.... .--" -1 -.. , - . r ... .... W - . -. i , ,''"''' .......... .... - . . . . , . , 4 . . ,...---- . . ... Ss 1 , M , h j 4 i:v.Q-iU v v U4vi lira 1L mo ' f " - - ' . ' .- r . ... 1 - : .- -.I '. ' " ' ' " I U A 1 L Y ED ITIO , tr .w" - j 4 .'V t - It ' . nnTirtriv fA A mnnthSi WEEh.LiM"Aw- " 7 4nr other terms No subscriptions received I on BYorter period. than the above, nor mm - Art.MionaUromMoMlc.; . ' - . Mobil. Wr..f the?:htantarr.Kce.v. ed, They contain additional pnrticii ars oft entrance of the eney into Mobil, Hay. I h ZVieTina has a very interesting narrative writ; ten in Furt Morgan, from .which we make the following extracts: ; the ornNino or the ncnT. i. fJinwiiifl- day. we ditercd that tie fleet bad, during tne lugW, hauled off 'ttf. the .eastward and contacted W I into a semi-circle, nearly ; da. wnth of the fort and -with; not mere than tfaree V i M inlet into the channel. SI ':!:r waa iiniremariial; t broad u Alk J ( V k. Ill 111 LCVA V- " " " OLD SEBIE8, 1 , , , .YQL. V. i . . .. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, AtJGUST 22, 18G4. VOL. I-Xo.178. f r k.i.Utk: turrclft nesmcu .!P .limimitiT force that were man- ant; IV . . t o-J M H ..r J 1n-t nunv Rize 01 oar uwm ... r farittidahle aTtrsarje. At thirty minute pasi -x - - -" It tTJd Lm the extreme rilit win of th en gaged in impedis progress of the fleet Bu even under such, diadvaotages tha brave defeuders of the fort We. not p the certrs-; and after h'aving.receiTetl the fira of the ram parts, the enemy tjii hare to rua the gaunjlet at the water battry. which frowna at the fool of the soirth west and western bastes. -' THE TENNESEE IN ACTION. Another eal of cues A oaN. It w me Tennepee,with Adtairal Bachanaa standiQs: outside her shield, us n tbe ngntoi me c riuac. -There again he coafrents them, and s each psfsnd, fearful of hia blows, yves him wide berth' to the eastward, he pours ,int,o them bin steady and regular fire ; first the n.otiitorP, shying off to tie wen , ai ici twelve hnndrrd yards, inan ine canuoua Brooklyn aod Hnrtfori, then the whole fleet ruanieg pt him in terror as much of bis name aofh'H deed. One, two, three, then six, then ten, twelve, seventeen, pass him af.tr off, ard seveotea . receive Uis salute ; aim incu, with the wings that fear leads to tbe pale-faced poltroon, they rah dwn towards th western shore, far beyond his ranpe.. ui 5 bchinJ, two engage the Srima, eac oi wmon culd haul her up en her deck as a faucy jolly boat: three toake for the Uaine, wfcieu, in Blill greater disproportion,, rusnet m mm midat and bf. dlv atteupts t gtappie me rast . . . . " t.':i,'i : tu',m was fired frem the extreme rsi whir uium" p0Werful of-her advrries- ioiled in tbis Federal.-: thnt shot folios short south-east ot Joalbarilr rprU, receivingiu a few minutes tho fort was ?oon after followed by. a saeU, mm9n g.-flt, tUrugb her hall and machinery, ":;;" v. the tort, Hr,- fragments over the officers' quarters ......il n- tKuf time's! was maveme.nt aurJ ,v JfM. tb. Ik. cor,, ru-l.Ua ... .nrBra ih8U. w leaning i rra hr;i through ,h. -ill..- The fleet, then corarcenced their forward d closin up on tbeir centre, ,m Ua.S,.ff ahina of the oxtre ne ... . Uff wln-Ts abreast, aoon formed themseWe. iaW Wo and made their owards the heac! of the pas. r .Td . mde thr T.urr,seh, 'donbleturretted monster, vomiUr. fire Ihrouge i . ..nvtnntlr.rovolviBi'. On her Private, aud in their wake the h succeeding fi!e cov v?z hirh ;r.cd it. t.. those . i ..I. ..i.. tv, oni wurd nijarance uf , ' , 1 v iL rMmctiTc fo ces of the ! .. .'.i.r... r...v IV,. tmIIv beautiful urchltro- ture of the Federal navy .auius.up with a f.rce cf .tct three hundred Run. t U.J lai -C.t calibre to overpower a fort and fleet rimmtii g not raore than totty of vastly mffi rior "weight. . i . ' . It w. hen 7.30 A. M , ad " their line advanced they discharged their hroadsideB at the fort and kept moving on. until the head- .r within not more than a half f nr hotteries. .Thea.a cairn dce , . , oire is heard, ami the comroaurt, om' firms," 'iQs ulon? our ce ons. It l an il with a cherr a soul -stirring cheer- that cornea fronfc the . willing and aevmou breast of tlie brave men who have for over twenty minute 9x Hko alatnea by the -vie Cll I i;ii ,vn.' --- t swrre ,he lavjard- puled-.and aon theUarp, ehnd , J. u.,- P.rintt. ifuiR i heard KOUtlO l OUC , j nhiin- thmul the air as their nqnarehead. 