:'. -7 I 7 1 n ,) H. a l. f ' fry cA D AILY CONFEDERATE. U ?i. r!!ilAX & CO., Proprietors. JULY COITION, for ti tuotitas . 3 . . tt 1 " ..15 9 1 i' ii l-'.V V. LK LY, for S months " .i titt . 6 months 'A7 EEKLY EDITION, for G months ... Xo ,-uL).Pviitins received on any otber terma h.T 'he above, nor for a lonff r or shorter period. LC'uISUTIYE RECORDS. EXTRA fcE SION, May, 1864. On the Habeas, Corpus." A j .int emnmitiee was appointed on. that i-.n.-l il. Governor' Message lelati've to a ifi"0 tne writ oi hi'ueus corpus. A uiiii iiiiniriiy report was Eubruitted. . Ti.u iv.li--.vv.iii; i the . MAjoiUTY REP UT. llffiKiilious concerning cntnn nets of the late Von-jr of lite Confederate Slat's. ll-so!vt:d, Th.it while the pe-pl of Xrth ;ru!n.ii have ever been and still are unxioti t rtrM.gthen f-'.o I'd ministration of the Om-iCTe-;tt("pj'V'rnuieiJt in every Ieitma'e way, ii I tf j rou'ou- ti e success of the common . 1 1 :.-., i:i cr lur that we r.iay have a speedy rt'i.; i:o-)o:;iid'j c-, they view with deep ! o ni and aUr.n the repeated and manifest init u ti'.us o': the C.ti?titutiou by tlieC"ngres or t e Guuud rate Sta ts, and thi General A: s.-i..oiy 'loth, in Iheir nam, protest against infractions as . f pernicious example and U;..fc ior.dijucy. HxQlre l, i'-at. the act of'tha late Cugress, en a. ;.J Mil -ct to suspend the privileg of u.h wrir, of FnUus cn-pm in curtain case."' vwbt.es thelu d.ti:et)tul maxim of republican -. veroioenl wdji.-li rq'iiri a Hi'parati m of ihe J pjrtiM.-n's ot pow r, 'ulo'hea the Executive w i : : jiid.- iii t'ii!i tiris whicli tj 5iiro cannot t,oinii'ioiijiiy router even on the j'idiciary it.-.-ir, t..J - wis at naught the most emphatic iiod-o :nit ytmatJie.?! or ttie ConstitntioQ. lU.aoiKKil, Tisat thir Ger.cral Asss-tnl'Iy, rep ..!' tj.; the p op!e of North Li-odna, doth i, .i cu .ic-ot to th-a a.'rivijJof the vital priuci o!.., oi tr j ! jro'.-ra'ueut," in a wr carried on t. .: iy t scene u h! perpetuate tliein, arid J ao 'i'-c! re that nu ''eoudicions uf public d .ii . i r," l)i3cLt or prospective, probable or pov-.iiiV, can rt:Mr tne iihortien of the people ): i iriup.tiio!" v. it!i the puhtio safety. Jlwnv.li Tn it ihoai-t t.ftne . me Congress, e o i lie I "?.n act to oratiiZ-4 forces to serve t!';.! - ti"; w.r," ilocl irin all winta men re?-i di-.;.3 oi' the Con'edetiite Stitts betw-tiii the of a ' viiteen :md iii'ty to . e in the military i' fvi f, tMnbra'jin; in its provisions every rvaf i.iri. ' r in ail tlie departments, EX'.cii tiN. :, fv -iiati ve and Judicial, and -snhjectin wo i; : o liid'i.-ti i ii pursuit.- of the coantry tt hjiiiury suf.crvi-ioa aud control, redaccd the ivat .rovernniriiit to mere provincial adwdr.id-ti.ii..o-, !.. jt'"iiijnt on the grace and favor of n i m I tliH Ex.'cutive, U destructive of ,S vo s.ivi!'fi"uty, "and imports an assertion i :: i.-.-er . i the fart of CnresiS to c nvert I V: t'.-nU-iJi-rate overiMBciit lulo A coi;soLidat- ' u-i lonit.i-y dfpoiism. ii, oi:tl, Ti at tliis Getieral As.t;nihty doth t r :-i" !ao I'qr.e t .-nr Senators a';d ileptescii t;v tv s i C across to ti e the r b'-st end -avors t. oio me :i leo- al of lii" tirst iiie itiooeil act, a.i i ri mo iiiie ilioos o! the second as r r tiie riyhn, nd preserve the integrity of l.. - A -:-s of the Confederacy. .o'(';;l, That a copy ot thes re)lithns l;- ii-.- .-nil tied to eacn of our tJer-a'ori and ii i t. 'i.t.i iv.s in 0-.n gross. I , tnr- 8 n -tie, Mr, Hall submitted the fcl Ij.1. i; tninoiiiy rep rt; II .:,oi'f. i, Th '.t in the present critical juna-tiut- ..t our nil'a rs, ic i.s-iiexp.'di.-nt for the tj :('' i-.a.ui : of N 'fin "ir !in i tespvcs' any ,i u uji u 'the re.:out legislation oT (Jougrtss i.,o --v.r.i: the .-.u--peu.ioi) of the privilege ol the v . oi i.o-'if. cur p: T'-e i.iitf.riiy report wis rejected by the ji .'; 7 . i-C vote : Yi-A,tM ,.,.r Avcock, .Carra-vav, Cpe 1 ! ... l) i k -n. hVlis. F-ison, Hall, Marriss of 'i.i k !., I k", Hfdeman, J.iuds-, Oitlaw, l i 4 r. 1 . i' ' 11, Simpson, Saritn uf Auson, ;i- i YmI.ii .' 17. A' Y ,-" o -;-rs. Adams f Davidson, Adims i ii'tidorsl, ArtM-.de'.i, itaj icy , Berry, III nnt, P. 'i.t-n, C hivi , llirris of ii Uherford, Joi.cs, L . t i Lf-'n-'-i, iiiirhe-.vs, Mnniii, Neal, I ti. I'.i-nek. Sm!-r-, Sh.irpe, Shuuhtt-r, ;'i ot XI vcoti, Sin tli of Stanly, Taylor i f ' ;.rn, W.uren, V lit t ford, Wiggins, Woo 1 .. a .d Wriglit 28. i lu- ij.ie.irioa ari-iog on the adoption ol the re a.. ai of tn- cotuuiittce in tlu whole, re Mr -'i as to!!o'.vs; V; a Me.--i,s. A 'ams ol David-m, Adams o1 ti ; tor i. Aivudoll, liiglevr Uerry. 15l.na;t ?i o . .-, liro.vi!, liifiiof liutiierf rdf Jia?s, , ''.-v. 1 i coi Ma'thi vvs, Xlurrill, ed, Tat t I'.itri.