J V c DAILY CONFEDERATE. DAILY CONFEDERATE. 1 , ADVERTISING. ADVERTISEMENTS wil' b- irti ted at tb eoLLAjkB per square of ton lines (or lew) for eca lesertior- Marriage notices and Obituaries will o chaigtd as advertisexncuU. JOB' WORK of every description will be ecuted at 'this Oiboe with Uhxatch. and m aeatly . A. 31 GOBHAN & CO., Proprinors. DAILY EDITION, for f iavataa .. -Slo " " S " 4 It It . l , "TBI-Wy.KLY, for. C months ' , " 3 " ......... WEEKLY EDITION, for 6 month NA 0 uhxeriptiona re ceived en nr other terms 5iAn the above, norf&r a longer or shorter period. OLD SETtlES, L RALEIGH, N. Oi ; SATURDAY, AUG. 6, 1864. . YOL. I-So. 1C5. as can be dona la the Southern Confederacy. VOL. m ill M lio I Mm r ' president Davis and Commissioners What We Fight for. On of tho Gentlemen who has lately vijited Ricb-nond, Edmund Lvirk.(who however, ia a Mr. J. II. Gilmore.) has niada a t publication eince his return North, an acce.uot of. his in terview with President Davis. Among other thing.: we were particularly struck with tbe following genti-hco: This war tnust.go on till the last of this generation fulls in his tracks, and his children seize his mu-sk&t aad fight our battles, unless yu acknowledge our right to belfgovem ruent. We are rot Gihiing for slavery. Wo are lighting for independence, and that or ex term i ration we will hav." . Thse words, fay.- Mr. Kirk, were ottered by President Pavu "We have no doubt of it ; they are just toch words as we. might ex pect from him. But tbe point in this sen tence which particularly struck" t ur mind and to which we call the aitentiou of the reader, is this, ve are not fighting Jor slavery, At the tir.-t view rainy .will be led to, ex claim, ti e fi?ht Wgan for -dayery and must b- for it. Hut tbey will mis tho poitifc, S ary i? one of the rights of the pen pi, a " -the ri;bt of electing our own State rfficers; it is " Sr ,.tt affair, and was tu: known "by name in the C r,sitution of the United Srat.es, and hut ooce even blindly reined to. It, there fore, wou'd be as wrong toay that th Ha r.)!is of EiaUml, at lluneymedr, were oppoa in? th" King tor tho simple right of trial by j.iry, as t'i'ay the 'defe-tsivy war of the Sont.ii is a war for nvery. In the cas of the Ba rni:S, the trial by jury was one thio derna.nd- od and a great thing but had thii been con ceded, without the writ of .Ha head t'orpns, the jut-y trial would laave bce us Icas. So wifb u. Slavery is a right of the people from the formation of Governments ottSis Con tinent, it wan moreover a - right which the . present Administration or tin United States Government wen tailed up-.n by the N;-rth-ern fanatical majority' to ureal from the Southern people. We- resisted the attempt and hence the war. But behind this he great- er rights; the rights of 8tate Sovereignty and the very foundation of the American Iiopub lic the riht of self-government. Without this, though slavery ho granted us for thy pur- ' pos of ending-th war, it would be useless, and subject to the orders of a master greater tbafithe States. Therefore, it is not for slavery we art! fighting, but for the p;w.r of payiujr, if we no desire, that it shall exist here rr shall not exi.st here; that setmc right for which our Continental forefathers n-nght, and which they died trusting they had transmit td to all their children. The North upon this smbject is much in the .dark Fanaticisms and all the other isins to which mankind is .subject; with the new 'one added, miscer.egation, has so blinded and de luded that ismatk peoph, Hint they art craz ed upon the subject of the tero not slavery ' but negro slavery. They publish to the world that their armies liavo re leafed fiom bondage nearly uoe million of negroes, and yt-t they s Rvev not made a single slave tree, and Lever will until mibceneqiatioo, be the rule of the higher classes of Notthern S( cu-i v. and the bl.uk husband is adniiite to tho Couucil Chauder and the Hal. ot Igis!ation, while the white wile does tbe' honors of tho hnit recepfidnf. Slavery exists every where ; it i3 only our good fortune, tlmt our b'aves ate bla k, aral o't a different lace from' the masters ;' and moreover our '( d fortune, that our aystetn is tlie nxt perfect known to the World tbe vrarrer.tWe system of slavery. Tho i lave in New Holland who labors feu hours a day for a small pittance, at night is turned out into the wrld to live or die abest he or she may until the hour of labor comes next day. Tbe alaveot Georgia, stter hi? way's Wwrk is done, jme tcr his but, provided for him, eats his mtal provided for him, and sings and dances with his children and mates, who are around Lim, all provided for, under the tacit contract with the. State, that the labor of the slave is the light of the master, while the ina'ster war rants to tbe slave, a home, food, protection aid health or attention when sick. Tbe ave of New England is irdinitely tbe mst degraded of tbe two; is always nearer starva tion ; cap never olaim the 6ame secure place of lest, and