. i iw--ju 'i i' 111 urn 1 1 4 4OKjM.y f f.o HATi'sn.iT, jn,r to, is?. Towards the Last. L r. purpose to W,ve rmo'a nit ta -ML H, J in. Tvxfct in a faw days tt .aV - v.tH. wtj thuo.ijjMjr , . fcal tt ' -htic!!r. forever. ' ?'S? i -"lort ia- sin? to rescue f i- fmgMhr repa'nfi. of the lata Got." Kr, ,m fvc'i a 4 H1 '', t t , t trnisk by vita p ivi.n v? at rti;Ie in hi r..pe.r rted .f T,! -ijr.. ; ,tf)(l (V jVio'iin WllWl W9 f'd J . . jtstice. n distiosos!ied ?urit Bad " , i' t. ieduee wo o pxfCJte it. G v. T'JIs cirsei tie admiration of bit eona try 'v 1 f.y If-acnfic as it falls to he s-,u t- r:fT--. It wvj n-t hi for '.una to fa'l.Wy f ,,- 11 y tnimiie on the (111 of hit.'l?, cf U as ;p, !,klr3'tae ti'ai'jj t iv taS-e UU lif, whfe', hj'fmal by ths t!Uot srn' in f!:c 3-n!,, ex ate-neat. nusied bar, arj,. ail aWrin? occuavieat of h 8 "" w,- a-, meet' ia tbe -im-V Wattle ; nor yet h 1 h- tke d-,oN nd JnpMwnfoh rrvngle aad alterjiite arail such ivifs. lit hi I h ci' nsr hut nvro trying test t',enbir,: he wis .S!i,i ta fiC insurable d-ith, by disea-e, wfiicii iilloTffc.J no juVt aal fftrmi?t I tri roe. A.I .j jiIyhut caatiua fin!y he Imtel hi- mart! ;m? ,jait it ft-. , Mnr'1 vi j q illinr e? j a j,.,.,. -t St it "iar- ScPi?'A(i tjii-'itU by a ful ' j?m ..f 4 , liir-J c ut ti it k.i e.'sr u!ll aiivnt kp;ii.,cei fr 'WrjMi!3. T imp .i )!u4i ntr i )' . r i I d rmi ltd vJi i i i i Jjter- .V f i . i C) i'n rab to ia who ra- i ' ; Uii tt;l a yd h; ; cum . for the dls- ;-U jjh!:c ovi finiJ th-) -'v"r-' irfl.i.'re of i i 'aih-, . 1 1 ro-n : i tf n 2 and 'j )'. i ijf, 'vii! fvi! tifi il ia s'i -h vjti,-)?i 4 i . : !::h-? of .l;iy an 1 a mirtr's i?ri ti i i ii-'rn u;i. U t, t'a v.ry mo--vii. 'm i ijtM, fh?t; i-i -l iii'm hi 'hut, I. J i'.-.;!.''' -t, i-i I I ; i r ?r j !"- his c.-n- u 'j I 1 L ) 7 ., ! I i- ) 1' i ) lli'! ' J r J. '' v ; i. i ' 1 . ! vi f-rt-i 1 in th 1 c. ) '' r i i 1 't' I'.-.r (h U- i ' ' ,r. f: h v4 n . j.-- c ip..';iv nf ft lit ( V i I i-io'i ) Atio.M . i' v i' tt-n ia I 'viD .1:1 Mr. !.,!, ,a ' r .vr i r ''Vii- .ih a li-a-v nit ? ' ' iv ( N'iv.,nV--r, tor the rlw) i " i- r, ho U-t--l, n a '.) tfr of y' m t i 7 -i i I f,r 'Ttvrn.p an-i ' l O ' I 'IW'in- S ) U'l 1 -r ir.M; .i jf I't'Vt r ci;' l' M.-i'y mwoct.y. F-.ir. si7sh ' Ar r i 1 i.t V i- Ht flnion. at th- iinnii'i-nr, p-'-;'- ' '"i" lii. r..I ta t'- Conrt lio?:.s ;i i 1 ! f rh:i f i' I v i - fi. i : P ,r (4 ir "" VT. lMi. " :;.' S tin ljrJ, I " t t. rt.it time i h,M, ( ; .r. !: !; - ,r,m4M. j h: '.or.kwi .?. Nr,thiii5 iiirpaftr U farm- t:i "? i;i2i" f, hi fiinhnrv t o. r h of ft f-'i oi.-s. O i 1 ,:. 1 i , 21 . th ! f I 4MMVi., a:j ! i- i v.-itho'U m-fiti " ;M - -a AT At, I, ! '!:! if t'-i- 2 t!i. the c!?-i )'i firStai i' - h.il t -fi p! iv, an.l Mr.' Ilolilon ha I ''' ' '! t-i'-K ), Sa'or.hv th- 4fh, four ..is ui'T-Mttor. i strikes hij firt blow G iV. I llS. !! ohj'ftCtl t, TiMl-tiutV .,f at hi ir"s-:i-e. H'i l rh i'i; J h;i,i wi:h "takin;; ntps t , .!i.,!v..!h.-U ii m " Toe .v-rior rc-m-uu',1,. ! -a. (.i.suli.iti n of the slirehol -Ti.r H;vV an.l thm "a r-.Mr.'.ui n of thepeor!o to .v-s ,!.,:;: ii-nH.li.xtfy after the pin-.s-.! o-ia-nuM-.ti. .Mr. il if n fiiiH thU. wa uuTt-ly to r iiisrr aid rarry out-- i!i schemes u. the .ii.-nrdoa lea W ? Who will uo?v pre-' t-Mid th it tjov. Kl!is r-v-'niiii' :i itin wh not full of wisdom Th con'ih;uii wan f vita! impor!.iiu:e, as tho sqiel s'o'.v.. ' I f-the c :..itb:j had bfa hollar, an airlitr p-riol, n oat; can fail to prrceivt; vw much more inv.u;'.'', aaJ "delib vat" and 'complete would htv.- Ii -mi ;'jr preparation. . Ji.u Mr. tl.jfdca further charged, k'iat"Oor. Ilfli is emphatically adding th'4 people to, Vtist the iruiiura'.i)rx of Mr. Linuota," and hecard this ;w a.faujt. Yet Mr. IIolJn h J re'oukwi us tor thr asrtiun,. durirs ths c.-npiijjn, thaf- Ircooi's 'ejectioti, of- itself, wi tint cativ? for 'disunion. Frv)m the d:e' -f t.i dafVtt :i5 Stvo Printer, Mr. HoMen btmitj. cot-yiT of Guv. KliU ; ar.4 as cQ. c;ous of th prihlio jud i-int tip'n the ram h .ife'd o:i th. 24:'i : -WU k n-v wsll tk' u wi;; l).. cha.vyd hy-unr eii-ruies (hit we J'o' I '.ivi: actl.od rttif'jrt ly if wh h id Leeu 1 .Sia: IVinter.". Xr rcrthcIesH, h in- lU"l in vitoportiori of the Governor, ' V"'- ss he ovi ; mid hi malice tvas as ven caous, a it had j;rcviv.i -.ly .i-rl-vn it?Elf to- " j f.ard Ms?rrf. Cjj, Badger, IWd d ull other mij.cnt tat' a with vUc iir. U'd tlf n?s mature put Liai in hostility. JJut tLe st urf eat &ccaatin a'gaioat Got. K'li wai nstbing tker tkan an nooiitigateci elacder. TLe cftrjje waff, that Got. Ellia illed i-U miiitary appointNts fr rv acor.MeratinB ef prfy, aud wr.a proscritiTe of Lis opponents. WehvDottLe recard to stuwti fully tiene ufatiaith, but we kTe