imr..i DAILY CONFEDERATE. t ' in m I .... I5 S iO & 5 DAILY EDITION, fur Cmontau. , " "1 " TRI-VVEF.KLY, foi6 tnontbs 4 3 nrL'trTTT.V TCttTTl O X. for 6 months No subscriptions received on any' Jfs ,,. nor for a longer p. fj I .1 il M w- - - I nankce Revkw.f Grant's Camp - . vfoi wr&S ins admits -j nir-nt!mp about onc- Kowtutes nan, am non-v.. third, of the truth. Yet ,s thigare,bavm:S probably, n better resource for mfomv.vcun than Statin's telegram, and coopering that it c-i-: rfrtm a Yauk, the tory is Hd. s we have sat.:, with tolevab'c. fairness It be gin with t!.e day on which Graut broke up hi, c.w p t cross the Rapid Ann ; .hat ,. on the 3d erf May It admits a low on th 6th ,.f i.lwf ir.nnn mn. from which we may c l -.,..-t hi the rm prominent p,.inn. i H iyp t) v.. whv as thev were M'ti-u that is to say, U llieir O ' "J - ' . ... I ' , OLP SERIES, V VOL.7. J RALEIGH, N. O. TUESDAY, AUGUST 23. 1864. VOL. I-Xo. 170. ADVEKT1SI.VU. ADVKr.TlKKMENTS!!' b. inserted at rnnnn oi,ka per aqoare of ten or 1pm) for eacn ttr'tion! Marriage notice tcu OuiUariwi will & chiTired as advertistrnit nt. JOB WORK of v cry Script ion will be rated at this OS with dispatch, and a neatly acaab dor, e in tbe leathern ContViieracy. fairly infer that tho a-tual low 2, 000 H-retbo misstatement of the Yankr? pr. is renfftted vhru it -aid that at (uy on the -7thf Genial Loe was rrerte,.7 in C'JOtl ordorto KpotsyWaia. Court house.--General not rfctreatingr. He was fol lowiuKtU ni.i7t.rn.-iit.if Grantho .h-ivinp lost, acfiinliR to the statement of th"5 aakee urwfp-'PW admitted by tbii Author to be "corn-ci but hdifved by fi to h an i ndtr estimate uf at I-a.t one third Zo 000 wen, drwvVfl'hia vrb'.e left wir gr ard the giater prL.t hin', and was endeavonng to :....:,,o T.o t-f lutein.' r oisrsion of hiot- ajlania Coil, the use. L followed hu, which would not have beer the cac bad h himse.t been execufimj a moTement m retreat, noi quick t-noiwi; to prevent hiw from taking pos Mssioti oi the ground, but soon cnuh to drive i,;m frm it before he had succeeded in forli- 4v; it t, nv, are ac extfjnt. -Lflf wou!it never bavtf left the" ViIdme.s hl Grsr.t rmaincd I ofore it ; and the latter left it because he tound Li-.jjf nfwli nnfthV to drir; Lea frum h! i.o-ition. Thus early in l he campaign he hv.rt failed in his -rand ubj-ct, which was to turn Lce'e fi'ht, attack htm on mai uu, f, biin fizht with hi back to the mmi taina. .TUtrrecari be no d..isbtt trom all the 1.1 i7TmationVehave b"?:i a)U to i.blam. that Giant lost i.i the bat.le.H of the 4th, 5th, Cih and 7 bj.f May, t least fi ty th. u.ur.d tnn The Ya.-kec par.-, a wo hav sre, ,linitteil w los uf thirty five tuou.und, and this writer, 0 ;s vre have abo b:o, n..dor-s the. admission. On th 10th of May the writer admits a low of 1 0 0u0rmm. We may, tlurcfore, cor.cide that the real loss was i?ast 15 000. e h;,VH ,.v-r a Conffcdvratc ( fficer who os-ti-iatedit at U-t. lb-ns- 20COO.' The Mine wav be said of th,i l'Jth i.f May, oa whudi day the YauLt-es and. this writer ad wits a h of 10 000 men, while no C .no derate oilicr rvr- ihMr at less than 20.000, and many .daces it as l.i-b as HO 000. It w?s ve .V 1 r rv alrc I" t-e inhteadof marching overland, where? every fe. t of ir progress Wa-i markd with precious blo,,d ti:e blooil of trained and brave and skillful veterans.'' Aft'.r announcing thw singular circurn ?tauce, t reviewer rausa to inquire into thp causes wWcb ledto the chcice ot the overianM rou'e He mentions three, which have boen cnje:turei uy various persout; r ir&t u.n- nlaisanrc .to tho President, whuse tavente mute tis was 'lell known tj be. This is re k'cted ?s at variancu with the well -established character oi Uraut' hir luuepeeaencc, kkc. Sbe.und General Grant expected to over puirer and beat Geimral Ls- sj badly that bw tr ops wculd be too much demoralized to de fend Richmond. This, we suspect, was tl rue reason .for choosin; ths overland mu'e. It shows "that be bad under fatirnated bis enemy, which is not characteristic of an able eeneral. Third by -this routs it was supposed VVashirgton wou'4 always rem-'io cow red The force of that reason "is entirely cVstrovfd by Grant's exodus acres -the .river, which leaves no f. r3 at all between Washington and L e's arrny. We have roo-n for verv little rnoiii 1 1 writer savs that tbe offeiirive rjovemuhts r.tfaiost Petc rburi! were kust-eaded because '(irAut vvj entirelv eshaiistt-. but doubts rhrtther be will tn allowed to rest. Tffe writer admits that ihe. cimpa'nju has bccn a stupendous failure. Richmond Dis patch. ' For tbe Confederate. Cavalry Raid Incidents. (CoKCLUDKI).") On returning, Gtu. Lee did i;ct keep close nn in M-nsuil. liis horses being almost txnaus- r. i , 1 iu our iiuuit- BY AUTEOEITY. of tbia unnatural war in America. Bat if cur ad- versarios. or those bm they finvp piaceu iu STATES, held at the citi of fiichm; sick and . . J ,7 r.f Man: ,it., in t.ix .t nil ft ft M . rn irervnj, "j - - - A. I).. 8-4. and etiaea on auc,, - y - - T t tenth day of June, 1&C4. r,. 