labors more and cams Jess than the black slave of Geotgia. ' Our system of slavery desceuded to-us- fr m Abraham, tbe faithful Patriarch of G"d ; tho Now England sistem of slavery resulted trcm the i.ature of aonn und the selfishness of wealth. So tbe Washington administration in all this wr have not mac?e a slave free, htovever rppnv trie ta grces they have made ; but they "have traufdaud then, fn m ore stare of rlave ry where their food at;d clothes and health were warranted, to another, wnero the ordr warrant they have is 9 mere pittance per d;iy whic h wilt sj'rdily stAc cecd, through tfm in tense sclfihnus of the systitn in extermina ting thtur back slaves. "We are. not fightms far s!avcry;" for shi-uM tbey conquor n, there would be trone the less of negro r-faves, ui-til (be i t w hys en kdhd iherw rf. when tlso wbitts once wruld .-uecf ed ? If etv. I'ut we tisbt f r CllG.'Verl!T!:efltaIid State Sovereignty, and when lb s is acknow ledged all is acknowledged. And we trust there is no recreant heart among us, however corrupting ..wars my he, who will ever con sent to lower the banner to less But let us adopt as our shibboleth tha words of Presi ded Davis, and struggla against their might, pah g .'be mu.-ket to our rbi'drtn, until our rights are acknow b dgeil. Augusta Con. Richmond, Aug. 1. The Virginia Commb ekners to-day rt-ad ptcd fr August, the sched ule of last May and June, with variation-. Price e.f wheat, $7$. On tbe lsrof September tbe schedule of May and June to he adopted. Maj- Charles M. Roberts, with a portion of the 14th' N. C. Battalion, attacked a camp of tbe enemy near tbe TenueJfcee line, pue day last week, killing seven, capturing fix, bringing off twenty horses. Maj. Kebertsdid not lose a man killed or wounded. The pris oners have arrived here. . TUere are no better fighting material than can be found is tbe 4th Battallion, and no better leader for gallant men thau Charlie Roberts. Anhvill'efes. Crook's Losoes. -Yat.ker panrrs of the 29'b, sav the -Ios?"s of fb'.i Cr "', at the eeord battle of WiticbpstCr. are i-sLimated in killtd and ' wcunded alone, at oue thousand! men. . . I ; The "Fourth of July." OHlTIBn HI'TORICAL UKMINIi-CKXCE AND PRE DICTIV. ( F THE LONDON TIMES. From the Tendon Tisaes, July 6. Again the Fourth of July , has come and gone, and tt.e war between F?derals ar.d 0:n fe derates lingers on with increasing, but still unavailing jslaugbter. No one from an obst-r-vation of whit lia been parsing on that field of war during the present year, can say that the contest appear any nearer tho iiu so long hope for by the invaders. This last Fourth of July wan an auspicious day for them. The event which illustrated itchansed for a time tb public opinion of Europe, and elated t he Northerners themselves to a point which made thm ready to submit to ail the lab rs and sacrifices a new campaign. Goueral Grant won bis reputation by the capture of Vii ksburg, a pace of able strategy, and the grratest blow which had bten struck at tho independence of too seceded States. 0 0 ' As to predictions of the future assurances that the suahf Amoric-wi Ireedom i only ttrnp orariry eciisi scd, and will S'Hn shin out as bright as evr,nd dazzle the tinv'd eyes of tbe Oltl Country we a'e quite prepared for them, ai d would not willingly see ttjtm hne their i.isii.f phice iu tb proceelings of the day. But th-rci : part of the Fourth of July ora tion which ceitaitdy might ba- abar.doned that which contains thr hi.toric.il reniiniK-e:i-ccs of the Revontionary war, and tha iuvwc-. tire against po.or old George III, and bis un happy mini.-iers ,tod ganeraU Th" peoo-f ren- o nd good taste, in th North must begin to think by this Urn- tht the world had h-ard enough about the Stamp act and tho Tea tax tbe threatened, legislatures, .the imprisoned, citizens, Lord North, the Hessians, the Ltdiau allies, the devastated country tbe occupied ami oppressed towns, and the various individ ual outrages which, with more or Jesstrutb, are laid t - th charge of the British. For sev enty yfva.,rsthestbin-s have made thlj stap!e.of evTy American sebxd history, and have taugo t each child in, the Union to feed and cherish hatred against the land of his fore fathers. . On the great annual festival especially they have be n set forth with all- the exaggerations which distinguish?! the eloq-iuco of mere display.. But, with tbe Irstory .of the. last three years before them, can any Northern orator drag up again these tyrannies. of the past and not feel that, with a changed name, the fable is being A.YV of himself? "George HI., with bis Oid World rotions of allegiance and of tho duty of kings to maintain tbeir au thrity, thought to coerce the colonies into obedience to himself and tbe Parliament, which according to all the legal ih-oiies of the time, had a general authority over them. Tbe Federal has gone to war to coerce the inhab itants of?t number of the States of their Union to keep up a Government which they repudiated, miilionsof m m who cotntUution ally are otrequal terms with themselves, and over whom ttiey have neither legady nor m'rr aily any just c titr"l. 