-k, Sr.d.TH, S!i; rpe, Slaughter, S ;.::n nl ii.-oij, Snutli of Stanly, Taylor of ,i ijiin, N ar.en, Wooley, ami Wriyhi '26. N . v J M.'ssvs. Aveock, Carrao-ay, Cope ! ... I cI-m lMis. l'"a;-on. Jlall, Harris of J r.- k .ti. ilok't, ll-tei:i.in, L'nisay, Outlaw, iVr rd, I'.jWcII, Shnpson, Smith of Anson, V, ,Sif.. i-.j, Wtciof ami Yonnu 10. o tiyi tti'd- 11 -o'u ioa c iinc up in tha 1. of (J ir.nio...s. ?,lr. "AYaddell offered a ho'.-ti'MC no i d 'clno the ?nsprn.-ion of l!.,. wri of hnbc'is c.rplis and unwise act and a-u -.1 us r p al. i) , m ti ..i of Mr. Per):), th q testicn wa9 d, a od die II "ise voted firjt on the pro r -H o., to i-lnkr out. Tt,.;sa n !) voted to the affirmative were: Av;-:s .M s-rs. i.-am, Brown. Uumiuss, 'k. ' 'ol l. Cst er, Crawford, Davis, Duke, I'rati.Ms, Gi-kis, Geoige, Gilliam, il v-. s of Ca'uvrnu., llarri?, of Cliatharn, H -w.-, Menoeis n, Hodges, Joyner, Judkins, Keiby, Iymimouds, Long, pk-ehl s. Person li iodls, ii. i:.:,(rtt,. Uich.trdsu r, lliva. Ko hio o i. "Kiiss. Shepherd Spruil), Waddellaad Wn.iay.s. 57. ' . Tn K'e'who vi ted in the lipgativc were ; Xays Mcssm. Allison, Albriton, Alford,. Arms. Avru, Bernhardt. Be.nbury, Best, B. nd, V.ur'rin. (JarpcMter, Orson, Carter, Cowles. Ciaig', Dunn, Finf, Gentry, Glenn, Greeue, (iri.om, Hampton, II?rristin. Henry, ol i;..rti lie.iry. of Henderson, Il.dhhgsworth, ib.-.tr.l, llorton, In.-ranv, Jenkins, Liws, Mn.n. of Hvd?, Mann, ot rasqnotanK mc Waon, Vv ell orn, Wurman, iung, u. iitfli,"a. d Youo:; of Yancey 58. After the Vjectit-u of various prepositiot s to atntud, the rpiestiou was taken on the adoption of the resoiuSons, with the lollow- ii n result: Those who voted in the affirmahre were : A.ho.. McCWmick. McKay,, aice.u . TS' &s.o,l.tersou, I'earce, Perkins, Kub:ick, U.tt,r, R hbitis, . R ers, Resell, ot Ijrn1" .i k.S;u-rwooL Sooner, Smith of Gu 1 lord, Smiih. of Washington. ! W alien, VVais.r, im.fi -i'AIIil. WiAlfira OLD SERIES, VOL. V. J Ates Me srs. Aljison. Albrittnn, Alf rd, Anns, A vera. Bernhardt. Birrincer, Benhury, P.est, Bmd. Barudn, Carpenter. CarsonC w les, Crutg. Dam.. Flyt, Foy, G ntry, Glenn, Gieene, Grissorn. Hampton. Harris, of Chat ham, Harrison, H-?r ry, of Bertie, Henry of Henderson. Headen, Hollin.jsworth, Howard, Horton, Ingram, Jenkius, Jovner, Laws, L- at he rs, L-ng. Ly'e, Mann, of Hyde. Mann, of lsqnota.T, McAden,McCrmickf McKay, McNeill, XldiiP, Nissen, Patterson, P arce, Perkins, Riddtck, Hitter, Robbing, Rns., Lv 2ers, Rus oil, of Brunswick. SLerwool, Smith, of Guilford, WaddMl, Wallen, Walter, Watn, Welhorn, Wo-idall, Ygung, ot Ire dcP, Youmr, of Yancey : 6-5. 'iWe who .voted in the negative were: Nats Messrs. 15 all, Brown, Bampas, Bums, C4 Contner; Crawford, Divis, Dke, Franci. Garkins, George. Gilliam, Hnrrls,' of Cabarrus II awes, Hcnders(,n, Hodgeg. Judkios Kirby, Lemmonds, Love, IVeld-sf p,.-ron, U-yuolds, lt'iodes, Richard son. Hives, Uhirison, Shepherd. Snith, of Wasjilnjton, Stanciil, .William i S3. S ') the resolutions-were ad pted. Oenc. HosriTAL, No. 1, Ki rTRfLL's Speings, July 14rti. 186t. Mcxsrs. Editors: Vili you have the kind ness, through your paper, to acknowledss the recoipt of, and lender our thanks to Mie Ladies, for t:i f.ll 'winy contributions receive ! during the pst week, for the sick and wouuded Std diprs in this Hospital : Mrs. Martha Cannady, Mr. B-'ttie Cox and Mrs. Rbt. Hunt, bivls," butter, vegftables. cakes. iie.s. fco.. &a. V.r. C. G Blacknall, milk, cakes and veg-. etab'es. Mrs. Win. Daniel, Mm. J. J. MrvJo-.vs, Mr. Dr. Tharp, Mrs. L. Tbarp, Mrs. P. Mea dows, MN. Litty, MiS. Wm, Siaith, Mrs. J. G ooch and Mrs. S. Dunkin, a wagon load of sundries Mrs. J. J. Thomas, Xlr?. Beavers, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Wild. r. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Henly and Mrs. Speed, two tv.'.on loads of extra good things. Mrs. T. G. Tucker, Mrs. G. W. Capchart and other1, frm near Ua.ton, a fine h t of chickens. -utter, vrinc, vegetables, fraiia, &c. Alias A. E:. Porter aid her ufighbors of Edgecombe, h ui-'e parcel of obiken. eggs, butter, cordials, pickits, vin-gar, oap, &. In Cotic!us;ou, we would say t the Indies, that each soldier would .individually thank you,we: it In his power to do so. B. At a public meeting of tUe ciris-n of Grn ville, onthe lltlamst., in HncJ?rson, for the PHi-p se of nomtnitiug an a'dininitttration tick et, for the Senate anfl House of Cnraom, to represent tli-! county in toe' next Legislature; on morion, Dr. Sam. William ; wa3 called to he chir. A call .f fie disiricts being ordered, fifteen di?tr'K;ts wer foun 1 to be represented, and oHiy three ilir-triccs uurepres 'ted. A committee of t v from each district ,w. appointed by the chair to cnuit and brirg fcK"vwid the nanei of 2;o) i and tru? ui?ni to re-rsscoit ths county. Alter a short nbsfT:ee, the c oinadt repined th l-ains 0. H. v. Tay lor tci the Sinatrt : E. G. CieUSvum, (iA. J !u Hnvgrovo arl Dc. I'. I'. Peace for the Cow ti.ous ; whicli nominutiotis wt;r unanirtously agrevd to. Oi ra it ion tVo- ineeting adj'.urned. 