o. 4 DAILY CONFEDERATE. DAILY CONFEDERATE. "7. H. bKHtMAN fc CG., rroprictors 1DVCRTISI50. ADVKRTLSF.MEXTSwili be invrted atrnaaa oot.tAi per square of ten line (or lej) for ecb injeryioc. Marriage notic.-t and Obituariti will b cuared 4t. ftdtcrticetncijU. JOB WORK ofevrry description will bt f ecutfcd at tbi Offite with dispatch, and u fceatly scan bv done in tho Southern Confederacy. EDITION, for O uiwntas .S15 1 F t t 3 I it -, -ri-WEEKLY, for 8 months kUl tt 3 1 5 WlXKLY uiiiuiore rnpnttia & V subscription received on any other terms . i ... , I"- i t i . Z A - - -- r -. t rrt s . - o m OLD SBEirs, I VOL. V. - J RALEIGH, N. G, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3 1864. VOL. IXo. 162. , . m My jSriicdulc of Prices iu fforth Carolina. ( Join misn era- ot f Appraisement for tho ?f it of Stlh Carolina, again presrt th'ir .. f I illinT .1 Ill'.ll t - . r f iiitft'riinirTil I'll hit 'ivkoiAi Uiim. in the rv.il tVM aiv! eircumstancea Mil" iM r .' tO llMl'lC Hll until-. '". ..,c,y item iia -.rise , , -f. t. .,'.,it J,, been care ml riswi .. li l , f Mr Geo. ge W. Mordecai. tb-y trut the Jeh-dulc now prcer.tedjv.il piore satisfactory to both the (Jun-nment and the p- opls. They would reo.?rtfui!r urge l''' !"' ''I''" basten on with th'-'ir Bipiii" to maintain 'id feed oar gllnt tr o'r now ;-rfiiihl;-d j't on ,ur border", nr:d in h g, ill. i-i y aad forti;i.d- under God, we alone ,r,vf oar ex.hi'j"'n fr"tn th" horrors of a revolu tion, of our h u!f3 and families h: th; barbarous, i,,hii'n.nti lb, who hftvr crnstanllv shown they nfi! want 'h" P'x' " ari- r'- t'd', to destroy B, ari'i take all wO haw. Afi !t- dlfc- ?" d, peeled, per bushel of 2ft puuiJa $ 5 00 u:pet:k'd, per bushel of p .an ii 3 50 with hndifs, each ; 12 50 witlnui handl!). each 12 00 hniprf, per pound 3 00 hiiini-., per pfund Z CO shoutdors, pr pound 2 75 jovvif.s, p(;r njuiid 1 50 it Dcfiti?, wtiite or comlitfid, per busk. m pounds 10 00 Hrsndv', aple. per iralloa 20 1-0 peh, per gallon 25 00 Ueef, li-''h, lift, pt-r pound 1 00 " suited, per pound' 1 50 IJro-vn stuff, o.d, per bu-ii-1 23 lbs- 1 00 t Mow, per pouuJ 3 00 a'i.t'rinntine; per pound 3 75 tinc, pt?r pair 11 uO woolen, tor soldiers' clothes, vard wid, 10 oz. toward, and pro rata a togrenter or lesi weight r width, per yard 6 00 rttw, per lb.' 1 00 Uio. )er pound 4 50 uuiheMt'd, pur bushel of 70 pound.s C 0C sL.-ik-d, packs not included pre txish'A of 5G piuncld 6 00 mucas n,t included, per bush. 50llj. G 00 cotton, yard wide, Jj yd. to pound, ptr yard . . 89 txtra iamily, per barreLof 1M ounda CO 00 extra li.uuly, per sr.ck of 93 " poubdu 30 00 ,!up.,rjiue, per bbl., of 19G lba. 55 00 mt t li.j, per sack of 'Ja lbs. 25 00 liae, pt-r barrel of H 50 00 fine, i r sack of li i''s. 25 00 brtli d, per i00 pouiiO-t H U0 ' unb ili.d, per ItuiuU - d pouuds 5 50 wo-'l, fttch - ' 5 00 bal-d, ptr hundred b?,. 6 OJ uiibriloi, per hiiurlrtd lbs. 5 50 d;y, extra, per pouud 4 00 . diy, 3 60 ;uvu, per pound 1 75 ar tdiei y, If t eias.-f, per head 1,000 00 artillery, 2d cla, jierheai 00 00 Kxtra," ( -i a ins, l-'ocfdo Hats, liar, il lorsi'd, I I'.-ii, i. per ton of 2,000 lbs. 130 00 j ipiai or round, per ton 7-0 00 ho tp, p.-r ton of 2.000 Ibrf. 1,000 00 11 : 1 or baun, per ton of 2,000 ponudci 700 00 boiUr ptatvj, per ton of 2.t(i0 poiuuli 1,000 00 ervicenoie raitroau, per ton ' 2,240 pound.-, castin;;s, pjr pound wo.il, d'Miicvstic, per yard c:ia:p, iron, Jier lb. 400 0') 30 10 00 30 50 00 3 00 ; eo 7 0f 7 00 - 10 00 10 00 1,000 00 fcOO 00 50'J 100 00 Ji.TtlH, . Kctt! s. Linn b-r, K'-ou, per l,V')iJ Jeet t i"a ri, pt r pou'jd tx.lv, pi-r pounu " upp. r, pur pound " h.irnt'sy, per pound Jb'huse?, caiif, per Ration " horijljuu), p pallon -Mulos, lt LUd.s, pcrr hoid " 2d lasss, per hend ; 3d ulw, per head ' extra, N ils, p,-r ku O.il., sheaf, u.ibak-d, per 100 lbs. sb.-at, buU'd, per 100 Iba. '' fhcllcd, j- r huttiol .sa-burg,- cotton, yard wide, 7 oz. to y at d, p- r v ard " , cott.m, yard wide, 8 oz. to ard. pur y &rd bdon!, per bushel J'.'ks, fw.v, per bushel of f.O lb. iV-tatoea, IrMi, .ir barhel ot 60 lt. sweet, per bushel of 00 lbs. l't'aehes, dried, pe.-led, per bu hc-l of 3f lb.' " uupi-i,l..-d, per bushel of 38 lbs. Vork, fr.'sh, nett, per pound .suit, Pasturage, Inf. qu.i'ity, no.at town, per h ad, per tnonth ' c-own.ui, nar i.i.vn, per h --ai1, pfr iiMritii " ls?t quality, in the- country, pf-r lu-ad, p.M iinrtit h " cotii:u(n, in the country, per head, per month Quinine, good, per ounce Kiee, m.'vv, pt,r pu'nd ' old. p'M- pound lire, ffood, nor buohel of 5" Iba. Sack, two hu-hls OMiaburgs, each Shirtirg, Cotton, ? yard wide,,4)j T.n'.l l y "ami, per td cotfou, ynd wide." 3 yard tii pound, per yaid 7 8 8 50 00 Ot) 1 50 1 75 li- 00 i CO 00 b 00 60 5 00 2 00 2 50 10 00 7 00 9 00 C 00 50 50 4 10 00 3 00 1 30 1 10 1 75 20 00 Cotton strides, 3 varM tj lu p r yard Salt, I'oa.