1 9. i 1 fiint. rusr.J.itinn tn allow woundud oilicers of the army ti anspoitatiou to their hossas and hospital acconinnxMtioas. lUnohtd by the Congren of the CHdrat State of America, That sick ind wounded cieers ou leave, upon Certifi cates of a boardt burjreor., bo allowed transportation to tbeir borats an uac - r.A, aa in th rasii ol enlW-eu tut a oa furlough; tbe iadu!-cnco hereby accordtf: tvi, Tiir...t dara after tba next UOU 1 iou'; u vv 7 . Ilcvlctd, further, mat u hv - ".' X,,,"r- rth nava and lulIltfV erni;u.'nu.n .ntitl.d.nt.r any P?? HESOLUTIOSS OF THE SECOND COa- dict.t of. both Vradence and tb?irown numbers -r u.osj-oi tw -----nnd fonipn merct-nari., fhsll iieUrmi:e upoa an indefinite pro!on?aioa of t-hc contest, upon theii-l)e the regponsibilitv of a deci.'ian rntnou to themselvc artd so irjnrionalo tbe interest ana r,pos of mankiad. For oursvlvc', we have r o fiar of the result. The wildest picture ever drawn of a disordered imagination cutaos t- .tor. oi tbe extravacrar.e? wbkh could dre un of th ; c .n qut f eieht roillions f.f people r.' lved wt'n win ! " tf 'die frteroen ratser b n livo .rtaves, ai.d forewarned bv fee ravage aa l csUrtainating .-niritin bic'u this war h irf bean v.oe.i uyju ... 1 yrt.;W aJ firtion, uktcli tea otg.uv. tana, i i them, and'i)v the mad avowals rf its ralr,us ,ai,u tupln;r'f tbe worse tb.ln i:vptir.n tonu.-e thiita.iifihui iulao event of their gunjugatn.n. that no mean, r otsistent with a proyei 5ei. ie ppect. a-ud tl. approved uspea o. naoas, fchould K oudttyd by tli C.nfederaie Stateslo ehg" tbe pubi-.c. opinion of the world with rcffard to the lial vict in the rromw-j stroo-h'-ic.ol(ic.y ami t tbe inferences, nt e.unmon vne, th reviewer claims a ibston- rv- this.dav, he(?aiisJ u s pJ . r , 1 -.1 cial Edward an.l capmrea thoiiStuid mn. Yet he biu.lf ack.owh a!-. 'that 'they were afterwards repulsed, and t! .at all attentats lo regain p si '.. were ioh: v,th tlx- most tremendous hTaopbter evtr tx t.,.rie;.ce.i i;i t' Oa the 18 .h.tbc . uas Wf.v relieved ah 'h whole hue and t:i3 Yar!;eeti were rtery .where- rtpuV-d. Or, ti ls m cation-they lut, the reviewer .ays, 1,-00 liii; we may.. -ay, about 3,0UO. IU d e- n-.t the' reason why. the -ttac'.; was omp-va timely mi feeble, at-l the Yankee bss Compaq t v..l. ,,".raj'd. Wi- mut tb it iV.fhtm. It w.!S be niie lhe Yankee soldieTS ould notJe I rouHht up to the scratch any loieY. Toe tremoudous lemons oi the Cth, 10tb and 12iii n.-t btcn l-suipon tht in. They .had lost Kli bear, and v.cre uo th men tney were iti thley'mniog of tiio'ctimitAigii.' (irant failed L;e, as' he'had hdled at the Wlld'-rnct-s, to diiv3 Lee from his portion ; and having done "so h- t--ok hutisi If ort. m utrict puisuaucj of Do-ben V's advice. Here, aecord'K'.'to this writer, conuneuced his sranti tlaukiTis'i-pem'iows, whichfonHfttMi in retrtat iim IV..m before a position h; hsu'. beenutsa blo t carry and attemptirp to place his army hetwetfu L'Q and Ibchmoud. In this" of CMiirfe, he -lilcd ajaie. 0. the North Anna tili rce e tid: It was 10 Unusual thin ward march, so meet a larj'e immbcv of ric yros, votie riiliuj;. others on foot soine wru had gone t df of their-own accord and others wholad been forced off, but ail concurring in th. opinion that it was a bad buHnes to f d lmv the Yankees; and almost . very one de clared that tbe Yankees were drowning .and kiilin by other meant-', many r.f ths negio ch'ldieu who criuid rift waiK. 1 v.imesteu, id course, uoth'im of this s jrt nijself, butive it t,j tho nubiic b the st-rviis .ivo it t. me, uit-riuat tbe sarue lime, he-ivy uupieea f'ons again- ibtir unfelin- deceivers. One it-stam eo. th?ir cruelty, l arr.itcd by ari old i-ervaut riam-wl Dob, to stne yankee prisoners, in mv Ltar-ng, carries with it the Semblance of tiuth. O.d uncle Bub bad been fo-eed away and tnadclo walk moie than. a hurubeu miles, and being now well i.U'Ji starved to deatii. Afei-bis esoap- from theui near htony- Creek, m ti while ieturma t. ins lionte, he met with s me piisouers above Dmwiddi3 C. II ., who re rjsiiu,u in the t-had". He u:. de ; n lite now to the sentinel "uardinj; th j piis ()U and asked him if be lni-ht rest thirj. lermi.-sion vvS:S of couise oiven hi in, s; no sat ,!... ,, 1,1 ki-. dci- e'el and almost cxhausieii. "Yi.u te ii. tiied, oncle,;,.the sentinel kinkly t. . w. . 1 (1,1 III V III il - Lv I 1 ' - i J tft'd.v in 'dl mv lile. Wdl you let me cpcifc a wbril totir.-e tm-'U lyin. ln:? ''rt-i.v '. h-.'