7d bolt.Ve tearing their way toward, . the irTJert ships. As to each bivadoide, we an fV,r in defiance ot their aupnor uumbers to rveryeh-f-fired by ,u a hundred ahota renlv. S.n'the heavy sands of tne southern aci. and the turf of the Tr,pU are 8.sn tuir.tiv.s up in every , direction, bur,inS nnder ., J tUm liav -chase of our oanafiBS, ai . the gallant tw o.rinr-.lrd A nliwoct sirtkiue. sue seems, u-er the vivifying touch or the gauani "." recover tor oe mowost tae spagrnoaic energira f a tfjiRK wan. and extricating hereelf by a nnrome rllort froai the ar;p of her powerful enemy, tshe frantically rushes towatds shorr, wn:re, as rUe rearbes high ana ury ob mc iun cam hpr fra.tie. shattered and exhaust ed by the effort, renders a low-rnmbliag souud, a the death-rattle of a giaut. Hut vBJftr. loader, near the western snore, the Slraa, raked fore and aft by the ovad.ides ef her antRgomits,' is ystt y their shot, an.t her d-cks c Terd with tne neaa. anu ujmg Sk tri!ci. that flff what she s valistly de fended thus, the galiaut Fat Murpliy falls in I in ft IilinJ h of tha. ntay, wbo trianiphaBtly raien their infAmhus ttarsand stripes over tne immaculate standard of the South Mutiine. the Mureaa' has hugged in the eastern bore, and exc ti an ging rapid rhots with. two of the Federal ships, sho adroitly anagf8 -to draw ff from tbe unequal, contest, and tbus tvf at IftAsr au f ur crallaot ships, after fo- .1 ; rt-v. iibimiaa? Rud well did &he net. two brave shin : for as the Games and bel uvi wne already, disposed ef, ske would have beu bfcset by nfit leis than sev-n cf the most powerful gunboat, witn w Cantaia Harrisoa. who, ea the saioe night, tck np bia vessel to Mobile, keeping up a running firbt wiih three f tha eueiBT, the world i al- fA,i annimind. but what they know not, is tst wba she started, he aad his noble crew bd nledze th-ci8elve", on tair s,cred lives i i i,Uu. LAn ii ti cAnr than let ner fall in the eoeav's bs.da oil nniirus eyes are tufac-d to inh TnnsBee. which still, in th middle of the channel, seems proudly and defiantly to expect the combined efforts of the seventeen heavy jcralis now hovsricg on her flank and rtar; but Fhesaon realizes the fact that, afraid of her, evn in tbe prtportionof seventeen to oae, they intend to drtvv hevur.dtr taecamiens of the lrt, and lenve her there until ea,tcu up wr- tw. av ? sturTi d out of co-il ad piuvis- iebs, she will fall au easy prey' into their hande. .Then the usble ehip, like a thiug of n.e, stemed to awake frm a'dcep slumner, au uer v7hole frame shaking with . anger, vioiaies through tha iron uo?!trtH of het powerful a- chiaery ; she emits a basing souuu iv plosion of her long-restrained fury, and euMdec ly whfolir g reuad, she drts with her utmost speed after tb miscroauts. As she eUaw up westward in quert ot the arrani crtrr. uv. m prey vhich corac to.the earrioo, but run from the liting. flesh, and the .Tennessee was lost to our view. " Brave Buchanan had lost a icg. and two ef his men killed during the acuo but, hs informed by the flag of-tiuce boat, tae veisel herself, was as sund as wf1 launched, and had she net met with that ap parently triflling ace'dent, she mifhtyct be the " proud mistress of the bay. As it is, ens will be one or the most, u ni .--doobtab'.e of the enemies we way have shortly to ceaibat. t Thua closed, at forty minutes past .nine a. M., tbe contest for the pssesion of Mob'ie resultd disastrously, but tot ignnury, t oar arjas. - , UFTttt TUP FIGHT. - Abvu eight o'clock last eviaUg a fiaS-r: n,o fcnt. was Rant frG tB enemy v. Horgin and to send their wounded to PeBsaco la. fcot being m proper' form, it was not as- tented to. Others say that Aismirai sent a messase to G e ner at Pn5e stating that he bad Admiral Buchanan on board, witn bia leg amputated, abd that he wanted permission to pa the forts to tnke hiai t. PeusacoU, wbero bis wounded would be bater cared for ao on board of the ship. General Page replied that if $, wculd send Admiral Buchanan to tee 11.1, under parole, Le woald transport him to Mob'ie. whero be would receive all the atteatiou r- quireu. THE EVACUATION OF FORT POWELL. On Friday afternoon, one of th enemy s rams, carrying f-ur guns, began to reconnoi tre in the vicinity of the fort eo the bay sirfe, and in a ihort time opened fire on it. That rart of the fort was ot completed, thongh two tuns wre wsnoted there, but they ware so ex posed that they could be. of little service aad one cf them was dismounted on the third or fourth shot from the ram The fort, however, exchanged some few shots, with what fleet is not known. Tbe ram nared the fort to within n few hundred yards, doing great.damage to the wrka. One shot iasaid to have penetra ted the bomb-proof ; two of its water-tanks were destroyed, and other damage was doe.- T' e untenable condition of the pfcee was. ob : .. r-"-ix. .'ol Williams determined, before UVlvi . ..... -- t.:, ..uftnnWtiAn witii the ghdre.was cat ott,- u a lio orranfffd a tiwe fuse to . , . NlTIiE AND Minisg BcasAC, : ' Richmond, Aug. 15. 