-t, per bushel 50 ib. Lircipool, per buch.;l of 50 pi;:;ds ViriiMa, per bushel of 60 pounds Ci!Hf, p'T pout'd OO 5 00 25 00 8 00 15 oo 10 to 2 00 40 00 3 00 1 J0' 75 0 o0 1 o 1 75 5 00 00 1 50 T 00 2 5) 1 75 1 25 2 50 2 50 1 i3 25 00 10 00 8 50 8 C 1 50 Strel, rv'iot'd. a-uiv. per pair. Si.o ' i lire d, 11 , p-r pound S'vk.j, pold-rs' woo! per pair Shep, fat. per head Suyir, brown, common, per lb. Soap, hard, per pound soft, per pound baled, 100 lbs. ;)od, per bll!-hal of 22 lbs. 5-od, per bunel of 37 lbs. black, per pund Shucks, Shortf, SUip ?tutf, T. a, -n Tent cloth, ;reen, per pouau cottyo, 10 oz. to yard, per yard Tobacco o I Extra So 1 So 2 " Lugs Tallow, clean, per pound Viniar, cider, pr galloa nanniactuiva, n r gauoa goo.I, per gallon hist rate white, per bmshel of 00 pouuda fair, per busbel of CO lbs. ordinary, p r bushel of 60 Whisker, Wheat, u pouudi Wheat straw, bah d, per 100 pound uuoaled, per 100 pViuldp washed, per pound unwHsh-id, per pound wood axle, 4 horse, new, each iron axle, 4 horse, Jucw, 1 00 a oo 6 00 350 00 375 00 250 00 275 00 70 8 00 HOELES. r 75 Wool, ' Wn jons, eacn " wood axle, 2 horse, nvw, each iron axle, 2 horse, new, f.ich Whot bran, per bubhel of 17 pounds. Yarn. cotton per bunch of 5 lbs. HIRB C.r LAROR. ThiKM. W,CO.Vj KSli Btbnir lorig lorae. per huj:d;.?'J lht'. Shelling and baa;ing corn, acks fur nished by governmeiit, per bushel Hire of two hor.e tems, vfagon and driyr, rations furnished by owner, per day Due ef two horse team wijon and drlrer, rations furnished by govern ment, per day Hire ot four horse team, . wagon and .driver, rations furni.-.hed by owner, per day Hire of four hor?e teams, wagon and driver, rations furbished by govern ment, per day nire fix horsa teams, wagn atd dri ver, rations furnUhed by owner, per day Ilirrt of e?? horso tsams, waon and dri ver, rations furnished by fcovern ment ter day 12 00 8 00 22 50 16 00 25 00 13 00 3 00 Hire f lahorer. rations fumi-dieA b- owner, per dar Hire of laborer, rations furnished by government, pwr oay Hire of laborer, ritiona furhtshed by owner, per morth 00 Hire of laborer, rations furnished by government, per month Htrn ofhorFev pe-r dav 4500 1 50 r or ilia information of all persons coneer iie!. we pubbrh the followinor insstructioni. with the hop that thty will be strictly obeyed. No o.iic-r, or asrent, .sh-ll impre?a the neces sary supp'.i-B whi. li any person may have for the consumption of bimo'lf, lii3- family, employee., hlavesi. or to carry on his ordinary mechanical, manutacturing or ay. scuUural implements." The n.'xt oieenn-'of the Hoard will be held in tke Senate Chamber, iu the City of lia'cih, on Friday, th 30lh day of Septeinber next, md-i.-s toon-T cbaojrod. lmpri:ssin agents mint fur nish pood and satisfactory, reasons for disappro vals on apo.al-i, or th3 award ot 1 iea appraievs will b approved. All coiu ur.ieati u shou'd be adi!r(ps d to tho Secretary of the Uoard, ilaleijrh, N. C - (Signed) II. K. BURGWYX, Garvfburpr- N. C. R. V.'HLA CK.STOK, . StockHviHe. N. C. Corn's Appraisement for tuo Statu ofN'. C. Gso. W. MoauBCAi, Umpire. Ka.Viph, July 30th. , eod-3t '- AIR AM' S SAL VS. rrilllS .Salvo ha; been thoroughly tested for J, many years, sod is now offered to the pnbhc with tt g iitraiH.ee that it josSf!C3 all the valu able' hrifiin w proeriiea claimed for it.- For all eut., bruises, buttis, ealdj, rising, ffl'ins blasters. ulcerji, ex--?oriatbn, ri.-ing and gathc red breasts, arid for ail icounda'tt er-ry d.v riptioii, it will e found eminertly successful iu KfTbrding1 re lief and ft'.oting a. eur. . It is t tculiarly adapted to wound exliibitir.g symptom-of cry?ipebit. llefireri.:o is uiinl. to the f ll.iw inrj persons who haveuoe'l the ?a'ive, a i.d c-iu testify to its h.ea''it:vj powers ; P. 4. ErowiIpo, Serg. -P. A." 0. S-; Iri. Ifanks and Uot-ry. Pittsboru'igo ; iU-.r. Iuirt li. Sutton. Ke.-tor of St li.irthv.bm.ws Church l,it,a-br.-i:ch ; II . u. A. llen':h. r' Col. tlttry A. Ii.-m-ov Ir. W. F. llnlke, memher tf Exaitjin Uo.nd 7th Congressional District. tor sale by P. F. PiuSCUP, Raleigh, and other Druggist in the State, and F. AIRAM, Pittsboro,' .C. 'illy ll-cod-13t JuEXTS WASTED. AGENTS W ANTFJ) IX KVET.Y !Oi;::TY in the Southern (?onfoafrac , to us the sett of implements of Ca lifl -'s 1'atent. for rei airing and renovitifg Cotton a.nd Wtidlcard.. V.'e will se county aart-ncies or vi s?Jl tin s?tt of iu plft loents. to smri-j good and resp.nible person to use tllin in a county or. half h i es The sett (costing $75 00) is all that is required for the ajje-nt to b-gio with. This is a very profi ttible buinvsg. Addris, .). 11. CAKLIST.E. CO., ju!y 30-d2fi!avSt . Kii.(fWf.-od. N. C. w Tautru T lUrc hy thr? month. r...