.t yon pica ofhVers of the naval and miHuvrv te frrvret Annroved Aiar li. lob. TNo. 13.1-Joiat rcsolutiOTX' oaviBtbe dispo tdtions, principles and purp ?e.f theonk-de-ratc States in relation to tho existing wai - Uh tho United States. ' . Vvr.EB-Ei3.Itisluato the great cause -o bu- inanitv.and civilization, a: d -speciel.v-tflK th. 1 . i - ;r,..a ,-tUi o-rtl ant ;Vur in the fteia, FprCt true character of the strode in wonju cn'-ed, and the dispositiun, principles and pur pwebv hk-h they are actuated ; thcre.ore leaved b, the Cnjr of the Confederate Stole f America, That tho lit -be ifesueii in their name and by thei r ant h.rit, a- llhat the Fiesident be requested to caie oTie3 theieof, to be transmitted to our commis Fl.,De.s abroad, to the end that the same may be laid before foreign governments : f, n,,,.lt . JSanifesto of the Con.ress ot ihe ( onfedrat Ktatea of America relative to the existing ar with fbe United States. . ... f The Conpress oi tho ntederate Mates of A-aerica. acknowledging their re f onsiuihty to idon of the civilized world,' to the great law of Christian philanthropy, and to the hu,-re:ns liuleroftbe Univerfe, lo- the part tucy nave been coiunelled in the sad spectacle ot ta ar and camnge which this continent has, tor the last th- ee vears. exhibited to the eyes ot aflhete ha manitV. deem the prcs .;nt a fitting occason to ue ciaru the principles, the sentiments, and t he pu i .....m i,v which they huve been, aad are atdl, ac- tuHted." Thv have ever deeply dt-plored tna iceitv which coitsTHioedlhem tak up a.ias in defease of their rtjrbts and of the Irea i.i.titu- ti.ns ih-riv.-d Horn then- ancesTors ; r -tl'in- thev ardenily desire than peaec, wlioevcr their enetuy,'bv ce;n? trom th- un Ua'bwd war wd u-.on tuerr., pti-mtt t..n to o'ni .v in peace th-, iielterinjc protetiou ot those hereditary rights and fi' tuose caei-ts.tod ta sttt'ittor.s. ; Th- series of rupees wbh whiish ithaspiea3ed Almiihtv Ood, in m sird a manner,. Jo hjeis our ,i ,rs on ahnost every point of 1:, vaaed bevdci s ,sr... th .Mv.n:n- of the !,r- s;-t;t campaign, en- abT.S -us Lo profit this d.sirc of peace iu t,e :n-t-rest? of civilisation anJ 'Luaiamty without urn- ::;lsin'--'! pi ov it, iVith tb'ie declarations f our oispoeitun, our .'-. e 1 rw. -! mt ' rilf C'.Of tf to the enlightened judgment of the world, to the ober rc-flec-J-jns of our ftverarJea tnemsecr, ..... and the oieiai leaven. Approved Jane 14,1 So I rbitrauient- ei Heal L'statc For Sale. A VALUABLE Tract of Latd in Onu'.ow cuun- tr, 1 ontait ing f0 acre?, ha'.f of which is cbar i ?nd in cultivation, and producing linely ; about 'Jon ncr ? f.rst rate, land to rlcar. t'levated ar.d b-altby, and 60 situated as te require Uut lit tle It-ncir.g. pi ticulars, address, ii. A. nUMl'ULEY, ang lS-dat . ;old.-.l)or', N. C. . RALKlim, July 7. iS64. mHE UO?.l OF IiIRKCTOilS OF THIS J Con-.pasv have dcired a divid.-nd of 15 per cent, on the capital et-uck. pavnble ou snd after alter lit of August, in far per cnt Cvrti- ficatcs sad bonds cf the 'Confederate States, or in Confed?ra;e tre.vury rots of tbe old i?suc at face value, at th option vf tbCoaipan v. julHdtf Trecfurer. . MILLKll continues to accoir.raodate ardor?, ty the day, week or won' h. fllHi: lubhcrrtr will re!! tYe boe lurto u I which K' live, flout 01 . n ib tn-in ItririK Ipvvillc, ard tldrti.t! t n'htor, rortalMrc . 204 acrep. !xv of wl irh ate rrdtr . idtivtton, th- balato prircirl'v Jn h avy ftrbrinal ciowth, Ivinoo Little FUbing Cre.k an ' Uenr ftrr, which aff'id a rerio: ytiur power. A-o kheadi good t. b,eee. y j, j, LLL. aaj't2Ct IMnkUyxiile, ' lYUOLLSAI.E TOUACCU IlV3K, Commission Mcrcho-iit, (;t)HsnoKO', x. r. IlBKHALtidennrcuiititstuace on Tit uuew ctia to me. ju'.y 14, Utl-oika. 1K T TNOEll Nl'lHE ASJ MlXINO UcnEAl', Iliehtnond, Aug. LV 1C4. ) instructions from th- Secret-rv .f I I w fi... e(1.ll(i!M3n- Ilfv-artiJient wil. m future famish all .-r;pU required by the Lr-an. HRd-'ttJrotfcers or ngePt of the TJiir; vrA rUrntrg Bareau inw engaged e-aibiettrg Conn.i-.-ary tres 5n tho State of Nor:h Carolina, Virgiaia ana 1 .-per will e or.ce eease cpcr.ations. Lr.gttge ments alr-ady. mads will be chrrplfed with KIC'JAKD Li OUT ON, Lieutenant ColonrL ang l'J-Ct Acting Chief of Bareao. niiTMvnEr.v OV AllRXTS. XOHFLEKT k Ct). U tT;is dav diaaolvtd br the sale o. ..Ir. .t'J;t,.r,.it Mr.'ll. T. Williams. A-l pf- tis indebted to, or holdir.g chums against, the concern, will call onVithrr pnrty tor jtettlemmt, lor which purpos? otdv, the name ot the couctin 'i At will bo uswd. GLO. AUSN'Trf. HILL i NO 11 FLEET. NEW AUCTION AND COMMISSION STOKE Wn. A.) s. 1 1 :t kku ans w. k. Andrew?, have thi d?y asociafed tb-m-s lvea togt-tht 1 under thj nsnip ur.d ix- of -TUCK EH. AN DltLWS i Co., for the j urtyfv r conducting a g neral Auction and Couin.i--io buiint-.-. AH 'buia.-? .-nrvustcd lo tin-ui wil meet with t.ioteplr.s ard nij-pr.tch. T L'CK Kit, A .N Dii kv ,S A C u. jure 23 lST-dt Stolen. I.KOM THy- LXCIIANGE HOTEL, Raleigh, I on th'o 22ad of June last, on? (i.i.o 1 nivHut:, marked A. L., also a pair of Feail and Ji'tt Kak vinu. with h-.i.- neared. Aoy information left at THIS OFFICE, leading to tho rtcovery ol saiu articles. bs liberally icwaided. , july 2l-d2Ct "l;viRY CODY bOJiX THIS WAT. ILOUil, MEAL. CORN, 1JACOX, MELLXS, i. Ac, Ac. for tale at. , 2 doors W; r-s-t of tbe I'rcsbyterian Cloncb, r.H.u? "'a. Au?i:,t 9. 1S01. August 'J-tf. . Bond? for Sale. . fivk iwxhnEn m'iluos coxrvi: jiate six rEit r;.vr. noxns. 