0 . H 00 I'll II A 1 5 R f S, e r. t ar y . Nervy Advertisements. IMPORTANT T RVERY90DT ! ! IylllL. Till KM A Co. havo attahd to their Hachiarriei at ?h SflUe-t-e: Factory, A rtTBAM OUI.ST MILL, For the aceomrnodalioa ot'thj pablic gtnerally, and will griad at ono eighth. Persons wishing cooo "iintL, will end their corn, and reif upoa promptas and dispatch, july 1G dGt. Piaso Tnniug aiifl lie pairing. DUllI NO the cessation !' his Music School io I'ctershurfr, the subscriber will bepleasvd to receive orders for Tailing, t'rnm the citizens of Warrenton and the surrosnding country. Orders smt tljfough the I'ojt Oriico, or to t,he Warrenton FemKle College will be promptly executed. V. L. PKTICOLAS. Refers to Mr. An lrrw White, Mr. Araiistad Piummer,' a d lit: U. V.. Parham. jaly 16 d3t. " rtioTflE VOTS iS 0? cil TI 5I il Y 5, ty. At th' soiicisation of inny wolii.os in the ar'unv, a? well as of many friends at bo ne, I aiinounee nivst-lf a candidate for the Hou?o of Coiuouofs if i i Oh.Uh.ini County I have ree'eir cd no solicii.itions from thc flah:ibite$, thu Ameri- ran Ilcttt. s. or th oligarchs, or thoe whostwy at liom to pisk money out of the families of the soldiers, and occupy tluir spare time in abus'mff better men tha.n tliiuiselve? as disloyal. 1 stand fairly and squarely on the platfwu oft-phen8 and Brown, of Georgia, and ' . W. Hoiden for GoTernor.-agaiaft ths worhl ; and I believe tht without ths election of such uin to office we will never have a permanent peace. So far a? the soldiers are concerned, I tb not wish to appear to boast, bat I will ay that 1 have done as much for thir fami'iej, or more according to ray uiians, than uny Vancoite in th ounty of Chatham. . Fll"w ciiizcni un,r so'.diers, to the poll on the day of elect i'-m. nnd vote for true-Conservatives, if you would have p-ace and be a. free people. fo not be ial imitated, butetanJ up for your ri-hts, JOHN A. McDOXALI). Oakland, Julr 16, 1&64. dte. . H Wbloox, July 13, 1864. GeBeral Order 1 So. 3. ) ' I -THE .COMMANDANT OF. CONSCRIPTS 'JL will use every possible exertioa to expedite the o-ganization of the lleserve of X..C, kolding hid subordinates to the strictest accountability for anv want of -energy or. activity. ii. At thvi erlicst practicable date, afrer the Senior lleserve are organized into Companies, thu District Karolling O.ucera will organize them iuto a Itvgiment, if there are tea companies; or into a Battalion, ii iesa than ten Companies, by asaembling ths Cwuipany Oliicera,. and boidm? an electiou for Colonel, Lieut. Clonel, and Major, Ur a ttetaieut ; a Lieut. Colonel ud Major lor a Battalion wfeix or more Ccmpanieaj or a Major for a Battalion of less than aix Companies. HI. Hereafter, all applications for indulgences of every kind, will be made through the r.-per chamel to these Utad Qaarters; aud pending such anplication, the applicant will be considered aai tfeatec" as though it bad net ben made. IV. All furloughs- leavej of absence, dataila or temporary exemptions, heretofore frranted to of ficer and men, belonging to the KerYe of . C, by iicers connected with the Copsciipi Bureauare revoktJ. All men abjent, by virtue of auch paoe-i, from Companies ia the fiald, will at once j an tbeir commands.. . v V. The Ueservc, from being called into gervice onlv in cases of emergencv, are not liable to oa detailed as Former Jlechanict, ite. Bv command of Lt. Gen. ILo.mes. 1,7 JN0.t. HINSDALE, in!vl d7t Aia't. Adj't. Gen'l Wilmiaetod Journal, FayettciHe Observer, j Att.?ii. N'ewa copy seven tiuief, and lorward Jhargl! ? to CVU J. WPflidale, at Wcldon. RALEIGH, N. O SATURDAY, JULY 16, Hew Advertisements. HEAD'JIS OF INSTRUpTION, I Raleigh, N. C, July U, 1864. J . Jn accordance witb the provii"na of General Orders No. 23. Adjutant and Inpector G?neral'a Office, series, the owners of the followinp ne groes will call at this camp and prove their claims, as required by act of Congresr : List of alarms captured from tin? enemy in Vir ginia, forwarded to thi3 Camo bv Provost Mar shal at Weldon, N. C, July 3rd, 1664. . Jack, slave property of .Too Dotson, Virfria'a. Ottoway, property of Jas. Dickman, Peters burg. Va. Collin, property of Dr. Campbsll, Nottaway countr, Va. Godfiev, property of Jno. Lewis, . Brunswick counrv, Va. Nichol. property f Thos. Hicka, Brunswick