- he la'atic;o ot the v av. a tood AMtr.u ad IKCN'I'.K. For further particular, erquire at this o3scm. ag2-otf . . ST. MlllY'S SCHOOL. m II K T Ii li M W i L L ) P K N ( ) S T H F. 2 M A Tf l gu.t. Clia,-?s. K:mli.h tuition S5 ), Frr-'h $25, Mu.ic$70 00, Latin $20, Water colors $0, Pe and Ink $2. auir dlt rJJO S3 MAXUF ACTOR Y ! , Thorn f viii j, Xorth C;.r&liaa, LADIES1 LAC 13 hoots, ' Mado of th finest French Calf Skin, with Mo rocco fips and veb-tfs LAP IKS' FltHXCII CALF GATTEKS, OEXTLKMKSS' do do d Oo do do Boots, Do Kip Brogan Shoes. Heavy S-crro TSrospus ZrJ"' Add r -si iof at Greensboro'. X. C. aug 2-d2iT: A. A. WTLLLAUD. (7o.SC:iIPT Okfice, Raleigh N. C, August 1st, '64. J CIRCULAR ) No. 37. r DMr'a Krol!ln? efJIcprs r, i"0-i-er'd immedint'dy to octin in actordanco with Circular Xo. 20, 'from Pureau of Consciip tion. berewi'h pulili.sh- J. It r.rovii ifs pplv as w'!l t' person wbos? aprliestions are i or pend ing a to thos who may hroHfUr app!. Avolioants for n m-jvil ot detail will cot be permitted to ifm.ii-. t hmm or at work after this expiration of th titio allowed by th terms of tho d.'tail grant. d. Br ordei' of the Commandant. E. J. IIAUOIX, Arfjutact. Cisfkvf? a Statks ok Amek"a, 1 War l)it. Durban of Con-criotio, Kichmond, Ya., July 8, 1864. J CIIlCFLAii No 2. THK S cretafy of War directs, that hereafter no furh.ugh bn allowed by the olticers of con scriptioj. to aopUcmts iir r.ytption uot sutain 1 a rquirfd by i gulntiotii ; or detail, whilst their applications are pen-Hog : but tb it tbev be promptly forwart d to thrt Camps of Instruction, and at oi,ce .s-ixred to rotnmano in the ti-ld, en titled under exi-l ipg orders t recive conscripts. Eoi liing ofricers will, with th. aid of the Temporary Hoards, proc cd dilijntly to investi gat r.ll sarb p-pplication, in acc"rdaic with tni instructions hi efofor. given, and forward tb p. to the Burfau, with tbei reports and opitius, for such actii-u a the War Department may take ir vrirene to said applicants. Upon transmitting xv.r applications to the Pu reau, Cnnmandants will tdate t's? commatids to which the ap) Hearts were ??;gued. l!y mtctnaud of Col. Thus. P. August, Acting Superiutendent. C. IL DCFFIELD, ' ' A. A. General- Q- Conservative. Fayetteville Observer, Wil mir.;ton Journal. Charlotte Deuncrat. Asbeville LNews, Slate Journal, and Wdeabor' Arirus copy lour times. aug 2-4t Bank of IJTorth Carol-na. AD1VIDKXD OF SIX DOLLARS AND ninety cents on each share of stock in this Hank, hs.been declared this diy, payable to th stockhtdders (lets the tsxof uinetyVcents to the State on each individual share) in ftur per cent. certificates or bonds of the Confederate Kutr, or one third lent io Confederate States treasury notes of th- tiew tVu; payable at the Prin.-.ipfl IJaulc- and iranch-s oi th( l.)tn iay or August next. The dividends of tho Windsor, Nwrrn nd ' Tatboro' Pianches and the GohMvro' Agency, will be pail at t he P-in ic.il Batik, and of the j WeiUwcdlh Agency at ili'.ti n. C. DEWEY, CasVr. I Raloish July 21t, 1S61. . tawtd MRS. SIILLLH continues to accommodate Boardere, by the day, r.eck or month. $50 R SWARD. MY boy MACK has runaway. He left on Sunday "evening last. I will gire the above rewsrd ior his apprehension and-delivery to me. Mack -is about 19 years oid, black c mplexion, weiifbs about 140 piutds, Sve feet three inches hitrh He may endeavor tt make his way to the f ighljorbood of George W Thomp3 n's, as bis 'mother belongs to the estate of Pelt g R. Tlojrrs. july29 tf JOH.V O'ROKKE. rptvo nvNonnn collars kkard. . I.. Ramway, horn the subscriber, on th 7th July, 1864, iny uein boy OliMAX. seventeen yr6 of age, tive Net fiv"e inches high, weighs 132 pounds, couiple-ita tfatk snuff; had on when be i".ft a new pair of copperas-colored pant, a ne.v fcliirt, gray cap, and wa.? barefooted. Sisl b y formerly belong.! to Col. Clark, of Kewbern, but hps been living in the counties nf A l.i nuance and Guilford since the comtrericemrjit of the war. He ha (3 a wife living at Graham. aEd will proba bly b." found lurking in that vicinity. He inti mf.ed.to the balance of the negroes. "some week ego, that.h r intended to go to ths Yankees, and will, perhaps, try to mak Lia way t them. Theab. ve reward of two hundred dollars will be given for the confinement' or delivery ' of said tiem o. so that the sublet iber cn ret b?a. Add. : GEO. Y. FOUST. july 2&-dtf Gibsonvijle, Gu.lford Co.', X. C. r -oaxs ox tii: sucuiurv of the JU FlYU HCXhltEU M1LUOX MX PER C EXT. SOX-TAXAllLE JWXDS VXD EH. THE SEVEXTII XEVT10X 01' THE CUli REXVY LAW. Dcponites on call will be received hj the Tre?s urer in fl'iscitv, Assistant Treasurer at Cbarbs too and ifr.bil. and t!ij Depositaries a. Wii filing ton, Raleigh, Columbia. Ausruta. SHvafjush and Montgomery, aid certificates wilf be issued for the same, bearing interest at the-rato of four per cent per