enon Bj tb leg i'tiTf enaetraftit, the GoTernor kd Mj- ap-p-iutantr.t r.f tk. military BaH, rh Buread efTiC'r'i, and tie efHrers cf tu ten reg iant.r Ilecowp.d Mt.'B ,rd cf A'itr ef tbr p f!nnen Mjor J. A. J. Brad'ord, Mr. FI y )i J Gui.n, and Warren Wii.kl'.w. Eaq. Major UradfarW was selected ff.r bis eij-t-rier en as an array nflofr, especially as -an cfii?er of construction and mpply, which would form m iuijjortaat r-rarch of th dutiss of this Beard. Mr Guio kid eevtr SlUd phtiol it4tioo, i?deas a whig, and a ursien mm, aj p54 t ece!ia. Got. Winslow &ie, was the poli i?atfrind of Got. Ellis. Thefirit Ca!oul selected was D. II. Hill, whose election was procared fty tk known ia- ! fmijce of Got. Elli, aai Gtn. Hill was natori- ! 6uly teter a jolitieul pnrtizau of bis. An4 ; G?u. Hill's selection wa iu ?.ecordnct witk ; the gfteral seatimeat f tk State. The f.ni Coloaley ef th tn regiraaatt wai tndeird to Gen. ITiniJer ; ani whea refused by hi a it wi'igiTcn to Col. StoV, wbo'h jd hea a M.-jor in tka Mexican war, through wbick ae bid serre-i witk dist.nctiua. Tew, Maar, Anuer.i, Carnphll, and Koht. Ransoia, weia appr iatnir.t4 strictly military, wkich all men j app'aude.., acd bo ue gsinssytd. Tkry we- f detnar;dJ ky tae highest coaniratios f policy aa duty. Th fiik, the sixtk aad tks i e'jjLtfj rti.!H ta be accounted fr. The fi'th was acorded to tL writer f this, f wh'w ntt even Mr. Holdeacaa prteatl that it tt u the jroTt of a pulitician to kis paMiina friea'd. T;e istk, t Cal. Fisher, was a tril-ata to Ids ohu tawn, and th personal acoiatio i.d fritodsliip of & lifa. Will it be allied aAi'i't Govern-jr Ellis; that he listeied to aaek aj appetl? Thfra is nt a nan in tke Stvta, ' hir Mr. llold-n, wHocjuH havahas i l-a'tit. TT fun it riU hr l-aaded aa interest, whether A wre or wo. So tkat af all th ! ftp3ntrf7ats, no single oas can 1,4 plicai a . ; partizav 'ronn-Js, if we. exesot Col. Siw, and , hi hUc. Gt. Ellis was fortiSe l by re.com j aiftn'iati.-tns w'rdeh could net w'd k rasisted, if ! L? had ln disposed. " Tke list of Lir-ntesaant Colonel fursishes th" sam j'itifio!arir,n. Lt. Co!.-. S. E. Bnu!i. i Yoi:n2, Jones, Light wt. wer- eithtr not r"l'oic;ir,s. or opponents of Got. E'lis. Wa I r a war?? that a Lieutenant Colonelcy Waa j too dered to' Mr. libera of this place, and nmy or n r init :ar.'os could readily be found s-f a like frc-d nn from political bias. The JUt of Majors furnishes like proof; aisd ; if l t-1 ; j w theie,in tlie r'a ptiins and Lieutenant. ; -n,-oV s .liists arc fiiun to pretlominate, it i ' j b 'nu-p tbis c!a-?s '"re m st ardent, and ? ' J''n'oas, a?id zealous in f jtn.ir,cr utid orean i hr. rj.mpni ; for to thce who were the ' ! eWc .f thir companies, th& comnii.s.ious v;cn- ii.Tria'i'v c'vrn. i Wa h;.vo f')lfit!d cur proniie. TlTc pulli" ! di ? n -t ? c"d to Ke rhn advised-, for the imrn- ! f!u.r.s :n Got. Ellia had never done Mm ! bom; but as th slander had been rerr.rded, j and vul I ro to posterity, it was rir.t tht th- truth fih'-uld i' orrr wjih it ,, combat it j. In tb midst of lit "rent tf.il, borne down I bv th dicase wbif-h. ntt-i-.d npon hisheay ar'xietics, Gov. Klii.s tlifd. TI:mes-'ed ar;d j stai di.,i v hU post in t);P ypirit 0f a ca'm pl il "fpliy. be m"t his fate and iVMed l,!s j H'h ty his eonntry with ctmposire ar J r-s?r. j r.ai- n, living with tho itpiratious of a pr-T'of. Vc would. not. diy.boior Gov. Ellis mem- i r oy vf tnparin his career with th.it of Mr. ! li 'Mpi. N r kerrafter, by patriotic reen, will a p-.Tdl hedraw'n between them. When North Carolina tdiall build her rnon- j u;o-tO o br bero. Rons, she will accord "to ' , Got. Eilis a distiivjtiUbed 'nrcription, and b; I mice wi ,ft embalmed in hUtory alonp wib ! the oriHUnt ral'aTy by wl i- Vi he will be j furr..'!::d,d. Tl.o uture of Mr. Ib.i.Vn. it is" ! n t mtr nr'r rlp'-e, anJ wovdd t(-t be our pl"a-:re to predict. 9 e-'e r, t wh'ibf Mer Orrin Cburca- ill a-vl R.ckwith, ad Jeff Goodwin, an 1 Eanea jeflli:j, who hre. - 1 1 o mfess-r-d and re- rioftn-red t!i? secret tory society, are Ilolden nrn or Vi.ic m-n. VTe know in tur mind, that to i Im as they were in this infantas orz-t'dxttion 1 thattW for Hlden; fr this crrBiza- tion had a Yankee, connection ni iti in-hi!ri e jaM not be for Gov. Vaace. And it my be tht ths part:e wj yet T-ote 44 rolled BP I I'd i?n tickets." That remtins t bs ni j,ThbiTftl an i true men will y.ite opeotT, for Teeo--il or tTir truth amosg their fellow-wen. B it all tliU is a muter of indifference U ua. Whatw ai'n at is, to disalf? aad ta puuish Jaent its guilty leaders, that their example may war-a eT!!-?.ispovd raen.