164. UNDER icst ructions from" the -Secretarr or. Wsfr, tbe Commissary Department will in future farniib all supplies required by the Borrau, find all officers or agents now er,?aged collecting Commissary Stores in the State f S rth Caroiir., Virginia an Upper Tcnnepsee .will at once cease operations. Engagements 'already uuc will be complied with. , ml RICUABD 3I0B10N, '- . Lieuten:i.r-Colonfl, ' aug 19-6t ' " Acting Chief of Bureau. UATSi IUTS ! ! FOR ererT two and a half funds of clean and ; well washed WOOL, we will Lat. Parties at a distance can sood woo per t.x presto Franklinton. We will deliver the hsts at that point, if- desired. . g , QU h & cQ Pacific Post Office, Frankfin county, N. C. July 28, 1864 oaw-4t - ' - ileal ITstalc For Sale. VALUABLE Tract of Land in Onslow eoun .tr, couUining 800 scr, ha'.f of which u clear, i and in cultivation, and prodtij-.p finely ; about 2U Acres tlret rate lard to clear. Klevatcd and healthy, aid sositnuted t require bat lit ' tie fencing. For puticulars, tCJicFS, , I). A. HUMPHREY, iTTlSd9t l.cldsboro', N. C. Postponeuieut of Sale. THE SALE advertised to take place en tha W or Aurut, at Elias & Cohen's Store, ia iost pone.1 (fn Wequence of unavwid.ble circum rtances, ) until the 25th of August, at cb tim it will certainly come ofT. kX.vlli wtr augl-oawtdi . S. A. HARRIS, Auet r. ' $100 DolCar Steward. F AN AW AY from me on Monday lat, PRJ" I CY, accd 40 year,-, and EMILA , aged 18. Both are very black and stout made. They are probablv making their way to the Eastern part ol the State; where they were brought from. I wiir cri th above reward lor their coshnt- ment in Jail, so that I can get lAA, pu17-d26t . Concord, is. C Office Raleisii & Gaston K. R. Co'py, Pi AL HIGH, July 7, 1&G4. ' . THE 1KJAF.D OF DIKEC.TORS OF THIS Canany hare d;c'ared a divi?endof 15 per cent, on the capital stuck, payable on and after after 1st of August, 18fi4. in four per cert certi ficates arid bond of the Cor.fcd-te States, or in Confederate treasury notes of the old iiaue at face value, at the option of the ;C"TpFny. A . W. ASS, jul 8 dtf Treasurer. DAILY CONFEDERATE. ADVERTISEMENTS wiP br Ivtrtcd atTBa ocli Aks per squiTre of ten lias f or lees for eacn irorUon. Marriage aoUccsacd Ob!torl will o charged as adverfueraecU. JOB WORK of every description wili be ex ecutcdst this Oiooe witb dinpaUh, and aa aestlv is cae bm done i'n'the Southern Cotfcderacy. TUSie Tobacco. . BY instruction ttctn Headquarter?. io tithe tobacco viU be n c-Hfd after th M of Sep tember nnL Tbe t?:h tabarco In Wake to b delivered to John V. (Vit.v. KMeir. JAS. Y. YrillTTUl), Afrrt, Wako and Oracge countieii. aug IS d3t tw2t wlt Standard ci.py t AO times. Sorlmm Boil: ra rou sam:. In ytrufactnrinlcr Boilers of all aiies. All orders promptly attended in. Raleigh.. Tnly 22 .' Large Safe or Wire nl' Auction. ' T Tl f T R S 0 A Y . thelSth of Aujust, we sell, at auction, 205 llrtei .f . Ioiported Iron e. assorted fiz-s, from No. ft to 15. This will Wiie. aCord Tinners and others a rare opportunity to EUt-nlv theuisclres. UJ r CBEECII A LITCHFOBD, au3-dtd Auctioneoia. W Chnri'oal ! 7 E v. ih to contract for 5C0 bushels t'hsr. P. T. NORWOOD. dtf AGENTS AYAMEI). iOENTS WANTED TN EVEY COUNTY --'in the Southern Confederacy, to use th- sett of implements of Cm Halt's Patent, for f t sinnsr and renovttng Cotton and Woolcarri. A o will sell cocr-ty eirtneics or will sell, the. of imple ments, to some tzonA and responsible person to use thm in a countv on balf hare. , . Tbe sett (costlcz $75.00) is alt that is required for the agent to b.gin tvjth. Tbi i a very priQ table bussinss. 'Address. ..,.' ' J. 11. CARLISLE. & CO., jaly SO-d!CttwSt E'ntgwond, N. C coal. HEOil BUOD1E k CO., Raleigh Biyonet Manufactory. I A i RS. " MILLER continues to accoir.wodato IVI Boarders, by the day, week or nwnh. " i : WK iheir- rubbish allant tollowft serving tne pies. , As General Pa;e .aces up and d-vn the r.raneta. hailed with cheers by .the wen who 1 t ' i ' 1.: v.