annum, and. secured by lbs hypotheca te n of an amount of the" above bonds;" equal to the suck of tbe.se loans. The bonds to be Pat apart by the- Treasurer, and the proceeds, whu sold, applied exclusively to the payment of the said certificates. Tbo security and convenience afforded to banks and other corporations, and to the public gener ally, by this mode of tempoiarv investment, and th e-fi'ect of the measurf if genet islly adopted, iu keeping the cu rencr within n;oicriife bounds, it is hoped, will commcTid it to tlui iavorabie con sideration of the community, and secure their pcou;pt co-opei&iion iu carrying it ia to effect. G. A. TiiEXflOLM, Secretary of thu Treasury. Ui i.aoND, July 22, 1304. jcly 27-dtf OFFICE OF C. S. DEPOSITARY, 1 Raiji im. - N. J. Ju'y 2oti., l&tii. j 'OLDRilS of eight and sven puv cBnf. certi- licates, issued bv VH-org-? . Mord.-cat. tat Dt )i.si ir v, sud td'six per cent, e vtilicafes is-ojd by th i inidei-sigricd. ar r-i(iestt to present fheni and ri ceive their Bonds. The c.-upom ttiLM-tm. du.' January riit ar.d J ul first, 1S64, vt il I be paid at the .iaiue ti.n.;. lloid?;s of Registered Stocks, who have bere- tf.iore re.-eived tJii-ir interest at Wilmingtoy, ar agaio info: un'il tint the same wilf be paid at thi otlioe in future. Holders ot omj ..'eg. sterol Pot-s c iu r -eir thrir interest at 1 1; mlVice, by iejuesl i'i.r the i!'gistjr at ili hiv...tid to transfer lh slo'ok to the pa v -roll of this !.tp:.-it;'.rv. C IL JiARf.lSOX. . july .27-tf C. S. Depositary. Conservative copy till forbid. July 2-st, 155-1. j Gknkvil, Ouceh ) .Vo. 5. j . i ii.lv nrca: lzstion of tr- e:nor f;?3.s R.'StTv; Iiaving 'oor-u reu -i.'rr inpraeticabhj j uti le:1 tor ;ir Histruv tioMS i.-o-rt tbr. odice, owing j to th ' fact thit tbc-ru Were ij t v.cn e.nou :h of ! that ; ' : -sl- fr.r.'il 'd to forui a c oipaey in ay on.? J Co ,tv; it is or:J.Ji-c: tr.at all m;i" wn;:o pe.-nof-.s, ti-in'ctti the ages of 45 and 50 ( wl:sil:r prc T i iiM.-ly cru ojl, (t of yot'i ;is?-mble on I in- loih day of" AhuH, at the toRowirg places, t complete their o; iiajji. iiioti, viz: Tln-:o ui the 'counties f iltrtfurd and X'trth- ampto.t, u. (i-irysl urg. Th. of tb'. county of !"!! tie, at, Windsor. i ho.- 01 ttie Couutic. 01 astiingtou aurt ."riin. a. :'tT ii.ii!! sff ri. II. Lo'.-r I oiling Oilcers on duty in the r-t?s-H eo'ititie? in hici thorewd- avous are"d;-rvd. r-:!l jstiyririU'iuI the orga?tizati-i of the ro;t.pa- s.ii aud the election of the oiiictir?, in accordav with lorio -r int uc.ioiia, ar.u forw.i id th t..e; roll? and-ccrtinctes of election to .this oflico without ( iic!iy. III. L"tal Er.rollin.5r .Offjceis are charged not or.lv with thu'dissriijiriAti'Mi of this cider, but will be held strictly responsible for iu er:-c.:tion Iik ; wise. They will call upon the i i!ii .ia ofiicet s ti aid them ani will sp ire no j ains to secure the presence of all the "Senior Reserves"' in their ie spt c'ivt4 counties. IV. It is i.ot the iz.fention of tb.-j Lit-ut-nant , Ge uvr.tl Aiuianding iUsrves t!" X. C. to keep the Senior Cla-s : -t h?s fore; in th field- The purpose of this order is sitipl v to organize tiie como i'-s so ss to 1 ewe.ier theoj ef.ioi r:t in ipf)l ing raids. ar:d in of beemerger -ries. A jroiipt attt-ndiiDce is ur'd upon the men. and every man i.T reminded that, it is V bis inter c-.-t r ot or.'y to be present himelt on. the diy appointed, but to fee that his Cvip tibors come to , as if will I e ;ieee3 fary t retain them ;it the rc'jj-b'xvous till a s ufli ti.it number rvport t.. oraraciz. As siimi, on the other hand, as th yi'gnii itioa is complete, tbe luen ndl b; pericitftd to return to tiieii hofes. ( Signed) 11 L TGH L. COLL, Capt acdh; f K. O. la C. D. X. C. july 2(-dtd Couset va:ivt) cvpy tiil date and tend bi'l to this cilice. X ITT COUIiTY, FOPt THK 8KXATK : . DR. E. J. U LOU XT. . F"K tiik commons: C. PE'iKJXS. B. G. ALBRITTOX. The above ticket will ba votwd for by BY SOLDLCiiS . ' AND ( lTlZEX'S. july 21-t fTIHUOUGH tbe nnnv sUicitaticns of his friends, i JL THOMAS f. FAl-OX has consented gain j t beeouit: a ear tiJare to represent the eeunty cf hiajpson m the feeoAte. july 2o-te Stolen. XT' ROM THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, Raleigh, ! V ..n the 22nd of June last, onr Gold TntMcti r,.rkJ 4 1. aun ft r of P.rl nd.I.tt K i r I utNrt. with hair encsised. A nv information let ct THIS OFFICE, leading to the recovery of said articles, will be liberaily rewrded. 1 juiy 2l-d26t RICnaOSD CITY ISSCKAKE C0?JPAM, OF RICLIOND. VA. CAPITAL Takes riaks agiiost lire at lowest rates. T. II. WYXXE, Prest. E. ilcCARTHY. N. H.-Acssts Wasted. - -jul23u2w CIl ir.LOTTE FEMALE IXSTITHE. FpHE exercises of tbi Scfcocl will fce resumed on k WEDXESDAY, SEP I EMBER 14th. Those who wiib to t-e'ure places. ciusMnake early appli cation. For circulars containiug terms, ic, ad-dr-.s R.