and if d ieted will do all they caa to procure an early and honorable peace Jura 3 110 dhy DAVIbSOh Ctii'NTY. To tlie Soldier 4n ; Citizen Voters of i Davidson Countr : We ne-3 permitted t au tioujj'cj Col. 0. W. Br dha-, of the 12d Kf s't. N. C. Tioo,. aa snitatd-t f-an'.idate to represent the people (;i Davidson CoUHy in tfi" ILun of Com. icons of the Gnrral Asembl v of Noi th Carolina. -Col. Lrao-haw has been a faithful soldier in the fi -Id for thr'e vears in dfft-HC it ii cntrv; aud will a; faithfully represc& Lis counti t it rests in tho Legislator, if the peoolr rail him to that position. 124 ANY VOTERS. june 27, ISG1. d2'J: To the Soidieis and Voters of Ilartin C cunty. 1J1 AYIXO ben repeatedly s-i!icit.ed by many i. friends ia and out of the aircy, I have cm sented to aanoance cm sulfas candidate tu reare snit the eouaty nf Marti in tit Hoe.-. of 1,'ou Hsons cf thiRt-xt G-n-r.il Ast-d-ly of Nwrth Cro b(a. As t i tli uoiky of thu country, 1 will n'ujp ly ftatc, tbt 1 be!i?v the surrt way to obtaia a pei ojaneat and ariy pace, is for th i cople t hoMe to support the Ad.iiitii-itration -f the Presi dent, and t d,o ali iu thir p er t aw.riinrate tbe f tk., . l.li. I.' ti ,;i;.o It.;U' tt.t 1 fj,it4:f,ltiT Bervrd m--pantrv be field for the last three ye-rs. I flatter Hiy-lflbjt I krinwh'me thing of a pd3iei 's li , ind tbat I l?el for hiw a iaterest tLMt m osc t-l e an iLo aotborae with him .h s t ils and p; iv j irjs. His ietere-t is the interest of our w;iiis!ni o ici.trt. I a Var.ce man mt! a.n -to..th asd :? mil" oppuseJ to Holder. 1 witli.ir!y ja'J. tiat :f!-eteuto the pcifiti' n. it i not .t ; t u li- t lcav the artev, a d n iri'i; th- tiu not peat in the L-g-ilatire i!a:N. I w iil L t-u .1, a in daty bouLi, with uiv giiarit it-gisi-iit. rhavitir; with tbcu? the fonunrs of war. Ii 'ct--.1 . the u!fttt ot brti'n citiZ'-fi nu .)Miris l t-. va to tk b-t .'f lay alility. If imt. 1 Iu'! eride their decis ive Ve;'v i' -o- t J u i . . " ri V". KNIGUT, L cut ;.i. 31, t . C. T. Jun? 9. UZi. ' 1 15-dzlt rns ciTizxs. sot. dj ens azu kr- FUH tlS . O t' t' A . Q CO T A .7 CO USTT. - 7 Z ax? ati.u. :zrd to tce:ujr fcEO. W. V H.INVON. a c..Tuiiat ta r-ereseat Pa qutiiik cjunty ia th text Ueae f Ceaiaies. w. lt?-S3-dtw twt WTY, are Jiuib-tr z'd t n or.stod to V V arcuuee U. I ;iT t V . M CMi.didate fr th- ilonri of Of a ..'. '.r-i Aiaioar;(9 Cwna- ty. i.i iuii tJi i.-xt L':-: t;;. -r. 7-112-utJtiwit From the Conservative. Trrason Stalks AbroadThe Conspiracy Ex posed!! A fecref rath-bout.il S ciety, of a treasan able character, exists iu North Carolina. There can be no ibmbt of the fact. The j rocf has been gradually accumulating and is low over whe miag. Tbe camw cfsi.nie of it traitor ous leaders are known. Their dare of .11 scnabUge have Letn ajcert.ineil. Their c!ian nels of 'com!nutication" bare betn discovered. And as an evidence alike of t!i extent to which treason lias ventnmi.to prorata Igatu itn flagitious tlocUiue.s i.i our midst, arvl f the jMsitivetiess f our kn -wktlge repecting the organization through which it eks to destrojr tlie Omfedeiacy, we would cail tbe-attentiou cf the publi;- to the following facts which have been disclosed by tl. iaitiated. 