'lids War has been car ried on with a cruelty which far sur passes any thing that can be laid tt ths charga' of lng laud, though the lapse of tighty ytars'has softened men's manners and has caused iju rnat'ity to-be respected even in the camp Towns have b'."a b r:o3d d -.vn i:i di tb ,'w A wantonness, tbe iubabitanta ot a captured city h-.iVe been put to work in chains, wholesale piuritbr has iir.p-iver;shed tbe chief people uf a cor quered .State. Congress has pase l acts confiscating tbe property of an entire couvnu nity, and th Exerutiv of Washington has allowed it to be m.denjtjod that its aimis will, if successful, do what Saracens atid Tartar? spared to do viil uneal Ue p.ipalation gea craUy and divido their lands amociaj the con quering o'disry. Bar if t:e rods of Gjr,e lil. bavo became the scorpions & Lin'...jjn, the failure of the former has not. been, more com plote thnu that which a contemplate. u of the state of affairs in tho middle of 18C4 s!i"W us to have attended tbe iriurtJ of the Federal Government. Tiieolo boasting abcut Sjrat-j-ga and York town ought to be beard no more among the people which has seen so many-armies defeated in battles where they have rep resented the Uivadiug English, an l where the Confederates have taken their oidp;.rt of men fighting for lite, liberty abd honor. Thoje is a sad similarity between Pope and Hooper to day ardjgomc of tbe luckess officers of K'ng George in the last century. Burgoynemay be paralleled by liauks, and who kuow.i ttiat Corn wal lis ar.d bis little army may not have been prototypes of some giaoder failure on the soil of V'rgiuia? To the Suit Commit loners for the Sever al CountU'4 of North Carolina. It, uhj he ' known to most of you that yur rail-roa(Vcoumur.i-.itiors with the Salt V'prkaia Vir ginia are, al f-r some months have alt been, interrupted t y rni'is. I now tribe this ino-ie of it.furuiing you that in consi,iuent,e of this suspen sion of tranportaiion, th- fra purch:ord ia North Oari.-lina'in the Spri:g and shipped for the State Salt "Work?, U yet on the rai, at lVfcrs tur a&d eleewhero, while eoine reuaics uibip ped. . The coticfiucnce of this ia the f n.-penMon of u-anufteturing S.itr durirg the grenter part tf the iumtrer at our Works, while all other mauuf.icturcs bavo been entirel' suspended, and it is believed most of thern must continue in sus-pense, for want of provisions. Hence, Slt must tw scarce and couunand a high price, and especially a the Works on tho coast have suffered so much by ranis. In view of then facte 1 ask you each to send forward wagons whert'vo'r it is practicable, and send gr.iin out oy them. Yu will be allowed two bushel? of Salt for one bushei of corn, Wheat or Kye, and one bushel for a bubel of pata. The tesms can carry twice as much as will fped thorn, and in must cases more. Then the remain ing halt will pay for full load of Salt. " Cut if each wnon'will bring one third or one, fourth of a load of graia, it will give an abuadiint supply. Please make it known to your' citizens that the same terms will be made with any f them who may' send on their own account. .We give prefer ence to the counties, but must have grain, end have no fear that we will get too much, or that it will come ia faster than the Salt can be made to exchange. We have on hand between five and six thousand, cords of good dry wood, capable of producing at least one hundred and fifty thousand bushels of Salt. This wood must be hauled, and for that purpose we want additional teams, and under the iate orderof the Conscript Bureau, none will b detailed s tcamjiters who are -under 45 years of age. I therefore nsk each . of you to endeavor to nend m? a few rj.a bvtween 45 aud 50 yeaTs old. that I liny ar fir.?. procure them to 1 e detailed to i Laul at the .salt Works. K. W. W U0D1I2 Aug 3 d3t Superintendent. nnWO niiXBBED DOLLARS reward. 1. llanawar, from the SRbicriW, on tto- 7th Julv. 18K4, hit negro boy OpMAN, seventeen year of age, 'five feet five inches high, weighs ' 132 r.ouii3, c'L-le ion dark enuff; had oa when; h Irft a new" pair of copperas-colored. pants, a now ?hirt, gray cap, and was -barefooted. Said b r formrlv belonged to Col. Clark, of Newborn, but has Ueen .ivinj; in the counties of Alamance and Guilford since thj commenciment of the war. He has a wife living at Graham, and will proba bly b round lurking ia .that vicinity. He inti mated to the balance of the negroes, some weeks ag, that hi intended to go to the Yankees, and will, fter'ap3, try to matte h'a way to them. Taeabve reward of two hundred dollars will be given for the confinement 'or delivery, of said negro, so tbaUthe subsci ibr can cut him. Address, ; GKO. W. FOUST, jaly 29-dtf Grbaoaville, Guilford Co., N. G. STRATKD. ' FROM A WIDOW LADY, living, rear Earle Kock, Wako county, about the 1st cf July last, a large white. COW, with pale red spots on her neck and sides: She na.