- We wbh this alone under and by tka law. W iavelA.tka Judges ct'Njrth Gareliaa to bsstir tbeoiselves ani ta deserve the veaaratioa cf aocicty, by kecomis its defender. But if this eanaotbadoae iftkelaw ia taa feeble, or the Judgss tao iaert, thsu let tke llt-pulilic look to"iteelf ; aot by the foraa of asob Uff, but by otatr meaas of defence, whick a aociety has ia tiois of dire nccesiity, far its i prcservatioa. Let the elccuoa take its coarse. Let Mr. Molden be tharughly dsfcatei, at ke will be; we tkea wean te propane a reaaedy fir Kr.rth (iroliaa eTils, that will do away,for the balance of this war, .with tat disturbiag ele-csa-it withia her borders, la th- weaa time, let th njitaturs pursue t-eir course. Mark tn-ui: For verily they akall Hits their re ward. I hat- t. bear people, talk behind o-je's h - k, ' as tUi pick-pocket f-'' when tk r -n- st U calls 1 Stop thief." . y' t For the Ccnidrate. Stase r Noeth Carolika, CliaM-aiu Cotii-ty. Jiiij 12, 18(54 Editors if iht (Jonfrdf.raie'. Yo'J will please to publish in your excel lent paper a few linas for me, in self defence. I see in, the Progress o I the 11th iostanr, a very slanderous piece, publisht-d by some one. afruhini; me of being: the firt t. introduce ilii.- secret order i'do Cbatbtn ar-d a p .rticn of Wake. It i one 4f tl e biai ket fal-ebr d.s that was ever to'd ; and now, rs, Hm c mpelled. i' fie f detcT.ce, t answer ti.U i u s';t.d-r, I will tell th? public ! ow e.' d bv w h r-rf I ree'V'd i?. V' I t j' r w is np'T. th? jqoare. sr d u- a and arrrU: it i . .. ... ... 'i j ei jV'ifiov, ine 'ruin vid - r w cule j of Mic't, if I roUtal,.. n.-t. Mr 'Wm. Jj, k- i -mii ui ji" :r.r-' lines, if. at ff -e y:a .ome '' .. ;; jn th c in:trv fr-.-t wou'-l tie tr-. dv w!'.-i?; To m. if I wanM ;o k" -w if. I did -jot ta ' itrUr h it at t1 e time, hit b ffpd"e to ra ntT in. Miid to'd me-i,? rca.t tk 2--1 'hap. of Jos-k'a. I did so. a- d I fin d?y ent to hi b-.u.', a d he. and CawcII Jjr ks. nnd Hf-nry Mritt, and myseT, wmt to Kit.drick J h? for.-. E-q .a d ihesaid Kindrick J. hrit n' i i:iaed im self anl CawU JnVt. 'J h it is' 'h firht f my kiHwirg anything cf th;s niat,r, so h-!p mr Gcd. Hytuetime afierwrds, the said Meritt said to me that he wa-t'd rne to be empowered to initiate other. There W3S very little sid abour it at that trne, but sometime aft.'r that, I can't feMy bow lot f, be, theeaid Miri'.t, w-it to Raleigh and was enfowcred him-clf, and then came to me and imp wered n. I wish to the Lord I had never accepted it, but J did accept, and shortly a'terwatds there were four persoi-a led into the crets at my houi, by t he said Meritt. lait I wss th caujsp tf their c minjr. there. I wihh to tell the whole truth ahoiit the matter. A little whil setter thvt, I think the next TLtpfday nibt, a neetii!g was gotten up at Mr. .Si'ap Be, .k-ith's. where t, fie was a nom ber of iip! ns bd into the ecreta. Throiiah me sotae of Them were influenced to go. but o'hersMhmet s. me of the ta!k.nr. I vill acknowledge my faults, and that 'publicly." I was ro t preee.ot a' Jlr. Y ( k i'hV, bntjthia un Meritt clone all that was ilute that niht, which all my neighbors will testify. All tl r I done, was d -ne in a short tiuie after I went into the concern ; for I so..n smw it vn-uld not do tor ne, apd I abandoned the can'-em. The reason all this abuse ia heaped upon me. is bee? u?e I published a catd and xj o-td it. And it is stated that some of rhv' neigh bors tell out, wif.h ma and wct.t bef re a rta-itrate and cane out b.f.oe I went to fee the Governor; which I declare is a blark fake hex d; for no made a nmve until I leturned Ire m Laleieh aud wtr.t r uial and t Id tkfju they hd better con e out of i;. wfvicH they did imnv diately. And I went with them to Mr. Hea-dereon Council's, ar; their card appeared with mine in ur paper. And It is said also in the Progrrsi, that he waah Sere.-ioT.ist. I do. nt iliink lie is one of the original, 1 ut is a. grood Conservative, and I t! i k a Vat.ce m He id the riht sort of man, aLyhaw. I think I can pui my linger on the man or men that have gotten up this piece of f-l.?ad-r agair.-Ft aae: and it wae d re beeaue I exposed the conce n.. I would say to tke Editor of the Progrest tl c.t he had better be careful how" he pub list; Mich pieces aait-at me. f..r he d.jcs not kni. who I am. J cau estVoiph e a , - c h racter as any mau in the whole, community, R'ul t b - t by the rfp udble n r n of the a tint ryl I say thi mjtseif. hut when I say it I think I f-y ke truth. It is said al.