count v. Va. Danil, property of Lawyer Campbell,' Kotta wav countv, Va. Tom. property of T. R. Britchford, Nottaway co'ntv, Va. , William, property of Wm. Beaaley, Dinwindie countv. Va. Grief, property ot Jno. B. Smith, Charlotte, cour.tv, Va. Lovelace, property of Dr. launders, Lunea bcrg comity, Va. Shadock, p-np--rty of Dick "Watkins, Prince Edward countv. Va Lizzie, propArtv of Wm. Blunt. Petersburg. Va. Eady, property of E. Scott, Lunenburg county, Va. Fanny, property of Adam Fincb, Mecklenbarg countv, Va. L'dward, p roper tv of Jno. M. Crattock, Meck lenbui sr. county, Va. Sara, property of James Gregory, Mecklenburg, conntv, Va. . Wiili-m, property of L. L. Irven, Friace Ld ward, Va. . Russell, propertv of James Hatchett, Prince Edward countv, Va. . ... Willi-tn. property of Ben. Boys?, Dinwidia, county Va. ' Charles, property of B. Longest, Diuwidie, countv, Va. " EPjah. property of R. W. Purdy, Charlotte conotr Va. .. , Wvatt, property of Isaac Overby, Charlotte county, Va. 'Harrison, -do Nelson, property of M. A. Roberts, Charlotte countv. Va. Gra.nison, property of II. Ogbarn, Brunswick cour.tv, Va. John, property of A. Campb'L, Nottaway couotv. Va. . Patrick. pronrty of J. C. Carrington, Cnar- ott". countv, Va. Matt, property of T. F. Epps. Nottaway county, Va. Mike, prop-rty of Mrs. Sasaa Ifotcherson, Char lotte county, Va. Washington, property of R. Biville, .Nottaway countr Va., John, rtroperty f U C. Ilorthom, Lunenburg countv, Va.. Heriry. property of N. Turpiu, Mecklenburj: countv, Va. Orange, property of N. Turpin, Mecklenburg ccuntv, Va. . Rani.t-r. property of N. Tarpm, Mecklenburg countv, Va. Diet, rropsrty of N. Turpin, Mockleaburg ronntv, Va. Jim, property of Capt. Burton, Meckbnburjr countv, Va. Billr. property of J. E. Pollard, King tylliam Countv, Va. S nn, p-op?rty of David Dugger, Mecklenbarg countv. Vn. fc're'deriek, property of Henry Tacker, Meck ler.hurff countv, Va. William, propertv of Peyton R. Curr.!!, M ck lenharcr. coantv, V.t. PaTi'.n rop fVty of Wm. Owen, Priace Edward covntv, Va. Edward, prop-ity of Dr. Geo. Lewis, Hing Get rae countv, Va. .lain, prop-rty of Abram Marshall, Luaen bur; cour.tv, Va. TJr ordar". F. J. MA Hit Mij. Cot I'djr. J V. H. Wbtoht. july lC-dot ' Lieut, and Adjutant. Al a 'n a n c r!tv. .w nvp Atho. ri.d to announce Gen. JOSKPII S. HOLT as h caodidate for th llo'i'e of .Commons from Alamance County, (ien. ILdt is a Conservative "nfter th straitest sect." and is in favor of a speed r and honorable peace. II? al?o believes in the ri'-bt of the people to rulfl, and io the eo sttnt7redomiaance of the civil over the military power. july 10 dta. 2Tow eady. THE 0A5IP FOLLOWER ! ! COSTAINrNG THE FOLLOWING STORIE3t ''TIIP COtTv FIGHT;" i-TIIH WIFE'S STRVTAGSM HOW I-COATED SL;" 'TUE CHAMPION;" And manv other I Dim Ton Sketchts. Anecdotes, Poetry, &c, designed for the . AMUSEMENT OF THFTAHP. Sir.gle Copies. Potge paid, $2.50. The usual discount to the trafle Address STOCKTON & CO., Augusta, Ga. july 16 d2t. RlKhM AD 15 LASTLY (3 POWDV.i:, riHE North t'arr.lina Pwd:r Maonfacturing A CoHip.my is now prepared to fill orders from any portion of t lie Coufi-Jerac'v. Powder will only 'be delivered at the Comvno's Mills or in Char lotte, without rik to the M iuufartiirers. . july 15-dJt. S. W.DAVIS, Prefe't. Wj aro authorized to announce Lieut. E II. KAY.rtf the47th N. C. UegiiBent, for ihe o;IiC ' of Sheri3 of Wke bounty, at the ensuing election in Aogut next, july 14 d6twtd. BSLHOST SCHOOL. . GRANVILLE OUNTY, N. C. Mill E next session of this school will commence 1 on the 29th July 18K4. For par'iculats address, R. n. GRAVES, Ox ord. N. C." (For Safafras Fork Express.) july 14 d5t ASICLPH COILS, WHOLESALE TOBACCO II0USE, AND : boinmission Merchant, . . GOLOSBOltO', N. C IBERaL advancements made on Produce coa ' 1 a signed to me. july 14, 1864 d3m4 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, v - HARDWARE, &C. By S. A. narrls, Anet'r, Charlotte, IS. C. mHE SLEOF MESSRS. ELIAS & C0FIEN, L herntofnre advertis.