1. Tne orgaui7.atiou is known as (ho II. O. A. Scci-ty the letters standing for tho wordj Heroes ' Aunrica.' 2 Its motto i Truth, Honor, Fidelity at.4 Jnxtire. 2. Tbe Oath is as folbw : I, A. B., or my own freo will and accord, and in the presence of Almighty God, d hereby and hereon mosteolemnly swear, or affirm, that I will never reveal the secrets of the II. U. A. to any persoD, except it be to a true and lawful brother lIt?ro. I furthermore promise an. I swear, that I will not confer the decree of the. ILro upon a,ny person in the woild, except I am au'horized by u brother who has po.er to dj so. I furthermore promise . and swear, that I will not give the secret words of the flcrot in uny other manner than thai whieh I Bha'l hereafter reccivo it. I furthermore promise and sw ear, that I will not w-rite, t ut, paint, pritj, or stn on anything moveable or immoveable, where by the feereta words of the t. 0. A. may be tnado knon. I furthermore promise and fwear, that I . will not spenk evil of -a, brother lhn before hi factor behind his back ; but will ive him timi ly notice of all approaching dinger, binding myself under" a no les penalty than tint of having head shot tJtroujh so help me God nud keep me steadfast in tho due performance of the auac. This Oath is preceded by an ii janciion tr read the 2J Chapter t;f Johtia ; and ty the qutions; 'Arc jolt wil in t kvt- a aecivt? Are you willing to bo qualiticl to it ?' If-if-firui?.tive answers are giren, the candidate is told to 'repeat hid narou oixl I ev,in.' 4. The ii.n3 are these: Ordinary Si.j)i Tw fi'igrr on ihe nv uth. Answer hue fu-y.r pa?sfd by rTieew. Sijus of diatrtfs. Right fi-t e'e-ed or. the breast, uud loit hand aero.-- tlie mutti. o. Tiic words ot the II. f). A., are: This? are gloomy times." " Ves, but we exp ct better" Why do you expect better?" li. cause W3 look tr the crd of our delivctince." Also. th. words 44 Tarre," lht, " J)u:. "' and Was 'tiny n," wof be ouipielieudtd by the i'lfonnvu. f. Th'; SCriptavil :ill-;si.,n9 refT lt tbt si ry ef lbvhab. the Harlot, w!io hung h ,r.trll n,rd lr. in her bouvo to secure the protf c-i .0 wliieh l ad been pr-.o'ii-ed by the ipifi .f Jolni, f,r tho a.,-j:t 1 e tiibj-.U-d t!.e:; v.iii'ein Jericite. Th idea is to lo'i g nut t!: ta-a- r m.ji.c ainjil.'ir sigr. ta ti!--! V-Tkce-, .- t! it fioy ;:iv ie cognize ll.e'.r fiit-nds and alVufd theei f rotvei. 11 nod re,i f. rr.".i lois expofittoii of the sctrrls f he u aooiation. u'n.u-,tbs pl.-."ti, even to t)w m-tt canhd-nt of iti !.cinlr, that their limcl.ii.a tiwtis arc utide.'