- bardlv eemft to notice the hail of fire, iron aed lead that rihe over ,..i bi Ho stems to fiad in tbena an ill HI 11 familiar voice. WHICH mi-iy -r'" " tUmt. ontinnt. that ulol oi niu U1R, I U j m vaty." THE SINKING OF THE, IR0N-CLAT5 TECyMSEIl. A he slowly passes each battery, h stops ; a fr mn w.rdi. encuura?;e Li . " - i ' him ths magazioe. and then collecting the men u ..:.i-'-oUra to Crtdir Point, lfae explosion of the magazine took place shortly nftcr. aur irHf.my'a MOVEMENTS' f Tin., .v, within the bar. adnw wds to ,;ift CrtMii;tures here my n3t be at fauit. v plipll Uflmr evacuated, a few honr' wortf will remave the obs'.ructious in Grant's r"f aud then thero will bs un.uternjptea corasiu.ii cution with New Orleans. . Thence the enemy cue supply his. vessels with all thatthey need. The forta'are of so-u at nil -to prevent this and thaace Uo. he can bring as many n aa he has at command fer a land 'attack o this citv. The probability ia tbij b8 b:s pro crame that he will attempt a landing some where near Dag river, a..d warcn frota that point d-opui. Thenwe.ahllgrt birto.ft-pe-t.on where hie TewelS cacaet htlp mm, pro i u' u ahle to corns with them t uiv c.itv'H front and thus we shall have hiw whereei the courRe and skill of our trepe will be oi to.ne avail. Wocaw m,et Lint there with aome advantage cf nositUa, aud, we trust, great ad vantage of courage and detoronbation.- It i impossible tiiiaaginc hw he will the f.,rce necessary to wake th.s kiid of up - ,.,....r.u nrndent. Bat. as we have b.-enioften " " r...i ctimtes cf his resources. U . 311 II IT ui: I t " - - - ' . he m 5- r . -r. i.,j,ai;u.i'f.(;t will show ourrohev is a'-d wLat ia needed of u? on land. We lold it to be totally impble for this city to te taken by this Proc.M, if bMiiedit, Jef.n 'cos there be men of vn-lor ar.d deterur.nr.Hou. Tcaclicr Wanted! i SCHOOLTEACHER competent to teach the i tt.-jt-u . a t T inTiinircs. will tina a oe- Arable location, and can procuroja fine pj cb ool by addressing - v P aug 16-d6t - . 'Albemarle, N.C, Hit. YcVnon Female Seminary, Mineral Spring-, Chatham County, N. rpHE next session of this School will commence 1 on the 1st of September. Every department will be supplied with competent and experienced instructors. . Circulars containir jr full particulars as to terms, Ac, .ill be forwarded ?v'"?hSoPER; 0r ' T.C. HOO-EU, Ur - Fvetteville, S. O. V B. Youns ladies will be received as Wi d it any time durinj tie months or Jul;-and AHffust iftb-ir narents consider- t adorable, wUh a view to tLbonofit to be derived Irow the minTHl watsr. .au'pj 18-dt . MEDICAL DIUKC.lOirSJFFlCK.l IT ....... KT I ' V, . :r. in t r. mopiti Aiii. . . 'ftEW AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE WH. AND R. S. TrCKKU AM) W. II. Andrews, have this day aeeociattd tnem seWes tosrcthei under the name ar.d style of TUCK Eli, ANDREWS L Co., for the purpose of conducting a general Auction and Cocsmusion buinos. All business entrusted to them wid meet with promptness and t:i.j atth. v UUCKEK, ANDUEVS k CO. - juae 23 127-dt Dll. II. F. AP.niXGTOX. (orrtct at ncniiiflv noTiu.) VV. Olfice hours from 9 a. ia. to I p. from 3 to 1 p. ua., unt 1 1st Qctcber. auj i dtf in. and TT'llOM THL .. Stolen. FXCHANOtf HOThL, KaUich, on th 22nd of June latt,ous Gos.D Tui-isi-r, marked A. L., also a pair ct I'carl anclJ-tl l..ia kiso, with hair encased. Any Information kit at TIIIS-OFFICE, Icdir. to iLortLovcry ol iaid articles, ill be liberally rewarded. july 21-d2Gt BVtjTv body look this way. ?L0UU. MEAL, CORN, 1A CON, MELI.3NS, Ac, Ace, forfalu at. V. Y. WOOD ELS. 2 doors West of the Presbyterian Cbvrcb, KaleiglMAu-u 9. lCt. Augu.t 'J-if. 17, 18G1. Panroiitedmour oetimetes ct insresou.c, be mVy rather troopa suftcient to justify bim m making the attempt. It by tbi. means, U. that hSeapect. to suhjaate Mobile; and the -,. t i . i... r. r will show what . . lldhigh, Aufj .Extract. . Special (lafcuHS, . Incompliance with the request of.tbo Com mandant of Corseripis in this State. Hospital Medical Examining Boards are amina any soldier for a rocommerrlation rr an ;;iBsi-nTf W- furlough, without ho ha. an or- der from the Erollir? o:iicer. as V"" a-rsiphs II-and III. General Orders No. HI, A. and 1.0. O., 1S63. . . a p S30 BSiUAUS. Y boy MACK hfli luaaway. He lelt on "Sundiv evenicz laat. I will jrive the aliova reward Ur hi apprehens-Un and delivery to mo. Jlack is about 15) years old, black c. upleviou, wtigha nboutllO pounds, fiv fett three iachj hii:h. 1I inav endeavwo make bis way to Uu iieiohuovhnod'of Uvurg Y. Thotups-n's, as hit wcthnr Wloara to the estate of . !i jr r.r,H- JU1I KJ uorov r.. july 20 tf P. E ftw-r l-d3f-w2t Sarg. Idcd niN.ES, , Director. Confederate -Taxes! rPHE Confederals Tax Assessors for th County L cf Whke; will attend at th following tim-a 1 places, for the purpose ol asrtssing THE subscriber will sell the tbove farm on which h. lives, ab;ut onj wile trom Lrink leyyille, ar.d thirteen lr.