-d, is postponed until Wedaesdav. the 3d- of August, when 1 will sell, positiv-lv; ta the highest bidder, a valuablestock of Drv Goods." Hard are an 1 Groceri-s. i The sle will contu ne rom day to day until the ea'ir.. ftock is disposed of.. Giverament Agents, Merchants and Far mers, a rare cpp-tniiity is here offered aa many articles will b found amongst the stock worthy the attention of boyora. july lS-oawr-3tr. Candidates' Cards. CR1YE.V CflUMT, To tit. Soldiers and Citizm Voters of Craven A T TH SOLICITATIONS OF MANY V friends. I offer myself a candidate tor re-election to represent the county of Craven in tb House of Common, in the next Legislature of North Carolina. If elected, I will serve v to the best of ibt ability, a, all times puardine well your interests. T. II. CASEINS, jaoe 12-118 dte 1st Lt. Co. B, 67th RgL NOT For the Sheriffalty or Craven' Wf are authorired to announce, that ALEXANDkft C. LATHAM is a candidata for re-election to tha office of Sheriff, in the county of Craven. -may 24-101-dtf. fTk sheriff of wuso. W TE ARE REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE W. W. BATTS, as a candidate for Sheriff of Wilson couny, at the ensuing election. Joyacr's Depot, June 15. l'2l-tde. ' Granville County. WE ar authorized to announqp Dr. W. P. YOUNG, of the arwy of Northern Vir ginia, as a candidate for a seat in the House of Commons to repres-nt the people of Granville Jn our next Legislature. He will support Governor Vance for re-election as Goveruor fr the next term. ju 10-116-tf TO THE YOrKtlS OK CIIlYKri COI'NTr. I .ELLOW CITIZENS AND SOLDIERS; I announce rnvs'-if a candidate mr re-election to the Senatrf for tn- nrt Term ofour LegUla- j ture. During-the past Trm. I have endeavored i to discharge my duties faithfully, and according to my ability. I.thr.kyou for tb? honor you have heretofore done me. and hope to merit your continued confidence and support. Your Obt Ser't june 14 121 dte NATHAN WfllTFORD. sffisinFF of cvTAwai co'u s fi'. WE are authorized to announce thut JONAS ' CLINK is a candidate for re-election to the effice of Sher'yT of Catawba County id Auut next. jnne 27,' 1864. dts. - WE ARi: AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Dr. JOHV F. FOAliO a eandid.ite t rep resent the County of Rowan in the House of Com mons of the next General Assembly of tha State. Grille County. To the S I Hers and Citizen Voters rf Greene Omvty : T the rolicitation of many friends, I annoancs mvs-lf : candidate to r "present the county of Green"' in the House of Commons cf the next legis lature of North Carolina. If elected. I will serve voa to the best of mv ability; guarding your interests with unswerving fidelity. J. T. FREKMAN. Sr.ow mil, June 27, IS04. 133-dte. Wilroingtou Journal and State Journal copy. FOR"7! I HE LECi-SLAT C 11 B "IVrK are autho-izeU to ai noonce Col. M. K. ' CRAWFORD as a candidate tor re-election to a aeat iu the lloui! . of Commons of the next General Assembly of North Carolina, from Wayne county. j"' - !t"- To the Soldiers and Citizens (voters) of Person Comity, '. C. At the-solicitation of many friends. I l: ;v" eon-s-ntod to tcoui" a cannidate for thj oihort of Sheriff of Person county, State of North Orolir. t. Should ou honor me with your suffrages sou 'Let me, I can only yrooiie to serri y.u with fioelitv, to the b'i't of mv abhity ; on all ocra rions to b? in my place; besides, my o. inions and actioas'in this var are so well koown to you nil, that I d ei'i it -entirely uamcesiary t say muie, H-'d leave it with theVoters of this county to de- C,',10i 8.1m ALi:.X. M. LONG. T oitntna Countv.ft' are aatlKirjzed el and reqacted to announce the f..li.M big gen t!etotn a th.? Cons-'rvative cauoiuati.3 tp.-repre s-nt the ounty of Johnston in tho next tteueial sse.nblv: t 'or the Bsnat TIIOS. D. SNEA f, Esq. For Ctmmons W. O. BANKS and W A. SMITH. tre This ticket was seleo edbv the Kvvei ViS from Jo'ipfrton, in camp it Gohlsboro, and bv a majs meeting of the citizens rem-iiiung at hoaie, hold at Smilhfiold on the 28th of May. These gentlo jx n will v . supporti'd by all true Conservatives. Tii"V endors' the platform of Vice President Stephens, Gov 'trown and W. W. Hohteu, and itVfted will do all thay can to procure an eaily and honorable peoe June 3 110 dte. DAYI'ISOA CUl'XTY. I Davidson (Jountv : Ve are permitted t an- i nnni.c. fnl.t!. W. ItradshilW. of the 42J Ucjr't.V. I C. Troops, as a suilai.de can d.late to represent lhi ' people of Uavioson Uouaty in m- u mse ot tool MoiS of the G-meral Assemblv of o-tli Carolina. Col. Hraishaw has been a fsmnt'iil soldier iu tlie li id for tlire vears in defence f bis country; and willas J ;; th'"aily represent his country's int. i t-pis in thj Legislature, if the people c ill him to that" position. MANY VOTERS, june 27, 1Sq4. d2flt FO II Sflr.UIi F. TE ARE AUrilOiHSiiD TO AVNOUN'CH TiIMAS.J Will i'AJvt :t. a candidate for reelection U the o.iic of Sberid' fo the county oi Jones. july 6 23-wtf TO TH2' SiOf.DltiilS Ar 1F- ' k ar authorized t aiiuou.K'e GEO. W. qnotank county in the next Houne of Cominons. ma U-S5-dtwAtvfe WAKE COUNTY. rpHE SHERIFFALTY. We are authorized'and JL requested to announce W. II. HIGH, Esq., as a candidate for re-eloction to the oflice of Sheriff, at the electiou in Auzust. ju 17-tde-dAw $)0 REWARD. "T ?sert' d from Vtu L, HtU