- in milk, having left a young calf. There was a piece of rope tu d round one of her bind legs. When last heard from she was at Maj. Wilder'g; near Raleigh. Any in formation leading to her recovery will be thank fully received and liberally rewarded. .My Port Oifice is Sandv Level, Johnston Countv . N. C. August 3 dlt. SAM. P. IIOUTOX. : WANTK9," r?.l)K AN INFANT, ONE MONTH OLD, L a W ET NU ii.SC, white or colored, to take entire charge of the child. A good Sernstreg3 aid ilouse Servant could be exchanged for the Norse. Apply at this oiiicc. anj 6-dfit Seasonable and Desirable Goods. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. r ALUS B'lakand Colored Ylx Thread, UJ 150 doz. Co'te's AVhie Spool Cotton 40 doz. Clark's assorted colors ditto, 500 gios shirt and coat rubber and 'pearl buttons, . 200 gross black and white pant buttons, 30 grass lasting coat and voit buttons, -' 20 doz. fine and dressing combs, 2u0 yards linos, 150 yards black and white inu.-in gicgiam, 500 yards bbtcSc and white calico, 1000 yards light colored, do, I0d0 "yards dark colored d;, 50o yards colored and black alapaciss, 500 jat d: colored and black and white muslin, 40 dozen steel skirt springs, 2 pieces black broad cloth, 1 piece black cassimere, 11 pieces colored cassimere, 2 pieces silk poplin, - 20 dfzen gtints' colored handle echiijfs, 4 pitwes red and white fUnn !, 30 pieces fine bleached cotton cloth, 35 doz. to:ht sojrsouv vvvy G.oe, L?ad pencils, sooa by the keg or pound, Stct-1 pens and pen holders, 40,00) white and colored envelopes, - , 25 oz- quinine; English paper, 20 dozen roller skiuf, PritTie Ilio Coffie, and many other , goads, at small profits. , JAS. Y. WIIITTED & CO aug5-eodl2t , Hillsboro', N. C. Teacher anted, TO take charge of a Fit WE SO HOOL. A gen tleman X'referrt-d. Jsron r.eod apy.lv unless "weli recommended. As to sa'urv, ce., addvf.jf ALLKN VV. WOOTK.V, aug 5-4t ' Mostly Hall P. O.. N. O. , "VTOTICE. AiUlHisc vhi) have r.ofpihl XN Into the Tr'"asn'ry of tho North T-ars lina Volunteer Nary Company their subscriptions, -are requested to do so at ones, .as the" Company is r'-v abi.at sen-H.-'g abroad an A ant to niiiiu'-fiias of a vessel. And those wishing to take stock will havt- a i-hort time to procure the same Jbeforc the booka will be closed. ' . . cyiius P. MEN DEN HALL, - aug 5-d6t President. ' Kil;-ih Conservative, tTilminsrtn Journal, an I G i-enTlxoo' Patriot will please copy in c.ii'3' on? week and send !iiis to tbii ctii?2 !or- settie uient. G reuf ,hrro' J'airioi. Runaway 5t sroes Per bale. IOFFEft for bale two r.eero men, InAAC and CH-AIl, who kft thL Ti.ir.tati(in of the lite Gen. Thonms J. Green, in Warren county, mi .the iuootIi of January, lb(3, an.! are cow supposed. to be m the neighborhood of VTeldon, N. C.. near which place .ne.of them, (l?:uic) haG a wife6e lor jrin to Vm. 11. Ponton, Es-q'. " The negroes a'oore named were formerly the property of Mr. Dndl?y Clanton, dectased, of Halifax county, N. C. -Deschiptios-. Isaac is very black abeut 26 years of age,-5 feet 10 or 11 inches in height. Cac-ir near the saire ge and beigth, of dark mulatto or ginger-cake color. My. address is Louisburg, N C. GEO. TUNSTALL, Agent aug 5 dGt For N. K. and G. D. Tunstall. BU. B. F. ARRINGTOX. (OFFICE AT KICHAN 6 EHOTEL.) 'S3& Ofiice hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 3 to 6 p. m., until 1st October, aug 4-dtf . M RS. MILLER continues to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. "VfoUcp.Takfn tip ami committed to Xl the Jail of Carawba, a dark NEGKOman about tilty years of age. Said pgro gays his name is PLEASANT, and that he is the pioperty of Hugh Carlyle and Geo. Henderson of Georgia. A. J. HELTEN, Jailor. . Newton N. C. April 13lh 1S4. ap. 20 12-w6m . -AIRAM'S SALVE? fTHIS Salve has been thoroughly festfd fcr I many yeirs. and is now off-.-red to the nub lc ! wnu me g.'araniee uiii ir poss-eeses an me raiu able healing properties claimed for it. Fer all cuts, bruisee,-burns, ecahls, risings, felons, blisters, ulcers, excoriations, rising and gathered brcists. and for all wounttn'-t every deseripjicn, it will be found. emine::tly tuccetsful in nffording re lief and eff-;eiing a cure. - - It ia teculiirly adapted to wound" exhiliting eymptotns of erysipelas. Kef-rence is made to the following persons who have used tbe Salve, a:d can testify to its healing rowers; P. G. Snowden, Srg. P. A. C. S ; Drs. Hanks and Berry, Pittsborough ; Rev. Bobert B. Sutton. Rector of St Bartholomew? Church Pitts .boruirb : Hon. A. Rencher, CoT. Henry A. London ' Dr. W. F. narlUe, member of Examing Board 7th Congressional District. 