-m Littleton, rnntaitdng ' 204 acres, sixtv of which ate under cu tiration, the balar.ee principally in b;avy orieinal Cob. UX on LP -tie Fkhin Creek an-' Hear SrP. which afTord a rtverior water-power. Also hte bogheads good tobacco. y t Y ARHELL, aoj 12 Ct Uriiikleyv'iJU, N. C. AilUlil 11 lliti WnOLKSJLLE TOBACCO UOISK, Cbmnii?ion Merchant, C0L0SIJ0n0',..N. c. LIHEUaIj sdrsnectieutsioade on Producucoo i;'led to me. july H, UCl -d3ui. THli "SA PONa" CANU MILL IB TKa l'oT tthCV UACHZNK V' GRIN DING- SOFvG HUM, i;r oiTKiii.tno uiw pupw.k;. CAREVUl.LT citiacted ui.dcr the ituuiediata -uoeryibioa cf a r.l!eman rehivlert ttr reral 'jeers on a nu?ar plaaUtior, i. cuinbtues the te salts of his practical i-xperieute with bt irate- rl-l and go. i .orttisr.M.ip. u i nimi r t, little woi work In ttir jr up. and Ici.ir.Hn .-s, In au eiciven: derro. eaeooomy ta currmn.r. V.lher Slills of ' aid 3 roiieia, nnnni.'i ru y-rticul, aud Syrup Uoih-rs from 20 g-dl-.i.t to 120 Paett-viile N. 0. X. p L'H'.s aud boihrs d. liwred at t on Atero lui'.ioad, vr ai Kallh, or MouhmUe At Bond for Sale. five nuNDntu jaU'iox coy fed i.- JU TE Stf MM CENT. EOXDS. lnt induf ..'ir1; i' ( nrKiei i iur .n." i uientTi tor mve?nneni3 i tni P till i i .... . r. . - Raloiob, Thuisdav, riuav ana oiTurony. 4 ' ' lrt,.2ud Rt.d 3rd S ptCi W on X. C- Railroad. julr 21 Vio' rtr. Thev har'b ye:irs are s to ru i, interest payable semi-annually, i ..-cured by itapprt and export outies; plumes afbiack smike aud snow white tteain - For SaW." rolling back in lavy clouds in her wake, her COTTON' in fair order. poiBted lams cleaving tbe waves in twin, she 1 Q(J i341JucKEllt ANDREV A ' 0., reliizi the very irnuge o.f couarge aiid power Au.th.n and Conimihn Merchants. thirty and emt, principal and interest, from taction ".i iu I. ...,. r.-er-Ivab e as com tor castoia, ana tuc wuj-" dUTh-'coupon3 of "these Bonds, due - January 1st lf5 have Wen ordered to be received inpayment of imn:.Tt dafws in advance of iuaai ity. Appiy to jSy 22-lf ALLEN S. GIBBS, , Agent Treasury Department. " Wiltniiiirton, i'. C. and, often sighting rt.. wi tirsn OIJ V I rT LtlD &LJVV-..-, the piece winch, under his fP;"f c.ed ejr, nod lightuia- like, its steeled bolts into the .1..,,,, flAnks. Yet. the loa line till slowly advances, and a, the fiwt riioiaeri tenr" the channel our fire concentrate wi tns m niter monitor -Tecumseb, who, ...teerm Sf westward, aeeiu. bravely to Jtac tbe shock tiil suddenly, and just as Lap! at a MohU has gat her amhUhips of hw 1 eav est ..how, rtie disappears as by m-Stc ? hnsrmof the water-, enjulpb- rwhiHp;..! which rapidly cWn har that belore the astonished-. . gxe ot tbe 'spectator ha commenced pearchias.. for her, no.hin mnre.than - a riPPl ia; c attmK on the ,ur?ace of tW wave, whicl, , a o..ent Ufore -he was ea pndly .dmjr.- S mk. aik in the deepest depths of- he Gu f-HUk I.. ,aLi a,ul fittT-livios souls. MX "f wlomly e.caped-the captain and pilot to the ships, and four mtn -to the hre. A vlet; thheer of fWe hundred raen H Yai. ver wliat t now tha gnvo of-tha ovcr wrntr rooe wilt r. nv to ti e doomed to.the atil .more ftijitf. XdVirlaaiinR pukiehuieut . res-ry,d for the murderer, ol public peace and domestic tun- combined, and afpears to cur eye u Leviathan of biblical mythology. . Oo, on sbe ru-hs ; nd as she nears tho westera shore tue enemy's fleet scatter in every direction--fouf towatds town, and eleven, with the monitors, .ii, of her Still she keeps on her frantic race, driving them before her under the lee shore of Cedar Point, wbeu, rtoner ma.. u beachsd, theyfiually turn and accept the cual len. There, in midst f thirteen vessels, two fvrbich raoro powerful than herself, with eight eurrs oKaina two huudred, bbe-enges ta Ight, the firut signal and makes the hrst charge .in.T sTmifiQLE OF THE TENS E-SKE. T:us,'lik.: au infuriated bear worried by a nack of bonds, now rushes and tears up Z:. n,.tki.r'nt,M bnacks down and Ill's n v. . . r.ilo Ui nnwerfol claws, tnen laus 111" -luim , - - - v.u tab i. . frh enritE: and maae thus augl9-2t . r Faiicr! .Paper! rplIREF. Hundred Reams good. Wrapping Pa- P"r TUCKER, ANDREWS ACO., Auction and Comuibsion Merchants, aujc 19-2t ' . AREN'T, NORr Lliivi rpiIECOXCF.RX OF AK15V :. r I k CO. U this dny dissolved bv the sale t Mr. Arent's interest to Mrf I). T. William-. .AN par iiS indebted to, or hMdinK cli.ns affainst, the lies iaui.uk , T.irr. f,tr Kttlement. For fe'alc. WE or tbe most desirable situations in Oreens O boro' North Carolina. Dwelhn contains Jixroom-.Vifie. laree,. other outhouses, couve- -ill?e"4windVS Purchaser will also inlde Xe and yatnablc new Brick Store oa the lot adjoining. aus ll-3tawtf D. W. C BENSOW, Greensboro,' N. C. Yet the frightrul examplo .before them.d ters lhm not, and, rushing steam, th,y.adv.nre, .cocuuig t till the loreniosi uv "'- "'--. JUW IUn P " - rr pass seuu of the fort. A. 1 r.rSr. ar. .wkwrdly-dP'd tbt the of the southern h stilus - cannot . be ypa oi me suun''u 7 , , ; . . . .v.