X. C. Ke?l- Thnrsdiv th 7th Julv.the follow- ing ii ined men, from the neigborhood of Petcra- ; bnrr, a. W. It. Willis hailing from Augasta.Ga. -J. T. Black .vood, from Orangi county, N. C. Morris Kit.g. do A rewai-i of $.".0 each wiil be pid for their de lirerv tha regiu.ent, or anv Confed -rate an tboritr. JNO "S. DANCV. Capt. & A. Q. M. 17th N. C. Beg't. And" Acting Q M. Martin's Brig. jalv 12 d6t To the Yttrrs f Warren County, X. C ; i -...rot fn'l v u-itbdrw mv nuie as a can- didate fcr the Legislature. If a merciful Provi dence shall see fit to restore me to health once mor I nrefer to remain ia th service until the last gun is fired in defence f Home and Indepen- ; dence. and I desire no greater applause from pos- ; teritv than t be mstrameniai t mat ueen ana that-itliverance. PLDMMER-W. GREEN, july 13 !2t Co. E. 1st. Rcg't N. C. Cavalry. FO i S LK ! RESIDENCE NEAR GREENSBORO N. C. f The hous-is new, and one of the best in the countv, containing light, larga rooms, and all nece-sery out-hou-e. The lord, 225 ere. and produces fiuly. Ti.eie re left of tfc choic est fruit trees on if, selected from the Westbrook Nurserv. A rare opportunity js now offered to per sons wishing a home or invcstmsit. A'ldr a J. H. " july 4 d!2t Kittrell'i Deuot N. C. IA Iffio VOL. I-Xo. 147. 'SF.QlFSTr.ATSDDF.nTS. THE undersigned will utteiid at tho follow it g timen and places, t collect thetntcreit on the fitqoertrttd Debts in hi Dutrict, vix : at IiilUburo; July 14th, HSI. "Raleigh 20 A 21. oA'ayetteviUe " 27. 2S A 29. 0. II, WILDER. Beceiver. Fa retteville Olcrrrr copy till Julj '20. jun. 27 dtjy 2H. CLASS. ICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. a 'ally-Ho, Granville Co. II. C. rphe Fa.'l Session ol this Selinol, under L the c. e of T. J. IlOUNElt. asjuted by J. 11. ROWLAND, commences t 3ru Morula v in Jaly. The price f board aud tuition is $r4) ptr r siou. Application foradrxiuua fhonUbe mad in advance. T. J. IlOliNK.U. juneM24diSt M J. JJOAKO By the Dav, Week, Montn, Meal alone, june 16-dly $ 25 SI 2r0 324 OH RET IRON FOR SOUGllEM UOILEHS Ip ki and ti feet long, .1 16 inches thick ud 30 indies v id, for sale br jalv 2 1 5 dtf CREECH &. LITCni- ORD. NEW AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORK. w If VI1 P W Tt'M'l1'! lYIi W I Andrews, have this ditv nsMiciatcd thtrui' s-1vim together nnder the name and stle or TUCKER, A X DREWS A Co., for the purpose of conducting a general Auction and Commi-ticn hu-boss. All bu-inejj -ntruted to them wiil ra-.'ft with prompt nr sad dispatch. .TUCCEU, 'ANDREWS A X'Ah iune 3.1 127-dtf T Ulshnru !i. C Military Aeartcr.iy. .t JL The Second Sersion (1S04) of this Institu tion, wM coiiimence July Dt. Fur Circulars eftl information applv to Msj. Wi. M. GORDON, ma. 17 95-d3iD T0THK PEOPLE OF WAKE COIWTT. rjllIK CANDIDATES FOR THE LEtilSLA 1 tur;audfor Shi riff will meet acd ai'ifreif th.-ir eoow-citizeus at li us bet' j Thwrsduv Julv 14 13 in 18 19 2o -1 'li 26 2C 27 2S "? SO l,t 2 3 Da.k' Frsnkliua Spikes Iunnsville Forestvi!!? Rolesville Wakvlitld ) l''ods Dai n.v Jo'r." La.'h'ey'i Rads Green L-vol Moi risviile llvcs' k Grovo Laws' Th i;)ip?0!i's Wi''V L vim's FriJav Saturday Moi.dsy Tuesday We Ii"iday Thuraiay 'Friday Saturday Moi.iIa v Tu sday V''Jneday ThuraCay Frida 4 4t Sit tii ay MonJiiy Aup't Wi-diK'Vdiv " ' . The Tax foUertora a!.-o atU-nd and all wi.'l I.' fii oppo; tutiitv of paii'g tkfir fr'ttte and Co;o:tv Tazvs. ' ' W. H. Ill G II Shcrllf. jjiu 27?h 1SI4 dlf WOOL 1YOTICE. QUA ItTEHSM STKirS DEPAliTilENT. lUri.tov, J : i v 2, IS E AM NO'V IMtKPARED TO EXUHMiS (,' :t r; Virr. f r V' ..!, i.jou ibv iil vrio t . (. vr . Oik-!:o"-h i! Yam i'or 1 1 tjf'-rnx wurh.d Woo!, ft:i.j onejmnt'.i for four pounos unn axhrf 1. . g 'vn have b 'ti a,point "d to in::k th. 'ha;ige at the follewirg t ..bices : ttxfot d, Tarhori, Ki isr. m, Cathuioe L.i'e, Cor.cord. Rofkirg':a'i:, lleadersonvill Sr t viiiM, ooxl.f.ro', Ashevilii. i'itb or' Lonisburg, Fayetteviiie. Cot-Tair. r.d t this'iof... " ' P-rsoni oliippMig w,.o! to thi place will .! ae t'.ar.': on the taekiges who tL v sre firm, unci the cot n yarn ii! be foi v. .11 'h i iinmediately. . I hop- tL.- .ople r i! pati ioiicaily ti-.ot.d to the above ?oti'v, a the Wool is for clothing the N C. Troops. H A. DOWD, A. Q. M., X. C. A. july 8-140-tf Offiei Baifigh & Casionl'TuT IVfTi . RALEIGH, July 7. U. rpjJC IJ0RD OT MRKvT0fS OF THIS . fampai;iy hav d-eVncd a divide?. d of 15 j.r cii.t. on the csoital soick. pavndie on and alter alter 1st of Au;;u!t. 1m;4. in tour per cent -rli-ficHtes at.d bonds of the Confederate States, or iu Contrdera.-e trea.