1-or Kale by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigk, aad ether Druggist in the State and F. AlliAM, Pittsbor N. C. July ll-eed-13t HATS! I1ATS ! ! FOR every two and a hjilf puads of clean and well washed WOOL, -we will give a wool bat. Parties at a ditaaca can send wool per Ex press to Franklinton. We will deliver the hats at that point, if desired. A. S. GILL & CO. Pacific Post Office. Fraaln county, N C. July 2 1864 aw-4t T anted To litre y the month, or for the t VV balance of tha y-ar, a god WASHER ; and I RONE R. For further particular, ecqaire atthisoSce. . aag2-dtf 1 B 00K AXD JOB WORK Neatly executed at THIS OFF1CS. i Xegrccs anil Cotton. I WISH to bay one Hundred lively young NE GKOES, -between the ages of ten and sixteen years; and a first-rate farming. BLACKSMITH. "Also one or two hundred bale of good COTTON, in good order. - TUOS J. PEUSON, . aug 5-d7t Garvsburg, N. C. Fifty DoNnrs Rewftnl.- E STRAYED, on theitl of July Ia?t, a large 1 UF7D COW, with some frw white spots. Also e HEIFER two year old, about the same descrip tion, with white face I will gire tha above re ward of fifty dollars for their drlivery to tae, or .any information that will enable me to get them. S.W.MARSHALL, aag4-d3t Pacific, N. C. TaSiRCKT DEPMtTKEaT, C. S. A.,) Richmond. Julv 23, 1S64. J rp AXED TREASBUY NOTES. In order to promote. 83 far as practicable, the ea?ly liquidation bv the Trea.surv of the OUT STANDING TAXEI NOTES, the Treasurer, A ssistant Treasurer and Pay Depositaries in tbt different States, are hereby authorized to receive the said notes, except the $100 uotes,. at 6G?a per centum, on deposit, issuing for same. Crtiticates of Loan, upon hypothecation of non-taxable bonds. be'said ertificates to b? payable cn de mand, after the expiration f ninety 'days. And all agent? for tha sala of the above bonds are hereby authorized to receire th taxed notej.. with the v-vception above naVned, io payiueLt of bonds, w fcea sold, at tb'. rate of ; ner centum. G. A. TUrtNHOLSl, aug 4-eodl'it fceerttary of tbe'frtatary. $30 REWARD. fa Y bov M.ACK has runawav. Ho left on 1 -fi!fi-.r ereninr last. I'will srive tbe abova 're.7?i d tor hi? appre hiM-n and d.-irory to me.' Mack i. '.bf.ut.if year? od, b'ack c mplexin, weighs about 1 10 poat-ds, f:v feet three inches high. He may endoavor w make his way to the nrTghbotbood of George W. Tompn's, as bis mother belongs to the estate of Pelep S. Uocers. july 29-tf JOHN O'UORKE. UeacUiitr'.rii r's P.esfrc, N. C., Extract. ilALEUH August 1st, 18X14. J General Ouenns No 4. .1 I Captains of, Senior Rosrve, in the several . counfie.of the; SUte of North Croiin, whewa Companies have been -organized, will asic-mbl-i them at their respeetir- Court Houses, every Saturday at 12 o'clock, lor drill and instruction. By Command of Lt. G;n. IIolsiks. JNO. W. HINSDALE, August 3 dGt. A. A. G. AGENTS WIN TED. AGENTS WANTED TN EVERY COUNTY in t!i r Southern Confederacy, to use tos c-.?tt Of implcmeut.9 of Cai Ibfc's Pnti-ot, fir it oai' ing find reriv.tiig C-.tton and Wool cards. We vvil tell county agencies or will sell the s-tt of i-nple-nicnts, to some good and responsible psrsoa to uso th.-sn in a comity or., half -'lures The s?tt (posting $75,00) is all that i required for th? ag'iit to bjrin with. This is a very profi table bursinfss. Add res. - J. H. C VULISLE, & CO., july 30-c,.2Ciaw8t Kingwood, N. C. Co.vfcutpr OKF'rcf?, w . Raleiirh N. C. August 1ft. '04. j CII-CULAU 1 No. 37. ' yV.stil't KsrnlRsi;: of2rcn will pro- reed in'm. -iliat'.ly to aetkm in accord.iucJ with Cireular No. 2l'. jVum Bureau of . Consci i,i tii.n herewi'h pti5 i-Ji '!. It trovislons rpply ".3 .w. 'I tiiw-fcn- apr.'.!iiatioris arc now pettd- irg a to iioi.-. who may h .i e ifter a, -ply. Apviicrtts tor r- n-'A:.' oi dctud will not be j'onuitted to remaia 1oiu or at woik after lb-? i .".o'l iiiit -of 111-- tiuij allowed by the tcj iU3 of llo gravtd. 5r "order of ih Cumuiandmt. E.J. HARDIN. .' AdjaUtijt. Oo'Kr:tE:ATB SjATfcS OF-AMCR!CA, W&r D.-f't, iur'au of iJincririioi. Uicbmoud. Va., Julr 8, liSCt J C1UCULA!: ' .0 1't. T.' S'-eretnry of War lorrcts, that-hereafter ' r !u-lough-be allowed by the e,T;c;rs of coti Feiiiptior. 1 ai-plicants for exemption not su-tnia-t-d a' f.q'ii red by ri gu'Htion ; or-dr-tail, wbi-ist their .pp!ieriti'!M are peuoing ; but that thev bo promptly forwardeii to the Camps of I.struction, a;d at oaeo ifssigo"d to cotiMiiir.os in the fild. en titled un-.l'jr existing oi tiers t. rct ive conscripts. Enrolling oiricers will, with tha aid of tlie Temporary iJoards, proceed diligently to investi gate all tuch applieatiems, in accordance with til-; instructions heretofore given, and forward then, to the Bureau, with thei reports. and opinion, for such actiou as tbe War Department may taky in reference to sai'l applicants. Upon transmitting tha applictiuris to the Bu reau, Commandants w ill state the commands to which the applicants wer e assigned. By cowunaud of Col. Thos. P. Aug?t, Actisg Superintendent. C B. DUFFIELD, A. A. Gcaural ft. Conserrative. Fayetteville Observer, Wi!-' mingtwr. Jouraal, Charlotte Democrat, AsheviHe. News, State Jourisal, aod Wudcsbiro' Arus copy four times. t"ug 2-4t 1 . y IIeauquarteks Asmv Northeiis Va.,) Ordnance Oriice,, V Julv '20 1hC4. BRIG. GEN. RL'FUS RAUUINGEIt, command .ing Jiiigadeof Cavalry, Army N'ortbcrn Vir ginia, is hereby authorized to take po.