'iMlESr. flOXDS prert Co- gnateet ii-yuri- went fur iurftwrnt. T'o-v hav thirty vears to row, int-'tcst j ay:. We c. i.-i-anauaily, .nd art itcuivd bv import 'and export. d-ticii; are ev,.mpt. frine'ip.l aad ihterett, from taxation. ar.d the coupoi.j receivable In toil l'..r euctoCt Tb-j coupons of the.' BamU, dne Januxrv 1ft, iS5, bavo b?en ordered to be received inpawio t.t f import duties in aJrancc of maturity. Apl',jr l'J ALLEX S. (limn. Agent Tre&?uvv lcjt tmcnt., Wilfiiit gtou, N. C jaly 22 tf -The undersigned h-ive thi? a shin. ucder the li" m a ad stvlc or WILLIAMS A XUKFLF.fc T, inr their voss of conducting a Genera! Auction and Cvh- XEW COXCERX. dav formed aeopirtner mission Bu.-iccs?, and har taken toe Jarge aru eomia-'.dious warehouse on the corner o: !un and 1 3th strrvts. We shH be constantly supi-aed w ith tt... ..w.ot. ..h.opc biiiiidsof eh wing a i-d yajokmg 1 1 to'oaecn, etton vavns, (.ttueno .mi u -... u direct from ir.anufaclnrevs of esU-.uii.-ioHi lep.uta tioa. A'.rii, all elates ot goods m.v to be hi. (Mi'rees may tvgt a?suved ot prompt and t.-pc-cisl aPleuthsi to their interests. Liber al advances, will he inane on aM coiisigmnents in hand, t " r'.lin vnf?oi - L-ouiitrv produce wid .nso bo attend elf t, ,ud W !LLI A M:.. X. 51. XOtl FLEET. . Sorlram Boilers FOU SALlb am V;ni:r.;otlll in? Rotiet S of ail riiterf 1 ordora prJinpMv attended t.. 1 r. t. xoi:vrooi). 4 tt Ail Uabigb.uly 22 311. Yci'ixim VcrniJi ScnststaO'a ( Jftwcra? Sitriuijf, Chothnni County, A'. C )' j fl 1IIE next set-Mon of 'thi School will commence I on the Lt of S rteu-.btr. Every tv-rarlinent will be cuppiied with competent an4 rpcitencei intructoit. Circulars containing full pnrtieulcrs as to tr-nr., i,., Miil he tomarded "j'jVrFdS. Or T. C HOO LI!, . Fvrtt. ville, V. C. X. U, Young ladies will he'nc iicd boan'-e-s at unv tiie tbirin' tt rn;.'tjtb i f .hify A.ignt. if their .rvr.!a oi-id -r it .u'.vi?aole, with a view to the benefit to be deriv d lrutn the tnin'ial water. aug 1." dot 11 : ( ( K K 1 C K AT EXCHANGE It OT E V . 'XTP O.'ice honrs fi om ) a. iu. te fromJ"t' 'i p. m., mil 1 1st Oc'-.;ber te I m ai ro g 1 dtf t?JfO nftfatN 7l1 ffl. I X A W A V from me " Mont v l-t, FREW t CY, n-yrd 40 rear-, ui.d L.M1LV, 'iged Is. Loth are vev blacfe .i.d htut ma-i". 'lnv at indkinth-dr w t v to thf Uu-trn put ot the State. h-rc tln-j m e i hi night " 01. 1 (,. 1 ...:i ..t. ., ..hen':- r.-aid h.i ti if Coaf'.rO' iaei,t in jail, ft. that I can get iWt. yn1 ' on r ofhaviag oor motives misicio. pit., Pic declaraUon b,ii; a, r b.-d to nuy :niiia y srutiment, or auv distrust oi our abnity lul to u.w;nUia uur cse. The repeat d end nitrous 1. .. l,Jtfn!timaft' (. : .-CO Ti Utate, Wfl.Cal ( IC'Clvf O Not I::. ihiving. in a eo: danee with thcabov. Wtfncc:.:enr.. r-sttred froiu the Auehoa nr.n Ouvtiion isnr-ini-ps, I icti in r.ty to nv ('ViU and th.e tib!t'? f.r the liberal prtr.mag.? -Vi..KtcK to r.,.i in mv b;uinePs connection? t: r. to- t'nre auca of the; Vi,5lii-'i:s A No: :','- 3 .antic army, directed agaiast the capital Ihe t-ciiiii d ! ancj a tt l Uii to c," :" pvit.r 1 1 . a f.f u an.l Vi-rlif f ! i Ui 1 Uv!i:-s I;) tho r. 1 ,.. :l ta v tl.iU- p 1 y ..,y MM'tC h:M ruutwav. 1L lc-n on it !; :,,:i;f ,v (.icainlt. I will riw ILvn! tre reward tor- hi? appri-h .-nsi-.n .and tbdivoty tu t ie. jV.m..1 i:i vearn old. k c te nl-x'tfj. aur: 17 d;u Coneot 1. X. (3. V" ,!;ic',: is aoon weighi ih.iUtlI0 poaads, live l.-et un: y.' rh n m '.-endoavo;-.0 nak s hi.' wiy to Fovei ? ij-'ihborh hea Ml.' in. i naoavo;- .0 n- ode.!' tk-orge ViT.;pd n'' ju!r 2:. tf wish to huv o te hundred: lively yoon fi'oet rwbh to huv o te hunnreu iisi .-,; ' boih sesef. b-tcen t b n-rea ;f l-n rip fifteen v.-a.a. Also a Ttht t ale rartunjr LU' k smith v cou-iei'ti oi Jititii GEO. AUEXTS. Kie ;ro;C ?, Vs., aug 11-lCt the, s-aiti 1 1 1 c inn'. 1 van would truat a ru Hie se:tioel. li - wither-. tuion Y,.u n:eM has heeu my into. 7 .,;.JiUi:LtMj. fur'no "iiitlwman ..t.t r.-i, r. has treated me. 1 s'e 11UUI .'vi iiiy-r-w. j - " . an old man seventy Ion- years has I I has butt nobody. I has l eon at peace w;u my ' d . a v 1 lioet. I tn fir gt of tho Confederacy, has alreauy wet , - -a o.nt-iimatiriu cf the saire providential tae C! .T.CS tor US. V " ou no., ice. 1.. ; i.y ,pi,itofvain!,.a,tinS, hnt .n hnn.; n--kuowle i-mi rt cf that ';klt tC-"1 wi'-'-h h5veaviisa!ni an g-'v 1 1 i i 10 t Q" 1 hs . A li 'd Y N VA.. A.:jH?i 10. dS- I J uf ft ; 'liivvi . GftS5fede-rri Taxes ! ri tliE (!oafHJra'te T.t A- .-..-'rs 'or th- Covnty 1 Wake, will attvOd ai. d.J Il i'ih.js ;;r;d'. for tho purpose of a?t.?.-ir too I'AXr.b TiIO.J. -L 1'KRSOX, (J M e,J)U: p. N. ('. - r The world mvst now s.-c tSat e ight Ulinos .-oole iid.abitii.g ?o exti-nstve 11 tr: 1 atorv, rjrh vam-d resoarces, ann .ri" h nucr.e:o!f f.fci;i- as the h-i.tsrnant titmntv ofn-tfure l.t.s bertowed upon . Al. l.'!'- :) tv?j- C'-cnc e o:; 0"j' r u'ovi.y, 1 1 .- 1 l.u- 1 car lro i .n i:rt. That Hi ay, Ft 'ay a-vl SJ'ir; n ' Is, ...d a fi K !:., I.Snrd-v. i'.