-o iu the Vrogr, rs, that I went to the Governor and fell upon my ki ec5 rnd asVtd pardon; which is lie of the deeper (lb ; at d we can iud-je the balance bv thai. I can prove bj E. G uncii, who wai t wiiit nie ta ?ee the Governor. -nd.I can prove !v the Governor I iu.si II that it is a be. Mr. E. Council is a r s-por.slb'e man and ia my ne ire.et i eihbor. I arn -orry to my very soul tkat I . suffered myself to be Ud astra by bad men. Ai d thre is another thmii which" I r Li k brought his kiasdercus piec ain-r m1 : l-ecau-e I came Mil pnblieiy and dnhmd mjsclf in favor .f G v Vat ce. J did do it. and I will do if a fain I vi,dd inform the Px-ipes, that I ti ink he is dointr G-.-v Vance a lavor by eavioo that all thie men v. ho have come out of this wickul ihiag have (oiesworn themst-lves. Of conrsi- he can't expect cten.f them to vote for Mr. Ib IdMi. I would say tqjiim if vu want t. cie.feal Mr.- Il-hien in this comiounity, so on and abuse th-m, who" would otherwise' vote for hirn. I do not want to My a w. rd Mgatnst Mr. Huiden, but I cannot sunnorl him lor Governor. Wl.ec I west before Governor aneo ie treated n e like ar.thn an, and asked me rey few emsiiims, ard Iixjosed no one. whijL Gov. Vain e and Jlr. C. u; t il will testify . But when the tru.h is neces-a?)-, it shad cotre bom roe. Art' row I l ave tddl as far I have jrr.e, the whole truth, aud l othm hut the truth, so help m God. In conclusion, I would sav that mv life n ay be endangered fer whar l'have done, but I h. e tne iiuthoritie.s will see ti nt I ho. t ro t,c;cv " 0. CI1UKCUILL. ii.e Conservative will please o py. The Jcdiciary. The Supreme Corrt of this tftata has decided in favir of tka coastitutionaliry of the lor i f Coo.-cription, and aNo of the law conscribmg the princioalB cf s ibstitates. Mr. Ho!Ju a.d th rrotjiest bave both pretende 1 to be the ckief defenders of judiciary. Where is their voiee of persuasien now ? Coun.ading -ubmis-eioa t tbe U, aud 8-ipport of ttie judiciary? Not a word, fratn. either of these eelf-ccnstttu-ted chawpioDs ef tae judiciary and defenders cf conspirators. Fire cn thk KAtLEoan.--We learn rom Salisbury Watchman, that a freight car on the N. C. Bailroad, ye-terday, between Charlotte and this jlaco.tck fire and wan consumed with its ceuteLts, delaying; the arrival of the train for about two hours. The fire was for tunately discovered in time to prevent its reaching other cars in tke train, though it was with much timculty the burning car was t-aparated frrn the reft. We ara abo informed that a small bridge beyond Lexington, was burnt yetterday, and that there iaroreqaently a temporary inter ruption of the running of tiains on that part of the line. In th. Advertisement. f GIsa Anna Fe male Seminary, which appeared in this paper a few aUvs since, the fried of tuition in Latin and French should have been $20, instead cf 450, as printed. . , From tha Sa!bbnry Watrhman. TLc lam x iefj In Rwan Cauntj. If a br mb shell had C-.rr e crahin thronj-b the- ruf ef our ffi . w r ud pearrelr' have been more snrnri-l than i the Teep?irB ne the cnbj deed letter from Mr Tl rT. Em-, Ra'urd y Vt bad r-d o' the "ILr.s of America," and seen te:r c-'ss: in the Ril-i?h parerS. hut We 1 ad n?' rtii'z?. that this vrr oath li?n,I j,, trlionnf,l ctation bid sro-id ielf :.-mnn? ".r ,.oT1,.f.v. O en. H" 'eiLibor d tyeiM?; rhPn ,f t'eerid.rne of i s exi-feneA all r,.,,,. b'T"a-- 1ir f Sst oj.b d - IT t?i7r7 vj J trr of nnr fspb. ,. '.A ,r ;rt t Ms ! '': ?- 1 q'-ti ri wbi-ti wi! -f f r t, nr..., rf. b- , r-s d S fTi it I a v-v tti.n wbobv p rrr.jr.ed bb if tn 'ivj. d ivtO at-jer ft wi ke-l.m'1 trai-s- 7. tv rartiet hoi,,l e-i;'r' o rtir-v l;i-nv onti rf i v ' t it- t.,fi n V v and f !! O.TO tifnnr.l f -r r i- rpii'e ct,in f, ,.At thoe w!,( per. ' in i? -i 1 lirir h-n -v-s to 2n'ef.' The trrcu f the so' i- fy in R wan t o lonr exists. Mr E' !"'!';' bec"me convi--c-d that it wa-- a c. n pat vib ti e er emy. an i well ea' cqlttd to 'a notal ze our p ople r.d unn-rv them for the duty of defense opainstour cruel invaders. Tery smm after, joinintr it resolved that he wouhi rot rea-d its obliiralions. !! refused t be b und by it when tba two yan kee pri. rrs called on 1dm. But we are de UuV tl.M reader; the Ltter Pp-aks for itself. c rest-in n uituosi exactly as written : For tke Watchaian. Row-ah, Co., July 8th, 18G4. Mn. Brusek: Dear Sir I have noticed ih the Wntcfimaa and Coosfrvafivf, an artu-Ie sprakiriij of an oath-.hoi.Ml, rreas mable wieie tv;attd I aUo see the affitfivif of several pen tlen en acknowledger. fhen.-elrs as having been liifml'crs of the psid s -eicty. c.d'ed 'M ros of Arurriea." I sir. l ik th- t rest nt k? eawion to inf. rm you thst , myself, ,t; e been i jtiated into this s one 9 p-tv ir fru. aod as I see that it is thought to he d?rinrn'al tt the welfare of the G-nfe'deraev. I now de clare iny-elf a-parate andanart from its raem lrship. But I uever did ti"br.