&tu.'id ;w!:ile, at the j-atiie tiin- it mtw seive t ecuviuce the nnwniy i tie-x-' tece of A to dar?trous cit!pi s.ey t;iuvt tbj Confedejac. We expi-ct to I;j abio to rbf'thi in m. fhort time a.i uccur-.te li.- ffil t:t H. ). A., t.get; e- with itfi ofii ;: plac-s -of iiicetinij-, mode cf "aji,i;U,ia: iti.-ri, ,c ; and tbou,:h we noiy h indued to ire laany v. have been U". wittingly hiveigVi ito the or ganization, iU riiilt a.Icra lud bitter he ware. The obircta of this as-fiat ion :' pre enii nent'y tfeiviaa! !. Ari tnifajsp'cting n vi is appr -Coo l, ui.tl (iiieti' d ns to 1 is ! jsiro to ha.e h:s pri-prrty pr. ic;cil io ti e event of raids, lithe b te t ak- , he i-s tnad.' to bv liovo tba stil-j'tg.iti.tti in itu-vit l!e ; th s'.ot' 01 the iiurint is n 1- tt t t oi'o indie itiug a mod of f;.srapy from Jh :iUof Mich a fate; tbtf Oath is then atln.ini.-tercd. and ttu ob jeets of the s ciety folly lii .doknr.n t. him. The Jlao uV.ds to hs Mirpii?, pe h ips, . that, in Thus :ittu!isptinj hy nciie:uu.s r.nJ - unpatriotii' ellot ts to -':t!re. favorabl ; t,!"!..s for binis. ll arid hv bo::':i ;iii in tJ us cfv Uio Pi preFp'r ni.ion th'? nii.-erif -', 1 f 1 is iVietdsanJ the Iowi)f-j'l of l.i.s counti'v has bf :. o ? the member of r.n assciali on dvi$,l h;j the Yanhe'x thcnis'lves, asaoov ri rii cowardly mears f if.'Cib.g th tubj-j.-di rt an 1 fb-.v;-ry of the S uth-rri p-ople. Hois p .'vd it as direct antagoui..-iri to li-e a:;?!, irtiors .'. Jaws o' the ( 'lailei.efacv, a if I" ta' en tbe Oath to Liticolo, or l;ad ti.it I in the iioithern nrtny. II bt o.ncs really 1 . pv, a cm j iiator, and a tr iiJ. r. in th;- f.iihst ti i an itig id t!'.t?2 vroru- u? j ct t 1 :l . en t'.y i OcAth at the hands oftf.e hatsc-nnn, aod with Mi tpdiinptitn l-efo.-e I ho Mtv? It. at affordrd by the litter min of ti e lan.i which gave Mm biitti. Io pr-, f "f 1 -s, it i r u)y f:rc.-.- u v t rr f r to that p-at:o.i ol the ;t'i. ' cl. bin's each niet-i'-r to i-st a b.";t!i . ;.'. ;.(! t. " give biin tiui'-ly o-.ti..-" of a!. ;.t,p;v.o '1 ttg danger." The obti':ti.ii i; . . i: .r, to" li.irburtni' of du-t rt; is gi'vi; : o! a d and c an fort to Van kc e j !-- e a. v y :: g i : : . n- ; r i;: fi t mati'-n to ee.-:x a: d tip m I ru;-j'ti- of ai..y act, I oa ever utipatr t.uz r tr a -oi.-bl'-, w hicii io ay be fjti, .r.dej y s te':; .n give the t. aT d;! rvs. a' no man del ab h'tn If, witi'ie r . ti n, that V If j !trev t i n i-i a I w of n.iiio-2 ' 8...-..1 an intcrprctaii'm w u:-! jv;i'v tne vti in itism.-' ahject .ar lica fr.e ira ta in bin wdder dream of ;:.:. :b; viTiari ia all that can rs c oceiv.d of p f:d:y. Tt,e law of (ri;d and m 01 ri'ir; ;! ho li r. r-re.-pondf c- piottujs. or at'tnipt- ; niah-n t. iro wah tr, -'tn i m m :.'t:.v, as r t r-,-. t J t er , i:lt a 1. . : a :i ;.-i ( i t r 1 o f.'t 1 i ,1. No S'l' iej f t.-T -.-!;! pe r'!u th j ?n I w-cked. a 1 i"ititry I r :'.. I, a: ot a i.at- .' - i-; h-r ry :-h .1 1 it ; i ro 1 e l ,)' 1 -y ajr .it . t 1 e ' u ' . 