-as n v ,ltn T:Kvd.r. y ;vr aug l(!-'20t Till'; SAl'UNA CAXn MILL Tit VO..T l-l!:KrT MAftllNr: V--h . v-, - - - -r j- r- r T" ITU T 1 4 r. ! ; 1)1 1NJ x ;i e. IVv' i- . ihf-ir isratcuvc coimr.a v, it hi ut . :. ..t.iI .-. i ;'f spirit tu eaco-asier v- - , has lit;! lifiy year wtd my'wife un-i ebijdr.u. . U,tt State, into M in isbr i.-ts irtiu iHeiii'iimii; iwi 'v-aki --' csn iktm vv-v.-. ,.. . i.ftJ mi,.i 'i '.-'.a. :i rSwiu:. ,-,n ,h,:n. Ai J tel. A??F' his word ?;d t'iC o!d aian. a'mI never -;d 1 ' ..Vi,' have been expended in a booties ui.det- t.j - i----to e m i Id Owan and children t ok" t;Vir ;.((V(.,iii2 their own kind, no ss thin oar:. ,;1;-',;c; I ' 1 I'ilt' I--. It TlrtJ V .. .. At tnttltlT. Il(v. I' J I A. t ii " ( Inrofiaginit her wiii, yod.a.:So.,io,i mv uu. '1' ; ? " ; to of t Hiri f - 1 I' ,111 O . V 4 t ax . v !! ilcnu'd a. ...-at Wiii I'-VS, rr5.-.,- i- v;l.-i5l..-d to embrace ;Lo who :r.fir.;(l dj--i,t bevrtid tbe tsrt-.e loa-.UO Mr E.-ir retntn.or a'ter Ihe caese .l ta-.-:r -uo j,., ; f-oise-i. All ?-uch pers jnsare autnna-ied that ,n .v ia-'i;MU r.wrfv ii ui'ii iv..-1.., o ; tie r. .'trer." river h found L" stnl la.lns iroui;.ui ia terpo!iiig between him and Uiobrnonti; std ready fight, and still delennined to lore him to ri'iht, if he would obtain the prize h Inn. at l .:!.,.. . tr.i. " The prisoners llil il'OCl v. v.. ' r . having killed, the chilciren. -our d..ue'it." s:-ud tlie old mat:, "Yoifwas atr.oog , Ht-ii . I blan;e you a 1. Ycu dra-gtd n,y le vrl.maa ak.i.K vsi.en she. could'nt walk, :il t he died in th swawp, and I'll Lstdr r ag:n ye at de jnthmei.t day. An' you would have carvi.-u mc au r-.g till 1 dropped dead in my traces, il .ur soldiers Ind'nt run ve back. ;:.d oy ino 1-iv-S Ci in ir a&ir- lioerti-s by ti 'i-l-5.s: v; warfare ues-p af ttia -r.reTHii-r,vi .. in. upon tiie iu' a tr ;i an.tlur:uul kindred people? Will irtey wn-li,-, bv alonsrer p-rseverenee in a waiuon and .,n,l,f3 contest, t ...ajic tin continent. wh,Ca tV.ivso long boasted to be the chesen abode f sen- Toverii'r.ent. ot peae tu ?-:ivi Aiid l.'i'ooi a of th ir c:rii a.j- F. j i,;cr. a?e: troar own rc-sponsit-nity i i v ut iolattng. '.:d those ho b.iva crrei tina ugii i Bl ,j, r.P ui-vlisrencf , of the iba:c ?.' i.'f will brinr unr thetasp'v-? an-Mh-ir hrink tuna !h-. luauiui j-e i i :r v n. . a . (hv n 1. -v t. Thu:s 'ay, ;-!o; risvd e. L-'r'day, r',n-Vi.''. Mi-iida;.', Lood'? Tuesday," Wtikcti. hi. Woineday, El.bfVille, ThuisJay, roivstvil!-, i i-iday, un n s v i i ! e. S t u i t a v , I.-iwa'. Tuesday, ( ! a k ( i i o v e, V .-o r t-so y , C, V. T:.oo.--'o.'?. Hoo -eia- . VIih t:-.?:-l :iv(0.- o" to - .a::. t a to ati -ioi il Lie tii! -f an' e 1. trcaro.-t th -tr .'..'pec'ive r he AM,o! t: a eof l" .'C'l ::h 7:h rati &;h l.'t'b Ltth 1 h lath l'ah 17th v:;: (ff;;k; :To ';ni vvy.uv. ! riA':i.viil I f eor?ttv?fed c d' th- it 'll" u'mti? ' Lf. v?.i.;,. .''! l'.-!.l!cu-.a! U'id. I ven-a ei a su.'H n, atn' f , t 'or vet l .... t . It it.ii inn ! wit ft l"-ft'- in ii ho. lot.'al wed 5-il lo lu-r:' Jen- prv-'e ;i t - ? ihn foiioivit g It t utt f his i!T.Ct,CJ exve-n rr ! rUl ai-d t oo l wui Kinf.i--i.ip. i- i lit lb- u.iud work in u tt'o g up. o..o.o ' .vPu-nt rfc- it eonoto-i Pl.d dunta itr. ,! .... ti1l .t "1 3:.d 3 roll"'fc v rtleal and St run iloilt . frv'.r. ' 1,1 L-' ,, for le. A'aN, ,,0N ro V it 'IP! nttd boih" d"iii ) . .1 V 1 I. J . ' !t' 4 on ii:ii! j i.i.J i ..!K. OI iW'i I If ill i' jeir '21 cuatrr s need, a 'id i;u!e- 2" of help of niy tnastern Heavei I'v g?t away. .'. r . n 1 I .... I . . . i i Ton rai.bed ruv lOasUT oi 'ill HO.nau, 3011 1.1- suit u.y youns missss until dey cry liko chil .i.,i vr.-i ,h:,o- nlf ti.o iilii Wiin with his wa ' UlV.'j J - J". BoSl.l,al every dUuWanUS". . '.J Jtl"uTJLJ.,n re. ve.,s. BV'V ?'". ..p v. I ..1 t l.ttt when 12V comes on ye, ye tui;i. ready lost. ae.ctrclin.' to u:e Maieiuein. ; , . . Yen cdl yourself iaiMi- j,in'v. i-, v.v...j - . ' point of J art; his los.ei had reached oue hun dred thousand,, and these were the very Ihiwerul hi army. U had b.-ui rc;n.o:ce-d while in Spotsylvania by twenty live thousand Mod troops, the large portion ot wh.Kii n:ui aireadT " Ucu .xpen-led, .lie had bent .en fcreed '"V Bu'lcr with twenty thousar.d. He l.-l tecidve l lortr aiousai.d f.otn O.nio ana o-hfr S'.atci. but they wers mere imaum. uaj wen. Wetnay,tbeicoe,vafe!ysiy.te.a;no.v, bavin- trussed the Patnunkey, opened Ac. Ciel Inn's, h! lir.r of C .mmunieatios With ei T. im sof. binifclf down at Co;d flarbr-r. 1 t'UJl HWM ' " --- . lie vr.u n".. mini than one-had as fctivsv.g as was bore h crossed tbe Kapidan. With ihia diminished foier he was still facing Lee behind hi breastworks with tre-jps rem'orced and in tk hi-eat ppirits, and he was ctn- pid'ed to get hita out cm s y o al' thcu"ht of nterinjj Iliohmond by that line, ou which, however, he had promised -to dclrien' of de idpyr,. but tbe L'ra or.iy knowsyon'se the biturost enemies I has ever -ceii. 1 naver k. ow'd before why my youti- utsa went