-tard the thiny as here I'may be al!. wed to pay, like s me of lui trentVmen alluded to 'above fem to tirt-brs' ini if. I y fid that the tl int: came fronathe anke ; tlit the afike-s were disposrd to fav. r all go) I conrv-ti ve ravrf, a;:d that this w is the tnnx f which thej w,.u!d know then-and th a in raids, or evn in mbjnjr .tio!(. we wJ.uld :i..t be? hurt Iwxstohl also that h u'd I ! .- placed in tke army, and h-uld un'otu'.atelv hi catuurd. that tK yanks would relesse in- ird treat re. yfil, tive me mi.y. e., t,( come home n But I did not. und- rarmd that wis to give u ui any aid or to y.,t- for fbdden. If they had t0hi in-that, I wou:d never have .ent into it ; nu. Tel S'ea the n i -d fliet. I d n't like Uolden or the yaukees eitfier. I was determined when I went intuit that it fhonld never do me any harm, neither should it do them (the yanke h) any good. It in a per'ect trap: a mnn dues not know what it i until he gets into it, and then it is too tat. I now have a bid opinion of all secret socie ties and think that there is no use of .mv thinf that is riyht to k kept, secret. I hope" that I will not be looked upon as disloyal or nntreui to the Confederacy. I dare say I have fe. d many soldiers io the'last 18 tortntl-.,; x V private man iti thi county, od I expect have received h pay for it ; hut hardly ever did I tenet t a t'dr g in my life? as I nj rUprr:t b hnSin: 10 tlda lan The mVht that th,t w., escaped yank, e prisoners cam to mv ),o(ic, they ohi uv that they h..d he trd-tlia'l was a irv d Union man, and tl ar. tin y warded me to -uf them iu the wav to tet al ."ng. 1 stt.-' iJ a moment. at,d thee' told them that I be d-L1 it I would do it Now I do pot come forward aod n.i'.ke ibis a.-ki.ovO-.'emcnt through anv rear of b'H2 ratiht in lids ihi'.g and p:ir'- i.-hrd. I do it becaus'- I dis.v.ver t.t it is thought to he deirimer tal to ihe o rnij.cnt -and if so, I do nor i ke it. ' ' I supp e that I hire If en B.--.,ewhat in ptitn ertal in ge'o'ng two or t tee o-heis in this thing, a d I hope that when they tnav sfe this, my a-uamion. that I n-y e intru m i,tal in briogi;-. them out a-.'on. do'n t Ihit.k the o .th i biidioin to, i-t. bccois" 1 or ;i' r. nnsi; aui n o if Wa.ll il-'''a'; and wu sl'ou .1 1.0; (eel any I eclair-,- iro . topping a man tbii g. I ihnught it w rtgnt at tiist : Im now I tfiis k it i wron I -rep-t that, tbe utnlerst;iui!ing never wai here that we should aid the enemy or harbor dc.-erterss or vote f- r Hohb-n. I K told r' at it wonjfi nc.t interhre with my IeVrai rju:,fiS i Hr v w shaj e or form ; but I admit that when I com menced snallowini down the oath, which is a very hard one. that it ei-m vt ry near ( hock ing ee, ar d Ins never eet well on my stomach since. But I think alter I g-1 it off" in this way that I -hII T, bcttrr. I m rrt- r. v. ,.h!ier.d to he ol preacher, O Churchiil. foP y e.k ngthe v ay. I s v l e is a D.pti,;: I K.f 1 !n all itctietie1 f r that. I tui-pofe, Mr. Bruner, thst I h- ve said em tiph. I wsnt you to particular ui.dcrMat.d th t I am nobrger a rnrtuo-r of the H O S ci.ty. You n.ajr .uHi.-k ti, if yu ch...".' Alter it in at.j way to put it ia br?'er f,,rm t.;tt you choose, so it n,e:,iis and re.o:s hP -f,mv in auhMance. I knew all abuu' this tiJnr - tar is it goes in Ho wan,. av! w.mi.-.J t it ...j-.-t to telling all atv ut it iirput.lic. i; I w m 1-,, ,es't-d t. do so by the corwmutdty ; ' ,t t,, , only in a few coui.ti in Noirh Cardiaa 1 think is a freaP mistake. fv vb, e-siau 'i that it exists petty ext-us'vly. ' Yuura rt sfec't'-j!i v. lLill; II. EANE?. . In cr mnliauce with a req te.-r ij r yr jj sburtiy httet-tbi letter wa-: rc iol. he c-.e iuto t"wn ve-frd a.,,1 f-....., '. ' men w th wh m h J eo rftnuidc t o f,e , " lit ia" eCrn soy!, iv. tie f;)Vf 11- K imt.v ..rn. who, hi.-u conimunie tfeo tb ? or r..,.., .j. o.. ali rf which iree wif. irie revelations, ef O Churchill, mui ..ihera. aae frl b.y ts aye been , ubhshed.- There is eee diss of cur ftl-low-cit;z us d-barre-t fr-aa rovmheiop in thi society. Mr. E.nes say,, W;g:,, cro ist were excluded. They wre all ta be Uft t j the tender mercy " of the yankees : but all good 'I conservatives V ; who w-.uld take tba oath, were t be admitted. jf,.Wf fls K . rrsrt tit m Bbh . .r. . 1 t .1 .1. . . j . - - s a 111 w i.fr hhu me misf none ta be trapped into this wkkfcd society, we waru all gaud and true nen who bve gene into it to make habte ia getting out of it. Let them re toat.ee it, and take their 8'nd arrest all such crmracts with tbe enemy; for ihe time is at band whn the works af darkness will be brought to light to tbe a'lame aad sorrow cf tho-e who persist ia tha.-n.- Sulisburv Wmtek. man. Got. Vance's Appointments.. ?Xnn-ii r. " ' Th',J 2Ut. Gold Hdl, Rowan Co., Monday, 25th Albemarle, Tucsda'y, " 2Sth tV'T'- i. Wednesday, " 27th! Rockmcham, . Friday, 29th Lumberton, Saturday, 30th.' Fricm's will "pleas p nvi !