-s tsion of all cavalry arms, e.quipni-cts and eccout.renier.t3 in the hands r ciTiltann or other unathoi iv;..J persons in the State of North Carolina, ween be is satistieil that sueh arms, Ac., ars legitimately the property of the ' Cn' derate Stat-.-s.' 'Ail aroij, Ac, dropped by our troops or the enemy on tb.ir line1 of march, or on battle-fields, or 1 ft or hold by officers or ptirag to persona nt in th piilitaryferyice. are tho propertv'of the Con federate States. N person in the military Her- vie-e ha.-s a 1 it to se!S or otherwis d'.-pse -f arws, ic. esrc'pt wbsa un!---f tio? orders iiJ regulations of ttie Ordnance Department. Gen . I Uarringer will r.ft delegate, this autbor i?V to any one except commissioned e.Ricers of bis owd commfftd, who will be furnished fcith a copy of thi3 authority, and withinsfructions to furnish receipts ta parties from whom arms, Ac, are ta- m kej undijr its provision. P.y command of General R. E. Lff. Siifnedl BRISCO Cr. R LD WIN, Lieut. .Col. and Chief OrdD ice' t!icr. Army Northern V. Under this authority, I desire especially to gather'np McCle'dan-saddles. These Buddies were cap' ured from the eremy. . Tbere can be no pri vate property in them. Partizaa lv sneers ard others have no rijjht t sell themt except to tbe government, which pays fixed prices for the cap tares. t . This brigade is much in need ot good saddles. Many or thoge we have are ruininx the brstfc' back's. The men are losing largely and tbe-ser-rice suffering severely by tbse saddles bei withheld from it. often abstrated by -so eUers. I appeal to all -patiots to 'oiae forwaiel and volun tarily give them up to the ooicera and men of this brigade in tbeir resntctire localities, who will re ceipt for them. Tboe now at home, and espe cially all oa 'horse detail-,' are-required to gather up these, saddles, also Sharp's rifles, Colt'afV yeaters, and other cavalry arras and equipment, the property of the Confederate States, ami bring them back into the service. All iesonable. ex penses incurred ia.this way will be repaid ttem. I clainno riiht at prcie&t eitb-r to iiz? or impreg? these urms ard cquipieents, but I confi dently expect every boiiest mm. not in the fit-Id, to civ? tLi -tu uy. They ouzht to e ashamed, in a tiae like this, to he s'n vit".i th'-ni. , I.UFUS BAliltlNGER, Biig. Gen. aug 4-tw2w . ' Information Wanted. CADET A. C. IIARTSFIFI.D was farlovgLeJ from the Wieder .Hospital,; Ricbnrnd, Va., 4th Dirisita and 54th Ward, on tbe 21t June, since which time 1 erthiug b&s been beard of bin. He is supposed to have lak.n the Dkntille train for Greensboro. Any person that e.in give any information concerning' bim, will greatly Telicte bis dislrtsic-d parents b a Jdiefs-ing Dk. W.IIAUTSFIELD, RolcBTjlle. Wake rouuty, N.-C. Richmevd Sentinel and Enquirer copy three times and recct bills" to this office, aug l-3t 'Office Raleigh k Canton R. R. Co'py, RALEIGU, July 7, 1861. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS Company have declared a dividend of 15 per cent, on the capital stock, payable on and alter after 1st of August, 184. in tour per cent certi ficates and bonds of the Confederate States, or in Confederate treasury notes of the old issuo at face value, at tho option of the Company. W. W. VASS, jul8dtf Tre-urr. . 3Tesrcs anil Fouadrynian Wanted. 0FF1C2 OF TDK L( CKVILLK Ml!TIa AND MaSCFAC- trnixo Coiiraxv, LocKViLtx, Chatham county, N. C TV a. i m laimcciaTeiy. ry tm uompany, TillRTi .tlOOU NEGROES chwr ppe-j - prei'-red. W e a'so wih to employ a whitel OL DRYMANj who c-in tak the 'iitire cuctrd of a C(.U blat tharcoal Furnace. Foroe w'tll quali fied, steady einloyment will be given. Ayply to wie at once, at the Endor Furnace, or and res me there, ri Fayettetil'e. N. C. july2Vuiet W. S. DOWNER, Supt. CiiUT j;n: once 1st ton:, nist. . c.,t July 21st, I8ii. I GENj;jr. OnrKl No. 5. j "F" : THE organization of the Serior CIer of I lvcscrves having ben rejidered icpr-acticable under former instructions from this oiher, owing to tbe fact that there were net men enough cf that classs urollcd to form a company ia ai-y one county; it i? ordered that all male white per sot b-'tween tbe ag- s of 13 and 50 ( v. bi her pre viously eniolleel or not) a 5mble ein the lli.h day tf August, at the le.llowiig j i cci1, to coii-plelu . their organizttion, viz : "lbt.Bc of the counties rf Hertford and North, amptoa, at.Garytburg. Those of the county of Certie, at Windsor. Th.-st)t'thecoantic-sof Wa.hiugtou and Martin, at Wiliianiston. II. Local-Enrolling O Jer on duty in the suv-er.- counties in hich theTepdzvous areordcrsi, will swperintc-nd tha organization of tbe rompa iiies ar.d the election of the ygicers, in af coinlauce wUUJfcrmer inst uctions, and forward the iW mid cei titicutts of election to this wtilco witLuut dday. III. Local Ewrelling Ooicers are .charged not onlv with the dissemination of this order, but will be held strictly rci-ponsib'.e for its execution like wise. They will call upon tli.7 nulitia ofheers ta aid them an 1 will fr.ir no pains tu securw tha presence of all tbe "Seaior Reserves" ia tbeir re spective counties. IV. It is not the intentivn. of tha Lieutenant General Commanding Reserves of N. C. to keep the Seti r Chvs of his force iu the field. The purpose this order ia siiuplv to organize tha ' Nmpaidv ho as to reader them c.'Vui ntir. ip ll T5g raids, a-id in oilier emergencies. A prompt attend.