off to th wars. p.ur young t 1 L. nb li I back nvw.nrc! two ot ti.tUl WaS trOUg,V.t Hill. 1 vi f - . . - rav;-s ; the now ibdit it . in if it tooft mm an tuuimn. three days of were gone,, on the 3d of dune, he tn.dcbm la.t atuc , the north side upon L-e, and was replied wbl g renter slaughter than be bad ever yet , I, ,t mul we aid tn cm in knows what d'ey fight for; dey tight for orru dat nursed cm. and took care ef etn whew d.y wi cbUdrfii; day know'd ad de tune hi w da Yankee 'V g to treat de pov,r nigser, but de. poer nigger never know d till Andtuiningto the Sentinel 8aid-.'M dear maer, never lay d .wn your gun td. men ,.s drir inm our homes,: n I th old nisrgc r vr.ll pray f.r ycu as long as be livs, icll al. de LSculhern soldiers not to gin up; it oey do ti e xvhalecountrv bsgone. Tell dem Je uf!jst ,.,mS1 of de Lord. PUase excuse me, . ..J.,.wtr 1'se almost detract d. When I think ot fians o-ick wuerc m. - a I . - rl t-.rv thirty he bad was isurnea up, my em ,man I, v. if li i idreti none, nevrr tfme bacn 0.0. r. .iu 1 e.xrt almost breaks." 'lhen taking 1 i. a a ' . ,.r ni hr trie nana, am nuorup, vv- H-aveti. while tears streMiiefi nom his civilization, trie tneaue 01 uie - m,v,tnf h'.aod which th" world has ewr seen, of a virtual iv lapse into the baibansm j of th3 ruder ag s, and ot the drati notion ot ceisit- tion-d freedom, bv the of usurped power ? These are qu s tions which our adve: sa rins will decide for themselves. V."e d-sire to ftand acquitted, before the tribunal' of tbe world, as well as in the eyts of Omniscient justice, of any re.-ponj'ibiiitv for" the origin or prol"n?ati.m of a war as contrary to the spirit of the age as to the traditions and acknowledged maxima of tbe polit ical system ..f America. On this coat intnt, what ever opinions may have prevailed elsewhere, it ha.t ever been held ai:d acknowledged by . all parties, that government, to In? lawful, must be founded on the confent.of the governed. . We were forced to dissolve oar federal connection without- form, r associate; by their aggressions on the fundamental principles ot our cooipac,t of union with them, find, in doir g fo, we ext reined a liht consecrated in the great charter of Ameri can iibevtv the right of a frte people, wnen a rov.Tntr.cnt proves dealt uctive cf th ends for vh;e:iit wa3 established, to recur to oiigtnal principles aud to institute nev- guards for their security. . , "Jh.'-r,rat indenendrince cf the Stat"!i, a? '" - m r :i ''-ii o. .i lr;ive lh ir i.irus to b- defe:..:- d an-l tietr . . 1 .1 !iv 1 Is 11 " a idi d C;)U; pcnovtice 10 or ?n...v" j - ; ' T.att'o whose absence r as been nvoh noed nn- j til th-v hae ince.rrei Wte gadt dcsertf.n, h-j j chu o'nYv sav. th.t a uud volnntarv retn j to c!utv"alob cart pauate tin 1. oaonce, and cit.ue j liie-n to expert any cleinencv, i l ' j -. tS a th ' 17 ih o Ln.d. nuo:b Sfaves. tiiifdn- ITor : 0. ton, Ol! IO' " m;i : of ec s i s'-x, a.:--. h !u j; i on tr. U oi. lid vitv. ,i:.d valo- ' . I I ..... 1 ... s. ai;'.--'. .'4S,-S :si. ' i'wftle. nuil.b.r -al: 1 'fluli' it. l"a'U. ili l V;i'.i ' ia ,ats nd IL'gs, ar.d 1:1 1S::0. l.o.-p, ':..) lc'ii v.Ni;ii tn- : .1 it g to the I I . l. aiua faithful and true, as well a the ii. terests and sai ty of the country r.qaires thai- tlicy tltall r-Uel the extn ree penalty of tbl5 law. ,-.i Toh-'-o. rn, Y.het. Oat. Uye. i-u :: iht. Lie.f, l'otaliv,, of ail kinds. lVa-. our.d , 1-h.ur, Me.l. Sugas iio'.a.., ia O.-i h a ai. : ' J. C McKak, auii' 22-dt A- Get-. baud en Aiht. iV, lfW GEXLSAL OIIDLILS X o. C. J . I - General Order? Xo. 3, parajrrapha iIL, U . and V., Headquarters Kescrve X. C cwrr"nt To ries, are h.tebv r'-vokul. . II VII Exemption of persons within the it sc ; wiir be granud undr ?r" " .J;1- Muctions Loo, the Bureau of, w. h oat reference to. the Lieutenint Ocre.-i Con- maridinir Tv'-serve. I... 1 . v?-., ;;,.v.i, 1 ...ijoi d. x':., 0:1 na it... n:h day of ft ! nary. b'iM, u-d not r.. ccsa-y i, r fan !v cor,.-utni tion for the via;- 1S.L iJ number f badie! and ther vaiue -opecl:ve:y, iiiu-T h stated trw at; i V. . !Toa3mM and Li chen rurn;r.e. Aai aruKui:.!, McW.udcal Took,, ard uiiMCal in struments. ft':d th-i" valu. ia t art mg.-;, Cart -ad "Wagons. Drav-, Ac, aon valtn in lsa-i). IJook. Maps, FtiiHiin-gs. Picture s.. Jatn-.n-t-v, Ac, ar.d valui-'io 10. Fi.o ettv ! nil t.ot i.ovstiyns. .La 'it Stoek Co:.,par.h s at.u;ons. Gold at, I Silver coin, O..l dust, and t,;.L. WOOL NOTIvJi:. "iC.t.TL::s.MA..,Lb,s o;.r.;:Tr.LT. V AM J lfiivM'i;ii (VD. .n Y.i.l. fvl "k.'vui, L t' .k " , ' ' ... - - - ten r, riz , . , , . nf Yn for h:--- v.i;' .d Wool, and one I er.ri. b-r four po:iu. r. mi. A,,.eo ep-poiuted to e, cha,- .e M th" folh wh.g : (HP rd, I . ... i" . Kite'fm, (Vtheihc L.le. C i c: o KwrJ i'n'. UcndeisotiviSl .-.laieriille. !.ovb.:.. A . he Mi c. J'itt-t'oio'. LouS'ourjr, FJaitt-whe, loot air, ii.d at t:r .. n .1.-.. ,r,r fbir''ne "vial to ..r.(.- win j-.e.i.-- ftidv.. .11. i,.l-..n', t.U.S":J WUO Mi-' T s ' , .w 1. Amount of nil .