- a convevane fr t wo frum placa to p .m. t KLrvGlf Ai' li li - twKFORTS OF TEE TRMS ASS0CI1T10.N. KatertaJ -ecardin to act f C"Drrj ti the yeal ' 113. U ' 8. 'lPRsaKs, ii. the Clerk's aSc t tkit Bift. s t v'oort f tka Confederate Statat far ibe Xertbera District of Geergia. From Klfhnincd. UICI1MOM). July 1 Jth.- natno.s are pler.tifal tu of I'ouft-dei Mte f ueeen in M'iUiiri. ?ri rate ao'rie-s ft om !V ' ba g tae that .the yswkrpe perenu-to'-ily ie uu to . c a' re pafcr. Aflieoftruce bo.it n ir d at Vet ina to-d-il. Cspt. Itavlor of Va . Cpt. ker. r ft. C., ae4s--ei J.Jie.. S t li jujiers received bv this arrival. Tram Groijria. ATLANTA, July U. Two Brigade af vankee cavalrv bave rioted tbe Cbattaboorke. Here's Vainde nine niilt'sfram Newman la.r. rjgkf, wrre a-t bv" Araastrorig's Krigsd. of cavalry, .and riveo baek. The brid?- was huraed. oochaate of sff-irs at the froct. Tks aneniv :aie tiring artillery occassional ly across tba river t FCnXD IMSPATeH. ATLANTA, July 1 5tl. CJor. Rmwn having oiTicial advices thit pereors within tbe military age having mfedrste dettils to remain at h nie in piirsait of their nrdinsrv an .cations, exnrchses the determinatioa not to aha th r cent nidar to report at Atl &ta fr tl(l deft nee of their twines and tbe State, h? ii (triu-ted ihe proaer ..K-?rg to arrst ell sucb t eist-n and eend ibeta .under g-uard to Atlai ta. and that if fyce is u d against lawful authority, mfikient force, n ill " be sent to any pat t t ov-re. me the reaistacce. He admonishes men dv-atiled bv Confed-ra'e auth o r giicuitarl ? urpopes. sa thrii croaa are no .v laid by, the provision puPF1v ot be en gendared by their absence for a hvrt period. Nothing new in front. From MlssN-lppL' UICHMO.VI), July 15th.-The followirv redvai here toa.v. - We atta-k.d a column of th-enemy undrr Smith yesterday n thei inarch on Poatotoe lo Tiipe'o,' caiiM,r hbn to burnir,KBy wsgors. We striked Lim i hi, pr.Mtin at Tund.i this morning but couhi not lorce Ins position; the battle was a draw, one aid lasted tkree horns. From Lite orth. ?J,F KSBU.R- Ju'T -.The Chrirle or tfte IJth contains tall .rciunt.i th rr jnTa ston. (,y. Bradford's country r.eid nee, 8ix u,ii,a lion, balf,.nore on tbe Choirs t,,et avt-r.ue. st.d V veral oth'-r bou-cs were tumt ly Harry ;il o,e or, thr, Hth. Bradford's private library .and papers we e all enrantned. This caui.d !ateli.-s to say ,), u inter.se IVJings of i(f,.t,-nt 4i'x, iur powder hridg,; on thrf Phila delphia railn.ad was burned at hon on tbe lfih .so rone ,ars and the mails; also Bwth river and" intern mer liver bridges. Baltimore U row cut off from all telegraphic oI railioad eonunujication, except t Wab igtori, at d 'spprehtTsion exists that thst will P ',' 10 l?vr"nt d' l'uccfs are pouriag into I.alt.mor frr nV quarters. The fare.. caW-'d in tba tight t Monociev 'roreisted of the 6'h corps U. Mrtforu's house wa hrn. d by ai-der of MaillCT Joha-oa, in r.-taliati ta for, bainisr (iovernor Letcher's hoaae The home of Cock ran", .Naval Agent, wan also bennt. Th seccesionist st Baltimore sre confident and say W ashington ni'j be shelh-d if not captured. 'The Banks, and Insurance companies have all de-po-ited their valuablea" Tn board the steamer Uicrlutul. in .order to be ready 10 leave at a wo men's notice. Arrangements have been aiad- to ave the Archives from Annapolis. Two mnrrdnr Trains from Bhiind. Iphia w. re overhauled at Ma-nolia, twenty miles from Baltimore, and Mai Gen. 1 ranklm captured, ou 0tlc Tt Atn repor ted recaptured. Hunters lorerts occupied Unr th sburg rnd Ilageretown on the 11, but tbe r. bels hold nuih M'aut.un p.ses. Di.patchis say the whole force oppera'iiiaroniid Baltimore city is not oer one tn oussnd under Uarrv Gilmoreand ;n in; iiiri.-iir,iii fill." mOV D.IVf trie I if - tu-. rounded. It is reported that dVn T. I,.,. l.u-. I ed (Jrot ha, P,.,t r4 that if th nuc-s an...!, J.altiuiore and a.diingfon can take care of those p'ac, s anri repu s -the rebels he can attend to Ku-hmond satisfactorily. Tcb'iphic coiaamnicaiion was re-caoibli;hed wilhroi.adtftphin Mo.idiv r i:lltf bat diopatehea from Baltimore mivh the rebel cavalry were within three units of the city. The rebel torc.M wre in linn rC 1.,1.. Toll Gate on ah street road, three miles fiom astoiigten. Sand.iv atrcrnbnn there wai fighting on Tenally Town 10,1 I. from three o?ch -ic until nine o'cloek, foii-in which th- F-.-terd wore driven tire miles. Th- reh. l she'ls w-re fading within tw miles of the ci nti e t the city. Lit coin and Stanton rod-lhe front Mordav evening about 2 o'clock, uhile severe skirmihliiii was gomif on. Sots- .;bt or t-n houses Mere destroyed -near th rch 1 line of battle, so as to pr vnt th-ir biuj held s d-fencei for the rebels. The reb.ds were iu large force on Blab 's tarn' "Silver Spring." Thr Chronicle says that within sljrht of the Capiml. a1 toed bests are thundering defiance to the constituted authotity f the iation. The Chronicle also says that Wa.