-v. R. Bcrwell, Cha:Ictte, X. C. " july 27 2taw4t C II f. ET I ft OX ' FOR SORGHUM BOILERS O ilA and riV fe-t iog, 3-lb' inches th:ck and 30 inches wide, for .ale by july2133-lu' . CfiEECII A L1TCHFORD. Candidates' Cards. CRAVEN COt STY. T To th? SoWi'tri and Citizen Voters of Cmtfv A T TH SOLI CI T A T IO X S OF MAX Y V friend:. I offer myself a candidate for re-election to represeut the county of Craven in th House of Commons, iu the next Legilatu'c of North Carolina. If elected, I will serve va to the best of mr ability, a' all times guirctinsr well your interests. " ' T. U. GASKINS. juue.12-119 dte 1st Lt. Co. K,?tH Kgt. NCT J?(ir tfui Sheriffalty cf Craven' We are -L authorired to achounce, that ALEAAXDKR C. LATH A J; is a candid.-.te for re-election to the .oliice tf SoerliT. in tho county of Craven, may 24-101-dtf. . ' . Toil S1IK2UFF OF WH.30S. Wfft A11H P. i. QUEST ED TO AXXOUXCR W. W. liATTS, as a candidate for Sheriff ot llsoi covnty, at the ensiling Joy tier's Depot, .Jvnn 15. election.' 121-tde.- TO THK YOTICKS ii?" C'llAVEX ( J;FTY, JELLOW- CtTIZKXS AND SOEDILIKS! I I- announce myself a caftidatc for reflection to the Senat f.,r tii -nt'st Term of onr Legi.da ture. During tiie oat Term, I haye endeavored to discharge inv duties faithfully, and according to my ability. I thank you for the honor you have herctof re!o;irt ve.and hope t merit your continued conG i.v.:(-e nnd suMJurtl Your Obt Sofv't. juna 14 121 dee N AIHAX VillTI.'ORD. SIlEi'lIFiO OF CAT.. WI A COT X TY, T)TE a"t authorized to ana vanc-s thit JO.VAS ,y 7 CLl5i K is a car.d'.date for re-election to the cliice of Sheriff of Catawba 'County iu August june 27, 18U. die. A f I v AUTHORIZKI) TO ANXOUXCK V V Dr. JOHN F. FOARD a candidate tr. rep resent the County of Rowan ia tho House of Com moss of the next General Asiiublv of llut Stste. Greene Coiiniv. To the Sol Jin j iiii-J Ciiizrii Voierj of Or ene Courtly : T the foliciisMon of iii?.ny friend.-', I announee inys-df a candidat .-. to i present the county of Greene- in thciIo'is of Comou-tis cf the next Legis lature of X'oi th Carolina. If Heeled. I w ill .serve yu to the best, f ?uy ability-; guardiiig your interests with uaav.orvini lid'.iitv. J. T. FREP.MAX. Snow Hill, Jnr.e 27. llt. i::?.-dte. Wilminat-on .loan- And State Joureul topy. FOii ! Hi; LK.'JlSl.ATtJHI-: rF are ?.nt!j-i; v Cli A W FOi'.D ize t to si'-rtontice Co'. M. K. H- a candiiiat- for ie election to a e.it in tiit lieu. t. C.jDiiooB of tbe next S Gt-n.-r.tl Asienibly of .Vorth Cirrd:na, fro:n Waviie" j coMty. jut 2-ffr-. To ila Soldiers and t'llirns ( voters) of Pfi'soa County, N. C. At the s.-Liritati n of many friends, I 1mvj era- f,'1 t' I Sb: n.i of 1 b.'eo'.ii,. a candidate for tha o.'Iic of rsonoo intv, Stit ; of Xorih Carolina. Should von honor me with vour suilVazes and elect ne, I can ordv -joomise to f-rvv you with fidoiity, to th b st of uiy ability ; on ail occa sions to ly in sny pl:e.; b;5.i .l.-s, tay o;. id tons ;td actions in Lids war ;i; . v; Ji k:..)n to vou all, t!?t i vi ie '5 it e:n ii e! v ui n cr-sjii' v t.o e:'.y mre. and It-avo it with the vote 01 this county to ue AJljFX. M. L'JXfL i' are stthijrizru t.:i S. !o J ri.qa. st 'ti to k irt.nncs the i'.Hewing geit- t!.we..n a th- 'ou rffir candidates to.rc:re t'i c M'.ity i.f Jo;.:i?tHn in the nest "General As it.biv: hf: S.-i.-ito-THOS. D, SXRAD. K?i!. Vi r H i e t. :::ons iCSet W: 1 iA If. -.'.id W. A. SMITH. V t!i jL.S-V 3 I'l.-.i! Jf'.iistoii. :n c.i: r.-." t!o;C of the C .it iifieid Ti p tt GobSjboro 'Zi:'!i i t "j'. iiiiir 1 he 2ii) of :,Ia and by a mj---s Tht-ae rc-5it le nen id fc They ( ii .' Ste;d:i lis. siipeort u by iruo Coi-sei vi iv.-j. "S- tie..' ol.t.f.rM ot Vice Pri.-i ;.:it Gov !i;-,m'i ar.d V. W. Holder., ar;d i l!l t'l; 'ice c-i 1 to procure r. -aii 1 . I It Ci o-t;: 1 o-. 3 If) dt-. r?-i CHi::fn Tot err, or We ic p-.-?p.itt-. t an . D v i Jsrr: oj.uf v : r.nur.ec (,.. W, l.e 42.! llftr t . C. r.-o. : 1 -.:aid c;ir. .i.'1.;-' ?;! 1 eprt sent tue 4 ... "..-I je.vp;.. ;f iT ;(.!.-.:! ii)i2.ty in tbe Hotrt of Com tnon.- oi tbf Gener! Apvemoiy ot .ortb Cartdina. Co!, iiratlshaw has been a f'aithfs:! s"!d;er in toe ti.dd for tht? yen-s In defence of his country; and will as faith 'V.ity rep reseat bis country'. ir.Ju rHts in theLegi-lf,:2-c, if t.'u p.'ee c.-i!l "lim to that po-ition. .MANY VOTrillS: j-inrr 27. d26r. WAKE COUNTY. rpiIE SHERIFF LTY.W..'ttrtt authorized and Jc rt quested to inru'iince W. II. HIGH, Esq , ss a candidate for r'-d : ion to the oltic oi Sii-i itl", at the election in August. ju l7-td-dJtw ran ssirvuiFK."" ' TTE ARE AUTHORISED TO V THO.M AS J WHIT AK.KR, a AXXOUXCr a catif.Kiate tor reelection to the oibce of Sheriff for the county, of Jones. july t 23-wtl TO TIIE ('nZEXX. XOUtTeitS AXl lib'- L FUG EES O r I' A SU CO TA A A COL XTi 7 pr'" a'Jiiinrize-d to jnriounc- GEO. W. V II I XT OX, a casdidite to ry.:-r3etit P qcot&nk rroy in tb: next House of C;omt rs. ma i0-h!