'iff ; -'er. 1 1' JA V g- ! h'.t : t: m-;i & a -I " t; -!.!; .... j ..... .'ie:i ' il. i;'' e-1 1 1 j du'.f O- i '(" !., t at:'-, ana :;:i :." .- ; r,k. . - i-. ic a (. je:t. . Tofi-h we w v.ild say, Ut a -ji; it of !;;:. udm--'i'tii n, t vi-wr-! v s t-T-t l-e'..re t! ? Wiri i. by f.bati'l-.a:in y ur en; a-.-'K-ia ', ait i ri'iiTeii-.g up i-i ir, fjily f 't vour co-joi'v, Tbe S-'trttt Cur I i- " 1 1 t p ov.-t t'.i -e of '-uriy ag.u,.-t ti e en .. . kt-. ; 1 1 inv ke the d -r -d f 1 - ' .: , ...?-. v."-e ou: -.X'" '. r :' v f i '--. a-'. '.., ctti.eir bt d, 1 1 to dii -ct tile and oi jtt;-.v in the vindication of In-r nntr.ijed laws. f if, perchance, t'n- fatr n" th- eon'jtirr-d hhonld I e ours, yn'l will fjrd tl at. i:i t f- ifniito tn rt,;..v,t1,.i r.tik r .v. . v.. ... i r .-- .-! ( ,.e- i.ifec iur, vow nave but relio.1 v mi 'a 1 roken m-d or rop of nar.d.' lund. r i their nt -reat p"..-iA:i. and u,".'V'er 1's U' T pf'Tni' woald m rve t tho slightest in-pe iiTrnt fo ifM hciiH gralifiea ti"n. AmoniiMJch tlitevesn they have dowir tbeirtH:lves, tbtre ntilv rentait honor rtK.it 2 h 'to hate their.db r' while they luxuriate in th-t fruifaof the trraNUi.' ' he V.iruniM ef (lot cnvtt'm would mi rely Wnv nn mdefeafsU.'e ri-ht to dep!.-f the wirtehrs who had tedd tlir c-.ii:.try. and to betr.tr tlitr.. in retnra Ct tl.tir hear!!-s t rrtidy. You no1 eipet no:l ,'w.c frora the Yankee, even if Mic -esMil, btiteont pt unj n..t;i ; while t!: rut-e t,f, your own p.-r.-dc will cling 't.i vn-ir el i'dieiH . chddren tLrrti.:h nil time. Hcim ml f r, t v, that iho eyt.a f every trnp man ar? upon you, and that act as you nny, dcttrthn is indita He. Te thoe who In? r.eted n the trertn ef tho enemy ia disemii.nting this ti.fi'i u?u- plot among our ppopltf to the high ) i. ,t r tin tnoNt difigracefTd pcliUm we w..Td 'in;U fay, th it in.tead ef dent in;- s.lvat:e:t i-i :i V it -t cud " they ouy yet f:ud per Jili ,1, in a di :oi u" 0',6. TlIX SKCBKT, OATU-t)fN!, T r F A C N A T: L K CojisriBACY rt'ii.T CoxnuMtn: 1 itj: tV. M'lBATf'ItS KXI CCIKI. io Votc w. lloi.ni.N ! ! husce the above was written, we hveie cc vrd the follow uig cn-uiiuunic iiien Irora the Her. O. Cburehldll, ofChatbam ciuor, wMcV willfully riplain it, self. Ai n p h ire Mi....eeeJ, vcr tince this trmsctmblei pb.t wax dtc!ad to ' exist, it fct.rt;s that ot.u 1 f its grafd j mi j e, it this State, is to elect W. V, Iluldcu,' Governor. The order rf the ' IL rrer. " it ha b. Pn aV certind, was imported tmm Yat.l;c Joia, anj it was csprcsly J-vle.l ard concu fed fr tho purpose vi mowing the r -eds of diloydtv nnJ tre;joii in the Confedetftte Ktate?, utdt'r thn fpecuU9 pretext of htloi.dieg protection and giving amnesty to fioe w tb.uM become" iiii'iated at-d tske the oath, in tl:o event tlm Yaukeo atni fi.i u'.d r;rt pi.s(ii.-.i id' the pnr ticu'.ar section of c. uatry in whi. h ihey nreht reide. In thi.i way, teduuM a ruinbtr 'of timid nn 1 unjuspectlug pfiomu, with" a view of raving tb r pr. perty. ai il p-.