-ury noies of the'old i.suu at tacj value, at the option of th Company. W. W. VASS, jul 8 dtf Tivaarcr. Pi t County. rjMlE people of Pitt court v in Conv-ntiou s- I F.o.jb'.ed, on tfce 4th oe'y, 1C,4. noii.ie.at.'d the following nuncd gentitnen as cat.e.Ijnte-t reprc-rnt tuem in the next General Asmiiio y of North Carolina. or the ;n te. Dr. Ri.'HAhU Wirt tA v ; Fr the Commons, Hknrt SnirrAao, Esy., and Dw. John Takt. This is a straipht-t utSohiiern Right tirk t: opposed to the wholesale and urle.'a xeuiptjon f nien who i.upht to be in the atuiy, ai.d ic jiiVor of su.-fa'inmg .h-: ((verr.i;eiit in piosccting the war to hti honorable peace, upon tLe baKis of our national indej.ei.-di rce. We c.U ir.dii all no n who love freedom ar.d cherish th::'h.iior of G eir country, to give it a hearty euppo. t a th. to suing il-ctioii. JOMMllTEfi. i.ilv 14 dte. HEA DQUARTERS 2d r T-TI.'ICT, DirA rNrT N. C. am S. r.i... . V. G"i.rfBoho', N. C, July 1, leG4. ) ICrilCULAR.l ( ITIZENS are again notified that pruv'nn . to pa;-3 throagii i.ur line to Newbein, WILL NOT be granted und r any pretence wh itcvi.r; and a onlicat ions tor thit purtone cannot be entcr taind br the (Jeneral Commaroling. Rv oilier of Biig.. Gen. L- S ItAKra.. 3 R. T. FULGHUM, july 14 dCt A. I). C. CKRTIE 401NTY. XTfE are Authorised to nnnonnce Hon. DAVID 0UTL1W, the present Senator fiom lb-r-tie. as a candidate fp re-eb-ction. He will vote for th re-et"Ction of Got. Vjn.ce. an I for su h measures as in his judgment are calculated to pro cure a speedy, just and honorable oeace, ou th bat3 of Southern Did pendence. He fa, and has b-en from the beginning, opposed to a Cii-ti. tt'n, believing it to bo a tiick. by which North Carolina was to be withdrawn from the Coi.fed.-r- cr . ... We are alsi authorised to announ' tapt. . M SUTTON, as a candiia'e f.r the Roue r Commons. Capt. S. is in fsVor of Gov. Vaoce election, ad is a true Southern man july 13 le64 dte. . ' C.S. ARSENAL AND ARMORY ) Yatkt.'eville N. C. July Cth, 16C4. F0UXDRY-3IAY WAXTED. ONEexperinccd in the bu-ir.rs can find steady employ ment ori appli"ati.n f t te july 0 dt COMT.'G OFF'CER. WOOD J WOOD! WE wich to contract imndiate1r for Six Hrt nRRt CORD OF PINE AND OAK WOOD, delivered in Kal-igh nr-m lh- Uiiltoad. . HECK, RROD1E A Co., Havonet Kictry Raleigh, X. C. Jsly 9, lel. july 9 diO:. ' DAILY CONFEDERATE. ! A i: VEUTlSIXi. j ' AOVERTISKME.NTS vll a irs rted'at in vr j eott.Aaa per mjure of ten lines nr loi J fr acrt : lTitioa. Msi rif f c tcticcn -jd Ooituaru i n ilM ! charged as advertistiMcDts. ) J0 WORK of iery duct IptiuJJ will bs j ecuted at this OCVo with dl.atch. and fc .estiy j iilinb dont io th Southci a Cnnfedetaey. ! .Strayed- AN the 5th w.t.. a LA t;G E A V ITORS P, flb. at 9 years old, n iih lai ge toois, ar.d a piireof rein atoned his lack hen t Ic'l. Iletva? last seen abov Roen ans on the Clmrol II ill road. A literal rewMtd Mill be .! for st y it Aon atb n that may Ud tw hi remrv 1 1 oi iMiterv to J L WILLIAMS, W ASKEW, or btl S-lw Toe Soutboru Fxpies -thee. Pjrogrt? sud Coptrvative ropy one w ctk. C'lilef Kn. o;n(e"MTeii?. DIM. N. C, t MURFKEL-Itolty,' Jura re, Ufil. j Gkmral CiDta I No. II. f j T ALL wM!e mles Utwen tht i.grn cf 17 j J ar.d SO (whether lotefere txeir.it Iroia conscMptioo or n t) !,d uM ifinle lire j.etr.aa betwtin the ci rf IP ard Mi, viilJm n.tU" ft the fullo in tieo ard j s, i : Those in Washington cvubu, nt Pfvinoutb, cn IMh of July. Thee in" Mitin ifuut , 4t Williau t :. tn 20th of Julv. TL.fl Io Brtit countv, at Winde r, re 't '.r JuU. . ' lhoein Norlhan.ntoi! r m.t v, at Jfctk n, ' t 28thorjul. TLofe in U. tt fold county, at X urb e l.;o', on lktof Augit. II. Countv Enrolling OiVcr at-.d (in tloir ab ac rep) the Comr.-sndirg tH' c-s f the I.Vgtr-nta of Miiitia. are charged wih the duir of disretid ratirg this trder tbit.gi:'Ut tbor r''ott'r cxULtU'S. ntid they will U'- In Id to tSe ?ti it t t aeeniTitabi!lty tor the u auinr In sn b their vuty is executed. (Sigmdi jiu;h L. roi.K, Capt ao.l Chief E. 0. l.t C. D. N. C. HKADQU ALTERS MED. FX. LOA I'D,) lr Com.. D:sr. N. V.t Jt.