-dfw-4wrt- Ti ,7"e tire Kusborixcno ;n:?n:trp L!c::r. V V L. II. J1A V. of tl-."47fb X. C. i.egimeut, j for tb" oH-ce of Sh.TiS of Wakt ensuing election in August' n-;xt. july 14 dtjMird. County, at. tjie j fTo th; VcbTN (.? Warrfii Coai X. 2. I r -sp. tiuily withdraw ie y i:.i-o a. a rn- doiate for the L-gis'ainre If a merciful Provi- j dv'rce i h 1 1 See fit tt restore Le to health ence moi e, 1 prefer 1. 1 remain "in th : service tin il the ' hist gun is fired in dfenee f Hi'iu ? ard I r.d.'j ) dt-nee, and I deir no greater appiau.-e fit;n po.- terity than t-T b j instrument a ot lhat deed and j tbat..'fiiveraactf. PLC MM I'Al V,'. lRiiRX, I july 13 d2t Co. E, 1st. Rfg't X. C. Cavalry, j BERT IK C0r.Tl j TTTE are anthorid to gncoi-.c" Hon. DAVID VV OUTLAW, the pi-c-s.nt Senator from Ber- j tie, as a candidate for re-el-ction. He witi.rrt ! iria.?-ir.uu. Mutr. r " 1 icu:e. ,s in his ju.'g.r.ent are ealcubitea to pro- ; cure a P "cdr. inn and .honorable j :c ac, on tb j , been from tb begitnicg. -ioand to a Conven- t4on, believing it to be a tiic, by which Xorth j ' Carolina was to be withdravu froai th-j Coafed.-r- : acy i "We elro "authorised to announce Capt. W. ' j M. SUTTON, as a candidate for the U rn- of ' ; Commons.. Capt. S. is in tavor of Gov. Vance' ; deer ion, acd Ua. true Southern uan- : i 1 c.i .tr. ! Rlllsbiro X. C. unitary Acadfiuj. . Tbo Second Ses-ion 1504 of tois -Icntita-J tiorn, will commence .Inly 1st. Fr Circulars and I information apply w ma. 17 95-d3ra Maj. Wk. M. GORDON, A lidnanxn County. w nri Autho- I J rivd to announce Gen. JOSEPH SylUH.T i as crdidafeiJor tb? Ho'JJ' of Couiinoa? frfna, , Alaaianc ConnfV. lieu. H lt is a Conrrvative ' "after th- itraits-st ct. and is in favor of a speedy and bo:..rab!e pe.ice. He h'o believes in therisht of the p-.fpl-o rule, ard in tho con-et-nt preduniiMdnce jf the ciTil over tile military power. july 1C dt. IrTormstlrn lY.nntcd. C1ADF.TA. C. IIARTSFIFLD was furloubU tre.m th Winder Hcspital, Bichoi nd, Ya., 4th Division and 54!b Ward, on the 2it Juno, rtnee wLicb lim. r. -.thing bs been heard of him. He is n;.posed to Lav taken the Di-Cville train for Grernshoro'. Any person tbat ean give any information concerning him, will greatly rtliev bis diiti eEStd parents bi kddresfir.g DK W.1I VKTSFICLD, Rolesville. Wake county, X. C. Piicbrocpd Sentinel and Er..juirrr clpy flirce times and i-cnd biila to this oflice. aug 1 3t ; CONFEDERATE TICKET FOR GRTmILLE. FOR THIi senate: C. II. S. TAYLOR. F i: THK C-HM05I JOHN W. HAi;oi:oVE, e g. ch::atium, DR. P. p. placi:. july 20 dte NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. CANLinATL T U THE JEKATF.: DR. Y. S. COr ELAN II. CANLUi.TL F F. THK COMM . N :" capt. s. t. staxcfll, li lot. w. j. log 1. us. I"i cti.iti in camp, Tliutsd.iy, tbe 2?ih of July, at home. Thursday, th? 4th of At'ust. july 20-dtKiwt-" Sri,KNID BI.n'KAK SHOES. K SMALL LOT OF FIXR SHO S. LATI'.f st le fi.r Ladies and Gentlemen, at a fcli advtt.ee ou Importer a pi ires, at ST ht X. C. BOOKSTOUK. SIZUJICAL IXSTM:.SJ-;XT. OEVKUAL CASES of beautiful: y fiuLhod Su; O gical ljst5-i:;i?M.t., at tlck;;r, axdkews a co s Auction and Coin m itsioQ LIj jr. Office Raifigli & Gaston il. R. Co'jir, KALKKiH, Julv 7, is4. rjMn: v.o i;D of LUvi'oT:)?:s" of this JL. Company hav d,-clare.l a dividend of 15 1 er cei.t. on ih capital stock, payable on and ultrr a:ur 1st of August. in Jour per er :;t M 'i. licaU'S and bo. ids of the Coi.ivucratii Smi.vs. or iu (N)nf-dej-:v; rieauiy notes of tiie ou i.ut: at face value, 11 i tue option of lh Comp-ify. W. W..YASS. jal S dtf il e.i-U! 'IT. Pi.t County. rp.HI' people of Pitt c:nty in Conv ntior L se;;.b;. d,0 tU t 4th only, 1S04, no!.ir:it tj tLe fol h.winjr n am ed gentl,i;"en a ramiidau t ,t ejiiesert't'iem in thj Utxt Geroral Asjembiy of X'ofth Carolina. nr Ihj S-n tr, Da. Ri.VAt:i Wu.ttl ; For tlie Coir.taru?, JlLNity St!.rMt.-, Fii., acd Dh. JoliN T A FT. This is a triigbr- ut S'tir',-n Rijf.tt tick-1 : opposed to the v. Ii 'esaU- r.nd r.hvs ex"pt ion of is en v. bo eught to he in tl army, rr.'d in favr ,f fn.-ta:ioT)g tho tl.iret nm'L t in pi o seating th- war to it honraol-j jeaee. np'-n te lo' ds of ,f nation:)! i)id:-pi itc'er.tv. Wi upr.?-. r.ll men w ho lov; freed 'n;j are! eh ri.-b tlr. bono; ,;f tl-ir chantry, to gire it a tieai ty r!-i t . a: the rn iU.HiT eieerien. ' CO M M 1TTF.K. iu! V hi.!: rM TUB V:TS:S OF CHITIIIM f'rX- JL ty. At ih-i soiici'Mti-'ti of njfcnv Hol.iieia ia th'j army, as m eii-as o; iveiuy !ti-:ioj ' ho I ati'io;:nce m vs-. It a r:tndidat for tlin ii.u. of W-'iir.oi-s fiom C!'-th-4:ii bounty. bay. ivcciv- r anHerj.-s, or th oligatchs, er tb v.