-irce i? urged upt.n ire men. ar.d very man ii reminded '.bat it is to int-jtest rot otty tu bo present him e'.! on the dy appointed, bat to see that h'ti itigiibors come to;, as it will be neces sary t retain t.h. 011 a th? rend-nrous'till a u!li ci.vjt e.u.i.t'er iv po'rt tt orcr;niz. As toon, nu the other iotii.l. fA t he o jraiiiz.uioLi -is complete. lko men v.ill bo permitted tu rtturu-t' tj.ir hoi'ie-. . (Si-ri'-d) filK.II L. "COL, . Cipt and Chief E. O. 1ft C. 1). S. C. . july 2C-dtd t . l"or,s:rva:ive cepy till elat? ai-d ?nd bill ti tb:? oi!'C.. , . RICHMOND AND DANVILLE R. R., - StPKMSTENI'SST,? OrKICS. f Ilicbu-.ond. July 2lt, 1SG4. J Notice- Wr ANTED. A MiVer Slrhiui-t. Pcisr!S arplvlrg will be' required to ;rivft sroed re ferenc s. " CI1AS. G. TALCOTT, aug'idlSt Sappriatiu,er.t. CnfciIcratc.Taxes ! rpHE Co: fed-rate Tar Ass -sos for the C'unty 1 of Wake, wiif attend at fiis following tijo-s and places, for the pur.e. of as!esing the TAX ES l-n- tbj year 104. At Raleigh, TbarsJay, Fri 'a and S-t.urdav; ltt, 2nd una 3rd S-ptr-mbcr, ' Banks,-Monday. ."ih Barnev Jones'i Tuesday, (h " LashleVeX Roads, Wednesday, 7th " Gi t'tn Level. Thursday, " Sth JiorrisvilU. Friday, 9ih " Buee'.-. Mnndav, 12th Hood's Tuesday, I3.'h Wake ti Id. Wednesday, ." 14th Rclesville, Thursiay,' m lith Torestviilr, Miflay". .. " ltUh DunrejviUe, Saturday, . 1 7t U Lawi', Tuesday, 20 tb Oak rove, Wednesday, ' 21s-t G. W. Thompson'?. Thursday, 22od n it ii It II I . ( It The tax-p:iers nf tbe County are hereby notU fi-,d to att'-rt'i" at the ti::- s and (laces aboe tat evl, nearest their respective n-Hdene'es, HrTl furn- ish to the A.-s..sors a Cf-rrt h.-t orth-i rJ!owiiig suj jctn f taxathm, on band, hc-IJ and ovnied oa "the 17th o! Februsry, 104 : La::d, nuiobfr of acrj-s sr.d value iu lO. Slav'i, iiunib.! , sex, awe, and v-d in IbM. ll!!wn,.Mu!p., A.ses.jK.d Jefi.nc-t-, arid value in 1 St 0. Cattle, number and v.-Jue ii lt'0. "heep, (JoiM nd 11(1':. and value in th-;o. Cotton, Woul, TobieCo, 'ii, V.'h'it. ( it. Rye. Luck wheat. Rife. Potato. s, of all k::eJ-, P a, Groord pca. l.ii't.f. I-1 nr, Mecl, Suar, M-ilfcr?, Ba con. Lrd Sj ii itunti Lvpi'.rs. Ac, on b itidi tho !7t. t v o Ft b utry. l'-4, aod u t n. ee-.a!y for family enSU!r. f t i n '"or the year If 4. llc imb r of bur-hel and their v.duo rc-p-ciivx'y, mu-t be; staioJ -'pr.rat iv. lion.-, ho d and Ji ch mi Kurrdturo, Agricultarsl imj b.ments, Mechanical Tooii, wnd Muiicnl ih struir.ents. --u their valu in lC:. CaTiiatres, (Tarts, and Wag1. ins, iJrays, Ac, and valu ia 1S00. Ii.n.k'j Mars, Painting?. Pictar.cs. tation cry, Ac, ard vaiu"; in lx.0. Pr'opeity of all Ct porations,-Joibt Stock Companies ar.d !o!ia tion.4. Gold aa 1 Silver coin. Gold.dust, and G.,ld or Silver buUb-n. Amount ot all solvsnt credits, Rank lli'.N, and all other paper bued a cur n cy, i 'xclii-ive of n n-ir.teiet bearii.g ''onffrtr rate Trea?urv N-'t".. and employed ia a taxed bu-dn ss. Valueof all moneys held abrod, and bil's of Exchange on foreign countries; and the value of A artic s of personal or mixed property" not enumerated, above, and not exempt from tax atioa. Laad, SUves, Cotton and Tobacco pur chased since the 1st of January. lw62. mail be lifted at the amount pti-J tor them. The Uada will also be lieteJ. M. A. PLEDSOS,) A li. it. J V S Ei, A,Ml "or, aeg 3-d2Ct i 1 I 1- 611(7: ilAXlTACTOUY! I am constantly Maiturarturlnz ?at Thomasville, North Careliaa, LADIES LACE - . ' BOOTS, . Madof'the finest French Calf Skn, with U. rocco tL and evUtt LADIES' FRENCH" CALF GAlTERS, GEVTLEI5'NS do d do do do" Roots, ' Kir- Pi o;an Shoes. n , fl vv zro 0.)sr . -.s aCr Aadrcs uiat Greensboro. N. C. aag 2-d26t A. A- WILLLAUD. Sorghnm Boil? rs, FOK SALE. I Ilar.ufactaririg- Boilers of all sices'. -All widen ur.iuptly iLtec-cd 1 0. P. T. NORWOOD. Raleigh, Jidy 22 dtf Bond for Ssfle. I'lYK UUSmtKD UILUOS CONFEDE RATE SIX PEK VEST. DOXDS. 'PHESK BONDS prevrt the greatest indue. 1. meets -for inve5tn:cnf. Tbey btre thirty years to ran, iuter?t paynble . tn'i-aor.ually, and are s -cured bv import ard export duties; are eiempt, prine'ipnl and Interest, from taxation, and the couror.e receivable as coin for cnttora duties. Apply to allen s.tsmns. Agent Tn a?ury Department. Wilmington, X. C, July 22 tf MQivn mis, IV H S I E S A L K TOBACCO HOUSE, AND .Commission Merchant, GOLDSliORO', N. C. Il!rRALadraiiceiucntsniad on 1'ioduco con--J Ms-iud to me. july 14, XfcC4 d3;n. THE r SArbXA CJA K'Ol Lb . 18 TUk MO-vT 1 EFFECT MACIttNIC FtK GRINDING- SORGB.UM, VKT OFFKHl'I) TO 'ill! rUllLKJ. rvREFt'LLY fiitructed under the immediate v' super vi.