-i-ibly ih-ir lives, in tlie C iHiit'gt i.ey Mt:crt.'df have .udm i the crdcr of" Hroe.-.'' i'.ut we feel curb lent, that evrry he:. est loan wl.o las been eM:pp-.l in tl nvi't dau.r'ib'e ir.ver tiroi 4,f the 1 ucii y, now that the tdjel &f tl e mynuit. ii-iti ha-j beut a pn'"d. wid nt once drc'ati' noti-.'i l!wthip " witli it and expire the wir!e C'ou ri!. V"e af.pepd (.1 tlie Cjti.Uiio.lrklia i 1 I Hev. O. Cliwrchlii!!. "wbv if mi nn ii-.t u, .u at; I u in 11 i terofthe gopel, f tl.u iJ .f.tM j fi n ' ivti. in the couaty of Chatham, the crti icn; s i,f .Slh.M lbeki h and l'-.-nton IMUrd, 5. H. U- durd, J. I!. Long, and ll. M. iMic.g The e 1 tiu- nt n ie!uly awerti t, u;:l a the er.j t.fet s ntj u-id retrod to 'i fiel, troth ul vsr.ri'v, yro i r Mmi" i.i tii i' vr .l! jir t imjT M. Ii leeir Ii tlfouiy. We ill ii:.". e ti te to My :hMtith'i .vej'tt oiCi bound e-at ii r.'-y LumiI' i ; (: : I. m ( 'o., .V. (. Me.. I'roioa Sir ; I .;.h to ..t u f, , L fur tlie b n lit n! the public. : il'y. i b.-re i. a .'1: v,t c Mic rn in liiic, u-l i.(li i cMinti .., uf mr beloved Old Stf te. It. na 10 iiletoe. ..f America.' I Is id Jeet, or leaia o'j ar pin tecti'jii froo, 1 1, 1 noiiv . It hu i. ' ' i ' i .u o t oatlix attached t it. th it hts ..ir d 1 in. nnti d, .o a to pr v.o t it m.Ij et I. em tl;ig thefdet. It .!!-' ill- m-i'I i-t Hcnh, III. I 't1, (j.. i vr-rv fiendeT ir., lie 1 vtj r .i 'I ; io.d tl.- i.i.i'ipei a:.dw::y th'ta p-ihoiiii b; 1 1 ht, i-.io t hi.s '-on vi i:, m ra e ih .il t- i i. ). e i . . 'i'ii iaku Ui i'iite th" p Kin li'i i 10 ..Vi.i: i o-r th ; Ol'h tothviii, th 11 lh" ('alh li'tn a.-kf liif 1.1,- ' lidrtte ifl.e can k en-t '.' !!. t'-a him h thii.ks ran. 'ih 1. !e mm f t . hi-" ,!, ti h nnthi ig ia t!ii-i ag.iii-.-l y.nithff 1 !:l ;!!) or I '-ligou-! v, nt lii'-vr "t w i a t i t i, ' f :t!'t.' p r " r. 11 1. in t!;i , they (I. 1 . 11 p, a dthi l "l vru!, .w. i;t i:;to fhi- 11 . ' 1 - ' v : Mi.- ' 1 '. i a f!i rt ti ne th iht il v 1 .dl 1 i j'-i'. . 1.0, ; iht t i 1 n " . m? th- i,a. of (-.);tie !: , .th 1 1 . bf donii g Melude I w illi n"nii. i: .t.tlti.k (.!, tiiV eye- we; c oj 'MirJ to t 'ilrit 1 i 1. ! .' u t'- r in cf If :;rd Dtli'l.-1. 2 litoi.ee dt!.4icd l.!-:ti--1 ! ; with the ro.Kcti!, ani I ia d to I 1 torsive me I'M- Uing an il; a 1 1. i ntr. At d 1 I;1 . licve ;)(.! lorgave in-tor it. Th it I t-,',( -,.ii ,.' uiy frientls :iiy thought 11,10:1 'h Milj ct. I am a uaa that u oh. -N i.iiei tt v od rnd ln i,,v ilatv to my eouiiti v. 1 f d.ik I aiii ,1 hual ma;, ffi.it alwais have b;i it n.il I do 1.01 w ;r! t l in ."ivlhii:g that ba a . i!oval t:n 1 !, A:iin, 1 th iurht m' tn brave I.m , who w n tjhtin;; lor oitr ind-pei.d-iue, aiel of .1!! 1 L t 1 had d.ie. It a as 'aid too that all lho v. le b- hoi ' A t'i this concern ice cxo-c?J t vf- !