-ho kUv ru iin l,;;lull"i i ro n l.i'.' oa I" Clll Ill" Ann-ri- nt r.01.1? to.mak- rconcy out of the iKMili.-s of ih so' lier;: and occupy-their p;re tioie in abusii g b-tter men tlnn tb ,oa-!ves a li-loy. 1 rt;.d fai; i and squ Jreiy o tie d;ti. r i f St-.p!i oS and Brown, d" Georgia, nd A . W Hold, v. for Governor, u-jvinst t Is wo"id : and I b.di .-ve that uiltiont th't .i -M-ti -in td'siif-h men to olice u. v. ill never h-ve ' permanent peace. S tr a the M.ht ,.;. are c i--c-i r, d. I t!o nut wDh to appenr to Uo..-t, but 1 will tsy 4bat I ha don .1 much lor their faoiid . or more, aceording In hit mean, tlbio any V.nn-ite in the Comity of Ch-iiiiatn. ,.F lbw eiiuert :'.!:d M!dt-rs. iro to th polls on Ci- d.iv of el.-eti ti. and vot- 1 r trn--f ois. rvi t;v .-, if you would Imvc p nit; 'ol n a fie peo;,!;. io not be ii..i;;ii int.'-.?, b it s'.iiid up for ourrifhts, .lo'HX A. Aiw-DOXALD. ') iklund. .hdv Dl. C,i. dte. Xf4'-"1 Jlni, V.i'r 'i r i?i !.' . -A e. "S' iiu'i e o i .1 v i ....1 11 i:,.i.t..i Okmck ;ir ma L.ciivii.Lc .'iiMMj A.vn V a-lt.'. c- 1 " k i Co v pa x v, LocKVti.i r." CI ata er c: tv. X. C' TTAXTRD immediatel . . bv thi (.' :.ipaiV. V IHIiirV liO'.'tl X GROi iSfb-.i peV.4 pi e'.-r- !. V'e aU vv-ih to m.-o'oy a wV.it'- J-"(i CX DRY.MAX, wh.i'cii' tako the ni'il.j fjr.'ic! ot n Cold J-iast c' a;eol rnieicf. F01 ite wIi qi;,'!j fi;d, steady i:ii;ovi:o. r.t e. iil ttvcii. Apply to me at oro;-. at the Lie!- r Punce, or s'JircjJ me t hr,""e. vi 1 Faytte ll-. X. j;i:y 25-diOt . . Y. S. DOWXlIR, So,,t. Co.NseniPT OffJck, Rileiyii, J uW C4. rpiin n;c!;iI r.r.vuiion of nil :it-:h H. exei: f ted or c t -s I f -r : uiebr tlie 1 : ovislc of th law for tb; proti-cfii n til f tt mii.g i',ler' r , is cMei K ti:.-. foi:r.AU g xtrt'.t fr-ini Ciicelr Xo. 24. in m i!u.- au ol Conscription, j;ubiiAi,'d fo.- th.ir i::f' rr-. ttiou : Bvoidt-rof wJie Comma: d.itt. L. J. HARIJIX, A'-juiarf. Ri o. C'-. ':t:o?;, t nichiuoi.d, Ju:.. 27. j( i'4. ' i (,'ireitirir . 24. 1 1. Tbe sae to lb" mm-nt or .to the fami lies of -oMi. :s .i p'ic s li tl by th C u: .n . -i -ers f' the Stale iifd; r the imprf . -:..( r? net ,.f tin i mafketiib.'e suipius rtion.iiii:? a'ter t u'oirwiti tl..j i g'tvcrriinert with tbe tipiiSat.-d ejtj-nf'.ly of pto- ' visioii tii.d w'r.i'b Io may ra:s-. lro;.t veir to j year, while I. ii- x n..l'.,i Vf.rtirtivs, t- ir.a'i bv 1 the act of Co g-s," approved F -''. 37th. IfeCi. on" d the cord? 'ions of ex-:w: tion a!l-.t d to au overseer or Hgticr.Iturift. A i-lnis i o"" rted hy fime of tlics fxmnted a gri;-u!f M?-rs to ex change nich part ot the afoivsaid snrpius r ibev may please br mpplies cf provisions, elotliir.g and the like, to be conuord in family ure. ai.d to sell the ov .r nmet 'r the f.i.ti;-s of ioltirs only what tr.ay remain of t-vrh uf plus aft-r f..k iugaid exehanpes. Th's ci.-'im is in vii'tion of law and oi thwir ccti act with the goei nuat l t, and on.jot b-- u'lvwed. Urioa atirfactiry cy;inee being furnished that perOE exna-. tfd as ove.-s.-v-rs -r pgi icultnristt, Kivc cr are tliui dispojinj of their mrp'ms f ro ductionii by extbinge aforesaid. Eiiiol itg o.1ic rs wilt atrertall such prf.r.ii, forward them t" their nearest caia'ps of lut; uction to be r. t.iiurd there enti! f r.al action -hall b- taken and announ ced in theii casci. and fo; w.iiJ thrfiuh the pro per chantf-ls of cofjjnr.'jrdratioa to this B jiesu a report of all tbe fact and cpcauiftifics of each case. . . i Every agriculturist or overseer upon rcctir-' ing hi certificate of exemption sbou'o be inform ed that the action indicatej above wilf be taken in th event of his not disposing of his market-' b!e tutpliu in accordance with the reqeireraents of law. , By c-nrasd cf Brig. Gen Jnf. S. rrston, Sopeiinttndert. C. B. DIJFUF.LD, A. A. G. FavettevRIe Ob"?rver. Wilmington J-uipr1, -Cha.'Iofte Den ccrat. Abvdlo X -v.s, Stat- Jour- ' U'adcaboro' Argus, Cfpy tbi-tiuivc' 1 acj J-3t AMFS P. SPEIGHT if a cai.did.te to ret refer t L r.' ' rl Lein ir in the Ser.ate; ar.d ALLEN " WOOTEX is a nr.didfc to n uresr t Letinir connty, in the llous- oi Conmoiis ol tu ai.pjoach Geurl Afstmblv of Noith Carolir.a. jaly 22-d5t. Johnston County. 7Earef uthr l iri dtoarnonec"' C. B. SANDERS Stvv Sv-'1-' Bd H- "-FINCH ard JKSSH HI.NM)XTlor tke t'iir.n.f ti. lo repnttnt Jcbn stoif county In tho n-xt L glslature. 1bv nt in favor of th re.lectir.c of Gnvrrnr Vance, acd o, 1 .cd to ilr. Holdcn' Couv.ntion pro jct- july 18 tde to tue rurais o7c7FfLTiiFiAFD IXoUij Iisuce with I he uhrs cf rrnny fiir-M'i in ar d nt cf th rrtry, I Mnrourro t T a ca.didafto rcprFent yVur SiPin ti-1 D .-nct in thn crxt (Lr.eial Assembly o! .North C.)0',iia, If Uitrd, 1 pleljre u.v ei tire devoiVn to jiur public nd peitonal iut'tr. tt. j?1.'' ?,?