- i..nn rhr- b?i brought to t ear u m ...--., .-- -,oon to swing them to the, njld; al thua -ccmea the illu,trtion of.th.ir .f ' W rTronlecies as to the folly t.i provide the fort, III defrncta calculated only. to repel tb. eae S whiVt off in the Golf.j oruPU.j to come right abreaat of the tort, ad. tr nourinin onr deadly Tolleya. TbM each- BurceediajT. file paases out of th J rae of our- liearieat metal, the brave the rape oi 1 d turatheir raoz cann.nters i are cV fc j fi oQ ,ne twiv from - it and cltrect n.u .z fsaway iroiu tnne more than fiT; and wmctiiuea leea than throe fiuna i - Mi-ia f the velriiDC curs; itnehRfiiin darts rie-bt at.d left iorwaru- ,..t. t r.eb vessel in turn ; and thougu i ;a rnnl to the nroraptii'KS of U1 1113 Bpc,i J v p... a r.r,'-ViPart. vet each time he rushed towards one cfhcm,"the latter hastily " backs without hisrch. At last, gathering courage, they e , A him nt'niore than a tniie distnuce, IV ii si -ui at- e.lr.with the Tennesce at use H U Jill J! i V - v ' - . centre .f tbe crd, and, couccntratiag the r fire on her, send broadside alter oroacsia. her flnki Yt she moves not, but gives back hot lor hit, blow or blon, steel for steel, er.ittiPC tire at oner f.om each of her port- boe. and oeevtr.iy - ncHi-est adtersarue as-toe wpei iartu . b.ck frntb coofl.etau.l cai eea oy er on shora sbe keps up tbe URecyial contest ia spite or ib ie4rfokfddi.itnt her. Vibne thefighiii'g wa progressing, a little law-prsure aean.er,c-tlsd the Paiilippi, at-tnpl-d is t .ke udv.utage ef the eicutrucnt ud bass the fi t; biita hhot disabled her aad kiVied one man. Tbe Morgan tseu wet.t out aud burnt l cr. Tbe creW of the Gaines rr.aae . ' t a :n oil rnaf a their way to the city iasi igni .f In tht.ffddtcf one of the jroups stood ear General, who alone had a epy glass, and ia ir.t..lliett and inaprcssible features wo .oiuth.nrorressof the fisht far fetter than with our aaked eyes. Sutdealx be drop the els from bis eye, raises it again, aad in a loW Vic mutters to himself, She has ceat.-d firing " VVe strain every optic nerve, stretch eery sens bo watch, waen suddenly the old yeurao agaia drcps the glass, and, f-ghingeut, ' she flies the . white flag," retires from our midst with the atd, slow, jelamn etep of -one who ha just clo.ed the grate over his last cher- ished hope. . - - - - , Adtra.itw; th.nb!. .hip Ud. .track h,r c..or .ot ,f.t J--ft. w-ruo, , Mfinijinaeeable , v. k.wi boc.nnio id lutu c- eonfront tae toe. il 1 1 . . 5 f V r V T" Sr which purpose only, the name of Tbe concern will be lis.d. GEO. ARENTS. HILL A 3VKFLKET. -nairohiA Kfial Estate Fcr Sale, r"iTvt-.-,;i frnn 'Greensboro',' on the road tH loading to Salem, and in f aUVf Gardeh Collere. The Tract ot Land 221 acre, about one-thifd cleared, and the balance in o; inal growth of oak, chestnut, &c. There uf upon the place a young orchard of threeyears growth, imb?cl! the most rare and choicest selection of o?P-ach, Apriet and Apple trees, numbering lOOOtreei. The. impn vements are, asoperior two-story White Uwelline wiih nine rooms, all f IrnisheU and nearly new having been bu.lt in 18 0 two excellentout-houses for servants, witn irood?biick chimneys; one store-room ntt smoKe-Eouse- a superior barn aad stables; in a wor, thTiiprlrenietts are considered equal to any in the country. In the yard is a weff of water thinoAe r'Z th healthiest part in me omte Inl- ' ; Ia.; L the thrivinc town f Greens- ,Bsr.ksfcMot.diy. liarnev .Tones'. Tu 'sd ;y, -LnshbVuX Kndji. Wed Grn'Lrvid, Thursday, Monisyil. Friday Ru.ibecV-, Monday, Mood's Tuesday, Yi'akcrMd Wednesday, Rolesville, Thursday, Forestville, tidiiy, . . Duiifcsville, Saturday, Law'. Tuesday, ).tk Grove, AVcdnesaay. C. W. Thompson , jntrrsuay by, f,th Mi 7th rth Jlb 12th i:;th UiK 3th u;th 17th 2Ctb 21n 22od Tc WOOIi HOTlCi:. QUARTKRSMASTLR'S M 1'AKTHKNT, Rautv,, .fi y 2, l s- y , AM NO A ri'.r.tuj-.i' ii- 'r-Uon Tuiu fr .t.l, 1 NtHANliK ibe fcdov.ini; bi il.c'riiuiil r hi o hercor .noti- 'fird to attend at ths ti.r.is acu plates .aunre . j ,.M',.(.5t. ih.-.Jr r.-.r'ectivo r.tidnce?, rnd .nru- ''sh to'the Appsor? a correct t is-t of th 1'ollor. irij In: j -cts of u:atin, '-. har.d, hold and owned on the 17th. of February, 1S(U '. . . Land, numbsr of acres and value, in wn. Slavt?, nuinbe , sex, sr vala-j lew- Horses, Mulen, A??rs and Jennet, n!.d . valu in 18-0 CattU. number nd aluc in 10. Sheep, (Joats u,d Ho-?, and value iu lbGO Cton, .. i Tr.Kar.fo r.u-n Y'hiat. Oats. Uve. Luck- wheit. Kico.'rotntois, of all kinds, Peas Groniid- euT-r.-. Hour, Meal, r-irar, jio.ii, - U li teur?, vis , At 'One bunch r urn ur inn' j -u..- " " Woo!, ind onbnnr'u for rour poini unntMica. A fert hare teeti nrpo-rueM ...a-.Mw change at tie follow k fiaco : . Kin;. ton," Chtbunnv i.:.a.