-olvent ctaaiits. t s tiu. t as itir e orfvilvtr ouiiioii. t?o .1- !'.;il xi rl all other cni J.....IV ...-. - " . . . itxelusive ol non-intei cj' oeaiu.u - o....... m-. .,.r;fv and emt'loved ri a. Uxel m a. " v , . t l'J !"W ! bio III. u the r.bovc s-..e, a the Weed if i r tl.-il.ii-: -T"),:; U. A. LOWD. (i- !.,."(?. A jnly S lto-lf to cy, b-inn ss.l Value of th e..s uenl .,r,ri ti t : 1 ..r !r....t,, .n i 11 cou!:trt"s : ani valu-'of L Hi-LCes p-ri.o n, or mix:d ptopeit.. . .. ! . .. .1 . v. . lit lllliU I..t . urn 01 alio k e, " , , the i ,-,.;V'T inox rou Ftr:t:MLM TitMI.f-LS j p'i'Turi H'.frc.t Vl'ihichea thuk ar.d TK) i 'uo.-;;' "K'cjli:'::i a i.iTcin oll. III. Applications for Petau ot persons w.-..n , I the Keserve Ces will not be received ny th, Loca i k!n.ollirgOrhc,rS,u Ail after the orgariz-aum ... , theeoiopanr fr.m the county in whie V. -. . .;a.: .T,ll.-vel.een cftocteu. 'i hey wn! ; I ! nti: ch.'is Land. ("..tfon" and T.;'.'..e M pur .1 . a. .5. 1 Si 1 1C0 th- oi' .Ll! -.''V be .'OivUnt 1 ii.-n. .i tin. aa. mint ! iu." Urea tn:;bectullvinvcSti,atod,aed,ct'd ,.a in n..;fortaitv wiih the provisions, of Cncu.arsXo.-, , Fovercigu and co-equil members ef the i ederat j 8 aad Union, bad never been iurrende ed, and the pre- j ri(1,t M. A. l.Lh!S0L, it. H. .IOXLS, :-:atsors. 1 . n i- "-ill- '. - I fl V?.. 'vr a vV.a i ; "'.- ;.v.yr ; if s n srJ'Tios ? nn:ri j: i.l.SL v 1. a .;-'.l u 11 he -recj' 1 d riv t liei- . -i t u t I r .atiio t li x o - ..:.v. "rim mm r'g rcriiioorw hu w 101. ' -" - , (, - . u . 1 each other lor suveral .'ays, 'h-n Oraiit KahL ed himself over dames river, tjctnral Lee nvt aticmptir.5 to iaterrupt him. "O i thai Htn of May," fays the reviewer, -after ai days 1 .MVt fi.rht'm? on the overland route, Geueral'lirant had written to the Secretary War 'I propose to bsht 01,1 oa,i:ir,? " ' TMC dl summer.' Oa the 14th June, ,u,t mouth aferwards,3nd when th, rner was only tivo we.kM.Kl. he had turned hit back ... I:.:., Sth Armv of the IVtiunac. at Last what remain vt Us ordinal namber .... tt dav wL-n it took up the blood tsarcti aercss the c.ntry Fredenck.burff, was Beidjwn'by Ha comraander on tbe bank ot that rirar, frem which it was removed by General. IJalleck in 18G2,and whj-. i : misht Live been xephiced ty ueneri v.o ..P rV.. .u- ii h f rin:e-in tb pre? tr.t summer ise I or o nif ii,"-" . . -fi . , .l ;Tkt tlaa la&R of a 1110. if he and t!iat LOO liuv., - . hS ehdJoUi convey it there m tranrport, cnunty eye, he said- farewell, may God bless you 4 fso a guiiip hotr.e to die " He then moved off. and looking round to the prisoners sv.d : 'I 1 hall never see you again. inns r.nded a scene calculated to melt a heart ot stone. cdve it because Tur.. : fin idute.i case: t'ut 1 iiJir 19 J' V ..m . . - - j , T witaassed it tnvselt ana know it to Ihj true. L. A. J. We are pie ased to record the fact that Gov ernor Yanee has appointed our esteemed fel-iow-towm-man,' Geo. W. 'Thompson, F.f q., Assistant Adjutant General; with the rank of F;r?t Lt-tittnat. The apidntmeut was' mad tevenG months, since. Mr. Thompson has biVfr some time connected with The A.ljtaut Gererar ctYu-e RH of Honor Do partruent, and it will be highly gratifying to his numerous friends in this vicV.ty to hoar of bis pre.motiou.-mTo Chronicle. l : n Imliinatilsiit. rnrnnntlltifS. I tension oi apt'i " i,.".y"-"" . ' o constituted ind oreranized, the ordinary rrdfi "or coercing and reducing rebellious subject to obedience, was a soleei?m in terrrs as welt as an outrage on tiie principLs of public law. Tbe war ica "upou the Confederate State? was, therefore, r mi . . ot,l.j tt Via llunn wnollv one oi aggression , ou uu. vv . tirictfv dc-fonsiva. Horn freemen, and the g;- KCvtdintsof a gdlant ancestry, av e bad no option but to Hand up in defence cfour invaded heesiojs, of oar desecrated altars, of our vio:at;o.ieft;p and bit'tiiright, andof the preset iptive which guard and protect them. e have not m-t-rl-red, nor we wish in any manner whatever to i itorfe-e, with the internal peace and prospen tvofthe States arrayed in hoibty iSainft ua, or wit the freest development of their destinies in anv form of action or line of policy they mar think" prontr to adopt for thc-msclref. All we alc - itu.;,,nnit.r fr ourselves, and to be left in the undisturbed enjoyment of those waltenalle rignr3of"life, libertv, and tbe pursuit of happi- , ancestors aeclarea to ne , t'e equal heritage of a'.l nrties to tbe social com- I ver, AahVville : pact. Let tiew farbear agressions upon u?, and ! Wilton Sectiae the war is at aa en-1. It there oe qu"unS wi.ieu o,t-, hr i.?rotitiun. w have ever .. t.. .,f fl,-,iicrr.r,l.iiir,. cU'f'T.t iJ. IJUI v---- -i - . except as he-einaft.r prcnoea: r, in -Lrr.r.l hvtlie I) tri t. Larouoe U.h- ii n. ilm o .ii - - - ... cr a furlouolffor aixr.v day- will not be grano-o, wh'ea the partv would, within that t.