-binton Iv tke best fortified eitv ia America and s ir.s hoptful. I'ai ti. s iu Washington were trrmted tor man a'actut inir seces"ion fhigs. Hi-patches fnon Graft's Headquarters of. the 10th. say that the raid in Maryland is looked pn as a mere tatr-ii. Woknw but 'very few of Lee's troops have Itt h- re. v About daylight on the 1 1th, the Florida cap tared and burned th t B i'k in tow of a t'u tug jn3t outbid- Cxp Henry. Thie. cunboats were Kent from Baitimor in pun-ait of her. Lalf.r Fraw ihe Xnrth. TtlCnMOND, Jbt I5.-The Washington .rr ft the altarao'iM ol n . I2iri. atrs that l.or th entire line tWit mat nil iff the ibela pr.-ssd a much b Ider fror.t than ye.frday At F.rl Strveoa near 7th street road, jhe rlbol li-;e was reMei back ball a mile. The ski; rni, bets at II o'clock were in close proximity. IVuilt.r i.kea eav tba force in the vaei.diw of F.ut St-yens, and Biissv numi-cnd I'e., t.v thousand. The railroad et-veeri here and Baltimore, is tttectually broken up by the. rekels. J , SMil Laifr rrum ibe Xorllt. PKTKilSBUKG, July U.-The CAreWe f tu Itih has dispatch, a tiom Baltimore ot the 12th. which say that all is q ii -t ,. the city soi,gly oefendtd. Al business nlaees, iicn't dtiakinff . bouse-, are oo. n. The G-lo ores, Hofj: mans and otber proiaiDn s-c ssomiats havtf been arreetvd. Gunpowder Bridge i- Vm.i badly dam aged and will b- repaired ia a lew davs; " .'",rVbH ar' keli, y-d t be within tweatv mib-s o- Kitltimor . Gn. -Tvler i. e..tir l h,i..j rait tired. Tbe Cioiier .,f Tn,. . :. ..." th, -I-.... 1. ' ' - iava 1 - At . 1. ,r,J-Te 11 ceria:n tuat tLe tre.,r . 1.1-eo-ergenev ny j, iTouch are -wther- 11 iu fro t of the rebels And that every av tbe rbel hosta linger in the State, th areiter their probable per l. U front f Whinfftop. there wa $k.m,p,bmF all day Tneed.v atd . he Chonicl, reporter tro.n tbe ta at.avstb".J reb Is were It ng reinforced by the arrival of troops. Jc .ay. haT eay,Ir,rnenand i.fantryme. eame in from the Nortka.de of theseventh street load, ne. ly all of them passed to the right or ea-t side of the road a.d otbettroapsfrotbe west side p Jd aver-to tbe e.t.of the ro,d. th- reaorfr 8Ue he M tbefront with tbe conviction that th Veil t-rn back wittont The CkroHid, ,.v, ,h.r, ' Irrfirolir .kir i . "--i'-i b rerry. Lineoia and hi ira'..j : . still hold Ihe Pes in tbe South Moiat.irt! R4' way and telegr,phic co.n,uieaMoV MwJen Vashin2-ton and Itlo,... ' Uf en o'clock Tuesday. T L u"e .ni p 7,W,",M Bridrres o ther..n?..r"U:e,J n1 J a,nt "rach were burnt bv ,h, I ! ?'Mu,o,e raiUav railroad cut irf fl t . d iff e t 3. The'r?A tde savs it will take oulo ti J1 . hf Chrt- road. Samner. oV UH lVXr,Vtt "i'1' th? the trai. with Gen K ' om b1 nix'd ,nd scaped?' "f,,'n ut w""t recog K JhJ 'hr?',iclt J8 th crack of rebd Hfles U heard in the very environ, of W.shiugtoa. A Utter frcia s.kvil!e of Jaly thr 7th, s vR the final sd cisiie kettle for"Atl.nta un short y eu ia the virmity of thst ntv. adWs that shou.d Joh.),t.,a ataad, Shctn.ai. will ceate flanking r,rl JPiior b'attle. .iviirw 10 an Interrvjptio. i. ui,ctRh. .he ""n Lt.''v,,,?,,.fh ,T'," """ ore. t'kf, Llwrt JL r ii Ch more. -ri. ,r. onrr.j.j. Atiy - srd Jam.- n Thompsan have, baen plred urter rebrllte i-, fort near Cbarlvston. ' Tbe Florida has c-ftoted five tr.nra vp-.. a On Friday trurniair. the !5th inrf.. . ,f,j, citv, Jons Ukkt, iafatit sen t John urd'y... fiira Nirho's. Thafni.ral will take fir cm from il,( !,,;,. Church th is marr ing st y clock. UeNliFFifos, Grauville G.U'" v. N (.: '.' 1 " J'l 12 lf4. A's-s. Edi'ort of the Cof.fal, raU ,,,, I see nnt, btttlui; soph-, e.llv af,! v p. -otidv h-r truth at J ri-hi. w! tr eV With ti c . i or that other p-wr'nl wcp.. tj r. ,.4 you are and l.a'e b. ir H,ni. ;,r v , wielding Mseihftillr to ti e. ttt r v, t j. ionof th- tret. ,f tl.r slU.j,t ai,i t(e .xp.sf;oi of (raid, nei;., en- r, aiiM all h .d men. I t r,t vithhoh.! thy aid. ku- wio a" I do, that ,r-i T'U to Un!. oi.n.i.- m . f j . """""'"i V II. !TM1. with our enemifs l,.,,h abroad and at 1, n o, oii shou'd be ut m pos,fssi. n of a I tl o Tacts conm ctcd with the,. I their lot 0 pro cerd to state what I know in regard to the pnnejplea t.f ' rewair. pirea who I bvlifvo o oe mii ei.emy to the H-uith. I have en re,en!h in ,()l,r excellent pa Krrx' Ce,J'To1') Ihvv.iu) ,vf th. B.y. W.N.Bragg, in which be abjutes and V m unces the .ocref poliij, a otgardz.t;, n ir t: i wh'ch he professes tohaVeluen led "N we.k and 01 er ;u x t.s d.siro Inr rotui 'o , -' 1 w-.