-, u;nn i, ,;-; HeBdcrinville, SUte: t i'.le, bV!!.. , Aiwuie, Pitfboro'. Lcuirburj;, H.KiHvj.ir, louinr., kU at I.:h jdace. ..i IVre'irs V.iri'inf; woei to ii.is r1'"""1 V . . . . .i . ..1 tli. r l-i hi. irn tli cot; vain willlbe forw.-.i ri.d lu-inedialrlv. I hope the people w l! t ai: w uca.:y ur th- bove notice, tf the Wt ol !! lor c.otl.n. tha H. A. HOWD, A. Q. M.. N. t.. A. jrtiy-ltri-tl so;;ohi:m ihmm:i;s IRON l'R rl hS' fe.t lor., 'Ik -;r!r.n'rr ""cSCH UTM, f n it . - tl L'l. T O 4'i nd h; fe.t lor.Z, S IC iLcbt s tlrck ai.d -0 pt"OS VFW CONCERN. The undersignrd have this d ,y foLodi copartnership, under the fim and st ?leo WILLI A MS k NOUFLEET, for th- pur nore of conducting a General Auction and Coiu- Kion Business, and ba-o taken tbe Urge and minion iuo NW1,1Q ,,T, th.- corner ot Mam and Siwi " We .ban ; b constantly supplied with 13Utrts KMnjaf Ch ui?2 ar.d ainokins obi cot onynrns domestic and mndrM Socds, direcUrom maufaeture of establuhcd Hnn V1SO. Ill C a;StS Ol goou t. CoS-ineeJ m -tv rest assured of prompt and espc eial aSnt io I to their loterts. Liberaldvancs will bo made on all consiwmcut-j tu hand. Co -MOTiicents of country produce will also bt-vttend to and prompt returns.dj. nmnorfleet. ' vTrr-ff --Tfayinff. ia accordance with the above announcement, retired from the Auction at.u KSSn li(in. I return my thank, to in C.ou.niis.ion u ' f h liber il imtronage ,rienof anu . a,,e,a connections hereto- 4 extcnoeaio me it. . lore in this city, and iPu"J - - . anceof th. ir tarors to lue nc vv. Williams & oi Heel. ' t c,,;r;imiN T.iiT.iors. Ac., on nana cn th. 17th day f February. ISfii, ar.d cot rMCeai v for family coBHumpti-in !0r tic year loM. , Ifce Lumbeofbushfla and their valoo ' repectiTc.i , uiat, b.: stated reparatv-ly. i.i'.i Hou.eho d and Ki'chen I uniiture. Apicultlral implements. Hcehanical Tools, ard MuMeal irf '.III.. ,c inn their yalu in 160. Carriages, r-ita ami Vt'oirins. Dray, ic., and va'ii! in H.O. Rooks. Maps; Faintsngs, I'lcturcs. lanon c. v. kc, and value in IStO. Property of ail Co. orath.ns. Joint Stock Com nan W and Aj...c.-j lions. Gold an.l Silver cdn, Gobi dart, ar.d I. ..Id ' i,i,!f n Amount ot all solvecUcrrdits, A mount lia.nk Bill., and ail oiner pioei rM C.Vt rat, tius;n si- enri en- (eXCl'.IVe Ol H'lD-lUirii ....... v TiMsurr Notei. and employed ia a Jsed ami iiiu 'Richmond, Va., aug ll-10t GEO. ARENTS. bilTa of ExchaniU on foreign cojioti;i.-s J value .f ll articles of personal or iniawl ,nd, Slaves, Cotton and Tobacco pur .... tv... i i,f January. Kt be J a i I .'1'. I... r-tM hoy. and not exet." t fn m tax- atioa. La: listed at the amount pid tor tht-ni. wdl al. be luted. . , .M. A. m.i-.l'.VJi., f A,..cM,. w ' i - 1 R. H. JONES, HsiDQ'us Dbpabtmejjt Vinr.1' V August 10, ISO. ) are rjas, ui'aVde aoy lenger teS to, ..i-U like aU bi. i J . . . i e. r t Y rkttK T 111 L Lt I " boro', wakes it tba mosi.imau .c "''xchaPne the market. The owner would sell or cxcbaPge it for property in Raleigh. . raTVrt Address, Box S6, Raleigh, N. C. iug 9-tawCt AT AUCTION! .. SOv GOO Pounds of Leaf Tobacco. WILL he sold ta the highest bidder, at HILLS B0R0'. on TUESDAY, the 33th ALGUbT. insuint. 80,000 pounds of excellent LLAt 10 11 ACCO. It was selected iu Granville and Frank- lin counties, two years ago; tas D?en careiui.y boui-ed, and is in fine condition. In the lot are HI ho-sheads of the celebrated Vesey Tobacco. Terms to suit purchasers pii.iLLips - ' RySCOE HOOKER, . aug19-dl0t ' Hillsboro', N. C. . ' : : 4 . .t- tlnVTU' nr fi.r. rll. Wanted To uire vhi,"r balance of the yr, a good WASHLR and IRONER. .For further particular,, enquire atthisofiice. " Xegroes Wanlcdl 1 wih to buv oae hundred likely young Negroes 1 or both .exes, between, the ages ot ten and fifteen j2r. ! Abo a first rate Farming Black- g,a5lk- TTTOS. J. PERSON, aug !6-20t Garyeburg, N.C. (Extract) Spkcial OhdesI V No. 183.. . J A CO. y . a T Maior L. C. Latham, isi . J proceed to North Carolina for the purpose of will Pr" . gt a-pd return of all men of his ! securing tbe an est ana r command who are ah h &m&trou at . '::liudlLlent Point, will eojnnm- Satwith and requcat the aistance of the cn- n r . ws ard such other oif.oers as may have f! iu'theif Serb, lid him, and as soon N he has . iUoiplilb he can expect in the per,- , ?cc5?r'l "f th(? dutvwill move with tucb of hi . forlLIuco of tbeduty.w men as ""J ' k ii. ni rP,,nrt his sac- a,3."