-' E. R. ISI.ER. t- Jer-,al cvpy PLj ftn4 tiil to the ub tr: uo-r p. 1 K it.jtfjM. , to . j 77i;Av oF CAMAiini curxrr. r Axxoi xci: mr,-1f a rsndldatf for a seut in j A th Hons or Cf.n.to.ns, Xot tl Ciroiira Lej;i- laturc. I sin in fau:r.and bail vote Jor the ie. . elft 'lon ( f (ie. Vaiice. jiiljr22d5i P. K. C. SMITH. . 1 'T to liirc good Cook n.d Wihr, fuV eitft -li-t-t i lorg tir.' Fur iood, ttutr woman I viiU A Rbeml price. Fftmilv il-U. W M. B. SMITH. H'.Utl.ted lli 1 run (Iftw r.ab i-b, X. c. Sorghum Boilirs. rou SALK. w ilttufrfctiriiig licib rs f nil !4ia. Ail 1 wrdeiv promptly alttdi d to. T. NORWOOD. dti . Ral.:ph-. July 22 TV. Aft ttLCJv tSTKK X AXX.r.NrK y the ns ::e f Ih.A AC lib"'. a cuudi d4! for tbv S!-erilT oJ:cc ! Je::t? ci.ti.tj . j'dy 2 It'f Bond; xor Sale. t'lYb' m:siREi uuj.mx voxfeis- P.ATE .Sil ELE CEX l r.OXhS. 'iMIESE liOXDi prelit the teatt ilidnc . Hunts A;r i:iect i u 's. 'lio-y hue bi,ity yet to run, inter M piiibl inui -att'iU:.ll , nwd ar s-cui : 1 bv in ; i I atd -ipott ilm'.-m ; i cniptt pritcipa! atol iifni , fiom tvut'on, . lloi e. u;.o:i iittivoie- . i ti'iu f r utlom uti.j Jijlt ' ' A I. LEX S. GIRUS. Igfiil Ti;iiirv Di'urtu:ent. WiluiiiYt.r, X. C., July 2."tf ". ' v, 0 l k s a i-1: r v w a t c o ii o v k-e . AN tl GOLf'.-r'OKO', X. ('. I I!!ER.L advnremi'iits made on Pj'iiuro u 1 J :iu o' to n;e. juiv 11. 1 .3;4 ti'3 .ii. , $IfO R:VAtD. Mr srp.vA S'tco" Y S F R V A T .MM-: l:a wnnvtr. Heir ft mm r.ir c l.it. I i' yiie llif I r ho tr t er. at d for i 40 vrni. oM. a d :pfM f: i tiMoji. Joe i-. ii!io;t Uiuuii", i,( f-i.tir is 1'ia.nn, 1 fti wijlil, i ut d;.po--i' to 1 m l f : a flight f rr ; r,.i 1 k ' !i is I -t t ehe.k but;.', hp-.k-' if. :i :o.v r.ioi rol (eiCont, tiim built, vt :-y trr-rt in' his c:uiiige, j .0: o i v. hen he I .-I t a veoi.-r' jri cup, i't io d i bom sou!, hfii: t. j irket :n 5 ti o". i I U.if.kbj wid aim to go t X-wtoin. ! v;:. a. n i ' c t . ; jtilrrOdlCt ! THK SAIMJNA OAXH MILL IS TUl. Vo.T i-H;riA;r M.MHSNt: r. h yr.i Or'-!:::i;ij ".n 'i iu: vi iw.u:. z'1 A b E FULLY cni'i net. d ied r the in o 'diat .'oei X t: !! or H el t : Hi;: tl e' iU lit ' 1 fe Vers 1 yr,t4 o.) 'i M'gar I t. t I i , it Ct-inbi-'- ti e i m.Ji , of hi i lir:d vo . ri -i.e" xi:li I -1 i.-nt-r'u! fnd eei-d wot J:mai.f h'tp. It itijut . vei li" ! v. rein m oi k in f t i i g u at.ti c.mi,i: s, in ei'iii;.-i t nr; r. ' r r.ty.- n. .-i.d !erib.oi , . Gtli ! Mt: ol' 2 ii.fi 3 'if l!rt. l.'-r;y i i - I v i t i- '.!. :i!! Sv i u; R -jo-j s ,r.,!;i 20 g.R. i. t. J .0 r!!-nc, lor sale. A tuffs mi SA POX A IR( ., I lf ft Ml. , X . ('. X. B. Mills Lol'-r- d. -.'ie, ru t 1 -y, t , u V.'esteri !i:.;;it..d, o; at l.:.oilt,or 3ivi i o I'le on N. (' li nib ..tH . ju! 21 . t WOOL OTl( . QU A RTERSM AS I ER'.; Dl.PA KTM 1ST, R .!.mm:. Ji t V Ci. 5' .Mr p:imm.d 4. j; o! Yum f r I. u, ii.:... the b I .V 'I.:' tc n. . ... ., (iff. b;rs h ir Yar" th: i ;-"und is .!.' t'l'i ' f. i- i.OIA i: nt no. h..' i ...... o.u. o..i,i.t e. io -J I.- v llt- , . t ; t ti... 1 w. i f.. C:.; :- o;,. I. .!.. rr ;i,vi:! , Sr..f. . o . : ( f ior.:. i i l,f . , (.'.irK"1' i. Jto.'tsii !ill, ' , I ." . ,t ( i ' , A It'- I i ' . - ( ; i. !e. Col -i air, a i. .j Cil.. JI t, . P.f-I tit t;.: .oi" or O.pll '.' V (e.l to i 1 i I f.'je ill . e- s i , 4.'; r e .t: ; :i, a- n- I' . n a-M ! '1 rr, ! e : ... : v. , I .!) .!. I be t tli'? r.eoTe i.'.le; X . C. Ti f p'. II. jnlv R.lfu-t! t,l W 11 !..t I' t ri'.r i I " t i . . . .t i. ; . . I ' .. DOWD, A. Q 1 1 r a r "skfr.its r-rro r lt(; tor. i ft I . Dc p;:,trto nt N l'. at.d So. Va , C, ! ',.;', X. C.J'il 25, j SPCiAL 0!:DER, No 4 '5. T SPECIAL 'RI)ERS. X-. I.!, Hf -Jfiui t-r. i , D- pm t f.ier. t Xorth. Carolina. A j ui OtL, i, i f u ;rut-!'';i d as t '. pcrir.it ; ci i ... r- -s'o'icg i .tst of th ( Uuwitn riv.r, toenr' v to tl. 'rr loutfjiHurh rit.iil u"; lis-s .- tbry oay rtifv upo. oath'arr for i h- ir ow p pi iva te.ue. or fr tf e ue f lLvMnt ! i m.d -h'.r !,. 1 c itiz- r ni.iad,. and thfct th.-y v ill not vtn, or permit ! be tied. ! su u grr dt, or any part thereof in traii.c witbth i er.r. y. j Upon pr.ciitition of a.T.djvU in tl.'.' rffVct, u i ibority ai'1 be given ty the Ci-:r.ir.,ir.diig i hi er j t the b'.ere't p t to lot al ritizi . to t : a i, j r t such c"f:s thrvugb our licm ! All o'heers cn eutv in this I r 1 r i t will n j every exertion t; prevent ill jal traffc with ih" j ea"aiy. j By'ordr cf Jrir. Gen. L S Riuri. ! JAS. C. MtRAE, A. A. Gen. angl-3t n kw AUcrio.NfAxF xj n. ad n. s. ti ( kl:: ami w. ::. t I i Atiibev.(i, have thif day avc'a!cJ t ? 1 1 - . o'ro foe-.-tl.ri tmder th nan: xn tU of TUt KEU, ANDREWS A Co.. frrth- ptup-- of C"tiductlLg truncal Auction a::'1 I nun.If t-ii n lysines. All h'.'.'n! ti!tu-td ti tbeU will Uite; with r ii- in-- t"t di pf 'e!-. la'CKER, AXDKEVS A CO. junc 23 li'7-Jt J CI I (I

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