-ue. beco ei-bteen vearsold. Second,. Ll cases oi ProTaTbvythe 'District Kurodi-.g .OHicer, : in. i.. tr. M'-.itpun li tii i u an' - ' 'j r-1 a ii.' iici i i e u ' - ,-. ik-mnf the ;-o: i'Veri" v or.r., .5 a ri ih- al. i.t t-r m. . . . w 1 i . toe UM- M. Co -, ii, th.? Curt, lloutc Cvi lW forthwith s,rnc.l by Ln.oMeir iiui c,r to th, eon-pany (d Sfioor Le,erve5 to r in which hresioe!-, n -ou. he will be fent to Camp ot iLAtrucuon ur . -- - Commandant of Conscript.,- eoi d.,g to c.,.r, y M cMrsioMl district. Thuu.y, All npp.i cat on" lS-rMn referred to, required by the Circa Ufa fro- the Bureau of Onset iption t. be forward d vill b tran.mftted. through the coiuinandaut of C.niiMJ. to thi cilice lor final action, in-ted Sfw theSiiPeiiiitetdantor the liure at Lich .'L'KSUANT to 1. at I'.ab-ib. eiv-rh- ined, e of i.t oo?e !) ou:o - "' f ...... . . . V . . . . w . llMa on Tn'-S'inv. I.e VUIli oav .a nin-, H v,'. v de.-ir.bie Tlt.aC.r i) - LAN L, hicjr on Uoveh Creel;. :j.ini.:g the PLat ii '.udir.- tbe I at- r.-r b-nCf - t ? ad ci c. nf d. cor -tatainc "hour f-a-u l ut.drfd .lcrcf. nheut "e .. .1 ... iie.icr. - o; vtiiicu ia t . - . a, . a t -- - - I' -ii it'- mi e; ... 1,1,'. '. ; -i. : -n 1 ' I " - , . . . . .1 i ii'-. 't.vl t'. iej wi-iio - .. . . t i . : . ,... .1 .. :.u il . A ' u i; v.' . ' c.-i til.' a.v e. ; l r e I u . '.a i,L tl.e rt.- of to" '1ft tou t .r.. II- .. 1 ;.. y, a the o.uru-g itoitrr. McDowell, .N. ! lh C-io- Ihe VC tb d. c.-rt i '-r ar.t.eui. .nd h .! o u n i f hii atiieuta oi mi- ' ' Jili of tln-C p.Utr. H'e !;V t! ' Tl'-a.. CI a r. S d t u v. i . . .a.o.; f..l in il. a. ilC, fc(.. 'i'ii - - eai- rtttii'catfs th. hr;,( li"a- tUe h i i b.-huf t a I'! k ea d- piO toe t of bv r. I , h' a. He b-curri v t.rd -ou ver. i. t.e- d d uiond, f f The w iimmgion - - . " V" a K, ;.al of "5Ii ALK, A. A. Gv-n. li 11 1 bottom, audio a l.ighftateof.-ultniti.'T. Inj-i-ion the p'aco a large a:.d comfortah e h.teK hoe- with trven room- and ,11 the .ryu. ,ui'.diaa, including Gn,t Mill and raw ,ill, --id evvml hundreilchob- f uif trfes. A.'i a undivil' dbil: inter. tt in four toi.drert ar.4 fven- 4 L . Vv. r- nl' Il il rt'G ft Ljil tun? nn a. il . i I - . , ..I u hndl i liaittralOl. At 111 It'll LI "a n mv . . , ...l .sn. 1 a!i a- dinii.:trator ot We.i. !.. r... . a ur.d,r nord-r..r t' tuMy "l - N. -W - " .... I conv serca times. AT AUCTIOX! benwiliing, and are still willing, to emter into I IoudS pf Leaf TobaCCO. -ith our adversaries in a spirit of " ,,rr , c. neace of e?.itr and rranly frankness. Strorg , 11, ' L ta-pet of the justice of our cause, in y B0K0', on iULDAY, the dOth ALuLT. IheVariant i'unL . fSiLik: It w:s tvituw ... has been, carpiuuy tbe Ut ar: Tobacco. ... . ... k a . i . L l.ilB 11 Court, r.n nr.diridra tn n-ierrM ?. containing ab-ut liro hundred ' re 5 and lixtv acre,, tare lring en t f J e-tnrt bran "U nd ore htrndfed acr-t Uivz rn th.. 'l'o!?Lridge. brand.. Aba an ur.divideel one . ixth int. r-tin 'he Fo: k pl.c. lying on .h- north ; .....f .k. iisihirlrfr. containing aot fir 111 tL. l v ard tie r corpot jto r., not lo ; f- '- " .nr. i.v thi.i u.o.'e ten.r-.oat v th .fl'rfof the n..a....M r-i..a..i ..b.jt.' . i. tpit.c thecu ri-r.c widou t.l.., i..: .... it is hot. d. will ce-n.i..ei;.i it to lh. -f le mm- l:d ration o th... cott.u.u.dly, ar d .r eu.e tl.Mr pro,ptc,opeta.i,r. " iff ibr Tl.-a. fi v. tf t.,.uKiwiff nfourDeonie. a'i aosve hh, iu mc s TI UV a a J EACCO ? i Pin ni MaT'n. i c uui.tmiu .. .., ivyo vuu "K-'i b l:- oe;r. for o2ce on terms cou- , , i u in fine condition. Ii to avow s siovcf. - , r . . uou.-c-u, ..- , . fitunt -ai'h our honor ar.d th. peraaseEtJ-ecurity j hoKred of tbe celebrated csey ,wha and an earnest aspiration ta see the ; .m. trt su-t r.urehasiT. U 1 V. - ' I H . . . , 1 C . AVAW & world once more iestorea to u c tUva.u j ,uit? of industry and of neatral intercou..S and j vchngesEo e.ential toils well beinr. and which have bwn jo gravely interrupted by the existence aur 13-H-?t n. D.PiiiLLir. H..SC0E LOOKER, liiilbor j N. C hundred acia-s; and .u un'-ivineu -tcre.tin ab ut two hundred and I. tv aer-s of wood Und, aeij dning tbe town ot Marion. For any turther information about the p-optr-tv, call on or address tbe eubecriber at arion, Nor lb Carolina. TTItllS ui-de kcowa on cav or Mi. Executor of Win. M. Carson, dee'd. and ad;ni iterator of Wm. L. Cargon, dee'd. au 12 ell2t . - orncK or c. 3. ir.w itaI;y.- . llAJ.Vt'.U '. C.. .i v o . . lrni ) ri OLDLRS cf ri;:ht t"d ... v r. ir r- rt. ru ll l.eatts', Lrond br C. org" W . Moiuicm. late I.Tnaiurv,tfHi of fir p. r c . e -t t it." at. . t u d bv th- u:.d r.izr.. d. an m qo.-t.d ! I ' Ur andrecciv. tlf ir L',.L. lh .-. tij-r du Jaruary ttrft ai 1 July m', a. I at the a'no'ti. e. . " , tofote r-reivrd .bHt-iuten t at V danncton. sre L .iu in'o-tocd tu-t the wul b. paid at tl.-a onir. iafutu H.ed-r,of t;r'dl)oi,:a. Jan r.ceiv- lr.teret at this r ff. e. bw.qu., -ir r the ISeginer at .ir htn. nl t' hit to tho i-Hy-rol! of tbia l-p'vitsrv. sto.L totr.v 1 ; c It. II A Hit ISO V. 'W.rZltr ; . ? , ' Ceo? name c p till foiLiu.

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