-in the city ol Rih-iah sorr,ottUe d ,.'r the 1 st sprint:, at d h, i,-g jr -fin nt-h H, ted with thesai.i Ke. W.X. Ur.,,. J ; ) (j to see him. Aod he trti.adt-.: to me b it he wiehrd hirelf Mrd hilmU Wirt id! vith in the r.my, bnrs ; " h,.' id tl at rhov would i e heiter provided b r than th y jicT her- At d yet it, Li3.de sas l)';;! 1 rre nevei has Utn :.n d' sign on h.is raf if . fi,:,. le with the hated Ys.kc. And. ,id be. " the rropitl 1 e.e ,e lo be Ut than 1 mo.1 .of cnt-thrnais; ' iu.d, ha;d be, t! e h i olo poveroment is roit.-n to the cofc." Ami th satnw II v. W. N JJrngg f' itt that l! ct. tnond, and the v hole com t r. el 1 nt jt rrdf-ht sink i,.to,b!iu"on." Yttin h'scard h r'vs he O'uot wi.di to itjure t e .uih.rn inuVo still he wants to took the Southern capiial and its goveri n . i t into oblivion O'em s'stency, thou art a j-viel. I ,pH, j,vr, ilt the same tune and place, the ?n.. lh v. W. N br;,gg swy; thst be I 1 ic Gr, Vto ee t be the ineat.e-t it n on earih ; that he ,ia washy and utMable; that, he Voted I v I , 01 c-f hut he wj uid t ever do it jprai,,. I5!lf ("lid iO Khali tote tor W. W. IMe,,, ,vr I th'nk he is lie proper man f..r Guvtrra-r if North Cnrobn i." Messrs. Kditora, 1 look ppn the Ilev. W. . llragg rhUine an ei emv to th. S ti'b and a very dan-cri u.s man ; nnn.v I am convn cd. oi.bt to be y.atd rd wub uu al.owrd to hold aty f ..Htb.it. ,itJ n- c bun or 10, v thine else, j,i ary hospit-,, j South lb, , vet hat whatever hem tit tut Uv. W . N. Hragsr might be to li e s(.pi of our e d tiers, R-ouhl in !! p babi;v be r. w... letactrd r oicrl.alarted l y h, fcOW ;Mr w seed, of d..scnsion, diddle, tu n ai ld,., d. IV.Whtch might tlct.by Ciliso ti-flt' tio'o. Iheir colors be A Ht flic stale, and thereby h-,th body cf d s. til. Now, Wes?ra. Ili.pas. if u v.h), Utuft Gd ht..r in vi.dic.ui.g .1,,. ti.u o' He .'io'h, bv trp-sitg her , ;s'oVrtl ,;, VI, (... u-nuts nn ft, p,:oj,.,. mv , 1 , Xf-o-c a mati to the ti.?J,M fX , .', , jn heps not right in're-etd f .d oinn . d ,!8 C;;".ntt - "'' I rate r, , uo,.,, lea Uneo or' who.h.T he h.- th.- ...ii jvse. or even f,e Jh-vcrnd h...d-e,pj. him. ' I am, with rnuih reprcr- voios. &-r JAllLs (). (("lilill.L. We are ir foimcd by pet-o'V wh . hj.i.y. t'. e writer of the r;bovc, tfur La is 8K ,r. , , 0 a gent Wan as Gianvi 1 t. utv . 1 , ir ii and that he ha. lost. thiVe n,i in ti e i y, a-disa true and reliable' Tli:t ; r,, t ,J i'v Wc merely mot tu,ii f.1( f. f. r1 e information of those'ui i.cqmiinteci v,i:h Mr Cghill. I'ea no, cart Kits, N. C. Cavalft Bi'triAni:, n . ' J"' Lb, Ibi.L Gl HKIfAI. OnPERB, ) No. 11. The Bi. G n commati lit g cannot withl old from the troeps-hf the brigade the expi. A-,,,,, of Ins appreciation nl their gallant c-ndnct iu rug the arduous labors cf the f.tst met th. In the action of Ihivis' Finn 1.11 ihe 21-t idt thi toigade. single hardtd, ef p. r.r.rer, , H dil vtsie.n of Yut.Ue inntiy, nud drove it tnrk wmu heavy lo-s to the err my. On the 2:bd Hit., at BIa :ks and Uhile-, the Lt igiui,r with a dah and t-piril worthy of tht n selM-' fu-ned the tide of battle, cave J the day, m.. drove b.ck the tru.opt.a, t advance u; M"y.l.:. r gade (f ihe eniiny'e cr.vab. In other nuin rous nc'ioi.s of Ies note, puts of regiments and commands acted with Wv i d ii:t: wh'le on cvfi-y trcnU.n in which it vR.?ed. Mi-Cm pro 'e bulte.y bote itself with niarJ-id skill at.d courapt . While we iru-uin the fu-s of our fallen com rades ,ind friend", it ie n rrmrce of grhtitQ !e to God that our. lo-ses have been ceuipvtativcl v small. . J We are enc-orag-d te renew d energy nT d ZhI, rttld ihe UtHj l sir,,,.,! Hl.r, ...la m.lV ..... C de,.Ce. to botn cfilctrs and men. for their livntty co-operattcn in evet rfjort to 1 n node f c . f i". Cieney of the ccinirand. rd to a.Jd new l t. m j to the long bst of heDors hentufoie ncru bv the N. C cavalry brigade. (Signed) k LARBINGni, Brig. Gu. Conunanding. "' 1 m"m,Hm nt an I. T CHARLr.sToK, July 12.. To Grs G. T. BtAt RKOARD : The enemy Httcte l Battery SicoLkina laa night and were repnUed. We have driven them from Jehu Ilsrd Their fleet dropped down laat night lelcw v A.U tk foree of tke enejj frrw v J o. JOKE", .. Mj r Gei erat. Capthrki) by a Nr.no I'atru k. a lave 1? iV j Jt,Vl" S. near rJoode'a Cios-dn in Gedh.rd county, captured three yanked in Li master u wheat mid lastThursday. The vanl kees had escaped Ir-tn this citv, and" r !,,. t to Hanc ck a ci rpa. Th.7 weie m 4r! y fnm. ied and worecUani, out the grain p, MU isfy th- cravings of hunger. Tatriek's e WeajxinwA. a ,ry,h. bl:,l.ifiV.nl.clin tbreate,.:d 1,, . decapitate the f r f hU .v,, f ran imrr.ed.ate and ,, ,uri A' J were not complied with.yf. JCrci

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