-ioe. tf a :ei.tl mn 1 cfidi r t lor fceveral yi is 0:1 a gnr ptiitsti'r, it conitdres the r. suits ttf bis practical cxperieree with U ftn.ate ri,il nn'l goud wurkmauf hip. It reqiir. v 1 v litlle wood vot k in seitirp up, jr,d comlnn, f, in r.'n eminent degtee, enee-nomy and durability. Other Mills f 2 3 roileif, horioutl and v. rtical, and Syrup Bilers from 20 gallon to i'-O gallens, fcr a!e. Aodre.-is SAPONA IRON CO., FeU"vi!!e. N. C; N. H. Hills hud boilns eU-iitrtd at Egypt on Wert em Railroad, r at Ra'etgb, or i!ei 1 isvolo c N. ( lU'di-wati. july 21 Vui wool n6tice7 : y u a rt 1: rs m a st ::i;'s v i.ta i:tm k x t, Kaleigm, Jci.t 2, lfC4.' I AM N7 PH KPARED H EXCHANtJU C)t;on Tara f . r Wool, upffi. tb fJil mSug tenus, v ivi , Oat bunch f Tfc n fur tbree pcurds wai-bcd Wrl, and sutebenrla fjr fuurpeunds unwashed. igeuts bt e b"tn app;inte.i to umk the ex- change at tbe bille wirg pit rt': Oxford, Tat bro, Kiust-.n, Chth er ii.'c Litke, Cooeoid, Rockifhatn, Ji Ddeit; mvill, State.-v iile, l.oiUio', Ahheville, rittsbon'. Louitburg, Fayr ttcville, Colorain, and at this place. Persons ihippirg wool tn this place w Ml plesKe h.a: k on th- packages who they ai from, wnd iU cotton yaru will b forwarded iniiiu-diutcly. I hope tb pcoy.le w II rati iotiealh rcpopd to the above notice, as tb Wool is for" clothing tho N. C. Truopd. H. A. DO WD, A. Q. M'., N. C.t. jaly.SUO-tr KEW' AUCTION AND COMMISSION STOKE. W!l. A.V 51. S. Tl ( ILi ic ; m U. K. Andrews, ,bav( this e!; auroe'ati d them-, s-lteH togeth-i uner t lie irii" 1.1 ! tvlw f ICCKEi;, ANDREWS A ".. . for the , s pen of coiidii-f ing a. genera I Auction and . Ci uitJihMon bu.-iiu.-i. Ajl Lui',ie.i er.tiu.-'ei to tL VI will u. et with piorliief.f ard di.-i.aiel.. Tt'CKia;, A.vDbLvra & co. ' rpilROLtill tbe tu(v . iie-i'aitiij. of hi fri ni, 1 THOMAS I. f a ., eu-.-euie 1 et;ili. te become a euioli'i it to rcpii-nt the umv tf S.eLtpifon in the H:n. . jwTy 2.i-t . Stolen. rROM THE r.XCHANt.E liOTKl.. lUleb, I. tin th-: And of Juj la. t, on Goi.n 'J nii.-ij., r::arkcl A. L , aN.i n ojir of Pearl and .Lit Fas' klNG. with 1. f ' r i;ua?("'. Any iriCormalien Irlt at THIS OFFICE, le oluig to the r coviy ol said ai ti'-fej. w ill b: libn 'l v iew'rdd. . july Sl-J-ibi . mm CITV ISMDANCE (Ojin.NV, OF I1IC2IO.NJ), VA. CAJ'lT.iL ::00.0000. Takes rhk agnirt Sre ut lowtvt rat'.., T. H. W YN N L, Pren. E. M OA UTHY. N. ii. Aoksts WiNisn. jnl23t'Jv ( ha moTTE fi:m AiJ:lxinii 1 1 . f Iini" exercines of thi Sebiol will be r.fu:itd on L WEDNESDAY, SEP'l EMIH.R I4ib. Tb'. who wifth to sei urrplar?s, n:ust make earh a pli cation. For circulars e.-entair ii;g terms, hd dre. Rtv. U. liar. well, CbaiUite, N. C. july 27 2taw4t XjIIKKT IRON FOR SORGHUM 1101LER8 0 ill and Sl j fe" t loi.g. irchis thick a.d 30 inc s i id-, f r ih' t-y je.lr 2 I S dtf CREECH A LITCJIFOED 1 oaxs ox the .sEcrtirr or tTu: jh ye hi xi it i:i nu i. ux ,ix pei: 1 EXT. NO.V TA.XAUI.i; HOXliS VftliEU tui: si: vex Tn sEcrtox or the cue. E1JXVV LA l D?p it o.t e ill wit! bo rec-lrtd by the Tr ri urer in ll icin, A i-i i"t Tiaf-tuer nt (l..t 1 -k-too i.d M'ttol-. nr.d t ! IV; oitiiie. a Wilmieg t.tn, ftfch 'h. Cvlut;bi'. Augita. Situ, una inj ioTitgoinrry, asd c:Ttitir-Hf. wrii be i -mi d for the Mm., b-arir-.jr jt.tent at tbria.Vof uur p-r nt fr ncnarn, ii,d n-run-A b , ll.v byj o;h. a ti'-n of art s:i. u?it of lb- b ve bond. equal t tie puui of th.e baiii. Tbe b-ir.ds to be -t p' tb. tbe Tra,uo r. nrd tbe oh.e.. d.-. v b-T. I s.ld, f poJi-d exclusively ft he payrne-! rf lb a 1 sai'l CL-rti!icatt " J The security and --.nvenirce 4.Ti.tded to lnl ' sni other corporations, atid to tbe publiegtner I ally, by th'n mode of temporarr invet:eei.t, ku '. thfl-ctof the uit anre if c-i-ei ally adopUd, in kc-ping the currency withiu moderate bund, it is kopi-d, will roinmerd it to tbe favorable ron- lefatir.n uf tLe coniruMv, si.d pecure tbfir priMi.pt co-op-ralioB in-arrtlng into r tT c t. G. A..TilK"iOl.M, S'cr"try vl tb- To mrr. nicawus, July 22, li 4. . jaiy 27-e'tf OFPICE OF C. S. DEPO ITAKY, ) Rai.si-.ii. N. C, .luh i:oto, leGt. H OLDERS if fiht and st v. n pr cr.f. i.rti fixates, iiued bv 5enrge W. Mordrtal, latw DepoMtary, a: l of six per cent.-ertificates Mucd by the ur-d-rigr.ei!, fit r qu rtcd to prt s ot them and receive their noHs. Thecoupout ibereoo. du Janasry hrt ai d Juty fiist, lfC4, will bpaM at tbe i-aiae'ti-re. Holders of Registered Stocks, who hsvo here, tofore received their. interft at Wilmington, ar a?in inf.rreed that tbe fame will be paid at this otiice in future. Holders cf any Rg tiered Ponds can r-crive th-ir interet at tbisoflice, by repjef i-i-g the Register at KWuncnd to tianfer bis stock to tbe pay-roll of tkis Depoi-itary. C. H. HARRISON, Jul J 27 tf . C. !S. Depositurr. Conservative copy till forbid. HlllBboro V. C. MUltnrjr Aiadrmt.-. The Second Seiou (tSSi) cf this Ir.stito tion, will ecimner;c July 1st. For Circolars and ufor;cation spply to ' Mj- Wm. II. GOUDOX, mt. IT .3S-d3ra '