-.: h. II d-. dn. 1 knw that I eot!d if t 4"!! V, .u J hav. ever b."j.i a warm Mirporte.- of 'A. I'. V.-.ia . and, etpect. if pr Mi.iJtid t'i li c to g i to ih; p"i!', i'.i Ai:f t mxt, to vt (or l iei s:v.:.ri. I ' i !.i, ... a (i 1 't.l, my lu .ill nf tho v ho hi. bei-n I 1 i ! flfid nii'lfd, to o.vie i'-ht out l th s tl.ttgnf tntr-r. , I'peej!!r do I ( M. Oi I.i! ,, ? (,. . t c m?'u:t: end I w ni l .iy t ot' lh.oii thif. have i.ut n yrt h-M-'i hji el,t j'.t thi- t ::-t ?!.! .al.o1. net to a'-cept d' a" v p .,p';ilion :'ut t,nv b' In id- " 'dl' red; o' I l;il o i it l a tlio th it ought re.t io cxi't t) i:- a'-.'ho: il ,i ., it j tr-;):'u, ;'i.d I en it t, , i idu. 'di'i ai.i I, .V ki efiti it - -.-i-i tt.. .:, 1 ti. h ' out. ''( ut'u i'j.o: Li,,i!ir.. l.-fauu it ! .iiit.-td- of i-v--r t! 'r l'.. ! i-i. 1 i'ii.i!l ai.d liiit. I d 1 n .1 l.-ii.-vt thdt it. i ..js h'ua! is i-i:ii-r ad. cr h.ih boui.d to it: f..r tl.t). ih ii m- t: in 1 Hi. h'i ;i I hive d'i:te 40 t- your (.d a.il.fk ,j. j.ive-e-.. t'.i-n go t'i the tJo Vf Trior v f vi c and l iy the taatt. r m n h ! .r., 1. ;:.(.' , . t ,t . giv.i)' atidvo.i a ill b j.aid.t. I at .,., j ,r v. e h 1 re a 'iv t n ir ho tti 9 to do 1 i .-!!. 1 haveihi Mf'iiili fi r thin tifn. I t iv Ha:?i. 1. .at. lent r, Ti a can pu',h,a th: ll ou tt:;-'.: 1: wi.i .... 1 1 u, v if o' t;- ! . .11. t t-i m.uic tj.,er. ' (I. fill ''ii;j.L.' STAT M OF N'tM'. I JJ f f.uL! , Ci:aih I.'o'.m v, J 4: j. ThN I to e--:fit;. tht So.. Jin. k. it a -,j t -alvd o fct", fo.e of l(1 .,, til:' .Iu'!'1 0 (!, I'. .! j in at. ; for .i; I c-'iniv, a,.d t--:,!,- . ti 1, I -t, w IT.' ' ,'! h f , , , !,..:',,;! i! .f i e ,( ,j . . ti;- o! j ' t . t f. hi h. Jo- t!--l;,'ht, . ;. 1 , 1 j t r, 1 - ..:. t-y, n.il e. ' ft lo'- "n - h if U U.--t t o.J, th:..' I. il i.o lo...-.- t, 1 . .ro,,n:itioa ; t!i;jt h 1 I .1 i'Hit hv : !i t 1 Ii i 11 's- . , . . p, , , i- v. .!l p.s. ! hi-;, nr .: ! ' ; 1 I ,. a o d af;d bn el r(' i e, m ; f., ; iv ag:a. Si LaS ;. u i , il. 1 ... J. '. . -1 a 1 :: or- .vop.Tir r iaf.T v ) .; . ,u -t C o n rv, .Jfoo. 2a 1- a. ' ( ; 1 r-y th : 1; j,v,a i; : . .j. j. 1J. L rg .nt I M. ,, iv. i;, i ti,.- .la.i;...., o . ti : 1. . i hv; . tho, hi . . I... .. il. ' ... 1 m v i - i, , f.r i-t'i;: u"! v. t- 'i'Voi ; tint !, v I-' ; 1 ,1 ff f t "t -at i,'', iu i." ,.id o ir.i I u. : : .. tt t 1 l wrong, h ive dccUf i d tiei.-i lo .i, h 1 : . it. o.d th r w 'xth the public jjeri"' a.I to u . Pt I 'hit tM-yn-i-t" t.i!.hd .-. to it jiljc-, (it. I as ;'oi d an i loyal citize'- of ih.o'r eoutor..thv vi-'i ir fait::- r tin I id that th-v 'wi'l tn.. I.e. ho to my unh 01 gatd7ation, and th (d."vl .-. thor .cred honor hon -et t:ieri etver to itt. -p in an thir. th it h i a t 1 l-u. y t i Jj r- their fmii ; .1 iV-v m,h f l th ,,,',i . ill ;. u i . 1 t h- 1 t .1 th ir tui't p ; s 1 t" i.i.-e t?i aT t1 v , ;.j 1. 1 -t e 1.' .1 b . ' . ' i . , 1 . !i aa ot. r''iiiativn again. If. COU.Vflf.. J. J'. I f