- 10, 1st 4. f The undertigned, Chairman of the M- dic.il l'x aminirig Uid lor the Ht ('org . Ditr' t !' N. C, gives nutic that henill be pi i.t t tl e times snd places pfeifled in the abor ;r -r, li t th putpove of eXirin cit surh pet 'uim lin h. Iu coiiM'liptiou an may pretei.t thcmtelTt 1-eioic his lioard. (MfTt'cd) 11LNRY K. C0OI1 RAN, jul 6-td A-'ft.Surg. P. A. C. S. A Ch'n Uoatd. Conservative copy till day. TH F USD A 1VJ I K "lliliPI. SlenftrnuhreH ant! Pltonornplirr!. Proposals will ber.'eeivtd by tiie mulct tin i until the f.nt day of S"tvi for cont 1 1 t lot triaking vrrbatim revolt of the piocet du.g ami d.balek of the Senate of iht Conf. Ci i tt SlHtes. '! Iw eonl : aeti.r ill be teqnin d to furni-h l.i ov nf itnt'j. Tbe retji,uia if te Seuate ss ll, it is timated, a'to ace at".t t v.n.ntl.t p r nu rui;,ned : ioti t iloe hm per dv. Stst io.ji j v. ii! he lui iiihhid at the ep-re ol the Senate, nt aVo a reoo; in ' t oonj' fur H I i' ii g out no.., together Htfli liliti mol In I. Th contract wi'l ! n-.d,j im or.e jeur fuon t he liit M 't ty of N oveii.b"r Lit . ami a put a co.'iiptr -t stnoi i .ltd ttii eotiti amor monthiv . m 'I tie i c p;- V'"'t oiRoi aer no b.it i'ti r port of all iiint . r ri.: et i.in n. ruiiti k. ii'i olo. hiu! I such nrt-ef.,hi:i.fiM ..0 ei ut uitr be uejcmni't to ex; !in the a onus. T n etunviiuoe ttimt tht 11" ptlroipal t potter Hrd three ..-i.iai can jkiIoum tUe voin. j TI". r'ii ( n ;.o t ni hi h-h.-i. r j! J v, Tr of th- Snai. and en tit It t to t It pt n ib ; act iir'tiiimkir lucidf-o: j.I thcieto, r.d i nx.ul i br h .Vvst. fn- anv wanlot i-a; avitr oi . A fi-ir eior o' tbetil i 'pot t .mljI bv VwiiMtii j eor pi'te in t;n,e fr tin- lo-xt n ly nion.i. g T: oroi!(i w.lt r. .J .1 t i Anoer'i n, .0111! Cio.-i .;... .Jam I !. Cf.; Mi y A. o. i.;.u7N. Rieit.nnnd. Jur.c llth. IhCi. lii- u! .i I .!e bus I O . t. , !' fi r .1,1 i to." (.1 red ! tin 1 ie oh t.e .";' v i bat il p i ab'- .00 line lr. i t itu ' o t in ' o . to" viol) I'"t 'l e,t, b;!tics, bu: I 's, ti.-i(.jr leb.f, biiso r. u'-- r. . it: . t - . .th-n ! j h-. a-1 .-. r,x. f run u i.'iflt ,( iv t v ; " 1 1 o, ii will be f r. I t I'irf ..i rc- ;ft u '. lit.y; i r i !ie" nr.l tff. " M-tc h v.:e. I Ti ; . . ....n . i-li ". in k, . ti . li: I i n l' i 1 ' ' ; - - - n s' ii.pt.is. cf cryrj '. I. R f..:-.-o isi-.-r.V i, . V 'bri-.? In ve u.-;d lb' r:',.i -i t-ili e"r; ', i...w.rs:-r. 0. S'.ew.Vr. Sc ,:. I. A. ' 1 o 1 r:ilo g : li'i-. 0. 1. c t 1. I il' - xn;:k nr.d Jny. V I'flio. ti iliv, Ui" 1': .-nil t..'f.fh't y. rr o n:. m.i o.a: II .. A. it-r.-h. r. f t. il. t n, A. L t' , !. W . F. ILf lire, men. I .r f E.in.ltig p.iioti 7i. C.rg! Mi')n.,! lHftiet. lor Mile b: P. h. ri.M i.lt. Ka'l,, at.i oiLir Diuggist hi t(j. r-K'e hpo AlRA.M, Pauboo' N. C. julv U -rod 13t UKWAIU). I ()..!, vrrt'MOtiv ilter roon. o rneer. it e ir -I K.J bvt'-rtan ( i;urb td mv i -uU i-.ee. piir of M;OLD SPECTACLi;S. 'Ihe h.ol.r wiilCM.ire 1 the a'vite rewurd v t InVnirg tin in to me it I L aving t.f to nt th Confed. t ate ofi.ee. ! j'slril3tt '. O. J. LN'St tUIR. i Sriclclis ilorse. . . K A FINE SADDLE HORSE FOR S.U.V. iv Applv to Cpi. GUI. R LAKER, A. 0 M. jyty I.Vd3t At Camp lto'oara SALE OF VAM U'LK PIIOPKKTV. X WILL. A-4 THE AtiENT OF 1 UK IATS I j. kpu ltt.'.rT. T.r fpr t-alfl. t i'ie bit?i"ft bidder, at th. Court Hw-jj in the town of Hihs boro on Ttn-fdv. thl..bd;iv ol .Iu' 1" xt. that Tuiasldc farii!. kriM-nrf the David list' p'acc, witlitfi two lull ? of lliibboro, and c onla ii.ii g I lb. e tvindi -il ami it -ote acr s lioo D on ote , hail ot which it ia w.'s. Shl Immi io 1:rst j rtr co ., u t.h b-ticea tbor.uhly ifpaiti-d. J Tiie hous c.oiifiii.n eight t" ii.n in go -d ri-pair, tvi'.h all n tvssiry out bud'H-igi ingoo.1 ;.o lii o.. wito the xcention of two ban.a 'J he f.irm ha mi ; it tvvo ec.lii.t Orchard.' of . iertt d ft uit me, I two gMu meadow, and is abundantly watered, j Terms., twelve months credit, bo id with up ! proved security, b.-srit'g interest from 1st !y f ' Jrinuarv 1SC5 i'the title to bj reserved ur.til ti e l t - !Jf- purcDase ir.orev u puu iu. 1 WILLIAM II. STAND1N, Ag. nt. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SHE. ON SA'I URDAY. TIIE 2.-.RD INST., (IF not f1d privately before.) I will ll at pub j lie auction, that welt known prop-rty iu the TOWN OF GOLDSROUO' formrrlv tb'- refi'lvnee 4f Mis. An'ue Lsr, deceaed. There a e t w o ("till I' 's. m rtinfm tubi 9 Hn nlll ir. tiro kit. Jo-n. fell p.-e. .arv ill b' ' , ' tir e gri.ve. c.'pi't water. in l a vat b t v i f tt wit j trees. The property i ib'i saincmuare wi'.h Mi. (;i nwc d lloti I. J.nesrawj,. 1 t - . J. A. EVSNS. Kt'r. K PHIVATK SCHOOL FOR YOtNU LADIES. TrpirE FOURTH SESSION r)r MIPS MAtf- 1 GUM'S SCHOOL, wi;it.penotiFii!ay the?Jtl ' Jalv, at the terldcnce of ner rci tl wr, Mr. Willie I P. Mangun. J Lr pupil wiil find a heme la hr tnothrr'a f ftmliv. Ordv a lirrlted nuusbrr can be received. For further lufUmtUien, address MISS ?1. P. MAMil.M, IliMsboro', Onrji county, N. C.,carc el Dr. J. F. Cain. , , jute mi!,. TH'ji. t'hI-t T?i icTte u i! n i: " w a n ted. I A ' 5,,,T Vfrfcctly cv rof ettt t to 'each Vrcal and I In tr-iMientnJ Mu;e.nd veil rei ititrt n-'cd, cti hear i f go.d sltna'io. bv ippiy!? inimedi- nl'v 'o THS MItKS KASU wnd 21IS KOL JLoCK, Hi Asb'Av' X. C. jily 1 t.

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