-ii2Ct e f PURSUANT to a decree of the Supreme C ort, L made at Kaleigl June ttrtr, the un- d-rnicned, e'ccuto. of the late Wa. M. t ai r c, wiilexpo J Public, sale, at tbourt Houso door, ii. Mai i.n, XlcDowtll cooniv, Notlu Caro- " , ' . . rtn.l .1 f O,., tn. !,jr nil. iucuv." w" -w - . ' .fW' w W , I'M ' J M WWW I mm r a Iff A XS Ja 1 11 Is ? i ' i -----fllVE lWXnilEl UU.UOX StX I'Eft I'EXT X - S.TAXAIlht: llOSlHi, Sl TiiEsfsYKSTii sj:vno. OF tin: rw. UEXCY LAW. Depo.ites on CkVi will be "r.tbe Treas urer n tl is citv, Asstai.t '1 1. a-or-r at C b-H. . ?Jn nd Mobile, ar d tb. I) p.-itHe a' V- Hu.i: tr ton, RaUigh, tVlvu.b:a, Atfgwta "i.rsb ard Montgomery, ar.d rcrt;Urat..s will o? i.-or-d for the raa.8, bearing itrct at the ro of t.-.r. per c-r.t per aonurn. ard KCiit.d bv tbe bypolt era ilVniff an larutuf th? shove -ct i to the sum of the no 1-aof. H D..n.:s l w ! tt art by the Treaurr. ar u t he pn-r et-..s hew f.lc, api li -l ext-'.u ivciy i' r"":" fii'l c tt'.;ej1rs. Triefcurit h? d "''tivc '! cf sflofded tUi.l m..1 other totprftions, and to tM i uMie rei.f r kPv by this f ode ut upoiar ir-v-ein cnt, n.d the iOrt cf the M'fcsire if g-i-ereMy fcd ld, In L l ir the ru nr,c- u itl '.u ir dtte b-ut.J, it i in l.opc-d, will n.M:fr..l itto tl.e irorai.;e .on- i i. reti -a of the roifieurity, and Mdife thnr 4 ;r. r m rvi.T it Jiitrt efin t. S'-c.-etiv tt the VietU! V. - . . . S ...... TT t R.cuu-n, July J-J - Hf 1 ;,. -ii-,'ir cr I ate res -!. .1 t .t . Ann taining ab ut v.u uunurru irvTV r V- - 5 Lutdrrdandtwentyfiveacrts ot which w f od bottom, and io a high state of cullyra i ,n. lb. re th- i.Iac? a lare atd conifort-o e bncK cess every twenty days, by'-letter, to the com raTndinuicer of his brigade and to thtsebead- Rvcommand of Gen.R. E. Lee. . By comiaana o TAYLOR, A. A. Gen. Goldsboro, S. C, Aug. IS, 18C4. .' i?sCvPl -ndozvou. at tbia place. All ei absent from the command without proper cause and authority, are urged to report here nmedi iLlv Such as do not voluntarily repot t.tbe eh rollioz ofticers will arret and isnd t me . uch See" of the 1st N. C. regiment as are absent from their command, will immediately send me their present address. LATIIAM,- Major UtN. C. Reg't. bous- with ; s.'vco rooms ar.d all Ihs wees sry ntii budiDK, including Grut Mill anu .save M..I, and Several hundred choice f, uit tr.es. Also an .. ..11 i,-; ,t ;k fr.t.i-hundred ard twea- cnuivitieu wan initio. ---- . tv acres adj-ininir the above, one fconcred and fiTti ISe. of w'-icb is UHtm.. At tbe time ard plc I W.fisJi,ir.iuViaitrat.,r ot ir- L. ConVdecra.ed. order an carder of the County V.tr '. '. .. .aiaA toll inteTeftit. haliknon ptace, contahdn aut tivo hundred res, and -'swres. acioininz the same, Ivtcg on tb OFFICE OF C. S. PKPu'IAIlY. 1 UUICiil. X. t'..dUl Ib. 1-.; J . HOLDERS -r elzbt ani i.vr p--r - liratc. irued bv Coorgo W. MoruecaN Utr Depositary, aud of six pel c. :.t. certificates iud by ths urdcingacd. ai. i . qn.!il to pretvr.t Ihem andrrceiy tl.Tir IJ..nr's. The crnp.-ui tberM.n. due January Li?t ai.d July Ctai, IMJ, will le paid 1 1 the same tit.e. . . Holders of ItisMired fl-rVs. nbo hatt here tofore received their intent at V , ila .mg t.; are n -uin informed that the ftrre will ce pmo at this c.ce io future. Jl-dd-r ny lteg.t. r.. I-cada t.r, re'iv. tb'ir intrreft at t hi - c , by Trquert ,v. rtrr-ist r Tl TUbitif od to tiaosfT his j men l vl B aug 17-d4t COR AXD JOB AYtiKK NeaSy executed at . THIS OFFICE; C.xij --j 7". J.. .....r;nr.Mi Cbestnot braneu, anaorc ii-uuir. the i PoloJlr.dre branek. Also an unditnled cno li.th intWmthe l.rk place, lyingon th, rortn -fork of the Cauwba river, containing ai.nat sir hundred acre ; and an iladivided c..e f..urth n tercsUn abut two Luudrv-d and fl'.ty acres of wood land, adj-iclng the town ot Matr.n. For auv further information about the proper ty, call on or address tbe subscriber at Marion, North Carolina. TKRMS.ic.de know, on g Exeutor of Wm. M. Caruin, dee'd. . and aAnitmtrator of Wm. L. Canou, dec d. aug 12 dlJt ,tock to tbe ray-ro;fof ihU nsrv jaly 27 tf ' 5'. Hepoiitxty. Co'nsertatire eop j tl'l forbii!. - Tstv JrreTn vt ('. S. A., Ln-!.ir.f r-d. Jj't 2S 14- i rpASKi TuEasl'.:y mtks.. In crier In romoteTaTfir ai p ra-t cabl th' earlv liiaidstJon by lb? Treawry of the OLT STANlllNG TAXED NOTES, il.? TrcMufer. a ii . Ii...i arlai Ilk. thtl Assitar.t Treasurer am ray i !'.''-- y difirr nt States, ate her.br autboiiffd to e,c,f, j i - faS not. s. except tb, S tt, ai Pr c .utcm.ondepont.iningtor.same (Vh h. a s tf L.ua. upon .yP..il,rrat;on of i.on-!aabte bl.nd- ' he said oerliticatc to b payable on do- , b . r. .v ....Irtiinn i.f r.inetv datfl. And all agent for the tale ct il.o above boi .da are b-reb-v author. zet to rc-ceitc mc u.-.ni 1th the e.tccption above named, in pajrr.tnt T a' 4 eodUt Serretaiy of theTitary

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